Tax Cuts Are Pro American - 9.27

Published Sep 28, 2017, 12:54 AM

President Trump has not let the NFL protests of the National Anthem stop him from moving forward with a very important agenda, specifically his push for tax reform. Today, while visiting a crowd in Indiana, President Trump kicked off his initiative for tax cuts. Sean reacts to his proposal and details just how important this move is. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow, all right, class it with a sign. Now we're in the swamp or in Washington CC. What am I doing here? Eight nine one Shaw and if you want to be a part of the program, and a lot coming up on the course of the show today, we're gonna talk about the details of the tax plan. Freedom caucas now is signed on to the President's plan. They're only releasing a framework of the plan. Well of more on the NFL and the mess that Roger Goodell has now got in the NFL into in the course of the program. You know two of the biggest NFL fans that I know, our friends of mine. Monica Crowley has tickets on the fifty yard line of every Jet game that she she goes to, and they're having a really stellar year, kind of like the New York Giants, um but she's a huge fan. Wrote a great column about this and Rose Tennant. I think one of the more interesting cities as you watch all of this unfolds as it relates to the NFL, is what's happening in in Pittsburgh. I mean Ben Rousselisberger down the quarterback. He's out there. He's suggesting that maybe we kind of made a mistake and you know, just as a mess. So we'll get to all that today and much much more. Listen, I let me give you a little bit so that you had the House Senate, in the White House. They've all gotten together, and let me tell you what they're trying to do and whether or not it's gonna be achievable. And if it's not achievable, this is it. This is this is there. This is the end for the Republicans. They can't get anything done. I think it's gonna get done I hope that it's gonna get done right. I suspect it's going to get done right. And in many ways, the very criticisms I have had about the Republicans. Let's go back to health care. What was one of my biggest criticisms when it started in the House of Representatives. I was, I was there, and I was suggesting, this is just really dumb. And the reason it was dumb is is the leadership put it forward a bill, and they did it behind closed doors, and they never built consensus and you have varying factions within the Republican caucus in the House and in the Senate. I mean, you have your more conservative members in the Senate, like like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, and then you have a libertarian like like Ran Paul, and you have then you have the hate Trump people like Ben sass and John McCain. And I think half the time Lindsey Graham, Lindsey Graham vacillates depend on what the day happens to be. And so you've got all these people and I know what's said behind closed doors, and you've got a bunch of other people that do not want even the president to succeed. You've got an impotent leader in the Senate. He's the absolute worst. And his name, of course is Mitch McConnell. So what didn't happen in the healthcare builds seems like they're at least attempting to learn from the mistakes that they made. Now, eventually the House passed their bill, so you gotta give him credit. And I I spent I was up late last night. I was up a long time last night, and I was just reading and research and reading and researching because I got Paul Ryan on the on the show on Hannity Our New Time nine o'clock tonight, and so that you know, and and Speaker Ryan I had said, well, send me the stuff that you've done, just so I have a list of what you've got done. What the Senate hasn't gotten done that you know, in the Senate they haven't even confirmed half the president's appointments at this point. It's like a year. It's unforgivable. I mean, the president doesn't even have his own government. I'm complaining about the deep state. I'm complaining about Obama holdovers. And why Mitch McConnell lets that that weasel Chuck Schumer roll over him every day is beyond comprehension to me. Schumer would never put up with this crap. Schumer would have just said, goodbye, we're gonna do a simple majority, give us the voter or not in Republicans would say, okay, okay, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. You know, It's just like Republicans they fear they're gonna get blamed for a government shutdown if they're out of power, and then they fear they're gonna be blamed for a government shutdown when they're in power. I've never met people that that just seem rudderless and and have no vision, and they have literally no identity, is what they don't have. They don't have an identity anymore. And that's why we didn't get the bigger, broader ideas and and and solutions and paradigms that we could have created for healthcare and so on and so forth. You know. So, all right, and Paul Ryan's people they sent over, Okay, So in the House, they passed more bills out of committee than they have in the Obama Bush Clinton and George W. Bush administration. All right, that they deserve credit for that. And bills that were actually passed out of the House, they are above the average by quite a lot, actually, three and sixteen versus a hundred nineties six point two. The problem is the Senate, the percentage of bills and acted is below is but then not the big promises that they made. That's the problem. That's why this bill has to pass. And if you look at the bills out of the House that are stuck in the Senate, it's two Just like, what the hell is McConnell doing in there? I can't if there's one thing anybody that works for me knows, I can't. I can't deal with nobody that People that don't do it, people that don't try, people that don't have urgency, people that don't have a sense of get up and go to work. There's not one person that works for me, not one that I have to tell them every day what to do. If I have to tell you what to do, you're wasting my time. I don't have time for that. There's nobody that works for me that takes lunch. Let me mean you, I'm not going to lunch. I grabbed a chicken wing before I came on the air. That's my lunch at somebody else bought. I said, can I have a couple of those? I grabbed three chicken wings? Alright four? I grabbed four chicken wings. I don't know people. I you know, my friends said, people write me, let's do lunch. I'm like, what does let's do lunch me? And I'm like every time somebody says that, I'm like, are you kidding me? Who's time for lunch? And I do what everybody else does. I roll up my sleeves and I work. When I was a contractor, I get up early and I throw coffee down my throat. I usually stopped then at that point in my life at Dunkin Donuts, grab two donuts and I went to work. And then if we did get lunch, one guy would go out and get the lunch and then bring it back and then we'd all sit and eat. When you're done eating, you get back to work. And you know, if I was working at the shipyard, and then we all get a quart of beer and we had thirty minutes and we'd all drink it pretty quick, and then we get back to work. Um, what's wee, baby James? What are you writing here? Set the Senate, I'll give them dunkon donuts, are either gonna have duncan so Um, the House has done more than the Senate. And that's my conclusion. Now with that said, I mean, look, they did do the Veterans Reform Bill, and that was the biggest reform to the Department of Veterans Affairs. And we had a caller last weekend. I didn't have it. At the top of my head and the tip of my tongue. I was piste off at myself that I wasn't up to date as I should have been. Anyways, remember the scandals that broke out in and you know they have. This is the bill the President Trumps sign that boost the accountability, improved services and leads to better care and offers the choice of these vets to get the promises we made to them and they can walk into other places. Also, the regulatory belief relief is very strong. The House passed that, the Center pass that the stronger border security that that was past one point five billion. But it's not the building of the wall money, which is separate and apart, although the construction of the wall has been gun and nobody's reporting it, and I will give you the details of that. And then of course the twenty one billion increase in defense spending, which I think we needed. Uh, they did make a big deal over the opioid s one million dollars. It is an epidemic. I mean, you've got these young kids. They're talking about this yesterday. I mean they're just addicted. You know, they start taking grandma's percosets or vicodin and the next thing you know, there's snorting heroin because they can't afford eighty dollars for a pill, and they spend ten dollars for a bag of freaking heroin, and the dealers love it because they're making a huge profit. And those kids it's it's like impossible to get off those those drugs. It's like it's almost like a death sentence the minute you start, and then you've got They've expanded school choice, etcetera, etcetera. But um, that doesn't give you. That doesn't get us to where everybody the benchmark really was for most people repeal and replace. So it doesn't. Yes, they've done some good. So what they did I think to learn from their error and learn from their mistake is I thought pretty smart. They decided not to do top down. They've created a framework. Now. The only problem with the frameworkers you don't have all the details you want, and the details well, we'll get to the details. The devil's always in the details. That's that's the problem anyway. In the overview is that basically the Congress, the Republicans of the House, Senate, and the White House have gotten together and the President laid out four principles for tax reform. He wants to simplify the tax code. That means going from seven brackets to three. He wants it simple and easy. They want to make it that a lot of people can file on a postcard or file online and you won't even pour H and R block. Hopefully we'll be out of business after all of this. And I'm not saying that I don't want people out of business, but you know what I mean. The American workers, the middle class are going to get the biggest part of the tax cut here, allowing them to keep more of their hard earned money. UM. And then of course the corporate taxes. The President was very clear today said yeah, I've been saying fifteen percent, fift The Republicans are outlining and Paul Ryan's talking about I always wonder why they're gonna push back hard, push for more but than the repatriation of trillions that are out there. And so what they've done is they've laid out of framework. And this is the Trump Administration, the House Ways of Means Committee, the Senate Committee on Finance. So this is the framework. Now, if you couple all of this, the middle class tax cuts, the corporate tax cuts, enhance child tax credit that's going to be a part of it, an individual alternative minimum tax. I actually think you should have eliminated it itemized deductions, your mortgage, your charitable deductions that would continue. And then I'm reading the Washington Post on this, and I'm like, this is where the liberal media has no fundamental understanding of economics what it means, because the headline and this they just go on, Oh, headline, GOP proposes deep tax cuts, provides few details on how they're gonna pay for them. Well, Ray again took the top marginal rates. And it's so sad. I have to educate these big, lofty, well educated people from the Washington Post. They probably want to had Judge town Yale, Princeton, Topmouth, and whatever institutions they they considered of higher learning that we mere models are not actually being a part of anyways. A long story short, they don't get it. Reagan doubled