The Dossier Was So Wrong - 12.19

Published Dec 19, 2018, 11:00 PM


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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. All Right, Welcome to the Sean Hattony Show, Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter. If you want to send me any hate tweets or whatever's I'm good for it. In for Sean today. It's been a while. It's now my third separate studio with Sean. It's freezing. I flew up from Florida. I'm still not acclimated to this New York. Whether I'm getting I'm getting soft in my old age, embarrassingly, so I was on I am I'm getting nineteen arms. I don't know, No, No, I mean I am. Because last Nightland, I come into the Marine Air Terminal at LaGuardia and it's ten o'clock at night. So you know, I've been out of New York in Maryland, in the Northeast basically for like four or five years now, and I you know, you should be able to deal with the winner. You walk around, it's a little chili, you get a goosebumper, you don't whine. So last night I walk outside. Nate Fox was nice enough to send the car because, as you know, there's a big night tonight for Dan Bongino. What is it folks. Dan Bongino is in for Sean Haddy on TV two doing a double if you believe this, So what are you gonna say? I just wanted to say that this is a historic moment history, and I know, yes, I get the liner and everyone should be watching it on repeated ring and watch it twice. I don't know if they get double the credit, but watch it twice. Watching it, you might miss something. And if you do, when you watch it the seconds and be like, oh, I didn't see that the fat Linda, you know me with me on TV radio, you literally might miss something. You never know what's coming out of this melon of mind. You know, the inspiration for stuff comes out. It just happened. Stuff just happened, So don't miss it. But they sent the car because they're good like that. And the car was seriously, I mean literally not figured that two minutes late and I'm on the phone with the company and I'm like, please God, send this car. It was like one hundred and twenty seconds. It wasn't even that cold, but I was dying. I was like where it was last night? It was cold, but not enough for one hundred twenty seconds of winding though the poor lady on the phone, please please send this car. I can't even like my mouth. My lips were chapter. I just got off the plane. My lips are already chapped. My muscles are not functioning. The cheeks over. I'm sat. It was so pathetic. The lady on the other line is like, dude, are you serious? Like you just called and I couldn't even finish the conversation. So bottom line, car shows up. I'm all good. I made it. It's nice and warm and toasty in here, got like three four layers on, so I'm good to go. All right, get to the actual show now that I've done enough winding about a goal that is up in New York and I've gotten soft. So something big happened yesterday. By the way, I just changed the whole show, just so you know, Linda, I was gonna do something different, and I turned the page in my handy dandy notebook for my podcast. I'm like, no, let's talk about something different because we got Mark Meadows coming on at the bottom of the hour, so I wanted to hit this. Did you see what happened yesterday? What happened yesterday should have been front page news everywhere on every media outlet in America, and you only really heard about it through isolated conservative channels. Nobody discussed it. What happened the P dossier, you know, the P dossier, the PP tape dossier. That's what I I'm not givenna call it anything less than the P dossier, because nothing demoralizes, right, the dossier more than calling it the PP DOSSI, because that's what it is. The dossier entirely collapsed yesterday and over the weekend. Now you may say, oh, well, whatever, Dan, we you know, we already knew the dossier was crap. Yeah, yeah, we knew that. But now it's on the record documented that this dossier is a steaming pile of horse, you get it. I don't want to have to use the buzzer button here. I just got up to the studio. I don't have to worry about that. But I'm live ready. You can't do that. There are rules and stuff I don't like. Rules. You could probably tell the dossier entirely fell apart. Linda's dying in there. She's had to deal with me for like you are. I can see I've known you for a while. She's like trying to eat inside and she's listening to She's got her hand and she's like, what is going on here? What is I'll tell you what's good. The damn budge a tornado just hit your studio. That's what's going on in my second show today. I taped my podcast from this and thank you Eaton for this. I taped it from the hotel this morning because I'm good like that. I never miss a show ever. So I come in here and I'm like, we gotta talk about this dossier thing because Sean has like seventy five quadrillion listeners and this is the time to get it out. Three big things. Three happened to this dossier. Let's talk about number one. Lannie Davis, who listen. I don't have any problem with Lanny a right, he comes on this show. Lannie's a decent guy, but he's a Clinton guy. He will defend the Clinton's to the death. Lannie Davis is a Clinton guy. Everybody knows lanniy Davis. You've probably seen him on cable news sometimes. Lannie is a Clinton guy. Lannie is also serving as a pr rep for Michael Cohen. Lannie Davis one on a television channel, a cable news station and entirely debunked A key component, central tenant of the dossier that Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney, went to Prague to organize this whole like Russian collusion, Kremlin hacking of Hillary's emails thing. Do you understand, folks that follow me here right? The whole FBI case against Trump is the dossier. Oh, come on, Dan, you're just making that up. No, No, I'm just telling you what. The number two at the FBI, Andy McCabe, the deputy director, said himself. He said they wouldn't have had a case without the dossier. So let's be clear on this because liberals, I know you have a really tough time. I know, facts and like data and stuff can't get through your thick skulls. I understand it. So I'm gonna do this super slow for you. The FBI ism have themselves, excuse me, acknowledged that the case against Donald Trump and his team, this scandal, would not have existed without the dossier. The central core of the dossier, this fake dossier, is that Cohen went to Prague to organize this thing. Well, what's the problem. The dude never went to Prague. He never went to Prague. His own little former lawyer who's now doing pr form, who is at Clintonite. He has no reason to lie when on the air and said he has, let me quote he has never ever and I think there's like six more never evers in there, never ever been to Prague. Now keep in mind Cohen is cooperating with the Special Council. Why would his lawyer at Clintonite lie? You do? Can we hit that? I do you want to ask you about the Steal dossier? Because in that your client has mentioned that he met with Russians in Prague in the summer sixteen. That's Jack Crick didn't he did he go to Prague in the summer twenty six Number one, he never went to Prague. Number two, he never mentioned. Number three. There is a public document on the website of Credit Will and Emery that denies thirteen references to mischie Cohen are false in the dossier. But he's never been to Prague in his life. How many nevers? How many nevers do you need? That was like four or five never. I wasn't keeping track. You know, when you're a kid and you're remember Tom hankson Castaway, when he's putting on the cave wall. How many days he's been on the island. He starts drawing the line and then the vertical and horizontal line through it. Right, how many nevers? Is that? I lost track? The dude has never been the Prague. Yeah, listen, I used to be a federal agent. Okay, I'm not patting myself on the back. I know nobody cares. Everybody's got impressive jobs out there. Good for you all. You all work really really hard for a living. I did at one point or two when I did that. But it doesn't take a federal investigator to break down that the guy's lawyer is conclusively stating for the record on a television station watched by millions that the guy has never been the Prague. Therefore, the dossier, the whole dossier is based on this that Cohen coordinated. This is junk that happened. Lannie Davis is doubling and tripling down on the dossier being garbage. What why is this not everywhere now to be fair? Because the liberal media is never ever fair to us. There have been a couple of I've noticed some let's call them, like entrepreneurial left leaning media outlets who I think are afraid of the egg on their face when the true story of the scandal is told, by the way told in my book Spygate. You like how I threw that in my God, do you have a book? I have a book. Do you believe it? It's in the studio right here behind me? Damn? What is the name of that book? Again? Because Spygate, the attack apalize Donald J. Trump. You can capitalize it, but if you buy it, I don't care if you lowercase it or not. Yeah, money doesn't have to be capital or lowercase. And where where can we buy that? You can do that at Amazon, Barnes and Noble of bookstores. I think that's fantastic. I rely glad we talked about that. Yeah. I in my I actually lay out this scam dossier, how this whole process happened. Thank you, folks. By the way, I appreciate and those of you bought my book means a lot. But this whole thing was a scam from the start. Where is the media again? A few left leaning outlets are starting to touch it, and I don't think it's because they're trying to do the right thing. Using the dreaded air quotes. I'm reasonably confident that they're doing it because they're afraid that the remaining small amount of credibility they have left is about to be destroyed when they realize that the FBI's entire case was based on the equivalent of a piece of expensive toilet paper. Keep in mind, that's not it. There are two more things that happen to entirely destroy the FBI's case against Trump, and I'm telling you you're not hearing about it. Almost anywhere. The dossier has been decimated, Its credibility is over. The other two are just as bad, you know. And I'll get to it on the other side of break. If I do it now and I start talking, I cut off. You're gonna miss it. But I got Congressman Mark Meadows, who's I love this guy. He is one of the few guys up there who actually like stands up for stuff he believes, and so I got him coming up at three thirty at bottom of the year, So don't miss that. We'll hit him up about this too. But on the other side of the break, I'll come back with number two and three while the dacier is total crap. I'm Dan Bongino in for Sean I'll give us a call eight hundred and nine four one seventy three two six. Hey, if you're one of thirty four million Americans that smokes, you know what a hassle it can be for me. I'm out playing golf and I come back smelling like cigars. It's the smell on your hands and your breath, your clothes. But now, thanks to Jewel, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Jewel is a vaporizer. It does contain nicotine. For a satisfying transition. Now, when I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer in my life. I don't smoke any cigars any longer. And Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers to be an alternative to whatever it is you're smoking. 