Sean predicts that the left will be quickly trying to focus on "the COVID crisis" now that President Biden has made a mess of Afghanistan. While we absolutely need to protect Americans from COVID...we also have to protect them from the Taliban.
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All right, day sixteen, and it looks like for many Americans as the clock now ticks down, it's going to be day seventeen, eighteen, nineteen twenty, and it's never gonna end because Joe is not giving up on his ridiculous artificial deadline of August to thirty first, Tony Blincoln making a very clear this weekend that it will not be extended. Joe Biden again today incoherent mumbling and bumbling and stumbling. It is beyond humiliating and embarrassing for the country, for him, and it's clear he is not up to the job. There's nobody in the mainstream media saying, take an issue with me on this, and there's a reason because they know I'll just put the Grand Master tape together one day and I'll play of everybody, and then when you hear it, when you see it on TV, you will know this guy is everything that I've been saying. Just compare him to two thousand and eight, two thousand and twelve, two thousand and sixteen, and two thousand and twenty one, and the difference is stark. It is frightening, it is scary. We're now going to leave our fellow Americans behind. And here's Joe Biden trying to keep his thoughts together during today's incoherent, mumbling, bumbling, stumbling press conference catastrophe. Well look, if there's anything else you need, you know, we just call. I mean, you got the team at the table, there a lot of them, and so just just holler all right. I now, Cedric, who are we going to next? Is go? You are I understand Gov. You're not on video, but you are on the telephone. So Gov far away, thanks for joining me. I'm here the female directors on uh uh FEM director Chris Welsh, she's on, and I'm here with UH with my senior advisor and UH boy who knows Louisiana very very well man and in New Orleans. And uh, but we need to be prepared, uh and uh uh that that we're as about as prayers we could be. And so I'm not going to turn this over to UH to John Bell, Governor Edwards uh of Louisiana, and Governor, give us your assessment of what you have, what you're she's out there, tell me what you're hearing, and what's your team in the ground, and anything you need that we haven't gotten to you and uh Is uh Is Mark Cantrell on, Mark Cantrell, are you on? I don't I don't think she was able to get connected. I don't think so, mister president. But we have Cynthea elite. Oh okay, that's your president. Eighty four percent of Americans believe that as I do, that US troops should remain in Afghanistan until all Americans are evacuator who are the sixteen other percent? Seventy one percent think they should stay until all Afghans who helped us, that that they should stay until all all of them are evacuated as well. That's ABC News. That's not the right wing, um, you know whatever. Pole overwhelming bipartisans support even to keep troops in Afghanistan until every American and Afghan who aided us, who we promised if this day ever came, we would get out that that we wouldn't allow this to happen. We'd get them out of there. Now we have the president this weekend. But way do you hear the comments of some of the families of these heroes that were killed in this suic on these suicide bombers at the airport, They are apoplectic and rightly, so they wouldn't even meet with Joe Biden this weekend. Then he's looking at his watch during this you know when these troops bodies come home, you know, back to American soil, thirteen troops. Look at the faces of all these these brave soldiers, men and women, and makes you want to cry. The British warned Biden, you know, is out there warning people that Biden holds grudges. But this is the more important part. Boris Johnson has been warned that Joe Biden holds grudges after members of the British government questioned his mental fitness following his completely mad press briefings on Afghanistan. Now, we did get some insight into the G seven. They were begging him to get rid of the August thirty first deadline. That's tomorrow. We are now hours away from the total complete pull out. Tony blink in this weekend said there will be no diplomatic or military presence as of midnight tomorrow, which will you know, the twenty four hour countdown has begun. Now we have as I suspected surface to air missiles being fired at airplanes that are trying to evacuate the remaining military, diplomatic staff, and any other Americans they can get on board. I guess they keep ragging about one hundred and twenty thousand people in an evacuation. The biggest problem with their Nobody's asked them these main questions. Why do you trust the Taliban? I mean, when Tony blink in this weekend was asked, why do you trust them? Why do you believe even with all no diplomatic presence, you're gonna be able to get Americans caught behind enemy lines, ostensibly hostages to the whims of the Taliban and terrorist groups. Why are you going to get Why are you confident they would even admide by it? Well, they it's in their best interests, though it's