Taxes Will Kill This Country

Published Aug 11, 2021, 10:02 PM

Sean digs into the left's attack on American success and the idea that we need to raise the debt limit! America will have to pay for our borrowing and it will hit us with taxes and inflation... it will kill those who make this country great.

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Thanks to all of you for being with us toll free, our numbers eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to be a part of this program. Up to twenty percent illegal immigrants now according to estimates border patrol and yes, government numbers not Hannity made up numbers in some cases as high as twenty percent COVID positivity rate. Story in the Daily Caller today and now this is Texas alone. We've been telling you about the high number of cases illegal immigrants and McCallum Texas seven thousand. There is KTAB news reporting that ICE Immigration Customs Enforcement apparently in the dark of night, they are flying people to Abilene Regional Airport and what are unmarked planes before loading illegal immigrants onto buses on at least two occasions this month. Migrants later recorded disembarking the same buses boarding flights to several other US cities. The airport is notified of the flight's arrival between twenty four to forty eight hours in advance. That not provided any other information. You know me now think about this through the prism of oh, we have vaccine passports in New York, California. Now coming to a town in city near you. You have vaccine mandates all over the place, businesses, hospitals, universities. It's Joe Biden. Now everybody your vaccine. You know, one size fits all medicine, which is a little bit scary in and of itself. Okay, what about the rare conditions that prevent or prohibit some people, and we've chronicled many of them from getting the vaccine? What about them? Are they going to be shut out a restaurant, sporting events, concerts, regular life living? What about? What about the cases? If we're going to follow the science, what about the Cleveland Clinic study that says if you had COVID you don't need any vaccine. That's not Sean Hannity, that's the Cleveland Clinic, highly respected medical institution. Are we're not going to follow the science or we only follow the science when the science is convenient for our political narrative. I mean, it's just so typical anyway. Quote um alarmed extremely concern recent reports the illegal immigrants being released from local detention facilities in West Texas and then transported to Abilene in my district, said Texas Republican Jody Arrington, and a letter to the Department of Homeland Security officials. It's my understanding that illegal immigrants are arriving at bus stations, the Abilene Airport, and other places within our community where they are then free to travel anywhere in the United States. Think of this. Let's burden the American people. Let's take away all medical privacy, you know, let's go out and shame anybody without any reason whatsoever, like it's any of your business. Am I like the only person on television and radio actually wants medical privacy and believes in doctor patient confidentiality. Am I the only one saying hold on a second, one size fits all medicine doesn't work for everybody, and that there are rare medical conditions, the people that have a medical history that you know nothing about, or current medical condition you know nothing about. Well, you're gonna tell everybody that got to do this mandate or else your job is on the line, or else your life is now. You're going to be shut out of regular living because that's where that's that's now, what's happening, except if you're an illegal immigrant, you don't get tested. There's no there's no vaccine mandate, there's no vaccine passport, there's no there's no masked mandates. There's nothing. It's let's process you. Let's put you on a plane or a bus in the dark and night and ship you off to you know, every state in the country. Never mind the high rate of COVID positive ativity, how many Americans will contract COVID, how many will then be hospitalized, and how many may die as a result of Joe's policies. Because at the rate, if it's twenty percent, if you just do the math exponentially, you know, we're now talking about what potentially four hundred thousand potential cases. Again, just using the math of its twenty percent of that number is correct from the border patrol at four hundred had spread dispersed all throughout the country. Oh that's really great, But that's what's happening, that's your government. It was very interesting. There's an article in the Blaze today that caught my eye how the Florida Department of Health is fired back at the CDC late Monday, after the agency amplified what they call false information about COVID nineteen and the surgeon Florida every state has seen as surge. The CDC didn't mention until last week that even if you're fully vaccinated. Yeah, the vaccine no longer protect you from getting COVID. That just that little bit of information only came out last week and probably has not been highlighted enough to you know, there's always a reason why we do things the way we do things here on this program. And why have I been so focused on therapeutics lately, because nobody else is. I mean, I can tell you that there are elected officials in the United States Senate that I've had conversations with that didn't know what Regeneron is. They didn't know what Regeneron is. The monoclonial antibody cocktail, in my view humble opinion, non medical opinion, the most underutilized therapeutic, as confirmed by numerous doctors that we've had on this program. And I have friends right now, fully vaccinated that are getting infused right now during the show with Regeneron because they contracted COVID even though they're fully