Terror in London - 6.5

Published Jun 6, 2017, 12:41 AM

Sean covers the latest tragedy coming from London where ISIS has claimed another attack, once again in London. Donald Trump is under fire for questioning whether Britain should consider closing their borders. Sean reacts to the latest attacks and is joined by Senator Rand Paul and Patrick Poole for the latest. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity radio show podcast Hey with optimism once again on the rise in America. The working people of this country are more important than ever. Well, now they have a podcast that celebrates them and tells their stories. On the Job from Hired to Retired. Also new podcasts from our friends that Express Employment Professionals that digs into the lives of men and women at work and explores their journeys as they fight to make the American dream of reality. On the Job takes the listener through the ups and downs of making a living in America. Now check out the new podcast on the Job from Hired to Retired on I Heart Radio, iTunes or wherever you download your favorite podcasts, or just go to Express pros dot com slash podcast for more information. All right, glad you with us. Happy Monday, and I want to start out again. And I took a lot of time to reflect and rest this weekend, and thank all of you for all the support you showed me last week. Uh, to the extent possible, we will we will keep doing what we're doing. But I want to get focused on what is important and for the economy. That means Americans and poverty on food stamps, uh, that are out of the labor force, getting everybody get this country's economy going against so everybody participates this country becoming energy independent. What matters are important things like yeah, how about some free market competition and healthcare and health savings accounts and cooperatives like Dr Josh down in Wichita, Kansas. You know, these are the things that that ought to be mattering to everybody that America finally finally become energy independent. And yeah, that we vet refugees that come from countries that abuse women terribly, kill gays and lesbians, and and persecute Christians and Jews. Yeah, we're gonna more than vet you when you come into the country. We're gonna ask you tough questions, and we're gonna make proved to us you don't you don't share those values that you grew up under. Sorry, that's that is for the protection, the security, and the safety of the American people. And yeah, I want the wall built too. I want that done. It's pretty amazing the reactions over the week. I've never seen anything like this. You know. I went on Twitter earlier today and I took a break from from Twitter this weekend because it's so freaking addicting. I mean, and I honestly have a blast on it. And I'll get into this maybe later in the program today. I mean, I saw this earlier this weekend. So the terror attacks which we're gonna talk about in a second in London take place, and then in London there it is CNN Headline News, CNN News, this is CNN, and you can watch for two and a half minutes they're orchestrating. There's maybe ten twelve people protesting Muslims protesting at the reaction of of the London police. You know, after this insanity where a rentold van plows onto the sidewalk of the London Bridge, mowing down pedestrians and then crashes outside of the Barrel Boy and Banker pub, and then three terrorists eggs at the van and go on a stabbing spree through the the Borough Market, and you have witnesses hearing them shop for this is for Allah and just slicing and dicing and killing everybody that gets in their way. And then all of a sudden, eight minutes later, finally cops killed the attackers and a second we're gonna get into this whole issue of Oh. It appears that there was a a British documentary that followed prominent radical Islamist that lived withinside the United Kingdom and one of the people responsible was in the in the stupid documentary Why was he in the country? Good grief? This is pathetic, but away. So then there you have at CNN, this is so two and a half minutes they're lining that that that the dozen protesters up. Are they talking about the people? The motivation the oh this is for Allah, the impact of all throughout Europe with the Islamization and now people coming from cultures that conflict with European culture in the sense that they don't want to abuse women, gaze, Lesbians and Christians and Jews, and that you know, some people when they immigrate they actually bring those values with them. And you see a dramatic increase in these terrorist attacks. Did we not learn from nine eleven? And then CNN is orchestrating all right, everybody, everybody take your places, please places, everyone places quiet on the set, take your play, everybody take and they're telling them where to stand and when to hang up that when when to put up their signs, so they have the perfect shot and backdrop. You know, fake news in three two one action. That's it's pathetic. Then you got this other CNN host, you know, imagine James Earl Jones. How many years if we have it set up there have we heard James Earl Jones with one of the best set of pipes voices in the history of mankind. He was also the voice of Darth Vader. This is CNN, Yeah, CNN where you have a reporter host calling the President of the United States a pos a piece of boot. By the way, apparently back in May I saw in the Daily Caller. He called me that I must have missed it. I should have used uh, not have used profanity to describe the Why is he working there? How do you hire and have somebody that works there that is hanging up up an image like a looking like an isis fighter of a decapitated president of the United States with blood all over his face. Whoopsie Daisy, sorry about that. You know there's now copycast. I don't know if this was done for attention, and that's there's nothing funny about it. Nothing. And I tweeted out another another image today by this idiot on social media, and I'm like, you know what secret service you got? You need to start looking into these people and you need to get to the bottom of this sooner rather than later. It's it's incredible. So here we go again. We got another instance of terror, another one, and I'm watching all of this and the worst piece of news and we put it up on Hannity dot com and it's broken the British newspapers. I guess about an hour and a half ago, I got a heads up from Nigel Farage, friend of the program, that apparently the UK is a Channel four station and they had a year long documentary that followed terrorist sympathizers all through Britain, mainly openly calling for Sharia law. Now, there's been so much accommodation all throughout with the migrants and everything. You know that that that Great Britain has ad Sharia courts. How much more accommodating can you do for people that don't want to adopt your values? Now, if you grow up in a country that where men can tell women how to dress, and men can tell women they can't drive, and men can tell women they can't travel abroad, and men can tell women you don't get to leave the house without a male relative, and gays and lesbians are just put to death, thrown off, buildings are hung, and Christians and Jews you can't build in many of these countries. You can't build a temple, a Jewish temple or a Christian church, so they persecute Christians and Jews. And where in certain countries if you actually speak out against the prophet, well, the penalty for that is death. If you wanted to convert from Islam to Christianity, because that's where your heart guides, you will forget it. That's called apostasism, and the penalty for which is death. So all of a sudden, now people want to my great, if you will into Europe, and they have in larger and larger and larger and larger numbers, and there's been great accommodation, including Sharia courts, and it doesn't seem to be working in terms of getting people to assimilate and leave behind values that directly contradict the values of Great Britain and other countries all throughout Europe, or American values in American constitutional law, because none of the things that I mentioned that is actually practiced under Sharia uh is constitutional in America. It is not who we are, it is not our value system. It is a direct contradiction. I call it a clash of cultures. And so Great Britain followed these people calling for Sharia openly in Great Britain for a year. In the show, one of the London Bridge attackers, identified as Abs, can be seen praying at an event in London London's Region Park under the black flag of the Islamic State, saying the Sharia is coming to the UK and this black flag that you see here one day is gonna be on ten Downing Street. What's gonna happen is you're gonna face a backlash in this country, he added. And if you're gonna suppress and suppress, I mean it's like a tinder box, it's gonna explode. Now. Producer for Sky News and in Great Britain and the BBC was one of the first to notice the appearance of the terrorist suspect in the documentary, writing on social media quote, the London Bridge terrorists literally starred in Channel four's documentary Jihadi next Door and police still didn't stop him. Now Theresa May seems to have done in about face. And I guess we got the big vote coming up on Thursday. Whether or not this impat accent, I think it is yet to be seen. I don't I don't know if she recovers based on her previous statements. And you got this, I mean this London mayor is just insane. Oh there, don't be alarmed, no reason to be alarmed. And only people you know in Manchester, They're only people hanging out in London. No are London is one of the safety cities in the world. No reason at all to be alarmed. That's a bunch of garbage. Everybody should be alarmed, you know I do. I do my martial arts, we do blade in firearm training. And I've said this on air before and dopee, people that know nothing about self defense don't listen to me closely. But I'd rather confront act listen closely. At close range, meaning in my grill, a gun literally on my forehead or in my chest or my back. I'd rather confront that than a blade in terms of my own safety. Close range very different than at a distance. And you know, it's a blade you in the hands of somebody that has knowledge how to use it is deadly and very hard to defend against. One of the hardest things you'll ever defend against, you know, short of a bomb. It's unbelievable, and so um these people terror, you know, terror once again is here. And then I'm I'm watching the news cover, so I'm following CNN's coverage, and I'm saying to myself, this is madness. They're now gonna manufacture fake news. And we can see the orchestration of the whole thing. Quiet on the set places, everybody places, hold up your signs fake news three to one action. And then you have a seeing Trump's a pos I'm actually honored he had called me one back in May. That's that's all fine. And then I'm reading all over social media another disgusting beheaded image of our president. And if that's obomba, I'm saying the same thing. This is now becoming. These the people on the left in this country are so on glued, it's so out of control. Then you've got Thomas Roberts. Who's Tom Roberts. He's the guy saying, as Trump trying to provoke a domestic terrorist attack with his tweets, listen to this, but from our own president, we only have his Twitter feed to go over here. Tweets from five hours ago was we must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we don't get smart, it will only get worse again. I also mentioned he went on a Twitter rant about the travel ban and having that reinstituted. Uh, you know, saying that we need to be smart, vigilant, and tough. I just want to ask you, you know, the president doesn't want us to be politically correct, right, so let's not be pc about this. Is the President trying to provoke a domestic terrorist attack with this Twitter rant because only to prove himself right. Unbelievable. And that's not all the media, that's not anything else. And then you've got another MSNBC commentator accusing me and Rush of defending right wing terrorists. Now this is slander what you're about to hear. Now, let me get to that in a second. It is I want to stay on time. Our Cox stations can very upset along the Sean Hannity Show syndication lines. We'll get to that all right now, I'll get to that, and then I'll tell you the rest of what the media is doing. An MSc NBC anchor asking did London overreact and the idiot comments of Joe Scarborough. Oh, by the way that I tell you, Bill Maher used the N word shocking. Alright, So I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can too. Just go to my pillow dot com or called eight nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindel, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a ten you warranty. 