really not in their best interest if you want to know the truth, and the best interest is to hold on to American treasure as their leverage, and I would expect that's more likely to occur Biden's This has been a totally predictable, preventable event that has been unfolding here. Lawmakers. State Department no longer allowing American citizens to even enter Carzi International Airport. We're leaving Americans behind. We'll probably never get because that we still have not gotten a number of how many Americans they needed to get out, how many Americans actually got out. You know, you look at these these planeloads, you know the majority are not Americans that they've evacuated. Joe Biden won't answer the question, I'm not supposed to take any questions. Well, what is that on Sunday? I really think or I'm not supposed to take any questions. We'll go ahead on Afghanistan. Tony blink in this weekend saying that we won't have a presence on the ground in Cobble as of tomorrow, we won't have any presence on the ground. Jake Sullivan, do you really believe the US will have leverage with the Taliban for evacuations after the deadline, Because that's what that's what that's what the Secretary of State keeps saying. There's no deadline. Anthony Blincoln said, to our work to help any remaining American citizens who decide they want to leave to do so. Along with many of the Afghans who have stood by us these many years and have wanted to leave and have been unable to do so. They've not been able to do so. Because the Taliban that they're putting all their faith, hope and trust is in wouldn't allow them through the perimeter to get to the airport, including bus loads of Americans. According to reports, Blancott is out there saying the US expects the Taliban won't seal off the country after August the thirty first. Oh, so you're counting on the goodwill of the people that opened up the jails, that let out al Qaeda and isis K terrorists. We're going to trust them. I mean, it's just spectacularly stupid US officials talking about having any leverage ensuring that after the eight thirty one deadline, tomorrow's deadline, that people are not going to be stuck in Afghanistan, will ensure that we have a mechanism to get them out of the country should they choose in the future to come home. Some of them are choosing to come home now, and you're leaving them behind, And anything else that you say to the contrary is a lie. So stop lying now. They're even admitting as many as three hundred Americans are remaining in Afghanistan. They're admitting the terror risk remains high. Biden at the White House, the State Department are literally blocking the rescue of some I mean, this was a pretty interesting article that I saw reportedly blocking the rescue of certain people because at this point they think it's too late. They're trying to get their diplomats and there there, you know, get our armed services out of there after we're leaving them all the equipment. We found that over the weekend. Where was Tony Blincoln when Cobbo was falling? He was in the Hampton's. Where was Joe Biden on vacation? Where was Jensaki on vacation? They never took the time to come back when maybe we could have had some presence and been able to get people out faster. Nobody's asking the stupidity of handing over Begram Air Force Base. Even that, you know, Boris Johnson, all of our allies, apparently in the G seven meeting are aghast at how what before fuddled and confused and confounded and incoherent. Joe Biden is the UK had to pull out and they at least have a number. They know they're leaving one hundred and fifty Brits behind and eleven hundred Afghans that they've identified as people that helped them and despite fears that they'll be hostages, but they said they just didn't feel they can do it safely any longer, and they pulled out. They're gone, the Australians, they got all their people out. Marine battalion commander fired after blasting what is obvious and that is the inept military leadership over Afghanistan. Yeah, let's take the one Marine battalion commander that they fired him on Friday because he points out the obvious, how inept and how stupid this whole idea was, and they put it on a Facebook vote post. I've been relieved for cause based on the lack of trust and confidence. He doesn't entrust the Oh, I'm sorry. The reason people are so upset on social media now is not because the marine on the battlefield let someone down. That service member always rose to the occasion, they did extraordinary things. People are upset because of the senior leadership letting them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting responsibility, saying we messed this up, and they messed it up in March, April, May, June and July when we had control of Cobble. You know the fact that we had a group of American Afghani veterans. They're not even in the military anymore. They launched their own mission to get Afghan allies and Americans out because what they saw what was happening, and they know what's going to happen to the people that are left behind. They're gonna be hostages behind enemy lines with the Taliban and others as the hostage takers. So they were able to save you know, an