The American Spirit Lives On

Published May 14, 2020, 10:00 PM

Alex and Kelsey Carroll are 31-yr-old entrepreneurial couple with 2 kids and 13 employees had a successful game-based-events business (Toss Up Events) with clients like the Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, Pepsi, and they were on their way to another successful Summer when COVID-19 put everything to a stand still. 

In preparing to "sanitize" players of their games ones things got back to normal, the sanitizing stations they were fabricating caught others' eyes.Suddenly, they had a solution for everyone with a business about to reopen across the US: customizable hand-sanitizing stands. The American Spirit lives on, no doubt.

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All right, one hundred and seventy three days. You we the American people. You get to be the final jury in terms of what America's future is. This is it. Everything's at stake here. I mean you could see this intersection. Now this you now got a We're now at a point where it's going to be a showdown, where there's going to be it's not about flattening curves anymore for people, because that's happened. We're on the other side of it. We what do we hope? We hope we'd get to the We didn't want to get to an apex, but we knew we'd hit an apex. Then they would be a leveling off, then a decline, and a precipitous decline. I could tell you in New York, which is the epicenter of this, it's it's now at the dramatic decline. We also can learn lessons here, a lot of them. If people would just pay attention, I'll tell you the lessons I think I learned, and we'll let everybody else decide on their own. Because you have a you have diametrically opposed models that were used, some that failed spectacularly. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other places and places that did it right. We learned that workers can continue to manufacture all of the medical equipment that frankly without them working. Had they shut down across the country manufacturing the medical equipment, New York healthcare workers would not be able to go to work and save lives every day. They did it. They stayed open. It's not that they're not arguing or debating whether they're going to reopen, because they never closed and they were able to manage to do it. I have not read a single instance where the manufacturers of medical equipment got into any serious COVID nineteen health breakout issues or what we call a hot zone. Now, we did have it in three states in terms of meat packing, South Dakota, Iowa, Washington State. All three states from what I can see after I last interviewed, let's see Joanie Ernst of Iowa and Christyom of South Dakota that they were able to contain them and get people on the other side of it. Because we've learned so much, you know, I will say it. You know, what can we learn that Florida did that, all these other states didn't do that? Protected the most vulnerable and the elderly population. We better learn because it's like ten to one New York death nursing home deaths versus Florida. You know. And this is where we are now. If we're not going to apply the lessons and we're just going to have these wish lists from Nancy Pelosi, this socialist utopia, three trillion dollars, wasting our money and not letting anybody get back to work, what we will never recover as a country. So the question is now you have to find the delicate balance. How do you read open and how do you do it safely? I think the first area of concerns got to be addressed. That is when we protect the elderly population, those with underlying medical conditions, compromised immune systems. We learned a lot from Florida. Let's keep learning from Florida. Okay, then what else did we learn? We learned that medical equipment manufacturers they were able to stay open and do so safely. Well, how did they do it? In every case that I know of? They use their masks. You know, all these testing centers that are developing new iterations of testing, they all stayed open too. From what I understand their workers all had social distancing and masks and they didn't have major outbreaks. Okay, another lesson learned, checked the box. Okay, what else did we learn? We learned that while Sean Hannity keeps talking about the kid that stocked his grocery shelves, because no store that I know of in New York ran out of gross and I saw the same people every week in their gloves and their masks stocking the shelves right in the epicenter where this shift show was going on. Same with you know, I go to my local right aid, my local cvs. They were open too, So what can we learn there? Now? There are people that I guess we'll never want to open the place up. And politics now is intersecting in this also. You know the Democrats, all they want now is give us more money, give us trillions for everything, but COVID nineteen relief. We're done with the money. We don't have any more money to give out. So the answer is getting people back to work, back to work safely. And if we don't do it, there won't be any money for anybody by the end of this. You know the idea, And look, I like doctor Fauci, but he's not been the be all to end all here, well, all the Fox is criticizing doctor Fauci. I'm not criticizing him at all. The whole world was lied to by China. They lied to us at a spectacular level, and they've got to pay for that. But in the meantime, you know, doctor Fauci was on my show January twenty seventh, February tenth, February twenty ninth, he was saying, the risk is low, March ninth to tenth, it's okay to go on a cruise if you're young and healthy. Those were not good decisions, I think. March ninth he was saying, you don't need to wear a mask. Okay, I'm not saying he's devoted his life to saving lives. I'm not being critical of doctor Fauci. But every model that we were given about what the projected death rates were, they were wrong too. So now the only thing that where my mind goes is what worked and what didn't work. If you want to open the country, and the President saying that his critics want to keep the economy closed, yeah, because they think the worst off the economy is that the odds that they have a better shot of winning in one hundred and seventy three days is better. You can't than ie politics. What did I say at the beginning of the year. Every single thing we now see has to be seen through the prism of this being an election year. It's just sadly the way things roll. That's the way it works, you know, Nancy Pelosi a three trillion dollar wish list including marijuana, banking protections. Really, you know, keeping the government from sharing information with families about lower cost health insurance options. Really, Nancy from your gated community, with your with your designer ice cream, you know, using legislation of pushmail in voting to protect illegal immigrants. I mean, it's insane. The labor unions, we can't afford three trillion. I mean, it is a full on there's no shame in what they are doing here. We can't afford it at this point. So you can have all the extensions the American people have had it. Now, I'm going to give you some information. You need to know how bad things were in New York and why. Now by the way, we see it happening in other states, But in New York, for example, I was shocked by a governor Cuomo's comments. First thing he said, first thing when he ordered March twenty eighth COVID nineteen patients into nursing homes and long term care facilities. And then he when he got called out on it, he said, I'm not responsible for your ppe. I can if I can help out, help, but I'm not responsible. I'm like, yeah, you are. You're you're demanding forty thousand ventilators. What are you talking about one of the dumbest decisions, Cuomo, New Yorkers whire prepared, and no, we're not like these other countries. You aren't prepared. And especially since Trump built and manage your hospitals and sent the Navy hospital ship and built the largest hospital and manned that for you and converted it for COVID nineteen patients and you didn't use them. Is just dumb. You own that. And by the way, finally, now the media in New York is actually asking a couple of real questions about it, and Cuomo's actual answers. Well, as a society, you can't save everyone, You're gonna lose people. That's life. Imagine if Donald Trump said that we did everything we could, No you didn't. You should have put him in the hospitals that Trump built and manned for you and converted for COVID nineteen. And he said it's six times in a matter of seconds. When grilled about this and grilled about their lack of preparedness in this March twenty fifth Department of Health directive barring nursing homes from turning away Corona patients. I mean, it is insane. And by the way, it's not just New York health officials responsible for overseeing nursing homes in Pennsylvania, where nearly seventy percent of that state's Corona virus related deaths occurred. The same thing in New Jersey. And the same thing is when that idiot governor in the state of Michigan. They all messed up all these decisions, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, all of the Michigan. If you look at the number of deaths, they didn't handle the elderly population. The guy that did it right is RHN de Santis. It's not political, it just is what it is. Do I think these governors did it on purpose? No, I think they're stupid. I don't think they thought it through and I think they made a bad call. Now we're finding out for exam. Now lawmakers by the way, in New York, and they're now demanding an independent federal investigation. We're talking about thousands of old people that died in New York, thousands of them because they put the COVID nineteen patients in there, and they didn't use the COVID nineteen beds that Donald Trump built and manned for them. I mean, I couldn't believe it. It's like six thousand. And then you have, on top of that, the same thing happened in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and these decisions by these governors with nursing homes turned out to be a disaster. March twenty ninth, as Pennsylvania, New York, and other states began ordering these nursing homes to admit medically stable patients infected with COVID nineteen. I mean, those were all bad decisions. Six New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy followed Cuomo's lead ordered New Jersey nursing homes to accept patients that tested positive for COVID nineteen. New Jersey was like New York, offered beds on the USNS comfort COVID ready COVID prepared in the Javit Center because New York wasn't using them. So if you look at the states with the highest death rates, yeah, most of them made really dumb and bad decisions, and but we can learn from it as we try to open them up. You have this New York City Health commissioner. You know, I don't give two rats asses about your cops. When the NYPD was asking for additional mass for police officers that were contracting COVID, quote, I don't give two rats asses about your cops. Why does this guy still have a job in New York? Unbelievable callousness. Now the calls for a federal investigation into these states nerve home scandals is beginning. What mob in the media. They'll never cover it because Cuomo might be the backup should the ever so slow forgetful Joe not be able to make it. But you have tens of millions of Americans. Another issue that's emerged Blue state governors. They keep extending their economic shutdowns. Guess what is You know, it's becoming a ghost town in New