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You know when you go back to two thousand and ten, when the Department of Homeland Security came out with a report talking about the threat of right wing extremism and it's a huge threat. These are these are terrorists, these are violent people. Uh, you know, the rush Limbaughs and members of Congress and Sean Hannity's all came running out saying they're saying conservatives are violent. Well, what that just happened. In order to attack Obama, they said conservatives are right wing terrorists. They told these right ring extremists, you are one of us. And it's not a it's not a surprise that the statistics show that when the Republicans control at least one House of Congress, this kind of violence goes up because it's it's not just Trump. Nobody is repudiating it. We cannot have our politicians telling those that we represent. Violence is okay. Uh, if you criticize the right wing terrorists, that's bad. Racism is okay. Whatever you want to say is okay. Just don't be Islamic. That's kind of where we are now. I don't even know where to begin to respond or what this guy and extremists is even to it sounds like extremn to me. Um, are you laughing in there? You think that's funny? Why you so? Why did you crack up? We're all laughing. Don't worry, I don't, but it's sad. You can't. Where are these right wing extremists? And I deplore hatred and violence and racism. You know, I didn't take money from countries like Saudi Arabia, like your presidential candidate did. And it gets worse. You got anchors and we'll get to those that the news after right after the news at the bottom of the hour, they're the London police overreact to the attacks. What's the option here if somebody is slashing people to death? What are your options? Or you got you know, Joy Behar, you know defending Bill Maher and Kathy Griffin, but also all these people on CNN and MSNBC. The crap that they're spewing day in and day out is unbelievable. The times we are living in our extraordinary. The insanity is at an all time high, and we're not going to be able to win unless people, more people get it. Kept outside the box for second and a man went up to human sects to my family. The stretched down and stuck and then straight and he's got seven inch skull. Comes from Spenny of his attacks. That did the man run away? Or did he the man run away? Did he? Daniel headed back into the pub. There was shots fired, everybody was told to to lie down and then they were told to go downstairs in the bar. At this stage, Daniel's trying to put a tronickey on him and he was holding pressure there. He was brought downstairs parts and that he doesn't remember, and then the police were there and the police brought him in their path to the hospital. The police have been absolutely fantastic. Nursey's staff had been absolutely absolutely and able to talk at the moment, he's able to talk to you. Yes, yes, yeah, he's he's he's aping to talk. He still doesn't quite believe what's happened. Unbelievable. Now, just to give you some contacts. That was Elizabeth or Neil in London Bridge witness describing how her son Daniel was stabbed by terrorists in the attack. This is for Islam, but don't say it. And then I'm listening to this idiot. I've never in all my life understood And I see ratings every day, and you know, believe it or not, we well, we're supposed to live and die by ratings. And when they when when liberals can't stop people from liking shows they don't like, then they just go to the boycott strategy to silence conservative voices, which we experienced last week. But I've never in my life. I've seen this guy's ratings for years, and we even once was in I think we went through forty hosts against Hannity and Combs and Hannity on the Fox News channel. None of them have ever beaten me ever. Maybe a night here and there, maybe a week because the news was favorable to liberals or something. But we win every night thanks to all of you. And I is and he had to move to the morning show because he was getting pummeled by me every night. And even then, his ratings are so disgustingly poor. It's remarkable how somebody that does that bad gets that much press. And the reason he gets all the press he gets. I'm talking about Liberal Joe, is that he's a liberal and he sucks up to everybody in the media establishment and kisses their ass. And he now is like, oh, well here's a Republican the passion Trump every day, Let's use him. And so he was always want to be wanted to be loved, and you know, it's like a switch went off and said, oh I can be more popular if I do this, and then he's out there. But someone needs to break Trump's phone. How does he get so much press? And he's talking about you know, he made the London mayor a hero, the London mayor this weekend literally went out there and said, oh, everything's fine, don't be alarmed at all. London safe. No, London is not safe. Great, Britain's not safe. The world is not safe for radical Islamis. Let's stop lying to people. Here's what this idiot said. This is what we all talked about, and we all feared for some time when Donald Trump was using his tweets to attack Meryl Streep or attack you know, sports franchises or whomever he decided to do attack. We said, well, what happens if he's president and he uses Twitter to attack our allies. Well, you can see what happened in Germany. You can see his attacks against wirkle uh and now again attack against our most important ally in the in their time of need. And you just wonder is, why can't somebody in the White House, Why can't somebody in his orbit, Why can't Milania go in there and take the phone and break it in half. I mean, every politician you attack in Europe, you elect them, whether it's mccrong or whether I mean you're now going to elect Angela Merkell. You have now made the mayor of London a hero. He might as well. You have put a crown on this guy, said Donald, because of you. He doesn't realize everything he does backfires against him. He's really undermined himself with the travel man, and he's really turned the Mayor of London into a hero. It's unwatchable drivel every day that gets horrible ratings and the most press of anything I've ever seen. You know, same network, by the way, asking if the London police overreacted to the attacks. Now I ask you this question. Let's say you happen to be one of the people unfortunately is in harm's way and these guys you know, slicing, dicing and killing their way. This is for Islam as they go shouting and you're in harm's way, and your children are in harm's way, like the woman Elizabeth O'Neill whose son was stabbed by these terrorists. And I mentioned you know, I do blade and firearm training close range. I'll take a firearm over a blade any day in my face. I'll take it and I have a better chance of defending against it close range. For you dope people that know nothing about self defense. Um, but just listen to this is NBC News. Listen to this when you have analyzed these incidents post facto as well as during as you have so many times with me and others here on MSNBC and NBC News. What is the risk There's certainly a risk of underreaction, but is there any risk of overreaction of deploying too much? You know, as we've been watching all of this live coming into our our our our satellite center here in New York's it and then beaming it out from London. Is is there ever a point where you go, well, that's too much, or that that you shouldn't be applying that amount of force there. Well, you know, in the in the city that's experiencing the tax and n there's multiple attacks. Really, I don't think the response can be too large to get enough officers and investigators there to quickly quell it and then find out what's going on. It's really not a question of too many officers. It's a question of you know, using thematic with me smartly getting all the help you can get. Okay, so you got this London report that says he was part of a documentary one of the guys. But you might have overreacted there. You know, it's so easy for people not in that situation away in, isn't it as they sit in a comfort of their air condition freaking studios. Unbelieve overpaid prima donnas in my business and radio and television. And you're gonna say, handy, that includes you, and I'm like, yeah, it's true. It's just really is. As somebody that worked for a living, it's absolutely obnoxious. The only difference is they think they're worth it and I know better, and that goes for all of us. It's easy to sit there in your studio saying, well, you know, maybe these police overreacted. What a pompous jackass. You're not the one on to fire, you idiot. You know, one of the ISIS attackers, according to The UK Sun, who went on a on this rampage apparently on Saturday night, had previously been reported to Britain's terrorist hotline. The UK Sun reports that one of the three terrorists behind the attack Saturday in London on London Bridge reported to security services on at least two occasions. It was claimed questions were raised as to whether authorities had allowed one of the killers to allow them to slip through the net after two of his former friends claimed to have spoken about their concern. Wow, we're so stupid. At some point, when do we get to say, oh, the government's responsible for some of this crap. And Donald Trump is under fire for saying, you know, you come from a country that says you can control women and treat them like garbage and kill gays and lesbians, and and why don't you leave them the hell alone and persecute people of other religions. And you know the fact that we're gonna question you before you come here. Oh, it's such a horrible thing. The Brits I have planned to provoke citizenship of terrorist suspects. Well, maybe maybe it's time, just a thought, just the thought. We'll get to all of us. So last