Jonathan Gilliam, Former FBI Agent, Federal Air Marshall, and author of Sheep No More and Danielle McLaughlin an Attorney & Constitutional Expert who co-wrote The Federalist Society: How Conservatives took the Law Back from Liberals, discuss the madness of our news cycle, from the late night shows to the morning round table of the View.
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All right, glad you're with a science sources State Department official. This guy, George Kent's testimony that took place today apparently had some bombshell in it. I don't know what that means. What bombshell I had been getting word from sources of mind. I'm just telling you, I don't know. Maybe you can get Chad Pergram to call in and see what he knows herc is on Fox here. I had been hearing that sources that the State Department official George Kent, added to depth of Juliani's involvement with Ukrainians. I'm not sure what that means. What I had been hearing is that there is set to come out some exculpatory information as it relates to and would provide context, texture and understanding as it as it relates to the President's not only the desire to get to the Ukrainian influence in the twenty sixteen election, but also the very strong reasons that they weren't telling anybody about what it is specifically they were looking for when they withheld money long before the phone call, all though the Ukrainians never knew that they had held any money. By the way, Rasmussen has appolled today that shows the president had a seven point bump in the first week in November, putting him back to his fifty percent mark in the latest survey. Yeah, that would be a good thing, but bad for Democrats of course anyway. So when we find out what it is, we will pass that on to you here. And I think this is getting very interesting. Let's see what is hang on? I'm trying to do this for you. So I'm doing two things at one one time. What is da da da da da dada. All right, there you go. See I can do this anyway. So there was a campaign of slander quote under way from Julianni. I don't know what that means, what that has anything to do with in any way, shape, matter or form, how that would impact the investigation into the president. Who knows what the media says is a bombshell, you know often turns out to be a lie. You know, we know enough here that is just very very simple, you know, like, for example, we've been told for three years when we were being lied to as conspiracy theories have been peddled as a hoax, has been peddled lies by the congenital liar the cowardly shift has been peddled. You know, we learned a lot that Democrats they don't really care about election interference because if they cared about election interference, Dada believes it's related to do not prosecute lists as he's calling it. All right, we'll find out what it is. They didn't care about the dirty dossier. The only Russian election interference that they cared about was if they could bludge in Donald Trump. They don't remember after the Muller report, that was the fourth investigation. We had an FBI investigation, a House Intel investigation, Bipartisan Senate investigation. We had all those investigations. Then the Mueller report investigation, no evidence of collusion the Attorney General and Rod Rosenstein Ya no obstruction either, And that blew their three year mission to get Trump out of office when they started talking about impeachment two days after he's elected, right out of the water. So this time House Democrats released transcript Da Dada, Okay, so we'll find out what that is. So this time then they're gonna bypass the FBI and the House Intelligence Committee and the Bipartisan Senate committee, and they're just gonna go straight for impeachment. We don't know why yet, but they're going to impeach him. And they're gonna say, well, because of the transcript. Transcript is clear. Read the transcript. We've done it how many times now. It's the president faithfully executing the laws. The thing that we were told they cared so much at about for an election interference, well, we were told that they cared a lot about for an election interference. Example, not when it involves the Ukraine helping Hillary Clinton, or the fact that a DNC operative was meeting with Ukrainian officials in the Ukrainian embassy for the purpose of colluding so they can dig up dirt on Donald Trump and Paul Manafort and anyone else involved with the Trump campaign. That would be collusion. They don't care about that either. They didn't care about obstruction. They cared well, well, why did the attorney general, Why did the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein say there's no obstruction? There's plenty. Mueller's report didn't take a position on that. Okay, what are we learning there that there was no obstruction? But you got obstruction with Hillary Clinton, you got a you got subpoened, emails, deleted, acid washed, the hard drive, bleach bit hammer's devices and sim cards. They care about believing people that make allegations of rape or sexual assault, but only if they can bludge in Trump. This is how sick it's all gotten. You know, they don't want the whistle blower. There's no protection in the whistleblower statute at all, Nothing in the whistleblower statute that protects the anonymity of a whistleblower. And when do we get to the point that a non whistleblower, whistleblower, hearsay whistleblower get such protections. And then when we discover the non whistleblower heresay whistleblower has ties to the guy that lied to us, the congenital liar for three years, Adam Schiff, and that there was contact with the staff, Nobody in the media cares. Now we're finding out that the whistleblower, non whistleblower, whistleblowers attorney's attorney oh was calling about for an impeachment and the coup has started in January of twenty seventeen. It's that unbelievable because what you got Foxnews dot Com broke this, and we got a little bit in last night on TV, but the president rally and Louisiana took a lot of the show, but they got a series of tweets from the hearsay whistleblower's attorney, some guy named Mark Zaide I don't remember. The guy apparently was on Hannity and Comb's Back in the Day once in two thousand and six. I was told it's pretty disturbing that in twenty seventeen, the non whistleblower's attorney obviously deranged the Trump pater rage psychotic trump person, anti Trump person, plotting the president's destruction only ten days after the president was inaugurated. You know, January thirtieth, twenty seventeen, the non whistleblowers attorney is retweeting news about the acting age Sally Yates getting fired, and then added hashtag who has started first of many steps, hashtag rebellion, hashtag impeachment will follow ultimately hashtag lawyers. Oh, by the way, no direct knowledge of Ukraine aid is that the bombshell? Anyway? A few months later, the non whistleblower's attorney on July one, twenty seventeen, we will get rid of him, and this country is strong enough to survive even him. And his supporters. We have to And then four months non whistleblower hearsay. Whistleblower's attorney tweets incessantly about President Trump's impeachment. There are comparisons to Nixon, tweets openly fantasizing what it will be like after the president's impeached, and there's even a tweet highlighting how fake news CNN will help take Trump down. I predict CNN will play a key role in the president not finishing out his full term as president. Quote who has started, We'll get rid of him, CNN, We'll play a key role. Now, this is the embodiment of everything that I've been telling you. This is the embodiment of everything wrong. We're supposed to believe the whistleblower had the best interest of the country, and that's the whistleblower's attorney. How stupid do they think we are? And by the way, we've pointed out, the whistleblowers not entitled to anonymity. He's an informant acting as a democratic operative, and it's not a real whistle blower. Even if he was a real whistle blower with real firsthand information and no ulterior political agenda, apparently colluding in some way with people on the compromised, corrupt, coward, congenital liar SHIFT staff. But anyway, absolutely nothing in the whistleblower statute entitles this person to remain in the shadows. And tonight these, you know, the tweets from the operative or today rather, the tweets from the operative represent one more reason why the whistle blower and his handler, the congenital liars Shift, they've got to be put under oath. We've got to know who they are. Everybody has a right to face their accusers. We know Shift's office colluded with the non whistle blower before filing the complaint. Did Schiff also collude with the attorney? Did Schiff recommend the I want to impeach Trump in January twenty seventeen, attorney, What role, if any, did Shift's office have in orchestrating the complaint. They've got to be put under oath. By the way, the non whistle blower, well, he worked for John Brennan. We already know where he stands on all things Donald Trump. You know where did he get this third hand material? After all, he wasn't even on the call in question. I mean, that's how bad this is now, maybe a special counsel should be appointed to look into the corrupt, compromised congenital liar Shifts, you know, secret Soviet impeachment style COO attempt here, and we can get shift's star witness, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vinman, a Ukrainian expert. We're told to trash Trump during a closed door session, obviously as a political agendas. I salute him for serving his country, working with the fake whistleblower and the federal government on US policy in Ukraine, their colleague still working together, and you have the congenital liar Shift. Just want you to believe that you know, these are people independently corroborate. We don't need anybody's testimony in all of this because we know for a fact what was said on the call. Anyway, it's just it's just unbelievable to me. The whole thing is unbelievable to me. And you know what the great irony is. The great irony in all of this is we've got real information about a quid pro quo. There was no evidence of any qui pro quo at all. The quid pro quo we got Joe Biden if you find now. Remember Joe Biden was warned that the New York Times is investigating his son, and others warned Joe Biden that the prosecutor that he's demanding to be fired in six hours was investigating his zero experience son. It was being paid millions of dollars millions. And what did Joe do? You got six hours? Fire the guy, You'll get a billion. You don't fire the guy. You're not getting the billion you got six hours. You don't believe me? Ask Obama. I guess Obama was in on it. He was fine with it. And then we have now the new evidence. Oh what are we finding out with a new evidence? Yeah, that Ukraine was using that Barisma was using Hunter Biden's name with the Obama State Department. Hey, can you stop these investigations into us because we even have Hunter Biden on our board and everything. Well, why would you ever give