Carter Page, the former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump and businessman and target of the Mueller gang, is now taking a hard line against the miscarriage of justice in his case. As we await the IG report and look at the postponement of the hearing on Capitol Hill for Mueller and his minions, the clock is ticking on who will be penalized for their misuse of the law for their political motives.
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All right, loaded up, we got a full Is that my uh? That is my cousin Bill as a cousin, cousin Bill Dady FBI, forget about it. I got to bring Bill in for a minute. Can bring him in so we could say because he literally just walked in the door. And so in the process of doing what we have been doing in terms of exposing the Deep State for who they are. UM, I have talked at length about my family and I've talked at length. Is that Amy? Oh, Kylie's mom is here. It's a birthday, you know, Happy birthday Kylie, who is been with the show. Birthday, Happy birthday number one? And Amy, it's good to see you too. I know people at home are saying, what the hell is going on here? Could see you? See? So it's great to see So my I talk about my family a lot, and I talk about how great this country has been to immigrants. What do I always say, we want a wall with the door. And I'm very clear that, Okay, we need and have to have the right to vet people they'll come into this country to make sure that they're friends of ours. They want a piece of the American dream. They're not here to bring us harm. And number two, that they have a means to take care of themselves. And I'm a bigger believer in merit based immigration. If there's a particular field of endeavor that we have a special need, engineers, computer programmers, whatever it happens to be, that they get to the top of the list, and maybe it's people working on farms and labors, whatever it happens to me, we don't care. We just want to make sure that you want to be a part of our family. We don't care where you come from, but we've got to vet you. That's this basic, simple common sense. And we don't have room for the entire world's population. That's another issue. And also the president there's a lot on boarders that have coming up here. Trump did something really brilliant along with the Attorney General yesterday they moved to prevent most migrants from claiming political asylum in the US. And then as a result of the Attorney General actually citing the law, well, that means that anybody from Mexico that comes through Mexico, that means that Mexico is recognized as a country that has a right to offer asylum, which means if they here we can send them back to Mexico where they came from anyway, So separate issue. But I've talked about all four of my grandparents came from Ireland. They came at the turn of the last century. They came from two counties in Ireland, Cork and Down and between the four of them, I think they had maybe thirty bucks to their name, and I actually have at my house. I have framed the actual documents from when they went to Lady Liberty and they were there, and the actual documents where they came in legally, etc. They didn't have any money, they didn't have any government that was going to give them any charity, and they came very poor and their hope was to build a life for themselves and their families so their kids and their grandkids that would be me could have a better life and future generations would be a part of the American dream. Well, the ticket for my family ended up being civil service work, law enforcement work. My mom worked more sixteen hour shifts. She was a prison guard. My dad worked in family court probation, my grandfather's they just all struggled. They never had a lot of money at all, and my dad grew up pretty poor in bed Sty in Brooklyn. My mom grew up pretty poor in the South Bronx. But their goal when my father served in World War two four years in the Pacific and came back. It was a big deal to get out of bed Sty, which was not the best part of New York at the time and even parts today. But he got a fifty by one hundred lot a Cape Cod house. I had three older sisters, we have one bathroom. To me, it was hell on earth. But that was a huge step up for my dad. And anyway, so my grandfather on my mother's side was named Flynn. I don't think any relations to Lieutenant General Flynn. I don't know. We're not related if we have to turn his mic on uh. Anyway, so my grandfather had a brother and his brothers. My grandfather's name was Cornel. Yes, his brother's name was David. And anyway, so I have this long list of family members that are all of them were in the NYPD. And I've said on this show many times, but there were two people in my family that were recognized as deity. They had hit the pinnacle, they had made it to the top. And one of them is sitting here before me. This is my grandfather's brother's son, uh Billy Flynn and Pat Flynn, your your brother who passed away twelve right, Yeah, both of you were in the FBI. How many years did you serve in the FBI? About the same with this Pat, twenty years, right, But I've been reatrying it twenty years. I've been I'm a long old timer, you know. Right. But but you knew in our family that was a big deal because everyone was either a cop. My mom was a prison guard. A very big deal, a huge deal. And it doesn't end yet because my sister Mary's uh no, my sister Kathleen's daughter, her husband is uh Brian Fueley. He's a he's a sergeant out in Hackensack PD. Right, but you're really you're reaching international now because my brother David in Ireland, his brother Dave juniors in the guard. He's oh really really he is. Yeah, Dave Juniors in the garden. Nobody really knows this. I have said it on the air before. When I was like nineteen or twenty, I took the NYPD test. Yeah, I took it. I got a ninety nine on the written test. I somehow I passed the psychological. I have no idea. That probably was a mistake on that part. Then I took the physical right, then I failed the the I took Spanish three years and in high schoo so I figured I'll give it a shot, you know, because you had got extra points if you could speak English and Spanish. But that depart didn't work out. But I got appointed to the New York Police Academy. Yeah. Now, my cousin Eddie went into the police academy. He had been retired twenty years with the best you know, he retired a high grade detective and he's been running businesses ever since. That. He was the smartest of anybody. He retired at forty two after spending twenty years on the NYPD. You retired with full retirement benefits. Yeah, he probably don't know this. Pat and I were in the FBI, Yes, in New York. My sister Mary, who wound up a principal in an upstate New York teach teacher, was accepted and was appointed to the academy FBI Academy stepped down at the last minute because she met and married my best buddy, Jack McGuire, who was a detective in the nineteenth precinct. Unbelievable. So the law enforcement thing goes on forever now, but it helped our familisten. It was a It was a huge, massive opportunity for our family, both sides, to you know, begin the process of making the American dream work. And you know, I say this all the time, but I really believe, Billy, that we stand on the shoulders of your dad and my grandfather, um, and but for them, we wouldn't be as successful as we are today. My father had two jobs as long as I could win. But he was a foreman, a track foreman for the subways, and he had a job as a night watchman for an oil company up in the top of Wood, Manhattan on a river up and his brother worked for the MTA or whatever whatever he was at. Yeah, and then he worked to each other. My father waited tables on the weekends. You know, I forgot I shouldn't forget this with my oldest brother, David, who wound up an island. Yeah, he was on the PDA at one point, and then he went to the fire department where he retired from. So somehow, like I remember your dad and I would make the drinks for your dad and your mom. I just remember you're making drinks from my dad. You were busy. That was very busy. And your mom, uh, Bridy, which is what we called her. That's right, Bridy. She was always a gen and tonic and she was easy. And your dad was a smoker like everybody back then. And he would take a public every time sound he made this big pop sound. Sure, he would tell me. I can't tell you many times he'd be sitting there with a pipe and he's doing the exact same thing. Yeah, and he's say, sure, Billy, I gave up smoking. Yeah. Yeah, you could see that dad. Yeah, makes sense to which is really really funny. So you know, I have actually said this on the air. It pains me to have to talk badly and be in many for two plus years now, we're leading an investigation into law enforcement, which I grew up with such respect for. I mean, I mean it is to it's a reverence that I have for police officers. There's a reason to carry guns because their jobs are dangerous. There there to protect and served, and I in my heart know that good people like yourself. You serve twenty eight years, your brother served twenty eight years. I've lived in a prison twenty five years. I mean, it's like living in a prison. She did so many sixteen hours shifts, and it just sucks when you see a few bad apples, and then the reputation of what is the premier law enforcement agency in the world or the premiere intelligence agencies in the world be disparaged because of the actions of a few at the top. And when you first called into this program, I sent to you, I don't like doing this now, you know, but you do a good job of making it clear you differentiate between the grunts those of us are out there doing it. And then at the top. I was at lunch yesterday with five guys that I worked with and we just sat there and coincidentally, I worked in a unit that executed FISA warrants here in New York. That's as much as I'll say about it. We sat there and said, I cannot We couldn't conceive that these warrants would have been taken and used politically, which is what happened, of course, right, And we were just stunned by it. It It would never ever occurred to us. But think of the magnitude of it. Comey who says he doesn't spy. Okay, what a joke. He signed the first warrant and he signed others. I believe, I think there might be as many as three. I know he signed the first one. Comey signs the warrant he'd been worn multiple times. Hillary paid for it. The guy that put it together hates Trump. And it's not verified. And now we have learned because Steele in an interrogatory and Great Britain Steele, under oath threat of perjury, says, I have no idea if any of it's true, which makes it then unverifiable. But that became the as Andrew McCabe, the deputy API director, said, that was the bulk of the FISA application. It's an