Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). He is an attorney and co-host of Jay Sekulow Live and author of the new book, The Next Red Wave: How Conservatives Can Beat Leftist Aggression, RINO Betrayal & Deep State Subversion, and Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst and Author of Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History, today Gregg’s column is calling out all of this impeachment nonsense, as the inquiry begins...the clown show continues.
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Oh, just lost the music? What happened? Are we working there in New York eight hundred and nine for one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We are here, boss, we are here. What happened to the music? Why did that fall out? We're just making sure you're paying attention. That's oh, I'm paying attention, all right. So um look, let me let me just calm the waters of everybody. Yes, of course, the mob in the media and the corrupt, raging, psychotic Democrats and their best allies in the mob. Of course they want this to be a sh show. Of course it's rigged. Of course, it's there's no due process. Of course, it's it's phony, it's fake, it's fraudulent. Of course, it is bad for the country. This is who they are. This defines them. There's not a single thing that Democrats have done in three years except try to her Donald Trump. That's it. They have not lifted a finger to create a job, to make the country more prosperous, to help the people of this country out. They've done nothing except opposed the president and new talking points manufactured cret manufactured CRETNUFR Stormy, Stormy and Peach and Peach, Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine. Of course, it is glaringly obvious that they have never accepted the results of the twenty sixteen election. It is similarly obvious that they expected that the Muller Report was gonna be the holy grail for them and it didn't turn out the way they wanted. They're angry and now they're just just out for blood, I gotta tell you. And it runs deeper than Donald Trump. It's not just it's not Donald Trump. They're really mad at They don't like we, the people. They can't believe we're so stupid we voted for dominal Trump or a bunch of dumb, smelly Walmart shopper irredeemable deplorables that love God, the Second Amendment or Bibles in our religion. That is who they are. That reveals who they are. There is the fact that they will literally the double standard hypocrisy by these people, it should take other people's breath away. They live in a bubble. They are corrupt. They are one voice, they are one group, They have one agenda. They think they're smarter. There is a contempt for the American people. That is, they just know better. They can't believe we voted for this guy. They thought he they thought he was going down in flames in November of twenty sixteen. They thought they had him with an FBI investigation, a House Intel investigation, a bipartisan Senate investigation. They really thought that Muller was going to deliver the goods. Russia, Russia, Russia, no evidence of collusion, no evidence of obstruction. But now they're just they're not going to waste three years. We're just going to bring in a bunch of people and look at this phone call when the whole process behind all of this is corrupted and of itself. And to be a Democrat, this is, this is what you have to believe that foreign election interference is so horrible that if there's Trump Russia collusion, we better spend two and a half years and get to the bottom of it. But they had to ignore the dirty dossier. You know, we need fairness in our elections, but you have to ignore Bernie Sanders was cheated out of a primary. You have to you know, you have to just accept that it's okay to have a top secret server with classified and Infort top secret information on it, but we're not going to call it a crime because it's Hillary and we'll protect her because like that, when you care about obstruction that didn't exist with Trump, but you'll ignore everything with Hillary and the emails that were destroyed in the computers and the bleach bitten the hammers it is. You know, you have to ignore that there really was Russian election interference and Hillary's dirty dossier, but you don't care. You have to forget that part. You have to forget foreign election interference matters. But not if a DNC operative actually met with Ukrainian officials to collude to dig up dirt on Trump and Trump associates in the twenty sixteen election, and we have all the evidence confirming it, backing it up, and Ukraine is even willing to give us more evidence. But you're not going to call that important either. There's like noie believers with the Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Only if you can bludge in Trump and the Kavanaugh hearings. They want this. They want to turn it into a total wow, we got him, we got him, we got him moment. They never accepted the election results and This is the mission that they have been on. There's no hope that they're ever going to get what they want in the US Senate, which is a conviction, but they're gonna do it anyway. They're gonna drag the country through the mud because they don't care. The only thing they care about is power, and they think that they're smarter and more superior than to all of us. Smelly Walmart shopper Trump supporters, Hillary should win one hundred million to zero. Well not really, Hillary shouldn't have won one hundred million to zero, and and everybody she won the popular vote. Let's change that. Let's stack the courts. Let's implement the Green New Deal. Let's let's ninety four trillion is ninety four trillion. Let's get rid of oil gas, the combustion engine, planes and cows and everything is free in life. That's their agenda, you know, not this capitalism, which is the greatest wealth creator ever designed in the history of mankind, that has done more to advance the human condition than any other system ever created were designed by man. Let's let's let's forget what the fundamental unfairness of everything that nuke King Rich and the Republicans offered the ranking members and the Impeachment Committee in ninety eight with Bill Clinton will deny all of that to the Republicans in this case and will eliminate all due process. And what we'll do is we'll put on a show for the American people and will cherry pick the people that we think are the best guests because or the best witnesses, because we've we've pre interviewed them all behind closed doors, and we won't call the ones that will contradict our narrative. I mean, you can't get any more corrupt than these people. And the media will go along with them. Devin Nuness was right. He said, my guess it's going to be a complete circus where not going to get any of our witnesses. The media mob I call them, is going to say how imaging it is to the president. They've already written their storyline. But the fact of the matter is when you read the transcripts, the transcripts, as we were saying, when the Democrats were only leaking out that those little parts that they thought benefited them, but behind closed doors, it's been devastating to the Democrats. They don't want to call those witnesses. You know, at the end of the day, they're not going to allow the Republicans to call the witnesses that they want to call. At the end of the day, they're not going to be able to present the evidence they want to present. At the end of the day, you're going to have to forget the real quid pro quo, which was Joe and well, my son's being investigated. You've got six hours. Fire the prosecutor investigating my son. I'll give you a billion dollars. If you don't fire, fire the guy, you're not getting the billion dollars. We have to forget that ever matters. This is this is a farce, This is corruption. This exposes this incestuous relationship that we've been telling you about with the media, then the mob there and all things Democratic Party. We have some interesting developments. There is a Fox News exclusive out. I'm actually going to interview the attorney for another whistleblower tonight because a complaint has been filed with the Inspector General of the Intelligence Committee that says that the hearsay whistleblower non whistleblower whistleblower was with allegations Now that in fact, laws federal laws may have been violated by indirectly soliciting more than a quarter of a million dollars from mostly anonymous sources on a gofund me page. Now, this whistleblower report, apparently a real whistleblower report filed last week now obtained by Fox News, alleges the donations six individuals quote clearly constitute gifts to a current intelligence official that may be restricted because of the employee's official position. Pursuant too when they cite the statutes, and to date, the go fund me has raised over two and twenty seven thousand dollars for the hearsay whistleblower. The complaint also raises the possibility that some of the donations may have come from prohibited sources. They're asking the Intelligence Committee Inspector General to look into whether any foreign citizen or agent of a foreign government may have contributed. Remember the law firm with this guy that ten days after Donald Trump was inaugurated was talking about the coup attempt anyway, representing this non whistleblower whistleblower is apparently closely guarding the identity of their client, though Fox News has told the individual as the holder of a top secret security clearance and served in the government. We also know that there's contact with Schiff's office, which is another issue we'll get into today. But anyway, I've not seen anything on this scale. According to the managing partner of the law firm that's filed this for the new whistleblower, the real whistle blower on the old phony whistle blower. If this makes any sense to you, I'm gonna make it so we'll get into that more more interesting. In other words, the guy might have been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, as the complaint that we got at Fox News is pretty straightforward. And if it's and remember it's not even a whistleblower as determined by the Department of Justice, well that would mean that this is now a bigger problem for this non whistle blower, who remember Adam Shiff was going to bring in and then decided maybe we won't bring this guy in. That was after Adam Shiff was caught. Remember Adam shift Verst was telling us, oh, there's multiple quit pro quos in here. He didn't expect the president to release the transcript. Then the he's we'd love to talk to the whistleblower when asked if there was any contact with the whistle blower, we'd love to And then he had to walk that back because there was contact with Schiff's office, which means that