The Biden Effect

Published Apr 30, 2019, 10:00 PM

John and Jim McLaughlin, brother pollsters and founders of McLaughlin & Associates, a polling company used by world leaders to understand where they stand in their race for office. John and Jim join today to talk about the Biden effect or lack thereof. With the former Vice President’s entrance into the 2020 race for President, democrats are watching carefully. How does the creepy sniffer fair against the socialist and the woman who faked her ancestry?

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Now, right now, you my listeners, You're gonna save thirty percent and get free shipping when you use the promo code Shawn seven Sea and seven when you go to my pillow dot com again, that's promo code Sewn seven Sea and seven at mipillow dot com. All right, glad you with us Right down our toll free telephone number, It's eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, We're back to big issues with the border. Will hit it at the top of the next hour. Is what thirty one thousand illegal immigrants now in Yuma, Arizona, and another migrant caravan is on its way. But don't worry, there's uh, this is a there's there's not a crisis at our southern border at all. What do they say? What's the word? We keep having the same word being used by Democrats and the media. It's, oh, a manufactured crisis, That's what it is. That you know why, because they can't even think of their own talking points. So rather than you know, come up with the media, you know, some bifurcation of some kind, you know, some some separation. No, it is an unbroken chain between the alliance between the corrupt media mob and of course the Democratic Party and their radical leftist, socialist Green New Deal agenda. You know. Oh, we've got the tape to prove it. Listen, President Trump must stuff holding the American people hostage. Let's stop manufacturing a crisis. This president just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a CISACS the president has manufactured one heck of a political crisis for himself. Donald Trump is manufacturing a national security crisis. You will hear them say is that this is a manufactured crisis. It's not a national security crisis. The big scam of the whole address was that there's a crisis. There's not a crisis. The notion that we have a crisis, their security crisis is absolute nonsense. It remains a Seinfeld shutdown about saying all about nothing. What happens when there is a real crisis, when there is a real emergency. Does he take to the airways? Do we give him the airwaves? Do we believe him? There is not a crisis at the border. It's manufactured crisis for the president to get a political when he's determined to convince you there is a crisis at the border, even though an intelligence official Tellson and quote, no one is saying this is a crisis except them, accept them. You know that they don't do When are they ever gonna take the time and meet angel mom's dads or talk to the families of well, in that two year period, let's just look at that two year period. We often tell you about four thousand plus homicides, thirty thousand plus sexual assaults by illegal immigrant aliens, and let's talk about the one hundred thousand assault victims violent assault victims by illegal immigrant families. You know, it's just nauseating. But now even they they've pulled back on the manufactured crisis line because it's so obvious and true what's happening. We'll get into that also, all the comings and goings, all that's happening in Venezuela as they now have of, you know, an uprising as it relates to well what many are even calling a coup attempt there as Maduro is gone and one Whido is holding a contingent of heavily armed troops on the streets of Caracas as we speak, in a military build up. We're watching that today. We'll look at the poll numbers today as Biden now his big numbers have dropped quite significantly. You know, this is Look, this is not an indicator, and it's gonna be straight up about it. It's I think, well, I actually believe in some ways, if this continues, this is going to be a huge indicator. Now, if you go back to two thousand and eight and you see the size of the crowds for Obama and hope and change and yes we can and Obama, you know, and chanting and all that going on. I mean, there was a movement, a huge movement in the country towards Obama. He read a great teleprompter, you know, seemed personable, and nobody wanted to talk at all or vet his background or his experience because he had none. I mean, his experience was he was indoctrinated. And we did all the vetting from his youth and his time in Hawaii and so on and so forth, and his family. We did the job the media wouldn't do. And what is a community organizer? And Acorn and Olynsky, and then we went a little bit deeper into the thoughts and what does it mean to be a disciple of Olynsky? And then of course in his own book when he talked about black liberation theology and over a couple of decades in the church of you know, pastor g D America, pastor Reverend Wright then starting his political career in the Home of Unrepented Terrorists, and we did ask the question, had he ever met Lewis Farakano just happened to be another guy in the neighborhood like Arison dorm, and it turned out we were right. We just couldn't get the picture until his eight years in office were over, as they successfully hid the truth from the American people, and nobody in the media ever took the time to ask him, well, you live in the neighborhood. Do you know Farrakon? Have you ever met Farrakon? Have you ever had a picture taken with Farrakon? Nobody bothered to ask, and the answer was obviously yes, and we now know the truth. But anyway, the turnout look. Sometimes you can draw conclusions from or in terms of enthusiasm, and polsters do this all the time. They ask him out, well, okay, what is the enthusiasm level for a particular candidate. Now, for the entire time Trump has been running, we have seen when he holds a campaign rally the other night in Wisconsin, the crowd is routinely, you know, it fills arenas. I've never seen one with an empty seat that I can think of. And then you have an overflow crowd. They often put TVs up outside and you know, in some locations you've had ten thousand people outside and you know, twelve thousand people inside, and Obama had big crowds. Remember the night that he won the election. Remember that big crowd in Chicago's massive. So you would think after all the publicity that Obama's vice president Joe Biden, that you know, him announcing, and he was supposed to be the instant front runner, and he became that, but his numbers are dwindling quickly. But his debut appearance on the presidential as a presidential candidate and then goes to his hometown in Pennsylvania, you would think, all right, well, all right, Biden's no Donald Trump. But maybe he got five thousand or six thousand or seven thousand people, But you know, the guy just entered the race the undisputed Democratic presidential front runner. We know that because the media tells us that. And I actually had to really do a search. It was not easy to find. This morning when I got up, just came in my hand, well, how many people showed up for that speech yesterday of Biden? And it made me suspicious because Biden had drawn a big crowd. I'm assuming the media would have printed that. And if it wasn't a big crowd, well then they probably avoided it. When the longer that I had to do my search to find something that would corroborate what the crowd size was. I began to pretty much know that I was likely right. And then I found in the La Times, the only place that I can find the information. You know, this huge mega media event on every cable network hailing the arrival of the Democratic Party's new messiah. Well it only drew a pathetic six hundred people. And that's in Pennsylvania, you know. Jumping into the presidential race for twenty twenty, either apparent front runner, Biden from the La Times flashed his political calling card Monday with a kickoff rally at a Pennsylvania union hall that under scored his claim to be the candidate best equipped to win over blue collar workers in crucial states that gave Donald Trump his victory in twenty sixteen. And he even said in the speech, if I'm gonna beat Donald Trump in twenty twenty, it's it's going to happen here. He told the crowd of six thousand they were packed at a teamsters hall. Okay, what does that mean? That means they're all teamsters. That means when the teamsters say that their leadership show up, you pretty much show up. That's kind of the way unions work. And I know he got the coveted firefighters union endorsement. I don't think he has rank and file endorsement at all, I adventure because so often, you know, these unions think they speak for rank and file and they do not. Or steel workers. Remember I told you about you know, the steel industry and they're booming comeback in America thanks to Donald Trump's policies and how they actually had mothballed a steel manu facturing center in Alabama. And since Trump's been president and he's insisting on you using US steel, like comrade de Blasio that wants to eliminate all skyscrapers that use steel and windows. I don't know what you're gonna build them with. But anyway, so he had six hundred people according to a Biden aid citing a fire department estimate. All right, if it's a Biden aid, given the LA Times the estimate, you probably you got to knock a couple one hundred off. So it was probably three or four hundred. And you can bet the teamsters guys probably was sent there by union bosses. And I'm not sure the rank and file are going to be here. All right, what does that mean? All right, Let's see what happens as Biden now hits the campaign trail. Let's see what ratings are like when he shows up on you know, these liberal news channels and tries to defend the horrific rat record that he's going to have to defend. You want to run through the short list of things when all is said and done on the issue of run and election interference. Even Rod Rosenstein a speech last week, excoriated the Obama administration for doing nothing to inform anybody about the potential of Russian interference. The only one that was saying, Hey, these guys want to hack us. They've done it before. They hack all of our allies. And the way what they like to do is create election chaos and they're good at it. Well, that was Devin Nounez, the head of the House Intel Committee. And I've shown you that article and read it from twenty fourteen. And if we don't ever get a hold of you know, what's happening in the vulnerability in terms of cybersecurity for the secrets of our state and our country, you know, we have big problems. We supposedly have two hundred and fifty thousand IT workers that now worked for the federal government. How we cannot stop this is unbelievable to me. It's unacceptable to me. You can't allow these countries to do that. I know, maybe over people's heads, but nuke Ingridge is talking about China's