millions of dollars to somebody that has no experience? Quit pro quo Joe, you know, I mean, this is this idea, this former ambassador testifying yours truly played some kind of role. I don't know anything about this woman. I have never talked to anybody in Ukraine. If I did, I don't know it. It's not. All I know is what the Bidens did there. It's like mentioned in passing like four times on my TV show. That's it, pushing a conspiracy theory of paranoia. Oh, Mike Pompeio was going to call handed well that ever happened. None of this happened. And then you know, more news that we're getting about the there's another attorney involved in this too, who apparently once worked for Hillary and Schumer. That's how incestuous this all gets. And then we got the whistleblowers attorney. He's scrambling to explain the outrageous coup attempt. Oh it was. Those tweets were reflected and repeated as the sentiments of other millions of people's. Oh okay, Now, I don't think anybody in January twenty seventeen, unless you are nut, was talking about impeachment. We also are learning that Biden co hosted a banquet with the former Secretary of State John Kerry for then Italian Prime minister at the time. And yeah, the non whistleblower whistleblower Hearsay whistle blower was among US officials that accepted the invitation. We can't mention the name because we do. Lawyer says, you'll be held responsible. And you know, the Washington Post comes out with the story Trump wanted bar to say publicly the President broke Nolos. Well, there were already two statements by the Attorney General's office on this too. It's unbelievable. No, I just got pulled by somebody. I was mentioned again. I don't know any of the names that they have associated with this thing. This is like a huge, just massive lie and just cracking me up. I have never talked to these people. I don't even know who any of them are. It's hilarious to me. Did you see what I just said? You guys, it's so funny. You can't make this stuff up. I mean don't. I don't know what exactly is at the bottom of this. I may just have to get a libel attorney on this tomorrow because you know what, this is just more today. It is just ridiculous. I have never spoken to anybody in Ukraine in my life, you know, I have no The only thing I knew is quid pro quo Joe. We got Joe on tape, Joe saying you want the billion dollars. Well, well, we'll get you the billion dollars if you fire the prosecutor that I was warned was investigating my son. If you don't give us, you don't fire the guy in six hours, you don't get the billion dollars. Well, that would be quid pro quo, Joe. It's the only thing I was focused in on. That's the only thing. Never we went back, we looked this former holdover Ukrainian ambassador. I don't know anything about this woman. I don't know anything about you know, our name came up in passing like four times on my show. I couldn't even pronounce the woman's name. Or some guy that they said reached out to me from the State Department. Never heard of the guy in my life. That's how simple that answer is. Don't believe what do you think it is? I think I honestly, I've got my thoughts on this. But the facts remain the facts. No experience hunter being paid millions Daddy is worn by the New York Times. He leverages a billion taxpayer dollars in a quid pro call, right, the prosecutor investigating my no experience son, and you get a billion. You don't fire him. You don't get the billion. You got six hours to do it. Why doesn't the media care about that? All right? Twenty five nowns on the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, I mean, this isn't pretty crazy. I never got a phone call from anybody, and it keeps n Hannity was called by this part. I've never even heard the names of the people that they say called. I've never heard their names before. And Mike Pompeo never called me, And you know so I'm kind of like laughing. We went back and looked, and what we found, the only thing we've found about that holdover ambassador person was mentioned by other people, like like in passing. It wasn't even anything of any real importance that I saw. I think once by Djeneva, once by Rudy, once by Solomon. That was it. And you know, me always focused like a laser beam on the bidens, you know, because you watch what's happening here and you've got to understand what's in playing all of this is you've got a double standard, and you've got this breathless hysteria that drives everything. That is three about three hundred and sixty two days away, and what's that. That's the election. This is a tipping point election. It is going to get so insane and so crazy and so bizarre and so hostile that I don't think there's ever going to be an end to the hatred of Donald Trump. I mean, you know, let's assume that they impeach him. There's not a done deal, by the way, but let's say they do. He's not going to get convicted in the Senate because the President rightfully was looking for information on Ukrainian election interference, which we know. And the next point is, Okay, then what about Hunter Biden. Well, we've identified the laws that the media does not even want to discuss or ever talk about. How is it that we've got US Code fifteen USC. Seventy eight. It is illegal for a US person to coerce or influence, through bribery or extortion, a foreign nation into taking action that might financially benefit that person, his family or business. All Right, The New York Times warned Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, mister zero experience, not no zero experience. He's making millions and why would they paying millions of dollars eighteen USC two O one c. Whoever he gives, offers or promises anything of value to a public official to influence an official act, Well, that's guilty of bribery. Okay, if anyone offers provide a billion, if you fire him public official act, fire, let me get the billion. You don't. You don't get the billion. Eighteen USC two OMB giving offering, promising anything of value to a public official a billion dollars in exchange for any official act. Fire the prosecutor. They don't care about that. The mob and the media, they don't care. Democrats they don't care. They're acting like, well, what about the quid pro quo? Well, what about the president commenting on Wow, somebody with zero experience everywhere as father goes, seems to be getting huge contracts with zero experience. You know, you've got the leveraging of taxpayer dollars a billion, taxpayer dollars a billion. You get the billion if you fire the guy that the New York Times says is investigating my son. Oh, hang on a second, you don't fire him, you don't get the billion anyway. How is that not the quid pro quo that they're claiming Trump's involved in, when Trump didn't have a quid pro quo. We're supposed to accept that this is equal application of standards of the law. Hillary Clinton gets a pass. Nobody else would get away with subpoena, emails deleted, cleaned out hard drives, busted up devices, removal of sim cards. None of us will get that deal. None of us will get top secret classified information that you know doesn't belong where you put it. Would get away with the eighteen USC. Seven ninety three, the you know that particular case with Hillary Clinton aide, the Espionage Act and every subsection nobody. Everyone cares about Russian interference except for a dirty Russian dossier that was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. Everyone cares about election interference, but they don't care about Ukrainian election interference. They bring this poor guy Kavanaught to his knees and pummel this guy and bludge in this guy, you know, to bring him to tears in front of his young children. But no, I believers with the Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We're supposed to accept that this is business as usual. It's not now we got the attorney for the on whistleblower here say whistle blower? And what do we know? Well, we know that the attorney was talking about impeachment on day one. How is that possible? You know, there was a story today that should upset every law abiding American And you know Obama's FBI, their attempt to frame General Michael Flint. Can you imagine bragging the FBI director bragging I sent him in I'd never do it, try it, get away with it in the Obama Bush hears, but I did it. Wow, that's a big deal. Anyway, The FBI is now admitting that they mixed up the three h two witness summaries of the Flynt interview because they got caught. Because we all knew for a long time that even though Flynn calls, do I need an attorney for these FBI guys? Or am I good here? No, you're good, McCabe told him that they don't care about that. Imagine taking away Carter pages constitutional rights and then using a phony dossier you all warned, his phony that we now know is unverifiable when it says verify on a FISA application, and then using that to backdoor everything, all everything in the Trump the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, Trump presidency. Anyway, Sidney Powell, the Attorney's now that's helping General Flynn. The attorney's prosecuting General Flynn. They had to admit in court this week in a letter to Flynn's legal defense that the notes which formed the official document describing Flynn's January twenty seventeen interview, and they took advantage of the chaos. As you know, the great SuperPatriot James Comey admits were not written by Agent Peter Struck, as they maintained throughout the case. We were informed that the notes we had identified as Peter Strucks were actually the other agents notes, and that and what we had identified as the other agents notes were in fact structs notes. This is what we do to a thirty three year veteran. By the way, this is good news. Looks like the Republican Senate is about to investigate the real quid pro quote scandal we now have. Let's see Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley and now calling on the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to release documents related to former Vice President Joe Biden's son and has worked for a Ukrainian energy company, saying hunter Biden's role may have been used to influence the Obama State Department. Oh, that's good news, and now demanding all State Department records related to Hunter Biden and Barismholdings, the company that issued the corruption probe. Well, we've identified the crimes here, we know what's going on, and the DOJ by the way, could release conclusions on the FBI spying, probably, I'm told the eighteenth. Now that would be good to hear too. But the people that need to be put under oath would be, oh, the compromised, corrupt, coward and congenital liar Adam Schiff. Like three years about Trump Russia collusion, Trump Russia collusion. Well, Jim Jordan now has announced that they're gonna subpoena the non whistle blower, whistleblower to testify as part of the you know, secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt of the congenital liar in Nancy Pelosi. Anyway, and he said, as lawmakers are battling over whether to identify the so called whistle