The Best of Sean Hannity: Happy Thanksgiving

Published Nov 28, 2019, 11:00 PM

The Best of Sean Hannity is here with interviews by Donald Trump Jr, Don Brown, Pete Hegseth and Loui Gohmert, Clint Lorance and Don Brown. Also, Dr. Josh Umbehr and Dr. Lee Gross stop by the show to revolutionize healthcare in America! Plus Tyler Merritt and Eddie Gallagher share their amazing story about the Nine Line Foundation.

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The best of Sean Hannity is on now, will come to your city, Will be Desire and if you want a little buying, Junior and come along. But I'm increasingly worried that President Trump may want to shut down the government again because of impeachment. This impeachment is not only an attempt to undo the last election, is an attempt to influence the next one as well. On this vote, the ai are two hundred and thirty two, the nays are one hundred and ninety six. The resolution is adopted without objection. The motion to reconsider is laid upon the table tea minus three hundred and forty one day still the presidential election coming to your sty You concres the new Sean Hannity Show, more behind the scenes information on freaking news, and more bold inspired solutions for America. Yesterday, the Democrats voted to potentially numify the votes of sixty three Median Americans, disgracing themselves and bringing shame upon the House of Representatives. They've been plotting to overthrow the election since the moment I won. But the people here that are highly sophisticated NOE long before I won. Nineteen minutes after I took the oath of office. The horrible newspaper, fake fake, fake Washington Post declared the campaign to impeach President Trump has just begun. At least they gave us nineteen minutes. Yesterday's vote by the radical Democrats is an attack on democracy itself. But I'll tell you, the Republicans are really strong, the strongest I've ever seen, the most unified I've ever seen. The American people are fed up with Democrat lives, hoaxes, and extremism. The democrats outrageous conduct has created an angry majority that will vote many do nothing Democrats out of office in twenty twenty. Make no mistake, they're coming after the Republican Party in me because I'm fighting for you. They don't like it. This is different. They've never had anything like this. Well, they've never had an election like twenty sixteen either, have they They've never quite figured it out and they know they can't win. So let's try and impeach him. How about that crazy representative of al Green? Right, you know we got to impeach him because we can't beat him. I don't think so, right, I don't think so Algreen. He's another beauty. He's another beauty, A great rally on Friday that was in the great state of Mississippi eight hundred and nine for one Sean Toulfrey telephone number. You know, I love what the President is saying, especially on Ukraine. And we got into this in the last hour. Read the transcript. What do you know? What do we know? We know Ukraine interfered in the twenty sixteen elections. We know they did it to benefit Hillary. We know a court decision confirmed such in Ukraine. We know Ukraine leaders offering us all the evidence we want. We know Politico wrote about it January eleven, twenty seventeen, and that they were effective. It's like, you know, election interference doesn't matter if you're buying a dirty Russian dossier and leaking it before the election and then you use it as the basis of faiza warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, transition and presidency. That's fine in the world of insane liberal Democrats and the mob in the media. But you know, Joe Biden, Hunter, Biden, No, but you're not getting the billion dollars. You're know, you got six hours you just you fire them, you get the billion, you don't fire him. You don't get the billion quid pro quo Joe, and I can only imagine what would happen to any anybody with the last name Trump if they give an interview. What experience do you have in Ukraine? None? Oil, none, gas, none energy? None? Wow, what experienced? I was on the Amtrak board once? What does that have to do with anything? Same with China, no experience ten days after flying there with Daddy, one billion Bank of China later becomes a billion five. I haven't gotten a penny from China. But then his lawyer says, yeah, but he has all this equity that he just hasn't cashed in yet, which he will do. And millions of dollars for no experience, the second most powerful guy. And what does the media say? No evidence that he did anything wrong? None? Once? What he's on tape bragging about a shakedown and literally using a billion taxpayer dollars to do it, to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor we now know was investigating his kid. Oh no, no, no evidence of wrong doing, none whatsoever? Like, oh, we're living in a crazy world. Anyway, Don Junior is with us. He's releasing his new book to day It's called triggered. Well, that's the perfect title, right, triggered. How the left thrives on hate and wants to silence us. He has been one of the strongest people out there defending his father day in and day out. He does it fearlessly, not love, particularly by the left. Don Junior, how are you, sir. I'm doing well yourself, Sean, I'm good. You know what I did like about the opening of the book, and I just got my copy over the weekend. You dedicated the book to the smelly Walmart people, irredeemable deplorables, those that cling to their gods, their guns, their Bibles and religion, those of us that are bitter Americans, as Obama said, But you dedicated the book to the deplorables. Explain. Yeah, listen, I think they deserve it. You know, throughout all of the craft, all of the travails that we've gone through through, you know, the Muller hoax, the impeachment, not just the one you know that they're talking about now, but when it started on November nine, twenty sixteen. You know, those are the people that not once did they waver, Not once did they buy into it. Not once did they doubt my father. You know, they all recognize he's the last guy in the world that needed this job. But he's doing it, and he's doing it well despite unprecedented incoming Sean and so, you know, honestly, it was those people who he did it for, who he's running for. It's those people who, you know, motivates me to go out there and fight. You know, those people and my kids and their future. You know, that's my motivation for doing all these things. So I figured, if if someone deserves the dedication, it is them. Because they've been there. I believe they will continue to be there. If they know what's good for them in their future, they will continue to be there. But I think they get that, you know, tongue in cheek aside, you know, I gotta tell anecdotally needed the shout out. I was in Chicago and Detroit over the weekend, given speeches and and go on to some of my radio Philly. It's a meeting a lot of people. I will tell you that the anger is palpable, and I can see it. We're now three hundred and sixty four days away from I think the tipping point election in terms of the future of this country. There's such a stark difference in terms of what they would do and how they would I mean, the New Green Deal alone, Elizabeth Warren's fifty two trillion dollars ten year Medicare for all program, we only take in four trillion a year. If I have trillion a year, it's basically nine of US government. Right, No, it's more, it's more we wouldn't take in that with fifty two trillion in ten years. That's the problem, and then ninety four trillion on the New Green Deal. It's it's nuts, Sean, there's no rhyme or reason to it. But you're right. I mean, the left is motivated by hatred, not logic, not facts, because facts that's like left descript Tonite right that they don't work. But hatred is a big motivator. So what we need to do is make sure that our guys turn out that reasonable people in the middle see what's going on, that they recognize that whether it's the Mueller hoax, whether it's the new impeachment hoax. You know, it's like what they tried to do to me with Mona. You know, I take an unsolicited phone call and I spent thirty hours millions of dollars thirty hours testifying in front of Congress. Hillary Clint literally pays foreign agents to go a mass and compile of fake news. Donacay. It gives it to the FBI, who then lead it to the media, who then use that story as a justification to start an investigation of a sitting president who try to nullify the results of the twenty sixteen election in a coup. That's no problem, But literally taking an unsolicited phone call is. I mean, that is the sickness, that is the hypocrisy that we were up against. Sean. I mean, I covered this really extensively in the book, and it's you know, the sort of the first time I've been able to speak about it in long form. But people have to recognize that is the lunacy over the left and in in places like that, if you're in Chicago or some of these places obviously left the strongholds, but you know, even in reasonable Middle America Sewan, where there is a strong you know, Democrat presence, or there has been at least historically, you know, the blue collar Democrat towns and union workers. I asked those guys because the history of the tradition of voting that way is important. I go, you know, what would your grandfather think about? You know, you got into this. Your grandfather voted Democrat. Your father voted Democrat. What would your grandfather or father think about two days two days Democrat? You know, I'm gonna look at you know, the greatest example, though, these people have lost their minds, show the greatest example of how appropriate The title of this book is triggered by the way it's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, now on bookstores everywhere, just out today. You know what the amazing thing Donna is though, is look at what they did to sixteen year old kid, Nicholas Samant. Now in the end, because he's not a public figure, you're like us. They basically can say anything they want about people like you and me, and we have no recourse. I mean, libel laws are such actually using the book, you know if they are, if they are willing to destroy a fifteen year old kid's life. He did nothing, He did nothing wrong. Everyone acknowledges that. Now, that didn't stop them from Hey, he was a white Southern male who happens to be Christian and wearing a maga hat. That was like the holy grail of leftist like, we got to cancel this guy. This guy can't have an opinion, he can't have a voice. He must be every ist you know in the book, and we got to destroy him. But think about that, if the left and the mainstream media would destroy willingly, knowingly a fifteen year old kid's life, his future, based on no evidence, no fact, no nothing, who who won't they It was just listen, I don't think I don't think you or I are capable of handling it as well as that sixteen year old kid did. First he has to go through the black Hebrew Israel lights, you know, using racial comments and taunting these young kids. Then then this narrative goes out there you have the the Nathan Phillips, the Native American activists. Unfortunately they got a ten seconds snippet and then they built this whole narrative that none of which was true. Because it was Nathan Phillips that went up to and got right in the face of Nicolas Samm banging that drum and why because he had he had a mega hat on don a mega hat. Well, because it was it was ever you know, he had a combat that Native America. Oh, this guy's perfectly you know, they didn't you know, bother to check that he's not, uh, you know, my minor details, because again it was too good for it to be true. It was, Oh, we have to run with it. But again, if they could destroy that kid's life, who won't they destroy If you don't buy in entirely to their nonsense, look at what they did, you know, just look at Kavanaugh. I mean, a guy that you know, the only thing i'd heard about Kavanaugh before that I'd seok pictures of him in soup kitchens every weekend for the last ten years, you know, serving food to people in the less fortunate. You know, they would take