revenues by taking the top marginal rates from seventy in the course of his presidency. Last time we had any real tax reform was that was in Reagan's second term. What they're trying to do here is big. I just hope they're not biting off too much that they can't get it done. Keep it simple, stupid seven brackets to three. It looks like it's gonna be twenty not fifteen pent on the corporate tax rate, but a significant deduction. You know. The President had to say, I don't know why everybody thinks that the rich not having not getting a tax cut such a good thing, because I never got a job from a poor person. I only work for rich people. I've only worked for people that could afford my services as a contractor, or my services in a restaurant, or my services in radio and TV. None of them are poor anyway, So I think it should be a part of it. The President said today that's not part of it. Then, you know, the headline on Drudge was even a little worse, as uh, I need to read their sweet baby, as they're actually saying, the proposal includes a surcharge on the wealth East American with the wealthiest Americans are, they're gonna try and say hard hide their money again because they're not stupid. They didn't get rich by being stupid. But at the end of the day, if you do that, do energy and you stop the competition for people, the influx of people that are keep competing for jobs, you know, that's a good start. Let me put it that way, all right. Eight d On told free telephone number. We're in the Nations Swamp, Washington, d C. Paul Ryan is gonna be our guest tonight. Our new time is nine Eastern and then we're gonna head to Palm Beach. We're gonna see Rush Lumba tomorrow and uh, he does very few interviews. Were excited to have him on and get his take on all things media, Trump, NFL and everything else that's happening from Washington, d C. It's the Sean Hannity Show, A right, Sean Hannity Show. We're in our nation's capital. Eight one, Shawn told, free telephone number. And alright, so it's not the zero sum game that the Washington Post says. Now, it's a framework. Details are coming. I was pretty happy to see, and I did talk to earlier today, Mark Meadows. He's the chairman of the Freedom Caucus and and honestly he's one of the guys that I rely on the actually go out there and fight. Freedom Caucus actually put out an announcement that they support the framework, they're gonna support the House GOP budget, and that they support tax reform bill that is now making its way through Listen, what's not to support. If you're a Republican, what part of cutting taxes don't you like, What part of simplifying the tax code don't you like seven to three brackets? You're gonna drop the top corporate rate. It looks like you're gonna take in all the trillions repatriated. And basically you're saying, all these companies that can't stand our taxation in this country, all right, bring your money in, Spend it in Michigan, spend it in Wisconsin and Ohio and Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Missouri and in Florida. Go spend them there. And then all those people that are out of work. And then if you did secure the border, that's more, that's less competition for the many jobs that we have. And then if you take it a step further and we become energy independent and really pushed towards energy independence, I know, it's the lifeblood of our economy. And that means fracking and gas and and drilling and an moir, and that means clean burning coal. And then we could even you know how many millions of jobs we can create. And in the energy sector, you're talking about high paying career jobs for people. And when we were getting jobs and partnering with some of the oil companies. You know, we were getting people jobs at a hundred grand of pop that were truck drivers, and they were even training. You. If I'm out of work and I'm not making a lot of money, and I hear I can get a job that pays me a hundred grand, or if I'm making forty grand a year and I can more than double my salary, I'm gonna go to the oil industry. I don't go down to do whatever it takes. All right, Well, obvious the latest on the NFL. We've got a great line up Paul Ryan on Hannity Tonight, Rush tomorrow. Uh, don't forget our new time nine Eastern from Washington. It's the Shawn Hannity Show. Quick break right back. We'll continue a until the top of the hour. One sewn. Alright, So, the President just announced he's gonna visit Puerto Rico next week. He just took to the stage. He's in Indianapolis to talk about his economic plan and the framework that he he's announced, as well as the Speaker of the House will be on Hannity to night and Miss McConnell. Here's the President Thank you very much. You just want massive tax cuts, that's what you want. That's the only reason you're going so wild. But it's wonderful to be back in the great state of Indiana. What a place. I want to thank Senator Todd Young, Senator Joe Donnelly, Representative Jackie Willarski, Representative Susan Brooks, and Representative Mike Messer for joining us today. Thank you very much, Thank you very much for any appreciate it. I also want to thank members of my economic team, Secretary Stephen Manuchin and Director Garry Cone for joining us as well. We appreciate it. Let me begin by saying that our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands who are suffering in the wake of yet another catastrophic hurricane. I mean, their island was virtually destroyed. Federal agencies are working closely with local partners to help these communities get back on their feet as soon as possible. Texas, Florida, Louisiana are doing great and the recovery process is happening very very quickly. I will be going down to Puerto Rico next week to get an on the ground briefing about the disaster recovery, and to see all of our great first responders and to meet a lot of the people who are so affected by these films. We are with you now, I tell them, and we will be there every step of the way until this job is done. It is truly catastrophic what happened in Puerto Rico, and massive amounts of water, food and supplies by the way are being delivered on an hourly basis. It's it's something that nobody's ever seen before from this country. I can tell you that. And I'm very proud of all of the folks that have worked so hard in FEMA, all of our first responders, all of our police that have gone to the island because their police force has been so badly affected, and many of their policemen, in fact, most of the police people have lost their homes and it's been a tough go, but we are We're going to get it back. Before we go on to discuss the largest tax cut in our country's history, I also want to provide a brief update on healthcare. We have the votes on Grame Cassidy, but with the rules of reconciliation, we're up against a deadline of Friday, two days. That's just two days, and yes vote, Senator. We have a wonderful senator, great, great senator who is a yes vote, but he's home recovering from a pretty tough situation. And with so many great features, including all of the block granting the money to the states, etcetera, etcetera, our healthcare plan is really going to be something excellent. It's going to be better managed for the people that it serves. Having local healthcare representatives is far better than having healthcare managed from Washington, d C. Not even a contact. And many many governors, as you also see, have agreed with us and approved it and really look forward to running it properly. But again, because the reconciliation window is about to close, we have to wait a few months until it reopens before we take a vote. So we're getting all of the good signs from Alaska and the others to repeal and replace Obamacare. And I was hoping this would be put on my desk right after we won the election and I'd come in and signed, but it didn't work that way, and a couple of people that I won't say anything but early next year when reconciliation kicks back in in any event, long before the November election. We're going to have a vote and we're going to be able to get that through, and I think we'll actually get it through very easily, and the time makes it easier. But speaking of reconciliation, the Republican Senate needs to get rid of the filibuster rule, which is blocking so many great legislative reforms the American people badly want and deserve. By the way, the Democrats, if they had the opportunity, which hopefully they won't for many many years, they would get rid of it on day one. And most of you know exactly what I'm talking about. We're here today in Indiana to announce our framework to deliver historic tax relief to the American people. This is a once in a generation opportunity, and I guess it's probably something I could say that I'm very good at. I've been waiting for this for a long time. We're going to cut taxes for the middle class, make the tag X code simpler and more fair for everyday Americans, and we are going to bring back the jobs and wealth that have left our country, and most people thought left our country for good. We want tax reform that is pro growth, pro jobs, pro worker, pro family, and yes, tax reform that is pro American. It's time to take care of our people, to rebuild our nation, and to fight for our great American workers. Indiana is a trum mendous example of the prosperity that is unleashed when we cut taxes and set free the dreams of our citizens. This state has claimed a powerful competitive edge built on low taxes and less regulation. And are we cutting regulation and businesses all across the country have taken notice. In recent years, Indiana has welcomed dozens of companies fleeing high taxes and high tax states. Thousands of new jobs and massive capital investment have followed, meaning a better quality of life for the people of Indiana. All of this is possible because the people of this state have made a decision. They chose to make Indiana competitive again. They chose, and their choice was so important. It included electing a governor who you may have heard of, who signed the largest income tax cut in the state's history, Our very very terrific person and terrific Vice President Mike Pence. It's time for Washington to learn from the wisdom of Indiana. We need Washington to promote American jobs instead of obstructing them. That is what I've been working to achieve every day since I took office. That is what I talked about on the campaign trail. Already, we're seeing the results of an economic policy that finally puts America first. Unemployment is at a sixteen year low. Unemployment for African Americans is near its lowest point since the turn of the millennium. It's really a fantastic thing to send. Wages are rising, Optimism among manufacturers has reached all time highs GDP growth last quarter reached three percent, way ahead of schedule. Nobody thought that was going to happen for a long time. And this quarter I believe would have been better, but the hurricanes will have an impact. But other than that, it would have been, my opinion, even better. Your government is working for you once again, not for the donors, not the special entrance, but the hard working, tax paying citizens of our country. America is back on the right track, and I see so many red hats. Make America great again. That's what we're doing, make America great again. But our country and our economy cannot take off like they should unless we dramatically reform America's outdated, complex and extremely burdensome tax code. It's a relic. I got to change it. We have to compete, compete with other countries. The current tax system is a colossal barrier standing in the way of America's economic comeback because it can be far greater than it's ever been. But we're going to remove that barrier to create the tax system that our people finally, finally, finally and want and deserve. For several