The Biden Budget - September 7th - Hour 2

Published Sep 7, 2021, 10:01 PM

 Congressman Kevin Brady, of Texas’ 8th district, is the ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee. He gives us an update on the Biden Budget. Plus, Senator Rand Paul on the latest Gan of Function research around COVID.

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Gladuate with US twenty four days Americans held hostage behind enemy lines. Now they're being told they can't leave the airport by the Taliban. As anybody's surprised, We're gonna get a full updated report, Sarah Carter, investigative reporter at the bottom of the hour, at the top of the next hour. Now, remember we've had these exchanges which Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and the great they ever loved, doctor Anthony Fauci, and a lot of it had to do with what we didn't know that much about. It's called gain of function research at the Wuhan Virology Lab. And it turns out now newly released documents shot a whole new light, and it proves that Ran Paul told the truth and that doctor Anthony Fauci lied. And these documents detail the US funding of research on several type of coronaviruses at this Wuhan Institute of Virology lab in China. The Intercept obtained more than nine hundred pages of documents detailing the work of the Health Alliance, that's the US based health organization that used your federal dollars, your federal tax dollars to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory, and it includes two previously unpublished grand proposals that were funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as project updates on eco health alliances research which had been scrutinized amid the interest of the origins of this pandemic. This is exactly what Rampaul said. Now. When we got doctor Fauci's emails January thirty first, twenty twenty, he was told that it was likely manipulated coronavirus COVID nineteen in a lab. One of the genomes looked like it had been manipulated by humans, And the flurry of emails with Fauci and others about whether any us of our dollars were used to fund this research at the virology lab. Turns out there was good reason for Fauci to be in a panic because these were panicked emails. Then there's this exchange which Senator rand Paula Kentucky and doctor Fauci. You may recall, doctor Fauci, knowing that it's a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May eleventh, where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain a function research in Wuhan. Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you're referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain a function. Doctor Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers, reviewed the documents and determined the research described fits the definition of gain a function research quote. The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH director Francis Collins and its director Anthony Fauci that the NIH did not support gain of function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at this sphology lab are untruthful. Well, Senator, welcome back. You are right again and he lied. Now what happens, right, We know for sure, with absolute certainty, that the NIH doctor Fauci, did fund the Wuhan lab and continues to fund it. The newly released documents from Intercepts show that there's another grant. It goes twenty twenty to twenty twenty five, so the money continues to flow to Wuhan. I forced to vote about a month ago in the Senate, and we actually won unanimously no longer to fund the Wuhan Institute, no longer to fund this research in China. Yet it hasn't been signed by the President, hasn't been signed by it hasn't been passed by the House. Yet we do know that doctor Fauci lied about the funding. He continues to say there wasn't gained a function. The reason he'll continue to his grave to lie about this is once it's acknowledged that this was very risky research and that he was funding it, and then guess what then if it came out of the lab. Some moral response ability, if not legal responsibility, attaches to doctor Fauci and the NIH for funding this. He's been asking recent times does he still support funding research in China? And he says yes, But for that alone, he should be fired. He should be out of government because he's recommending that we collaborate with the Chinese communists and that we collaborate with this lab. That at least a significant majority of scientists now agree the virus may well have come from the lab. Well, I think the vast majority of Americans believe that now too, and I think it's pretty obvious. So the great doctor Fauci the emails. Now it puts a little gives us clarity as it relates to those emails that we're going back and forth in a frenzy tone about well, any of our money go to this because they knew, damn well what was happening with this. The idea that was still funding this lab as insanity to me, Senator. The other question is is he denies its gain a function? Someone should ask him the next question, why is it not gain a function? They took a virus, the stars virus, which was a coronavirus from two thousand and four that had a fifteen percent mortality. Then they linked it up with new genes from new coronavirus as they founded in the batcaves down in southern China, and when they linked them together, they infected humanized cells. So what they found is that they could make the SARS virus, which was deadly but not very transmissible, into a deadly and transmissible disease. They ginned up a deadly virus to make it more infectious in the lab. If that's not gain a function, he needs to explain to the world why would you combine two viruses and make something more transmissible in humans? Why that is not gain a function? So I don't think he can even escape on a technicality, But no one that's been allowed to interview him has ever asked to follow up question, why is it not gain a