Taxing The Future - October 25th, Hour 1

Published Oct 25, 2021, 10:02 PM

Under a proposed plan coming from the Democrats, there will be a new tax on "unrealized assets." This is essentially a tax on the mega-rich for income that they might someday earn.... this is literally a tax on the future.

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Day number seventy two. Seven day seventy two. It's been eighty five days since Joe Biden has made the promise he wouldn't abandoned Americans behind enemy lines. He did. Now were we learned this weekend that in fact, there are hundreds of Americans. They've liked us on this too. We now know from the omboy that had negotiated with the Taliban. He's saying there's hundreds, maybe as high as four or five hundred Americans still trapped behind enemy lines. Joe Biden hasn't mentioned them, not a single time in over fifty days at this point. I mean, it's just unconscionable. Eighty five days since Joe promised he wouldn't do it, seventy two days trapped behind enemy lines, American citizens, hundreds of them, thousands of Green card holders, their families are also trapped with them. And then you've got, of course, tens of thousands of Afghan allies where the Taliban now systematically going home to home to kill them. Great job, Joe, and noticed the media complete blackout, but it's it's pretty unconscionable. That's not the America that I know. Glad you with us. We've got a lot to get to today. Um great Jared as a great column about the situation with Alec Baldwin that has been emerging, and apparently there'd been a couple of other gun incidents on the set of this movie Rust, and I'm still hard to believe that that Alec Baldwin knew that this was a hot gun. And apparently there's even one report that says when he was handed the weapon, he was told that it was cold. And they have experts that are supposed to be in charge of that, that's their only job. But he is the producer and there could be legal issues for everybody involved in this. It's sad tragedy losing this this young cinematographer for forty two years old, the mother, and then we had one other director injured. Thankfully that the director is going to be okay. It was a ricochet incident. There was only one bullet in the gun, But why would you have a loaded bullet in a gun on a set doesn't make any sense. We start today with Biden's poll numbers are collapsing all over the country, down down in the mid thirties, and now we're looking at individual states and we're beginning to see. For example, latest University of New Hampshire poll shows only thirty seven percent and New Hampshire's yea more of a purplely blue state. I would say that only thirty seven percent would vote for Biden in the twenty twenty four primary. Forty five percent would like to see him face a primary challenger because nothing's working. This is very, very simple. What's happening here, what he's done in Afghanistan has never happened before, and people that's not the most impactful thing on people's everyday lives, but it's impactful, and people are noticing the unmitigated disaster at the border. The one thing that every single issue we're facing has in common is it's all preventable. He didn't have to allow, you know, millions of illegal immigrants in the country in the middle of a pandemic, put them in overcrowded cages, give them special preferential treatment, not test them for COVID nineteen because they're not staying here very long. A big Jen Saki lie. You know, just like three point five trillion will cost zero. Huh. Three point five trillion is zero. Okay, we're supposed to believe that and all of it. Then now we're begging OPEC. You know one other thing that really came to me this weekend. I'm thinking about this. So now Senator Barasso's claiming we're importing more oil from Putin in Russia. And remember Joe gave Vladimir the waiver so he can build his pipeline and supply our Western European allies with the lifeblood of the world's economy and simultaneously killing off high paying career jobs for energy workers in this country, like in the Keystone XL pipeline, begging Ope OPEC, shoving the middle finger right back, and you know, basically saying, let's go Brandon to Joe Biden. And now we have the price of a barrel of oil headed towards one hundred bucks, and now we're paying a buck fifty more on averaging gallon, and we're paying more for everything we buy. And wait, you know, if you think it's bad looking at how much more it's costing you to fill up your tank, just wait, it's just going to get worse heating and cooling your house, groceries, etc. You name. It's actually a poll out today that shows the Biden inflation crisis is causing nearly thirty percent of Americans to skip meals. Now, by the way, in my case, that wouldn't be a bad idea, but three and ten Americans are now skipping meals. This was in the Washington Examiner, according to a new survey on the impact of skyrocketing grocery prices. Now, I know everyone laughs at me because I talk about the fact that I actually like to go grocery shopping. Double digit surges in the prices basics milk, eggs, bread have forced thirty percent of Americans to miss meals, especially among the poor and the young. Now, it's a credible poll. It's done by Pulse to John Zogby saying that the inflation on many items for daily use, including food and energy, is hollowing out the middle class and that Biden isn't doing enough to control it. And that's only the beginning, and his poll numbers are collapsing now in the mid thirties around the country and state by state. Now, whether it's Afghanistan, the borders in the middle of a pandemic, most Americans believe in law and order. Most most Americans, you know you're dealing with somebody that is abusing power and not taking a swore note of the constitution. Our