The Border Crisis Is Still Here - March 29th, Hour 3

Published Mar 29, 2022, 10:00 PM

Mark Morgan, former acting CBP commissioner and Heritage visiting fellow and Tom Homan, former acting ICE director and Heritage visiting fellow discuss the onslaught of illegal aliens crossing our southern border. While America sends billions of dollars to protect Ukraine, its borders and its people, we leave our own exposed and in danger without obeying our laws on immigration

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Where coming to your city, seeing you Anu will, I'll be am and if you want a little banging again, come along. Time is flying by. But look at the havoc and look at the destruction that they've done to our country in such a short period of time. Ukraine will never be a victory for a Russia. For God's sink, this man cannot remain power. So let's give this peace project the focus and the commitment and the resources of a wartime effort. Our Marshal Plan. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution. I'm coming to your city, going to play get fis and saying you a conscious New Sean Hannity Show mar behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines seven day number two twenty seven. Coming up next our final news roundup and Information Overload hour. Right News round Up, Information Overload Hour. We'll get back to the phones at the bottom of the half hour. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn our number if you want to be a part of the program. So this broke this week in the Washington Times, Homeland Security Secretary majorcas broke the law when he wrote rules limiting which illegal immigrants can be detained or deported, according to a federal judge ruling earlier today and slapping an injunction on Ice that limits their ability to pick and choose whom to target. Now. The judge is named Michael Newman. His decision is a real serious blow to the Biden administration because from their first days in office, the administration has tried to narrow the pool of illegal immigrants in danger of deportation, etc. And as I've been telling you, you know, we had a record year last year of the illegal immigrants. What a thirty year high. Because Joe Biden is eighty and embedding in the law breaking. He abolished Trump's policies to stay in Mexico policy, stopped building the wall, and he took what was called catch and release and put it on steroids and human growth hormone, and it's now catch process and transport to any state you want to go to. No COVID tests because they're not going to be here very long, Jensaki said, LAE, And no COVID test, no vaccine mandate. And then we have these these planes landing all over the country at two, three, four am in the morning, and at obscure airports, smaller airports, so nobody sees what's happening anyway. Joining us Mark Morgan, former acting CBP Commissioner, Heritage visiting fellow, and Tom Holman as former acting ICE Director and also a Heritage visiting fellow. I'll start with you, Mark. I'm looking at the border and it looks like, you know, a replay of twenty twenty one. Yeah, trying to remember twenty twenty one was the worst crisis in our lifetimes. As Tom said, I've stolen his line many times, as the Biden administration inherited the most secure border and he has made it the least secure border in our lock time. And right now you briefly mentioned it Title forty two, which is which is the Trump Air policy, which, by the way, the Biden administration has continued to use the past year plus to remove a million of illegal aliens, is to prevent COVID from continuing to poor country. They're getting ready to end that program. And they know that that countless migrants for breaking our country, that an active COVID doesn't matter. You and I we still have to wear a mask to border plane. But if you get illegally breaking our country and have active COVID, no problem. They're now going to accept you and release you into in the country. And not only that, it's sending a calling card to the entire world. Our borders are now open to everyone. That's why we're seeing the numbers exponential increase. You're going to see a crushing tide away of the increase of illegal aliens because so here we go, we got the migration beginning once again. Is that what you're seeing as well, Tom Holman, Yeah, a matter of fact, Sean, I'm at the Southwest Border Conference in San Antonio as I'm speaking to you. The Chief Patrol Agent said today that we're going to hit one million marks year any day now. So there's like a marside. Last years was an historic year, but right now we're on a glide path right now to beat last year's numbers. So we're going to see numbers bigger this year than historic numbers last year. I don't see any way that we can stop Biden from doing this, because look, we have one party rule in this country right now. The Democrats, they have the White House, they have both houses of Congress. I know border patrol agents and I've spoken to many of them that they are their job. Dissatisfaction level is higher than it's ever been. Morales at an all time low. They want to do their job, they're good at doing their jobs, and now they're putting a position where they're not allowed to do their jobs. So I don't know what the antidote is in the interim Mark Morgan is except that I guess Biden gets his way in aiding and abetting in the law breaking. Yeah, Sean, Unfortunately, I