Matt Schlapp, author of the new book, The Desecrators: Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob and Reclaiming One Nation Under God, and organizer of CPAC, gives us his take on the news of the day.
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Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Right News round Up, Information Overload, our toll free. It's eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. Listen to Jen Saki, the chief propagandists circling back and attacking Trump for his comments on Vladimir. Listen to what Jen Saki says, have any reaction to former President Trump calling Putin's moved yesterday genius and smart. Well, as a matter of policy, we try not to take advice from anyone who praised his president Putin and his military strategy, which I believe is what happened there. So there's a bit of a different tactic, a bit of a different approach, and that's probably why President Biden and not his predecessor, was able to rally the world and the global community and taking steps against against Russia's aggression. None of this would have happened had Joe kept Donald Trump's economic and energy policies. None of it. I mean, this is utter madness. We had a record of illegal immigrants and of the entering the country because Joe Biden abandoned Trump's secure boarders and instead instituted process and release. He couldn't even have enough tests available going into the third year of our pandemic. Around Christmas, we were running out of COVID tests, running out of monoclonal antibodies. He's never warped speeded the production of these anti virals that so many doctors talk about. All of this is preventable. You know, we wouldn't be paying a buck fifty more a gallon. We would still be energy independent, We'd still be a net exporter of energy. You know, Vladimir Putin would have to think twice knowing that America could meet the needs of our Western, European and NATO allies energy wise, and they wouldn't need Vladimir Putin Instead, what does Joe do? He cuts production all across the board. And what's the net result of that, the predictable result. Oh, he takes our allies and he pushes them right into the arms of Vladimir Putin because they need his energy because it is the lifeblood of their economy. And then every time he talks, he makes it worse because Joe Biden is looking at a well, a cognitive mess, a mumbling, bumbling idiot, and there's nothing He's gonna do, that's gonna in any way stop this aggression. Remember it was Joe Biden that blocked the Keystone XL pipeline. It was Joe Biden that stopped new drilling efforts in Alaska, not just dan More, but in other places in Alaska, put all of it on a permanent hold. Joe Biden disrupted new exploration and development auctions for the entire country. Joe Biden capitulating to the New Green Deal climate change cult caucus known as the Democratic Socialist Party, but he suspended new exploration on federal lance. He hurt the American liquefied natural gas production by lifting sanctions on nord Stream too. He helped make Russia rich again. He put Star allies, are NATO allies, and our Western European allies right into the arms of Vladimir Putin because of his utter dependence and capitulation to the most radical wing of this new new radical New Green Deal Democratic Socialist Party. It's insane match slap by the way, he has come out with a new book is a front of the program the desecrators, defeating the cancel culture mob, reclaiming one nation under God. He's also well known as the organizer of Cepack is back on the program, Matt. Always good to have you. Congrats on the book. We put it up on It's up on Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere, and we put it on Hannity dot com. How are you, Thanks, Sean. I appreciate you all your help with the book, because I think you know we wrote the book. Is I just can't believe what I'm seeing and what we're experiencing as a country is I would never would have predicted any of this. You're right, the enemy is no longer hidden in the dark, but instead operates in broad daylight. It's attacks on Americans are clear. It's intensifying, can so culture wokeness, public shaming, urban violence, critical race theory. The enemy also seeks to undermine the sacredness of human life, fails to provide basic protection for the lives of the unborn. And then I would add to that everything I said about the border, the socialist economic policies, giving up energy independence, horrible COVID management. More people died in twenty twenty one than twenty twenty and I can keep going. Yeah, and the assault on our children. You know, we're the only country on the face of the globe. That is teaching their children in our schools to hate their own country, to think that so systematically racist, that is irredeemable. To quote Hillary Clinton, you know you think about all this and you can't believe it. I said the other day on a podcast that