Authors Peter Schweizer and Seamus Bruner dig into the astounding, years-long corruption involving Comey and Mueller
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You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere Pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recrupitative sleep you've been craving and deserve. My pillow dot com promo code shown Alright, any one days the most important mid term in our lifetime. I know you're still in August mode vacation, but you're getting those new school clothes for the kids, and you're getting them ready to go back to school and in college or wherever they happen to be. And vacations are beginning, gonna come to an end, and Labor Day will be here soon enough. We'll be all over it from that point forward. I'm not sure people fully completely understand the extent and the importance of this mid term election. We're gonna try and make people aware. We'll do our part. We'll tell you the important races that are gonna matter the most to make the most impact. If you look at what is Nate Silver's only so wrong in the last election, maybe I should cut him a little slack. But he's say, in a seventy chance the Democrats take back the House, that are not good odds. But he was wrong in the last election, and so were so many others. Very few of us even thought Donald Trump had a chance. We've got a lot of news on this Friday, including what we do is Are Made in America series is coming up today. We have Sarah's blockbuster report that we broke on Hannity last night. We'll get into that, Sarah Carter. It looks like the Manaphort trial is almost done for the day in terms of day to no verdict, and the judge, Judge Ellis, announced that he's going to bring the jury back in at about five o'clock because one of the jurors, I think has to go to a family event, which, by the way, it is fair to that person. It's not like they're not working hard enough. The man of fort defense team is pretty buoyed, uh and and and excited a little bit of you will that they think the longer this goes on, the better it is for Paul Manafort. You never know, it's very hard to read juries. As they said from the beginning, the odds a dead set against Paul Manafort. You know, it's interesting how the case is unfolded and as much as the defense their lead prosecutions lead witnesses a crook and an embezzler and a the eief and somebody that's a known liar, and so many other people got immunity to testify. You know, if I'm in the jury room and I'm like looking at everybody else, so like, okay, why did they pick on this guy? And why did they all get off scott free? That's what I'd be thinking. It's like, you know, how credible can Sammy the bullby nineteen murders? He gets to get out of jail free card, and you know he wants he testifies, Then he gets in the witness protection program and he gets a new house in Arizona. We later got arrested for some drug offense, but putting that aside, Rick Gates was facing over a hundred years or more in jail. I think, Rick Gates, you know, okay, I'll take that get out of jail free card. Sure, what do you want me to say? That's the whole That's all principal is. I have a problem with offering incentives two liars and criminals to testify, it against someone else that is not yet convicted of being a liar or a criminal, but comes very dubious to me. A lot of credibility issues because they're getting something for their testimony. They're getting paid basically for their testimony. They're getting something of value. I think you can even argue they're getting bribed in a sense. You know, you say this, well we'll let you go. Uh. There were four questions asked yesterday, but the one that seems to be getting the most attention, meaning the jury asking the judge questions, uh, and the jury as they consider the evidence against Manafort and whether or not it's stronger than reasonable doubt. But uh, they actually asked the judge to further explain what reasonable doubt is. You can get in my mind, I can come up with a million different scenarios of what actually is happening in that jury room. One maybe there's one holdout or two holdouts saying I don't know, I I have some reasonable doubt here. What is reasonable doubt? Anyway? The judge clarified to the jurors guilt beyond the government is not required to find guilt beyond all possible doubt, meaning it's it's it's incontrovertible, but to find as reasonable doubt a doubt that is based on reason. And that's about all you can really say no matta forts attorneys. Uh, they were telling reporters that the jury's questions were particularly encouraging and that they felt they got some good news out of this. And uh, the fact that now it looks like it's going to go on a second fold day without a verdict. Usually expect a verdict on a Friday, because there's a lot of jurors like, let's wrap this up. But they only had it now for two days. And I would say on paper, the longer it goes on, the better it probably is for metaphor. But there are a lot of charges. There's eighteen specific charges. You gotta go through each one, and it could take an enormous amount of time. And if you have somebody that is disagreeing on certain points or aspects of one particular charge, you can spend hours on it. And you know, they could have seventeen of the charges already rectified and not the one, and then you can have ultimately a hung jury where they cannot come to a conclusion one way or the other. And that's also a possibility in this Sadly, the judge revealed in court today, Judge T. S Elis, he announced that he's gonna deny media requests to release the names of the Manafort jury because the trial has already provoked a number of death threats directed at him. I have the Marshal's protection, he said. I don't even go to the hotel Alan. I won't reveal the name of the hotel. I had no idea this case excited this emotion in the public, he added. Then he made comments after a coalition of news organizations, you know, the typical Washington Post, New York Times, a P, CNN, Fake News, NBC, Conspiracy TV, Politico, BuzzFeed requested the names and addresses of the jurors that are seated in amountaphor case. I think the judge made the right decision and he denied their request for fear the jurors would be subject to the same harassment that he received. I don't feel it's right if I really east their names. Good for him that look, sometimes jurors want to speak. Sometimes they don't want to speak. They don't have to speak to anybody but the press. The press will usually begin to hound them and follow them and follow them to their homes and look up their names. I mean, they're unrelenting. Um, but it's neither here nor there. Why are all these news organizations so involved? But only for one reason is because Donald Trump. Paul Man of Fort work for Donald Trump for about a hundred days as his campaign manager. That's it. This has nothing to do with the campaign, nothing, not one thing to do with the campaign. This has nothing to do with Russia. I thought Mueller's job was to look into Russia so called collusion. This has nothing to do at all with Donald Trump, nothing to do with the election. This is long before they even knew each other. And then you have to start asking yourself some very serious questions, Well, why why is the special counsel wasting all of his time on any of this? Now, you've got to see this through all the evidence that does exist of how Russia played a part in the twenty sixteen campaign. Because they did. There was Russia collusion, There were Russian falls, Russian stories bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and by the d n C, and they paid their money, funneled it through a law firm to fusion GPS and our research group that then hired a foreign national, Christopher Steele, a foreign spy. I thought foreigners interfering in our election was a bad thing. But I guess not if your name is Clinton, I guess then it's okay. And then, of course, you know, look at what happened with all of this. You know, for two weeks I've been showing you and talking about showing you on TV, talking about year all these communications between Bruce Or. It was once the fourth highest ranking person at the Obama Department of Justice. By the way, the President earlier today said I think Bruce Or is a disgrace. I suspect I will be taking it away very quickly, meaning a security clearance. Will get into that later. But then you know, now we've got over seventy contacts both before and after the election. As it relates to Christopher Steele, the guy that put together the dossier, he never even believed himself, and yet he wants to get it in the hands of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Those attempts were made, handwritten notes, tax emails, meetings with Bruce Or before and after the election. This is and Nellie or Bruce or his wife is working for Fusion GPS, I assume on the fake dossier. Now. Sarah uncovered two memos this week. Sarah Carter uh from Bruce Or regarding a phone call that he had with Christopher Steele. Then Bruce Or wrote a handwritten note and Bruce or Wright Steal is quote very very concerned about the come hearing and afraid that they will be exposed. Now this is on top of the text that Sarah broke the night before Wednesday night revealing that Steel was concerned about the particular fire walls and whether or not whether or not they'd hold the Steel road or high. Just wondering if you had any news. Obviously we're a bit apprehensive given the scheduled appearance in Congress on Monday, hoping the important firewalls hold. Or writes back, Sorry, no news. I believe my earlier information is still accurate. I'll let you know immediately if anything changes. And why is this important? Because James Comey was going to testify two days later and one of the main questions, what are the firewalls? What did he mean by important firewalls? You know what did are mean by I stand by my earlier information. So the firewalls were in place. Sounds a lot like an insurance policy, if you will, and then you get to this this new one, afraid we will be exposed. So there's this guy is scared to death, he's a well he should be exposed in an interrogatory in Great Britain. He would not stand by his own dossier. That John Brennan, the CIA director, was leaking the Harry Read and then writing Read writing a letter to Comey, and they were all leaking Fusion, GPS, Christopher Steel, all leaking this phony Russian dossier to the press, the gullible press that ends up printing what was never verified, never confirmed, never corroborated independently by anybody. Why would a CIA director be spreading false information, unverified information, because he's a political hack and it's and they wanted to take down Donald Trump. And then, of course it gets worse because then they present as the bulk of him for nation a visa application as buying a Trump campaign esposiate top of spies inside the Trump campaign, and they put that in place, and they literally they didn't never verify it, they never confirm it, they never corroborate it. And then it's used four separate times to get a warrant, a FISA warrant just buying a Trump campaign associate. And they do it by committing a fraud against four separate Visor Core judges, four separate occasions they have as a matter of law, as a matter of protocol of duty, you want to take away security clearances, call me and Yates and Rod Rosenstein and anyone else that had anything to do with with standing by what they presented to those FISA courts. They should all be in trouble. What was Christopher Steel so worried about being exposed about? What were the firewalls that they're talking about. I mean, Steals, the guy that you know literally put this piece of garbage together full of lies. He's the one that wanted to peddle it through the meat to the media with Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, who used Bruce Orde to spread the Russian propaganda throughout the highest levels of our federal government. We also learned from Katherine Herrihage last night that it was Steele who was leaking the contents of the phony docier of the press, and that's beyond Yahoo News and Michael Izakoff, all at the request of Fusion GPS. They of course being paid by Hillary Clinton. And now we know the Fusion GPS also had another client, the Russian lawyer the one that was involved in the infamous Trump Tower meeting. Well, they were paying Fusion GPS, and Simpson met both before the meeting at Trump Tower and after the meeting with Trump Tower with the Russian lawyer that's also paying Fusion GPS. And we all know Steele and Simpson clearly we're pushing the Russian lies because they both had an anti Trump agenda. You can't make any of this up, but don't think you're ever gonna hear about it from your corrupt, abusively biased, lazy, overpaid friends in the news media. Never seen such lazy people. 