Geraldo Rivera, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of "The Geraldo Show", is here to discuss the second NoKo summit, the ongoing back and forth on Capitol Hill about the Border Wall, and the media’s black out on the summit for peace to focus on a convicted liar testifying before Democrats. Jonathan Gilliam, Former FBI Agent, Federal Air Marshall, and author of "Sheep No More", with a sequel coming out this year. Sometimes, when negotiating, it's important to walk away!
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All right, as we come to you. We are in Hanoi, we're in Vietnam. We're on little sleep, but a lot of adrenaline. Right, Donald, to free telephone number. We will get to your calls throughout the program today. I think we're gonna have our crew to what are you going to remember the most, because we're all just talking about it, about this trip, and we got a lot of us here in the room, believe it or not, and so we'll get to that. I'm gonna bring you behind the scenes of what was happening here. And it is amazing, as I was describing yesterday, how we have one party in this country that is only only focus is hating Donald Trump. And what these Democrats did yesterday is just the latest example, you know, they claim, just look at the recent examples. They claim for years they care about Dreamers in Dhaka and the second term of Obama, they're funding a board wall. But now they're immoral and when the President offers Dreamers and DACA and a deal, they won't even sit down with him. So they don't care about dreamers and DACA. They claim, what about the furloughed employees, Well, if they would have sat down with the president. The furloughed employees could have gotten paid a lot sooner, but they didn't care because this was their opportunity, their main their main agenda item is to bludge and trump, you know second, every second, every minute, every hour, every day. As I say, and look at look at the issue. Just look at the comparison. You got a lieutenant governor now of the Commonwealth of Virginia accused of rape and serious sexual assault. Where are all the eye believers in the Kavanaugh case. They have gone virtually silent because it's not the issue that they pretend to care so much about. It's the opportunity to bludgeon but political purposes. And there are so many other examples of that. And you see this here. I you know, think back, I remember it would always be the John Lennon, you know, let's dream of peace, give piece a chance. I dream of a world without nukes. I mean, it was a long time ago where you know, the Democratic parties swung not quite as hard as where they are today, but they wanted the United States of America to unilaterally disarm our nuclear capability, which means we're sitting ducks. You can't defend liberty and freedom. Guess what you're not going to keep liberty and freedom? Last century? One hundred million souls dead as a result of government tyranny and oppression and dictatorship and despots. One hundred million. You know. Just take time one day and go on nat GEO on demand and watch their their amazing series that they have on issues involving Yeah, what I want is the article about what democrats said about Yeah, there you go, the amazing series on World War Two. My father fought World War two. I'm just fascinated with all of it. You think how far Hitler got, and you think how many died, and you think of you know, fascism, Nazism, communism, aligning communism for a long time, the former Soviet Union until of course Hitler invaded Russia, and you think of all of the people dead as a result. And if it's not for the United States of America, and a guy by the name of Winston Churchill probably one of, if not the most courageous historic figure ever. When the bombing of Britain is going on, every day's walking among the people. He's among the people. Okay, you think in any other country, the president, the Prime Minister of that country is they're gonna do such a thing anyway. So you see this this contrast that I talk about. I said I want you to really yesterday, I said, I want you to just absorb this moment. It is so defining, and I think we're gonna look back at this moment and we are going to remember that they're so petty, they're they're they're like petulant kids and they can't even they're you ever have you deny a kid a cookie? You know, you think about the kid is fixated on the cookie, not least the kid is mature enough eventually. You know, I've I've watched Linda discipline her son Liam sometimes leap my, Mommy said what what did? Mommy said? What? All right? Well, you know what happens say I don't have a good method. Is that what I should be taking from that? One? Two? And then it always stops it too, And then it's like Liam, Liam, you know what if Mommy gets to three? You know what happens when I get to three? Okay? Liam? One? You know it doesn't work on so clearly I need a new method because you don't listen to either okay, and never gets to three. So Liam just keeps doing what Liam wants to do, and he wins. I do all men in my life. Oh wow. Um. But we're gonna look back in this moment and we're gonna say, wow, the petulant, immature child. There's a lack of seriousness among people that claim to be leaders, that claim to want to keep us safe and secure. A hypocrisy at a spectacular level. And those are only two issues that happened recently. And all the years that Democrats think and say that they want a world free of nukes. You know, I'll give you some examples. Then I'm gonna go back to twenty fifteen. Who is the president in twenty fifteen? Baracus saying Obama? And you know if this is like the big hypocrisy of the Water's edge, and I got it, thanks, And Washington Post ran a headline Harry Reid Republicans trying to directly intervene with Obama's Iranian talks, and he said, lashing out at a letter released by forty seven Senate Republicans warning Iranian leaders against the deal with Western powers as a hard slap in the face to Obama's most insane proposal. This makes you know Neville, Chamberlain, and Munich in peace in our time? Just how do you ever give Iranian Mullers the chant death to America, death to Israel, threatened to wipe Israel off the map, wipe the United States off the map. How do you just say, Okay, well, we're gonna give you all this money. We just expect you to be nicer to us, Okay, and and that's it. We'll go happily ever after, off into the meadows. And you know it's life is going to be sunshine, rainbows and cotton candy and starbursts, skinnels. I'm trying to be more modern. I could have said, oh, Henry, what do you call it? Oh Henry Barr remember those milky ways? But you know, read this is this is not a time to undermine our commander in chief, purely out of spite. That's what Democrats were saying in twenty fifteen. It's an unprecedented It's unprecedented for one political party to directly intervene in an international negotiation with the sole goal of embarrassing the President of the United States. What was yesterday all about this circus with Michael Khane. They couldn't do it on any other day. Really, you know, Oh Diane Feinstein, I believe herself quiet about the Virginia Lieutenant governor. This is a highly inappropriate, unprecedented incursion into the president's prerogative to conduct foreign affairs and is not benefiting this chamber or befitting this chamber. Oh crazy Uncle Joe Biden, that Republicans ignore two centuries of precedent and threatened to undermine the ability of any future president to negotiate with foreign countries. And Washington Post Pelosi constant talk of impeachment hurts the US standing abroad. You can't make all of this up. I got another Pelosi quote Washington Post in twenty fourteen. It's a cost to our reputation in the world that once we get a new president, we will find a reason to impeach him. They're describing themselves on a level we've never seen before. President at the press conference early this morning, I almost of you probably are sleeping. I hope you are, but I enjoyed being there. It was actually really fun. And the President said this should never happen. What we have gone through the day that we went through, where you have people trying to bludgeon him damage him he is abroad. And this is not some small stakes negotiation. This is about safety, security for future generations. This is about denuclearization of the entire Korean peninsula. This would benefit your children and grandchildren. This would make the world not totally safe, but a safer place. And if you think that horrible things can't happen in war, I urge you to go google how many human souls were destroyed in the last hundred years, the prior century. How many because of fascism, Nazism, communism, Imperial Japan, dictators, despots, Paul Pot, killing fields, Stalin's Russia, you know, the Holocaust, World War two. I think of the cost involved, the human tragedy, human souls as a result of all this. But that's where their mind is that and if it's not there, and they're just focused on literally taking the greatest governmental system ever designed by man, one predicated on a belief that we're endowed by our creator, which is a system of belief that believes in the individual and talents and freedom and not government security from the minute you're born to the minute you die. Although I guess now that's even in questions considering Democrats clearly obsessed with not just late term abortion, but now abortion up to the moment of birth, or even maybe after a woman's dilating, or a governor that would actually suggest that, well, first we'll deliver the baby, We'll make sure the baby's comfortable, and then the mother will decide if the baby needs any type of resuscitation. That we'll let the mom decide whether the baby lives or dies, and then we'll have a discussion later, maybe tea and crumpets, maybe a cocktail with the doctor and the mother after the kid either lived or died, whether her thumb went up or down. Sounds like, what is this gladiator? This is a Roman? You know? Is this Caesar and the Games of Rome that we're talking about? Hmm, let me decide, Oh do I like the color of the eyes hair? Imagine? Think of how liberals love to talk about animals. Would they ever do that to a cat? A dog? How do you get to the point, It's not about abortion. This is infanticide. This is a living human soul that represents everything that is innocent. If we as a society don't protect that it is, it's so defines us in a way. I'd never want to be defined, all right, gotta take a quick break. I'm gonna bring him behind the scenes. I interviewed the president. It was the only interview that he gave immediately following, and I was so glad the President walked away and I'll tell you why, and I'll explain all of that. I also after I so the President comes back, I do the interview. I go out into the press room like I did in Singapore watching the press conference, and I got called on by the President, which was pretty cool. I'm sure the hate Trump media mob love that, mister President. Jimmy and cost secretary. Good to see you, mister president. If you can elaborate a little bit more. All right, No, we'll get to that in a second. All right, well, listen, we are in Vietnam. We're also gonna have Jim Jordan is going to join us. Wow, he was a rock star. Mark Meadows yesterday. They were both great. You know, there were more than thirty four million American smokers. I bet that finding a satisfying alternative to cigarettes is at the top of your list if you're a smoker. 