Dr. Emily Morse, host of the Sex with Emily podcast and is a sexologist and relationship expert and Blake Lavak is author of "Own that Guy in 60 Days: A Practical Guide to Love for the 21st Century Woman," today our two relationship experts will be here to address the new issue facing the downfall of marriages nationwide. Is Donald Trump's Presidency adding to the challenge? The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and Hannity.com.
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio show podcast. You know, Valentine's Day is about capturing the wow factor and the best way to do that is with one eight hundred flowers dot com. And right now you can order eighteen enchanted roses for only that's a discount. Go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. I'm Happy Friday, and we're glad you are with us. Right down are toll free telephone number. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza, it is eight hundred nine four one Seawn. If you want to be a part of the program. You know, I want to be in a good mood. Today is when you have friends that are sick. There's nothing worse, and people you love that are sick and you're helpless and you just you know, are praying for miracles. It's very very hard. And uh, you know, the one thing in life that I have never been able to deal with very well is uh is death and ring I cannot. I believe. I believe in Jesus. I'm a Christian. I believe in an afterlife. I believe that Jesus changes our hearts, our minds, our souls. I believe all of that, But I just I do not grasp the concept that way here and then we leave, and uh, you know, I remember I started at Fox and six months after I had started, my father died. It was it just was it just as the hardest thing when somebody you love or care about, you know, is in a tough way. And there is somebody special in my life that is having a tough day to day um and is struggling literally hanging onto life and it's just so hard to deal with. And somebody that's too young for this, and that makes it particularly hard. And uh, anyway, so if you have thoughts and prayers, it's uh for a very dear friend of mine today who is literally taking a turn for the worst. Yes, it's cancer, and which is insidious. I am convinced one day we are gonna look back on how we treated cancer. And by the way, this this is not in any way to disparage the medical community. I'll give you some examples. You know, I had a a cousin of mine that was a police officer that died of Hodgkins disease years ago, and if he would have gotten it today, there is a nine chance he would have lived based on the advancement in the treatment maybe from thirty years ago. The same thing with childhood leukemias and and certain types of cancer. I know that. You know, if you get a call on oscary on a regular basis whatever the three years, I think I've had four of them in my life. You know, I know, real fun, right, But you know what, you just do it because if you do it, you're gonna that's the one preventable cancer. You know, if if you have a propensity towards any type of skin cancer, you know, going to a dermatologist on a regular basis to make sure you don't have a melanoma or a basil cell and and getting those things removed. It's just being smart with your health. And so we've made such progress. And this is not to disparage the medical community and research community in any way, but I'm just can hints that there is an answer out there. I just don't know what it is. And when we get it, it's going to be like an ah ha moment, Like you know, we don't think anymore about polio. Because of the polio vaccine and and many other illnesses that killed so many different people over the many, many years, a life expectancy has never been higher. Modern medicine, great doctors, medical advancement, technology all has contributed to this. But there's got to be a key, and I know they're working towards it. And I always read these medical articles when I see them, and I just think there's going to be a cure for cancer at some point. Uh. You know, it's pretty scary where in where I live in New York, one in seven women are likely to get breast cancer. My mother before she died, now, she ended up she had twenty one She had a full mass decktomy, and she had chemo, and then she had radiation. Then she had no hair and you know, you watch they half kill you to save you. And in her case it was a pretty advanced form of breast cancer. They were able to save her from that. She ended up dying of another of something else. It was not related to the breast cancer she had had. And you know that's that goes back almost twenty years ago. And so they've made a tremendous progress there. You know, just getting an annual checkup of mammogram for women is so important, or self examination so important. You know, for guys, you get a little older, your pressed prostate gets enlarged, and most men will die with some cancer in their prostate, just just a reality. But they have, you know, testing PSA tests and other tests ensure that you know, I had a prostate scare at one point in my life. I ended up getting a biopsy. Was the worst thing I've ever been through because my doctor friend is he's relentless and he literally made me come in and you know, there it is, thirteen needles. I won't give you the rest of the details, and more blood that existed for more time than you could ever dream of. But my only point is it's I think there is a key. I'm not sure what it's rooted in. Obviously it's got to be genetic and makeup in some way shape matter of form. I made a decision. My son's a ten now, my daughter's fifteen, and it wasn't as common at the time, but with each of my children born, I saved their cord blood because they have the rich stem cells in the in the in the umbilical cord that I don't know. I just I read up about it and I said, let me save them. And to this day I still send out checks every couple of years to keep that frozen and available for them. If God forbidden the course of their life, maybe with technical advancement, medical advancement that they might it might be worthwhile for them to have that anyway. So it's uh, I know all of you have experienced this. This is not unique to me, not unique to all of us, but it's it's hard when it's happening to somebody you know, like love, and it just as there's no rhyme or reason for it. I don't think. I mean, lifestyle certainly would contribute a lung cancer and things like that, but for the most part, you know, a lot of this is Jenette. I know people Dick Cheney's hard I think was largely genetic. You also smoked a lot at the time. But you know when he tells his story how medical advancement every you know he had his first heart attack, Dick Cheney at thirty six. I remember interviewing him when he was on this artificial pump that he had on the side of his because his heart was so weak. At that time and how successful his heart transplant has been since. I mean, I remember seeing him for the first time after his heart transplant, thinking, wow, you have not looked this great in years that I've known you. And thank God in that case, because he's a friend of mine, I think, at least from my perspective, I like him, amire him a lot. Um medicine was able to to stay just just ahead of him to keep him alive, and uh, it's it's pretty amazing. I'm pretty sure we're gonna make some some massive advancements in the future. Look, I'm not going to spend a lot of time because we we did it last night when the news broke Ninth Circuit and we all of this was predictable. If you've been listening to this show and told me on TV, you know all that the Ninth Circuit did and how horrible they are all came true. All predictable. One of the most overturned courts of not the most overturned court, depending on how many years you go back. These idiots over at Political PolitiFact, Hannity said, it's the most Well, I sent them all the information today and I had to spend two hours of my day, responding, who checks the fact checkers? And you know what, I have to do their research because they're too lazy to do it themselves. But anyway, with that set, I spend time doing that. But the bottom line is it doesn't matter now about the Ninth Circuit because here's what the Washington Times is reporting is that the President is working on a new executive order to enhance America's security in the face of these terrorist attacks. He said, We're going to keep our country safe. He said it again today at a news conference, indicating he would take more actions next week to modify this order or issue another directive. He said, we'll be doing something very rapidly having to do with additional security for the country, and you'll be seeing this sometime next week. And then he didn't directly refer to his daily classified intelligence briefings, but I know through conversations with people that are friends of mine that are in Washington and they don't get to see the presidential daily briefing. But his comments clearly are suggesting that the information he's seeing every day, which Obama ignored, by the way, since taking office, has made his executive order for migrants from the Seven seven terror prone nations even more urgent to implement. And this is the whole bizarre nature of the left thinking that means chucky, you know, crocodile tears. Schumer saying this is un American, mean, while he supported it in he didn't say a word when Obama and Hillary did it to Iraq and had a band there. As a matter of fact, Obama used that same statute nineteen times, as as every other past president. So all of this is is politicizing. But you know they're playing politics and the lives of view the American people are in jeopardy here because if somebody from one of these countries comes into this country and kills Americans, well, they were willing to gamble with your life and President Trump was not. And that's simply what it comes down to. It comes down to, are we willing to inconvenience those that would like the privilege of visiting our country. It's that simple. That come from countries that have terrorist ties in some way, or terrorist training rounds in some way that we have good intelligence that is telling us there is a greater danger here to vet them. Do yeah, okay, inconvenience them. I'm sorry about the inconvenience, but the top priority should be the safety and security. The American people are not gambling with their lives. And the President is telling you directly. Look, you go back to nine eleven, the nine eleven Commission report. What was the lead up to nine eleven? There's so many you know the conclusion of the nine eleven Commission report, they were at war with us. We were not at war with them. How was their conclusion? And then you go back and you look at the history. Let's see the colbar towers, and then you look at the embassy bombings and Kenyan, Tanzania, and then you look at the first Trade Center bombing, and then you look at and then you look at the nine eleven the US has coal. All were indicators that you have a bunch of people that, you know, evil people that call themselves martyrs. To quote Michael W. Smith's song, He's playing at Carnegie Hall by the way this Sunday, And you know when evil calls itself a marty. There at war with us. But what are we seeing now the same lead up. You're seeing Chattanooga, you're seeing ford Hood, you're seeing San Bernardino, you're seeing the pulse nightclub in Orlando. Wake the hell up. I'm sorry that some people are going to be