The Art of the Deal

Published Jun 6, 2019, 10:00 PM

Austan Goolsbee, a Professor at Chicago's Booth School of Economics and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers for the Obama Administration, comes to debate Sean on the economy ahead of tomorrow’s jobs numbers. With tariffs on China and Mexico, many on the left are looking to chastise the President for his poor negotiations. But they also haven’t read the Art of the Deal.

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All right, GLADU with us right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. I don't even know where to begin. We're gonna get to remembering the Normandy seventy fifth anniversary D Day and the slamming of the beaches of Normandy. We got some really interesting speeches will play for you in the course of the program, probably coming up later in the last hour. I don't think people really fully completely understand how precarious the world situation was at times. And you know, when you look at the advancement and how far that Hitler got, and how broad his ambitions were, and how naive so many people were, it's it takes your breath away. And how quickly many of these countries, one after another, they just fell into the hands of the Nazis. It was a very very dangerous, precarious time. And when America finally got involved, which you know, God bless Winston Churchill, he was he was fighting for America's involvement for a long time. And I think but for America, you know, it probably comes out. It wouldn't have been a good story in the end, and millions killed, and you think of this particular invasion, and you think of the absolute carnage and the death, and still American kids kept coming. They knew they were walking on beaches, over dead bodies, over bodied parts, over injured soldiers, and they were walking right into what was death, you know, for so many of their so many others before them. But they did it anyway and were all climately successful, and they liberated a continent. And none of that is easy, and we do forget the cost of freedom often, which is sad. You know, I don't even know where to begin. Nancy Pelosi knows deep in her heart that if she goes ahead with this idiocy of impeachment, and she's really she's not the Speaker of the House, Let's be honest. The Speaker of the House of Representatives is Alexandria Casio Cortez. We went into a deep explanation yesterday. She's now even got sleepy, creepy crazy Uncle Joe buying into her insane green new deal. And you know, now he's one point seven billion, and another five trillion, and then another five trillion. I mean, where do they think this money is gonna come from. And then ultimately it's still not gonna be good enough because she's such a purest that she actually believes that this idea of eliminating oil and gas and the combustion engine, and the idea that somehow we're gonna get rid of cars as we know them, and everything's gonna be free, whether you're willing or unwilling to work. And that's free government education from the time you're able to go to school till the time you want to quit. And free healthcare but you can't buy your own healthcare. And you're gonna have a guaranteed job, and a guaranteed vacation and guaranteed healthy food, guaranteed retirement as a lot of guaranteeing for anybody. And you know, when asked how you're gonna pay for it, nobody has any answer, not even close to an answer on that question. So so Pelosi, you know with look, she's not that smart, she's not that bright. She is a committed leftist, but more importantly, she's more committed to the power that she has, and she wants to maintain that power. She's been speaker, she lost the speakership. She barely hung on this time, and she knows if she doesn't give into the radical base and she doesn't appease them, then she could very easily be removed and that could happen any day. So she's trying to thread this needle, and I guarantee that it's not going to work because the base is that radicalized. This is not the party of Scoop Jackson. This is not the party of old school Democrat that Joe Lieberman does not fit in this party, and the only ones that fit into it are people that want complete, radical, extreme socialism, a complete confiscation pretty much of everybody's income. They want to seventy percent top marginal rate, ninety percent top corporate rate. No company is gonna be in business, and that means there'll be no job opportunities, and that means you get rid of oil and gas, the lifeblood of our economy. At the very moment where we're on the precipice of raising the standard of living of every single solitary American, if we would just go full on, we now are the world's largest producer with the world's largest supplies of oil and natural gas. We follow through on the pipelines, fracking an Moir, etc. And now we're gonna have employment that we're at near virtual unemployment, now full employment. When you got two million more jobs than you have actual people on unemployment, that's a pretty good environment if you want to change your career, if you want a new trajectory in your career, if you want to make more money, if you want better benefits, or maybe you dream of starting that new job. But in the energy industry in particular, these are high pay career jobs for people. And by the time the faster we do this, I mean that's the faster the people's standard of living is going to rise and rise dramatically, and it's mostly going to be the people the Democrats always claim to have compassion for. And it is funny that it wasn't under Obama that we set record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, and for youth unemployment fifty year low. Those all the groups that Democrats claim to care so much about, but they were the ones under Biden Obama that was so disproportionately impacted. So Pelosi told senior Democrats she'd like to see the president in prison, Donald Trump in prison as she's clashing with Jerry Nadler in a meeting over whether to launch an impeachment proceeding. They don't have the votes for impeachment. He's never gonna get convicted in the Senate. All this will do. We had four separate now investigations into this whole hoax of Trump Russia collusion conspiracy. Four the FBI nine month investigation, House Intel investigation, Fipartisan Senate investigation, now the Muller fort But they want now a fifth investigation, and they're going to drag the exact same people that they dragged before committees before and before Muller, I mean Mueller. Let's see, he spent twenty two months, six hundred and seventy four days, twenty five plus million dollars, forty FBI agents, intelligence analysts, and forensic accountants and other professional staff. They hired nineteen attorneys. By the way, none of them, not one was a Republican donor. Even Hillary Clinton's lawyer was one of them. And yes, Andrew Weisman was at Hillary's victory party with the most atrocious track record on record of any buddy. Then twenty eight hundred subpoenas, five hundred search warrants and two hundred and thirty orders for communication records, five hundred witnesses. That's five hundred people that have to hire attorneys. Now you want Hope Picks again. Now, Hope Picks didn't make money the last time she was working for the government. You end up paying attorneys more money than you are actually taking in, because if you have a halfway decent attorney in Washington, you're paying five hundred, eight hundred thousand dollars an hour, and you don't want to hire a bad attorney. And then the other side of it, is this all right, You testified before the Mueller Committee, Mueller Special Counsel, It testified in maybe the Senate of the House committees, or maybe both or maybe all three, and you had the lawyers for all of that. And now God forbid you go before the next the fifth investigation and the fifth Midy, to be asked generally, it's gonna be the same questions, and God forbid you give a different answer or a variation of an answer that seems somewhat inconsistent, because maybe you didn't remember perfectly what had happened two years ago. By the way, where were you this day two years ago. I have no freaking idea. You know who is on the show Monday. I don't really have a clue. I'd have to go back and look it up. Literally, it's not my brain who was on the show Monday, It's not how my brain works. Now, if you want Reagan's economic record, I can give it to you. If you want Clinton's failed record, I can give you that. Obama's failed record I could do in my sleep. Trump's record to date I have. I can give you that. But who I had on the show last night would take a real act of brain exercise to figure and ask Seculo and Joe Lieberman were on Monday. Just seeing there you go, I would not have guessed that. I don't remember. Kind of listen, I do a show, I'm done with the show, and I move on to the next show, and I'm trying to think of why what the next future show is going to be. But but you're laughing, All these guys are laughing. But think about it. You say one inconsistent thing, and next thing you know, you're facing a criminal referral for lying to Congress. I mean, this is the most obscene thing to me. And I noticed that, and I'm actually happy about this that General Flynn has apparently fired his lawyers ahead of sentencing and replaced them with new representation. It could be he's I would not be surprised if he withdrew his plea, and I think he should withdraw his plea because we now know that the deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe said, Michael Flynn said, do I need a lawyer? The deputy FBI director was sending over agents. The answer is no, no, no, no no, no, you don't need a law No. Then Comey braggs how he did something on the fourth day of the Trump presidency to take advantage of the chaos in the Trump White House, which would be the same under any administration, stating he would never do this to either the Obama administration or the former Bush