I don't even use the word conservative. I'm an American who loves our founding unless our founding principles. Even though it's been an imperfect country, it's the greatest country in the face of the globe. And I'm not just saying that way the patriotic flag. You know, freedom will die on this globe without American. By the way, you were talking about American energy. That's the lifeblood of the whole thing. You know, they cut off our ability to be independent from an energy perspective. It doesn't just hurt American, it's economy and it hurts all freedom loving because we've done nothing but empower China and Russia with our fossil fuel policy. That Biden's stifling of our fossil fuels. You know, if you want to help NATO and Western Europe, it's not that complicated. Ad Rick Perry on Hannity last night, former Energy Secretary former governor of Texas, smart guy, good friend of mine. And we have more oil, more gas, more energy than all of these other countries combined. And by Joe Biden artificially reducing the world's supply of energy, he's single handedly, while demand remains consistent, he's single handedly himself has pushed prices up. It's impacted in plation, and now it's impacting world security, our own security even and certainly our allies security. Yeah, that's completely right. And you know, their their ideology is to prevent people from riding, you know, filling up their trucks and driving around or their minivans or their delivery vehicles, because they think that that harms our environment through climate change. And what they're really doing is, you know, making it impossible for an average working family or working van or working woman to do what it takes to put to pay their bills and put food on the table. By the way, when energy prices go up, the thing that follows it immediately our food prices. So this whole supply chain disruption, which started with a lot of stupid policies like mandates, is being exacerbated by every simple thing they do. But the book goes into the fact that behind all of this are these agitators on the left, these Marxists, who actually don't agree with the idea of America. Which is why I say I've kind of chucked this idea of Yes, I cheer the teapack in the American Conservative Union. Being a conservative is an important thing, but the battle line is different now. Now it's just about can we even all agree that America is worth defending, and that her children are worth educating in a proper way, and that her parents aren't domestic terrorists, and that our founders don't need to be smeared with blood and ripped down, but they need to be Their lessons need to be taught once again in our schools. I think a winning message, and I think we saw this play out in Virginia with Glenn Youngcan's campaign is schools and what our kids are being taught, not looking at parents' involvement in the children's education as potentially being domestic terrorism. I think the idea of school choice is something every conservative and Republican ought to embrace and own. I think law and order and safety and security ought to be another thing they ought to own. Lower taxes, secure borders, energy independence, piece through strength. These are simple basic principles of conservatism. And if they achieve those promises, make those promises, fulfill those promises, they can be in power for as long as they want. Yeah. So Republicans are on the verge of a big victory in November, and I think a lot of activists that are at tea Packer are worried that the Republican Party ones that has majorities will do that same careful, you know, biting their nails, nervous approach to standing up Brady through what we think. We also have people that say, like these never trumpers who are going to gather opposite teapack in the swamp, the Liz Cheney crowd and say, yeah, but we're you're just against Biden. You don't have a vigorous agenda. I think what you just described, Sean is our agenda. There are those Trump policies. They were wildly popular. Even when people were opposed to them, they eventually realized they were working. It's undeniable that it helped people at the beginning run in our economy, and we got we got to package those up and go sell those and then we got to implement the move we get power. Look at the polls. You got a new poll, a dramatic shift, and Democrats used to hold a pretty wide advantage in terms of voting with Hispanic Americans. When you break things down demographically, now we have a poll out showing that in fact, Democrats and Republicans have pretty much reached parody on in that demographic. Five thirty eight is pointing out Democrats support for Biden is evaporating, that that's his own party. That's never good. Inflation by far the biggest concern by independence in this country. Michael Bloomberg is warning of a mid term wipe out for the Democratic Party. We have an Emerson Pole Biden forty two percent approval and the GOP as