inconvenience. That's not our problem. We don't have to let you into this country. And how so many on the left are so willing to jeopardize Americans because of this politically wrecked vantage point is obscene to me. It's unconscionable to me. It makes zero sense to me. Now, my friend j Sekulo, he'll join us at the top of the next hour after he analyzed the court ruling of the Ninth Circuit. I mean, they'll thread a needle any which way and lose. It doesn't matter. And you know, about an eight of the time when that ends up going to the Supreme Court, they're overruled. So it's, you know, pretty much par for the course that the constitution, separation of powers, the role of the executive branch, the role of a president as commander in chief, none of this matters. They didn't even cite the law for crying out loud, which I think I'm like the only person on television that is actually spending the time to to tell people what the actual law says, because it's not that complicated. This is eight us Code eighty two that says, whenever, whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens in particular country into the U s would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he made by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary to spend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions that he may deem to be appropriate. Pretty straightforward. By the way, Ninth Circuit never even mentioned it in their ruling last night, and that at that just ought to tell you how out of control the judicial branch is. Now. There's an effort. Louis Gohmer and a bunch of other people are now saying, you know what, they have more than twice the case load that has backed up thirteen thousand some odd cases. It's time to break up the Ninth Circuit. I don't disagree with that at all, because there's certainly not serving you, the American people anyway. Eight nine for one, Shawn, is our to free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We have a lot to get to j Secular will join us today. Believe it or not, people are getting divorced because of the election and the election of Donald Trump. So we're gonna have some fun with that in our final hour of the program today. You know we've had terror here in New York. What about the Boston bombing. I can read my terror list when I come back. I've read it many times, go through every single case. This is this is what you'll hear. God forbid something major happening. Here's my prediction. It's not a matter of if, it's when. And we're gonna look at every one of these incidents and say, oh, they were at war with us, and we went back to a pre nine eleven mentality and couldn't even say radical Islamic terrorism and Obama kissing the ass of even the Iranians, the number one state sponsor of terror, still waiting to fly out all those lips you promised to leave if fromp were elected. The jack is ready. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, as we roll along on a Friday told free telephone numbers eight hundred nine four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, I am just saying that the way that Jase Secular has done this is all right. So he's taken the Ninth Circuit version of this and he has come up with amendments that he believes even if the Ninth Circuit does the same thing again, which again this goes back to the whole judge shopping argument I've been making all week. But if they make the following changes at for example, the new subsection at the at three I at the end of this particular section, nothing in this section applies to lawful permanent residents of the U s or any US citizen. Nothing in the section shall be construed to limit applicable procedural due process rights to which any person covered by this order is entitled by virtue of the immigrant or non immigrant status. And then he in two other sections, the applicable procedure, the the applicable procedural due process rights to which any person covered by this order is entitled by virtue of the immigrant or non immigrant status. Any directors or guidance on the implementation of the Order shall be made by the Secretary of Homeland Security in conjunction with the State Department, the Secretary of State, the Director of National Intelligence, the Attorney General, and the director of the FBI. Anyway, so he thinks what's gonna happen here is then that takes away any argument constitutionally speaking, if it does. In fact, if we have the predictable pattern here, you've got a liberal judge that they win Joe shopping for in Seattle, and if they argue the merits on the old one before him, that's not likely. What's happening. The news now is breaking that in fact President Trump is going to rewrite the order, and Trump says that he's working on the new executive order to stop people who want to commit harm in the United States. And so rewriting the terrorist band means it starts all over again. And you know, and all this, by the way, all the back and forth, it still comes down a very simple, basic, fundamental question. And just think in your own life. Does you know if you if you're visiting another country and they want to sit you down. And this has happened to me when I went to London recent why are you only going to be here six hours? When I was interviewing Julian Assange. When I went to Israel, I was even fast tracked in Israel and they still asked me a whole bunch of questions. It's their country. I am a guest in their country. They have every right to ascertain that I am not there to do anything that would endanger the people in their country. And that's all this is about. And there's no religious test. It's not a Muslim band because you have all these Muslim countries that are not included. It's ridiculous and frankly, it can be be fixed and it must be fixed. Jay Sekulo, who has been uh, really terrific on this whole issue involving the president's executive order, Uh, this was his recommendation immediately last night when it came in. And another other bright, smart legal minds have thought the same thing. Just go right back at him and take the take the justification, which by the way, there's there is no justification for this. This is judicial activism, you know. This is what Levin has warned about for years. Men in black, unaccountable, unelected judges that legislate from the bench. They without any regard to separation of powers, coequal branches of government. It is everything we fear. What this has been the left tactic. This is what David brock outlined in his document that they are going to try and stop the Trump agenda. Well, first they're gonna they want to quote kick his ass. Secondly, they want to try to impeach them. And one of the ways they want to stop his agenda is by using the liberal court system, because the left is always known that they can get a lot done in the courts, things that they could never get done at the ballot box, that the American people would never want. It's irrelevant to them whether you want it or not. They're still gonna ram it down your throat. And Repole has shown support for the President's executive order, and it's meaningless to them as they go out there and they continue to just lie about what it is that the President has done here and calling it like un American, like Chuck Schumer, and you've got the corrupt all radical left media people like Chuck Todd. Well, this is like a religious test. It's not a religious test. Chuck read the document. Look at the forty three majority Muslim countries that are not impacted at all, the world Muslim population not impacted in any way here. It's they're so dishonest. There's such liars they're so corrupt, they're so biased, they're so freaking lazy, it takes your breath away. Um. Anyway, so Trump continues down the road, and you know, there might have been what there's a Daily Caller piece out today. And I didn't want to really say this before the Ninth Circuit handed down its decision last night, although I predicted what the decision would be with perfect accuracy. But anyone who heard the Justice Department lawyer, it was so bad. It was, you know, this guy struggling to argue the simplest case with the simplest question that is before the court, and that is, does the president have the constitutional authority, the legislative authority the legislative branch had given it to him, signed into law. Does he have the authority constitutionally as commander in chief to do this. I've read the law to you now many times and the answer was yes. And I'm listening to the Justice Department lawyers struggling. I could have argued this better in my sleep. It was like he did no preparation for this. So anyway, I was concerned, why how could that be? Now? One of the impacts of the left obstruction of the cabinet of Donald Trump is ben you have You know, I was asking myself that Obama hacks at the Justice Department deliberately sabotaged the case because it kind of sounded like it to me because it was so poor. Really argued, did they leave out key evidence that they they had to know about and didn't use? I kept I said that night, they left so much on the table that they should have been using. So it's kind of hard to believe that anybody with a law degree could really be that incompetent unless it's done on purpose. Well, then I read the Daily Caller today quote while arguing before the Ninth Circuit, Department of Justice attorneys ignored evidence that the nation's impacted by President Trump's travel ban. I have a track record of exporting terrorism. And by the way, when the Ninth Circuits Judge William can Be falsely claimed that since nine eleven, uh, I think it was actually the judge in Seattle. They might have gotten that fact wrong. I think it was as Robart was the one that did this. But anyway, they claim it was the Ninth Circuit judge Canby But anyway, neither here nor there. It wasn't at least one point argued that there have been no terror attacks in the US connected to Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Ran, Sudan, Syria, Iraq. The d o J lawyer responded, as they were clueless, They had no information, no facts behind them. We had Stephen Miller on the other night, who works in the Trump administration special counsel. He said the same thing. Anyway, they were unable to cite the cases, for example, to Somalian individuals who committed acts of terror in the U s and at least two others, one from Yemen, the other from Somali, you've been charged with planning to commit terror attacks in the US. The I know the administration is now has a list of about seventies six people that would have answered that question of Robart anyway, So they couldn't cite any of these cases. The d o G attorneys do O J attorneys arguing the case would be able to get this information is not hard to get. I actually read some of the names on the air the next day after. In fact, this first happened like Abdul Razak Ali artan of Somali refugee, plowed that car into a crowd of people member at Ohio State. There's one example well that blows that whole theory by the Seattle judge up and smoke, doesn't it. And subsequently attacked at Ohio State University in November, attacked people with a butcher's knife. Nine people were injured and he was killed by a police officer. And you have to hear Ahmed Addn another Somali, stab ten people before being shot by an officer in St. Cloud, Minnesota at the mall this last summer was last September actually. And you have Mohammed Rafiq Naji, who was a Yemeni citizen. He was