think you're spot on. Look, Congress is limited, why now what they can do. One of the main reasons because our overall immigration system is broken and full of loopholes, So there's a lot of discretionary authority and the Secretary of miracus to really institute his open border policy, as well as the bide administration to executive orders. But that's why it's so important that states step up to do more. Look this great state of Texas and Governor, wait, but what's the states supposed to do now? I've interviewed, for example, in Arizona, the attorney generals who's done a lot of great work on those Bernovich who's running for Senate and I'm supporting. And I've interviewed Governor Abbott and so many times about this issue, and Greg Abbott can only do so much as it relates to the law. He I mean, he's even built his own fences with cars at different times for crying out loud. But at the end of the day, he does not have the authority to deport these people. Am I wrong on that? Well, So that's a very important question, Sean. I think you're right to a certain extent. Is but let's keep in mind what they are doing is making a difference. And let's not forget about the attorney generals. Tom and I both participated in lawsuits that have won to actually gain some control of the border back and to limit some of the damage being done by this administration. But look, there's an issue we can't talk about that this administration has advocated their constitutional duties under the Guarantee cause to protect this country, to protect the States. There is an argument a discussion we should have as a constitutional issue, can state do more and actually start removing people to discussion we need. I think this court ruling is maybe at the beginning of this Tom Holman Let's say Sean Hannity decides to go down to Arizona, Texas, southern California and pick up a group of people that are in this country illegally and say, hey, I just charted an airplane. I want y'all to get on it. And then what state would you like to go to? And I take them to whatever state they choose. Would I'd be guilty of committing a crime called human trafficking? Yes, and I'd be charging you with a femony which and yes, you'd locked me right up and throw my ass in jail. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. But listen, I gotta I gotta equot Mark Sandock I filed, I filed more up the David Soon in the Biden administration. I did as an age of thirty four years. I'm a part of that ice lawsuit. I just testified in federal courton in Houston, Texas for State of Texas as their expert witness why ice priorities would cause more criminal aliens at the street. So we got several lawsuits, we're winning them. We're like four and oh in Texas. Now we've got Missouri one. We got to keep sing administration, because it's clearly show what this judge is said is exactly what the wall says. The wall says you must not maybe not if you want to. You must retain those convicted of drug convictions, have a drug convictions, those convicted of crime, and vould moral terfitudes. Those were the final orders, and the Secretary Markers just simply said, We're not going to do it. So now you got affect. The Judge sand In in this decision, if we read it's saying these instructions have instructed ice agians to violate the law. So hopefully we just keep doing the Biden administration to get a real president back in the White House. And I guess that's the best hope. Do you agree, Mark Morgan with the assessment that evided what Biden's doing that I'd be locked up? Absolutely. Tom just laid it out very clearly. Look, I've been saying this for a long time, and so as Tom is. For the first time in our history, and Tom and I both been serving this country for thirty five years under six administration both Republican and Democratic, and this is the first time where I'm actually seen an administration that's actually part of facilitating the last leg of smuggling operations. It's unconsortable, Sean, what's going on. And they're working with the NGOs and they're actually giving funding to NGOs as part of that facilitation. That's what we're seeing all right now. And this should not be a ridle of thing. You know, one thing we're not talking about is is well beyond the illegal immigration, that's a subset of what's going on. This is about border security. I mean drugs, because our borders are wide open because of Oh that was my next question. I mean, how much on an annual basis we've seen a precipitous increase in in all we're losing a dude because of fentonol and opioid deaths, over three hundred people a week, usually kids. And it's getting worse. I mean they're putting fentanyl and everything. Now they've even putting it in weed. For crying out loud, Tom, Well, look what the President Biden has done. And I've worked for six prisons, starting with Bonald Reagan. He's a first president, came in office and unsecured the most secure boarder we've ever had. And what's the result. I don't care what anybody's opinions on immigration enforcement. He has called a national crisis for public health with the COVID and TB. He calls a national criminal crisis because we know barbatois art arrested or fifteen thousand criminals. They got a half of the million gataways. How many of them are criminals? It's a national security issue because Barbatoes arrests fourteen people on the FBI screen database. There's