him, destroy his career, but more importantly, destroy his children, destroy his family, destroy anything anything that stands on the way, because they believe that he beeth thoretted to their leftist values. I mean, that's how these people fight, Sean, you know, but there's two aspects of times who's actually fought back against this stuff, And it's why we're actually finally winning and hopefully creating a new class of Republicans who have the guts to actually stand up for what they believe and not just pretend they they do in stump speech and then turn the other cheek and get steamrolled like we've done for the last fifty years. You know, I think their hatred is bringing out, you know, those in the Republican Party and creating stars in the Republican Party because they're actually willing to fight back against that hatred. You know, that's an important thing because if we just take this lightly, if we just sit back, oh, it's not a big it's over shan. I don't think that's an overstatement either, And I don't think it's hyperbole. There's that much at stake. And I just mentioned two things. I mean, you add a wealth tax and medicare for all fifty two trillion, and the New Green Deal and eliminating the lifeblood of our economy oil and gas and the combustion engine, and everything is free. Is it is so beyond unsustainable and so spectacularly dangerous. It is. It's remarkable that the mob and the media they don't they have no there's no critical analysis ever. One thing in the book that I did well, analysis only goes one way show in the rope. You know, Elizabeth Warren fifty two trillion dollars over ten years of the new plan. But think about that. She goes, it won't raise any not a penny to the middle class. She goes, We're going to take it all from billionaires. Well, there's six hundred billionaires, okay, six hundred in America. If you took take one billion from each of them, because you know, a couple of them were three or four billion, maybe it could take one. You know, some may only be worth a billion, so you'd probably take all of their money, but take a billion dollars from each of them. It covers one percent of her plan. So if you cover one percent of the plan by taking one billion dollars from every billionaire in America, that doesn't exactly see him fair. But you know the minor details. If you're leftist, how you pay for the other ninety nine percent of the plant? You destroy the economy, You create debt and an interest load that is not sustainable for the future. These leftists are playing with our children's futures, their livelihoods, our grandchildren's futures, and their livelihoods by making unrealistic promises. Because it's really easy to be Santa Claus and pretend that everything's free and everything will pay for itself, Green New Deals ninety three trillion. It's going to pay for itself. How that's you can't ask that question. That's terrible. There's no one that can justify these things. But because this is one hundred and fifty trillions of the leftist party in ten years, I got to take a break, though. Stay there. Donald Trump Junior with Us. He's just released right now, Triggered, How the Left drives on hate and wants to silence us? Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere, And we'll come back. He's going to stay with us for another segment on the other side of the half hour at the News, after the bottom, after the News, at the bottom of the hour, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Seawan told Frey telephone number, you want to be a part of the program. Donald Trump Junior with Us. Just releasing his first interview his brand new book. It's called Triggered, How the Left thrives on hate and wants to silence us, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. Well, there was one anecdote that I really enjoyed you telling in the book, which is about your dad. And it's pretty funny that, you know, as you said, the tweeter in chief, the so called Shakespeare of one hundred and forty characters, told you that you're getting a little bit too hot on your social media accounts. And I kind of chuckled when I heard that, um, because yeah, I think your dad gets a little hot on there. Also, yeah, that's I think we said that some things are genetic and some things you can't exactly. But that was the one that was the one vocal like john uh yeah, Johnna, think you know you're getting a little aggressive on that. Like wait a minute, like you like, you know, I will listen to pot kettle, take your advice on business, on life, on just about anything. This is the one place where you may not have you may not be able to get me on this one. But it was pretty funny and it was you know, here's my observation. We are the way we joke. I think you are most like your dad of all the kids, and I think Eric is Look, all of you guys are brilliant. You're all successful in your own right. I've known you all for many years because I remember years and years and years ago, long before your dad would have thought about really running for president. If I do an interview with your dad or I saw him at a Trump tower, You'd always walked me over to say hi to you, walk me over to say hi to Ivanka and Eric and you know, so I got to know you guys over your years. But in terms of fighting, battling, being combative, i'd say you're you are as close to him as anybody else. Do you agree with that assessment? I think so. And it's sort of funny. I think if you would have asked even you know, whether it was in business or otherwise, you know, I would have probably been the one that they would not have said that about. It was once we got into politics, once you sort of you know, back us in a corner and try to attack us viciously for years. Uh. You know, that's when we realized that, hey, we sort of fight the same way. We both have that sort of you know, we're willing to fight back. We don't mind, uh you know, battle, we will go. We will go at it, and we will go at it hard. Uh, you know, defending ourselves, defending our family, defending our values. Uh. And so you know it took us sort of forty one years to realize that we will probably a lot more like each other and a lot closer that way than we would have ever otherwise thought, frankly. And it took the hateful Democrats to bring that out of me. So I appreciate that from them. You know, it was an interesting piece. I don't know if you ever. I don't know if you know Willy Brown. I've known Willy Brown for years. Uh former San Francisco mayor um did ever what was as high as position? I don't even remember. But anyway, Willy Brown just he is a fun loving guy, smart as hell. And he wrote an article about this impeachment madness of the Democrats and he goes on to say, yeah, if your goal was to damage the president by formalizing the impeachment inquiry, okay, mission unaccomplished for House Democrats. If anything, the vote solidified the presidents hold on power, zero GOP defections. Maybe one guy in the Senate will be I guess. Mitt Romney points out, and he said, the Democrats, it gives the people little reason to be glued to their screens because it's anti climatic. And the bottom line is that the American people see this for what it is. They'll spend the next number of months acting out of pretend cliffhanger to which everyone knows the scrapped and the ending no plot twists and sights. And you know, maybe you think this is good for reelection. But he said, come next year, Trump will have an impeachment victory and quite possibly a solid economy the Democrats will have And he says, what, And that's a great question. Does He's brightly saying, Democrats have done nothing except hate your father and those of us that like it. And he's not exactly a conservative, so you know, I think he's one hundred percent right. The reality is this. Look at Nancy Blowsy's desk. She's sitting there with USMCA for nine months. She won't vote on it, she won't bring it into the paper because she's focused on this. And you know, by the way she's pretending, you can't you know, walk and chew gum. I mean, this is something that the Democrats would all fit you overwhelmingly vote in favor of. You could pass it in about five minutes by actually putting it on her desk. That would renegotiate that has renegotiated NAPPA, which every one's that you could not do. My father did it. He just needs the House to vote on it, and it's done, okay, But she won't do that. She won't doesn't want to create jobs for more Americans, obviously, doesn't want to give Trump even a monicum of a win. But instead the waste time focusing on this, on the opinions of those who would listening to a call of a transcript that's already been released. Shawn, I mean, that's the insanity of this. He's like, there is no whistled Larner, because here's the transcript here, here's what it is. And so to do this, you know, all it's all smoke and mirrors where they let Adam Shifts be judge, jury and executioner. Not exactly the way it works in Americans. Them, but they're trying to change the rules so that they can pre vet and pre screen candidates will then be the only people who will be allowed to testify in public on this to try to have some sort of optical win. This is insanity. This is kangaroo court stuff. This is Soviet era tactics. You know, this is the stuff I write about in the book about you know, my mom escaping communism in those systems, and you know my grandfather and grandmother being from there and be growing up there seeing that being pulled out of a line because I was wearing a jean jacket with like the stars of stripes on it, Like this is that kind of mentality, and it's being pushed out there by the quote unquote party of tolerance. They're not they're tolerant when you don't agree with them. They're far from it. Frankly, there's nothing less tolerance than a leftist who's preaching tolerance. And we've seen all of that. So the whole thing is crazy. And the fact that the media is totally complicit in it, Sean. You know, democracy dies in darkness except for when we get what we want. You know, they won't question it. They don't want to know about what's going on. They have no interest in hearing anything other than what Annam Ship is willing to lead them. They won't question in the process or say is this even remotely fair? That the president can't ask questions. They can't have his council president, he can't have any I mean, this is gestapo tactics used against the duly elected president of the United States to try to overturn an election because they didn't like the results. And it's disgusting. And if it doesn't tick off even your favorite leftist, even people who are pretty Democrat, they should be really upset with this process because if it can happen here, it can happen to their guy one day. And this shouldn't be going on in the United States of America, not now and not ever. The best part of Willie Brown being right is yeah, okay, Trump will have the impeachment victory eight. You know, I think the best look, your dad has a lot to run on. He beat the Caliphate in Syria, beat them because he took off the rules of engagement, the handcuffs that the military had under Biden. O'mama. But then he takes out Bagdaddy, his successor, his spokesperson, and three other you mean you mean the austere religious scholar show. Yeah, the Austere religious scholar himself. Yes, that guy. And then you look at every economic measure. More importantly, I remember, you know, your dad was talking about what have you got to lose to minorities in America? And record low on Friday, another record law, unemployment, rape for African Americans, same with Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace. It is he's got Yes, we're better off than we were four years ago. Yes, I made promises about cutting taxes, ending bureaucracy, building a wall, originalist justice, as new trade deals and not endless wars. If we're going to fight him, we're gonna beat the crap out of him, And he did so. Then the only other thing there was an article last week, well if you take out Trumpism, trump would win by a landside, and like, well, if you take out Trumpism, then you're you're basically telling him not to be who he is, which