arrested in November last year and he had discussed a possible attack on Times Square. Then you have um hiberdream Shaikh Mohammed, a Somali who became naturalized as a US citizen, was indicted on terrorism charges in after allegedly plotting to attack military facilities or prisons in the US. So that information was available, the question is how do you possibly go before the ninth sir Get Court of Appeals that ill prepared. The d o J attorneys weren't able to come up with a single bit of this information, and the d o J A lawyer Michelle Bennett told Judge Ropart, your honor, I don't have that information. I'm from the Civil Division, if that helps get me off the hook. And then the d o J lawyer, August uh flinch A wasn't able to point out Judge Canby's kind of fib and tried to give an excuse, saying, well, these proceedings have been moving quite fast and we're doing the best we can. So this is their job. Now, the Democrats obstructed Jeff Sessions, so that's part of the problem. But the idea that you have to d o J lawyers assigned to an incredibly high profile terrorism case that knows so little about terrorism is preposterous. You know, you have to work a little over time to look that stupid. And these two lawyers did a horrible job. And at the time the night that the arguments, remember there was argued at six o'clock came in that night we were on TV and I'm saying, JA, and I said to Laura Ingram, I said, you guys could have argued this better in your sleep, without any preparation, and they could have. So one has to wonder here, what's actually going on? The Ninth Circuit political fact has been looking for information all day, and uh, you know, I don't have time to deal with them, but I did spend a little bit of time because they're trying to give me, you know, fifty pinocchios like they always do. And I'm always end up being right, and they always end up being wrong. And and how do you fact check the horrible fact checkers that have a political agenda? Anyway? The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the suspension of President Trump's terrorist travel ban, is so far out of the mainstream now. They also taken a higher volume of cases than a lot of the other courts of appeals that their decisions so often end up getting reversed by the Supreme Court. Eight out of ten cases from the Ninth Circuit reviewed by the Supreme Court or overruled. It was in the Daily Caller today. According to a twenty ten analysis published by the American Ball Association, Ninth Circuit, which is known for its liberal tendencies, as the you know it, depending on the year, either the highest or second highest reversal rate of the thirteen appellate courts below the Supreme Court. No unfamiliar quote with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal should be surprised that today's ruling, said Congressman Trey Goudy in a statement. The Ninth Circuit has a well earned reputation for being presumptively reversible, and then he went on to say, it seems clear judges are neither in a position practically or jurisprudently to second guest national security determinations made by our commander in chief. There's a reason we elect the commander in chief and we don't elect federal judges. That kind of put's that argument to rest pretty quickly, doesn't it. What else do we have going on today? A lot a lot of other news today. Um, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It really is. I have no idea what Congressman Jason Chaffitz is thinking. He announced that as the chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee, that he wants an investigation into Kelly and Conway because she mentioned Ivanka Trump's clothing line on Fox and Friends the other day. You can't be serious here. You know, these are the same people, many of whom couldn't nail Hillary on anything. They let the email gate Benghazi go to go by the wayside, not to mention the I R s and fast and furious. They get nothing done, but they've got They're not gonna let that fashion, you know, comment by Kelly Anne Conway a joke reference to the first Daughter's clothing line. The idea that this is what we're gonna spend our time on is obscene anyways, And a bipartisan letter to the White House alleging that Kelley Ane Conway may have violated a federal ethic law. You know what that means for Kelly and commay let me explain why No, people don't want to go into government now, Kelley am will have to hire a high price d C attorney. How do I know? Because I had the head of the Democratic Party in New York with my best friend from childhood, John Gomez, was running for Congress. I will put a link to his website on my own website. They said it was an in kind contribution. I had to spend a fortune on d C attorneys. I'm not kidding, six figures to make this stupid charge go away. And all it really was was the Democratic Party in New York filing this charge against me for the very purpose of trying to silence me. And uh, you know what, that's how they play the game. They're trying to criminalize political differences. And all she said was, yeah, go buy Avanka's stuff. I'm giving a free commercial to go buy it online because nordstrom is punishing Ivanka Trump. I have a connection and somebody that I know that knows the higher ups at Nordstrom's, and they said, it's absolutely political. The whole thing is political, trying to hurt the daughter of the president. Really, just like the media attacking this ten year old kid, Baron Trump, who I've met and know more than any of these people, who is the greatest, nicest, most regular kid you've ever meet in your life. He's just an awesome kid, very polite, funny, is a great kid in a lot of ways. Now he has to deal with the media attacking him and these these stupid so called comedians attacking him. Now, Kelly and Conway is gonna have to spend probably your first year's salary working for the president paying lawyers over a stupid, idiotic, imbecilic charge like this. It's such a it's so it just exemplifies everything that is wrong with Washington. How about a little context and perspective here. Okay, how about you just say, by the way, you can't do that on TV. Done? Oh, her finished, That's how real life works. If somebody on my show said something wrong in the air, said, oh, you can't say that again. Like Lynda, I have to say all the time, stop cursing on the show. Every time she opens her microphone, she curses. Is that true or not true? That's true? I think sometimes Yeah, No, I don't ever curse on the air. You do. I'm not saying I don't curse. I said I don't curse on the air. I'm probably gonna drop one today, like Bob Beckel used to every other day on Fox. I remember he got in trouble one day, got yelled at by our bosson Fox, and he comes to me he's really upset, and he's really and then he comes on the show and did it again. I'm like, oh my goodness. And I had to call the boss on his behalf and plead his case. He can't help himself. It's so funny. We have a um. The ideological bigots of one of our so called leading universities might as well post a sign on their faculty headquarters. No conservatives need apply. Cornell University student assemblies ruck down a resolution that would have requested a creation of a committee to quote increase and improve faculty ideological diversity. It was entitled Expanding Ideological Diversity among Faculty Members and according to the Cornell Sun, a report from fifteen found that over nint sent of Cornell faculty their political donations went to democratic campaigns or liberal progressive causes. That's what they do. What they can't do, they teach um. Let's see, well, this iss scary as it relates to the travel ban. Not only did the Ninth Circuit ruling uh not go our way, but according to the Washington Times, hundreds of refugees from the terrorist hotbeds but would have been barred from entry are now pouring into America. YEP. If one of these refugees goes off the rail, shoots up a nightclub or a mall, or a military base, or sets off a bomb, and Times Square, I'm gonna remind this audience every day that it was the the arrogant stupidity of the left that caused this carnage of the refugees led in. Since Robarts decision on February. The three have been from seven of these suspected to seven suspected countries. The seven on the order unbelievable. The major terrorist attack, thankfully was averted in Paris after French officials proposed building an eight football security around the Eiffel Tower for suspected terrors were arrested planning to attack an unnamed tourist location. Pretty scary out there. The post whatever date you know, report, we can write all these incidents in there. Oh, they were at war with us, and this happened, and this happened, and this happened, this happened, but we weren't at war with them, and we wouldn't even say the words radical Islam shah Alright, So the Trump administration is gonna rework the Executive Order. How should they do it? We'll check in with a seculo. He has his recommendation from the American Center for Law Injustice. He'll join us. Coming up next, Uh, marriage is actually breaking up because Donald Trump as president. We'll have a little Friday fund Also, our Friday Feel Good f gl concert with a special appearance by my buddy Michael W. Smith is gonna be at Carnegie Hall. This Sunday, and we'll get a lot of your calls in today one Shawn. If you want to be a part of the program and don't forget, you can always catch us at Hannity dot com and on Twitter at Sean Hannity. All right, we'll take a quick break on this Friday. You made it. It's the Sean Hannity Show. This is Allie with our man. All the security of our country is at stake, and it's a very very serious situation. So we look forward, as I just said, to seeing them in cold Well, Mr President, we just saw you in court and we beat you, and you ought to think about this because these courts have said this is unconstitutional. With the confirmation of Secretary Price, the Republicans launch the first assault in their war on seniors. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. We all new sewn Eny show. Mormy. I'm the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. I'm sure about yesterday's ruling in the Ninth Circuit Court, has it caused you to rethink your use of executive power? And how will you respond? And will you sign new executive orders of perhaps a new travel band Well, your question was unrelated to what we're here for today, but I'll answer it. We are going to keep our country safe. We are going to do whatever is necessary to keep our country safe. We had a decision which we think will be very successful with it. Shouldn't have taken this much time because safety is a primary reason. One of the reasons I'm standing here today is the security of our country. The voters felt that I would give it the best security. So we'll be doing something very rapidly having to do with additional security for our country. You'll be seeing that sometime next week. In addition, we will continue to go through the court process, and ultimately I have no doubt that will win that particular case. You said earlier this week, and I'm quoting for you, said, I've learned a lot in the last two weeks, and terrorism is a far greater threat than the people of our country understand. But we're going to take care of it. Based off of what you have learned and now knowing that your executive order is at least temporarily on hold, do you still feel as confident now as you have been at any point that you and the administration will be able to protect the homeland. I feel totally confident that we will have tremendous security for the people of the United States. We will be extreme vetting, which is a term that I developed early in my campaign because I saw what was happening. And while I've been president, which is just for a very short period of time, I've learned tremendous things that you could only learn, frankly, if you were in a certain position, namely president. And there are tremendous threats to our country. We will not allow that to happen. I can tell you that right now, we will not allow that to happen. So we'll be going forward, We'll be doing things to continue to make our country safe. It will happen rapidly, and we will not allow people into our country who are looking to do harm to our people. We will allow lots of people into our country that will love our people and do good for our country. It's always going to be that way, at least doing my administration. I can tell you that, all right. That was the President earlier today in a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Japan uh recommitting to the American people that he will keep the country safe, and arguing that the American people do not fully understand the nature of this threat, which reminds me of what I've been saying that we we have now returned to a pre nine eleven mentality, colbar towers, embassy bombings, Kenya, Tanzania, the first trade center bombing, the USS coal leading up to nine eleven. And then of course we can start from there and talk about the Pulse shooting, the nightclub shooting in Orlando. We can talk about Chattanooga, we could talk about ford Hood, we could talk about San Bernardino. We can look abroad, in in Paris and in Europe and all of these attacks. And remember the post mortem, the nine eleven Commission report. What the most profound thing that was said there is that they were at war with us. We were not at war with them, We were not on a war footing. And you've got a bunch of judges, liberal activists the Democratic Party that are willing to gamble with the lives of the American people and literally for the convenience of people that are non citizens to get into this country. The whole constitutionality of the issue is very clear. The law could not be more clear. Jay Secular with the American Center for Law and Justice. Has been all over this all week with us, and uh, I know you spent a lot of time with us, Thank you, Jay. And you have a you have a number of recommendations for the administration how they should go forward. Why don't we first go over what their options are, because they can go back to the Seattle Court and argue there, they can appeal to the Supreme Court. That would be in the hands of Justice Kennedy, and he can then refer it to the full court, the full Supreme Court. But at four or four that's a risk. Yeah, So there's a couple of things that can happen here. And as you mentioned, you set out the scenarios correctly. I mean, if this was an emergency stay and they wanted to take it to the next step, what they would do is apply for a stay with Justice Kennedy, as you said, he'd either grant it, deny it, or possibly refer to the whole Court. The risk there is, uh, you've got a four four court, possibly because we don't have the ninth Justice of filling Justice Leiusy. And there's another risk. The one of the issues that the ninth Circuit really focused on heavily in their opinion was that the clarification as to Green card holders visa holders was only done through a White House Council directive, not through an agency directive. And well, I think that's a little bit. Then on the Ninth Circuits part took me quite frank among other things that was wrong with that opinion. Why not clean that up, put in what the President intended this to be in a new executive order. Then you mood out the entire court proceedings between the Ninth Circuit and the District Court. I'm sure they will file another challenge. It'll still be in California. You probably will get a judge that will still go the wrong way, and you may get a Ninth Circuit panel that goes the wrong way. But then when you go to the Supreme Court, John, I think you win eight zero. I don't even have to worry about the four force split. So I would. And the President hasn't said what he's gonna do yet, but he said there's gonna be more information next week, and they could They could issue the new executive order, by the way, and still litigate this if they wanted to, although I think the new executive order would supersede. It's the best way to go, but you're also buying time. But you don't have time, especially when it comes to protecting the country. And I'll get into some statistics regarding that in a second. For non lawyers listening to the program, explain what the revisions would be and why they are necessary in light of the Ninth Circuits ruling, because I think this is important, and I also would like you to highlight on the fact that the Ninth Circuit never even mentioned the eleven eight two. Yeah, well, then north the constitutions, eleven eight two is the statutory authority resting with the president, where Congress rested with the president the ability to control access for aliens, for immigrants, for nonimmigrants, uh, those that are are not a citizen of the United States, so the president has that authority. The Ninth Circuit does not mention even eight two one single time. It also doesn't mention the constitutional authority invested with the president as commander in chief, and never mentions that. They rest their entire case first on the issue that, well, some of these state colleges will have professors or visiting instructors not be able to get into the United States and it may impact some of these students that are there on a foreign visa, and both in that argument. Isn't it Oh, it's it's it's absurd. I mean, you may be able to win this out standing at the Supreme Court, but again all risky here when in light of all of this. So what the President did when this concern came out about the visa issue was he had the White House Council or the White House Council decided, after talking within consultation with the President, we're gonna send out a directive that clarifies this that it doesn't apply to these groups, and that stopped the quote confusion. But the Ninth Circuit said, well, we're not going to take the word of the White House Council basically for this, and it wasn't through an agency. Where an agency issues a directive, it's binding. Where the White House Council does it, it can be deemed more advisory. So by putting the new executive used the same exact language that the President used in the executive order, and then the language they utilized in the directive combined it into the one document shown. It's literally a paragraph I mean, you're just asserting an additional paragraph. And what that does, it does exactly what the President wants to do, which is keep Americans safe. That everybody tries to ignore the fact that it was a Somali student who was one of the countries of origin here on the list that did that act at Ohio State. I mean, people are ignoring this, and then what you have is the opportunity to take the case up afresh, and I really think that's the way to go. Here's the other risk. As you said, time is of the essence. Time is moving very every day that this goes by and we're not being protected as a day, we're facing danger. The president gets a briefing that none of us and he said this today that none of us get. None of us get the briefing the president gets. So the fact is we know that he's hearing things that will never hear and we don't want to hear, frankly, because we want the country to be protected. We understand the sensitive nature of that security intelligence. But because of that, the new executive order, if it comes out Monday, it's in effect and boom, you're right back in. And those those people that are trying to get in here there don't meet those criteria, don't get in they will. But now now here's what you do. You move at that this quickly, you know, it took seventy two hours, and then you run this thing. We run this thing up to the Supreme Court of the United States, just as Kennedy either grants the state him self confident with those that yeah, yeah, because it's it's the entire basis upon which the Ninth Circuit rested on Sean is this. It was that flimsy issue. They will now maybe utilize this quote religion issue. You're preferencing religious minorities of other others. But I reminded everyone, uh, when I've been talking about this, immigration laws and refugee laws of course classify based on religious group. Remember President Reagan allowed Soviet Jews to come into the United States. It was a country of origin Russia was a religious community Jews. So that's not a news. There's no establishment clause violation here. So I think, yeah, this is the way to win this thing and keep us safe at the same time, and moves very quickly. I mean, we saw how quick this move. If the President wanted to appeal this to the Streme Court today, you realized it could be you could have gotten a decision today. They decided it looks like that they're holding off on that right now, which I think is the right call while they look at the opotions. And now you've got an Attorney General in place, which you session. So that's gonna make a big difference to great on all points here. And I think it's a super analysis. Let's talk about the Ninth Circuit and um, it's been written about repeatedly that it is the most overturned court of Appeals in the country, in other words, when it goes to the Supreme Court. And uh, politic fact called me today, Well I want your proof, Mr Hannity, and and uh, I actually sent you some of it, and you said, I'm on solid ground, thank you very much. Yea, and more solid than what I even sent you additional stuff. Now yeah, yeah, So Shan, let me tell you this. Eight. This is what everybody acknowledges. Eight out of ten cases from the Ninth Circuit reviewed by the Supreme Court or overruled, according to the American Bar Association. Now that was a study published in There's been subsequent studies the Ninth Circuit because of its history, is either the most every year I mean every year the most reversed court of Appeals or the second highest. But if you look at it over the course of a decade or even less, there they beat everybody out. They've got an eighty percent reversal rate collectively. No one has that. And by the way, I wouldn't be bragging if you were the second highest either. So when you're when you're talking abou one of the things one of the things that um, I think a lot of people have talked at length about now they they're docket, they have more than twice any other quart of Appeals in terms of says that are not resolved. And you know, some have talked about breaking up the Ninth Circuit. Is that a good idea? And how do you do it? I've said that because you know, if the government were to ask for an on bank hearing here sean in other words, the entire Ninth Circuit to hear it. Like if if I have a case at and I've had this at the Tenth Circuit and I lost it two to one, I've oftentimes requested an on bank review, all eleven judges sit and I win six five, or if I don't get a dissent with the Ninth Circuit, you never get an on bank review. In other words, it's always because they don't. It's the judges. It's always up. And I also want to ask you about some some reported comments from Neil Gorsch about the President's comments about judges and if we should glean anything from that. Forgotten man is forgotten no more. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, we continue now, Jay Secular with the American Center for Law and Justice, obviously talking about the Ninth Circuit Court ruling, which I believe was a political decision, and what the next move of the Trump administration will be. I also want to ask you this. This case does show the importance and highlight the importance of Neil Gorcit on the Supreme Court. But Neil Gorsitch, according to a report, was with Senator Blumenthal and said that Donald Trump being critical of the Court and judges at times was disheartening and demoralizing. Now he says, now it might have been taken out of context in some way. Should we glean anything from that? Zero a judge and a lawyer like as I am, we are under an obligation in our oath of office as an officer of the Court to not make a disparaging comment about a judge. Remember the judiciary, so what And I wasn't there, so I don't know the exact words that were said, but what Judge Gorse has said was rather straightforward. He doesn't want to have judges demoralized the president. The history of presidents talking about judges goes back to Thomas Jefferson, who said, when when the famous great Chief Justice John Marshall in a particular case Marbary versus Madison said, Uh, maybe it wasn't Jefferson, it was Madison, Correct, it is Jefferson. The president said, the Chief Justice made this decision, let him go enforce it. President Obama attacked the Supreme Court while they were sitting in front of him at in the Capitol rotunda. I mean this, this is there acting as if Donald Trump is on some you know, out of historical president here. That's just not the case. But the reality is Judge Gorson is being cautious as a sitting He's a sitting judge, so he's not someone that's interviewing to be a judge. He is a judge right now, he's he's he's been nominated for the Supreme Court, but he's a judge, so he needs to be cautious on what he says on that. But again, I wasn't in there, and they could have easily taken it out of context. Um, let me ask you this because it's been so many times where conservatives have been disappointed, even in the case of John Roberts, where there was such great hope for him going in and then of course we know where he ruled on Obamacare. But I guess the biggest mistake a Republican has made in modern times is David Suitor. What a disappointment he turned out to be. So I think that it was the stealth nominee they called him. That's what John Joins said, He's our stealth nominee. Not so much. I've appear for him a lot. He was not a stealth nominee. Yeah. Well, I mean, so is there reason of fear here? I mean, all we have to glean from is his past writings, is his judicial philosophy, the book that he's written, And when you look at his record, how confident are you that he is an originalist? Like Scalia? And Justice Thomas. Well, you've got a decade of opinions from him that show his judicial philosophy. You have extensive writings from him that show his judicial philosophy. He's he's made decisions on major cases that impact our audience tonight today. Uh So this is someone that's got a well thought how track record and a well published track record. He did not just handle regulatory cases. He had religion cases. He's handled a planned parenthood case. I mean, he's been heavily involved in the cultural cases. But he's also someone that has a PhD uh and and basically a natural law So this is someone that I think, I don't I think we've got a great nominee here and does That does not mean, by the way, at the end of the day, that every decision the Justice gives you you're gonna agree with. I mean, you never know how that's gonna go. And I don't want to pretend that we get they always always get them right. But the fact is, I think we've got a great nominee and well qualified, really well qualified. All right, Jase Secular, you've been great all week. Appreciate all of your experts. How many times have you argued before the Supreme Court twelve times. We've had twenty cases, so we've had a good track record. So we've won out of the seventeen. Then get much better than that. That doesn't get much better than that. They're tough, all right, Jay Seculo, American Center for Law and Justice. When we come back on this Friday, wide open telephones, eight hundred nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Also coming up News, round Up, Information Overload. What do you do when your white says I'm leaving you because you voted for tru Up. We'll have a little fun coming up final hour on this Friday, straight ahead. You know, there are women that are divorcing men why because their husbands voted for Donald Trump. That's how that's how divided the country. As a retired California prison guard, a self described Democrat leaning towards socialist, stunned when her husband casually mentioned during a lunch with friends that he planned to vote for Donald Trump, which he said as a deal breaker. And I've heard listen, I know relationships that have ended over this election. It's it's pretty amazing. Um. And I know people that I'll probably never talk to again as a result of all of this. And by the way, I didn't start it with anyone, and then I have other friends that disagree to what me and we still stay best friends. Every person we fought with Linda, do we not get it first? And did we not just respond to those that fired first? We always did that, right. No, you're totally right. Everything you're saying is correct. We've always done things that way. We always will. All right, let's get to our phones. It's been such a busy week here. We have Mary Beth is in Arkansas. Will start with you, Mary Beth, you are on the Shawan Hannity Show. Happy Friday to you, Happy Friday to you. And if that woman divorced her husband because of that, he's a lucky man. You know. That's what I'm like. Don't let the door, you know, hit you in the way out. I mean, you just forget it goodbye. It's ridiculous. And the reason I called is I don't know when the left and the media is going to realize that there is a new sheriff in town. And he's got millions and millions of deputies right behind him, and we are behind him. And for eight years, Obama has said, I want to get over it. I'm going to do it the way I wanted to do it. And in saying that, you've been talking about how the Congress and senators have such good jobs because they're off all the time. Say I need to redo the rhythms because they're all going to be looking for new jobs. You know, I know that my message both on radio this week and on TV has resonated in Washington. I've been told by number of people, and I'm being told that they're on a two hun day plan. The problem is is they're not communicating any of this to the American people. All we hear is our number one priorities repealing and replacing. We should be able to do it by the fall or by the end of the year. That's why we have you listen. I'm I don't care if you have an R before your name, a D before your name. I want the country fixed. And they're frankly, is really no excuse that they don't have a replacement consensus plan in place for Obamacare, now the economy, the plan of Trump working it through the Congress. I understand the difficulty, the intricacies, but you've got a window here to save the country and stop this precipitous decline. I live my life with urgency every single day. Every person I know in the real world lives their life with a sense of urgency as your staff would already been fired. Oh my gosh, can you imagine? I mean, I don't know. Look, I know people go out for business lunches, and I'm not critical of that. Maybe their their job lends itself to that type of life. I just don't understand that life. You know, As a contractor, I would either bring my lunch with me, or I'd send one of my guys out to the Delhi and go buy food for everybody, or order in pizza. I mean, that's that's how I lived my life as a general contract I'll probably die young because all the crap I've eaten in my life. But there was no time to stop. All right, guys, time for our hours lunch. I'm like, you've gotta be kidding me. I remember when I worked in Blount Marine, a shipyard painting ships when I was young, and we had a half hour for lunch, we race out. Somebody would race out in the car grab some hot dogs at this particular place, A lot of us would in a couple of hands of beer and we'd all go back to work, and and that was it. There was no time for lunch. I just I I don't understand this. I don't know I live my life. Look at the travel ban, for example, I'm thinking we're now in a pre mind nine eleven. The mindset the president, who has more information that he's ever had in his life, he's worn in the entire country. They're coming, and we have to fight in court, and we have to fight the Democratic Party, and the president has to fight being called un American by a by a crocodile tier senator from New York, Chucky Schumer. And meanwhile, if something happens, well, what are they gonna say, then, Oh, we didn't see it coming. Well, Trump is telling us it's coming. I'm telling everybody it's not. If it's when, we're going to get hit. And these people that are so unwilling to put security measures, common sense security measures in place and inconvenience, a few people are literally gambling with the lives of the American people. You know, as the President is moving forward on every promise he's made, I'm saying the Congress get your ass in gear, you know, kick it up of a few notches, and let's get moving. And let's let's stay up a few late nights, let's work some weekends like everybody else, and let's get the job done, because this is an unprecedented opportunity to fix the country. Do your job. And I I just I have no I cannot identify with this work ethic of these people. I can't. It just it's unbelievable to me. Anyway, Mary Beth, you have an awesome weekend. Patty is in Texas? Patty, Hi, how are you? And happy weekend to you? How are you? Sean? I just love you and I and I hear you. I just I kind of get the clear message. But I'm calling for kind of a silly what if question. I've been retired a couple of years, so because of that, I've been able to watch a lot more Fox and Friends and all my favorite shows in the evening. And I am just filled with this and I recognize that I'm tense. I am lying dead and I'm tense when I'm watching the news in the morning. And my question to you is, would it have made a different had it been another Republican in office, it's just just a Republican Democrat because I think it's personal. I think they can't stand anything about Donald Trump. Listen, it's definitely at a higher level because it is Donald Trump and they haven't They're never going to figure him out. There's there's no way because to figuring. For the left to figure out Donald Trump would mean that they would have to acknowledge a fundamental truth, and their egos won't won't allow that to happen. Is that they've never understood him. They don't get his connection to real Americans. They don't understand because they've lived in this bureaucracy, in this bubble for so long. They don't understand how the real world works, which is the way he is designing his presidency. And there's a particular hatred for him because he fights back and he's a active The thing that you've got to