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Today's gone. Just go to defend Family dot Com. Defend Family dot Com one more time. Defend Family dot Com. Making America first, safe and great again. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, looking more and more like the Mantaft trial is gonna be h ending tape two and coming back on Monday. We'll follow that closely. You know, Sarah's all of these text messages. We're a bit apprehensive given scheduled appearance like Congress on Monday, hoping important firewalls hold and I believe my earlier information is still accurate, or writes back to Christopher Steele. And then we find out that, well, I'm very concerned about the come hearing and afraid they will be exposed. Does that not sound you know, like it's something really nefarious at the top levels of the FBI. How many more people need to get fired at the FBI? How many more people need to resign? How many more people need to be demoded? How many more people, you know, do we find in the upper levels of the FBI that are this corrupt? And then the Department of Justice slow walking subpoenas by Congress. They don't want to hand over anything. Then we we get we get one thing a day, and it's taken literally eighteen months on the layers of this onion apart, and every time we get it, it starts getting bigger and bigger and bigger. The lies that are told by Adam Schiff and the Democrats listen, that's part of their agenda that they get control of Congress. They don't want these investigations into the deep state going forward. One of the first people I look at for conspiracy and collusion with Russia would be Adam Schiff. And the exhibit A is him on that tape, you know, talking to who he thinks is a Russian about getting naked naked pictures of Donald Trump. And this is all being ignored by the media. The media that wanted Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. The media is so concerned about Russian inter interference in our election. They don't seem to care that Brennan was responsible for spreading Russian lies, the phony dossier during the election. It's such a double standard. They don't care that Adam shiff is on the phone, you know, coordinating and conspiring to get Russia and promation on Donald Trump. They don't care that fightser courts were lied to with Russian lies. They got a warrant against the American citizen. That's they're just every one of them is a fraud and a phony, and they're just fake. Anyway, we'll get to all of this. We got a lot coming up in the course of the program. Way, do you hear about this new book It's called Compromised? How money and politics drive FBI corruption? How did Comey and Mueller get so rich? We have the answer. Keeping Uncle Sam accountable to you every day. Hannity is on alright till the top of the hour, one Sean Um, let me just say, I am aware that there's a lot more in terms of emails communication between Steel and Or that has not yet even come out at this particular point, and I know we're talking about I hope these important firewalls hold. I believe my earlier information is accurate. And you know what do you mean by firewalls? And then you take it to the next level. Uh, when he's so afraid that he's gonna get caught, it's it's all coming out. They're not gonna be They're afraid, very concerned about the COMI hearing, and afraid they will be exposed. All of these people involved in this hate Donald Trump. This is before the election, it's during the transition, it's during his presidency, and all of it is manufactured lies, all of it, and the whole thing shows that it is a one sided abusive power, an effort to rig an election, lie and and even propagate disinformation. It's like the former Soviet Union. It's like, you know, they lie to their citizens, called propaganda, misinformation, lying, you know, we'll call it whatever you wanna call it. And Bruce Orb, you know, the communications are so familiar, and I've seen a lot more than I can talk about. It's so familiar with Christopher Steel, it's nauseating. And then of course his wife Nelly is working infusion GPS and then Christopher Steel infusion. GPS are literally spreading the information that that even Christopher Steele doesn't believe to be true. Well, there's you know, if you've got a foreign national spreading Russian lies before an election so that the American people don't vote for one candidate instead vote for another candidate, what do you call that? That's an attempt to rig Steel influence an election, the very thing that supposedly Muller was supposed to look into. And it just so happens the propaganda, the lies came directly from Russia, the misinformation from Russia, put together by a foreigner, a foreign spy, and they're perfectly disseminating the information, and even the CIA director at the time, John Brennan's helping to do that. Maybe many people don't have a problem being lied to on purpose by your government, but I do. And good luck to any of you that are involved in lying to any fis, a court judge, or any judge ever. Good luck with that. It's not gonna work out well for you. It's like, it's not gonna work out well for you if you do the things Hillary did. Now, the President said earlier today he's getting ready to revoke the security clearance of Bruce or key player in this phony Russian steel dossier scandal. Here's what he said. I think Resort is a disgrace. I suspect be taking it away very quickly. I think that Russourt is a disgrace with his wife Nelly. For him to be in the Justice Department and to be doing what he did, that is a disgrace. That is disqualifying for Mueller. And Mr Mueller has a lot of conflicts also directly yourself. So you know that Mr Muller is highly conflicted. In fact, Tomy is like his best friend. I could go into conflict after conflict, but sadly Mr Muller is conflicted. But let him write his report. We did not think there's no collusion. But if he was doing an honest report, he'd write it on the other side, because when you look at criminality and you look at problems, take a look at what they did, including colluding with the Russians. The other side, he is a disgrace. Now, by the way, New York Times has embracing conspiracy theory, I have the emails, you idiots at the New York Times. You don't even have them. I've got him. Don't worry. We did more investigative reporting than you do as usual, and we don't sit on the sidelines with the political bias that you do. What evidence do you have a Trump Russia collusion? None? What evidence do you have that Hillary Clinton paid for Russian lies to influence an election? And that or and Steele knew it wasn't true and they still propagated those lives to the American people. I mean, it's unbelievable the amount of contact he's having with Christopher Steele. Christopher Steele doesn't believe his own dossier. His wife Nellie's working big time at Fusion GPS. You know, it's unbelievable. Of course, the news media won't won't go near it. Yeah, he should lose his security clearance, Social page social struck sociould call me a McCabe, and Sally Yates and the whole list of them. You know. Later in the program, I got my hands on a brand new book that has just been released. It's put out by our friends at the Government of on Ability Institute, that's where Peter Schwitzer does most of his work. Anyway, It's called Compromise. How money in politics drive FBI corruption. Remember that's the same Peter Schwitzer that exposed the uranium one deal. Yea, that's right of America's uranium. Robert Mueller is the FBI director. We have a spy that infiltrated Putin's network inside of America, and that we know that Russian spies are bribing, extorting, involved in money laundering and kickbacks, and we still let them do what they do. I interviewed the spinies, like, why do we ever let these people do this? I was telling them every step of the way what was happening. These were was a Russian coup to get a hold of of American uranium and then Sipphias signs off on it, and what's seven nine separate agencies signing off on the deal, including Hillary State Department. Then they got a hundred and forty five million and kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation. At the time, Bill Clinton's doubling his speaking fees in Russia. We got Russia all over this on the Democratic side. Anyway, I was stunned in the book. The this book now actually goes on to say that James Comey's network skyrocketed over four thousand percent when he left the d O J and O five and returned to the FBI. And one of the interesting ways he made money was, according to the book, six point one million dollars after Mueller's FBI granted his employer. Mueller was working called me was working for Lockheed Martin, the largest contractor in history, on a billion dollar project, and Comey was advising Lockheed Martin. We got six point one million dollars in that deal. Under Muller's direction, the FBI granted multiple Sky contrast contacts and contracts to Lockheed Martin. Comey was advising them on the legality of their operations. Comey got another six million dollars working for one of the world's largest head funds, an additional five d thousand for unused vacation time. Then, when Comey was in and Mueller's out in oh Mel, Mueller left and he started a consulting firm. He made more than three point five million in about a year, representing clients giving speeches probably that had previously you know, now Comy's helping him, apparently to a former two of the former clients that are cooperating with Mueller's investigation now, where as clients Facebook and Apple, Mueller's former clients, you know, the paragon of privacy Apple, or they did provide the Special Counsel with access to Paul manaforts iCloud despite making a public spectacle protecting if you remember the case in San Bernardino, the terrorist privacy and Mueller's former client, the other paragon of privacy, Facebook, they may be cooperating with the Special Council again voluntarily without a subpoena. According to congressional testimony by Mark Zuckerberg, Uranium one sippious review is compromised from the start by both political and financial interest in the FBI d o J. Well, they knew, because they had a spy inside of the entire Russian network in America that we're bribing and extorting and money laundering and kickbacks. They knew it all, and still they sign off on a Russian takeover of our uranium, which is then used as the foundational material