function? In twenty twelve, this is a man who actually said that he supported gain a function research even if the net consequences of such would be a worldwide pandemic, he still supported it's thing as a scientist. That makes no sense to me. Can you imagine four million people have died from this around the world, and he thinks that it's okay to have a pandemic if we have an accident, that scientific research has worked it. But also, since we've discovered the new way of developing vaccines, they can fill a vaccines very quickly now, and they don't need to have viruses that are created in the lab to make a vaccine. They can actually do it by genetically sequencing any newly found pathogen, any newly found virus that's affecting humans. But what they create in the lab is not something that's going to occur in humans or going to occur or evolve from animals. What they're creating in the lab is something that may never occur because what comes out of nature is random, and so when you create something in the lab, the odds that you're creating something that could occur in nature is slim, if not none. So they're creating a virus in the lab. It's more deadly that never would have occurred in nature, and then we run the risk of it leaking. There's been multiple links in Beijing over the years, but we still do this in the United States. And the reason why it needs to be debated is we're doing this in North Carolina and we're doing this in Galaston. They were both collaborating with Ruan Institute. We also discover from the intercept today that some of this was done at a biosafety level three, not a four, but a three, a lab that in our country we would say as inadequate for having controls to prevent a leak. It's obvious to me and I've now set up for a while doctor Fauci needs to be fired. What is next? Because I know that if I ever lied before Congress, I'm pretty confident, Senator that people on the Democratic side would want to put me in jail, throw away the key, and you'd have to visit me with a cake and a file on it. Yeah, we've referred him for criminal charges for lying to Congress. That's a celony punishable up to five years. We sent the referral to the Department of Justice. I don't anticipate Biden's Department of Justice we'll do any with him with it. But another reason he should go is that he's done everything you can to obscure the fact that monoclonal antibodies can save your lives. Is the thing created by and here's the thing that's going on right now. I found I help two people get this treatment this week, and I think it may have helped them to survive this disease. Both times it was difficult to get because there's resistance. What we're finding is that if you become an inpatient in the hospital, they won't give you the treatment because doctor Fauci's edict from above to the government bought all of this. So the government owns all the monoclonal antibodies, and they're telling the hospitals if someone's in the hospital, you can't use this. So the thing is, if you are sick and you're getting ready to go to the hospital before you're admitted, say can I get them monoclonal antibodies, because once you're admitted, they're not allowed to give you the monoclonal antibodies, which I think is absurd. I can't tell you how many people that I don't tell them what to do, but even I've had people vaccinated and people unvaccinated and the breakthrough cases, and the first thing I say to them is you need to immediately talk to your doctor about regeneraon or eli. Lily, they have a version of it as well, and I know, for example, there's a spital in Long Island, Saint Francis that administers it. I know Emory University in Atlanta does it. I know that Governor Rhn de Santis down in Florida has set up regenna on centers and at different areas throughout the state for people that either have a breakthrough case that we're fully vaccinated or people that are unvaccinated. And all the evidence and information that I've been able to obtain. But you're a doctor, I'll defer to you is that the sooner you get it, the better off you're going to do. Yeah, that's absolutely true. The point I'm making about the hospital is that it's better if you get it early. But let's say it has an eighty five percent survival rate if you get it in day two or three of the disease. My guess is by day four or five, it's not going to have zero effect. It might just have less effect. So I think that we should be studying whether or not we can give it at a later date, even if it helps a little bit, because it's best efficacies in the first couple of days. Well, we don't know who to give it to. No, but people think they're at home and they're feeling fine for two or three days. I had a young man who for ten day was sick and he was getting better, but then he developed a cough congestion him. He was developing pneumonia, and they said, oh, it's too late to give you the monoclon A land of Bodies. I really think it needs to be studied further at this stage. Quick break more with Senator Rampaul, Doctor Rampaul on the other side, and coming up at the bottom of the hour. YEP, they're still trying to ram through the three point five trillion dollars spending boondoggle. Will they be successful? We'll get an update on that Sarah Carter on our top story, and that is Americans stranded left behind enemy lines, held hostage now by the Taliban as we continue this busy Tuesday edition. All right, as we continue with Senator and also medical doctor Rampaul, let me ask you this because you were one of the first, if not the first, Senator I think that publicly said you had contracted COVID nineteen and I don't, I never, I don't believe I've ever asked you what treatment you received or took, if any, or therapeutics you might have used. If you feel like disclosing it, feel free. I believe a medical privacy, Senator, I really have no right to ask you that question, only if you want to share it. But