got the success. Take out Trumpism, you wouldn't have done anything because you wouldn't get anything done because you wouldn't be willing to fight back. That's the problem. That's the difference between Trump and so many you know in the Republican Party for the last few decades. You know, they turned the other cheek and they talk great about their principles, but when they actually are questioned, when they're pushing, you know, by these leftists, they don't actually stand up and fight for them. And that's the difference. You need some of that fight, and I get that not everyone loves it all the time. But if you weren't fighting, you wouldn't get anything done because that's how the other side plays. Just like they're willing to destroy. But don't you agree with this, They're willing to unique everybody. Everybody wants to be liked. I can tell you people in the industry. I work in radio and TV. One of the things I'm most proud of twenty four years now with Fox, thirty one years on the radio. I've never ever been to a White House correspondence there. I'm gonna tell you why, because I don't like them and they don't like me. But there are so many people that want to be a part of that little bubble club that is known as DC, the swamp, the sewer of social circles in New York. I'm perfectly comfortable not being invited to anything. Joan. That's like Mitt Romney. Okay, he can be a conservative and it he would right now. He would rather be loved by the press, the same press that called him a misogynist and a race is a terrible the same press that destroyed his campaign. He would rather be loved by them than actually stand for what he believes and frankly what his constituents over and Utah stand for and believing, because they've all spoken to me about it. He would rather he thinks that they actually like him. They don't like him, they're just using him as a tool. How does he forget if he ever ran again, which he has no chance for, But if he ever ran again, they destroy him again in a second. And that's the difference between someone who has thrown someone who's weak. Let me ask you. You get personal in the book, which I found interesting. Some stuff I knew, but not that I knew any of you kids ever talked about. You talk about how when your mom and dad got divorced, the relationship with you Eric Ivanka got really stronger, and you talk about that you're different people and you've always gotten along very well. What is what was it like to grow up? I mean, you've said wealth opulence on precedent, and you kind of talk in the book, is you kind of wanted to reject that part of that life? Yeah, listen, I know I think there was aspects of it that I you know, I didn't love and didn't like. I mean, obviously, you know understood some of the experience were afforded me because of it. And you know, uh, you know, I got killed on your show last week in the press for you know, not caveating that I too am the son of a rich guy. When I was you know, hitting Hunter Biden. Now I did the week before on the show, and there's only so much time you can do. Um. But the reality is, I've always had a sort of a comfort zone with more regular Americans. It's you know, whether it's hunting, fishing, competitive shooting, my hobbies always bring me to there. It's sort of that's that's where I am. I was never, never was, or never wanted to be sort of a fixture on the New York City rubber chicken, uh black tie dinner circuit. It wasn't really my thing, and I don't think it's yours. By the way, you want to guarantee Hannity's not going to an event, say it's black tie, I'm not going exactly. And so I've sort of been that way. And so you know, again, while I recognize I'm the son of a rich gun from New York City, you know, I think my comfort zone has always been you know, in Middle America, that's where I spend my time, It's where it's in a lot of my vacations, is where most of my friends are, uh, you know, and so it's it's sort of an interesting dichotomy, and I think, you know, it's been sort of helpful as it relates to politics, because you know, you can actually relate to real people as opposed to just pretending to relate to them but not having a fundamental understanding. And so, you know, again one of the topics I sort of cover in the book because it is different, you know again, and you obviously always get canceled if you're the son of Donald Trum. How can you not. I do know that I recognize that, you know, I am who I am and where I am in a large part because of my father and all of that. But h there are distinctions and there's reasoning beyond that, and so you know, it was cool to be able to kind of cover that in long form in the book, because it's not something you can usually get out too easily. To what was the expectation of your dad, because as I understand it, you were sitting in coach the in the luggage department and he'd be in first class or you aren't flying around on his private jet. Mom, you know, we should be in first week being coach. And that was what it was. You know, I think it was important thing, you know, hard work and then and you know Eastern European mother who escaped communism and you know grandparents from there, there were blue collar people that you're bringing us up. I mean, one of the big things they instilled in us that was probably lost on you know, a lot of our peers growing up, was you know that really the value of a dollar having a work ethic. You know, my father we talked about it a lot in the book, but you know, he put Eric and I on job sites, on construction sites. We talked about we're the only you know, probably sons of billionaires who can drive a dten caterpillar and run chainsaws, because that's what we were doing in our summer jobs. It wasn't you know, congratulations, here's your yilded office. You know, we got some of that now, but you know, we did everything up until that point, and we started off at the lowest rungs of the company and built up and I man, I'm glad for it. Uh, it's a big part of my life. It's the way I want to make sure my kids were brought up. And not to say that they don't have blessings and good fortune and won't be spoiled in their own rights. We just want to make sure you kind of do it in the right way and that they get what life is all about and that you know, and that they go through it the hard way and don't expect everything to be handed to them and honestly as part of our culture. And frankly, the book talks you know, as much about culture as it does about politics. Uh. You know, in a world where you know, everyone gets a participation trophy and everyone wins no matter what, even if they don't win, it's it's a little bit scary, and it's getting harder and harder to do, but it's it's a value that was instilled enough at a very young age, and I want to make sure to try to do the same for my kids. Uh. One of the things that I liked that you took on in the book is like Bill Crystal and the establishment that failed. Um, you know, I've read last week that there might be a group of establishment Republicans working with Democrats to field, a third party candidate to try and trip up Trump and some of the closer purple states just to ensure your dad loses. And you know, I say this about Romney. Romney wanted tax cuts, he wanted to end burden some bureaucracy, talked about securing our border, he talked about originals on the Supreme Court. Um, he talked about all the things that your dad is doing. So it's just stylistic differences. All right. Romney was ice and he lost. They pounded him, they pummeled him. Your dad gets pummeled, but he fights back and fighting back, I would argue the American people now accustomed to his style quick I got thirty seconds in the second. Importantly, they see the results. I mean again, there's not an economic metric where we are not better off today than we were three years ago. And that didn't just magically happen. That's because of politics. That's because he's willing to fight to get those things done. And that shouldn't be lost on people. To stay there. I gotta take a break. Our final moments though, with Don Junior his new book out today, we just threw it up on Hannity dot comments on Amazon dot com and now in bookstores across the country as of today. Triggered how the left drives on hate wants to silence us. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Let me ask you about the power of the pardon, which is absolute for a president. One night, I know you were watching my show and I had the mother of this young Sam who is spending a year in jail because he took six pictures for his own use in a submarine, and you were comparing it. Would that be something early on you would consider. I'm actually looking at a Christian sau I think it's very unfair in the light of what's happened with other people. And I think it's very very near the story of Clinton Lorance. Another guy got thirty years. He was doing his job protecting his team in Afghanistan. We're looking at a few of those few of them, and by the way, right, if another event didn't happen, I would look at him. But how can you have somebody else get away with such a tremendous amount? And then this person who takes a picture of his desk on an old submarchine. Look if China or Russia wanted information on that submarine. They've had it for many years that I can take. And the President did, in fact step in in the case of Christian Sauci, he had already spent his year in jail though, But you know what justice is justice. I have some really, really really good news. It has been an issue we have followed on this program for a number of years. That that interview with the President was in January of twenty seventeen when the President just got into the White House. And what is really good is that the President now has said action is imminent on the issue quote of war crimes cases of Army First Lieutenant Clint Lorance. We have told you his story over and over and north. This guy takes over for a platoon just weeks earlier had been decimated by these suicide bombers on motorcycles. They lost the platoon leader in that particular case, then others injured and anyway, so he's now just on the job and he sees, yeah, two guys on motorcycles, you know, going past the checkpoint, driving right at him, and he has to make a decision and he doesn't know. I mean, I love how we second guest guys in the field, we second guess their decision making. It ended up they took these ended up having to take these guys out, and this guy gets you know, what was it, thirty years in jail. It's unbelievable. We're gonna sit in a comfort of our air conditioned office and judge what these guys are doing in the spur of the moment, and we had the rules of engagement issue. It has resulted in a lot of these guys that are innocent that we're doing their job and fighting wars. We asked them to fight, and then we put handcuffs on them and rules of engagement that make no sense. That's how come Trump was able to beat the Caliphate in Syria. He took the rules of engagement, got rid of them. This is war. You fight wars to win wars. If you're gonna send guys, you don't put handcuffs on them, you know, because then the innocent Americans die. Well. I have in my hand a document the White House disapproval of the findings and sentence in the General Court Martial of the United States of America versus Army First Lieutenant Clint Alan Lorentz. And now the President is taking action. He says, it's imminent on the case of Clint Lorentz, Army green Beret Major Matt Goldstein. And you know about the case of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher. Now, my friend and colleague Pete Hegseth was able to break this story at poxnews dot com with the imminent action on the case his three former US military service members accused the war crimes our own Linda, but two months ago or so, went down to Leavenworth. Leavenworth's full of these guys with similar stories. They're fighting for their country. They're gonna accuse the war crime. You saw what happened in the case of Eddie Gallagher that goes to trial and one guy finally stands up and said, actually, I'm the one that did it. I did it. It wasn't Gallagher and all that he had