months, my administration has been working closely with Congress to develop a framework for tax reform. Over the next few months, the House and Senate will build on this framework and produce legislation that will deliver more jobs, higher pay, and lower taxes for middle class families, for the working man and woman, and for businesses of all sizes. I look forward, Thank you Alright, our stations along the Sean Hannity Show network, we are going to blow the local break. Feel free to break away if necessary, and of course we'll be taking our heartbreak at the top of the hour. More with President Trump in Indianapolis. These tax cuts are significant. There's never been tax cuts like what we're talking about. Our framework is bay on four key ideas. First, we will cut taxes for the everyday hard working Americans, the people that work so long, so hard, and they've been forgotten. But they're not forgotten anymore. I think we proved that in November eight. Under this framework, the first twelve thousand dollars of income earned by a single individual will be tax free, and a married couple won't pay a dime in taxes on their first thou dollars of income. So a married couple up to thousand dollars can spend their money on their family, on their children, on what they have to do so much better. In other words, more income for more people will be taxed at a rate of zero. At this zero percent rate, taxable income will be subject to just three tax rates of twelve. And Jonathan Blanton and his wife Jamie from Greentown are here with us today. Where are they? Oh? Hello, Jonathan, how are you? Jonathan does industrial janitorial work and Jamie works at an auto company. Together they're raising four beautiful children, and last year they earned less than ninety dollars. Under our tax plan, they would have saved more than one thousand dollars and could be substantially more, and that's just on federal axis, so they would have saved at least one thousand dollars. Middle income families will save even more money with an increased child tax credit for children under the age of seventeen, which so many families have been calling through. We will eliminate the marriage penalty in the existing credit and expand eligibility to include even more middle income families greatly expanded. We're also expanding the child tax Credit because we believe the most important investment our country can make is in our children, and this is just one more critical way that we're targeting relief to work in families. In addition, under our framework, those caring for the elderly loved and we love these people, but we're caring and we take such care of the elderly and other adult dependents will receive financial relief in the form of a five hundred dollar tax credit. We're doing everything we can to reduce the tax burden on you and your family by eliminating tax bricks and loopholes. We will ensure that the benefits are focused on the middle class, the working men and women, not the highest income earners. Our framework includes our explicit commitment that tax reform will protect low income and middle income households, not the wealthy and well connected. They can call me all they want, it's not going to help. I'm doing the right thing, and it's not good for me, believe me. But what is good for me, not only as president and legacy. What is good for me is if everything takes off like a rocket ship like it should have for twenty years, that's good for me. That's good for everyone. And that's what I think is going to happen, and a lot of very wealthy people feel the same way, believe me. In fact, we are eliminating most itemized deductions that primarily benefit the wealthiest taxpayers. We have also given Congress the flexibility to add an additional top rate on the very highest income earners to provide even more tax relief for working people. Second, our framework will make the tax code simple, fair, and easy to understand. Finally, Americans waste money. Americans waste so much money, billions and billions of dollars and many hours each year to comply with our ridiculously complex tax code. More than of Americans use assistance to prepare their taxes. Under our framework, the vast majority of families will be able to file their taxes on a single sheet of paper. We are also repealing the alternative minimum tax, or a MT about time. The a MT is actually a shadow tax system that requires many people to calculate their taxes two different ways and pay the higher of the two amounts. You're all familiar with it. Under our framework, the a m T will make even less sense because we're repealing many of the special interest tax breaks that it was designed to deal with. We are making our taxes simple again. We are simplifying our tech system to protect millions of small businesses and the American farmer. We are finally ending the crushing, the horrible, the unfair estate tax, or as it is often referred to, the death facts. That means, especially for all of you with small businesses that are really tremendous businesses, you'll be able to leave them to your family, and your family won't have to run out and do a fire sale to try and get the money to pay the tax, lose, the business ends up going out of business. All of those jobs are lost. The farmers in particular are affected. They have wonderful farms but they can't pay the tax, so they have to sell the farm. The people that buy it don't run it with love. They can't run it the same way, and it goes out. So that death tax is a disaster for this country and a disaster for so many small businesses and farmers. And we're getting rid of it now. If you don't like your family, it won't matter. But for the right, that's the president in Indiana four tax rates. People couples paying making twenty four thousand dollars a year paying nothing in taxes. Simplify the tax code, eliminate the alternative minimum tax, and make taxes simple again. Or in Washington, d C. Will have Paul Ryan on all of this tonight and hopefully the House and Senate can get this done. And the idea is to jump start and turbo charge the economy. Hey, listen, first, I want to remind you as we continue eight and we're gonna get into the football issue when we get back. I don't think you can disrespect our country or flag our national anthem. To me, the NFL situation is a very important situation. It's called respect for our country. Many people have died, many many people, many people are so horribly injured. I was at Walter Reed Hospital recently and I saw so many great young people and their missing legs and the missing arms, and they've been so badly injured. And they were fighting for our country. They were fighting for a flag, they were fighting for our national anthem. And for people to disrespect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem, I think is disgraceful. All right, our to Sean Hannity Show from the Nation Swamp and Sewer, Washington, d C. We're gladual with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to join us, eight hundred nine f one, Seawan, you want to be a part of the program. The President again saying no, this is about respect, respect for the country, respect for our flag, respect for the hundreds of thousands of people that died fighting under that flag. And why the left and the crazy media and well, let's impeach him over his NFL comments. Maxine Waters and the rest of them, they just they clearly don't get it. They don't know. It's unbelievable to me. Anyway. One of the biggest cities where this has had an impact is the great City of Pittsburgh, where our friend Rose Tenant lives, and of course Ben Roethlisberger, their quarterbacks, that he kind of regretted doing it, and then all the hand O Villanueva, I thought, who was the hero, and then he's kind of backtracked and he felt like he let his team down, and he got excoriated publicly by his coach, which shocked me. And I've seen more people burning Pittsburgh Steeler memorabilia and jerseys than any other any other city or town that has the NFL right now. Also, Monica Crowley is with us a huge NFL fans. She's got seasons tickets I know, to the the ever so powerful and successful New York Jets and on the fifty yard line, and uh, I don't think she can give those tickets away at this particular point in time. Although they did have a great, great win over the weekend and it was fun. The Giants and Jets were on the same time, and I kept going back and forth and the Jets were winning, and I wouldn't have bet it. We've been in a rebuilding years since Joe Namas, So I always keep hope alive. Sean uh eternally hopeful um, well, Rose, I got let's start with you, because I'm watching Pittsburgh and I know the people of Pittsburgh. I mean, frankly that that's my life, my background. And I remember when I was there with Trump. You were in the back of the stage, sitting right behind the then candidate Trump. And I remember how many people in the audience they have taken their terrible towels and and waving them around, and the president even that one. And and do you remember that you and I actually stumped for a former Steeler, Lyn Swan. I were in Pittsburgh one stumping for him. I mean, the Steelers stands are unique fans, the team is a unique team. There are Steller fans all over the world. People that never lived in Pittsburgh are devoted to this team. And we've had a very honorable football team. But it looks like our legacy has been tarred by this and and and they can't turn it around. But it doesn't start with a letter that Rooney wrote to the Steeler Nation yesterday. He told us that what he believes is a misperception. There's no misperception about the player's intentions. I think we perceived it quite well. But One of the things that he said was that the players wanted to stay out of the business of making political statement. But I'm telling you that taking the field and standing for the national anthem is how you avoid making a political statement. Standing for the anthem isn't the political statement. I mean, our national anthem has never been political until now it's been made political. And and you know, the bottom line is left its found a way to take a song that once united us and turning it into a song that divides us. But it's not working. Not when you find out that two thirds of Americans still are appalled by what the NFL and the players have been doing that and that that tells me that the Democrats and Republicans and independence alike are appalled by this. I don't know how the NFL gets out of this at this point, Monica. I mean, I think the president, the president is captured and Poles are showing that the people are with the president. I'm with the president. I'm I'm flabbergwn. You know, we'll have Katie Hopkins on later with Horaldo And And when I was watching the Jaguars and the Ravens early on Sunday morning, and I turn it on and and they kneel for for the for the anthem, and then they stand for God Save the Queen. I'm saying yeah. I wrote a column about this yesterday for The Hill dot Com, and I was making this exact point. Look, all of the recent polling shows that the public is with Donald Trump on this. A vast majority of Americans degree that the player's behavior it's unpatriotic. Right. It's not a question of whether they have a right to do it. Of course they have a right to do it. The question is is it appropriate in that venue? Remember Shawn and Rose a couple of weeks ago, when the Emmy Awards were going on and every Hollywood person who went up on the stage and made made anti Trump and or even anti American kind of comments. I put out a tweet saying, you know what, this is Hollywood helping Donald Trump get reelected. This is the same exact thing. These people don't understand, or maybe they do understand and they don't care well what I would like to see the president do. And this was the point of my column in The Hill yesterday was