Sean is joined by Bill O'Reilly, Pastor Darrell Scott, Byron York and Matt Gaetz in this "Best of Hannity" episode. The road to the White House was grueling and President Trump's uphill battle against COVID and the liberal "fake news" media was never-ending!
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All right, twenty five till the top of the hour. Leonard Skynyrd, simple man. That means it's all things Bill O'Reilly. We're going to get to the topic of well, we have an election in fifty five days. I want to ask him one more question. He's just released his new book today, part of his best selling killing series. I mean, from Killing Lincoln, Kennedy, Jesus, Patton, Reagan, Rising Son England, the SSU. All these books have done phenomenally well, Killing Crazy Horse, the Merciless Indian Wars in America. How do you view One of the things that Ricky Medlock instilled in me when we did this tour with Leonard Skynyrd, and it was part of the Freedom Concert tours that I used to do, is this passion among you know that he has as a Native American for bravery, honor, valor that he says defined but him and his family and his answers. And I loved all of that because I think that that is what makes any society a great society, those qualities. What did you find? That's why I put Crazy Horse on the cover. Here was a guy who was the best Native American military commander and he had a very strict code of honor. Now some of his braves broke it. And the aftermath of the Little Big Horn Custer's last stand was as gruesome as you're going to find. And that was because of the personal animus between Crazy Horse and Custer, which we write about extensively, and killing Crazy Horse. But Custer's body was not touched. It was the only body of the almost three hundred people the Indians killed in that battle, including two journalists Annity, two journalists who are along because because you say, right along with me, I'm going to kick crazy Horses, but he didn't the accordant plan out, No, and you have to take all We took all of all of our reporting on the Little Big Horn Battle from the Indians because they were the only eyewitnesses that lived. We don't report it from the white man's point of view, which makes it a fascinating part of the book. But anyway, Crazy Horse had a sense of honor, and your friend in Leonard Skinnard is absolutely correct. The bravery of these Native Americans up against the most powerful military machine in the middle of the nineteenth century after the Civil War. All of the veterans of the war went out west. All the people stayed in the army to defeat the Indians because there was so much chaos out there. That's how Custer got out there. And the Indians were out gunned, outmanned out everything, and they individually won most of the fights. It's an incredible sidea and nobody knows it. Nobody knows it. And that's what that Again, we go back to the fact that if you love your country, you got to know about your country. And that's why, by the way, and that's the good, the bad, and the ugly, because if you want to become a more perfect union, you've got to acknowledge fault where it exists. All of this stuff was driven by money. I always say, slavery money, Indian appropriation of their land's money. It always comes down to money. And you know what I wrote. You're gonna get a kick out of this. You're a football fan, Haney, right, yes, sir. Why are the San Francisco forty nine ers haven't been canceled? Why the forty nine ers, as I write about in Killing Crazy Horse, were prospectors who went in and decimated the California Indians, stole their land, mined on their land, wipe them out with the help of the California governor. I don't think it was Schwarzenegger's a little bit further back. Okay, so what do we have the forty nine ers? For the forty nine ers should have been canceled a long time ago. If you've got to cancel them. I have a new name for the San Francisco football team. Is it San Francisco Pelosis? And then you're gonna need a new o. The way everyone gets a free hair salon appointment, um, with every with every season ticket holder. Last question, every one of your Killing series books. And as I was reading through it, I actually still have more to get through. Um. As I was reading through it, I'm trying to figure out, all, right, where are they going after O'Reilly here? I mean, you got you got hammered on killing Reagan, you got hammered on killing Jesus. Yeah, and everything we wrote was true. Well, I'm not questioning any of that. I'm not a historian. But but way do you think they're going to attack you on this book? I don't think that they're gonna do it. I really think that this book is so tight. Um du Gard and I I mean we hired historians to read the manuscript. We hired, not hired, but we send it to Native American scholars. I don't think they're gonna come at us, because it would be very difficult to say this didn't happen when we can prove it did. All of our research is primary source material. That means that we don't go by another book or we don't go buy a magazine. We do it. Du Guard went there. Okay, he read the Letterers. You know, Indian history is oral tradition, but it got into the written once the Indians became more educated. They wrote down the stories of the little Big Horn. They wrote down what Geronimo and coach. He said, So, I don't know where they're gonna come. Man, you're probably right, they probably will, but we're ready. As I said, well, I don't think you really give a rip. Plus, be honest, we're fifty five days out of an election. Obviously we have a presidential candidate that I was clearly in decline. Biden is out there all day to day blames the coronavirus on Trump. Meanwhile, he was against the travel bad the quarantine and the subsequent travel bands and the Democrats were impeaching. And you know a guy that rarely has to ever answer a question, Now he gets caught saying, can you move up the teleprompter while answering questions and he's protected by a medium mob that hates Donald Trump. How's this going to play out? I used to do that and can you move up that prompter? Come on, I hear my questions. Yes, listen, you touched on this. But this is this tells you everything you know you need to know about Joe Biden. I'm a simple man. I have a simple question. What does Joe Biden stand for? Give me one thing he stands for. Anybody listening, all the millions of people listening to John Anney right now, give me one thing. He doesn't stand for anything. Twenty four days ago, in August thirteenth, at a press conference in Wilmington, Joe Biden said, let's institute a mask mandate nationwide. Remember that, yep? Okay? Twenty four days ago. On September six, three days ago, he said to affiliate KTVK in Phoenix, Arizona, quote, the federal government is a constitutional issue. Whether the federal government could issue such a mandate. I don't think constitutionally they could, so I wouldn't issue a mandate. Wait a minute, Joe, twenty four days ago, you said I'd institute a mass mandate, Now you won't. That epitomizes Biden so simple. I said, this is perfect for the simple man contradicts himself twenty four days later on a huge issue. What does Joe Biden stand for? I think it's a great question. I've never seen a mobilization. I was making this point on radio NTV yesterday of you've got the medium mob, as I call them, and it's it's everybody in print, it's three broadcast networks, it's every cable news network except for Fox. I mean, it's it's so one sided. You got Hollywood, You've got the elites all standing against Donald Trump. They all think he's gonna lose. And I went back and reminded people yesterday of everything they were predicting, and the fact that they were laughing at the idea that Trump could run, win the nomination and then win the presidency. I saw that on your show TV show last night. Thank you for watching clips of all those pinheads, and I mean it was startling. And I did not even remember the coal bearers of the world and all these year are never gonna be Look, it just points out how ignorant and when you're a hater, and this is for everybody, listen to me, when you hate that, you're incapable of making sound judgments. You can't because that hate is the most power awful emotion we have and it clouds you. Now do the media elite believe Donald Trump is going to lose I don't think so. I think that's why they're hating so much. I think they know that right now in America, the violence in Portland, Oregon, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Wisconsin, and other cities has shaken the independent voters, the people who aren't ideological, has shaken them so much that that has overcome COVID and is now the prime merry motivator for voting for President. Biden has not said one word, not one word against the Black Lives Matter movement. Again, I have nothing with that slogan. That slogan is fine, black lives do matter, but