York. I sent out pictures to friends yesterday. So you've got to take a look at this. But Betsy McCoy had a pretty interesting article about this. If they continue to spread this out and not learn from the manufacturers of medical equipment, and not learn from Florida and not learn this is why I'm telling everybody. Why is Sean Hannity saying he wants to wear a mask? Kennedy, you're giving into government tyranny. No, I'm not. You want to know while I'm gonna wear a mask. I'll wear a mask because if I ever got this thing, I would never want somebody susceptible to dying from it from getting it. And I know in my head it's a short period of time. I'm doing it to protect the elderly. Now that's my answer. Now, I want to see baseball played in stadiums with with fans, same with football. And my plan is, Okay, everybody wear a mask. If I have to wear a mask, I'll do it. But we got to get the economy up, and we got to get the economy running. We've got to learn something from those places that did it well. Will somebody do a study of all the grocery stores in New York that stayed open and all the people that wore their masks. How many of them contract at COVID nineteen? Because I'm grilling the people at my grocery stores. Did anyone get it? Did anyone get it? Did anyone get it? Ran into a lady yesterday. I was in my local grocery store. She had a shield on. How you holding up? Okay? Anybody here contract the virus? Nope, nobody save at my local pizza place, Save at my local Delhi. I go see these guys every day. Love these guys. They're my friends. I love them. They're great people. Then you have this idiot in Michigan. I don't have proof about the claim the protesters are spreading the coronavirus, and she's you have now. I mean, if you can't cut your lawn, you've gone too far as a governor. But that's how dumb. The Michigan governor is just like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, you know, blasting unimpressed with the continued shutdown, Democratic county executive saying you're wrong. A Michigan sheriff is dismantled the governor's whitmer's executive orders that they're not clear and concise. Oh, they took away this barber's license because the guy was cutting hair wearing a mask. They took his license away. And you know, now you've got more protests there. You know what Governor de Santis is doing. Come to Florida. Play your sports here, Come play here. We'll open up for you. We'll do it safely. We'll show you what we did down in Florida. Well, why don't you learn from Florida. What the hell are we doing up here in New York anyway, Linda, what are we doing here? This is just dumb. They're robbing me blind and it's they's run by a bunch of idiots. It's unbelievable. Yeah, I mean, I'm I'm I've got to get the hell out of here, you know what, I miss stern Rush. They all left and I'm the only idiot that remains standing here. I'm dumb, all right, Ask yourself if this makes sense. So, March twenty fifth, we have the executive order in New York Governor Cuomo that literally forced nursing homes, long term care facilities to accept coronavirus patients. March twenty fifth. March twenty ninth, Pennsylvania follows. Uh. Then we get to April sixth, the same thing in New Jersey. Then we now let's look at and then the dopey Michigan governor as well. Now let's look at those that made those decisions. New York twenty seven thousand plus deaths of COVID nineteen, New Jersey nine thousand and seven hundred and some odd deaths. You go to the next state, Massachusetts five thousand, three hundred and fifteen. Then you got Michigan four thousand and seven hundred and fourteen and Pennsylvania three thousand, nine hundred forty three. Now compare that to Texas one thousand, one hundred and fifty eight Florida with the highest density, highest percentage of elderly puppet one eight hundred twenty seven. What did they do right? They didn't four, They didn't protect the old people. There's your answer. That's a big part of the answer. And the reason that people could stock the shelves safely in New York is because they wore the masks. There's another part of the answer. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour. I want to get to this Judge Emmett Sullivan here in a second, and I'm going to go over this with doctor Oz today. What do we learn that we can do? What states did, what right? And what lessons can we learn if we got to reopen the country safely now, because there's a way to do it, there's a ton of lessons to be learned here. I don't think this is an accident in any way. Now in New York, there are a number of decisions. I was very outspoken about the idea that hospitals were giving hydroxy chloroquin and the zithromiacin and zinc to patients, but they wouldn't allow drug stores to give it to people. That means if you wanted it, to take the medicine again, Daniel Wallace, it does no harm. The foremost eminent expert in the entire world on hydroxy chloroquin all his four hundred plus peer reviewed articles has worked with rupus rumatoid ritus anti malarials. This guy knew it all. We read that letter numerous times. That was mistake number one, big mistake number two. And why they didn't lift that order, I don't know. To this day, I don't know telling people it was okay. Ye had Comrade de Blasio here on my reccommendations go out on the town March second through fifth. Okay, and the governor Cuomo March second. We're not like these old countries were. New York is you know that crap. We're prepared. You weren't prepared. The biggest mistake that was duplicated by the states that also have the highest death counts was this charge and directive and executive order barring nursing homes from turning away coronavirus patients. And I frankly can't believe that the governor's getting away with. First they got away with telling the nursing homes when they started complaining, we're not responsible for your ppe. Huh. I remember there were there were stories about they were being sent body bags with the patients. Unbelievable as a society. He's now said, you can't save everyone. You're gonna lose people. Imagine Donald Trump saying this, that's life. That's what he said. We did everything we could. Well, they had the hospital beds, but okay, put that aside. Now, the deaths in New York, now fully about a third of them were from nursing homes. That proved to be a really dumb idea. Now as Cuomo was issuing that directive down in Florida, and I know that early on that Ron de Santa's got criticized because of some spring breakers, but they put an end to that. Turns out the young people weren't, as we were told in the beginning, vulnerable. One thing that did pan out in this and things went up and down and all over the place, and you kept getting different information. The models always were wrong. And even you know, the great doctor Fauci, who I do think is a great man. I'm not disparaging him, He's been wrong a lot. Now, we were all lied to. I would even say that, you know, based on what they knew in early March, Comrade de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, they probably believe what they were saying. This was not done maliciously. I just think it was a dumb decision, A lot of dumb decisions made, and an arrogance that existed that shouldn't have been there. But DeSantis issued his own executive order at the same time, now that was regulating patients to nursing homes and long term care facilities, and what he did that New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan didn't do is he actually sent the National Guard. He literally mobilized every single agency in the state of Florida to protect the elderly community in every nursing home in the state, starting with the villages America's friendly his hometown. Okay, so we look at now, right after Cuomo did it in New York, well, you know, I guess you followed. He did it on the twenty fifth, where they forced facilities to accept coronavirus patients these elderly care facilities. Then the Pennsylvania governor did the same darn thing March ninth. Okay, their death rates horrible too. And then, not to be outdone, the new Jersey governor Phil Murphy on April sixth, he follows up and orders New Jersey nursing homes to accept patients who tested positive. Okay, why am I is this this cast flame? You know, if I was a Democrat, I'd say they have blood on their hands, because everybody's saying that about Donald Trump. I don't think they did it maliciously. I just think they're dumb. But now we know better. Now we learned a lesson here. We learned the Florida did it right. If you protect the elderly population, and you really hone in and protect them big time, then you're gonna have You're gonna save lives, which is should be everybody's goal. I'm not politicizing this. I'm just pointing out what lessons could be learned. Now in New York they lost, you know, nearly twenty eight thousand people. In New Jersey again they made the bad decision, nearly ten thousand people. Pennsylvania nearly four thousand people, Michigan nearly five thousand, four thousand, seven hundred and eighty people. Okay, now, let's go down to Florida. Well, okay, they have some of the highest percentage of the elderly population in that state because people retired down in Florida. They like the weather, they like paying No. Texas, well, they had fewer than two thousand deaths down in Florida. In Texas, they have a pretty big population. In Texas, they had one thousand, one hundred and fifty eight. And I'll even give listen, Gavin Newsom, I think did a lot of good things. He's a little oval board now in some ways, but I think he did a lot of good things, and compared to New York New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania. He did light years better with a much larger population. You could say it's less densely populated, But New Jersey's not New York. Michigan's not New York. Pennsylvania is not New York. A lot of similarities with Texas, California, Florida. You have a lot of people on top of each other, a lot of communities there. Anyway, in California, two thousand, eight hundred seventy six deaths. Again, one life is precious. We believe in life what we learned, and we learned the hard way. But if we're going to reopen and reopen safely, which we better start considering here, or nobody's gonna have any money, then we've got to learn the hard lessons. Who did things right? Well? Can we learn how did those manufacturers of all the medical equipment protect their employees? Well? In every instance that I see, it was masks and gloves. Because a Pence or the President went to visit one of these places and they didn't wear a mask, they got the living crap beat out of them by the mob and the media. While everybody that works in the facility was wearing a mask. In mid March, fouch you was saying, we don't need a mask. So again they didn't know. We're learning as we go. Nobody thought, nobody saw it, nobody believed, you know, every nobody's perfect on These things took on a life of its own. But if we're going to reopen safely, how did the how did Sean Hannity's favorite guys that stock the shelves and his grocery store stay safe. I've told you a million times. We can learn from that too. But they are those that would never want to open up at all. Now, Betsy McCoy, you know she's not wrong here, and as columns, she puts out, because as New York now, they're scared to death because they screwed up so badly to make any decision. And anyway, if they keep pushing this opening back again and again and again, I'm telling you New