Senator Mike Lee, author of the new book, "OUR LOST DECLARATION: America’s Fight Against Tyranny from King George to the Deep State " OUT TODAY - is here to discuss the news of the day and the latest on what is happening in the halls of Congress and our government.
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All right, Happy Tuesday, and we're glad you're with us. Right down our toll free telephone number, it's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. You know, I'm beginning to think there's like all of us, those of you that get it, have common sense, work hard, really hard, twelve fourteen, sixteen hours a day, you know, try and and provide for your families. You pay your taxes, you'll abide by the laws. You may speed, but that we're not counting that. Um. You want a better life for your kids. You sacrifice a life for your kids. And you know, there's got to be moments where people are just looking at what's going on and thinking, what is happening here? How how have we gotten to this point? You know, with all the putting aside for a minute, the abuse of power, corruption, you know, rigging investigations, trying to rig residential elections, trying to you know, breathlessly trying to do anything and everything possible in this psychotic rage to destroy President Trump. They can't get over their loss, they can't get over their loss in the Muller Report. They're just freaking out. You know, I'm looking to New York. You've got comrade build the Blasio maybe one day presidential candidate, and he has his green plan he wants to implement in five years. Five years, what is the green plan? Oh, we'll get rid of all glass structures and all steal in in terms of building, you can't build with them. And then we're gonna retro fit every other building in New York in New York City. No, that's just like a Casio quartets. But by the way, it's not just her. This is why it's a problem. You know, there are now presidential candidates buying into all of this madness, all of them, you know, getting rid of oil and gas and getting rid of the combustion engine and getting rid of cows and airplanes. And I'm like, okay, you have you they've all lost their minds. You know. It's it's really but it's real. That's the problem. It is real. And as much as you know it's not just a Cancio Cortez that you got at least a hundred of these house lunatics that are advocating, you know, free everything, You're guarant free, guarantee job, guaranteed wages, guaranteed nursery school through college or trade school or both, or whatever you prefer. Free government medicare for all, but you can't buy private insurance, free free, free, free retirement everybody, whether you're willing or unwilling, go to work. Guaranteed healthy government food great. Well, you know there are days I just want original recipe from KFC. There are days I just want a Wendy's quarter pounder with cheese and a large fry and a large coke with a real straw. There are days that I want a corner pounder with cheese. Some days I just craving a piece of pizza. I'm saying all of this because I've been on a dice. It's all making me starving. But this is insanity. And I know many of you think this can't be possible, but it is. This is in the lunatics. They can't accept the Trump one. They can't accept the Muller report. They can't accept that everything they've built up, all the anticipation, oh so overpromising and under delivering, it was never happening. They have no idea, earthly idea. What is about to hit them? Look, let's stock at this in Starbucks Starbucks. According to Business Insider, they're now installing needle disposal boxes in their bathrooms. If ever, there was a reason besides the coffee's horrible. It really is this awful When you try black riflecoffee dot com, Oh you're gonna love it. It is the best guy. Why why? Why is Starbucks stores in twenty five markets now feel the need to install needle disposal boxes. All that's gonna do is encourage drug addicts to go in there and shoot up. Or if they're needed, they need a needle, they'll dig their hands in and pull one out. Dirty needle. Not a good idea, but that's all part of the world. We'll live in it now. This is this is now a new reality. And I don't I'm watching these these twenty twenty candidates last night. I'm like, whoa, you know, I didn't watch it, actually, but I mean I watched the headlines and I read what happened. I mean, it's one insane thing. After Amy Klobuchar impeachment proceedings are up to the house, all right, fairly reasonable statement. She doesn't want to go too deep into this, begging the audience at one point to clap, which cracked me up. Bernie Sanders, even people like the Boston Marathon bombers. Yeah, let's allow those guys to vote from prison. And Bernie Sanders, Israel is run by a racist government. Wow, you talk about the rise of anti Semitism in some of them in the Democratic Party. It is outrageous. Robert Francis Beto Bozo pretty much had said the same thing. Bernie's confronted about socialism by the daughter of Russian refugees. This isn't a great this was a great exchange. It's two minutes. I won't run it now, but it was. You know, he doesn't have an answer because it hasn't worked where it's tried. And you know, forget about keep your doctor, keep your plan, and pay less every millions lost doctors, millions lost plans, millions lost any choice whatsoever. Counties, cities, towns, they have one provider, they can choose from one, and everybody paid more money. So much for socialism, so much for big government promises. You know what happens when one hundred and eighty plus million Americans don't have the choice of their own private healthcare and it's Medicare for all. Good luck, because it's not gonna work. You know, it's unbelievable, it really is. Then you got Elizabeth Warren. She wants to impeach you know, I just she wants to go crazy as crazy left as she can, thinking that's the winning lane in this primary for the Democrats. They should vote on impeachment. And and you know she's gonna roll back student debt and make college free. Okay, what about the six hundred and seventy what billion dollars the people already paid? They're asking whoa, WHOA slow down? What about us? When do we get paid back? Why do we have to pay? I'm like, well, that's what a loan is for. You know, when did we guarantee college, especially when we spend more money per education, per capita on every student in America of any other industrialized country. And guess what, we have the worst results. Kamala Harris wants to use executive action for gun control if she's elected. Wow, it's unreal. By the way, Bernie Sanders is winning an all these polls. Joe Biden apparently he's getting cold feet. And Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Amazon, but she still shops there. That was a great headline to come out of this, please cheer, please clap, so we're gonna have impeachment felons voting. It is the most radical shift in American politics we've ever seen in our lives and probably will ever see. The problem is is that on some basic core level, there is an innate, natural human fear, and that is that, you know, we were guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We're endowed by our creator, certain inalienable rights, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, no guarantee at all of anything, but you have freedom and what people have been able to do in this country. There's no perfect system because man is imperfect. Well of Mike Leon later in the program, today wrote a book about all this sit fascinating. You know, we're not perfect people, but there's never been a country that has created more wealth, more opportunity that provides anybody from any station in life, if you will, including me, you know, pursue your dreams, your goals, your aspirations, and if you really work, work, work, work, work. I don't know people born with silver spoons in their mouths, but all the people I know, they actually worked really, really hard. For the things that they have, you know, Bertie Sanders grilled by this student, you know, which I thought was pretty interesting. This woman, Samantha Frankel Papell, told Sanders about how socialism impacted or family's life, grilled him on how his version of democratic socialism will aim to be different from the socialist regimes of other countries. My father's family we left the Soviet Union in seventy nine fleeing from some of the same socialist policies you seem so eager to implement in this country. How do you rectify your notion of democratic socialism with the failures of socialism in nearly every country that has tried it? Sanders smiles, Well, thank you for asking the question. That's buying time to figure out an answer. Is it your assumption that I sort supported or I believed in authoritarian communism that existed in the Soviet Union. I don't. I never have. I've opposed it. I've been I believe in a vigorous democracy. Didn't he get married in the Soviet former Soviet Union, or didn't he go on the honeymoon there or something? I remember reading that some time back. Anyway, he goes on to explain his tirade against millionaires and billion He's a millionaire and he's a cheap skate on top of it. Him and Robert Francis Beato. Back to Elizabeth Warren six hundred and fifty six hundred forty billion dollars student loan cancelation question, you know, over fairness to the students who did pay off those debts, by the way, including me Jamaica savings back fifty eight oh five. That's what I paid at the time, had to pay it back for ten years, made every payment the one student loan I got. Regretted it every month when I had to write that check when I didn't have money. You're right, he did honeymoon in the Soviet Union nineteen eighty eight. Are you saying that on the air or yeah, I said it on the air. It's very good on Yeah, he honeymoon right at the height of the Cold War. Great place. We um all of this. Now. You might want to dismiss some of this. Part of you might say, come on, America is not going to do this. I'm telling you there is a certain appeal. This is not one congresswoman or three congresswomen you know that are just pushing this radical just this is the new radical extreme democratic Socialist Party, the same ones that want to abandon the electoral college so New York, New Jersey, California, and Illinois will elect every president. The same people that want to stack the Supreme Court, the same people that want everything for free, so they will take away a certain natural, innate fear. A lot of people worry about money. It's normal, it's natural. The best way to deal with that fear is