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Three big things happened about this fake Trump dossier, and again nobody's talking about it. Very few isolated pockets of people mentioned that the FBI's case he gets Trump entirely fell apart over the weekend. So before the break, I mentioned the progue story done, finished, garbage over. It's like Marv Albert when he used to remember when he used to do the nick games in the fourth quarter, when the old crappy Knicks used to be getting smoked. He'd call it extensive garbage time. That's where we are now with the dossier. But another thing happened with the dossier. Two reporters who listen, let's not mistake these people for conservatives. They are not. I'm not knocking them. They do their thing. Whatever's I do my thing. But two reporters who were knee deep in this Russian collusion fairytale hoax, right, Greg Miller from the Washington Post and Michael Isikoff from Yahoo News, they were knee deep in this scam scheme, hoax dossier thing. Isakof is just read his name when a matter of fact, one of Isakov's pieces was used as to buttress the fact that the information was correct when it wasn't. It was circular. It was a bunch of circular reporting. But these two are both starting to acknowledge now, both Greg Miller from the Washington Post and Isakoff that the dacier to quote Isakoff large portions of it, meaning most of it. In my case, I know all of it outside of the Carter page going to Russia's story, which is nothing illegal about is quote likely false? Wait wait wait, wait, come again, Like I'm acting this out in the studio because Linda is doing a Twitter live thingy right now. That's right. If you want to see Dan Bongino right now, you have to go to at Linda Mick and add the Bongino and check it out on Twitter. Yeah, you could see me live acting this out. See me take it a swig of water. Very important to stay high. Marco Rubio on my lips are a little chap. That's annoying. But people tell me I licked my lips too much on the air. Seriously, it's annoying people. You should be asking them why they're watching you lick your lips. Question. You know, I've been getting some strange emails like they I think I have the answer to that question for I have to tell you off to you, I'm not sure we'd pass the FCC rules. So these two reporters their knee deepness. Greg Miller from the Washington Post goes on c Span. Actually he's on a c SPAN two interview. I think he's in a bookstore. Forgive me for not having the exact dynamic of where he was, but it was a c Span two interview. Greg Miller from the Washington Post, who has defended the dossier and and the veracity of it in the past is in this like bookstore type atmosphere talking about it, and he acknowledges in this thing that this dossier has a number of problems and a number of holes and can't be authenticated. He's sitting there like telling everyone, but while supporting this thing in the past, that this dossier is probably one big hoax. Even worse, Isakov is starting to come around after write he wrote a book himself on us forgive Me. I don't remember the title, but it was meant to almost, like, you know, to insinuate that this Russian collusion hoax was real. Even Issakov said that the dossier most of it's likely false. Folks, do you understand how damaging this is? These are not These are not right leaning guys. Russian roulette, Russian rule. Yes, that's it, Lindo. He's good in the clutch. It's like Rusty Stob member Rusty Stob for the Mets pinch hitting. Oh, Rusty always came through God rest his soul. But something else happened. I gotta get this in before the break because I want to talk to Congress from meadows on the other side of the break. Don't go anywhere. This show is gonna have a lot of surprises, even for me because I don't even know what I'm gonna talk about next sometime. So don't dare take change the channel. Watch us on Twitter too, Wave Little Wave. Another thing happened. So Christopher Steele's giving a sworn deposition, a sworn deposition in a case where Christopher Steele Fusion GPS is being sued by a Russian bank, Alpha Bank that's mentioned in the dassier follow me, track me here because this is important. A Russian bank alphab Bank is mentioned in the dossier. They feel they were defamed because the dossier's a steaming pile of crap. The dossier just sucks. So this Russian bank and their executives have sued Fusion GPS for including their name. Christopher Steele goes and gives a deposition in the case and answers a question, and when asked about what the purpose of the dossier was, he gives the most mind blowing answer I've heard in the last two years, and you're seeing it again almost nowhere. What does he say? He's like, well, you know, the purpose to the dossier was in case Hillary Clinton's team wanted to challenge the election. Wait wait, why come again? Did I miss that? So now you have this guy who produced this steaming pile of horse maneuver from his alleged Russian sources, right claiming on the record that he used foreign information from Russian sources to assist Hillary Clinton's team and challenging an election. This is a Joe Pesci bing pow boom moment, good night dossier. All right, I'm Dan Bongino back with Mark Meadows too. All right, welcome back to this. Sean Hannity showed Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter in for Sean, As I told you an interview. I'm really excited to dig right into Congressman Mark Meadows from North Carolina, a warrior for freedom. Congressman Meadows, how are you, buddy. I'm doing great, Dan. It's always great to be with you, and thank you for being a real fighter and not just someone who puts out words and doesn't meet it. Well. Listen, you know I think the same. Linda is like, who do you want on this show? I'm like, come on, Meadows, you even text all right back, I love you the best. So Congressman, I want to take use of your time. I only got about maybe fifteen minutes with you, So I want to start. I want to hit a couple of things. I want to get to the wall. But before I get that, you have been all over this. You and Congressman Jordan, who I have enormous respect for as well. You guys have been all over this case, that Docier, the whole spygate tobaccle everything on it. This week we had some just stunning revelations about this. The fact that, as I discuss in the prior segment, that Lanny Davis has now come out and said Michael Cohen's never been to Prague, which is a key component of the dossier. We now even have Washington Post and Yahoo News reporters who were knee deep in this, you know, the collusion hoaxes, real thing, now starting to acknowledge that the dossier was likely false. And then we had this stunning admission by Christopher Steele, Congressman, that the whole purpose of the dossier was to challenge the election in the event that Hillary lost. You know, is this going anywhere on Capitol Hill outside of you and Congressman Newness and Congressman Jordan. Well, I can tell you that the American people hear it. But here's what I find fascinating is we have looked at so much of this stuff, Dan, and for Director Komey to have amnesia when he comes in, for all of these people that come before the Congressional committees, and all of a sudden they seem to forget the whole narrative that is the backdrop. There was no Russian collusion. You've said it, I've said it, and quite frankly, there's no proof in it. There was more wrong with the dossier than was right. The only thing that was accurate on the dossier is the fact that Russia is a country. And I mean, you know, stunning breaking news, Congress of Meadows Russias that got right. There was nothing. This thing was garbage. But Congressman, what bothers me about it is that the number two with the FBI, Andrew McCabe, since terminated from the FBI, has already acknowledged that this case would not have existed without it. So, I mean, just putting this simply, the entire investigation if that Donald Trump was based on a big hoax, and it's now obvious, well it's a twelve million dollar hoax, and so here's the real problem. If we have come to a point in America where somebody can use millions of dollars to create a false document to start an investigation that leads to a special prosecutor that ultimately undermines the legitimacy of a president, or at least that's their effort in this. We've gotten to a bad place in our country where we're allowing this to happen and for it to really stain the credibility of the vast majority of the good men and women that serve in the FBI and DJ only because a few people at the very top allowed it to happen. Yeah, and Congressman, I'm glad you said that because I get emails a lot and people will say to me, having been a former federal agent myself, to say, you know, well, why do you defend the rank and file of the FBI. So one, because I work with them and I think they're terrific. But secondly, as you well know, this case was not investigated at the field office levels. It was kept in this small group at the upper level management people who clearly just didn't do the right thing. So I'm glad you made that distinction. Speaking of the upper management. Though I've been meaning to ask you this question for a while, Jim Comey said something I believe to be outrageous and ridiculous. In these closed door settings the transcripts have been he claims to be and I'm being generous here, unsure and not to know the origins of the dossier. Do you believe him? Well, of course I don't believe him. I don't even think he believes himself. You know, when you really, upon cross examination, you all of a sudden start to see that the very fabric of his argument starts to unravel. And listen, if if I a member of from North Carolina that does not have the investigative talent of the FBI or DJ can figure out who paid for it. When his chief counsel, James Baker, actually knew that the dossier was paid for by the Democrats, how could he not know? It's you know, it's it's an excuse that really doesn't pass the muster. Yeah, I agree, I think it's an outrageous statement. I mean, I've said repeatedly on both talk radio and cable news appearances that Jim Comey's job congressman was to know the origins of the Dacia and that's what they do. And you know, I'm not trying to defend Jim Comey, but just because it was a political document doesn't mean it's not true. But that's why the FBI under Coomey's leadership, was supposed to verify the information, which they clearly wouldn't do. My last question on this, I want to move to the wall because you've been a real stal war for freedom on that one too. But my last question on this, do you think anything is going to happen to Jim Comey? And when I say, I'm talking about maybe administrative sanctions by the FBI or elsewhere. And the reason I bring it up is there's an obvious paper trail here. We have this Woods procedure where they have to verify information in the FISA court. It creates a clear trail here. Now we know you and I know they did not verify it. They didn't. They may have tried, but you know this is like do or do not know? Try like Yoda? If they didn't verify it and swore to it in a court, do you think there'll be any kind of penalties for Comey in the future. I don't know that there'll be penalties for Comy in the future. On the FIS abuse side of things, which is the toughest part of this for you and I is when you violate somebody's Fourth Amendment rights and you use the Constitution against them, not for them. That's the biggest problem where there should be accountability. I do think the director Comy has some real exposure when it comes to leaks to the media. What he knew, what he didn't know, what he authorized and didn't authorize. And part of that is based on testimony that he's given to some committees saying that he wasn't involved in that, and yet there seems to be a plethora of information that would indicate in just the opposite. Yeah, the leaks are I mean, we know, we know there's one clear felony in the case, and that's the felony leak of Mike Flynn's name to David Ignatius of the Washington Post. That's an actual crime. We don't know who did it yet, but we know that happened. But let me move on and take use of your time here on the wall issue. This is listen, this is the signature issue for a lot of the maga crowd out there. Folks like my myself who support this president. I think he's been doing a great job. I think he's you know, there are obviously a lot of headwinds. We've had this hoax investigation and a bunch of racalcitrant Democrats who don't want to get anything done and give him a victory on this. But this is a key moment, Congressman. I think you and I both both see the writing on the wall here. He has got to stand fast on this funding. I see you're pushing it. There's five billion dollars for the wall. You're standing fast on it. Do you think this is going to happen? Or is Chuck Schumer telling us the truth when he says, listen, I'll shut down the government forever over this thing. I'm not giving you your money for