advancement with five G and you know how this is the first battle of the cyber wars for the you know, next hundred years, and that we better get involved and we better catch up as quickly as we can. Now. There was a fake news CNN poll and it turned out that two thirds of Biden's supporters say that their decision about Biden is not final and that they could change their minds and vote for somebody else. I was surprised that newt yesterday thought it was Buddha judge that could end up winning this thing. Guy hadn't even really thought about mayor Pete, you know, I know he has. Biden has his liberal friends in the media, like Mika that dismissed the allegations of being creepy. You know, the nose rubbing and the hair fondling, and the massaging of the back and shoulders, and the long awkward kisses on the lips and everything else this guy does. I'll let other people decide, but it's creepy to me. Creezy, creepy Uncle Joe. We know that Real Clear Politics had twenty seven percent of Democrats in his corner taking two days before his announcement, and he had other one showing it as high. But anyway, CNN says that Biden led the pack at thirteen percent. All right, that was a quick decline. And I don't see Kamala Harris anywhere. I mean, some people thought she was going to be the front runner, and she seems to have no zero enthusiasm or support for her candidacy. And you got Beto, Robert Francis, bozo, we only have ten years left to address climate change, he said, all right, here you go. He's going full Acasio Cortez on this. One of the jokes is that Biden says the Obama administration was not corrupt in any way. Okay, not one single whisper of scandal. Well, I've got a list of seventy that I can give you if you really want them. Oh, poor Robert Francis only had a couple of dozen people show up thirty five people in total to see him at UNLV. That's not a good turnout. I can get thirty five people at UNLB and the Democratic race shows it's gonna get nasty and the and it's interesting, and then everybody's kissing Al Sharpton's ring. I mean, you had Mayor Pete Buddha Judge meeting Al Sharpton at Sylvia's restaurant in Harlem, New York, and you know, apparently to confront him on homophobia, but clearly wanting his endorsement. I never how did he become the the kingmaker in all this? All right, we got a lot to get to today other news. We're gonna get to the socialist agenda and how more extreme it gets by the day. Right as we roll along eight hundred and nine fold one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. M. Well, we have an update a little bit here as it relates to where the testimony involving the Attorney General Bar may end up in all of this, because obviously you know it's the threat. I mean, Barr is saying that congressional oversight ought to be done by the people elected, it ought not be done by the attorneys because they're so incapable of doing their job. And I think what's interesting here. You know, Senate Dems to grill Barr in a preview of the House hearings. Well, that's all fine, that's going to happen. But I mean if the oversight or the checks and balances, or you know which, by the way, is the role of Congress. Nobody's denying the constitutionality of all of that. But anyway, Barr will testify, believe tomorrow before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It's all but guarantee you'll face hostility from the Democrats on that committee. And but you know, you got to remember that there's gonna be overreach here. And I think one of the things that Nadler and the people in the House are afraid of is that bar is extraordinarily smart, understands the law, and when he testifies, he probably knows a lot more about law than the lawmakers. He is. You know, this is not his first rodeo, as he's now back in this position for the second time in his life. And I think Senate Republicans on the committee will provide a blueprint for the follow up questions from Democrats and Republicans alike, and whatever they're going to ask in the Senate probably is going to be, you know, something they dig back into in the House. But think about this. All they want is to reopen an investigation that now has been basically investigated four separate times and this big epic Muller prediction and fail and let down. You know, it's sort of like what Bill Maher said. You know, people like the Cowardly Shift are stalking now President Trump. You know, I remember smoking was socially acceptable. Everybody pretty much was doing it. People smoked in malls and restaurants, even on airplanes. Now you've got a lot of disapproving looks, especially from loved ones. So after many years of me smoking, finally made the switch to Jewel. Now there's no more worrying about the way my clothes smell or worrying about what people are going to say, because with Jewel everything is so much easier. Jewel is a vaporizer that contains nicotine for a satisfying transition. Now, Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers to be an alternative to cigarettes. Jewel has no cigarette ash, zero odor, no mess. So if you're one of the thirty four million adults in America that smoke will know that there is an alternative to cigarettes. Just go to Jewel dot com slash switch America. That's j Uuel dot com slash switch America and warning this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is an addictive chemical. All right, as we roll along twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Shan, you know, it's just funny that the witch hunt is never gonna end. It really is. I mean, you look at these, it's like the media is now recovering from the shock and awe of being so wrong and having lied and having you know, spun so many conspiracy theories for two plus years that you know, I predicted what is so painfully obvious now that they're never going to admit that they're wrong. They're not going to say that they lied. They're not going to say that their coverage was abusively biased and prejudiced. They're not going to say that they were caught up in an agenda, which they are and continue to be that they would just you know, kind of absorb the blow and then move on to the next group of lies. The next conspiracy theories, which is what they're doing now. And part of that includes that, Okay, well, now we're gonna have hearings. Now we're going to go after the attorney general. Now we're going to go after Rod Rosenstein. Now we're going to go after I guess the office of Legal Counsel that all made the quick determination has handed off to them bar that without any consideration of the constitutional or Department of Justice policy that might or might not allow the indictment of a sitting president, and I said, no, the evidence doesn't rise to the account. And then when you actually look at the report, you know, when you know it was would have been easy for any prosecutor to determine exactly what the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein in office illegal Counsel determined, which was okay, Yeah, if the President said that he wanted to fire Muller while he was saying at all publicly, maybe I should, and he was venting because he knew that there was no underlying crime, which has now corroborated four separate times, lastly by the Muller report itself in clear, unambiguous language, no collusion with Russia in the campaign or the Trump campaign, no collusion whatsoever. Now this is now the fourth time we've determined this. But again, you know, it was funny because I saw something a mediaite, Lawrence O'Donnell and Rachel Maddow talking about, well, why does Fox talk about Hillary? Well, Hillary was in the news last night because she was selectively on some show reading aspects of the Muller report, including Trump's reaction when he found out that a special counsel had been appointed. And he just said, oh, bleep because and then he explained, because I've been told when that happens, that all progress in an administration stops. Because instinctively he knew that this was going to now consume massive portions of his time as it did, which he should have felt. Now, they didn't do the reading of when it said no collusion. I didn't see Hillary read that part or the part of the Muller report that destroys any of the credibility of the Clinton dossier. I gotta imagine when Hillary heard that Comey was reopening the investigation into her server that in October twenty sixteen because of the Anthony Wiener laptop, they were trying to hide it. They had had it for weeks and weeks, but apparently somebody within New York law enforcement was willing to be a whistleblower and come out with it, so Comey had to come out with it, so I hear. Anyway, when that was announced, what did Hillary say, Oh, this is great news, and Hillary doesn't curse and she's the perfect person. I doubt it because based on other reports and even people that were members of the secret service detail of the Clinton they have a very different picture that they paint of her and her infamous temper or I could only imagine what she thought of, you know, first of all, the investigation into her illegal server in this mom and pop bathroom closet. I know she's happy that. Well, it looks like the meeting on the tarmac with Bill and Loretta Lynch worked, because that's what struck In Paige said behind closed doors and closed door testimony, both of them, both of them saying that, yeah, well, Loretta Lynch, the Department of Justice, they're all full of Democrats, and this is not an investigation. This whole thing is done. It's complete. And then, of course structed his part when he interviewed Hillary. Of course, he didn't interview her until three days before her exoneration. But they were writing the exoneration in May. I mean nobody else would get rid of nobody else would have gotten away with that. So what are we talking about. Well, for all these people that are so seemingly obsessed with Russia collusion and obstruction, you know what they don't seem to want to ever deal with is the fact that they rigged her investigation. They only want to talk about Trump twenty sixteen. They only want to talk about Trump and Russia. Well, Milania, the spouse of the president, didn't go over to Russia, get twice a normal speaking fee and meet with Vladimir Putin, especially at an important time when he first wanted to meet with nuclear regulators in Russia because of the uranium one deal that we now know in retrospect, Hillary would sign off on what it would allow Putin's thugs in America to get what you know, a foothold to twenty percent of America's uranium, which is the foundational material for nuclear weapons. And that we even had a spy within Putin's network in America, and that spy, William Campbell, reported back while he was watching Putin's thugs involved in blackmail and extortion and money laundering and kigpacks. How they ever allowed that deal to go through when we had all that information as one to ponder for the ages or maybe something that we better get a hold of, especially if we view Vladimir Putin as the hostile actor