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Amazing things happened yesterday, and it was while all this chaos and insanity is going on in Washington. The President here, he is some twenty plus hours in the air from wheels up to wheels down, negotiating something that could pay deep dividends for generations to come. And you look at the shallow, the pettiness, the partisanship, the obsessive, compulsive, psychotic, NonStop hatred of the medium mob and the democratic mob against the president. All of that's happened. But what the president did is even was it still is such an unbelievable lesson. The President, as usual, telegraphs everything that he's thinking, everything that he's going to do. If the media ever really wanted to know the mind of Donald Trump, instead of speculating that somehow old Donald Trump must be listening to Sean Hannity. No, like on the wall issue of the emergency declaration, No, he wasn't listening to me. You out there in the fake media, the hate Trump media mob, you weren't listening to him because he kept saying it again and again and again. The only difference between me and you is I actually listened, and you can't filter it through the prism of hatred and your worldview of disgust with all things Trump. Well, it's the same thing would happened here in Vietnam. Have been saying all I want the right deal. I don't want any deal. I want the right deal, not the right deal. I'm not going to take anything that's not the right deal. And I have one bit of advice and then I'll go into more detail on the other side of this break. If they really want to know the mind of Donald Trump, I'm giving them helpful hints on how to be better hosts, but they won't do it. Read the art of the deal. One of the main points is when you negotiate, you're always willing to walk away up to the last second. That's what he did well, and we're working towards something, but we didn't sign anything today. It didn't quite work out. I would say that I wasn't satisfied, and perhaps he wasn't satisfied. Good relationship, but I decided that this wasn't the right time to sign something. So we'll see what happens over a period of time. Well, they wanted to denuke certain areas and I wanted everything, and the sanctions are there, and I didn't want to give up the sanctions unless we had a real program, and they're not ready for that. And I understand that fully, I really do. I mean, they spent a lot of time building it, and that doesn't mean the world has to be happy, but I wanted them to d nuke. As far as Cone is concerned, he's convicted. He's a liar, he's defrauded at a high level. He's got a lot of problems. And you know, it was very interesting because he lied so much. I watched some of it, actually was able to watch some of it. He lied so much, and yet he said when it came to collusion, the whole hoax with the Russia collusion, it's just a witch hunt hoax. And y by the way, very very bad for our country because it really stops you from doing what you said. He said, no collusion. All right. That is a part of my interview that will air in its entirety. It was the only interview that the president gave or a summit with Kim Jong un. We do cover a lot of ground. We cover Michael Coomb, we cover the Muller Report, we cover immigration, we cover the New Green Deal. We cover obviously the behind the scenes and everything that happened. I know that it's it's sort this is so reminiscent in my mind what happened with Reagan and Reikyovik. And for whatever reason, there is an expectation among the left and especially the hate Trump media mob that if you go to a high risk summit for something really big, deep and profound, that if you don't get the deal, that somehow that wow, that was a failure, when really in the history showed us with reiky Evik and Reagan and Gorbachoff, that's not the case, and it's not the case here in Vietnam either, you know, I was saying just before we went to the I said, the media never wants to know Donald Trump. They can't get filtered through the prism of compulsive, psychotic hatred that they have for him every second, minute, hour of every day. I wasn't watching any TV. There's not a lot of American TV here. They have fake news CNN on. But I was told that back in the States that while the President is literally shaking hand, sitting with Kim Jong un, hopefully making the world a better place, that the media couldn't barely break away for a second from their Michael Khone coverage. And Michael Kone, by the way, as I predicted, and we'll get to this later when Jim Jordan joins US. Michael Kone now has two criminal referrals as a result of being used by the Democratic Party, because no anybody that cared one lick about Michael khone would never, ever, ever, ever ever allowed him to raise his right hand and go under oath again and risk another lying to Congress felony. You know, you would think three years in jail. These remember all of these Democrats. We played a montage the other night on TV. They hate Michael Kohne. They hated this guy. But now that they can use them, they're going to use them. And sadly they are now two criminal referrals, one about not registering the Foreign Registration Act, which became a big issue in the Paul Manapour case, as you know. And the other is there's issues involving false statements that he made the very thing that he got in trouble for and admitted to in the past. Like, for example, there's apparently one hundred people that would testify and contradict his statement that he never wanted to work in the White House. That's easily something that's going to be provable. Or the women for cone Twitter account. You know, I'm told that he paid by Chuck the person that set it up, or you know, the fire disclosure. That's gonna be a big thing or that I can tell you that Donald Trump didn't want to win? Are you kidding? He was obsessed with winning. Well, no person, if you didn't have a desire to win, and this was just a marketing opportunity for you, why would you ever travel like Donald Trump traveled in the final days in the lead up to the twenty sixteen election. And I can tell you another thing, because I was on the road a lot. You know, if I ever was talking to him and I'd say, Monald, and you won't win, you got his attention. One thing, Donald Trump never wants to lose ever, ever, ever. But again, they don't want to know who Donald Trumps, and they bring up all these other issues. You know, I just happened to know a couple of books. I was dragged into that case. And I'll say, to Michael Cohm's credit that Michael Combe and his lawyers said that I was a third client in the courtroom. And I've never been his client. We've never We've never had that relationship or anything that resembles in any possible way. He was never my lawyer. He never ever was involved in any legal issue in my life period. And remember the circumstances because he had two clients and one was the issue of Stormy Daniels and the other was some guy with a playboy or penthouse model, whatever payment. And the meeting said, oh, he probably fixed something for Hannity. Hannity's got that problem. Let's crush Hannity. And I had to go out immediately with I think we tweeted it out that day. Remember it came half on like five to three and before radio one day. I think it was the worst twenty minutes of radio I did. Because I'm not paying attention, I'm half writing the response that this is false, that he's never been my lawyer. He's never worked on any case, especially in any case involving a third party. And I've never retained him, I've never been billed by him, I've never paid him. And I just was putting out every single solitary thing. I said, Oh, maybe once I might have asked him a question about real estate, not even a legal question, and the media went went nuts. He still said the name Sean Hannity. How did he say it? It was like Hanny with Sean Hannity, Sean Hanny, Hanny, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, John Hanny, Hanny, Sean Hannity, Hanny Hanny, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hanny, Hanny, hann Johnny Hannity, John Hannity, Hany, Hanny, Hanny, See Hanny, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, John Hay, Johnny hann John Hanny, Johnny. Look, you know, I'm in radio thirty years, I've been on Fox twenty three years, and I kind of you build up immunity to this sort of thing, and it never upset me. It disappointed me, and he did apologize to me personally, which I accepted his apology, and I've looked at it like, Okay, this guy's got enough going on in his life. He's got a wife, he's got two kids, and he has to be living through hell, and I just dropped it. That was the end of it for me, and I think it was the right thing to do, and I didn't regret my decision in any way. But you know, there's certain things that I know that we're coming out yesterday. I mean I remember specifically asking him both privately, but a number of times about this deal. I've never told the President anything about this deal. I use my own money. I know he never knew, never told him. I must have said that twelve, fourteen, fifteen times, and I know I can name five of the people that he said it too. So to put him in that position, knowing what his life is going to be, it's pretty amazing. But you juxtapose the pettiness, the superfluous nature of this, the willingness to put somebody's life in jeopardy again for your own political purposes, it's pretty outrageous to me. And now that you're going to have two criminal referrals as a result of this. And I kept saying yesterday that I think this is this is now a moment that will define America for many years to come because Americans now the veil is being lifted off. Who this radical extreme democratic socialist party, what they really believe in and what their quote vision is for America And one of the great hypocrisies. I thought they would care about denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. I know they support appeasement of despots and dictators and people around the globe like the mall Is in Iran and Bill Clinton's this is a good deal for American payball, you know, trying to bribe Kim Jong ill, Kim Jong UN's father. He might listen, it's a good deal for American people. Probably goes on and on. So what happened yesterday is if you pay attention to Donald Trump and you listen to what he says, and he does all of these gaggles, you know, these scrums as we call them in the business. In the Oval Office all the time, people said, well, why doesn't Sarah Sanders have press conferences, because he's doing them