the wall. Well, he's not going to give money for the wall unless what we see as some kind of amnesty deal that he agrees to. It's all going to be on Chuck and Nancy's terms right now, and that's why I'm fighting. I believe the fight is today. I think the president is being very poorly served. Anybody who is telling him to sign this short term continuing resolation, which is the funding bill, and push it into February when Nancy Pelosi becomes a speaker. How is that supposed to increase our odds of getting the wall. I can tell you he's being poorly served. He's been poorly served by our leadership. They told him last week they didn't have enough people here to pass a straight funding bill with wall funding that five billion. Well, they had enough people to pass a farm bill without work requirements. They had enough Republicans there, we had, We had more than seventeen majority Republicans that could have voted for it. And what did leadership tell the president? Oh, well, we don't have enough to pass it. I can tell you the President needs to veto this. Hopefully he will. I'm not optimistic based on the advice that he's getting that he will. And sadly, we'll be sitting here in February with Chuck and Nancy with big smiles on their face, knowing that they've gotten the president by the short hairs. You know, congressman, what is wrong with the Republican Party? You know, I tweeted out less than I was on a plane. I was landing, and I was watching a segment on Fox and the election results came up, and listen, it wasn't a good election. I mean, everybody can say that now we did okay in the Senate, we didn't because I think we could have done better. A couple of seats we could have won. The Congress was it was a wash. We got crossed, and we need to all say that. But what I was thinking in my head and what I tweeted out is you ever notice the Democrats lose elections when they actually implement their agenda like Obama implements Obamacare, tax sits regulatory reform, and the Democrat Party outside of Obama is it completely wiped out. They had the lowest power they've had since nineteen twenty eight collectively across the country. So when the Democrats win, America loses. But when the Republicans lose elections, they lose elections because they don't implement their agenda. How do the leaders I think this is what rank and file, working Americans with dirt under their fingernails, who lace up work boots and actually do stuff outside of this insulated DC bubble of elitist You not included. I love you to death, but don't they understand that the reason nobody showed up to vote for them is precisely because they punted on everything you got. We got the tax cuts and I was in. They punted. They tried an Obamacare, but we couldn't get it through. This is why they lose. Why are they repeating this failed strategy, This wall has to happen. Well, they have a bad case of Potomac fever, which makes them believe everybody here in Washington, DC and no one back home. And I can tell you you and I don't have Potomac fever. We're listening to the grassroots each and every day, and you know what, they've had enough of it. They would rather allow the Democrats to take control than have Republicans who are going to disappoint them. And you know what, I can't blame them. Yeah, I mean, we've just become it seems a party. And again it's not everyone you got. You you got Jim Jordan, Devin Nuness. You There are good people up there, you know, Mike Lee, Ran Paul, people who believe and even people you know sometimes I disagree with, but I know are principal justin Amosh being one of them, I don't agree with them on everything, but listen, you can't deny the guy stands for what he stands for, right, But we have these other these congressmen and congresswomen in our party that go up there and they sell us the world and they go up there and they do nothing. The only people I see speaking out about the key issues right now spending this spying disaster on the Trump team, this dossier thing, the wall, are this same pocket of guys every time, you, Jordan, every single time. It's just frustrating. And you know, I'm glad you get it. I just wish others would out there up on the hill. Well, thank you for speaking out to Dan and listen. Without you being willing to really step in and say it forcefully and directly, we wouldn't be able to take the message to the American people. And so Jim Jordan and Devin Nunez and myself and a lot of the other guys and the Freedom Caucus are willing to stand in and fight to fight, help this president make sure that the MAGA agenda gets accomplished. Hopefully he won't get infected with potomac fever like everybody else here. Yeah, let's hope he took his vaccine. Congressman, one quick exit question. I'm sorry, I'd be remiss if I did to ask you this. What's the potential for a declassification of the documents? Both you, Congressman Newness, and Jim Jordan have been asking for the FISA documents three zero two is the McKay memos. Do you see this being to classified by President Trump anytime soon? I do see it being declassified, primarily one some of these individuals, General Flynn, Tapadopoulos, etc. Are where the case is closed. I think he will actually declassified at that point. It will tell the rest of the story, which will be shocking to the American people, and quite frankly, they'll start to understand what a number of us have been fighting for for many, many months. Yeah. I can't wait for that day. And for all the wrong reasons, I just wish we weren't having this conversation. I think you and I both agree that we take absolutely no joy in this at all. This happened under our names, and the greatest country on Earth is just a darn sham. Congressman, I just want to humbly and respectfully asked too that you just keep doing what you're doing. You know people are listening. I'm listening to other people out there I know or hearing what you're saying. And I don't want you to think what you're saying has fallen on deaf ears. Man. You know, we're not waiting for any other leaders. We got him now, but it's you and Congressman Jordan, and you've got America's back and we've got yours too. So thanks for coming on the show. I really appreciate you're a good man. Dan, Thanks so much. We appreciate you. God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you, Sir Mary Christmas. All right, that was Congressman Mark Meadows. You know they're not all bad folks. We got a few good warriors up there, and we got to back them up when we find them. All right, I'm Dan Bongino, went for Sean Hannity. Want to give us a call. One eight hundred and nine four one seven three two six. It's one eight hundred nine four one seven three two six. Would be at back. We're having a little too much fun in his studio. It should be illegal. We said to get paid for today. Oh you know, I don't want to get pay. Don't even pay me. Seriously, I don't want it. I don't even want it. I'm gonna return it back. We've had a good year. I'm Dan Bongino. If for Sean Hannity at the Bongino on Twitter, if you want to send me some hate mail or whatever. And what about that book? Oh, the book? Yes, I wrote a book too, if you want to, I can out entirely debunking the scam against Donald Trump. Please check it out. So great, but we were a best seller thanks to you spygate, the attempted sabotage of Donald Trump with a d C. McAlister and Matt Palumbo. And this time write it with a small less well. I wrote it in like a little like crilla kind of type. And sometimes people see it like, what does that really say spygate? Yes it does, So check it out. I'd really appreciate. I think you'll like it. We eviscerate this entire case against Trump. That's what we've been talking. You guys have an ice maker in here, Yes, we do, folks, Sometimes things good hot in here. Apparently that is not me in making bodily noises on you. That's the ice maker in the back. I'm like, what is okay? First of all, does not go through the It doesn't wait wait, can we got this microphone over there? Okay? Is there a way to get a portable mic by the ice? This thing is making funny sense. The best part is that I can always forget it's in there. Because Sean loves ice, So we got him an ice machine last year for Christmas. And the first day it was in there, it was making all this way. It sounds like it's someone burping. Sean lost his money, goes, what is that? Oh, that's your Christmas present? He goes, are you joking? Why is there ice? What is he doing? Like? Is he ice? He eats it or something? He eats it? Oh? To keep like the mouth and stuff up. You know, when you talk as fast as Sean Hannity does, sometimes you a little ice. Listen. He knows a lot of tricks. He's been doing this for a long time. You like that. I'm not even gonna miss the break. You're amazing. You like that. If you didn't even us to your club, listen, if you did a ninja move right now, you would just wipe Sean off the map. Forget about it. A couple upper guns. All right, folks, I can do have to take a break. I'm Dan Bongino for shurey don't miss it, Greg Jared dug shown coming up. All right, welcome back to the Sean Hannity showed Dan Bongino at de Bongino on Twitter, filling and for Sean. If you'd like to give us a call eight hundred and nine four one seven, three two six with me now. David shown Civil liberty, Civil liberties, excuse me, attorney and Greg Jarrett Greg author of a monster bestseller, A must read, The Russia Hoax. If you haven't read it, I've read the book. Excuse me. You are not as informed on this issue as you think you could be, so Greg, David, thanks so much for joining me. Ye, we really appreciate it. Greg, let me go to you first. So we had a pretty astounding weekend regarding the docia, Greg, which you've thoroughly exposed in your book, and the machinations behind it. The progue story's fallen apart. Michael Azakoff, the Yahoo News reporter who was one of the guys advancing the dossier at one point, has acknowledged the components of it are likely false. We've had a sworn deposition from Christopher Steele acknowledging that it was likely used to fight back against the results of the election for Hillary Clinton. I mean, Greg, how is this not front page Who's all across America? Because the mainstream media DAN doesn't want it to be. They only want to print and perpetuate anti Trump stories. But anything else to the contrary, anything that might be supportive of Trump, they bury it or they don't print it at all. And you're right the dossier. Look at the allegations in the dossier. Cohen's trip to Prague, turns out it never took place. Carter Page large stake in a Russian company, turns out it never happened. The Trump tape in a hotel room in Moscow non existent. Other compromising information in the seventeam memos of the dossier absolutely zero. It never happened. Trump Tower meeting in Moscow a sweetheart deal, no evidence of that. The dossier claimed that Manaford was a mastermind of collusion, and the Wiki Leaks documents turns out that's not true either. No evidence, and yet James Commy and his confederates use this to lie to a FISA judge to see the court and spy on the Trump campaign. If anybody committed wrongdoing or acts of illegality, it's coming in the others. Yeah, bought on, David. From your perspective as a civil liberties attorney, it's clear there have been violations here. I mean, comy himself is acknowledged at a minimum that even basic things like the interview of Mike Flynn, we're not according to standard operating procedure that in a standard transition and an administration, they probably would have notified White House Counsel before sending agents to interview Flynn. But that's kind of and I'm not alleging there's something illegal about that. Maybe improper, which I'd argue, but it's not illegal. The FBI is under no legal obligation to notify you to get an attorney unless it's a custodial interview, and it's still your choice. But one of the things I want to ask you, David, is the Fiser Court was clearly lied to at this point, clearly lied to. It's clear as day from Greg's book the Russia Hoax and other people out there been doing investigative reporting on this, that information that made it into the Fiser court where people raise their right