York is like a ghost town, she writes. It's a grim prospect. Yet officials seem ready to let it happen. And she points out that, you know, the store in the East Village, known since the nineteen twenties for egg creams, is shutting down for good. She's saying that fully fifty percent of businesses in New York are never going to open again. Let me tell you what it's about to happen in New York. They have no idea New York City is about to be, you know, a mini Detroit because people have had it and the price, the value of homes, high, taxation, horrible leadership. People are saying, what the hell am I doing here? Why am I paying all this money in taxes? What am I getting? I asked O'Reilly the other day, and he's like, I'm loyal handed and being loyal to who. All they do is pick our pockets with the worst infrastructure. You know, I'm just I'm making a prediction. How do these stores ever open up again? There's not enough money in the treasury to pay for all these stores to open up again. And you know the answer is what We're gonna have a socialist wish list. No, we can't. We won't survive Americas, we know will die. American people instinctively see and get this, and all we see is coronavirus craziness everywhere. Now we've got apparently a mysterious Republican inquiry into a mysterious drone program that people are using to police Americans who aren't social distancing. Okay, that's a little too nineteen eighty four for me. You know, the release of hardened criminals at Rikers. Yeah, a hundred of them so far have been arrested again for new crimes. You know, California gave into Elon Musk at Tesla. He took a pretty hard stand. In Wisconsin, Supreme Court struck down the governor governor Ever's stay at home order. You know, people wanting to go to baseball and football games this year. Churches across the country now are filing lawsuits because they want to be able to open social distance, wear masks, and do services. You know, then you got people in La like Mayor Garcetti said, I'm won't completely open until we have a cure. Forget about flattening the curve. I thought were supposed to flatten the curve. You know. Now you got in Seattle a cop was fired for protesting the lockdown. As Jay Insley was declaring, you will confine people without food who don't cooperate. What We're gonna let him dive of starvation? Well, I mean I couldn't believe it when I read it. You know, but he's now out there speaking during an event, you know, and he's saying, sometimes two stories appear that fit so nicely together. So if you imagine this is all being done by a novelist, blah blah blah blah. But anyway, a police officer spoke out and he gave a viral instinct gram post. He refused to take it down, and now they're threatening Jay Insley laid out plans statewide contact Tracing initiative and so on and so forth. He says it's going to come back and bite us. And Ensley is you know now they're putting out there. Okay, well you won't get food according to Red State, I didn't really read the whole article. I'm just telling you that the American people want to open and if we can't learn from these these lessons, some of them the success stories, what do we do right? What do we do wrong? What can we learn from those stories if we protect the elderly. This is my take my takeaway. I'm not a doctor, not telling you how to live your life. I'm saying for me, I want to live for me. I don't want to live in fear. For me. I'm making the decision that I love people too much, and I get it. I'm healthy, relatively young, I get this thing. The odds are pretty much in my favor. But you know what, for the sake of older people that I might come in contact with if I have this thing and it could risk their life, I'll wear the mask for the time being, because eventually they're gonna have some type of treatment, they're gonna come up with some other type of testing, They're gonna come up with some way to protect people. That's even better. We've made a lot of strides, although it's taken a long time, but it's relatively historically quick. All right, let me get to the greatest crime, as the President said, political crime in our history, and that is what they've been doing to General Flint and Devin Newness says there will be criminal referrals for Muller's investigators. That is a that is very good news. We now also know that come and Clapper are going to be brought back. June third, Lindsey Graham has his hearings. You got the grass, Lee Johnson here is continuing. Comey, of course, said in newly released congressional testimony that Clapper was the one that briefed Obama. Clapper is saying, oh, I didn't brief Obama, And now Senator Kennedy Louisiana saying, well, one of you guys is lying. So you don't have to be a You don't have to be a senior at City College to realize one of them is lying. He says that I think we ought to call them both back in and ask him which one of you guys as lying to Congress, that maybe we'll send twenty nine guys in tactical gear like we did to Roger Stone's house, of Paul Manifort's house. General Flynn was not Judge Sullivan charged with perjury, which would require a materially false statement. Here's what's outrageous about what this judge Emmett Sullivan did, because he first when they when the prosecutor in the defense agreed to drop the charges, you dropped the charges. You don't bring in a third party. When this same judge in this case was so arrogant and so wrong. We now know Flynn was unmasked forty eight times by two dozen Obama officials in a very short period of time from election Day twenty sixteen through the inauguration, And now we now know what they did, We know how they ambushed him, We know McCabe said, you don't need a lawyer. We know all of this. Why would Samantha Power put in seven unmasking requests? Clapper needs to answer. Brennan needs to answer. The Treasury Secretary Lou needs to answer. SuperPatriot Jim Comy needs to answer. And of all days, January fifth, Dennis McDonough, Obama's chief of staff, why did he submit a masking request the same day of that infamous meeting where Sally Yates was shocked to learn that Obama knew everything in the phone call with Kiziak and General Flynn? Well, how did he know? Who told him? When did he know it? What did he know? When did he know it? And then Biden caught red handed he put in a request to unmasked Flynn. I can't believe it. So now that we know that they sam bagged him, ambushed him, ruined three and a half to four years of his life, made this guy bankrupt, and then threatened to put his own son in jail even though they didn't think he was lying. What part of this does this judge not understand? Because Sullivan needs to understand what they did here. And if somebody says sign this, admit to it, or we're gonna put your son in jail, most fathers are probably gonna sign it. And that practice needs to stop because that lends itself to basically getting a get out of jail free card if you suborne perjury with prosecutorial miss abuse. And then you got the judge Sullivan here appointing this retired Judge Gleeson Clinton appointee. This guy already wrote an op ed to fix his in He said, he's already made his decision. So now we have every second now that added to General Flynn's long injustice and nightmare now is being now it's on the back of the judge who once accused the basically General Flint of being a trader. Had to apologize. But it's a little late. Judge. We see your political bias. You need to be investigated now and we need a recusal. We need to remove from the case. We need a new venue immediately. I'd bring this to the Supreme Court as fast as possible. Get this guy free, all right. Glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show by the way Jay Sekulo at the bottom of the hour, responding to I guess now Eric Holder's trying to jump into this whole thing in his law firm and what the judge is doing in the Flint case. We'll get to that. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm wrong sometimes. Now, when Georgia announced not by the way, I'm I'm not the biggest fan of Governor Kemp. Let me just say it right up front. I thought that the selection of Loffler, who doesn't have any experience, over or Doug Collins was a bad idea. Nobody ever listens to me anyway, but I made my feelings known, and I think when they have they're big jumbled up primary down there, that it's it's gonna be Doug Collins by a long shot. And I just happened to favor him, Okay, But when the governor announced he was reopening and he was the first to talk about reopening salons for example, for people to get manicures and pedicures and tattoo parlors, which I didn't understand. That made no sense to me. Now, then when I saw how they were doing the manicure pedicure thing, and you have literally the plexiglass built up. Both the customer and the person given the manicure have masks on. The person given the manicure as gloves on, and it was at a bigger distance than usual, and you put your hands under the plexiglass. That said, you know what, that could work. That makes sense to me. I want to learn from those things that worked and those that didn't. And appears coronavirus cases in Georgia and Florida have now declined by twelve and fourteen percent, respectively, according to Axios, and new cases in Florida declined fourteen percent compared to the previous week. Georgia felled by twelve percent. Now they've been opened, you know again, they've they've had a reopening now a couple of weeks. Why I was nervous about Georgia was if they got it wrong, they would have bludge in camp and bludgeoned any attempts to reopen anything. Now, what else have we learned? Well, we look now at and I'm not doing this. I'm not playing politics here. I am just giving facts in information because it matters. What can we learn that we did right? The manufacturers of healthcare equipment. And we're going to get to doctor Os on this in a second. The health the manufacturers of all the health equipment or every bit of it that New York needed in the middle of this pandemic. It only existed because they never shut down those facilities. I'd not heard about any outbreak in any man manufacturing center that was making medical equipment that kept New York alive. I've not heard about an outbreak for food producers and farmers and packers and truckers. And I keep talking about the guy that stocks the shelves that I talked to every week at my local grocery store. Now Okay, Now Florida had a mobilization of the National Guard and every state agency, and they targeted long term care facilities for the elderlys, the villages and nursing homes. They went into all of them, and about you, and they have a very high population of elderly people. And wow, when you look at the death rate is so dramatically lower then states like New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, in Michigan. Now, March twenty fifth is when Governor Cuomo forced nursing homes and elder care facilities to accept coronavirus patients. That was March twenty fifth. March twenty ninth, Pennsylvania followed New York. Then on April six, New Jersey followed New York in Pennsylvania. And we already know how bad Michigan is. Bead. Now when you look at the total number of deaths in New York now closing in on twenty eight thousand, New Jersey nine thousand and seven hundred and two. Massachusetts was high. They made similar mistakes. Then you look at Pennsylvania nearly four thousand, Michigan four thousand and seven hundred and eighty. Then we go down to Florida, in Texas, big