night I saw Vladimir add him to the list of well let's see Julian Assange, Maxine Waters, Joe Manchion, Diane Feinstein, call me Clapper, Brandon all saying no evidence of Russian collusion. Now something gonna Hannity. It's he's a former KGB guy. I'm saying, Okay, I'm just saying that, just add him to the list. I didn't say to believe him. He laughed at it last night, laughed at America and all those Russia Trump collusion stuff just laughing at us. Watch this, listen to this. You've said that your ambassador kiss Leak was just doing his job, right, So what exactly was discussed in those meetings? Because there were no meetings? You understand there were no meetings. When I saw this, my jaw dropped. No meetings between Ambassador kiss Leak and anybody from the Trump campaign. I have no idea. I'm being completely honest with you. I don't know the routine job of an ambassador. Do you think that from all over the world, from the United States, the investor reports to me every day who he meets with or what they discussed there. That's complete nonsense. Do you even understand what you're asking? Boss? His boss is a Minister of Foreign Affairs. Do you think that I have time to touch to our ambassadors every day all over the world? Complete nonsense. Among those under scrutiny is the president's son in law, Jared Kushner. At a meeting with Russia's ambassador last December, he reportedly tried to establish a secret communications channel with the Russian government. This was a proposal, a proposal by Mr Kushner. I don't know about this proposal. No proposal like that came to me. President. Have you gone back to speak with the ambassador about what was in those discussions he had with Jared Kushner with anybody else from the Trump campaign? Never, No, I have. Aren't you interested? No, Because had there been anything significant, he would have reported it to the minister. The minister would have reported it to me. They weren't even any reports. There's nothing to even talk about. There wasn't even any kind of specific discussion about sanctions or anything else. For me, if this is just you know, imagine, you know, God forbid. Did Obama not saying listen, listen, tell Vladimir that I'll have more flexibility after they rust so Telli Coma, did he not back channel with the Iranians on that bad deal? We see now? A top senate Russian investigator says he can't find a smoking gun. Mark Warner lived a lot of smoke, but we don't have any smoking guns, and Senator Warner, everybody's saying it. By the way, Lindsey Graham, we're gonna get into this in the next hour, big breaking news. So Comy is gonna testify this week. Comey said in May that nobody ever tried to obstruct Justice. Comy is now saying that he has a memo, of course, unnamed sources New York Times, a memo, well, if Comey thought that the President was trying to get him too obstruct in any way, Lieutenant General Flynn, who Vladimir said last night, I had no idea who he was. I only said hello, that's it because it was very funny. Actually, and he doesn't know, and that he tried to obstruct and if he didn't do it, then he violated eighteen USC. Four, which is a felony. So it's gonna be interesting the testimony of Callmey. I'll get into that later in the next hour. And so now Mark Warner add him to the list of our montage ohen Lindsey Graham now says that he has reason to believe that he was spied upon by the Obama administration. Unbelievable. And some other news after Hillary. Oh, oh, Linda, did you see the dossier that are friends over at media Equalizer dot com built on Hillary's friends at at the Sorrows Clinton group. I have been privy to it. Yes, did you see the stuff that has been said? It's pretty awful. I mean, all the stuff they print every day and it's fifty times worse. Oh my god, yeah, it's so much worse than But that you know that they just I think I think that. I think what's gonna happen is you got to ask them do they know they're paying for this? George Soros needs to be asked, and the funders need to be asking the board needs to be asked, and Hillary needs to be asked. And if they're gonna, if this is the game they're gonna continue to play, then I guess we're just gonna have to go public with it all. I guess you know, I'm gonna. I don't have control over medi equalizer, but I'll ask them if they're gonna go public. It sounds like they are based on I saw that they put up a thing earlier and that was interesting to me. Yeah. Yeah, they're actually making some edit changes that to it now and they're re putting it back up with some more stuff. Really, it's getting very interesting. It's good for the goose, is good for the gander. Fight fire with fire is that what it is? Operation? Fight fire with fire? Yeah, stop the scalpings and let's see. It was in the Hill that uh, more than a dozen Democrats are wanting Hillary to go away, shocking, although we do have some interesting Louis Gohmert said Congress should enact the travel band despite the court objections. I agree with him. We have small businesses applauding Trump for dumping the Paris climate change You know five million jobs would have been lost. I don't. I know. Liberals don't give a rip. Is they're not the ones in poverty on food stamps, and they're they're not the ones that are out of the labor force and don't have a home. So what do they give a flying rip? Apparently they don't care. So sad flying around in there private jets all over the world, polluting the environment, lecturing you about your your minivans, no adult stress up for Halloween. They don't do that in Nebraska. It's frowned upon. Yeah, we don't do that quite as much. But I gotta get to Nebraska more. You're welcome. We'd love to have you work in the fields with us. Work in the field. Senor, I'm a house naked. It's it's okay, Bill Maher okay uses the N word. Is it up? On on the Sorrows Clinting Group that he should be fired. Did they did they list the name of all the HBO officials that have him hired? Linda, I'm I'm looking. I must have missed it. I don't see it there a second second, I'm sure and it's only conservatives they go after. Oh, do you mean they can have people that run the place that are bigoted, homophobic, racist that they work there? Is that true? No way, I wouldn't believe. I wouldn't really will continue. So if they are thorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation? In theory? Yes, Has it happened? Not in my experience, because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that without an appropriate purpose. I mean, we're oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason. That would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience. Now, I have so far used a singular term email server in describing the referral that began our investigation. It turns out to have been more complicated than that. Secretary Clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the State Department, and she also used numerous mobile devices to send and to read email on that personal domain. As new servers and equipment were employed, older servers were taken out of service, stored, and decommissioned in various ways. Piecing all of that back together to gain as full and understanding as possible of the ways in which personal email was used for government work has been a painstaking undertaking, requiring thousands of hours of effort. For example, when one of Secretary Clinton's servers was decommissioned in two thousand and thirteen, the email software was removed. That didn't remove the email content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge unfinished jigsaw puzzle and then dumping all the pieces on the floor. The effect was that millions of email fragments ended up in the servers, unused or slack space. We searched through all of it to understand what was there and what parts of the puzzle we could put back together again. The FBI investigators also read all of the approximately thirty thousand emails that Secretary Clinton provided to the State Department in two thousand and fourteen. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as secret by the U S Intelligence community at the time it was discussed on email. That is, excluding any later up classified emails. None of these emails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these emails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full time security staff, like those found that agencies and departments of the United States government were even with a commercial email service like Gmail. Finally, with respect to our recommendation to the Department of Justice, in our system, the prosecutors make the decisions about whether charges are appropriate based on evidence that the FBI helps collect. Although we don't normally make public our recommendations to the prosecutors, we frequently make recommendations and engage in productive conversations with prosecutors about what resolution may be appropriate given the evidence. In this case, given the importance of the matter, I think unusual transparency is in order although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily a way a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges. They're obvious considerations like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person's actions and how similar situations have been handled in the past. In looking back at our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and wilful mishandley of classified information or vast quantities of information exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct, or indications of disloyalty to the United States or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here all right, hour to Sean Hannity's show, those obviously cuts of James comey that going back to his July press conference where thirteen minutes he lays out one of the most compelling, incontrovertible cases that Hillary Clinton repeatedly lied in committed felonies. But then at the last ninety seconds he said, but never mind, it never made any sense. Now, add to that the first cut you heard, and that was James Comey in May May three saying he's never been pressured to end an investigation. And then of course the big New York Times issue about well, then mode to self, Donald Trump told me to go easy on on General Flynn. Okay, but that was that meeting was in January. So is what he said in May true? Is what his memo said true? And if, in fact, when he testifies on Thursday, is James Comey risking putting himself in legal jeopardy because of the different felonies that he would have committed. If in fact somebody tried to persuade him to obstruct justice and he did not report it to the Justice Department, He's compelled by Law eighteen US Code certain to certain provisions to do that very thing. Now, on top of that, we have something new and really fascinating evolving that we've got to delve into here and our friends over at circa dot com, John Solomon and Sarah Carter broke this story that and the headline is Comey refuses to answer bipartisan questions from senators, saying he is a private citizen. So he's formally now refusing to answer questions submitted to him by a bipartisan group of senators, suggesting that he no longer must do so as a private citizen. Now, call me sent an email from his private account last week rebuffing these seven questions that were submitted to him