hand and sward. It was clearly inaccurate. Where are where's the court on this? David? What are we missing? Why isn't the court system more upset about this? Yeah? Dan, you're right on and you're also right that Greg details many, if not all, of the crimes in this thing. And I want I want to just back up one step. You know you mentioned about Comee a minute ago. You're a blog today says it all when you say Comey doesn't care who paid for the dossier. That really sums up his arrogance. And as far as the mainstream media not covering it, that's what Comey, That's what all of these folks have banked on, and that's what's happening with the fives and memo. It's a great question where's the court on this? Because the Court Susponte could on its own, could convene a hearing. They have in a Pellot division could convene a hearing. And Judge Collier frankly should have you know she laid it off when she's gotten letters to the court. They're all on their website, on the court's website asking for a certain documents. She said, Listen, the executive branch is free to give you all of these Another reason. We've suggested many times that all of these things should be declassified. But tomake is a great one. This is the most secretive court in the country and the most contrusive veilance. We can't afford to have one lie there. Their own rules Rule thirteen to requires them if there's any material omission or misstatement in anything filed to immediately correct it. They have never done it. Yeah, I don't get it. And Greg, what your book, by the way, is really the authoritative book on the mouthfeas and set the FBI. The detail laid out in this upper management cabal that manages cases extraordinary. So I wanted to throw this one to you here. Jim Comey has said something in his recent testimony up on Capitol Hill not under oath, which is ironic at this point, and Comy emphasized that this is not under oath. Right, Comy said something so ridiculous. I'm having a hard time believing that even left leaning outlets who may have supported him in the past aren't questioning him on this. How could he possibly not know the origins of the Dacier. Greg, the guy had one job, which was to verify and authenticate the sources in this How could he not know? This? Is? This isn't believable. You know. His amnesia is quite literally as you say, unbelievable. He can't recall who drafted the document that launched the Trump Russia investigation, claims he never knew his FBI director that Clinton or Fusion, GPS, or the Democratic National Committee were all responsible for the Trump dossier. Bruce or in his role quote, I don't know anything about that. Commy testified he hardly knew anything about Christopher Steele, who composed the phony dossier, didn't know when the FBI fired Steele for Lyne. My guess is that Commy is either the most incompetent and clueless director of the FBI ever, or he's lying. My guess is he's lying. Greg. I could not agree with you more on this, and David, I'll throw this one to you. But on this front, just before I get to you, David, there's no option see here either he as you just that he is clearly either incompetent in the most impactful counterintelligence investigation in modern US history, failed to do his due diligence or he's lying. I couldn't agree more. There's no option. See but David, as from you in your experience as an attorney, here, there is an actual procedure to authenticate this information before it goes into the Fiser coort, the Woods procedure if it follows the parallel tracks in the DOJ and the FBI, and the purpose of it is to avoid a star chamber like atmosphere the Fiser Chords a secret court. There were some protections built in. One of those protections was this information is going to be vetted along multiple channels at multiple levels, horizontally and vertically within the DOJ and the FBI. Again, and kind of a similar question to why isn't the Fiser Chord speaking out? There's got to be some paper trail, David somewhere showing the steps they took to verify this docier and where they blew it. No, am I wrong on this right? And that's the most important part of this process. In a regular warrant search, a seizure warrant, that's the most important part of the process. With the files the court, it's by far the most important. Listen if the court's not going to do anything on its own. I honestly believe the Carter page or a file emotion to intervene. Um he's an aggrieved party because he's picked up, he's a target of this surveillance. I think you should file emotion to intervene in the ice S Court and demand immediate review and discovery and perhaps a contempt motion to bring this thing to the four once and for all in the files A court. Greg, let me ask you this. There's there's there's some talk out there that there were multiple fizes. We know there was a Fizon Carter page, again documented in your book, The Russia Hoax. Folks, I can't recommend it enough. It's a it's a it's a must read. You can't understand this case without it. There there's talk out there that are up to four fizes in this case. Again, we know about the Fizon Carter page that's been well documented. Was there a FISA out there? Do you, based on the information out there, I know where I stands, you think there could have been a FIES out there on Mike Flynn. Well, I've been trying to get to the bottom of this. I do believe there was more than the four successive fises on Carter Page. I think they were spying on others and may have used the FI Suport for a warrant application for that purpose. If so, they've done a fabulous job of covering it up and keeping it secret. But I have to think that it was more than Carter Page, that there were others that they were spine on and we just don't know it yet. And you know, I wish we could do is David said. The only person who can order the FI Sucort to hold a show cause hearing in contempt is Chief Justice John Roberts of the US Supreme Court. He's in charge of the five Succort. He appoints all twelve members of the FI Succort, and only he can direct the presiding judge to hold a hearing to get to the bottom of this. You know, it worries me, Greg because fidelity to the Constitution and the rule of law requires us all to buy into the system. And one of the things that bothers me, and I think bothers all, you know, American patriots who love this country out there is they please they see these clear abuses of the system, and it appears it appears now that justice is blind, but only blind to Democrats. It appears that they got away with it. Hey, can I hold you guys over? Would you mind hanging for the for the next segment? All right, great, it's like they'll hiaga by Well, let me ask him just to be sure. All right, I'm talking to David Shown, civil liberties attorney and Greg Jarrett, author the Great Books, A great book, The Russia Hoax, and Fox News legal lanist. We'll be right back on the other side of his break. Don't go anywhere, be right back, all right. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity's Show, Dan Bongino and for Sean, do you want to give us call? Eight hundred and nine four one seven, three two six. We're talking to David Shoon's civil liberties attorney and Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal nists, analysts and author of The Russia Hoax. Um, David, I'll start with you on this one. UM, Mike Flynn yesterday, I'd be remiss if I didn't get a get from from two attorney's get a solid opinion on this one. So the sentencing hearing yesterday slightly bizarre. I think that made the understatement of the year. You know, I'm working out in the gym trying to watch this thing, listening on serious XM, and I'm sitting here like what the heck is going on? It appeared to me at one point that just a grave mistake was made by Judge Sullivan, who used the word treason and appeared to have screwed up the dates where Mike Flynn was doing some work for the government of Turkey with his employment date at the White House. I mean, this is a grave error that had made it around the entire liberal media ecosystem before you know, the judge even had a chance to correct it. Have you ever seen anything like this a sentencing hearing like yesterday? Not at all. I been too many. It was bizarre. How is that right? And he was absolutely wrong what he said and eventually apologize. I think there are a couple before he's going here. One is, you know we've seen from two major immigration decisions. Is certainly a very respected judge, but you've seen a very very strong and trump bias or at least position with respect immigration and a sense of outs that he's shown yesterday he showed that outrage again. And he may just be grouping general in what he considers to be sort of the administration. I also think though, that his lawyer made a mistake. Flynn decided a while ago. I've said from the start that I should have entered the plea and should have withdrawn it. That's easy to say. His fans was under pressure and lost everything. So it's very easy to say from the outside. Once he made this decision to fully create, the government owned him, and he's owned by members of the Mother Team that are vicious, unscrupulous, and unethical. They own him. So from the lawyer at the end of the senm memo that he filed to throw in the bit about the government misconduct, which is clear, miss one, who has to wonder what his heroy of the case was and what his endgame was there could Yeah, all right'm having some trouble at your audio there, David greg I'll go to you on Flynn. Does he have any legal recourse here? Greg? I mean it was clear yesterday although we had that unfortunate moment with the treason we'd getting thrown out there, which yes, he did correct. I want to be clear on that, Judge Sullivan. That is it also appeared when questioning the Special counsel Greg that he was questioning the origins of the case in and of itself, asking them, well, why were you even interviewing Mike Flo What is the credic ad crime? And they responded, hilariously, I might add, with this logan act nonsense. I mean, a crime that has never been successfully charged since seventeen ninety nine, since it was written up. Does Flynn have any legal recourse? If I'm not suggesting I don't have any inside info here. But if he were to change his mind and say, you know what, I want to fight this at this point, well he has two options. One he can withdraw his plea and fight it, which I've recommended all along, because Muller couldn't possibly win his case in front of a jury. Have to show that Flynn's statements to the FBI agents were knowingly and willfully faults. A failed recollection doesn't satisfy that legal standard, so Mueller couldn't possibly win. So that's option number one. Option number two is to challenge the judge for bias, and there's a rich record from yesterday that demonstrates the judge's bias. He was oblivious to the facts of the case, oblivious to the law and ended up retracting his statements and apologizing and saying I feel terrible for uttering those words. He should but those words matter, and the liberal media of course focused entirely on those words which the judge withdrew. But they do exhibit a bias on the part of the judge, and he should not now be presiding over any further proceedings associated Michael Flynn. Yeah, I agree, Greg. It was really unfortunate. David. I got about a minute left the last question. I appreciate your patience, both of you, staying on the phone with me here with this case. If this were to go to trial, say, for instance, Mike Flynn decides I'm withdrawing my play. I am not going to plead guilty this. There was no knowing and willing component. I just misremembered, whatever it may be, given the three O twos that are now out there in the public. The interview summaries of Flynn's interview, where he says a couple of times, yeah, you know, good reminder, thanks for reminding me. There are multiple conversations He's like, well, I don't really remember, he says. In one case, I think this case is open and shut for Flynn. I can't imagine these FBI agents on the stands saying, yes, we agreed he wasn't lying. Well, you're charging with lying. I mean, this seems like an open and shut case for Flynn. I think that's right, except