constitution is the foundation for every law in this society. And not only is he recklessly not enforcing the laws, he's aiding and abetting the law breaking. And then he builds cages for kids in the middle of a pandemic, he gives preferential treatment, no health checks for illegal immigrants. Then we're told they're not going to be here very long. Another lie, and then they're dispersing him in the middle of the night all over the country. And although Jensaki calls them these two am and four thirty am flights, oh no, no, those would be early morning flights. You know, an early morning flight genitis, like six six am, not four am, not two am. I mean even when I take the Red Eye out of California local time, it would leave about eleven pm Pacific time, and then you land in like six or seven in the morning in New York time. So it's just a croc, a total bs. And but you look at the border crisis, you look at Afghanistan that crisis, you look at the high cost of energy. All of these are self inflicted wounds. All of this preventable. But this is all now driven by the madness of this New Green Deal socialism, which we're going to get to where that bill now stands as of this moment. And you know, but if you think of it, if we're supposed to believe that we've got ten years and the planet's going to be destroyed, and we're begging OPEC to produce more oil, when we should be begging Alaska and North Dakota and Texas and Oklahoma and West Virginia and all these other states to produce enough energy so that we are again energy independent like Trump left it for Biden. If it's if it's global temperatures or you know, climate control or climate change, what difference does it make if we're getting the energy from the Middle East or we're getting it from Russia or any other part of the world in terms of what it does to the planet. So if so we're paying essentially more for the exact same energy that's gonna have the exact same impact on the planet, then if we did it ourselves until they get to newer, greener, better technology that works, what they're proposing is the same old bs that has never worked. So we're gonna see what happens now. Biden is crafting a Plan B because he can't get this all done. And Joe Biden now is going to take his case. He's got this summit coming up this week. And the administration strategy now consists of a three pronged approach, generous tax and incentives for wind, solar, other clean energy, tough regulations to restrict pollution coming from power plants and automobile tailpipes, and a slew of clean energy laws enacted by states. Okay, but if we're the only one's doing it, what's the point. The White House had to fall back on this position. And by the way Biden is going, he's going to be suited and right you know, it's gonna be a legal nightmare, logistical nightmare, and frankly, the political challenges are going to be the same. Why would you ruin West Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas, and Alaska's economy and fire all these people or we'll get you another good union job. If it's global warming that you worried about global temperatures or climate change, and you're still begging people to provide the energy for you, well, the damage to the planet is still existing, so it doesn't make any sense. And Biden pledging when he arrives in Scotland, I'm I'm presenting a commitment to the world that we'll get to net zero emissions on electric power by twenty thirty five. But none of this is going to be real. This is in Glasgow and apparently everybody that's going knows it's just a bunch of talk by Biden. And things are getting very hot out there. I've noticed Kamala Harris was being heckled in New York. In Virginia. We will not be distracted this let's go. Brandon chant is just get louder and louder every day. You know, now people are beginning to see the radicals inside the Biden administration. You got a Biden treasury nominee, Amarova, who was on a Marxist Facebook group as recently as twenty nineteen. This is Biden's treasury nominee. You gotta be kidding me. And by the way, when you get into the weeds of where she stands on issues, I mean she basically wants everything you know to be run by the Central Bank, by the Fed. It's unreal, And now questions everybody now recognizes Joe as a cognitive mess. It's now gone mainstream, so we'll see what happens over time. But when you look at the main issue, when it comes to what people care about the most, it starts with the economy. And if a new poll Waizogby points out that thirty percent of Americans are now skipping meals because of the high cost of Biden's inflation, that's a problem. North America energy production under Biden has now plunged a whopping fourteen percent. Now with that also have gone high paying career jobs. He began his term shutting down the Keystone XEL pipeline while simultaneously giving the waiver to putin. You know, he doesn't say a word to China. I think all of this gets to the fact that the Biden family syndicate has made so much money from Russia and China and Kazakhstan and Ukraine that I think they're compromised. If this was if the last name was Trump, that's what they would be talking about. I saw this interview. It interested me. With Rand Paul actually suggesting that bitcoin could become the reserve currency of the world. That was pretty interesting. One third of unemployed Americans, we learned this weekend according to Fox Business, who are actually from California. Now they've got billions of dollars in a surplus out there. Why doesn't Gavin Newsom use his state money to take care? One third of all unemployed Americans live in California. Well, a lot of companies are leaving because their policies are chasing people out. Now, that's impacting us. By the way, if you're in a car that takes you high test