more importantly, you have also steadfastly refused to be vaccinated. Now, you were backed up by the Cleveland Clinic, a pretty prestigious medical institution that if you have natural antibodies t cell antibodies, even if your antibody levels go down, it would recognize coronavirus. Now with the onset of the delta variant, followed by the Peruvian lambda variant, followed next by the mu variant, do you feel the same way. Yeah, you know, I ended up not getting many symptoms at all. I could barely tell I was even had it, and probably would have never been tested had I not been having a testing site at the office and they test in me. But the thing is is that so I took no treatment. And really, if you've got a mild headache or some body aches and you're not in a high risk category, that's going to happen ninety five to ninety nine percent the time, you don't need treatment. The key is trying to figure out those who are at high risk. And it's definitely age over sixty five, and it's definitely overweight at much younger ages, and there are some other risk factors. But it's talking to your doctor. And the thing is is we all tend to stay home and say, oh, I'll just get better, I'll be better tomorrow. The key with this disease is you can't wait till you're very, very sick. You've got to try to get these monoclonal antibodies. And if doctor Fauci cared about the country, and if you wanted to do anything than chastising us about MASK and trying to mandate vaccines on us. He should be telling us, Look, people are getting sick that are unvaccinated, but people are also getting sick that are vaccinated. There is a treatment, but you got to know to talk to your doctor early. I've not seen one agree with Biden administration and nothing from Fauci on trying to get in early to get the monoclonal antibodies. I know it's something that even the media went with this false report about ivermectin. I've had Harvard trained medical school graduates and Yale trained graduates on this program, medical doctors that are on the front lines of this that believe in the monoclonial antibody treatment coupled with HCQ and ivermectin. Now, yes, ivermectin is used in horses and animals, but there is a prescription for human beings as well, and they have found it to be part of a treatment program that they say works. I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play one on radio, but um, nobody seems like you can't even talk about it. What are your thoughts as a medical doctor on those things. Well, I think it's very hard to prove what works and doesn't work in an outpatient setting because of the people get better with or without treatment. So if you have a thousand patients and you give them nothing, and you have a thousand patients and you give them ivermectin, it's gonna be very hard to tell if it works because people are going to get better in both groups. I've I simply pointed out to a questioner in the audience that it should be studied, and I thought that hatred of Donald Trump was preventing adequate study of it, But there is actually a phase three studies. So for all the idiots, the CNN idiots and all these people lampooning it as a horse dewormer, it is absolutely approved for humans. It has saved many many lives and humans, and it is for parasites, but parasites have a similar way of attacking cells to viruses. And before they lampoon anybody who mentions it, they ever realized that even the NIH which is very conservative and often biased against anything new, they're studying it in a Phase three study. So it's been studied internationally. So it's how roxy chloroquine, and we should be objective about it. I'm not an advocate free to one, but I'm not one who says that they don't work. I'm saying one is that I'm uncertain. So one of these idiots over CNN writes something saying he said he didn't know it more needed more research, and then they criticized me with an expert saying, oh, the experts say it's uncertain. Well, that's exactly what I said. Don't know yet whether it work doesn't work, but we ought to be studying these things. I think that I've got to run of time, and we'll have more with you on television tonight. I understand, but I will tell you I mean to not talk about regeneron or monoclonial antibodies. Is you're right, it's wrong, and and I just you know, we have to have honest discussions with medical professionals. I'm not one, and I don't play one on radio. And I refuse to tell people what to do except take it seriously. And I believe in science, and I believe the science of vaccination, but I can't tell people what to do. Doctor and Senator around Paul, thanks for being with us. When news breaks, you get the inside story that no one else has and the behind the scenes chatter that the mainstream media doesn't even know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. I want to update you on Joe Biden's economy, and I'm at the top of the hour. Will be joined by Sarah Carter. Back to our top story, which is obviously Americans held hostage. I think it's what day twenty four behind enemy lines and we can't. The Taliban is saying we can't. They're not allowing planes with Americans on them out. They want their ransom. I told you it would come to this. What I really fear, I don't even want to tell you is going to happen. This is the world I live in. I wish I didn't. Sometimes. Friday's job report way way far short of expected employment gains. It created a few jobs in seven months in August. Hiring in the leisure hospitality sector now stalled because of Joe Biden's mishandling of COVID. And if you look at it, you know if they had forecast non payroll non farm payrolls increasing by what seven hundred and twenty eight thousand in August, and the survey of Establishment showed yet it only increased by two hundred and thirty five thousand disaster the smallest gains in's January employment in all of these sectors down. Construction