that we don't know what went on in the debriefings because remember he has a cooperation agreement that allows them if he ever challenges their theory of the case in any way, not just which withdraws, please, even challenges, They allow them to the government Muller team to use any statements he's made and that statements did they characterize, because remember these meetings with him aren't recorded. So if you have two members or one member of the mother team that says no, Flynn actually further admitted this and admitted that, then they can use that evidence now against Flynn. Listen, what I would say is this, if you look at the transcript from Coomy before Congress, there are about a dozen times at least in which he can David, I'm sorry, I gotta run gets a hard break. But thanks a lot David showing Greg Jared, I really appreciate your patience. I'm Dan Bongino went for Sean Hatty. We be right back. Dan Bongino went for Sean Hattie. I can't do as good of a Bob Grant as hat I can't even do as good of a Hannity as I could do with Bob Grant. That was pretty good. I didn't know he did impress in Sean. That's pretty solid, right there. I'm at de Bongino on Twitter. If you want to send me messages, compliments, criticisms, whatever, if you want to give us a call one eight hundred and nine four one seven, three two six, all right. I wanted to get back to Jim Comey because this is critical. He has been up on Capitol Hill. I'm doing one of two things. Comey's either been advertising his ignoramus status as the worst and least competent FBI director in the history of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or he's been up on Capitol Hill lying his butt off. There's no option. See, we had Greg, Jared and David Shonan before and we brought up this point. There is there's simply no option. See here Comey has entirely discredited himself. Let me bring up something you may have missed a lot of everybody you worked for all liver and you've got your kids' soccer games, you're cooking dinner, You've got things going on. You may have missed this, but Comey said something about a meeting, and if you put two and two together here, you kind of start to get the picture about what Comey, the FBI, and the DJ higher ups involved in this cabal to hit the Trump team. We're hiding, folks. I've said from the beginning, whether it's in my book or you know, if you read other people's books on this spygate debacle, one of the things they're hiding in this case is they're not through the This will make sense in a second with relationship to Colly. Don't worry. I'm not gonna lose you. One of the things the swamp the liberal cabal, you know, the media folks interested in protecting the imagery of the you know, the liberal liberal wing of the party. One of the things they're hiding is not Hillary Clinton's email scandal. They're not protecting Hillary anymore. You're probably like, what what do you mean. Of course the media is protecting Hillary. No, No, they're hiding the intricacies. A lot of these liberals of the email scandal and the swamp rats. But it's not to protect Hillary. That story got some coverage. What they're really hiding is the role of someone else in Hillary's email scandal, and Jim Comey outed a lot of it yesterday. They're hiding the role of Barack Obama. Remember, folks, we now know that Barack Obama emailed Hillary on her private email. How do we know that? Because Hillary Clinton never used who's the government email? So we know the Hillary Clinton email case, by its very nature implicates Barack Obama when he was the president. We know that this is not in dispute. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's on an X files fairy tale. This actually happened. Barack Obama is knee deep in this Hillary Clinton email scandal. So Coomy is up on the hill yesterday and Coomy talks about this meeting with higher ups on June twenty seventh of twenty sixteen, the FBI higher ups, and he's questioned by Congressman John Radcliffe about what happened at that meeting. Of course, he gives kind of a lucy goosey answer, and he can never nail him down on specifics. But the reason I bring up the excuse me the June twenty seven, twenty sixteen meeting is because something else happens on June twenty seven, twenty sixteen. I won't leave you in suspense, don't worry. That's the day of the Loretta Bill Clinton just by chance tarmac meeting, the infamous Tarmac meeting. Now Ratcliffe tries to pin him down and ask him, you know all these two things related. Of course Comey can't give a straight answer. They're trying to disconnect these two things. But something interesting happens three days later. Now I'm just giving you the timeline. You do with the timeline what you want. The timeline is a fact. Obviously I was not in these meetings, but I find it awfully coincidental that on the same day Bill Clinton, just by chance happens to run into the attorney general for Barack Obama, Laretta Lynch, while his wife is under investigation for this email scandal and is getting intense media scrutiny. On the same day, there's a meeting with the FBI Jim Comey in some higher ups, and then three days later after that June twenty seven, twenty sixteen meeting, something happens. What happens the draft of the speech Jim Comey's about to get on July fifth. Remember the speech you all remember right when he got up on television laid out this beautiful case against Hillary Clinton and then ends the speech on TV saying yeah, but no, you know, reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this case. And we were all left sitting there like, wait, what did I miss something? Comey laid out an entirely prosecutable case and that July fifth speech and then ends it by injecting his own opinion into its saying no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute it. It was. It was a strange moment. I was sitting there thinking Comy was laying out this elegant case, and all of a sudden he does the dipsie dew flip Peru throws a curveball and says, nah, no reasonable prosecutor would take this case. That speech, That speech happens on July fifth, the Tarmac meeting June twenty seven, twenty sixteen, the FBI meeting June twenty seven, twenty sixteen. June thirtieth, three days after this meeting, and FBI headquarters in the Red a Lynch Bill Clinton meeting, the draft of that July fifth speech is changed. Oh yeah, oh nice, nice? What did changed from in the original speech? Because now we know because we've seen the drafts Now, the original speech mentions emails to Barack Obama from a while Missus Clinton was on a foreign adversary, soil you have that, Yeah, yeah, it could play that. Finally, with respect to our recommendation to the Department of Justice, in our system, the prosecutors make the decisions about whether charges are appropriate based on evidence that the FBI helps collect. Although we don't normally make public our recommendations to the prosecutors, we frequently make recommendations and engage in productive conversations with prosecutors about what resolution may be appropriate given the evidence. In this case, given the importance of the matter, I think unusual transparency is in order. Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily a way a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges. They're obvious considerations like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent, responsible decisions also consider the context of a person's actions and how similar situations have been handled in the past. In looking back at our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information or vast quantities of information exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct, or indications of disloyalty to the United States, or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here. Okay, call me is just making that up. Hillary Clinton's own emails, she was asking people to strip out the classified markings. Comey's just making that up. But I believe with every little fiber of my decaying human soul right now. I say decaying because at forty four, I know I'm not that old, but I feel really old. I believe Jim Comey is one percent covering for Barack Obama because you remember, the Hillary email case implicates Barack Obama. You want Barack Obama on the stand in a trial where guilty is sin. In my opinion. Hillary Clinton's up there trying to defend herself on these email charges that she released classified information in an unauthorized manner. Folks, Obama was knee deep in this thing. Now even worse, comy who was not under oath. I want to remind you how he gets a pass on getting under oath and getting sworn in. I don't know, but comey who is not under roath set in the hearing. Also that Hillary Clinton, during her interview about the email scandal, was not asked about the Obama email. He wasn't asked. How was she not asked? I don't get that. That's like walking into a bar and ordering like a mousy Remember Moosey, that non alcoholic beer. You don't go into bar from Moosey. You get the beer, you go, you get, go for the green grenades, the Heinekens or whatever. You don't go into an interview with Hillary Clinton and not ask if she emailed the president United States. You think there may be some sensitive info in there. Hey, I'm just saying so you're you're let me get this straight to the FBI guys who went in there and interviewed Hillary Clinton. You're interviewing her about the potential potential dissemination of massive trows of classified information through her private, unsecured email server. Right, this is what you're asking her about, and you're not concerned at the fact that she may have emailed the President the United States? What do you think they were talking about hot yoga? What you believe this story? Now, we were talking about the kid's wedding. You weren't talking about the wedding. We need that drop from uh, Vince Vaughan from what is the wedding crash? Is erroneus erroneus on all counts this We can someone please find that we need Vince Vaughn right now. This is insane. You don't ask Hillary about emails to Obama. This is like Looney Tunes time. Jim Comey said, Dad, Now I listen. I know liberals listen to the show. I know it. I know it because I see sometimes these crazy websites that go after everything. Sean said. Sean said, he's Hamburgers. He can't say he's Hamburgers. Johan, Oh my gosh, because they're they're nuts. They love that. I don't listen to liberals shows. Yes again, one more time, oh yes, Roneus, thank you Vince my favorite sound drop ever. I love it. I know you liberals are listening, so I'm gonna answer your questions for you. I know what you're thinking right now, media matters, looney tunes and all you're you know. I know you're in the basement with the s'mores, probably got the Internet porn going. I get it. I know what you do right you're thinking right now? Well, Bubba, well, Bubba, do no Hillary z Bill really, because to see, I remember like working in the White House and doing this kind of stuff. Let me just walk you through how this works. I know you're really dopey at times and you have a tough time, but if I take it slow, maybe you'll figure it out. The president has a BlackBerry. The BlackBerry does not receive emails from every Tom, Dick and Harry out there. Why, Liberals, I get it, I know you don't. This is really hard to comprehend. But the President United States cannot get emails from like, you know, the these these trojan horse emails that are going to infect his BlackBerry in the whole White House system. So there's a white list, a list of emails from people in the White House obviously, and from friends of his that he gives to walk of the White House Communication Agency or his staff does and says, hey, these are good. These are white list emails, right, Hillary Clinton's email how to be on their folks. It had to be on there. It was a private email, it wasn't a government email. Somebody had to vet this. Now do you see what these people are hiding. Obama and his staff have to be involved in this. They have to somebody how to tell waka with that BlackBerry or that device, however Obama read his emails. Somebody had to let that email in. This is what they're hiding. I'm telling you. They don't care about Hillary