vaccinated. Anyway, the White House, the Democrats, you know, why are they targeting Ronda Santis? Why Because Ronda Santis mobilized every state agency and had to protect the high percentage of the elderly population that lives in Florida. You know, look, the places like the villages are awesome, and those places worked in conjunction with every state agency, and they worked to protect the most vulnerable population. And Florida never had an executive order putting COVID positive patients in nursing homes. That would be New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan that made those dumb decisions, and they did it almost at the same time. Anyway, And by the way, the Piden politicized, weaponized Department of Justice won't do a thing about it. They're not, you know, moving forward on any real investigation. They just gave them a pass. That was other news that came out last week White House Democrats that they've just been trying to bludgeon Ron to say Antis for his leadership amid the COVID pandemic. You know, now, I've had off the record conversation with the governor and one thing I can tell you that the governor is now going to phase two and that is okay now that we found out what the CDC is doing and making sure. Apparently he had meetings with Eli Lilly and Regeneron and the monoclonial antibody cocktails he's making sure that the hospital system, he met with the hospital leaders all across the state of Florida are making this available as quickly as possible to anybody that has quote a breakthrough case as it is now defined. Now, that would mean, for example, they've been saying Florida recorded twenty eight thousand, three hundred and seventeen daily COVID cases on Sunday, August the eighth, this past Sunday. Now, if that were true, that would have set a new record for daily cases in Florida. According to the Florida Department of Health, the cd C circulated not just the misleading number, but one that was entirely false. The state health agency said the CDC ended up combining multiple days worth of cases and reported that number as a single day count. Oh. In other words, they lied on purpose to hurt Rhonda Santis. Is that any shock now. Now, Florida is a little bit of a hot spot, like every state has had their hot spots. By the way, Martha's Vineyard, where the Big Sware took place for Barack Obama's sixtieth birthday, happened to be a hot spot. We've got images out of that Big Sware and party in jamfest that took place, no social distancing, no masks in a hot zone, against CDC recommendations. Oh but we won't talk about that. And by the way, an age director saying, well, you might want to mask up at home your parents with your kids, I'm like, oh, okay, so you know. And by the way, one thing I like about what Florida has done. You can choose in person learning for your kids, or you can choose online learning for your kids. You can send your kids to in person learning and they can wear a mask if they choose to, they choose not to. They again, that's their choice, and they're letting the parents decide. Now, Fauci not a peep out of him about the border super spreader, not one word nothing. I mean, it's such such flagrant hypocrisy, you know. But we'll fly, you know, we'll literally we'll just transfer people illegally in the country with no mandates of vaccines of any kind, no mandates of masks, no mandates, no no proof vaccine passports needed. We'll just disperse them all across the country, all simultaneously. I mean, you just even can't make this up, you know, Never mind the impact that's having on people's life. Oh, this just broke apparently. Now I've always thought we'll get to this later in the program. Gavin Newsom, the biggest COVID hypocrite governor in the country. His kids had in person learning everyone else's kids in California did not. Same with camp. And then the restaurant moments where restaurants are shutting down, being closed, not allowed to have any patrons, but not but not for him, you know, no King Gavin Newsom, you know he's out there in restaurants, got called a number of times. Now, apparently he concurred with the parole board finding and determined that a convicted killer does not pose the current unreasonable risk to public safety. This guy previously sentenced life in prison for murdering this guy, Michael Morganti in nineteen eighty. You know what he did. He buried Morgante alive. Wow. Anyway, the eventually suffocated to death, he and his accomplice buried him alive. Newsom decided to accept the state Parole Board findings, which took into account that it just committed an incredibly gruesome, violent, horrific murder. Can you think of a worse way to die because I really can't. The thing that you're not going to hear that we will tell you is this, because we now have the latest numbers in and they're not good at all. And inflation now for July another five point four percent increase. That's two months in a row, five point four percent. Let me give you the breakdown in real dollars, because they keep telling you lies. Well, it's only for people. They're only going to see things cost more and pay more in taxes if you make four hundred thousand dollars a year, okay, corporations will take the new tax that Biden is going to shove down their throat and that'll be passed on to you. Because of the New Green Deal insanity. We're now begging the oil literally OPEC to give us and produce more oil because we stopped doing it. We only give waivers to Vladimir Putin. But if you're a family of four in American you make sixty grand a year, I hate to be the bear bad news. You got a paycut just for inflation purposes of three thousand dollars a year. If you make one hundred grand a year, Yeah, that paycut results in a five thousand, four hundred dollars cut every single year, just based on the inflation. Now, if you're a married couple, I don't