amazing hundred and seventy people at least according to some reports. Thank them for this service. US Special Ops vets carried out this daring mission all Volunteer group veterans of the Afghan War. Their final mission last week Pineapple Express, shepherding hundreds of at risk Afghan elite forces and their families to safety. They moved to night in the middle of the night, near pitch black darkness, extreme dangerous conditions, and they were able to get as many people as possible out, risking their own lives in the process. And Biden now has created a safe haven for new terrorist groups to emerge in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. That he that he allowed this to happen. Even ABC's Jonathan carl on the Biden administration calling this a success, something that isn't in reality any success. Clearly the worst day of Biden's presidency could get, but it's gonna get worse. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm not giving up. As long as we have Americans caught behind enemy lines and held hostage. I'm not forgetting those people, nor should any of us. We need to pledge however long it takes to get our fellow Americans home. That's who we really are. We'll continue. I'll tell you this. You know, watching Biden this weekend during the ceremony, you know he didn't look particularly engaged during the ceremony at Dover Air Force Base, thirteen soldiers killed because he didn't see the obvious, and that was the Taliban taking over massive geographical portions of the country. Apparently didn't he didn't notice anyway during the event, He's like looking down at his watch. A lot of people have been very angry about that. It's true. He checked his watch during the transfer of service members killed in Afghanistan at the airport. You can see him, you know, Jerker's left hand pulled the watch out from under a sleeve. Looked down at it and then many of us remember President Push remember during that debate, looked awful. Didn't help him at all. And I don't know he was. He inconvenienced. He had to work on a Sunday. You know, for all these reports Fox News reporting the truth retired Greenbert Commander scott Mann helping lead a rescue mission to evacuate our Afghan allies that are going to be targeted for death. He said earlier today on Hawks that the Taliban is preventing hundreds of Americans from getting inside the Karzai International Airport gate to access any flight. He warned that as the withdrawal deadline is now approaching, they will be trapped behind enemy lines. What does that mean? That means they're hostages to the whims of the terrorists. And don't think that the Taliban is beyond working with isis K and al Qaeda. And I you know, a very smart audience, just think of what they'll do with American lives of his leverage. There's not one good thing I can think of twenty five till the top of the hour. It's a retired Green Beret Commander scott Mann said the following quote. There are hundreds of American citizens right now who are not able to get it. Was talking about the airport to get in yesterday there was a bus of up to fifty American citizens with many small children within sight of the gate the Taliban, and we're not letting them in. They were firing over their heads, firing around the bus with these little kids on there. Imagine sitting on that bus with your kids and during that for hours at a time, and you never got in. And it's happening all over the city. We're gonna have American citizens and Afghan allies behind enemy lines now within a few hours. Pregnant wife of a slain marine literally was killed while guarding Karzai International Airport said she was disappointed after meeting Biden. When her husband's body arrived at Dover Air Force Base yesterday, Washington Post reported her name's ud Gianna McCullum, met with Biden was disappointed by Biden's words to her, finding them scripted and shallow. According to one of McCollum's sisters. During the conversation at the widow, Biden brought up the loss of his son Bo Biden, who served in the military and was elected Delaware age before he died from cancer in twenty fifteen at the age of forty six. Marine Corps Lance Corporal McCollum was twenty years old when he was killed last week after a suicide bomber struck his checkpoint outside the airport at Karzai International Airport. His wife is expecting a child next month in September. He was so excited to be a dad. He's gonna be He was gonna be a great dad, McCollum's sister said. McCollum's other sister also not pleased with Biden. You can't f up as bad as he did and then say you're sorry. This did not need to happen. Every life is on his hands. How could it not be. I want to know how the world's dictators are reacting to Joe Biden's frail week, nitive mess of estate. Well, Kim Jong Un apparently reacts by restarting the nuclear reactor that he's shut down in twenty eighteen. Not a surprise, Not a surprise at all. When eight out of ten, when eighty four percent of Americans believe US troops, according to ABC, should stay in Afghanistan until all Americans are able to evacuate the country. You never get eighty four percent of Americans agreeing on anything and seventy one percent believing