all. So the behind the scenes is the president, just like he telegraphed repeatedly that he would use the emergency declaration on the wall, he was telegraphing here and before managing everybody's expectations that he will only take the right deal. And that goes with the philosophy and his business acumen that he has used his entire life and telegraphed in his booked The Art of the Deal. And maybe maybe some of you have experienced this. If you are wanting a new house so bad, you're gonna overpay. If you are wanting that car so bad, you're dead, and people sense it the president. You have to be willing to walk away. And the analogy with Reikievic, I think so applicable here is liberals first said about Donald Trump, evil empire, later mister Carbert down this wall. They predicted he would lead us California, cowboy, would lead us to a nuclear holocaust. Reaganomics would would destroy the economy. They mocked it, and you know, or even George W. Bush with access of evil. And when the president started out, what were they predicting when he was saying, oh, little rocket man making fun of Kim Jong un as he was firing one rocket after another over Japan, and it started getting serious, and then he started threatening Guam and the entire peninsula and the people of South Korea, and then started talking about nukes that can reach the continental United States. And then the President went out with sorry, little fire and fury, little rocket man, and my buttons bigger than euros and my button works. So all of a suff Reagan walks away from Rankievic and the same thing you know is happening with others the media. Oh, you didn't get a deal. Why would you get a deal for the sake of getting a deal. How is it in any way logical. Now I know that they were willing to talk about I think it called Young Byong is the official nuclear sight, the biggest one that they have in North Korea. He was willing to dismantle that, but he wasn't willing to dismantle all of his nuclear sights. And the president, and you'll see this tonight in the interview that I had with him right after the summit, when he said, no, no, I want full denuclearization, and that was the goal. Now, Kim Jong un did say when asked, are you willing to talk about and be involved in denuclearization? I wouldn't be here otherwise if I wasn't, So clearly that was signaled. Also, I asked the president and kind of teased everybody when he said, well, I hope the chairman says publicly what he said to us last night at dinner and what he said, I hope he says it publicly. And I asked him about that, what had he said at dinner? So I think a lot of people really don't know what took place and why. Understanding is I pieced this all together, is the President would never take a deal that didn't include full, complete, verifiable on site, location, on demand with anybody. Otherwise, what good is it if you're really going to lift the sanctions, open trade, a new beginning set up, you know, diplomatic relations in Pyongyang in the United States. If you're gonna do all of that, you first got to get what you want. And the President was clear full denuclearization. To me, that is strength. To me, that will lead to peace. To me, that will end in success. To me, that is just simply the right thing to do. To take a deal and be able to waive a paper around, you know, or declare like Neville Chamberlain, peace in our time, or to drop billions of dollars on the tarmac of Iran, or Bill Clinton bribing Kim Jong UN's father, Kim Jong Ill. It never works. The only one that got the job done was the guy that said this is an evil empire. The only guy that got the job done was the guy that walked away from the table at Reikievic because he wasn't giving up strategic defense, which maybe years from now we'll go down as Ronald Reagan's biggest, best, greatest legacy. We don't know what human events could evolve over time, and this will go down similarly in history. Is Kim Jong un got a message yesterday, this is the only deal you're getting. You want sanctions lifted, you want economic opportunity for your people. You've got to totally completely give up your nukes. Otherwise what good would it be. President goes into great detail on our interview tonight nine eastern on the Fox News Channel, and we talk about a lot of stuff. We also talk about the Michael Cohne hearing. We talk about the Muller Report, people saying it might come out next week, and he has very strong statements this should never happen to any other president again a two year which hunt. We talk about the borders, We talk about well the new Green Deal. Asked him about that. The only interview he gave will do that. And I also got to ask a question he called to me during the bigger press conference, which I thought was fu Right now, we're too Sean Hannity Show as we continue our coverage from Vietnam. The only interview the president gave right after the summit with Kim Jong un is with me and it will air in its entirety tonight nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. I have said many many times on this program that but for the guys in the Freedom Caucus and a couple of senators, I can name a handful that I look at. The Republican Party is weak, timid, at times, even spineless and visionless. And you know, they make all these grandiose promises, Ara, We're gonna repeal or replace Obamacare, and you get these phony, fake votes, show votes so that they can go home and say they voted to repeal it, and then when it matters, oh we can do that. No, And it's very frustrating, and I know it's very very frustrating for all of you. I've always said I and most of you know that I'm a registered Conservative in New York. I know many of you would be registered as a Conservative if you could in your state as well. But there really isn't an option with a new radical, extreme democratic socialist party. I mean, I'm a conservative, but I sometimes I suck it up a lot and I'll vote for people just because it's the lesser of two evils. It's not even close. If you're going to support the New Green Deal and the other guy isn't, I don't have to do a whole lot of thinking there but it wasn't for the Freedom Caucus. They fight to keep their promises, they fight hard, they don't back down, they stand on principle, and all of this was on display yesterday at the hearings. Well, we're going to be joined by the Jim Jordan in a second. Let me Jim Jordan first going after Michael Kohen and what was an extremely powerful moment along with his closing statement, which I thought was powerful. Listen to this. We know mister Cohen has been dishonest in the past, so why he's going to prison in two months. But there are things today that he said during the several hours of questioning that just don't add up either. He said he never defrauded any bank and he was having a conversation questioning from mister Khmer. Obviously that's not true, because he's going to prison for that very offense. Your first big hearing, the first announced witness of the one hundred and sixteenth Congress, is a gentleman who is going to prison in two months for lying to Congress. I don't think that's what we should be focused on. You have a history of lying over and over and over again, and frankly, you don't take my word for it, take what the court said, take what the Southern District of New York said. Cohen did crimes that were marked by a pattern of deception and that permeated his professional life. These crimes were distinct in their harms, but bear a common set of circumstances. They each involved deception, and were each each motivated by personal greed and ambition, a pattern of deception for personal greed and ambition. And you just got thirty minutes of an opening statement where you trash the president of the United States of America. Mister Cohen, how long did how long did you work for Donald Trump? Approximately a decade? Ten years, that's correct. And you said all these bad things about the president there in that last thirty minutes, and yet you work for him for ten years, all those bad things. I mean, if it's that bad, I can see you working for him for ten days, maybe ten weeks, maybe even ten months. But you work for him for ten years. Mister Cohen, how long did you? How long did you work in the White House? I never worked in the White House. That's the point, isn't it, mister Cullen, No, sir, yes it is. No, it's you wanted to work in the White House. No Cirtain get brought to the dance. I mean he just took it right to him. And this would not have happened, you know, without the Freedom Caucus. Now as a result, I had predicted this would happen, that the Democrats were using Michael Kone. Michael Kone was now anybody that that cared one lick about Michael Kohane would never ever, ever on the eve for two months away from three years in jail, let him go under oath again with his history of telling lies and lyeing to Congress and on the loan application, etc. Tax issue. Well, there's now two criminal referrals. We had one yesterday. He saw the exchange with him and Mark Meadows about the issue of the Farah registration problem is, how do you say it wouldn't be applicable when they brought it the whole thing up in the Paul Metaphor case. Well, now Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows, who led the way for the committee yesterday, said they sent a letter and now they first a criminal referral on the one issue, now another one as it relates to the going right to the Department of Justice. For perjury and knowingly making false statements again, and the letter says that Cohns testimony was a spectacular, brazen attempt to knowingly and willingly testify falsely and fictitiously to numerous material facts. His testimony included intentionally false statements designed to make himself look better on a national stage. Mister Khones prior conviction for lying to Congress merits a heightened suspicion that he is yet again testified falsely before Congress. Anyway, Jim Jordan is with us well. For example, the idea that he is a simple thing, like he didn't want to work for the administration. He didn't want a job they were apparently, I'm told there's a number of text messages that say just the opposite. Yeah, thank you for those kind words. Um, and you're exactly right. Why they would put Michael Cohen on the stand is beyond me. But I do think, and this is why Mark and I sent the letter today to the Attorney General when we do think there was six occasions, and the one that's most significant is the one you just brought up, the idea that he did not want to work at the White House. Even c Ann set. It was widely known that he was seeking a position in the Trump administration but was not given one. So for him to say no, sir, when we're asking that question and to deny it time and time again made no sense. And that's why we've sent the letter. We have along with five o five other situation where we think he said something different than what we know to be fact. Well, what are the other five examples you have? Well, one of them is the whole Michael Cohen