to dig deeper and deeper, and work harder and harder, and don't spend money. The only way you save money is you don't spend as much money. Except if you're Joe Biden. The only way to spend money is to make money or save money is to spend it, no, save it right as you roll, I know these are really you know, troubled times. I mean it really just that you don't even believe it's possible. You know. I never thought in my life we'd live through what we've just lived through. I never thought we'd discover the things that we've discovered, and the amount of work. We're only a court order into the story. The Muller reports, all right, it is the fourth time now that We've had investigations that came up with the same answer. No, Russia Trump Trump campaign collusion. Yeah. The FBI nine month investigation struck in Paige, No they're there, Nope, came up empty. We had nothing before Muller was appointed, and the House Intel Committee and the Senate Bipartisan Committee, then the Muller Report. But they just did. They can't stop themselves because they are just full of this hate. You know. They pumped up their base, the resistance, those that never got over Donald Trump winning winning, They raised their expectations, praising and putting on a pedestal Robert Muller. They were finally gonna get what they wanted, to remove Donald Trump. But sad thing along the way, truth and facts got in the way, and the reality that there wasn't any collusion or conspiracy or obstruction is not even stopping them. They just we'll do it this way now, or we'll just I'll tell you, why, why don't we start another investigation. We'll empower the ir rest to go after our political enemies and turn over private personal information. That's how we'll do it. Is that the government we expected when we grew up. Now, all right, So now Democrats. They just have to hit new levels of delusion. They just have to come up with new conspiracy theories, new reckless fantasies about how they'll impeach Trump, you know, everything to harass the sitting president. Let's go down that road. There are important questions like when did Robert Muller know there was no collusion, no coordination, and why didn't he tell us immediately and let this cloud hang over a duly elected president. Why hold it back? If they knew there was no underlying crime, why not tell us? We the people? You know, hello, we the people, that little thing called the constitution? You know why? Why if, how do you not investigate into a Russian interference investigation? And by the way, Devin Nouonez warned everybody they've done it before, they'll do it again in twenty fourteen. And the Obama administration, remember this all happened on their watch. Of course, they didn't listen to Devin Newness. They even acknowledge it till it became politically expedient as an excuse for Hillari's you know, beat down in the election that nobody saw coming. They didn't see the Mueller report coming, and they didn't see Trump coming in twenty sixteen. They were laughing when those eggs and polls came out. I can tell you on election day, ah, watch, media is giddy. Later nine o'clock eastern, Oh, panic set in, and you could see it doesn't putting a lot of Democrats focused on impeaching the president, which is not going to pass in the Senate. It's not really going to go anywhere in that sense. Doesn't that takeaway focus from the tabletop issues that you and other Democrats say they want to run on. So you know, let me to say, if you've actually read the Mueller Report, it's all laid out there. It's not like it's going to take a long time to figure this out. It's there, it's got the footnotes, it's got the points. Its connects directly to the law. But this really is fundamentally I took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and so did everybody else in the Senate and in the House. And I believe that every person in the Senate and the House ought to have to vote and to say either, yeah, that's okay with me. Yeah, let a president just step in the way he did when he told the White House Counsel to go fire Muller, and then told the White House counsel to go lie about having told the White House counsel to go fire Muller, and then told the White House Counsel to write a letter saying that Donald Trump had not told him to go fire Muller, and then to say, why on earth would you take notes about what I said to you. The lawyer's ideal with never put anything in writing. If there are people in the House of the Senate who want to say that's what a president can do when the president is being investigated for his own wrongdoings or when a foreign government attacks our country, then they should have to take that vote and live with it for the rest of their lives. Senator Sanders, you have said that you believe that people with felony records should be allowed to vote while in prison. Does this mean that you would support enfranchising people like the Boston marathon bomber, a convicted terrorist and murderer. Do you think that those convicted of sexual assault should have the opportunity to vote for politicians who could have a direct impact on women's rights. I think the rights to vote is inherent to our democracy. Yes, even for terrible people. Because once you start shipping away and you said, well, lack I committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote, Well that person did that. Not going to let that person vote, You're running down a slippery slope. So I believe that people who commit crimes they pay the price when they got out of jail. I believe they certainly should have the right to vote. But I do believe that even if they are in jail, they're paying their price to society. But that should not take away they're inherent American right to participate in our democracy. Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress one hundred days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws. And if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action. And specifically, what I will do is put in place a requirement that for anyone who sells more than five guns a year, they are required to do background checks when they sell those guns. I will require that for any gun dealer that breaks the law, the ats take their license. And by the way, ATF alcohol to Backlin firearms. Well, the ATF has been doing a lot of a and the t Panama to the f and we need to fix that. Ooh, we'll just do everything by executive fiat power. We'll we'll just delegate what I want forget legislation, you know, we don't need a legislative branch. But by the way, remember they're gonna say, well, Donald Trump used the emergency Service to get Well, there's actually a real law that we cited to you that specifically grants the President of the United States to actually use funds when there's drug trafficking on our southern border. On top of yeah, there's been a lot of homicides and ninety percent of heroin crosses that border, now fentenol crossing that border, and cartels and gang members and thirty thousand sexual assaults in two years. Nearly four thousand plus homicides and one hundred thousand violent assaults by illegal immigran alien criminals. That's not good for the American people. The president also has a little constitutional pledge that he makes as he takes on the roles commander in chief to keep us safe. It's just unbelievable. This is your modern radical, extreme democratic socialist party. This is what they stand for. You know, it's amazing. You look at some of the numbers, watching some of these highlights and listening to some of these highlights today and it's just so outrageous. Wall Street Journal and a good piece out today. As the Democrats remember Medicare for All means to Kamala Harris and some of these other candidates, you have no option. We have over one hundred and eighty million Americans that have private insurance. You have no option. I get your own plan. You're stuck. So if it doesn't work out, if the promises aren't fulfilled, if they run out of money, well it's gonna be like the National Health Services in Great Britain. Actually, if you're a person that has met your life expectancy, you need a hip replacement, knee replacement, well you've already lived your expected amount of years. You're likely not going to get it. There's a reason that so many wealthy Canadians come to America for healthcare. They're single payer systems so great that people prefer to spend money out of pocket in the United States to get you know, their stance, their knee replacements, backwork, whatever. They happen to need cancer treatment here in the US and What makes me mad about the Republicans on this side is, you know, here they tell us for seven years they're going to do something, and then vote sixty five times show votes, and then when the moment comes, the moment of truth, they get a real president that is going to repeal and replace. You know, they they didn't even have an idea. And how many times in that seven year period did we put doctor Josh Umber on this program from Wichita, who has created a system that is brilliant concierge medical care for every American fifty bucks a month, unlimited care for adults, ten bucks a month for your kids. He negotiates directly with the pharmaceutical companies. Ninety five percent reduction in prices. If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, whatever you need in terms of a prescription, you walk out of the doctor's office with it. Fifty bucks a month. Stitches, broken bones, if you need an X ray, you pay an extra couple of bucks, not even ten bucks. He has cancer treatment drugs, breast cancer drugs, chemotherapy drugs. He's told me six bucks a treatment because he negotiated directly, He's duplicated this bottle around the country. Now you couple that fifty bucks a month. You buy a catastrophic healthcare plan. God forbid, you get the cancer. God forbid, the bad accident, God forbid the heart attack. That costs real money, and you need a big hospital. Not the day to day stuff. Blood pressure, cholesterol, you know, my toes are going numb, whatever, whatever, I mean, everybody has whatever. And the higher the deductible, Let's say you have a ten thousand dollars deductible. All right, maybe you can't have four, ten, five thousand, but the higher the duct deductible, the catastrophic plan's gonna pay for everything if just in case something horrible happens. That's what insurance is supposed to be about. Now everyone expects nobody wants to pay a ten dollar co pay, And everybody thinks, doctors who spend all these years in college and medical school and residencies and the internships, and then I have all those student loans