gone through. Now it doesn't have to be a pardon or a commutation. It could be you know, that would imply guilt, that you've done something wrong and you need to be forgiven for it. The President and his commander in chief has a lot of latitude under the Uniform Code of Military Justice to dismiss a case or change of sentence, and the President actually says, I Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, pursuing to the power conferred upon me by Article two, Section two the Constitution, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, and under Article twenty two an Article sixty of the Uniform Code for Military Justice Rule Rule for Court Martials eleven oh seven under the Laws of the United States. Hereby set aside, vacate, disapprove, and dismiss with prejudice, the charges, findings, and sentence imposed upon First Lieutenant Clint Allen Lorance, United States Army for all offenses against the United States which he, First Lieutenant Clint Allen Loranz, has committed, or may have committed, or is alleged to have committed or taken part of, during the period between June twenty eighth, the twenty twelve and July fourth, twenty twelve. And this is what, thank God, the President cares about our military. It's a big deal anyway. My colleague and friend Pete Hegseth and Don Brown is with us. He's the attorney for Clint Lorentz. He's been on the program before. Our buddy Louis Gomerz with us he's been all over this issue for years, fighting for these guys. A big, big day. Thank you all all of you. Linda, thank you too. She went down to a level where it met with Clint Lorance, met with a lot of these guys. Pete, why don't you give us the news side of it first? Well, listen, Sean, thank you for everything you've done, for what members of Congress have done. Other members of the media have done. There's not many of them, let's be honest, not many, not many, but a few, and folks like you who have focused on this issue from the beginning. This does not happen without the constant drumbeat and effort that folks like you have put into it, Linda, others I could not anymore. But number two, it does not happen unless you have a commander. And see, we truly committed to putting America first, and that means the warfighters that we put into harm's way. This is truly Obama's tools of engagement versus Trump's tools of engagement. And under Obama, you were guilty until it presumed innocent. Your hands were tied, and you were second guests from the Pentagon at every turn. Under President Trump. He's saying, we trained you, we sent you. You made a tough call in the fog of war in a split second, and we're gonna give you that benefit of doubt. And in doing so, we're gonna boost the morale of everybody who would ever want to join the armed force, because all you want is a commander that has your back. The President saying before Veterans Day, I'm gonna look at this case. I'm gonna look at Clint Matt Goldstein's and I'm doing something about it. I'm gonna give the rank back. So they're trying to take um Eddie Gallagher's trident. His Navy feel tridened away from him, all because the administrative state, the deep state of the DoD or other rogue prosecutors UH want want their way, and they want to undermine the commander in chief. So this is great news that I believe it's going to happen, and I don't think it'll be a pardon for the reasons you said. The Commander in chiefs is in charge of what happened. Through the Uniform Code of Military Justice, he could dismiss these cases out of hand. And I believe that what will happen and it has an amazing ripple effects. What a vote of confidence. Louie Gomer, God bless you. And by the way, we also Lauren, who well left because she married Linda's brother and had a baby. She went down with the eleven or she reps justice Warriors. These guys were all over me constantly. If I didn't do a segment an next number of months to get back on it. To their credit, and Louie, you've been working behind the scenes and I wanted this for a long time. It's a great day, it is, and thank you for all you've done. You've been fantastic as your staff when Lenda of course, and Lauren when she was there and now she's continued to work on these issues. But really, Sean, it's a bit of an emotional day when you know these guys and some of us went met with Clinton rants at Leavenworth last month, and you know, thank God for Donald Trump. I just can't say that these military guys were served up on the altar of political correctness when they were out there protecting their brothers and sisters in arms, and also you know, they answered the call of their country. This was no way to treat them and the best thing that could happen is what we're talking about. You just set aside all of the finding show that it's as if there was no finding, there was no court martial. And that is a great day. Yeah, and Don Brown, thanks for all you've been doing. And I think you've been doing all of those pro bono with a lot of other attorneys. You know, these guys can't afford the defense that they need. Well we we we do it because we love our country. We love these guys. And and I want to shout out also the UAP, the United American Patriots UAP dot orgy. These helped us support a lot of lawyers in trying to fight these battles. But I want to not only thank you, oh y'all, well you three guys in Lynda. I'm on a phone call with afore the greatest living Americans and I got to finish myself, but I do so all want to thank President Trump for making this a special day. You know, Sean, I mentioned this, but the fourth of July President Trump was he may have been at his most brilliant with that great celebration. You remember the day that the Blue Angels were streaking over the the Jefferson Memorial, Lee Greenwood singing proud of being an American. The President issued a cleary and call that day. It was almost like John F. Kennedy's asked what you can do for your country? He said, I want to encourage all young people to consider service in the United States military and Sean. There's no greater calling really of service the country. But you know, we gotta make sure that the Commander Chief has our back to these young men. And by the brave and audacious smooth this President may be taking to sign this order to disallow to disapprove the findings and sentences in these court martials. He's going to send a powerful message that if you shoot the enemy, we will no longer prosecute you. We've got your backs. You're not going to be sacrificed. That the Congressman said on the author of Political Correctnesses, and that Obama's rules of engagement are gone forever. This is a national security question. Our guys have got to know that the Commander chief has their back. This great president is about to do that, we hope, and we thank all of you for the work that you've done and bringing this day about I gotta tell you this, Linda, you need to take a bow, put their mike on, because I'll just of the behind the scenes. Look, I'm literally gulp and water every second of every day, and like if I if I want any extended period of time not being on this topic, hey, hey, you know she's all over me. And not that I didn't want to do it, it's just, you know, this was a real passion of yours, which you know brought you and Lauren all the way down to eleven Worth. I mean, Lauren you know, went down, you know, literally in one day because she just had her baby girl, and Don and I were there together, and you know, Pete's been going down regularly and Louie's been going down with Duncan. And you know, this Justice for Warriors Caucus is no joke. You know, this is the real deal. These are people that serve in Congress, and all three of these men have all served our country, so they know from where they speak. You know, it's really hard to give up your free time and not get paid and take time out of your schedule to go down and care about somebody else's life as if it was your own. But that's what these men have done because they gave their life to country and they see the same thing happen in these poor guys. And when I met Clinton prison, you know, and I my first of all, it looks like he's twelve, and you're just staring at this, you know, baby face, And I'm thinking to myself, here's a guy. And when he gets out of leaven Worth, all he talks about is either run of for Congress or going back into the military and serving his country again. God bless his poor mother, Anna. You know, her heartbreaks every day her baby boys in jail for doing what we asked him to do, which is to protect his fellow men and women in a line of duty. You know. So it's like this is all we can do. You know. I get this microphone, I get to yell at you on the mic and off the mic. It's my it's my duty, that's my pleasure and my duty. But it's very annoying. It's I get paid to be annoying, you know, It's what I do. But you know, everybody's doing their best. Here's everybody. This is why I look at this. In three hundred and sixty four days, it's it's an all hands on deck moment, and I hope this is just the beginning. I hope you know, Pete, you've been all over at don God bless you, Louis, We love you, Linda, Lauren, everybody you know, like the election in three hundred and sixty four days is a tipping point. You know, we as a country, our soul has got to be that we have the backs. We asked these young men to gold fight. Yep. We can't put handcuffs on these guys and then throw them in jail if they didn't make the perfect decision. You know, Pete mentioned the Fogle War. You don't know, you know, I can't. I can't even believe we second guess their decisions, you know, Louis gud Well. I can't help but think about the fact that under Commander in Chief Bush, we lost about six hundred precious military lives in Afghanistan in the worst part of the war. And then under Commander in Chief Obama, because the rules engagement and prosecuting people like this, we ended up losing three times that many. And I was shocked to read a brief that said from the World War One, World War two, Korea, and Vietnam, there were seven Americans convicted of war crimes in combat theaters, and in Iraq and Afghanistan there have been two hundred and twelve. It shows how political correctness had done so much damage. And thank god you've you have promoted this the way you have and now it's come into fruition and we just thank you, thank you so much. Final word from Pete. Pete, my colleague in front. You know what absolutely saying. But I'll tell you I can't help but think back to you. During the Obama years, we knew the eight digit grid to the headquarters of ices and mode, we knew where it was, but we would hit it because of all the layers and controls of what we could and could not do. President Trump comes in and it's eradicated and our guys are empowered to do it. And but any one of us could have been leading Apsude. I could have been Clint la Rent. I was an Interestrual Tune leader in Afghanistan and Interact Interact, but then I served in Afghanistan. Those those those last second decisions. You can never never plan what it's going to look like. So it's personal for the guys that have been there. Clint the symbol of at the beginning of even more stories that need to be told. But it's hey, let's take a victory lap on this because it is a rat is a reflective of values, our country's values, those we leave behind on the battle, and a wrongly accused Kudos to everyone that's stuck with it on this because it's not popular to take this position. Oh you're you're backing up these guys. They made the wrong call. Who are you? You aren't there. You don't know what they faced, and you don't know the viciousness of our enemy. So it's the right thing to do. And thank you, Pete the drum shot. Last word, Don Brow. It's about putting America first, putting the America's service members first, and ending these rules of engagement and engagement forever that put the enemy's lives more important than American lives. I'm hoping that one Clint is free, that Louis and his colleagues at some point will take Ashton to change the unicorn, put the military justice so this foolishness doesn't happen again. God Bus America's a great day for