a happening gataways. How many of them are non suspective terists. So what this administration has done, it's called a national security crisis to scare every but every American it should be scared to death of what this president has done. He has opened the border up to criminal cartels, drugs, and Day has already said ninety five of the fat nol that are killing an Americans this country. Over one hundred thousand overdose desks are coming across the southwest border because Biden has put the border troil out of business. They're so busy processes humanitarian crisis that he calls that a lot more drugs are coming across the border. This did not happen during a Trump administration where we had a secure border. The Trump administration, I would say as many times I said it Saturday Nights event. Trump administrates weren't in humane policy. The Trump administrations saved lives because people weren't dying over many over those desks. Micros weren't being murdered, children weren't drowning in the river. Cartels weren't making billions of dollars. Did the Trump administrations did the right thing, secured the border in shame on this president for voluntarily and purposely unsecuring the most secure border I've seen in my entire career. Oh, I gotta tell you, it's just it's all sad to me. And you guys did a phenomenal job when Donald Trump was president, and it's got to be one of the first orders of business. Maybe if we get the House in the Center back, maybe they can force Biden's hand. I'm not sure. Hopefully more of these lawsuits we'll get judges orders that, No, you don't get to just enforce the laws you like. You got to enforce all the laws, and if you don't like the laws, you got to change the laws, and there's process for that. You just don't get to pick and choose. Tom Holman. Thank you, Mark Morgan, thank you. Appreciate it. Quick break, we'll continue and we'll get to your calls on the other side, and your calls at the bottom of the half hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sea on our number. Look, if you suffer from insomnia like I used to, I have the antidote, I have the solution, and it's all things my pillow dot com. Look, it's it's incredible. Mike Lindell invented this company. You have turned it into a huge, massive, incredible company. They have now over one hundred and fifty products on their website. MyPillow dot Com. Great deep discounts at the Sean Hannity Square when you go online anyway, right now and every day, Mike has deep discounts on incredible products. You've heard me raving about these Giza dreamsheets made from the world's best cotton Giza, the softest sheets you'll ever sleep on, breathable, durable, and right now there's sixty percent off the lowest price ever and it's only thirty nine ninety nine. 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I just wanting to tell you that, just a little sidebar note, I want to tell you thank you for the passion that you share every day. I share that same passion love for the United States that you do and it comes out. Thank you clear every day that you are the air. My friend. Listen, remember this. We're all spokes in a wheel, and every single person listen listening to this show, everybody that's going to vote in November, plays a very big role at this inflection point in our history. But go ahead. I agree he was on the subject of immigration. I'm glad you're talking about it. I happen to have a unique position in the job that I am that I'm a delegate for our state in the financial history that get us speak to our state representatives in Washington, DC, and I have some direct connections to these guys. But in regards to one of the local congressmen here, I've been chirping in his ear about this immigration issue for I mean since Biden took office. And one of the comments that he made, and I thought it was interesting, is that he's been to the border three different times and my last time that he mentioned that too, Ma says, well, what's changed? I mean, is this a photo op or what are we doing here? And he finally, after beating up on him, he made the comedy says, well, the US Chamber of Commerce wants here right. They were the ones that want the border open. And I think it's interesting that, you know, we beat up on the Democrats for this immigration issue, but we never call out some of these Republicans as well, who are in the hands of the back pocket of some of these corporations that want these people. Historically, You're right, I mean Republicans and corporations wanted a cheap labor. That's that's absolutely true, and I'm just I'm just calling everybody out. Democrats. I think they have this belief that if they give away something a great value to illegal immigrants, that is amnesty, not mattering where the people come from, that that would create a loyal base that would continue to vote for them. I mean, who wouldn't want amnesty if you enter the country illegally? Right? Understandable, but not right. I mean, because we're a country that's supposed to be governed by a constitution and the rule of law. But yeah, I agree, I'll give you the final word. Yeah. So, so my thought was is I don't understand why the state governors because the Republicans, in my opinion, or doing a terrible job in the narrative. We don't have a leader like Trump in which somebody goes out there and sets the narrative in their narrative. I think what ought to