Taking The Case To The Streets

Published Dec 12, 2019, 11:00 PM

Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of the NY Times Best Seller Witch Hunt and Kim Strassel, Wall Street Journal columnist and author of the new book Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters Are Breaking America, picked up a very important and unanswered question related to the report. Strassel took her questions to the public to attempt to find the answers. 

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Where coming to your city will be desire and if you want a little banging, you come along. The evidence of the presidence of misconduct is overwhelming and uncontested. In one area. I do disagree with the IG. I felt this was very flimsy. What has been described as a few irregularities becomes a massive criminal conspiracy over time to the fraud defies the court to illegally surveil an American citizen and to keep an operation open against a sitting president. The United States team minus three hundred and twenty seven days left till the presidential election. Coming to you. I'm the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. All right, glad to with us big breaking news today. We got a lot to get to today. Um. I'm getting a little worried about Director Ray, as it ought to be his job to urgently be looking to clean up what is all of the abuse of power corruption at the premiere law enforcement agency in the world. Enough damage has been done and you ought to be clearly seeing that by now. All I see, all I'm sensing is somebody that wants to protect the bureaucracy, and I'm getting really nervous about this guy because and on top of that, I don't he was asleep at the wheel. Doesn't seem to really comprehend the bureau's role in attempting really to overthrow a duly elected president led by the upper echelon of the bureau that he now runs. He has an obligation and duty not only for the country obviously, because we depend on the FBI so much, and then of FBI agents, the special agents, the men and women and the field officers all around the country that risk their lives for us every day and keep us safe every day. We want them beyond reproach not going to be that hard. You got to lay the gauntlet down and institute the reform. I don't see anything here now. I don't know how they're going to get their credibility back because I'm watching Christopher Ray echo the democratic conspiracy theorists talking points on Ukrainian interference in twenty sixteen. Although you notice whenever the mob and the media tries to do the Ukrainian election interference, oh, that is a conspiracy theory by right wing By the way, they ought to know conspiracy theories because they've been peddling their lies, misinformation their propaganda, their conspiracy theories, and their hoax for oh, on a higher level than ever before the last three years, their experts had it. So Ray is interviewed by ABC and he actually said, well, we have no information that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the twenty sixteen election. Now the way it's being argued by the mob and by the media, Oh, the Republicans that didn't believe in Russian election interference, they're now saying that it probably was Ukraine. And that's why the president was right to say, can you do us a favor because we spent three long years being told how horrible election interference by a foreign country is. No. Yeah, let's be very clear. Nobody doubts that the Russians, in their way were involved an election interference. They are a hostile regime led by a hostile actor on the world's stage by the name of Vladimir Putin. He's the guy that Obama promised more flexibility after he got reelected. And boy, I'd love to get the transcripts of those calls. But putting that aside, nobody's saying that didn't happen. But with Hillary server, how many countries hacked in North Korea hack into it, Did the Iranian mullets hack into it? Did the Chinese hack into it? We don't know who else hacked into this thing. We don't know. Nobody has any idea how other outsiders. We don't know the answer to that. I don't know the answer. We do know Russia, interfered Devin Newness warned Biden Obama that they would do it. So just because there's no conservative that I know that is not recognizing that simple fundamental truth. Of course they did. We were warned they were going to do it. They didn't listen, They didn't stop it. They should have stopped it now, or at least try to or be able to come back and say, well, these are the steps we took to stop it. Something, anything, would have been better than what they did, which is nothing. So you got key senators like John Kennedy Ted Cruz suggesting that Ukraine might have been involved. Separate and apart, Pay close attention, you mob swamp creatures. Separate and apart from Russia. We're acknowledging Russia and feared. But his comments that, oh, I'm trying to understand here. We have no information that indicates this all right. If I know more than the FBI directed, that's not good. Somebody needs to help the FBI director out. And I don't know who the right person to get to the FBI director is. I will quote, I will send him to perhaps a paper. I'm just guessing he might like the New York Times fake news, but they got it right this case. This is