he is and Russia as the hostile regime that it is. You know that that makes no sense, especially when you know that uranium is a rare mineral and it's needed the foundational material for those are nuclear weapons, and we don't have enough of it to the point we have to import uranium. Well, why would we allow any outside and to d country or or group of people to have any access to that limited resource that we have, especially if it's Putin connected. Then we can add, of course, if you want to talk about Russian interference. I know it's taken the New York Times and people like Bob Woodward a long time to get on board, but you know, the idea that they have finally caught up with us on the issue, which I think is important to Dirty Dossier. Bob Woodward, you know this is really important. I think we really got to dig deep into this in the New York Times saying, well, this dossier seems like Russian disinformation. Hold on a second, you mean the Clinton bought and paid for Russian dossier, and remember how she got it. If it was Trump that funneled, then the Trump campaign the funneled money to a law firm. Okay, that's supposed to be written down campaign finance wise, Michael Cohen in trouble for a campaign finance violation. It's supposed to it's campaign finance issue. So you give it to a law firm, that should be a law expense. But then if they funneled the money to an odd research firm and then funnels money to a foreign entity agent, am I said. Christopher Steele and Christopher Steele puts together, you know a group of documents that later become known as the dossier, and then you get a place like BuzzFeed that in January of twenty seventeen, just before Trump becomes He's the inauguration happens, you know, but before that, remember it was leaked before the election. David Corn, Michael Lizzakofwashington Post. They were all we were hearing all about the hookers urinating on the bed story. Now, Matt just put Donald Trump's name in here, and you would have a real Rushier problem. So why because when you go back to Hillary, you actually have a real underlying crime with the illegal server that we've confirmed and even Comey confirmed had top secret classified information on this hard drive and this mom and pop shop operation Platt's nip River network and a closet. And remember the original writing or of the exonerational draft of the exoneration had the gross negligence phrase in it, which was then taken out and they put in its place extreme carelessness, because gross negligence is the legal standard. Well, I think it's grossly negligent if you have top secret classified information on an unsecure server, which we were told six farign aged Farign. You know, agents or countries had hacked into probably Russia, probably China, probably Iran, probably North Korea, and you can pick the rest. It could have been anybody there in between. You know, when Trump said, well, I hope that you know Russia, if they're listening, maybe they want to give us the thirty three thousand deleted emails. Oh he was asking Russia to interfere. Well, no, he's probably assuming what most intelligence people knew and we now know from the Freedom of Information Act with Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch that when they tested forty of those emails and four of them had top secret classified information on it, they freaked out at the FBI. They could not believe that it had happened, and the danger that it might have posed to sources and methods and brave Americans and even our intel people or people on the ground at their names are mentioned. And if this is only four in beginning, we had sixty thousand emails, she turned over sixty three thousands, she turned over sixty got rid of thirty three thousand. Who knows what was in those emails. That's why it mattered. And then you have a crime. It's called the Espionage Act eighteen USC. Seven ninety three. So that's the crime. The underlying intent behind that, well, why don't we delete the emails and bleach bid and use hammers and remove sim cards was to cover up to destroy the evidence of that crime, which is so obvious. So the answer to fake news conspiracy TV MSNBC is you're a bunch of hypocrites and you're a bunch of phonies, and you don't give a rip about the truth. Because if you really cared about the hostile regime of Russia, and you're really cared about the bad actor Putin, and I believe that's all true, then you would care a lot about what happened he year because our national security was put at risk and then she destroyed the evidence. But you only seem to care about anything Russia related if the name Donald Trump's associated with it, and ignore a truth that is now undeniable, overwhelming, and incontrovertible, which is, we have four investigations clearing Donald Trump, including the FBI nine month investigation where Lisa Page behind closed doors. If we don't have anything before the appointment of month they were trying to find it. You don't think Muller was trying his hardest to find this information. They were. They were digging as deep as they possibly could. They wanted it. This team of Trump paters that he put on his team, they wanted it and wanted it badly. Robert Muller didn't want to write no collusion whatsoever, no evidence or collusion whatsoever. But you have to then ask, this connection with Russia and the Clinton is way too cozy. And now that we're even now that the New York Times, I guess they've been embarrassed to such a degree even they have to now look at the dossier, and what is the dossier showing them? The dossier showing them. Oh man, wow, looking at this and maybe we now see something else here. Oh my gosh, this might be Russian disinformation. And you can't make it up. You couldn't write a novel with this many twists and turns and have everybody get it up so wrong, so often, spin every lie in conspiracy because they all wanted it to happen. The Democrats wanted it, the deep state wanted it, the media wanted it. All these people that didn't want Trump, the people that raged Hillary's investigation and gave her a get out of jail free card that no one else in America could ever obtain, and then for her then to use her bought and paid for Russian disinformation potentially, according to the New York Times, to then let's see use it in FISA applications. But you don't tell the FISA judges. Hillary's Hillary is the one that paid for this stuff. You don't tell the FISA judges that is not verified and not corroborated. You don't tell the FISA judge is anything that represents the truth. You put your good faith name in your years as a professional law enforcement person behind your signature to get the FISA application through, as McCabe said, no dossier, no FISA warrant, and you get it before the election. And what you do with it is you get a backdoor through Carter page right into all threeings Trump campaign world and then all Trump world, and you keep in that world. And you stay in that world because those warrants went on for an entire year, because you had three subsequent renewal applications, all of which the bulk of information presented to the FISA court and the FISA application war Hillari's Russian disinformation dossier that she paid for. You can't, You cannot write a novel like this and all that's happened, and now we see ourselves and they're not gonna stop. Now, we're just moving on. Well, if you can't get him here, well we'll just well, I have never ending Russia for four years, and then we want to access. We want to empower the ir rest, weaponize them now to go after Trump. The intel community has been weaponized to go after Trump and his opponents and his supporters rather, now we'll weaponize the irs. Now, you give us all his tax information because we don't like him, no specific reason, just the fishing expedition. Deutsche Bank, give us all Trump records old fish over here. Then we're gonna fish in this quarters. They will go over a year and eventually will hope and we're gonna find something that we could use to take this guy down. Because they didn't like the outcome of the election. They had planned every other scenario except Trump winning. They don't like the people's choice. The river's dry right now, so it's easy to get through. Who is this running right Here's a family group that that's just crossed. A family group is just crossing while we're right here right now, we have another group that's coming up. O. We're here basically walk So they find an agent and they turn themselves in. So they want to see you right now. Definitely, they want to get apprehended. They want to get processed. I want to get processed. Giving the papers. Then they go north and they have legal papers to be wherever they're going to be at there by themselves. She's ten years of ages of money to ten years of age eight, ten and eight and you've been traveling alone for how long they were traveling? Um? Their mom set them back, set them down. She says she was gonna go buy something for them to eat and never returned. Donald Trump is manufacturing a national security crisis. You will hear them say, is that this is a manufactured crisis. It's not a national security crisis. The big scam of the whole address was that there's a crisis. There's not a crisis. The notion that we have a crisis there security crisis is absolute nonsense. It remains a Seinfeld shutdown about saying all about nothing. What happens when there is a real crisis, when there is a real emergency. Does he take to the airwaves? Do we give him the airwaves? Do we believe him? There is not a crisis at the border. It's a manufactured crisis for the president to get a political when he's determined to convince you there is a crisis at the border, even though an intelligence official tell sin and quote. No one is saying this is a crisis except them. Manufactured crisis, manufactured crisis. You look deeper and deeper every day. We had thirty one thousand people now in just recent weeks ending up in Yuma, Arizona, in Tucson, Arizona, and nobody knows what to do with them. Here's the headline, thirty one thousand illegal aliens have flooded Yuma, Arizona in the last six months, six months alone. That imagine that if every American city had to absorb that many illegal aliens, it increased their total population by a third. So explain to me how the infrastructure works under that scenario. In other words, you pay for the criminal justice system, the educational system, the healthcare system. We're already paying billions of dollars. In other words, American taxpayers, Oh, do we expect that they're gonna immediately start paying taxes, get jobs, contribute to society. And of the thirty one thousand, what percentage, Let's say it's one percent happened to have bad in tensions or a criminal element. That will add to the homicide numbers that we've talked about at length, the sexual assault numbers we've talked about at length, and the violent assaults that we've discussed at length. What about the victims? What about the angel moms and dads? The permanent separation