administration. He sent in his guys to interrogate Flynn, who is deputy FBI director, said doesn't need a lawyer. You look at this White House now and it's hard to imagine two FBI agents sending up in this same room. How did that happen? I sent them something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation and more organized administration. In the George W. Bush administration, for example, or the Obama administration, the protocol two men that all of us have perhaps increased appreciation over the last two years. And in both those administrations there was process. And so if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House Council and they'll be discussions and approvals and who would be there. And I thought, it's early enough. Let's just send a couple of guys over after you tell him not to have a lawyer. Now, what Flynt didn't know is they had already surveiled him, unmasked him. They had word for word what had but the conversation. They set him up in a perjury trap because if he didn't confirm everything that had happened in the phone call, what if he just didn't remember. I didn't remember it was on the show Monday until Jason reminded me. That's you know, forget it. I mean, if we're now at the point where my FBI friends say, yeah, if the FBI ever comes and ask you questions, you have to say no. I'm like, why why would I have to say no, I like, the FBI is to the premier law enforcement agency in the world. My instinct with my mom a prison guard, my dad, family corprobation, my family that are in cops, my two cousins that became FBI agents. So you're saying I shouldn't talk to the no, because if you say something wrong, you lie to the FBI, then you get charge lying to the FBI. What if you're trying to help them and you just don't remember everything perfectly, What do they expect? Our brains are not computers. It's so ridiculous, especially people now. Don't do it. That's what they say. Don't do it, all right, I'm not gonna get the scowl. Look for the rest of the program. I said, shush one time one time because you were bringing up the negative in a meeting that was important, and I'm like that, that's not important to negative. You're always worried about the worst. Are you looking for something to say? I'm sorry you're breaking up on me. I can't hear you. Oh, really terrible terrible reception here. No, there's not terrible, terrible, absolutely horrific. So the problem so we'll just get it out because otherwise you just let it fester and build in the resentment. We'll go ahead unleash screamers. So there's a reason why Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump have all their meetings in private because they don't like to air their dirty laundry. That's more of a tide girl. I like to keep it clean. That is the absolute biggest lie you've put. That's bigger than treat is going to pass his test. First of all, the language that I'm going to need to explain this to you is not that, oh you're about it. I'm leaving as soon as it shows un for your life. I think we'll run for our lives here anyway. Eight hundred nine one shun. Now, this is getting a little bit more interesting by the minute, inasmuch as, uh, we're what the New York Time is claiming that they're fair to Donald Trump. I mean, you got to be kidding me. It's it's it's these people can't even be serious. On the one hand, the New York Times today drafts articles of impeachment against Trump, so they're doing their job of the Democrats. And now the New York Times top editors, we're in no way anti Trump, and I'm like, yes you are. And I think the funniest news of the day is that Congressional Democrats are now worried that Michael Horowitz's report on Faiza abuse might in fact neutralize their impeachment drive. You think, how do they not know? This is all coming their heads in the set? All right? As we roll along, Sean Hannity Show, gladuate with US eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, you know more. I think about Nancy Pelosi. Now, remember she kinda knows that her speakership is hanging in the balance. She's really speaker in name only. She's kind of taken orders from Acasio Cortez and all these new freshmen congress people, and she's, you know, extraordinarily panicked because if they impeach Trump, that will guarantee his reelection. You know, the American people at the end of the day, after four investigations, they don't want a fifth one. Everybody had their shot at the Muller report was supposed to give them everything they wanted, and as we predicted, it's back. It's boomeranging back, and so okay, so what's the answer, well, we won't impeach him because if we impeach him as bad politics, but will investigate him to death. And then you ask, well, what are they voting for. They just voted themselves a pay raise and of course a tax increase, and they do what Democrats always do, which is, you know, tax and spend, tax and spend. That's all they've got. I guess if you put him in jail, that fits perfectly in with, you know, a dictatorship, you know, just throw the opposition party? Ine, what are we gonna have arrested? Now we have other news on that point. She wants to see Trump in prison, and Naddler wants to go forward desperately, but they don't have anything, and they just want to drag the same people before the committees to answer the same questions. And she said that she was expressing solidarity with this pro impeachment wing of her party that is obsessed with all things rage and hate of Donald Trump. But what are they offering in terms of making our world more prosperous and more secure and creating more jobs and better opportunities. They're not doing a thing, and they don't have any plans. So the only the only thing they're united on is a hatred, and that hatred happens to be twenty four hours hating Donald Trump. And you have, you know, the cowardly shift, and you have Elijah Cummings and Nadler and Maxime Waters, and you know, the committee chairs are frustrated because they can't get anybody to appear before them, and nobody should have to appear before them, but they're not realizing also is anybody that does appear before them doesn't have to say a thing. You know, Nadler saying he might be forced to subpoena Robert Muller. Robert Muller does not want to go. Robert Muller last week stated clearly the whole nine and a half minutes was don't dare bother calling me because I will keep referring to my report. And then it turns out what he was saying about his report was contradicted by everything he said earlier about his report. In other words, they had to clarify within what four hours five hours later, and then you saw the media take that bait and run as fast as they could. But his comments to closed door Democrats as clear as remarks to date of compelling Muller's attendance. Fox News is reporting they have actually obtained the resolution, which the Rules Committee will consider on Monday, because they want to hold the Attorney General William barr in the White House Chief of Staff Don McGannon contempt at Congress. Well, it's perfectly legitimate to claim executive privilege, and at that point, it's perfectly legitimate to say invoked the Fifth Amendments. I have nothing to say, and that's not going to cost a whole lot in terms of lawyers. The Daily Caller has a piece out today with new documents they obtained that show the legal hot water just got hotter for one of the top Democrats on the committee, and that's House Government Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, and along with Jerry Nadler's Judiciary, Cummings Committee has now taken the lead trying to keep the Russia Gate scandal alive. Becoming his wife, apparently, according to The Delhi Caller, funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from her charity into her private for profit organization, according to previously undisclosed cost sharing arrangements with multiple experts, you know, saying it raises a lot of red flags. And anyway, so her charity, the Center for Global Policy Solutions, paid for her for profit venture Global Policy Solutions LLC, over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of management fees. And that's between the years twenty thirteen twenty fifteen, according to the charities audited financial statements. And then the management fees were paid in an addition to a cost sharing agreement where a charity pays for its share of the equipment and personnel and other expenditures. And this charity is funded by companies with interest that are before her husband's congressional committee. Well, if Donald Trump did that, I can guarantee you that they would want to subpoena and put everybody in jail. So there's a lot of self you know, self dealing here, and it's taken the charity's resources turning them into personal profits. And also then you have the whole stink to high Heaven issue of all these are people that have business before his committee. Now, when you look at the other issue in terms of bar and Don mcginny, I just don't think any of this is going anywhere. Now. On top of that, Politico just put out that Congressional Democrats are really worried because those that are driving hard twenty four seven to impeach the president now are scared to death. Is I mean, do these people pay attention to anything that's going on, because now all of a sudden they realized, maybe this guy hanned, he's onto something with this FISA stuff. Because if the bulk of information for the FISA application ended up being the phony Russian disinformation that Hillary paid for, well that's a big problem. And if Horowitz points out that they committed a premeditated conspiracy to commit fraud before the FISA court judges and that it was done to spy on the Trump campaign, and now their fear is that they're becoming worried that the Justice Department, well that's gonna basically neutralize any impeachment dreams they may have. You got an internal DOJ watchdog report on the origins of the Russian probe, and that's expected a