unverifiable document at that point. And they did it to spy on an opposition party candidate who he was also involved in letting off the hook when we the evidence of her crimes, Hillary's is incontrovertible. It's extraordinary kicking in around among ourselves, and believe me, we'll all just working guys just to get it done. People grunts, none of us game bosses or anything. We feel that Comy caved in to wherever the orders came from from Loretto Lynch Loretto Lynch laid it out and said, you will give her a pass. In other words, it's not an investigation. It's a matter. That's it. It's a matter. Yeah, there you go, sums it right up. So we have we hold the person that we find the most repugnant in this is anybody disagree with you, any of your FBI You know what? I asked that around. I asked that to these guys yesterday. Does anybody know anybody you know in our extended network of contacts that doesn't feel the way we feel. We all said nope. I have FBI friends now are currently working. They tell me that the agency they feel the damage on the streets. You know, I can't only I can only believe that. But you know, how can it not? Well that's nineteen seventy one, showing I was brand new, out of the out of the academy. I go to Chicago. I'm a absolute total rookie. I remember the first time that I went out somewhere in public and I went to a citizen and I displayed my FBI badge. I felt like it was a saint. I mean people, Oh my god, FBI, I mean you you were treated with Aura. I mean, it was just an incredible set of circumstances back then, and that was the way it was anywhere you went. You're with the FBI. Oh my god. As well. That's why within our family circles, I guess unbeknownst to you, you know, you were looked up at it, and you were were looked at as wow, those are those these guys made it. There were the biggest guys in the family. You know. Little did I know that I'd have a big mouth. You know, we do. We are Irish, we do talking about this stuff. Well, anyway, we're gonna have a bit of a reunion tonight and you're gonna come see the TV show. It's great to have you here. How many I hear there's like a zillion Flynn showing up for the Coming out of the woodwork. Let me tell you, don't know how popular you are. And coincidentally, as as fate would have it, in the family were all conservatives. Wow, a couple of loose cannons. By the way, I've never been back to Ireland. Did you ever go, Oh, We've been back there many times. Yeah, does any buddy and Ireland know who the hell we are? Oh, absolutely, Well you have my brother David is over there with his family, my niece christ Can they get Fox News over there, Sean. I know what we're gonna do. Are you ready? Okay, Billy Billy, Billy's got a called Dave, gonna called Dave, and we're all gonna stay there, and then we're gonna invite ourselves to stay. I assume he as a castle. Irish are very welcoming. I'm I'm a McLoughlin. I don't like I don't like that dark beer. Crep. Okay, we're talking about beer. So we all go over and we do the show from Ireland. Okay, not after what you did on the last vacation. You got a McLoughlin. You got a hand it after the way you acted at the Del Coronado. No, you know what I'm not talking. I gotta tell everybody about Well, it's great to have you here, um and you know you think of your family, those of you listening, and it's all the same story. We stand on shoulders of other people that sacrifice for us to have a better life. So it was just this week I want to give you a We put it on Hannity dot Com. A headline from the New York Times, they confirm the Steel dossier used as a justification to obtain FISA warrant against Carter Page. Well, that was the backdoor. It is July of twenty nineteen. Hannity started this in March of twenty seventeen. These people that pushed every lie, every conspiracy theory, every hoax. Now, really they should have put up a headline we were wrong, the Paper of Record and Sean Hannity and his ensemble team of investigative reporters, we're right. And by the way, I love how Michael Izikoff tries to at me for spreading a conspiracy. Iszikoff was one of the people that they leaked the Dirty Dossier two, which we now know is unverifiable and untrue. Mister Izakoff, you phony conspiracy theorist, hypocrite. He leaked it to impact the twenty sixteen elections. Because why because Isakoff is lazy and Isikoff just feeds. Literally, he is the handoff for whatever lies in conspiracy theories his Intel friends want to spread. In other words, he's a propagandist, conspiracy theorist liar. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the problem, all right. So Democrats are freaking out for a lot of reasons. Number one, the deep state circular firing squad. That's a number two. Now we've got all the investigation is ongoing. I mean the fact that Christopher Steele decided to talk last minute. I know it delayed. Horowitz is the Inspector General's investigation and report. That's fine. Others coming forward last minute, that's good, that's fine. That helps us get to the truth. But we know that that the special prosecutor from Massachusetts Durham is the one that spent nearly sixteen hours with Christopher Steele. That's done. And then we have investigations into, let where are the origins of the counterintelligence probe. Then we've got an investigation into Hillary Clinton and the investigation of her which became really an exoneration and not following the simple basic rule of law that would have put you, me and everybody else in jail. And on top of all of this, there now have their circular firing squad. Now we're going to get to the bottom of all of this. All of this will become reality for the Democrats and for the deep state. Now we've got every twenty twenty candidate. Now, naturally they're gonna be at each other's throats. That's the nature of politics. It's it's a blood sport. It's it's not for the faint of heart. It's not for people that don't like to be in a fight or get offended when they're called bad names. But the Democrats now have a situation where you've got rogue Democrats that are now more powerful than the so called leaders of the Democratic Party. And we're watching this saga unfold right before our eyes. I guess they're calling it now the squad the you know, this would include the leader Alexandria Casio Cortez, who really is the Speaker of the House. She controls the agenda, she sets the agenda. The twenty twenty candidates are listening more to her than they are Nancy Pelosi or any other Democratic leader. Then we got Congresswoman to leave, and then we've got Congresswoman Omar who I'm gonna get to in a second. And we have a Congresswoman Pressley who wouldn't even call the president the president yesterday all right, that's fine. But also the Democrats have another problem is that while these leaders are calling for impeachment and at the net Roots Convention, the really hardcore left wing which is the base of the Democratic Party. I don't like Nancy Pelosi anymore. She's not liberal enough. And there now they are now listening to the squad as it's called, everyone call it anyway, So now they realize Muller testifying Hannity might be right again. I want Robert Muller to testify now. Devin Newness said something last night on Hannity that I think is very insightful and something we need to pay attention to. I have zero doubt that Muller and the leadership in both the Shift Committee and the Nadler Committee are trying to coordinate whatever they're going to do with Muller. But okay, but there's only so much that House rules will allow in terms of the Democrats controlling the Mueller hearing, and that then presents a problem because that means Jim Jordan is going to ask, when did you know that there was no conspiracy or collusion? Why did you allow what are you saying? Three? What? What's three? All? Right? Let me do my thing here. Then you're gonna have Doug Collins, and then you're gonna have everybody else in between. They're gonna ask questions, why did you care about FARA violations? Why did you allow Weisman to hire this abusively biased team? Weisman, who in the book License to Lie, literally lays out all the times that there's exculpatory information that in fact is ignored, and that's he becomes Andrew Andrew Weisman becomes Mueller's pit bull. Okay, that has to be answered. Why do you care about FARA violations? Why do you care about taxi medallions? Why do you care about taxes and loan applications? But you don't care about Let's see a phony Russian dossier that was leaked and disseminated to the American people before the election to impact the outcome of the election by the same people that exonerated Hillary before they investigated Hillary, so that the favored candidate would survive as a candidate and not be charged for the Espionage Act and for what was real obstruction of justice that would be subpoena at Emails deleted, bleach bit, Hammer's devices, simcards were moved, etc. So all these questions get to be asked in the process. I thought you know your mandate was broad, mister Special Counsel Muller, you were able to go from the Russia collusion of the Trump campaign into FARA violations and loan applications and taximan dallies. Well, why did you not see that there was a warranted investigation into premeditated conspiracy to commit on a FIZ accord for the purposes of spying on the opposition party candidate, with the very bulk of information in the application coming directly from Russia that are unverified and uncorroborated, and we now know unverifiable, how did you miss that aspect of the investigation. That's a problem for Democrats now. The reason lawmakers from both the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees are upset about this potential time constraints for next week's hearing with Muller. If Muller even shows up next week, both committees have allotted only two hours of peace processions. That could mean more junior members don't get to ask questions. Those junior members are furious. They're apoplectic because that's a problem because it runs a foul of House rules. The House. As a rule, it's called Rule eleven claus to Ja thanks to the Chad program of the Fox News channel, and it says that each committee shall apply the five minute rule during the questioning of witnesses and hearing until such time as each member of the committee who so desires, has had an opportunity to question each witness. In other words, everyone's required to get five minutes under the rules of the House. The problem is they're almost always opening statements by the chair, by the ranking minority member the witness, and it takes time to do housekeeping at the beginning of the hearing, and there could be protest disruptions from the audience, and there are parliamentary inquiries, as Chad points out, and those issues start to devour the two hour