know, a cop, teacher, fireman, teacher, I don't know, make a combined total of one hundred and fifty grand. Yeah, Biden's inflation crisis that he caused, that's costing you a whopping eight thousand, one hundred dollars. Maybe Donald Trump's tweets don't seem so bad right now, do they? Inflation continuing to surge in July, but settling close to the fastest pace thirteen years, And it's unbelievables, by the way, Senate Republicans going along with this. But I don't even know what to say about these people. But apparently there is a plan to torpedo part two, the three point five trillion additional New Green Deal moneies. Is it going to happen? I'm not sure. I don't really have a lot of in Republican, the Republican Party. It's why I'm not a registered Republican. This just cracks me up. I mean, John Kerry, I voted for the eighty seven billion before I voted against it. These Biden's Climate Envoy emphasizing the need for climate action amid the UN's latest report. Today's report shows we cannot afford further delay. The science has been certain for decades, but the latest report makes it abundantly clear. The climate crisis is not only here, it's growing increasingly severe. America has been reducing its carbon emissions, not the rest of the world, and not John Kerry. I mean, I just get a kick out of this. As an article today on foxnews dot com, John Kerry's family jet has admitted and estimated thirty times more carbon in twenty twenty one than the average vehicle does in a year year, and the jet has spent you know, roughly twenty six hours in the air. Look, I wouldn't care. I don't care how John Kerry flies. I don't care where he spends his money. It's none of my business. But don't lecture us on the cars we drive anymore, please? And how did you become the climate czar? I mean, it's it's such, it's such blatant hypocrisy. So the Republicans are nearly all Republican senators so far, we'll see at least forty six. They need fifty signing a pledge agreeing that they will not help their political counterparts with the debt limit that could complicate the democrats hope of this three point five trillion dollars budget. Do we really trust Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowski or Ben Sass the jackass? No, I don't in the fifty fifty Senate. Okay, Democrats would need ten GOP senators to sign on to the debt ceiling increase. Let me tell you what that's going to immediately. Come on, let's pressure Joe Mansion and Senator Cinema into getting rid of the legislative filibuster. So that'll be the next fight that that's going to be. But the debt ceiling is going to cover all things that all of us have been opposing, according to Mitch McConnell. So they got their own thing. Um, But I'll tell you this inflation is real for you know, look, most people are not rich. Most people. The people that make this country great are the people that get up every day, the cops, the firemen, the teachers, the ed mt s, the nurses that you know, the doctors. Some are rich and that are doctors not that rich. After the four thousand years of School's residency, internship, and then everybody works hard, raises their kids, pays their taxes, you know, works their fifteen sixteen hours a day, and all of us are getting screwed by all of this. That's just a fact. I had twenty five to the top of the hour. Not something anybody wants to see on Earth. The videos showing in naked Hunter Biden claiming that a Russian drug dealers stole his laptop. Okay, one is Miranda's book coming out September. I look forward to it. Joe Biden November November, all right, we'll have to wait till November. All my sources keep telling me there's other other pictures on there that are probably illegal, which probably caused the the computer repair guy John Paul Mack to go forward and give it to the FBI. I doubt he did it for any other reason except that he likely saw something that's probably illegal and against the lad is to guess. I'm guessing, what do I know? One of my source has been right throughout the entire Russia collision investigation. We've never been right on this program, Linda Ryan. Our sources have been imbeccable. Oh yeah, but we'll see hell of a job mark about Cuoma. Hell of a job, Joe Biden says, So the Senate Republicans that go along with this idiotic one point two trillion dollar infrastructure deal, Okay, there's a little bit of money set in there for traditional infrastructure, you know, roads, bridges, tunnels, etc. One hundred and ten billion of the one point two trillion for roads and bridges. Okay, that's real infrastructure. Sixty six billion for passenger freight rail, Okay, that's considered infrastructure. Sixty five billion broadband internet. Okay, I can understand that defined as infrastructure. Fifty billion for water infrastructure, thirty nine billion public transit, twenty five billion for airports. All right, all legitimate infrastructure. How is this seven point five billion to install new electric vehicle charging stations or five billion to buy electric low emission buses and two billion for ferries? You know, then you've got the human infrastructure. And this is where the reconciliation conflict comes in because Democrats now want to ram this through, and I doubt that the Republican plan is in the end going to be successful. Now, some of you say, well, Hannity, why don't you want clean air and clean water? Well, I actually breathe the air and I drink the water, so it's in my best interest and everybody's best interest. I've clean air and water. I want all the above. And I'm not saying there's not a role for government to play. I've always been and continue to be and all of the above. Guy, meaning I support any energy, but we have it here in America. Right now, we're back to begging Saudi Arabia and OPAC to produce more oil, the lifeblood of our economy now because all of