instead of regular gasoline, you may be paying over eight bucks a gallon. In Los Angeles and Orange Counties, motorists are now paying roughly nineteen more bucks to fill up a standard fourteen gallon tank than they wore a year ago. Wow. Even Jack Dorsey is warning that hyper inflation is on the way. At Jack getting something right for once? All right, As we roll along Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one, Sean Janna Yellen says America's transitory inflation will last at least another eight months. Oh, I thought it was only going to be a short period of time next year. Others are saying just the opposite, that's going to go well into next year. On the economy. So now where are the Democrats on this three point five trillion dollars spending debacle. Well, it's not going very well. They keep pushing their this new radical idea of taxing what they call unrealized capital gains. So they're coming up with what they're calling for is a billionaire tax unrealized capital gains. In other words, you make money, you pay taxes on it, you put that money at risk, you invest that money, which is good for the economy and creates jobs, and over time, you know, at some point when you sell off whatever the asset is, then they get another bite at the apple because they'd already taxed the money the first time. And then, of course you die, they tax you again. What they now saying is for all the billionaire they're calling it a billionaire attacks. It may seem like, well, what do we care that it's only going to impact anywhere between seven hundred and a thousand people. It's the precedence. It's going to matter year because then they're gonna say, wow, that works, so well, let's do it to you know, every millionaire in America, and then let's do it to everybody that makes four hundred thousand dollars a year and really mean couples, and so it's two hundred thousand per individual, and then it ends. What happens, well, most people, I actually have met a couple of billionaires of my life. I met wealthy people in my life, all of themselves made. I don't know anybody that didn't get it except the old fashioned way, and that's working hard and in a little bit of a blessing or luck, whatever it happened to be. But that one thing I've learned about people that know how to make money is they're not stupid. They're usually pretty smart. And if you push them too hard, like Cooma once said, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. Well we did. Now the rich are leaving. You know, in New York State, sorry New York City, this nine million people and sixty five thousand less than sixty five thousand pay over fifty one of the city's income tax. Sixty five thousand of nine million pay more than half. At some point, these people look at the dollars and cents and they say it's not worth it anymore, which is why you've seen this mass migration out of high tax states like New York California, New Jersey, Michigan, etc. While they go into the Carolinas, Florida, Texas, you name it, quick break right back, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, just to update you. So the full court press now is Remember they had the deadline that they would they would be at the point where they're ready to pass their three point five trillion dollars monstrosity, although they lie and tell you three point five trillion costs you zero and we don't need to test people that are here illegally for COVID because they're not going to be here very long, and all the other lies that they keep telling you, and there's a lot of them. But anyway, so they bring in Mansion and Schumer I guess to Delaware over the weekend, Joe actually spent an hour or two awaken and engaged, supposedly, and anyway, so they're looking for way to get Mansion and Cinema on board. Cinema is seemingly standing against, for example, raising corporate taxes as a means of paying for this because she rightly understands that it's not corporations that pay taxes, it's we, the people that will end up paying those taxes. I mean, it's just one big line. I mean, it sounds great. Let's tax billionaires, and then let's tax millionaires, and let's just take from them, and we'll legalize stealing and we'll redistribute it, and we'll pay for all of these social welfare programs and everybody would be happy and we'll live. You know. Put all the money in one big pot, and two each according to their need, and from each according to their ability. I mean, that's basically what it is. So anyway, Mansion meets with Schumer and Biden in Delaware at his home trying to resolve the disputes. The AP now reporting that the Senator is agreeable to a new approach, one that won't impact the economy and energy in West Virginia like coal and the natural gas industry. And anyway, three point five is going to be whittled down to one point seven five, maybe between one point seven five and two trillion dollars. Now we still can't afford it. It's interesting. Senator Mike Lee a Utah is saying Mansion should switch parties. No reason why he belongs to the Party of Inflation. Uh, Nancy Pelosi is declaring that they're almost there. Um, this banking regulator that I talked to you about earlier, I mean, this is about as radical as you get radical. Um, you know if you think this is not that long a period of time ago. But she is a member of a Facebook group, The Treasury nominee Omarova is her name. She's a member of the Marxist Facebook Facebook group as recently as twenty nineteen. And you might say, oh, well, what does that mean, hannahy a Marxist group, the antithesis of everything that has made this country the greatest wealth producing economy in the history of mankind, where somebody can start with nothing and end up wealthy at the end of the day, just climbing the ladder to success. This this nominee, this banking