he's compromised. He's a fact witness. We already know he's a corrupt, coward and congenital liar because he's been lying for all these years. But he lied again about contact with the hearsay whistleblower. So you know, you just you just got to watch this thing. Don't worry about what you think you're hearing and watching and seeing tomorrow, because there's nothing that the president did wrong. The president is number one. We have a cooperation agreement with Ukraine on criminal matters. That's number one. Number two, election interference liberals told us for the last three years was a horrible thing, and we now know because Ukraine has told us a Ukrainian court has determined political outline January eleven, twenty seventeen, that we had DNC operatives and contractors making contact with a non whistle sorry, making contact with a Ukrainian embassy for the purpose of colluding and digging up dirt on Donald Trump. So all of this is going to play out. They want this to be a circus. It will be a circus. They're going to tell you this is horrible, this is terrible. But none of them want to bring in the whistleblower because that means that Republicans would then have an opportunity to ask the whistleblower about Shift's role in all of this, and then you have to take it a step further. They don't want Hunter Biden coming in either because zero experience. Hunter's father is on tape bragging about his entire scam, which is what they're actually accusing Trump of, what he's actually guilty of. All of this is going to come out, all of this is going to be loud, It's going to seem like the sky is falling, and the net result is nothing will happen. We already know the outcome. Just stand back, and you're going to see a bunch of people that have absolutely no agenda to help the country put on a show about a non issue while simultaneously ignoring Joe Biden on tape bragging in a real way about what we have identified. Greg Jared is identified likely four huge crimes that would put every other American in jail. It's like if you did what Hillary did with the emails, you'd go to jail. They don't want the whistleblower any longer because that would then put the compromised fact witness Adam Schiff in a pretty uncomfortable position. They don't want to bring up the whole issue of Ukraine. And if they really cared about quid pro quos, oh, they'd want to know about Joe Biden. But of course they protect their own, just like they protected Hillary on the dossier. You know, he remember it was it was the congenital liar, Shift, you know, referring to the individual as the whistleblower. You know. The look the way Shift is running this circus tomorrow is very obvious. They try to create an appearance of fairness that in reality doesn't exist, as every paragraph ends with, but that will be at the discretion of the chairman. In other words, the way they ran things in the Nixon and Clinton hearings, Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Democrats, they get to choose the witnesses. They get to decide even on the questioning, They get to decide on evidence presented. They get to determine what the president and his attorneys get to hear, not here, se not see. They get to cherry pick who they're gonna put out in front of the American people tomorrow. And then you've got the compliant mob. They're willing allies, associates and press office of all things Democrat that are just gonna run with breathless, hysterical reporting. But in the end it'll mean nothing anyway. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. But you know, Joe Biden, I guess, did some town hall on fake news CNN last night, and he's claiming, you know, and be doing this on the campaign trail that the corruption allegations against his son Hunter zero experience, Hunter, not a little zero, no experience none zip anyway, And is all the millions that he's making, he's saying, Oh, it's been debunked up by several serious investigators, has been debunked. There's no truth to any of it, there's no evidence of anything, never has been, no serious blah blah blah. But he doesn't make any mention of the pro by Ukrainian prosecutors that it was him that used a billion tax dollars in what is a real quid pro quo in what is a real shakedown and what is like really extortion and bribery, whatever praise you prefer, He's out. Every single solitary, serious investigator looked at this and said, there's absolutely zero basis to the accusation that I acted inappropriately or that my son did. Wait a minute, so it's perfectly okay for you to know that a prosecutor in Ukraine is investigating your son. And we know he knew that because the New York Times and others told him that. But he says this in the town hall last night. This is about Trump trying to create a diversion. It's not a sintilla of evidence pointing out anything's wrong. I didn't know it. So it's okay to say, Okay, you fired this guy investigating my son. I'll give you a billion tax dollars. You don't fire the guy, you don't get the billion. I mean, I'll get to this later. But you know, now the Democrats they're trying to they're trying to change the talking point, as I told you a day or two ago, from well, I guess I had to be yesterday from quid pro quote to know this is extortion. Uh, well, what do you think Biden's on tape bragging about well did it? When would have a vice president of the United States of America demand a prosecutor in Ukraine get fired. That's never gonna happen. It's just there would be no makes no sense except that you know that he's investigating your son with zero experience and is being paid millions and millions of dollars. There's no basis for the GOP to try and get his son on the state. Would know, well, I thought we cared about these issues, and this to be the Democrat. That's how corrupt, intellectually lazy, intellectually dishonest, how hipocritical, how agenda driven you have to be. You have to just care about Trump Russia, not the dirty dossier, Trump obstruction, not the deleted emails and bleach bed You know you care about me too and allegations, and I believe, but only if you can bludgeon Trump with it. You care about foreign election interference me, yeah, but you don't care if Ukraine did it with a real DNC operative meeting a real Ukrainian at a real embassy of Ukraine for the purpose of getting dirt to help Hillary and her Trump. I mean, it's it's it's pretty breathtaking the level of hypocrisy. And that's what's on display here. You know, the President is saying, help me get to the truth. The president has a sworn oath to do that. That's called faithfully executing the laws. You know, when of the New York Times in Washington Post, you know new Kingridge had to suddenly decide that covering up the truth is a good idea. That would be pretty crazy. And you know, how do you ignore the Biden issue in all of this, Because I'm going to tell you something. You can't do this story without concluding the obvious here is, you know, the public phase of these hearings. You know, this is all set up. The reason they did it behind closed doors for all this time as they were vetting the witnesses, and now they're going to cherry pick the ones that they think work best for them and ignore all the other people that we now know from transcripts that would contradict their narrative. And all it is is an interpretation of a phone call we've already seen a transcript of because the President released it. And as far as Biden goes using a billion tax dollars. The fiery prosecutor as leverage that's investigating your son is pretty corrupt. And by the way, the one who's in more legal trouble would be according to the lawyers I've talked to Greg Jarrett, among them is Joe Biden. So you know, it's based entirely on an allegation that the President traded US aid for Ukrainian investigation to get to the truth about their election interference that their court had already determined happened, that political determined happened, and the evidence of which they're willing to give to US. So if the investigation into the Bidens was warranted, then Trump did the right thing by requesting Ukrainian help. That would be faithfully executing the laws of the land. That would also be part of an agreement that we actually have with Ukraine, and that would be on the assistance of potential criminal matters. I don't even think there's an issue. Honestly, it's a slam dunk case for Biden, and the guilt is overwhelming and he's on tape admitting his guilt. So if the request for an investigation is a fishing expedition to conjure up dirt on the bidens. Then Democrats can claim Trump's request was an abuse of power, but it was. It wasn't because we had Hunter on tape. Do you know anything about Ukraine? No, any experience, no energy, no oil, no gas, No. And why are you paid millions? I don't know. Maybe because your dad's in charge of Ukrainian policy and the vice president and the second highest elected official in the US. Yeah. Probably. I mean they say it that you don't see that in the mob in the media. I mean that it is the level of It's just breathtaking to me. You have to live a lie, you have to believe a lie. And this is where I believe they just think they know better than us, we the American people. They knew Donald Trump shouldn't have gotten elected. They were so giddy when they got the exit polls in November twenty sixteen. They went on the air six PM Easter with their coverage and they were all smiles. And as the night went on, those smiles began to get a little less frequent. Those smiles began to give way to panic and then fear. I'm I'm what are you saying to me? Like I want to play? When they laughed, it's so good. Now I don't want to play that. I'm gonna got too much to say when they were laughing at you mean when they came on the air. Yeah, remember when they all started crying when he came ahead, and they were like, it's never gonna play it all? Are you? I take requests on this show? Go ahead? Thank you. So just last week he confirmed the National Review that he's again considering a run in twenty sixteen. Do it brought you account? Fighting? Check you now? Hall of this country which does not want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run. Donald Trump has been saying that he will run for president as a Republican, which is surprising since I just assumed he was running as a joke. Is that people think that Donald Trump is a clown? Donald Donald Trump is a clown. I mean, does anybody seriously think that Donald Trump is serious about running for president? Donald Trump, it ain't the clown. President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States. Exclamation point at real Donald Trump, at real Donald Trump. At least I will go down as a president that basically, this is the beginning of the end for Trump at