a nine point lead in the generic congressional ballot numbers. And you add all of that and you can see that things are shifting and shifting dramatically. And none if it surprises me, because I can't name one thing he's done successfully well. Neither can sixty percent of the American people, which is an enduring poll number. And you know, I look at a couple of indicators. The first thing is you're right about Hispanics. This is the third major poll that shows that Hispanics are breaking about evenly between Democrats and Republicans. So I ask you, Sean, you know, I'm married to Mercia Latina, and I and her big, wonderful family, which I love almost all the time. Um, they and they'll all be You're gonna get by the way, I'm on her side on this. You're gonna get in so much trouble for that comment. And she and absolutely she got the worst part of this deal with you. So you should be very grateful. Only the people that really know me how raw deal she really got. But her family will be extending upon me here in Orlando. And the fact is this, you know, this whole Black Lives Matter Incorporated desire by funded by white liberals to destroy our racial harmony in this country and to make the Republican Party the racist party, even though it was the Republican Party that was founded to fight to end slavery and gives full sivil rights, including voting rights to black people. The voter idea was the black person's friend, and they've tried to turn that into racism. And what are we seeing in these polls amongst people of color, Hispanics, Blacks, they're turning our way. They don't actually buy this idea that the Republican Party's the racist party, because they've actually experienced our policies and it worked better for them. This Democratic coalition is on the verge of unraveling. All right, quick break, well, come right back. More with Matt Slap. His new book is out, The Desecrators Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob, Reclaiming One Nation Under God, Amazon dot Com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. Slapped the organizer of CE package with us. His new book is out and in bookstores everywhere. Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. The Desecrators Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob, Reclaiming One Nation under God. By the way, I do need to make a note as usual, and I've been to so many seed packs and you have reinvigorated the entire conference and done an amazing job. And I was scheduled to be on the schedule this year. There was a scheduling change, and then the other the other invitations very generously made to me. Unfortunately I had other commitments, so I won't make it this year. But it's nobody's fault, and I just wanted to acknowledge and appreciate your generous invitation every year, and I love being there as you know. Well, what happened, Sean is you don't realize this, but I'll say it live. They thought you were going to be the major speaker at our Ronald Reagan dinner, which we have every year. Why are you giving away the details? I was trying to be obscure, but go I had two of you want well because I have something to tell you. Because they thought you were the speaker, we sold more tickets than in the history of feedback in the last fifty years. That dinner is completely sold out. Now we do have some good speakers there, so you didn't leave us in the lurch. Okay, now you can make the announcement. Who's really taken my place? And I'll be fine with it. It's gonna be glenback and told the Gabbert, which is gonna be a great one too. Punch right. It's gonna be awesome. But but I only because of the scheduling conflict. Um and I love what you do. Any predictions on the straw pole this year usually runs away with it. Yeah, it's the one thing everyone's predicting will probably do one in Dallas as well. I think, uh, the hometown boy Roun de Santis will probably do well in the straw pole because you know, let's face it, let's give him his due. He's made every right move and all these big questions, and he's been he's led the way as the as the governor Ford a kind of a nation's governer. Isn't an amazing the bench that Republicans have, Um de Santis, you know, abbed Christie Nome, I mean, all these great governors, Um, it's all these great senators. Ted Cruz, I mean, I'm gonna forget people, and I don't want to do that. But and then you look at the Democrats. What's their bench? Kamala Harris, Pete Boodha, Judge Amy Klobuchar, Hillary Clinton, Well, they have a lot of plus eighty five year olds. They're really doing well on that. In Matt department, we have one panel of depec. When we talked about who's going to be the Democratic nominee in twenty twenty two, we call it put him to twenty four, twenty twenty four, sorry, put him, put him to bed, lock her up, and send her to the border. Their options are slim Sean, Well, listen, I think that that we've got a first win this year, and then twenty