from December twenty eighteen. Ukraine court rules Manafort disclosure caused meddling in US election. That's from the New York Times in December of twenty eighteen. I'll read it for the director. The court in Ukraine is ruled that officials in the country violated the law by revealing during the twenty sixteen presidential election in the US details of suspected illegal payments to Paul Manafort. Twenty sixteen, while Manafort was the chairman of the Trump campaign, Anti corruption prosecutors in Ukraine disclosed at a pro Russia Russian political party at earmark payments from Manafort from an illegal slush fund. Manafort resigned from the campaigns later to Ukrainian members of parliament had pressed for investigations into whether the prosecutor's revelation of payment records, which were first published in The New York Times, had violated Ukrainian laws that, in some cases prohibit prosecutors from revealing evidence before a trial. Both lawmakers asserted that if the release of the slush fund information broke the law, then it would should be reviewed as an illegal effort to influence the United States presidential election in favor of Hillary Now and I would then guide not only that court decision, I would then guide the director of the FBI to January eleven, twenty seventeen, in Politico, that's where they discuss d NC operative contractor Alexander chulupa meeting with the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington with a purpose, they say in Politico hardly a right wing outlet, that for the purpose of getting dirt on Trump and Trump associates to help Hillary linted and that at all backfired because they backed the wrong horse and whoa, Donald Trump won. Now they're in trouble. So I'm not sure why Director Ray is having a problem with this, But him not knowing this to me is like the equivalent of Bob Muller not knowing what fusion GPS is or not knowing that Genie Ray was once Clinton's attorney at the Clinton Foundation. And by the way, and now we're going to get lectured by, oh, the wingman for Barack Obama, Eric Holder. He's lecturing Bill Barr about who's fit and not fit to be an attorney general. A guy sow in the tank for Barack Obama that he called himself Obama's wingman. He's now complaining that the president's attorney General, Bill Barr's not independent enough. You've got to be kidding me. Former Attorney General Eric Holder believes Barr is unfit to serve as the nation's top law enforcement officer. Writing in The Wash in a post the opbed at recent controversial comments. You mean the truth, You mean the fact that all of this has proven true, now that it all happened, Are you still being the wingman trying to protect Barack Obama? Still? I want to know how high up into the Obama administration all of these shenanigans went. I'd like to know what Obama knew and when he knew it, Well Biden knew and when he knew it, What Susan Rice knew when she knew it. Same with Loretta Lynch, same with Samantha Powers. But anyway, Holder, you know, he writes this piece pointed out in a recent headline to bar et cetera, et cetera. Suffice to say, Eric Holder, he should never have been in charge of the Justice Department. And by the way, his role covering up Operation Fast and Furious, the irs Gate scandals. Yeah, we've got a lot on Eric Holder. Remember where a nation of cowards? He said, he he refused to turn over documents relating to Fast and Furious. Yeah, that was their stupid program, their idiotic program to give guns to criminals and drug dealers and cartels and not even put a tracking device on them that ended up killing Brian Terry and a bunch of other people. Yeah, that was his genius investigation there. That that was his quote, unwillingness to cooperate even though many people died as a result of that dumb program. You know. Then you have the Attorney General on Race, his comments that he made in July of thirteen of twenty fourteen. Then the nation of cowards comments that he stands by, and he commented, and I really, as a law enforcement person, wasn't really sure if it's a good thing to say. Well, some Americans mistrust the police. When they go low, we kick them. That's what he said. That's what the new Democratic parties about. Eric Holder said, exactly when did you think America was great? He said, Republicans are gonna cheat in twenty twenty. He's predicting, he makes it up. I remember he's the guy with the IRS scandal. He refused to appoint a special prosecutor. Why would he because we know they targeted conservative organizations, Tea party organizations. You know, also a group of GOP lawmakers released articles of impeachment and misleading testimony. Remember that nation at cowards. He once said it. You know, he tried to have Clade Shaik Muhammad's trial and civil court in Manhattan, you know, tried to have it there. Remember that big contrapt Remember the use of executive power by him, and it's beyond a nation of cowards turning over documents related to Fast and Furious. His remarks in an interview on the Tom Joyner Show. You may remember this when he said he's the wingman, or a clip of him in a video of Attorney General Holder who's on ABC on issues at race, and he said, you know, there's a certain level of vehemence. It seems to me that directed it made directed at the president. You