the beginning of the end. The beginning of the end is probably starting of the beginning of the end for Donald Trump. Donald, You're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. The strongest person usually isn't the loudest one in the room. So right now we have Hillary is about seventy five or eighty percent favorite. We have different persons. Hillary Clinton up by double digits nationally, twelve points fifty to thirty eight four way race, Clton leading in Florida, Culton leading in North Carolina, Clinton leading in Ohio, Clithton leading in Nevada. I could go on and on and on. I continue to believe mister Trump will not be president. And so right now, mister Trump, to answer your call for political honesty, I just want to say, you're not going to be president. All right, it's been fun, it's great. I love you. Come on, come on, Bunny. We don't make a projection right now. Donald Trump will take Ohio. That's in it projects. Donald Trump will carry the state of Floridas for Donald Trump and Donald Trump. Bob we project will win in Kentucky with Indiana with its eleven electoral boat wrestling, Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, North Daklota. Probably it's three electoral votes in South Dakobaa, Texas, Arkansas, Louisia with the state Oba, Tana, North Carolina, Georgia, i Utah, Wisconsin, Arizona, Kansas with its six electoral votes, in Nebraska with its five electoral votes, and Yoti with its three electoral votes. Sorry to keep you a waiting, complicated business. A lot of people have laughed at me over the years. Now they're not laughing so much. I'll tell you, Yeah, it's worth playing. I could hear that all night. It's so good. It's so good. It's one of our gets. I love it. Central question, though, is this, and The New York posted a great piece by Jonathan Tobin today, is was there a legitimate request by the president to investigate Ukrainian election interference? The answers, yes, legitimate question to investigate whether Biden corruptly forced Ukrainian officials to stop investigating his son with a quid pro quo. The answer is yes. And unless Democrats can answer that question, this case against Trump collapses. And you know the process is just part of it. But the case collapses because all of that happened, and and so they'll put on their show, they'll they'll go into their breathless hysteria mode, just like they did all through the last election, just like they did for two and a half years with Muller, just like they did with Russia Russia. And it doesn't matter, because in three hundred and fifty seven days, you get to do that to them again, all of them, and they all deserve it, and you ultimately decide. We ultimately decide, the people ultimately decide. And I'm going to tell you something. They fear this, they fear this can happen. Gunressman Al Green a lot of things, but one thing he's not as dumb and him say we better impeach him because if we don't, we're not going to beat him. And that pretty much sums it up. I mean, you look, you just look at what do we got here. You've got a deep seated hatred for all things Donald Trump, which is why they were perfectly fine with let's see lying premeditated fraud buys a court outsourcing intelligence gathering. But we have news on that that I'll get to. Senator Grassley sent out a tweet earlier basically saying, if we don't get this next week is promised the IG report, it stinks to high heaven basically, and that's you know, you'll watch the whole thing unfold. It's it's gonna be what it's gonna be. You'll get a forty five minute introduction by the compromise corrupt coward, congenital liar Schiff, then Devin Newness. Then expect to hear from councils for both sides of the Intelligence Committee. Then you'll have Steve castor, Jim Jordan, Um probably Ratcliff. I would assume, you know, they'll go through it. And you know the bottom line is, in all of the transcripts so far, maybe from Taylor, irregular policy channels were running contrary to longstanding goals of US policy. Well, what not also telling you is that the President in twenty seventeen, which I thought was a pretty important piece of factual information, had withheld aid from Ukraine once before, and he did it for all the right reasons. But they don't really want to talk about that either. It's like they don't want to talk about Adam Schiff. Just you know Adam Schiff, Remember This is a guy that was saying he's gonna bring in the whistle blower until he got caught lying about having no contact with the whistle blower or the non whistle blower. Whistle blower heresay whistle blower. Well, apparently now it might be in trouble himself for raising all sorts of money even though he's not a real whistle blower, because another whistleblower has come forward. Thanks soon was gonna hear him from whistleblower after whistleblower in the years to come. All Right, a lot coming up. We'll go over the legal aspects of this what they think is gonna go down tomorrow, Greg Jarrett Jordan's secula will check him with us. We're going to get a lot of calls in today because we've been negligent getting to the phones. Many of you have said, get to the phones, we want to talk. We'll make that happen. And we'll also check in with Kaylee mcinaney and Jeff Lord, will get their predictions on the media swamp. You know, there's actually some information out by media research. Yeah, impeachment Ukrainian Probe three hundred ninety eight minutes just by the three major networks. Oh a, ninety five percent of their coverage is negative. Yeah, they speak in one voice. They are a mob We'll continue. Let me ask you something you just said. You think the words quid pro quo shouldn't be used anymore. It's a lot of your own colleagues that have been using it as part of this debate. Do you feel as if that that that word just doesn't penetrate the seriousness with what happened. Well, I have two problems with quid pro quo. Number one, when you're trying to persuade the American people of something that is really pretty simple, which is that the president acted criminally and extorted in the way a mob boss would extort somebody a vulnerable foreign country. It's probably best not to use Latin words to explain it. He were secretary of State. Did you have to say to Barack Obama you can't extort foreign country to get dirt on your political enemies. I mean, do you have your lost did you Louise College? How many times you did that? Yeah, that never happens. It's important that the president has due process and evidence is not a conclusion. We have enough evidence from the depositions that we've done to warrant bringing this forward evidence of an extortion scheme, using taxpayer dollars to ask a foreign government to investigate the president's opponent. What we are talking about here is the president essentially participating in what looks like a series of events that looks like extortion, withholding aid to an ally and then quote unquote asking for a favor to essentially benefit your self politically, not in the interest of the United States of America, but in the interests of your own reelection. This is really alarming. Yeah, and well, now we have more of the facts and he the president himself, even admitted it. But in my opinion, this is extortion. Democrats, though, is looking for a shift in their own messaging strategy. You saw that with Congressman Himes just a second ago. Don't use the Latin, don't use the Latin, right, people don't get quid pro quot. Listen it maybe listen. That's the argument that Democrats are making. If they're saying people don't get the Latin of it, let's call it extortion. I had one Democratic Congressman telling me, let's call it extortion, let's call it bribery, let's call it something that's more visceral. Look, we keep on using this euphemistic expression quid pro quo. The actual term for what occurred is extortion, and extortion is a crime. And the president extorted the president of Ukraine for political dirt and a prospective political opponent and dangled military aid and the promise of presidential visit in exchange. That's called extortion. And then the man at the center of the conspiracy gets on the call and just out and out openly extorts the Ukrainian president. You manufactured dirt on his political opponent, because who would be dumb enough to explicitly extort the Ukrainian government for dirt on the president's political rival when a bunch of people are listening. All right, there it is the media mob. Let's change, let's change the talking point. No more quid pro quo. Let's say it's extortion when there was no extortion. Well, well that's not true either. We do have quid pro quo, shakedown, Joe Biden's extortion. Yeah, you get the billion, you fire the prosecutor investigating my son. You don't fire the prosecutor, you don't get the billion. You got six hours. That's that That is what you must absolutely ignore to be a liberal Democrat or a member of the insane media mob. Manufactured crisis, man, manufacture crisis, Stormy Stormy, Russia, Russia, you know SLS. It just goes on and on, and the hypocrisy's breathtaking. Eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza, Yeah, the circus comes to town tomorrow. There is the President of the United States. We have a criminal cooperation agreement. We've been told for three long years that foreign election interference is wrong. We know from a Ukrainian court decision. We know Politico in chapter and verse laid it all out that Ukraine interfered in the twenty sixteen elections to help Hillary Clinton. We know a DNC contractor went to the Ukrainian embassy in DC to get dirt on Trump and his associates in the campaign, all facts President saying, hey, do us a favor. Can you get to the bottom of that? We know because Joe quid pro quo. Joe is on tape bragging about his extortion shaped down to fire the prosecutor that he was warned was investigating his own son and These are just the facts Democrats don't want. Now we've got, Just like with the Russia Russia Russia case, we're beginning to see the same elements of collusion and corruption that existed the first time. What is it, Oh, the compromised coward that is the congenital liar that is known as Adam Schiff that is running this circus with no due process. He's judge jury executioner. Yeah, he had contact his office as contact with a democratic operative deep state operative non whistleblower, whistleblower heresay whistleblower who also apparently has this deep relationship with Joe Biden, who also apparently loved working for Brennan. And now we find ourselves with Oh, okay, we couldn't get him after for investigations on Russia. Let's try Ukraine now, and we'll just make up new words to make it sound bad like we did the last time, Just like shift promise for three straight years. We've got all the evidence proving collusion anyway. Jay Seculo, Executive Director, American Center for Law Jordan's Seculo, Executive Director, American Center for Law Injustice and by the way, an attorney in his own right and also his new book, The New Red Wave, How Conservatives can beat Left US aggression, Rhino betrayal, and Deep State subversion. Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analyst, author of the latest bestseller witch Hunt, the story of the greatest mass delusion in American political history, which we now see continues. All right, so this is all, this is what you must do to be a Democrat. Only care about foreign election interference with Russia, but ignore the dossier. Only care about election and interference if it involves Trump, but not Ukraine helping Hillary Clinton. Jordan Syculo, I think this is it gets to the heart of this, the fact that Adam Schiff is not even considering allowing witnesses to testify about Ukraine's involvement in the twenty sixteen election, even putting aside Hunter Biden and that corruption, but just that DNC staffer who went to the Ukrainians to get dirt on President Trump, as was reported not you know, not in conservative outlets, but by Politico and a long piece, and people kind of ignored this and Washington Post. After the election, they actually wrote a piece in the Washington Post saying how Ukraine was having to rework their relationship with the Trump administration because of the work that they did to hurt President Trump. So I mean, these were in very mainstream publications, and yet they want to ignore that completely. But it gets even worse, Sean. I mean, the fact is we are way less than twenty four hours from these first so called public hearings beginning, and three witnesses that absolutely should be given the green light by Adam Shift that Republicans requested because Adam Schiff had already called these three. You know, we talked about Volker, when we talk about Hale and more Morrison, They've already testified behind closed doors and they were Democrats witnesses. And yet still at this moment in time, we haven't gotten an okay from Adam Shift that even those three request by Republicans will be able to testify to them and show themselves to the American people. Greg Jarrett, you have a great column out today. I know is trending number one on foxnows dot com. Earlier, I don't know if it is now. I haven't looked, but the clown show known as the impeachment Inquiry is getting more comical and hapless by the day. Yes, because Adam Schiff is the one who said he doesn't want Republicans turning the impeachment proceedings into a sham. Well, Schiff has already managed to do that all on his own. Remember this is the guy who insisted that he was going to call the whistleblower who triggered the impeachment force, then suddenly he changed his mind. Well, what happened in the interim evidence emerged that Schiff and his staff colluded with a whistleblower before the complaint was ever filed, and then Schiff lied about it, which earned him four pinocchios. So this is the chairman trying to conceal his own role in engineering the pretext for impeachment, and of course his subsequent lie. And this is why he is insisting that the whistleblower remain anonymous, even though if you look at the law, it says there is no right, no guarantee, no privilege, no entitlement to anonymity period. And furthermore, this whistleblower isn't even a whistleblower. The Department of Johnsice looked at the complaint, issued an eleven page decision that said, sorry, this guy ain't a whistleblower. He doesn't qualify amazing developments here. But you know, look, it's it's obvious what's going to happen. I mean, the media is going to be like, oh, shock, faint, outrage, faint, shock, faint, outrage, faint, faint, fain. And again it's like, okay, you ignore the dirty Russian dacier Hillary paid for. You only care about that if it's Trump if, I mean, it's breathtaking hypocrisy, I believe, but only if I can bludge in Trump. We're going to ignore the serious allegations or rape and sexual assault against the lieutenant governor of Virginia. You know, we're not going to care about Ukrainian election in afference because oh that was designed to help Hillary and we had a real DNC operative meeting with Ukrainians colluding for the purpose of foreign interference. Jordan. I mean, it's it is breathtaking hypocrisy on every level. But as you said, Sean, I think it's why it's so important today as we're talking about this and people are listening to this, and when they talk to their friends and family, they're going to be the country is going to be inundated tomorrow. Now they make ignore it to the point that they can. But when every broadcast channel goes to it, every radio station, every cable news network is covering it from end to end, the narrative will be I think still at the end of the day, kind of who you take your news from, right, I mean, but if you're taking it from folks who aren't that engaged, and that's the group that is, again the people who they vote in presidential elections. They don't usually vote in other elections they might vote in presidential election is a better way to say it. That's the group Democrats are going for, right, I mean, the group that is kind of uneducated about this topic. I'm not saying they're uneducated, but they're not that into the weeds on this, and so whatever looks the most serious they're kind of gonna go with. And if they the Democrats can make this not look like a phony kind of sham and the Republicans aren't able to really counter or Adam Shift kind of shuts down the counter, then I think that that's why these what we do, what we all do, is so important because we're gonna have to point it out peace by piece for folks, and we've got a lot of time to do that. But these Democrats really do believe and they have not pushed back on the narrative Sean when they told the media that in the first hour they've got to hit their home run. And what that means is not convincing you, me or Greg that the president should be removed. It's not even convincing the American people that the president should be actually convicted and impeached. It's convincing enough Americans not to go and vote in November three to twenty twenty, or people who may not have usually voted, who did vote for Trump the first time, to not vote for him a second time. So it's it's that kind of I think political thinking that we're up against and Adam Schiff most of that time will be Adam Schiff and Devin Nounez. So they think that what is Adam Schiff going to try tomorrow? It's gonna be some home run. Now so far he's failed at those. But remember, if you weren't informed and you heard Adam Shift's fake conversation that he made up between the President of Ukraine and our president, you would be maybe a lot more persuaded, at least a little more confused about what was right and wrong. And so again I say, look at what they're who they're playing to, who their audience is, and that's what we have to fight back again. You know, you brought up, for example in your column this issue about Bill Taylor, who was the acting ambassador to Ukraine. While it was my understanding. You right again, he's another person that has zero firsthand knowledge of anything. And this is the entire scenario, is what we think, we believe, where we're told where gas my hypothesis is, but no facts. Well, you're right, and none of these witnesses that Chiff is calling tomorrow wouldever it be allowed to testify in a court of law. They're simply offering their opinions and interpretations. They're repeating rumors in innuendo and their diplomatic echo chamber. And Taylor's perfect example, he said, well, it was my understanding there was a quid quote quote he got it from Gordon Solo, who got it from Tim Morrison. And where did Sondlin get it? Well, he said he presumed there was a quid pro quel, he had no direct knowledge of it. Same thing with George Canned will testify tomorrow. His is triple hearsay. He heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy who heard it from Sondlin again, who presumed there was a quid pro quel. None of this would ever be allowed because this is multiple hearsay stacked on top of speculation and conjecture. And that's all Adam Schiff has, you know, And I guess yeah. And by the way, Sonlon, did they hear from him, because he said he actually talked to the president, didn't he He did, And Sondlin said, the President told me in our conversation, I don't want anything. There is no quid pro quol. And Sonlon then went on to say I never thought there was a precondition or qu pro quo. Then later he revised his testimony say wow, upon reflection, I presumed there was a quid pro quo. Sorry, A judge would turn to the jury and say, disregard this man's testimony. We're striking it from the record. It's yesterday's trash, all right. Jordan Seculo, Greg Jared, thank you both for being with us. Eight hundred nine for one Shaun Tolfree telephone number when we come back wide open telephones. I know a lot of you have been very very patient. Will hit the phones. Next year. Up the circus is coming to town, and it's gonna have elephants, a three ring circus. It's gonna have liars and hypocrites on display. In other words, the clowns of DC, the swamp, the sewer, A lot of this is going to be very entertaining. Trust me. If he takes the risk of going to try and he's convicted, that could be seen as an impeachable offense. If Trump were caught on a video camera snorting cocaine in the White House, maybe with one of his children, there was at least a chance he'd be in peace. If he's not a legitimately elected president. In your mind, there are tools that Congress has. I don't see how that wouldn't be an impeachable offense. That tweet fits the Republican definition of an impeachable offense. I will fight every day until he is impeached in peace. Body bid and peach. Bodybide grounds for impeachments and impeachable offense. Perhaps impeachable offense is impeachment the appropriate remedy something for the Congress like impeachment. All that may be impeachable. That's an impeachable offense? Is that an impeachable offense? Is that an impeachable offense? To you, he's much more vulnerable to impeachment. A potential ingredient of impeachment. Where do you see in a peachable offense? It is grounds for impeachment, for impeachment potentially criminal or even impeachable grounds for impeachment or does that not go far enough in your view? Grounds for impeachment? This tweet alone may be an impeachable offense. Let's talk about impeachment. Impeachment is on the table, rich impeachable offense fully stolen and because we're gonna go in there, we're going do you see an impeachable set of offenses? It's an impeachable offense. If that's