regulator that will that apparently hates banks, says the Wall Street Journal. Put it would put an end to all banking as we know it again by the way her words, and then transfer private banking functions to the federal reserve, where accounts would fully replace private bank deposits. It's what are we What are we talking about here? The full takeover of the goods and services in society, the very definition of socialism. So the FED would control systemically important prices, everything, or so they think that they could all of this socialism. It's history of failure. I wrote it, and live free or die. This is exactly what we know fails. She said. The FED would be remade into what she calls the People's Ledger. Now, if do you think people were mad at the government spying on every six hundred dollars transaction you make in your bank, and then you know, being monitored constantly by the federal government, Well well we'll just we'll make it a little bit bigger. We'll say ten thousand dollars a year and you'll be monitored. Well that's that's your government then prying into every aspect of your financial life. Now, does it make much of a difference in my life? It actually doesn't, because my file gets pulled any every year. Anyway, it doesn't matter whose president gets pulled immediately, which is why I have an accounting firm, then my lawyer's accounting firm, and then double and triple and quadruple checked. I mean I just can't keep up with it making sure we pay every single penny, because if you don't pay every penny as a conservative, then we'll put you in jail for the rest of your life. And I'm not going to jail over something stupid. My mantra is pay it, pay it, pay it, pay it, pay it. You know, it's interesting to watch the United Nations leader lecturing Texas to curb their reliance on oil and gas. Why don't you lecture China that the Paris Climate at Chords doesn't even recognize on the same level as the economy of the US, but a developing nation or India the same the same status has provided them. It's unbelievable. California unemployment claims are one third of the nation's total. Maybe California wants their own little socialist utopia. Nancy Pelosi forgot Donald Trump's name. Not, by the way, not the first time she's been struggling cognitively herself, but she did that apparently, and now is defending the progressives. What we haven't heard from this weekend, which I expect we're gonna hear more from, is where is the squad gonna come down in all of this? They really wanted to three point five trillion, And the speaker then went after Joe Manchin and Kristen Cinema as it relates to the three point five trillion. But she seems resigned to the fact that it's not going to be anywhere near three point five trillion. But that doesn't mean the squad is resigned to that. So we'll see. I don't know what they're saying behind the scenes, but time is going to tell. You know, Obama's out there. He just threw as much as many lies as he could. The GOP is systematically preventing the citizens from voting. This goes back to Joe Biden, and this goes back to the politicizing of the Justice Department. This goes back to you know, here we got Merrick Garland, the age. You know, let's go after George's very open and less restrict of voting laws. For example, you have seventeen days in person early voting in Georgia, you have none in Delaware. You have a dropbox in every single precinct in Georgia, none in Delaware. Both states require photo ID, So why go after Why is the AG suing Georgia and then not sue in Delaware Joe Biden state. Joe Biden never lifted a finger to make voting more accessible in the state of Delaware. Georgia has this is where now we have to get to okay, voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody, control, updated voter rolls every election, and partisan observers. Most states have laws that say they get to watch the vote counts start to finish. Now those laws going to be enforced, for example, a week from tomorrow in the Commonwealth of Virginia. If they're not, I have to check and see if they have such a law in Virginia. I would imagine they do, because most states do. Now there's nobody trying to stop people from voting. But if you go back to two thousand and the commission that ensued after the disaster of you know, perforated hanging swinging, you know, dimpled and pimpled chads, etc. If you go back to that in two thousand, they had to reconfigure and fix Florida's broken voting system. And then they did it again after twenty sixteen after problems were rising there, and they did and we had no problems with the confidence and integrity of the twenty twenty race in Florida, or in Ohio, or in most states. But some states didn't enforce the laws of the lands. Other states didn't enforce their own constitutional standards. You can't bypass the constitutional amendment process by legislation. It's a lot harder to get into constitutional amendment like in the state of Pennsylvania, or the Chief Justice in Wisconsin and the beat down in a three four minority opinion that he gave and dissent that he gave saying that this is never going to stop until these other justices enforced the laws of the land. You know, Obama to gop, tell us your ideas instead of trying to rig nobody's trying to rig an election. Voter ID is not rigging an election. You know, signature of verification is not rigging an election. You know, asking for updated voter roles is not rigging an election. It brings integrity to the system, chain of custody control does not rig an election. You know the same thing with partisan observers. People in all parties get to watch the vote count up closed start to finish, does not rig an election. That is the big lie. And interestingly, Terry mcculluff is out there defending Stacy Abrams, saying