know, people talk about taking their country back. I can't look into people's hearts, look into their minds, but it seems to me that the president has been treated differently than others. You're insinuating America being racist if you disagree with Obama's policies. I don't know what you're insinuating there. And then he goes on to say a certain racial component to this for some people, and they're racists in this country. That's sad to say, but that is not the vast overwhelming majority, Thank God, of Americans that are good people. You have these insane people that are racist, biggerted, and hateful. His idea that you know, when they go low, we kick them. Wow, that's pretty exactly. When did you think America was great? Republicans are going to cheat? In twenty twenty, he refused to appoint the special prosecutor. Remember that all happened, Remember the idea. The House Republican Committee concluded that he gave deceptive and misleading testimony in maya, twenty thirteen, when he told Congress he'd never been involved in a potential prosecution of members of the news media, and the report said it's difficult to square holders testimony with his approval of a search warrant application. In twenty ten, remember the James Rosen box news journalists a probable co conspirator in the League investigation or the AP revealing the Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for the AP, in what the news organization's cooperative top executive called a massive, unprecedented intrusion into how news organizations gather news. I mentioned the fast and furious scandal. I don't know why. You know, he wanted to move the KSM trial to Manhattan, and of course we have the use of executive power. Well, it's pretty much unlimited power that Obama could do anything that he wants because he's his wingman and he's going to defend him regardless of whether the law allows or dictates. I don't think we need lectures from the likes of Eric Holder. Um. All right, now, we have a lot happening today. This whole issue of we've been vindicated is now blown up in their face. The next steps in this are going to be spectacular and I was going to take time. The impeachment issue, in spite of all the television coverage and nausea, is going nowhere. The polls are declining rapids, rapidly, precipitously, all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity show. Um, this is getting for the deep state more devastating by the minute, by the hour, by the day. And I know that the mob in the media, I can tell you anecdotally, perhaps one of the better barometers that you can have whatever, like, there's a sense among the radical extreme left that there's blood on the water. Three years impeachment. I mean, they said it so many times. I think one of the best montages we ever put together is how many times they said it in twenty sixteen, seventeen, eighteen to nineteen, impeach and peach and peach. But you got members of Congress now debating what is a vague, baseless bs articles of impeachment. We've gone through all of this abuse of power, Okay, how nobody can explain that obstruction? Why because the president did whatever the other president before he himself what they have done, and that is invoke executive privilege so they can have real conversations with real advisors to do a really hard job that you need to keep some things private about. And when you have a disagreement between varying branches of government, more particularly the executive and legislative branches, yes, you are allowed, and it is allowed to seek remedy in the judicial branch. That is what they do. So they're doing this. The race is on. Never moved any faster. And on the side of this, I watched the mob in the media again part of the bifurcation compartmental mentalization, madness of them and their rage against Trump that they just they kind of want to look the other way at all the bomb shows that took place yesterday, as it relates to Inspector General Harrowitz's testimony, you know, like they all went out there. You had Anderson Cooper, you had Nicole Wallace. Everyone's exonerated from the smears of the president. This is on Monday. The Inspector General debunked the president's charges against him. No, because he said yesterday I think activities we found here don't vindicate anyone who touched this buys up and then he refused to rule out any political bias. I don't know their state of mind doesn't look good on the decision matters. But Barr and Durham have weighed in and they actually have real ability to get to the bottom of that, and clearly they are indicating that they've found the evidence. It's only a matter of time now before it comes out. I will get to all this and I'm going to break down the day when we get back next straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. So there is a bit of a controversy, that's a murk. I'm not that worried about it myself, and I know I've been arguing with some of my conservative friends, and I think I'm torn on both sides of it, which is not usually. I'm not usually indecisive on anything. There is a real part of me that believes that Adam Schiff, the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar, needs to be put under oath in any Senate trial. There's a part of me that believes that, Okay, if we're looking for quids