be since the federal government's remiss and doing their job on Republican Democrat side personally, is that I had to think the Republican states, and there's twenty eight governors from these Republican states ought to all get together in commit throwing money towards finishing the border wall themselves. Go hook up with Texas and hook up with the air Zona and say, hey, as the state of Nebraskia, you will throw in fifty million dollars, right, And the cost of that fifty million dollars is minor and compared to the cost of you know, these illegals that are coming in from the healthcare to the drug problem to do what has costing our education. And I think if the states banned together, all got down, all these governors got down to the border and just said, hey, we're gonna do something about it, because Biden, you're dropped the ball. Your administrations dropped the ball in point to the issue and steal the issue back because again, nothing's going to get done with the even if the House goes Republican and in the Senate goes republic. I don't think anything is gonna get done at all. I think we might take till twenty twenty four and then hopefully we have a Republican president that believes again in the Constitution and the rule of law. Because this president and this Congress does not. They don't care. That's just a fact. Eight hundred nine f one Seaan good call if you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, sleepy. Joe just signed more executive actions in one week than most presidents did in their entire term. So much for democracy. It looks like Joe the new dictators on right now, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program, Linda, remember when Ted Copple did like an well over an hour interview with me and I guess it was for the CBS Sunday Morning Show, and only he clipped it to like, you know, twenty whatever seconds, and he took out my answer only to make himself look good. I mean, that's um he left in hello and thank you. No, he takes a shot at me that I'm bad for America and then he doesn't give my response because I answered, I had a really good answer. Um. But it's that that's why I don't do these interviews. Sean Hannity, this is not le cop. I mean, he's just these people are so liberal. As they get older, it starts to come out. I had a good relationship with Tom Broke all over the years. I'll tell you. The guy I liked the moment have passed away was Tim Russert. I mean, um, he was. He was just phenomenal. And it was a few months before he died that he had He was sort of like the moderator in a debate between me and James Carvell. We all had a blast. We had so much fun. And those in the days when you could actually talk to each other and have a conversation. Yeah, but I could do it anymore to this day. If I picked up the phone and called James Carvill, he picked up the phone. We get along great. We've been on planes together, we've hung out together, we drank together, we ate together. We just had a good time and we debate and I'd listened to his dribble and then I'd say everything he said is wrong, and then he'd say the same about me, and it was we actually always made it fun. Um. So all these years Tom broke caw and and I went out of my way to say, Okay, just because allegations are made doesn't make somebody guilty. I never I never go with the mob and jump, you know, to a conclusion. I wait for evidence to actually presented. I believe in the presumption of innocence, of innocence. Listen to this attack. He's actually it's like these idiots that of blaming, blaming Donald Trump. But what happened with Will Smith and Chris Rock. How stupid is that. By the way, even Howard Stern did it. And Howard's kind of lost me once he said f your freedom. I'm like, Howard sterns to that. I mean, the guy who fought for freedom of speech more than anyone else. I don't get it. And apparently COVID has just freaked this guy out. And maybe nobody ever told him about Monto clone lantibodies, and maybe at the time he wanted everybody vaccinated. It doesn't matter if you've vaccinated, if you've vaccinated and boostered, if you've vaccinated, boostered and had a previous infection, you've previously contracted COVID doesn't matter because you can still get it again and you can still transmit it to other people. So you know, this whole f your freedom thing. Excuse me, It's just it's insanity to me, and it's I think a lot of people have lost their mind over COVID, But that's my opinion. Howard lost his mind over a lot of things because he got a second gig, and that second gig was on a very liberal station, and he decided that he had to be woke in order to keep it and remain I don't even though if he was conscious. Maybe maybe it's the real hymn coming out after all these years. That's not the guy that I grew up listening to. I was a huge trail of his and I just I listen now and I'm like, he's like a totally different person. Yeah, he's not the same. I don't think that his audience. I mean, he has a lot of diehard fans that are hoping that he sort of comes back. I think at some point, you know, the guy's been around, he's a legend in radio. He broke the mold on so many things. I don't particularly care for his show, but looks like anything else, Like we say, you know, you don't like it, changed the dial, listen to something else, you know, you know what it is. It's disappointing to me because I would have thought