by the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley and the committee's ranking Democrat, Diane Feinstein after Callmey's final testimony. Is the FBI director to the panels last month? Um, Now, this is getting fascinating, especially in light of the fact that he's supposed to testify on Thursday, and if you watch news reports, you would think that he is going to accuse the president of obstruction of justice. The only problem is if he were to ever do that, he's contradicting what he said in May. He's also he also will be admitting that he failed to follow the law as that he is compelled to follow as the FBI director. If in fact, somebody, even in any remote way, subject suggested obstructure of justice. Here with us, and they've been following obviously the surveillance, the amasking, and the leaking of intelligence issues better than anybody in the country. Sarah Carter and John Solomon, How are you both great? Yeah? You know, I know I shouldn't do this, but I'll start with John today because he thinks he's the boss, but he's not. We both know that. No, no, no, no, he's not the boss. He's not, but not the boss at all. All right, So seriously, John, let's this is a big issue. So he's not going to answer these questions. Why. Yeah, it's a good question. I mean, he didn't specify. It's the very short email. It's a bipartisan group of senators. All of the questions are related to these memos. When did you create this memo alleging that President Trump pressured you? Uh? Who did you share it with? Uh? Did you keep it? Is it a federal records? Not a federal record? He didn't want to answer any of those questions, and other than saying I'm now a private citizen and that's why I'm not gonna answer, he didn't offer any more insight. And I think I talked to several people close to both sides of the Committee and the Judiciary Committee who thought that this was unusual, and the act fear that what he's doing is venue shopping, trying to find a more favorable place to tell a story than the Judiciary Committee, which historically asked pretty tough questions. So is he's a schedule to testify this Week's their speculation running rampant. I think a lot of it is hope among those that that want to advance their political narrative. Sarah Carter about President Trump and their feeling is that if he says the right words, makes the right innuendo, that in fact, it will be a stinging indictment that President Trump tried to stop or obstruct justice in the case of General Flynn. But yet May three, James comes on tape saying that's never happened exactly. I was going to say that, I mean, according to sources that I've been speaking to you, and John was right on the money with the sources that have been talking to him as well. I mean, this would be an indictment of himself, right, because if he felt that the President was pressuring him, uh in order to drop n case, then he should have reported that. That is his requirement by law, requirement under the law, and to fail to do so as a felony. Absolutely, absolutely, So what's he going to say. Now, Remember this is a story written by a source and a named source in the New York Times, so he may not go there at all. I mean, the source could be completely wrong, or the source could be right. I mean, we don't know yet until Comman testifies. What we do know is that he refused to answer the questions to the Judiciary Committee. I can tell you this, and Sean, it was backed up by Acting Deputy Director McCabe when he testified that a number of people within federal law enforcement, a lot of them who were involved in the Russia investigation and into the Hillary Clinton service, you know, email service scandal, were mortified when the when he discussed the case, I mean, he pretty much laid out all these reasons, and not all of them, but he laid out enough to show that there was something going on there and then said, well, we're not going to move forward with anything. You're talking about Hillary Clinton now, Yes, now, I'm talking about Hillary Clinton. So there's a lot of questions that Director Comy still needs to answer, even as a private citizen, and the fact that he's going to be testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee as a private citizen and others have testified as private citizen should lead us to wonder why he won't answer these seven questions from the Judiciary Committee. Well, let's go back to what you both write and the piece that he's using an excuse that is considered very unusual as a former f BEHID director by the senators that made the request. And I don't know if people would understand what it means to go venue shopping. But for example, I've made the case that that liberals in the especially in the case of vetting a refugees, have been out judge shopping and they file suits and jurisdictions where they believe the judges are liberal and more favorable to their political point of view, and where the appeal will likely end up in the Ninth or will definitely end up in the Ninth Circuit, which let's forget the fact that they're overturned by the Supreme Court of about eighty plus percent of the time. So venue shopping is a lot like judge shopping, true, John Solomon or not. Relutely, it's it's an effort to find the most favorable environment where you'll look best and not to handle or get the worst, you know, questions. And I think that's what the Senate Judiciary Committee members fear, that that he's snubbing them and going to the Intelligence Committee. The Judiciary Committee has some good questioners. They've got Chuck Grass, and they've got Diane Feinstein, They've got Lindsay Graham, who has not been shy about his criticism of Kome in recent days. And uh, the fact that he would ignore their questions and go to another venue tells me he's probably feeling he's going to get a better treatment at this other committee. All right, when we come back, I want to ask both of you now a second U S senator has come out saying that he has reason to believe that he was spied on by Obama's surveillance team. And we'll get back to the original story that you guys, Literally you're unpeeling a layer of an onion day by day, and we keep getting more information as the weeks go by, and I think it's leading in a direction that is going to shop the American people by the time all said and done, right, as we continue investigating reporters John so Leman and Sarah Carter with Circuit News, they have been almost independently and solely responsible for for unveiling so much information about the surveillance that has gone on in the country, whether or not our intelligence agencies under the guys of National Intelligence were spying on Americans during the Obama administration, and whether or not a system has been designed and set up, and in terms of unmasking of American citizens, and whether or not there's the leaking of intelligence, and why there was such a great percentage increase in umasking some three fifty percent during the last presidential election cycle. Now, the new news we have today Sarah Carter, is that like Rand Paul of Kentucky, Lindsey Graham is saying that he has reason to believe that in fact he was surveiled and conversations he had with foreign leaders was picked up. Yes, I mean this is coming from Senator Graham, who you remember in the beginning. I think, if we can go back to March was a first kind of mocking newn Yits and saying, you know, why is why this Russia investigation going in this direction? Um, he should talk to all of us about what he was discussing inside the White House, and he didn't seem to be quite on that same level of mindset when it came to the unmasking. And the more that Lindsay Graham looked into this and the more he looked at what was happening, he he became more involved and then actually saw that he may have been a victim himself, believes to be a victim himself of the unmasking. And I think that that's quite telling. It shows that they believe something very wrong was going on. I mean, John and I have reported this with the Fisk documents. We've talked to a number of intelligence sources on this. We were able to show that in our stories. And now there's a lot of people looking into this and they're finding clues and evidence, some of which we don't even know because it's classified, and they're wanting answers to and Senator Graham is one of those. Well, I mean, John, you're the one that keeps saying increase right and unmasking in the presidential election cycle. That means twenty fifteen and sixteen for people that say hed and he wasn't fifteen. I was at Seapack in March, interviewing almost every presidential candidate. It is a two year cycle. It was absolutely a two year cycle this year, no doubt about it. This election was a long running one, right, So the reality is that is a dramatic increase. My suspicion is that the Obama administration, by changing rules in eleven at the Executive Order twelve Triple three, made it possible to surveil more people, shared with more agencies, which made it the unmasking almost inevitable. But it seems to only be against Republicans and presidential candidates, and I'm not seeing any similarity with Democrats. Am I wrong on my observation? Well, no Democrats have come out and said I thought I was unmasked. But I think we're going to find out that members of both parties probably were. We reported about a month ago that about as often as once a month, Congress is alerted that a member or a staffer of a member has been unmasked by the Intelligence Committee. That's a large frequency, and I suspect when we get done, we're going to be have members of both parties surprised at how commonplace and how widespread unmasking is and also how often names are being searched through the database. I mean the most important statistic that leads all this is before you can unmask, you have to search, right, And you saw that increase in searches. Somebody is doing an awful lot more looking at Americans data in the NSA database, and I think that's something that's you're concern us. All, well, I agree to Where what do you think is next? Sarah? We've got thirty seconds. Where are we going now? What is going to be? It seems to me we get one big breakthrough that this story is the biggest story in the in the history of the country. Absolutely. I think that we're going to continue to look into the unmasking. I think more names are going to come out, more information is going to come out. And I also think we need to keep our eyes on the FBI and the other agencies and what was going on in there during these investigations. I think we have a lot more coming shine. In fact, I know we do. Okay, thank you both, and the work you have done has been incredible. Now speaking of somebody that believes he was spied on by Obama's surveillance and our intelligence community, Senator Rampoule will check in with us next disappear that oceans would rise at the sea level and all that has happened. Senator Allah, Yeah, but Jake, before man was even on the planet, before we even were burning fires, the oceans were three hundred feet shallower. When people walked across from Asia, probably thousand years ago, maybe up to a hundred thousand years ago, the seas were three hundred feet shallower. That's why they could walk across the Bearing Straits. Are really is not contributing to climate change? I