anymore. They don't. The Clintons are done. They're doing that book tour and it's like on Groupon for like that, they'll pay you to show up. The tickets were like a thousand dollars. Now you show up on Groupon and the Clintons give you a thousand dollars. It's like here, here's a book at a thousand dollars ticket for toys. Rust toys rusts out of business. You go to Target or something, go buy your kids Christmas presence. The Clinton are done. Nobody's protecting to Clinton's anymore. Even liberals aren't protecting to Clinton's anymore. Even liberal newspapers are writing like, all right, Clinton's time to go exit stage left. Thanks fellas and ladies, thank you, have a nice day. It's Obama they're protecting. He is knee deepness. And to the libs listening because again, I know facts data. I know you've been immunized at an early age against that stuff. I know it's hard challenge what I'm saying, I dare you tweet? Tweet me back at Dee Bongino. Tell me Barack Obama didn't, despite the fact that it's already out there and publicly disclosed, didn't have email communications with Hillary Clinton on that private email, tell me that that original draft of Jim Comey's speech. Didn't say that. Tell me Barack Obama, when asked about it in media interview, didn't say, oh, I learned about it in the media. Hillary's email. Really, you emailed her, You emailed her on the email? How did you miss that? You know? Michelle Obama said the other day, you know, I'm in the room with all there's a lot of smart people, but they're they're really not all that bright. Well, Barack Obama thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. How do you not figure out that a non government email wasn't a government email? I mean he taught at Harvard, right, why are you covering for him? Inquiring minds want to know. See now I'm about fired up. I was just calmed down. Everything was nice and nice, right? What outside is my favorite tricks? I need that. I need that in my life. I also need a mob Where's the MoMA meat Loaf? Drop if you can? Yeah, you can't do a show. Whatever the meat loaf? If you don't have to meet love. It's not a Dan Bongino show. I'm sorry. I like Vince Vaughn better than Farrell, though, because one is at least a libertarian. I love, Love, love Vince Vaughn. You can't beat him. But the MoMA beat loafl's a classic, though? Is he Chaz? Is he Chaz? Will farrellt the movie Baby Chazz? Right? Yes, thank you, thank you? All right, folks, Dan Budgie, you don't do I'm the worst of these pop culture references. That's why I have to ask. I'll be back with the other side break if you want to give us a call. Eight hundred nine four one seven three two six. It's eight hundred and nine four one seven three two six. Would be a friend? Are we going with this? Folks? Is totally by surprise, if a little surprise for it. Look Christmas surprise, you know what? I will have some meat load. Let's have some meat. Look, get the beat loaf? Me. Yes, that is why I love this show. Where else can we do that? Where else can we do that? The meat loaf? At Listen, there are a lot of people out there. If you know me, you know Linda. But if you know me and you know boy, you know exactly where we're going with the meat. Where's the meat loaf? Listen to my podcast sometimes you'll get to an inside joke. It's funny to meat loaf? Where's the meat loaf? All right, stay tuned. I got Congressman Andy Biggs on the other side is break don't go anywhere. I'm Dan Bungino Sean Haddan. All right, welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. Dan Bongino at the Bunge you know on Twitter in for Sean. If you'd like to give us call eight hundred and nine four one seven three two six. I promise I will get to some of your calls in this hour. I didn't forget. But with me now. Another guy really admire Congressman Andy Biggs, member of the Freedom Caucus. He represents Arizona's fifth district. Congressman Biggs, thanks a lot for taking the time. I appreciate it. My pleasure. Dan, good to be with you. So, Congressman, you're you're read in on what's going on with this lot Loretto Lynch testimony today, of course, the former attorney general in the Obama administration. I think the big question of regarding Loretta Lynch, who is I'm not sure if you agree with this, and if you don't, that's fine, you can call me out on it. But Loretta Lynch is kind of skated in this whole you know, spying scandal on the Trump team. I mean, people have done their homework on it, but of all the players Brennan, comey, Andy McCabe, she's got kind of a light pass on this. She's up on Capitol Hill today. Is anybody trying to get to the byo you are, but any of the kind of weaker members up there trying to get to the bottom of what her role did she just do a complete pass Why the biggest spying scandal in American history was going on while she was the Attorney General? Is she going to clear this up for anyone? Yeah? No, you're exactly right, she is. She really has gotten it easy. And the reason that I think she's gotten it easy is because because she's basically deflected everything to Komy. And the Inspector General said, hey, comey was insubordinate, and he was insubordinate, but she let him be insubordinate. I mean, think about that. I mean she let him be insubordinate and do his own thing. And and she was the Attorney General. I mean she tried to she told me. I specifically asked the question, well, who made the decision? She said to not prosecute Hillary Clinton. She said on July sixth, I did, Well, remember on July fifth, that's the day that Komy came out with his big presses. Yeah, so so the day before he says, look, there's nothing there. And so I got to talk to her about, you know, the the culpable mental state, which Comy changed to intent, and she's basically said, hey, I don't remember what those were. I don't I don't know what the word. She was loquacious. She said a lot, but she didn't say anything at all. Well, let me ask you this other follow up question here about this tarmac meeting. And let me be clear, I don't go into this, you know, unlike liberals, who will, you know, impugne our motives the minute we open our mouths, I don't go into this with any preconceived notions of what happened. I'm suspicious of it, highly suspicious of it. But the infamous tarmac meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, I believe that was an Arizona right, Oh yeah, and Phoenix, Yeah, and Phoenix at the Phoenix airport. Knowing what I know, having been a former Secret Service agent myself, and how these things don't just you know, happen air quotes there, Congressman, was she clarifying or edifying in any way about what the purpose or intent of this meeting was or what was said? No? No, So here's the way you have to understand the way this comes out. The way I understand based on her testimony today. First of all, you know this it's June. It's June twenty seventh. It's hotter than blue blazes. Actually, on a tarmac. It's a small plane she's in and guess what. All of a sudden, the Secret Service says, hey, the former president would like to see it, and he pops up. He's there at her plane that she's at. So so she's in there, and she says for nine or ten minutes that he's talking to her about blah blah blah, you know, how the kids, blah blah, I've got kids, and then also starts talking to some of her staff. Perhaps but here's the thing, Dan, and she she did not clarify this, but you do not have to specifically say you didn't really need to let Hillary off, because she's done right by you. Just to get that message across, he's asking how her kids are, how my grandkids. I've got grandkids too, you know, and they you know, they love us, you know, Hillary, and I like going and seeing blah blah blah. What she's saying, in a very smooth way is, look, you know what, we've got family too, and your family kind of and I think that's what was there. But again she's able to punt that away and nobody else's we haven't found anybody who can corroborate exactly what was said on that plane. We're talking to Congressman Andy Biggs, Arizona's fifth district. Congressman. What bothers me about it is, obviously I'm not a fan of what happened while Loretta Lynch was the Attorney General. I mean, that may be, you know, the easiest thing to put out there, But I worked with Loretta Lynch when I when I was doing investigative work as a federal agent. I think she was the southern district of the Eastern Distriman. I don't remember specifically, but Loretta Lynch is very bright. You know, this is not an ignorant woman. She's very bright. She knows her stuff, she knows the law. It's hard for me to believe that she doesn't understand just how bad this looks. Bill Clinton's wife is under federal investigation in her DJ she's running. She doesn't understand. And the only reason they say that, Congressman is I get it. If Bill Clinton just appears at the plane door and you know it's a two minute thing, and you say, hey, listen, this is probably not the best time for this. Fine, But that's not what happened. Clearly, this was a bit of an ext and did conversation. That's what leads me to be a little suspicious year. I'm going with that. Yeah, absolutely, because you're talking about a twenty minute total time together, even though she says only half of it was her talking one on one. But you're right, it doesn't just happens. There's something that somebody had to arrange it. How else does Bill Clinton know to get there and show up at this airplane at that point and get in and talk about this stuff, whatever it was. And so what she said, what she indicated to us was that she began somewhere, either right towards the end of that conversation or she's getting off the plane to go to where she needs to be to she begins thinking, oh that that may not look good. That may not look good. And so she apparently she makes a call to her ethics counsel with DJ and says what happened. Of course she's the only one recounting what happened, and they say it's probably not a problem. But she gets to make the choice whether to recuse herself or not. And she didn't choose to recuse herself even it looks really really bad. Yeah, And Apparently there's no love loss between her and former director Comy either, which is the subject of my next question. I also want to ask you about the wall and some other things. But Jim Comey, the transcripts of his testimony up on Capitol Hill have been released, and I asked that we had Congress from Meadows on before I asked him the same question. I'll ask you just a straightforward question. Jim Comey said something I perceived to be ridiculous. He said, basically he doesn't know where the dossier came from that while this investigation was going on. I mean, is that even believable? Do you believe Jim Comey on that doesn't it seems ridiculous? No, I mean, the dossier is what's used to supplement defies the application to get basically to allow spying on an American carter page. And so for the director, who, by the way, he's getting breezed on a weekly basis on this to say, hey, you know what, I have no idea about the dossy. By the way, it sounds a lot like Miss Lynch today. Well, I didn't know anything about I don't know Christopher Steele. I didn't know anything about a dossier. She said, I knew there was information coming, and it isn't believable. It's very difficult to swallow that that was Lauretta Lynch in any way transparent about that. You know, the Department of Justice, which she headed as the Attorney General, has a clear and delineated role in the verification of information brought to the FISA Court. I keep saying this woods procedure thing because it's important, it's an actual procedure to make sure false, unverified information does not make it in front of a federal judge on the FISA Court. Is she taking any responsibility for this at all? That her DJ rubbers stamp a basically one big hoax in this dossier which was brought into this effectively star chamber like atmosphere. Is she taking any responsibility? No, In fact, she says she did not. She doesn't remember reviewing it or signing any of those FISA applications FISA warrant applications. That's it. So she just doesn't remember. Nobody remembers that. Jim call me as remember anything that just