not impeachable, I don't know what is. The president shall be removed from office on impeachment? Is it impeachable? Is impeachable? Very substantial evidence that the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanor grounds for impeachment. Tipping point to talk of impeachment reaches a fever pitch on Capitol Hill. We take no joy in having to move down this road and proceed with the impeachment inquiry, but neither do we shrink from it. The resolution from the perspective, the Intelligence Committee sets out immportant procedures for how we may conduct our open hearings. So that's the montage, by the way, that we aired on television. We could keep creating new ones. And what you're not seeing is that started in twenty sixteen, all through twenty seventeen, all through twenty eighteen, now twenty nineteen. Impeach, impeach him, chimpeach, impeach, impeach. I mean, it's madness, but it is what the modern extreme radical socialist democrats and the media mob that this is who they are. This now defines them. This is it's never about any longer the country. It's never about we the people. It's never about what's in America's best interest, and that just never seems to cross their minds. So we'll go through all of this. I think Devin Nunez was on Hannity last night, was dead on accurate as he said, all right, so we now know that this is a rigged investigation. They tried to create the appearance of fairness. There is none of it because at the end of every paragraph is, but the chairman has complete our discretion in terms of witnesses, in terms of questioning, in terms pretty much everything. There's no fairness. The fairness that knew king Rich offered Bill Clinton, the Democrats, the ranking members on the committee at the time, the President's attorneys, and on and on. None of this is being afforded Donald Trump or the Republicans. They're even the ranking member. They have no ability to call witnesses as they want without the approval of the compromise. The corrupt, coward, congenital liar who is Adam Schiff. And you know what Newness went on to say is my guess is this will be a circus and we're not going to get our witnesses. And the mainstream media, the mob as I call them, is going to say how damaging it is to the president, and that's just going to be the storyline. But the fact of the matter is if you actually read the transcripts, and by the way, we've been going through all of these things, what as we've been saying, the Democrats were leaking them out, but only the portions that they thought fit their narrative. And what's really been happening behind closed doors is. They've been devastating to the cause. The narrative the Democrats are trying to make. Why do you think all of a sudden they got away from quid pro quo. We'll just we'll make up a name. We'll call it extortion. That's what it is. And this is all part of the polity. This is what they're doing to the country. Let's put it that way. For three years, these people have not lifted a finger to help make this country more prosperous, to create more jobs, more opportunities for the American pear. They've not lifted a finger. They've not done a single thing to help the president. As it relates to foreign policy. You know what, they even supported in the second term of Barack Obama in terms of border security. They don't support now that is this is just a psychotic rage and hatred. I am telling you, it's like it's like a mass hysteria. And so they'll create the impression that they've got blood in the water. The mob will will be This is devastating. Did you hear his interpretation of the call that doesn't show anything wrong at all? Yeah? Wow, even he agrees with us. But the people that testify that don't agree with them. They're not going to get the same type of play, the real quid pro quo, the real extortion, the real criminal activity, which we've identified specific laws that we believe Joe Biden violated, and that's not going to come up. Joe Biden's not going to be called. Why where's the whistleblower, non whistleblower, hearsay whistleblower that Shift promised to call. Well, that was while he was still lying to the country as he did for three years about evidence of Trump Prussia collusion and lying to the American people that oh, yeah, we're gonna call the whistleblower. Yeah, no, we we'd like to talk to you. We haven't talked to them. I mean, while we find out those all this contact with Shifts off as now, we're not going to call them now. Of course they're not going to call the person now. Why Because they were up to their eyeballs and colluding. That's just part of the process. But on the substance of it, what do you have. You have a president that once in twenty seventeen withheld aid to Ukraine based on issues involving potential corruption and yeah, way before this phone call had held up aid for specific reasons. Yeah, because there's so many problems in terms of Ukraine and what do we get in the phone call. But you know, after three years of being lectured and told that election interference by foreign countries is bad, Well, now that we know Ukraine was up to their eyeballs in it, with a real DNC contractor and operative working on behalf of the Democrats colluding with Ukrainians, and they actually did it, and they did it successfully, digging up dirt on Trump, Manafort, etc. No, we don't want to talk about that anymore. That's not important anymore, just like you know, it's not important that you know, well, you fire the prosecutor investigating my son, you get a billion, you don't fire him, you don't get it. None of that matters. It's this is the insane world we're now living in, and it's insane and it's about power, and it's about it. Well, it's multifaceted. I mean, you've got on the one hand, they can't believe Trump won. They still can't get over it, and that's why they've been calling for impeachment two days since the guy was elected. And then of course they expected fully expected that Trump Russia collusion was going to remove him from office or separate investigations. It all came up short, never came out the way they wanted. So now we'll cling to a conversation that they didn't think would be released because we were first told there's multiple quid pro quos. There's no quid pro quo, So I'll just call it extortion. Well, there was no extortion. There was no services given, there was no demand for anything. Can you help us find any illegal activity, which, by the way, we have an agreement with Ukraine and cooperation non criminal matter agreement with Ukraine. All right, let's get to our phones. Let's say hi to John in New Jersey. John, Hi, how are you? And welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Thanks Sean, it's great to talk to you. It's an honor to talk to you, honor to talk to you. Hey, I wanted to go back to something you were saying yesterday. It's a little off topic. It's more about the real crime committed here and trying to set up the president. But we keep seeing that this Horowitz report is delayed, delayed, delayed. How can we be sure given the depth of corruption of the deep state, that this isn't being whitewashed as we speak, and it's going to be a Lucy Charlie Brown moment for us again yet again. Well, I mentioned earlier the Chuck Grassley tweet from earlier today, and I'll read it to you again. It says, if FAISA Inspector General Harrowitz's report doesn't come out next week when they said it would, then I'll be very disappointed and left to wonder in big letters, what the game is? Question mark? Question Mark, is someone at the FBI or DOJ tying the IG's hands, Which I think is a great question, because we've been hearing about, Oh, it's coming next week, the week after next, the week after after next, it'll be out by fourth of July, by Labor Day, now before Thanksgiving. It never is something's going on here. I don't know it. Look, and there's always some excuse. I mean, and I get it that there might be some intersection between the what is now the criminal investigation of John Durham and an overlap in terms of what Harowitz has been investigating. But you know, at this point it's just I'm big meaning to wonder myself. Let's put it that way. Yeah, well, you know, I bet you if you'd check the supply of white paint in the DC area, it would be sold out because they're probably My feeling is I hate to be so cynical, but based on you know, I mean, if Donald Trump has done nothing else, he has exposed utterly the depths of corruption in DC with this permanent government that believes they they are the ones that govern the country, and the little little elected officials who come and go have nothing nothing to do with it. And I just strongly suspect that they're a whitewashing this report and it's going to come out and it's it's, I hate to use the term, going to be a nothing burger. I don't think. I don't think it's possible, though, I think that what we know as facts now belie that I would just say, it's just it's so overwhelming with just certain things we know. We know the bulk of evidence in the FIES applications was Hillary's bought and paid for dirty dossier. We know that it was unverifiable, Steel never stood behind it. We know that they were warned on numerous occasions. We know that you know that by definition, that is simple premeditated fraud unifies accord, and then we know what they did with it. So I just it is what it is. The facts are the facts. It's just a matter of them, you know what they do with those facts basically and confirming everything that we've reported, which we know are true, backed up by documents. It's not like their lies. I mean, you know. One of the things that's so amazing in this to me is the same people that have been lying in the media and in Congress for nearly three years about Trump Russia collusion, evidence overwhelming, overwhelming, the same conspiracy theorists, the same people that lie day after day, night after night, every single minute hour of every twenty four hour day, every seven day week, every month, every year, they are now doing the same exact thing, and there are no consequences the first time, and no apologies, no retractions, just doubled down on impeachment again with a new conspiracy theory, with new lies and new manufactured crises and outrage. The fact that lies can be this widely accepted and regurgitated is a little frightening to me, to be honest, because I'm beginning to think that they don't even know they're lying at this point, they don't even know that they've got, you know, the mental derangement syndrome that they have that's even scarier. And the fact is that there's so many of them in positions of power. Pam and Connecticut, good call, John, Thank you, all right, quick freak. We'll come back MORERIR calls straight. I had news round up information