Trump would have been a perfect guy for Howard to endorse. And then he interviews Hillary, gives a you know, fluff interview and I'm like really, and then he's bringing on people like Lena Dunham. I'm like really, and Scarlett Joe Man. I haven't heard that name in a while. Huh. I know, Mike, Okay, whatever, that's up to him. And anyway, this is what Tom Brokaw said, blaming Fox News for Putin in fading Ukraine. I mean, okay, Tom Shirt, you might need to fully retire now. Mike Tyson. He said, everyone has a plan and so they get punched in the mouth. Well, guess what who's getting punched in the mouth right now. From the beginning, Putin has been a warmonger with a sour face. He obviously thought he could run over Ukraine while President Biden was under Constance Act by Fox News and evermore poisonous right wing political organizations. Putin taught Ukraine's president was just a boy comedian. President Biden and President Zalinsky are not in hiding like Putin, Well didn't. Wasn't I the first person to say that we need to take Putin out? Wasn't I the first person to say that to give Zalinski the weaponry so he can defend his own country and follow the Reagan and Trump doctrines. I have no idea what this guy's talking about, and complition. Is Tom Brokaw gonna tell me that he thinks that Joe Biden is not weak for and cognitively struggling. I'd like him to answer that question, because the truth is he is, and pointing it out and pointing out how dangerous it is is not being mean, It is being truthful. I believe in telling the truth on these things. It matters. So we have this cut that I sent to you guys a little earlier today, the whole team in you this morning, and it's older, but it's a cut of I think it's an Australian news anchor and she's very specifically asking the question of what is Joe Biden saying? Listen, it's funny, but it's sad. It's funny, but exactly we do have it. Do you want to play it for the audience? Play it for the audience that they can have some coffee and listen. Dive into this week's edition of What in God's Name is Joe Biden trying to say normal expression time is money. One computer said, if you're on the train and they say portal bridge, you know you better make other plans. Let's let's go over what he just said that. Let's just not ignore that. Let's go over it. As one computer said, if you're on the train and they say portal bridge, you know you better make other plans. I've got nothing. Okay, Let's let's leave that to one side and see what else the president said this week. In fact, we're taking a page from Terry's book when he his governor and when he'd be governor next time. We're emerging for this pandemic. One experience pre K for three and four year olds, millions of pre care. This man needs a retirement home and a warm ball of soup, not access to the nuclear codes. A woman. The woman is not wrong. She's not wrong. She's not wrong. It's sad to me is an America, and it breaks my heart because I love our country. It's it's embarrassing, it's so humiliating. By the way, Tom Brokaw, did he ever lift a finger to chastise NBC News, uh for the three years of lies they told about the dirty misinformation Russian Russian dossier? Or did he ever talk about the FISA applications and lying to the FISA cord to spy on a presidential candidate and later a president. Not a peep out of Tommy. Tom was a liberal the whole time, you know what, and just and nobody's holding him accountable showan that's at the end of the day, never will and they never will. He's on a show that nobody watches. Anyway, it's not even worth mentioning. All right, let me move on and update people on the issue of Chris Rock and Will Smith. Two and three people think that Will Smith should be charged for slapping Chris Rock at the oscars. Now, apparently Chris Rock was asked by the LAPD if he wanted to press charges. He said no. Now there's a Knews article out there saying the LAPD doesn't need his testimony. They got all the evidence they want, They got the videotape. I hope that doesn't happen, and because Linda, come on, Linda Rich, Seriously, I'm curious here. I grew up in a different era. I'm not even saying that. Can I ask you a question? May I ask you a question, dear host? I know this is your show, but I have a quick question, go ahead, is does it make sense to you? I'm just saying if I was if I was on stage, or you were on stage, or anybody else was on stage, and we were saying something that was not liked by someone in the audience, whatever it was, and they walked up on stage and they smack you in the face, is that okay? First of all, if anyone's walking up to me and I'm on stage, i Am not just going to be in the posture that let's says, say somebody else that's not a ninja and doesn't have your skill set. I'm just saying, okay, the the the answer to the question is this, I'm defending. I love Chris Rock. I think Chris Rock is funny as hell, and I love it says anything that he wants, and everybody that likes Chris Rock loves that part of them. The same with Dave Chappelle. And Larry the cable guy, and all the guys that we I wrote Jeff Foxwort, I like the old guys, I like the new guys. I like everybody. And I think, but where I grew up and the way I grew up, we fought all the time. And in other words, we're playing hockey, we'd fight basketball, we'd fight football, we'd fight. We'd even find a way to fight over baseball. Yeah, but there's