happened. It happened. It was organic. You're just spontaneous, you know. I means when you know as well as I do. If this was a Republican scandal spying on a Democrat candidate, media would be calling your office every day demanding an answer. What you knew, when you knew it, how you knew it, who told you. What's astounding to me is just even I get it, there's a left wing bias in the media. I understand it, but you would think at least some entrepreneurial reporter at the Washington Post or New York Times would ask simple basic questions like that, Hey, there is a procedure to verify this, right, Can you tell me who's signed off on it? Do you have some paperwork on it? Like? Who is anybody doing this outside of you guys in the Freedom Caucus. No. I mean, here's the other way to think of it, too. You got the DOJ's immediately stepping in saying that that's classified, or that process might be classified, or that that might lead to a disclosure of classified information. We fight that constantly. They've they've they've buried, they've buried this under a rock, and every time we lift up rock, we find more worms, more bugs. But they keep smashing that rock bad down because they don't want America to understand what happens. They don't want to understand. They don't want Americans to know that their government is allowing warrants to go forward on bad information, by the way, supplied by basically a Russian cutout to come in and undermine our protections under fine and under the fifth Amendments, so in the fourth Amendment. So you've got a load of problems going on here, and they are fighting us every step of the way. It's it's it's absolutely disgraceful. It's it's disgusting. Last question, Exit question. I'll let you go. We're talking to Congressman Andy Biggs, Arizona's fifth district on the wall. Listen, this is a big issue. I don't need to emphasize that. All the listeners, this audience understanding the wall was a big issue of President Trump ran on it. Americans are sick and tired of illegal immigration. We have been very generous to legal immigrants. My wife is illegal immigrant. Great, the illegal immigration problem is out of control. Do the Republicans up on the hill. You're up there, you see it, You're you know, you're a principal guy. Linda loves you. By the way, she said, the way she's like he's so great. She's like, he's like, he's really good on this issue. Do the Republicans up there understand that if they punt on this that they can expect to probably get wiped out in twenty twenty as well? I think there's a significant number of us who understand that very clearly. But there's also a group that, you know, I don't know where they are. I don't know where the head's at, but I would just tell you that I think there's a majority of our conference in the House anyway that's willing to do it. I've got a bill. It's real simple. It's a real simple, standalone bill. Just put it up there. Put it up there today, put it up tomorrow. I'm okay. I'll tell you what. Why are they not Congress? Why are they not putting up this is the only lame duck in history where the lame duck majority is advancing the minority parties legislation? What I mean, what's next? The tax hike? I mean? Why are they not voting on your bill? I was told they don't want controversy, But now what's happening is it's at this late moment people are finally starting to come on and say something. I mean, we've been talking about this for two years. Well, they don't want controversy, but they want to lose forty seats in the Congress exactly. And this is why, in my opinion, this is why we lost forty seats. We lost twenty seats by a total of sixty thousand votes total for twenty seats. Otherwise we would have kept the majority. I'm like, I'm ready to like throw my pen, but there's a window in front of me, and I'm not sure if it's like ballistic glass, so I didn't chuck it. They don't want controversy, Like, here's a controversy for you. A lot of Republicans went up there swearing on that. You know, listen, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna repeal Obamacare. We're gonna get this done. We're gonna control spending and a lot listen. I'm not trying to pile on congressman, I'm not. You use guys like you and Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows. You're doing the right thing. But it's just I just can't emphasize to you enough in the most humble way possible that we're the American public out there listening to this are really just looking for some leadership. And the fact that you guys are left out there on this conservative island by yourself and the Freedom Caucus when we elected two hundred plus members to advance these causes is just a it's a total outrage, and people are really getting frustrated. Well, Dan, what I would say is, I still believe there's time to do this. There's still time to do We don't give up till January third at noon. There's still time. But we need I need I need help and support. I've got my Freedom Caucus guys. We've got some outside of Freedom Caucus, you know, the Matt Gates and some of the others that help out. But we need the American people to rattle the chains in the cages of the Senate. I mean, miss McConnell wants to leave it. The chains of the Senate and the House leadership and the administration say please, don't give up. Don't give up on this thing. This is a promise, because I'm gonna tell you, I've actually heard Republicans here say, well, we can take care of this next concus No, no, no, you don't understand where the minority. Next Congress. This will not get taken care of next counc We have to take care of it in the next week. Darn right. Congressman Nancy Pelosi Yankna advanced that border Bill, I can tell you that. So I gotta run. But Congressman Andy Biggs, thank you so much for your time. You're a real warrior for the cause. Thanks all. We'll talk to you soon. All right, folks, that was Congressman Andy Biggs. Listen, get on the phone, call your congresswoman, your congressman, email them, be cool about it. As always, you want this wall. You will not accept no for an answer. I'm Dan Bongino and for Sean. Give us a call. Eight hundred and nine four one, seven, three two six will be here. And what's the name of that book? Oh spy Gay, go pick up my book, Spygate, the attempted sabotime. You could do capital us or lower can. Either way it works. You're the best. Thank you. I think you should try it. We'll be right back, all right, Welcome back to the Sean Addity Show. Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter in for Sean if you want to give us a call. Eight hundred nine four one seven three two six time flies. Gosh, I can't believe you've been on the air for two and a half hours already. All Right, here's what I'm gonna do for the rest of the show. I'm gonna take some of your calls. I promise you i'd do that. I mean it, so call in. Secondly, I want to cover or what's getting lost and this whole big debacle with Loretta Lynch and Jim come up on the hill. And here's why I say that, folks, having quite literally written a book on this scandal into the Trump Team, I think that the detail and as Lee and Linda were joking before the dipsy dew flip a ruse, the curveballs, the screwballs, the knuckleballs that come at you, that the names that come out of left field, I think the big overarching thing that happened to the Trump team, I don't know any other way to simplify it, gets lost in all this because there's so much lying and nonsense and garbage that we forget that what actually happened is in what I believe, in innocent American citizen innocent of these collusion hoax charges. Him and his team were spied on, and it was a way this happened. Now the only reason I'm gonna sum it up quickly for you in the next ste so don't go anywhere in the show and the next couple of blocks. But I gave a viral speech on this recently. It was listening by something like two million people. That was a long one, It was extended. But hey, we're doing a little Twitter lives and the low wave low wave at home for everyone if you want to see my Yeah, I have a face for totally for reading. By the way, we'll be on TV tonight. Don't miss the Sean Hannity Show on Fox when I will be guest hosting tonight. And what time is that? That is at nine pm Eastern time. This is a do not miss. I'm pretty excited. And what channel is it on? That is the Fox News channel nine pm ET Eastern. What's your name again, Dan Bongino like bon Jovi with a gino at the end, And what's the name of your book Spygate the attempted sabotage of Donald J. Trump? And what's your Twitter? At the Bongino what's your Facebook? I don't know you're a problem. You guys have access to our Facebook or something in there you get I don't even know my Facebook is all right, I'm Dan Bongino for Sean Hanny. Will be right back. Bories of the day, every day Sean Hannity is on. All right, Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. Dan Bunge, you know at the Bunge, you know on Twitter in for Sean if you want to give us calling in eight hundred and nine one seven, three to six. And hey, listen, Linda was kind enough to remind me before the break, I had said, you gotta get involved on this wall fight. This is the fight right now. This is the fight that is going to either destroy or advance the Republican Party's principles right now. There are a number of things we fight about, but this wall fight right now is the most important triaging our needs. This is number one right now. This requires action, not talk. Talk is great, but if it doesn't motivate action, it doesn't matter. We need you to do something. Be cool about it, you know how to do it. I'm not lecturing anybody, but we need you to contact your congress people and your senators, and let them know that you will, you will. They will be losing your support if they do not support this wall funding. This is the issue right now. We cannot give Chuck Schumer a win on an issue that should be a groundball wall funding and national security. The number for the switchboard two two two two four three one two one up at Capitol Hill. Give them a call, send them an email. Don't use those four emails. Just talk like you you know how to do you. You all are activists, you all are warriors for liberty out there. Email them, call them. We cannot let some crap garbage bill. Oh, they gotta go home for Christmas. They gotta go home for Christmas. What do you mean they gotta go home for Christmas? Listen, I get it, but we pay these people a lot of money to get their butts kissed every day by a bunch of lobbyists. They work like twenty days a year. You don't have to be home for Christmas. You got to secure the border and stop what's going on with this chaos down there. That's what matters right now. Please, I'm asking, with all due respect that we do that. Please email them, call them and let them know. Melt those phone lines down. It's important, all right. I wanted to sum this up for you quickly in this last part of the part of the show. Excuse me, folks, this whole spygate scheme again with came and Lynch and everything going on. I know a lot of it gets complicated, but I want to walk you through with this team and the Obama team actually did. I'm gonna make an hour long speech. I gave about seven minutes. I'll do my best. The Obama team was intent on using their weaponized government in the presidential campaign, the Republicans versus Democrat. I don't say Trump Hillary because remember, I believe the Obama team was involved a lot earlier than this, during the primary season when Trump was not it wasn't even a nominee. Yet they were intent on using the government for things outside of the prescribed purpose. They had done it before, folks. They didn't learn their lesson. They used it with the irs. They had this fast and furious debacle. You had the ap scandal, the targeting of James Rosen's phones at Fox News. None of this was new. The Obama at Benghazi. I mean, the list goes on and on of things that happened that the Obama administration largely skated on. They were used to weaponizing government and they were going to do it again, and they were going to do it during the campaign cycle to make sure Hillary Clinton had a strategic advantage going into