overload at the top of the hour. As we have more in the latest news of the day, Hannity Great Show, Tonight, Ninetiestern, Lindsey Graham among our many guests on the Fox News Channel, we'll continue, all right, Pam and Connecticut, Pam, how are you glad you called? I am fine, sir, thank you for taking my call. A couple of things. I am just so disgusted with all of them. The question that keeps coming to my mind is they're out in the open, and they're doing what they're doing. What's to stop them from negating the presidential election of twenty twenty because people need to start looking at that and wondering they're going to the lengths this time. And they've been saying impeached before he was even elected the first time, So what's to stop them from rigging the election. I'll be honest. Look, I just think that I actually think in the minds of the left today, this is now this to they like crusaders. This has now become the cause. They have convinced themselves they know better, that they're smarter, and that we're smelly, walmart people and irredeemable deplorables. I think they think they're doing some of them God's will, and they're so blinded by their psychotic rage they don't know or see the damage they're doing. That's how that's how sick. I think a lot of this have become to be honest with you, others know what they're doing, and others know this is all about power. All right, quick break, We'll come back. News Round Up, Information Overload Lindsay Graham much more tonight nine Eastern Fox. As we continue going up next our final News round Up and Information Overload hour, we will treat the President with sterness. Democrat on the Health Intelligence Committee under fire tonight for reciting what he later called a parody a president from spall call with the Ukrainian President, and unfortunately for Adam Shipp, he kind of really blew it at the last hearing he did when he tried to be too cute by half and offer some kind of parody and American people need clarity, not parody. House Republicans not the only ones calling out Intel Chair Adam Shift over his panel's reported contact with the whistle blower. The Washington Post given Shift for him al kios for these quote lightout false remarks. We have not spoken directly with the whistle blower. We would like to explain why the president's allies are seizing on that SoundBite from Adam Shiff and what the congressman as people around him are saying. How because it wasn't true. Democratic Chairman Adam Shifts spokes was confirmed quote the whistleblower contact that the committee ship was tipped off about the complaint days before it was filed. He clearly gave no indication that he had ever met with the whistleblower or anybody on his team had ever met with the whistle blower. First of all, you expect the whistle blower to testify and if I went, yes, and I hope very soon. The Betron rules allowed for Replan to request other witnesses. Republican lawmakers requested hate specific witnesses, including Hunter Biden and the intelligence community whistleblower. Adam Ship says he will not allow for those witnesses to approve anonymous the anonymous whistle blower as well as Hunter Biden others to come in fancy if the list all right, Dud's round up information overload our Sean Hannity show. It's all predictable. You know, Republicans need to be running ads, in my opinion, in all two hundred I'm sorry, all thirty two districts of these Democrats where Donald Trump has won by significant margins in many cases, and that is all these people ran on the same platform. They're not going to be a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi's agenda. So far, they've been a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi's Pelosi's corrupt agenda. The only part of the agenda is pretty much hating Donald Trump. There is a pretty interesting MRC analysis as it relates to with you know, virtually no chance Senate Republicans are going to vote to remove the president from office. You know, this drive for impeachment is aimed at creating a deluge of negative daily headlines hoping that they're going to bludgeon up and bloody up Trump heading into next year's election. Now, if that's what their goal is, they have been successful. And the mob and the media does their due duty and follows suit because they're nothing but an extension of everything Democrat. We see that Donald Trump, President Trump his administration. When you look at the three main networks, ABC, CBSNBC and their newscasts following the beginning of the impeachment inquiry, which started September the twenty fourth, the coverage has been even more hostile than normal. Out of six hundred and eighty four you know, comments evaluating including the broadcast, ninety six percent they determined or negative versus four percent that have been positive. Now, to determine the spin of the news coverage, they tally all explicit statements about the president or the administration from reporters or anchors or nonpartisan so called sources, they're so called experts, etc. Etc. All in and then of course we're gonna put it on tomorrow. It's gonna be everywhere impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment. And when you look at it, you've got the impeachment Ukraine probe three hundred from September twenty fourth to November fifth, three ninety eight minutes ninety five percent negative, with drawing troops from Syria one hundred and twenty one minutes ninety eight percent negative. Successful killing of Bagdaddy forty five minutes, and even that was sixty seven percent negative. I mean, that's how corrupt this mob is. And that's what it is. It is a mob. It is a mob mentality. And then you look at some of the other indicators. We got a lot of good economic news. You're never gonna hear about it, because the mob really never wants to talk about anything positive that's gonna help Donald Trump in any way, shape, matter, or form. But if you look at the statistics, they're pretty glaring. Household income under President Trump is soaring. Meanwhile, it barely budged in the Obama years. We have the Census Bureau data from January twenty seventeen through August twenty nineteen, middle class household income rows from sixty one thousand to an all time high sixty six thousand. Now those are in twenty nineteen dollars, in other words, adjusted for inflation. And the president has on occasion sited these numbers, that's a good economy. You know, nearly seven million new jobs have been created, seven million fewer people on food stamps, millions are out of poverty, five hundred over five hundred thousand manufacturing jobs, you know, the ones Obama said We're never coming back. We have an unemployment rate the lowest in fifty years. We have record low unemployment for every demographic group in the country. Wage growth is at a consistant three percent during the President's administration. It's never been my big barometer, but the Dald Jones has now hit records more than eighty times under President Trump Congress. You know, every promise he's made that ever talked about, promises made and KEPPT and the biggest tax cuts in history, the biggest moment, the biggest deregulation period in American history. And on top of that, then we have energy independence for the first time in seventy five years, nine thousand opportunity zones created in fifty states. And the people that seem to be doing the best are the people that I always referred to as the forgotten men and women that got screwed under Biden Obama. Anyway, Jeff Lord is with us he's the author of Swamp Wars, Donald Trump of the New American Populism versus the Old Order. Kaylee mcin any back with US National Press Secretary Trump twenty twenty campaign. All Right, Jeff, you kind of have lived in the swamp, and you've worked in the swamp, and you worked in the swamp mob media over a big newscy and not along with Kayley. I mean, it's pretty predictable what's going to happen tomorrow. There will be breathlessness, hysteria, we got them, we got them, we got them. When they have nothing, well, they do have nothing. And what I find so remarkable about all this Trump arrangement syndrome is that these people are so obsessed with it that even though they are ultimately going to damage their own credibility with all of this coverage tomorrow, this negative coverage tomorrow, they don't care. They're so obsessed with this that they totally lose sight of it, and they will go out there and effectively give their credibility another wound here, if not a fatal wound. And it is an amazing thing to watch. And one quick thing, Sean, you interviewed the President the other week and Kaylee season. Of course, I had my shot a week ago. Today with my colleagues, two colleagues from the American Spectator, we spent an hour with him in the oval Off. This is a president who was in charge. He is energized, he is focused, He asked great questions, he had a great sense of humor. He is totally there. And all these people and all of these stories that come out about him are nothing but propaganda. Hayley, what's your take on all of it? Yeah, I think that's exactly right. Look, the media is doing their best to take down this president. We know that to be the case, and this president is succeeding and soaring over it all. I see him out of each and every rally I go to get to fly back with him after and he's always in good spirits. He's always up despite the media trying to take him down. And what I think is so frustrating to us here at the campaign is just the absolute lack of interest in covering anything pertinent to the Democrats and corruption and Joe Biden. And it's almost as if that political story that exposed the Ukrainian collusion with the Democrats, most of this political wish they hadn't have written it because you bring it up. I bring it up, Others bring it up. As a mainstream media source that's constantly putting out there the Democrat collusion, or at least did once but now so severely regrets that decision. There's just no interest. Much like the New York Times twenty fifteenth story about Hunter, Biden and Brisba. Now of course they wish they didn't put that out there. So it's just amazing the lack of interests outside of Ushan and a very selectnicle of journalists and reporters. There's just no interest, and it's exceedingly frustrating. You know, I just want to know what part How did all of a sudden we go from three years of absolute feigning outrage over foreign election interference for investigations there is none. They had to ignore the dossier of Hillary to get to where they were on Russia, putting that aside. We do have evidence, a lot of it of Ukrainian election interference. They've acknowledged it, a court decision acknowledged it Politico. As Kaylee points out, Jeff Lord not only acknowledged