anyway, our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza here to react to what is now yet another growing crisis at the border. That was Fox News's Maria Barrett to Romo and conducting a special episode of Sunday Morning Features about the problem that's going on at the border and her talking with Border patrol officers. Mark Morgan is the former chief of Border Patrol under the Obama administration retired Assistant Director of the FBI. Maria Salazar is a Cuban American journalist, broadcast TV presenter, if You Will, or and has worked for CNN, Univision Telemundo to discuss the border crisis, the overcrowding at the detention centers. What happens now that when we're so overcrowded that people just get let go. I think a lot of this Mark Morgan is rooted in the fact that you know a lot of people from these countries in Latin America and Nicoagua Salvador, Guatemala, and of course people in Mexico. They're seeing the walls being repaired and built, and they probably think that the time is short, that they'll have an opportunity to sneak in across that southern border. Yeah, so and so, I think you're absolutely right. And there's a couple of things unpacked there. One is absolutely I think you're correct. They're seeing some stuff done. So there is some element of the hey, we got to get in, But really the biggest element is our system and the United States, make no mistake, the American people need to understand the reason why they're coming is because we're telling to come. Our laws provide an open border for these individuals. They're being educated more and more each and every day. You're seeing more countries now make themselves come towards the Northern Triangle, countries to make their way up because everybody knows, you come here, you grab a kid, you're in free. The United States open borders, never to be heard from again. It's not going to stop unless we fix our laws. You having been down at the border, we know that Mexican authorities, the Ministry of Interior, Northeastern Regional delegate, this guy, Enrique Avolano, you know he's saying straight up that authorities have deported many MS thirteen gang members that they detected, and the migrant caravans. We have another big one yet coming again and they have found them. What they do is they mix into these migrant caravans headed towards the US, which means that if the caravans get through, that means they get through or have you seen that a lot? So absolutely, and I'm just I'm so glad that you keep sitting this. This is the one thing that's just so incredulous for me that the American people aren't understanding because of our broken laws and system. And we're looking at this year a million and because sixty five to seventy percent are going to be family units, are in a company of miners, that means we're going to allow in six hundred and fifty thousand individuals. The borders are wide open to those individuals. You don't think there's a bad element in there, of course there is. And then Sean, let's not forget that's just what we see. Don't forget there's a couple hundred thousand easily there are illegally entering that we don't catch, that we don't see. And what do you think the makeup of those individuals are. I'll unstimate to you the majority of those individuals are a majority not good people. I don't understand what Americans miss. I don't understand what Congress is missing. This isn't about legal immigration. This is about illegal immigration and protecting the citizens of this country. The Angel families, as you mentioned, Chuck, how many more Angel families has to be created? How many more American cities don't I don't think anybody talks to them but me and maybe a couple of other people on Fox and the President, because I don't Nancy Pelosi. I know the Democrats. You know that they literally scream about well child separation, which the person that fixed that is Donald Trump. That separation is temporary and the idea is to get kids that are alone back with their parents. And now, you know, nobody talked about the fact that Obama and the Bush administrations did it. Let me go to Maria Salazar. Maria you are You're a Cuban American and you're a journalist. And the narrative, if you listen to the media mob in America is that, well, if Republicans, you know, continue to build border barriers, well to stop the ninety percent of heroin, the human trafficking, gangs, cartels and all the other crime associated with the border. If Americans do that, and Republicans push that that this is gonna be really bad for them politically with the Hispanic community, do you buy that? I don't buy that one bit, And I thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to day to your audience how embarrassed we are as Hispanic Americans, because what we're seeing is, well, let me just stop you right there. No, you don't need to be embarrassed about anything. You are in this country legally. You are part of our family. I don't care where people come from. Nobody cares about that. We're just asking that we have an opportunity to vet you and make sure that you're capable of taking care of yourself. So it's not a burden on the American people, it's not. I don't think we're asking too much to obey our laws, respect our sovereignty in our borders. And that's the way my parents came in, and hundreds of other millions of nick Roguins and Salvadorians. But what I'm saying to you is that since I am Hispanic, I can explain to you, Sean that millions of Hispanics feel the same way I do. But then the problem with the Democrats is that they're trying to project that the Hispanic Americans are with the Dems, that we're voting with them, and that we agree with Century Cities, and that we agree with the caravans because we have to protect the Central Americans that want to come in legally. And I want to tell you that is not true, because you know I live in Miami. I'm surrounded by undocumented, by legals, people that are mowing the lawn and picking up the tomatoes, and I always stop and in Spanish, I asked them, I want you to tell me. I'm gonna go to Fox News and I'm gonna talk to Sean Hannity and the people at Fox, and I want you to tell me, mister guy mowing the lawn, do you agree with the caravan And they go, no, we don't. Why because they fear the same fear that you're feeling. Their kids could be kidnapped, could be killed, buy the MS thirteen, or they could be angel parents. Because the angel parents are not only Americans. You have a lot of Hispanics that have lost their children at the hands of people like the people that Kate that killed Kate's finally, so we don't agree with what's happening, and that is one of my major frustrations is that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are trying to check themselves as the saviors of the Hispanics and they're not. They have played political football with us, and right now they're playing it again because they are not allowing President Trump and his administration to reach an agreementonomic ration area. Do you believe that the Democrats are looking at the long ball game here and for them, they think the majority of people that might be coming to America will be in need of governmental assistance and therefore be more inclined to go with Democrats and their promises that everything's going to be free in America. Do you think that's what they're thinking, that's their bet. And that's why I feel so frustrated, because I want my people to understand and to read the game that they are trying to sell to us, because but at the same time, the Republicans need to understand that they have to smell the votes and they have to approach us in a more in a more friendly manner and saying, you Hispanics in the United States, you belong to the Republican Party because we share the same values that are entrenched in the Republican Party. Self reliance, paying taxes, god fearing, law abiding, leave me alone. I don't want to have anything to do with the government. I want to raise my family, and I want to go to church. Those are the values of those people that are trying to come in that obviously they come out come in this way. But yeah, Mark, having been a former, having been the former chief of Border Patrol under Obama, now when he was president again, they supported building a wall, they supported funding the wall, they supported DACA, they supported Dreamers, all of which the president offered as part of a deal when the government was shut down. My question to you is having served in that position under that president, and you're advocating pretty much the same principles that you did then. But from what I understand is you're taking a lot of heat when you talk to people like me, and somehow you're being attacked. Is that true? Yeah? And so, but that's okay. I mean, when when I decided to break my silence, I knew that was gonna happen. And first of all, I just gotta say, Sean, you know Maria, Amen to what you just said. We need to hear more of you. We need to hear that perspective. That hypocrisy on the other side is just so overwhelming. All right, gotta take a quick break. We have the issue of involving Venezuela, the uprising against Baduro, and we'll tell you all about that on the other side with Maria Salazar, Mark Morgan, don't forget Hannity tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Also, Congressman Chip Roy will check in with us on our posters. All right, now, the creepy crazy Uncle Joe is in. What do the numbers look like? We'll check in with John and Jim McLaughlin. One of them will be late. I won't tell you which one. That's in our news roundup hour as we continue. Right, as we continue, Mark Morgan as the former chief of Border Patrol under the Obama administration. Maria Salazar find information on her at Maria Salazar dot com. I always talk about the ninety eight of people that well, then I respect in our laws, our sovereignty, in our borders, but I do understand when you come from and I've been down to the border fourteen times at this point. And I have met many of the people that are trying to cross in and what they're seeing. I remember specifically being on the border of San Diego and you know, on one side of that border is a what looked like, you know, a garbage dump with wheels and garbage. And I'm looking at that side of the border, you could see right through when you see kids playing, you know, in something we would never want our kids to play in. On the other side of the border, a half million dollars, quarter million dollars, million dollar homes. And if I'm on that side, in a shock, and that's exactly what most people at that section we're look living in. And I'm looking over at this section, I'm saying, I want to be in that section. I understand the desire to make a better life for them tells in their family. And we don't have a problem with people coming in legally, John, if you can't check them out. In the day and age of radicalism and these gangs and cartels, we need to be able to vet every person. Sean, That's that's exactly so I for the FBI. I've