blow, everyone's known the name of the whistle blower forever, and the media, you know, they just go into full cover up of the irony and all of this is. We just found out that a CBS news staffer who was working for ABC is being accused of having had access to the tape of Amy Roeboch and Project Veritas when they released the tape. We've got everything on Epstein. I've had it for three years, even brings in Clinton, Prince Andrew. They wouldn't let me run it was they're afraid maybe we wouldn't get an interview with Kate and the royal family. Wow, now they fired this whistle blower. I thought they were protective of whistle blowers. Apparently not only protective of whistleblowers that I guess back up their agenda. And you know, now they're chasing down a whistleblower about all the Epstein stuff. And now that woman apparently just got fired from CBS because ABC went after CBS and said, you better stop your new employee from releasing our stuff. Oh, so well, we fire that whistle blower. This is so corrupt and you can't even make this stuff up. He really can't. I mean, you couldn't make this stuff up in a spine novel, you know. And I love the fact that I that I do my job and make phone Hanney knows, yeah, I no mana for him. Hannity knows kone, Yeah, I know him. Hannity knows that Trump him, Yeah, I do. How do you think that we broke all these stories on the deep state. It's called reporting, investigative reporting. That's all part of being a talk show host, as I explained on the program yesterday. So that's why Hannity's name keeps coming up. You know, I just thinking the rest of the mob of the meeting, they I'm beginning to think they don't ever make a phone call. I'm beginning to think they don't do any original reporting, or they only call the people that they agree with. And now we got the whistleblowers attorney talking about impeachment in January twenty seventeen, we got the other attorney worked for Hillary and Schumer. We got the impeachment whistleblower. Now closer ties to Biden than we thought. According to the Washington Examiner that Biden co hosted a bankfet with then Secretary of State draw And I voted for the eighty seven billion before I voted against A Kerry and the Italian Prime Minister yeah, the name of the whistleblower was among US officials the invitation. It's nice to know people that in high places because then you can help them out down the road when you hate Trump. You know they're saying that. Well, President Trump wanted the Attorney General to publicly say that the President broke no laws in Ukraine and the phone call well, actually, the Department of Justice had released a statement and that they were referred to the matter relating to a letter of the Director of National Intelligence had received for the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community regarding a purported whistleblower complaint and the Inspector General's ledger letter cited a conversation with the President and the President of Ukraine's Lensky is a potential violation of campaign finance law. Now relying on established procedures set forth in the Justice Manual and the Department of Criminal Division, they reviewed the official record of the call and determined, based on the facts an applicable law that there was no campaign finance violation and no further action was warranted. All relevant compons of the Department agreed with the legal conclusion in the department concluded the matter well unbelievable. There's no anonymity for a whistle blower. They can't they can't be retribution. Devin Nunes will join us at the top of the next hour, He says. The first witness the GOP will call will be Adam Schiff. And Newness also said Schiff about Schiff, Yeah, committing a crime for not revealing the Ukraine whistle blower. You know, people in this country do have a right to face their accusers. One other note on this, because it looks like the compromise corrupt, cowardly, congenital liar Schiff is now moving the goalpost once again when it comes to his brand new Soviet style style impeachment coup, which we know is completely biased with none of the protections Nuke Gingrich gave Bill Clinton in nineteen ninety eight. Anyway, put a new set of restrictions Thursday morning, limiting the Republican's ability to call witnesses that can respond to three questions, all of which reflect democratic views. And then the question detailed in a letter from Shift to Devin Unas or did the president request a foreign leader and government initiate investigations to benefit the President's personal political interests? In the United States, including an investigation into the president's political rival. Well, Biden is not a rival of anything. Biden is trying to get the nomination and not doing a very good job of it. Did the president directly or you know? The bottom line is there is nothing in the House impeachment Inquiry resolution passed last week that allows Shift to limit the scope of the questions. But he can't bring in the whistle blower because then he's going to be asked questions about his role and his contacts with the non whistle blower. By the way, survey shows enthusiasm higher for Republicans Washington Examiner, Yeah, much higher. And also Zogby has Trump up seven points. Even Hillary is now ripping Medicare for all, saying it's never gonna happen. I don't know what's going on here, but it's getting interesting, all right now, I got to the bottom of this. So whoever this former Ukrainian prosecutor isn't isn't really I have no idea about. Is really mad at what a prosecutor? Now there's I've got an article here in front of me which is pretty interesting here and it goes on and which you know, it is kind of amazing. Actually, it was a piece in The Hill and a videoed interview where a top Ukrainian justice officials said the US ambassador gave him a do non prosecute list. That's why they're saying, well, we told the State Department it's not true, and you better tell Hannah to shut up about it. It wasn't my story. Number one wasn't where I really cared a whole lot about number two and number three. The guys saying it on tape to John Solomon, go take it. But the prosecutor and the mere you know, it was sort of like a pass away reference on the show Their Problems not with me. Nobody called me. I don't even know who this person has never heard of. The person never heard of the call All right, Devin Newness, John Solomon, Tom Finton, Jonathan Danielle, all coming up. But can they call them? Do you think that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden will be called as part of this Senate traph I certainly hope not, but I think that may very well happen. The Republican majority rather than working with US and the Democratic Caucus and coming up with widely agreed upon bipartisan rules for how to proceed with the impeachment are, at least according to that report you just shared. Looking for ways to further juice the partisan aspects of this ongoing inquiry. Well, I don't think we can't subpoena Only Adam Schiff can subpoena Adam shift Oh, I guess, but there's a precedent for this. Darn, I forgot, Reportorian executioner. I forgot. Remember last Congress, they were hell bent on making sure that former Congressman Dana Rohrbacher testified. I said, look, I don't think this is a very good idea to turn around and have members of Congress come and testify and give depositions. So congratulations Democrats that were on the House Intelligence Committee that's now become the impeachment Committee. They have set the precedent for members of Congress to give depositions. And so you heard our minority leader to the Republican leader, Kevin McCarty say that Schiff is our first witness. You've had John Ratcliffe, a former US attorney in Congress, say Adam Schiff is our first witness. So yes, he, in fact is going to be our first witness. That we're going to ask to come and give a deposition. All right nowur to Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. What you heard there was Senator Chris Coons, Joe and Hunter Biden may be called as witnesses at a Senate trial. If you want to quit a pro and a quo, Joe, you got it. You fired the whistle, you fired the prosecutor. You get a billion dollars. You don't fire the prosecutor in six hours, You're not getting the billion dollars. And Devin nuna is saying that House Republicans have got to call the compromise corrupt coward who won't come on this show, congenital liar for three years about Trump Russia collusion. Adam Schiff, who is in charge of this twelve ring circus eight hundred nine for one. Shaun is a number. The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, former Chairman Devin Nunas, is with us. I would like to see the whistleblower put under oath. I want to know the relationship that the whistleblower had with Schiff and Schiff's office. What recommendations may or may not have been made. Where this information came from. I want to know the relationship possibly with Brennan as a holdover from the Obama years. And I want to know how Hunter and Joe Biden. Joe Biden was warned about about his son Hunter being investigated by this prosecutors shoken that Joe Biden demanded to be fired in six hours or they don't get a billion. Why is nobody outraged about that quid pro quo with Joe Devin Nuness, Hey, Sean, thanks for having me on. And look, this is this is just this has become a circus. Is too nice of a word for this. They failed, the Russia hooks failed after Moeller, they failed, and this is just the latest in this scam. And I said this, I think the other night on your show. This has really become just a cult movement and the media and millions of Americans are all in on it. They're just followers of this cult that's happening behind closed doors. So of course the whistleblower has to come in. I mean, this is this a joke. And if we had a media halfway worth anything in this country, they'd be demanding that the whistleblower come in. How Adam Schiff is a fact witness, that's a fact. Adam Schiff is compromised in all of this. Yeah, we look and look the fact that he won't come clean and tell us, like, look, if it was no big deal, he could just say, hey, I never met with a whistle blower and we just got one phone call, right, and then we'd say, okay, yeah, maybe maybe there wasn't anything there. The fact that they're not doing that tells us that there must have been multiple phone calls. It's likely with many members of his staff, not just not just one or two. So this is much worse than I think anybody realizes, which is why the Democrats have went from we have to hear from this whistle blower to oh, what whistle blower? Is there a whistle blower? We don't know anything about that. Well, there's no due process. We've gone over that at nauseum. The coup has started. January twenty seventeen, the lawyer for the hearsay whistle blower, non whistleblower, whistle blower, and I predict at CNN we'll play a key role and at real Donald Trump finishing out his full term as president. This is January twenty seventeen. Congressman, You know, I had you know what I had flashbacks to when I when I heard