to flip the script because he's still good at doing this. Do you remember during the campaign, Hillary slogan I'm her, well, Donald Trump effectively turn that upside down and he said, no, I'm with you. And what I would like Trump to say now is you know what, guys, this isn't about me, Okay, this is about all of you. This is the message that I had during my during my campaign. If you want to protest me and my policies and my administration, great, knock yourselves out, but please understand that the national anthem and the American flag are bigger than me. In fact, they're bigger than all of us. So for all of you left wingers out there who are paying lip service to greater unity and tolerance, I ask that you demonstrate those values by respecting the flag and the anthem and understand that if you think you know this country doesn't serve particular groups of people, well will you know what those very symbols will guide us to be better? And that's all I'm asking. As president, I'm just a temporary steward here. I'm going to pass from the scene eventually. This is about America and our secret honor. That's what I'd like to hear from President Trump. And I think if he removed himself from the equation Sean and Rose like that. I think that would go really far, Bros. I'm just curious what the Steelers fans are gonna do in the weeks ahead. It's unbelievable. The oh my gosh, people are so very upset right now, and we will be watching now. There's been some indication that they are going to come out and they will stand for the anthem from now on. That's what we've been told. We'll see if that happens. And if it does, that's fine, and that's the right thing to do. The thing that bothers me is that the left has created this false choice and and and they take something that is so American, something that brings us together as Americans, and then they polarize it. They they're protesting something anything, on the basis of any kind of grievance they can find. And then they put us in a position that if we go against because that's that's what they decided is the moral high ground, then if we go against it, then we're taking the morally low ground. And I'm tired of that. You know, if we defend what our American traditions, that is not taking the morally low ground, they've got this so upset, so upside down, Monic. I think you're awesome. I of what you had to say. I don't mind that President Trump has weighed in. I don't mind it all because he's he's been charged with protecting and preserving our constitution, with honoring all those things that we hold dear, and he's a pre smart guy. He has puts the heart of the average American just as he did when he was running for office. People care about the national anthem. They care about the flag. Whether they're Democrats or Republicans, are independent, they care about that, and he understands that. I think for most Americans this is simple. But where does it end? I mean, does this end well? Does the NFL get their act together, Monica? Or they going to keep this up? Well? I think eventually they will because they don't want to commit it economic suicide, Sean, Right. I mean, people are leaving in droves. She's got the TV ratings for these games steadily sliding because nobody wants to see this. People don't want to see these kinds of political statements when they're trying to be entertained with a pro football game. So I think that just out of economic rationality. The NFL will get its together. I noticed that the New England Patriots tweeted this morning that they're all going to stand for the national anthem at their next game. Good. I think most teams will eventually get to that point, maybe sooner rather than later. This is just the latest in the latest chapter of the culture wars, and Sean, you're on the air every day talking about this rose you need to the left that has inspired this whole movement. They attack sacred American institutions. Pro football might not seem that serious, but actually it it is because when you attack pro football like this, you're attacking um, the core values that the Constitution, the flag, all all all symbolize, and and you know, it goes after what makes us great as Americans and the fact that that culturally, economically, politically, militarily we are the best in the world. Number one, We've been a superpower. The left goes after all of these pillars of our society and our culture and our economics and our foundations in order to tear it down so that they can rebuild some sort of left wing utopia. They've been doing this for a long I want to know, I want to know why Roger Goodell wouldn't allow somebody to say never forget and put on his cleats nine eleven oh one on the fifteenth anniversary of the worst terror attack in history. Why the Dallas Cowboys weren't allowed to honor the slain cops on their helmets, which they would have liked to do. Or players that want to honor their mothers of fathers that are are sick in some way and in some some overt way. You can't do a lot of things in the NFL. You can't yell, you can't curse, you can't taunt, you can't work. You can't do a fake bow and arrow for crying out loud. So there's a lot of restrictions on freedom of speech. But Goodell, you know, I'll look. I'll tell you what it says. It says the national anthem must be played prior to every NFL game. All players must be on the sideline for the national anthem, and during the anthem, players on the field and bench area must stand at attention, face the flag, hold their helmets in their left hand, refrain from talk. King The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and country. Failure to be on the field at the start of the national anthem may result in discipline such as fine, suspensions, and or forfeiture of draft choices for violations of the above, including first offenses. It doesn't sound like it was. There's any ambiguity there. There isn't it. If Goodell had done his job from the very beginning, nipped and immediately, we wouldn't even be seeing this right now. But the problem is shown, then it would be seen as him taking the morally low ground. He might be perceived as a racist. But see, this is what the left does. American flags on T shirts at school kids chanting USA. That's not controversial until the left generates the controversy. And that's what they've done here. And they've taken our institutions, our Americans traditions and try to take take the how less it were, take lower ground. If we defend those things, we gotta we gotta leave it right there. We do think both of you, uh well, two of the biggest NFL fans I know, Monica Crowley and Rose Tennant, guys, good to see you both, Good to hear from you both. Thanks for being with us. All Right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show, straight to our busy phones, we go to newstalk WSB Atlanta in Georgia, saying hi to Lauren. Lauren, Hi, how are you glad you called? Welcome to the show. Hi, thank you for taking my call. Um. I just wanted to make a comment on the NFL kneeling controversy, and it comes back to our public schools not teaching civics anymore. Um. If you don't understand what your civic duties entail, um, then maybe you don't fully grasp um. What you're doing is completely wrong. Yeah. I think there's a lot of truth in this. You know, maybe it's the arguments. Maybe you're not even that complex. Let's be honest. The human condition is one of good and evil. The human soul is a struggle between that good and evil. It's very simple, basic stuff. I keep quoting this week very far because it just I can't say it any better in my own words, and that is there's never been in the history of the world a country that has accumulated more power and abused it less than the United States. There's never been a country that's accumulated more power than the United States and used it for the advancement of human good and standing up to evil. No, we're not a perfect country. No, our framers and founders weren't perfect people. But the beauty of our constitution, we the people, is that we have the means, the mechanisms in place to right wrongs, evils injustices. And I think our history has proven, albeit ever so slowly, we've made many of those adjustments for the good. And I I, for the life of me, it's it's I do think there is a push that there are people that want to basically just shred this country to smithereens as if we've done no good. You know, it's like a Michelle Obama. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country. Really, you weren't proud of your country defeating fascism, not seism, communism, imperial Japan. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback. Let me tell I mean, America has done so much for the advancement of the human soul, don't you think? Oh? Absolutely, absolutely, And but but I feel like our education system, especially the public education system, I may, you know, be a little more left leaning and removing um, learning about how to be a good citizen. Um. You know that that's just gonna be contribute to the detriment of our society. Totally agree. All right, Lauren, all my all, my best of my friends down in Atlanta, Winston Salem, North Carolina. Rob is next, Rob, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hey, Sean, Thanks for having me. I've been a fan ever since. I used to look forward to what either you or the late great Tony snow with guests says for Rush. Oh my gosh, you know what I Russia has paved the path for all of us. I'm I'm really I don't get to see him in off uh and I'm going to see him tomorrow, and he'll be on the show tomorrow and I our New Time nine o'clock. And he doesn't do a lot of TV interviews, but when he does, they're always powerful. So thank you for your kind words. And I'm forever grateful that that he's given me the opportunity with just a fill in for him, and he frankly forged the path for all of us in this business. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, you guys do great work with your own show. And my my point this anthem thing, My first point is I believe this kneeling stunt perpetrated by Kaepernick, it's one of the sillier stunts that we've seen by agents of the far left these days. He says that he is protesting racism. You know, I just want to know where that is, because from what people on the left tell me, one can't be racist without power. Listen, racism and I gotta run. And I appreciate your calling, your kind words. It's the inherent belief in superiority and if you if you're if you believe in God, you know that we're all created by the same person. Great call. We'll continue. I want to I'm want to go there for Tuesday. Seems to be the first time we can do without really disrupting first responders and the efforts set are being made to help people. We have shipped massive amounts of food and water and supplies to Puerto Rico, and we are continuing to do it on an hourly basis. But that island was hit as hard as you can hit. When you see two hundred mile in arrow ones. Even Texas didn't have two hundred millon arrow ones, right, But when you see two hundred miles and even more than that, two hundred mile in narrow winds hitting a place and literally houses are just demolished. It was like tornadoes. It was like having hundreds of tornadoes the winds. So we've never seen it actually touched down as a Category five. People have never seen anything like that. And it was dead center. I mean, you couldn't be anymore. And don't forget a week before it got hit by another hurricane. Now that one brushed it, but that did tremendous damage too. So Puerto Rico has tremendous problems with floods and with the damage and collapse. And I mean, we're still looking for people, were still looking for people. But I'm gonna be going there on Tuesday, and I may also stop at the Virgin Islands. The governor there has done a terrific job of I mean, he's been devastated, but