lived and worked in a pass and every day on ten I got to see exactly what you described on either side. So there's no issue with understanding somebody wants a better economic life. We get that, we support that. This is about legal versus legal. This is about making sure we're vetting every single person that's coming into this country for the safety and security of our citizens. So what we have now, Sean that I've been trying to tell people, this is actually the worst crisis along the Southwest border we've ever seen. Right now, the borders are complete open, we have kids, we have adults, and cartels that are that are supporting renting the kids, so so that illegal adults can come into this country right now. Our system is so overwhelmed. They're coming with faith documents, no documents, but because of our laws, we can't bet them. The American people need to understand, you grab the kids, you come here, right We don't. We don't, we can't fit. We're losing three hundred kids a week to Heroin, ninety percent of acrosses that border at fentonol to that, and it's an unmitigated disaster for small towns and big cities in this country. All right, stay right there, Maria Salo's are Mark Morgan Willis. We support the people of Venezuela. We're sad that they have been starved by Maduro. They've been denied food and medicine and basic humanitarian needs having been met. The United States has gotten supplies there to them. Sometimes those have been obstructed or burned. But we stand with the people of Venezuela, and we stand with Alan Guido. Maduro has to go. We've made that very clear for a number than the WII is, the President of the Vice President, of Secretary State, Ambassador Bolton. I think that Secretary State Pompeo put it best this morning when he said, this is Operation Libertad, and this will finally get the Venezuelan people the freedom that they need. And three million Venezuelans have fled to neighboring countries like Colombia and Brazil. So they have They've told you all you need to know. They I'm sure they would prefer to be in their home country, but they simply can't stay there and be expected to survive or thrive. So we are watching it, monitoring. I got a briefing this morning before I came out, and monitoring very closely the situation there. We want a peaceful transition. Chavez stuck around for about twenty years. These things don't happen overnight. But in three short months, I think the world has seen the horrors of the Madua regime. The average Venezuelan has lost about twenty pounds and over a year. That's just a tragedy. As the president has said many times, Venezuela was once one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Is now you've seen what's happened to the people there. So these dictators to including to power and wealth for their own purposes, they must go, beginning with Maduro, all right, they must go with Maduro, as we now see the uprising in Venezuela. You know the sad thing about Venezuela. You know, even going back to Hugo Chavas should be one of the richest countries that is prospering at a level that would be unprecedented. They have more oil reserves for that country. They could be providing the entire world in part with the lifeblood of our economy. Look, the great news is, we don't need Venezuela's oil. We don't need anybody's oil or natural gas. We've got enough of our own. And the President, through deregulation, now has opened up two pipelines Dakota Keystone Pipeline. He's opened up and more for drilling, and he is now made America energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. Now we are in net exporter of energy, which means, oh, there's gonna be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of jobs, high paying career jobs for Americans as long as we're not stupid enough to buy into this. We've got to eliminate oil and gas and the combustion engine, and we got to get rid of cows and planes and everything. From the moment you're born, daycare, preschool, kindergarten, grammar school, high school, college is going to be paid for by your government. Then followed up by oh, you get a guaranteed job, guaranteed salary, guaranteed government vacation. I wonder where they're gonna send me, and then guaranteed government healthy food, and guaranteed healthcare. But you can't buy your own healthcare plan, no more choice. How did keep your doctor plan and save money work out for you? Then it's the other promise, when you're retired, totally taken care of by the way, whether you're willing or unwilling or work, well, that's the promise that was Venezuela and socialism, and of course power and corruption and greed by those powerful few resulted in mass poverty. Remember Jorge Ramos went to Venezuela and was I think it was interviewing Maduro at the time. And what happened? Oh, yeah, they took a confiscate, did it film because he was asked a few questions he didn't like about people leading out of garbage trucks. Is pretty disgusting anyway, So Vice President Pence, the Trump administration of the top ranking members today of the administration voicing their full support for the opposition leader in Venezuela, who is and he's a pretty fascinating figure. And what you have as a contingent of heavily armed troops that are in the streets of Caracas amid the call for the military to rise up and ounced Nicholas Maduro. We continue now with Maria Salazar Maria Salazar dot Com, Cuban American Journalists or for CNN, Univision Telemundo. Mark Morgan, former chief Border Patrol under the Obama administration, now Maria, I understand you interviewed both Wido and you also Maduro. Correct, yes, correct, And I just created a little contrast between one and the other. And I've very good friends with Leopoldolopus, who I don't know if your audience recognizes that name, but Leopololopus was the creator of this movement, and it is the guy who named one Guido to be the entering president, and he was released today by I'm sure that you have reported this shaan by the Guido forces. That is, that's an extraordinary event happening today, which I think indicates that this has been the beginning of the end of the Madure regime. And Leopoldo Loopus, when I spoke with him via a telephone a couple of weeks ago, told me something that is very very important, which is if it thanks to Donald Trump. And remember you know, these people are not Americans and they do not know Trump. If you would have not been for the Trump presidency, we would not be liberating Venezuela the way we are right now. Remember that Chavez was in power for twenty years. We had the Bush administration, we had the Clinton, we had the Obama, we had another Bush and no one really did anything for the Venezuelan freedom except the Trump administration. And I'm not brown nosing. I'm just stating the facts. And if we just heard I think Kelley and Conway, we heard Vice President penns. We have heard President Trump, who received Leopolgolope's wife at the Oval Office a couple of years ago. If Trump would have not been behind this movement, we would not be having this Operasion lib tag Operation Freedom happening today. Those are the fact, and we have to be not only Cuban Americans, but the Venezuelan Americans, then the Colombians and the Central Americans, and the whole Latin American community that lives in the United States. We have to be very grateful. You know why, because Venezuela is the first step. After Venezuela comes Cuba, and then the whole hemisphere is free. Do you think that happens in Cuba? I mean, you know, I met this guy a long time ago, and I'll ask Mark about this too and get his perspective. But when I was in Huntsville, Alabama, I lived in a town called Athens, who was next to Huntsville, kind of midway between Huntsville and Decatur, Alabama. But there was a guy that was from Cuba and during the Cuban Revolution when Castro came to power. He came from a fairly wealthy family and they owned a lot of property. And he told me hours and hours of stories about how he and other families were part of their resistance and many people were killed and their lands confiscated. I mean, Castro was a murdering thug that stole and confiscated everybody's property, and how he barely escaped with his life. I mean, you know, life is pretty miserable when people will insert themselves and you know, rickety broken down dilapidated boats and shark infested waters, or throw themselves on an inner tube in the hope that they can make it to the United States and get one foot on dry land so that they can be in safety and security. That's all reality. You've got to be pretty desprit to take that perilous journey, and Mark they do it all the time because of the you know, to them, it's worth the risk because living there is just a living hell, and the poverty and the lack of bare necessities frankly forces them to take an extreme measure. That's that's absolutely right, and you can't blame them. And you know, as I was listening to Maria, you know, I wish you could see my face because you know, she's doing something that you know, mainstream media doesn't do at all, and that's talk about the fact. Right, Just look at the facts that she just laid out with respective this issue with the current administration is doing and it's absolutely right. But what do we do? There's that old saying, right, I'm sure we've all heard, don't let uh, you know, facts get in the way of a good emotional argument, and you guys describe it. That's exactly what's going on. We need to staying behind this administration on this. Yeah, well, I think all right, so where is this? Where is this headed? Maria? You've been down there and we're going to move on after this. But I mean, it's what I think is important here is that people understand that what how this ends up is going to be important. Why do you think Hido is as a better candidate, as a better person to lead? We already know about Maduro. Why is he better? Well, he is better because he represents freedom. He has announced and he has said that he will hold elections as soon as all the political parties can regroup, and he can call for fair and transparent and elections that will be observed by international observers. Not only that, is that the United States has was able to the Trump administration was and you know, and I don't work for Trump. I'm just telling you, like your your guest was saying, I'm stating the fact Trump was able to create a coalition that, unfortunately, during the Cuban Revolution was John Kennedy was not able to put together. Because because we know who the Kennedys are, and you know, I'm Cuban Americans. So I know the story that you were just saying very vividly, because that's the story of my family, of my mom, my dad, and my grandparents. We lost everything and thank God that I was able to be born in this country, so on first generation. So I know what the Cubans went through, and the Venezuelans were able to escape that because of the Trump administration. Why because when the Europeans, the Italians, the Frens, the Germans, the Canadians, the