that, reminded me of the Struck page text. Really it's good points, it's almost as bad, really, right, I mean, you know, being that you've got a whistleblower's attorney that's essentially calling for a coup um. You know, it's kind of like when Page and Struck we're investigating the Trump Trump in the campaign, and they're saying that what's the famous line that Trump Hillary should win one hundred million to zero to zero. Yeah. By the way, do you know that the partner of this guy this was a a I believe it was a Where is it? No Daily Wire had this story today. But anyway, this guy who is the lawyer for the hearsay whistleblower, who's not a whistleblower anyway, turns out he has a second attorney. Guess what That attorney worked for Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer. Hello, does anyone see a pattern here? This is Russia on steroids and human growth hormone. I said it early. This is a secret behind closed door Soviet style impeachment coup attempt and you to get here, Congressman, you have to ignore Joe Biden on tape. You got six hours if you fire the prosecutor. The New York Times warned me was investigating my son. I'll give you a billion dollars if you don't fire him. You're not getting the billion dollars. And son of a bee, they fired him. Quid pro quo, Joe, Well, how do you ignore the news that you broke on your show the other night with John Solomon? John Solomon's reporting. Now, we actually we have more than circumstantial evidence. Now, we actually have emails, internal communications that the State Department was being requested to have meetings with these characters. And then there was multiple calls by the Vice President shortly after those meetings occurred. So there is more than than just a theory here. There's there's really good evidence now that this needs to be investigated further. Um, we have some really important questions here. Now. The whistleblower statute does not entitle anybody to any anonymity. That's number one. Number two, the attorney general of the Washington Post trying to run cover, say, oh, the Trump wanted bar to hold a news conference. They'd already issued statements on all of this. That's number two. Now the big question is, all right, who are the witnesses that you, as the ranking member, believe need to be called in this Ukrainian witch hunt? Devin Nuness, Well, the obvious one is Adam Schiff and or his staff, anyone who had connections and communications with this whistleblower, supposed whistleblower. And you know, we need to understand it's the very foundation of this investigation what happened and what occurred and being that and this is really unpressed sit nah on and I think people are not paying close enough attention to this. As long as I've been around, I've never seen a situation. I've never been in a situation with a whistle blower. So when I'm on all my service dealing with the you know, which is nearly a decade now, on dealing with the intelligence agencies, I mean this is always bipartisan. You know, you can't just go to one party where the one party knows the name and the other party doesn't know. You know, there's a certain grace period. Well I hate to say it, but you know, the ever, the ever compromise, corrupt congenital liar. They actually released the name of the whistle blower, as you know, in information that they sent out that is now public. They've released it. Well, but but remember, nobody really knows who the whistle blower is. I mean, I think there's there's reporters out there who have been able to, you know, surmise based on the educated guesses essentially, But but the reality is Sean only Shift and the IG and his staff and the whistleblower's attorney know who this is. Uh, there is not enough evidence. I know this sounds crazy, but if we were in court right now, okay, this would be dismissed immediately because they cannot provide evidence that a whistleblower actually exists. The guy that's running this sham impeachment, no due process impeachment is the guy that's lied to us for three years about Trump Russia collusion number one. He can bring the whistle blower in because if he does, people like you and John Ratcliffe are gonna demand answers to the nature of the relationship between the hearsay whistle blower and Adam Shift, the congenital old liar's office. That's that's that's right, and also not to you know, kind of switch gears a little bit here, But the depositions have not been going very well for them, that mainstream. Well, so, don't you mean they're selectively releasing only those few comments that benefit them and they've been hiding the other ninety eight percent of it? That's what my sources are telling me. Congressman. Well, right, so that's what they would do a deposition and then they would leak out, right, they would the opening testimony would come out, and then they'd leak out these supposed bombshells every day for the last six weeks. Well, now that the transcripts are coming out, what are we actually seeing. We're seeing that they have the witnesses they brought in that there are the star witnesses that ran on the front pages of all the major newspapers, all the major networks. Now what are we seeing At best? These guys had fourth and fifth hand information. That's one key point that the media is not covering. Second key point. You've got one of their star witnesses admitting that the way they heard about Barissima was from the New York Times. Now haven't we gone through this yet? Already that leaking information to the media and then turned around using that media as your source to justify an investigation. Oh you mean, oh, the circular reporting like with the dirty Russian Hillary Boughton, Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Boughton paid for Russian dossie. Yeah, Congressman, let me ask you, when are we getting this IG report? When are we getting the Durma report? I mean, seriously, I can tell you every I mean, I am beyond frustrated at this point, at the at the length of time the Inspector General is like six hundred people working from Congressman, how long does it take to one write one report when the evidence is overwhelming? So remember, I've been I've been the one out there. The kind of the loan soldier out on this is that I don't put a lot of credence into what the IG says. I know a lot of people love Warwitz. Look, I don't know Horowitz. I haven't met with Horowitz. I'm glad that he's doing an investigation into five's abuse that you know, essentially the only reason he's doing that is because of what the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee did. We threw it out in front of their face. They had to take it up. It's taken a long time, but you know, look Horowitz can get some really great evidence. I think the report is going to be good and from all accounts, let me ask you, this mean it's going to be thorough. But we know is it tell me where I'm factually wrong? We know that the Department of Justice was worn likely at least five specific times between Kathleen Cavalac Bruce or in August of twenty sixteen. Don't trust the dossier. Steele has an agenda that's anti Trump, It's unverified, and Hillary paid for it. They were warned, So that makes this premeditated fraud on a court. Wiser Warren says verified on top of it, we now know it's unverifiable because even Steele didn't stand it behind it and eventually the FBI debunked ninety percent. They were able to prove ninety percent of it was flies. Probably I would argue all of it, So that would be premeditated fraud committed on a FISA court to spy on a presidential candidate, a transition team, and president and deny another American their constitutional rights? Is that that hard to figure out? Or am I a way off base here. Well, the only thing that you that you forgot, and I know that you had, you had Lee Smith, who has a new book out. I think he was on your show last week. The other issue that the FBI had to have known about is is that Steele wasn't the guy who actually wrote the dossiers, who wrote the dossier Congressman Fusion GPS wrote the original dossiers. Did they do it with the help of Ukraine? With the help of Ukraine? To imagine that? Imagine that, So maybe the president asking what everyone said was important for information that they have regarding foreign election interference would be relevant, and quid pro quo joe, that would be a crime. I've identified four separate crimes. So it looks like the President was faithfully executing the laws of the land to me and that transcript sir, it's it's all. It's all. Not only is it relevant, but Juliani and you know, even you know, if people can argue that maybe he shouldn't have been on TV as much and should have been more focused on his messaging, but you know, that's a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacking. The bottom line is is that Juliani absolutely had to go to Ukraine to figure out who on earth were the sources for fusion GPS's work that they've didn't eventually got fed into the FBI. This Alexander's chaloupa DNC operative. What was her communication? Were colluding embassy with Washington? They were colluding. We now know are ukraining court determined? Political wrote about a January eleven, twenty seventeen. I'll say this, Congressman, you know, thank God for people like you. We'd be lost Without you. I'd be sitting here blowing you know, hot air, and nobody would be helping. You're back into everything up. Thank you for the living. And I just wanted to just my final point I'll make on this just to close the loop on Horowitz. Look, it's not that I'm negative about Horowitz. I just know how IG's work. I'm not looking. This isn't going to be like some slam dunk. However, this is evidence that will go to the Durham investigation, and that is what I'm most interested in. When do we get that where my criminal referrals are? In twenty two, twenty twenty five, are we goin again? When don't we get that information? Look it's going to exactly this year. All right, Congressman, thank you for what you do. Eight hundred nine for one Shawn John Solomon, Tom Fitton. Next Total blood bath with Don and KG on the View earlier today. We'll hit that all of this on Hanaday tonight at nine. I'm not going to ascribe motivations to this, but I must tell you that it's certainly lends some There's an appearance, at least in the minds of sub that this is politically motivated because of the continued insistence by mister Trump that this is all a grand hoax and the former leaders of the intelligence and law enforcement community were involved in this effort to try to subvert the candidacy and the electoral prospects of mister Trump, which is the furthest from the truth that could be. Actually, the evidence says just the opposite. They rigged an investigation Hillary Clinton's email server. Yeah, they wore violations eighteen USC. Seven ninety three the Espionage Act. Yeah, you don't get to delete subpoena emails, cleaned up the hard drive, bust up the devices, remove sim cards. That's not allowed either. And then you can't use the pretext of what we now know unverifiable. Hillary Clinton