a different tolerance in sports. Okay, Now I know this is very this is very woke, toxic masculinity talk here. So I know that people don't like that. And I train for four days, five days a week, an hour and a half with MMA and mixed martial arts, and I've been doing them for ten years. And I would run away from a fight myself. I would have walked away and just put my hands up and say, don't do it. I don't want to hurt you, don't do it. But that's me but putting that aside. Um, you know, when I grew up, if you said something about somebody's mother or their girlfriend, or their sister or or their grandmother, um, and you said it's kind of it hit deep. It hit a nerve you likely we're gonna get in a fight. That's that's how we rolled back that But not like now. My kids did not roll that way. They didn't grow up that. I was constantly telling my son, do you not ever raise your hands to anyone? I'm such a hypocrypt Why is that? And why is that? Because? Because because you get thrown out of school right were the schoolyard and we didn't get thrown up by the fifth fight, they might have called my mother. But what I am saying to you is if you walked up on stage, if you were in the audience and somebody said something about your daughter on stage at some event, Oh, if I do this, I'd be in jail right now, exactly. That's my point I agree with there. This is I think that is what makes people upset. It's not that people cannot understand where he was coming from. It's not that people don't think that he has the right to defend his wife, his wife's name. It's not about any of that. It's about the Dubber standards double standard. First, I've developed an immunity towards criticism that most people don't have. And I would have thought at this point in his career, starting with what the French fresh Prince of bel Air that Will Smith would have developed the same tolerance if you will, or the same body armor if you will, or the same switch that I have, which is I get attacked. It's not a single day of the week that I do not get attacked by somebody someplace somewhere. I just don't pay attention to it. And if you or James brings it to my attention, I don't do not give an adam shift about it. I don't care. I do not care. I've been on radio. This is my thirty fifth year on radio, Linda, I don't care anymore. It's my twenty six year on Fox. I don't know that you've ever cared, if we're being honest, I mean as long as I did, maybe the first five years, and then I got over it. Yeah. I mean, you have to be in this business because for every person that really likes you and really enjoys what you're saying, there's you know, there's somebody else on the other side that doesn't like you, and that's just the nature of you know, human beings. You get more angry. Everybody on our team gets more angry when I'm attacked. James gets more angry when I'm attacked, and I'm I'm more angry at the disinformation. I get angry about things like people say Sean Hannity said put boots on the ground, and I'm like, come been. Not only did he not say that, he said the exact opposite. So it's not like you're just mixing up the words. You're actually lying, and that that pisses me off more than anything. The lying is just it's ridiculous. Let's say hi to Ronnie's in Texas. Ronnie, how are you glad? You called Dels? How are you? I'm good? What's on your mind? So everybody's talking about this, well, this situation, and I keep seeing that it's nothing more than a distraction. I'm not sure why other people aren't seeing a distraction as well. With all that's going on in the world right now. You mentioned yourself even for happening a massive martial arts background. Have you ever seen a grown and assault another girl man without there being an immediate reaction? Um? My take is Chris Rock had no idea that was coming, and I think I think, I think his years of experience kicked in and Will Smith walked away and he just said, okay, I'm with this. He found a way to transition out of the shock very smoothly. In my view, about as as good as you can do it and move on with the show. That's my take. There are some friends of mine swearing and sating what's happened. It would have just happened. I also knew have been a inster reacting. It would have just happened. It's that it having time to even think about it. The next questions are going to be if it did occur and it was the Oscars, while was security not involved at some point? But security was never seen. I've read that behind the scenes a lot was going on. Lap D was there. They interviewed Chris. Chris said he didn't want to press charges. Okay, they let it go from that point, um, and now there's a task force investigation totals by the Academy and everybody was in a state of shock. Now Wolf Smith is apologized. I do I think he since yere? I bet he probably is. Maybe you had too much to drink. Maybe the reaction of his wife just triggered him the wrong way. But I'm reading this as a couple that has an open marriage. Okay, you're okay with another another guy sleeping with your wife, but you mad at a comedian for telling a joke. I don't know that. I have a hard time compartmentalizing that because that's not how I roll in life and what I believe in Anyway, I hope that answers your question. Appreciate the good call. Ronnie god Blusher. Eight hundred nine for one Sean is our number. 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