women for Cohen, that that he had nothing to do with that he paid the firm, and we've we've heard testimony from our got statements from the firm itself that is not accurate. There's the situation you described that Mark brought up reletive to how he filled out his disclosure form, and in the whole idea that foreign registration, there's that issue and a host of others that we think weren't the Attorney General of the United States looking into. And we've got to come back to one basic thing too. This guy, we think in so ways it is almost delusional. Remember what he said yesterday in the hearing. He said, Michael Cohen, he said he himself was responsible for launching the Trump for President campaign because in two thousand and eleven he put together some wet website for President Trump. I mean, this is craziness. But they put him on the stand. He said all kinds of things that we think are again and not where not accurate. Listen, I don't want to pile on m I hear you. But honestly, the idea that Michael Cohen thought that that Donald Trump would had no belief at all that he was gonna win or wanted to win, and he was viewing this all as one big marketing opportunity that is so false that it is it's beyond recognition. I'll tell you why. If you ever want to get the president's attention and during the campaign, you know well you're not gonna win. If you ever say those words you got his attention, you bet, because you bet. And I don't think he would have traveled all of those cities and towns in the final weeks of that campaign fighting that hard to lose. If you want to, let you could have done one stop a day. No, you're you're You're exactly right. I think the Democrats they didn't care. I mean, what is your and Lanny Davis has responded and saying he testified truthfully before the House Oversight Committee took full responsibility. Also backed up much of his testimony with documents. Those documents Sean, You're exactly right there. They were using Michael Cohen. This is step one in their crazy plan to impeach the president. Remember two fundamental facts. Last week, Tom Styre Megadona for the Democrats organized the town hall and whose district Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. This week, Tom Styre Megadona for the Democrats organizes the town hall where Baltimore, Maryland district of Elijah Hummings, chairman of the Oversight Committee, where this hearing took place yesterday. This is step one. They could find no one better. This is the best they could come up with, a guy that's going to prison in two months for lying. But this is how they're going to launch their peach because they got nothing else to go on. So they had to start with a guy, Michael Cohen, who was delusional, who thinks he launched the president's campaign for president seven years ago, eight years ago. Whenever he did that, That's what that's who they used. He was there Patsy yesterday, and you're right, it's unfortunate, but they used him and that's what that's what yesterday was all about. Okay, So we had a view and a ruling that politics stops at the water's edge, and I'm looking at the circus and thankfully you were all there to shed some light on this and bring a whole other perspective to the hearings yesterday, because otherwise it was insane. But it did for a full day, they successfully drew a lot of attention away from issues that maybe somewhat insignificant, you know, peace and security for the Korean Peninsula, no more threats against the continent, United States, Guam, no more rockets being fired over Japan, remains sent home hostages, freed. Why talk about those things? What if the Republicans did this and it was Obama as president? Your right that when the president's trying to make the world safer plus place, they're focusing on this kind of this kind of exercise which was just completely completely ridiculous. And we saw that play out yesterday with mister Cohen on the witness stand. All right, we'll come back. We'll continue from Vietnam. My full interview with the President tonight at nine on the Fox News Channel and more on the Other Side and our news Roundup and Information Overload hour. Dan Hoffman all stopping by. All right, as we continue with our friend Jim Jordan, the congressman from Ohio as a rock star yesterday, What did you make of the exchange which I thought was unbelievable. Now we know all about Congresswoman to leave been you know the mf A remark that she made some of the radical associations, etc. And I watched this and then I saw your colleague and friend, Mark Meadows. Really I don't think I ever saw him that angry, but he was hiding the anger is controlled. And then I watched the exchange with him and Elijah Cummings, which I thought was amazing. Yeah, yeah, no, I mean, Sean, you know Mark Meadows. Mark is probably my best friend, certainly my best friend in Congress, and this is one of the most honorable individuals I've ever been around. And for Congresswoman to leave to reference and say things the way she did and go after the character of mister Meadows was absolutely wrong. And I think everyone who was in that committee room knew it. Everyone who knows Mark Meadows knew it. I thought Mark handled it like a gentleman that he is, and it was just flat out wrong. But again, this is where they are today. The Left will do all kinds of things that just are not appropriate. I'm glad that the Chairman said the things he did about Mark and that you got to see the friendship that that generally exists between those two individuals. Now that was I thought, and I didn't know about that friendship, and I would assume you'd probably have a similar relationship to him. Yes, yes, look we disagree on policy, but but I respect mister Cummings as an individual obviously and appreciate him, and we've we've had a good working relationship over the over the years. Who made the decision, who said, oh, we'll schedule it this day or we won't reschedule it, knowing the high stakes negotiations that are going on in Vietnam with somebody trying to denuclearize the Korean peninsula. Well, I mean, ultimately it's the chairman's call. So ultimately it was mister cummings call. I'm sure there was consultation with the Democrat leadership, I Speaker Pelosi, but altimately there called. But remember they had postponed this once. But I think they got themselves in this situation when you announced this clear back before they took over the Congress after the election, they announced this. This was their first big hearing. This was their are a witness, a guy who is going to prison for four distinct federal crimes, one of which is lying to Congress. That's who you name is your first star witness. I believe he was the first announced witness for the one hundred and sixteenth Congress, the first their first guy they announced for this whole new Congress. So when you do all that and then schedule, why the President of United States is overseas working on the extremely important work he was doing relative to North Korea and as you say, the Korean peninsula. That shows you again how committed they are to going after President Trump. Much more focused on that than they are on doing what's best for the country. And again that's that's the sad state of affairs we find ourselves. Oh and I think if you know, if this were the opposite, and this was Barack Obama and Republicans were acting this way back at home, what would the reaction about. Well, I mean, you know there's two standards. And this is again, this is what drives your listeners, your viewers, and the American people crazy. Is this this whole double standard concept. One center rules for the Democrats, one center rules for Republicans, one set of rules for US regular people, a different said. If your name is Clinton, nor Combie or Struck or Page or McCabe, the whole different. And it's never supposed to be that in this country. It's supposed to be equal treatment under the law, and it's supposed to be fair and impartial reporting from the press, which we never get. And that's what drives Americans crazy. And that's why they so appreciate this president, because this president is coming here and fighting to do what he told the American people he was going to do. And it's our job. When he's fighting the good, fighting getting a row deal, it's our job to defend him. And that's what we're trying to do as well. Well. Again, I say, without the freedom caucers, what did you think of the president walking away? I'm glad he walked away. Real quick answer. Yeah, it's like Reagan, you walk sometimes you have to walk away to get the real deal, to get the best deal to get what's good for the safety of the United States of America and what's good for the safety of the world. And I view it just like just like Reagan did. Well, thanks for all you did yesterday. Congressman George, thank you, and we'll see you soon when we come back. Dan hopping here in Vietnam. The full interview with the President nine Eastern on Fox and mister President of you can elaborate a little bit more. We have some history. President Reagan walked away in Reikievic, a lot of condemnation at the time, and it ended up working out very well in the end for the United States. Was this mostly your decision or and what would message would you want to send Chairman Kim as he's listening to this press conference about the future and your relationship. Well, Sean, I don't want to say it was my decision, because what purposes that I want to keep the relationship, and we will keep the relationship. We'll see what happens over the next period of time. But as you know, we got our hostages back. There's no more testing. And one of the things importantly that Chairman Kim promised me last night is regardless he's not going to do testing of rockets and nuclear not going to do testing. So you know, I trust him and I take him at his word. I hope that's true. But in the meantime we'll be talking, all right. That was the President. This was right after I did the interview with him. He only did one scheduled interview that was with me. That'll air tonight. They've only been airing small clips on the Fox News Channel. We got into every subject imaginable, and so it's like in Singapore's a massive room, tons of cameras, photographers, journalists from all over the world, and surprisingly a fairly civil press corps. But I've got to imagine because the international press was there anyway, twenty five now till the twenty four now till the top of the hour, as we continue from Hanoi in Vietnam. The interview with the President airs tonight on the Fox News Channel. In total, the entire time we have been here, our friend Dan Hoffman has been with us, a Fox News contributor and now a member of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board. And Dan, good to see you. Thanks for all your work, hard work this week, and you were on the set with us last night, And when did this President's Intelligence Advisory boarders? Who happened? I didn't know. I was appointed to the board a few weeks ago. It's a real honor to