the movement is Marxist, and he has not said one word against it. I think that has turned the tide in favor of Donald Trump. Now he might lose it because you know he could say anything at any time, but September twenty ninth is the defining moment in this election. That's the first debate. Yep. If he does not show well on September twenty ninth in Cleveland, Donald Trump will win. You think it's a one ninth thing. Now, I would argue, I put it nicely. I would guess that Joe Biden's going to be drinking a lot of coffee that day and leading up to that debate, and I would imagine Joe has been spending a lot of his basement bunker time, you know, memorizing his lines. Bill, I don't think you dispute that well. Chris Wallace is the moderator and we know him very well. And I think Wallace is going to commend loaded with questions that are not going to be predictable, and that will be very interesting. You got to hit both candidates with questions they are not expecting and then follow up say you didn't answer it, or I'm not clear about the answer or whatever. I think Wallace is going to do that. I thought he moderated the best debate in the last election cycle. That was my opinion. Uh yeah, I mean Wallace doesn't like Trump. All right, that's a fact. I don't dispute that. But but I thought he was the most fair of the three debates in twenty sixteen by far, by a big Martin. It's a little bit more than that though. It's a legacy play for Chris. So his father, Mike Wallace, in my opinion, best broadcast journalist in history. You are friends with him up to what you were friends with him. I was very good friends with him, and he was unbelievable. Oh it should show everybody how old O'Reilly is. Geez well, I was only sixteen. Such a liar, you know, for a simple man. You got a very complicated response that comes flying out. But go ahead, all right, So Chris Wallace a legacy play, all right. This is his big stage. Millions of people all over the world going to watch this debate. So he's got to be tough on both candidates. I think he will be. Can Biden to handle it? I mean, we'll see. I've got a question. I'm not going to sell it to you now, but I will tell it to you that when we talk right before the debate, that would knock Joe Biden off the stage, and it is an extremely simple question, because, as you know, I am a simple man, all right, Bill O'Reilly. His new book is out Amazon dot com. We have a link on Hannity dot com. It's now on bookstores everywhere. It's called Killing Crazy Horse, The Merciless Indian Wars in America. It's part of his Killing series. Now, what is it? This is the best selling series history series ever. What do you on? Fiction books is of all time? That's pretty big, that's pretty exciting, and it certainly beats O'Reilly the O'Reilly factor for kids for crying out loud. I mean, you know, you know, Grandpa lecturing kids. Geez, leave those kids alone, they love Oh my gosh, all right in that book out on Halloween. Yeah, exactly. You give it away all the bin copies, all right. It's on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere, Killing Crazy Horse, The Merciless Indian Wars in America. Bill O'Reilly, Always a pleasure. Thank you, good luck with the book, and we'll have you back next week. John's new book, Live Free or Die is now available. Feel freech grabby your copy in stores and online everywhere. Free or Die? All right, Live Free or die, America, the world on the brink fifty days. You are the ultimate jury on sale forty percent off Amazon dot Com and Barnes and Noble Books, a million Costco, Walmart, Target, you name it. Uh, nice discounts. But it defines everything that this election is all about, what impact it'll have on the future of this country, and it is deep and it is profound. Um. We've been talking a lot about the assassination attempt against these LAPD officers, and then of course you little the lunatics on the left showing up and literally taunting the police hope you f and die, while the police are in there being operated on and fighting for their lives. It's not just an LA thing. We have what fifty four shot again this weekend in Chicago, thirteen dead, six dead in New York City, eighteen shootings there, and you know, violence and crime and anarchy spiraling out of control. Democrats, you know, only now this is terrible. Well why didn't they mention it during their convention? Because Don Lemon pointed it out. Oh finally, law in order and safety and security is on the ballot, and yeah, showing up in the polls, and it's showing up in the focus groups, so we better change our opinions now pretty scary anyway, joining us. A good friend of the program is Pastor Daryl Scotty's chairman of the Urban Revitalization Coalition, and he's just come out with his brand new book, Nothing to Lose, which, by the way, it was Donald Trump's message to African Americans and minorities last time, you have nothing to lose. They've been promised you in you everything for decades and they delivered nothing. Think about all these liberal cities, liberal politicians, the larger percentages ninety plus percent of African Americans usually in a lot of these elections voting for Democratic candidates. Well, how do you grade them on law and order and safety and security in these cities and states run by liberal Democrats for decades, how's their educational system? Because those are the two most fundamental jobs of any politician. Anyway, Again, it's called nothing to Lose, unlikely allies in the struggle for a better Black America. Pastor scott I actually had the pleasure of actually speaking from the pulpit of his church lunch. Was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life. By allowing that to happen. I made it Unlike Neil Boortz. I made it through. I didn't I didn't cuss. I didn't use one cuss word, which was pretty good for me when I'm out in public. But your whole life is a miracle to me, Pastor, I admire you on so many levels. Many years ago, you were living a life of crime and drugs and madness, and and you know, you almost didn't make it, and your faith, your belief in God, pulled you out of this and it transformed your life. And that's how many years ago thirty seven years ago? Yeah, almost on close to forty years ago. Yeah, but um, you know I talked about you in the book. I mentioned you in the book on the side. I saw it. I know what you're gonna say, and I'm like, okay. The one part that stands out is that's it. I really believe with stelling Andy's broadcast careers over, he will into into the ministry. Oh gosh, I mean, oh boy, you know what. I'm the one that needed all the prayer and fasting. I'm the one that got in Trige. I've been an incorrigible kid since you know, when I was young, it was incorrigible. You know, being a talk show host, you gotta throw a few sharp elbows once in a while. Reverend, I don't mind throwing some elbows, you know what. Verbal I'm being honest, and I know, out of all of my colleagues and everything, you're probably one of the most spiritual guys I know. And I mean, I've never believed more in my life in terms of my faith. I'd really it's never been this strong. I realize that we're nothing but without God in our lives. That's my own opinion. I'm not trying to proselytize anybody or convert anybody. I think there's a misunderstanding of what Christianity is. I think Christianity is, first, you know, coming to a realization that you're not as great as you think you are, and being willing to surrender yourself to a better way of life and invite God into your heart so you can be a better person. That's that to me, is the nuts and bolts of it. It doesn't get any more comb I don't know if everyone must think that Christians got to be perfect. I think the Christians I know are the ones saying they know they're not and they want to be better. And we're in a daily quest for God to improve us, to work on us, to continue to work on us. And since on a surgect of God, I will say this, and I said it in the book, I believe in the omnithience of God, the all knowingness of God. I believe God see you in from the beginning, I made a couple of examples, Joseph being one and David being another. And I said, God started at the palace and worked his way back to the pit for Joseph, and then he got Joseph from that pit and worked him up to the palace the same way with the day that he was prophasized that he would be king while he was still attending his father sheep. And he went back attending sheep and got got him from the sheep fold and took him to the palace. I said that to say this, I really believed that when I was out in those streets living that life that I was living. And I really believed that during that time when Donald Trump was living the life he was leading, and he was building buildings and doing whatever it was he was doing, God knew that was my future president, right there when he looked at him, and God looked. I mean, let's