America. It's going to be a great veteran's day. All right. I want to thank you all, Pete Hegseth, Don Brown, Louie Gomert, Lauren, Linda and all the people involved too many of the name that made this day possible. On the President or sticking by these brave men and women. Quick break, We'll come back on the other side. Your calls coming up eight hundred and nine for one Sean straight a hut. More of the best of the Sean Hannity Show coming up. The radio show. The mainstream media loved state. This is the Sean Hannity Show Thanksgiving. If the President is watching, what do you want to say to him? I love you, sir, You're awesome, uh you and you're you know, I'll say this most president. I wish you had a better team around you. You You need more people watching your back and I think you don't have a lot of that, and that is absolutely unfortunate and that, uh, that infuriates me to no end. I've got to get your comment on this, as someone who wants to be the next commander in chief. Tweeted about your case, in Matt's case, in Eddie's case, it was Joe Biden. He tweeted this. He said, Trump's intervention in the American military justice system to pardon service members accused or convicted of war crimes betrays the rule of law, the values that make our country exceptional, and in the men and women who wear the uniform honorably. He is not fit to command our troops. Would you say to that, well, I would say, with all due respect to the former Vice president, UM, you know that seems to be a partisan Um. Answer, That seems to be something that he's just told the party line on. UM. I highly doubt the vice president, being the patriotic man with a with a son in the military like he had. UM, I highly doubt that he really believes that. And I think that what he's doing is he's told the party line and he's he's uh doing what he thinks his donors and the people that are signing his paycheck are expecting him to do. And UM, I think if you were to sit down with him face to face, I think you'd have an issue saying that right face to face. All right. That was Clint lorns with our buddy Pete Hegseth. We have followed Clint Lorentz's case now for six years. We have now followed this case of this grave injustice, and thanks to the President we now have He has granted pardons and restored the rank to Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, but he signed full pardons for Army First Lieutenant Clint Lorentz, an Army Major Matthew Goldstein, and directed promotion a special Warfare Operator first class Eddie Gallagher, which we interviewed Eddie before. And I got to tell you this is a case I cannot believe we have gotten to this point where we have people in air condition offices now second guessing. What are brave men and women when they have to make a life and death decision for themselves and their platoon members, And if they make the wrong decision, well they're in trouble and we end up putting them in jail. And that's basically what happened to Clint Lorentz. This goes back to July at twenty twelve. He's leading men on combat through a heavily planted Afghan minefields, risking his life for his country. Anyway, they're moving single file to avoid the IEDs which are planted all over the place, and then and three Afghan men start charging Lorentz's men on a motorcycle on a road that's controlled by the Taliban, ignoring signs that they were supposed to stay off the road. And he asked to as platoon leader, maybe he has five seconds to make the decision. What do I do here? Do I save my guys? Now here's an interesting side note to all of this is that that very platoon had been ambushed by these motorcycle ieed guys. Was it two weeks priory? And they lost a platoon leader, didn't they not? And others were injured right, correct? So these guys are coming right at him anyway, So he goes on trial and how many and by the way, Clinton Lorentz is with US Army Lieutenant Clint Lorentz and also as his attorney Don Brown, how many years you've been working on this now down going on a couple of years now and the legal team has been involved this for five years, John Marster or the team. We're so grateful for today's Sean. We really are a big day to day. It's great to finally meet you two. You two shot have you heard we've been talking about you a little bit? Well? Your ears burning absolutely absolutely? And first you know, if I can you know I try to. When anybody ask me anything about the last couple of days, the first thing I say is thank you to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. And I think that's something that I'll probably do for the rest of my life. They they just saved my life, and I owe my life and the men and women of the United States military. They have a real good man in the White House. Well, certainly he's supporting his military. Well, it was very interesting, and you could maybe why don't you walk us through that day because I want people to hear what happened from you. Okay, so I'll walk you through it. But I'd like you to consider that it's been about seven years now, so my memory is kind of fading. I've I've sort of you know, I think some things have kind of melded together over the years. But essentially, uh, we were on a dismounted foot patrol. Uh. And the reason we were using dismounts, which is, you know, for your non military listeners, you're walking. Um, so we're we're foot patrolling and you're the new plutoon leader. I'm the new YEP, I'm the new guy. I've been there. File right, single file I'm the new guy. I've been there about seventy two hours by now, so I don't know any of these guys. None of them know me, and you know, I still, to be honest with you, I can't even remember most of their names. And you know, there's still some people like in the Stars documentary that came out that, Uh, I'm like, who is that? Like, I don't know who that is? How long prior to you getting there was the platoon leader killed in a very similar situation here about to describe, Well, the previous platoon leader was not killed, but there were soldiers that were unfortunately killed by those uh animals that were fighting over there. Um cowards really, Uh. But uh, the previous pltuon leader that I replaced, he was wounded an action. Unfortunately he's doing well these days. Um. But uh, I can't remember exactly how long it was. It was a few weeks, um that the platoon was out, So I was out there without a platoon leader and then I so motorcycles are coming at your platoon yep. So so what happened was uh in an overall you know, helicopter view. Um. So essentially we had um a group of Taliban who were amassing on our position, and so they had collected in a large area up to the north of our position, and they split up from that area. And then I ordered uh and and mind you, uh, I'm giving these orders to my soldiers who are telling me what they're seeing. I can't see everything, right because it's just the nature of where we're at, and so I can't see anything. I'm hearing all these reports coming out. I'm hearing reports coming in from the the army attack helicopters that are up up above the the the area. Um and um, so I've got all these reports coming in. And UM, I know that, you know, the commander's instinct is very important. The commander on the ground is very important. And there's a reason why one guy wears lieutenant bars, there's a reason why one guy is our gal is in charge because they have to make that very difficult decision that nobody else has to make. You legally have to make that decision. The problem is with you know, when, when when when we have when we don't have President Donald Trump in the White House, we have people who will not stand up for our soldiers and will not let our leaders. I want to make sure we get this in those So these motorcycle guys are coming at you. This is a known tactic that they blow themselves up, and they they literally are coming to kill you, right, all right, You're getting all the reports coming and you got to make it. How long did you have to make a decision? And what did you say to your troops? Oh? Wow, it was a few seconds. Everything was happening just I mean, rapid lightning fast, and you know, I'm thinking of myself. I'm thinking, my god, I just took over. These guys are all young. I'm gonna have to write letters and talk to their mom and dad. You know, I'm sorry I got your son killed because I made a bad decision. There's just so many things going through your head and you're sitting there thinking, my god. With the United States Army, you know, we can't lose. We won't lose, but I don't want to lose my men. I love them. They're Americans, they're eighteen years old. And so you're thinking, You're thinking. All of those things are going through your head, and that's a lot to go through your head. And at the same time as what tactical decision do I make in terms of how do I respond to the Taliban that's attacking my position? And so I made the best decision that I could make given the conditions on the ground. And I'll tell you this, Sean, I would make the same exact decision again today if I was facing that decision, because if I had come home with my soldiers, any of my soldiers having been killed on my watch, then you know that that would have been far worse than living in Fort Leavenworth for six years. So you make the decision, you take these two guys out. When did you know you might be in trouble over this? Well, to be honest with you, I had never given any thought to the military justice system. We you know, it's known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or as we soldiers call it, kangaroo court. And so essentially, uh, I never thought about it. I never thought, you know that my chain of command would second guess decision I made. When When did you first find out that they were second guessing? Um? They had? Uh? My brigade commander essentially made a it was almost like a predetermined decision, made a decision. He basically decided I was guilty before he even talking to me. Uh, and and in the military, in the army, especially in the combat arms part of the army, when a brigade commander, when a senior officer makes a decision about something, he doesn't even have to say anything. He can have a frown on his face when he's talking about it, and all the rest of the butt kissing officers that are underneath him are going to follow his lead. That's the way it is. How many days after this did you realize holy that I'm now being I'm even put on trial for making a split second decision. Well, I'd say maybe a couple of months started to build up. Yeah, And then it was interesting about your case because then you got sentenced how many years in jail? Twenty? Initially it was twenty then the sort of a joke, the convening authority reduced it by one year to nineteen years. And so how many years in Leavenworth did you spend? Six years? And about a couple of months. And we then found out later because they were trying to say cars I guess under the Obama administration, they were trying to say that you had killed Innison farmers. That was what they had said at the time. Yeah, but then when new information came back that they had biometric evidence that they apparently withheld this evidence, which is exculpatory for you, that in fact tied the guys that you did kill to planting IEDs. Didn't they find their DNA on IEDs and they were able to definitively say that's the DNA of these guys on these I eeds. Well, that should have freed you immediately. Why didn't that happen? Let me ask you a lawyer on this, Sean, thanks for the question. The army dugging deeper. They dug in deeper to protect the system. They dugg in deeper at multiple levels. The United States government has never denied that these were Talibam bomb makers. They their position was well, Clinton had no way of knowing it. Nobody has any way of knowing what a farmer is with a weapon over there. They dug themselves in and protect a corrupted system and to this day had not apologized for it. As soon as this evidence came for they should have let Clint out of prison. They hit it initially from the initial defense team, which is why we got a corruption sort of holding exculpatory evidence. Six years of this