bought and paid for dirty Russian dossier with funneled money to a law firm, to an op research firm, to a foreign national, and you, when you finally get around to verifying it, you prove ninety plus percent is not even true. But yet it becomes the bulk of information in an application to deny one American all constitutional rights, but more importantly, a backdoor to spy on a campaign. John Solomon, investigative reporter and journalist. Fox News contributor Tom Fitton is with us. He's the president of Judicial Watch. The coup has started, John Solomon, whistleblower's attorney, we're not allowed to talk about. Apparently you can't mention him. Don Junior did, and it's everywhere else, and everybody in Washington knows the big secret. Then we have the attorney scrambling to explain, Oh, the coup has started. CNN fake news will play a key role in Donald Trump not finishing his first term and bragging at nauseum this is January twenty seventeen that in fact, they're gonna you know, we're forty five years from now, we're gonna be recalling stories regarding the impeachment of at real Donald Trump. We also find out that the other attorney for the non whistle blower heresay whistle blower. Yeah, that an other attorney once worked for Hillary and Chuck Schumer and in the meantime, will ignore the Russian influence in twenty sixteen, will ignore the dirty Russian dossier Hillary paid for, and will ignore Ukraine election interference even though a court decided that in Crane improve that and political wrote about it in January of twenty seventeen. And we'll do all of that, will blame oh, the Attorney general and other people that have exposed the lies. Am I wrong on any account? No, not at all. And I think the parallels between the Russia collusion hoax, which has now been exposed, and the ongoing Ukraine story are enormous. Right, the key players were all politically biased at the FBI. Now we find out the lawyer leading the whistleblower, who starts this whole thing for Adam Shift is a partisan and early on imagined or dreamed of the idea that he'd somehow play a role in the impeachment of Donald Trump. It goes to what we said at the very first time I saw the whistleblower complaint what I said on your show, the first time. I've read many whistleblower complaints. I've read many, many good intelligence products. The whistle blower complaint is neither a good intelligence product, nor is it a typical whistleblower document. It is a political document. It's a political hearsay document. And I think that the more people dig into this, the more we learned about the motives the collaboration between Adam Schiff, the whistle blower, this partisan attorney, the more we're going to come to understand that the Ukraine scandal looks an awful lot like the beginnings of the origins of the restaurant. It even runs deeper than that, doesn't it, John, Because because of you and the Southeastern Legal Foundation and your Freedom of Information Act requests, we have this whole situation. Media says, oh, there's no evidence of any wrongdoing. Well, this is a conspiracy theory about Joe Biden. Joe Biden's bragging on tape about his quit pro quo, if you fire the prosecutor who you interviewed. An ABC interviewed in The Washington Post interviewed and then said the same thing to all three of you, which is, yeah, I got fired because of Biden. Biden goes, you have six hours. Fire the prosecutor, you get a billion dollars. It don't fire the prosecutor, you don't get the billion dollars. And now why Now we also know that Joe Biden knew because he was worn by the New York Times and others, that the prosecutor was investigating his son and the company that was paying him millions when he had no experience in Ukraine or in the energy field at all. And so he fires the prosecutor, leveraging a billion taxpayer dollars. Quid pro quo. Joe prosecutor gets fired, son of a beees fired, and yet the money that his son keeps getting keeps going into the conference a hunter Biden. But now we discovered, oh, they did expect something for their millions of dollars to the no experience son of the Vice president, didn't he Yep, And there's a big development on this today's show. And this is breaking right now. Senators Grassley and Johnson, who chaired two of the most important committees in Congress, Finance and Government Oversight. The those two committees today made a joint request of Mike Montale. They want all documents by November twenties, all documents related to Hunter, Biden, Barismiths contacts, evn Archer's contacts, and what the State Department may or may not have done to assist Bisman Hunter Biden in making the corruption allegations go away. This is a major escalation. For a long time, Republicans in Congress had kind of kept hands off on this. This is the first real investigative request to drill in and find out what really was the State Department doing with Hunter, Biden, Bisman, Joe Biden, and Devin Archer. Stay tuned. I think there's going to be some pretty dramatic developments on that front. So it looks like not only is it similar to the Russia hoax conspiracy theory lies in the witch hunt, but now I would say, and we've identified a number of laws Tom Fitton number one eighteen, and I'll go through them. I don't think this is hard. Greg jarr was the first to bring into my attention fifteen USC. Seventy eight it is illegal for a US person to coerce, influenced, through bribery or extortion, a foreign nation into taking an action that might financially benefit that person, is family or business. Oh, you get the billion if you file the prosecutor, my son gets paid take an action. I'm with I'm holding out that eighteen USC. Two O one C. Whoever gives, offers or promises anything of value of a billion dollars to a public official Ukraine to influence an official act, fire the prosecutor is guilty of bribery. Eighteen USC. Two O one B giving offering promising anything of value to a public official in exchange for any official act. Wow, and it goes on from there. I can name more. It sounds to me like that fits perfectly into what we already know as fact in the case with Hunter and Joe. Well, certainly, given the standards used to attack President Trump, there's much more evidence justifying a serious criminal investigation of what went on with the Obama Administry's gold on. You're being a little too emotionless here for me, Joe Biden leverages. If you fire the prosecutor, who I'm told is investigating my son, paying my son with no experience millions of dollars. You fire him, you get a billion. You don't fire him, you don't get a billion. You don't believe me? Called Obama and you got six hours to do it. Now, Tom, is that a quid pro quote? Sounds like it to me, It sounds like a director quoe quote. The only question is what was his knowledge of his son's business? How extensive was it? We already know he has certainly conflicted testimony with We know the New York Times warned him if son said he did talk about it, that's correct. The Sun contradicts the father. I believe it was the New York But think about this, he was warned that that prosecutor was investigating his son. True or false? Heads up in the administration. I mean John's documents shows the State Department was worried about it. They were so worried about it they didn't want to deal with it. They said, talk to Joe Biden's office. Correct the media stories at the time that we're all worried about it. So everyone knew in Washington, and we're all expected to throw all of this into the memory hall that the major media had confirmed the Obama administration was well aware and certain Biden was of his son's issues in Ukraine, and John Solomon didn't The New York Times warned Joe that his son was being investigated. If you go through the public documents, you will see In May of twenty fourteen, there was a series of stories raising questions why Hunter Biden was doing this. December of twenty fifteen, The New York Times has the Vice President's office quoted saying they didn't want to talk about the investigation of their son. It was a Hunter Biden matter. It is implausible that Joe Biden didn't know his son was working for Barisma, or he didn't know about the investigation, and ignorance is not a defense under ethics laws. Remember, one of the ethics requirements for Joe Biden is to avoid taking actions that not only create a conflict of interest, but the appearance of a conflict of interest. Firing the guy that's investigating your son's company creates the appearance of a conflict interest. How do we know that State Department people working for Obama and officials working for Joe Biden directly in the Vice President's office have been quoted in numerous stories recently saying they saw the appearance of a conflict of interest in oh Biden's own people saw the appearance. How could Joe Biden be so willfully blind to the appearance of a conflict of interest? The Ukraine is key to the whole investigation of President Trump. It was used as a slowdown. This is what Thomas saying here is important because because we know from a Ukrainian court decision that yes, they admit they interfered in the twenty sixteen elections to hell Pillory. It was also documented January eleven, twenty seventeen, a long piece by Politico and John Before we get to Tom, you can confirm that Ukraine wanted to give us the evidence. Did they ever give it? They tried to. They hired a former US attorney from the Bush administration in the fall of twenty eighteen to approach the Justice Department. That US attorney took a general summary of what the Ukrainian prosecutors believed might interest American prosecutors about Hunter Biden, Joe Biden an election interference, send it to the Southern District of New York, Manhattan US Attorney's office, and never heard back from them, and that very much frustrated. And I wrote a whole story about this in the spring, about the Ukrainian prosecutors saying, why does no one want our evidence that absolutely happened they refuted to be. All right, take a break, I'll let you pick it up on the other side, Tom Fitton, John Solomon also with us. It became a just a total beatdown on the View today when Don Junior and KG went up against the ladies of the View. We'll play the highlights coming up. We'll get to your calls next hour. We have an amazing Hannity tonight, nine eastern on Fox Quick Break. Right back, we'll continue straight ahead right as we continue investigated reporter Fox News contributor John Solomon. Tom Fitton is the president of Judicial Watch. Tom, We were going to let you pick it up from where this whole issue of Ukraine being central to the entire Russia, which hunt in question, the Joe Biden quid pro quo Joe to protect his son who was being investigated, and you know the media says that's a conspiracy theory. You think there's a lot more to come, Well, yeah, because I think you need to understand that, as John has pointed out, they didn't want to hear the deep state didn't want to hear material from any evidence about Joe Biden and Ukraine. But they were more than happy to hear evidence generated out of