states, right, and Georgia all right, neither one of them is near two thousand, one thousand, one hundred in Texas, one thousand, eight hundred in Florida, one thousand, five hundred in Georgia. Now, one death is too many. We don't want anybody to die at all. Now, how do we apply these lessons to opening things up safely? Doctor Oz? We bring you in. I'm not playing politics here, I am looking for solutions here. Well, if you look at the countries that have been successful so far, and it's so early. As you point out, hey, look at the states that's so far are heading towards opening with that major catastrophes. You mentioned Georgia where they're just over fifteen hundred cases, and it's like, I think eighteen hundred, less than eighteen hundred in Florida. They do a couple of things really important. First off, even if we don't have all the testing we need, they know who to test, so they go after the folks that are most at risk. And you point out the nursing homes. One third of all COVID depths one third are nursing homes, and in some stages more than that, as you pointed out many times, and eighty percent of the deavs from folks over sixty five. But I actually focus more on risk factors. You have diabetes and high blood pressure. You know, almost ninety percent of hospitalized patients from the Big North Wales system here in New York had two, not just one, had at least two chronic medical conditions. So we know the folks that are at risk, if we can keep them from getting infected, taking doing whatever it takes in you know, going to nursing homes and protecting them and making sure they're strong rules and they're well taking care of its importantness. Sweden's major downfall, by the way, was they couldn't do that because they're privately owned. They couldn't enforce the rules early on. Now they're on top of that as well. But outside of that exception, they were generally doing well. It's a very different country than us, less obesity. You know, they don't live in big family groups. I mean, there's other reasons we it's harder to emulate them. But other than that, they've done okay, and they never closed. So the question for us is can we focus it on these vulnerable populations, keep them safe while letting the rest of the population that doesn't seem to get hospitalized that nearly as frequently. So if they get COVID nineteen, they'll either be asymptomatic or symptoms small enough that you know they're at home for quarantine, but they're not home because they're definthly ill. And I think we can so if we take the lessons. Okay, they didn't. They made really dumb decisions in these states by allowing COVID nineteen patients among the most vulnerable population that's not playing politics and you can see. It is a dramatic difference versus what Florida did. They have a high percentage of the population as the elderly they retired down there. Now, when I look at all the medical manufacturers, doctors, and then I look at my buddy that stocks the shells that I put on the radio this week, I see I saw him every week. Is an epicenter of this. Every store in New York State, open grocery store. Everyone was full with everything you need except toilet paper and paper towels. And he's there every week. They all had gloves and masks. All the medical machinery manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, they all wore gloves and masks. So between those two big components and we didn't see major outbreaks. Can we learn that that's how you do it safely? Or a big part of it. It's a big part. It's been studied now. We there's a study just today that looked at how much sputum comes out of your mouth when you speak loudly, and it's enough to percolate for eight minutes around your head and involve anyone near you. So if you're the meat packing facility working elbow to elbow, face to face the people as the carcass comes down the trolley. And there you're making my stake sound very, very appealing for Tonightclorkark is come back. That population is going to have a more difficult time than medical workers who wearing masks where you can actually dissist them. But I tell you could do that also in the meat packing facilities. And I've spoken to folks because I'm fascinated and very worried about the fact that our supply chain was as fascial as it appears as it was. But thankfully you know, people are trying to fix it aggressively. And one of the issues is can you put barriers between these workers? Can you make sure they don't work opposite each other? Staggered them at time of it, And I think you can. But the other thing you want to point out, this is pretty critical. You'll notice that a New York state, sixty six percent of the hospitalized patients now we're already sheltering right eight. More than eighty percent were either retired or they weren't working. They're staying at home, and so they're still getting sick. So one major theme, and this may have happened in the meatpacking facilities as well. A lot of times if in these in these families, you go home right when you caught the virus at home where you got it for someone else who's working elsewhere. You're in a crowded environment where everyone's sit on top of each other. It's very hard to socially distance at home. So you've got ten people in the family, one person gets sick, the whole family goes down. That's what happened in Italy or than anything else, because they all live together. So in our country, we're going to have to aggressively go after that in the more impoverished communities. How do we protect people who are vulnerable so if the young people and their kids get sick, it doesn't evolve grandma who can't afford to get ill. Okay, now you're bringing up another part. We'll call this part Sea of reopening safely. All Right. We had three meat processing plant outbreaks, one in South Dakota, one in Iowa, one in Washington State. If I'm not mistaken, in all three cases we jumped on it. We consider that a hot spot, and they were able to, as I understand it, successfully stopped the spread of the virus and reopen at least two of the states that I know of all right now, the shelter in place issues fascinating to me because what you're saying there is when people live on top of each other, when young people are out and about and maybe not socially distancing or wearing masks, they bring at home to grandma, grandpa or elderly parents, and that's how they're getting sick. That would tell me that if we love our parents and grandparents and we're younger and healthier, that the reason you're gonna again this is temporary. Wear a mask is to protect them when you do go home with that question, it is the most loving thing you can do. You know, all my nurses last week I was we were giving nurses meals just because it was National Nurses Week, are trying to thank thank you, and they all came back to me and told me the same thing. If you want to say thank you, I appreciate the meal, But if you want to say thank you, wear a mask. That's what they want from us, and that's what I want, Redwood hearing. Right now, it is the simple, easiest thing. Now, it doesn't guarantee you won't have an issue wearing this mask correctly. He's not always easy. Not all masks are equally good, and all those things. It doesn't reduce it to zero, but it makes it. Then. The other reality is, if there's a member of your families who you know is frailer, is there wing them out of a crowded environment. Can you send them somewhere where they can stay with other members of the family where they're not as exposed. We did that in our family, and others may have the ability, may not, but this is the time to ship. Didn't help out if you can adopt someone that comes stay with you because it's a most dispersed area, they have a little more room, or rural area. This is a good time to get out of congested cities if you're older and frail. When you see what's going on in New York and how empty it is, Betsy McCoy had an article, it's scary. I don't think half of New York stores can open up again. I don't think they're ever going to open up again. I don't think they can survive well. The reason I'm confident that we'll get through this is I'm seeing what's happening in other countries and it's not easy. Everyone's finding their own path through it. And we're also in New York. We're different from Georgia, right, so we should learn from what's happening. Yet we're dumb because we stay here and pay taxes with the worst infrastructure and the highest taxes and everything. Sorry, and the dumbest politicians. But that's my comment, not yours. Go ahead. We stay here for the people because we love other New Yorkers. We love the energy, we love the fact that stuff gets done. I mean, it's cool that we didn't back our way into this place. I came here. I'm not from New York originally, so I love what New York represents. But that congestion and some of our social issues have created other problems that are not just unique to New York. There are other parts of the world and in this country. But we have to have a major debuls of it. If we can figure it out, it will be helping everybody. And I'm confident medical technology is going to advance. I so believe that by early twenty twenty one, despite all the conversations over the last twenty four hours, we're going to have some vaccines that can be given perhaps to the most urgently in need, nursing home folks, older folks who as almos through shure it's safe. And I think we'll open our stores because I think we're going to find that the virus doesn't hurt younger Americans as much as so eventually we'll get to a place where people feel safe again. It's gonna take us a while it will happen, But in the meantime, we don't want to throw away all that wonderful progress we've made shutting down an infection that was ravaging us. So if we target and protect the elderly, really hone in on all these nursing care facilities, elder care facilities really targeted, make sure that they're safe, they're not taking in COVID nineteen patients, for example. And if younger people are willing to continue to social distance wear masks like the medical manufacturers and the farmers and packers, truckers and the guys that stock the shelves, even in the epicenter of this that wore them and stayed safe, then they won't go home with the virus and impact older people in their lives. How far along are we towards a reopening them we percent If you could put a number on it, I mean I think that by July. It's data not dates that matter. But since you're asking me my personal opinion, I think by July we'll start to open New York and hopefully with successful results following guidelines. Not Northern New York States opening now, but did the city itself will start to open. And I'm also hopeful that we're going to be able to be smarter, smart about the tactics we date, do, we do take. And you know, I just did a show that today with these wonderful public health officials. These guys are the ones that go out there and do the screening. You're going to be called by someone if you're just seeing right now, if someone takes test positive, you're getting get a phone call from your local department of health. They're going to introduce themselves and they're going to say anonymously, we have someone who thinks they can't we're in contact with you. We want to take the following precautions. Please do these things. Please don't get close to someone who's vulnerable and hill and that way long as they maintain medical privacy I mean, I could see these guys abusing all this pacy. This