twenty four hopefully takes care of itself. Unfortunately, there's not a single accomplishment we can point to as it relates to Biden. But Matt, I look forward to being back with you soon. Congrats on the book. It's called The Desecrators Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob Reclaiming One Nation Under God. It's on Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere Hannity dot com. Matt, love you, my best, Mercy and the kids, and we appreciate you always being with us twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Um. By the way, I've got to get an update. I just I've been working so hard. I thought I might take an extra day or two, and that didn't happen with all the news developing. UM, which drives Linda crazy because whenever I go a plan a day off, something happens and I commit. But anyway, Linda did get away and this this I have not gotten the details of this, and maybe I need to call uh, well, certain people that you were with and asked them what really happened and what the real reaction was to you in you want to tell everybody what state you went to. I went to Montana. Have you ever been to Montana before? Except maybe on like I Hannity stop. I know. It's actually the one part of the country that I've always wanted to go to. I've never been there, and um, it was absolutely just absolutely beautiful, and um what part of Montana? So I was in Darby. So we flew into Missoula, and then we drove about ninety minutes two hours to Darby, Okay, and stayed in an awesome, um ranch, stunning, it's beautiful. Oh god, I don't know. I'm so directionally challenged. I have no idea. I don't know their live animals in the backyard. Oh yeah, they had um. They had a buffalo. They had they had um helped me at home with a buffalo room. All right, it's it's what else did they have? Elk? Did they have? What else? Had elk? They had um sheep hoorns or she I don't know, some kind of some kind of sheep. I don't know. We were supposed to see that. We went to the mountains, but that were you the only guest at the ranch? Gosh, no, none, it's like a resort. Okay, yeah, it's it's now when people, you know, people are very friendly out there. So I'm sure they said, first of all, I cannot express to you how kind people are. It's actually a little bit. Um. It's difficult. It's difficult coming from when I first moved to Alabama. I went to Alabama and how are you doing? Uh yeah, give me three of those? Yeah, two more? Come on? H yeah. My accent was thick as yours. Yeah, I mean, and then the lady would say, now you come up. I hope y'all come back and see us real soon, please. And so I'll tell you the expression they had there that was really cute was heck yeah, oh yeah, heck yeah, heck yeah. And I was like and like if they they said that, they meant it, Like so when they heard you, first of all, can I can I have coffee with a little exile? First of all, the coffee was phenomenal, So I was thrilled, um, and I did when you ordered, you didn't order it the normal pacing of the average person in mont patticks like, yeah, I'll take two eggs, coffee. Oh no, actually I like my kail shake and I like it this way. Wait, and do not put any sugar or any you know, any artificial anything in there. No dairy at all. No listen, I love I love my lattete. So I'm all, I'm all good. So how much shock and all was there? Did they look at you like, oh my, you know goodness? Or well, you know, I think what happens is, you know, I basically was in a place where I was really true, I was really trying to decompress. I was, and um, and your level of decompression is a thousand times faster than there were. Let's be fair, considering considering that I talked to you for the entire time that I was there working. Uh, and then I it's it's an understatement, Um, but I worked most of that time. And it's fine. It is what it is. I would say a lot of it. But um, but all of that to say, the time that I did have there when I was able to, you know, sort of taking it like, you know, we went and saw the mountains, and we saw the scenic overlook and you know, they have these beautiful ponderosa trees. So like when you walk outside, I'm not interested in the fact that you love. No, wait, I need to tell you something. I need to tell you this because this is gonna blow your mind. So the ponderosa trees that have red bark and you go near them and everything smells amazing. So I'm with this guy, Dakota, and he was amazing, and he took us on this scenic drive and he's showing us and he's an avid hunter. So he's talking about all these things that I'm just like, I'm disgusted by it all. He's like, what's wrong. I'm like, why hire assassins? And it's called you know, supermarkets and you know, and he starts laughing. Anyway, So but he's telling me go up to the tree and smell. It smells like vanilla. It's a natural fire retardant. And he said, you know the acorns that drop on the ground, can we stand up to four hundred