serve. You know. When I left the government and retired in February twenty seventeen, I had no intention of having much to do again with the government. This opportunity presented itself, and I'm honored to do my civic duty. Yeah, well, you spent how many years in the intelligence community, and you can give as many details as you want, which probably means none. I served about thirty years in the US government, served a lot of tours overseas, and was a chief of station in the Middle East and South Asia and in Russia as well. But you know, this has been a different optic for me coming out here to Vietnam and seeing it on the media side. And I can tell you that my past has given me a real appreciation for what the President was doing today. One of the things that I was particularly impressed with was how he empowered the intelligence community. Some have been critical of his relationship with the intelligence community. Today, he highlighted that he was using US intelligence in his meeting with Kim jongun, holding Kim jongun accountable for all of those sites that Kim wasn't admitting that he had for ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. Well, he kept saying, well, so the deal that was offered the president, apparently the largest site they have the one that's most problematic. But he was very clear, Yeah, well, we have our satellite images and we know the other ones that are all around the country. And when you really think and you dig deep down into this, what Kim was testing, what he wanted to see is if he gets he gets everything he wants. And basically, just you know, a little carrot for the president seems like a big deal. I've already given you the remains and the hostages, and I'm not firing rockets anymore. And the President did say to me, he did get an assurance that that will not go back to that point, but it wouldn't make any sense at all because he still would then have the capacity to ramp up his nuclear program probably from the minute that the deal is signed. He was Kim Jong woon was talking about the Young Beyond nuclear facility, and that's fine, but what the president was doing, what President Trump was doing in the spirit of President rom O'reagan was he was using his intelligence. We steal secrets, we recruit spies, we produce all source analysis, and then it's over to the president to take that intelligence and incorporate it into his foreign policy, which is exactly what you saw the president do. Now, the President was clear from the start, realistic expectations. He's not in any rush to do anything. And sometimes, as he showed us all yesterday, you got to walk away from a bad deal in order to get the right deal. You know. It's so funny, and I think this makes the president unique in the sense that he's not afraid to take a risk. He didn't need a predetermined outcome, and by going into a situation like that, that means you might walk away. And what frustrates me is somebody who's known him for so many years, and if you really wanted to get to know the mind of Donald Trump, all you really need to do is read The Art of the Deal. If you want to know what happened right here in Vietnam yesterday, read the Art of the Deal. Because one of the main points that he makes in that book is that if you want to make a good deal, you have got to be willing to stand up walk away at the last minute. Now, based on things I'm piecing together, it was the President that walked away from the deal. And I would imagine Chairman Kimy their strategy was, Oh, they're gonna want this because they probably want the win, they want the success, and look at what these idiots back in Washington are doing to him. And he would love to be able to go back and say, oh, I got a deal, I got a deal. Well, we've had those deals. We had that deal with Bill Clinton and Kim Jong Ill, Kim Jong Gun's father. We had that deal with the Mulla's in Iran. And in this case, the president has kept the sanctions in place. It's gotten a lot of wins on a lot of areas. You mentioned this, this main facility, what's it called Young be Young, and that is what I think the biggest facility by far right right. And Okay, that's not enough. So he did what I would want him to do. Show strength, be willing to put yourself out there for something significant, like a better, safer world. But if it's not going to be the right deal, well we'll come back and talk another day, or it won't happen. You know, in my experience, there's no question that United States domestic politics can influence and sometimes interfere with foreign policy. The President didn't let that happen yesterday. You know that Kim Jong UN's hermit Kingdom up aptly named. But these guys do track Twitter and the news, and maybe Kim Jong Un called an audible yesterday having seen what we saw in the House of Representatives with Michael Cohen, and thought, well, maybe I can slip one by the President, offer him up a deal that's good for us and bad for him, because he needs this more than I do. And the President did not allow the domestic turmoil back home to influence his performance out here. That's a significant message to Kim Jong un and the international community and SEAN. It has an impact on the upcoming summit in China. We're not going to take a bad deal from them either, and the President is immune to that. But I know that a thousand percent. I tell some stories or anecdotes that I give to the audience, and everyone in the media is always speculating about what the relationship I have, what the president is. They don't know. I'll never tell them. Do we talk. That's none of their business. I neither confirm nor deny any sources or friends in life that I talk to. And if anyone in the media wants to know, give me a list of all the people you talk to, all the sources you use, and then I'll make a deliberate, considered decision on the issue. Let me go back to the what Kim said, and I thought this was interesting. He said, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't willing to talk about denuclearization, and I was hoping to make a deal today. It was in his head. Now. The President also said, well, I hope Chairman Kim will say to you all, meaning the media, exactly what he said at dinner last night, meaning that sounds like And I asked the President about this, and he gives an interesting answer tonight that will air on Fox. But to me, that sounds like, uh, yeah, I'm willing to make that deal. And maybe he got cold feet. Maybe his advisor said no, I think he got an opportunity. Look what's going on in America. They're trashing him over there. You know, I don't think there's a straight line in the negotiation towards eventual denuclearization. There's gonna be a lot of stops and starts. There's gonna be some steps forward and some perceived steps backwards. That's okay. Kim Jong UN's dad and his grandfather made some deals and they hoodwinked previous administrations. And again, I think this president made it clear he wasn't going to accept the sorts of deals. And I used that in quote that had been accepted in the past, that we're not in our strategic interests. We got one deal to make. The president knows that, and he's willing to call Kim Jong UN's bluff. That's what we saw yesterday well, and the deals, And maybe this is a philosophical divide. The most successful foreign policy has always been one of peace through strength. We learned that with Reagan. I saw yesterday and witnessed Reikiavic and I and seeing the President immediately thereafter. It was a ten minute ride for him in his motorcade, drives right over into the room where we're doing the interview, and he was absolutely there was nothing non plus by the whole thing. And I what I sensed is, and this is my gut, is that I'm not doing a bad deal. I'll never do a bad deal. I don't do business like that. It will never happen. And if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. But it's worth a shot. And we've already had some success here and I think that probably the person that learned that lesson than well yesterday was Kim Jong un. Yeah, I agree. I think I just want to highlight one thing, and that is the Ambassador Nicky Haley played an incredibly important role at the United Nations getting Russia and China and this is hard to do to get them in on the sanctions regime, and that's been a very important part of the pressure we have brought to bear against Kim Jong un. This puts a premium on us getting a successor a follow on you on a United States UN ambassador who can carry on the efforts that Nicki Haley so effectively delivered in and the sanctions regime. That's really been key. Look, we can wait this out, and I think that's been the point here. Kim Jonguan's the one suffering from all the sanctions and now he has to go home and deal with the fact that he's not going home with any benefits that he might have hoped to derive from this meeting. Well, bribery of dictators and despots doesn't work. We've tried it now too often. All right, So thirty years in intelligence, to the extent you're comfortable and we're friends. I would never want to push you further than you want to go. I want you to describe what it is for thirty years you've done where you've done it, and it's because it's like games. Bond to me when I talk to you. The only downside of talking to you is and everyone on my boat, staffs, TV radio agree, you scare the living crap out of everybody. In terms of that phone you have is a microphone. They are listening in China is listening right now to your phone. It cracked me up, John. What always gave me, and I think my colleagues as well, the most satisfaction was collecting intelligence on threats overseas threats and then doing all that we could to eliminate them so they're not visited on our shores. And when I served in the Middle East, I served in Iraq years back during the surge, and we were running sources into al Qaida, and we were obtaining intelligence from those sources on threats to the US military. With the surge, we were over one hundred thousand US troops, and the most important thing we did. We did a lot that year. We collected a lot of intelligence, We stole a lot of secrets. But the most important, arguably the most important thing we would do was collect intelligence on threats to the US military. And there were countless times when we would collect intelligence from a source, an al Qaeda terrorist, about an IED located someplace, or a threat to US military. Within minutes, we've told the brigade commander, who's swivel in the troops in a different direction. That, among lots of things, certainly gave me a lot of a lot of satisfaction. If I only had another opportunity at another job in life, I've always wanted to be a country music star. God showed me there's no chance of that ever happening. Because I can't say so. My next option would be doing the types of things you have told me and you describe, which I find fascinating and also also very dangerous but so important to our safety. Dan Hoppman is with us. We're in Vietnam. My interview with the President