guy's life now that have been wasted in jail, not not wasted, but you know what I mean that he had to live in prison. US Supreme Court Brady versus Maryland. They got to turn that over initially fit Amendment right, that's the Brady law that our friend Sydney Powell often speaks of on the shows representing General Flynt. So does he have any legal recourse here? At this point, we still haven't gotten an official notification to defense team. Is not from the Department of the Army. Is to the status as discharge. He's been legally pardoned. There's no crime at all. We're still looking into the issue. I'm looking about who you can sue. I want to know, you know what legal recourse he has to get recovery for the six years of his life that was stolen from him when they withheld the sculpatory evidence. I hear if Kanter jack something there don Yeah, yeah, you just don't. Yeah, go ahead, I know, you know, I get uh these these looks from my lawyers all the time. First of all, I have an amazing legal team. There's there's there's this, there's so many of them. And mister Brown here is a lead with Colonel Maher, they're they're amazing. But I'll say this, if if giver thing you ask, you know who you could sue. Um, I don't want to sue anybody, and I'm no, no, no, I don't ever say those words. No. Well, let me just say this, Sean, let me explain myself. I'm not gonna sue the United States government as long as President Donald Trump is in charge of it. But I'll say this, You're not what I'm gonna doing, Donald Trump. Let me tell you, you're suing the people that stole six years of your life by withholding exculpatory evidence. That's who deserved. They need to be held accountable, right, I absolutely agree, and we're going to hold them accountable by reforming the military justice system so it doesn't ever happen to anybody else. We cannot let this happen to anybody else. What is his legal recourse, counsel, don't let him say the words, I'm not going to sue was legal recourses? As legal team's gonna have to discuss that. But you know you're correct. Somebody made decisions up the Chanting Command to deny Clinton not only his constitution rights, but take away six years of his life. This prosecution should have never taken place to begin with. There are some things that active duty can and cannot do because of the fairest Doctrince, How did they get to this conclusion though you know he's got three seconds to decide, he knows the situation that he just immersed himself in seventy two hours. How did they get the second guess that? Anyway, they were hacked off because they wanted to get him provid letting Obama's rules of engagement under what I call the battlefield lawyer rule. In other words, he has to wait until his men get blowing up his shot before he can fight back. You know, you have to. They're the hot insanity, right, so they want to make an example of him, and by the way, they lost on That's how Americans die in war. We're I'm prepared to send our brave. We're gonna ask them to go fight. Don't put handcuffs on them and let them fight and win. Three times three times as many Americans died under President Obama, then President Trump, and Afghanistan. And the reason is because of suicidal rules of engagement to put the lives of Italian over the Americans. Well, they if we have to wait to get shot at first in that environment, then we don't. We don't belong sending our sons and daughters there period. Uh, welcome home, sir. It's great to have you back. Thank you, sir. You've got a great team of lawyers here. I know you got to meet Linda and Lauren and the whole team down there in Leavenworth. Thank god your home. And I wish only the best for your life. Thank you, Sean, And I would sue, I would the living crap out of all of them. They'll find us off to We thank you for what you've done, Sean. We've appreciate it. We talk about this case for six years. Yeah, but you're we couldn't do it without. Should never have happened. And there are other people too. We're gonna fix it, Sean. We're gonna fix it all right. God bless you. Thank you for joining us. And uh, we're so glad you're free. Yes, sir, quick break right back, entity watch keeping an eye on breaking news and bringing it to you first. The best of Sean Hannity is on. Now we comeing. Y'all sitting well, and if you want a little banging you ain't come along. People have had a chance to feel it and taste it and live with it. We're gonna vote, and we're gonna want medicare for all. You really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations, other than my own presumption, which is nothing. That is the Democrat's pitiful legacy in recent years. They got caught Team minus three hundred and forty one day, you know the presidential election. Where I'm coming you'll go to play our guests and saying you a new Sean Hannity Show, more behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America coming out next our final dus round Up and Information Overload Hour. All right, Duds round Up, Information Overload Hour. On this Friday, we had a pretty spectacular moment. We didn't spend enough time on yesterday, but that was the debate Wednesday night on the area of fifty one. Conspiracy Theory channel of Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Warren is part of this debate. And I didn't think we'd ever get worse than Nancy Pelos. You got to pass the bill. To find out what's in the bill, I'm like okay, wow. And then of course we got Obamacare and that was sold to us as well, you get to keep your doctor, you get to keep your plan, and you get to save money. Well that didn't work out because millions of Americans lost their doctors, lost their plans, and everybody is paying more money on average, over one hundred and seventy four percent more in money. Were supposed to say, you save average family is going to save twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. No, that didn't happen. Now we doubled, now we're tripling it. So it was pretty spectacular. So she's now trying to ram down America's throat her fifty two trillion dollars ten years spending plan Medicare for all with no private option of any private healthcare. And remember one other fact, thirty seven percent of American counties only have one option for healthcare under the Obama exchanges. They've got one choice and one choice only. That's forty percent of the country. That's how bad this is. This has become what this lie evolved into. Now we're gonna we're gonna take Obama Care, every promise broken, failing at a spectacular level. All the big insurance companies said thanks, but no thanks, We're out of here. And now people have one option, and now they want to say, Okay, not only going to pass it to no one's in it, but now you're gonna have to. We're gonna pass it, and you're gonna feel it, and you're gonna live under it, and you're gonna taste it, and then you'll like it. Here's Elizabeth Warren. And in the first hundred days, I'm got to bring in one hundred and thirty five million people and Medicare for all at no cost to them, Everybody under the age of eighteen, everybody who has family four income less than fifty thousand dollars. How to lower the age of Medicare to fifty and expand Medicare coverage to include a vision and dental and long term care. And then in the third year, when people have had a chance to feel it and taste it and live with it, we're gonna vote and we're gonna want Medicare for all. Feel it, taste it, then you'll want it. Wow, that is scary. We have had a long time friend of the program. One of my biggest complaints about Republicans on this whole healthcare thing is so they got Obamacare passed and lo and behold, Republicans, they have what sixty five or so show votes in the House of Representatives to repeal and replace Obamacare. It was never going anywhere because Obama was the president. He was not going to repeal his signature legislation. And we even had in the US Senate we had Republicans vote up and down, up or down on a straight repeal bill, and seven Senators in twenty fifteen that voted for a straight repeal Republican senators when they had a chance where it would matter in twenty seventeen with Donald Trump as president, they changed their minds show votes. That's where the disconnect is with the Republican Party and Sean Hannity because the fact that seven years passed and they didn't talk about health savings accounts. I've been talking about Patient Power, Cato Institute, Goodman and Musgrave their book Years Ago Patient in other words, healthcare savings accounts. We have had doctor josh umber Atlas MD on this program. We've sent him to Washington. He's met with New Gingrich. He's met with members of Congress because he's created a system in Whichita Kansas Atlas MD where okay, you pay fifty dollars a month as an adult, ten bucks a month as a kid for unlimited access to your doctor twenty four seven three sixty five. And what's even more made to take care of stitches, to take care of you know, most of the stuff that we need taken care of. You need a Z pack, you got high cholesterol, you got high blood pressure. And then he wisely went and negotiated directly with pharmaceutical companies, so he gets the drugs that people usually need at ninety ninety five discounts and then passes the savings onto his patients. And guess what, they walk out of the doctor's office. They don't have to go to the pharmacy. How cool is that. Then he's taken this model which is not only producing a good living for him, and it's you know, he gets more patients than he can even handle, and he's now duplicating it around the country. Anyway, Doctor Josh Humbers with us and doctor LEAs Grosses with us, the presidents of Doctors for Patient Care Foundation, and the founder of the Epiphany Health direct primary Care. Now, both of them, by the way, have come up with a pretty interesting idea that I like, and I'm going to let them tell you about it themselves. But you know, is that what we need now, doctor Josh, We're gonna we're gonna have to feel it and taste medicare and swallow it for years, and then we'll really come to appreciate it. You know, it was a bizarre way to describe it. You have to elect me to see what you'll get, because I think it's it's such a hard premise to pitch on your own, but so thank you for giving us the opportunity and sharing the airtime with you to explain how it could work. She's looking at a bigger system, more complication, more beaucracy, and what we're trying to do is show that less is actually what we need. The direct care model or direct care for All could make medicine great again. We can offer unlimited visits, no copays, free procedures, wholesale ads and labs for up to ninety five percent off. If we can do that at now, over twelve hundred practices in the country, and doctor Lee just put on the largest conference all year with over four hundred docks in attendance. Then we can do this everywhere and we can decrease insurance premiums by thirty to sixty percent. This is a real viable model. It skips the DC swamp, its gips, the you know, divided Congress, and it actually gets meaningful healthcare reform down to main Street. So sure, so cason happens though, is that you know where Congress was not able to step in and repeal Obamacare. The President and administration has done everything that can through changing a rug, elations, relaxing things so that you can actually return medicine back to the doctors and patients because frankly, patients trust their doctors to reform healthcare. But as you're seeing all these things unfold in Washington, you're seeing the games being played in Congress, you have to wonder what they're distracting you from, and what Congress is working on behind the scenes is actually quite dangerous. So the President signed an executive order that expands access to direct partament care. It frees doctors and patients to engage in these direct care relationships. But Congress is actually working on regulations that undermine the president's executive orders. It's re weaponizing the Internal Revenue Service, just like we saw back under a lowest learner. We're reweaponizing the internal Revenue Service to go after doctors and