to pay back, and then they want to put an office light on, and they got to pay the rent, and then they gotta pay the electric bill, and they got to hire the nurses and the aids and the blah blah blah. It's you know, when do they people get upset doctors make too much money, though they don't they by the time they start paying back. Noope, I know I'm for whatever reason, I'm friends with so many doctors and they don't. It's not what you think, in part because the government dictates. It's not supplying demand, criss crossing and dictating price. No, the government says how much you can charge. I know doctors that will forbid their own kids that probably have a natural inclination or talent towards medicine because they've been around it their whole life. They talk them out of it, like I talk my kids out of Don't go in. Don't go in the public eye, no matter what you do. That's what I tell mine. Just stay, you know, go do something where it's not public. That's my advice. I don't care what you do. It's up to you. Well. Anyway, back to the Wall Street Journal. You know, it's a little realit reality check for people. You know, we can afford to expand Medicare coverage every single person, you know, keep your doctor, keep your plans saved. Less. Here we go again. By the way, no doubt coverage probably for illegal immigrants too. We already pay that cost billions of billions of dollars, educational system, the healthcare system, criminal justice system, because we don't secure our borders anyway. So the Wall Street Journal's reality check on this. Their latest report by the Trustees of Social Security and Medicare quote both social Security and Medicare phase long term financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing Medicare's Hospital insurance fund would be depleted in twenty twenty six. Is lower payroll taxes and reduced income from the taxation of Social Security benefits weighed on the Trust funds income basically like a Ponzi scheme that they've had all these years. Problem is the population now is aging. What it means is, if you're fifty years old, now, you're gonna see major cuts in your Social Security and then let me tell you what else is coming. Then they're gonna they're gonna do a If you were smart enough to save money, well, we're not gonna give you yours. Sorry, we're gonna we're gonna legalize stealing it you paid in your whole working life, and they will come. Aqui means test the whole thing and the Trust funds cost the Journal goes on. Meanwhile, they're expected to be slightly higher than last year due to higher spending and higher projected provider payment updates. Cost to both programs projected a rise substantially as a share of the economy of the next sixteen years as a wave of retiring baby boomers boost the number of beneficiaries and lower birth rates over the past few decades. Way on employment growth and economic output. Whoopsie daisy, they can't afford it. You know, one of the things. You know, America's gonna have a choice election in twenty twenty. It's gonna be do you want the New Green Deal? Do you want everything? Every fear taken away by people that will never be able to fulfill it? Ninety four trillion original cost. Literally, it takes up Medicare for all in the first ten years, will take up eighty percent of the budget. Forget about the New Green Deal. Now, there's an economic thought that's been saying, well, the Trump economy has been doing so well so long that a contraction is pretty much inevitable. But market Watch has a different take on that. Today, economists have been busy ratcheting up their estimates. A first quarter gross domestic product after a series of signs that growth sped up towards the end of the period. Right spots included a rebound and consumer spending, declining US trade deficit, and a rock solid labor market. One of the top Wall Street forecasters, Macroeconomic Advisors, lifted their GDP estimate two point eight percent, just one percent a month ago. Art Laugher, Tight labor markets help the poor, the minorities, and the disenfranchised, aren't Laugher, economist, author of Trumponomics, Inside the American First plan to revive our economy. Yeah, well we know that already because we see record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. Yeah. And by the way, that means we have more than a million jobs, the lowest record unemployment applications ever. And that means we have a we have a million more jobs available today than we have people to fill them. Now, we're going to risk that for the New Green Deal. And no steel or glass buildings in New York, no oil and gas, oil and gas. It is like it is the key. We're now energy independent for the first time in seventy years. But you want, well, we part with North Dakota oil companies or an Ebalkan boom. Remember, I believe the prices were driven down by OPEC. We're not depending. We don't need to be dependent on countries that hate our guts for the lifeblood of our economy. North should Western Europe. He depended on Vladimir Putin and making Russia rich. Again. That pisses me off, like Germany did with Merkel. So now we're a net exporter of energy. You want every American to get rich. While in North Dakota they were paying truck drivers to train them, pay them a base salary of eighty grand a year, and all the overtime you can have now if you work hard. Wow, that's life changing. For somebody's making forty grand a year. Now you can afford that truck you've always had your eye on. Now you can. Maybe you start saving for a down payment for a new house. If we went full bore energy in this country, every American would have a shot at being rich in the sense that a nice home in a safe neighborhood, a nice car, truck, whatever you want van and then you'll be able to take your kids to Disney. You'll hate it, but you'll you'll have to do it. At least by the second trip, you'll begin to hate it. Trust me, the lines are atrocious. Even which fast pass you know, or whatever other vacation you want, be able to go out to dinner not have to worry about it. Well, I mean, that would be great for every American. The great thing about the Trump economic boom is it helped the forgotten men and women in this country. That's the best part of it, the people that deserve it the most. But I found out recently which was really quite surprising, the dossier, which really is got a lot of garbage in it, and Muller found that to be the case. Early in building the intelligence community assessment on Russian in your Inference, in an early draft, they actually put the dossier on page two in kind of a breakout box. I think it was the CIA pushing this. Real intelligence experts looked at this and said, no, this is not intelligence, this is garbage, and they took it out. But in this process, the idea that they would include something like that in one of the great stellar intelligence assessments, as Muller also found out, is highly questionable. Needs to be investigated, sir, could you ask I could ask you a couple of questions. We'd testify before Congress, sir. Pretty sure about that, sir. But if if you were anybody but the president would mister Trump insited, sir, not a not a Tr're finished, sir? Why didn't you make a recommendation to Congress one way or the other? So are you going on vacationally somewhere the Attorney General accurately characterize your positions on conspiracy and obstruction, sir? It's amazing. New York Times Bob Woodward said the Steel dossier's garbage. It should be investigated, all right, a little little too late, but welcome to the club. And NBC correspondent tries to ask Muller a question. To leave people at church alone, just like leave their kids alone. It's ridiculous, even you know it's Easter Sunday. He can't take the camera out of the guy's face. New king Ridge is with those former Speaker of the House, Fox News contributor who has a brand new novel he wrote and it's coming out I think next Tuesday. It's called Collusion that he wrote. Boy, that's I'm sure that's not ripped from the day's headlines. How are you? I'm having a ball and I just want to point out my novels about real collusion, in which a Senate aide tries to help the Russians poison the US Senate. So would real Wait a minute, wouldn't it be real collusion too if you paid for a Russian dossier that was filled with as the New York Times is now reporting, likely Russian disinformation. M why didn't they investigate that? Because that could be real collusion. Of course, That's why I think I maybe one of the few people who believes that the stance is not yet over. And I don't think that we are at the end of the game here. I think maybe one of one third of the way into the game. Because the more you look at the Muller report, the more you think about it, the more questions there are, and there's more by the day. So we get the Muller Report, they can't be any more clear about there's no collusion. You know, as as Bill Barr said he had been as well as Rob Rosenstein, it took them really seconds to determine it didn't rise to the level of obstruction, and that they also included the Office Illegal Counsel, and that had no consideration of on the question of whether you can or cannot indict a setting president that that wasn't an issue. But you still have the obsessive compulsive rage Trump hating Democrats and this medium mob that is addicted to waking up you on set every morning. How do I hate Donald Trump today? Right? Well, but I'm just look, I'm surprised that you're surprised. This is who they sometimes you cut your losses, that you got your ass kicked. You should be embarrassed by now, and that would require rationality, A good point that stand corrected. Yeah, I mean that would require them to actually think in a calculating way, and I think they're incapable of that because I think they are so psychologically traumatized. These people are watching the end of their world. And I think that's what we don't fully appreciate that if if you are the oldest establishment, day by day, week by week, you are watching your system being torn apart, and every week that goes by, you're watching Donald Trump appoint more conservative judges. You're you're watching Mitch McConnell get him through the Senate. You're watching more regulations being repealed. So if you're a real old time liberal, this is just terrifying. And the guy doing it to you is Donald that camp beat. I mean, you know, he wasn't on TDS, he wasn't in Dowton Abbey. He did a reality show. How can a reality show president be beating you? Yet he is defeating the entire establishment. He lives in their minds, the minds of Democrats, the minds of those