for nuclear weapons. Andrew McCabe brought Rosenstein, Andrew Wiseman others. They gave a favorable plea deal to a Russian accused of bribery, extortion, and money laundering in the US nuclear sector. It's amazing how these names keep come flying back. It's one big, incestuous, screwed up team. It's one swamp, one sewer of corruption. And the is much more. We'll get into that later in the program today. Yeah, nobody else is reporting it. It goes to me, Hannity, you ready for these idiots to bang down here. Of course they don't like what I'm doing. Of course, they don't like what Sarah Carter's doing. Of course they don't like what Dr Gork is doing, and what Greg Jartt's book exposes, and what Judge Piro's book exposes. They don't like it. You don't like any of it, my because they thought they'd get away with all of this. You know, look at what else we learned yesterday on top of Sarah's. Oh, he's very afraid. Christopher Steele is going to be exposed. Christopher Steele, the foreign national, never should have been involved in using phony Russian sources and then spreading his information to impact our elections. He should be afraid, and frankly needs to be brought in for questioning. Why did he Why was he spreading false information to the American people before an election? Why was he working with Bruce or on such an issue. Bruce Ord is now scheduled to be back August. It's Christopher Steel who used Bruce Or to spread that Russian propaganda throughout the highest levels of the government. Catherine Herrihage point out that it was Christopher Steel who was leaking the contents of his pony dossier one he won't even stand by to the press in the fall of sen at the request of Fusion GPS was being paid by Hillary And we know Fusion GPS also was being paid by that Russian lawyer as a client from the infamous Trump Tower meeting. Apparently Simpson met both before and after the meeting with the client lawyer that was meeting Don Jr. In company total bs. That's why Steele wants the firewall. That's why he's scared to death that he's gonna get caught. You know, you look at then you look at the review process. You know, the president's stripping secret access from Comrade John Brennan. Thank god, media media is acting like it's the worst thing in the world. But we told you that in the case of former CIA directors, their own by laws say the agency holds that security clearance and renews it every five years for the rest of their lives. However, that requires former CIA directors to behave like currency i A. Employees, which John Brennan is not doing. Accusing the president of being a trader and treason mr communists were getting at the height of the Cold War. He's supporting the former Soviet Union also regularly used as security clearance to validate his bizarre conspiracy theories that he's now pushing and getting paid for on conspiracy TV MSNBC. He also leaked that phony docier information of the American people before an election. Ainstream media don't seem to care about any of this. Instead, they're now claiming John Brennan's First Amendment rights have been infringed, which is just patently absurd. You know. Uh, there is a big difference. By the way, maybe to educate everybody in the media, security clearance is not a constitutional right. It's a privilege. US Supreme Court case Navy v. Egan. US president has the authority to revoke any clearance, with or without a stated reason. Oh, president has the power to do that. The interesting if the media actually knew one thing about the what what it is they talk about every day? They're lazy they're overpaid, and they're ignorant, and they're abusively biased on top of it, and this faint moral outrage game that they play every day. It just is I've never seen anything that's bad in terms of an informational crisis in our lives. Now. The administration is rightly reviewing the status and nine clearances. We went through this yesterday. Greg Jared had a good list, and start with James Clapper. He's a liar. Strip him of his security clearances as as quickly as possible. He's now paid by fake news CNN, you know, and you know out there saying things that we know are in true breaking news. Now to interrupt your very very important breaking news story, Okay, what is it online for? Your old boss is called in what he says you used to work for him, and and I really want to make sure the audience gets to talk to him because I want to hear from His name is Joe. Joe. Hello with Sean Hannity. When did I work for you? You're doing brother, well, you don't remember me, no image. Plus you could give a lecture on opening Aula. I'm gonna tell you something though, you're one of the best comfences I ever had my whole life. I am so sorry that I let you go. Boy, but I told you, And remember I'm on in the street corner. I told you we're gonna be on the radio. I told you were going to be famous. I'm trying to remember when I work. Where did I work for you? And when? Well? You worked? Remembered at the hospital, the Hempstead Hospital. You worked in me at the hospital. I remember New Image Plus Construction company. You you were compenter. I had to build some walls, I had to do some windows. Uh come on, Sean. Remember I hate to tell you, I did most of my my construction work in Rhode Island in California. So I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Okay, alright, but I but I actually was. I was a really good I Look, I was better at banging. I was better at finished work because I had a really good eye for detail. But I was pretty good at putting up walls and framing if I had to. But I hated it. We used to have a supervisor. Ones were building a new house. It was like you had to get a sixteen inch now uh in three wax and if you you hit it a fourth time. They were piste. This was before we had guns like they do today. They just shoot the nails into it. Well, anyway, I don't remember. I don't and I maybe who knows? Eight D nine one showing Why are you laughing so hard in there? Are you sure you didn't hit yourself in the head with a hammer or what happened? Did say you fell off a roof a few times? That was in Rhode Island, not in Long Island. When Linda from New York, New York. Uh, By the way, if you heard of any of you have any bitcoin? I'm just curious if any of you no. No either, not that I'm telling anybody. Have you ever heard of crypto jacking, cyber thieves gaining access to personal computers, malicious emails, or even browsing using special programs to solve complex math equations to gain a piece of you know, cryptocurrency, things like bitcoin. You're gonna see symptoms like high process or usage or maybe devices overheating, slow response time. Look, so many threats in today's connected world. All it takes is one week link and criminals get in. Thank goodness for the all new LifeLock identity that protection the added power of Norton Security. It helps you against threats to your identity, your devices that you cannot see or fix on your own. Now it's the all new LifeLock Norton Security. They'll find the things that you'd otherwise miss. Got a LifeLock dot com called one LifeLock. If you have a problem, they don't fix it. If you use the promo code Hannity, you get an extra ten percent off your first year plus right now, limited time only, you'll get a twenty five dollar Amazon gift card with your annual enrollment. That's life flock dot Com one LifeLock promo code Hannity quick Break right back, busy day will continue. I think is disgrace. I suspect I'll be taking it away very quickly. I think that Rossour is a disgrace with his wife Nelly. For him to be in the Justice Department and to be doing what he did, that is a disgrace. That is disqualifying for Mueller, and Mr Mueller has a lot of conflicts also directly yourself. So you know that Mr Muller is highly conflicted. In fact, Tomy is like his best friend. I could go in the conflict after conflict. But sadly Mr Muller is conflicted. But let him write his report. We did not think there's no collusion. But if he was doing an honest report, he'd write it on the other side, because when you look at criminality and you look at problems, take a look at what they did, including colluding with the Russians the other side. All right, that was the president rightly, what we're talking about last hour, Yeah, Bruce or and we can go through Struck and Page and Comey and McCabe and a bunch of others. Yeah, all should be losing their security clearances. Add to that, Susan Rice, add to that, James Clapper. Why they have it is pretty remarkable to me in the first place. Anyway, one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, you know, one of the things that are good friend Peter Schweitzer has over the year has been able to do is he's been able to follow the money and find out how is it all these politicians have become healthy, rich and they're supposed to be government servants, and where does the money come from? And where are the conflicts of interest? And in some cases I would even argue, like in the Uranium one deal an obvious kickback scheme UM, and there is a new book out that they have put out. Shamus Brunner Peter Schweitzer, who wrote the foreward for the book, have now come out with an interesting new book. The book is called Compromised. How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, UM Drive uh FBI Corruption. James Comey's net worth of skyrocket at four thousand percent by the time he left in two thousand and five and came back in. Comey made six point one million dollars after Mueller granted his employer, Lockheed Martin, largest contractor in history, a billion dollar boondoggle. Under Mueller's direction, the FBI granted multiple spy contracts to Lockheed Martin while Comey was advising them on the legality of their operations. Comey also received another six million dollars working for one of the world's largest hedge funds UH and an additional five hundred thousand for unused vacation time. Mueller cashed in as well and in team. When Comey took over the FBI Will Mueller left to start consulting a consulting firm. He made more than three point five million in about a year, giving speeches and representing clients who he had previously uh who had previously enriched as FBI director, clients like the World's most profitable spy corporation and some other places. Two of Mueller's former clients are cooperating with the Special Council, Facebook, Apple, Mueller's former client, the Paragon of privacy, Apple ing provided the Special Council with access to Paul Manaforts Hicloud, despite making a public spectacle protecting the San Bernardino terrorist privacy. Mueller's former client and other Paragon of privacy Facebook, while they may be cooperating with the Special Council voluntarily with out a subpoena. According to congressional testimony of CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the Ranium one Sipious Review Board was compromised from the start by both political and financial conflicts of interest. The FBI, the d o j knew the Russian schemes and apparently did nothing to stop the Russian takeover of America's uranium. And we know how much money got sent into the Clinton Foundation coffers in that particular case. Then you've got other Russian players. They're involved as well. You know, we've got people like Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein and Andrew Weissman and others. Well, they gave a favorable deal to a Russian accused of bribery, extortion, and money laundering in the US nuclear sector, and it goes on from there. Now, I read this today and I'm sitting there. I'm stunned. You know, why is this None of this has come out until today. Anyway. The book is