and pros and quotes, then here come Joe's quid pro quo, and he should be put under oath and Hunter Biden should be put under oath in a Senate trial. Mitch McConnell has agreed to be on Hannity tonight and I will ask him about it. Now. The other side of the argument is is that their case is so pathetically weak that it won't take long. You'll have a House presentation, but they only have one fact witness, only one, and they'll put for it. It'll be a waste of time. And at that moment, I would expect Republicans to just roll the you know, call the role and get this out of the way. And I assume that's gonna be happening after the new year at this point. Now, with that said, some of his people say, no, we got, we gotta hold that, we got, we gotta go through all of this. In the back of my head, I just they're so corrupt, and I'm thinking, strategically here, what's in the best interest of the country and the president and everybody involved in this because he did nothing wrong. We all know that, we all know that they're all heresay witnesses not admissible in a court, not admissible in the trial. I assume the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, agrees with that. I assume that opinion witness are useless also to him, maybe one or two experts beyond that I can't see anymore. And then you're going to have others that take the opposite view. We saw that screw up day there was the only one real hearing that Nutty Nadler have had with his shift show. So this is interesting because the Washington Times has just reported that looks like Mitchell McConnell wants to short circuit these plans as it relates to having Hunter zero experience, Hunter Biden, who made millions, whose dad fired the prosecutor investigating him, leveraging a billion US tax dollars at the impeachment trial, and apparently in about ten days, Hunter is going to be put under oath and grilled about the money he made with Paris maholdings by none apparently the woman in this court case down in Arkansas, who was apparently more motive to get to the bottom of these things than Republican pins. So what's interesting here is Hunter Biden will have to answer these questions about his financial records. Now, some of you're gonna say, Hannity, you just you need to do this the right way. The biggest problem is you're not dealing with ethical people here. You're not dealing with honest people here. You're not dealing with rational people here. You're dealing with people that have been and continue to be obsessed with one thing and one thing only, and that is destroying your duly elected president. So while a part of me would like to do it all, there will be a time and a place where all of it can get done. But extending out and by the way, I don't care if you have a different point of view on this. It's I could easily be persuaded in the other direction because I'm torn. But the second that you can end this, my vote is to end it. You give them more time. They're gonna throw fifteen more articles of impeachment on the table before it's all said and done. That's how sick this has gotten. M Is it? Are you caving to the mob in the sense? No, I just think you're you're you're looking out for the country too, because of the damages is doing for the country, and there's a lot of damage being done here. You know, we watched the Inspector General yesterday before the hearings within the Senate Judiciary Committee, and what I loved about it was everything he said, no, nobody's vindicated here. No, we found here. I think the activities we found here don't vindicate anybody who touched them. That's not what the mob in the media was saying on Monday on fake News CNN and Area fifty one Roswell Rachel Maddow's conspiracy channel. The FBI's review process of fives the applications was found to have all these basic, fundamental, serious errors. As we were telling you, they failed to meet the most basic optitions in this particular case, you know, and when any of these questions came up, they were It is mind numbing what we discovered from the Inspector General. And I didn't like his take on the you know, I don't know about politics. That's why Durham and Bar's comments are far more relevant because they're not working in the bubble that Horowitz had to work in. But as you watch all of this testimony, and you read this report, and I'm going back and reading it more closely every day, all under the corrupt watch of Jim Comey, the liar that he is, they omitted exculpatory evidence, they doctored key material, they doctored it, they verified nothing, and used it and put it before fires a court judges under the word verified. It's unverifiableull And now that we know that, Christopher still didn't stand behind it, and his subsource laughed at the idea that anyone would use it because it basically bar talk. That's how sick it is. Then you got fifty some odd subsection underlying issues involved in the seventeen significant failures in accuracies and omissions, and Horowitz was adamant about it all. But you have all of these Trump hating deep state operatives now that have been exposed. Sadly, the reputation of the world's premiere law enforcement agency is tarnished. I don't know where Director Ray is. He's missing in action. It's sad for the ninety nine percent of brave men and women that