realize is that they would never want any Republican to succeed Donald Trump's success. If Donald Trump creates millions of jobs, he builds the Wall, he he puts great originalists on the Supreme Court, he makes America energy independent, he fixes americans broken educational system. He incentivizes multinational corporations to bring back trillions. He incentivizes corporations by reducing regulations and reducing the corporate tax cut. He does all of this, millions of jobs are created. That is a democratic part. That is their worst nightmare, because every success statistic will be able to give you in four years and eight years is going to be a direct comparison to the failure of their leftist statist ideology. Remember, they gained their power by creating dependency among the American people. Obama created more dependency than any press it at modern times. Thirty million more Americans dependent on food stamps. You have eight million more Americans dependent on government because they now live below the poverty line. You have more Americans out of work dependent on government because of the horrific job market, in part created by his burdensome regulation and his massively high taxes, and the absolute failure of government run healthcare Obamacare. So yeah, if it was if it was Kasick, if it was Bush, if yeah, they'd hate them too because they don't want them to succeed. Because any time, any time, a conservative conservatism works, and that's their fear. The president's agenda is a conservative agenda, putting aside the trade issue, every issue we talk about on his list that he is checking off. Is a conservative, philosophical president um and he's governing conservatively. And their fear, their great fear, is that he succeeds. The only weapon in their arsenal is to marginalize him and try to try to create division and doubt in the minds of the American people. They tried that during the campaign. It didn't work. The more successful he becomes, winning in and of itself creates a momentum that will be unstoppable. And if he continues to move at the speed of Trump, the speed of light, it's only going to be that much more difficult for them. I mean the fact that they tried everything they could do to slow down the appointment of his cabinet. Even though Chuck Schumer says the president has the right to his own government, well, he doesn't say that when Trump is president. It's it's just they don't have the votes, and in the map for the Senate does not look good for them. You've got five senators that are up for reelection and states that Trump won by double digits. All those senators are literally shaking in their boots in anyway, I appreciate your call. It's um. You know, I did an opening monologue on TV one and I said, they are not your friends. And I went through the media, I went through Republicans, I went through Democrats, I went through all the people. Remember remember that interim period after after the president won the election, and and all these people were making their move and it's sort of like a pilgrimage to Trump Tower to kiss the ring and and and kiss the President's you know, backside. I mean, it was nauseating to me because so many of those very people opposed him the entire way. And you know what, it was an interim period of time. I'm sure that the president was busy building his government. But the reality is, if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. If you want two friends, get two dogs. A lot politicians are driven by power, they are driven by control. They are driven with their own ambition, and unfortunately they ought to be in the service of you, the American people. That's that's their job, their public servants. That's where I would argue the term comes into effect. The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show is up next. Hang on for Shawn's Conservative solutions right as we continue on this Friday in the next hour, what do you do if your wife wants to leave you because you support Donald Trump? Believe it or not, that's happened probably more often than we even know about. And also all of our Friday fun concert coming up at the bottom of next hour. Let's get to our phones in the meantime and we say hi to my buddy, Levi is in Detroit. What up, Levi? How are you my friend? Once I've gone my brother from another, mother from another You know, I used to give you a hard time about your support of Farcon. You have evolved a lot over the years. You've You've come around. I think I've had a big impact on you. Well, let me say this that Minister farkon the Nation of Islam elies Mohammed. I think that there is a obvious misconception when it comes to the actual ideology and philosophy of that religion, and that is that that is this shine. I'm gonna tell you what he says about fathers being fathers to their sons and daughters, and being responsible and staying off of drugs and alcohol, and and behaving yourself, all of which I agree with and not counting on government to help you. I agree with that message. The problem is he poisoned his message message with hatred, anti Semitic rants, some crazy comments like you know he took a trip to the mother wheel hovering above the earth, and he's an amazing order. I've studied him over the years. But unfortunately, you know, somebody that could have done a lot of good if he took out the hate and the anti semitism didn't do it. Now he's an old man. Well, he's done a lot of good for individuals, middle age guys and younger black men like myself because I would have been in a life of crime. I may have fallen prey to the crack academic. He's done a whole lot of good. But let me say this to the white liberals and the right white progressives, a group in which I belonged to the progressives, that Donald Trump. If you want to blame anyone for us having Donald Trump as our president, blame Obama. I voted for Barack Obama twice. I love Barack Obama. However, as a black man growing up in a city trade taking trips to Chicago to visit my relatives, going all over the country. I have had to sit and watch and witness the contage, the death and the destruction, black people dropping like flies. While Barack Obama said in that White House for eight years, he never addressed the contage, I'm talking to the white liberals and the white progressives who don't have to live in the hood. He never addressed what was going on as far as the death and destruction of how our babies were being being murdered and shot down and drive by how black men are being hurted into prisons. Obama failed not only America, but he failed Black America because he sold us on this promise of advocacy and change which he never delivered. Now I'm not a Trump supporter, However, at the same time, when I hear Donald Trump say, well, we're gonna I'm gonna intervenuce in the fans to Chicago, to Detroit to try to solve this problem. As much as we may disagree with him as relates to the methodology that may be used. As a black man, I can't stand and say Donald Trump is wrong when my cousins and my brothers and my sisters are being subjected to drive by shootings. A K forty seven are fifteen nine millimeters blocks everything. But let me say that my friend Pastor Scott from Cleveland has already been to Chicago. How this president stood and watched four thousand eight percent of which African American live snuffed out in Chicago alone during his presidency is it's unconscionable. Secondly, by every economic measure, demographically speaking, there are the black community has been negatively impacted by Obama's policies. Donald Trump is specifically targeting inner city schools and and trying to fix them, trying to end the violence and trying to stimulate economic activity in these areas. Give him four years. Let's see how he does. Because it's desperately needed, and there's a way to fix these problems, which I agree with you need to be solved. We'll continue And to our detractors that insist that this march will never add up to anything, thank you you. But this is the hallmark of revolution. Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. I am a nasty woman. I didn't know devils could be resurrected, but I feel hitler in these streets a mustache traded for a two pay. Nazis renamed the Cabinet electro Conversion Therapy the new gas Chamber, shaming the gay out of America, turning rainbows into suicide notes. I'm nasty, like my bloodstains on my bed sheets. We don't actually choose if and when to have our ariads. Believe me, if we could, some of us would. We don't like throwing away our favorite pairs of underpants. Tell me why our tampons and pad still taxed when Viagra and row gain are not. Is your direction really more than protecting the sacred, messy part of my womanhood? Is the blood stain on my jeans more embarrassing than the thinning of your hair? All? Right there, it is the left unhinged. On this Friday, toll free or telephone numbers eight hundred nine for one Shawn News round up information overload, our and our Friday f gl concert series continues at the bottom of the aura. You never want to miss that. That means the week is over or mostly over, at least for you, because I gotta show to do tonight. But um, there's really incredible stories that I can tell you about people that I knew, liked, respected that I don't talk to anymore because of Donald Trump. And I could go over and name names again and again over all these never trumpers, and just how dead wrong they were, and how right all of us that are irredeemable deplorables were in supporting Trump. Just look at the promises he kept. I mean, he's stayed true to his words so far, and if he doesn't, we'll hold him accountable, just like I'm holding the Republican Congress now accountable for their ineptitude and their their their lack of of urgency to get the country fixed, and the fact that they don't even have a replacement plan for Obamacare eight years later. It's inexcusable to me. Anyway. I'll give you one example. Some of the burning passions This was on yahoo dot com Reuter's story over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gail McCormick, it's particularly wrenching. She's decided to separate from her husband of twenty two years. She's a retired prison guard, self described Democratic leaning towards socialist. Stunned she supported Bernie Sanders stunned when her husband casually mentioned during a lunch with friends last year that he planned to vote for Donald Trump, a revelation that she is describing as a deal breaker. It totally undid me that he could vote for Trump, she said, who had not thought of leaving the Conservative Republican before, but felt quote betrayed by his support for Trump. I felt like I had been fooling myself, she said. It opened up areas between us I had not faced before. I realized how far I had gone in my life to accept things I would never accept it when I was younger. So three months after this election, this type of thing is now going on, and a Reuter's poll came out of found that thirteen percent of Americans have ended relations ships thanks to this election. Now it is a divided country, but I think that there is going to be a transformation if, if, if, all these conservative policies are in place. I predicted that Obama would fail, and I predicted it failed spectacularly, and he did. And I predictive conservative policies are adopted, which is why I'm trying to kick Republicans in the ass in d C, in the House and the Senate to get their job done. If we can implement