called Compromised, How Money and Politics drive FBI Corruption and joining us now it's always good to have them back. Peter Schweitzer, author of Clinton Cash and also Secret Empires, How the American political class hides corruption and richest family and friends. It's also the president of the Government Accountability Institute. And Shamus Bruner is the author of this new book. Welcome both of you to the program. Great to be here. Sean, thanks for having us. You did the forward for this. Um, I'm reading all of this and I'm saying, you've gotta be kidding me. Everybody in government and richis themselves. Every single one has conflicts like this. No they don't. And Sean, that's I think. Really what's interesting about this is, you know, we saw with the Peter Struck emails and other evidence of political bias at work among people involved in all of this. Shamus came to me a while back and said, you know, I think there's a crony angle to all of this that involves follow the money. That there are these deals that that these guys engaged in, um and that is an important part of this story. So I said, okay, go ahead and dig in and see what you can find. And he followed them money, Sean and and exactly some of the information you just talked about. Uh. He exposes the fact that you know, Jim Comey and Robert Mueller are are very close friends. They they met each other in the nineteen nineties at the Justice departments, uh and and have really been sort of this tag team from the beginning. When one of them is in the private sector and the other ones in governments, they steer contracts in the direction of people that they're affiliated with, and vice versa. And it's a very very troubling story that shows the revolving door applies every bit as much to these gentlemen, and crony capitalism applies every bit as much as it does to other people in Washington. I'm stunned at the Comey story and the Mueller's story more than anybody. Uh, And I really want to ask you, Shamus. I mean, Comey made six point one million bucks after Mueller's FBI granted his employer, Lockheed Martin. I guess he was doing consulting for them a billion dollar projects. Well, it's really interesting, Sean. It wasn't just consulting. He was senior vice president of Lockheed Martin and general counsel, so he was the top lawyer at the largest contractor in US history. Now Lockeed Martin gets about fifty billion dollars a year. Of that is in taxpayer money. And James Comey, who has never been the general council of a corporation that large, you know, comes in in two thousand and five, and yeah, by a two thousand nine, he's made six point one million dollars just in that year alone. And that's disclosed in SEC documents. It's a various levels of cash and stock options, um, but yet no six point one million dollars in one year. And this is after in two thousand and eight, Robert Mueller gives a program called Next Generation Identification. It's a surveillance program. It's biometric facial recognition. They're basically turning everyone's face into a fingerprint. Well but let me but let me go through this. So how is it, you know, how does this not get reported? And all this time, James Comey is the one that leaked the information to his professor friend government documents. We might might have even been top secret and privileged in many ways, um to the professor that puts it in the New York Times for his admitted purpose to get a special counsel. And clearly he's also friends with Rob Rosenstein. Everybody seems to know everybody in all of this, and they appoint their other friend, Muller, to them be the special counsel. But meanwhile, Comey made millions because he was representing a group that Mueller. Did Muller sign off on that contract with Lockheed Martin? Did he have a say in that? Well it's hard to imagine a contract worth a billion dollars that the FBI director wouldn't have to sign off on. But there are other contracts too, and some of them it doesn't even appear, were you know, competitively bid or at least there were protests IBM protested one of the contracts. There's another program called Sentinel program that was given to lockeed Martin, and IBM protested the contract awards to lockeed Martin. So you know, these hundred million dollar contracts coming from the FBI two Lockeed Martin, while James Comey is their general counsel and senior vice president. Really kind of shocking stuff. And and Mueller is really no different. He he cashed in as well. Well, let's talk about that, because then when Comey took over the FBI, Muller cashed in. How did he make his money? That's exactly right. Uh, Like Peter said, they kind of work as a tag team. So Mueller leaves in two thousand thirteen, James Comey takes over, Mueller goes and sets up Robert Mueller and Associates consulting firm. He starts giving speeches much like the Clinton's do, and returns to his old firm, Wilmer Hale and some of Mueller's clients. There are really interesting characters. You've got Apple Inc. Facebook Inc. Both of those corporations are now cooperating with a special counsel. You know, Apple received a court order to give over Paul Manaforts I Cloud data. Now, they refused the court orders to unlock the San Bernardino terrorists iPhone, So they have the wanting to go slow and say that one more time because I don't think people are going to fully understand the depth of this right. So Apple Link kind of sells itself as this paragon of privacy. They're going to keep your data private, and they you know, the San Bernardino terrorists is one very public example where they resisted court orders to unlock this terrorists phone. Well, Mueller's special counsel you know, issues them as subpoena for Paul Manaforts I Cloud and then they cooperate on the Paul Manaphort case, but not the terrorist case. That's right, and that actually led to more charges against Manafort. A couple will obstruction and how much money did he get with his Apple contacts and clients, etcetera. Well, these are clients of Wilmer Hail, but specifically listed in Robert Mueller's personal financial disclosure, we know that he made over three point five million dollars in just over a year. So the only financial disclosure we have for Robert Mueller covers just the year sixteen and through the beginning of it's like a revolving door. You go in the government, you go out, You make money. While you're in the government, you help persone and whatever projects they're working on, and they end up making a lot of money. And then you leave the government and that person goes back in and then they help you make money, as in the case of Mueller and comey, am I am I hearing you right? Absolutely, yeah, you know this is something Peter you have, you know, followed on different levels, and it's happening a lot. The Clintons will probably the worst of anybody when it comes to the the absolute amount of money. But it seems to me that you know, it's just at the just on its surface that it stinks too high heaven. Any law is broken that you see, Well, it's it's hard to know whether the laws had been broken, but I think what it does. By the way, it's funny that mother is making fun of trying to make fun in this menaphor case of the lifestyle of Paul Manaphort and his stupid Ostrich jacket. If he's guilty of anything, he's guilty of horrible taste. Well, that's right, and Sean. But the other point I think that we have to really factor in is, you know, you think about this issue of the security clearances and uh that John Brennan's being pulled. Think about this in the context of what Shamus has been talking about in these contracts. If you do not have a security clearance as a retired FBI director or a former d o J son your executive, if you do not have access to that security clearance, you can't work for these contractors. So it's not just an issue of John Brennan or James Comby or whoever having access to these uh, you know, clearances for purposes of knowing what's going on. It actually affects their bottom line in a big way. And this revolving door is a big problem. We know that it happens in the Pentagon. We know that it you know, health and human services people you know, do favorable things for say a pharmaceutical company, and then they leave and go work for this pharmaceutical company. As Shamus lays out in the book, the same thing is going on at FBI and d o J and Jim Comey and Robert Mully are involved in it um and I think one of the reasons you're gonna see a lot of pushback and a lot of screaming on this issue of security clearances is it goes to the heart of their ability to cash in. If they don't have a security clearance, they cannot cash in with these contractors in this way. All right, we gotta take a break. Uh, this is a brand new book. It's just doubt. It's called Compromised. How Money and Politics drive FBI Corruption. It's pretty breathtaking, especially in light of some of the arguments that Mueller's team tried to make in the Manafort case. The Manafort trial. Um, it's just pretty unbelievable to me. Oh, he's he's he has a rich lifestyle. Well, apparently so does call me in Mueller that nobody knew about. And apparently they used each other's contacts in a in a way that I think raises a lot of eyebrows. 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They arrive, you start getting a kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recruperative sleep that you deserve. You're gonna love it. My pillow dot Com. Wait till your head hits that pillow. You're gonna love it. If you're ready to get out of the media spin room. You've come to the right place is the Sean Hannity Show. To use this kind of punishment to chill speak is the violation of the First Amendment. I mean, this is a striking move towards authoritarianism. You know, this is what dictators do. They shut down the press, shut down descent, they jailed their opponents for. In this case, they steal their security clearance. What happened here was a pure authoritarian act from an intemperate president who wanted to punish one of his critics, nothing more, nothing less, threatening him right now. But do you know what he said already write it doesn't influence the already taking away from from John Leon. So doesn't that say that everybody else? Shut your mouth. That's your media melting down over revoking the corrupt former CI A former communist director of the CIA, John Brennan security clearance. Listen, we keep make in the case why everybody should be losing their security clearances involved in anything involving the lying, the fraud to afise a court, or disseminating and propagandizing and misinforming and disinformation campaign against the American people. With that phony, Clinton bought and paid for Russian dossier. They're all involved with all of this. Now we're finding out all this new information. It's interesting how all these FBI guys made a fortune with their contacts and nobody seems to know about it. But yet Robert Muller and his team are making fun of the Ostrich Code of Paul Manafort. Anyway, we'll take a break, we'll come back. Peter Schweitzer and Shamus Brunner, the author of the brand new book, which, by the way, I recommend highly you get. It's called Compromise, How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption. Amount of money we're talking about is staggering. That's next, James, comey, you have the right to remain silent, and you might want to use it. This is the Sean Hannity Show, a right. As we continue, Peter Schweitzer is with us and Shamus Brunner is with us their brand new book, Compromised, How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption. I want to go over again, how important is it