is the most important it will John, It would kill this effort if they weren't keeping it private. They're not going to ask you any of your data. They're just going to help you understand what the potential risks are and help you find better ways. Think care yourself if you need it. But there's going to be if you if you're out a job right now. These are online courses, online courses, and it's a great job to have, and you'll be doing a great service for the country. And we're gonna be hiring hundreds of thousands of people to do that at least for the next year to get us through this. All right, Doctor os always the best medical a team. All your help is always looking for solutions, all right? Eight Sean, all right, let's say hi to Scott and Rhode Island. Hey, Scott, how are you? I know Rode Ryan got hit hard midway between New York and Boston. What's going on? Not much real frustrated today. Um, I'm a coach in the youth Little league here and Florida and Arizona came out today stating that they're going to continue and they're going to allow youth sports and our governor has decided not to UM. However, she's allowing summer camps that start in June twenty ninth. So unless something changes with the CDC guidelines, we're pretty much out. UM. So look it happened. Both my kids are athletes, and you know, one had their season shutdown. One is worried about next season, you know. Yeah, and you know, my guys at twelve year old this year, so it's the last year on the little field. UM, and you know, a suport like that, there's some things that we can do, such as limiting the amounts of kids on per team, staggering times, uh, you know, calling balls and strikes from behind, from behind the pictures mound and things like that. So it's just, uh, it's incredibly disappointing. I think if we use our ingenuity and this is what we learned. The medical manufacturers that kept us alive, they did it safely. The food supply chain was was done safely. The stores kept open safely. If they ever shut down. New York and in other states were dead. So we got to learn from what they did. Right. Florida did a great job. How are they follow question? I think it's asked in the ceremony about the Russia probe. Right now, why did you decide to unmask so many individuals in twenty sixteen? Was I wouldn't you wanted you to clear the record? What? Why is it fall I'm trying to Some Republicans have called on investigators to probe whether or not the Obama administration top officials inappropriately unmasked member of the Trump team. Is that a serious question that you're pursuing now or is it a sum of suggestive a political sideshow. It really is a side show. There are always questions you can ask about any of the procedures that are used by the intelligence community. But we see no evidence of any malicious unmasking. There was no evidence of any malice, no backdoor surveillance. So then they moved on to get another theory, and that is, well, names were improperly or politically unmasked. There's been no evidence of any politics involved in unmasking, and so that's not my question. My question was we're getting ready to maybe reauthorize seven or two. I don't think we ought to reauthorize it until we find out from the intelligence community where there are no indictments that have been issued against the intelligence community based upon the statements that you have made to see whether or not they're violating the law. And they refuse to give this committee the information about how many people have been caught up in that, And we've been in stonewall by the intelligence community saying, well, we just can't do it. Why can't the intelligence community get some geek over it best buy and have them come in and answer that question with a few little taps into the big computer system. We just want the number at the time of the gentleman has inspired the witness to answer the question as I explained Collors, But I've heard Director Coates explain this, and he's better position than I. So we don't know, still don't know. The second term of Obama, especially in twenty sixteen, a three hundred nearly a three hundred percent increase in on masking. We started covering this in March of twenty seventeen, more vindication the mob. They were on their to their conspiracy theories. Now we know that between election Day and the inauguration of Donald Trump, we know Obama administration officials unmasked General Flynn forty eight times, nearly two dozen Obama officials. And now we know the people that were involved. Why why would a UN ambassador like Samantha Powers submit seven unmasking requests? You know I've been asking what is Clapper's role? Well, he had three of them, John Brennan two of them. Why would the Secretary of the Treasury under Obama unmask anybody? Well, he unmasked Flynn, another two, SuperPatriot Jim Comey. He unmasked Flynn, Dennis McDonough on that infamous day, January fifth, the day that Sally h said she was shocked after a meeting with all of these key players that Obama told him and Jim Comey he knew everything about every detail of the phone calls with General Flynn? Who told him? What did he know? When did he know it? We also know quid pro quo Joe he was present at the meeting, and Joe Biden himself directly submitted a request to unmask General Flynn. Now, the day before yesterday, he said he knew nothing about any investigation into Flynn. He was lying, So what did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn? And was there anything improper done? I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn. I do want to press that. You say you didn't know anything about it, but you were reported to be at a January fift twenty seventeen meeting where you and the President were briefed on the FBI's planned a question, Oh, Michael, Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian ambassador kissleyac Now, I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted. Okay, I'm sorry. I was aware that there was that they asked for an investigation, but that's all I know about it. That's all I know. Well, you called for it, you unmasked him, and you know the president is right. This is the biggest political scandal, abuse of power, corruption scandal in history. And Joe by and as a liar, as many of the others have have lied and lied repeatedly. You know, you watch John Brennan. None of these people admitted all this. Now we also know Adam Schiff said in October twenty seen October twenty seventeen, Oh, there's no evidence of any malicious unmasking. Now we get to the issue of this judge, and it is shocking that when you have now the Department of Justice and obviously General Flynn now saying they want to drop the case because of all the improprieties that we have now learned in this case. What's our what's our goal here? To get an admission? What on the logan act? Or to get him to lie? Is that the job of the FBI to get somebody to lie, create a perjury trap. After the deputy FBI director says, you don't need a lawyer, and the director of the FBI says, I sent them in something I'd never do or get away with in any other administration, taken advantage of the chaos on day four of the Trumpet administration. Now all of it. Now we have the DJ's request to drop all charges. And now you have Judge Emmett Sullivan, you know, who has shown nothing but rampant bias in this case. Once insinuating in the courtroom that General Flynn is guilty of treason, accused a thirty three year veteran general of betraying his country, that in itself is an unforgivable comment, Well, now we see that he is decided to enlist the help of a Clinton appointee, who, by the way, himself has already weighed in on the case against the attorney general. Well, that's not somebody that I think is this retired judge's name is John Gleeson. He had already written that he doesn't agree with the attorney general. Why wouldn't they vacate this except this now that Judge Emmett Sullivan is even thinking about contempt charges because they are withdrawing their plea. Jay Seculars with US Chief Council, American Center for Law and Justice, and also Counsel for the President. Jay, there's a lot to unwrap here. Yep, your thoughts you want to start, Let me start with one thing that you just said, Sean, that I've been practicing law for forty years, four decades. I have never seen a situation we're both the government and the accused agree that the prosecution should not have gone forward and thus the guilty plea should be withdrawn and a judge a point what is effectively a special counsel. Here we go again to investigate now General Flynn, to see if by pleading guilty after being pressured, and the normal things that go in with plea negotiations, that he committed a perjury against the court and Judge Sullivan. I think is just really way out of line here, and I've never seen anything like it. It's unprecedented. Well, I mean, now justice delayed, justice denied. I mean, in the last few weeks, what do we learned that the BI ambushed General Flynn? You know, when when when a deputy FBI director McCabe says, you don't need a lawyer, when he did. When you got the FBI director admitting that, in fact, he sent his guys in and did something he'd never do under normal circumstances, that sounds like a setup. They didn't think he was lying. Jay. The guy goes bankrupt, the guy loses his home, and now we know the prosecutorial abuse that took places. They threatened to put his kid in jail. Now, Jay, I know you as a loving father. If you're told to either sign this or I'm putting your kids in jail, I think you're going to sign it exactly. And this is you know, unfortunately or fortunately, however side of the equation you come on. This is that stuff is unfortunately typical negotiations or plea arrangements where they're basically use a threat. Sometimes it's a spouse, sometimes it's the kids. Now here's the thing. And again, the unprecedented nature of this is you've got the government and the accused of Green that this should go. And this judge is now the roadblock for justice. And he says he has this inherent authority to appoint a judge who's already appined on the situation, who's a retired judge, and he's already appined on the situation, and called into question Attorneys General Barr's motives. It just is beyond the pale of judicial responsibility and completely flaunce the constitution of the United States. I've never I'm never speechless, but if I ever was going to be, this gets pretty close to it. General Flynn was not charged with perjury j Sekulo. That would require a materially false statement made under oath with the intent to deceive. Now, we did get a glimpse in the materials that have been laid out of the original three zero two, and what we learned is is that when the question specifically was asked about the phone call in question with this Russian KISLEYAC and General Flynn, the call in question that when Struck and this other agent interviewed, General Flinty said, I remember the call. I I don't remember that specifically. Now that is not lying. That can't be in any way defined as lying. They didn't even think he was lying on that, correct, So I mean, you know, Sean, go back to this whole idea of how this started. Remember it was the case was closed. The field agents, which are the ones that do the day to day work on the investigation, said there is nothing there. There is no we can find no material mis statements, we can't find any violation the law. We should close it. Then Peter Struck grabs it right before the closing memos