nine Eastern in full tonight, the only interview he gave after the summit that end much more all right, as we continue, Dan Hoppin is with us, and Dan just got a big honor and he is now a member of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board. Fox News contributor. We were talking about the thirty plus years you spent in the intelligence community. You were talking about a rack your time in the Middle East, but you also spend time in places like Russia, Asia, I assume China. Not in China, I was in South Asia. I was in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I'll tell you that. You know, the backdrop of all of the meetings we had today yesterday, pas stand in India shooting down you know, two nuclear armed enemies shooting down each other's fighter planes, and that is of grave concern, and this administration simultaneously managing that crisis and dialing down the tension diplomatically. You know, at the press conference immediately after my interview with the president, it was interesting because he had said so many times in the past that he inherited this problem, and he also won as far as to say in the last two weeks that he inherited what he thought was we were on the brink of war based on you know, how many missiles would Kim Jong be allowed to fire over Japan and threatened the continental United States, in Guam and the entire region before Donald Trump and his military started taking those little rockets right out of the sky, which would have escalated this to a very high level. Yeah. I think one of the questions, and we won't know the answer all of us out here, but maybe one of the questions that the President might have asked the intelligence community is, uh, you know, just Kim Jong oun really believe that we're going to go to war over this? And maybe the answer to that was yes, And maybe that's why he stopped firing the missiles and testing his nuclear weapons. If I had to guess, I have no inside knowledge. For all you dopes in the media that think I know everything, I'm glad you give me this high honor and compliment. By the guests. We might have been one, two or three missiles away from that happening, that missile being taken out of the sky, and I'm sure that message was communicated. Dan Hoppin, thank you, You've been amazing. We'll see it tonight on Hannity. My interview with President Trump in its entirety has not been aired, the only interview he gave immediately following the summit here in Vietnam. We'll take a quick break, news round up, information overload. Horaldo's really pissed at the Democrats. Oh, he's so angry at the circus that they created yesterday. We'll get to that. We'll continue and we will get your calls in final half hour as well. And please say a prayer that Linda doesn't have a second trip from hell as she goes back to She left the day before me, sixty plus hour to get the Vietnam. I leave a day later at eleven pm, nearly two days later, and I arrived before her. Oh that was terrible. What airline were you on that was so great? We'll talk about it when. Yeah, it's called break now, Well, break now, all right, the Break Now airline brand new. Go to break now dot com. Quick break right back. We'll continue. When was the last communication with President Trump or someone acting on his behalf. I don't have the specific date, but it was a while ago. And what did he or his agent communicate to you. Unfortunately, this topic is actually something that's being investigated right now by the Southern District of New York. And I've been asked by them not to discuss and not to talk about these issues fair enough. Is there any other wrongdoing or illegal act that you are aware of regarding Donald Trump that we haven't yet discussed today. Yes, and again those are part of the investigation that's currently being looked at by the Southern District of New York. All right, glad you with us as we continue from Vietnam eight hundred and nine for one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. Michael Kohane and his testimony yesterday where they said he was going to lay out blockbuster evidence of specific crimes, but he said, oh, the dossier's total bs and he said, no evidence of collusion, no information that the president could be blackmailed, on and goes on from there. Now, the sad thing in all of this, the tragic side of all of this, is those people that have hated Michael Kohone with a passion for all of these years. After Donald Trump comes down the escalator at Trump Tower, they now used him yesterday and now he is the subject of not one, but two specific criminal referrals. For example, we just heard him denying that he didn't want to go work at the White House. Well, there were reports the whole day that in fact, everybody has text messages saying he wanted to work at the White House in a high level, specific job. Anyway, and of course my bigger point, which is, Okay, here's your here's your modern democratic party. No planes, no gas, no oil, no cows, seventy two plus percent confiscation of taxes, wealth, additional taxes. Everything's gonna be promised for free, up end the single greatest wealth, creating a democratic republic in the history of mankind. And oh it's gonna cost at least maybe nine point four ninety four trillion dollars. It's insane, all right. Anyway, here to now debate Haraldo Refais with US Fox News legal analysts, author of The Horaldo Show, and Jonathan Gillham, former FPI agent, Federal Air Marshal. He'll be filling in on this program tomorrow as we try to make our way back from Vietnam. I just hope I don't fly with Linda, who couldn't get She left a day early and got here hours later. And the six we called the sixty hour Flight from Hell welcome both of you. You know, Horaldo last night, you were so passionate the last two nights on TV angry even. You know, here's this moment where the President, for his part, is now looking to future generations and making the world a better, safer, place, more secure. I love that he walked away from a bad deal. Kim Jong un was testing him last night and he looked at him and he said no. And that's the person that I have known for all these years. That's the person that wrote in the Art of the Deal that you always got to be ready to walk away no matter what point in the negotiation up to last second. Even. First of all, I'm very proud of you for the job that you did over there. I feel you were very statesman ly with Potus, was very eye opening, very revealing, and you had a very good measure. By the way, did you see me get called on at the press conference? I did. I did. You've been a while since you've been in that scrum, but you did. You did well there too. You did well there too. You know, the anger that I that I displayed is real, Sewan, because I'm very frustrated, as you know, people on the on the on the left or the mainstream. Uh, they have an attitude about them that they are the almost a superior class, and they pity people who believe the President of the United States. And what they have done is they pooled themselves into uh this mindset where yes, I have been talking about Russian collusion for two years. Of course that's been my main thrust. Oh well it doesn't exist. Well, now I'm really interested in Stormy Daniel. You know, a seamless kind of transition, and now it's all about the Southern District and financial crimes and income tax. They they have to be held to account for two years of slandering this man, creating the climate of confrontation and division in the country, wherein it got so far that the acting director of the FDI could say in interview Intew Andrew McCabe, that it was possible the president was an asset of Vladimir Putin and the Russians. I think this is outrageous. And if I don't call it out, who's going to I'm in the middle. I'm road killed if I see things from both sides. And I have to say I am so scornful of the mainstream and how they have absolutely in the most derogatory way, slandered and undermined the president with this bs about Russian collusion charm. Well, it's gone on now for two years, and here we find ourselves as a country. They couldn't have put this aside, Jonathan Gillham for just a couple of days. I mean, it's been two long years, and they trot out Michael Cohne for three days in a row. And now what do we know? Now he got himself as a result of being used by the Democrats, not one but two criminal referrals, brand new criminal referrals, one for the possibility of committing perjury, one for violating the Parah Act, which was an issue as you remember with Paul Manafort. And now he has been put in serious, significant legal jeopardy because now the whole world sees it, and I gotta believe he may be in serious new legal trouble. Well, let me say this before I say what I'm gonna say about Cohen. I am so proud of Haraldough coming on here and saying what he's saying. And I think more people are in the true middle now they're not, you know, so far to the left or that are right. But I'm going to go even further a little bit than about what he was saying about the media, because let's look at what Elijah Cummings did yesterday when he is in charge of that whole committee and he says out loud it appears that the President committed a crime. Now he's not judging jury, and he's an attorney, and he knows going out there and saying these things. And the way he was talking about Cohen as being this guy who rose to the occasion did all these things. It is like a Saturday Night Live skit with teeth and they they're in collusion with the media. It frustrates me so bad because we can't count on journalists to do the right thing. We can't count on representatives of the people and in the DC to do the right thing. And all of it comes down on the shoulders of Donald Trump while he's trying to do something like, you know, broker a nuclear deal and a disarmament deal with a dictator. It's this is astounding to the point that we've gotten where it's so low that they're trying to get rid of Donald Trump that they will go to these levels. When we look at Cohen. I agree with you. It should just it's all nonsense anyway, but I think it should go way while the President's trying to do real business that has to do with the national security of our country. But when we look at Cohen and his behavior, and Horaldo can tell you this, he's seen this stuff because he's been close to a lot of these bad guys, whether it's interviewing or an attorney. You know, they minimize. They love to minimize their guilt. And what happens a lot of the times is when they get up there and they minimize, they end up lying. And when they do that under oath, they get in trouble. And that's what he did yesterday. He you know, he minimized, minimized, minimize, And when you're doing that, you end up saying things are going down a road that you have to stick with, and now you're caught in a lie and the whole thing is just a mess. Oh. I mean, that's the other point, you know, Horaldo, yesterday you went into there are and the President said this in the full interview that I'm