a sudden, Biden is realized though the price of gasoline is up at dollar thirty a gallon, we were energy independent and he's given all of that up. And I don't think it's gone over particularly well with the American people that he gave a waiver to the hostile act of Vladimir Putin in the hostile regime of Russia to build their pipeline while simultaneously shutting down pipeline jobs right here in the USA. I don't think that's going over particularly well. Also, with all the Russian cyber hacking, I don't think it's going over particularly well to give them a summit and we got nothing in the summit, and then America's looking at China and China's saber rattling against us every single day, even threatening to destroy our military basis, Japan's military basis, lecturing us on human rights and anchorage, and Tony Blinklin sitting there and taking it in light of COVID, I think they could have very quickly and easily turned the tables on the Chinese government, the Communist Chinese. They didn't do it. And then we're being told, you lectured that we landed a plane in our allies country of Taiwan, as if we need China's permission for that, which we do not. And yet, of course then the geographical ambitions of China and full display was their attempts now at reunification with Taiwan and then forcing our other allies, you know, South Korea, to hand over seven billion to the Mullahs in Iran, another dumb idea, the number one state sponsor of terror, and simultaneously ignoring the fact that Russia and China are arming the Iranians so they can fight their proxy wars all throughout the Middle East, which means the price of energy that we must now import once again thanks to Joe and Kamala and the new green deals socialist radicals where you know is going to cost even more. What were you all going to pay six dollars a gallon? Sure, that's good, it'll force us to move forward. Look, if if you got I have a hard time understand why do liberals hate Elon Musk so much. He's building electric cars and apparently he's doing so with Tesla successfully. That makes him in the invader. That would be green technology. I thought we would like somebody the left hates Elon Musk. Well, I'm not sure why because if he's doing it seems, you know, like a modern day you know, Henry Ford, in the sense that he's doing something transformative. You know, Henry Ford brought the automobile and made it with new production methods, similarly line methods that allowed the average American to be able to afford a car. Transformed America completely. I mean, a real innovator. You should watch the men who built America. It's interesting. It's about the Carnegies, the Rockefellers, the JP Morgan's, the Henry Fords of the world. It's just it's very interesting because they have this these reputations and it's portrayed very differently in the series. I think it's on the History Channel or on NAT GEO one of those, and just and you know, we need where are the modern day innovators? All right? Whether I like their politics or not. And I tend usually not to like Bill Gates's politics or bassos As politics. I don't know really much about Elon Musk's politics. To be very honest with you, I thought I did see the podcast with Joe Rogan. It just cracked me up. I thought it was funny as hell. He just lit up a joint in the middle of the studio started smoking weed. I'm like, this guy's like a genius. And I'm just very anti drug myself. I just had set against it my own personal point of view, as I believe it can be a gateway for so many people. And we have enough drug problems to in this country anyway, and I don't really want to want people Americans walking through their life stoned out all the time. But if you take these very wealthy innovators, because they've been innovators in their own individual business ways, you know, you know we have this race to you know, space thing going on, Well they why not empower them to go out. Let the private sector go out create a something similar to opera ration warp speed that would incentivize the great minds in America, scientific and otherwise maybe even in power institutions like MIT, where you have the great engineering minds in the country. I certainly couldn't go to MT. I don't have that kind of brain period, end of sentence. And let them begin to compete for the greener, better energy that actually works. And I believe one day we will find cheaper sources of energy, but it's not now. And until then it's gas, it's oil, and it's coal. And anybody that's telling you any different is lying to the other one that would be available as nuclear energy, and liberals are against that. So there are ways to come up with great innovation. There's their private public partnerships that can facilitate such advancement. Hence, for example, Regeneron, hence the vaccines for COVID nineteen. We have some of the best, some of the brightest engineering minds in the world right here in the United States. And if we had tasked them and incentivize them and help them in partner with them, let the private sector do it, because whoever comes up with that cheap clean energy that could be transformative for the entire world will profit greatly from that innovation, and it probably could could have benefits way beyond anything we could even imagine today. Now, will it potentially one day be used for nefarious purposes? Sure? Absolutely, you'd have to worry about that. I've read I always loved the invention convention. Now, I don't know when's the last time I've been to one. It's been years ago. I have a friend that was once the inventor of the year. The guy's a genius, is a friend, and he came up with a way at a high temperature to coat the inside of engine blocks. And you know, he sells it to all the big companies. By the way, the communist Chinese forget about, you know, patent theft and intellectual property