to people like all of these x bys, FBI officials, CIA officials that they keep their clearance and clearances if they're going to represent places like Lockheed Martin. Yeah, it's It's a huge issue, Sean, because if you work for UM a contractor. Let's say you're a former assistant director of the FBI and you go work for lockeed Martin or you go to Booze Allen or one of these other consulting firms, you were working on classified projects. You need a security clearance. So if you are John Brennan, for example, who was a contractor after he left the Intelligence Service, UM, those opportunities dry up because Booz Allen, for example, can't hire you. Luckeed Martin can't hire you to work on any intelligence programs because those programs are classified. So you know, this is not I think people get the impression that you know, this only matters because you know, people are going and talking on CNN or uh, you know they're they're curious about what's going on in the world. No access to top secret security clearances is key. UM. If you are going to work for the multitude of contractors out there working in the national security or the intelligence space, this is serious money though. I mean, Colly is making a fortune. You know, Mueller's the FBI director and then Comy makes a fortune. Then he becomes the FBI director, and then he's helping Mueller and what he's doing, whatever lobbying, whatever deals he's involved in. It seems like a quid pro quote to me, you know, it sounds like something that maybe they should bring before Judge Ellis. I wonder if they bought Ostrich jackets and expensive cars as a result of it. All pretty interesting, I think. I think you're right, Sean. I mean that these are the sorts of issues that are that are very very relevant, um. And it also shows the nature of so much of what's going on in Washington. You've got the political element, it's also about cashing in. I mean, you know, you are more familiar with the uranium one story uh than anyone UM. And I think that one of the things that Shamus dug up that's so curious about this shocking frankly, that I didn't know of until he uncovered in the book involves a top Hillary Clinton advisor while she was Secretary of State and considering uranium one um and what his financial ties were. And maybe I'll just let Shamus a show you in give you the last word, Shamus, about twenty seconds, it's all your all right, well right, Hillary Clinton. Something shocking and huge thanks to you, Sean for keeping your listeners in America informed on the Uranium one scandal. No one's done it better, really, but we found something even more sinister than all the money that went to the Clinton's. Hillary Clinton State Department had an advisor, a man named Ted Cassenger. He's an attorney in Washington. Well, while he's advising Hillary Clinton State Department, he's simultaneously on Putin's payroll working for the specific Russian nuclear company, a subsidiary of Rossa Tom who was taking over uranium one. And so he met repeatedly with Hillary's Scifius representative, a man named Jose Fernandez, throughout and he even met with the Secretary herself in you know, earlier that year, about six months before the deal. You know, I I look at all of this and and for example, one of the points I was making and have been making now that we have all of this analysis that Bruce Orr and um Christopher Steele were talking about firewalls and fire walls plural holding and that he had a real fear about Comey's UH test testifying, which Sarah Carter broke last night. And all of this is unfolding about Russia then we have Russian lies that are disseminated to the American people that Hillary paid for, even by the CIA director Brennan. And then we have those same Hillary paid for Russian lies put together by a foreign national. I thought it was wrong when foreigners got involved in our electoral process, But apparently if your Hillary, and it's your campaign and it's a foreign national that choosing Russian sources, I guess that's all okay. And then somehow we end up Peter Swites are, you know, talking about palm manaforts taxes that have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do with the campaign, nothing to do with collusion, nothing to do with Donald Trump. I listen to Judge Ellis talk about They're really this isn't about Manafort. This is about putting the screws to manifort, soil, sing or compose and and then maybe they can prosecutor impeach Donald Trump. But with all this information on Russia, we got a tape of you know, Shifty Shift, who also works on the House Intel Committee, talking to a Russian breathlessly thinking he's getting research about naked pictures on Donald Trump. We've got the evidence of him conspiring and colluding to get that information. We don't have such evidence in the Trump case after nearly two years. And I'm thinking there's something really wrong with our system that it's working this way. And look, I know it took a lot of digging on your part, but I'm guessing not as much as I think you've found this information in public records. Peter. Yeah, No, you're You're exactly right, Sean. And and this is I think what people out in the country are so frustrated about. Look if if if somebody has colluded or had colluded, they wanted exposed. But let's not have a double standard. And there's no evidence after all, describing an investigation by Robert Mueller. There's nothing that that rises to level of collaborate ration. And yet we know for a fact that the Clintons, for example, that other individuals political figures have had financial ties with Russian entities, that the Russians were involved in providing information to Christopher Steele. And it's that double standard. Why do we apply a different standard to the Clintons or to someone else, um, and that we don't apply in the case of Donald Trump. And you you look, you did the best work. I mean, I learned everything I learned on uranium one from you, or most of it from your book. You are way ahead of the curve. And then I think we even learned a lot more. And in this book you've even taken it a step further because you have the Clinton State Department adviser Ted Cassenger simultaneously on Putin's payroll, advising the Nuclear Corporation on the takeover of uranium one. But we also know, and this was Robert Mueller again, he was the FBI director at the time, right, Robert Mueller knew that we had Putin operatives in America, that they were involved in Briberry in extortion and kicked back some money laundry. And yet we knew it because we had a spy that I've interviewed inside working for our government that was telling our government. And still the deal was allowed to go through, and Putin had control of our uranium and then the Clinton Foundation got you know, a hundred and how many million dollars kicked back to them, Yeah, hundred and forty five million dollars. There was money that ended up in the Clinton's pocket. And I think you you you nailed it as it relates to Robert Muller in this um you know, as head of the FBI, they are involved in the sciftheist review of this transaction of the Russian government getting US uranium, and that Shiftheist process, Sean, is all about determining who is buying this company in this case, this uranium company, and is there any evidence of criminal activity involving that company? And it was there clearly was, and the FBI senior executives knew about it, and we know about it now because of this whistleblower. So the point is the Scythius process was exactly set up precisely to intervene in the case like Uranium one, and say, hold on for a second, there's criminal activity involving this company that wants to take over this company, we are not going to approve it. And yet the FBI sat silent. It's mystifying and we still don't know to this day what those deliberations were, how those deliberations went down. And that's one of the things that I'm hoping that Congress is going to investigate. And this is not just about history, Sean, Scythius under President Trump has become an even more important institution looking at Chinese transactions in the United States. So we need to know when SCYTHEUS has failed and why it has failed, and we can only know that by opening up the case file and looking at at the uranium one deal. All right, I agree with all that great work, both of you. I'm sure it's going to piss off all the people that already hate my guts, so they'll just add your names to the list. Um, thank you very much, Peter Sweitzer and Shamus Brunner. The book is called Compromised, How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption. We're gonna make a big deal of this in the days and weeks ahead, I promise you both. Uh, this research is going to get out there. Eight nine for one. Shawn is our toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. C J is in Texas. C J, Hi, Happy Friday, and welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hi Sean, Happy Friday. Wow Are you always this happy? I'm not that I'm not always as happy as you, but good for you. I'm happy you're happy. I'm a pretty happy person. I like to spread the magalove out there. Um. I called in because I heard you talking yesterday that you were not feeling the urgency for mid terms from the American people, and I've been trying to get through to you since then. I Um, I'm telling you there's two reasons for this. We are completely being silent. I'm on Twitter. I'm a part of a girl kind You're singing group were like equally parts goofy, fun, embarrassing, but we sing only for Trump. We have our videos go viral. Really, we'll tell us that what's the name of your group and we'll put it up. We'll put give us your best video and we'll link at that Hannity dot Com. Oh absolutely, Um, we're called the Deplorable Choir. We just wanted to support Trump. We felt like within our community there was like a real shame attached to being a Trump supporter, and we like wanted to fight that, and you know what better way than be like fun, young cute girls posting videos for him. But we have been like majorly centered on Twitter. Our last song was about the Mueller investigation and really, why did they sent you on Twitter? I think like all our videos did really well until I did this Moller investigation song, and um, and it did great. Too. I mean I had Roger Stone was sharing it. Um they had it on Info Wars and next thing I know, my tweets are being deleted left and right. We were super excited. We made the cutest video two days ago called vote Republican. It is like really cute, Like it's super cute, like Crumny is like cute, fine girls promoting him to fight the stigma that he hates. All right, hang on, I'm actually Jason has pulled up one of your videos. Uh what song is this, Jason that you pulled up out of the many? Apparently that are what does it call? It's no smoking gun. We pulled it up on YouTube. This is a deplorable choir. Well, thank you Linda for verifying it. You're welcome, smokeking gun. Hell you came place that just fad. We're going a chore. Mr Muller around though, your friends. I think it's really parents Clinton. That from Steve on Russia friends, it's really good. I mean, I'm looking at Linda right now. You know you need to bring Linda into your band because Linda is an amazing singer. How many weddings have you invited? Well you not, No, you won't want me in your band because I can't sing at all, and uh, it would ruin you tell me to start mouthing the words and turn my mic down. But Linda is a great singer. I think we should talk about you, Sean. I mean, I've heard you sing quite a few times. The Devil went down to Georgia. I wrapped. The Devil went down to