The Country For A Buck - February 4th, Hour 3

Published Feb 4, 2022, 11:00 PM

Peter Schweizer, Host of the Drill Down Podcast, Head of the research think tank, The Government Accountability Institute and author of his latest bombshell book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, is here with his next installment of who’s who in the trade-in your country for a buck scheme.



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All right, News, round Up, Information, overload hour. This is the Sean Hannity Show on a Friday. Eight hundred nine for one. Shawn is our number if you want to join us. I've been telling you those discussion and it looks like the truckers are beginning to win the battle in Canada and hopefully it will extend to the US. And they've had a lot of US support, a lot of solidarity from the trucking community and many Americans as well, and certainly the people of Canada have stepped up and supported the truckers incredibly, and you know it's amazing. Oh, go fund me. They can't release the fund yet. Oh and Facebook taking down of course, don't be in the censors. I'm so glad that idiot lost two hundred company whether they lose two hundred and fifty billion dollars in a day, but putting that aside. But then the Ottawa Police chief said that they may have to bring in the military. I played that yesterday. Now he's saying they may have to prosecute any officer that dares to provide any support to Canadian truckers. And most of the cops are supporting the truckers. It's on real. Listen, there is no facilitation of food, water, fuel logistics, or funding by any member of this police service or any other police service that I am aware of. Let me repeat, there is no supply of food, water, fuel logistics, or anything else that relates to enabling this demonstration by any member of the audible Police Service or any other police service that I am aware of. Should that information come to me, you can be clear. As Chief of Police in this service, I will conduct a full investigation. I will use the full extent to the Police Service Act and if relevant, the Criminal Code to pursue charges against such a member. Who would do that? Oh wow, So first it's the military. Now we're going to go after cops and prosecute cops because they support a peaceful protest of truckers that you know, in their spare time they like they do play in street hockey. I mean. But anyway, then you have, of course, the idiot Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. I have attended protests and rallies in the past when I agreed with the goals, when I supported the people expressing their concerns and their issues. Black Lives Matter is an excellent example of that. But I have also chosen to not go anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens, and a disrespect not just of science, but of the frontline health workers and quite frankly, the ninety percent of truckers who have been doing the right thing to keep Canadians safe, to put food on our tables. Oh my gosh. Now, if he had any any leadership ability in skills, he would get off his ass and go meet with the truckers. Why didn't he go to the convoy instead of lashing out calling people names? Anyway, it looks like the truckers are in the process of winning if they can hold out a little bit longer now we know. Here's a headline from the Canadian press. Alberta, Saskatchewan take a lead in signaling moves to end COVID restrictions. Canada's chief Public Health officers says provinces are going to have to find a balance between containing the virus with public health measures and returning to a sense of normalcy. As the amorcrom wave continues to crest, several provinces have signaled their intention to do away with some, if not all, of the remaining COVID nineteen elth restrictions. Alberta's premier says his government will announce next week a date to end Alberta's nineteen vaccine passport, as well as a phased approach to ending almost all COVID nineteen elth restrictions. Same with Saskatchewan. Their Premier, Scott Mose says he's committed to ending all COVID nineteen ress. Oh you would think that, um hmm, maybe Justin isn't winning here because without truckers, the government never would have removed any restrictions. That's how important truckers are to all of us in our everyday lives. And it doesn't matter what country you're from. So it looks like and this is pretty interesting that Okay, early next week COVID Cabinet Committee will approve a plan lifting restrictions, starting with the restrictions exemption program. Now, my advice to the truckers not that these guys are going to listen to me, although I support them completely. They've been totally peaceful. The allegations by the Prime Minister have been just a bunch of crap. Is that until I hear from Trudeau, I don't think i'd give up yet, I'd stay there a little longer to this is totally one anyway. Joining us now is Brian Brazzie is the organizer of the People's Convoy, the American counterpart to the Canadian Freedom Convoy, heat by the ways in his truck right now. And Jason la Fosse is with us and he's the Northern Ontario organizer for the Freedom Convoy in Canada. Jason, what do you make of this new news? Sounds to me like you guys were winning. Well, it seems like we're winning. Um. But the Ottawa Police up right now, I'm down at Confederation part and uh there we have a we have about fifteen police officers down here who are basically asking us to take down the kitchen that we that we put up so that we can feed the homeless and feed everybody here. Right So, the Ottawa Police chief doesn't realize that its officers are actually helping us a lot more than he thinks. Oh that's why I've heard they like telling you guys quietly, guys, we don't want to we don't want to interfere. We're on your side. That's what I've heard that from a number of people. You're confirming that, Oh yeah, definitely. Like even today I spoke a couple officers and basically their Leason team is telling