them sooner than later, then the country is going to be far better off. Millions of jobs will be created, will be increasing revenues to the government, the economy will get we'll get moving again. Finally, Obama is the only president in history never to reach three percent GDP growth for a year in any single year in his presidency, and so there is a way to get out of this precipitous declimb. But we've got to get the policies in place to make that happen. And I don't really have a lot of patients for the for the slow pace of Washington and the fact that they were not ready for this victory in November, because frankly, many of these Republicans in the House and Senate did everything they could do to sabotage President Trump. So it's frustrating, but I want these policies implemented anyway, this great divide. When it's thirteen percent, that's a pretty high level. Dr Emily Morse is with us and she's the host of Sex with Emily podcast, is a sexologist, whatever the hell that is, and a relationship expert. And Blake Lavac is the author owned that guy in sixty Days A Practical Guide to Love in the twenty one century. And anyway, thank you both for being well us. How are you only? What? What? What? What does a what does a sex expert? What does a sexologist? Come on? Laugh when I hear the human sexuality of how men and women and everybody relates sexually is there's a lot of challenges people have around sex and relationship, So my podcast help me. I think one of the most common things I have heard from people I know is one spouse wants to have a lot more sex than the other spouse. What do you do? What do you do in that environment? I mean, but that's a great question that happens. That's probably the top question I get asked over the last twelve years. You got to compromise, you could talk about it. Most couples put sex on the back burner and they never talk about it, and that divide between the amount of times they have sect just continues to grow. So if you don't want to sex with your partner, guess what X is the glue that's what keeps you guys together, otherwise your roommates. So yeah, you might have sex every single day your partner only wants it. Why see you have it four times a week because when sex goes away again, your relationship will go away. Wait a minute, So if well, what is the average, because you keep reading these these stories in the paper all the time every year about what the average number of times per week the couples have sex? What is it? You know? What doing? I hate because it's like saying with normal the only puestion. I guess, like normal, I would say once a week is healthy, once a month is not. That's about I only want to tell you because listen, I know, look among close friends of mine, very very close friends, and then not a lot of them. I know couples that are perfectly happen, the two of them never having sex, they don't care. I know couples that have it every day, then they just it's insatiable to them. And then the you know, the average fall in the middle somewhere in between. There has that been your experience? Yeah, if there's no problems and no one's complaining and they're not emailing me and they're not talking about it, and they're they're really, they truly are okay with their situation, then that's fine. But most couples are struggling in that way with their sex lives and with what they desire. The other question, I guess, like I want to, you know, try something different in bed my partner doesn't. I mean, there's all these divides in people's bedrooms and they just don't really know how to resolve them by by talking. But if you people are perfectly happy, and they truly are not. Like I'm glad that my wife when A spected with me, so now I can go cheat at in her. But really they have an arrangement that works. I'm happy to hear that. Blake, you write a book that's called Own That Guy in Sixty Days, a Practical Guide for Love for the one Century Woman. Now my question to you is, really, what do you mean own that guy? What does that mean you want to own him? Uh? Well, hello Sean, how are you very nice to be on your show with you again? And and greetings also to Emily. Uh it's uh, it's it's figurative. When I say own that guy, it means, um, take control of the relationship, to have the manage a position where you've got him him on a string and you can you can pull him this way or that way as you wish that so, so basically what you say it is men are dumb and that men could just you know, if women do what X Y and Z, what does the X Y and Z for a woman to own a man? Have sex with them, flirt with them, tell them how handsome he is and wonderful he is. Uh? Well, um, I think that women are more intelligent than men. I and and my simple reasoning is that they have to be, and they have to be because they are generally speaking smaller than men, so they're physically inferior in terms of size and they don't have the muscle mass with the strength that we do. So because they're physically inferior or weaker, they have to make it up make up for it in another way. And I think they are more clever and uh and more intelligent and they have to be otherwise they you know, if they were less intelligent than us and smaller than us, and they'd have no chance. But generally speaking, um, they come out on top. Let's be honest. Wow, you're basically saying women own men, that's what you're saying. I think that they can do, yes, absolutely, and what But the main thing is what they flirt with them, they tell them how great they are, they appeal to their ego, they give them attention. Um, I assume sex is probably involved in some way, or if they're not having sex, they're making out with the guy and making them happy, that sort of thing, and you own them if um, you know, if I outlined this in the book, if a woman when she first meets the guy, if instead of playing it cool and backing off and letting the guy chase her, if instead of that, if she picks the guy that she wants and then showers him with attention and with flattery, and if she puts him on a pedestal, and then if he wants sex, if she gives it to him, well, the guy that the guy is going to be bowled over because he's not used to this, and and she is going to make that I feel so good that he it's like a drug and he's going to be going well, I really like I really like this experience. I like the way this woman makes me feel. The problem is when they get married and us the problem will be sometimes they get married and all the techniques if you will learn tactics to own him. If they go away, then his feeling is going to shift dramatically. Emily, what do you think of his theory? Oh my god, yeah, I absolutely think that first all, no one should be talking about owning anybody. And um to say that women are smarter than that, are men are smarter than women? I don't even get this the issue here. I mean, I think that saying that, I think you've said also Wake that people should just have sex right away, and I think for a lot of people, you've got to figure out who this person is, Like, do you actually like that? Because then when you've sex and you're giving sex up right away, you're thinking, I don't even know this person, but I had sex with you, And then the chemicals of our brain allow us to attach to someone, and it's just about that. It's like a drug, right, and we don't. So I think it's better to just kind of take your time and get to know someone. And this whole like showering men, it's sounds like you're treating them like show drin And I think you're saying, maybe women are smart, but men are not dogs that should be like party their own alicias. I don't think that men are smart enough to know what's going on here, and every everybody likes it. Listen. I think men and women they like attention. They like when people pay attention to them, and they like um physical contact in some way. They have to be I think you have to be attracted to them in some way, right, it has to be a natural physical attract. For people to deny that, I think is they're just not being honest. Are you ready to get out of immedia spin room? Well you come to the right place is the Sean Hannity Show. And as we continue couples breaking up because of this presidential campaign, and we continue with Dr Emily Morris and Blake Lavic and thank you both for holding over with us. All right, So the bottom line is this, if you're if you're having a political difference, and let's say one person supports Hillary but the husband supports Trump and the wife wants to divorce you, uh if in that instance because you disagree on a presidential candidate, Emily, I'm a kind of guy that says, well, don't let the door kick in. They asked too hard on the way out, too bad? Get lost? Well, yeah, I mean I also think that you know, there's been no time in history it's been like fueled by this much fever and outrage by you know, and it's also fused by social media. So but I think that couples before they first of all, these couples who are married twenty two years and they're getting divorced, I think there's probably other issues going on. Let's be honest. This might have been a straw that broke the camel's back trum selection. So I really think that. But since it's everywhere and it's hard to distinguish between fact and opinions and social media. I mean, no matter where you go, you're being bombarded, you know, by all this information, and so it's so hard. For a couple of times. I have plenty of people that I've been friends with that that didn't agree with me on the election, and we get along fine. And then I have a whole other group of people that you know, I was friendly with. I wouldn't say friends with, because I reserve that term friends for very special people in my life, and that's it. Our relationships over they were out there attacking me and saying things that were just so untrue that you know, I ended up responding publicly. If they won public what do you think. I I think you're right. I think that the election result is being used as a catalyst. And it's really um as Emily is saying, or I'm paraphrasing, it's a symptom of a bigger problem. And probably the truer fact is that one person doesn't like the other and and so they're using this as an excuse. At the moment. There are lot of people in the media who are leaning that way, and and so it's it's easy to follow the current trend or the fashion and use this as a reason to, you know, to to dump the guy who you probably haven't liked or had anything in common with for a very long time. It seems to me to be so petty. Why am I able to compartmentalize? And I have people that are friends, are friendly with that have different points of view. Although I will say this, I could never marry a liberal. I couldn't do it. It just wouldn't work for me. She would hate me and I'd be you know, we'd be arguing day and night. What right? No? I you know, in your your life, I could see it in your in your for what you do for a living, I can understand that are for a lot of couples where politics has never come into a play. I think someone are thinking, like, God, this reveals something at my husband's character, like I didn't know, like I didn't know his morals and his opinions right this way. And I think that maybe they're extrapolating from what just because what Trump believes doesn't necessarily mean that they're how didn't believe the same things, And they're just jumping to conclusions here. So I think if couple have the ability to communicate, hopefully