in the media, the ninety nine percent that missed the biggest story of their life and got wrong for two plus years, their narrative, their lives, their anonymous sources on collusion, etc. Russia. Let me ask you, when you combine now, it's like, all right, well that's empower the irs. Well, we'll subpoena the irs. They'll give us Donald Trump's taxes. Am I really? We're gonna now head off on a fishing expedition anywhere we can go and empower the irs to to do something like that. And then you add the New Green Deal. New Green Deal is interesting. I don't know if you saw what's going on in New York, but comrade, build the Blasio in five years is going to prevent skyscrapers from being made with glass and steel. I don't know. We can't build them with any lumber because that would be a bad idea and we'd be killing trees. So I don't know. We've given the Blasio's mentor, like you, they should be made with plato. Well, there's nothing else that's suitable. We can't use trees. What are we going to use then to build the buildings? We're not I don't want to build. They don't want to build buildings. They want to replicate the homelessness of San Francisco angels in Seattle. Way, do you see what we got tonight? Oh, you have right where Nancy Pelosi lives. We sent our cameras back. They have a two massive, three massive problems record high homelessness, feces, they're they're literally going to the bathroom in the streets all over the place, and needles are everywhere. Right, the American left is recreating the third World. They are trying to guarantee that you can live in poverty, misery without any of the things which we've come to consider civilization. And then they retreat to their well protected, very expensive enclaves, where they, by the way, have walls and guards, and they commiserate about how sad it all is. Well, let me, you're on your game, all right, so let me ask you a political question. So let's assume. Let's assume the Democrats the radicals went out and they want to go for a peachment. They want the tax returns. They begin investigation after investigation that in the meantime they're doing no work for the American people. Put that aside. Then they also pursue no oil, no gas, no glass or steel for structures, no combustion engine, and eventually no planes and cars. I'm sorry, planes are cows. And in the meantime, everything's going to be free. Seventy percent top marginal tax rate for individuals, ninety percent for corporations. Then the wealth tax. If you happen to save a few bucks after you've paid everything, you know, Elizabeth Warren wants to tax you again, which would legalize stealing. So let's remember where this all started. I started in several months ago talking about a wealth tax, an ultra millionaire's tax. It's two cents on every dollar of the great fortunes above fifty million dollars. So you're fifteen million and first dollar you got to pay two cents and two cents on all of the dollars after that. And here's how the money works out. If we put that two cent wealth tax in place on the seventy five thousand largest fortunes in this country two cents, we can do universal childcare for every baby zero to five, universal pre K, universal college, and knock back the student loan debt burden for ninety five percent of our students and still have nearly a trillion dollars leftover. Part one is that we say that we are going to roll back student loan debt for about ninety five percent of students who have debt. That's part one. And Part two is to make sure that we never get in this mess again on student loan debt, and that is to make college universally available with free tuition and fees, and to put more money into pell grants so that students of color, so that our poor students have real access to college, and that we put some real money into our historically black colleges and universities. This is about opportunity, programming life. And then if you die, pay another fifty percent. What difference does it make? Give it all but The point is, then they're going to give everybody everything for free daycare, healthcare, you know, from nursery school through college, retirement, guaranteed job, guaranteed healthy food, even if you're unwilling to work, you still get the benefits. How is all this combined gonna play out in an election in twenty twenty. Well, the first thing is going to do by probably this summer, earlier this fall. It's just going to split the Democratic Party. I mean, you've got you've got a lot of Democrats from districts that Donald Trump carried. Who can't they came go home and be for this stuff. Well, where are the voices now? Because this has been unfolding for months and I don't hear them. Oh I think, if you watch, I think forty eight of them wrote a letter at Pelosi's saying, you know, we didn't come here to investigate, we came here to legislate. Um, I think forty eight of two hundred, however many, Yeah, that's not a lot. Try about a fifth. But but here's but here's the point. All right, one out of five Democrats are halfway normal? Okay, that's what you're saying. Well, I would say two out of five or crazy, it's out of five or two out of five or strange but quiet, and one out of five is normal. I think that's about the modern Democratic party in the House. Um. But I think what you've got to recognize is that the crazies have the energy and the drive and the moral assertiveness to make life miserable if you're a normal person. And so part of what happens is if you represent that a district where you've got to be normal to get reelected, do you really want to stick your head up and have you know a half dozen of these freshmen surrounding you, chanting at you, yelling at you. I mean, you know, you get to a point where you try to get an elevator and everybody in the elevator is mad at you because you're not true blue and perfect, and as a result, they just quote, they shut people up. But isn't there a certain appeal like, for example, the Obamacare was sold very well, keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save money. Sounds great. The mantra was repeated again it was well, millions lost their plans, the doctors, and everybody paid a lot more. And so there are many Okay, so now the promise is Okay, we're going to guarantee you a job, guaranteed salary. Um, we're gonna guarantee your retirement guaranteed healthcare, but again by private healthcare guaranteed, not kay through college. It's going to be preschool through college. And daycare is going to be for free with the wealth tax. And you guaranteed government healthy food and no more gas or oil. And we're going to get rid of the engines and the airplanes and the cows. Their sad part is this is real. There are a hundred House members that support this that I know of. There are now, at least on some level, most of the Democratic candidates embracing a big portion of this. So who wins the nomination? Joe Biden seems to be showing fear of getting in every day. Well, look, I mean, I mean, I frankly, I looked at the results in Ukraine and I mean I think that John Stewart should have run. I mean, a comedian in Ukraine got seventy three percent of the vote against the income and president, and compared to the current Democrats, you know, John Stutter would look rational and intelligent when he had the what was the name of that concert that he had. Then he had Kat Stevens playing former league Kat Stevens us Off whatever his name is. Anyway, Um, hang on, We'll take a quick break more with new king Rich. His new book out Tuesday. By the way, Collusion a novel, and he's gonna look at some of the pressing questions facing uh this country and much more. Eight hundred nine for one Seawan toll free number. We got a great Hannity tonight. We do head to the streets of San Francisco. We had a full report and also a big announcement tonight straight ahead at a final moment with a new king Rich's new book out. It's on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. It's called Collusion. Make a prediction. Do they impeach or not impeach? Lindsey Graham thinks they're gonna stampede towards it. I don't think so either. I don't think they're gonna impeach. They're gonna They're gonna try and gin up enough supports. They will have a large core group that would love to impeach. People are gonna get very tired of this. I mean the American people are looking at the best economy that they can remember, the lowest Black unemployment in history, the lowest Latino unemployment in history. They're looking at an opportunity here to have a much better future. And then they got these Democrats who are just whacked out and who want to throw it all away for part of some reasons. That is not a winning formula. The one thing at the end of the day, George Will used to always say, this what drives elections of peace and prosperity. And the prosperity is at a record high, with record lows in terms of unemployment, etc. Setting one economic record after another. In terms of America's position on the world stage, we're now showing a lot of strength that we haven't shown the last eight years. And I think that's right. And I think that they're glad that we have an assertive pro American foreign policy, and they think it's actually good to have a president who puts America first, because that's what they think the American president ought to do. I think I'm going to send a plane over to Italy like once a week and fly back and forth. So how you too much? I got her on, mister speaker, Thank you for being with us. You have called for impeachment proceedings to be initiated against President Trump. What do you say to those Democrats who say, look, this is not the time. It's going to take away focus from winning in twenty twenty. Speaker Pelosi told her caucus again just today that she has no plan to immediately initiate impeachment proceedings. So there is no political inconvenience. Exception to the United States Constitution, obstruction of justice is serious crime in this country. But Muller believed, because of the directions from Donald Trump's Justice Department, that he could not bring a criminal indictment against a sitting president. So I think he's wrong on that, but that's what he believed. So he serves the whole thing up to the United States Congress and says, in effect, if there's going to be any accountability, that accountability has to come from the Congress, and the tool that we are given for that accountability is the impeachment process. For those of us who have been following the investigation and have seen any part of that report, it is very clear that there is a lot of good evidence pointing to obstruction and