the troops should remain until all of our Afghan allies are evacuated seventy one percent. You don't get seventy one percent a lot either, because Americans they're smart, and they understand honor and dignity and integrity. The idea that we again the worst part of this, the Taliban was on the march. It wasn't a surprise. Now there are reports out left and right that apparently they gave I'll get into this in a little bit, they literally handed Kabble over to the Taliban. Now, the Biden administration has severed ties with the pro US Afghan resistance. How could they not. They made it clear over the weekend, the Biden administration they'd rather see the Taliban in full control and help the Afghan freedom fighters who are now building a resistance army north the Kabble. Friday night, I interviewed the Vice President that is part of the resistance that is building in northern Afghanistan. Now, if we're going to give away eighty three billion dollars in planes and helicopters and munitions and weapons and everything in drones and everything in between. Why didn't we give it to them? I to reach out the spokesperson, the head of the relations for the Afghan Resistance leader a Mad Mussad, and he said that the Biden administration has not been in touch with the group since Taliban insurgencies control of the Afghanistan this month. I tried to reach out. We haven't received any type of response at all. We don't see an interest at the movement for the resistance. The White House knows I'm here. We haven't received any interests. We haven't received any invitation. We haven't received any requests. It's surprising us that this is the only resistance against the Taliban, the only force left against terrorism, the only force. They're providing safe haven for thousands, but they haven't given this option any consideration. My main question for the Afghan real president now that the real press he was the vice president, the president left, so the Dui, you know, recognized president of Afghanistan, he's just I said, well, will you help offer safe passage to Americans caught behind enemy lines? He said yes, yes, and Afghans that will be targeted for death. Unbelievable. You can't f up as bad as he did and then say you're sorry. Wow, you have an Iraq war hero sought the Democratic Party's presidential nomination last year. Seth Moulton, blasting Biden's botch withdrawal as an effing disaster, served four combat towards four and Iraq and led one of the first infantry platoons to enter Baghdad. Told New York Magazine, the thing that everybody needs to understand, even if you're completely agree with the Biden administration's decision to withdraw, the way they've handled this has been a total effing disaster. He claimed. He created a disaster of epic proportions which should be investigated by Congress. This is a Democrat. Malton said he didn't like criticizing Biden. He also said of telling the truth is what's required to save a few lives, and it's all worth it. It's worth all the bad politics in the world. He's right. I give him a lot of credit. This great Taliban that Biden and company have put all their faith in. As a report in The New York Post that an Afghan folk singer has been executed, why did they execute an innocent folk singer like Peter Paul and Mary or John Denver anyway been executed by the Taliban because music is forbidden in his lamb, according to his family. Singer's family told the AP that he was shot dead Friday when enforcers returned to his home after earlier searching it and drinking tea with him. They shot him in the head on the farm. He was innocent, a singer who only loved entertaining people. The greeting son said of his dad, who played a loot, I don't even know what that is, sang traditional songs about his country. Taliban spokesman telling the AP insurgents would investigate no other details the guys, but he's still on Twitter. This is getting more interesting this Washington Post report where apparently the Taliban actually offered cobble to the US, but Americans, according to this report said no Taliban fighters took the Afghan capitol city cobble faster than anyone anticipated. And while it was happening, Joe stayed on vacation, Jensaki stayed on vacation. And now we know that Tony B. Lincoln was out with the Richard Mighty hanging out in the ever prestigious Hamptons in New York. Rather be shot than seen out there in the Hamptons, I really would anyway. But according to when Afghan President Ghani fled the country, the city began to collapse. Gangs were reported to be taken over. This led the US military leaders meeting and reaching an agreement with the Taliban. We have two options to deal with, according to the Taliban political leader you know reportedly said, the United States can take responsibility for securing Cobbal, or you can allow us to do it based with the decision of whether to accept control over Kabbal or allow the Taliban to do so. The US opted for the latter, you know Lara Logan said it in a tweet last week. Can we stop the lying and the pretense that the Taliban is not a terrorist group? Remember one of their first actions was to release ISIS and al Qaeda terrorists in prison. Unbelievable. Taliban