degrees? And I was like what it was like mind blowing the things that I was learning, you know. So he's cut me up with this tree and I'm smelling the bark and I'm like this is He just looks at me. He's like, can I take a picture of you doing that because you're like inside the bark. I was like, oh, I'm just it's curious if you were telling me the truth or not. And you are so thank you very much. But I mean, it's like incredible. The whole place was beautiful. Montana is stunning. I had no idea the place we were at there actually filmed episodes of the show Yellowstone that everybody talks about, which I've never seen. Wait, you have not watched Yellowstone? No, I've never seen it. And everyone that I said that too, was like, what do you have Wallowstone? I've just never believed. We've never talked about this never, I've never seen it. But nothing about that I want for example, So he must have like looked at you and said, man, this this girl from New York is out of her mind. I mean, that had to happen. That had to be a moment. I was very funny, he said. He said to me, he goes, man, you talk really fast, and I was like, you think so, and he goes yeah, and he was it's funny. The guy was originally from Florida and then he moved to Montana, and um, he was a Cuban. He was originally Cuban. So we got onto politics and he was all, you know, totally against Joe Biden, totally against every show. I told him. We started talking and he goes, well, my ride just got more interesting, and so we started talking all about politics and he was a great he was actually kin got married yesterday. But yeah, that guy got married just today, Dakota Tuesday. People in Montana. I don't know. He was building his own arch. He was serving ELK. I don't know. It was all kinds of things that I did you try? I mean, well you don't, you know, you just did. That's dumb questions. I tried some things. I mean I didn't try any meats or anything. You know. Um, my boyfriend had he had he had ELK. He tried it. He said it was really good. I need to put him on to get the real story. I'm not getting the real story. I'm getting that. No, but it was good. I went snowmobiling, but I did. I went snowmobiling. I almost crashed the snowble bill three times. Um, and the instructor was like, are you okay? And I was like yeah, He's like, you know where the break is? I'm like on the left, and so he looks at me like you got to slow down, and I'm like, okay, sorry. I you know, he told me to do this snowmobiling accident once when I was maybe did you nine years old in the Poconos. Yeah, i'd rather than I'm a grown up. So they were a little more serious about it. I wasn't trying to do it, but you know, I whatever, but the snow is crazy. It's just I love. I skied right on the edge of safety, and I used to snowmobile right on the edge of safety. I just pushed it to the limit. Yeah, I don't want ski. I fall. I'm a really good fowler. I fall at all times. Um, good say, skiing is not my forte. I can't ski like I used to. I'm so depressed about him. Yeah, I'm glad you had a good time when you were off. Um, but when the world is on the verge, award, this is what I do. I have to do my job. Um, and it is hard on my staff because you know what, when I say, okay, we're doing this, this and this, and everybody has plans, I'm sure everyone wants to shoot me. But you know what, I'm looking and reading the news, and I said, these are the conditions that I would need to come in and unfortunately they hit. Um. Barbara's in Maryland. Barbara, how are you glad you called? Hey, Sean, thanks so much for taking my call. Thank you for calling you today. I'm good than well. I called you. Well, I'm glad. I'm glad. You know I called a little different subject. I called about Bob beckell Um. I remember back in twenty sixteen, you and Bob Becka going at it. Do you remember, Sean when he said Hillary would crush Trump? Yeah, of course. I used to argue about it, like every second I saw him. Yeah, you know, I thought about him, you know, and when I heard that he passed away. You know, I remember having my I used to have this, uh this sponge brick had Obama's name on it that I would throw at the television. There was so many times to throw that I would throw it Bob. Yes, yes, yes, Here's the thing about Bobs. You loved him and he was a good friend of yours and I everyone thought I was kidding when I said he did have a key to my house. I mean, and he spent many, many for long time weekends always at my house. Whether I was there or not at there, it didn't matter. And you know, he did the craziest stuff. He'd be up at six, you know, my kids would be going to school and he's out on the fro from ports smoking a cigar. And it was I'll tell you one great Bob Beckel story. So Bob Beckel had the curse jar. They actually showed it. They did a beautiful tribute to him on the five yesterday and they showed the the whenever he would curse on air, he'd have to put money