down three thousand. Gm Ford Motors announced production cuts this week. You can't even get a new car. If you want to buy a used car, well, you're paying more than you've ever paid, up forty seven percent. Morgan Stanley is now cut their third quarter GDP growth forecast by over fifty percent. They were forecasting six point five percent, now they're forecasting two point nine and they want to ram through this three and a half trillion dollars New Green Deal socialist disaster. You know, Biden's you know, seeking to shift every bit of attention away from the disaster that is Afghanistan with Americans held hostage, and you know he's pushing this new Green Deal womb to the tomb, cradle to grave agenda of his. You have a few people now that are speaking out against it. Looks like kristin Cinema. She wrote this big editorial saying she's against it, as did Joe Mansion. And here's what Mansion said. But we also know that House leaders say, well, but first you got to pass this three and a half trillion dollar anti poverty, healthcare and climate plan. You voted to at least open debate and discussion on the bill to advance it in that sense. But as of today, if this bill exists as it does now, are you for it or against it? I've been very open about that. Happy I do not believe that three and a half trillion dollars today is where we should be going, based on what we have going on with inflation, what we have going on with the national debt, the indications we have, and the unknown of the COVID nineteen or the delta variants. Too much at stake right now to go in and make a commitment such as that and not have anything in the toolbox to take care of any the challenges or crisis we may have coming. And right now we already put five point four trillion out. I've always been to believe that every bill should be either voted up or down on its own merits and the need and the priorities that we have in the need for our nation. Joining us now as Congressman Kevin Brady, he's out of Texas, their eighth congressional district, ranking Republican on the House way as a means committee, and he knows about all things spending. Look, you can't stop it in the House, but it can be stopped in the Senate. Now, I just when it comes to cinema and mansion, I don't know, it's a crapshoot. I don't even want to think about people like Romney Fensas, Lisa Murkowski and some others. Yeah, sound good to talk to you. So I actually we are going to try to stop it or as much of it. In the House. Speaker only has the races, the majority here as well, four votes can block these tax increases. It is uphill, no doubt about it. But look, you know, coming out after a horrible jobs report, what you just laid out, and I know the President's blaming COVID, but you ought to be looking in the mirror because right now businesses are fighting the filled jobs, families are struggling with rising prices. The recovery has peaked now it's stalling out, and consumer optimism has fallen off a cliff. And now the President wants three and a half, really five trillion dollars of spending in taxes, and the owner results of this is going to be. You're gonna see higher prices on families. You will see a new era of dependency on government, probably the greatest expense to the welfare state in our lifetime. You're going to see millions of jobs either killed or moved over season. And by the way, you know, I know the President says this is all on the wealthy incorporations. I can tell you this is hammering small businesses, family owned farms. In the middle class is going to see real tax increases. I already see. You see inflation now at the highest rate in what nearly twenty years. We see gas prices now on their way to doubling. We have now Joe Biden begging OPEC rather than beg OPEC. I have an alternative idea, Congressman. I don't know. I'm a little talk show host. What do I know. I'm a dummy. But maybe we can start drilling again in Texas, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and maybe reopen anmir And while we're at it, why don't we put back in place the building of the Keystone XL pipeline and these other pipelines. I don't know, why don't we go back to the policies event energy independence that brought us record low energy prices because everything we buy, Congressmen, you know this, Everything we buy in every grocery store, every home depot, every lows, every every drug store, we're all paying more for Why Because the cost of transporting those goods that we all want, need and desire are costing truckers more, and we're paying and we're paying more to heat and cool our homes and fill our tanks. We are some and it's going to get worse if this tax bill, tax hike build passes. They're targeting one hundred and forty five billion dollars of higher taxes on American made energy, large and small. And the only result of this is they will kill off about a million good paying oil and gas dolls. Minium blue collar. You're going to see those higher prices you just talked about, and then we're gonna be become more reliant on Russia and in the Middle East and others for our energy. And bottom line is I think following you know, Joe Biden's just disastrous Afghanistan debacle. Now he's leading America on an economic surrender to foreign countries like China, like Russia, and like Europe. All right, so when it will give me a time frame on' what am we're going to see this now? I know Joe does wants to distract away from anything and everything having to do with Americans health hostage behind enemy lines. But with that said, you know that seems to be all the Democrats want to talk about anything other than the disaster of what he caused in Afghanistan. Well, the short answer is all of this is moving at light speed, following the speaker just bludgeoning a few hermoderates in the line a couple of weeks ago. So they're going to start votes on these tax hikes in the Ways Means Committee in two days and