allocations very fast. And by the way, you may recall he points out that it took an hour and fifteen minutes to get to an opening statement of the first day of the confirmation and the Kavanaugh hearings and last last September, and then the tactics by the Democrats protesting from the crowd. You see why people are up in arms. And another problem is the Judiciary Committee has forty one members, twenty four Democrats, seventeen Republicans. If the committee were to abide by the House rule, that's two hundred and five minutes a Q and A alone, that would be three hours and twenty five minutes. And things are a little bit better for the Intel Committee because their panel is twenty two members, thirteen Democrats, nine Republicans. That's one hundred and ten minutes or an hour and fifteen minutes. But that doesn't give any wiggle room for time. So now it's a big problem and they're trying to weazle out of it, and you know what, they're having all these meetings about it. And what they did this morning is they pressed on whether they would get around to the rules adjourning the hearing, and Nadler would not say and would not entertain any questions on the procedures that will take place next week if in fact that happens. But what if, in fact Devin Nunez is right and they're already coordinating with the Democrats. In other words, Robert Mueller's locked in. The Mueller Report speaks for itself, no conspiracy, no collusion. That's the fourth investigation, the nine month FBI investigation. Lisa page. We found nothing, Peter Struck, there's no there there. Then the House Intel Committee investigation nothing, they found no collusion, the Bipartisan Senate Committee nothing, no collusion. Now we have the Mueller Report, no collusion. The idea that Donald Trump's saying publicly that Mueller should be fired does not qualify as obstruction. And that was determined, let's see, by the Office Illegal Counsel, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, who himself signed the fourth FISA application, the third renewal warrant. So they got themselves a hell of a problem here. Now where we stand is that you've got this rogue group of Democrats that are leading the Democratic Party. So like first it's collusion, then it's obstruction. Now let's say that Trump is a racist. That's what we'll do. Well, you know, we should impeach him because of its racism. By the way, I remember Barack Obama. I think we have a tape of him, and this comes directly from his book White Folks, Greed Runs a World in Need. Never mind the stuff that we have, and we've gone over about Congresswoman Omar in particular, is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Porto Prince see in a year where white folks greed runs, a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere. That's the world on which Hope sits. And remember it was black liberation theology, the Church of ged America, etc. Etc. So anyway, so all of this is happening now within the Democrats are afraid of Jim Jordan Collins, They're afraid of Gates, they're afraid of Newness, They're afraid of all of them. And this is now you know. Now they're going to condemn the president tonight at seven o'clock and a resolution. Oh but they wouldn't do that too. Let's see Congresswoman Omar on her virulent anti Semitism. Why did they not find it worthwhile to say that to her? Look, you have in Congresswoman Omar a virulent anti Semite on the record. You also have in Congresswoman Omar a person that blamed America for the terrorist attacks at the Kenyan Mall, a person that laughs at how Americans view Al Qaeda. And we've got all of this on tape. Let's go to the al Qaeda tape first. The thing that was interesting in the class was every time the professor said al kada, every time, like his shoulders went up. And you know Alaa, you know, hospital experts expert. With his name, you probably get to see him on Yeah, of course I love those guys. But you know, but but but it is, it is that you don't say America with an intensity. You don't say England with the intensity. You know, you don't you don't say um the army with an intensity. But you say these these names because you you want that that word to carry weight, you want it to leave something exactly. So it's it's you know, it's it's said with a deeper voice. The way they talk about you mean, the people that killed three thousand Americans. Yeah, we talk about them that way. Yeah, we're worried about I don't think you know, you look at the whole history. But by the way, it's no wonder that Omar has a nine percent favorability rating, and that, you know, a new poll shows that, you know, this new leadership of the Democratic Party can in fact help elect Trump. Remember Trump said, all right, we'll go back to Somalia. And when you fix Somalia, then come back here and you can show us how it's done. Okay in Somalia. By the way, anybody that consents to an abortion or causes one themselves, they get one to five years in jail. And Somalia, if you publicly bring the religion of islaman to contempt or insult it by bringing into contempt persons professing it, or object to dedicated worship, well you could be punished up to two years. Oh and by the way, if you happen to be gay, you can get three months to three years in jail. Yeah, that's a bit of a problem. And then if you look at some of her own questions, she questions the patriotism she loves this country more than American born citizens, didn't sound like it. And that piece that we just talked about her laughing about the way we talk about al Qaeda. She once blamed America for our involvement in other people's affairs. That was after al Shabab's attack on the Kenyan mall. We're responsible for that. She claims US forces killed thousand Somalis during the black Hawk down mission. That is not factually accurate. If you remember American American troops, dead bodies would be and dragged through the streets in that incident. Maybe she needs somebody to send her a copy of the movie. We'll give her the short version of what real history is or empathy that she is in a bizarre clip, you know, this one that we just play joking about people joking about al Qaida, and they talk about Alkaida and menacing tones. And then there was scrutiny over her past effort to win leniency for nine men accused of trying to join isis really, and then of course the comments about Israel, and it's all about the Benjamin's baby, and then of course the House. They can't go after her, but they go after Trump tonight. Really, but this is now the big problem for the new extreme radical Democratic Party, because this is the party now that they're not listening to Pelosi, the Democratic Democratic twenty twenty hopefuls. They're listening to Acasio Cortez and the squad, and they're taking on the New Green Deal. Everything's for free, healthcares, for free, whether you work or unwilling to work. No more oil, no more gas, no more combustion engine. Eventually, no more cars, and no more airplanes, and we'll even get rid of cows because of the impact of flatulence on the ozone layer. That's where they want to take this country. And as the chief of staff or a Casio quartet said, this is nothing to do with climate change. As a matter of fact, the interesting thing about the Green New Deal quote is it was originally it was not originally a climate thing at all. It's not a climate thing. It's a socialism thing. And they how are we gonna pay for it? It doesn't matter how we're gonna pay for it. These are promises that can never ever be fulfilled. And these democratic hopeful presidents and contenders out there, they are sucking up to all of these crazy ideas. This is going to be a tipping point. Elect shouldn't for the country a choice election. It's gonna be freedom versus socialism, which in his own way, creates a tyranny of addiction to powerful government that will never fulfill the promises they make that everything's free. Eight hundred and ninety four one shown toll free telephone number. All right, at the top of the next hour, we are loaded up Carter Page. He was the name behind the Path to spy on the Trump campaign, transition and presidency. That's next. Well, what they're trying to do is set up in a case for impeachment against President Trump. If they bring impeachment charges based on the Muller report, it would be unfair. It would blow up in their face politically. President Trump would get reelected, would take back the House and the Senate. Because Muller said there was no collusion of the facts in the law did not justify bringing an obstruction case. There was no underlying crime. This is all politically motivated. Does anybody really think Jerry Nadler's trying to get to the truth or that he'll do a better job than Mueller. This is people who do not believe Trump is legitimately president. They never accepted the twenty sixteen outcome. I am a little bit concerned that Mueller doesn't purposely try to create a narrative and that he's not working with the Democrats. Already, being that this was postponed a week, there's got to be a reason for it. Remember Bill Barr came out with Rod Rosenstein said look and issued a statement. Right He issued a statement, and then a few days later somebody got to Mueller where Mueller needed to come out, felt upon himself to come out and make a nine and a half minute statement. Then of course later he had to rectify. I fear what's going on right now is that Mueller's working with a lot of his staff who are back channeling to the Democrats, and so it is very possible that Mueller is going to have a few little soundbites that are going to give the Democrats exactly what they want now as it related to times that at all, by the way, all yeah, well, I would indicate that that's correct. And so when it comes to the Republicans asking questions, I think what we need to do is stick to the facts of the case and not allow Molar time to either either pontificate and embellish all the time or embellish things that he may want to embellish. We need to ask very specific questions. We don't have to defend the president. The president doesn't need defending because the President nevercluded with Russians. And I've been saying this the last week, and I want people to focus on this. This investigation was not about collusion, It wasn't about obstruction of justice. It was about setting obstruction of justice traps for the better part of two years. They were hoping the president would fall into it. All right, our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, that was first if you were listening, that was Lindsay Graham on with Maria bart to Romo, and that was Devinus Nuna is saying something that you know, what makes it a lot of sense based on the previous actions of Robert Mueller, and well, look at the team that he appointed, or the fact that he let the hiring go