it, they gave chapter and verse about how a DNC operative actually went to the Ukrainian embassy for the very purpose of colluding with Ukraine to damage Trump for the twenty sixteen election. But now none of this matters to them. It's because Sean, they're not journalists. They're left wing activists disguised as journalists, and badly disguised at that. So you know, the President is right on to treat them this way. This is who they are, this is what they are about. And he's onto him. And you know, as I said to you before, you know, when I talked with him at length about this kind of thing in twenty fourteen before he ran, he said if he ran, he would do exactly what he's done, that he would expose them for what they are. He's done it, and all to the good. You know. One interesting point that I found, and one of the articles I was reading today is one of the witnesses called by the Democrats to go before the compromised, corrupt, coward congenital Liar's secret impeachment coup hearings, Adam Schiff. Anyway, one of the key witnesses, noted that Trump had blocked usaid to Ukraine in twenty seventeen and expressed similar concerns about the corruption that was going on there. And by the way, what's interesting, and the person's name is Katherine Crofts. The State Department officials specializing in Ukraine told the closed door meeting that Trump threw the Office of Management and Budget held up the first grant of military aid to the Ukrainian government then poor Ashenko, partly because of concerns the country's corruption. The president's frustration with the US paying for the majority of the defense, which by the way, came up in the Zolinsky call to me, seems wholly consistent, especially because I thought it was important all this election interference. You know, Joe Biden using taxpayer money to basically bribe Ukraine, blackmail Ukraine into firing the prosecutor invest gating his son. That barely touches the radar of any Democrat. That's that's a little breathtaking to me. Jeffrey Lord, I don't know how you quite get there. Yeah, yeah, well, I mean this is I mean, this is so infuriating. This is who these people are, and you can count on if the story is a they will say nothing. I mean, think of all that you mentioned the MRC where I write my Newsbuster's column. There was another piece there about the silence in the media about the videotape from Project Veritas from ABC and Amy roboc and saying she had all the goods on Jeffrey Epstein. Does that make the mainstream media Nope, not going to go there. This is what they do and this Thank god, Sean, it's why you're here. Well, look and I and again they're cherry picking there the people that they're bringing in, those that did testify behind closed doors, that make the case that no, there was no quid pro quo. Ukraine didn't know this was done before the president asked for nothing. The money went anyway without any condition on anything. The president wasn't holding up anything because just look at the timing of everything. The money had been held up long before the call. They didn't even know the money was held up. I think the president also has a sworn duty to faithfully execute the laws, and that would mean, yeah, get to the bottom of election interference. And that would mean, yeah, getting to the bottom of whether or not Joe Biden committed a crime, which I would argue there are four separate statutes that I've identified that I think and Greg Jared identified that would would be applicable. Kayley, Yeah, that's exactly right. He's at the center of this corruption allegation, any potential criminal violations there that all need to be looked into. And he's not just a competitor of the president. In fact, he's a former vice president, which in fact I'll put him at the center of why we should care about this. But you mentioned Sean briefly about cherry picking witnesses, and that is really interesting to see that that the first closed door witness was Kurt Volker, who completely exonerated the president. But Democrats don't have him on the slate for this week. In fact, it's Republicans saying, let's get Kurt Volker, who you were formerly interested in behind closed doors, Let's get him out in the open, because he said there was no linkage between diplomacy and aid. He said that the president never asked him to do anything illegal. He said that we all understood that there was no quid pro quo. This is a guy who's a direct fact witness who exonerates the president. But interesting how he fell off the Democrat ledger after behind closed doors he totally exonerated the president. This is just a SHAMCOO, nothing more than that. So the bottom line is they went behind closed doors so they could vet all the so called witnesses and only use those that are anti Trump and forget the ones that give exculpatory testimony. Amazing. I'd stay right there more with Kaylee and Jeff on the other side. All right, moments with Kaylee Mcinanny, Jeff Lord. Then we're going to hit the phones on the other side of this. Thirty seconds, Kayley, we go to you first. Yeah, tomorrow, the American people are going to see before their eyes that Democrats have misled the American people selectively leaking information. And then tomorrow we will finally see what we have yet to see in any of the news reporting, which is a cross examination by Republicans traveling of the biggest conspiracy conspiracy theory outside of the Russia hoax. Jeff Lord, how bad a circus tomorrow? Oh, it'll be a circus par excellence. There's no question. You can bet that Jim Jordan and others will be gabbled down and silenced and all of that. I mean, I can't wait to see that. And I just hope that Senator Graham calls a hearing and calls the witnesses that Republicans want and are being denied. Good point, and Senator Graham will join us on Hannity tonight. We'll find out what the plans in the Senate are after this circus. And I honestly, I've never seen anything like this. Didn't think this could happen in this country between the deep State now this madness, but it is and it's real. But the good news is three hundred and fifty seven days from now the American people get to weigh in and chock the world again. Quick break, Thank you both, We'll come back. We'll continue your calls on the other side. Eight hundred ninety four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. And in fact, it was Luke Harding at The Guardian who came out with the first indicators that Donald Trump had been under Russian intelligence surveillance for a very long time, as early as nineteen seventy seven with his first wife, Ivana, and Ivana was from the Czech Republic, which at that time was Czechoslovakia. Their intelligence agency, the STB, had her communications with between the United States and the Czech Republic under surveillance and they knew an enormous amount of information about Donald Trump. Between nineteen seventy seven, in the mid eighties, and then in the mid eighties, Donald was starting to express an interest in building Trump Tower Moscow, but more importantly he was there a word from her family that he was trying to consider running for president against George Herbert Walker Bush, who was of course the former director of the CIA and the vice president of the United States. So Russia became very interested in him. They had ten years of collection and then they brought him to Moscow for what he wanted, which was Trump Tower. But from that moment on, an enormous dossier of information was collected on him, and more importantly, how to exploit him. And his simple exploit, as we call it and the intelligence community, is he is avaricious to a fault. He wants money. They now in the modern Russia, with a former KGB director as president, they have money. They know how to exploit people, they know how to manipulate people, and they know how to buy people. Russia. So Donald Trump in twenty fourteen. By twenty fourteen, he was making enormous quantities of money from the Russian oligarchy. But that is when he came to Russia and it became very clear to the Russians this man could be go from a useful idiot, which he was known. He wasn't a communist, he just wanted to build a tower in nineteen eighty eight, but moved from a useful idiot onto an unwitting asset where he's being used and he doesn't know it. And then by twenty fourteen it's pretty clear that he knows it when they back Trump Tower Moscow two point zero and then they put a set of rose colored glasses on his face. Donald Trump seized the world only through Moscow's point of view because he knows that is where an enormous quantity of money that he cannot access exists and will be made available to him. Is he a next step a Russian asset where he is aware of those activities? Robert Mueller said yes, that he was well aware that he was going to benefit from Russia. Okay, twenty fourth to the top of the hour. That is NBC News. Now you wonder, well, why do I refer to I mean, why do I refer to MSNBC? They call themselves a news channel. An area fifty one which is the conspiracy theorist, Rachel Mattow's biggest conspiracy theorist in the country. It's amazing how the media gives all her insanity a pass. For the most part, I find that somewhat interesting. But anyway, this guy's on NBC News seeing this. You know, Savannah Guthrie this morning, just trying to rip off Nicky Hailey's head. She'd never treat seting democrat like that ever. By the way, maybe I should go on these morning shows again. They used to bug me to come on all the time. You think they still want me to come on. Oh my god. I would wake up early just to see that. I would get off my problem. I don't go to sleep till you know for all together, you'll be super edgy. It'll be great. I love it, and everyone, every one of my staff loves when I'm doing a show when I'm pissed off. You always do a billy show when you're pissed off, and listen. If you were here, I kick you in the shin just to get your rabbed up to get me. Um, it's not hard to beat these people. They're not Can you do mort? I think it would be fun. Area fifty one Roswell Rachel matt Out. So you got a guy on NBC saying the Russians they have been surveilling Trump back nineteen seventy seven, and even Mueller thought that Trump was a Russian asset. And I'm like, they just make this up there. There's no factual basis for this, but they say it anyway. Um, you look at the left, and I was talking more about this yesterday again, at the end of the rainbow here for them is they hope, they're not expecting that they're gonna get sixty seven senators to convict in the on this ridiculous impeachment COO attempt to theirs. But they do want to bludge in Trump more and more and more in the hopes that they can bludgeon them enough and say, oh, the country doesn't need this, sweet God, I get along, blah blah