spotlight potential political bias by FBI agents at the heart of the Russian probe, as we've been telling you, And that report is due out soon, maybe even as soon as this month and as late as October, could raise questions about the FBI's decision making at the time, and when Michael Harrowitz we expect that report any day now was highly respected, by the way, from both by both parties. Then that now the entire narrative gets shift shifted in in this case. And on top of that, you got the New York Times that literally, on the one hand today is claiming they don't have a Trump bias, but you have an editorial board member with President Trump winning rave reviews in Normandy, and you know, Elizabeth Warren is shouting that Trump should be in handcuffs. Nancy Pelosi wants Trump in jail. The New York Times now has shoved Jerry Nadler aside. They decided, well, they'll just draw up their own articles of impeachment. But they're they're the paper of record, the New York Times, and so their editorial board members. Some guy named Ian Philbrick said that Trump's impeachment should follow the model that Democrats plan to use against Richard Nixon. Article one. The Russian government engaged in a sophisticated campaign to influence the twenty sixteen presidential election. May seventeen, twenty seventeen, a special Council was appointed to investigate Russian interference, including any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign. Subsequent there too, Donald J. Trump, using the powers of his high office, engaged personally and through his close subordinates and agents, and a course of conduct or planned designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation. Well, that's the exact opposite of what we just learned. So they just making it up whole cloth. So the Democratic parties now in the midst of a you know, political impeachment fantasy based entirely on a Muller report that never gave them what they want, and that was the fourth investigation into all of these things. But of course they don't look into Hillary Clinton and her dirty dossier, or Hillary Clinton's rigged investigation, or the crimes that she committed with the Espionage Act, or the real obstruction adjusted that happened in her case. I mean, it's these are just insane times we're living in. They were this is these are not normal times. These are not normal people. They're not well. This is now a psychosis, a rage and obsession. And just because a few Democrats said a few nice things today, I'll tell you what's happening in news is cable news. For these lying conspiracy theory networks have gone into the sewer. So they keep trying to dredge it up every day, and they say tried so hard. Last week they thought Muller's nine and a half minutes was my manna from heaven, that it was living waters from Jesus himself, that was literally breathing life into their soul, food and water that the world know not of, but only one perfect man. And so it brought them to life. Mounting pressure, growing calls to start impeachment after Robert Muller breaks his two years silence. If the House leadership doesn't start hearings now, I believe it's hard to see them every doing it in the months ahead. Again now or never, we seem to be moving toward a place where impeachment may be inevitable. The damn really seems to be breaking wide open. When it was really saying is Congress has a job to do? It was almost a jeopardy question the way Robert Muller put it yesterday. There is a process other than the criminal justice system to charge a sitting president. What's the answer the answer is impeachment. The only problem though, for them is Robert Mueller had to rescind and clarify his remarks because he repeatedly said the opposite. And I don't even think Robert Mueller wrote or read what he said in nine and a half because it's clearly reading it. I don't think he wrote it. I don't think he read it. And I don't even think he was paying attention to what he was saying. He seemed like he was checked out. Watch Mueller's body language as he did that. So then the Special Counsel's Office, along with the Attorney General Barr, they had to clarify and basically say, oh, never mind everything Mueller said that gave you so much hope. The living waters that you thought you were feeling, where fake fake waters, fake food, fake news, just you know, more impeachment fantasies. But this is I'm gonna tell you though this. Look, if you want to win as a politician, I'm gonna give you a little secret. You gotta have some principles that guide you. You gotta have a belief that what you do is going to work and make things better. You know, if you're a conservative, I've been thirty years in Radio, twenty three years in Fox. I am a conservative. If you cut taxes, if you end burden some governmental regulations, if you make incentives for businesses to spend and invest in factories and manufacturing centers. If you also push towards energy independence, the lifeblood of not only our economy, the world's economy. If you end our dependence on fe and oil, especially countries that hate our guts. If you really care about not only creating high paying career jobs for those Americans that unduly suffered under Biden Obama policies, thirteen million more on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. But if you go to train truck drivers in the energy industry at eighty grand ninety grand starting salary a year and all the overtime you can handle, that's gonna raise the standard of living of everybody. It's not an accident that the Obama economy failed in every category, and that the Trump economy is literally breaking every single record imaginable, including the best employment situation since nineteen sixty nine. Tom Seaver, Jerry Kousman, Ray Sadecki, Jerry Grody, Duffy Dyer backup catcher Bud Harrelson, Wayne Garrett, let's see Ed Cranepool, Tommy ag Cleon, Jones, the nineteen sixty nine Mets. Some of you who are saying, what is wrong with you? Linda's looking at me now with that? What is that's the nineteen might as well speaks well Heely Tug McGraw in the bullpen, and you had the world champions, the New York Mets, the Miracle of nineteen sixty nine. Well, we haven't had an environment economically that's been better for jobs since those guys were winning the World Series. Have you heard of any of their names? Tom Siever absolutely not, have no idea what Jerry Kuzman I when you go back to Mola, No, no, no, you've never heard of Ed Cranepool. No, Sean, I have never heard of Ed cranepool. Sounds like something to use in a dentist's office. Tommy age Cleon, Joe, Bud Harrelson heard of Tom Sievers. She's not gonna know Ed was an actor? Actually? Who was an actor? I'm sever? Oh, I mean I don't know. Wasn't that in Family Ties? Yeah? You're right. A trivia day at the points for you Hannity see. Oh you welcome, Sean. Oh well, I'm so sorry I should. What is wrong with saying sure, don't talk about the bad stuff? You know, Time is a magazine to here. I ask you a question. Has Mexico done enough to avoid tariffs which will be imposed in some six days from now. No, we haven't started yet, and but the threat is out there. Yeah, the threat is out there, but we haven't really started yet. No, this will take effect next week. And what do you think of Republicans who say that they may take action to block you imposing those times. I don't think they will do that. I think if they do, it's foolish. There's nothing more important than borders. But our laws are bad because the Democrats don't want to pass laws that could be passed in fifteen minutes, that could be passed quickly in one day. It could change. But even beyond the laws, Mexico shouldn't allow millions of people to try and enter our country, and they could stop it very quickly, and I think they will, And if they won't, we're gonna put tariffs on. And every month those tariffs go from five percent to ten percent, to fifteen percent to twenty and then to twenty five percent. And what will happen then is all of those companies that have left our country and gone to Mexico are going to be coming back to us. And that's okay. That's okay, and our policy can be summed up in three very simple words. Jobs, jobs, jobs. The United States economy created another two hundred and sixty thousand jobs last month, way way way above what people thought. They were making predictions, much lower than the big one. They were thinking about one percent, one point two percent, maybe one point five. And our growth number came in for the first quarter, which is almost always the lowest quarter of the year historically, three point two percent, crushing expectation. A lot of surprised people. I wasn't surprised. Since the election, we've created nearly six million new jobs, including more than half a million manufacturing jobs and nearly seven hundred thousand new construction jobs. Unemployment just reached the lowest rate in more than fifty years. The women's unemployment rate is the lowest in more than sixty five years, and soon will be a record. Humble women women remember last election, Oh, he's gonna do so bad with women. I degree with women. Great, Oh there, it is the best job market since nineteen sixty nine. We now have almost two million more jobs than we have people on unemployment. And just in case you're interested, record low unemployment now for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workforce, and youth unemployment is at a fifty year low. The best economy that we have had in a long long time. Anyway, more than four million workers got direct bonuses. You see economic growth on an unprecedented scale. Anyway, joining us now as Austin Gulsby, and he doesn't understand any of this because he was the economic advisor on the Economic Advisory Board for Barack Obama. Obama gave US thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rates since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties, lowest homeownership rate in fifty one years, the only president