mean, is what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. And this is the big argument that none of you guys get and nobody ever looks at, is how much is nature and how much is man. I'm perfectly willing to admit that man can have an influence and that we should minimize our pollution. But those who say that it is all man and don't acknowledge that the four point five billion year old planet has gone through massive climate change based on natural effects, I don't know it has gone it has it has gone through. It has gone through climate change, absolutely, but not to the degree that we've seen in the last century and let me just NA website absolutely incorrect. When you look at climate change, the most dramatic ice ages, the dramatic warming and cooling of the planet, all happened before man was even around. For the most part, even when man was here, man was only burning fires. So we have had dramatic We've had carbon in the air six hundred times what we have now, and so it's gone up and down. And I'm not saying we should forgive and discount pollution, but we should not be so alarmous that we're willing to give up all the American jobs based on computer modeling that has been notoriously inaccurate over the last I'm just gonna read I just want to read this from the NASA website. The current warming trend is a particular significance because most of it is extremely likely and they define that as greater than probability to be the result of human activity since the mid twentieth century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia. So why can we change to know? Why why did we change that? Why did we change the name from global warming to climate change? Because there's some uncertainty now whether it's getting warmer or colder. And I can tell you if you look at the details of the modeling and the projections in the last fifteen years, they've been altered almost every year because they're modeling. Doesn't add up all these people saying we're gonna have a hundred foot rise in our seas in the next hundred years. That kind of alarmism is not scientific. And actually, if you read many of the people who do want to control pollution, they will tell you that that's nonsense. And so a hundred foot rise in the season a hundred years. The seas are three hundred feet higher now than they were when man came across the Bearing Straits. But that took thousands and thousands of years. But all right, that was said at a Rampaul just a beat down. You know, CNN has gotten so bad. I mean between the tweet this weekend and all right, everybody take your places, Please take your places, take your places, Okay, yes, stage protest, alright, three two one action. We're gonna do a whole segment on TV about this tonight. Also, Senator Rampaul was the first U. S Senator to warn us that, in fact, he has reason to believe that he was being spied on and surveilled and perhaps even unmasked by the Obama Obama surveillance team, which we now have noticed unmasking a three hundred increase from to the end of the Obama administration in the middle of an election cycle, seemingly only against Republicans and members of the Trump campaign and Trump transition team. And Senator Rampaul joins us. Now, you know what I couldn't understand about this whole Paris climate a Cord deal, and also Chris Wallace did a great job beating down Al Gore over the weekend, is we were gonna lose up to five million jobs, we would pay trillions of dollars in redistributing wealth to other country China and I believe India both get a ten year waiver, if not longer. And you know, we're talking about the biggest polluters. And I'm just thinking, we are the dumbest country sometimes to put ourselves in the position of losing jobs, not being competitive, and even taking more taxpayer dollars, not not to take care of even Americans, but let's take care of the rest of the world when we can't even afford to balance our budget. We're really don't How are you very good, Sean. It's even worse than that. You know, India will only start curbing their carbon footprint if we pay them. They say, sure, we'll join the Paras Accord. And if you give us a couple of trillion dollars, then we'll install your equipment. And uh same even Iran has you know, a rand's part of the Paras Accord. That makes you really want to join, doesn't A rand is part of the Paras Accord. And if we give them eight billion dollars and free up a few more sanctions, then they'll do something about their carbon footprint. It's all about Uncle Sam paying for it. They all want our money, is what they want, and they want our jobs. And it was, you know, a brave, bold and the right thing to do for President Trump to get us the hell out of it, you know, if it weren't for President Trump being elected. And even the things that he has been able to do on his own have had a significant impact on the energy sector of our economy, which and I think we've seen a lot of good signs in terms of the economy beginning to turn around. Was slight blip last week with jobs that we could have done a little better with, but overall it's been very promising. But just rolling back Obama era regulations for the coal industry, I'm told that in states like yours in Kentucky, it's having a boom effect and people are doing particularly well in that industry as a result. I wouldn't put it quite that far. I would say it's not nearly as dire, and there is some hope, but it's really we are really just hanging on by a thread as far as our coal industry goes. But I will say if we can get through a significant tax cut, I think a significant bold tax cut, we can get serious economic road. When Reagan cut the taxes and romatic fashion, we had seven percent nominal growth in one year, we haven't had a seven percent g d P and you know, twenty or thirty years now, So we could really use that. And Trump is once again being bold. He wants to cut the corporate tax dramatically, wants to cut the personal income tax. If you own a business, it's called a pass through. He wants to get those taxes, and he'll be fought Unfortunately, the Republican establishment is already pushing back, and they wanted to only be revenue neutral, which means you will be attack shifting bill. You shift tax from one group to the other, with the net result for the economy at zero. His Trump planteau would leave two trillion dollars in the hands of those who earned it in the private economy. And I think that would be a real two trillion dollar stimulus if we get the Trump tax plan. Look, I know that you work in the so called deliberative body and in the Senate, and with all your decorum and so on and so forth, I think it's all a ruse of my own humble opinion. Maybe are you trying to say it's a swamp shaw And I can't believe of you would call it. Yeah, And you know, with all due respect, I you're actually on my list of people I like in Congress, and there's not many of them. And you know, there's like three of you senators at this point that that I think that actually believe in the Constitution. Maybe four. Um, But my my worry is your buddy McConnell. With all due respect to your your senator, fellow senator from Kentucky, I mean, are we're gonna get a repeal and replace bill done it. We're gonna get this economic plan done, you know. Are we're gonna get the money to build the wall. Are We're gonna you know? I'm sorry, but I don't have a lot of patients for Congress's pace right now. The first thing we need to understand is that Obamacare is an utter disaster, has destroyed healthcare and has led to monopoly and rising prices. And we've got to let people opt out of WETA, let people exit out of it. We gotta find a place to let them go so they can be protected from Obamacare. Unfortunately, once again, we do have a certain number of Republicans and Alice and the Senate who decided they didn't want to repeal it, they wanted to keep it. In fact, one of the plans out there are is really the subtitle is if you like Obamacare, you can keep it. And so it says to California, Yeah, you can keep it, and the rest of the country will pay for your your Obamacare if you want to keep it. That's a I think that there's no conservative and the country ran on that plan. And if that's what we're gonna do, I'm really really disappointed. Well, where is it? Where are we now gonna? Where are we going? In the Senate? I know that when Mark Meadows and some of these other House groups were putting together the bill that passed by one vote, that they were also working very closely with Senators like CRUs and Lee and and even you. I kept hearing, is there is there is there a way to thread this needle and begin the process of dismantling this and having some discussions about it. But here's what, Well, that doesn't make my heart warm and fuzzy to hear that you people are still talking about it ten years later. Yeah, well, here's what I'll tell you. I presented to the working group last week, and I presented and I decided I would come fair the Obamacare subsidies to the Ryan Care subsidies. So I've added all the ones up for the next six years in Obamacare and to be six hundred and twenty four billion. I added all the ones in the Ryan plan and be five hundred seventy four billion, So it's less than a ten increase. In fact, they're keeping of the Obamacare subsidies. That's not what we ran on. We've got to let the American people and the Conservatives now that we ran on well they know it, we ran on repealing Obamacare. But they need to let the people in Washington know that they were elected to repeal the darn thing. They weren't elected to keep of the subsidies. Well, I mean, so, what where's is? So you're basically saying it's gonna end. Are you saying that we're not going to get it done? I think something's gonna happen. I just can't tell you what the product is. There will be a vote. There's no way it frizzled out without a vote. We will vote on something. If it's like the House Plan, I think. Unfortunately, it's gonna keep of the subsidies. It's going to federalize the purchase of insurance. It will put a fourteen thousand dollar floor or beneath all insurance. Every family that five in the country will get fourteen thousand dollars from the government, which means there'll never be any insurance sold in the country for less than fourteen thousand. It also means if you have a working class job now, but you do have insurance, your employer may dump you off into the government subsidized market like Obamacare, because fourteen thou dollars a lot of money to get from the government. And if you're an employer and you have some away journeys that are just enough that you're getting them health insurance, why would you keep doing that if the government can do it. So it sets up all these bad incentives again. And we've got all these people over promising saying, oh, premiums are gonna go down. Look, I practice medicine for twenty some odd years. Premiums never went down before a pomiccare or after or during ocare. You know. I love these I love these cooperatives. I keep telling you about my buddy, Dr Josh Umber. He's such a good guy, and uh, I just love what he's doing. And I think that's one way I think medical saviors accounts or another. And I certainly think that, you know, if we have discretion sinary powers with the Health and Human Services Secretary, if that's part of the