Mexicans and the Brazilians and the Colombians saw that Trump was really serious to get Maduro out of power. They joined the bandwagon. It was Trump the one who led the way to say to the rest of the hemisphere, this is my plan. I want to liberate Venezuela, then Cuba, then Nicaragua, because those are the three communists spots in this hemisphere. But if it would have not been for Trump, it would not be happening today because the Colombians and the Brazilians would have been scared to go against Maduro, and then the Canadians would have continued doing business, and the Europeans even more. So. That's why the White Joe is gonna win because the United States Secretary Manuchin just had a couple of days ago that there is ten million, ten billion dollars behind this plan to revive the Venezuelan economy. So that's the reason why he's gonna win, because we're behind him, all right. Thank you both. Maria, Congratulations to you and all your success and the fact that you have that kind of access is pretty amazing. Also, Mark Morgan, thank you for your outspoken voice. We really appreciate it. Eight hundred and nine for one Seawan told free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. Well more on all of this happening tonight on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. All right, as we continue, we check in with Chip Roy, congressman in Texas, is twenty first district member of the House Budget Committee, Oversight and Reform Committee, and anyway, there's been a lot of attacks against the president and his family and Congressman. Welcome to the program. Glad you're with us. Sean, How are you doing. I hope you had a blessed easter. It did being back in Texas and the work period, raving with the family to get a perspective. It's different than what you just rattled off what the American people actually care about versus what Democrats want to force the country to go down to waste time doing so. I appreciate all you do and highlighting that. Let's talk first about one thing that is flagrantly missing in all of this is I don't see any democratic agenda. What are the Democrats for? What are they going to do to make our lives better? Because we went from the horrible Obama economy to record low unemployment and job growth and economic growth. We haven't seen this in well over a decade. Everything you just said, Sean, is what I heard from the people of Texas and Central Texas that I'm proud to represent. And we talked about what matters to them. But they're proud that the punson is doing what he said he would do. And that's what they were saying about me. There was I'm glad we worked hard to get you elected and you're going up to the fighting against this ridiculous Democrat stonewall and fishness edition and whatever agenda they do have is contrary to the values of Texas. The Green New Deal that was cost job be crippling to our economy, all tilting at windmills that won't actually do anything to clean the environment when we've got good, clean burning natural gas that's helping the world. Wants to speaking talking about Medicare for all on thirty two trillion or forty trillion dollars to cripple or healthcare system. They're talking about what the president is doing. You rattled off the list, trying to work secure border, even though Democrats fault work with him, getting rid of the stupid Clean Powered Plan and this so called Paris Agreement, it would have crippled our economy. Getting good judges making sure that we've got a Supreme Court that's closer to the rule of law. All of those things, the things that people care about. They don't want to see Congress wasting time going down the road that Nablin wants to go down where he's trying to witch hunt the president and now the Attorney General. He's been on the job for a few months and he's really doing a great job getting this all wrapped up, working with Moher to get the report out. And now they're gonna think, well, you got to come before and have subpoenas with staff attorneys. Scary committee in the House is thrilled with lawyers. The Article one tigress can sit home with the Article two attorney General and have a conversation and interview the Attorney General, which he's willing to do. They don't want to do that because they want to show we want to witch hunt. We don't care about the American people. We don't care about three thousand, four thousand people coming across our border every day. They don't care about the fact Helsner cousts are doubling and tripling because they want control. They want command and control from Washington, DC and we're standing in the way of it, and it's making them mad. And the President is staying in the way of it, and it's making them mad. And that's what I hear when I go back to telf All Right, Congressmanship, broy thank you for being with us. We appreciate your time and wish you the best. Thank you appreciate it very much. All right, so thank you. Hope to see you again. Eight hundred nine four one Seawan is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, all right with Biden in What are the polls like. We'll check in with John Jim McLaughlin at the top of the hour, then we'll get to your calls. Eight hundred nine for one. Shaan an amazing Hannity to Night nine Eastern with a massive breaking story. Yep, we're on top of it by John Solomon. We'll tell you more about it later. Listen. Want to remind you, all right, you have to mail something something private, something that gives personal information, like tax documents that have your Social Security number on it, other financial information. Coming up next, our final News round up and Information Overload Hour. All Right, News Roundup, Information Overload Hour, Sean Hannity's show. You know, I saw this on Drudge and I said to my staff, you know, I was on the year. We were doing the show and creepy crazy Uncle Joe was out there given as a big speech in Pennsylvania. You know, Pennsylvania's economy is so good right now. There was an article yesterday about how employeers are going into jails because they need employees so bad that they're looking for people that might soon be getting released and offering them jomps. I mean, that's how good the Pennsylvania economy is under Donald Trump. Anyway, So people, it was on Drudge it said that Biden was slurring through his speech a little bit, and then you know Biden kind of curses a lot. And we put a little montage of both together to see what you think. I want to thank richar fards Gerald Accounty executive, Baalghetti account executive being here and all my time in public life from the stuff gotten involved. The country wasn't built by Wall Street bankers, CEOs and Hudson and Hudge fund manager. If the enterprise, it's hard times. Everybody took a hit. Union workers, the UAW took instredible cuts in their future and their and their pensions and the let to get GM working. They also got that last year and try to cut wages or freeze wages for their people right today, the same as happening in the big huspital, in big hospital systems. I think we got to rethink how we define a concert successful economy. Folks in America don't think their children would have the same standard of mean they had. How can a person digney be maintained? Why? Why they do that? It means investing much more in medical research to conquer devastating diseases like cancer and addiction. They'm all as Simons, So God bless you all and may God protect our church. Thank you. Watching this campaign as we all have for so long, it seems like every ten minutes there's a shift. Inserve what the strategy is again, it gives it. What do you think or anybody thinks they're going to stick to a message? This is blarkety. This is outrageous, outrageous for the President of United States to go to a foreign country sitting the cannesse and if that's where I'm told, ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama crazy creepy Uncle Joe eight hundred nine for one Seawan. You want to be a part of the program, News round Up, Information Overload, all right? Joining us John and Jim McLaughlin, both pollsters, founders of McLaughlin and Associates. Remember, John was working on most recently Prime Minister Benjaminette and Yahoo's successful reelection campaign, which was not particularly easy considering they came out with a recommended indictment five weeks before the Prime Minister's re election. I think he accepted free cigars? Is that pretty much the essence of his horrible crime that they were accusing him of. Well, it was. It was a lot of trumped up things, but in the meantime of phony stuff. But the meantime, by the way, I have to congratulate you. You were the first one in the American media to call from mister Neet Yaho a winner while they were saying over in Israel he might have lost, and his opponent was declaring, vic I have good sources on the ground in Israel, and everybody knew that what they were saying, because the polls came out, and the polls they don't have a lot of media in Israel, we ought to sort of paint the picture for people. It's all liberal media. The only time they get conservative media is that people have satellite dishes and they're able to pick up Fox News, or we work on Tel Aviv Radio one or two FM, which we have done a number of shows from there when we're in Israel, or we actually have done shows just for Israel from the United States, which was a lot of fun. And as the Prime Minister said, it's it's it's like left wing press like you have in America, except no Sean Hannity, no Fox News. You were the first one to call it right and say that, yeah, who would be reelected? So all right, let me go to your brother Jim, who rarely shows up on time. I guess we should reward him for being here on time and sometimes does well you say that, but you know how many times do you forget to call or you won't pick up the phone, or you know your brother has to cover for you because you're out busy, you know, gallivant and do whatever it is that you do. But um, all right, so crazy uncle Joe gets in the race. Conventional wisdom is he's the more moderate candidate. I don't buy that notion at all. I think that, you know, he has to run on the Obama Biden record, the Biden Obama record that means all the Russia stuff that's going to be coming out that was on his watch, that means the horrible economy, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, more debt than forty three presidents before combined, and the worst recovery since the forties. I don't think that's a good track record to run on, or the Iranian deal or any of the other dumb things that they did. And he's not getting those questions yet. New Gingrich yesterday surprised me, and he actually thinks that it's actually this guy Pete Buddha, Judge mayor Pete he thinks might win this thing. That is not out of the realm of possibility. Because the press seems, you know, they want to. They are so invested in trying to beat Donald Trump right now, they're doing everything in their power to try to elevate Joe Biden. And let me tell you something, those