Georgia. I don't, really, I don't. I don't know if I was called rapping, but I would say, I would say that your your vocalization gig. No, my singing skills are a trocious. Come on, it's Friday. Give us a little taste of the old hand andy magic. I'm not doing a trick. Yeah, let's hear it. CJ wants to hear it. I want to hear it. I don't want to hear it. Don't be shy, sean Ah, you really want me to do this right? Do? It's gonna be plastic went down to Georgia. He was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind. He's way behind, and he's willing to make a deal. He came across this young man song on a fiddle and playing it hot, and the devil jumped up on a hickory. Somebody said, boy, let me tell you what. I guess you didn't know it. But I'm a fiddle player too, and if you care or take it there, I'll make a bet with you. Now you played pretty good, fiddle boy, to give the devil his due. I'll bet a fiddle a gold against your soul because I think I'm better than you. All Right, there we go. How is that? That was fantastic? Like seriously, probably one of the best times you m J what do you think was it? Okay, I'm you're in my choir. He acquire desperate. Well, let us know when you're in New York and won't tell everybody to go see your band. Okay, thank you. I just wanted to let you know that we deleting and I have the proof I see them to Linda earlier. But it's reach, we reach, we delete, like when you know in a thirty second period, it's like twenty every thirty seconds. So it's really sad that they're trying to silence just positive influences for Trump. That is. You know, we had Jack Dorsey on the program, and there is a way to report it. But anyway, good luck with your band. It's called again the Deplorable Choir. All right, thank you so much. CJ One Shawn Tolfree telephone number. Listen. You may be looking for a new job. 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Express Pros take pride in connecting the right people with the right company. Just download the Express Jobs App. Now finding a job is about well who you know? Get to no Express Pros. Your job search starts today on the Express Jobs App. Go to express pros dot com. The value standards, the institutions that that I and others spent the major part of our professional lives defending and upholding or under assault by our very own president. That I really do wonder whether the Russians have something on him. I really question question his ability to uh, his fitness to be in this office. And I also I'm beginning to wonder about his His motivation for this past weekend is a lustrat of of what a great case officer Vladimer Prutin is. He knows how to handle an asset, and that's what he's doing with the president. All right. There, of course, the issue once again, if you're just joining us eight nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program News Round Up, Information Overload our the whole issue. Who gets clearances, who does not get clearances? I say to rip away every single solitary clearance from all of these people that we know that have either been involved in the FISA, attempt to spread false, unverified information of the American people signing onto an unverified, undocumented document, and the fraud presented to the FISA courts for separate occasions, none of them. Remember, it is not a constitutional right. It is a government privilege that you can abuse as it was abused by Brennan. Da Bongino joins US former NYPD officers, secret Service age and author of the upcoming book, By the Way, now available for pre order. It's called Spygate Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump. Scott Yulinger is with US retired CIA OP officer Russian intel operations expert Philip Penny. Her old friend is back. He's one of the founding members of the Department of Homeland Security, author of See Something Saying Nothing, Welcome all of you. You know, Philip. One of the lies that we believe Clapper told is when he said, oh, there's we're not capturing metadata of every phone call, every text, every email that every American sends out and then he seemed to back off. It is that is that something that has happened and is continued to happening. Yes, and not only that, but he is the one that said that the Muslim Brotherhood had no global agenda and if they had renounced violence, I remember that in In my opinion, this whole crew should have had their security clearances revoked a long time ago. This didn't just happen in the last few days or weeks. It's been going on to the last Tell me why you believe that as somebody you're one of the founding members of our Department of Homeland Security. Why do you say it? Because it says some people, obviously the liberal media, it sounds harsh. I think if you're involved in spreading Russian lies to the American people like Brennan did before an election, or some of these other people have before an election, or you're not operating like a former CIA employee, uh, and you're out there as a political partisan hack and accusing the president of treason, I think it's an no brainer. But why do you say that all of these people should have lost it a long time ago? Well, let's start with Mr Brennan. He's the primary person behind what we call the Great Purge. You and I have talked about this several times in the past, where he cooperated with Muslim Brotherhood front groups and took all the training material out of the do J, the d h S, the FBI and made it basically impossible for us to even discuss the subject. And so that's just John Brennan and other people that were involved in the government were involved in these shutdowns of cases that you and I have talked about so often, and seeing all this is like deja vu all over again. Because as far as also free speech related to your security clans, everybody that has a security clearance knows that you're supposed to be more discreet in the way you speak, not less. It really has nothing to do whatsoever with first and them and free speech rights. But basically, going back to the beginning of your question, the shutdown of our intelligence and our capacity to defend our national security started in oh eight O nine ten. And this was this was Mr Brennan, Clapper, Mueller, the same group that's going after President Trump now was making it impossible for law enforcement officers to do their job. Yeah, let me bring Dan Bongino into all of this. Look your years as a secret Service agent, Um, it's really hard to get a clearance. And you know, as as well known as I have been to the pre is it in an even secret service agents they say hi, Mr Hannity, and then they said, uh, can you please give us your bag? And then they want me and then they pat me down and then they do what they do to everybody, which is their job. Yeah, that's how I met the first time at the White House. You were in the West Wing. I was coming down the stairs it was, and I remember it was an evening ship and I looked and I remember doing a double take. I said, Holy, that's Shawn Anny. And I said hey, and you said you're a great American. And that was. That was how we met. That was that's how I feel about the secrets. Very listen you guys. You guys are trained to take a bullet. Literally, I was, you know, I was a listener back then. But I'm glad you're bringing this topic up though about Clapper because Sean the problem which Phil kind of hit on a bit to their Clapper going on TV with the security clearance and Brennan, who I think it's even worse. They're both bad, and I think Brennan is even worse than Clapper. Brennan I think needs to needs some needs an intervention, like professional help. Some of the stuff he says, accusing Trump of treason is just insane. But the problem is, Sean, it gives the pettina like the appearance there that they have this information and they know something. And I'm not a huge fan of Richard Burt from North Carolina, but he put a stinging rebuke out yesterday of John Brennan saying this shown Hey, Johnny b Brennan, if you know something about the president being compromised, then one, why didn't you say when you were the CIA director your phony? And number two, if you know something now and you're relaying class of information on NBC, then you may have basically committed a crime. And all of a sudden, we haven't heard much from Brendon since then, So Brendon needs to pipe down. Well, I mean to the extent I mean, I've gone over repeatedly what it says about former directors that they're supposed to be acting in the manner of a current employee if they want to keep their security clearance. He's doing neither, Uh, Scott. I have a lot of friends that have have worked or retired or are currently working in some capacity for the organization you served, and you're now retired from the CIA. You're a Russian intel expert, um. And when I learned that that dossier was fed by Brennan to Harry Reid, was never verified or corroborated. And then Harry Reid makes the public and a note to James comey, and they're spreading something they don't know to be true that turned out to be Russian lies. Is that the role of a CIA director or is that somebody abusing his power? Yeah, that's certainly. That's certainly an abusive power, Shawn. And and all of the people we've discussed, all these different reprobates, all deserve to have their clearances pulled because of their abuses. But you also have to remember, though, that this is another example of the disconnect between senior leadership and government and working level operators like Phil and Dan and myself, because you have to remember, all of us retired or departed our respective services, and we only retained our clearances for a year afterwards. But me, because I was a field grade officer, I didn't retain my clearance, nor did I expect to. The dirty little secret in Washington, And it's not well known until this issue came up, is that more and more senior officials are retaining your clearances for longer periods. It's another example of government gunnamuck. Maybe thirty years ago there were only a few people who had that, but over time more and more officials were included in this as part of an old boy network gravy train. And it's another thing that you know, is I resented. It's it's elitist, and it's un American. These people should have to you know, if they want to come back into the government, consult with the government, then you reassure them MC clearance, you reinvestigate them, but they should not be given extra privileges that the rank and file officers of the d i A, of the FBI, of the Secret Service of the CIA and Homeland Security. You know, we should be treated the same as the senior officers. Certainly we would behave more honorably. I think let me ask both of you. Sarah Carter are two blockbuster columns this week, and she was able to reveal never before seeing texts from Christopher Steele to Bruce or Hey, I'm just wondering if you have any news. Obviously, we are a bit apprehensive given the scheduled appearance at Congress on Monday. Well that's two days away when James Comey was to testify, hoping the important firewalls will hold. Many thanks or rights back. Sorry, no news. I believe by earlier information is still accurate. I'll let you know immediately if there's any change. Well, then we have one of Oor's handwritten notes, UH law Enforcements sensitive. It says, and he writes UH call with Chris meaning or calling Chris referencing, referencing Steel and quote Steel is very concerned about Comey hearing afraid they will be exposed. Now we all know that Steel and Fusion GPS. Well, Fusion GPS also had the Russian client, and they also met with that Russian lawyer both before and after the infamous