obstruction of justice and I believe very strongly. First of all, let me just be very clear about the table set. I believe that we need to get rid of this president. That's why I'm running to become president of the United States. So that is part of the premise obviously at my point. But I think we have very good reason to believe that there is an investigation that has been conducted which has produced evidence that tells us that this president and his administration engaged in obstruction of justice. I believe Congress should take the steps towards impeachment if proven, which hasn't been proven yet. Some of this, if proven, some of this would be impeachable. Yes, obstruction of justice, if proven, would be impeachable. And you're going to go about to see if you can prove it. Well, we're going to see where the facts lead us. Two of the twenty twenty New Deal radical extreme Democratic Socialist Party candidates, and they're all out of their mind, you know. It's it's it's so frustrating, as somebody that has pointed out that there's so many other things that the media did not cover. The ninety nine point nine percent of issues the rigged investigation, Struck and Page were laughing at the idea that this wasn't rigged shot. It's being done in the Justice Department. They're all Democrats. The fixes in as it relates to Hillary, there was an underlying crime. There's no ambiguity about the Espionage Act eighteen Usc. Seven nine three. There is also when she deleted and bleached bit and busted up devices and pulled out simcards, there was intent, the intent to destroy evidence of the underlying crime, which was the Espionage Act. There's no bigger slam dunk case for either at the Espionage Act. Even James Baker, the General Counsel under Komey, number one lawyer in the FBI, thought she should be indicted and obstruction of hers and these people want to be president. They don't know about separation of powers. They don't know the role of Congress, they don't know the law. It's just that well. Bill Barr specifically stated that no consideration on the issue of whether or whether or not a sitting president can be indicted weighed on his decision or the Office Illegal Counsel agreeing, or Rod Rosenstein, the deputy age appointed. Muller also signed the fourth FISA warrant. The third renewal warrant. They all agreed it's ridiculous. Anyway, Mike Lee is with us, one of the real constitutional scholars in the US Senate, and he has a new book and it's to me, it's a really important read for everybody. It's our lost Declaration, America's fight against tyranny from King George to the deep State. Just came out today. It's on Amazon dot com. Will throw it up on Hannity dot com. Senator, how are you, and welcome to New York. Thank you very much, Sean, it's going to be with you. Uh. Let's let's let me start first. Though, you have written two columns, one on CBS News I saw dot com on the other on Foxnews dot com. They might have just written him up differently, no evidence from Trump wrongdoing to begin the impeachment process. And you also said it would be a mistake for the Democrats to pursue impeachment. But let's talk about the law, which is your area of expertise. First. The merits just aren't there. There's not a basis to charge him. Separate and apart from whether you're not whether or not you believe that it's appropriate to indict a sitting president, which is current Justice Department policy is they don't. But the merits aren't there. I mean, look, there was no collusion, no evidence of collusion, not a scintilla of evidence of collusion. And what they're coming up with as far as obstruction, refers to a series of what we call in coot acts, in other words, that they're basically saying he was mad, he thought about doing something that they think might have been wrong, and that that's somehow amounts to obstruction of justice. It isn't there. No matter how much they scream and yell and want to pound the table, it still isn't fair, which means their only remedy is a political one involving the impeachment process. If they want to do that, it's fine, but that's also their political funeral. It doesn't work out well when you pursue frivolous impeachment charges against the sitting president. So we now know, as a matter of fact that a lot of these upper echelon deep state actors, and I want to get into your thoughts on at all because you chronicle this in the book, but they thought about secretly recording a president of the United States. They thought about invoking the twenty fifth Amendment. He was not their chosen candidate. And again, many of these same players were involved in rigging Hillary's investigation, trying to rig a presidential election. You know all the talk about Russia collusion. Well, Hillary did pay for a Russian document that even the New York Times says now might have been Russian disinformation, and that was leaked to the media to influence voters before the election, and also used as a backdoor to take away Carter Page's constitutional rights and spy on the Trump campaign as they had Stefan helpers buying on Papadopolis, Clovis and Page a lot of spying on that campaign exactly. And these are all problems. Look, anytime you try to take debatable matters and move them beyond debate using the overpowering force that is government, you've got a problem. It's even more of a problem when you try to put those running the deep state beyond the reach of the law. Now, that was the case at the time of King George the Third. As I point out of my book, the deep state then was headed by a guy who wore a crown, who called themselves King George the Third, purported to have divinely appointed authority from God himself to rule and reign. We don't have a king today, but we do have thousands, if not tens or hundreds of thousands, of federal bureaucrats who wields basically unreviewable and unreviewed power. That is its own form of problem. And we've got to fix that by returning to our founding era values. You know, you talk about the Declaration drafted by Thomas Jefferson. I refer to it, and people have said you're wrong, Hannity. I said, it's our founding document, and it is our founding document. We hold these truths to be self evident, and it goes on from there. All men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That rights come from God. I believe that with all my heart that you agree with me that that's our founding document, because to me, it is absolutely it is our founding document. As I sometimes put it, it's the picture. The Constitution is the frame surrounding the picture. The Declaration is itself the picture. Here in your studio, you've got some amazing paintings of various US forgotten men and women. Yeah, exactly. And by the way, the guy that draws them is in Utah, which is part of why those paintings are so amazing. All good things have a tie back to Utah, these pings in particulars I love Utah, don't get I just I'm just the sting. Still a little bit that I got thrown out as the MC at the Freedom Fest every year in Provo, which still makes no sense to me, because because they love you there, we as Utah's love you and we love your show, makes no sense that they didn't. You know what I love about Salt Lake and Utah in general. It brings you back to another error. It brings It's almost like America circa nineteen fifty. I remember going to the Fourth of July parade there and it was just it's so different from so many other cities. And I know that a lot of people are Lds, and I don't know a whole lot about the religion. I just know the people that I meet are the nicest people, and I know the value system of the family is paramount, and I know that like it seems, you know, Judaism is under attack, Christianities under retire. Everyone wants to attack everybody else's religion. And I think that frankly, the more the people cling to their God, Bible, guns, and religion as irredeemable, deplorable, smelly walmart people, I think would be a better country. It's the elites that are out of touch with that part of America, that's right. One of the things that distinguishes elites, whether they wear a crown or as sid at a bureaucrat's desk, is that they consider themselves unreviewable. They consider themselves above and beyond not only the law, but also criticism. It's one of the reasons why why we out of fear the deep state, why we ought to shun like the plague, the trend that identify in our last Declaration, over the last eighty years of the people's elected lawmakers in Congress shifting lawmaking power over to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, that is undermining our very way of life. When we can't let that continue, that's where we've got to continue to focus again and again back on what you rightly call the founding document, which is the Declaration of Independence. It's the picture, while the Constitution is the frame. You know, you quote Thomas Paine in seventeen seventy six, the great pamphletteer that he was, and you know, a populace disgusted with Britain's rigid class system. Well many years before James Madison wrote Federalist fifty one, he was expressing a similar sentiment. If human beings were angels, we wouldn't have need of government. And if we had access to angels to run our government, we wouldn't need all these rules. But we're in a fallen condition, so we need governments, and we have to have rules governing those who govern us. You know, just looking big picture, because really this book goes so deep into all of the legal framework and so on and so forth, our underpinnings, our principles, the great pamphal eteers, the great those that defied tyranny, those that gave their lives, those that stood up for the principles of freedom. You know, I know we're not a perfect country, but there's never been in the history of the world a country that has accumulated more power, abused it less, and used its power for the advancement of the human condition and protecting innocent people than the United States. That's exactly right. And the reason we have been strong, the reason we've developed the greatest civilization the world has ever known. It's not about who we are, it's about what we do, the choices that we've made, the fact that we've chosen liberty over tyranny. Many in our society, including many in the media industry, in the education establishment, would have our children believe that we are something less than our highest ideals. One of the reasons I wrote are lost. We may not be able to have kids, according to Congresswoman Actio Cortez right right, or perhaps we should decline to do so out of concern for the environment, when in