into the hands of his pit bull, the ever so corrupt Andrew Weissman, a guy that was waiting for the victory party at the you know, in New York for Hillary Clinton on the night of twenty sixteen in the presidential election. How did that guy get in charge of picking every person on Mueller's team? Why did Muller allow that to happen? You know, here's a guy that when you go back to the Enron accounting scandal, what happened tens of millions of Americans they lost their jobs because of his prosecutorial abuse Read license to Lie by Sidney Powell, who now represents Lieutenant General Flynn, and how on multiple occasions he's been proven that he Weisman Mueller's pit bull withheld exculpatory evidence in cases. Well, that's prosecutor abuse. There's no other way to describe that. And then of course he sends four Meryal executives to jail for an entire year. And what happens there, Well, that gets overturned by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in their decision when they brought the Enron case to the Supreme Court, that was a nine zero loss. Nine zero. You gotta work hard to lose nine zero in the US Supreme Court. Now, I know a lot of you are said, well, where is the Inspector General's report? We know the Attorney General Barr said that we should have at mid May. Well, there's been a series of developments that have caused its delay. There are rumors running around that, in fact, the new prosecutor out of Massachusetts, Durham, who went and recently interviewed Christopher Steele, that in fact he may have impaneled the grand jury. I can't confirm that. I'm digging around as hard as I can, but I'm getting you know, some little feedback from some that in fact that happened, and more important, what will we get to the bottom. Well, those people who were warned repeatedly that Christopher Steele's dacier was full of lies, Russian propaganda and misinformation, as The New York Times suggests, probably Russian disinformation from the beginning. You know, people will warn not to trust it. Nobody verified it, it's unverifiable. Steele himself doesn't stand behind it when push came to shove in that interrogatory in Great Britain. Well, then the question is that if they were warned, meaning the FBI and the Department of Justice not to trust it, that Hillary paid for it, Steel hates Trump, and it's not verified, why was it used as the basis of the FISA warrants all four applications, the first one in October twenty sixteen, which not only spied on Carter Page, who worked with the intelligence community and was known by the intelligence community for years as somebody that was trustworthy and somebody that they can count on. Why why did they use the bulk of the application to be a warrant that's unverifiable? All right? Carter Pages with us now he was on our Friday night show, our special what we call our Boomerang Special. What do you think of the idea now Mueller's waiting? Why? What do you think of the fact that Muller and now the Democrats seem scared and their meeting behind closed doors and they seem afraid to let Muller come testify. Carter Shawn. That quote from Congressman Nunez on your show last night terrific show. By the way, his quote about we need to stick to the facts of the case. Let me tell you something, if they start sticking to the facts of the case, it'll be one hundred and eighty degrees out from what was actually in that fake Muller dossier a couple of months ago. So I wish him all the best and I hope they're able to get there. But so far, what we've seen from Muller's team, including Genie Ree and all these guys, you know, it's been pretty ugly. But we'll have to wait and see. I guess well, I think we're gonna have to see. But you know, it was the first time that you ever revealed a few critical deep ells from your May twenty seventeen FBI counter intelligence meetings. You had originally never spoken of the press about those meetings until someone in the swamp eventually leaked details to Devlin Barrett at the Washington Post later that year, creating another chapter, if you will, in the Russia witch hunt media storm. What was leaked in that article, Well, you know, they basically said, and I get a call from Devlin that later that year, and he says, well, we're told that you've been having all these FBI meetings a few months ago, so what can you tell us about that? And so, you know, I was reluctant, you know, because typically I don't talk about FBI meetings. I don't talk about, you know, anything that's with the counterintelligence people of the US government. But unfortunately, these criminal leakers, you know, it's another example. This is just a couple of months after my FAISO was first revealed, and so you know, he I had to respond, you know, so I'm constantly put in that uh catch up space where you know exactly it's a great segue from what we were just talking about, you know, with what Congressman Nunez told you last night. We need to stick to the facts. And it's been absolutely opposite. You know, they just keep throwing out this spin. You were explaining to me that the FBI made the argument to you that there were three groups that did you wrong in twenty sixteen. One was the Democrats, the Clinton campaign, the media mob, and the and the third one is the Trump campaign. Yeah. I was shocked with that third one, Sean. And that's where I really had to start pushing back. Um, you know, and they you could tell just based on our conversation that that's really where they wanted to focus their efforts, you know. And I think actually your great show on I want to make sure the FBI made this argument to you that these were people that did you wrong. Yeah. Absolutely, And you know, and that's uh, we didn't have uh you know, I haven't. I've never talked about this, but you know, I really pushed back on them hard and showed them a lot of evidence about to the contrary, you know, everything that my name was used as a way to interfere in the election. This is the FBI working with the DNC consultants Fusion GPS in Christopher Steele to put out this false storyline. On September twenty third, twenty sixteen, seven weeks six six, seven, weeks before the election, you know, with this fake story that they spent you know, millions of dollars to get out to the in the media. So well, I mean, why don't you explain it in some detail? How did you respond to the FBI? And you know, in other words, tell the longer story that you told them as for the Trump campaign, nothing was further for the truth. And then you talked about the evidence. You brought a PowerPoint presentation, tell us about that. Yeah, you know, and part of it is sort of an evidence trail, right, And I'm so glad I kept that because throughout those conversations I constantly you know, I because I had had some experience where it was a little bit of a mixed reaction with the FBI previously. I actually, uh, you know, now a Fox News contributor, I included an article from Andrew C. McCarthy, former assistant US Attorney in the Southern District in New York, which had just come out the week before my meeting with them on March sixteenth, and you know, a quote, it's amazing how much you know, how how Andy was ahead of this curve. But he said, quote in his article the big scandal here is not possible Trump Russia, collusion with Russia. And he goes on, you know, the question it would be a question of is Obama have his his thumb on the scale? And they actually with your colleague Rush Limbaugh, there is another in his broadcast on March ninth, twenty seventeen, he had a terrific quote, you know, you better be careful here because you might get what you want, which is an investigation into what you've been doing. So oh they're now getting it. Let me ask you, would you ever be willing to come on because it's a power point? Would you be willing to come on Hannity and share the whole power point? Yeah, let's do it. You know there, um, I think, yeah, there's there's a lot that I could we could do that, I mean the whole power point. Yeah, yeah, most I need to check. You know, there's there's a lot of slides. We can go through some of it maybe, uh, you know, going back into some intelligence matters. But when you brought this to each of the FBI meetings that you had that month, I kept updating it. I kept you know that things would come up in our meeting and this this particular update on March point, you are saying, go ahead, explain what you're saying to them. Well, you know, basically the I continue saying, you know, I actually there was an amazing quote from You'll never I know, our country will never forget the great RNC speech that then Canada Trump gave in July twenty sixteen, and then there's there's a great quote in there where he says, nobody knows a system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it. I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens, and it's amazing how exactly what he was saying those days was what happened against him and against his campaign over the months that followed. And you know, of course missus Clinton wasn't very happy happy about that, and she kind of mocked him the next the next week at the DNC convention in Philadelphia, and her quote was, don't believe anyone who says I alone can fix it. But you know, I think there's a lot there where you know, I think President Trump, from a foreign policy standpoint, has been trying to get our country going in the right direction. And you've covered it great on the show in terms of all the developments how our country is really getting back on track. But I think one thing which has, you know, remains an open issue is US rusher relations. And that's kind of what I was pushing with the FBI, because he's he has some great ideas, but he's been totally handcuffed in terms of what he can achieve thus far. Basically debunk the FBI with your power point right in front of them, and which I think is amazing. And you know, you bring these to three of the five meetings, and you know, it shows how that you were used, you know, using that to rebut them. And then you actually tweet out for the first two slides before featuring a highly relevant media quotes and and and they still don't care about truth, do they? Well, Sean, I think it's an important distinction that you make every you know, so often on your shows. It's not the rank and file, it's the Remember this is March twenty seventeen. The date is important there because at that time, mister Coney is the director of the FBI and then mister McCabe is the deputy director, right, And I think what we've learned over the years since is how you know how totally off track they were, and I think we're just starting to see the tip of the iceberg in terms of some of that. To take a break, we'll come back. We'll continue with Carter Page on the other side. Eight hundred and nine for one Seawan