Ukraine through the dass gatherers such as Nellie or through the Associated Press, who we have documents showing with giving the Weissman Andrew Weisman material on Ukraine. So they were using maps work in Ukraine as a way station to get to the Russian Gate aspect of it as it relates to Donald Trump. So they were trying to leverage the work that Manaphort was doing with pro Russian forces in Ukraine as a vehicle to target President Trump. So you can't separate Ukraine and Russia Gate. And at the same time, as we now all know, they were ignoring all the red lights and alarm bells about the corruption involving Joe Biden and the Sun Hunter. Let's go to the anticipated IG report. The data I'm being told is the eighteenth of this month. I'm tired of saying it's coming. It's coming, John Solomon. And one thing I can say, oh, I know, you know, is that I'm told it will shock the conscience of the soul of the country. I think. So we may see an interim report. As I mentioned yesterday, ta Sean. I think the IG is going to release an earlier report just before this one. They're working on it, trying to get it out next week, possibly taking a look at the FBI's failure to manage human sources, what we call informants, people like Christopher Steel. All the things that we've been talking about Christoper will Steel, red flags about his credibility, nobody stopped and paused having his informant human source validation report done after his work instead of before his work, making sure he's valid before they used him as an informant. All of those symptoms that we saw in the Christopher steelcase are likely to be exposed as a more systemic problem inside the Komi McKay FBI. That's going to be a very important part, and I think it sets the stage then for the FIE abuse report, where we're going to see is there any doubt an exit yes or no question from both of you. Is there any doubt there was pre meditated fraud committed on the FISA Court for the purpose of spying on the opposition party, candidate, transition team and presidency. Tom you get the first crack, yes or no? Oh? Publicly available information and testimony we already know it took place. We're going to get further confirmation from the IG report. The question is will it be crime? Criminal referrals flowing from what we already know thanks to the Foyer and testimony by people like consolomated that it was unverified, insallacious. John. I think Tom has it right. Yes, there's already enough information confirming that, but the IG report will take it to the next level. And the only question is will anyone beheld accountable in the court of law or in the court of public opinion? Those are the two questions that remain. Durham now has the ability to subpoena, convene a grand jury, and refer criminal charges, doesn't he? So let's watch that's half also beyond the the Horowitz Report. Thank you both, John. We'll see you on Hannity tonight quick Break eight hundred nine one. Shaun is our number. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. She's talking about, that's what Megan is talking about. She's talking about lowering the discourse to his level, which is horrible for this country, even if people are working. We don't want to have a country like that. Do you want to stand. We've all we've all done we've all done things that we regret. I mean, if we're talking about bringing a discourse down joy, you've worn black face. Whoopee, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, and don't it wasn't rape rape when he raped a child, So let's okay. So yeah, let's talk about this. So you want to bring this up. The question came up. I did not blow black face. Please, she was not in black thank you. Sorry, listen, being black, I recognize black face. This I can say. Kimberly, you're a lawyer, yes, and we've no. You absolutely a prosecutor. I mean, did you advise your boyfriend that it is a federal crime to out of a way? I didn't advise him that it was a federal crime. Bad. I did come out of the bathroom and say I left to learn for ten minutes what happened when mama Sevess gone. Because by the it's to do it in the statute. So that's that's that's true. You can't rely fifteen o five. It is a crime. It's not accurate. That's says it is. But nevertheless, but he's not in the personal question like, yeah, you did speak to him about that. I talked to him, No, not prior to after I said, oh what I said, Well, they're saying that I released this and I outed but if you look at the facts, and the facts are that the name was out there. I'm not saying okay, I understand what you're saying that perhaps okay wasn't the most prudent decision to retweet an article. I get. I'm the son of a rich guy from New York. I understand that my father has done a lot. You know, I've benefited from that as Hunter Biden has. The difference is we did that as a private company when we got into international politics. Second, my father took you know, won the presidency. He said we will not do new foreign deals going forward. Hunter Biden utilized his father's vice presidency to magically end up on a board in Ukraine with the language he doesn't speak on a business he knows nothing about. For eighty three thousand. If I did that, you guys wouldn't move in your mind. Understand, okay, And you're going to push back on that a little bit, So we can back a little bit. Because the DC Hotel, your father's DC Hotel, opened up just a couple of weeks after his election, and you've actually made I think according to your father's financial report, he earned about forty point eight million dollars just a minute from his DC hotel in twenty eighteen. Bottle line is you have made money, but let me finish. These are the details that the media always neglects. Yes, we're in the hotel business. We have been for decades. That's not a secret. When we take money from a foreign entity in DC, most of its foreign entities, right, and the government related foreign entities when they come, we literally stroke a check back to the US Treasury. We spend more money on accountants than we can make from this to make sure we're doing that right. Because we can't do that. My father gives back his entire salary to the US Treasury to be put towards causes, whether it was alcoholism, whether it's the Department of Security. So we're literally not making money from any of those foreign governments. We're giving it back to the Treasury. And by the way that you're making money from the hotel in the hotel business, right, that was from our earlier today on the view, I mean you got to give Don Junior and kg credit for heading in there, but man, it was a beatdown. I find this fascinating. Here's the interesting thing. You've got to protect the whistle blower, non whistle blower, whistle blower, heresay whistle blower. It's not a whistle blower. Sounds like more like a leaker to me. And now you got the attorney for the non whistle blower, whistle blower, heresay whistle blower saying, oh yeah, putting up posts. We're you gonna impeach Trump. The coup has started. I predict fake news CNN will play a key role in Donald Trump not finishing out his full term as president. We're gonna look back forty five years from now and we'll be recalling stories regarding the impeachment of at real Donald Trump. Oh yeah, you don't think there's a deep state, You don't think there is this resistance. It's there and saying it for a long time. You know. The great irony about protecting a non whistle blower heresay whistle blower because and you hear this when they're discussing it on the view. I mean, you've got the New York Post today, you have CBS News fires a female staffer that they believed had worked at the time at fake news ABC. They're the ones that taped Amy Roebock raging against ABC News. So, in other words, what you've got here is the media targeting a whistleblower. What did the whistleblower expose? A major cover up of a pedophile that was well convicted in or admitting to and charge with accused Epstein and a cover up. We've got it all. We got it all on tape, We've confirmed it all. Oh, we even got Bell Glindon. Why did they cover that up? Now now they're going after the whistleblower. Fire in the whistleblower there's such phonies and such you know, outrageous hypocrites. It's unbelievable. Anyway, Danielle McLaughlin is whe Thos. Jonathan Gillham is with us. There's nothing in the whistleblower statute at all, nothing that says that the whistleblower gets anonymity. They get protection from retaliation and retribution of any kind, but they don't get anonymity. And I do know there's this document that I once read that says somebody has a right to face their accusers. Isn't that true, Danielle, that's right. Sean, Hey, good afternoon. You're right. And a criminal trial you get a chance to face you're accused. That's the constitutional right. But that's in a criminal trial. The early impeachment inquiry, just like a grand jury, is not the place where you get to confront your accuser. In fact, if I was in front of a grand jury, my own defense lawyer could not be present, soferent procedures for different parts of the criminal procedure. You know what, though, the whistleblower apparently colluded with Adam Schiff's staff, so now the whistleblower needs to be put under oath Jonathan and Adam Shift needs to be put under oath, and Joe Biden bragging about you get a billion dollars if you fire the prosecutor. You don't get the billion if you don't fire the prosecutor, and Joe knew that the prosecutor was investigating his son, and no Democrats seems to care about that. The whole thing is so unbelievably well, fishy isn't even the right word for it's really criminal in the way that this whole thing is. It's just like everything else before with the Russian investigation. It is more of extortion and more of entrapment than it is anything else. I mean, it really is entrapment in the way that they basically were waiting for something that they could put out there that the President had done wrong, and hard for him to release the information because he's talking to another world leader. You know. The thing is, when we're talking about the legality of whistleblowers, I think you pretty much nailed it right there that they're protected from retribution, but they're really not protected from people who know them and know that they're a troublemaker. And then saying, oh, I know who that guy is. That guy's a troublemaker. And I'm pretty sure because I've been talking to a lot of people that I know who this person is. And there's several people that orbit in the same group that are troublemakers and they know who they are. And all of them are leftists that have worked in and around Shift and the White House. And that is very, very troubling for me as a civilian and me as somebody who used to work for the government, that these people would take jobs in the White House under a prior administration and then sit there during this administration, for the sole purpose of jamming the President of the United States up when he's just trying to do his job. It's I mean, it's it is so all right, let's let's do the