us. They're saying, look at we don't want any any confrontation. We're tired of this too, and they support us. So, I mean, if they weren't supporting us, uh, we you know, we would have had arrests, we would have had all this stuff done. But Jason, they were talking about the Ottawa Police chief was talking about bringing in the freaking military. Oh yeah, and that's not going to happen because we've had military personnel show up down here and we've spoken to them. Some of them are sergeants, some of them are are actually officers, and they said, if the government decides to ennoct any kind of war Measures Act or which which we don't have anymore, but if they tried to ennoct anything to use the military, they will put down their arms and stand with us. I have never seen so far. Now, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it happened and I missed it, but I've not seen any violence at all whatsoever. Is that still the case? That's still the case. The only thing that we're we're having right now. That is agitators. So yesterday I went for a walk up onto the hill and we have a lady here in Canada who's she's self proflaimed Queen of Canada and she was burning the flag got Capitol Hill, which is a crime. It's a federal crime in Canada. And the provincial parliamentary or sorry the Parliamentary Police services stood there, did nothing. The Ottawa Police did there did nothing, and this is a federal crime. Let me let me rewind you that. So when I took a walk like, I walked away because I was disgusted. I don't believe in burning any flag. I'm very patriotic and I'm walking away and her she's a I wouldn't bago with her entourage and they were protected by the Ottawa Police. Wow, well, I'm unbelievable, you know. I will tell you. I could say I could even sing the Canadian national anthem. I've watched so many hockey games in my life. I'm a big hockey fan and I played hockey all my life when I was growing up. Let me go to Brian. Brian, good to have you back, buddy. I hope you're doing well. You're kind of the American counterpart and American truckers have been standing in solidarity. Many have crossed the border to even even be there with the Canadian truckers. UM, tell us about what's going on with your movement and of course the convoy that I understand, we'll start in California make its way to DC. Yeah. So first let me just say to the anybody in Canada listening and the Canadian organizers, we have your back. Hang in there. UM, you know, we're we're we we got you, We're coming to We will be there for you one hundred percent. Don't give in. UM. You know other other countries are already giving in on their their uh, their mandates because of similar situations. Is right now um our convoy, Yeah, we'll be starting out in California and heading to DC. UM, it's coming up very soon. There has been some cute fusions or other groups out there saying things, but UM, it's just a very fluid situation. We got a lot of people coming on board. UM. Like right now, I'm happy to announce for the first time on your show, if you're ready for some some breaking news, we are welcoming on UM. The Freedom Fighter Nation, Freedom Fighter Nation dot Org is jumping on with with a full team of support behind them, and we're looking forward to working with that group. But with that comes in a lot of resources and supplies and things are coming to support us to help us get this going on, which does cause a little bit of fluctuation. And like I've been saying from day one, this is a very fluid situation building fast h quick break. Will come back more with Brian Brazzie and Jason will Foss on the other side. Come on, man, it's taken me forty seven years to perfect doing nothing. I had to become president. There's Joe. Yeah, I could do that better than anybody. Joe Biden, the most dangerous man in America. This is the John Hannity Show. I had twenty five un the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, all right. So the Olympics started, By the way, it's so dumb. What is there a fourteen hour difference than the opening ceremonies already occur, Linda yep okay. And so NBC hasn't figured out that most people that want to watch this stuff, it's not I'm not boycotting. I just have no interest in it, except you know, very few sporting events. Everybody in America is going to know the results before the air, so that's a problem. But here's what's really worse about this, and this goes to the International Olympic Committee and the countries that they pick, like Russia and China, and they ignore all the human rights abuses. You know, you had Chinese thought police. They stopped a live TV report on the Olympics by a Dutch broadcaster, That's what they did. Then you have as the Olympics begin, Beijing projects shared future of undisputed Chinese power. Oh you know. Uh, here's the headline from the New York Post. Russia and China pushed back against the US in a pre Olympic summit. They want to show the world they're joined at the hip. And by the way, they're both enabling and partnering with Iran in their pursuit of a nuclear weapon. That's not a good thing for the world. I want to play. Actually, there was a good segment when they kicked off the Olympic coverage citing China's genocide and you know the place where COVID began. I was a little surprised the nation where COVID began has treated the pandemic differently from the rest of the world. It's zero tolerance COVID policy has made getting here and putting on the games incredibly challenging for everyone involved. Now, the Olympic host city and nation are traditionally celebrated. Well, that might be the case for some of the world, it is not for many of you watching back home. As an undeniably emerging superpower and force, China is under worldwide scrutiny. With the global focus of the Olympic Games returning to a country that has undergo a rapid rise in the fourteen years between the Summer Games of two thousand and eight and these Winter Games, everything and everyone