patients for using their own healthcare dollars for their own healthcare services, setting the stage from stage for socialized medicine. And we can't let that happen. But it's happening behind the scenes with all these distractions. So you guys got this bill out. It's actually being represented by or put into Congress. It's called Charge three to seven O eight would bar some doctors from providing direct primary care, which, by the way, separate it apart. But you know you've got a powerful lobby in the healthcare industry all over Congress, but barred doctors from providing direct primary care, block prescribed treatments, for from qualifying for medical reimbursements, and impose new restrictions on how patients use their health savings accounts. Well, that wouldn't work out very well for the patient in my mind, doctor Rumber, I don't think it would work out very well. We're in a system where we want to see patients thrive and have less of the irs in their household less decisions being controlled on how they spend their healthcare dollars. And I think the idea with the party that wants Medicare for all is well, you don't need your own dollars anyways, because we're going to try to manage that. So anything they can do to weaken the health Savings account rules, like doctor Lee said, through weaponizing the IRS would would help in their cause of limiting patient choice. And so we really you are trying to fight hard and punch above our weight class and encourage any listener to reach out to their representatives. They'll be closed for the holiday breaks, so they'll be coming home, they'll be near you, and let them hear you that you don't support a bill that would damage their HSA spending abilities or damage their access to a direct care practice. That could really revolutionize healthcare. It really could, I mean, and it's where how many times have you been able to duplicate what you're doing at atlas MD around the country In other words, where people pay fifty bucks a month adults, kids ten bucks a month, unlimited care ninety plus percent reductions and prescriptions, and then if you couple that or accompany that with a catastrophic plan if God forbid, you get cancer, have a heart attack, or have a bad accident, which is you know, catastrophic care is relatively inexpensive, especially the higher deductible you have. That then brings your monthly healthcare total for an individual adult down to what four hundred a month. I think we could. You know, we've been able to do this now with about fifty percent year over year growth in the model, so it really is picking up fast. We open twenty nine new clinics in October alone, so essentially one to day just ourselves. I mean, these are independently on physicians, so they're doing the grunt work, but we're helping guide the path and with doctor Lee and I think together we've touched about eighty percent of the new practices. But you're right, we could in best case scenario decrease the cost of health insurance premium stender I think five hundred dollars per household so on. As definitely not health care for the wealthy. You know, this is not healthcare for the wealthy. This is healthcare for rural America. This is healthcare for inner city America. Of all shapes, walks, everyone can afford this. If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford healthcare. You do not need to get people in the middle of this relationship that just clouds this. And we're thankful if the President did find executive order and we're looking forward to this rule being released in a few weeks that from the Treasury that expands and opportunities for patients and doctors. Can't let Congress get in the way and undermine the efforts of the president of his administration. And the idea is, if this bill happens, what you do has to end. Doctor number, your successful model practice that you've developed and duplicated nearly a thousand times around those country that by the way, let me ask you, how many patients do you have in your practice? How many doctors? How many patients? We have five doctors aren't practice in a little over thirty three hundred patients. And by the way, every patient has access to a doctor twenty four seven three to six five, right, yep. I was just emailing a patient back right before we got on with you. And they have your own personal text number, yep. And most people are like me, they don't want to go see the doctor. But they only call when they have a problem, right, right, right, But then you have the few people to call you every freaking day and drive your nuts and really get their fifty bucks a month or the fifty bucks it's fifty a month, right or yep, yep, we get we get a mix, and so it ends up at least being a sustainable model, better for the past. That's three hundred dollars a month for if you get catastrophic insurance, then I mean right, and you're and you're able to absorb your five doctors, thirty three hundred patients twenty four seven three sixty five, and that includes their yearly check up, a full exam, stitches, what else, broken bones? What else is included? Basically anything we can do in our office. So you know, some broken bones are big enough we'll need an orthoptic surgeon, and some, especially in young kids, are called green stick. They're just more of a crack, so we can manage that with splinting in our office. But basically decrease the cost of all your care by eighty to ninety percent and your insurance premiums by thirty to sixty percent. So if we could put it, we just had a local hospital better that integrated this with their employees and allow their employees to sign up for this. We saved the hospital sixty percent on their employee employee health costs. The employees had twenty percent reduction in premiums, thirty percent reduction in all out of pocket costs while eliminating co pays and deductibles. We want people to oppose this HR thirty seven o eight. It restricts doctors working from their patients, It restricts access to affordable medications, and it controls and restricts, for the first time in history, a patient's ability to use it our own money to pay their doctor. It's unbelievable. All right, quick break, we'll come back more with doctor Josh Chumber, doctor Lee s. Gross. All right, as we continue with doctor Josh Humber and doctor Les Gross. He's the president of Doctors for Patient Care and that foundation. Well, are you asking people to contact that congressmen and women? Do we know we have a date on this vote or what? Yes? Absolutely contact your congressman. You know, phone calls are great, emails are still very helpful, and just let them know to vote no on three seven o eight. We're hoping it never gets even to a vote. We're hoping that, um, you know, the Republicans see that this isn't a bill that helps everybody, and you know this is not going to be something that makes health care affordable for everyone if this gets a vote, So the more we can educate the representatives that this is a bad bill for the innovation of healthcare, and the more successful will be all right. Thank you both. What you do every day, Doctor josh umber Atlas, MD. If you're in Wichita, that's the practice you need to be a part of. Doctor Lee Gross, where's your practice in Florida, Northport, Florida, Northport, Florida. So get in touch with doctor Lee Gross there and you'll have care like you've never dreamed of. But it's basically concierge care. You understand. We could have this for every American. I mean, look, I'll be honest. I have friends that are doctors. If I need to call my doctors friends at two in the morning, I'm going to get through. But I know that I'm just lucky that those are my friends. I just happen to have friends that are would care enough to take my call out in the morning. A lot of people may not have a doctor friend, and it's like, this is what they're gonna do. We're gonna have to feel it and we have to taste it, we have to live with it, and then we're gonna like it. I'm not so sure. Trust me? Is that that's how it's going to go? Now, we trust us, trust the government. Wow, it works out so well when we trust them, doesn't it. Listen to this show one time and you're hannitized. Sean Hannity is back on the radio. Let us also show our profound appreciation to the two thousand and nineteen Grand Marshals of the Parade who have served in World War Two, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and Iraq. This morning, is more than thirty thousand patriotic Americans line the streets of Manhattans. We carry on a noble tradition that began one century ago. In nineteen nineteen, the people of this city filled block after block to welcome home General Pershing and his twenty five thousand American soldiers after victory in World War One. Just a few years before, many of those soldiers had boarded ships not far from here at Hoboken Port. More than four million Americans fought in the Great War, and more than one hundred and sixteen thousand made the ultimate sacrifice. At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in nineteen eighteen, the armistice was declared, the war had come to an end, and the Allies achieved a great, great victory. Every year since on November eleventh, we have shared our nation's deepest praise and gratitude to every citizen who has warned the uniform of the American Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines. We are profoundly moved to have with US veterans of World War Two, including one of the Grand March, Woody Williams. Thank you, thank you, Thank you very much, Woody. To each veteran of the war, the glory of your deeds will wholly grow greater with time. This city is graced by your presence. This nation is forever in your debt, and we thank you all. We're also pleased to be joined by veterans of the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the War on Terror. You are the reason our hearts well with bride, our foes tremble with fear and our nation thrives in freedom. Would you please stand so that we can honor your heroic service. Please? All right? That was the President on this Veteran's Day. First time ever a US president actually took the time first president in history to attend the Veterans Day Parade in New York. And I don't gave a great speech today. The President also, we broke news last week, people like Clint Lorentz, Eddie Gallagher, all these guys that have and treated so unfairly by a military. We know, we asked these guys to go fight, risk their lives, come back, you know, without their arms and legs, way too often if they come back at all, or disfigured, and then we're second guessing choices in the battlefield. And there has been so much unfairness that we've been able to expose. Too much to go into now, but on this Veteran's Day. We've had Tyler Merit on this program before. He's the founder of nine Line Apparel and it's a veteran owned and operated company. And what this great company does. They have a great role in the workplace and a sense of purpose, and so they help vets with jobs and reacclamation and we have just partnered with them. We call it the Hannity Store and what we put in there is all made by nine Line. This nine Line Apparel is a veteran owned company. They have created jobs in the US manufacturing here and so far one hundred and fifty guys are working in and around the Savannah area since their founding, primarily for veterans and their families. It's an American brand, American focused company. Their designs are kick ass, to be very straightforward. And anyway, we kind of now have partnered with them and we've got a lot of great stuff we're putting up on Hannity dot Com. Will remind you about it. And also with Tyler Merritt, we have our buddy Eddie Gallagher. You knew about his case recently. The President mentioned him the other day as well as somebody that will be reinstated back to his full rank and after the hell that they put him through. I mean, we send these guys to fight, we put handcuffs on them, the rules of engagement, and then when if they have to make a split second decision, then we've got some guys in an air condition office questioning their decision. Making it's insane anyway, Welcome both of you, our