he's done a terrific job. And he's been very generous with what he said about the relief effort. The FEMA folks have worked so hard. You know, we thought after Texas they could take a little bit of arrest FEMA. What they have done is incredible. So they go from Texas to Florida. They happen to stop at Louisiana in between, and now Puerto Rico gets it. But they've been there and they've been doing a really good job. So I'll be there on Tuesday, and perhaps some of you will be with me. Puerto Rico is very important to me, and Puerto Rico. The people are fantastic people. I grew up in New York, so I know many people from Puerto Rico. I know many Puerto Ricans, and these are great people and we have to help them. Uh. The island is devastated. It's I mean, some people say, I I read this morning, it's literally destroyed. The infrastructure was in bed shape, as you know in Puerto Rico before the storm, and now in many cases it has no infrastructure, so it's you're really starting from almost scratch. But these are great people, wonderful people, the hardy people. They'll be back, all right. The president earlier today, one Shawn is our to free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, talking about the devastation in Puerto Rico. Two hundred mile per hour winds. Cat five dead center hit and the devastation is beyond recognition. I know, my my buddy Graldo has been there reporting. He'll join us at the top of the next hour. We'll get an update from him. But as the President said, food, water, medicine, supplies all going in hourly there and one of the people that has been in the forefront. We we can't forget the people that suffer through Hurricane Harvey and in Texas and Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria. I mean, it's it's been one right after the other. The place I usually go to that I know has done such a good job and they always stay and finish the job. And we can't forget. I mean, you see the hurricane and people are generous and they donate and then we forget. But the rebuilding literally will go on for some people for years. My good friend Franklin Graham, the Reverend Graham of Samaritan's Purse, Reverend, welcome back to the program. It's it's been a pretty rough hurricane season. I know you're in all three locations and other places like Barbuda and others where where of dwellings will ruin there. What's going on? Oh, Sean, thank you for letting me be with you today. That this is the I think this is probably one of the worst hurricane seasons I can remember in my lifetime. Uh. And to have these back to back storms that have wiped out not only the British Virgin Islands, the American Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, our beautaful St. Martin and Turks and it's it's just incredible. And then to have Harvey what it did there, and this was a record flood for Texas. He said, as fol us in your flood Samaritans. First, we're working in five locations in Texas. We're working two locations in Florida, UM, and we started down at Key West and we're starting to work our way north up the Big Pine Marathons so forth. That that that is that's a tragedy. And then the Naples area. You know, you think of Naples being very wealthy, but there are people that are not so wealthy that that live there that lost everything they have. And so we're working there in Naples. The Caribbean. We were on five different islands in the Caribbean. I was in Antigua day for yesterday and on the island of Barbuda. Had our friend gret Events sust and she was she went with and she wanted to see it. But the people down there in Barbuda, actually they said homes destroyed. I didn't say one home that wasn't destroyed, and maybe there's a few out there that are still standing, but every every place was just damaged. And these are these are these are not wealthy people. These are people that have lost everything. And then you take Puerto Rico on top of this. This is part of the United States UM and the entire infrastructure has collapsed. It's a mess. We've been taken our cargo d C eight in and out of there just uh. We were there two days after the storm. We got in, but it is a zoo trying to fly in there. The air traffic control systems down, they don't have radar coverage, they can't separate airplanes coming in, so it's very, very difficult for humanitarian organizations like us to try to even get in there. We have to fight to get a slot to get into the airport. But that's just part of the problems after storms like this. But I want to say, Sean, how much I appreciate your gift, the support of thousands of people across this country that have that have been giving to help the victims of these hurricanes. And Samaritans first, we're responding, we'll be therefore, as you said, we'll be there for years in these places, helping people not just recover from the storm. But now that we get through, the recovery is it is, the is the rebuild and that just takes time, and we just need to pray that God will give everybody patients. But we we need God's we need God's help as we move forward, and especially the people of Puerto Rico, they they really need our prayers. So I want you to explain by the way you're making me realize that I need to donate more, Reverend, Honestly, I mean because I've I've actually been out with you in Baton Rouge and other places where I see the real great work that you do with Samaritans. Person you do stay there and you do finish the job. Um, but there's a lot of things people can do, and it's interesting that these things happen, and they the worst things for people, and their lives are devastated, and then you see all this goodness coming out of people as well. I mean, how many people have changed their lives and they end up working for Samaritan's Purse and helping people rebuild their homes. I mean, every time something happens, as I understand that, you're getting thousands of people volunteering to to just step up and do whatever they can. We do show and we have thousands of volunteers that that come work with us. The difficulty with these particular storms, Uh, if you take like the keys, it's almost impossible to get volunteers down there. Of course, there's no place where the volunteers to stay. The hotels are destroyed, the houses are destroyed. So we're doing is We've got a church in Port Lauderdale that's a Calgary chapel that is that is housing our volunteers. And then we've got three airplanes down there, and we've got a d C d C three, We've got a Spanish made Cossa cargo plane and assessment caravan and we fly the volunteers down in the morning. We make several trips and then in the evening we make several trips back to Fort Lauderdale is so we've got a place to house them. And then when we get to Antique with the same thing. There's no place to stay in bar Buddhas, so we have to keep our volunteers uh in St. John's and a tie and then fly them over to the island of Barbuda where they work for the day, then fly them back. But Seawan, all of these volunteers are incredible men and women, and we couldn't do the work without them. And more importantly, we want to work in these these communities and I want to of course I do this in the name of Jesus Christ. I want people to know that God loves them and cares for them, that he's not mad at him. Many times people think after a storm, maybe God is mad at me, and uh, and I'm going through this because of some sin in my life. But they asked Jesus the same question, and Jesus said, no, that's it's not that you're worst sinners. The point is the Bible says if we don't repent, we're all going to perish, and that's the warning. I want people to know that if if we don't repent, the destruction is going to come to all of us one day when we have to stand before All Mighty God and he judges. Is there a correlation between sin and bad things that happen in people's life? I mean, that's a that's an unbelievable philosophical question. Well, I think it can be some of our lifestyles, whether you drink too much or whether you eat too much. And and I only have to two beers a day. I don't understand why you're yelling at me. I think two beers is moderate. I think I'm fine. Well, but you know, Sean, we we've we've are consequences two decisions we make in life, health issues or so forth. But yet there are consequences as spiritually, if we reject God, and if we reject his son Jesus Christ, there are consequences to that. God is offering salvation, He's offering forgiveness. But if we reject team and reject his gift of the salvation, which is free that's through faith in Jesus Christ, then he has no choice but to judge us one day. But Shan, and that brings up a good point. I want to talk about your film for a minute. Your movie, h it is an incredible, powerful movie that that that you've you've put together Let There Be Life. You sent a link for me to watch that, and I was up in Alaska and I watched it on my iPhone and once I started, I couldn't put it down. I just thought, this is fantastic and you've done such a great job. And when I first started watching the film, I thought, you know, I've never seen anything quite like this. And and the more I watched it, the deeper it pulled me into it and it and and it is so well done, so well produced, and you think you've got to figure it out. This thing takes you on a roller coaster of emotion. And I was just so pleased on that you you did this, and I just prayed that it does extremely well. Reverend, coming from you, that that is the biggest compliment you see, because I'm the bigger center here, so I let therapy light. I'm I'm so proud of the message and the product that has been put together. And an all credit to Kevin and Sam Sorbo. They've been amazing and they're acting is amazing, and what I love about it it does take you on an emotional roller coaster that you can't possibly anticipate how this is going to end up. And it also has I think a lot of modern day you know, applications. I mean, how many times on college campuses if you have somebody of faith debating an atheist in this case who wrote a book abording God, and and the audience is on the side of the the atheist, the abording God guy, and Christians are and people of faith are mocked and ridiculed and made fun of and considered old fashioned. But at the end of the day, you see the deep pain that that that individual was going through. I don't want to give the whole movie away, and um, you know, well coming from you look, it's I'm very proud of it, especially in light of Hollywood, I think, being so inside it in their their viewpoints. I do think there's an appetite out there for people to have films that will touch their hearts and touch their souls. I've watched this. It's you know, it's my first foray into executive producing of a movie. I had no idea what I was doing or getting into, but um, I'm very proud of it, and I do think it has an uplifting message and one that we can all that can touch the heart. No question, Sean. It's not only does it have an uplifting message, but but you have God's gospel in in this film. And uh, you've got forgiveness in this film. You've got redemption in this film. Uh, there's so much that you have been able to put into it. So I'm I'm just proud of you, Sean, for for doing this. Yeah, and your and your sweet wife, she must have had a big influence, you know, the better half of the family. I guess, so you gave it up. Listen. I'm I always admit to you, I'm like I was the bad guy. I was the troublemaker. I was the incorrigible human being, and I think it's it's continued through my my adulthood. But you know, I'm glad you're saying it. Um, we actually have a website we've set up let there be Light movie dot com slash pastors, and I'm just I honestly, I'm not so concerned about any investment I made in the movie as much as I think the message is powerful and I hope pastors will go to that website and they