that election cycle. And what was that strategic advantage going to be? Hillary Clinton was going to use information acquired by her political opposition research to feed into, or to get or work with this intelligence community and the Obama administration to use it as a strategic advantage to expose and basically be able to listen in on the conversations and communications of some of these Trump team members. So I break it down three ways, Plan A, Plan B, in Plan C. Well, what was Plan A for them? Plan A was simple. Plan A was the Obama illustration engaging in a historic number of unmaskings. Unmaskings meaning effectively wire taps of phone calls where one side, the US citizens side, if you're talking to someone on foreign soil is masked or the name is hidden, they would unmask them. Now, ladies and gentlemen, again, this is all in my book Spygate. It's all laid out, and the great part about the book, is I footnote it with left leaning sources The Washington Post, New York Times, CNN. Why do I do that? Because the liberals told this story for us when they believe Donald Trump was actually guilty of collusion. You get where I'm going with this. They reported the story unmaskings and all this stuff under the guise of while it was necessary because Trump was a Russian colluder, he wasn't. And now the liberal media outlets are left with all those stories out there, which we detail out in the footnotes in the book. They told the story for us. So Plan A again was listening on those phone calls asked and we know this happened. We know General Flynn, we know his phone call was unmasked, was listened in on. We know that, we know historic numbers of unmasking requests. We're leveled by Samantha Power, Obama's ambassador to the United Nations, who said, hey, I didn't authorize all of those. We know Susan Rice's name is all over the unmasking requests. They were going to do that to use the government for their political ends, and we know they had willing accomplices in John Brennan and other folks out there in the foreign intelligence community that, for reasons beyond the scope of the next twenty minutes, were apt to not get Donald Trump into office. I lay that out in the book too. There were motives there, actual motives on foreign intelligence to make sure Donald Trump was in present. So understand, this is planet now. It's obviously not known as Plan A. Why because the unmaskings are just the plan. But the plan's not working out because something happens. Someone throws a major league curveball at the Obama administration. They have a really, really hard time dealing with. And the hero of this little story is NSA director Mike Rogers. Mike Rodgers notices something's up with misuse of the NSA database. He understands there's something going on here, so he puts in an audit request to audit the use of the NSA database. He senses something's wrong again. All this is out there for you to read. It's in the book, it's out there on the open, open Internet. You can read this stuff yourself. It's not a conspiracy theory. This is not made up. This actually happened. He requests that the FISA Court look into this. The FISA Court issues a report on misuse of the NSA database during the Obama administration and finds out incredibly that the misuse of the database is pretty rampant and that some of the information is being passed two private contractors. Wait, wait, wait, come again on that the NSA database, the most powerful metadata database in the world, is being queried, and it's being queried in such a way that disturbs the NSA director. They find out that many of these queries, these about queries, are not authorized, not all, but a good amount of them are not authorized, and the information is being shared with private contractors. Mike Rogers shuts it down. That's the end of the Plan A. Remember it's not known as Plan A. It's just a plan You need a Plan B to have a Plan A. Now the Obama administration, instead of just getting caught and saying, ah, we got busted, the Obama administration wants to spy on their political opponents. They've got it. That's just what they do. They love weaponizing government. So Plan B comes into effect. Plan B. Hey, we've got this dossier. We've got this interesting dossier running out there. Why don't we use the FISA courts for those watching home, not looking at my phone to send you a text. I'm want to pull up an art. Some of you are watching on Twitter right now. Linda's like, what is he doing? Is he texted? What is he doing back there? But you know where? What is she doing? By the meat loaf line? Right? They need this dossier because the dossier has these salacious allegations, and now that they can't spy on the Trump team because Rogers is watching them the way they were, they need a new way to spy on the Trump team. So what better way to do it than to jump into the FISA courts. Yes, this is great, the FISA courts. We'll get an actual warrant. Okay, cool, okay, cool. Not. Here's the problem. They needed information to use to swear to in the FISA courts that the Trump team was involved in some Russian subversion effort, which they didn't have. I want you all to google at home a little article though, about this handy dandy dossier we now know is garbage. This is what I was pulling them April seventeenth, two thousand and seven, not twenty seventeen, two thousand and seven. An article in The Wall Street Journal entitled how lobbyists help ex soviets Woo Washington. I want you to read this article. You know who wrote it, Glenn R. Simpson and Mary Jacoby, Yes, Glenn Simpson of Fusion, GPS and dossier fame. When you read that article, you're gonna say, Wow, this sounds a whole lot like the dossier. The players, Alpha Bank, Manafort, de ra Posca, all the names that appear in this spygate scandal, or appear at some point in the dossier are magically in a Wall Street Journal story written by the same guy involved with the dossier, written all the way back in two thousand and seven. What I'm telling you, folks, is it was a movie script. They already had this movie written. They couldn't spy on them, do unmasking or the use of the NSA database anymore. So what they do They took this movie script that Hillary Clinton paid for from Glenn Simpson had already written the script back in two thousand and seven, swapped out a few names through Donald J. Trump's name in there, said Hey, I got a story for you. How about this one. It's like a Red and Stimpy episode. Stimpy, you idiot? Remember I used to love that show. We wrote this episode a long time ago. This was at least red and stimpy. Someone was actually involved that who got paid. Those were real stories written by someone. The dossier's totally fake. It's fake. But some of the players and allegations and the dossier. When you read this two thousand and seven story by Simpson, you're like, gosh, it sounds like the same story. He sold them a bag of garbage. They waltzed into the fiserchord. That was Plan B. Well, what happened, folks? Plan B blew up because something happened In November of twenty sixteen. The presidential election happened and Donald Trump won. Nobody exactly zero people thought Donald Trump was gonna win. Zero. Now Plan C comes in effect. What's Plan C? Clean up Aisle four. We've got to cover all this up, the unmaskings, the abuse of the database, the spying ont of the Trump team, the use of Stefan helper, the use of government intelligence assets to spy on people. We got to clean this up. Who better to bring in Bobby m Bobby Bobby Mueller. Why Bob Muller because Muller is intimately connected to all of the players involved in this who have something to hide? He was the FBI director during the Iranium one scheme. Who was the prosecuting attorney on it? Rod Rosenstein on the Ranium one scheme. Who was Bob Muller's chief of staff, Who was in charge of the National Security Division that the DJ when they were supposed to vet the dossier? John Carlin. That was Bob Muller's old chief of staff. He was one of the guys at the OJ involved in that chain of command it was supposed to vet this thing, the dossier. Muller knows all of them. Who does he bring any brings in his old en Ron crew? Andy Weissman, who can't stand Donald Trump email Sally Yates about it. There's no better guy to clean up on AL four other than Bob Muller. Muller's sole job right now is to keep the heat exclusively on Donald Trump and to make sure all of the corruption we all witnessed and we know happen, make sure all of that goes away. All right? That was an hour's speech in yeah, about eight minutes or so. Not too bad. You can see it online. It went like everything goes viral viral. I hate that word, but it was viewed millions of times, and I think people are really starting to open their eyes just how bad this was. It's all laid out in my book again, so I don't want to hammer you over the head with it. But it's called spygate, the attempted sabotage of Donald Trump. You can read it all for yourself. It reads like a police file and it's footnoted using a bunch of left wing sources. So give your liberal friends fits and say, oh, that's funny because this is in the Washington Post. Here's a foot at oh. And then all of a sudden they gotta sit there go, ah, well, you know what, let's call you a racist. It doesn't matter. Yeah, you're a racist. Yo. Okay, that's their bottom line for everything. They have nothing else to say. All right, the other side of break, I will definitely get to some calls. I'm Dan Bongino in for Sean Hannity eight hundred and nine four one seven, three two six and at de Bongino on Twitter. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity showed. Dan Bongino in for Sean I told you I dake a call. Sorry, I had so much going on today. Let's go to Dave in California. Dave, what do you got for us? Buddy? You got about a minute and a half. I've got an old two and a half year old Maga hat that's faded and worn out, and I threw it in the air with glee when I witnessed the showdown in the old Office with Pelosi and Schumer. That hat is now next to my trash can, and I'm I'm bearing a red wave across this nation will occur in landfills with red Naga hats if this president capitulates blanks and bends over for Pelosian Schumer on funding for the wall. This one number one issue, Dave. The walls. Three friends to illegal aliens too by drunk drivers, one shot in the face, four times for looking at a gang member's girl friend. And I cannot tolerate this president capitulating to the law. He hasn't yet. I just want to be I don't and I hope he doesn't, Dave, and I appreciate the call, Dave, thank you very much. But listen, folks, I get it. I hear it. I see it on Twitter, I see it on social media. I was walking around the streets today, even in New York. Stopped and spoke to a few people. This is a big issue. I think the president senses it. I think he understands inherently how much this means. But look at this, Linda has brought this in go fund me launched to pay for the border wall, and years a million dollars in two days, two days. This is a hot issue. I think one thing the president, President Trump has that Republican politicians in the past haven't had, is this knack to put a finger on the pulse. I think he senses something's up. A million dollars in two days, Linda, think about that. You can't raise a million dollars for anything in two days. You can't get like unanimous money like that race. For you. Ask a bunch of kids if they want homework. There's always that one kid that says, yeah, it's hard to get this is pretty unanimous. Something's got to get done. I think he gets it. I hope he gets it. I know he's listening to out there. Do not capitulate on do not give Schumer a win against national security. We need that border walk. All right, folks, thanks a lot, Please tune into The Sean Hannity Show tonight on Fox nine pm Eastern Time on the Fox News Channel. I will be guest hosting my first time. I'm pretty stoked. So I haven't been back here in a while away. This was my first time back here and like, what is a year or so? I hope you like the show. Follow me on Twitter at the Bongino, and please pick up my book Spygate, the attempted sabotage of Donald Trump See soon

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