fact, we as a country have done more to develop more innovative solutions that reduce emissions, that make our planet cleaner, and if we'll continue those trends, we will be better off. But we've got to get back in touch with those founding era ideals. And that's one of the reasons why I think this book can help people. People who want their children to learn the things that perhaps they learned and school, but their children aren't being taught today. This makes a perfect gift for them. I can tell you two of my own kids, there's not a lot of American history throughout the greats, not much at all. Senator Mike Lee Utah in our studios today, our Lost Declaration, Americas fight against Tyranny from King George to the Deep State. We'll come back, We'll continue. You can get it on Amazon dot com, bookstores, everywhere, Hannity dot com. But when we come back, we'll get also our news round up information Overload. We have David Shone and Danielle McLaughlin coming up Trent as we continue final moments here with Senator Mike Lee, our Lost Declaration, America's fight against tyranny from King George to the Deep State. Do you see what I see coming? And that is FISA warrant applications three zero two's more closed or interviews, Gang of Aid information. We are going to get to the bottom of those that abuse power. I believe we are. It's going to take time. Anytime you try to drain the swamp, the swamp, being an organic entity itself, tries to fight back. But there's no stopping the American people once they get wind of something. What they've figured out, Sean, what I've been trying to address for the eight years I've been in the United States, Senate. Is that when you have things like Section seven O two under FAISO, where people can go and they can collect information and gain access to supposedly incidentally collected information on US citizens, unless you have rules that carefully constrain what happens there, you're gonna end up with partisan political manipulation. All right, Mike Lee his book Our Lost Declaration, Americas fight against tyranny from King George to the Deep State. Thank you for being with us. When we come back, we investigate the investigators, holding them accountable. That's coming up. Our news round up Information Overload Hour is next. Oh and de Blasio's idea, no more glass, no more steel buildings in New York, Good luck. We'll discuss the Chicagoan brothers told the truth. They could have remained silent, but instead they told the truth to the police, and with their right hand in the air, they told the truth to the grand jury. We're going to make sure that the lies and malice attacking our city, our police department, and my two clients are met with truth and healing. At this time, I'd like to read to you a statement that Ola and Bola prepared themselves. We have sat back and watched lie after lie being fabricated about us in the media only so one big lie can continue to have life. These lies are destroying our character and our reputation in our personal and professional lives. Those who know us personally know that we don't have hate for anyone that is not who we are. We try to spread as much love and positivity with whoever we come into contact with. We will no longer sit back and allow these lies to continue. All right, that was if you can believe it. The attorney for the Glory Schmidt is her name, and they are now suing the two brothers lawyers, suing Jesse Smollett or Smollette and his attorneys. As this story now winds into one big mess, this is gonna get interesting. Now. We do know that there is again we're all in favor of due process. I really don't know what happened here the freezing cold night in Chicago, and supposedly it was a bunch of MAGA people beating up Jesse Smollette and so on and so forth. Then it turns out you got two guys named Now we were in on it, and we did it, and we actually were part of it from the beginning and we even practiced it. And then we have video from a store where they are buying let's see rope and a red hat, and so you begin I wonder, well, those two guys telling the truth. There's Jesse Smollett telling the truth, and why after a grand jury indicted him, Well, why did the prosecutor just saying now, never mind, he gets to walk free. Now there's still a federal investigation going into this, so we'll see what happens there. David Shona is with US Criminal defense Civil liberties attorney. Danielle McLaughlin, also an attorney, is with US. Welcome both of you back to the program. Thank you. Sean. Look, I know you're a great criminal defense attorney, David, I'm not exactly sure when you have two eye witnesses that have given such specificity about practicing and preparing for this attack and then called on video buying the very things used in the attack, I'm not exactly sure how you get around that as a criminal defense attorney. But again, I believe in the presumption of innocence. Listen, it turns out what we know now is both of these brothers have testified the whole thing was a hoax, that Smalett set up he paid them to do it. According to them, they testified accordingly before the grand jury, and they were vetted by a number of police officers and prosecutors before they were putting before the grand jury. The grand jury found they were telling the truth, and they indicted Smalett on sixteen felony accounts of setting up this whole thing both to promote himself. According to the brothers in their lawsuit, what they say is Smalllett's agenda was to make his employer or appreciate him as a gay, black talented actor. Didn't feel as being appreciated enough, so he set this thing up to cause the international outrage. Cause didn't think that. You don't sound like a criminal defense attorney here. I mean, I would think you're laying out the case of the prosecution, but it seems overwhelming the evidence. And what I don't understand is, I mean, he just digs deeper. If he did this, I'll just assume for a and he did all of this, and these brothers are telling the truth and he's not telling the truth. And what we saw on the videotape is true. Why would somebody dig down this deep? And why after a grand jury indicted based on that evidence, would the prosecutor just say never mind? Yeah, it's a it's a freakish situation. First of all, I've never seen a prosecutor do something like this. You know. We know now based on news reports that missus Obama's sort of right hand person, Tina Chen, intervened at some point with the prosecutor. Tina Chen, who by the way, now is running the investigation in the Southern Poverty Law Center. She's got her own problems as a result of this political influence. The whole thing is a mess. But what's crazy is it after all of this, that Mark Garret Goes and his associate Tina Glandian would continue to malign these brothers. You know, they should have walked away and thank their lucky stars and everything happened they had Alice Sharpton on their on their side. Would another irony after the Twana Brawley thing. The whole thing is a big mess, and Garrigo should have kept his mouth shut and walked away. The fact that these brothers are now suing him is indicative of something pretty strong on their side. It seems to me. What do you think, Danielle, what should take on this. You know, I agree with David Sean as it relates to defamation law. There are certain numbers of privileges, and so if you're an attorney or you're a litigant and you say something that's damaging, if you say something like X committed a crime, and if you do that in relation to an ongoing proceeding under Illinois law, you're protected. The point being that you should be able to, as a lawyer or a litigant, make your accusations and make the judicial process kind of do its own thing and find the truth and find justice. The problem here is that Mark Garrigos' associate said Defamatau made defamatory comments about the brothers, saying that they had lied in the grand jury, saying you know that they had in facts, committed a crime against mister Smollett. This is all happening. These comments were made after the charges were dropped, which means it's a question whether they get the privilege as it relates to defamation or whether they will actually be on the hook for making these defamatory statements. Because of course, being accused of a crime is extremely damaging to your reputation and what they've alleged in their complaint is defamation per se, where words are obviously an accumuliarly harmful. And the thing about defamation per say, is that your damages are presumed. So these brothers are not going to have to prove that they lost money in their livelihood. The damages are a presumed by the court. What do you think the odds, David, the federal charges are brought against Malet. I don't think they'll be brought against him, frankly, I think, you know, it's another probably just a waste of time and money. But there supposedly is a serious investigation going on. If the allegations we hear are true about what Smallett did, then there should be charges brought against him. It's a very serious abuse of the system and it ruins this the integrity of the system for everybody. But you know, let's be clear what these brothers have said. Now, mark Erricks is a savvy guy, and remember supposedly Abanadi was in this case. Also. Garrit Goes is a savvy guy according to the brothers, though for years he's not a bad attorney. He's smart, Yeah, he's tough, but he is an associated according to the complaint when on Good Morning America podcasts along the boys said they were lying about this. These two young men, two brothers, but also one of them. He accused one of them of gauging in homosexual acts with Smollett, which self, according to this guy, puts his life in danger. He's dating, he's heterosexually says he's dating a Nigerian woman and Nigeria, homosexuality is illegal. He said, he puts his life in danger. He accused him of running a business that's a hoax and all of that according to the allegations and the complaint. So there's a lot of serious stuff going on here and we're gonna see how it plays out. Yeah, Danielle, I mean yeah, I agree, you know, garags. Because of course there's another lawsuit where the city is Chicago is trying to recoup it's the money that it's spent on the investigation. They're eighteen hundred and thirty six over time hours spent on this investigation. They want that money back and statutorially they can get it plus three times, so they could get about four hundred thousand dollars as they win that lawsuit. And now we have Garagoss saying that he's going to sue the city for defamation because he says the city is just feigning