answer, it's not perfect, but I'll take it. We'll continue to stay right there, Centator, we'll come back in a second more which Senator ram Paul and he's been spied on apparently, maybe he'll give us all the details if we've been spied on. Hey listen, one point three percent in April, which is now signaling that sellers may be willing to negotiate more. A good sign. By the way, if you're a first time home buyer, look, maybe you've been running too long. And whenever you can get out of the rental mode, my suggestion is do it, you know, because it will be the biggest investment you make in your life in all likelihoods. To continue with Senator ram Paul, all right, so if you're telling me that you think something's gonna happen with healthcare, and you think, as are we gonna have by the end of the year repeal and replace bill of some kind of we're gonna have by the end of the year, the President's Economic Plan passed. Are we're gonna have by the end of the year money appropriated to build the wall? Are we're gonna have more energy independence by the end of the year. Those are my four priorities. And of course I prefer to be safer. I think yeah, and after yes, you're gonna have something on all of this fronts. And also, you know, we've started out with significant regulatory reform we've approved. Of course, it's we have a conservative cabinet, most conservative EPA director probably in my lifetime, We've gotten a lot of good things done on on Obamacare. I still want to be surprised that Republicans will come together and reveal it. My feeling now is that the final bill will be repeal and replaced with Obamacare light, and I'm not happy about that, and I'm fighting to try to make sure it's a repeal, trying to make it better. At the end of the day, is it a start that gets us further along the line and we can finish it as we go. Is that something that's possible. And I'm not trying to compromise here, just we gotta move in the right direction. Here's what I've told them. If I want a percent repeal, if they offered me eighty percent repeal, I'll say that. But if they offer me eighty percent repeal that also creates new federal programs and subsidies and keeps the Obamacare subsidies, I'm not sure I can vote a firm of lead to keep a federal and tonament program that really doesn't have any pay for And will you know, simply or demise in our our debt accumulation. I just can't before that. We used to be against the federal program for buying insurance. We used to be against federal control of the health care system. So if it's partial repeal and it's not complete, I could vote for that. But can I vote for a replacement that includes getting the federal government more heavily involved in areas that we don't enough money. That's gonna be a tough tough thing for me to do. Listen, I'm not asking you to give up your principles, nor do I want to give them up at all. And I'm really piste off that we had a hundred Republicans in the Senate that it promised us all these years that they're really for repealing and replacing, and they were all full of crap. Senator, they all liked to we voted. We voted sixty times show votes. Those were phony votes. They didn't need anything. That's what gets me in sixty times, And now we're not willing to do it when we have the power. Talk to Market Meadows. Mark Meadows will tell you these people have no intention ever doing that ever. And that's sad. It's sad. It's pathetic, it's it's beyond disappointing. You know. I just feel like we were betrayed to be honest by the Republican Party. But with that said, I mean, we've got a lot of work to do to save this country and turn this thing around. But it's not over. There still are some voices, some conservative voices on the House and the Senate side, trying to make this a repeal. Bilm and the replacement part, I said, I was for a replacement, but I was for a replacement that included more freedom. That included the freedom to buy an expensive insurance, to join a co op, the freedom to choose what kind of insurance I wanted, the you know, the freedom could be in the group insurance pool instead of in the in visual market. Those are freedoms that don't they require getting the government out of the way. Unfortunately, may my colleagues think replacement means replaced with something similar but just maybe not quite as expensive as Obamacare, but not really fixing the problem. All right, Senator round Paul, as always, thanks for being We do me a favor. We talked to McConnell and tell them the work a little harder, please and move a little faster, Seawan handle, we're all doing it. I think there will be there will be something forward. I just can't promise you what it's gonna be yet, but I'm gonna try to make it a repeal bill. Yeah, just tell him, Hannity says, Hi, can you please move a little faster, please, pretty please? Thanks? Sean. Alright eight one, Sean are told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, News round Up, Information Overload, well of the latest out of London. I mean, I am so angry about things that came out over the weekend. I my head is about to burst. And we'll get to all of that and your calls coming up in the next hour. Patrick Pool will join us from PJ Media. Straight ahead. Stay right here for our final news round up and Information Overload. Everybody, everybody keeping anything like happening? Tell you anything. I'm need to move safely? Yeah on the Borrow High Street street something street? Yeah to un mark please behind X five black X fine, but they get back three shots but obviously well they're free. But there's a there's a crush fan that side bring this up. So it looks like that's obviously we're vance here market on street, so on the on the long of ak why these little running there's still there's shots getting fired and bang bang bang. But we've just been that being dashed back by the people, you know, running screaming, you know, and then put you know, the police sirens came in and then they started to tell us to evacuate, and then they told everyone to evacuate. So as we looked out, you know, we're on the third floor. As we looked out our window, you know, we're seeing people running and evacuating. I picked on some passengers. There's two passengers and apparently they come out of the Black and Blue restaurant and they described how they described to meet was preventing the guys from getting into the restaurant. She managed to held the door for a few seconds, but then they I think they're overpowered, Um, so they managed to escaping. Riddle. We also heard reports of backs where people were jumping off the bridge in order to save themselves. Did you witness that. Yes, when I was below, I saw at least one person jump off the bridge, presumably to avoid the truck that's coming through the areas being evacuates. It's we have women to stay insidence, keep the doors looks please are right over the streets. Um. Someone has been stopped on Southern Street and now we're waiting to see what happens. We've been sold there will be done with within half an hour, that we need to stay in here and we cannot leave al right. Some of those sounds from this weekend. The latest terror attack in London if you missed it, all white rental van plowing into the sidewalk of the South found London Bridge, mowing down pedestrians and the van then crashes outside the barrel Boy in Banker Pub and then three terrorists exit the van, going on a stabbing spree through the historic Borough Market, with witnesses hearing them shouting this is for Allah. And then about eight minutes into the attack, cops killed the attackers. But that is obviously after so much mayhem and um, after what happened in Manchester as well, where the twenty two people were killed. Isis claiming responsibility for the attack on Saturday and cops arrested twelve people. And now we're finding out from the BBC that in fact, oh, by the way, the London terrorists, one of them at least appeared in a documentary The Jati's next Door, so they knew about all of this. How is this ever possible? How stupid can we be? Now keep that in mind as you listen to this genius Mayor of London, Sadi Cohn, and after the London Bridge attacks as well, no reason to be alarmed, none whatsoever should remain calmon, vigilant, carry about, carry on their normal business. The threat remains at severe and that's assessed by Jtuch who are independent and subject experts. Sean means that it's across the country, is too highly likely and so we would all be vigilant if we know. If we see any suspicious or worried about anybody, please reported the authorities. This is a second attack of the kind in London, as kind of low intensity attack where you've got somebody using a vehicle and then using night. You know, how do you stop this kind of thing from happening in London? Is there a way or? Just like terrorists are constantly evolving finding new ways to disrupt us, harm us, attack us, the police and experts and all of us are finding new ways to keep us safe. Londoners will see an increased police presents today and over the course of the next few days. No reason to be alarmed. One of the things the police and all of us need to do is make sure we're as safe as we possibly can be. I'm reassured that we are one of the safest global cities in the world, if not the safest global city in the world. But we always evolve and review ways to make sure that we remain as safe as you possibly can. Now, the Prime Minister weighed in way too much tolerance for extremism in this country. If they think if they have a British television special called the Jihadi next Door, maybe they should have removed their person from the country, just just the crazy pop I mean, I don't know. I am just thinking that I might be an intelligent thing to do. Third, while we need to deprive the extremists of their safe spaces online, we must not forget about the safe spaces that continue to exist in the real world. Yes, that means taking military action to destroy ices in Iraq and Syria, but it also means taking action here at home. While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is to be frank far too much tolerance of extremism in our country, so we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out across the public sector and across society. That will require some difficult and often embarrassing conversations, but the whole of our country needs to come together to take off this extremism, and we need to live our lives not in a series of separated, segregated communities, but as one truly united kingdom. All right, Theresa May, the Prime Minister joining us now. Patrick Poole, national Security correspondent, one of our friends from PJ Media, leading voice and understanding known wolves and their threats to Western society. And with this attack in London, is more apparent than ever that okay a, people like Hannity have been right on the Islamization of all of Europe. And as long as the UK remains part of the European Union, that means people are free to travel all throughout France, all throughout Belgium, all throughout Europe, all throughout Germany. They can't go anywhere anytime they want. So the migrant issues in other countries will greatly impact Great Britain, which I'm sure is one of the main reasons that Brexit happened but has not yet been implemented, and then people attacking the