primary voters, because Joe Biden, in many ways, he's what we call a pseudo incumbent in this thing, and they're making a big deal like always up to thirty percent. That means over seven out of ten these Democratic primary voters that know who Joe Biden is, they're not voting for him. His numbers are weaker than what Hillari's were last time around. And one of the things I think is really really interesting, and it goes why he poorly played the race card in his announcement video, was he's actually getting about half of the non white vote. He's for all in senses purposes, he's getting most of the African Americans. What's gonna happen is, though, is the election goes on in the Democratic primary, They're gonna peel away from him, just like they did with Hillary Clinton when she ran in the primary against Barack Obama. So he is really soft, and you laid out the Trump contrast perfectly because it's literally the Obama Biden record of failing corruption versus the Donald Trump record of success. And to me, that's everything. I mean, look, this is going to be the comparison. This is I think john a classic choice election because all right, we have eight years of Obama. The economic track record was atrocious, and I'll go I'm not going to start this early, but soon I will go back to what that record was in detail, and then we're going to look at their foreign policy. I don't know many other people that approved the idea of dropping one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currency and cargo planes on the Mullow's tarmac. Radical Mullow's the chant death to Israel, death to America that are hell bent on a nuclear holocaust in our time. And I think that, you know, when push comes to shove, I think Americans also going to ask this question, are you better off than you wore four years ago? And I think the answer is, you know, simple, we are way better off. Does Americas stop that prosperity in and back? That's the question, absolutely not, because people six hundred ten Americans and Poland were doing now they know the economy is better had in a better direction, the six million new jobs that are created, the growth that's going on, America's strong and better shape. But on the other point about it is with the president. The President has labeled it as sleepy Joe, or before that it was creepy Joe. What he shouldn't be calling him as swampy Joe, because as you've pointed out, Joe Biden has serious problems with the Ukraine what he did over there where he forced the prosecutor to end an investigation into his son's corruption where they had there was an in Ukraine. What you're describing is Hunter Biden now Peter Schweitzer as allegations or well on allegations. He put in his book some details about Hunter Biden flying on Air Force two with Joe Biden to China and he was doing millions and millions of dollars in deals with Chinese companies on the very same trip in which he was on his father's plane, which would say a conflict of interest on the Ukraine situation. We had a prosecutor there that was investigating, based on John Solomon's reporting in The Hill, investigating Hunter Biden and some of the activities that he was involved in. And Joe Biden is in Ukraine, and he then leverages US AID money, a lot of it, and says, I'm on the ground six hours and in six hours you get to decide whether you're going to fire this prosecutor or not. And he's talking about it in the past tense and if you don't fire him. I'm not giving you the money. And if you don't believe me, call Obama. He got them to fire the prosecutor investigating his son. Let's play that tape. Said I'm not going to We're not going to give you the million dollars. They said, you have no authority, you're not the president, the president said, I said, calling him, he said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was about six hours. I look as I'm leaving the six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. Son of them got fired. The son of a he got fired. He didn't mention that he was investigating his son, did he? No? No. And the other part here is you've got you've got a situation where Joe Biden his best day is in the polls the first day he announces, because the American media and none of his opponents have touched this shit. But you know it, I know it. He's got major ethical issue problems where he may have been part of his son's lobbying firm where they were making more money than they've ever made before, and it goes back to Ukraine, and it goes back to China, and these are big business deals where you're not talking about millions here or there, you're talking about billions. And there's no way he's going through a Democratic primary where they're not going to touch him on this. Yeah, what do you think, Jim and John's exactly right. That's gonna be his biggest problem when it comes to these issues because the class warfare, the anti corruption, the anti big money that the Democrats love to throw out there, there was nobody who was a bigger crony capitalist with the exception of maybe Hillary Clinton, than Joe Biden. And he's tried to portray himself. We saw what he was doing yesterday in Pennsylvania's He's middle class Joe, and his biggest problem is gonna be his Democratic opponents. They're gonna go after him hard, the Peter Boutages of the world, the debate on rocks. That's gonna be his real problem. And it's interesting too, is the liberal media, Whereas if Republicans give them this information, they tend not to run it, but they're gonna run it when it's coming from the Democrats who do you think has the better chance? I mean, are they gonna nominate somebody hard left? I mean after Hillary rob Bernie Sanders of the primary. I know they change some rules, especially on the superdelegates, etc. Etc. But is the system still rigged in the Democratic primaries to favor an establishment guy like Biden? John Or do you think that you know Biden is going to get his head handed to him by his own party. No? I think I think your latter comment is right on that he's going to get his hand handed to him by his own party. Because we did a national survey where we asked all Americans which they think is more fair, free market capitalism or socialism, and the majority of Americans fifty four to thirty said free market capitalism. However, among Democrats, it was socialism fifty percent and free market capitalism only thirty one percent. So they're looking for an extreme socialist and Biden isn't quite extreme enough, and he's way to Washington. So what's going to happen is you're going to see somebody, whether it's Pernie Sanders, who's the call mark of the Democrat Party, or one of these younger left wing progressives, whether it's a Harris or a Buddha Jedge. It's going to be somebody knew that really creates problems for him. And you're going to see the Democrat Party as the president's more successful jobs making America stronger. So is he's more successful, the Democrats are going to get more extremely more deranged. I gotta take a break. Our posters, John and Jim McLoughlin are with us. When we come back. We're going to compare the average size of a well, we'll show it tonight, but we'll explain in detail in a minute, the crowd size between a Trump rally and a Biden rally in Pennsylvania. Which hometown you would think it was massive, right, Well, maybe it was. We'll give you the answer on the other side, Hannity tonight, nine Eastern Fox News. We have a big show and breaking news with John Solomon. All Right, flanal moments with our posters, John and Jim mcloncklin. We'll get to your calls on the other side of the break. All right, So with the average Trump, you know rally, you have you know, ten fifteen twenty thousand people outside, you know, you have you packed these arenas, you know to the brim there's no shortage of people. It's the hottest ticking in town. So yesterday you would have thought, what John eight thousand and from Biden? Yeah, well, I actually had the hunt to find at the LA Times say that. Yeah, the New Democratic Party's Messiah had six hundred people. Hillary had no crowds either. You know, what are we supposed to draw from that? Well? I think first of all, you got to realize with the success President Trump's having with economy, a lot of people have jobs now, so they really don't want to go to a Biden rally. They'd rather work and make money. But with Trump rallies, I mean, if you can't even compare it, it's just ridiculous because the president, like you said, he'll have twenty thousand people in arena and they'll have another twenty thirty thousand people outside watching it on TV or something like that. It's you can't compare it. Yeah, And that's where Jim I'm guessing showing I'm guessing too. That was one of the reasons why he delayed the announcement was they were having trouble gaining a crowd in one of the in a campaign and I've been here before with some of our own campaigns. They did the video first because they didn't want to do they were trying to get people, they were trying to create excitement. And still even after doing the video, think about it, he's the former vice president. He gets six hundred people in a room. I'm telling you, every time Donald Trump does an event, I get six hundred emails and text from people asking me to try to get him into a Donald Trump event. I mean, there's no comparison between the two. And it's a really bad sign when you're a former vice president and you can't even get a thousand people room for your announcement for president. All I gotta let you both go. Thank you, John and Jim McLaughlin Mclocklin Associates, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. When we come back, right to the phones, some of the other news of the day and Hannity big breaking news on this Ukraine story. It's gonna blow it wide open with connections you never dreamed of. Nine Eastern Fox News Quick Break, right back, we'll continue, It's the Sean Hannity Show. I only do women like doctor Ford, who greatly comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be beleaved. They needs to be be leaguing the men in this country. Just shut up and step up, do the right thing. Let me just say right at the asset, I believe doctor Ford. I believe the survivor here. I believe her. I stand with her and shows up on Monday. I don't think she should be bullied into this scenario. I believe her. I believe Professor Ford. I think she's credible. You know, I really think sometimes we got to get out of New York, get out of Washington, get out of the big cities, and think about what the questions are you want to ask a major candidate in terms of their candidacy for president. The amount of time that was spent on Biden's hugs. This is a guy who was hugged five to ten million people, and they love the fact that he's touchy and huggy, and they run damn and five women aren't comfortable with the way he hugged them and say one of them says she smelled his hair. I can miss you. I know, Joe Biden. He went up behind her and he took a deep breath because he was about to go on