to smile it by saying that he that this was a hoax, and he's obviously going to secs this because the charges have been dropped. So it's a real mess here. I agree a Garagoss is a very sophisticated lawyer, and the idea that he would send so much a Good Morning America or a podcast after charges had been dropped to further some of these damaging statements, including states about perjury and steroids and all sorts of terrible stuff. I'm scratching my head a little bit because it doesn't seem to be in a very smart move. Let me switch topics on both of you, because you're and engaged in this whole issue of Mueller the Muller Report. One interesting development we had today. Judicial Watch says that a senior FBI official admitted in writing an under oath that the agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House. Specifically, the Executive Officer of the President, Bill Prestep, the assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, made the disclosure to Judicial Watch is part of a court ordered discovery and the Clinton email issue quote. This astonishing confirmation made under oath by the FBI shows that the Obama FBI had to go to Obama's White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people. According to Tom Fitton, who is the Judicial Watch President, no wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated because Barack Obama's implicated in the scheme. David, does that make sense to you, especially in light of the struck page closed or testimony would send off? This was all being run by Lauretta Lynch in our Justice Department that was never gonna they rigged the investigation into Hillery. It more than makes sense to me. I mean, listen, it still should be shocking, but I'm afraid after all of the stuff that you've learned about what went on with the Hillary Clinton emails and then what followed, I'm afraid I'm not shocked by any of it anymore. And I think that, as you have said and others have said, if there's going to be an investigation here, it needs to be a full investigation of exactly what happened that caused the American taxpayers to pay thirty five million dollars or however many billions of dollars and paralyze the country with this mulirous so called investigation. All of this time, and it looks like the bad guys are walking off scott free. The focus. We still have the FISA applications, We still have the Horowitz report, the Huber report. We now have an Attorney general that is starting his own investigation into spying. He said it, it happened. We know it happened on multiple levels. Then we got the rigged investigation into Hillary, the attempt to rig the presidential election by cheating and spying on the Trump campaign, and that back door by lying to a fiser cordon, committing fraud and then trying to bludgeon the president and undo the election of the American people duly elected president Danielle. It all happened. We have a mule report which we've seen about money two pisints, and that is really now on the hands of Congress. I don't see any attacking that report. There were twenty three hundred or so footnotes. It was very carefully and clearly investigated. There's nothing to do with my question. I asked you about. I'm asking about these deep state actors that abuse their power rigged Hillary's investigation. We know she violated the Espionage Act, and we know she obstructed justice, you know, and then of course the FISA abuse. Then of course, oh back during their way by committing fiser fraud into the into the Trump campaign. You know, these behind it a full and fear investigation into her server practices, and they found that she was careless, of course, but there wasn't enough in the original language was gross negligence until it was changed to extreme carelessness to get rid of the legal standard. But she did have classified top secret marked on her private email server in a mom and pop bathroom closet. So there's nothing really left to say about it. And although the set she does not from his handling its specified information does not require intent. The Supreme Court has required that for a showing, and the profess, well, what was the intent of putting it in a bathroom closet when you told your own employees not to do it? I think she was trying, not frankly, trying to separate the personal from the personal. She didn't succeed at it. Everybody knew it and why did she What was the intent of deleting and bleach bit and busting up devices? What was the intent there? Well, busting the device is to make sure that nobody gets their hand on your BlackBerry which has classified information on it, through a proper channel. So some people have said that she should have busted up more of them, and so that seems that was a national security We'll tay. I'm gonna ask David the same question on the other side. All right, as we continue, David shown attorney, Danielle McLaughlin attorney. Uh, we're just getting into Danielle is making excuses here. What was Hillary's intent with the private server with the top secret classified information, which is a clear violation of the Espionage Act? And didn't she show intent to destroy the evidence with delesians and bleach bit and hammers and no sim cards. Well, let me say this, we respectfully disagree. I suppose in every other case I have seen it, I've had clients charged with destroying emails, Clients who misplace emails, inadvertently destroy them are charged with the intent to destroy those emails, to obstruct justice, et cetera. Hillary Clinton did entertam. We required this. I don't say emails, do you. It depends on the situation. In that situation, she's certainly had a requirement to save the emails. In my client situation, hers were subpoenaed when this all happen. I'm asking, in our day to day lives, if I if I saved my emails, I would never be able to find anything. No, no, you're not sorry, David. You know as well as I do that you're only required to preserve emails that are relevant to the subject of the inquiry. So she's got a subpoena. I'm not the subject of any inquiry for the record. No, No, you're fine, Sean, You're fine. But the point is the thirty emails that were deleted were personal. They were not the subject of the subpoena. So what they were talking about, I absolutely agree. It's something called spoliation. You can't be told to preserve something and then destroy it. Her argument, her lawyer's argument, was I was told to preserve a I did preserve a. I did not preserve the which was not the subject of the subpoena. That's not true. Here's part of the other. Here's part of the other problems we know now from the report the Adjustice Department slow walked the investigation into her email, into Anthony Wiener's email server, all of those things from Tom Fitton's work. We know that I gotta a lot of problems. I don't mean a couch off table. I hate. I want to hear what you have to say. But all right, let's move on news rounded up Information overload continues, your calls and much more coming up next. David shown Danielle McLaughlin. Thank you Hannity tonight at nine. We got a great show and a big announcement. Tonight. Sean Hannity talks to the people involved in the top stories of the day every day. Sean Hannity is on all right twenty five to the top of the hour. Gladure with us eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, You want to be a part of this extravagant and a great New York The New York Post has been doing great covers lately, um and it caught one of comrade build the Blasio. Is he still thinking, Lynda about running from or I don't even know anybody here. He's going for president now because he's reached his term. President's going for president yeah, he is he in or not? Is he in? What? Insane? Absolutely? Well, okay, he's insane. So it says stone Age. It has a picture of Fred Flintstone. Okay. And what's amazing is it says, but the Blasio's green plan, we're going to ban classic glass and steel skyscrapers and retro fit every building in New York. Do you know? I mean? So they have a picture of the New York skyline, including the Freedom Tower, and with the Blasio saying that they're gonna get rid of all glass and all steel and in the New Hudson Yards struck in the in the not environmentally friendly, even though they've been awarded the highest green rating. How what what? What is allowed? What are we allowed to build with? Then whatever puts money in his pocket? I want to know. Here's here's the question on my mind and my mind and and here's the thing. You know, this is a New York issue. This is a New York state of mind problem. And you know, not of all of our listeners are from this area. But I think that this could be a national problem, which is these these people that become mayors and state legislators. You know, they're playing games with our money. And you know, his wife just lost nine hundred million dollars. She doesn't know where it is. So the same guy that wants to retrofit all these buildings takes helicopters when he doesn't want to be caught in the traffic, takes a suv, which is not a green emissions car. Let me tell you all the way to Brooklyn, because he wants to work out in the gym that he grew up in, in the area he grew up in with his people who he knows where he's from, as opposed to just acclimating to his current surroundings so he wouldn't have to do any sort of emissions from any sort of large gas guzzling suv. This is the same man who now wants to retrofit all the buildings in New York City. You know what I go for it, get all the bids. I can't wait to see how many bids you get. Let's get all the bid bids for bamboo. Baboo, you're gonna build. Let's see you're gonna build bamboo buildings. Let's do it. No bamboo is we are taking from the earth. What are you talking about? You know? Or we can't build it out of you can't. You're making my point for me. This is this is the bottom line. You know. It's kind of like when AOC said, you know, I'm the boss because nobody else has solutions. Lady, you don't have solutions. You can't even spell solutions. The problem with the socialists is that all of these idiots are out there making all these grand plants. AOC. That's mean, Oh please please, we should invite around the show, but we try. I'm sorry. I love our listeners. I would never do that to her. Oh no, no, no, no no, no, wrong. This is a woman who does videos eating hurts. Okay, we'd like to invite her on the show. I'd like to talk over her plan for the New Green. Is it a carrot free interview? She can eat whatever she wants on the air. I don't care. The sad part is actually Mitch McConnell, of all people, gave a speech in Kentucky and he