go through the Bible a little bit. You know, my years in Catholic schools in a seminary, let me let's I'll give you a little bit of knowledge. David, you know, was chosen by God, God's favorite. You know. According to the Bible, he had like five hundred conky binds. Everybody concubines a word that's very outdated. But he couldn't withstand I guess the temptation of Bathsheba and sent her husband of the front lines to be killed after he got a pregnant Moses, you know, never made it to the Promised Land because of murder. We know about Saul of Tarsus and the conversion on the road to Damascus. Uh, you know, why are you persecuting my people? I would assume the twelve apostles, eleven of which were married, that they probably as fishermen, maybe use salty language, and moren't so politically corrected their day. Maybe that's an assumption on my part, but maybe wrong. And it seems that God has an interesting way of picking the people that aren't perfect, the people that need to help as as people he chooses to lead things. Well, the Bible says, God chooses the foolish things of the world to confound those which are why, you know, to be honest, and you were there from the very beginning, way back in twenty fifteen, it seemed the foolish choice to back Trump for president of the United States. He was mocked, he would derided, he was laughed at, he was castigated, Twitter size ridiculed. I'm gonna be honest, he has a lot thicker skin than I had. And you know, we watched this guy go from number seventeen in the field of seventeen to go all the way to the presidents of the United States. And one thing I always say is this, I don't see how he could have lost because of all the prayer that he received in that time. Every time he turned around, Donald Trump was getting preyed on by someone else, by this organization, that organization, these preachers, those preachers. He was the man who we both know solicited the help of God in his political campaign. And I even said it on last week, and I said it jokingly. You know, when I first met him in twenty eleven, he was considering I talked about it in the book. He was considering running for president against Barack Obama in two twelve, and he asked the group of preachers to prey on him that God would give him the wisdom to make the right decision, give him the wisdom to know whether or not to run in twenty twelve. And I said, I think God spoke to him as it, Hey, Donald, don't run in twenty twelve, run in twenty fifteen. And I got you. I hope I never hear those words in my ear because I think I want to go at that point. I'd rather go deaf, because who would ever want to run for president in this day and are? I mean, you see what's happening. Here's what I don't understand. Let's get to the bottom of this, because you're pointing out nothing to lose was Donald Trump's message to African Americans and minorities in the country. And what he was referring to is what I mentioned at the start of this this hour, which is that you know, Democrats come calling every two and four years. I have laid out the Hannity history lesson on the use of the race card. You know they're gonna put you all back in chains and Republicans have the wrong agenda for African Americans, and they don't even want to count you in the census. And it's like my father was killed all over again and elect a Republican and black churches are kind of burn president saying what have they done for your school system? What have they done to make your community safe and secure? Nothing? And then he comes and what does he do? He's able to do something remarkable, and that is record law after record law after record low unemployment for every minority demographic in the country. Barrock and Joe didn't do that. You are absolutely right. And you know, during the twenty sixteen campaign, we had those on the black left that were constantly complaining about or decrying the condition of the black community, endeavoring to make that a campaign talking point. What are you going to do for the black community? Because the black community is so dysfunctional, it's so disenfranchised, the black community is in such a deplorable condition that what are you going to do if you're president to improve the conditions in the black community? If Donald Trump to asked, Trump asked the question that it's like, okay, if it's that bad, if it's as bad as the black left is endeavoring to make it. If it's as bad as the Democratic Party is saying it is after eight years of a black president, if the black community is still in this bad a shake, then what do you have to lose voting for me? I can't make it any worse. He was saying, would give me a chance, give me an opportunity, and watch what I do. And he's stepped up to that plate when given that opportunity by eight percent of the black voting community. And what has he done? Criminal justice reform, urban revitalization, opportunities zones, prison reform, historic low levels of unemployment, historic funding for HBC used, and there are so many other things on the table. He's done some ceremonial and symbolic gestures as well, designated Martin Luther King's home of birth's home as a National Landbark. He's pardoned Jack Johnson posthumously. He's done a lot of things to endeavor himself to the black community. But he's not done it for the sake of polity ticks, with the sake of pattern. He'd done it because it was part of his overall agenda from the beginning to improve living conditions for all Americans. You know, you think about you know, your life, and I love that you talk about your transformation and how things have changed. And you were right there with the president every step of the way in twenty fifteen and sixteen, and yeah, and you by the way, and you talk about all the different people that are publicly known and your relationships with all of them. I tend to stay away from a lot of that part of it. But and how you know, you know, being on shows like My show and Fake News CNN and all with Van Jones and Don Lemon, I guess it might be a different experience when you're on their show, right, Yeah, absolutely, you know why they would always you know, when I would beat one with the white news host, they would be more polite. The brook ball was Ampston Cooper's, they would be more polite. But what they would do, they would always go get a black person, a black contributor to come on against myself and even other black servits for President Trump. And the black contributors they would bring on would be the nastiest, most insolent, disrespectful people you ever wanted me in your life. And Don Lemon would be pretty disrespectful as well, because they felt that because they were black, they could disrespect another black and you know, me, I didn't take that crap, and so I would hit them back and smack them in the mouth twice as hard as they would smack me. And they didn't like it, and they didn't like me for it, and they would even question the call of God on my life. They would say, well, how can you be a pastor and and respond to us like this? And I would say, well, if I'm a pastor, you shouldn't talk to me like that in the first place. But you know, you know, I don't know why there's this image that it would always be one against three and one against four. It would be one Trump supporter and three or four Hillary supporters and three or four Democratic who was even worse Jeffrey Lord would sit on these panels of eight than was him versus everybody else? Or Kaylee mcinanny would you know versus everybody else? And so you know, they obviously stacked the deck. But you're pretty good at defending yourself. I don't have any worries about you. How do you think you know? Look, there's polls out now that show that African Americans and Hispanic Americans are showing more support for Donald Trump. I mean in the case of African Americans, it's three times the support he's had that he had in twenty sixteen. And with Hispanic Americans at last Paul, I think I saw was up twelve or fourteen. My question is are those poles real? Because if they're real and they translate into votes, this is a whole different race this year. I'm gonna say the poles aren't real, only because I believe there's more support for him than the poles will reflect. You know, our people culturally, we don't answer a lot of questions from strangers just the way it is. And there. You know, there's a lot of people in the Black community and the Latino community, but on the Black community, they don't want to be a part of cancel culture. They don't want the arguing, they don't want the big wing. They don't want to back and forth. They don't want the ostracism, the criticism, the condemnation that comes with being an outspoken Trump supporter. But they note that when they get in that boot, they're going to vote. I think the pay right him if stare it there. Pastor Darryl Scott, nothing to lose, Unlikely Allies and the struggle