that she won the race for governor in the state of Georgia in twenty eighteen. She did not. I guess that's the great lie. Even by the way, the House Democratic whip James Clyburner's admitting I question whether the three point five trillion can be paid for. The answers no. So now they're coming up with their billionaire tax, which opens the door. I'll tell you what it's gonna do. It's gonna push people out of the states and they're gonna invest their money in other tax haven friendly countries. And that's that's what's going to happen. And then we're gonna see what the squad has to do. But they're saying they're pretty much there. I'm not so sure. I haven't heard from any squad member, but we'll see. Tulsi Gabbert has some interesting comments. She said, this is a bigger problem the Democrats and Republicans. This is about the establishment elite trying to hold onto their power and continue to increase it. And the mainstream media is a powerful arm of the establishment elite. The elite will censor, target, demonize, those that they see ear a threat to power. That is the current state of the country. That is a very accurate analysis. By the way, Janet Yellen saying that the America's inflation will last at least another eight months. North American energy production, not surprisingly under Joe Biden, has now plunged a whopping fourteen percent. That's why he's begging OPEC. That's why we're importing more oil. According to son of a Barrasso from Russia, that we're getting more from them than we're getting from Alaska. Does that make any sense, because that doesn't make any sense to me. But I mean, if inflation is going to stay high, everything you're now buying costs more, and shoppers are finding disc counts in short supply this holiday season. But we're being told, well, you're not going to get fifteen colors to choose from it. You should be able to find one. Oh, thanks for the encouraging words. You know, we're not ups, we're not fed X, we're not at the postal service. You need to shop in October if you want to not disappoint your kids for Christmas. I mean, it's insanity. So the Treasury Secretary seems totally clueless. It was interesting even at Jack at Twitter saying hyperinflation is going to change everything, and it's happening. I don't disagree with that analysis. And clueless Joe says he has no near term answer for rising energy costs, and I'll tell you he's getting really pissed off, and we're really having a problem with Then you add to this the vaccine mandate. That vaccine mandate is now threatening major trucking disruption in the country. Now I was watching and we'll get to it later in the program. Today, you have protests now emerging everywhere it relates to coronavirus. And by the way, Anthony Fauci is under even more scrutiny as a result of this new information that we got last week. And I'm telling you right now this is real. That is that American dollars were used to weaponize which is the sickest thing I've ever heard, viruses in the Wuhan virology lab. Now there's a new article that came out on zero Hedge that we'll have more on Hannity tonight that actually the money that the NIH gave to this offshoot Eco Health is now throwing the NIH under the bus. Over the gain of function report, according to a researcher, claiming a massive cover up and the question of whether the NIH funded this gain a function research anyway, Eco Health Alliance excuse me, failed to report that they had accidentally created a coronavirus that was able to infect humanized mice, and so they're now now we're getting to the bottom of this yere anyway. The letter, addressed to James Comer, the principal director, admits to funding limited experiment to determine whether spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China or capable of binding to human ace to receptors in mouse models. And according to the letter, humanized mice infected with the modified bat virus became sicker than those exposed to unmodified versions of the same bat coronavirus. And they've known about this for the entire time. Now you have the vaccine mandates. Well, what impact is that going to have on the economy. It's unbelievable. By the way, new poll out shows that junkin is up by point eight percent over mcculloff. We have two other poles showing it's dead, even apparently it looks like Fox News had an article that mcculloff accepted the endorsement from a great mentor who called cops pigs, trashed gays and lesbians, and praised Farcon. I wonder if that was young kin. I wonder what the media would be like there. Obama saying that the calls the controversy over Terry mccullof's comments about schools and parents involvement a phony, trumped up culture war. No, it's not phony, no that, but seventy eight percent of Americans believe that the school systems in this country are failing their kids seventy eight percent. Sixty five percent agree that allowing biological males to compete against women in high school and college sports is unfair and is erasing the gains that women have made in athletics over the last fifty eight At fifty years that would be titled nine. Nearly sixty percent are critical race theory should not be taught in schools. And Obama just goes in there and just throws out all this. You know, malarkey, Republicans don't want you to No, we just want integrity and elections. Why would you be against voter ID you need. By the way, you need a vaccine passport to get into a restaurant. What's the difference. You need a voter ID, you need an identification picture I did to get into a DNC convention. You needed to get into the White House, you needed to get into the Capitol. He needed to get around pretty much everywhere. What's why not for voting? Why are they pushing so hard against voting.

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