Tolfrey telephone number. We also have coming up in the program, our News round Up, Information Overload. Great Hannity tonight. All right, as we continue, Carter Page is with US former foreign policy advisor Donald Trump. I am I'm amazed that you did this PowerPoint issue. I only have a minute left here, and I just wanted to go through. What are people gonna see? And we'll either air at Thursday or Friday night on Hannity. And how many pages in the power point? There's about eight or so. Yeah, that's the main pages. Yea, And we'll put them up on the screen. You'll explain it all. This is what you told the FBI, basically educating them on how wrong they are. Well, not only that, Sean, you know, to pushing back on that point, I said, some of the some of the best people in the world are the you know, members of the Trump movement who I was working with, you know for a few months in twenty sixteen, twenty sixteen, which was before the election. Interference was taken upon, you know, taken in with the Democrats with their fake media story in September twenty sixteen, which then was used the following month, as you've correctly noted in the fraudulent fives A warrant. Well, I have here, by the way, we put this up on Hannity dot Com. The Hannity dot com. Oh, the New York Times has confirmed the Steel dossier was used as a justification to obtain the FISA warrant against carter Page, date July nine, twenty nineteen. You're only two and a half years late, you idiots. They should have tuned in a Hannity a few times. All right, So we'll do that later in the week. We are getting to the truth finally, and this confirms it. Quick break, carter Page, thank you. We'll come back your calls much more straight ahead on the Sean Hannity Show. All right, As we continue on Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, I want to go back to what I have been saying, and now others have finally picked up on and that is an all out civil war that has broken out within the Democratic Party. And you really have these freshman congresswomen Alexandria Cassio Cortez Congresswoman to leave Beaumar and Ayanna Pressley. They're pretty much in charge. And you know the media has been saying, well, Hannity's saying is the conspiracy that Nancy Pelosi's not really the speaker and that really it's a Casio Cortez. Well, technically, yes, Pelosi's the speaker, but I'm arguing in name only because remember last week when Pelosi pulled to all the caucus into a room, she said, if you have something to say, you tell me right to my face. Only took a couple of hours for a cossi of Cortez to go out publicly again and say what she thinks about Pelosi attacking this group of four women now and basically saying that she's only attacking them because they're people of color. Well, let me translate pretty much calling Nancy Pelosi a racist. All right, how did we get here? You know? And this feud is now going on, it's speaker Pelosi in name only. We see that the twenty twenty Democratic presidential hopefuls. They're all they're all listening to a Cassio Cortez in company. They're not listening to Pelosi. So meanwhile, it's it's now coming to a head as they have this group of four yesterday, which I actually thought was entertaining. There's one thing I do like about Alexandria Cossio Cortez. I do like about her, and that is she is not ever going to listen to Nancy Pelosi, and which I think is kind of huf on her part. She's showing some scourage of her convictions, and she is going to influence this party as much as she possibly can. And what do they call you, the four squad or the squad squad, I don't know, whatever they want to come but these four women have more power, I'm arguing, than the entire leadership of the Democratic Party in the House and Senate combined, and they certainly have a more influence on the twenty twenty candidates. Anyway, it all got started by Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, who launched the racial attack against Pelosi's allies, even some of them in the Congressional Black Caucus listen all of you that have aspirations of running for office for whatever looked experience and identity that you represent. If you are not prepared to come to that sample and so represent that voice, don't come. Because we don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice. We don't need black faces but don't want to be a black voice. We don't need muslim that don't want to be a Muslim voice. We don't need queer qua voice. All right, But then she goes on she won't identify the President for who he is, the occupant of the White House. I will always refer to him as the occupant, as he is only occupying space, not embodied the great the entity, the compassion, the integrity that that office required and that the American people deserve. Our squad is big, and given the size of this squaw and this great nation, we cannot, we will not be silence. Then upsteps Congresswoman Omar who has again the so called squad of far left. Freshman congresswomen are now using identity politics against their own party. In goal, they say, is to reshape America. That remember, the Green New Deal we told you is not about the environment it's not about climate change, and it's a it's primary purpose has been in means to move our economy from a free market, opportunity society towards guaranteed everything, socialism, redistributionism, where the government even controls the means of production, just like A Kazio Cortes says, will tell you how to run your business. Gee. Thanks. By the way, it is a matter of fact, the chief of staff for A Kazio Cortez recently said, all the interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing at all. It's not today a climate thing. And she only has a twenty two percent approval rate. Meanwhile, Congresswoman Omar only has a nine percent approval rate. But if you look at some of the extreme comments of Omar, she's claiming, by the way that she's more she loves America more than people that were born here. Well, she has a funny way of showing it when she says stuff like this, why can't you be more like an American? Because it used to be a heavy positive thing we export American exception was the great America, the land of liberty and justice. That is, you know, if you ask anybody in walking on the side of the street somewhere in the middle of the world, they will tell you America the Great, But we don't live those values here. Um, And so that hypocrisy is one that I'm bothered by. I want America the Great to be America the Great. Care was founded after nine eleven because they recognize that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. The thing that was interesting in the class was every time the professor said al Qaeda, he sort of like his shoulders went up, and you know, al Qaeda, you know, hospital experts, and it was you know, as you probably get to see him on n Yeah, yeah, of course I love those guys. But you know, but but but it is. It is that you don't say America with an intensity. You don't say England with the intensity. You know, you don't you don't say um the Army with an intensity. Card. But you say these these names because you you want that that word to carry weight, you want it to leave something that's just exactly so it's it's you know, it's it's said with a deeper voice. All right, Yeah, I don't hear anything funny about nine to eleven and three thousand Americans getting killed, or the name al Qaida anyway, joining us to discuss and debate and have a good old time about it as Kaylee Magnate any National Press secretary for Trump twenty twenty Jeff Lord, the author of the bestseller Swamp Wars, Donald Trump and the new American populism versus the old order. Um, you know. To me, I think the media has got it all wrong in terms of Okay, the phrase love it or leave it about America's not a new phrase. And when the President said, okay, go back to Somalia, where they have the strictest laws against women and gays and lesbians and abortion, etc. Go fix the country you came from. Then come back and show us how to do it. I thought the President was being snide and sarcastic for sure, but the media didn't see it that way. As usual, Kaylee mckinanny, Yeah, that's exactly right. This is a pretty basic principle shot. If you despise this country, if you go on and on with anti American rhetoric. And by the way, yesterday when Ilhan Omar was asked about al Qaeda, and if she supported al Qaeda or at any affinity for al Kaidas, she wouldn't answer the question. So, if you're going to spew anti American rhetoric and cannot denounce al Qaeda, it is a very simple proposition. Why are you here? Why are you taking advantage of the American dream that, by the way, millions are waiting in line for millions are in their lives for in crossing the border. But we have a disgraceful group of congresswomen who just to cry America and everything that they take advantage of that this country has to offer. And that's the thing, Jeff, that the media won't focus on were talking about. In Omar's case, a verily n anti Semite. You're talking about someone that is blaming America. You know, even what happened in the mall in Kenya, she's blaming America for that and it's our actions that caused it. And laughing at how Americans ha ha ha react to al Qaeda which killed nearly three thousand Americans on nine to eleven. I don't think any of that's funny, But none of this is discussed by the mainstream media. Mob Why is that? Yeah, because they're on her side. I mean, that's the thing that really frosts here. I call these four members of Congress the resegregationists. I mean, this is straight from the old Democratic Party playbook. Use race, of I buy race to get elected and then pass whatever is the progressive agenda of the moment. They're doing the same things that people like with names like Woodrow Wilson did decades ago, in the last century and in the century before that. There's nothing new here, and that's that's what's so irritated. And the media has now joined up with him. I mean some of the stuff that has been on CNN and in the Washington Post that is just disgraceful, utterly disgraceful, playing the race card all of the time. Yeah, well, I mean they do it against Republicans. It's fascinating because Donald Trump came to Nancy Pelosi's defense right when the four freshmen congresswoman accused her of attacking women of color. I meanwhile, two days prior, she accused Trump of wanting to make America white again. But still the President came to her defense. But the reality is, who's in charge of the Democratic Party. I don't think it's Nancy Pelosi, Kaylee mcinanny, I think that basically that this is a party that has moved radically to the left, and as a result, we are seeing the impact on the Democratic side. They have no idea how to deal with this radical wing of their party, and