for a better Black America. I want to get a prediction from you when we get back for one sean. You want to be a part of the program. Our friend, Pastor Darryl Scott, remains with us. He's got a brand new book out, Nothing to Lose, Unlikely Allies and the Struggle for a Better Black America. We've talked at length. The President ran on a slogan for minorities. Well, you got nothing to lose because they didn't. They make all the promises every two years, every four years, they tell you Republicans are racist and sexist and misogynist and homophobic and xenophobic and islamophobic, and they want dirty air and water. And they pulled out of the par Climate Accord. Well, you know, the Paris Climate Accord recognizes China as a third World country, so they don't have to pay what we pay. How about we stop and get out of it for that reason, which is nuts. But the President did something Barack and Joe never did for minorities in this country, created opportunity zones and in places where neighborhoods and Americans have been literally denied opportunity. The president was the one that funded for the longest commitment, largest amount of money to historically black colleges. Criminal justice reform wasn't Barack and Joe. It was Donald Trump. Prison police reform. It was not Barack and Joe was Donald Trump. Record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. Donald Trump did, not Joe and not Barack. It's amazing there. Economic record was atrocious. I mean it's amazing to me. The mob, the media will never point any of these things out to you. They they just refuse. I'll give you thirteen million more Americans food stamps. They increased the people the number of Americans on food stamps by fifty eight percent. Eight million more Americans in poverty after eight years of Joe on Barack. That's over forty three million Americans they left in poverty. Lowest labor participation rates since the seventies ninety five million Americans out of the labor force. Under Barack and Joe, African Americans out of the labor force was eighteen point five percent, the worst recovery since the forties, one in five American families didn't have a single member of their family in the workforce. One in six men in those important work years of eighteen to twenty four were either in jail or living at home with mommy and daddy. Lowest homeownership rate in fifty one years, accumulated more debt than every forty three administrations before them combined, and Trump shattered every record all right, which raises the question for pastor Scotti's brand new book is out Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. Nothing to lose, unlikely allies in the struggle for a better Black America. First, you took a lot of heat as an African American pastor in Cleveland for supporting Donald Trump, didn't you. Yeah, I took a lot of heat, But I don't know, maybe because of some psychological defect I had. It really didn't bother me that much. By the way, I have the same defect. I just don't give a flying you know what. It's some cases, it's like point gasoline on a fire, and you know, and so you know it's you. It motivates. But you know, I knew one thing I knew from the private conversations I had with then Canada Trump, all the way back to two thousand and eleven, when you and I first had our conversation, got in the condition of the black community. He told me out of his mouth, all the way back in twenty eleven, he said, I believe unemployment, under employment, depressed living conditions, and poor schooling contributes to the disparities and the overall depression of the Black community. And that if I was president, jobs, better jobs, improving their surroundings, their communities, and giving them better opportunities for schooling would go a lot, go a long way in elevating the community. He told me that in twenty eleven, and I believe it. And he began repeating the same thing in twenty sixteen, and I had no reason not to believe him. The Democrats had been selling us a bill of goods for years. Hilary had been in office for years. You know, prior to that, in politics, you had Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Here's Joe Biden working with the first black president for eight years, eight straight years, and you can't think of one positive things that they did exclusively for the benefit of the black community. How is it that Joe Biden gets away with his praise of the former clansman Robert Byrd, the guy that philibustered the Civil Rights Act opposed the Voting Rights Act. How does Biden partner with this guy to fight back against the integration of schools because he doesn't want his kids going to school? Um, you know, uh that that he called a racial jungle. Kamala Harris, you know, pounded him in a debate, but now she's his VP candidate, And I believe that's why they won't allow those two to make appearances together, because the question is going to have to come up. You call it this guy a racist months ago in the primary. What happened Either you were lying then and he wasn't a racist, or you, for the sake of an opportunity, which is what I believe, you're talking about a sellout. And they got to know to call me a sellout. A sellout is a person that violates personal principles for the sake of advancement, for the sake of game. She sold out for Joe the prospect of being vice pay It made her abandon all of her prior opinions of him. But here's a guy who has a well documented history of negativity towards the black community, well documented in public life, public service. We have it on video, we have it on record. Gets a pass, pastor he gets a pass. All right, here's the important last question prediction. There weren't many of us that saw the path for Donald Trump to become president in twenty sixteen. We were both. We both saw that path was possible. I see it's possible in fifty days. I can't guarantee it. I don't have a crystal ball. I think that you know, in my mind, you better act as though you're six points down, you got two minutes left in the game, you have no timeouts, you're on your own twenty and you got to march down the field eighty yards, crossed the plane, and kick the extra point to win. It's got to be an all hands on deck moment. And if people want to stop this radical agenda, they better get to go out to old especially in your state of Ohio. Absolutely right, in Ohio and nationwide, we have to get on support U President Donald Trump. And I'm also believing, I'm believing thatll be between twenty to twenty five percent support from the black community. That's my prediction. The side of majority of all of them together, because I know too many in the hood now that we're dealing in anti trumpers three four years ago that love him now and they're going to support him. That the ground swell of support but Donald Trump in the black community is going to surface. I'm believing between twenty and twenty five, a bold prediction. If that, If that happens, it's game over. Donald Trump will be re elected, I'm believing. So all right, Well, say hello to your beautiful wife. I don't know why she seemed to like me more than you. He told me something I recognized as good people like I do. No, no, no, she's awesome. Please please sell my best regard. She's a great lady. All right, friend, nothing to lose, unlikely Allies and the Struggle for a better Black America past at Darryl Scott Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, Now out in bookstores everywhere? Are you gonna want to get a copy? Terry is employer to Terry? How are you glad you called? Thanks for being with us, Sean, It's an honor to talk to you. Thank you for taking my call, sir, Thank you, sir. I just wanted to express the concern, you know, everything that's going on with law enforcement and to hate for law enforcement. I'm in corrections and my brothers and sisters. You know, we're out numbered forty to one when it comes to the prisons are already shorthanded. And what happens if this spreads and the inmates start to riote onto us and we don't carry weapons inside the prison system, we have nothing to protect ourselves. You know, nobody's thinking about that, and you know we're kind of like the forgotten. Listen. I don't know if you know. My mom was a prison guarded all her my young life, growing up, all her adult life. He worked sixteen hours shifts. I barely saw. She was working for a family, and she is one of the one that made it through. And it's it's a very You have to be a special kind of person to work inside the prison system. I listen, I wouldn't want that job at a million years, but she was convinced I was going to be on the other side of the jail. She since passed away, but I think she worked herself to death to be honest, I listen, you're right, you guys can be sitting ducks there and these these inmates. I watched every prison show there's ever been made. These inmates are very clever. They have the ability they make weapons inside a jail, They make their own hooch inside of jail. They get drugs and phones inside a jail. I don't know how they do it, but they've they've you know, if they ever used the creative genius that exists in there for something good, they'd all be rich and they wouldn't need to be in jail. It's kind of sad to see that talent wasted on just you know, the criminal mind. But in many ways, you're right, you're a sitting duck. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? There's not much you can do. If they decide they want to turn against the guards, that could happen. It's happened before, we witnessed this before. Now. The only thing you can do at that point is, you know, try and get in and save the guards that are in there. And it's going to be a violent ending. But you know, I don't know, I don't know what else you can do except keep these guys locked up in isolation or you know, twenty three hours a day and let them out one at a time. You know that doesn't go a long way to rehabilitating anybody, right, No, it doesn't. And all best you can do is just keep us all in your prayers, all law enforcement. I love my brothers and sisters, and and uh, I just pray for us as we do to through this. That's a that's a really really hard job. And I watched. You know, my mom wouldn't even talk about I think she was embarrassed. He as a prison guarden. You didn't want to You never wanted me to talk about it. Well, you know, you know, I'm actually proud she did that. I mean, she did it, and she worked the extra shifts, the sixteen hour shifts all the time so our kids, her kids didn't do it. Her vacations and new cars, they didn't get them, They didn't take vacations. They did it so their kids could go to Catholic schools. And they you know, they sacrifice both my parents to do that. And you know, it's I don't think it's exactly the most pleasant job on earth. But she succeeded inasmuch as you know, she accomplished her goal and paid a price for it. I believe probably died young because of it. So it's that stressful and that difficult a job, and the kind of hours she was working was insane, just insane. You know, when I try to explain this to my own kids, they don't get it. All right, Dad, I know, Okay, leave me alone, Dad. They get it, and I'll to be perfectly blunt. I didn't appreciate it enough when I was young. Otherwise I wouldn't have been so incorrigible to my format, don't leave this house. I'd be like, you can't stop me. Isn't that terrible, Linda, that's awful? Right? Yeah, that sounds about the same way you are now. When I tell you to do something, you said your father gets home. That's what I got. Wait till your father gets then she'd get him all worked up. I'd walk into and off comes the belt and here we go, oh man, and some people by the way, if anyone did that today, you'd be brought up on child abuse charge. My father. That's the problem. There's way too many parents trying to be friends of their kids instead of trying to be parents. I don't try to be I tell my kids all the time, I'm not your friend. You want a friend, go find somebody else. Exactly. I am your parent, exactly, and I'm going to remain your parent until you show me you're an adult. Did you see that New York Post article on the brat pack in New York City? Yeah? Yeah, these little these little domestic terrorists that are out there blowing everything up. Oh you mean the girl with her little dossier of plans to kick people out of their own homes and apartments. Meanwhile, she's got more money than God. She was in the parents' second homes, a one point eight million dollar apartment in New York. They had a second home on seven acres. That's where they found her. It's hard, it's really it's a struggle to hide on those seven acres. You know, I really feel so hard. You know, poor poor little rich kid makes me sick. I just they know not what they do, you know, think of it. They just they just they grew up in a school system that has deranged them and docrinates them. Okay, so I don't disagree with you, but by the same token, I think of like the Bernadine dorm And and the bill Aires of our time and what they did with the weather underground and we had that same foot right, like, they know not what they do. Okay, Well, twenty years later they were still as radicalized as they were twenty years ago, and they had no remorse or repentance for what they did. So that's what I'm afraid of when I think this mindset dominates academia. You know, I stay out of my kids collegists stuff. I just stay the hell away because I can't get I'll drive myself nuts, I really will. I when my kids tell me what they're learning and the stuff that the professors say. Now my kids happen to agree with their dad. It's pretty interesting, but I tell them, don't express your views in college is shut up. I was just talking about this yesterday at church. I was standing there telling them to shut up. I'm like, you know what, I can't just get your degree, do your thing, and if you if it warrant you, you can speak up. I'll support you speaking up. But honestly, if you know, you gotta really want to enter that world, you know. Like that's why I admire Charlie Kirk so much. Him and turning Point USA. I'm just not ready for my kids to take on the burden of you know, having a dad that's a well known conservative, it's just not worth it to me. You know. Let them enjoy their childhood, let them find what they love in life, and then I'll support them to get there. But I've told both my kids, I said, I'm not giving you all my money. You gotta live life. You will. God gave all of you, both of you talent. Find it. I'll help you find it. I'll give you the resources you need to do the best job you can. But after that, you gotta work. You gotta find. You gotta serve other people in this life. You don't get served your whole life. You know, this is like the perfect enclave into doing our job creators live read here because job creator is all about that, you know, that's what they are. They're about getting people to work, showing them how to get a job, showing them how to get you know, their best skill set. And this is something that these kids have never had to think about. And now you know, we're the taxpayer is paying them to be political terrorists in our streets, to work for Act Blue and Democracy Now and all these other people. And I'm telling you, the search for the money behind these these protests and the riots. That's going to be the real source of the answer of how we put an end to it. I think you're right. We'll get the live, free or die America, the world on the brink eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn Tolfree telephone number forty percent off, by the way, as it relates to now getting the definitive information on what this campaign is and will be all about and what's at stake in all of this. Byron york Is, the chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner, is a great calumnist, great author, Fox News contributor, provides names countless on the record, behind the scenes accounts for the true motives of Russia Gate, impeachment, the witch hunt, built on dozens of hours of interview in his brand new book, it's called Obsession Inside the Washington Establishments, Never Ending War on Trump. And this is a must read book because you know, we got an election coming up in forty nine days, and you know why why Donald Trump initially resisted advice to fire Combe conversations exposing Muller's suspected cognitive decline. Everybody knew about it. I don't know what GPS is. It's not a trick question. I have no idea what Fusion GPS is. I didn't know I had a Clinton attorney working for me. I mean, it's unbelievable. And he obviously when he did testify, he wasn't on, not in the loop, basically knew nothing. It was an embarrassment. Bill Barr has commented how there could be additional criminal charges in the Durham investigation and he doesn't think Durham interim report will affect anything regarding the election. And here's what he said, Well, ask you finally about the Durham report. Is John Durham nearing the end of his investigation. Yeah, I'm not going to characterize exactly where he is. I'll just leave it at that. Okay, would you say it's unlikely that they'll be further criminal charges? Now, I wouldn't say that at all. Now, So there could be, Yeah, there could be. Will we hear anything about the Durham report before the election. Yeah, I'm not going to get into that either. Well, could there, for example, be an interim report. I'm not going to get into what there might be. Well, how about the question this way, if there is an interim report before the election, won't some people think that that's an attempt to influence the election? Or would that be a fair accusation if there were an interim report? Well, this is sort of a hypo or a hypo why not? Okay, but I'll just say yeah, Nowadays there are people who will say anything, and