never to reach three percent GDP growth in his entire eight years as president. And he took on more debt than every other president before him combined, all forty three presidents before him combined. Now, Austin's gonna say that Trump's economic success the last two and a half years is because of Obama. Obama had eight years and he never had any of this success. Hi, Austin Joe. I was going to feel bad about myself and say, how could I be so dumb? But then I remembered that sitting right here in my hand is a football that says you are a great American, you know, But just about myself, well, you should feel better about yourself because, you know what, in spite of your policies, America is back, better, stronger than ever. And not only that, we're not even dropping a penny, never mind one hundred and fifty billion dollars on the tarmac for mullahs in Iran, the chant death to America. I mean, I think, oh no, now we're back on that again. Look well back. I would never root against the economy cheer something bad the economy. I think it's great that the economy is doing well. I was a little us. I hope it's a blip that yesterday they just put out an estimate of the monthly jobs numbers and it was the worst job growth in nine years. I hope that's just a blip. I want the community do great I will observe that we are about to become the longest expansion ever on record. We will have added twenty million jobs. Fourteen of those million we're under Obama six million or under Trump. So far. Hats off to both of them. The problem is is that it all happened in the Trump years. Now, I just told you fourteen of the twenty million we're under Obama years. Okay, but you can't years. Why do you try and escape your eight year record. I'm not trying to escape Trump's record. Okay, you point out can you point out May we had a bit of a slowdown in job creation, but we still haven't that positive job creation. We're almost that full and complete employment to the point where we have great and what's happening is because of deregulation, lower taxes. Uh and now the president where we're energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. No, thanks to Biden Obama, and we're now a net we're now a net exporter Obama. No, it did not start under Obama. No, of course it didn't. He didn't support he didn't support the he doesn't support fraking, he doesn't support the the keystone at pipeline. He didn't support the Dakota pipeline, Keystone pipeline has done nothing about that. Excuse me, the president is now contu Annie opened an horm pipeline is about producing in Canada. Well, the next thing. But let me guess market, you're a You're a new Green deal guy, aren't you. You really believe I'm not that big of a New Green Deal guy, and the AOC version is not my thing. But I know a bit about fraki again oil because my parents live out in West Texas right on the edge of the Permian basin, so I do have some exposure on that. Okay. So here's the bottom line. America is back economically. America is stronger abroad. America now has gotten rid of burdensome regulations for business. We had the lowest tax cuts. We have record low unemployment for the groups that were disproportionately negatively impacted in the Obama years. We have millions of Americans off of food stamps that were put on there by the Obama Biden policies, and millions more that or in poverty that came out of poverty. So I would say, if you're gonna grade and I know, you're a professor. Donald Trump's economy, you'd give them an A, and the Biden Obama failure you'd probably give them an F. Look, John, I told you we're in the longest recovery. It next months will become the longest recovery ever. And there's nothing wrong I am. I am willing to say that the economy has continued to improve, bringing its level to a very nice level, especially in the job market under President Trump. And there you shouldn't have to try to go back and change history from the fact that thus far most of this recovery and the entire turnaround from the epically worst economy of our lifetimes to one that was dramatically improving. You know, I really, I really kind of like, Okay, I love how I love how you Obama Biden's supporters. Are you something I'm saying. I'm not criticizing President Trump. Not emphasized that cherry picked the best things and you chose none of the worst things of the Trump There's nothing bad about the Trump economy. That's the point. You see, this is what you no, no, no, you can't have it both ways. Why why would you invite us to get into a fight about whether there is because you defended an economy, you defend socialism, redistribution. What are you talking about. I'm talking about the Obama economy, sir. All right, So here's the here's the deal. So if you support Obama's economy, you believe that you inherited the worst economy ever and that you have your sticks true, and then for eight years you have the worst recovery since the forties and that and hang on, hang on, and then hold on. So you take no responsibility for the eight years you're in office, and then you take the Trump economy and you grab credit for that. I mean, it's kind of like a stunning, you know, circular argument, true legit. I don't want to count the first year of declines, of big increases in unemployment, of all of the problems that were clearly started before President Okay, we heard that for years. Want to give President Trump much credit for his first year in office, either because those were things that were clearly going before he got there, But other than that, I'm totally fine with saying that we had a dramatic turnaround and a substantial improvement of the economy under Obama President Trump received How can you say that economies that a new president has received in the right. Let me ask you this, how can you say that you do How can you say that when it was the rost recovery since the forties? How can you let me finish even the work? Yes, it was the last How can you say that when all of these people suffered under the Obama economy and all of a sudden we change course, We change policy, we get rid of regulation, we drop the tax base. The president incentivizes, He brings in industry and says, what do we need to remove that is stifling your business growth and your willingness to invest in factories and manufacturing centers. And he opens the door, paves the way, personally negotiates all of these these with all of these companies that they build in America, plant that he personally negotiates to keep open and then shuts down. Oh okay, you know there's nothing. You know what if Donald Trump cured cancer in your world, you'd give credit to Obama. No, Sean, there's nothing. There's multiple times you cherry pick what you said to President Trump that the economy has continued to do well, and I give him credit. We've got twenty million jobs added in the recovery fourteen million under Obama, six million under Trump. So far, I hope he doesn't have a second term. You hope he does have a second term. Okay, So who do you want? Who would you like? Who would you I'm not buying your arguments because when you look at it, at the end of the day, he accumulated more debt. He never reached three percent GDP growth Trump is excuse me, faster, hang on, excuse me. He never achieved three percent GDP growth for a single year of his presidency. President Trump twenty eighteen three point one percent, two point nine percent, three point one percent adjusted, Yes, sir, of the dual economic analysis data, or you need to get the updated data. I need to for last year was two point nine percent. So here's my next question. Who do you want to run? Who do you want to get the nomination? Now? Crazy, sleepy, creepy uncle Joe? Or who I think I want? That? Old Roy? Now do you want? I gotta buy it? Robert Francis technical? All right, you know that. What is Robert Francis O'Rourke supporting that you like? Because I think I remember him supporting the New Green Deal? Not it was a different version of a different version. Quick break more with Austin Gulsby on the other side. Right, as we continue with Austin Gulsby makes up facts as he goes. Okay, here's the New Green Deal. Tell me what parts of the New Green Deal you agree with and disagree with? The New Green Deal will eliminate oil and gas within ten years the light blood of our No, no, no, wait a minute, excuse me, I have in front of me of that one. But it doesn't eliminate it. Excuse me. In ten years we would know what it's said. Ten years is in ten years you're correct about the ten years. Yeah, that's correct. But what it says is that cost. What it's aiming for is that the cost of renewables would be so low that within ten years people would choose not to use. No, there wasn't any choice, no band, it is not a banner. That is not correct. Okay, So they we're going to get rid of oil, gas, the combustion engine. Do you want to keep the combustion engine or get rid of the combustion engine. I am fine with keeping the combustion engine. Okay. Now, are you a big believer that everything should be free, that we have a guaranteed job, guaranteed vacation, that guaranteed retirement, guaranteed healthcare. It moves into the people who don't want to work should be given a universal basic income. And whether you're now that's you're getting ahead of yourself. That's when it reads. Whether you're willing or unwilling to work, you still get all the benefits. Yeah, that's what they have. A problem. Attack sheet that wasn't in the bill. That was like somebody's corect fact sheet described No, no, no, that was the author's fact sheet. I want the buffer's staff fact sheet. That's what I'm saying. That's not the bill itself. That was a that was somebody's description of it. But that's where I think it's. You're going to kind of out into the lala built um and your buddy and your buddy. By the way, Beto bozoum Robert Francis says that climate change is the greatest threat this country faces. Do you agree with us? I think