can show their congregations and and I think people will really really get a lot out of it. And I think it's so contemporary, and it's it's it's it's it's subtle in its message. It's like we're not hitting people over the head and saying do this or do that. But I think it just reveals it. It just reveals a choice that we all have in life. Well, it does not only reveals choices consequences of those choices, but but the fact that you've got it's a love story. Um. And it's you know, and if that's in it, uh, it's it's got. As I said, the gospel that Jesus is the way, He's the truth in the life. You've got an incredible story of redemption. I think this is um. You know. I think this movie will do extremely well. God will bless it and God will honor you. I think Sean for doing it all. We gotta take a break. We'll come back more with the Reverend Franklin Graham of Samaritan's Purse, and we'll get to your calls comments. Eight nine for one, Shaun is a number. Don't forget Hannity, our new time holding Washington, Accountable Speaker of the House Paul Ryan tonight the latest on the NFL controversy nine Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Right as we continue with Samaritan Purses, where Reverend Franklin Graham is with us. Reverend, I just, I honestly, if I can learn a few things from you, I think I'd be much better off. Um. I I just want people to know what Samaritan's Purse is doing too, And Reverend, I just I want to help you anyway I can. Anything that we can do on this program. It sounds like you're in need of funds now because your organization is being so overwhelmed. I promise you I'll wire another a bit of money to you myself. I'm not asking people to do something I myself won't do. And uh, anything else we can do, it's uh Samarian dot Org alright, Reven, always good to see you, and our thoughts and prayers are with all the people that have been impacted by these hurricanes. And thank you for the good work you do, and thank you for your kind words. We do appreciate it and we hope to have you back soon. Thank you, Sean. Alright, So if you are a pastor. By the way, it's let there be light movie dot com slash pastors. All right, we gotta take a quick break. Speaking of Puerto Rico, We're gonna check them with my buddy Haraldo Rivera on Sean is our number as we continue from the swamp and sewer that is Washington, d C. Hey, listen, you already know how much I love Tommy john products. They've got the best socks, the best underwear, the best T shirts. I wear them all the time, and it's amazing because their fabrics are just that much better. 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Quick Break from Our Nation's Capital will continue. It's the Sean Hannity Show, So don't forget Tonight on Hannity, all right, we have the latest on the NFL debacle. Also, holding Washington accountable, will be interviewing the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. What's it gonna take to get tax reform over the finish line? What's the future of healthcare? The President says they'll get it done in January of February. And what about Dacca, what about the wall? What about promises? Where's the Senate and can the Senate do their job? That's all coming up, Hannity, don't forget our new time ninety Eastern on the Fox News Channel. It is a major crusade of mine a major cause of mine, and that is to get rid of the star spangled banner. There's so much wrong with it. I don't know where to start, but it's it's just it's a it's an abomination. First of all, it ranges two octaves. Most people can only do kind of one octave. I mean, when you think about it, it's bombs bursting in their rockets, regular air. It's all kinds of you know, a lot of national anthems, so that way to all kinds of military jargon. And the land there's only one phrase, the land of the Free, which is kind of nice, and the home of the brave. I don't know, I mean, I get bad part. Are we the only ones who are brave in the planet? I mean, all the brave people live here. I mean, it's just stupid. I think I'm embarrassed every time. I'm embarrassed every time you hear it. He started dog whistling to that constituency during the campaign and started his division and don't forget Ben and said when it's about race, we win because they frightened people, they play into racism. I hope people understand it's about all of this that he should not be the president of the United States of America, and we got to get ready for impeachment. But Mr Speaker, I denounced the comments that were made, and I rise to announce that on next week, Mr Speaker, I will bring a privileged resolution before the Congress of the United States of America. I will stand here in the will of the Congress, and I will call for the appeachment of the President the United States of America. All Right, News round up, Information overload, toll free telephone numbers eight nine one. Shawn, you want to be a part of the program as we come to you today from the swamp and the sewer that is known as Washington, d C. The first comment was by former Fake News Crossfire host and former MSNBC host Bill Press. It's stupid the nationally, it's embarrassing the national and and they talk about war in the national anthem. Wow and Maxie Waters of course dog whistling, dog whistling, calling for Trump's impeachment over his NFL comments. Al Green also doing the same thing. Joining us now is our own Horaldo Rivera, who's been on the ground in Puerto Rico and uh. We also joined by the gobby one Katie Hopkins. All right, before we get into the national anthem and everything, Horaldo, did you even see my tweet on Twitter that I said I'd match you dollar for dollar. I didn't see you, Tree, but I know your generosity in your heart, my brother, and I know that you will do the right thing and let me coordinate it when I get back in the States. I think the best way is to go through the church churches, because the churches are the ones who are doing. You know what I just had Franklin Grahama, and Franklin Graham is flying people in and out of there every day. And and all I wrote to you on Twitter was, you know, to all our friends in Puerto Rico, we love you, care about you, Raldo. I knew you were there. I'll match you dollar for dollar whatever, because you know what the needs are because you've been there and you're so rich. I mean, I just figure I'm gonna go bankrupt over this. You're you're a funny guy, but I want people to know that you really are one of the most generous people I know well you and I'll tell you what. We'll do it for whatever you wherever you think the need is, That's what will will all occay to a great church, United Church of Christ. The place was absolutely wrecked. It's been there for a hundred years. They provide primary care in the town of ou Macau. I mean, that's a good story in place you could pick a thousand. You know what, if you want to rebuild a church, I'm in. I'll do it with you. Um And I'm really sorry to just give us a snapshot of how bad it's been. Since you've been down there. I know you've been following it closely. I think that it's not a good comprehension that this is a scale disaster. There is scarcely a home on this island of three point four millions that has not been severely damaged. I was missing one of my aunts, one of the my father's youngest sibling, is one of seventeen children. It's the youngest in l a eighty four years old. She was by herself, not by slf. But she was surrounded by young relatives in a home with no electricity, no water, and a tree. A tree had crashed through their house and they didn't have the uh, you know, the tools or the physical wherewithal to to repass. They've been living for six days with the house with a hole in the roof, and she's one of millions on It is so generalized. The suffering no power. Just imagine, you know, three point four million. This is not small. It's bigger than some states. The population without power, without no water, electricity to pump the water. In many the agricultural crop for this season is absolutely destroyed. And the report for some reason is working like a part time. The airport is only just now getting up to speed. It's been a very uh discombobulated response, very uh mediocre response. Well, the president is said he would go there today. He said he just it's so difficult and he doesn't want to distract from the efforts. He literally talked about the devastation. Cat five dead center, two hundred mile per hour winds and all the devastation, and he said, literally they are they are hourly sending in food, water and supplies now and they have they've been able to fix it so they can get their planes in there. And it would have been that difficult for people. Obviously, I would keep hearing the electric is going to be out for a long time. Two major hits in two weeks and two hurricanes. I mean that hasn't happened in uh in living in not even living memory, in recorded history, and it just wiped out everything. You don't need. Its food is not the issue. They need aligneman, you know they don't that Glenn Campbell saw alignment for the county. They need people telephone poles. Any people could put up cell towers they need. They need that sort open so you can bring in, uh, you know, big scale heavy duty block stuff to to rebuild infrastructures absolutely destroyed. You know what quick the world would you era with the Marshall plan. I want the Trump plan to to for then Puerto Rico from retreating back into the Third World, because that's what's gonna say. Alright, Uh, well, you know what I just heard the president that you would have been moved by what he said. And and he's gonna be there. I don't know how long you're planning on staying there? He gets hell yeah, no. He he was very very adamant about about sending in all the all the taking care of all the needs and getting down there himself. I think he's going down Saturday and then Tuesday he's gonna head to Puerto Rico. He's already made the plans to go um Katie Hopkins. You know I got to meet her. Although I met Katie Hopkins at a dinner and her best friend kept slugging me and punching me and hitting me after her best friend had like two drinks, and I was stunned as I sat there at the table and how violent friends of the Brits can be. Hey, listen, I'm not going to give Heraldo a hard time today because I think he's doing a fantastic job there. I saw your tweet Sean offering to match him pound for pound, and I look forward to seeing what you two boys can do for Puerto Rico. I do see that the United States Navy hospital ship, the US Comfort, is going to be on its way soon, so that feels like a really big bit of news in terms of that has twelve operating theaters on board, which I can only imagine. It's a good thing. Right now, let's talk a little bit, Horaldo about You know, you just heard Bill press the anthemous so angry. It made me so angry. I remember when Whitney Houston sang the anthem January. We had just gone in the proteant goals and everybody in America stood up, tears following our eyes. The country was united. It was one of those moments, wasn't black and white and brown and this and that? We're all Americans And it was such a stirring moment. We rallied on the symbols that have been around for centuries, and then to to to talk about it. And that's the meaning disgusting way. I think that I mean to get a hit on social media because you're outrageous. It's just I was so angry, absolutely, you know, and then you listen to all these people, Katie Is. I never heard the president but one time ever talk about race. What he talked about was respect for the flag, respect for our anthem, respect for our country, and with all due respect to when the Jaguars and the Ravens were playing in your country and they took a knee for the for the Star Spangled banner, for the national anthem, and then they stood, they stood for God save the Queen. I