you can almost bank on the fact as to what they're going to say. And I don't let that bother me. I'm going to do what I think is right in in the public interest. You wouldn't be concerned if there were an interim report. Depends on what the report said. And you know, as I've already said, you know, I'm conscious of the election, and I don't think any of the things that are being worked on are going to have an adverse effect on that. And I also think there's strong public interests involved as well. What would be the utility though, in an interim report? Why not wait till it's done? Well, I havn't said there is going to be one, and that's a hard question to answer. In the abstract, the book is called Obsession Inside the Washington Establishments, Never Ending War on Donald Trump Byron york Is with US investigative reporter A lot of bombshells in this book. We have to see this also through the prism of you. Now Mueller's team twenty seven phones were wipe clean, and they all seem to make the same mistake. And Andrew Weissman admits making it on one phone, and then he makes up an excuse for another phone, twenty seven of them because they put in the wrong passwords over and over again. That sounds a little suspicious Byron York. Hi, Sean, thanks for having me hit it. Look, it's very it's very difficult to erase all the contents of your cell phone by entering the wrong password. No manufacturer would make it easy to do that. People have their contacts, they have their photos, they have all sorts of things on their cell phone. It's really hard to do it. And you know, you brought up this, speaking of Andrew Wiseman, you brought up this question of Robert Mueller's cognitive decline. And we all saw on July twenty fourth, twenty nineteen, when he testified before Congress. It was supposed to be the big Watergate show for Democrats that was going to Mueller was going to stand up and deliver this indictment of President Trump and then the country would just decide that they wanted to remove President Trump from office. That was the big hope, and it was a disaster. Mueller was clearly confused at times. He had difficulty answering some basic questions, couldn't form complex sentences, and people were genuinely shocked at that. But the Trump team was not shocked because more than a year earlier, April twenty eighteen, Rudy Giuliani has just joined the Trump defense. There's a get acquainted meeting. Mueller is there. The conversation turns and you'll remember this very well. There there's a Justice Department policy that says a sitting president cannot be indicted. That was a huge part of the whole Mueller Trump case. The conversation turns to that, and Mueller does not remember it. He does not recall what this policy is. Now that Robert Mueller of old would have known all about it, but he couldn't remember. And his staff was covering for him. They're saying, oh, we know all about it. We'll get back to you later. We'll talk later. But afterwards the Trump team said, wow, what was that. We don't really know what's going on. He didn't seem familiar with the most basic aspects of the case, didn't know what fusion GPS is, He had no idea the Genie Ray was once Clinton's attorney. I mean, I was shocking to hear this big concern, not just because in addition to just the human concern about a man having difficulty dealing with things, the reason this was a big concern was remember when he hired at the beginning, he hired all of these very partisan Democrats to work on his investigation, including Andrew Weissman, who actually went to Hillary Clinton's election night event in New York City, which was supposed to be the big celebration didn't work out. But we also has a history of prosecutorial abuse, as Sidney Powell, you know, all of these partisan Democrats. And Donald Trump complained about this, He said, wait a minute, you're investigating me and you hired partisan democrats. And all of Mueller's defenders said, Bob Mueller is straight down the middle. He will keep these prosecutors in line. But when when Trump's team could see behind the scenes that Muller was perhaps not up to running the office, they then began to wonder who really is running this office, and I'll tell you they never really found out. So I think one of the bigger blockbusters in the book is that Muller's team knew very early in the investigation there was zero evidence of Russian collision as a matter of fact, just the opposite. Now we know that James Coley, who signed the first FISA application, and the bulk of that information we now confirmed it's not an issue anymore. Was the dirty dossier. Sally Ate said it, and McCabe had said it, and everyone else pretty much has said it that without the dossier they wouldn't have gotten the FISA application improved. So they relied on a bought and paid for Russian misinformation document. Hillary paid for it, and Steele had a political agenda, and they kept all of this from the court. They were worn numerous times before the first FISA application, you know. Then after the president's elected, then Comy goes to Trump Tower, the famous Trump Tower meeting this Stacier. It's salacious, but it's unverified. Now it says on the top of a FIES application. Verified. Then we know that Steele's subsource when was interviewed in January twenty seventeen, the subsource said None of this is true. This is all bar talk. So they knew then that there was no evidence. They knew before the first FIES application. They certainly knew in January twenty seventeen. That is absolutely correct on this. You know, behind the scenes, people didn't know this. Trump was stunned by the appointment of special prosecutor. He didn't expect that. But once it happened, he had had to deal with the office, and he came up with a proposal that was really radical cooperation. He made a deal with Muller. There was a there was a meeting within the first few weeks of Mueller's tenure. He didn't even have all of his office furniture yet, and the Trump team said to him, look, President Trump wants this investigation over quickly. Now you the special counsel. You're gonna want all sorts of evidence from us. You're going to want documents. You're gonna want to interview people. A lot of that's covered by executive privilege. We could object it to take forever to fight it out. But here's the deal. President Trump will give you everything, all the interviews, all the documents, everything, if you will promise to get this investigation over quickly, and Robert Mueller and John Dowe, the president's lawyer, shake hands over it. Never written down, wasn't signed, but they shake hands over it. So what happens is Mueller immediately begins to look for collusion, just like you were talking about. He's looking for collusion. But by the fall of twenty seventeen, after just a few months, the Trump people can see that Muller's coming up with nothing. He has nothing. So in late twenty seventeen, in December, they have a big meeting and the Trump people say, look, we know you've been looking for collusion, you haven't found it. It's time to wrap this up. We held up iro end of the deal. We gave you everything, and it's time to wrap this up. And instead of wrapping it up, the Mueller's team said, no, we're not wrapping it up. We're going to look into allegations of obstruction to justice. And by the way, we need to interview the president. So all of this cooperation that the President had done with Mueller really came to nothing, even though Mueller could not find collusion. Pretty pretty unbelievable when you think about it now. You also in the book, you go into this whole impeachment obsessed party and how Nancy Pelosi gave into the mob. Within our party, there was a real quid pro quo, and that was Joe Biden's holding out a billion taxpayer dollars as leveraged on tape bragging about it. You're not getting a billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my zero experience. Son who went on GMA and said, do you have any expertise knowledge and energy? No? And oil, no, gas no, Ukraine no? Why are you being paid millions of dollars? I don't know. Do you think because your father controlled the money? Maybe? Yeah, probably that's it. Now Ron Johnson is saying that the Ukraine report will show Joe Biden's unfitness for office, and Peter Schweitzer would think is a great investigative reporter, says, new evidence makes Hunter Biden's business deals reek worse than ever. So let's go back to what you put in your book, which is that on all of these things, Trump lawyers were less worried about the Democrats Ukraine investigation, and then Nancy Pelosi gave into the pressure to do it. Yeah. Remember during the twenty eighteen campaign, for Congress. The Democratic strategy was don't talk about impeachment in public and plan for impeachment in private. And that's exactly what happened. And immediately after they won, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, two