Trump Tower meeting. But Russia was actually paying UH Fusion GPS also. But my question is, sounds to me like they're talking about sabotage in some way, Mr Haney, that they don't want us to know about, and they're scared to death they're gonna get exposed and the firewalls won't hold. Not only that, but from an intelligence officer's perspective, they never expected to get caught, Otherwise they would have never been so open about this. They really didn't expect to get caught. They thought they were going to pull this thing off. And what is it exactly? What in your opinion, where are we ultimately ending with all of this, because it seems to me we keep going up the chain a little higher, Brandon Clapper, it goes up the chain. I mean, I'd like to know what Obama knew about all this and when he knew it. I have to give President Trump a lot of credit because it's like letting me fruit ripen on the tree. He's letting the whole country see what kind of people these really are. It takes a lot of political skill and patients to do it, so I commend him for they're trying to take him down before he's successful at it. That's the point. I mean, this whole Russian witch hunt is exactly what we've said from the beginning. But the real corruption, the real Russia collusion, Dan Bongino, happened with the Democrat. She paid for Russian lines. They disseminated Russian lies. Uh four fights accord judges were fraud was perpetrated on them with Russian No, You're absolutely right, and I'm glad you keep hammering this on your show that the collusion is real. Um, it's just between the Clinton team, the Democrats, the swamp rats, and the Russians. There's nothing to do with Donald Trump. But this is three sub scandals. Spy game the one that's critical. It's an information laundering operation, a government sanctioned spying operation, and it's also the framing of Donald Trump, which Simona man Giante last night on Tucker Show, right before you came on, I know you heard it. I was watching your show kind of hinted to George Papadopoulis. Is finally catching onto the fact that Papadopoulis was framed. The asset that spoke to him, Sean the asset that spoke to him. According to all reports and friends, the guy is a Western intelligence asset to pop it up, not a Russian. What does that say to you, that says that this is a framing operation and or is in a world of trouble, because remember they he'll put out an article um in November of year talking about twenty seven criminal leaks Jeff Sessions d J is investigating. Don't think for a second those leaks might not touch Bruce sore and Brendan Or is in a world of trouble. We're gonna take a break. I agree with that completely. Eight one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program more with Dan Bongino, Scott you Linger, and Philippiney are with us. Listen. I found the best coffee you've ever had in your life. If you're tired of going to those big liberal corporate coffee houses and taking a sip and kind of wincing it, but you want coffee and you suck it down anyway. I wish these people would spend less time on politics and work on better coffee. But once you try Black Rifle Coffee dot Com slash Sewan, you're never gonna go back. You get guaranteed fresh, premium coffee with every single order. They deliver the best roast to order coffee that is made on Earth. And by the way, they also have a great coffee club, no lines, no running out, great coffee. They'll ship it to your door every single month. You'll even save money when you do it that way, and that's not available to other customers. They've got great gear that you're gonna want to buy and wear proudly. Black Rifle Coffee Company. Well, it's a company that's founded by vets and first responders and special ops people. And guess what, they hire vets and special ops people and first responders. So not only are you getting the best coffee you've ever had, but you're helping a company of patriots grow together. And they even give money back uh to really needed veterans causes. They're great people. You're gonna love them. Go to their website, Black Rifle Coffee dot Com slash shwan. You're gonna get fift off your order. You never go back to any other cup of coffee. I'm telling you right now. And they got every blend you could ever want. I like strong, strong coffee anyway. Black Rifle Coffee dot Com slash shant off, Black Rifle Coffee dot Com slash on fake lutn't find it all right, As we're wrapping things up here and we continue with Dan Bongino, Scott Yulinger, Philippiney and you know, Scott, I guess the question is that when you have people in such positions of power that have abused their power, um, to me, it seems like it should be a lot bigger than just losing security clearances. To me, it seems like it's time for people that have been part of an orchestrated attempt to rob or rig an election that they yet. Look, if I ever tried or attempted that, I think I'd probably be put in jail. Why is there no indictment yet? Right, there's no. There's no question about that. And it's the same whether it's Dan or Philer myself, if we had done one iota of what these people have done, you would be conjecting this interview via Leavenworth Federal Prison. And that's the problem. It's we have a two tier justice system, and we also have a two tier accountability system. You know, these people are not accountable to their for their actions to the level that are listened that the listeners and and working level folks like us are. You know, I'm gonna have to stand up to and so and that. And this is going to be a problem going forward, and it's going to be affecting the more morale and the competence of all of these different services. So the American people are going to be less well served. A really good FBI friend of mine FBI, and right exactly, he said to me, you know last week on a weekend before he goes, listen, I can see it now. We we've absolutely our image has been hurt, and hurt dramatically. And I said, no, I don't believe most people think that way. They know it's not rank and file, and he goes, Now they're they're pissed, Philip Peney, we'll give you the last work. Well, my security clearance was revoked. It's in the stories and see something, say nothing, and to show you how surreal and absurd it all is. They told me in the official letter that it should not be considered as an adverse action. I mean that that is, you have that letter. I have the letter. Yes, yeah, I think we need to have it. Next week. I think we'll bring you on TV and we'll show the world that letter. We'll find all the other people that had their security clearances lifted as well. Uh, you got in trouble for the fact that you caught Obama, if I'm not mistaken. They wanted to erase everything that you had built in a database of potential terrorists, and they made you erase it, didn't they Well, if you want to really set off fireworks, asked Dan and Scott what it happened if they deleted classified information out of their databases, Ask them what would happen to them? Well, didn't that happen in your case? Wasn't it ordered by the Obama administration? Absolutely? And that led directly to San Bernardino, Orlando and has ties to the Boston marathon bombing as well. I want to thank you all, Scott Linger, Dan Bongino, Philip Peney, thank you for being with us. One Shaun is our number. You want to be a part of the program, We'll take a break, we'll come back. We're gonna have a Maid in America Friday series. Tyler Merit is here to talk about how great, uh it's been to run a veteran and operated company here in the US. They hire, they make, they buy, they sell, and it's all American. We'll tell you about it next. Thank working every day to remember the forgotten man. This is the sewn Edy Show alright to the top of the hour, Happy Friday, and we're gonna have our Made in America series in just a second. You're gonna love this guy, the president of nine Line. I'll explain in a minute, Uh, Tyler Merritt. But first it's Friday. These weeks are long, these weeks are hard. It's what eighty one days now untill election Day, Labor days coming up. That means everyone's going back to school and work schedules remain, go back to normal. Little vacation stops and you know, we get back in the grind full time. That also means that we're getting ready for the most important midterm election in our life. But this Friday, well you can put your hands up, fire a few bullets in the air, and uh put your party at on our Friday Florida Georgia Line Zach Brown Concert Series. Let's hit it. And this is how we rule. We hanging you, we led with our rands. This is how we rule. This is how we do. We murning down the night sheet. It's at the moon, daddy. This is Howie and little bit of you can try. Gon't be here on Friday lighting a pair of jeans a fit just right, and the radio. But I see song, see the love, and my woman's eye f pressures child, and it's funny how it's a little thing in life that means I'm on that beIN and it goes me away. She's everything I'm gonna say to a woman going to a good found words to say she's got on and get it. I don't know what to do. Every time I'm trying to tell around field, it comes out, I love you, you got on? Ever, keep me in mind somehere down the road to my get it. Only keep me in mine and praise some day that you will love me. Only thing about your some days and the way I'm an nay waste to day to day with you, sweet, and can't stay in you while because this road has been putting miles on my heart. Sweetheart, I've been living in a fantacine, but one day that then it will strike and my barb will lose his bibe. But don't give up on me, sweet. I got some good friends that lived down the street, got a girl in moment in her wrong down given a smart town. There it is like I got it every big I need and loving that I don't all. I got my toos in a lot, ass in the sand, not a word in a world of cold beer in my hand. Love is good today. That was good today? How do your symbolcal deals? Yeah, I'm leaving t A and if they aren't both, I'm pretty Senior Retails. I have no reason all right there. It is our Florida UH Georgia Line Friday Concert Series, Act Brown Concert Series eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. So he started and made in America UH series on the program, and we want to do this every other Friday or so. And the whole purpose of it is is every company that succeeds in America, well those are also jobs being created for Americans. And I like the idea that we support American companies. We see a lot of these these veteran companies now taken off Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash on. It's the best coffee you've ever had, and it's amazing. It was put together by vets that when they were serving over in Iraq and Afghanistan, they didn't like the coffee they were being given and they'd order coffee beans where they were into a war zone. And they experimented and they came up with a better product. And now we have the benefit of being able to buy it. And anyway, today we bring in the co founder, he's the president of nine Line Tyler Merit is here and he's going to talk to us about how great it's been. He runs a veteran owned and operated company right here in the US. Now they hire, they make, they buy, they sell American and the company is doing great. And uh, welcome to the program, sir. How are you. I saw you recently donated thirty grand to Young Marines. Yes, sir, that's an incredible organization. You mentioned a few other awesome organizations. Uh, that that very very flattering introduction to us. You know, we work with Black Rifle, We worked a lot of different organizations that veteran community. Uh, you