partners. Tyler Merritt, Welcome aboard, sir, and Eddie. Good to see you, my friend. Thanks for having me. Sean, Hey, thanks Sean. Actually, Eddie and I had to honor in the privilege to be at the address with the President earlier today, sitting next to his son, And it's an honor to work with you, and it just like it's annor to be able to sit next to people like Eddie Gallagher on this veteran's day. So thank you so much for having us on. Talk about nine line, How you started this, How do you ever we're crazy enough to partner with us. How many jobs you're creating, the types of stuff you're manufacturing, and you're doing it here in America, and you're hiring a lot of vets and helping them out. Yeah, Sean actually was I was still in the military, serving in special operations. I was a glorified bus driver for people like Eddie, So I would take them and put them into places that no one should ever go and hopefully never have to hear that nine line call, because in the military, that term nine line is a distress call. And when we set off to create this brand. I wanted something that resonated with our fan dase, it's something that would bridge the gap between the civil and military divide that was really prevalent at that time, around twenty twelve. So the idea the name came up about from my brother. He said, Hey, let's let's call it nine Line. Let's reinvigorate patriotism. Let's try to have a call to action to have people put their their you know, money where their mouth is. And that's essentially what we wanted to do as well. So we started nine Line Apparel in twenty twelve. Twenty fourteen, I had a buddy of mine from West Point who lost pretty much all of his limbs, and we started nine Line Foundation and since then we've been able to build uh wheelchair adaptable homes for severely wounded veterans, and now we're on an initiative to build tiny homes for homeless veterans. We actually, with your help, Sean, actually we built our twentieth home. Um so so awesome. All right, so tell bring everybody up to speed. I know we got the quid pro quote Joe T shirts up and apparently I guess people like them. I like them a lot of hashtag quid pro quote Joe. They're going pretty well, and obviously there's a there's a lot that needs to be discussed. And the cool thing about nine Line is that we've been able to have a voice for the veteran community and for the I would say, you know, patriotism in general. That's why partnering with you and allowing us to have an even bigger juke voice to call out the injustices, the injustices like Eddie Gallagher being put in prison for nine months, the injustices like Joe Biden and his children making millions and millions of dollars when there's no place for those type of actions in politics. Politics and business needs to be separate. That seems to be what the Trumps are doing. They've stopped doing international politics. Instead of trying to make money off the government, they're trying to better our country. And I think you putting it out there is an important How did you become friends with Eddie? By the way, you don't remember Eddie Gallagher. He's the Navy Seal special warfare operator and he went through a well over a year of hell facing a court martial on premeditated murder, attempted murder, obstruction of justice. After a picture emerged of him with one of the casualties, turns out that he was trying to save the guy's life. And in the middle of these seating somebody stood up and said, no, I'm the one that did it. And how we got to that point where nobody would listen to him from the get go, m and that a couple of you know, people with an agenda had just told outright falsehoods about him. We became a pretty high profile, terrible case. My buddy Bernie Kerrig was active in this completely. But um, what do you think about the president saying that you're going to be reinstated in your full rank and everything else put back? Yeah, I'm once again I'm grateful for the president stepping in and doing the right thing. Um, you know, he's he's stepped in twice before, and I think you know, he takes a look at my case and can resonate with it. Um, the way that I was treated from the get go, it's guilty until proven innocent. And you know there's nothing I could do to uh, you know, talk to anybody or try and prove my innocence, and you know they threw me in prison for no reason at all. How long were you in jail for? It was nine months and one's locked up. We talked about going on deployments and it's it's that justifiable reason to leave your family behind. But this is an individual that was pulled from his house. You know, children were taking out at gunpoint. And I had the pleasure to hang out with Andrew. We just finished hanging out with Bernie Carrick and seeing your children. I mean, you're a great father, You're an incredible soldier. And to watch this man get ramrodded and falsely accused, and it became just so political. You have Hillary Clinton out there saying that this man is grotesque and she has no idea who you are. And I think that's where this just continued to steamroll out of control. And luckily we have a commander in chief that doesn't, you know, pull any punches, and he can call a spade to spade, and he saw the injustices that were occurring. And I think it's incredible that he was willing to know, despite any of the backlash that he gets, stand up for what was right. And I think That's one of the things that I'm really proud of our organization to be able to work with you and help raise funds for your defense counsel, and to to try to tell everyone the real story because Eddie Gallagher is a hero. Eddie Gallagher was almost put in prison for the rest of his life for absolutely no reason. And on Veteran's Day we should remember that that you're not a disposable seal. You know that these are individuals that have sacrificed so much. And Eddie, I love you to death, man, but I will keep up last night in the middle of the night and you're about ready to fight me. And that's that fight or flight mentality because you're still in it. You talking about going overseas and then coming back and being put in prison. And this individual has such an incredible outlook in life. And on this Veteran's Day, I couldn't be prouder to say that I've served with the overseas and I'm so glad that you're not. There's so many other guys that are, you know, we have to identify all of them, make sure every case gets heard. Are there times occasions that maybe people you know lose it, lose their power, lose control, make mistakes. Yeah, but under the fog of war, it's it's to me, there are always special circumstances that have got to be factored in. And you know, when you put handcuffs on brave men and women, you tell them to go fight. Then if they do fight and then they only have a split second to make a decision, and maybe it's not the right decision. There's got to be some application of understanding of the environment that they're working in. And I think I think we've gotten to a point where we really forget that. Um, yeah, go ahead, Yeah, you're you're absolutely correct, Shan. And I think you know, during this whole h you know, trial that I went through and just the imprisonment beforehand, uh me and my wife, you know, I would sit there on the phone and like how can this happen? And uh, you know, we've come to the conclusion that this happened for a reason, and there's a light that needs to be shown on you know, the UCMJ and the injustices that happened to warfighters and how they treat them when they come back. And we're hoping to, you know, keep shining a line of that and maybe do some justice reform. Yeah, you're talking about warfighters being tried by people who have almost zero combat experience none. You know, these are individuals that I flew apaches and everyone love to double triple guess my decisions to pull a trigger. You know, everything is videotaped and it's hey, are you sure that you were you felt threatened? Yeah, dude shooting at me, Look at the machine gun. But that's what my friends have to go through. That's what we have to go through on a regular basis. And yeah, there is a extreme responsibility with taking another humans life. But if you're asking us to go overseas and do bad things to bad people, the least you can do is stick up for us when we get back. Exactly. All right, let's go through in the nine line apparel. Linda, why do you explain how we put this up on the website. You were very, very instrumental in putting this all together. Well, you know, I got my buddy Tyler here, you know, and I got this other troublemaker at a Gallagher. So you know who's been saying, who's been dropping more f bombs? You guys or Linda? I'm just guessing me for sure every day. Actually, we are blessed today with Tyler's little girls a here. So we're keeping it. We're keeping it very clean, the Clean Show. This is the PG version exactly my two little girls zero. Actually she caught me in the background and swear jar. How much does it cost? Oh, I think it's up to like twenty dollars to swear. He's putting his kids through college. By the way, I think, Linda, we ought to do this for Liam. I mean, he'll be a millionaire no time. My poor son, forget about it. If paid four years old, I think up to now he'd probably be a millionaire for sure. But no, listen, we're super excited. Nine Line Apparel and The Handity Show are together at last. We're doing an awesome kickoff today for Veterans Day, ten percent off anything you buy on The Hannity Show. We've decided that we are both going to donate part of our proceeds to a charity. You know, maybe we'll think of what we know K nine Companions or Operation three hundred, or the Justice for Warriors Fund. There's so many, and we've just got awesome clothes out there in Nine Line makes the best t shirts, the best hats. I were tons of them. We have tons of shirts up there. We want you guys to go today and honor a Veterans Day, and every day we should be honoring veterans. Let's keep that real because our freedoms don't exist without them. That's the bottom line. And so go there today. Go to handy dot com, go to nine Line Apparel, you know, check it out. We've got awesome shirts like Quid pro Quo Joe, which we just launched on Friday, and we've got um, you know, girls shirts, guy shirts, and it's going to be really great. And stay tuned for Black Friday because we're gonna have awesome sales on Black Friday too. That's right, that's awesome, awesome work you're doing, guys. Always great to see you, Eddie. How does freedom feel these days? I bet you're feeling a lot better than you did just a couple of months ago. Oh yeah, definitely. I mean it's actually pretty crazy. I was on The Veteran Show last the taping last week, and I think he headset asked me the question of, you know the difference between last Veterans Day and this Veterans day, and I told him I was like, well, last Veterans Day, I was actually watching this in prison, So I'm completely great. Thank god, you don't know what's happened. Another promise to president, kept taking better care of our military, fixing the VA hospitals, getting rid of the rules of engagement, ending endless wars. And when you got rid of the rules of engagement. Oh, we beat the Caliphate in no time in Syria and Bagdaddy and six others are dead. Yes, unbelievable. All right, guys, thank you. Nine Line Apparel partner now with Hannity dot Com. Just go there anytime. We get a lot of great products and a lot of good stuff for Thanksgiving and Christmas for the family and people you love. Quick break right back, We'll continue, all right, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern Fox News. All right, we have investigative reports the nine specific witnesses Republicans want for this well Ukraine impeachment coup attempt, and why the cowardly, compromised and congenital liar Shift won't let any of them do it. Devin Noness, Andy Biggs, Jason Chafitz, Nicky Haley on Tonight at Henry with a Report, and much more, as ninety Eastern Hannity, Fox News say DVR, We'll see you then back here tomorrow. This is the best of the best. This is the Sean Hannity Show.

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