they're looking to rush this through in about four days of votes in our committee and bringing it to the House floor rmant through there little later this month. So they are trying to push this through so the American people don't see what's in it. Well, it's scary, but I appreciate everything you're doing, and please keep us updated throughout the process so that we can inform our listeners of exactly what's happening. We appreciate you being one of us conversations always. Thank you, Sean. Take care all right, my friend eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, let's say hi to Gino is in Michigan. Hey, Gino, how are you glad you called? Sir? Hey Seana, how you doing? What's going on? Good? Sean's an honor and probably should speak to you first of all, and then I really appreciate you speaking on behalf of our hello Americans that are honestly considered hostages right now, and if you understand, and then our brave soldiers. The reason for Michael, I used to be a translator from two thousan ten to two thou and twelve. I was a contractor through the duity in Iraq. I really want the listeners don't understand the situation our fellow Americans are in right now. I mean like it's a really bad situation. I mean like when I want the Iraq. The first thing they instructed me to do is do not mention your real name, don't say where you're from, don't mention any family members to anyone, even the Iraqi military. You know. And now seeing the picture now with those translators and local translators, all their informations are given to the Taliban. Basically, it's not only their life that's in danger, is their families lives. People need to understand how those how the Taliban operate. I'm like, it's a definite death for those people. And I is really sad and really hard to see what's going on right now because I was in that situation before. You know, I told my wife, Yes, look the numbers of people over twenty years that we're talking about, like yourself, you know, or in the tens of thousands. They now have a database with the names of all they have biometric you know, backgrounds. They're going to be testing people door to door biometrically. They're going to identify and kill every single person that they can find that assisted Americans over the last twenty years. That's just the fact it's already happening. We're getting a lot of reports about how bad it is and how quickly it's gotten worse since Joe Biden abandoned our fellow Americans and our Afghan partners that we promised we would get out if this day ever came. I'm not saying they all have to come here, that we need certainly some real vetting of every anybody that's taken into this country. But we promised to get them the hell out of there, and we left them, many of them behind. Our biggest are left in this ste hundred and twenty thousand, Yeah, five thousand, five hundred Americans, with no number of how many Americans are left behind. We never leave Americans behind. We made this promise. We abandoned them. Many will die as a result of this failure of Joe Biden. Yes, yes, And they don't speak about like I'm putting myself in their situation where I was asked to leave. Even if I had a chance to leave the country, will leave my family behind and my information are already on the hands of the Talibans. I would never leave my family behind. I mean, like, this is the worst scenario they could be in. I could even say my real name to anyone when I was translated. We didn't even use our real names. And that's how bad it was. I had detainees telling me that I will kill you before I kill the American soldier because you're a trader. Let me ask you a question. Did did they take your biometrics withing me? I'm sorry, did they do an ice scan on you and record your biometrics. They did not know. Yeah, um, you know, I hope people hear you, because we're going to hear for days, weeks, months, probably years of horrible death happening to people just like you. I'm glad you're showing one more thing, Sean. I mean, like another thing. I mean I was involved in a Irequ military training, you know, the US military training to the Irecu military. And seeing those pictures of those Marines at the airport before even the suicide bomber. I mean, like it was unbelievable, unbelievable, the way they were standing there, and I was telling my wife, I'm like, I really really hope I'm wrong with something that's gonna happen. It's not. This is not how we operate. Those those soldiers to me, they were sent to die. I mean, I'm sorry to say that, but the way that when I looked at pictures and the videos, this is not how the US military oupgrade their missions. They I mean they were standing there, no key walls, standing next to each other in the middle of the crowd. This was unbelievable. This will never ever happen. I've never seen it with my own I I mean, like throughout the training that I've seen happened in front of me today Iraqi military. I mean like, this is crazy. I mean like those soldiers, those poor soldiers, to me, they were sent there to die. It's it's beyond anything that I understand about this country. This is not the America I know and love. We don't leave Americans behind. This is not political for me. I if every single person left behind was a radical liberal that worked day and night to get me off the air, I would fight like hell to get them home. You don't abandon our fellow Americans, period, and the sentence. You don't make a promise to allies and ask them to help and risk their lives and tell them if all hell breaks loose, you will get them out of there, and then break that promise. You don't do it. And this is if my mind, where my mind goes is not it's very dark. The potential for human tragedy and disaster on a mass scale is real here. I pray to God I am dead wrong, sadly I don't think I am. Thank you for the call. We'll continue

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