nearly had a heart attack. I agree with you entirely, and you know, I love the American national anthem. It's my favorite of all time. I used to do a running club in Manhattan and every Sunday before we even went for a run, and we would sing the Star Spangled Banner. It's my favorite anthem of all time. And I think Trump is doing from an outsider's perspective, Trump is doing a phenomenal thing. We are looking towards America once again, and finally we have someone standing up for your flag. You have someone standing up for your country, and you have other people supporting. I've just seen that Direct TV, I believe, is offering refunds to anybody who subscribes and has had an issue with the take the knee. You know, that's fantastic that advertisers and commercial sponsors are coming on board and refunding NFL money if you disapprove of this ridiculous, nonsense campaign. I think Trump is standing strong for the flag and it's making me feel really kind of reinvigorated that patriotism is still alive and well in one country on this planet at least. You know Haraldo, I mean the Dallas Cowboys. One of those police officers that were that were viciously slain in Dallas last year. The NFL wouldn't allow it. You have another player wants to honor on the fifteenth anniversary at nine eleven oh one. He wants to put never Forget nine eleven oh one on his cleats. They said, you can't do it, you can't tork, you can't, you know, fake shoot a bow and arrow. They have all sorts of restrictions in the NFL on freedom of speech, and I don't have any problem with any We make our living with the First Amendment. But you see what's happening in the NFL's ratings are literally dropping. They lost advertisers today, and people are running as far away as they can from the NFL because they're disgusted by it. You know, I respect. I don't know if you hear man, but I really cad as you said. But let me say about the NFL protesters, I respect, but I stand with Bill and the web even though I know he's trying to backtrack down for se uh. He thinks that he should have had solidarity with his teammates when he up there blowne Player and the Pittsburgh Steelers. He stood up with the the in the tonnel to say and with him, and I do say, and you know, this is a kind of our country. Uh, you know, we're if we don't have these uniting symbols. Then then what joint is it? Geography? What what is it exactly? You know, is it agreed where we are? We're are we if we don't have, you know, some some token of who we are on this planet? And then the time in the history of We're only gonna have to let you go for one reason, and that's for time constraints. And we could barely hear you. To be honest, you're going to congratulations on your nine o'clock I'll like you, my friend. Well, we want to have you back as soon as possible. We know you've had some uplink issues and I want to talk to you about all that's going on there and Haralda's reporting from Puerto Rico. Katie Hopkins, thank you for being with us and we appreciate it. Thank you. And as we continue, we're in the swamper Washington, d C. And we know that the line wasn't great with Haraldo. Well of him back when he gets back. Obviously, communications are are dulled as a result of the devastation that has taken place. The President responding earlier today, um and Katie Hopkins of horse but you know I was talking about you, Linda as it relates. I am shocked to hear that you were talking about me. I don't know what. I don't know what happened to you too. You guys are like now the best friends on the face of the planet. You guys have become bff I was already BFFs with her before I decided to get drunk. Well, I think the word I don't think the word drunk would be appropriate. I think you had a little too much, a little you know, you were you You've been out of pocket for a couple of years because you got a little baby, and you were out of definitely out of practice, and so you suck down those three drinks in forty minutes, and I we watched a total disintegration of the mind, heart and soul. But you know, and I happened to be the one sitting next to you, is the arms were flailing everywhere as you began to tell you quite demonstrative. Those were mere love taps. That was just like just I have two younger brothers. I hate them in the same way that That's all it is. It's very simple, you know, it's it's a it's a slow progression. Unfortunately, you know, when you have a few cosmos. You your arm gets a little stronger, your punch gets a little deeper. But you know it was all in good fun. And those bruises are healing so nicely on you. I listen, I get beat up every day about my sense of training every day. Now, all right, but listen, I wanted to jump in for a second, and I know I never do that, so it's shocking. But um, you know, in listening to Reverend Graham earlier, there's a there's another part of the movie that I want the audience to know about, which is, you know, it's a story about finding your faith and if you want to be a part of it, if you've had hardship, and there seems to be plenty of that going around and we're looking at that with the hurricane victims, and you want to talk about how you found your faith again, you can share your story on the Let There Be Light movie dot com forward slash contest and there you can submit an entry and you can tell us about how you found your faith and and how that would correspond to a movie like Let There Be Light about you know, finding your faith and being lost and uh, and then you get tickets to go down to the Value Voter Summit. You get to meet the stars of the movie, you get a hotel. It's really nice, So definitely check it out. Let there be light movie dot com, forward slash contest, and we have a link on Hannity dot com. You have a link on handy dot com. They can look on your Twitter, my Twitter. There's plenty of places to find information about it. Yeah, that's awesome. And I'm actually I'm going to play a little bit of the trailer here and let people know what the movie is all about. Yeah, I'm coming, man, you're drunk. Oh yeah, full of all overearize the basic ten Christianity? Who whoa, whoa? Don't you dare tell me about the love and the compassion that we're so called God? What do you think it does to the voice to take the death of their brother and use it as part of your carnival acts? Clinically ted in the ends for four minutes. It's a miracle. I saw Davy around them. You've got the best scientific explanation. It hasn't got you any comfort which you consider consulting in different source. All right, that's uh. The movie comes out in October. We'll be putting up on Hannity dot Com. It's gonna be in theaters all around the country. I have no idea how I got involved in this, but I became the executive producer. I am very, very proud of the project. Um, the reason it's so great is way beyond me and uh. I think it's a movie that you can take the whole family too. And it's inspiring and it's uplifting, and it's frankly not anything you're gonna get out of traditional Hollywood. And it is a riveting story and you're you're gonna have more twist, more turns, more plots that at the end of the day, I think we'll touch your heart. Well, let's put it this way. I would say of people that I have shown the movie to have cried, including sweet baby James, and he doesn't cry about anything. All Right, we'll take a quick break. We'll come back, wide open telephones toll free or numbers eight nine four one, sean if you to be a part of the program, alright till the top of the hour. We're gonna get to your calls here in a second. Alright, So we're in the swamp, We're in Washington, d C. Paul Ryan is gonna be on tonight to talk about all things Congress and what's going on, and and certainly they're the tax reform proposal. Um, I think that is the key, I honestly do. And we're gonna take care of the forgotten men and women of the country. A Couple that with stopping illegal immigration. You couple that with energy independence, and this is this is the key to economic growth. Seven brackets to three, repatriation at a low rate, trillions of dollars will come in, and and lowering the corporate tax. The President was right, got to be the max. Otherwise you're gonna lose any potential help and and support for the economy because it's just every single percentage. Remember corporations don't pay taxes anyway, but it'll incentivize them to spend and invest and create jobs, factories, manufacturing centers. We want that. Anyway. I was back with the Speaker and this is what his two promise was, and I'll play it and and I'll ask him about it tonight. For eight years, you guys had a plan. You kept saying and promising you repeal, replaced Obamacare, And I guess what people want to know is when are these things going to get done. We're exactly on the timeline that we designed for ourselves. Obamacare is coming next. Our bill is coming in March. First, it's regulatory reform because we had this window of time to cancel bad Obama regulations. Then we're doing Obamacare. After we're done with Obamacare. Then we're doing our budget. And our budget is what the second budget, which will be tax reform. So we're doing two budgets in one year, which has never been done before. This is faster than it's ever been done before. When I heard Repair, my head nearly explode. That's not the plan. The plan is to repeal and replace this law. Like we said, we ran on a plan to repeal and replace it. Tom Price helped write that plan. He is now Donald Trump's Secretary of h is a consensus plan that's now being scored by the CBO. Correct, you're saying to the American people and conservatives that are impatient, including myself, you agree with every item I mentioned, even extreme vetting. Yeah, we passed that bit a year ago in the House. I know. Don't you now agree with building the wall? Yes? Are you telling the American people vetting refugees, building the wall, repeal, replaced, tax reform, all of this is going to be done in two Inside the two hundred day window is the regulatory reforms we talked about. It's the repeal and replace Obamacare. It's the budget, it's the rebuilding of our military, it's tax reform. Those are the things that we're working on. Any infrastructure, those are the things we're working on in this two hundred accounts in the equation because that's in their edge. Well, we we see that as part of regulatory reform, but it's two hundred days. That's you think that's duels? Is our plan? Yeah, and if and if there's any slippe, we'll finish it in the fall and get it done before the end of the year. So if I come back in two hundred days, you're gonna you're gonna go, well, I made a promise. We've got it. Well, because I think this is so here's what I'm saying. We've we've met this out for two hundred days. We have a plan to do that. We're on schedule. But if if anything's slips, because it'll be another Supreme Court justice, yeah, or or a filibuster on a cabinet nominee that might slip us, but we're making sure that we do all of this in Okay, let's go to the budget, which is such a big issue. The president seven brackets to three corporate rate. I know you prefer twenty because that scores scores. Yeah, I have to get what we can with the with the number, and you support repatriation multinational corporations. That will be huge for that's a lot of money that can come back into the economy, about three trillion dollars. Here's my headline of this interview that you're in pretty much full agreement with with what Donald Trump ran on and number two, in two hundred days from the legislative side, you are going to be implementing every aspect of that agenda that we talked about. And just as a big headline, we have and we have cushion in our schedule if if anything slips, because it's really because the Senate issues, we still have time to accommodate all of this stuff in even conditions. I