going to be delivered and says, not so quick, we're doing Operation Crossfire rasor. Then Jim call me sneaks in two FBI agents and says, oh, I'll get away with this. I normally would not, but you know there was a White House counsel at the White House, not like he couldn't have made the call. Jim Collmey. I think his day will come. I mean, whether it'll be indicted or I have no idea, but his credibility has now gone to zero, which is what it should be. And when you ever hear him talk about this stuff that lapse. They ruined a man's life, and he his response is to laugh. McCabe light under oath, he had a referral by the IG. Same with Jim Comey. Now we're also finding out we know that both House Intel Chair Trey Gaudy, we now got to read the transcripts, and Devin Nunez, who didn't lie to the American people like Adam Shift did. Now. Nunes said yesterday on lou Dobbs's show, you're only seeing the folks that unmasked General Flynn, by the way, in only a short period of time. He said, the reality is there were a whole lot of other Americans on the Trump transition team that were a masked and those that need to be made public. Also, Trey Goudy said, it's not just Michael Flynn. There was an unmasking request made the morning of the inauguration quote President Trump's family members names were a masked. Now at different times during this whole investigation that we did on radio and tvj I was told guys like John Salom, Sarah Carter, Sean Hannity might have been unmasked. I don't know if any of that's true, but I was told that numerous times. I didn't think there'd be three O two's with my name on I'm nor did I think my text messages that were private would ever be released either. Jay Well, I mean, look, the invasions of privacy here are now legendary. You mentioned the three O two's. I mean, look, the fact is that this entire investigation, from the moment it started till where we are today, has been a complete fraud on the American people. But this happened under Bob Mueller's watch. He should be ashamed of himself for what allowing these people to do what they did here. Now, I do have confidence in Bill barn I have confidence in John Durham that they're going to get They are getting to the bottom of this and getting to the bottom of this quickly. And I'll take it a step further. I think, Sean that when you talk about unmasking, and you talk about the short time frame, this is days before the new administration was going in and one unmasking the day the morning of These people were out to destroy this president before he took put his hand on the Bible and took the oath of office. Who's gonna be charged with a crime? Because if twenty nine guys in tactical gear and frogmen and CNN cameras are gonna have a pre dawn raid on roger Stone and then the jury, fourth person that already hates roger Stone is gonna lead that jury, and Manafort the pre dawn raid, and Papadopoulos and now General Flynn. How come these other guys never get arrested for the same things that they that we have report after report after report that they committed the same types of crimes. Well, you're not John Durham, and I'm not John Durham, and you're not and I'm not too far And they have a job to do when they're doing it, and unlike the way some of these things went down, I'm hopeful that they will follow. I know they will. I'm not hopeful, I know they will. They're gonna follow the evidence, follow where it leads, and if there's violations of law, people will be brought to justice. And I believe that is going to happen. And I'm convinced that the first move here was this to undo this injustice against General in. I think it's a big part of it. But if they were surveilling and unmasking the Trump family and people as other people associated with Trump, it sounds to me I would use the word soft coup. Is that hyperbole or closer to reality? No, I think. I mean I've said the phrase soft coup. This was people that did not want the president to be an office, would been trying to get him removed from office before it started, and it culminated in the Mudel report, which got them nothing. And then what happens, Well, then we have the Ukraine impeachment, which of course the president gets acquitted on both charges. So you know, what is it going to be next? And then it's you know, we're going to clear general plan or the judge, the federal judge is not going to allow him to be cleared. I mean, this is how bizarre this has become. People need to be held accountable or look, I think the good guys win in the end and justice will be served patients, and who wins in one hundred and seventy three days. I hope the American people to have a full picture. I think, Look, I think that the president has This is my view showing I'm not a political expert on to any stretch of the imagination, but there's a lot of explaining that would have to be done by Joe bind both on a policy perspective and also what was he doing unmasking play? Why was Samantha Powers unmasking play? Due by the way you win a vendor? Great questions, All right, Jase Sekulo, thank you. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Shana. I am very confident that the Chinese Communist Party will pay a price for what they did here, certainly from the United States. I don't know exactly what form that'll take. Our focus today isn't on that. It's on making sure we keep Americans safe, take down the health risk, keep people healthy as we can, and get this economy going back. But I'm very confident. I talked to business people all around the country. I talk to ordinary citizens, people who have put their lives at risk over the last weeks. They know that this is a result of this virus that originated in Wuhan, China, and they know that the Chinese government didn't do the things needed to do. There will be a cost associated with that. We need to focus on the here and now, and there'll be a time to make sure that we get this right, to make sure that we're not dependent on China for pharmaceutical goods and all the things that we've seen that we just didn't have right. And the President Trump had identified early on as things we needed to fix in the relationship between the United States and Los Angeles just said they may actually extend the shutdown well throughout the submers fighting back out. He's doing the right thing. I'm all for him, Los Angeles. I think they're doing that for political reasons. Look, the less successful we are an opening, the better they are. Probably maybe for an election, but I'm letting people know in many cases they're doing it just for political purpose. So you think that they would rather see a recession, a terrible economy, joblessness than have you get another time. They would rather see our country fail. They would rather see our country fail, and you know what that means, because part of failure is death. They would rather see that than have me get elected. I've driven them crazy. I don't know what it is. There's truth Donald Trumps lives in their minds. News round Up Information Overload Hour eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. You know when you look at now from the minute Donald Trump comes down the escalator with Milania Trump, and you look on look at the rage, the hate, the never ending trump psychotic derangement syndrome. It's real. You just think about the breathtaking hypocrisy. You have ninety nine percent state run medium mob ABCNBCCBS, fake News, CNN, Conspiracy TV, Area fifty one, ROSBO, Rachel Maddow MSDNC. They're all state run television. They're all propaganda networks. It's every second, minute, hour of every day. You got the New York Toilet Paper, Times, you got the Washington Post. They hate Donald Trump. There's nothing Donald Trump will ever get credit poor. He sets the best economy up record low unemployment for every demographic in the country, kept every promise he made his president. He is in the middle of impeachment, but yet he is putting in place a travel band, and then he's following it up with a quarantine. Then he's following it up with subsequent travel bands. Then he bails out in New York in a massive way. And they're too stupid to even use all of his help. The beds of the Javit Center covert converted personnel included. Same with the hospital ship, Navy hospital ship, the comfort But think about this. They only care about Russia, but they ignore the Russian disinformation dossier of Hillary Clinton. They care about obstruction of justice, but not Hillary's emails. They care They don't care at all about the rule of law and due process and the fact that an unverifiable bull dossier that they were warned not to use was used to get a warrant to deny an American civil rights of all liberties. They didn't care about that. They didn't care that Donald Trump for investigations later No Trump Russia illusion, but Russian disinformation Hillary pays for it. They never talk about it. They care about a quid pro quo, but not with Joe and zero experience Hunter. They're all I believers. But when somebody far more credible than the Kavanar accuser comes out that has witnesses, corroboration and a haunting call from her mother from nineteen ninety three on Larry King describing what happened, they ignore that too. They take on breathtaking hypocrisy. They couldn't be more wrong more often, but there's an obsession. They will ignore that. For a process crime, twenty nine guys and tactical gears show up at Roger Stone's house, same thing with Manifort's house. In Stone's case, they even bring in CNN cameras for a process crime, but they'll ignore that. Guys like Comey and McCabe had referrals for the same things. They don't even talk about it. Ever. Then we have a jury four person that we know now was prejudiced publicly against Rogerstone and was the lead juror in that case. But we don't get it. That's a fair and impartial jury. He doesn't get another trial. Judge said no, Then you have the case what we learned with General Flynn. Look what they did to General Flynn. Well, what's our goal here to get an admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or is that what the FBI is supposed to do and the media ignores it all. Here you have a judge in the case of General Flynn, same thing anyway. Joining us, the Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, Andy Biggs, Representative Jim Banks, House Armed Services Committee. Let's start with General Flynn and Judge Sullivan, and more importantly, what we're learning about this Clinton appointee judge which shocks my conscience and saw the retired judge, you know, literally John Gleeson had written a pace a piece slamming the Justice Department already. So it's a foregone conclusion where the Emmett Sullivan appointed judge is going with this case. Why is this judge denying General Flynn when both sides want to drop the case after what we've learned, Why are they denying that, Andy Biggs, Well, it's obviously for political reasons because in reality, Sean, there is no they wanted to get amicas curia. You can't get amicas curi that's ridiculous. The Supreme Court actually just ruled recently you can't shape a case with the use of amikas. He has abused his power. If he wants to prosecute the case, he should take off his rope. He should go back and see if you get into the US Attorney's office, and even then I wouldn't trust him to be there. And this, in my opinion, is all politically motivated. And actually my staff is looking into remedies that Congress might have against some judge, a federal judge who has abused his power and his oath of