as a matter of fact, the twenty twenty candidates are all sucking up to them. Yeah, that's exactly right, Sean. You know, Nancy Pelosi has handed over the gavel on a sober platter to the Freshman radicals. And you see it with the Democratic Today contenders all embracing the radical proposals, and you see it with the anti American rhetoric that's so prevalenta, and they say, by the way, I will I will not be silent, is what the Freshman radicals tell us. Well, good, I'm so thankful you won't be silent, because Accio shows the Democrats internal polling shows AOC with the twenty two percent approval rating in elhan Omar within nine percent one. So keep talking, talk loudly. We'll amplify it over at the Trump campaign proudly, because you are our best advertisement for why President Trump should be reelected. Okay, so yeah, go ahead. I went back today and was reading an article in the New York Times from nineteen seventy when I was in college. I remember this, went back and looked. There were a bunch of protesters protest, white liberal college kids with long hair, protesting the Vietnam War on Wall Street, and they were out of the blue swarmed by a mob of construction workers, hardhats, who were yelling. According to the New York Times, love it or leave it. And this was the sort of the beginning of the realization that the Democratic Party was so far gone left. The two years later, Richard Nixon would carry forty nine states in his re election bid when he'd only won forty one the presidency in sixty eight with forty three percent of the vote, and he comes back with the landslide. This is exactly the kind of thing that's happening. These people are making themselves the face of the Democratic Party. And I am sure that there are some Democrats who are mighty unhappy with it. Well, I think too that you know, I knows there are Republicans. They don't like the fact that the president, you know, fights back. Quick Break more with Kaylee mcinannia and Jeff Lord on the other side, my new traveled up information overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, I think this top story. This is the biggest issue now that is heading into twenty twenty, and that is it is very simply is we've got a divide among the deep state that is becoming a civil war. Now, we are going to get all the things we've promised. You're going to get the FISA applications, We're gonna get unredacted materials. But because of new developments, not the least of which is oh, Christopher Steel is now willing to talk. Okay, that delays the Inspector General's report about FISA abuse. Lindsay Graham has been clear, Attorney General Barr has been clear. They are looking into the origins of how this Russia counterintelligence investigation began. Well, what they're trying to do is set up in a case for ramp against President Trump. If they bring impeachment charges based on the Mueller report, it would be unfair, It would blow up their face politically. President Trump would get reelected, would take back the House and the Senate because Mueller said there was no collusion of the facts in the law did not justify bringing an obstruction case. There was no underlying crime. This is all politically motivated. Does anybody really think Jerry Nadler is trying to get to the truth or that he'll do a better job than Mueller. This is people who do not believe Trump is legitimately president. They never accepted the twenty sixteen outcome, and they're trying to destroy his presidency. This is just another effort to destroy Donald Trump. It will blow up in their face. And I promise your listeners, and after Horowitz says his report about the flawed FISA warrant, I'm going to deep dive into how this stuff started. How could it go so far if there was no collusion. Do you share my concerns about the FISA warrant process? Yes? Do you share my concerns about the counterintelligence investigation, how it was opened, and why it was opened? Yes? You share my concerns that the professional lack of professionalism and the Clinton email investigation something we should all look at. Yes. Do you expect to change your mind about the bottom line conclusions of the Muller report. No, then we've got yes, they're looking into Hillary Clinton and the investigation. Well, really, what is the exoneration before the investigation of Hillary Clinton? And then immediately thereafter, the same people, the same Trump haters and Hillary lovers, they turn their sights on Trump. We've now had four separate investigations. We also have how do we possibly handle what's happening as it relates to Oh my god, everybody hates each other. Now all of this is coming to the four now in the deep state. Well, now we've got twenty twenty candidates. They're all at each other's throat, and all of them have been kind of aligned against sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe, who he learned, Oh did you see this yesterday, Linda, we've now found out just before he announced he's running for president gas who froze up his records from the United States Senate so none of us can have access to them. The same guy that's saying Donald Trump ought to release his taxes, that would be sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe. So they're all after him now, all of them. And this is where the big picture comes in, because look, naturally that's going to become at some point even a bigger circular firing squad, but even more importantly, that intramural squabble which is now an outright battle in contention. It's amazing how many people think, yeah, it's gonna be Kamala Harris. Now I don't know if it's gonna be Kamala Harris. I don't know if Uncle crazy Uncle Joe is done. I don't know if mayor Pete somehow touches the hearts. He's such a dynamic individual on the stuff up joke. Or maybe it's Elizabeth Warren, but there's gonna be some combination thereof I don't think it's any of these lesser players. Corey Booker as a pipe dream, but that's just looking at the polls. That's where we are. But now the bigger issue is Okay, now we've got the big fight within the Democratic Party in the House and the Senate, and now we've got what is called the squad, and it's now a firing squad. And this is now a rogue party led by four freshmen congresswomen who now every twenty twenty candidate needs to suck up to. They all have adopted All the twenty twenty candidates have adopted a good portion of this Green New Deal, meaning they want to eliminate oil and gas, which is the lifeblood of our economy. Do you know how many jobs leave the day we make that dumb decision? Do you understand the economy as we know it lapses if we retro fit or mandate the retro fitting of every building in America. Who's gonna pay for all of this? And a lot of people won't do it what we're now going to round them up. They won't round up people that don't respect our borders, laws, sovereignty, but I'm sure they'll round up Americans that don't retro fit their homes green or their buildings green. We're actually making the Green New Deal come alive here in New York City, so we have our own Green New Deal. It's three very basic ideas. One the biggest source of emissions in New York City is buildings. We're putting clear, strong mandates, the first of any major city on the Earth, to say to building owners, you gotta clean up your act, you gotta retrofit, you gotta save energy. If you don't do it by twenty thirty, there'll be serious fines as high as a million dollars or more for the biggest buildings, and this mandate is going to guarantee that we reduce emissions. We're going to ban the classic glass and steel skyscrapers, which are incredibly inefficient. If someone wants to build one of those things, they can take a whole lot of steps to make an energy efficient, but we're not going to allow what we used to see in the past. And the City of New York, the government, which uses about as much energy in a year as do the people and the businesses of the state of Vermont, we are going to get all of our energy from renewable sources in the next five years. Well, well, what are what are landlords going to start doing? If they have to retro fit, They're gonna start raising rents. They're not gonna want to pay that price. By the way, that probably also is task impossible. And we're gon we're now going to punish people that want to build buildings. Okay, you can't make it with glass, you can't make it with steel. Well what does that do to the carpenters, the steel workers, the electricians, the plumbers, the painters, and everybody involved in every part of that process of building? A building. Usually a building goes up in New York that is years worth of work for all of the trades. Well, Comrade Deblasio, great job on the blackout this weekend from Waterloo, Iowa, Mayor, Comrade de Blasio, But we can't build another building in New York. What are we going to use as materials? Oh, we can't use trees. I don't know if you could do it anyway. We can't have trees built because then we're we're literally, you know, taking and plundering the forest, even though it's a renewable resource. Although I'd like big redwood trees to stay. I think we should be good stewards of the environment. All of which is it just raises questions everywhere. Now you go to a simple fundamental point. We are Now this is so deeply embedded within the Democratic ranks there's no getting out. I don't see the door that they can choose, that they're all gonna suddenly align if Nancy Pelos late last week calls in the entire Democratic caucus and says, if you've got something to say to me, say it here in the caucus, say it to my face. And hours later, the you know, liberal freshman saying we're not listening to you. And now Joe Biden today was sucking up to the four freshmen congresswomen. He already tried to do that by adopting the New Green Deal, and yet his track record is atrocious and everything in between. What are you? What are you saying that the thoughts are racing through your mind because I can see them. I mean, you want to say yah, So I don't want to interrupt you know, when you're on a roll. You know you got some things to say. I don't. I don't like to interrupt you. I mean I do like to, but you know I'm restraining myself because you got some good stuff to say. However, I would like to remind everybody that you know the power outage in the blackout and what happened. I'm wondering if the reason why the infrastructure is such a hot mess and presidential Democratic candidate Build de Blasio's home city is because his wife stole nine hundred million dollars and nobody seems to know where it is and they keep forgetting. I mean, all we need to do is look at each and every one of these candidates and say stop talking. What have you done for me lately, and you know what, they've done a whole lot of nothing. The Blasio Kamala Harris. These people should be ashamed of themselves. Why don't you try getting an a in the job you're in now before you try getting the top job. I don't know about you, but I don't get promoted for doing a bad job. I get promoted for doing a good job. And each and every one of these people are doing promotions for have I given you over the years. Where'd you start at? Well, once you made me boss, I just promoted myself. Okay, you're not the boss. Let me let me I'm not the boss. That can't be true. Okay, that's that's fake news. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Oh absolutely, By the way, the talent when you were in San Diego, I'm the boss, but you're the talent. No, I'm to the show. And then when you were acting like such a go ahead, say ahead, acting like a crazy woman when you were on Obsessed. I'm gonna be very nice to you because you're having a tough day. I am not having a Ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna give them a little People out scenes so we had a power outage in New York City, and you know, as we were just talking about and so Bill Deblasio's power outage knocked out everything. So all of our systems are reset. It's a hot mess. So yesterday we were so happy because we didn't have too much drama. Today we had tons of drama and the systems are going nuts and none of the mics are working. And Sean was incredibly patient and kind such a sweet demeanor as we figured this out. I mean, he's just always so good about these things. It's something that I think he's culminated over the years, this stability to be patient and just kind of sit there and I say to him, I'm like, Sean, I'm so sorry. You know what he says to me goes Linda. We all have our jobs to do. When we were doing when we were in I believe it was great Britain, and we're five minutes to airtime, about forty minutes to airtime. I make the executive call. You're you, you are a prince, I said, Believe I said to you and Blair. We all literally had to change hotels because there was no way we were getting this radio. You're really underselling this. What happened was, why are you interrupting and stepping on my story because you're the telling I'm the boss. No, no, you're you're all right, you're let me tell you. You're not the boss. You're an execut not the boss of me. You're not my father. I'm the check God, you're not my boss. My boss exactly. Oh, guess what he's if I live. The Bagel Guy's on Hannity tonight. No, he's on Hannity tonight. Yeah, you're joking. I'm not joking. Let's rack the tape. Yeah, he is going to be on the show tonight. We better have our delay worker. Yeah, I'm like, I don't know that. We're gonna put him on TV. And by the way, I'll ask him to come on the radio show to Fantastic Greg. We'll put him on for a long period of time. We'll talk to the bagel guy. If you don't remember this, he before he got taken down by somebody in the bagel shop. He just kind of started ranting and said this, Why is okay for women to say, oh, you're five feet on dating sites, you should be dead, that's okay? Who said that to you here. Nobody women in general have shot it on dating sites. You think I'm making up everywhere I go. I get to say smirke with the fighting lisp. Shut your mouth. You're not God or my father or my thoughts. Dude, want to step outside? You want him step outside? I'm not standing. I'm not you shut up to God? An attack, kick up? Oh my god? Bagels? Are you gonna have bagels on set for him? Because I think that's gonna be that might be on his list, you know everybody, some people like Brown. I'm eyes. I just don't know if he's gonna do the belly bump. I'll have to warn him not to do anything like that because I am trained, and I don't want to have to defend myself because I'm gonna hurt it. I don't want to hurt him. Supposedly, he's supposedly he just inked a deal to possibly fight other celebrities from like I heard about. I heard about that. I don't know. He might get in some legal trouble. It's lucky we have a sponsor like Legalism that can help people out. Well that's true decisions, But I hope he does. And I know listen I hope we can end up getting along. Maybe I'm gonna try and get to the bottom of why he feels the way he feels. Are you bringing on Doctor Drew? No, I'm bringing on Doctor Hannity. I just remember I'm the chief, I am the CEO, the boss, the top boss. Got it. You are one of the You are top and management of the show. I'm top managed, but you are not the boss. Now you you get to be. You have people underneath you that that report to you, not me, But you have to report to me because it's a Sean Hannity show. I'll tell you one thing I'm going to use, like the way you act, way you acted out in San Diego, was not you following the proper protocols of well management. Asked me to read the waiting for I'm waiting for the apology. It's gonna be a cold day in hell, brother, Oh yeah, yeah? What's the cold day in hell? Would I ever try and do something nice to Oh, it's not gonna happen. I'll never do it. Never. Why bother you go off into the even with the bagel boys? Not even your mother is like texting me behind the scenes. I'm so sorry. For Linda's behavior. Oh okay, you know what. Listen, Pinocchio, do your read. I don't know why you guys are so excited. Yes, the Bagel guy is coming on Hannity tonight. Now you're gonna introduce him. I don't know. I will know. I'll introduce him by his name and we'll show the video. We're Bagel guy. He lives in a van. Apparently he's got pictures. Now, some porn star he met in the process of all the intern found the pictures twenty Oh great if you how is he looking at what? I came up in his news feed, in his news feed from Google? From Google another reason? See parents, be careful what your children. And I were doing a freedom concert in Vegas and Ron Jeremy, Well, I had no idea who the guy was, no idea nothing. I didn't know one thing about him. And he Peckle goes, that's Ron Jeremy. You better not take pictures with him and those girls he's with. I'm like, why not? Yeah, he was escorted out of the backstage. No, but I mean the guy I shook his hand. I said nice, But I said, we said no pictures. Did you have sanitizer? Afterwards, Jesus, I don't know what I think. We should take a break. This is not my world. That is not that's right. You're the ceiling, I'm the bus. Break no your place, please? No. The pecking order of the show, Sean, well come back. We'll continue your calls on the other side. I twenty five till the top of the hour eight. So the pecking order of the show is I am the CEO, I am they When you have to explain yourself as much you are I, I am the boss. You need to get this in your head. That okay? You why do you call me boss? Because I'm the boss? Anyone ever find you don't call me boss? You go hey boss, Hey, hey boss? How you doing? Boss? Okay? How do I spell it on text? How do I spell it on text? Uh? Boss? The normal? Oh? I don't spell at bawss. It depends on the day. All right. So in this room, we have Jason. Jason reports to you, We have Ethan. Ethan reports to you, Katie reports to you. Everybody in that room reports to you. And and then Blaire says, I'm not the boss to him. Someone didn't tell Blair you actually she's your boss. Sorry, you report to her. It's a tough day. Listen. I'm just telling the truth. Even this dopey intern that you hired is the I love Charlie. Charlie, you're really a conservative. And what were you doing looking up the bagel guy and that picture with them? What newsfeed? I want to know the name of the news feed? Google has something called a news feed. This is beyond your technical prowess, as you have been so honest about on the show. I'm sorry, Okay. I get news feeds all the time at Apple news News. I get all sorts of Google. What happens when a newsfeed? You get stories that you have no interest in. Sometimes you get stories about a bagel guy and his porn star girlfriend. All right, I never saw that. I'll come up on my newsfeed anyway, So the media guys gonna be on Hannity time. Any questions you want me to ask him? Yeah, a lot. I'll tell you. I'm going to ask him because it's important. I'm say, why do you care what people think about you? And this is an important question? Okay, Well, why do you care about what people think of your height or how you look? I care? Why is that ever so important? To you, important to all of us. Anybody who says that they don't care, why is he taking it so personally? There's nothing you couldn't do about certain traits that you have as an individual. Because his height ends where other people's bellies begin. It's a very tough it's real, it's hard. Okay, you were bragging? Yeah today, how you once stated somebody that happened to be really short? So what was he a nice person? Did he have a good heart and soul? At times? At times think that's what he got dominantly, but you didn't have You did not have a problem dating him because of his height. This is correct, Okay. I think at the end of the day, when when every push everything away, Ethan is this remind me of young list of boyfriends all different times I was very popular, Well you were. You've been minute on the air that you've been popular, right, is it popular? Like code for legs? She gets around? No, what is that mean? Well, actually, you've been very clear about those issues on the flash shows too, that that's not who you are. You Oh it's there and watch out and all right, but the fact is that's not who you are. But you you have had no problems in your life getting boyfriends, have you No, No, okay, you've been pretty popular most of your life. Sure, okay, and by that well, because some people you know, are not the most outspoken. When maarismatic, the first thing they think is no, they don't think, good Lord Blair. No, not way man Blair. That's after they first hear her. Then they say, good Lord, say it's abordination in him. No. The first thing that people think when they meet me is what a friendly girl. She's so friendly? You know, you know, you know what this is. This is, this is reminding me of a person that looks in the mirror and has a distorted view of themselves. Like, for example, somebody that is in great shape will think they look in the mirror and they see, oh my gosh, I'm fat, and then nothing. They're not well like you with your manirexia. Man oh, I work out like an animal that's just eat like a twig. Well, when you get to be my age Linda one day and you'll realize your metabolism is not quite up to the standard that it once was. And for whatever reason you mean, you start sipping broth. I love sipping broth. That you can't eat the quantity of food that you once did with the same vigor. Look, I watched my son, My son, you had cabbage and butter. I watched. No, I did not have cabbage and butter today. Have you ever had cabbage and butter for a meal? No? No, but I don't use butter. Oh what do you use? Smart balance? Oh? Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, we got a substitute, the alternative. I'm not a lot, just a little. Yeah, butter and salt. That's a full meal. Salt on every that would be a full meal. Yes, today maybe maybe with one Friday egg. So today it is Kylie Kramer's birthday. Yeah. By the way, I was gonna say something specially about that. I was waiting, right, So there's a big birthday. A beautiful cake in here, beautiful. No, I don't, I won't. You won't have a bite of cake? Not right? You know? Why do you know? Why? Go ahead? You could say it, say it out loud, say it because I don't know. I don't like sweets. I'm not a big sweat. I don't love sweets like you people are the sugar. You don't like ice cream? Ice cream? Honestly, I eat so little ice cream. I could live without it for the rest of my life. I didn't know they were doing a remake a Pinocchio today, But I tell you that they give you. Let me give you an example. So my son, who is gonna be it's twenty years old. No, it's not my son. He's an athlete. He works out hours every day. And this kid. I have watched this kid eat two quarter pounders with cheese, a fish sandwich, two large fries, and a coke and he could eat that every day. This kid literally orders uber eats and it comes as a literally it's a buffet, and he eats it all. I look at a quarter Oh yeah. Him and his friends they do it all the time. Oh god, now, and they can eat. He can eat anything he wants. And I remind him it is not always going to be like that. Things are going to change. One day all of him and his friends are gonna have little pockets of what I have. Little chubb here, a little chubb there. And it just is the reality. When you get older and you are quite young. You're much younger than I am, as is everybody, and you're all combined younger than me. Oh yeah, you're so old. Jason's up there? Oh, Jason's Jason's up there? Hey, how are you doing there? Fats? Kylie? How old are you? By the way, do you do want to talk about that? Oh? My god, Sean. You first of all, you never ask why not? She doesn't have to answer. Okay, that's not happening. You know what when we bring bas do you care? We're going to ask Kylie? Do you care if I ask out old? You're young? You can ask, but I don't have to answer. Okay, what is that? Do you not want to answer? I'm twenty nine? She's a kid celebrating. She is a kid. Listen once a woman gives her rage? Katie? How old are you? How old is Katie? How old are you? Twenty twenty nine? How old are you Ethan? Twenty nine? How well you're full of crap? How old were nine? I've just been with you since I was fifteen. Blair, Blair's getting a little up there in years. But Blair also does what do you do? These try athalons, these iron man things? To explain what an iron man is? Two point four miles okay, two point four miles swim, one hundred twelve mile bike and then you run a marathon, right, and that's it, and then you hope you don't die at the end, and you hope you don't die in the end. Yeah, yeah, I'm forty one. It's over for me, forty one, it's over for you. Oh yeah, it's knee replacement, hip replacement, you know. So I will tell you the true story about Charlie. So Charlie was brought on by the network. Okay, he comes in and I think, oh, this poor kid. He probably likes sports and girls and you know, all the things that twenty year old men like. Okay, YadA, YadA. And he comes into my office and he tells me. He goes, Linda, I'm a conservative. I really love the show. I'd love to be a part of the show. Can I stay for the summer? And I almost passed out. They had to bring me back with the vapors. I came back to and I said, oh my god, we have a millennial, twenty year old in our office. He wants to work on the show. Knows about politics, he's a great writer. He's been with the show for about a month. He's doing great. Listen everybody, and I'm now I'm gonna be really sincere and thoughtful, and God, don't do that. We're having so much fun. Don't doin it. What's the matter with you? Just you shush? Will you mind please for a second? Mind for one second? Can I finish the thought? Everybody we have on this show is amazing in their own way, and there's a whole cast of characters in there. You being you know, the leader of the head careful there, No, I mean, it's just it's fascinating to get to know other people. And one thing that I'm I see in TV and radio every intern that has ever worked for me ever, all their parents are scared to death. Oh they think their kids are gonna like collapse under the pressure they do. I mean, because we're all helicopter parents in this day at age. Every parent is scared to death every single time, without exception, the kid does a phenomenal job, the kids get involved, and then it's like, oh, such a I don't know. I got one story. I had an intern early on forget about it. We had this intern. I'm not going to say his name because he might listen, but this guy was terrible. Forget about it. He didn't know anything about conservatism, he didn't know anything about politics. Didn't know anything about anything. And one day I went up to him and said, hey, are you doing? Are you doing? And he looks at me and he says, uh, yeah, yeah, I'm good. Okay, I said, because you don't do anything. And I said, uh, well, yeah, sometimes interns need to be given you. No, I gave him a lot of direction, Like I gave him like a binder fold. You know, it was a lot a binder. Now, you sound like Mitt Romney and Mitt Romney were giving out binders. You know, that's our party favor. So AnyWho, he was terrible, so I gave him another month to try to figure it out. Terrible. It's okay, fine, so I'm moving right along. It comes into my office. So listen, you're a nice guy. I don't know what you're interested in. It's clearly not the show or politics. I think it's time for you to move along and find something that interests you. He started to cry, you make people cry, so me, you made the intern cry? Wow? I said, are you kidding me? You can't cry? Why was he crying? Because he was sad that I was telling him he wasn't doing a good job. I said, let me ask you a question, What have you done? In all seriousness? What have you done since you've been here? Have you done anything I've asked you to do? He says no, Okay, I said did you do that? Deliberately? He's like yeah. I said, do you know anything about politics? No? I said, what do you want to do with the rest of your life? Because I want to work in sports? I said, goodbye? All right, given, I want everyone to give an honest answer, because you guys have been with me a long time. Have do I ever fire people? Or if people leave, do they is it so obvious that they fired themselves? I want honest answers. We'll start with you, ma'am oh, ma'am oh, Well, thank you? Do I fire? Do I fire people? No? Have I have I ever fired anybody? No? But how many? How many times? No? When you how many times have you come to me wanting to fire someone? Say? And what do I say? Calm down? Give them time. Listen. This person has a family, they have bills, that's right, they need the job, guide them, help them, That's what I tell you. Tell them. Jason, you're the next long Have I have you ever seen me fire anybody of all the years i've known you. We go back to nineteen ninety eight. Now, I've never seen you go to management say fire this person. I don't do it. But what do I do? I try to help people stay. He's been here the longest since Atlanta nineteen ninety two. I've worked with him. Have I ever fired? Have I ever fired anybody? Or do they fire themselves? They've all fired themselves after numerous this is what you gotta do speeches. Yeah, there have been a few. There have been a few who have of who it flamed out in spectacular ways. And it's not my fault because I'm trying to help them. Yeah, I give I give Jason right. We give everybody every opportunity to make it right again and again and again. And then she's begging me to fire them. Not still saying I don't want to fire the guy. He's begging hap. She has begged me to fire people, and I say no, give him more time. See, this is the beauty of me being the boss. You're not the heavy because I won't let you fire them because I say no. So you only get to fire after they totally flame out and there's no hope. Is that is that the theory. That's the story we're going. That's the truth. Gonna. You don't fire anyoney, don't fire anybody. You don't. I don't even think about firing people. You guys tell me I need to fire people. I'm like, I'm not firing that person. Give him and what do I say? He eats them all. I gotta take a break. What's okay going to say? Oh, you five feet are dating sites? You should be dead. That's okay, say that's you here. No women in general have set it on dating sites. You think I'm making that everywhere I go. I did the same smirk with the fighting limp and shut your mouth. You're not God or my father all my thoughts. Dude, want to step outside? You want to step outside. I'm not standing found I'm not you shut up too kind of attack pick up? Oh my god. I went in basically to order a bagel sandwich, and the Indian woman, who had never helped me there before, didn't seem to understand the concept of egg whites. So we have to saying it about three times and I verified because okay, I understand, I say, okay, fine. Then she's she's doing this with a mouth and looking at people and smirking and laughing, and I started to feel like I was being maligned, or you know, I was, I was my mate, felt like I was a less of a person. You know, I'm tired of women using me, abusing me, lying to my face, tell me you like me on dates, and then you and then you take my money, you cut me off, and you say I'm too short when you're about my height. It's ridiculous. And when you add all that up, I snap, I'm your modern day profit. I'm your modern day Martin Luther King. You don't like it. You want to put a bullet in my head with John Lennon's head or his head for one and piece too bad, because I'm not changing. What do you mean when you say modern day profit? Meaning I'm basically taking what they were believing in and try to get across the world and I'm bringing it to a heightened level. What do you mean? Take it out and you act like I committed miss shooting or something. That guy twice my size that women love the bullies attack me. He was quickly done talking. You know what, I don't really know, offense. I don't really like you that much. So this interview is over all right, So we're gonna have the bagel guy on tonight, but we also have the serious issues. We have a big breaking news story tonight thanks to our friend John Solomon. That's coming up. Dan BUNGEEO, Sean Spicer, Liz Chaney, Laura Trump Tonight, Lawrence Jones, Greg Jarrett, Mark Meadows, Maria Salazar, and much more Tonight Hannay at nine Eastern Fox News