know, they's done a lot of great things in business and you guys highlighting it. It really doesn't mean a lot to Why don't you explain exactly what it is that you do. And by the way, and I saw that you're you were ranked as one of the top hundred fastest growing companies in the US for the past two years thirty one respectively. That's huge, Yes, sir, you know it's one of those incredible blessings. You know, we just kept on growing. I was active duty military till about eleven months ago, so watching this thing go from my garage while I'm deploying with Special Operations to try to grow that staff here in Savannah to where I am right now. I'm standing on my facility overlooking over a hundred and sixty people as their printing UH flag, Faith Firearm and Friends, one of our best selling designs. We just can't keep these things in stock. Well, let's talk a little bit about it, because at a growth rate of what five thousand percent per year, and that's year over years since I guess you began this in twelve and you started this company in your garage. Let's talk about the origins. I was in the one sixties Special Operations Aviation Regiment, UH, some of the finest pilots in the nation. Who's an honor to serve there? And I got to learn, you know, about the importance of timeline target plus or minus thirty seconds. That's our matra, you know, and we deliver our special operators everywhere to support and defend us to this day. And that's an incredible challenge. You take all of that expertise that you've gained over the last decade in military servitude and you apply to the civilian world and it and it has incredible handovers. You know. You take that mentality of mission men me, and you hire veterans who have that same understanding. You know, there's a lot of initiatives out there to encourage people to hire veterans in different states. And I get to work with Secretary Kemp, who should be our next governor of Georgia hopefully UM. And there's there's a lot of really incredible initiatives that business can take advantage of. We just did it early on, and the veterans and the spouses that work for us, that's the reason we grow so fast. That's great. One of the we keep talking about employment records in fourteen states and for Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, but also women in the workforce and vets. Now are their employment levels and we now have a fifty year low youth unemployment number that just came out yesterday. But you know, one of the things I know you focused on is textile and manufacturing, UM. And the interesting things those are the jobs that Obama said were never coming back. But we're seeing a massive growth in the area of manufacturing. Yeah. I think I think it goes back to leadership. I think it goes back to what you hit on earlier before we came on of the importance of this upcoming election to make sure that we continue in the right direction. There's a lot of initiatives out there that I've been able to take advantage of, you know, working with our heart stake government, you know here in Georgia, which is very pro business, and the internal workforce training, all these other initiatives and tax cuts that allowed us to really reinvest back in their own company. And you know, the minorities, the spouses, the veterans, all of those um initiatives. Uh, and they just take off and and here in Georgia, it's it's been incredible. All right. Let's talk specifically about the companies that you work directly were with. You work with one of our advertisers. We love our friends of Black Rifle Coffee dot com. Um they're by the way, they're amazing guys. And you know what, from everything I hear their their company is exploding. Absolutely. I would say that we are the T shirt equivalent that they are on the coffee space. And Evan and I met about a year ago. I the day I left active duty, actually flew out to Colorado and I get to hang out with Devan and Matt and and got to know, if we want to do business together. And these are some really awesome guys similar background. We ended up, you know, going out shooting some guns, throwing some hatchets, having fun, riding dirt bikes and realizing, you know what, not only do we like working together, hanging out together, like working together. And we have their first uh, full scale franchise here in Savannah, Georgia. UM and the mutual partnerships that we've been able to curry. You know, we've got a car and NASCAR together with Extreme Concepts and Jeffrey Earnhardt, you know, the grandson of of Dale Sr. You know, a lot of these these companies that you mentioned, the synergies that we have together, and how we all recognize, you know, the added benefit we give to one another. Um, it's it allows us to all grew at the same time. You know. That's and one of the things that I love is when people actively seek to hire veterans. Is the point is is they've got more discipline than the average bear. Um, they know how to deal with stress better than the average person. Uh. They've been tested under the most difficult to circumstances and and no matter what they're going to face, in the business world, it's it's not quite the equivalent of having uh I E. D s blowing up nearby you or your friends, you know, having their legs blown off are being shot in the face. So um, I just see that the amazing accomplishments that they've made, and I think you know the fact that they're focusing now on building their own business so that they can be owners and entrepreneurs. I love that. It's true. And the purpose of our brand is trying to close the gap between those who serve and those who don't. You know, there's a mutual respect and understanding. And in the employment world, you know, when it comes to looking at a veterans resume, they don't understand it. You look at the special operations resume and says, hey, I'm the air mission commander as to fly. You know, two countries were not supposed to be in in the most austere conditions and had to land. You know, people plus or mind us thirty seconds timeline uh said, I when I went over to Iraq, I went on a C one thirty ones and with two mid air refuelings, and the pilots were like in their young twenties, and you know, I'd set up there in the in the cockpit and I've just stunned at their their flying ability, their professionalism. And then you know when you when you at the time it was a war zone and you would cork screw down pretty much means you know, you're going straight down. It's almost like a vertical descent. You don't take a lot of time to get to the so the ground in case somebody's going to fire a surface to air missile. Absolutely, but how do you translate that to your resume and the employees that they have. I'm really good at corkscrew landings. I'm really good at that. I'm amazing that. It's incredible. But the skill set that they have to be able to calculate, you know, uh, to the to the nets, but to make sure that everyone on that plane survives it translates to almost every aspect of business. Attention to detail, you know, the grit, the determination not giving up on a task because it's five o'clock on Friday. My guys will be here till midnight, or they'll be gone at four if there's nothing else to do. But they don't know how to fail. And that's when you hire a veteran. You know, I actually think that's the thing. I mean, it's a lot of it is about attitude. What are the companies are you working with? By the way, man, there's a longer list between sig glock U, s C C A, n R A Field, and Stream Cabela's bass Pro. I mean, all these organizations see the value and what we bring, you know in our name brand. You know the fact that we're in a we're making ancious efforts to move to US manufacturing when it's not you know, technically that the cheapest route. But you know we can leverage technology and get the cost down. But you know, all of these organizations, uh see the value and recognize wanting to partner with us. Our problem is I can't. I can't deliver fast enough. You know, we growth way too fast. I've got a laundry list of people waiting to get products. Uh line, what about people that maybe you would want to employ, people that are looking for good jobs careers? You know, what are the states that you're working in and and where my people go if they're interested in either helping you in one of your projects or maybe working for you one of your companies or what absolutely we're in Savantage, Georgia right now. We're headquartered here. We're actually starting up, you know, one of our first franchise locations in the next few weeks. But we do have plans very similar to Black Rifles, to expand and grow all throughout the country. Have a hundred and sixty people right now, about thirty people short. So if you're interested in joining my organization, it's a lot of fun. Uh. We work hard, we play hard, and and and on down to Savannah. Give us your website and then we gotta run here on a Friday. Yeah. Absolutely, it's a nine apparel dot com and uh. For some of our philanthropic endeavors, we have Nineline Foundations at work. We're building a homeless village for veterans. It's a it's a hand up to try to get them off the street, get them educated with Georgia Southern and certified and specific skill sets, and then get him employed. That sounds great, all right. We really appreciate you being with us. My best to you and all the guys you're working with in the great work you do. Tyler Merritt, Uh, thank you. President of nine Line one, Shawn is our number. Speaking of made in America. Liberty Safe. I did all my research long before they were ever an advertiser, and I found the best built safe on the planet with the nicest people, it turns out, and they literally have me on speed dial in case I forget my combination of my safes I have. I have eight of them, but they make the best built safe and right now, Liberty has put all their Franklin fat Away safes on sale now through August. It's the top brand made in America, and it will preserve all of your valuables, important papers, and any firearms you have from maybe inquisitive children. You've got to be safe and a responsible gun owner. Now. The reason is simple. These these safes are just built to last. And the best part is they use the best, highest quality materials and you protect you from theft and fire, most importantly inquisitive kids. As I said, just go to Liberty safe dot com. It's the biggest Liberty Safe you can buy. Get it now. They have over three fifty dealers nationwide. And the best part is they're all on sale, All fat Boy all Franklin safes on sale, saving you hundreds of dollars that you gotta move. The sale ends on August and you can even buy with twelve months interest free. They can be delivered to your home and installed where you want it. Do what I did by the best today a liberty Safe. Liberty safe dot Com. Protect your important papers, you're valuable and yes, be responsible gun owner protect your firearms with liberty safe dot Com. From the coast to coast, from Horner to Horner, from sea to Shining Sea. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for us at today Manta fort two days no verdict. Um, how do you interpret that? And can you redefine what reasonable doubt is? Well, I'd say that it's hard to look, it's hard to interpret, but it's certainly it sounds like it's not bad for mantaphor. It sounds like there is some doubt in that room. But there's also a lot of charges and it's a ninety plus percentage, you know, conviction rate in federal court. We'll find out. We're gonna be what seventy eight days away from the most important mid term in our lives. Have a great weekend. We'll see you Monday. Thanks for being with us.