going to air tonight on Hannity on the Fox News channel. But the only interview he did after the after the summit, and how the president benefits from the five sent as he said last night and said to me, that was truthful of Michael Cone, and we just played some of it. There was no collusion, and that whole dossier was all bs. And there were numerous numerous lies about Michael Conan. And now I know one spectacular lie in there about him, just like the Russian hooker's peeing on the bed in the Rich Carlton in Moscow. But the other one is Michael Cone was never to Prague. And again I knew him well at the time. I'm mad at the fact that he didn't tell the truth. I was never his client. He did apologize, which I appreciated, and I am, you know, but I'm and there's some other issues that I'm frankly a little bit mad about. But I knew where he was. He was at something that was actually pretty spectacular in the United States for his family, and I don't want to divulge the details of which, and I knew it was false, just like so many other things in that dossier falls And now he's corroborating the major argument that they have been making for years. You know, if you look at the New York Times today. I know you're in Henroy, but if you look at the New York Times today, there is no mention on the front page of what should have been the headline, the no collusion, says Cohen. There's nothing like that in the paper TAE. It has been ignored. If you look at MSNBC, if you look at CNN, there is virtually no editorial about the profoundly significant point that the biggest snitch, the government's strongest witness, the deep insider, insider says there's no evidence he knows of nothing having to do with collusion. So for two years we've heard that bs and it's all amounted to a hill of beans. The Dacier now riddle with known falsehoods Frague. You had McClatchy, the newspaper organization, saying that they had Michael Cohen in Frague and that his cell phone pinged in Frogue showing that he was in communication with Russians and he's never ever been there. Where's the apology from the McClatchy papers, BuzzFeed saying that Cohen was coached by Trump to lie to Congress, and now Aldo, what's going to happen to all these these so called news organizations that have propagandized, that have hysterically breathlessly reported one issue after another regarding the President that turns out to be false. Are they going to apologize? Will they be held accountable? Will the will the real Russian colluters now? Will they be ever held accountable like Hillary for example, paying for a phony Russian dossier. I think you should be BuzzFeed now, buzz fake. You know, I appreciate that media is evolving and that there's more these uh you know, gung hole digital outfits out there, but you gotta get it right, and if you get it wrong, you have to apologize, and you have to do so in a speedy and or not. In what's going on now, they hung our president out to drive. And I want to know from some real insider national security analysts whether or not the president's problems in the United States with this simultaneous charade of his show with Michael Kohn, whether that had any effect on undermining the president sufficiently to help to repeat crucial negotiation. Look, I wasn't watching cable at all at the time. I came up in the air nine am, Vietnam time, yesterday. But I'm told by people that were back home that if you turned on the other news, that works as the President is meeting and shaking hands with Kim Jong un to denuclearize the entire Korean peninsula, which is rather profound. While that was happening, guess what they weren't covering at Jonathan. They wanted to lock in and stay with Kohn and continue the never ending coverage of bludgeoning Trump for any reason without facts or truth usually behind it. But this is yes, You're absolutely right, and what we see a lot of the times, there's so many and forgive me for this, Harald, though you may agree or not with this, but there's so many attorneys now, the whole whole WASHINGDC is filled with attorneys. Almost all the guests that you ever see on news on them in the media anymore, or attorneys, And what they do when they cover this stuff, it's the same type of game that you see between two attorneys where they're they're trying to convince people of guilt or not guilt, not truth, And that's what they do in the in the news now when they cover these stories, and if from an intelligent standpoint, I'm telling you right now that if they can go in and cause any type of disruption, and this is what's crazy, right, They're going to cause disruption in our own president's mind while he's over there. That could be very detrimental to the way he is negotiating with these these highly trained experts. I agree right there. More with more with Haraldo, More with Jonathan Gillham. When we come back, final half hour, wide open telephones. Anything you want to talk about eight hundred and nine four, I have one shown if you want to be a part of the program, my exclusive and the only exclusive interview the president gave. That's with me airing in total tonight from Vietnam as we continue after this historic summit. All right, as we continue with Haraldo Rivera and Jonathan Gillham. You know, Haraldo, one thing you always say, even when we're battling over the border, and I think you've actually come around a lot because you want to solve the problem. You always keep saying, I want this president to succeed you. I know how many kids do you have? Total? Five? Thank you? They're all still more or less dependent. You're not a grandfather yet, right, I am a four time over grandfather and they've just begun. My gosh, all right, so you're you're but your grandfather, and you know, you think about if you have a chance, you know, before you and I and Jonathan leave this earth one day, what do you like to know that it was a it's a little safer than it once was. No more rockets, no more threatening the continental United States, Guam, the whole peninsula wouldn't be a good thing if that happened. I've got a role. Um, you guys have been amazing, and uh, you guys should host the show together one day. I know Jonathan's hosting tomorrow. I'm well, I'll be home Saturday afternoon, all right, so I need one day off just to get home. Um, we'll see you then. Thanks guys. We'll wrap up our final radio half hour coming up from Hannoi in Vietnam, H and Hannity tonight, my interview with the President nine eastern nine am, Vietnam time, twenty five down till the top of the hour. Glad you are with us wrapping up. This will be our last day in Hannoi only because it's it's it's it's a trek to get back home. Not a lot of flights I think we even have after TV. What do we have a twelve hour delay before we can go wheels up, so pretty long period of time. Maybe I can actually get some sleep, that'd be nice. So our friend Jonathan Gillim will be in here tomorrow, but tonight we will air the only interview the President gave it was with me immediately following the summit with Kim Jong und. It was interesting how this all worked behind the scenes because we were told be flexible, be there, be flexible. It's very fluid. Nobody knows, here's a scheduled time. Next thing, I know, two hours before the scheduled time, they decided to move up the press conference. And that was the first indication that maybe I need to go put a real shirt on and you know, do the little hair colmbing thing that I do on TV, which is stupid. Apparently everybody, with the pictures you've been posting on Twitter, everybody likes the natural look. I have a natural look when you can't have your hair, you know, like Bernie Sanders on TV. Bernie Sanders doesn't have any hair. Well, it's like the disheveled he looks like the man scientist, socialistic, communist, hippie. He gave it away. He shared his hair with everyone. I think he went to Woodstock and he didn't hear the message about the green acid versus the brown acid. You know, he's just you can't. He just can't do it, like it really kills me. Because our friend Dan Bongino is with us a lot this week. And yes, he and Dan Hopping both have been amazing. And what's funny is Dan Bongino doesn't wear tie on Fox Eric Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what tie is fitting around the neck? Oh, dann Bongino. Dan Bongino wore a tie when he guest toasted your TV show. He looked ridiculous. He is lifted. He looked like he was being choked to death. Did he really? It was awful? I was like, I texted him, I'm like, Dan, you gotta take it off. It looks terrible. He's like, I can't. They will let me. I can't. Oh god, yeah, it was really bad. Um, well, Dan works out like I thought I worked out like a madman. And look at mister triathlete here, what do you do those specials? What are those? Iron Man? Iron Man? He does iron Man? Marathons, which is insane, Oh, Dan Hoffman every time we're here, because you know the time is backwards. You know I worked out every day too. All right, is it all about you? We can't talk about others. We just spent five minutes talking about all you men and your bromance of each other, as you know, wonderful workout in your athletic ability. Okay, The good news is that I had a new suit on last night. This is a pretty funny story, very funny story, Kristen, I'm sure for Kristen. So because I did lose a lot of weight recently, I lost about twelve pounds. That's that's You're so skinny. Okay, thank you. I've been calling you manarexic for years. So well, this time it finally worked because I stuck to it and sticking to it and there's only one thing that works for me. And you know I've tried everything. I know, but your idea of trying is doing it for three days. But go ahead, No, not this time, and are you done? I finished the story about hours of material. So I had a new suit that we brought with us, and the best part is I put it on and I'm like, oh my gosh, it doesn't fit. I mean it was, you know when you kind of look like you have a you're wearing your father's suit exactly exactly. That's exactly how it felt. Yep. Um, So that was some good news, all right? What is your Oh Dan Hoffin, You'll see him swimming lap after lap after lap. You know, he's a beast for hours. He's a beast. And I'm like, he's got two young sons, he's got work to do, he's got his stay in shape. Who wants to get in the water in Vietnam at three am local time? Okay, Dan Hopin, he's eaten with his hands in the bare grounds of Afghanistan. I don't think swimming in the pools killed him. Oh, I kept. I was worn the whole time on my way over here. Don't turn your phone on ever. And then the next thing I was warned about, uh, probably assume that your that your shower is being videotaped. And then the next thing, I what are you doing in the shower? What's going on in there? You're very stressed out about the shower. I'm not stressed out about the shower. I was just that's Dan. Maybe it's time to start taking baths. All right, what was your workout this week? Because everybody wants to hear it. I don't want to tell the story. We're