blah. You know what this issulin What I'm gonna tell you, We're giving this a lot of thought lately. If I try to think about how I'm gonna have to explain this to my son one day, this completely insane behavior that we're seeing like gronas people, and I have to say, it's like it's the bully mentality. These people are all bullies. They just want everyone in this group think, you know, the whole individuality thing. There is no individuality thing, the whole no labels thing. All they do is labels. And it's like everybody's part of this group. They all hate Trump, we all got to hate them together. We're all going to do this as unified front. And it's like, you know what, that's just hate, that's just bullying. You guys are literally the personification of the very thing that you say that you are against every single day. But you know, I'm beginning to really believe. Look, there are those that are very, very you know, this is the dark arts of politics for them. This is for them all about power. They know what they're doing. They'll say and do anything they get their power back. They know what they want to implement. But you got a whole bunch of I'm telling you, they have convinced themselves that the American people are stupid. They've convinced themselves that they know better than we the people. There is a condescension behind all of this that is breathtaking. You know, it's not an accident that you know, occasionally these words come flying out of nowhere about smelly Trump, Walmart choppers or irredeemable deplorables or bitter Americans that cling to God and guns and Bibles and religion. This is who they think we are. And there is an elitism that is breathtaking, and arrogance that is breathtaking, and that they know what's in America's best interests. You see this with like a super patriot, like you know, the phony Jim Comey. I mean, this guy thinks he knows better, he'd think he saving America, thinks that he's smarter and that we're dumb. And you know the whole thing with Peter Struck, the same thing. Hillary should win one hundred million to zero. Hillary. All the Democrats have this. All the media has this. The media. The only thing I could say that from behind the scenes that I can tell you about them is that they all meaning the media, that they live in this bubble. They tweet each other, they know each other, They support each other. You tweet my story, I'll tweet your story. They try to outdo each other. Trump is horrible, No no, no, he's really really horrible. No no no, He's evil and horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, and that's kind of the game that they're playing. But they forget that there's this whole other rest of the country. You know, as George Bailey famously said, to do most of the living and breathing and building and serving and living and dying. And don't they have a right to live, eat, breathe die in a decent home with a bathroom, a running you know, toilet. They there's contempt here. And you know that most of the media, they will vote Democrat. They don't understand Donald Trump. They don't understand the American people's frustration with them. They don't understand the the people's frustration with the corruption in Washington. They see this incestuous relationship with the media and with these these members of Congress, the elite. And you know what people may not know is they dine together, they date together, they drink together, they all hang out together all the time. Yeah. But you know what else is the problem is that we've had a weak Republican party that's just as bad as the feckless Democrats. So we just have one party for years, forget about it. It's just one big group of nobody's doing nothing except for the Freedom Caucus. Everybody else is doing nothing. Caucus say it again, the Freedom Caucus, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, you know, Scott Party, Louie Gomert, the guys are actually working there. There's not a in the media. I mean, we have our ensembled team. And if I mentioned the list, I'm going to forget some so I'm not going to. But it's been a few of us that have been digging for the truth and we've uncovered it. You know, still you know what the problem is, dohal and like think about it, like you know, by the way they you know, they think I'm the devil, they think they hate me. No, they're just scary enough because you're in a ninja. But I mean, putting that aside, I don't know. I don't even know if they know him a ninja. Everyone knows you're a ninja shone. Everyone knows. Okay, I made that apparently clear on the show. I think so I didn't have a video. I think too that the funniest Well, maybe I will do that the funniest thing or I guess maybe a really revealing moment into the mindset of the media and what they think about. May remember, I'm kind of proud of the fact that I never went in twenty four years. For the first twenty Box was like, you have to go go where Washington Correspondence Toner, When is it Friday night? Blah blah, I can't, I'm working. We'll give you off, you can do the show from the Washington Bureau. And I'd be like, oh, I can't. Um, you know whatever. Then I got you were washing your here that night, right, you were very busy. I was very buy, very very busy. Then the one night, I mean, I was like, you're going this is we're sick and tired, your excuses that we get every year. And I'm like, okay, I'll go. Yeah, I guess I have to be in order to And the day before I'm like, I really don't feel good. I can make it. And finally they just said they gave up. They got the answer. I'm never going. I don't because I don't like them. I'm gonna be very blunt. I don't really think much of any of them. The half smart Jump out of Raleigh, he counteracted. It was awesome because he'd rather hang out with the people than that corrupt, you know, bubble of liars. This is this is a there is a there's I don't understand where it comes from. Like it's like Alec Baldwin calling me a former construction worker hack and I'm like, yeah, I'm kind of proud of all the hard work I did in my life. I'm I'm proud of the twenty years of my life that I did blue collar work and started from the bottom of my life. And you know what, have you know? Ended up okay, took a lot of chances, got lucky, God bless me. Boom, Sean Hannity, I don't want to play him nowadays. You know what's funny, Sean. I think if you asked every single call you had on theline right now and you said to them, what do you care about? Not a single one of them wants to talk about impeachment or Ukraine. They want to talk about their kids college education, or how they're gonna pay their mortgage, or how they're going to feed their family, or how they're gonna play gas in their call. This is gonna be watched because they've created you know, this is now a show. This is now entertainment for them. This this is you will see the media in all of their glorious breathlessness, all their conspiracy theories, all of their their hysteria, you know, salivating that they think they got Trump. It's sort of like on we can go back to Election Night twenty sixteen. I've told this story many times. I got we get the eggs of poles around five ten, five fifteen. Every single election year, the media all gets the same election results, they get the same eggs of pose. Donald Trump lost. That's what it said, Just like in two thousand and four, John Kerry was going to be the next president. And you could see when they started their coverage, most of them six Eastern. They came on the air, they were smiling. He came on the air Election night. This is awesome, this is fun. We can't tell you we're we're gleaning only little anecdotal things. But meanwhile they think they have the answer, and that Trump lost North Carolina, Ohio and Florida and Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and he was not going to be president, and that Hillary Rodham Clinton was going to be the forty fifth president. And then you can watch and you can see as the night goes on, all of a sudden, a little bit of nervousness begins to kick in, but they're not quite there yet. They're like, all right, well, okay, North Carolina, Well I can understand that. But then they begin to see the numbers in Florida and the numbers in Ohio, and then it starts really getting serious with Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. And then it's like the shock, you know, the shot heard round the world. This shocked them, and it was a visible it was visceral, it was visual, it was transparent, it was obvious. None of them saw this coming. And the same thing with all of the Russia witch hunt. They all thought they had them, and for two and a half years it was never ending. We got them, we got them, we got them, we got them, we got them. And it's the same thing with these hearings. Tomorrow, We're gonna impeach them, impeacham, impeach him, impeacham. And they love it. And the American people, you know, they have a certain instinctive sense of fairness and an understanding of what's going on here, and the American people don't like it. That's why I keep saying, in three hundred and fifty seven days, if I had to guess. I don't know. I don't have a crystal ball who knows what's going to happened between now and then. Anything can happen. But I would imagine that the odds are fairly good that Donald Trump will shock the world again because the American people are going to basically stick their middle fingers right in the face of the corrupt mob in the media and the swamp creatures in Washington, and they're gonna say, you know what, this guy, we like him, he's real, he fights for us, he kept his promises. We're better off that, you know. I would like that to be the ending. I think we have a good shot of that to be the ending to all of this. But again, I don't have a crystal all. Let me tell you something. They don't like conservatives, they don't like talk radio, they hate Fox News, they hate Sean Hannity, and I don't even know deep down if they like themselves, to be honest, I mean, really think about it. They think they know better than we the people. They can't believe we were so stupid to elect Trump. Well, a couple of things have happened in the interim. He's kept as promises, he's implemented as agenda. It's been successful, and they keep exposed in themselves as being just a bunch of jerks with an agenda. All right, that's gonna wrap things up with today. All right. So the lawyer now representing a real whistle blower complained about the hearsay whistle blower joins us tonight. Lindsay Graham, Matt Gates joins us tonight. Mike Huckabee, Bongino Haraldo, much more, Ninet Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you tonight. We'll be back here for the circus and every detail tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.