have cushions built in the schedule to sure this all gets done in case something happens and go sideways on the Senate. I'm pretty sure that will stimulate the economy, get people back to work, and and get the economy movement again, which I think we need what we're hired to do. All right, you see, all right? So that was the speaker when I interviewed him last I don't know how many days is it, Linda, do you know at this point, it's like two or some odd days. Um, they're behind. The speaker rightly points out they passed a lot more bills than the Senate. That's true, but I think most Americans want it done. And so we'll see where that all plays out tonight, and I'll be asking a lot of the questions. I'm sure that a lot of you want to hear answered. All right, let's get to our phones. Eight one, Shawn told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. I can't hear you. What days boss? All right, let's get to our phones. Phil is in Orlando News Talk h W D B Oh, what's up on Phil? What's up with you? Ninety five? How are you? Hey? Sean doing great? Hey back been Rogersville, Alabama. And I tuned in the seven seventy w v N N time I ever listen to talk radio other than NPR, and it was your show. So man, I've been with you a long time. Thank you. By the way, Have I changed much over the years, Probably wiser and probably uh less likely want to meet you in a dark alley sometime. You know. It's funny because you know, there's so many people that I think that I've not changed. You know, I've been a Reagan Conservative my whole adult life on radio, you know, and all these people say, well, you know, nationalism and populism has replaced conservatism, And I'm like, well, what part of the Trump agenda is different? Tell me, because it's everything I've been advocating my whole career. If you anyway, but I think, thank you so much. What's on your mind today? You're welcome. Well, this whole NFL protest thing to me, let me just for this out there, it's to me, it's just a dripping and ironing I just think about this. How ironic is it? And how ignorant of history do you have to be to not know that the lag that these players are using as a symbol of oppression, I mean, it was the flag of the Union Army that lost three hundred and sixty men fighting to abolish slavery in the Civil War. I mean that there's a lot of shed blood under that flag, and I think that they are more than iron and ignorance is just that the whole football standard Neil thing is about respect or maybe just a lack of respect. And uh, it just shows me how little thoughts been put into this whole thing. But you know, when you're trying to win a flifical argument, you know, thinking isn't necessarily required. Look, there's been over six hundred and fifty thousand Americans killed under that flag for a variety of reasons. The greatness in America is not that we ever claim we're perfect. You know. It's one of the things that frustrates me is that I don't know what it is about the left, but if some prominent conservative or Christian has any personal issue in their life that ow hypocrites. What if you know, and I don't know, I'm looking. I'm not the best person to talk about religion. I mean, I think Franklin Graham is so much better than me. And but but I do know this. I thought that that forgiveness was supposed to be a part of it. I think the recognition that we've all sinned is supposed to be a part of it. I think the fact that people want to be better people but acknowledge that they're flawed and they failed. Well, like people aren't perfect, neither are governments, and neither are the people that found these governments. And if you listen, there was a great line by Thomas Paine seventeen seventy six where he literally says, where the guides and dictates of conscience God irresistibly obeyed, we wouldn't need governments. We wouldn't need them because we'd be perfect. We're not perfect. And then he goes on to explain the fundamental foundation in the beginnings of government and government he says, in its best state is but a necessary evil. But it's in its worst state, an intolerable one. And as a supporter of limited government, it it relies on a people united, It relies on the general goodness of the human soul. You know, we're always gonna have evil, and if America doesn't lead the battle against it, I don't I don't know how the world survives right now, because we've got we're the only ones with the power, We're the only ones with the moral Frankly, integrity to get it done. And yeah, we're imperfect. Yeah we have disagreements, Yeah we have disagreements in our founding. But I think there are people on the left that just want to literally just ransacked rough shot over the whole thing and throw the entire baby out with the bathwater, not recognizing all the good that has come of of those people that built this country and drew up this constitution of we the people, so that we can make the changes as we deem appropriate and we can become a more perfect union. All of those things means something I don't think we teach our kids, any of us at times. I'll give you the last word. Well, I think you're right, and I think that if if if people knew their history, they would know that a lot of blood ship. Uh, we're not perfect, but that's the reason we fight, have fought over the years, is because of our imperfections. Um, but I think we're still, like Reagan said, we're the last great We are the last great hope for man on this earth, no doubt about it. Alright, eight D nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, John is in Florida, John High, how are you. We're glad you called. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hey Sean, thanks for taking my call. What's going on, sir? I just wanted to give you work for the NFL ticket office for an NFL team, and what kind of wanted to give you the feedback that we've gotten since Monday, us, since our first day back after the Big Game Sunday, hundreds of calls each day about people either a wanting to cancel their tickets, complaining about the you know, the disrespect of the flag, and from all types of young, old women, men, And it's been overwhelming. To be honest with you, we're told not to stop tell anyone about it. Well, you're told not to tell the truth. I hope you give and oh you are giving a fake name. I was just told them here all right. So but the point is, you know, it's so expensive for people to go to a ball game. I mean, if you look at the average salary meeting income of Americans, you know, when you're paying close to five bucks just to walk in the door and get parking, and then if you want a beer or two beers and a couple of hot dogs and a couple of cokes. How much do you charge for a beer at your stadium? Nine bucks? And you can't bring in your own beer. You can get you twelve pack for nine bucks, you know. So they're making a lot of money and and and people enjoy it. They're willing to say for it. They're willing to make it a big special day. But then if they go there and it becomes okay the players taking the field, don't take the field for the anthem or their disrespect in the anthem and their family. I'm sure most people have people that fought in the military, are served in the military. It's disrespectful to them and the country and the military and the anthem and the flag, and it shows disunity. And all those guys on the field, they're making on average two point four million dollars a year. That's a lot of money. And the people in the stands on average are making forty grand or fifty grand a year. And it's a big deal for them to spend that thousand dollars to go to the one game that they look forward to every year. Are you giving them refunds or no? Well, no, we're told to take down their information. And I just wanted you know no one was getting a refund, to be honest with you, but I I just wanted to say, after a big win on a Sunday, we normally would be pumped to come in and sell tickets because we make UH commission, and it was we didn't sell one ticket. I mean, being honest with you, I haven't sold one ticket since Sunday after a huge win. So it's it's really, it really stinks all the way around. What are your fellows, if your fellow workers here in the same thing, and and when you take their information down, is it that they're going to call these people and reach out to them or you don't know? Um, well I do. They do get calls back from some managers, depending on how long they've been if a lot of people are just calling and complaining saying they're not going to but there's been plenty of season ticket holders that are asking about a refund, and some people that say that they have attorneys and they're looking at the contract language and it's just been it's extremely overwhelming, Sean, all because of disrespecting the flag. It really makes no sense. Noll. The NFL is in a bit of a quandary anyway, John thanks for sharing that information with us. We really do appreciate it. Evelyn is in North Carolina, Evelyn high how are you. We're glad you called. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Only have about a minute, real quick. First, when is your movie let Their Daylight coming to the North Carolina Triad area Greensboro, Winston Salem, High Point. When is that going to be shown? I'll have a list of theaters in the next week and a half and we'll put it on my website. I think we're opening in about six hundred, six hundred and fifty theaters around the country. Well, I'll be there also, real quick. Um, I'm so upset about this repeal and replace that I think by October one, if they're not getting this through, it's time to get Congress Obamacare, take away their platinum health plan and give them what everybody else has to suffer under. And I'm going to repeal and replace come election time. They're not coming back. Well, I'll tell you right now. I've got the Speaker of the House on Hannity tonight at nine, and that is one of the questions I promise you I'm going to ask now if they don't get this economic plan done. And it's complicated. It's like, why are you guys even there? Really? Why why are you there? And the more of the pressures on the Senate and the President is, you know, he says they're going to come back to health care. He's not giving up. He's coming back, and Jiant says he thinks he can get it done in January February. All right, God bless you, Evelyn. I'll have more on the movie. I'll be telling you about in the days and weeks ahead. Um, because we're I'm really proud of it. I have no idea why I got myself in over my head like this, proud of the outcome. We'll take a quick break. We'll come back. Speaker Paul Ryan tonight on Hannity Our New Time nine o'clock and Rush Limbaugh in a rare exclusive interview tomorrow. He'll be joining us as well. You don't want to miss that quick break. Right back, we'll continue. All right, that's gonna wrap things up here from the swamp a right, Hannity Tonight, ten Eastern. Two big stories we're following tonight. One, the President's tax plan and how whether or not the Congress can actually get this through, and we are in the swamp the sewer that is known as d C. Will be interviewing the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, and we'll talk specifically about the tax plan, what it means for you and your families, how much you're saved, can they get it done, what about the Senate. We'll get all those questions in and also remember our New Time nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We hope you'll set you DVR, tell your friends because the media wants me to fail and you can help us not fail. All right, thanks for being with us tomorrow. We will be back in New York. Don't forget tonight Paul Ryan tomorrow, Rush Limbaugh on Hannity, Newtime nine Eastern. Thanks for being with us, See you tonight, see you back here tomorrow,

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