of the chairman, began planning for impeachment. But you know, there was a moment that happened in December twenty nineteen, which is not even a year. December twenty nineteen, House Democrats are racing to impeach the president. They are rushing to get it done by Christmas. And a reporter asked Nancy Pelosi, what is the hurry, what's the rush here? And Nancy Pelosi said, there's no rush. This has been going on for two and a half years since Muller, and a lot of Republicans said, wow, finally she has admitted it. This impeachment. It's not about Ukraine, it's not about a phone call. It's part of a continuing effort to try to remove the president from office. There was a long effort hoping to impeach the president on the basis of what Muller found. And when that blew up fizzled, whatever immed you want to use when that went away, Ukraine popped up, So the whole time there was a long effort to remove the president from office. It's unbelievable. I mean, it is a page turner. As Molla Hemingway said, it's called obsession inside the Washington Esta. Wishman's Never Ending War on Trump will continue with Byron York. I want to ask you when we get back, if you think this is going to impact the election and we're going to get a report or more indictments, and as we continue our investigated reporter Washington Examiner political correspondent Byron York is with us, also a Fox News contributor, Obsession inside the Washington establishments, never Ending War on Trump. So I guess now the question is what do we see at a Durham and the days leading up to this election. Is it going to be a report? Is it going to be more indictments. There's been a lot of speculation in the last forty eight hours about what's coming next and something's coming soon. Well, all the sound you just played from Bill Barr didn't really clarify it much. A lot of people thought it would have been out by labor day. Labor days come and gone. My feeling is there's two ways to look at it. There's looking at a report as a way to find out more about what happened. And I think we're definitely going to get that. We're going to get that. It's going to tell us more, for example, about what the ci A did in targeting Trump. Um that the Justice Department Inspector General I'm here in the CIA might come out looking better than anybody thought, including myself. And as much as they were telling them not to use the dirty dossier, they were leaking it on the other hand, but they were. There was a debate about the dossier, and the CIA called it internet gossip. But there's there is still more to learn about that now. On the question of indictments, I mean, clearly some people want to see some somebody you know, put in handcuffs and taken down to the station. I just don't know if we're going to see that. Um. I'm hearing that they would be prominent names, and maybe not some that I think absolutely should be there, but people that we will all know well. And that's that's the latest that I heard. Now. I don't know. We've been waiting a long time either way. The book is fascinating. It's it's well researched. I gotta give you a lot of credit, as you always do impeccable research. It's called the obsession inside the Washington establishments. Never any more on Trump. It will never stop even if the president wins reelection Byron York. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com now out in bookstores everywhere you have the audiobook and kindle as well. Thank you, sir for being Willis Sean. Thanks for having me, really appreciate it. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. He draws his inspiration from US soldiers and the brave men and women who wear the blue, the warriors who never run from a fight. They run to it. And in this fight to save the soul of our country, it's time to wake the silent majority. Let this moment radicalize you. The battle lines are drawn, the mission is clear, and the time is upon us. With your help, in November third, Republicans are going to win the House, win the Senate, and again win the White House. When the brave are prepared, there's no battle we can't win. Let's do this suit up, chin down, and he'll take the lead. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, puckle up, twenty five down till the top of the hour. And this is the tipping point election of our lifetime. And there is only thirty nine days to go and they will fly by now. A lot of revelations just literally come tumbling down. What did we learn in to this week alone? The depth and extent of corruption and they knew it the whole time about quit pro quo, Joe's zero experience hunter goes way beyond Ukraine and you're not getting the billion unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my zero experience on We'll get back to that. It also includes Kazakhstan and Russia and China on level we never dreamed of. Hundred thousand dollars Chinese funded shopping sprees, bank transfers with Russian nationals, Ukrainian nationals, and Chinese nationals, and it goes so far beyond anything that we ever knew. We learned this week that the Dirty Steel dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, that the source for Christopher Steele that they knew was a Russian spy for ten years prior from two thousand and nine on, and they still allowed it to be used. Remember Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates what they say. Without the Steel dossier, there is no FISA application. It would never have been granted. They purposely mislead the court. What did I call it then? What am I calling it now? Premeditated fraud on a FISA cord for the purpose of spying on a presidential candidate, his trans transition team and deep into the presidency well Rampaul and others saying, yeah, we need to investigate zero experienced Hunter. And remember at the heart of this, remember the impeachment over a phone call President's Alinsky. Nothing on that phone call that was inappropriate one fact witness in the entire impeachment process. The other witnesses were all hearsay or opinion witnesses. A one fact witness, what did the president say? He said he wants nothing. He didn't want to quit pro quo. He just wants them to clean up their act, which by the way, is being responsible with taxpayer of money. But that's not what Joe was bragging about in this tape, and that's not what Hunter was saying to Good Morning America said I'm not going to even Ober. We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You're not the president, the president said, I said, calling him, I said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was what six hours. I look, I said, leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. Well, son of them got fired. In the list that you gave me of the reasons why you're on that board, you did not list the fact that you were the son of the Of course, Yeah, what role do you think that played. I think that it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I'm the son of the vice president of the United States. You were paid fifty thousand dollars a month for your position. Look, I'm a private citizen. One thing that I don't have to do is sit here and open my kimono as it relates to how much money I make or make or did or didn't. But it's all been reported. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Barisma. I don't know. I don't know, probably not. I don't think that there's a lot of things that would have happened in my life that if my last name wasn't Biden. Even going to potential funding and associations with people that are known traffickers and those in the adult entertainment industry. We're going to be polite about it. Matt Gates is with us, by the way, he has a new book out, Firebrand Dispatches from the front Lines of the Maga Revolution. Thank you, sir for being with us. This has been a blockbuster week or revelations. Of course, the mob and the meeting is trying to ignore it, but I don't think the American people are going to ignore this. How are you, sir? Oh? Thanks for having me, Sean. And it is something to look back at the evidence that we laid bare before the American people on the various platforms that you manage, about the lies of the Mullar team, about the bias that was there. And you'll remember the whole left wing media apparatus, all the Democrats and even some Republicans were shilling for the FBI, were saying that they did nothing wrong with me, that it had nothing to do with Donald Trump. In fact, it was like gop Icon trade Gaudi, who said that we should all just be happy with what the FBI is doing. They're not out to get Trump. The Muller team should be allowed to do their work. And what those Republicans didn't realize is that the process is the punishment. This was never about having Donald Trump proven to be a Russian agent. That was nonsense from the start. They wanted this long investigation to cast a doubt on the legitimacy of the Trump