it's a pretty serious I didn't ask you if you think it's serious. I asked you if you agree with Bozo that it's the greatest threat, Why why you keep adding that are you. It sounds to me like you're kind of afraid of him, because you know afraid of him. That's one Texas the election. He's got like two percent of than the polls, and it's like he's problem. He's like four percent. But I'm telling you you keep your eye out for him. I gotta go. Okay, eight hundred nine one, Sewn Tolfrey telephone number will continue. Yeah, ladies and Gentlemen's sick, and it's getty sicker. Now back to the Sean Hannity Show, President Donald Jay Trump delivering what at least I believe to be his most powerful speech that he's given as president of the United States. Trump's speech itself was very good and measured up to the moment and really was a true salute to the unity of this day. And he spoke about not only the sacrifices that were made, but our allies and the importance of unity. It was a really good speech. It did measure up to the Mamma. As you said, there will be headlines from this speech, and certainly I think across Europe, at least among our allies, they will be positive headlines. I totally agree with both of you I thought it was a terrific speech. I thought he did a great job telling the story of D Day through the men and women who were sitting there behind them. And you can see President Trump right there just saying thank you to as many people as possible. Jimmy Consta, you have heard so many of President trump speeches. This one stands. It certainly does. John. I think this was perhaps the most on message moment of Donald Trump's presidency. Today. We were all wondering whether he would veer from his remarks, go off of his script there, but he stayed on script, stayed on message, and I think rose to the moment. And as he was talking about those men gathered behind him, he described them as being among the greatest Americans who have ever lived. I mean that that could not be more of a fact check true if we could have found one. And it really was one of those moments that I think Donald Trump needed to rise to in order to I think, walk away from the cemetery, walk away from this hollow ground, and have you know people back at home saying, you know what, no matter what I think about the current president of the United States, he said the right thing at Normandy. He did the right thing at Normandy. He really hit all of the right I think moments in that speech when he was paying respect to these heroes who are still with us. Okay, let me be the ever so cynical human being that I am, and Linda and I agree on this. As we're listening to all the Jim Acosta, Joe Scarborough, everyone praising the speech, let me tell you where I think this is. Uh oh, our muller NonStop rage Trump psychosis may result in our firing because our ratings are so pathetically low. We've alienated even our hardcore base by creating an anticipation of and a result that was never gonna come or happen. And oh, the Pew Research firm yesterday confirmed, Yeah, people think it that fake news is even worse than terrorism. Pretty much is what they said. And so maybe, oh, okay, well, let's show that we we we can show that we're not psychotic every second of every day. But they're not going to be able to help themselves. Do I think they're gonna now all of a sudden be fair and balanced and objective. Well, the first thing they'd really need to do if they wanted to gain back faith, hope, trust in the American people. The first thing they've got to do is apologize for the lies, the conspiracy theories, the hoax that they perpetrated on the American people for years. Then they've gonna have to admit that there was this whole other abuse of power scandal that took place in the interim and they ignored completely, like Hillary's rigged investigation by the FBI that went right into the office of Lauretta Lynch in the Department of Justice. Then they'd have to look at the real Russia collusion, and that would be the phony dossier that Hillary. Well, first she funneled the money at because she wanted a legal expense. That would be a little bit of a campaign finance violation problem because it's not a legal expense when they funnel the money to an research firm. Then they hire a foreign national who comes up with a series of documents becomes the dossier. The dossier's full of Russian lies, most likely, according to The New York Times, Russian disinformation from the get go. Then other high ranking officials in the intel community, well, then they leak it out to their friends in the press, and so they can disseminate the information to the American people in the hopes that that will influence the outcome of the twenty sixteen election. Then they use the phony, unverified Clinton bought and paid Russian disinformation dossier. Then they use it to spy on the Trump campaign visa VI. Jim Comey, who said it was verified, couldn't have been verified. I'd hid the fact that Hillary paid for it. They should have told the judge that Hillary paid for it, and then use it not only to spy and take away the civil liberties of one individual carter page, but then also a backdoor into all things Trump campaign and spy on the Trump campaign that way, and then continue to spy on the Trump transition team, and then continue to spy on the Trump presidency. Because the FISA application was renewed, it only last ninety days after renew it every ninety days, So that went on for a full year, and that was most of the Trump presidency until October the next year. And then of course there was other spying that went on. Although James Coleby signed a spying document which is exactly what a pies application is, he denies he spied, but in January twenty seventeen he told Trump it's unverified. The opposite of what he said to the FISA court in the FISA application as it relates to spying on Carter Page in the Trump campaign, we had other spies, guy by the name of Stefan Helper and some apparently hot blonde bombshell that was flirting with George Poppadopoulos spying on him and trying to entrap him into saying things about the Trump campaign. When he said the opposite, that exculpatory information was withheld from everybody, and then of course it was Sam Clovis and Carter Paige and how many other people were spied on we don't exactly have the exact knowledge of. And now the understanding is that, of course, what became an intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, when did it really start? How high up did it ever go? And what did Obama, Biden, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, what did Clapper, Brennan and everybody else know in the interim because we already know about McCabe, and we know about Struck and Paige, and we know about Come and how many of these people are going to be held accountable As a question that nobody can fully answer at this point because in many ways the investigation is now underway and in the fullest sense of the word, since we got the new attorney general, and that would be mister Barr. That's the same attorney general that refused to break the law as requested by Congress and release it totally, completely unredacted Muller Report. Because the Mueller Report, well, they could have read all but one sentence and seven partial sentences that had grand jury material in it, and had Barr listened to the likes of Nadler, well then he would have been violating the law. And that's about where we stand. I have that about right pretty much. You know, when you're on a roll, when I'm on a roll. You know, aside from the fact that you shoot me once today, I'm just gonna let that slide. Did that really bother you? UF? You shushed me? Why shushed me? We're in the middle of a meeting and you're bringing up every negative Oh my god. I did not bring up every negative thing. I brought up one negative thing, which they totally agreed with and should be prepared for. And during that part, I was just saying that I thought it was to say you are wrong and that's that and we'll move on. So sorry, you can try and flip this grip all day long, but it is a hard copy. My friend ain't going nowhere. Okay, hey, all right, as we continue straight to the phones, we go Arizona, Doug Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Doug? How are you? By Sean, I wanted to thank you for your patriotism and I very much appreciate what you do every day. Well, I appreciate you giving me this microphone every day. Well, my point is this. I was listening a comment from another host and he said, you know, the people of today's generation actually have to manufacture their own crises. And the greatest generation that stormed the beaches in World War Two and came out of the Great Depression and then had to rebuild Europe, they actually lived crises. You and I are baby boomers, so we remember what it's like to hop under a desk for an air raid that thankfully never came. We remember the cold, will we remember Vian? And today's generation has selected a spokesperson that is terrified of a garbage disposal. Who's the spokesmen afraid of a garbage disposal? Well? That would be a cauzu of Cortes. She didn't know what it was. They don't have those in New York City, and so when she turned it on, it frightened her. I've actually never had a garbage disposal any place I live. I mean, I'm not afraid of them. I've seen them. Um, you mean one of the ones in your sink, or the real garbage disposal that crushes like your garbage together and it packs it a little tighter. Nos. So what's the one in the sinks? Oh? That one those spins around and it's got the well, don't put your fingers down there when it's spinning. You're not gonna have any fingers left, and you're gonna have what looks like a scene of ketchup and or from a Stephen King movie. You know. Moving forward, that's not a good idea, But that's a CAUSI of Cortes's quote. I've heard a lot. That's a new one to me. I didn't know she was afraid of the garbage disposal in