office, and you're to take Congressman Banks Well, I couldn't agree more with my friend Andy Biggs, sean general one of a real American hero as soon as it's worn the uniform myself. They don't get better than him. And I gotta tell you my phone rang off the hook yesterday. I guess so many text messages from ticked off hoosiers. I couldn't believe that a judge would abuse his power in the way that he has. And I look forward to Andy, to working with you to hold this judge accountable for an abuse of power that's so so blatant in broad daylight. We can't let this judge off the hook for acting in the way that he is. What is what choices do you have that would be available to you well, Sean, and I look forward to working with you, Jim on The number one thing is the nuclear option, of course, and that is drafting articles of impeachment, and that's where we're looking into very closely. Of course, you could censure him, but the reality is, if you've got an oath of office, if you have a judge doing something that in all the cases I ever worked on, all the cases I ever tried, I never saw a judge tell the prosecutor, no, you can't dismiss this case. They might question it, but they would dismiss the case if that was on the prosecutor's motion. This is actually a conduct that is highly unusual, so unusual I never saw it in the whole time I practiced. And so I think we can look at drafting articles of impeachment for violating your oath of office. I'll tell you the sick thing in all of this, he's like, you know, now we have a blatant disregard. And by the way, he's also disregarding precedents as it relates to this particular, very specific issue with the higher courts. You know, we know where John Gleeson stands because he wrote this piece in the Washington Post. So that's a foregone conclusion. So the only reason he's doing this is because he thinks that he knows better. But what part of him not understanding? Number One, it wasn't a perjury charge, General Flynn that would require a materially false statement made under oath with the intent to deceive they didn't think he was deceiving anybody. And this idea of holding somebody in contempt for withdrawing a plea, well, what part of him having gone bankrupt, lost his house, them threatening to put his son in jail or sign the paper? Does this judge not understand? And by the way, this whole practice of well if you tell us what we want to hear, or you sign what we want you to sign, then we're going to give you this or that that has to stop in all of these proceedings because that lends itself to this type of prosecutorial abuse of power, Andy Biggs. And they do it all the time. Well, if you tell us this about this person, will give you a lighter sentence. I get out of jail free car in many instances, No, Seane, you're exactly right. I mean you see this over and over again, and they use this as leverage. And what it is is it's kind of a Soviet style tactic, to be honest with you, but it happens frequently, and it's used to leverage to get additional evidence on somebody else, or in this case, to get a confession. That's what they wanted. They wanted to him to come and stand for the court and give a factual basis and that he did something wrong and he was kind of stuck between a rock and heart place. And I blame a lot of that on the FBI, for sure, but also on his previous attorneys. I mean, I really want to look at them a little bit and see what happened there, because I'm not sure he was represented adequately, that's for sure. Now, both of you, Connressman Banks, Congressman bigs are involved in different bills to block investments in our adversaries act as yours. We know that. Congressman Banks, tell us what that is about. In other words, people investing or you know, state pensions for example, investing heavily in Chinese companies affiliated with the Chinese military and even some of the human rights abuses. Why has that been going on? It's unbelievable to me, Sean, I mean, as as somebody's been following this and learning so much more to find out that the Federal pension Thrift Savings Plan was about to invest in and China's military ship building fighter jets, a company called Hike Vision that produces the surveillance equipment they used to persecute the weaker Muslims in China, and we were about to allow our federal pension to invest in the military of an adversary all the while we're building up our own military how to exceed the capabilities of China's military. Most of the state pensions in the United States already do this. Cowpers in California is the worst offender of doing just that, and they've got some interesting ties to some of these companies and egregious examples of this as well. So you've got that going on. You've also got China seazing the moment and taking advantage of America while our economy is on its knees by swooping in and making predatory investments of some of our companies with new innovation and in the military space. We've got to stop that, and that's why I've introduced a couple of bills lately that would do that. Really really good news this week Sean President Trump and Secretary Scalia at Labor have never met, never worked with them. In my book, he's a rock star for what he did this week and stopping the thrift savings plan, and with the President getting out and being a leader on this as well, stopping the frist savings plan for making those types of investments in China's military, Well that's got to stop, all right, both of you. On reopening the country where you stand, Andy Biggs, I think we can do it safely. I think we learned a lot from Rhondda. Santis versus New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey and Michigan did a horrible job, but Florida got it right. They targeted protecting the older people more susceptible. Also, I can tell you from the epicenter of this, those that wore their gloves and masks in stores and grocery stores, keeping our shelves stocked, and drug stores that I would go to, they all ended up. Okay, So wearing masks seems to work. Yeah, Sean, I'm I'm I think we should open up. I think we should open up last week. Actually, I think we and protect the vulnerable populations. We know who they are. I trust the American people. They were used to being free. We want to be free, and I think with freedom, of course, comes responsibility. So I just if you feel insecure, I think you should stay in sure. If you feel comfortable going out, by all means, go if you feel comfortable open up your business. I think that should happen because we have a massive amount thirty six million people unemployed. If we can get this thing open, I think we can start getting building a runway to transition back to a strong economy that was the world's best. That you know. President Trump gave us a great economy. Congress helped. But I think we can get back to it again. But it's going to take opening up now, not later, not three months from now in some places. Well that's my point, Congressman Banks. If these guys stopped working in the grocery stores where I live, we would have starved to death. If the people in the drug stores where I live would have stopped working, we would have not had any sense. If the people all around the country manufacturing all the medical equipment New York needed, our first line defenders wouldn't have been protected, and we wouldn't have been able to save as many lives as we saved. But they kept working. They never shut down. Obviously they did it safely. You would think we'd apply those lessons. That's right, That's exactly right, Sean. In Indiana, we don't like to be told what to do. We're going to do the right thing if you give us a chance to do that. And that's what our state opened back up this week. I took my wife out to dinner last night. I got a haircut on Monday. There's no way we will get our comedy back on track without getting our workers back to work. And I know in Indiana we're showing the rest of the country exactly how you can do that in a safe manner, responsible marriages, in common sense, wear masks, wear gloves, show show everyone around you that you're willing to do it, and they'll do it too. And I think in Indiana we're doing just that. All right, Thank you both, Andy Biggs, Congressman, Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Banks, Thank you House Armed Services Committee. Do you think your critics want you to keep it closed going into the election? Yeah? I do. I do. I think it's a it's a political thing. In addition, I think so they're saying you're putting money, business ahead of lives. Good. No, No, I think the people that want to see the right thing happen, they agree with me. We have to get our country open. You know, it was up to some people. Let's keep it closed for a long time, Okay, a long time, and watch the United States go down the tube is not going to happen, all right. That was the President in his interview with Maria Para to Romo. And you know, it's getting more interesting by the day. You know, we have to figure out here because there's only so much money to go around. We spent three trillion, We have four trillion available opened up for the FED loans available. Workers have been taken care of all of the ventilators, masks, gloves, gaps. They're all being made for rebounds, which are predictable. But they were now showing and learning lease from these meat packaging facilities that we can manage them when they pop up where they pop up, and make the adjustments as necessary. It's never gonna be perfect. I wish it was. Every life is precious. But if we are going people are dying to get back to work. So we have to look at well, if we want to reopen the country, well, what have we done successfully. I've now mentioned a zillion times that if the manufacturers of the medical equipment shut down in the middle of this pandemic while New York was going through a shift show, guess what we would have totally and completely and utterly been buried in New York. Healthcare workers, they wouldn't have been able to do their jobs. If the farmers, the packers, the truckers, and those guys. We met one of the kids at my local grocery store earlier this week. Great kid. I mean he was there every week. I saw him. I saw him this weekend, and he wore his mask. He didn't get sick. What did Rhonda Santis do? Rhonda Santis, Well, he targeted the elderly population down in Florida. And when you look at for example, you know, like one in it's one tenth of New York's nursing home deaths in Florida because DeSantis did it right and Governor Cuomo in New York botched it, made the dumbest decision on top of being laid and on top of rejecting his task force recommendations for medical equipment and ventilators from twenty fifteen. You know, then he took his telling us an early March along with the Blasio we got this handled. Where ready go out on the town. De Blasio saying, well, now we know, you know, nearly six thousand of New York's deaths were in nursing homes because of the executive order that mandated that nursing homes take on COVID nineteen patients. Okay, well, DeSantis got it right, and Cuomo and de Blasio and the health commissioner in New York they got it wrong. I mean it's you look at this. It is unbelievable. By the way, New Jersey, in Pennsylvania, they made some of the same mistakes as they made him in New York. Now we we just got news today that the Blasio's health commissioner, in the middle of this pandemic, when they were looking for masks for New York Police Department officers that were out there on the street, you