all gonna say a little prayer for you getting home. I think, I think what I want to talk about more is the fact that CNN yesterday had the broadcast real news. I mean, here in my hotel, I only have CNN. It's a very sad thing. And I've never watched CNN before, so it's been a real education in fake news. And so yesterday, you know, at whatever time, it was two thirty in the morning our time. In two thirty, here President starts giving his you know, his press conference about everything, and I'm watching it. Okay, fine, Chris and I are texting, yay, Sean's in the press corps. I'm like what. So then I see him say, oh, there's this fellow Shawn over there. Nobody knows who he is. And I'm like, oh my god. So I take my phone out and I start taping my television. Oh that's fine, it's hysterical. And so I have the chiron of CNN and the President here giving you know, and it's on Hannity Dot com Hannity dot com if anybody want to see it, All things sewn at Hannity dot com. Just a little plug. And then comes on Sean and he goes, hi, Am Sean Hannity Talk Radio. In a TV host, I'm like, oh my guy, I'm like, this is amazing. It was just the funniest thing ever. But I don't think it got picked up on TV. But the mic didn't work originally. I'm like, well I knew, so I said to Blair. I was like, something must be wrong because as soon as you pick on like like this thing on Mike's on. Oh God, I'm like, you're you're subtle, like like a mack truck. Well, well, I want to say one serious point and then we're gonna all go through. What are what what you're gonna remember the most about this trip? All right? Um? But I will say this, the person that I liked the most in the cabinet. And I'm not picking favorites here, but by far terms of intelligence work out. You know what that means, right, The person I like the most, that's your that's your favorite. You know that? Look ahead? Right? Um is Pompeo. Pompeo is the rock star of the President's cabinet, so smart, such a warm personality. As a matter, I didn't tell you yet, but we're going um to DC next week and we're gonna sit down probably early in the week. All right, let's start, and we're gonna do a um what was your finest moment? What was your most fun moment? We'll start with Blair. Well, by the way, I've got to give a lot of credit to who made sure that this broadcast quality was as the best humanly possible, and I've gotten great grave reviews from our affiliates and from friends. So great job, and thank you for making the trek sixty hour trek with Linda. Nobody else could have handled that. You were the only one. I'm sorry. Was that like a painful thing for him? Yeah? No, no comment, exactly right. I think the thing I took away the most is how nice the people are here. Amazing. I was in the food store and I had like three things with me Die Cooke for James, and everyone in line said to go in front of them. Everyone they go ahead. I'm like, what in New York they I mean, they'd look at you like, you know, you had les. Imagine if you over behind Linda and you've jumped in front of her in New York. Forget if she cleaned the floor with you. That's right, Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that was the biggest thing is how how kind people are, even and they don't speak any English, and it's amazing. Totally agree. Um, And that that was that stands out in a way that's profound, really touchingly profound. All right, Linda, it's your next. Well, let's let James go next. James, sweet baby, James, what was the thing that stands out the most to you? Yeah, just keep banging those microphones. That sounds great on radio. That sounds amazing from the experience, Sean, akin to what Blair said, You know, there's, um, there's something about the human spirit, you know, our desire to get ahead, maybe to be free. Here we are like under a communist regime, and they work so hard and they're so appreciative of like you know, the stories you tell about like you know a tip or you know, little a little graciousness on our part. It just it really like it's a profound lesson in the universality of the human spirit. You know, what people want, what works are We're gonna sing John Lennon, give a piece of chance. Now that makes my supermarket story. But but to James's credit, and I mean this sincerely, we all we call him sweet baby James. For a reason is that James has a heart of gold. That's why we love you more than anything. If we do great work, but we love you for your heart more than anything. All Right, Linda, my favorite thing in Vietnam. Well, since I haven't left the hotel um, because all I do is why why would you leave? It looks like I'm in the palace um. I have to say, I'm gonna I'm gonna give you one funny anecdote from my experience here. So imagine what it looks like everybody. Every day, I sleep all day in this giant suite. At night, six men come to my room and they stay here all night. We order coffee and food. The waiters come in two three in the morning. We're all sitting here in this room together. The only other person here that's a female is Kristen. And there's one guy ranting and raving, and there's just they have no idea what's happening. I mean, they must be down there things. But you're gonna have an extra day, and so you're gonna go. You and Bla are going like we're gonna go sight see. I'm gonna go get some toys. Philiam, Oh, I should tell you one thing. No, no, that means another three eggs. I know, check your We get everybody in how much time do we have left? Because I want to tell a quick story. Let's do everybody before that, I took her toy shopping once for Liam after what trip was that? We were in Bocca after a Rush Limbaugh. Okay, after we did the interview with Rush. So we go to a target. We go to the toy section first of all to come and you were in. I was gonna have to sit in the car, and I knew you'd take four hundred hours. So I went in with you. James was with me and what did and Gomez was with me, my best friend from third grade. So we take out. She's like looking at every train and analyzing it and looking at the price of the train. And I looked at everybody. I'm like, you've got to be kidding me. And I took a basket and I started throwing all the trains in the basket, and I said let's go no more decision. We know what happened to me. I had to carry all those bags alone on amtrack. That's your pro the way home on amtrack alone. In the kidding. You need to be able to make a decision fast. Okay, Kristen can tell you a story. Come on, what's your what is your memory that you're taken out? You need to get a little closer to the microphone. This is radio. Yeah, I know, sixty feet feels cool, but it's not. Okay, okay, well it's pretty cliche. But I think my favorite part of this trip was seeing Sean Hannity on a scooter because Sean hates, you know, going out and about because he needs to stay on New York times. So he's just been cloistered in his room the entire time, and we've you know, been trying to go out and see things. And then it turns out that Sean Hannity does the coolest and bravest thing out of all of us. So yeah, and the car all of a sudden, Tom asks me because his seat was wet because it was also raining that day. So uh, the next thing is like, oh, or is there something to wipe the seat? Off, I turn around, look back, they're literally gone. So I'm like, alrighty, then, now you did make it. I would have made it, but no time to get dress, put makeup on. Ye all right, Dan Hoffman. Now, this is probably gonna be hard for you because you've been everywhere in the world and you're so used to being abroad for long periods of time. But I'm curious. You know, what is your takeaway as we leave? Well, actually, I think that I'm looking to the future. You know, there's there's just so much yet to be done. I think we accomplished a lot at this summit, but uh, it's just you know, this is as different as anything could be for me from my thirty years I serve in the US government. Here I am now covering events for the media, which is a huge honor to be doing it with you and the outstanding team here. I'll tell you we all keep a seriousness of purpose, but you can tell there's a sense of humor in the room, and I think that's how you get by. But I'm just looking forward to where this is going to take us over the coming weeks and months. You know, I've know that that is your life and your work and your passion, and so I have a very good feeling about it. I think that every indication is is Kim's gonna go home. He's going to be in a state of shock for a couple of weeks because he didn't think Trump was gonna walk away. And I think because other US presidents have capitulated and they have been weak, and I think that eventually he's gonna say, all right, what's in the do I want this deal for my country of my people. And the President was saying, oh, this will be the biggest economic success ever and it would be quickly. Uh, Thomas with us. How many years you on the NYPD? I was twenty years with the NYPD. Yeah, now you now you're stuck protecting me in Vietnam on on a moped scooter, yet ten years with Fox. My takeaway is the coordination of assets here within the Lauren Flessman community, the support from the Secret Service, who could not have been better, the military assets. Um, it really ran smooth. It was a well oiled machine support we had. So you're looking at it really like the bat. The backstory that nobody knows about our sees, Yes, exactly, it's an operation. It is and how many people did we meet in intelligence? How many people did we meet in law enforcement? Secret Service? The guys we were drinking with at the bar that one day, and Marines from Okinawa right that has been stationed. I saw them again. They were all getting pictures, not all of them, but most of them are getting pictures. Remember the big guy from Tennessee. Yeah, yeah, he was getting his picture taken with the president and he was right next to the President. Was like, twelve guys, Oh, you want me to break and not talk about what I think? Great, So I'm to break so I don't get to say what I'm taking out of this. You talk all the time. We'll get it later. Oh man, that's so called. I love all of you. Been amazing. None of this happens without we have such a great the best staff in radio and TV ever, and an engineering team that is able to pull this off. My interview with the President tonight in folds, the only exclusive interview he gave right to the summit with Kim Jong un, and we'll air that in its entirety nine Eastern tonight on Fox News. That's gonna wrap things up for today. And Frankly Radio in Vietnam. Letting not your harpey trouble, all right, Hannity, Tonight, ninety Eastern Fox News, my exclusive extensive interview with the President of the United States, the only one he gave right after his summit with Kim Jong un. We talk about the deal went on behind the scenes. Nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Hope you'll join us, have a great weekend. We'll see you tonight at nine and from Vietnam and back in New York on Monday. Have a great weekend.