theft because they romped him line personally. But he's just brilliant, and you know, even even goofy ideas of you know, I'm like, wow, you walk around the convention, you think, why didn't I think of that? I didn't any think of that? Why didn't any think of that? Hey? I read this book years ago. The guy passed away years ago too, he lived in Louisiana. I wrote a book about how he felt that there was that the force of gravity. And this is very layman issue. It's a very layman like explanation. So forgive me for not understanding the scientific lingo that would be necessary. But the bottom line and thesis behind a self published book which I bought and read, was that there is an endless supply of energy with the gravitational pull of the Earth that could be tapped into, and that would be an endless source of energy for everything and everybody worldwide. And he just had this thesis as hypothesis. Maybe perhaps the timing a word you prefer, and it now could Is that scientifically possible? You're asking the wrong guy. That's not my wheelhouse, But something like that could come out of nowhere. I mean those that there are people that think that way. You know, who ever heard of a black hole? Right? You know, here's Hawkins talking about black what's the black hole? What does that mean? You know? When they keep discovering more universes, as we have further reach out into universes within universes within universes, I'm kind of fascinated with all of that. And I think those minds that dedicate themselves to that level of science, just like those minds that dedicate their entire life just to studying something as simple, ye as complicated as a virus, you know, are amazing. And that's where the solution will ultimately come from. But until then, relying on OPEC and Saudi Arabia is a bad idea. Not recognizing the fact that this is the lifeblood of the world's economy puts US at a dramatic disadvantage. And now the US pack begging OPAC to produce more oil to lower the price of energy is just a bad idea. So you know, now we got the Senate Democrats. Now they've now bastardized the word of infrastructure. It's no longer roads, bridges, and tunnels, it's human infrastructure. And human infrastructure is basically new Green deal socialism repackaged with a different name because socialism is a bad word, and we don't want people to think we're radical socialists, even though we really are. But that's what the three point five trillion, on top of the six hundred billion is all about, on top of the one point two trillion, only a small portion of which is really about infrastructure. I mean, so that that's now what the Democratic mission is now? Can you count on all fifty Republicans to stay united? I don't have confidence in a number of them. Can you count on somebody like Joe Mansion to maybe have a little common sense and buck his party leadership on this? I tend to doubt in the end he's going to be able or willing to do it. Or Senator Cinema of Arizona. Don't you know they say they will on certain things. The only time will tell. But anyway, Tuesday night into Wednesday, we saw this vote a rama on the Senate floor and senators could propose non binding amendments. I got one of them, I think was the defund and actually was successful because Mansion joined. I believe it was Senator Cotton on critical race theory funding. But anyway, it was on Tuesday that the Senate went for the you know, trillion dollars spending bill, got what the eighteen nineteen Republicans to go along with that, and they didn't hide what they want in this reconciliation package. Reconciliation is the process by which you don't need sixty votes. You get to bypass the cloture process, and that means that Democrats don't need a single Republican, but they only have fifty Democrats and they need Kamala Harris to be the deciding vote. But in it is nothing but new Green deal ism. You know. Congress Homanicasio Corteza, she's not excited about the bipartisan bill, and Nancy Pelosi, afraid she'll lose her job, is demanding all of it being passed before she has any desire to even take it up in the House. Reconciliation is not exactly certain. Three point five trillion. You know what about moderate Democrats. We have a big election in twenty twenty two. We have Florida, Georgia, We have North Carolina, South Carolina. You have New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Ohio, Arizona, a, Nevada, yea. Every swing state in the country is up. There has a Senate seat up. The House of Representatives. Only three votes separate the Republicans' ability to now take over in the House. So it's not exactly certain what some of these Senate Democrats are gonna do. Is their hope. Yeah, at the end of the day, I just I always just I don't really have the hope that they're going to be able to do this just to stop it. And then this is like cylindra on steroids and human growth hormone, and that's what it is. Along Sean Hannity Show eight hundred By the way, yeah, I know nobody watches these late night shows. Did you know that there's a funny montage we have time will play it later was put out by NewsBusters. Who's the guy that replaced John Stewart and he's Trevor Noah. Nobody watches like when the guy Seth whatever his name is, attackers ratings. He can't even get a million viewers, this guy. And you know, none of these late shows do well anyway, Trevor, Trevor Noah is being mocked as a Cuomo sexual. Apparently he didn't say it once, he said it numerous. What the hell does that even mean? Do you have any idea? I guess that that all the love of all things Andrew Cuomo, I don't know, all right, maybe O'Reilly will know the answer. He'll join us, simple man, Bill O'Reilly. Next, we'll get to your calls. Next to an hour eight hundred times four one, Sean, if you want to join US

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