in the jar because he couldn't control him. All right. So anyway, our boss at the time was Roger Els, who created Fox and hired me back in nineteen ninety six and changed my life. U And anyway, so Roger, he dropped an F bomb on the air, and that night he was on my show when he had just gotten out of the boss's office, told that's got to stop. We can't have this on the air. And Bob comes on my show that night. I get him riled up. He dropped another one on the air or it was bad whatever, I'd think it was the F bomb and he literally, you know, he was in the green room after the show, and I'm like, what did you not hear a word? What was said to you today? Are you out of your mind? And I could see that tears were welling up in his eyes. He didn't mean to do it, it just was, you know, he was older, old school, you know, grew up kind of a tough kid in the streets, a fighter, street fighter, and it was more his way. And so I tried to get ahead of it, and I made a phone call, told the boss what had happened, and I said, he's very set. He thinks he's getting fired. And in a very very unique, funny way, all right, tell the bleeping, bleeping, bleeping idiot that I'm not going to fire him yet, but he needs to stop it. And I was able to tell Bob, who thought he was fired, that he's not getting fired that day. But I mean, he was just a character. He before every show on the five, he would sit out outside and even after the five, I'd walk over from radio and he'd be sitting outside the Fox News Channel building. He'd be smoking his cigars and talk to everybody. Everybody would stop and say, hey, Bob, what's up? Bob? Uncle Bob was sitting out there. He smoked these little cigars, baby cigars in between shows or whatever, in between TV hits, and he'd just sit there and he'd chat with anybody and he'd do it for hours. And he's just a character and he's full of life. He had his personal demons, but there was a period in his life maybe I don't know, fifteen or whatever years I talked to cal Thomas today. Cal Thomas actually was very instrumental in bringing him to religion and God and Jesus and changing his life. And there was a good fifteen year period with Bob Beckel spent sober and helping addicts, doing interventions. I mean, he told these crazy stories that he used to do. He just was a guy that, yeah, he had his personal issues, demons, etc. Whatever, but he was also a guy that just had a heart of gold, and he really in the in the last years of his life when we would talk, we talked a lot more about God and about faith and reflected deeply on his life and things that that he lived through and what he loved about his life and what he would have changed about his life. Very very introspective, reflective, honest. As usual with Bob, everything was honest, but you're very kind. I'm him already. I you know, when I told my kids they were they were pretty upset because he was uncle Bob to them. He was crazy uncle Bob to them, and they they miss him. Let's impress my condolences, um about him. I haven't heard a whole lot being said about Bob. Uh. You know, other than five did a beautiful tribute to a manaster Yeah, he um. And I didn't talk about it much that that he would come over and stay here, and to be honest, it got to a point, Linda, but you might remember this. When he wouldn't come over, I would start worrying about him. I was like, Okay, why is he? Why are you not here? I'm telling you I Bob was. Bob was one of the first people I ever booked on the show and when I started, and he was such a ball breaker, so funny, and he used to come in and you go, check up, kid, It's not that bad. It's just the world breaking around us. I'm like, oh, okay, thank you. Um he you know, I will say this living life, there's something to be said for it, good, bad and different. Just getting up every day and having the energy that he had and the passion that he had, and it was a blessing and a curse to him because I think in many ways the switch would never go off and he needed that constant, constant adrenaline. And but godspe Bob, We'll all be seeing you soon, because that's where we're all headed anyway. Eight hundred nine one. Shun is a number you want to be a part of the program. We're praying for his two kids and I've had good conversations with his son. A son is great kid, Alex, and the family's amazing and they're heartbroken. Please keep him in your prayers. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We got a great full Hannity tonight. Apparently the world on alert. We're told that an attack on Ukraine is imminent and if that breaks, we'll have all the coverage live tonight Hannity, Fox News, Peter Doocy, Lucas, Thomlinson in Ukraine, Jennifer Griffin, Vice President Mike Pence will get his take on this situation. Christy Nome, Sarah Carter with the truckers in California, are a Fleischer, Kelly Ann Conway, say your DVR ninet Eestern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.