said the problem is it's not just her, it's the Democratic Party. You have Democratic presidential candidates. What we saw on display last night, which we've been talking about throughout the day to day, is an unmitigated disaster. It is yah. It was five hours are crazy. It was a completely insane five hours of crazy. That's a great way to five hours are crazy. I was like, good God, and I bet you CN and still had bad ratings, better than normal, but normal is bad, so it's still fake news. And yeah, we were number one again. Don't worry. The only reason we have good ratings are because of our audience. End of sentence done. But I will tell you that this idea of retrofitting every building in the country and every home, and the dream of banning glass and steel skyscrapers, and the taxes on top of it, New York is going to see a mass exited. The only idiot that's going to be left here is me because this is where they demand that I work at Fox. I can do radio anywhere and listen. I grew up in New York. Here's what Long Island, New York is like. If you're a young person, you can't afford the first home. If you're an older person, you can't afford to stay in your home. They make it impossible for people to live. There are young kids, I call them kids. They're in the you know, the graduated college. I have post graduate degrees law degrees not you have one hundred degrees for crying out loud. And they live in these itsy bitsy closets and in the closet is like a little baby stove and a little baby shower, and you know most of them are mice running up and down the floor half the night. It is. It's horrible how that, but you know we try to move them up quickly. And you know, I'll be genero, as generous as we can be a Christmas. As you know, I'll tell you what I want, Sue, what do you want? I'm taking a slight digression from Christmas. Yeah, here's what I want from the Blasio. I want to Blasio and his wife, Sherlene. I want them to find them nine hundred million dollars. I want them to find them money. And every day we should say, well Bill, where is it? I agree? And when he finds that money that the program was called Thrive. I had to look at it because I can't remember it was supposed to be this mental health initiative. Right, So four years ago she gets nine hundred million, shes already got two hundred fifty million this year. You really on a tear about all this. It just burns me up. But this woman and her husband walking around acting like they care when they lost nine hundred million dollars. Do you know how many families that could feed in New York City? Do you know how much they could do to help people in New York City? And instead they're out there talking about how they got to get to Brooklyn to work out in the gym they like. And he wants to retrofit all the buildings, bamboo buildings or you know, saran wrap buildings. Got to answer my question. I told you, how are they going to make these buildings? You're not answer. So that's what we should do. We should put I have no idea. I could care less. I like stealing glass. Keep it up there. These people all think they're gonna win over Mother Nature. She's been around for years. They're not winning that war. Mother Nature is gonna tell you when your time is up. Don't want me worry. Let me tell you about this. This is an unmitigated disaster for the city. Nobody's gonna want to build, nobody's gonna want to invest. They chased out Amazon. Now I thought the city in the state was paying a fortune for every job they were bringing in. You know what, I was kind of happy for the local people in Queens, New York that they were gonna get this. I'm just gonna tell you it is. Well, it's like everything else that they're doing. Now let them explode and then they're gonna lose everything. All right. Bob is in Michigan. Bob, how are you welcome to the program? Huh, I'm good to talk to you. And by the way, don't sit on bamboo. It does make quite an impression. I don't think. Look, I'm sure you can hold up, you know, a nice house if you knew skillfully how to build with bamboo, But I don't think it will hold up a skyscraper. I agree with you. But you know what, shout that call it because I believe one question, just one, can put all of the Moller stuff in the rearview mirror once and for all, just to upset the left. Get really impeachment, obstructuring collusion talk just as smaller underall. Ask him to explain explain Representative Adams just collusion evidence as well as just conspiracy of it. It doesn't have any We know that, and we know also, and thanks for the call, Adam shifts, the biggest liar in Congress, Charlie out in Seattle, Charlie Hope. It's sunny, no rain, no clouds today, no rain, no clouds today. I live on Camano Island, which is about an hour and a half north of Seattle. How many an easy years? Seattle get the rainy, dark, cloudy, no sundays a lot, right, right. But the other thing is living on the island, the sound pushes a lot of the rain away from us, so we get a little bit more sunshine than they do in Seattle, so are a little happier, a little happier. But I mean it's it's literally, it's been shown that if you don't get enough sunshine that you know, it makes you sadder in life. And it makes sense. You know, there are days I'm so wrapped up in this job. Just to get off topic a little bit, I'm so wrapped up, and then I like, I just take a walk from radio to TV and I'm a sun fresh air, snow rain, I don't care. I's just nice to be outside. That is true for us. Your two My problem that I have in Seattle or funkmano is I've watched Seattle be destroyed by the Democrats, and they want to talk environment. You can't get a straw in Seattle. Now you could go down there. There are faces and urine in tent cities and trash everywhere. What used to be the Emerald City of Beauty, where you could take your kids. Fifteen years ago, I would take my two children down there to the aquarium, the zoo, no worries, no problem with crime or anything like that. And now I wouldn't go down there at all. There's been people. The crime is outrageous. The police hands are tied. In fact, the local news did a thing about Seattle dying. I don't know if you saw it or not, but it's pretty tragic. I did not see that, and I'm not surprised. Look, there's a reason people leaving New York, New Jersey, California, Seattle, Washington and elsewhere. Anyway, thanks for a good call, appreciate it all right. Moses is in New Jersey the All New Am seventh ten, The Talk of New York, New Joysey, Long Island. What's going on, Moses? How are you, sir? I'm doing great, so I'm living the dream. How about yourself? I'm good man. What's happening. All right, So I actually just had a great conversation with one of the Border Patrol vice presidents of the Rio Grand Valley and also my Democratic congressman. But I'm not a Democrat. I just want him to ask me to do the work of the people down there. And I think two points very quickly though. I think the one solution to solve the entire crisis is to identify the real crisis, and that's Congress. Congress is the crisis that should be the new brand name for the president. And I think that they should appoint a nonpartisan, independent nine eleven style type of commission to actually address what's happening at the border, because Congress has been incapable of doing so since the eighties. The only good news, Moses, is this president got his money. They reallocated don't spent moneys from the Defense Department. Nobody nobody's talking about it, which is interesting because once he issued the emergency order and they didn't override his veto, he has the money. The wall. By the way, I'll get the exact numbers. The wall's going up. Repairs have taken place, and if this new company is able to pull this off, they say they can get the whole job done by twenty twenty. I'm like, get that company, and they were ensuring it, they would assure and ensure that they can do it at a price by the way, that seemed really reasonable. Yeah, definitely. But what I'm talking about is everything other than the wall and what the president's working on right now, the other half of it. That's what it has to be done through a commission and do Congress's work basically at once they get a blank check and this and give their findings to Congress. Then in return, the President should start giving in a little bit on what to do with the illegal population in the country, starting with DACA. Yeah, well said all right, Moses. Thanks Brother Curtis, Salt Lake City, Rod our Ket Land Knrs. What's up, sir? Oh hey, what's up? Sean? How's it going? The home of Crown Burger and rod our Ket. It doesn't get any better than that. Yeah, I'm right by a Crownburger. Actually, I hate you right now because I love for those that never had a Crownburger. They actually put pastrami on the burger and you're like, no, that's not gonna work. Oh, it works, and They've got the best milk chake sort of like in and out, and the best French fries too. They were amazing. I haven't been back there in a long time because I got kicked out of being the MC of the Freedom Fest every year in Provo. Yeah, I usually get the junior. But the reason why I called was still. The investigation on Trump was called the Crossfire Hurricane, right, I think the investigation on the investigator should be called crossfire boomerang. Linda, write that down, okay, cross and send it to Tiffin Porter. Do you mind? No, not at all. You know what you're gonna see on TV tonight, Crossfire Boomerang, I promise you. Yeah. I'm gonna get a big, big still store and put it up there as soon as I can. All right, we'll put it up on TV. I'll forget about my equipment, by the way, because it's all ruined. You can see it. Well, I just dropped the Holy Herbus. Crash bang boo, Yeah, crash bang boom it was. I knocked the boomerang, came back and hit you. Boomerang came back and hit me. Oh god, I don't do that. You know. There are radio stations in the country that do not allow host to have any liquids in their studios, and I refused to abide by that rule. I've even been in stations where there's somebody just say, you know, they don't let they don't let you drink this in the studio, and I'm like, okay, fire me, throw me out because I like to drink during the show. I drink so many places. We can take this. Oh God, what we take, We'll go take it. I don't care, what do we do, whatever you want, you need. You need to be more specific about what we're drinking in the studio here seans turn it into a different kind of show. Well, I'm drinking black rifle coffee and I'm drinking ice water. I like ice, and we actually have an ice making machine in our studio.