intellectual honesty test for Danielle. Sorry, Danielle, putting you on the spot. When Joe Biden is bragging and saying, you got six hours, you got six hour. Fire the prosecutor, you'll get a billion dollars. If you don't fire the prosecutor, you're not getting the billion. You're not going to get the billion. Now we know he was warned by the New York Times and others that he knew that the prosecutor he's asking to be fired, the one he says is so corrupt, was paying his no experience son, so had no experience in Ukraine, oil gas or energy none. He said it himself on ABC. Looked like an idiot, but he said it. And so he's demanding, using the US tax dollars in a quid pro quel, fire him, you get a billion. You don't fire him, I'm not giving you the billion, now, Danielle, Is that a quid pro quote? Yes or no? Yes, but not in the same way that the president, the current presidents want to slow down a seconds. You're right, because Donald Trump isn't. Donald Trump was asking about election interference in twenty sixteen, and Donald Trump knew about the qui pro quote? Do you know that? Uh? Would you like me to read you the statutes that are applicable uh to Joe Biden? You tell me. We have fifteen Usc. Seventy eight. It is illegal for US person a coerce influenced through bribery a billion or extortion a billion a foreign nation into taking action fire the prosecutor that might financially benefit that person his family hunter. Does that fit? Does that law fit? No? It doesn't because the prosecutor not prosecuting prison. That was the problem that Biden had, It was investigating bism. They were the kid had no experience. Why do you think they were paying them millions of dollars him? Why were they paying him millions of dollars? Tell me, I don't I think it was improper? Okay, Well, here's another one. Let's go to eighteen Usc. Two oh one. Whoever gives, offers, or promises anything of value to a public official to influence an official act is guilty of bribery. Does that apply to Joe Biden. You fire him, you get a billion. You don't fire him, you don't get the billion. He wanted the prosecutor to be fired because he was a dirty, corrupt No, he wanted him fired because the New York Times told him that that prosecutor was investigating his zero experience son being paid millions. That's why, Danielle, and please don't tell me you don't see that, because I don't believe that. I can tell you that the prosecutor, whose name is Shokin, as we all know, the IMF, was holding up money to the Ukraine. The European Unions tell me that he's not firing him because investigating his son, Jonathan Gillim, You can't look. Look, it is plain as day when the when the individual Biden says what he says in a video. I mean, you can't get any more of a confession than that. And it was the exact same thing that happens with all these people that have gone out and committee crimes and then we go and bust them because they opened their big mouths and brag about how bad they are, how tough they are, and that mate, Jonathan Gillim. Otherwise you have to suspend all intelligence, intellectual, honesty, reason, common sense that you were born with. Now we know what happened. Even I think a former prosecutor from Ukraine see nothing wrong. I think prosecutors said that prosecutor said to the Washington Post, to ABC, to John Solomon, I got fired and was told I was fired because of Joe Biden, and then he back, and then he walked it off. It seems like it's rather a pretty corrupt country. I don't know if I'd believe anybody walking anything back. Maybe he's thinking something bad's gonna happen. Maybe he was told something bad's gonna happen. All I see out of Ukraine, thank God, I've never talked to anybody from Ukraine. Is corruption everywhere I look. Corruption I has been continued Danielle McLaughlin and Jonathan gill Him. Jonathan, I don't know. I feel terrible every time. Danielle, she literally she just believes. Do you believe in the in the tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny? My four year old does. But no, when Joe Biden knew his son was being investigated and he quit prode quote, you get the billion if you fire the prosecutor, you don't get it. If you don't fire him, and you got six hours for you not to connect those dots. To me, I'm having a hard time understanding, Jonathan, you helped me. I am having a hard time understanding Danielle's thinking process. Well is his mystery to me as well. I love her to death, but I will tell you this, Sean, daniel is not the only one that thinks this way. I've had the same debate with multiple people that are on the left, and for some reason, there's a block there that doesn't allow reality and common sense to get in there. And I heard the same thing that Danielle said over and over again. The Ukrainian Prime Minister or the Ukrainian ag or whoever it was, you said, they're second. When we were on earlier, he said that, he said, and was walking back. Who cares? We have the law? The law says this. He gave three separate interviews and he was fired within six hours. I think that's evidence enough that he told the truth to ABC, the Washington Post and Solomon. Why was he fired then, Danielle in six hours? I don't I don't know why he was fine, I can tell you why, because they told him we need the billion. You're out. That's why I just held you out. You don't you could just say thank you for helping, help, thank you for opening my mind. You're welcome. Well, I'm always appreciative, Sean, but I don't agree with you. How about that? So then why did they fire the guy? In six hours? They fired so kid, and we're talking about two different prosecutors, Like, I want to be very okay, why did why did they fire the prosecutor invested Gating? Hunter wasn't he wasn't investigating Barisma or really yes, Russian facts administration, and he was not prosecuting. So the New York Times lied to Joe Biden corrupt. The New York Times lied to sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe. Well, I'm not going to call him sleep you'll creepy. I think he's done a enormous nun for this country. I don't know what. Yeah, well, don't take a picture with him. You might have a different view. Hey, listen, it all comes down to this. It all comes down to this. It doesn't really matter what the Ukrainians did or didn't do, or who got fired. The fact is Joe Biden set up there and admitted to doing what he did. That's all we need to worry about, is that Joe Biden broke the law. I don't care what Mingo stard himself. Checkmate, Jonathan Gillum, Danielle, we still love you, but man, you're making my job. You're raising my blood pressure. All right, when we come back, I know you've been very patient. We'll hit the phones next eight hundred ninety four one shown you want to be a part of the program. That's straight ahead, all right, twenty five now to the top of the hour. I mean, he gets so frustrating here. You got the quid, you got the quo, you got the pro you got the billion dollars, you've got the warnings. Uh yeah, he's investigating hunter. Mister zero experience, not a little, zero, none whatsoever. He said on the tape. Well, why do you think they paid you millions of dollars? I don't I don't know you have any experience. No, I didn't have any experience. Do you think maybe it's because your last name is Biden and your father's the second highest elected official, the vice president of the United States, and charge Ukrainian possible policy. Yeah, probably, that's probably it. And now we know because of John Solomon's work. Yeah, we had Freedom of Information Act request. They were expecting something for that. They were going right to the Obama State Department asking for favors, hoping raising Hunter Biden's name and the process. You know, we have Americans that you know are on the board. Hunter Biden, you know, is on our board. Ah, now it all fits. Where's the corrupt mob in the media. Where what have I been saying lately? It's like invasion of the body snatchers, I've been saying. The level of utter hypocrisy is breathtaking. They cared about Russian interference, but not the dirty docier. There's all the eye believers, but nobody says anything about I believing in the case against the Lieutenant governor the Commonwealth of Virginia. You know a lot of eye believers about obstruction of justice, but none of them cared about the subpoened emails, deleted, the acid washing, bleach bit, the hammers with the devices and the removal of simcarts. They didn't care. If they can bludge in Trump, They're gonna bludge in them if they can't they will just uh, never mind. It is breath taking hypocrisy. Yeah, let's say the coup has started. You doubt there's a deep state? Now, Aby Hannity's not this paranoid conspiracy theorist Joe Biden was warned by The New York Times and others that hunters under investigation by the prosecutors. Shoken, you got six hours fire them, or you don't get the billion dollars fire them. I'll give you the billion dollars. You've got six hours, Son of a bee, they fired them. What else do you need? How do you ignore that? How do you ignore that? That's how sick, ugly, twisted, corrupt the mob is and the Democratic Party is in this country. I keep telling you, what are we three hundred and sixty two days from now you get the final word. Are you gonna reward this madness? Because they haven't done anything for you, we, the American people, except rage psychotically against all things. Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been busy working while fighting them. He's able to walk and chew gum at the same time, keeping promise after promise, that promise, promise after promise. I just wish you'd tweet a little less had any Well, what is he supposed to do when you're under so much fire? There's not many people like me in the media. There's a few of us. We got Rush, thank god, the great one, thank god. You know, we got a few shows on Fox, thank god. Not everyone else is on their side. You got a network president fake news, seeing him bragging about, oh yeah, we're gonna We're gonna go after them every single second of every day. Wow. In New York Times say, we devoted every single resource in our newsroom to one story, and then it didn't work out the way we wanted. Now we're gonna focus on race. Well, now they're focusing on Ukraine. That's how sick, ugly, corrupt they're twisted it is. It is hurting the country on a level that is for me. It's it's like I can't even describe the damage that they're doing and they don't even care. New York Fred Sean Hannity Show, what's up, Fred? How are you hey there? I want to touch on what you were talking about. UM. What I've noticed about this liberal psychosis that you keep talking about. Um, I've noticed that one it's more real than ever. I also think it's worse than ever. I'll give you a quick little story and let you go. Um. I had a dinner party of my house the other day with four couples, kids, wives, food, wine and everything, and the dad are sitting on the couch and Donald Trump comes up to which we all have different degrees of you know, political views. I'm more right. My liberal friend