commander was surprised by the outcome. I don't even think they thought they'd race through the country as quickly as they did. But it didn't matter. We saw it all happening. That's why the CIA pulled their people out of there. Lincoln was vacationing in the Hampton's just hours before Taliban insurgeons invaded Cobble and completed their retaking of Afghanistan twenty years after their ouster by US led forces. Lincoln, like other US officials, had to be called back from vacation. They didn't come back from vacation, that's the point. And Biden flew in for a ten minute speech and then left. Video of an armed Taliban standing behind a BBC reporter with guns drawn has now gone viral. They shared a short clip reporter to be on Afghan TV. It looked like a hostage video. NBC's Richard Angel, hardly a member of the vast right wing conspiracy paints a dire picture for the Afghan refugees. One hundred thousand people without credit cards, internet stuck in limbo, has asked the question, what sort of process are they going through? Down? What's next for them? Where they could they go? I wish I had an answer. I'm getting asked from Afghans all around the world. You know, have literally a community of people who have been brought out, Many of them are in kind of legal limbo. Problem is, as they've got now the database of every single solitary ally, the Afghani ally that we had. And I know they're trying to make a lot of this US air strike hitting a suicide bomber in a vehicle going near the airport, but they won't tell us who was in the vehicle. I don't I don't believe. I don't trust any any media or anything that Joe Biden says. I just don't trust it. As my own personal opinion, you can trust whoever you want. I choose not to trust or believe them. I'm a trust but verified guy. Now watch the media too. The media is now going to try and spin off, you know person, it'll all be about the hurricane. Thank god the levies didn't breach. It's still a disaster for many people in a tragedy, and our prayers are with them. Americans will do what they always do, and that's right to the occasion and help our fellow citizens in need. Prayers with everybody whose lives have been upturned. And then they're gonna go back to COVID. Watch it's a I'm gonna be COVID, COVID, COVID. Meanwhile, there's gonna be Americans held hostage behind enemy lines, and there's gonna be reports of Afghan allies murdered. It's gonna come, and it's gonna be routine until we get every American out. I'm not giving up. When did we start as a country to leave our fellow Americans behind? I wouldn't leave one American behind, not one. Nobody stays behind. This should transcend all political differences. I don't care what their politics are. There are Americans. Get their ass home safely. You don't just cut and run leave them in the hands of the Taliban behind enemy lines. The odds of them dying or being used as hostages are extraordinarily high because they really are hostage to the whims of the Taliban. Whose brilliant plan with this? Why are you trusting the Taliban? Why didn't you do it when we had control of Cobble, complete control. Why didn't you push back to Taliban when they were on the march in March, April, May, June and July. Why didn't you push him back? You could have had all the drone strikes you wanted. Unbelievable to me, Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, we're now less than twenty four hours, and we'll have no military or diplomatic presence. Americans will be left behind. Some flights continue, but they're coming to an end. Now we have to worry. They're firing surface to air missiles at these planes taken off. I pray to God that our defenses are able to stop them. So far they have. There's been five instances that I've read up. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan vehemently denies giving the Taliban any big list. What does that mean big list? They already have the database and the biometrics. It doesn't really matter if you gave them the list. But the reports were that you gave them the list. They still have the list. They're still going door to door. They still know who they're going. After Washington Post report, Biden declined the Taliban offer to have US troops control Cobble, but the Washington Post to write that a little shock. To be honest, I didn't relied on military officials on but Graham Air Force decision. How about you're the commander in chief. Trump saw the strategic benefits of keeping it in perpetuity. He wasn't given any of it back because we paid for it, and of course, I'm not allowed to take any questions on Afghanistan. I can't take any I'm not allowed. They're gonna get yelled at and everything. I'm gonna get yelled at by somebody's gonna yell at me. I gotta go. I'm not allowed. Mother of a marine killed in Cobbo, my son died in vain for a photo op for nine to eleven Wow. Mother of a twenty year old US marine killed last week? Who set it? On our friend Andrew Wilkew's show on Serious XM. Great Guy Andrew Lindsey Graham repeats impeachment call. I really think the Republicans will do it. I know eight hundred nine for one, Shaun is a number. We have Congressman Jim Banks and Congressman Louis Gohmer coming up