stage. I want to explain that it's funny because there's a woman who accuses him of smelling her hair. He's not interested in your hair. Okay, he was going on stage, and he took a deep breath before he went on stage, and you took it deeply personal personally, and now you're writing a New York Times op ed about it, demanding an apology. This once again is completely ridiculous, and the rest of America thinks it's ridiculous too. I'm done. You guys can continue to talk about this. I won't. I refuse to give it any more time. Ah Mika, Yeah, of course everybody believes, but I'm not taking on anything involving creepy crazy uncle Joe. No, no, no, no, no. We believe everything about Justice Kavanaugh from thirty what five years ago when he was in high school, even allegation. I mean, think you think back through the prism of the Kavanaugh hearings for a second here, and you know, Democrats thought they had Cavanaugh, and there there was blood in the water to them. This was gonna be another borking of another Supreme Court nominee, and they were gonna win, and they had all the momentum on their side, and they capture the attention of the national media and pretty much with dragging this man through the mud, guilt by accusation, no due process, no presumption of innocence. They had him now, they like they did with the Clarence Thomas case. You know the story about Joe Biden calling Anita Hill and saying, apparently he didn't say I'm sorry, so Anita Hill thinks Heita still doesn't get it, which was an interesting comment because I don't, because that means he just wanted it, you know, to basically say, well, I hope you're voting Democrat, vote for me. And you know, if I like when people apology, well, if I may have offended you, well did you or did you not offend me? That's not an apology. If I if I may have blah blah blah. But when you say, you know, what what I did was wrong, I'm sincerely apologetic. I want to make it up to you. That is an apology, taking full responsibility. And you think of it got so obscene and absurd that it became, you know, one story after another, and it didn't matter how insane the allegations was or at that point and Michael Lavinati is now being in the now under a nightment. But you know, Michael Alavenati brings out Julie sweat Nick and hers became even more salacious than some of the earlier allegations. Back when Kavanaugh was in high school, she apparently was in college a pretty much every other weekend is what the story. How the story went, this group of boys and girls, obviously in high school, teenagers that they would have pretty much every other weekend these parties, and the boys would spike the punch with whatever to the point where the girls were knocked out, and then the girls were taken two rooms where the boys would line up in the hall and systematically gang rape these young girls. And it happened every other weekend. And then all of a sudden she did an interview, and then it became well, I never saw it, Justice Cavanaugh, Brett Cavanaugh. I never saw him near the punch bowl. While I saw him near the punch bowl, I never saw him pouring the punch and giving anybody punch. But he was holding a red solo cup. Well, I don't remember him standing in line, but he definitely was in a hall. Well, you're in somebody's house. I would assume you're in a hall. Nobody remembered her, Nobody if that had happened. Yeah, it just doesn't pass the smell test that one of the victims of what would be a horrific, systematic evil perpetrated and crime perpetrated against innocent young girls at that point, I can't believe wouldn't have been reported. She's acting like everybody knew it, nobody backed her up, and that would that would mean that every other weekend when they supposedly had happened, well they would you know that nobody told a teacher, a parent, an older brothers sister, a mentor of a pastor, or rabbi. Nobody told anybody. It just happened. And then all the every single allegation we got the same reaction from the Senate Democrat. I believe, I believe. In House Democrat, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe. So, you know, if it's really the issue they care about, I keep using this example. I watched Gail King conduct these two interviews with these two women that made very serious allegations of rape and violent sexual assault against the current Lieutenant governor of Virginia, and none of the I believers seemed to care because nothing has happened. I'm probably the only one in the media that keeps bringing this up in Hello, whoa wait, I believers, where are you? I don't know what happened with the lieutenant governor and these women. And I told my two closest friends. What did you tell your two closest friends. I believe I told them that something really awful had happened and that I had been raped, and I think I said that I was so humiliated I didn't want to talk about it anymore. Did you tell them that Justin was the one who had done this to you? You just said, Oh, I told them exactly who it was. How do you process that after it happens to you? It was a huge betrayal. He was my friend. I don't understand how you do that to somebody that you've been a friend too, and who's confided in you about things. I just don't understand how you do that. What kind of things did you confide to him? He knew that the year prior that I had been righted by someone and that nothing was done about it, and he was a very good friend to me, which is why I never would have expected anything like this from him. What do you want to happen to justin Fairfax? Why are you coming forward? In my ideal world, I'd want him to resign. There were two main reasons why I came forward, right, Like, there's a million reasons to come forward. Right, It's tough. I'm not gonna lie. The Virginia people need to know who it is that they elected. They need to know. I think the Virginia people, the voters of Virginia, have a right to know. You know both my story Emeritic's story, right. I think there should be a public hearing. I think that not an investigation. But these women both said that they had corroborated their story to people at the time, and those people are willing to corroborate their corroboration if you will. We don't hear anything amazing. So is it the issue they care about or is it using an issue as a weapon of bludgeon political opponents, because it seems to be the latter. I think everybody should care about violent sexual assault, rape, drugging. If you don't care about that, you don't have a heart and a conscience and a soul period. So but to use something like that for politics, this is it's just so low. And we've seen this a lot happen a lot, you know, the rush, the race to judgment. Jesse Smalltt is an example. Um, we always go back to the now, the the this kid, Nicholas Sandman using wearing the MAGA hat. You know, think about this, all these media people they saw a snippet. The only snippet they saw was the end of what had happened. In other words, Nathan Phillips Native American activists right in the face of this, this sixteen year old kid with the Make America Great Again hat on. The kid is smiling, the kid and I'm he's right in his grill. Now, the story became well that he walked up to Nathan Phillips that that he had caused all of this, and that he provoked all of this. And this didn't go on for a day. This went on for days and days, and the ninety nine of the media that went along with all of it. Nicholas Samman, it turns out, you know, he and his fellow students from Covington High School, you know, they happened to be there for a pro life rally, they were seeing some of the sites. I think it was the Lincoln Memorial. Was that where it was the Lincoln Memorial somewhere where they ended up and I guess they were waiting for their transportation and they go to see, you know, some of the monuments, which is a normal thing to do. And when they arrived, they had no idea that the black Hebrew Israel lights are just verbally assaulting them with every name possible and taunting them. A bunch of child Moleston to see how you got these compass back hand in the middle of a a rally with a dirty hat on. You got all these dirty cra behind you with a red with a red make America great head again on and your coolies? You want to fight your brother? A bunch of babies made out of shot. And the one thing that Nicholas Sandman himself did his tell his fellow student, no, no no, no, don't respond, don't say anything, don't say a thing, which I think for a sixteen year old kid, shows an enormous amount of self restraint and discipline. I don't even though the fight half I probably wouldn't those of you that know me. I kind of have a big mouth. But he didn't do a thing. He did the right thing. Then it turns out that Nathan Phillips walked up to him and was banging that drum, which he said was a prayer in the face of Nicholas Sandman. And Nicholas tried to just as he said in one interview, just convey that he was lee and smiled and that no, what do I do with this? What I mean, you're sixteen years old. What are you supposed to do? I mean, he's banging it right in his face. But it turns out the media, the nine, the guilt by accusation media, the no due process media, the no presumption of innocence media, the selective moral outrage media. Well, they just ran with a narrative and they slandered this kid. Here's the worst part of all of this. The worst part of this is this kid did everything right and they didn't care. They didn't care at all if it meant that they could bludge in Trump with a narrative. They never made a phone call to corroborate their stories. With days of coverage, let me predict what's gonna happen. He's hired famed attorney Lynnwood who I've known since nineteen ninety six from Atlanta when I was a local host who worked for Richard Jewel. There's two lawsuits filed now against the Washington Post two hundred and fifty million dollars, fake News, CNN two hundred and seventy five million dollars, and much more to come. And I can't see a jury in this country putting up with that reckless, irresponsible. They couldn't make a phone call to corroborate that story, and they smeared, slandered, and libeled a sixteen year old kid. The jury rules in favor of Nicolas Sandman, is my prediction. But they'll settle before they get there. That's gonna wreck please up. But today, all right, Hannity watched tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We're watching the situation in Venezuela. Of news breaks on that. We will bring it towards you. The battle, the witch hunt, the fishing expedition, it never stops, and Democrats are going and deeper and deeper into stupidity. We have judicial watch now looking for really incredible documents. We'll break that wide open tonight. Haraldo, Dan Bongino, Tom Fitton, Alan Dershowitz, responding to The New York Times. Also Solomon and Carter and Kevin McCarthy. It's all coming up Hannity tonight, ninety eastern on Fox News. We'll see you then, we'll see you back here tomorrow

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