president. It's unbelievable when the president saying, well, we need to vet people from other countries whose values contradict our deeply held constitutional values. Patrick, welcome Backean think for having me. You know, I'd love to just have you on one of these days to say, Patrick, what's going on? How are you? Let's grab a beer? Uh you see the game last night, but it's never gonna happen as it's not in Sean. You've had me on here for the past several years, and I've been uh screaming about this normal wolf care problem, and here we are. We're seeing these norm wolf care attacks, if not every week, uh every couple of days. We had the incident this weekend that, as you just said in the intro. You know, they literally made a documentary about this terror cell. They spent Channel four spent two years making this uh the jihadis next Door documentary and and we we've got you know, the media and the police, and they're scratching their heads. Well, you know, we we don't know their motive, you know, as they're sitting there stabbing people saying this is for Allah, and we even have it today. In fact, the Orlando Sentinel had as an article of today, well we really don't know the motive of the past nightclub killer. Literally during the attack, he posted his allegiance to ISIS on Facebook and then he called a TV station live saying, I'm pledging allegiance to ISIS. And here you have the New York Times and the Orlin Know Sentral and all these media people gaslighting this issue. I mean, it's it's fraud um and trying to bury the motive and trying to bury the problem. I have very convinced that there's almost half the world that it's insane. And by by insanity, I mean this they are unwilling to accept the evil in our time. And I keep trying to give some historical perspective, and I used the same analogy. Maybe I need to come up with a new one. But in the last century, when I investigated for my book Deliver Us from Evil, Defeating Terrorism, Despotism and Liberalism, while I was talking about this denials, it seems so many people I know seem incapable. Governments seem incapable of acknowledging the real threat of this radical Islamic mindset that wants to advance a caliphate which is convert or die. How serious these people are, how widespread these views are. And it reminds and in the sense it is the modern day version of an is m Communism, Stalin Russia, millions slaughtered, Nazism, millions slaughtered you innocent human beings, Fascism, Imperial Japan, and you know, a hundred million plus total. And I guess people think this can happen again. And I take a rand seriously when they say they want to blow Israel off the map. What are people missing here? Well, our friend Andy McCarthy, Uh, you know, flor federal prosecutor prosecuted the blind shake in the World Trade Center case back in the nineties, his first book with the Blindness. I think it's very apt because it's not some benign neglect. Mean, we had the media, uh, and we have our political elite who intentionally, I mean, at this point it's clearly intentional that they're trying to bury facts. And and Sean, you know you mentioned in historical comparsis, I really can't think of anything, uh, any any time in history where where we've seem this um just widespread, I mean almost global on its scale. UM willingness to to to shield themselves from the truth and and try and perpetuate this gross unreality onto the rest of us. Yeah, now it isn't unreality, and it's you know, the problem is is that the risk is so bad, so dangerous, so real. I really, you know, I don't know why in my mind, I I'm it's not beyond imagining. Sadly, you know, waking up one morning and shoulder fired missile surface to air missiles tell picking out X number of commercial airlines at a time. It's not unimaginable that the that a terror group gets a hold of some nuclear device and kills hundreds of thousands, if not millions. You know, all of this is very real to me, but it doesn't seem real to others, or others just think they're gonna be nice and nice it away or something. Maybe one of the most distributing things, uh is that, uh, if when and if one of those incidents happened, it's going to be more than likely that those Ghatas are going to have American made weapons that they had, seemed from one of our allies, whether it be Turkey, whether it be cutter you know, or you know that had been sold you know by our Syrian rebel friends. Um, it's going to be U S weapons the end up killing US American citizens. All right, stay right there, Patrick Poole with PJ Media eight D nine F one Seawn, if you want to be a part of the program four. We have a robust counter terrorism strategy that has proved successful over many years. But as the nature of the threat we face becomes more complex, more fragmented, more hidden, especially online, the strategy needs to keep up. So in light of what we are learning about the changing threat, we need to review Britain's counter terrorism strategy to make sure the police and security services have all the powers they need. And if we need to increase the length of custodial sentences for terrorism related offenses, even apparently less serious offenses, that is what we will do. Since the emergence of the threat from Islamist inspired terrorism, our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public, but it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values, but when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change, alright. Theresa May obviously the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and we continue with Patrick Pool of p J Media. You know, if you've spent enough time abroad as I have, that I feel I have a greater understanding of the nature of this threat that other people don't have. Um if you look at you know, we read last week that Islam will now replace I guess Christianity is the world's number one religion in terms of number of participants. What percentage of those do you believe or radicalize if you believe the number one point three billion Muslims or whatever the number happens to be. I mean, because there are good people that I know that want no part of this distorted view of Islam. But then there there are so few people that speak out against it out of fear or you know that they'll be claimed to be an apostate or a traitor, and they're they're killed in some countries. Well, Sean, I just got back from Egypt here a couple of weeks ago, and where I was working with my Muslim colleagues, uh on on trying to uh defeat the Muslim Brotherhood and and over in Egypt. And I reported at PJ Media some of the interviews I conducted over there where the lines between the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS UM are are very transparent. I mean that there's a lot of overlap they're in Egypt, between ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. And the fact is we uh in in we had Egypt, the largest Arab country in the world, rise up in the largest protests in recorded human history, thirty plus known people taking the streets um and to overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood. And you had the Obama administration who's you know, whose main effort was Muslim outreach. UM N tell Egypt, you know, to to pack sand because they had invested in the Muslim Brotherhood to bring democracy to the Middle East and they were upset for Egypt UM overthrown in the Brotherhood. And you know, I think we need to be supporting allies like Egypt. UM. You know, we see that some of our air allies are are moving against Cutter for their support of terrorism. Uh. You're you're within the past twenty four hours. These are things that we need to be applotting. UM. But instead, we see a lot of people attacking them because they don't want to buy into the leftist narrative that Islamist, like the Muslim Brotherhood are are are the true democrats and moderates, and they're going to bring peace in our time. I think that's the perfect example, and it never worked. Patrick Pool, Thank you when we come back. So much to get to today, including yes, how corrupts you and and everybody places? These places, take your places? Okay, fake news three to one action, we'll explain next. All right, where's our fake news official introduction that will hit the phones eight nine pol one Sean if you want to join us. NBC News World Headquarters in New York. This is NBC Nightly News with Lester Hols. This is the CBS Evening News with Scott Kelly. From ABC News World Headquarters. This is ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. This is Meet the Press with Chuck Tuck. All Right, it just never ever, ever needs to end. But not. Phil Maher is one of the good guys in this fight against Trump right now that I believe that he is anyway, and I feel like, you know, you know, not to deflect from what he said because he already apologized. But Donald Trump and his people that when his real estate agent, they actually practiced racist. Yes, they just ruminated against black people in housing. To me, that is a much more egregious sin than saying any kind of word you know today. And I think that let's not lose perspective about comedians and words and things that comedians are saying, because there seems to be this assault on comedians. And within the Kathy Griffith case, which I think you're going to bring her up, there's a lot of overkill going on right now. Okay, she made a mistake, she said something, she did something stupid, she said, she's sorry, and now they're piling on her like she's Charles Manson. Get over it, Yeah, regardless of offense, because that word, to me, I could never utter. President Trump has gone after you directly when talking about this issue of climate change. I want you to I want to give you an opportunity to respond to something he said how he wants to eliminate the combustion engine essentially and flies around the world on jets and push his plans that would help create China make it stronger. This is a criticism we hear from conservatives all the time when talking about people like you or Elon Mosk or Leonardo DiCaprio that you yourself have a large carbon footprint. Yeah, well I don't have a private jet, and what what carbon emissions come from my trips on Southwest airlines? Are are are offset? I live a carbon free lifestyle to the maximum extent. You know, when you go back to two thousand and ten, when the Department of Homeland Security came out with a report talking about the threat of right wing extremism and it's a huge threat. These are these are terrorists, these are violent people. Uh, you know, the rush Limbaughs and members of Congress and Sean Hannity's all came running out saying they're saying conservatives are violent. Well, what that just happened? In order to attack Obama, they said conservatives are right wing terrorists. They told these right ring extremists, you are one of us. And it's not a it's not a surprise that the statistics show that when the Republicans control at least one House of Congress, this kind of violence goes up, because it's it's not just Trump. Nobody is repudiating it. We cannot have our politicians telling those that we represent violence is okay. Uh. If you criticize the right wing terrorists, that's bad. Racism is okay. Whatever you want to say is okay. Just don't be Islamic. That's kind of where we are now. Ah, yes, more fake news. You also, I