they've got that in place, they can kind of move beyond it. They move beyond it. They could choose, you know, not to discuss it. They can you know, turn off, we turn off the phone to welder together, and they can kind of weather but they just how about you just say, listen, you vote for who you want. I'll vote for a while. Al Right, guys, appreciate the insight, the advice. All Right, when we come back our Friday fgl concert series with a special edition of Michael W. Smith that I'll explain when we come back in Your Calls final half hour on Friday eight one. Sean Hannity Tonight ten Eastern on the Fox News Channel when news breaks, you get the inside story that no one else has and the behind the scenes chatter that the mainstream media doesn't even know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Alright to the top of the hour. It's Friday time for our Friday Feel Good FTL concert series with a special appearance and I'll explain why in a minute by my friend Michael W. Smith. You made it. The week is now officially over for everybody but me. Florida, Georgia line hammer and nail stagging, nimbail. I'm dog tired by the five o'clock car, but I'm reading to raise the hill and Jessy's getting reading. I'm gassing of the shipping. I'm gonna figure the six. I hope she's gonna wear the jeans with the tears that her mama never fixed. The moon girls out and the sun goes down. We find a little spot only in the time twist, I'll said, the little glassing around, dancing the dust, turn to read and that fibe always gue you in. This first temptation in my hands and feeling all right Saturday night. And that's how we do it around here. Yeah, that's how we do it around here, he'll sit back. Here you can find a swear the party's And this is how we read. Lor we hain't nun singing down everything on you. We lighted up where our rinds up. This is how we rule. This is how we do. We're runing down the night she Julie rollings out the movie. This is how we rule. Yeah, baby, this is how we roll. Were rolling in the town, were nothing else to do. We take another lap of around. Yeah, hot lack you boy, if you need rock, if you roll with me, you know, were rolling hop on in thirty seven Netos windows hen in hot p s tho, how first my baby is in the shotguns seto. He kisses off for me though automatic block of free throw you just like I live. It might not be for you, but it's for me though. It's This is how we rule. Oh, we ain't man, singing down everything on the baby. You. We lighted up with our rands up. This is how we rulled, And this is how we view in the world terms Suddenly on his turning, look at you, and this is how we rull. When the sun is lovel and the winter came and the sky fall only bringing rain, I sat in darkness, all broken hearted. I couldn't find a day I didn't feel alone. I never meant for Christ, thought it losing the whole. But somehow, baby he broke through and saved me. An angel till me. You never leave because you're the first thing I knew. I can't believe evening. Your holy, Holy, holy Holy, I'm high. You're loving you. You're loving you, your holy holy call, Holy High, You're loving you, loving you mean the brightest days from the darkest night. You're the river bank where I was baptized, cleansed from the dam that was killing my fred On, let me lay you down, give me to you, get your singing vade hollelu Yeah, we'll be touching. We'll be touching. Ever you renain jail stillly you never leaveing because you're the first day I can't believe you. All right. That's our Friday Feel Good FTL concert series and a special edition today. My good friend Michael W. Smith will be performing Sunday night Carnegie Hall. I'm pretty sure it's sold out. Not sure, but you would never want to miss him in concert. Is amazing. This is one of the songs we played on the Many Freedom Concert tour stops that we had together with an accompanying video was more than moving. There she stands this just into our newsroom. A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Another current was another scenes and airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Was lost. There appears to be a gaping hole. Way there goes, there, goes there, it goes here, it goes. But the full sign has collapsed in funding. At last, I got a complete power by she still to air planes have crashed into the World Trade Center. This we're not going to be cowered by it. That we're not afraid. Faithful the freedom loving nations in the world stand by our sass ship. Rout to have the red, white, blue whiz. We'll not land soon. The way brought to be a part of his country, Jim, I think about the families, the children. To freedom itself was attached and freedom will be defense. He still an area they work here. Just you think it might be some one will raised towards all of our great nations. Because being tested, she strag he didn't fear the latter united free from ry. I would courage. It's there my nation and the garden or holarity, and then we will not forget the twenty eight hundred people feel. Police and fire not only were heroes at the beginning, but they're still heroes and months we're gonna come out of this im ootionally stronger, and the commitment of our fathers is now the calling of our time. I think those guys stood more than anyone ever expected. Over they messed with the wrong city, they missed with the wrong stake st and I just don't want people to forget they all had a sense of duty to protect us. All where we stay falls in our determination. The rest of the country now understand who the true defenders are. The Irish fields, Russian maker lakes and rivers Rushes made the look of the Irish infolog you see, made the blessings of St. Patrick behoof God blessed Ireland and God blessed the United States of America. She still now America is embracing a new ethic and a new creed. Let's roll the phrase New York's Finest and New York's Bravest means something now, doesn't. This is a time to reflect and be thankful for where we are today, and through we will rebuild New York City. She still Yet after America was attacked, it was as if our entire country looked into a mirror and saw our better selves. When evil calls itself on Martyr Michael W. Smith, there she stands. He will be playing at Carnegie Hall on Sunday night. Um, I was. I didn't plan on playing that whole song. I'm sitting here, I'm getting goose bumps as I listened to it, and I am thinking, I can't believe it. We've gone back to where we were, we have forgotten. It's now inspired me to change. My opening monologue for tonight show is that we're now back to a pre nine eleven mindset. Just before nine eleven, there was a lead up to nine eleven colbar towers, the embassy bombings in Kenya and in Tanzania, the first trade center bombing, the Blind Shake, remember him. You might remember the USS coal which is now off the coast of Yemen. And what has happened since then? Okay, we had a we had a post mortem, and we got a nine eleven commission report. I didn't agree with all the findings, but the main thing I agreed with is they were at war with us, Those evil people that call themselves martyr when evil calls itself a martyr. And in the interim, what has happened the emergence of ISIS in the interim, what has happened? Look at what's happened in France and and all over Europe, frankly, with the Islamization, radical Islamization of parts of Europe and unchecked immigration. And here we are debating and discussing as a country whether or not we will inconvenience a few people that are not American citizens, or we will gamble with the lives of Americans, knowing in the interim since nine eleven, ISIS has been created, and all these terror groups are growing with more money than they have ever had, more emboldened than they've ever been, eight years of a pre nine eleven mindset that has taken over where we couldn't even say radical Islam. Where we give the Iranian mulos the number one state sponsor of terror, you know what, a hundred and fifty billion dollars we pay ransom to them for Americans being held and we can't say radical Islamic terrorism. That's politically incorrect. Ford Hood the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Chattanooga, San Bernardino and so many other incidents. I've run through all of them so many times you probably have memorized as I do. And now we can't even seven countries that we have identified with having links to terror and terrorist training, and we can't even vet people from those countries. Frankly, we need to add more of the countries to the list. Looks like the Trump administration is going in the direction that Jay Sekula was talking about, and that it is a rewrite of the executive order. Let's get to some of our phone calls. Here. We have lynn Is in Denver, Lynn High, how are you? And we're glad you called on this Friday? Hi, Sean, great, how are you doing. I'm good. We lived in southern California for twenty years and um, they sell, they sell take social Security cards when people come over the border. And we found out in ninety four that eight different illegals were using my husband's social Security number, both men and women, took out a loan for a house in a car. It was very scary. And I'm just wondering what do liberals have against protecting our country and people breaking the law. I don't know, I you know what part you know, for example, look at the protesters out in Arizona earlier this week and we'll we'll get back into that tonight on TV. You know, here it is a woman that is a convicted felon, you know, guilty of identity theft. It takes if you don't have help. It takes years sometimes to get your name and reputation back if you can even complete the task. And you know what it's like when you call a credit card company, it's a nightmare. You know what it's like if you're dealing with a bank and your retirement money was stolen or your savings were stall, it's a nightmare. My husband's Social Security number was taken by eight different illegals, both men and women. It was on a credit report, their names run a credit they were and it was really hard get it taken care of. And I I did it for a week. I spent a week. Um that was my job was to figure out out And by the way, and you got lucky. It often takes longer. Yeah, hey, I gotta I gotta break. But but listen to me. You have a great weekend. Stay on the line. We're gonna send you one of our Trump pens okay, and we can love a few left. All right, stay right there and have an awesome weekend. Were news break news breaks, you'll hear the inside story that no one else has, behind the scenes chatter that the mainstream media doesn't even know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Ye all right, that's gonna wrap things up with today. I hope you have a great weekend, and I want to remind you that we're on Hannity tonight. You know what, We're now back in a pre nine eleven mindset. That's my opening monologue tonight. And if we're not careful, it's not a matter of if, but when people are gonna die. We'll get into all of that. Korey Lewandowski Jay Secular Tonight, we'll have more on the legal battle as it relates to the extreme vetting. We have guest Steven Gerne, retired marine. Where do you see his viral video out there? Chris Korback Chris Kolback on the issue of immigration, and then Heraldo Rivera bo Dietle on protecting the homeland and the mainstream media bias with Joe Concha and Lisa booth ten Eastern Tonight have a great weekend, and i'll see you back here on Monday. See you tonight at ten