starts getting up and screaming about how you know he's a thief, he's a liar, he's this and that, the the the Ukrainian interference and all this stuff. And I said, look, I said, first off, you're my house, you're drinking my wine and food, and you're yelling at me and calling me an idiot because I listen to Sean Hannity. But it said, look, I said, you're you're no expert in Ukrainian politics, nor am I. But where do you get your frommation from? He goes New York Times and they're right, and they're right, and they're right yelling at me in my house. I said, you know what, get in my house if I don't want to listen this anymore. So I noticed, how what you're saying. But the psychosis is real. One well, I'm gonna tell you something. I know friendships that have been lost, I know families. I'm you know, I'm gonna have to give advice again this year as we head into Thanksgiving. You know how to deal with your psychotic rage Trump, crazy leftists, Uh Pelosi supporting relatives, good luck Turkey legs are gonna be flying all over the country. That's what my prediction is. Um, we'll have to do that before Thanksgiving. Look, it just there's only one answer. Because you can't reason with them. They're not going to listen to reason. They're not going to admit it's a quid pro quo with Joe. You got billion, fire the prosecutor investigating my kid. You don't fire him, you don't get the billion. Now they're gonna say Donald Trump, who was faithfully executing Ukrainian election interference to support Hillary though they cared about it, and what Joe is on record doing. Yeah, I was an age. I'd be all over that sucker, leveraging a billion taxpayer dollars to benefit his son's finances with no experience, zero experience, Hunter, South Dakota. Laura Next Sean Hannity Show, Hey Laura, how are you I'm fine, Thank you, John. I have just had it with the Senate Republicans. I just heard that there's no saying that Trump did not commit quid profol. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, he did commit quid profol. But it's no big deal. They're saying that a quid profo is not impeachable and they're carrying this narrative. Now, this narrative does not help Trump. This narrative helps Biden. Why are they trying to help Biden by carrying that kind of narrative because they're corrupt. There's no there is is no sanity. Again, you have to separate yourself from all intellectual reason if you're on the you know, part of the liberal mop. I mean a lot of these people, I can tell you what their motivation is. They want to be on TV. I listen. I can tell you I've seen it again and again and again. It's not healthy to be in famous. I'm telling you it's not There's nothing good about it. And you get all this praise. I never got this much praise when I did a good job as a contractor, or a good job as a bartender or cleaning people's dishes. It's something unhealthy about it. For some people, they'll they'll be whoever they need to be to be on television. That was never me. I never wanted to be on television. I hated television in the beginning, if you want to know the truth. And I did radio because I wanted to do talk radio because I loved it. I loved it as a kid. My parents shut that radio off. But I watched people literally transform before my eyes because they like being famous. You have congressmen and women and senators and governors. They say all the right things. You know, Look at Ben sas the ass. I mean, that guy flipped pretty quick, and we had so much hope for that guy. They go to Washington, they like being called senator or congressman or governor. It's I don't know. That's why I stay out of DC as much as possible. I stay out of New York City as much as possible. I don't need to be around these people. I don't want to be roupt. They don't like me, and I don't like them. I love that the President every Washington Correspondence dinner night, he goes out and he does a rally with the American people. He wants to hang with the people that make this country great rather than that elitist group of corrupt you know, the the incestuous relationships that exist between staffs and the media. Oh, you have no idea. It's so, you know. They're dating each other. They're sleeping with each other, they're drinking with each other, they're partying with each other, they're eating with each other. Sorry, very common over there. And I don't give them rip what they do in their own private life, but they're not doing the work of the people. I don't. Trump is single handedly. He's done the heavy lift. He's kept his word, and they hate him for it. He cured cancer. I'm telling you, they would impeach him for curing cancer. Dan, Michigan. We need Michigan so bad. How are you Dan? Yeah, hey, yeah, well you're gonna get Michigan too. Where Hey, by the way, Sean, I've been upset. I've been frustrated like you. And you know my dad said over the years, whenever I get frustrated like that and say how could and how could? And he and he'll say, he simply said, it's good versus evil, and if someone's evil, they can sit there, look at you in the eyes and lie, and that is at the base of more fighting. But moving forward, well, I'm gonna tell you I don't. I'm gonna have a different take. Let me tell you my take. My take is I think that we get these revealing moments. And I've talked a lot about this. You know, Oh, smelly Walmart Trump supporters, Oh, I can smell him from here, irredeemable, deplorable. Oh, they're angry and cling to their God. Okay, I'm guilty. They believe in the Second Amendment, their Bibles, their religion. Well, yeah, if you like. Maybe you know, people don't know. I guess about Christianity. Christians want to be forgiven for screwing up. They're not. They're not perfect. Everyone expects them going to be perfect. They're not. And I think they think that they're smarter than us, they're superior to us. There's a condescension that exists that is disgustingly corrupt and wrong, and we the people are looked down upon, and they think that they're the superpatriots saving the country from Trump. I think they've convinced themselves that they're doing the will of God, some of them. That's how corrupt they are, how distorted. They are in their own brains anyway, go ahead, okay, um, no, hey listen, I yes, sir, but hey, I just wanted to go to an Attorney General Barro real quick. Like everything you have said about Biden and the evidence in him and his hunter in Joe. If he they were Republicans like you've outlined, the Attorney General United States would have opened a criminal investigation if Joe listne or Republicans. And I guess I would ask you somehow, I wis not you if you could put pressure barr head being honorable is not enough. Barr has to show he has the guts to open in criminal investigation against prominent Democrats. That's what we need out of bar Democrat broke the law in the prominently Joe Biden. He's got to do it. I think. Look, I wouldn't want the president to ask for that. It's so obvious we need to investigate it, just like we need to investigate. I'm glad Grassley and Ron Johnson are bringing back up Hillary's you know, email scandal, because you know what, a lot of corruption happened there. She did violate the espionage jack, she did obstruct hopefully with the Horowitz Report. We're going to be getting to the bottom of the premeditative fraud on a fis accord to spy on a candidate, a transition team, and a president, the outsourcing of intelligence gathering. It's just taken forever, driving me nuts, you know. But here's Donald Trump is you got you got the transcript read it. He's going at the heart of what everybody cared about election interference. Ukraine's big role in twenty sixteen election interference to help Hillary Clinton, a DNC operative colluding with the Ukraine in the Ukrainian embassy in DC to dig up dirt on Trump and his associates. I thought they were outraged at that type of behavior, but they're not. They're just phony liars. And and then yeah, yeah, leveraging of billion dollars of taxpayer money. You got six hours, you fire the guy that's investigating my son, you get you get you get the billion. You don't fire him, you don't get the billion. That is quid pro quo for Joe. Yeah, I've I've cited the statutes Greg Garrett identified him. I agree with his analysis. They're very plainly written. There's nothing complicated in them. You don't need a law degree to figure it out. Back to our phones, all right, Tina san Antonio. Next, Sean Hannity Show Tea. How are you hi? Sean? Two questions, Well, one question on a comment your color from yesterday that became unhinged when you ask them why he hated rich people. I think that he's jealous, and I think that he doesn't realize that putting a democrat flash socialist in power will even take his opportunities away of being wealthy because they want to control everybody. They want everybody else's stuff, and I gotta tell you they want They're willing to empower the government to take it from people's I would argue at this point, steal it and then give it to them, rather than you know, life liberty pursued a happiness and you go work your ass off like everybody I know that has money. Yeah, I think that. Let me tell you one thing about money. This is important to you. They you're right, this hatred for people that have money is real. I gotta tell you what money is. Money. I always say when I give my staff Christmas bonus, money is freedom. Save it. That's my advice. Save it. Save as much as you can people don't save enough. The other thing I can tell you is I don't care how much money you have in life. You're going to have problems. Everybody does. Life is not easy, road less travel. Life is difficult. And the last thing I'll say is, you know, we all think we own stuff. I own my house, I own my car. I'm not into watch as I have friends that are so into. I own my watch, I own my jewelry. I own jewelry, I own this, I own that. You know what reality is. You don't own anything. You don't own crap because the day you die, unless you get buried in your car, somebody else drives it. Somebody lives in your house. You thought you own. Somebody's wearing your crap unless you bury yourself in your crap. We don't own anything. We're all renters. Last word, go ahead. My question is who authorize the change in the whistleblower requirement from firsthand to secondhand to be legit. When did that happen? And why is that not being questioned? Who changed that? We still I have not gotten a satisfactory answer to that, and we're still digging into it. You're right, because this isn't whistle blower. This is a hearsay whistle blower, a non whistle blower whistle blower. Actually, I think the more applicable term is leaker. All Right, I gotta break. Thank you, teeing a quick break right back, We'll continue, all right, Load it up tonight, the great one, Mark Levin. We've got all the breaking news, Solomon Fitton, Jason Chaffitz, David Limbaugh, and much much more. Greg Jarrett all coming up tonight nine Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Say a DVR. We'll see you tonight at nine. We'll be back here tomorrow