presidency because they don't want to have a real fair argument with the president about infrastructure, or trade or immigration. It's all got to be about key legitimizing the messenger. The left was successful at distracting the country for years on this nonsense, and I'm disappointed in my fellow Republicans who didn't see clearly what this challenge really was. For years on this program and on my TV show, I said, and this is under Bayner, and this is under Paul Ryan, that Republicans are weak, that they are feckless, that they're spineless, that they're visionless. Donald Trumps has literally single handedly revitalized a fight within the Republican ranks. And it's not everybody yet, but you're certainly part of it. And they're you know, sixty five show votes on Obamacare to repeal and replace it. When it mattered, they were nowhere to be found. The US Senate, you know, a year before Donald Trump's elected, they vote to just eliminate Obamacare, just erase it. And then seven, you know, when it mattered, seven Republican senators said never mind, which which tells you everything you need to know about their weakness and their fecklessness and their lack of vision. Why is there why is there so few that want to get in the fire and fight well, Sean, I write in my book fire Brand that the political parties want to convince you that they're really there to save you and that the other party is out to get you. The reality is both parties are oftentimes partying on your dime, the American people, and the parties aren't even that fun. And so what it takes is that firebrand spirit that I think the President exemplifies to get people on board with challenging the status quo, challenging the system. And that was what the Russia hoax was about the whole time President Trump, General Flynn. They were going to reorganize the intelligence apparatus. They weren't going to allow, you know, the tale to wag the dog when it came to unelected bureaucrats making the consequential decisions for our country. And that's a threat to just more than the Democrats. It's a threat to the bureaucracy. It's a threat to a system that has benefited a lot of Republicans. Look, how do you think Republicans get into Republican leadership. They play the game, and the game is corrupt and rigged against the American people. By the way, I've got to point out, you don't make friends in this book. You're not out to make friends in this book. I was a little surprised that at some of the blunt force honesty about Republican colleagues and others in the book. Although I would like to guess the names of some of the other people that you talk about, I've discussed it in my own way. You know, Washington is like this incestuous cess pool, and you have the stabs of the congressmen and the senators, and sometimes the congressman and the senators themselves. You know, they mix with the media mob and it's one big frat party, if you will. That's really going on with the winks and the nods. And you know, I'll give you this information if you give me good coverage. I mean, this is stuff, This is standard operating procedure in that town. Yeah. I mean I write in the chapter Enemy of the People that the media has become less an entity to investigate and report and it's more about them making the news themselves. And that's why the Hannity program was so important all these years. It was an opportunity for us to get the truth out in front of the American people. And when we did, you know, the criers and the liners over at CNN, Oh, they were triggered to the tenth degree because they were trying to force feed the country lies about the president so that we wouldn't get to some of these key issues. And you bring the country into good focus by saying I'm not exactly liked by these swamp either. I mean, I guess forty five pages of three O two's would it would be a good example of that. Or being number one on the list of people in our Ukrainian Embassy in terms of being monitored or thirteen hundred text messages private text messages of mind being released publicly. I'd say that that puts me on the front lines right there with you. Not that I really give a fruit flying rip To be honest, at this point in my life and career, I just don't care. Let me ask you about thirty nine days from now. You're the first to draw my attention to the issue of you know, we all heard about Mike Bloomberg, you know, dumping one hundred million dollars into your state of Florida to influence the election to help Biden. But then being part of this effort and funding this effort and raising money for this effort to pay off the fines and whatever other civil penalties that are owed by convicts that they believe. I guess they're going to vote for Biden. The Attorney General now and the governor are on your side in terms of investigating this. The Attorney General of Florida, where do we stand with that? Yeah? I called for an investigation of the Bloomberg activities in Florida on your program. Within twenty four hours of that call, the Florida Attorney General directed this Office of Statewide Prosecutor in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to look into it. Three key facts. One, this is not hang off fines for everybody. If you're white, if you're not previously registered to vote, if you're not going to vote a particular way, no Bloomberg bail out for you too. This is a situation where they wrote an admission state. By the way, this is all in writing that if you don't profile as a Biden voter, that you're not going to get the money. That. Yeah, if something do good or just came in and said I'm gonna pay everybody's fines off, that wouldn't be criminal. But here you have this admissions statement where they say the reason we're doing it is because it creates an indebtedness of these people to us to Biden to vote. Third, and finally, the Florida Statute says that the inducement to get somebody to change their voting behavior does not have to be direct. It could also be indirect. So this novel feature of Florida law, combined with the unprecedented statement by the Bloomberg associates that they are specifically doing this to influence the election. I think warrants an investigation. You know, Look, they are not going to be able to steal this election from us in Florida. Sean. I'm worried about Pennsylvania. I'm worried about some other places. But we're going to run a clean election here. Oh I mean probably because I guess we have new electors down in ben Broward County, in Palm Beach County, and some other parts of Florida. And as we continue, Matt Gates is with US Congressman Florida is new book, fire Brand Dispatches from the front Lines of the Maga Revolution. Amazon dot com, Hannity dot Com, bookstores everywhere. Look, it's it's hard for any Republican to win. You got to win Florida, that's never easy. It's always close. Georgia is going to be close. You've had shifting trends towards the Democratic Party there in North Carolina. You got to pay very close attention to them. But you've got to hold obviously, Ohio. No Republicans made it to the White House without Ohio. IOA. You got to hold that. Arizona. It's a very tight race. The president one up by four in twenty sixteen. Now recent polls have them up by two, but it's very tight. Then you got to look at other states like Nevada and New Mexico. Nebraska two main congressional district two could make all the difference in the end. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hampshire all have to be in play. Also, Yeah, I mean what's really happening to shift the political tectonic plates is the movement of Hispanic voters to President Trump. And I have a theory wat that real, by the way, that is so real, and it is animated by the Biden Harris embrace of the most radical, neo Marxist, destructive, arsonistic impulses of the Black Lives Matter movement. A lot of Hispanics are builders. They build strong churches, strong family, strong communities. And you're talking, I just want to delinea you talking about Black Lives Matter, the group that chants, you know, what, do we want dead cops? Why don't we want them? Now? Yeah, the the organizing elements of Black Lives Matter are explicitly Marxist. I mean, you know that is what that is the political ideology that they are pushed. That's not to say that everyone who's engaged in the peaceful protest as a Marxist, but when you look at the organizing influence, that is what it is, and a lot of Hispanics are only one or two generations removed from real socialism, not like the socialism that you talk about in a Hackey Sack game at your favorite coffee shop, but like socialism where there's no bread to eat at the store. And I think that that is helping us in Florida, it'll help in Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. We're starting to see those states come into play in a new way, expanding the map of potentiality. You predicted Trump victory. I gotta run