your sink. Nope, that's an actual quote. You can look that up, you can google it. She was a terrified when she turned it on because she didn't know what, it was pretty unbelievable, But you know what, she's the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, speaker in name only. Even sleepy, creepy crazy Uncle Joe now is capitulating to Casio Gortez. I love it, listen. You know, maybe I'm just different. Look is that I don't know that it's easy for her to take what week she now has for granted because she doesn't know anybody who paid, who sacrificed, who died to make her liberties possible. We do, and I'm very much afraid that American greatness could be in jeopardy after the baby boomers died off. You know, I'll say this. I got into this with Bill O'Reilly a little bit yesterday, and he wonders, you know, here we are, the seventy fifth anniversary a d Day, and all these brave men, you know, trying to free a continent and Europe and save Europe from the clutches of Nazism and fascism. And you know, what they did at Dormandy was unbelievable. And I don't know, but maybe I just have more faith. Every generation in America has wanted subsequent generations to do better. My grandparents had nothing when they came from Ireland. All four I actually took an ancestry test, the rare one hundred percent British Isle person and anyway, and then my parents they grew up really really poor because their parents were poor and you know, Bedford sty My dad and my mother grew up in in US, the South Bronx, you know, and the civil servants job was a great gig for them. And they get a retirement plan and they get healthcare. And so my mom was a prison guard. My dad worked as a family corprobation guy. A lot of my family worked at for the MYPD and to work for the FBI. And but their hope was they wanted this generation to do better. And I've been fortunate enough because I stand on their shoulders. And I try to explain this to my kids because I think, like a lot of parents, I probably spoil them a little bit too much. But I do have expectations. I don't want them working like I did till four in the morning while you're going through junior and senior high school. But they have their jobs, and their job is I expect certain grades in school. They both happen to be athletes. I expect them to give their best commitment to their sport. I expect them to follow the Golden rule. You know, I have simple rules for my kids, the golden rule. Love God and your neighbor as yourself. Never ever do drugs or your dad is going to be one pissed off human being. You've never seen dad angry. Unless you want to try drugs, it will. I am a zero tolerant on drugs. I'm not against drinking. I would look. I was drinking in the restaurant when I was twelve, so it's kind of hard for me to say, but don't be the kid throwing up in the bushes. Don't do shots, don't mix drinks, don't drink punch, don't put your drink down. I go through a whole list. Then the next part is is about sex. I'll keep that, you know, confidential. What I say to them about that. And basically, if you do these and to do your jobs, and when they don't do their jobs and they're not nice, not respectful, then that's when they're in trouble. But you know, thankfully they're pretty good kids and I only have to yell at them occasionally, not as I don't and I don't hit my kids. My father used to beat the crap out of me with his belt, I mean, and by the way, I look back on it, and I actually think I deserved it. I was an incorrigible child. It was really bad. I mean, my mom would say, don't leave this house, and I'm like, you can't catch me and stop me, and then I'd run out the door. And well when your father gets home. Used to get a lot of that. But I think they'd rise to the occasion if needed. I think it's just, you know, we don't want them to have to fight wars, and we really want our kids fighting wars. No. My father fought four years in the Pacific hoping, you know that his kids wouldn't have to fight no war. So same with every warrior they fight, they risk their lives and they don't want future generations to have to go fight. Hopefully, you know, the next generation of warfare is gonna be you know, we'll be fighting wars from Tampa and pushing buttons and we won't have to put men on the ground like we did in Iraq and go door to door and get blown up by I eeds. And I just think we can't fight that way anymore, because then it takes too long, it gets politicized, and then you don't end up winning the war, and then you asked, well, why did we get in in the first place. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. That made some comments this morning about the terriffs. What are your thoughts on that? I don't talk to that the president I'm going to make the country. Are you on the same page with the Speaker Nancy Pelosi when it comes to impeach, As I said, we are launching an inquiry now, and whether we'll launch an impeachment inquiry it may come to that, It may come to that, Well, is there any chance of mister chairman, you would open up an impeachment inquiry without Speaker Pelosi's support? I think that if, if, if, when that decision has to be made, it will be made not by any one individual, will be made by the probably better quote, because as a whole, certainly Nancy will have the largest single voice in it, various committee chairmans and rank and file members. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload hour. That was, of course, I mean, what are they going to impeach him for? What? Is the high crime and misdemeanor that they have discovered, or bribery. I don't think any of it's going to happen. And as we've been pointing out, it's all now boomeranging back on the Democrats every step of the way. It's just not gonna work for them. And there's no matter how hard they try, no matter how much they desire wishing something to be true, just doesn't happen. And I don't care if this is their strategy to just stay fixated and focused on all things hating Trump, well, it's it just doesn't work that way in American politics. That's not what is going to inspire people to go out and vote for you. A very small, extreme conspiracy theory loving base maybe, but that's all you've got, and the rest of America kind of likes the success that we're having and it just becomes a broken record. As the pole yesterday show, people sick of it. They're tight. There's a fourth investigation that completed. Now they want a fifth investigation, and they want to drag the same people before the committees again and again and again and ask the same questions over and over again, non iteration that these poor people that work in government have to pay these lawyers. A lawyer in Washington's not inexpensive. You get a cheap one. Well, you get what you pay for. But and you know, five hundred thousand dollars an hour and all the prep sessions. And by the way, God forbid you you contradict one line from the last time you testify, because maybe you just didn't quite remember it exactly the same way. And now you can set yourself up for a perjury trap or a perjury charge or a criminal referral. And now you really need lawyers. So you know, I refer you know too, I refer to my last testimony, and everybody's saying no. And I think the funniest thing in all of this is that you know, they literally are asking the Attorney General of the United States to break the law. I mean, Gerald Nadler wants that now with the appearance now that it looks like Christopher Steal's cut a deal, and Steal's gonna tell everybody now, never verified, because that's what he said under oath. And then he's gonna say, yeah, I hated, absolutely hated Trump. And okay, did everybody know that? Ye ask did Hillary pay for this, Yeah, in a roundabout way. Yeah, were they looking specifically for dirt? Yeah, well you told it had to be true and not true. That's going to be an important question that he answers. And I don't think he's gonna have the answer that they like Pelosi wants to see Trump in prison. Oh okay for what? Yeah, what do you want to put him in prison for? And meanwhile they're just doing everything they can. Nadler saying Bill Barr tried to play us for fools, and we're not fools. No, Bill Barr made you look like a fool because you can't ask the number one law enforcement official in the country, the Attorney General of the United States, to break the law, which is what you were asking. And all and all of that material was already available to you, in other words, all but one sentence and seven partial sentences, which were grand jury testimony. Otherwise, you got to see the whole thing if you wanted to take the time and go read it, like a few Republicans did, like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell and Doug Collins. They took the time to read it all. And by the way, Mueller does not want to go under oath. He does not want to testify. He will get destroyed by Meadows. Jordan Gates. Noonez it'll be over, and he knows it, and he's not going to show up either. I can guarantee you that Robert Muller will never testify, because if he does, it will be an unmitigated disaster for him. Why did you hire this team? When did you know that the dacier was dirty? When did you know there was no collusion? How did you not bring up if Russian interference? How did you ignore the fiser applications that use the dirty docier, but yet time for tax him medallions and loan applications and FARA violations. He can't answer those questions anyway. Joining us now we have Danielle McLaughlin, who is herself an attorney, constitutional attorney, and our good friend Jonathan Gillham, former FBI agent, Federal Air Marshall, author of Sheep No More. I don't think that there's any way that the American people are going to buy into a fifth now investigation, Danielle, when the other four came to the exact same conclusion. Hey, Sean, Hey Jonathan. Great to feedback another Thursday we have. I think Americans just have to wait for what's going to happen with