was out on Twitter earlier today. I actually took a break this weekend. And by a break, I mean I just didn't work all weekend like I usually do, and I went gonna talk to you, and I guess I talked to you last night and I said anything happening, and you laughed at me. Why did you laugh at me? Because there's always something happening and a lot of times, you know, even before me. I know, but I but you got to admit. I mean, I worked the five freaking days. I was off more than I wanted to know. No, you're on an abrupt vacation, enjoying yourself, not paying attention to anything at all. By the way, if you notice how I sign off some days on TV, well, if they let me, I'll be back tomorrow. I am at the behest of the channel. I haven't And it's hilarious the reaction. It's like anyway, did you like my tweets today? So? I love your tweets today. I think they're pretty nice. I don't know who Colin is, a Colin Robertson is, but anyway, they tweeted out I guess yesterday or the day before, I don't remember, and I just saved it because I wasn't gonna go on Twitter and start doing the things that I do. And they actually show I think it's New York City, a protest and the news coverage CN and and you're watching them all right now, everybody get ready to take it. Take your places here, take your places, and they line it up and you know, you can see it's like quiet on the set places, everyone place talking about the CNN fake news set up. Yeah, and so I tweeted how the picture of that it goes on for two and a half minutes of them setting everybody up for the shot. The sad part is is that it's like here they are in London, you know, a place that has suffered two terrible terror attacks in less than two weeks, and instead of just going out and talking to people and getting the truth they want to manufacture, they got like twelve people that are Muslim that are saying, this is a big Muslim protest, right right, And they're like in a semicircle, and the camera guy, they're not in a semi circle until the director or so whoever's there tells them where to stand and how to and and he gives them the signs and gives them the siel. Right, everybody, hold up your signs. It's hilarious. So I tweeted out, all right, quiet on the set, quiet on the set, places, everybody places please, alright? Fake news in three two one action. And I'm dying laughing because I'm tweeting this out. Then, did you have there's a daily caller piece. I've seen this independently. You know the guy James Earl Jones. Oh you know, if you're in radio, it's it's like Scott Shannon's Hannity Shannon, how you doing? What's going on? Listen? I loved your report yesterday, Just telling you anyway, Big cole Man, talk later. Y'll call me and say, Hannity Shannon, will you just shut up once in a while so I can hear the caller? All right, just shut up, all right, love you bye. I just love the guy. And he's you know what, it invented mornings Zoo Radio like as a genius. And but they got these booming voices and that voice this is c all those years. It's just the voice define the network. That's also the voice of Darth Vader. If I'm not mistaken, James Earl Jones. He's got what we call in the business, a great set of pipes. And it's just amazing. It's it's I mean, when you think of angels singing in heaven, somebody with that type of of power behind their voice is just amazing to me. I don't oh if I picture Darth Vader Vader welcome me to the parly Gates. But you know, I guess to each his own, but come on, that voice is amazing. That yeah. I mean, I might want him to sing me, you know, a sexy song one night, but I don't know if I want him welcome me into heaven. I don't know. Well it's good, maybe have the Darth Vader image. Anyway, So I write on Twitter, I put up a thing. You got this CNN host who calls Trump a piece of And I'm like, wow, really, I mean that's what you're gonna say? This is this is CNN. This is what see it? What's his name? The person name reds a As Salon apologizing for calling the president a pos And I'm thinking, uh, really, and the guy doesn't get fired? I mean, where where is the Soros? And don't forget jan Ethan and Lauren are reminding me to make sure you say it is that this is the same man who ate brains. Yeah, I forgot that part two. Um, but he's tweeted out other stuff too. I mean he's tweeted easy stuff, and you know, calling the president an a hole, He's done that and gotten away with it. Then he called me a p O S two. I don't know when he did that back in May. I just gee, I must have missed it. I don't even And I'm like, wow, he's still working at CNN. Why don't we just hired Kathy Griffin back? Now, all right, let's get to our busy telephones. Uh as we say, hied my buddy into varies. You didn't call to say something nice to me, did you? After the crappy calls you've made the last three times we've had you on, You've been horrible. All those calls. We had nothing but love wrapped around him and Sean before the last I'm not sure nine years you've been there for me. I'm talking about when I lost my job twice, same job twice, before I met my wife, when she became my Beyonce, when we got married, when we had a child, and I gave you such a crap about living in sin. Didn't he have to be better around me? When yeah, we then you paid thousands of dollars to put me through truck driving school. I've been on the road for the last two weeks and then I hear that my man, my best friend, is under attack and they're attacking my my my main man, Sean Hannity, and I looked at what they were attacking you for. And see, Sean, I'm the type of friends that you need to fight for you because see you do you can fight. But see, you still have to have your gloves on. I don't have to have gloves on to protect you, Sean. I bring out my teeth, I bring out fingers, bring out everything at my knees, my elbows. The movie time, I know that I can roll, man, you can't. I trained for an hour and half to listen. I hate to say you listen, you don't want to mess with me. I'm pretty I'm pretty tough now that I've been training for six years. But anyway, but listen, I want to say something to you. I'm so proud of you because you and I made a d you know what, you did struggle for a while and I was watching your struggle and we got to know each other a little bit on the radio, and I gave you a hard time about living in sin, and you know then you're you're having your your child, and I was really happy for you. You should have made me the godfather. I'm gonna be the godfather really soon. Actually I'm a great godfather and I'm a generous godfather. So you totally blew it. Um. But I'm gonna tell you something. I'm proud. All I did with you is say, all right, listen, I'm gonna give you the opportunity, but you gotta give me a promise that you're gonna do your job. And I knew this with my own son. I mean, that's the deal I make with my own son. I'm gonna give you what you want, but this is what I expect back. And it's not that i'm being I'm not. I'm not giving things with strings attached. But you did your job, you got it done. You've changed the entire trajectory of your life, and I'm proud of you. I'm so happy for you, because that, to me is awesome. Listen, that's one reason why I can't take I feel as though I'm the only one that can attend at you. At least I do it to your faith and with and with love. I mean, the last time you call in, you just trashing me, just trashing me, throw me down the stairs. I can't take it when when I hear other people trashing you and they're trying to get me still, this is what they tried to take my head off and get me fired. And that's we're not gonna have that. We're not gonna have that. Well not have that. The only reason I'm gonna tell you something, the only reason I'm here today, and I mean this with all my heart, is because this audience stuck up for me. Honestly that I probably I don't know it would have been. It would have been a very big hit over nothing. And this is how these liberal fascists operate. Now. You and I don't agree politically, you come on this program. You get me a hard time, but at the end of the day, you get your views. I get mine, and we're still friends. I don't know why I can't be like that with everybody. Sean I speak to, I speak to because I like to listen to the Servti radio. I listened to everybody and that I'm not sure why people aren't tolerant. I can listen to people to you, but the way that they're coming that you got me mad. You know what, don't do not give me the heart. Don't don't get me the heart. But I have officially I'm not a Democrat anymore. I I switched parties. I'm independent because of the hypocrisy. How are you gonna attack How are they're gonna attack you about a new story when they're going about a new story about Russia that's that's unconfirmed sources, and they're pushing that, but they're still advertising on those shows. That's why the hypocrisy. I'm upset. I don't like the way they're trying to They're trying to go for your neck and I'm here to protect you, to unleash me, and they're trying to pull out you know who should have pulled out that their father should have poured out. That's who should have poured out. Come on. That's what liberals said about Trump. Do you stop, You're gonna you're You're gonna get me in trouble. Now, why are you? Why are you understo your buddy. No, they's their fault. It's their fault. They wounded me. They're attacking my friend, my best friend, uh, my son only only white uncle. You know what I mean? Well, when when are you going to coming? All right? I gotta you know, I gotta tell you I love you, But you're also trying to kill me at the same time because I get held responsible for everything callers say as if it's my point of view. All right, here's the thing that I want to say this. When are you when you I want you to bring your family to New York one day and come see my TV show as long as I still have one. So you're working out with Linda let me know, right, but listen, you're you're listen. I'm gonna speak through you. The messages, the tweets, the Facebook messages, the social media engagement with media equalizer dot Calm, and people's supportive messages to me it is. It's taken me to a different place in terms of my drive, my desire, my motivation. I'm so re energized, and I have this level of appreciation that I've never had before, and I'm very humbled by it all. And i just can't say thank you enough, except I'm gonna say this. I am working on a way to say thank you that I can't describe now. It is just something cool that I'm gonna try to put together. All Right, that's gonna wrap everything up for today. Um, I've got three monologues tonight. I've got to get out of my system. Number one is the terror threat in London, the attacks against the president for wanting to protect us, and how awful, god awful the media was this weekend, including by everybody at NBC. We also have a whole segment on the credibility crisis at CNN. Oh, the presidents of p o s and then of course they're orchestrating fake news. We have Michelle malkinway In and on that, UH will preview the Russia conspiracy, Comey's testimony with Sarah Carter and John Solomon Tonight, the latest on Now it's becoming common to show pictures of the president beheaded and the bill Mark controversy. Ten Eastern Foxy back here tomorrow.

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