attached to these games is facing questions. The hosts, the guests, the IOC, the sponsors, media and athletes. The United States government is not here. A diplomatic boycott announced this fall, joined by Canada, Great Britain and Australia, citing China's human rights record and the US government's declaration that the Chinese Communist Party is guilty of committing genocide on the weaker Muslim population in Western Hinjong region. That's a charge to China denies. Then the worst part of all Nancy Pelosi urging athletes, don't don't say anything bad while you're there. We're worried about what might happen to you. Are you kidding me? We're going to change who we are and give into that oppressive regime, that dictatorial regime, that murdering regime. I was stunned. Forget the land the Free and the home of the brave, and liberty and freedom and justice for all. Wow, Peter Schweitzer's back with us. He knows more about China and corruption of Americans doing business in China than anyone else. Very very happy and so glad that his new book that is entitled Red Handed How American Elites Get rich Helping China Win Sir, debuting number one on the New York Times bestseller list. I told you we'd have you back often because there's too much to tell through the prism of this Olympics. And then Nancy Pelosi's comments, and how stupid this diplomatic boycott is. It's meaningless to anybody. What is your reaction? Well, Sean is great to be with you, and we're number one because of a lot of help from you, So thank you. And yeah, I think the Nancy Pelosi comment signifies what the establishment and the elites got profoundly wrong. They've said for thirty years, Sean, if we give China access to our financial system, the technology, we openly trade with them, they're going to become more like us. That hasn't happened. They're more repressive than they've ever been. What is happening, though, is we're becoming more like them. We're starting to censor ourselves, and it's an enormous problem. And it's not that the average American wants that. It's that these elites like Nancy Pelosi that have financial deals in China want us to censor what we're saying about China, and enough enough, we need to stop doing it. It's pretty unbelievable now as I pour through the pages of your book, and I know we've spent a lot of time on Hunter Biden and the Bidens, they're the worst of the bunch. Correct, Yes, absolutely, especially because it's chid The deals are all tied to Chinese intelligence and he's now President of the United States. Huge, huge, huge national security problem that we need to get to the bottom of So my question to you is who are the other people, because there's a lot of people that you mentioned in the book, and why is it the people are just willing to overlook the human rights atrocities or the wagers for example, are the territorial ambitions towards Taiwan or the crackdown in Hong Kong, or COVID nineteen and the lies about the origins of the coronavirus. Well, it's a great question, Sean. I think part of it with a lot of politicians like Nancy Pelosi is it's motivated by money. They want money. But then when you look at some of the big titans in Silicon Valley, guys like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, I mean, they got one hundred billion dollars and more, you wonder what their motivation is. Mark Zuckerberg, I think would be one of the worst the founders of Facebook is I recount in the book a couple of stories. In one case, he meets President Gee and Zuckerberg's wife is pregnant, and he goes to President Gee and asks him to provide a name for his child, which Jen obviously sees as so over the top. He declared minds to do it, but it shows the extent to which he's willing to suck up. In another instance, the lead propagandist for the Chinese Communist Party visits Facebook headquarters. Zuckerberg gives him a tour. They then go to Zuckerberg's office. The chief propagandas sits in Zuckerberg's chair and he notices a book sitting on the desk and he pulls it over and it's a book of the collected speeches of President G of China. And he turns to Zuckerberg and says, oh, why do you have this? And Zuckerberg says, I'm reading it. I also bought copies for all my senior managers because I want them to understand socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is I couldn't be any happier, how Linda, what's the final number? What was Facebook down yesterday and today? Two hundred and fifty billion dollars or something. It's close to two hundred fifty billon dollars. It's a wonderful gee. Sorry, Mark, and his net worth is down thirty one billion. He's now the tenth wealthiest person. Oh so sorry to hear. He still has he started out. I think ninety billion, so that's like a third of his earnings. And I'll tell you, I'm not sure they're gonna be able to turn that ship around the way they might think. We'll have to wait and see what I don't I don't know, Peter. This this bewilders me because the bottom line is, Okay, they're a capitalist, they'll compromise, they'll look the other way. They don't care about human rights, atrocities, a repressive regime like like communists China, and that a government are they hold so much of our government debt. Okay, they don't seem to care. And yeah, I guess, I guess. What stuns me though, is that we have a president of the United States whose family we've now proven there there's no ambiguity here. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible that they have profited off this relationship, traded off their name, and are fully incompletely compromised by China, Russia, Ukraine and others. And nobody seems to want to do a thing about it. And you know, if the last name was Trump, that'd be a very different reaction. So what do we do? Well? I think the first thing is we hope that the Republicans retake the House and the Senate, because then you've got people like to Congressman Jim Jordan, who will have subpoena power and he can pull these people on to Capitol Hill. But it's a hugely bewildering situation, Sean. I mean, you mentioned Trump. You know, you and I are both old enough to remember the Cold War. And just imagine if Jimmy Carter's family or Ronald Reagan's family was doing deals with Russian businessmen who were linked to the KGB. I mean, there'd be sirens going off on the Washington DC mall. And yet that's precisely what you have with the Biden some thirty one million dollars they got these deals. Every single one of those deals traces back to a Chinese businessman who has links to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, meaning the Vice Minister for State Security, the former Minister of State Security. You can't make this stuff up. And you know, the only position that defenders of the Bidens can claim is that somehow this is a weird coincidence. I mean, it's absurd, it's absurd. This is a classic opportunity that the Chinese created to put leverage on the Biden family. They have leverage on this family and they are getting exactly from this administration what they want. So Zough, the bottom line is there's no doubt that they're compromised when you look at others that are literally because the title of your book says it all how American elites get rich helping China win. Now, I would argue that giving Vladimir Putin a waiver for his pipeline while simultaneously canceling high paying career jobs on the Keystone xel pipeline speaks volumes about Joe Biden and China. And course we know Hunter made a fortune with the Russian oligarch. So now the question is who are the other people that are profiting the most? And maybe you know have ethical issues surrounding all of this, because I suspect if you're a Republican and you're doing it, you're going to be in deep trouble. Well, I think you're right. I do think that there seemed to be different attitudes within the parties, the political parties about China. If you look at Capitol Hill, I have a whole chapter on it. You've got Nancy Pelosi's family with financial ties in China, and it really led her to switch her views. She used to be pretty hostile to the dictatorial regime. That's changed. If you look over in the Senate, you've got Mitch McConnell, and you've also got Senator Diane Feinstein, who was the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Sean. At the same time, her husband was business partners with a Chinese computer company that sold computers to the United States Marine Corps that the Marines, of course found out, was completely bugged by Chinese intelligence. So that's the level of how do you not know that you know? When we were in I guess it was Singapore. Remember we got the Linda you were there, James, Uncle James, you were there, and when we went there, um. I was warned repeatedly that I would be likely followed. I was warned that I'd be spied on. I was warned not to even do not bring my personal phone with me. I was given a different phone every single day, and I was told every time I walk into a hotel or a restaurant that Chinese intelligence would be in the room at acting like the waiters or whatever. And watching every move we make. I mean, are they really that sophisticated or were people paranoid that were telling me this? No, that's that's absolutely correct. And you would be a prime target because of your each They would want to get you, because of the influence you have in the national conversation. And I'm sure that you you followed those rules. You didn't do anything foolish. Contrast that with Hunter Biden. He sets up these deals with these Chinese businessmen linked to Chinese intelligence, and then he goes to the Secret Service and this has been confirmed by the Secret Service, and he tells them in the summer of twenty fourteen, I don't want you traveling with me when I visit China. Now why on earthed? Knowing the threat that you just talked about that certainly the son of the sitting vice president would say any dominent businessman. Yeah, but even Libya knew he was a crack addict. And like, let's say, women of the Evening, I'm being polite. Yeah, So I can only imagine the dossier that China has. I mean, the whole family's compromised and listen, and it got so bad, Peter, my room was swept every day. Yeah, and I don't remember if it was Hell's Sinkier Singapore. But on one occasion something was found. I forget where, Linda, you remember where that? Okay? Yeah, we were in Finland and they were sweeping all the rooms and we found them in the rooms. No, no, they found it in my room. I know what I'm saying. Like we like me and Sarah Carter, came back to our rooms and people were still in there, right, And then when they would after they swept the room, then they would put, you know, certain tapes and positions to make sure that nobody snuck in. I mean, it's it's it's insane by novel. It's I want nothing to do with these countries. I I you know what the hostile regimes, hostile enemies. You're not hostile, You're exposing at all. Congratulations Now a number one New York Times bestseller Peter Schweitzer, Red Handed, How American elites get rich helping China win, Amazon dot Com, Hannity dot com, bookstores, everywhere. This is a must read. It's very important that Americans know how corrupt some of these people are. Right, that's gonna wrap things up with today, Hannity tonight, Set your DVR ninety eastern on the Fox News Channel. We're gonna have the very latest on this trucker convoy, all the lies of misinformation as it relates to COVID with doctor Rampaul. We have Janine Pierro on tonight, Tammy Bruce will join us, Joe Conscha Kash Patel. When before the January sixth committee you have this Democratic Virginia lawmaker excluded from the Black Caucus. He's going to join us. What's going on here anyway? News you'll never get for the media mobs. Set your DVR, Hannity tonight, ninety eastern Fox. We'll see you then, have a great weekend. Back here on Monday, and thank you for making this show possible

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