the l IG report. I think that's the that's the body in government that's meant to be non partisan, that has gone to look into the origins of appointing spitial counsel. The FISER application that we fight so much about but haven't seen all of. And I you know, I you know, I'm an institutionalist, and I do believe that most people in government are doing their best and they're in service of the American people. So my view is waiting to see what the Instituted General comes up with. Well, we know the following from the new Nez Grassley Grand Memos. The bulk of the FISA application was the unverified Clinton Boughton paid for Christopher still Trump paiding operative that he is that he put together, and they knew it ahead of time. They didn't tell the judges, the judge specifically that Hillary paid for it. They didn't tell the judge that it was unverified, just the opposite. They signed a warrant application Jonathan Gillham that said it was verified and it never was. Yeah, it listen, I'm when Daniel just said there a second ago that she's an institutionalist. I mean, I'm a realist and I've worked in government, and I'm here to tell you that I would say the majority or a lot of people that are in are in government for the wrong reasons. When we talk about the people on Washington, DC, most of them are ideologues. They're not out to help the nation. They're out there further their cause or their political party. And I know this is a little bit of philosophical, but I'm sitting here in Texas on the road and I'm looking because there's every all kinds of animals in Texas. I'm looking at a falcon right now that is flying around and hunting, and it's very it's looking for something very specific and its actions are very specific. But I've also watched, because I grew up in Arcas, I've watched buzzers and they congregate and they wait and they look for somebody else to do the work for them. Then they go down there and then they feed off that. And that is what you're seeing in this entire investigation. And I first became privy to how this works when I was in the FBI and I saw an NYPD a detective get jammed up for something, and they started looking and digging the internal affairs they wanted. They wanted a bus this guy because once they started investigation, they're going to find something. And they kept digging and kept digging, and they found out he really didn't do what they thought that he had done. So they just kept digging and eventually they found something on his easy pass and they busted him for that, demoted him, and got him out of the JTTF. And that's what I see going on here with Trump. They hate him so bad. They've tried again and again to get something on him. There's nothing there, and they're just going to keep circle, let those buzzards until somebody else finds something or somebody comes forward that they can raise a ruckuss about. It may not even be anything illegal. And that's what that's the tactic that they're using. And then yell, what's your reaction to that? Okay, So two things, speaking of buzzards circling. Republicans were saying that they were going to impeach Hillary Clinton the day she became presidents You can't be impeached for conduct that isn't part of your presidential you know, when you're president. So this is exactly what Republicans did. This investigation started when wiki leaks started leaking being see emails, when the US government understood that the Russians were involved in the hacking, and then when George Papodoflis went to London and told Australian ambassador that the Russians had do it on Hillary Clinton. This is where this began. This is why this matters. There was a foreign power who was involved in our election who favored one candidate. That candidate was the president. Esma has sit out also as it relates to the nuna's memo that we're talking about. He completely omitted the fact that there was a footnote in that Fiser application. Excuse me, no, hold on a second. They never stated straight up to the Fiser judges this was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and you know why, and you know why because they don't identify people who they don't. Well, if they had identified or they could have said by the opposition party. They did say the opposition, and they could they could have highlighted the fact that they bought that it was inveriable. How do you justify it not being verified it's an unverifiable document because we all know hold on, we all know the Christopher Steel when Push came to Shove in an interrogatory that he himself said, I have no idea if any of this is true, but James call me. When he signed it in October of twenty sixteen, it says on the top of the Fiser application verified, I can explain that those two things. How do you explain? How do you explain? Yeah, how do you explain that? All right? So, the nature of the Steel dossier which was used as supporting evidence for the Finer applications, Yes, it was unverified. That is normal as it relates to these kinds of things. If you have an informant somebody who says, my neighbor hands has a path lab in his basement, it's not if you can't go in and arrest that person in the abasement. You use the allegation that is unverified by the neighbor in order to have probable cause to go to a judge to get that want quant all of the time rely on information that is not necessarily unverified because they need that information to actually get the warrant to go in. It's the same thing with the Steel dossier, and I said before a full page footnote, and you've been investigations, you know, John, just knowing it's their job. They understand that people are biased. They understand that an informant might have a reason to tell a lie in order to get somebody arrested. But judges it there to weigh that, to weigh the probability. But nobody is biased. Yeah, go ahead, yea. Let me just say this. Everything you're saying, well, it's not all true because you do have to have underlying evidence of the possibility of a crime happening. We don't just get a warrant based on hearsay. No judge is going to give a warrant based on heresay. It was one part, it was it was one part. It was one thing, right, we haven't seen the whole wing and I cannot wait to be revealed to all of that stuff. The rest of this stuff that they used for that warrant, a lot of that was also hearsay or there was no proof of it, or it was things that they had set up based on that, uh, that dossier. So we can't say that that these judges are unbiased because it's clear that a lot of these judges are biased. And what we're looking at here, what we're looking at here is what you just you describe something earlier about politics and the way the Republicans will do the Democrats and democrast the Republicans, and that's always been the case, but it's gotten to a point now where I think this is not politics as usual. What we're looking at now is literally a coup attempt because the person that the establishment in the government, this deep state did not get into office that they wanted in office, and all through this political, deadly political games that they're playing to overthrow the president. You have an innocent man, Donald Trump, who has literally own nothing but get elected and and and they just keep covering. They keep going around looking for things that they can put out there, not because they're going to try to get him convicted, but because they're going to try to ruin him in the next election. That's what this is all about, so they can continue with their subversion. That's simple. Let's yeah. I mean, I disagree with you. I want to go back to the Fiser application. Part of the reason that they were surveiling Carter pages because they had not for years that the Russians had he had been involved with Russians and actually he admit with the FBI on a number of occasions before this Fiser warrant, and they had said to him, stop talking to these guys. This is bad. We think these people are you know, part of the Russian apparatus. And he ignored them. He continued on, he didn't take their hidden and so this was part of the reason. So you know this, this was just one part. But there's no there there's no crime therein you wouldn't get a warrant for that. Well, they got a warrant to surveil him, right, and why as the courts they only allow for ninety days and then you've got to renew. It's pretty tight. It's goes for a judge, right, it goes for to surveil somebody because they hang out with bad people. That's not you can't get a warrant for them. Sure, but this is part of it. And remember this goes back to what was said in London about the Russians and dut and Hillary Clinton. It was concerned that the Russians were trying to interfere in our election. And it's think they did, right, and if it already three you said three things. They said. You said that that the thing about Carter Patrick is part of it, which wouldn't really you wouldn't get a warrant for that, and the dossier which wasn't true, which was false and they knew it. So none of the stuff that you pointed out so far would get a real judge, an unbiased judge, to give a warrant. It's nothing criminal. Well you know what, and there's no use application. We need to revisit this because we obviously have different opinions, and part of it is because there's plenty of stuff that we haven't seen. I gotta let you end it right there. Thank you, Danielle, Thank you, Jonathan Gillham. Right as we continue, we'll get to your calls in a second eight hundred nine one Shawn or toe free telephone number. 