know, basically said I don't give a rats ass. That's a direct quote. Cuomo has Howard Zucker heading up the New York State Health Department. He's the guy that decided, oh, we're not going to buy the fifteen thousand, seven hundred eighty three ventilators that will need peak week, and the Blasio didn't buy any of the ten thousand that he was supposed to buy. New York's health commissioner blew off at NYPD request for five hundred thousand surgical masks. And it's unbelievable. You know, New Jersey blew it, Connecticut blew it, New York blew it, Michigan, but Florida didn't, and other states didn't as well. And so what do we learn? How do we open and open safely? Okay, well, the elderly population has to be protected. If you ask, Kennedy, are you wearing your mask outside when you're not social distancing? My answers, yes, why you know, because I do it out of respect for older people I may have contact with. Here's my answer. I don't have any parents, my parents along gone, my grandparents along gone. But if I run into elderly people, I don't want them to contract the disease. I'm relatively young and healthy, I'm fine, but I do it for them. Now we see, how did these guys stock the shelves every week right in ground zero, the epicenter of this whole thing, and they none of them got sick because they were all wearing masks. Well, okay, you do the temperature check turnstiles at any stadium, you give everybody a mask with whatever team emblem you have on it. You can drink beer through a straw, put it up the side of your mask or something. Maybe take a bite of a hot talk, but that's it. Older people should be asked to stay home this season, not out of discrimination, out of respect for their health and their better protection. Anyway, there are some businesses that are opening and finding solutions. I was blown away by the plexiglass. Have talked a lot about it to give manicures and more social distancing. You put your hands under what is like a bank teller handing out cash, opening and the plexiglass. Everyone's with masks and gloves. Guess what it's getting done, and it seems to be getting done safely. Now Alex and Kelsey Carroll. They happen to be small business owners, thirty one year old couple. They have two kids, thirteen employees. Now they have a game based events business. It's called Toss Up Events. By the way. They have clients like the Cowboys, the Broncos, Pepsi, and they're on their way to another successful summer when COVID nineteen put everything to a standstill. And anyway, they join us now to talk about solutions. By the way, Welcome to the program. Alex and Kelsey who's in charge of the business, is you Kelsey? I'm just guessing. Well, yeah, of course, and Alex you agree with that, right? Oh? Absolutely? All right, So tell me a little bit about your business. What do you do? So toss up events? We started about three years ago. We build outdoor experiences outside of stadiums with some of the big brands out there. And yeah, when when COVID hit that all stopped. It's fun. So I think I know what this is. So every Christmas as my Christmas gift to my son, I would give them Super Bowl tickets and we go to the Super Bowl together. You go outside the Super Bowl. You know, you have like a place where you can catch catch footballs at other station, where you can kick a field gold stuff like that. Is that the kind of thing you do except games? Yeah, it's in it's branded games. So we'll work with brands to create fun experiences for fans to engage with you before they go inside the stadium. Exactly what you're talking about. I love that, all right. So where are you now with your business? You got thirteen employees. I guess everything is at a standstill unless sports stadiums open up again. Yep, yep. So Sean. It was crazy when it March eleven's hit for our business. We had thirteen guys all over the country delivering events at all different types of sporting events and all their live events, and it all stopped on a dime. Literally had to bring everyone back home, furlough everyone. We didn't know when events were going to come back, but it was funny. I was talking about this with Kelsey last night. It's only in America that within a couple of days we were able to pivot come up with a product that would fit the marketplace, which is hand sanitizer stations using the same vendors, being able to bring our employees back. And so within two or three days we were able to bring back all thirteen people, and then our manufacturer out of Quinland, Texas was able to bring back nine people. You know, American jobs were making it here. There's a need for it, and we're just focusing on bringing back, bringing people back to work safely. And Kelch so what are the sanitizing stations? Because you sanitize here. I have a picture of it in front of me. I want you to describe it to people. Of course, so everybody that has been you know, to a hospital recently or even before coronavirus hit, they have these hand sanitizer stands and it's a dispenser that you would just you know, push, get some foam sanitizer hands like that. And so what we've created is a premium quality built stand that comes with the dispenser, the sanitizer that businesses, small businesses, big businesses can buy and have branded with their logos on it, and it can be a part of their store, their retail, their restaurant and it will last for years to come. Sort of like when you go to a hospital or a lot of buildings they have the pure El stand, right, yeah, yeah, exactly, except you could do it like I could do the Sean Hannity shows a sanitizer. Yeah, well call it hannitizer. Yeah. The big difference in the big difference between our stand and what we really wanted to try to do. Most of the stands out there are made in China. They're less than fifteen pounds, and I think our our big gamble was, hey, when people start using this every single day, So you know, the Purell stand in the corner of the office building, maybe five percent of people walked by and used it. You know, now you're gonna get one hundred percent usage. So we don't think the Chinese made twelve pound stand is going to hold up. So this is a sixty two pound, high quality stand that's gonna last for years to come. So that that was our play of Hey, so demand is pretty high for this right now. So you're keeping all your employees working, oh yeah, oh yeah. We've got thirteen people back in our office, who've got eight people out in Quinlan, and then we've got people who lost their jobs that are selling it on a commission basis. And the demand is absolutely crazy. That's amazing. What a great story. Good for you guys thinking on your feet, and I just got to give you a lot of credit. And it's also gonna help listen. I talked to Randy Levine of the Yankees last night. Is the chief executive. I've been talking to him almost every day. I've been talking to I was on the phone with John Issner last night. He plays, you know, one of the top tennis players in the world, and they're dying to get back out and play. These guys want to play. Now, if you go through a temperature check, you go through your little sanitizer thing that you guys are producing. We clean our hands, you know, Yankee sanitizer, US open sanitizer, sanitizer, sanitizer, whatever it happens to be. Everyone gets a mask. Randy Levine said he could have a mask for every single person that enters Yankee Stadium. They get they have these thermo if you know, when you walk through a turnstile, they have thermo turnstyles. You can bring a ton of people through and check people's temperatures by the thousands, and you know, and like no time at all and make sure if somebody is a temperature you got to say, okay, we can't let you in today. I mean, that's one check. Since we've launched, since we've launched stand up Stations dot com, we've gotten requests from all over the country, from New York, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia. And these are from mom and pop barbershops to big corporations looking for a heck of a lot of them, to restaurants, and we're trying to just make them as quickly as we can. And I think that that is that was our advantage, is how quickly we were able to move into action. You know, we're talking to the teams just like you said, right, we're working with different NFL teams where we're going to adjust our stand up station sanitizer stand to be two feet taller and hold the temperature checker so when you go into the stadium, you're gonna feel safe. You sanitize your hands, you get your temperature checked, you go in, you have your mask on that gets handed to you. It's a safe process, you know. We feel if if we can do this one thing, which is a pain in everyone's backside, if everyone can just accept that you'll wear the mask because you care about your fellow Americans. They're vulnerable people out there. They got this Kawasaki thing going on in New York now. But we're learning lessons here, I mean we're learning them the hard way. But those that protected the elderly population, those that you know, those in the epicenter of this, that wore their masks, wore their gloves, use their sanitizer, they didn't get sick. At the stores that I go to, I've been going to the same restaurants, the same deli, the same pizza place, Bayville Deli, Mario's Pizza, Lapazeta, christ and Tony's Rothman Steakhouse every single you know, I buy food out all the time, and I buy more food than I can eat because I just want to see my friends number one and number two. Nobody's getting sick in any of these places in the epicenter because they're all masking up. So ye, a sign of respect, side of respect, that's a great way to put it. I respect older people. I respect. Look. I wish I could put on the mask for my grandparents and mother and father they passed away. But I'll put it on for your parents and your grandparents. How's that well? And I think what we're trying to do too is just make people feel safe when they come back, right. It's it's something that you can the same way you wear a mask. You sanitize your hands, you kill the germs on your hands. We're just trying to do our small part, you know, to get America back to work. I love these guys, I mean, guys, this is awesome. I mean, you don't think has a New York thick New York accent, do you? Guys? Of course they don't. Well, I dropped my I have a five one. I have a five one six area code I lost my accent when I moved to Texas. Good for you. I lost mine when I moved to Alabama. Well, guys again, give out your website. UM, I'm gonna tell Randy Levine about you when I talked to him, when I talk to any US Open officials, I'll tell him about you. Also. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. Give you a little plug, although it sounds like you don't need any help from us. Thank you so much, all right, thank you guys dot com. We appreciate it. All right, thank you both for what you doing. Eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. All right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Loaded up tonight, Sidney Powell, that is General Flynn's attorney, the great one, Mark Levin, Rudy Julie A. Pet Navarro, Dan Bongino, David Rubin, and Carl Rove will analyze where we are one hundred and seventy three days till the ultimate jury You the American people, nine Eastern Tonight, Hannity, Fox News. Set your DVR, don't forget Hannity dot Com for all the news information update. You will need on a daily basis us. Thanks for being with us back here tomorrow, m H.

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