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It was an amazing speech. It is an amazing group of people. What happened that day in this effort to liberate a continent from tyranny is just an act of courage, self lessness, and sacrifice. And literally there's just an amazing group of people. Tom Brokaw referred to them as the greatest generation. They are the greatest generation. And those that slammed those beaches at Normandy, you know, especially wave after wave of people come into the beach. They saw what happened before them, They saw all of the carnage. They saw all the dead bodies, they saw all the injured, and yet they did it anyway. They kept plowing forward, and they stormed the beaches of Normandy. And you know, I want to go back, because sometimes we forget how the amazing sacrifice of people. And I know the French president and President Trump praised the soldiers, the sailors, the airmen, survivors, those who lost their lives, both of incredibly powerful speeches. And you know, but let's go back and listen to some of the other comments. The words of Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill saw the evils of Nazism emerging right before his eyes. I would say to the house, and I said to those who have joined the government, I have nothing. You up a blood, toil, kids and sweating. You are right it up on the thing I will say, it is to wage war by g land and there with all our might, with all the strength that God can give us, to wage war against a monstrous turranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime. You are quite in our aim. I can an train one word victory, victory all costs, victory in spite of all terra. Victory of a long and hard a road may be, but without victory, many in Great Britain did not see it. They did not see what was happening around them. His predecessor, of course, proclaimed after the meeting with Hitler in Munich that we were going to have peace in our time. That was Neville Chamberlain. Well, there was no peace in our time. A guy like Winston Churchill comes along once in a generation. At best. His desires knowledge is pleading with FDR at the time is historic, especially after what happened at Pearl Harbor, because for Europe to be liberated, American help was needed, American blood and support was needed, and together we were able to do the impossible and beat back the forces of Nazism and fascism. And I want to play some of the words of Churchill, some of the words of Eisenhower. And for years on this radio program on a regular basis, we'd hear from a caller. I got to meet him. He's since passed away. He was one of the many that slammed the beaches of Normandy, stormed them, and he talked about those days on this show. And we'll never forget Marty let's play. Let's take a trip down memory lane. One of the guys that slammed the beaches that day, he was on our News America line and he's an American hero and he's been with this program since I started my New York affiliatet W ABC in New York. Marty, Hey, Berty, Hi, how are you my friend? Not bad? Marty? You were there that day, Hans, Indeed, I was ill never forget that as long as I live to tell us, you know, as much as you recall, Marty, tell us about that experience. The speech. Yeah, that's what when you heard that speech today that we just played a little while ago, I heard it before that, I know, and you know drawing and we came from a different era, and you know, we were brought up differently. We had religion in our hearts right down to the president. And when we went into that business are going into Europe, I'll tell you, you know, we knew, in a phrase, Joe lewiside, God is on our side. And that's the way the country was. Everybody pulled together, the men and the women, even the people at home. And that's that's why they called us the Greatest Generation. Yeah, you know what Roosevelt says, He goes for these men. That's you, Marty. You know. He said, they fight not for lust of conquest. They fight to end conquests. They fight to liber right. They fight to let justice arise, tolerance and goodwill among all thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle and returned to the haven of their home. And he said, he reminded us some will never return. He said, embrace these Father received them thy heroic servants into thy kingdom. I mean, I just it was a very touching Sean. You know, as a matter of fact that I had a little tear in my eye listening to him. Remind me of the night when you and I are at the damp Data and you asked him about nomity and you said, Marty at tearing. Do you remember that night, Marty, That's the night on Broadway, buddy and I brought you up there and to a standing ovation the crowd just you know, in Unison, they were there to see you, Marty, not me. And we love you, Marty. And yeah, I love you too, Sean. And God bless you, and God bless the Maria. You're a hero. God bless the boys. Over there true. Yeah, God bless him as right. I remember them every night when I go to mayors. Now we also have and I think this is worthwhile, because this is so profound, and we don't spend enough time on history. I'll play a little of Franklin Roosevelt. Then I want to play a little bit of the president from earlier today. My fellow Americans, last night, when I spoke with you about the fall of Rome, I knew at that moment the troops of the United States and our allies were crossing the channel in another and greater operation. It has come to pass with success thus far. And so in this poignant hour I ask you to join with me in prayer, our Mighty God, our sons, pride of our nation. This day have set upon the mighty endeavor that struggle to preserve our public, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise and towns and good will among all thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, For they return to the haven of home, some will never return. Embrace these Father and receive them thy heroic servants, into thy kingdom. And for us at home, give us strength to strength in our daily tasks. To redouble the contributions we make in the physical and the material support of our armed forces. And let our hearts be stout to wait out the long a travel, to bear sorrows that may come to impart our courage, until our sons, whatsoever they may be, help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances. Read us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations, into a world unity that will spell a sure peace, a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men, and a peace that will let all men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil. Thy will be done, Almighty God, Amen, hear with you are over sixty veterans who landed on d Day. Our debt to you is everlastic. Today we express our undying gratitude. When you were young, these men enlisted their lives in a great crusade, one of the greatest of all times. Their mission is the story of an epic battle and the ferocious, eternal struggle between good and evil. On the sixth of June nineteen forty four, they joined a liberation force of awesome power and breathtaking scale. After months of planning, the Allies had chosen this ancient coastline to mount their campaign to vanquish the wicked tyranny of the Nazi Empire from the face of the earth. The battle began in disguise above us. In those first tense midnight hours, one thousand aircraft roared overhead, with seventeen thousand Allied airborne troops preparing to leap into the darkness beyond these trees. Then came dawn. The enemy who had occupied these heights saw the largest naval armada in the history of the world. Just a few miles offshore were seven thousand vessels bearing one hundred and thirty thousand warriors. They were the citizens of free and independent nations, united by their duty to their compatriots. Into millions yet unborn, there were the British, whose nobility and fortitude saw them through the worst of Dunkirk and the London Blitz. The full violence of Nazi fury was no match for the full grandeur of British pride. Thank you. And that's the President describing the battle at Normandy, describing the American contingent at Normandy and recognizing one specific Army medic Ray Lambert, and how the free world salutes you. Marty was just one person, one survivor. There were many that didn't survive, and they all saw the dangers and they did it anyway. It's just an amazing moment in history. All right, let's get to some phone calls. Here, we say hi to Debbie in California. Debbie, Hi, how are you. We're glad you called. Hi. Sean, thank you for holding the line first of all, and thanks for all those folks who family who fought for our very nation on D Day. I called because I believe this country is done with the packaged kind of puppet president and all the flowery poetry and with all the slick political speak. We're done with fake We want someone who can get the job done in a moab style. And I think that's why President Trump is going to continue to be our president. And twenty twenty fake news plans failed. It's awakened this whole nationalist populist movement. And God bless America. Listen, it's a tipping point moment. And if we don't, for example, get what was right about those that abuse power, those that will corrupt, those that did these horrible things, I don't know. If we save the Republic, and to think of all the blood, tears, sacrifice, sweat, and the financial cost and burden of protecting freedom, it's it's pretty it'd be a sad moment for America and the world. I'll tell you that anyway, Thank you, Debby, appreciate the call. Listen. You know the left their new green deal, they call it bold, a bold green new deal that will bankrupt use of course, or their bold defense. They won't go after you obvious anti Semitic views that are expressed by members of their own party, which I thought was pretty cowardly. All right, let's gonna wrap things up at tonight, All right, John Solomon breaking big news tonight, and Wow, Mueller's team got so much wrong. You can't even begin to understand how wrong it is. We will break it down for all of you again, news and information you won't get anywhere else in the corrupt, hate, destroy trump rate media mob that's out there. We'll get to that tonight at nine and all the other news of the day. As always, thanks for being with us. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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