serve this premiere law enforcement agency in the world. It's sad for our intelligence community, the ninety nine percent that, like the FBI special agents risked their lives for us every day. Our country deserves better than this. The rank and file in these organizations deserve better than this. We need them to do very important work to protect and keep us safe every day. There's a lot of evil in this world, and you know you look at all the deceptions and all the line I mean, Monday Comey's proclaiming I've been vindicated. Are you serious? Excuse me? You signed four FISA warrants with information based on information that was absolutely unverifiable, and you're zealous, you know, attempt to get it at Donald Trump. How do you justify signing a warrant that omits purposefully exculpatory evidence. How do you justify doctoring key material and still using it so you can keep this going? How do you justify and proudly proclaim your vindication when you got seventeen significant failures and accuracies and omissions. There's no vindication for him here now, one single thing. You have a single source which is laughing at the idea that they ever used as bar talks as real information. Then the leaks in the circular reporting scam that they were involved in, their with their conspiracy theory friends and the mob and the media with zero verification, the very same person that you exonerated and gave every consideration that no American would ever get as it relates to Oh, let me bring into my interrogation with the FBI. Let me bring in two people, so they can help me out and then you can exonerate me three days later, when every single statute subsection of the Espionage Act was clearly violated, just like the leaded emails. Oh no, no, you're nothing wrong. They're no real prosecutor whatever, do anything with this bologny. Without all this fraudulent activity, no warrant would have ever been granted, No dirty dossier Russian bought and paid for Clinton dossier. There is no FISA warrant. Take away one and individuals, constitutional rights, civil liberties, who cares in factors us one? Step two, step right into all world Trump campaign, transition and presidency. Comey saying a year any talk of PISO abuse, he said it was just nonsense. No, it's not is up to his eyeballs in it, lying through his teeth. We know it's a lie based on Harowitz's report and his testimony. As Harowitz called it, FIZO abuse, inexplicable. There is no answer except their political agenda. They know better. What have I been saying to you? It's really us, we the people, the smelly Walmart shoppers that support the president, voted for the president, that are happy with the president that they have to contempt for as well, irredeemable, deplorable? Is that cling to God and our constitution and our Bibles and religion? Oh, that makes us horrible. Call me turned. You know, our country's most powerful tools of intelligence at the highest level against a political campaign and a candidate and then a president he hated, using unverifiable dirt bought and paid for by the opposition party candidate lying repeatedly defies the court judges. Good luck to any of you if you ever do that. And then no, oh, and I loved how we found out he wouldn't renew his security clearance so he didn't have to talk about classified information and avoid a real interview with General Inspector General Harrowitz. That's another lie, by the way, about his dirty dossier. He is dirty dossier, the central and essential, Harwitz says, to defies application against Carter page. Where does Carter go to get his good name back, because apparently he worked for the CIA, a pretty risky job, going to countries like Russia so that he could bring back source material for our country to be safer. And he said he had no idea who paid for the dirty dossier. That was a lie too, because the IG report pointed out that prior to the first warrant, the FBI believe that Dacier was created for someone who was seeking political opposition research against candidate Trump. They knew, they were warned by Bruce or Kathleen Kavlac and others. You know, this this sanctimony because all of these people think they knew better than we the people, and the illicit leaking that went on. You know, he'd already been referred along with McCabe and struck in Page for criminal prosecution. I don't know why that went nowhere, but I'll tell you it's getting really scary now. Then you get this whole Shift show. He's missing in action. You know what, the FBI and DJ did not abuse the profis of process, he said, a material information or subvert this vital tool to buy on the Trump campaign. No, Horrowitz found the exact opposite, mister Schiff. He's Harrowitz said, we identified at least seventeen significant errors of missions in the car to page buys applications, many additional errors in the woods procedures. And again it's more embarrassing for Shift. He actually wrote, the DJ made quote only narrow use of information from Steel sources about Pages specific activities in twenty sixteen and didn't rely on any salacious allegations. That too, was another shift show. Lie Urwoods report the bunk Stats saying we concluded the Crossfire Hurricanes team their team's receipt of the Steel election reporting on September nineteenth played a central and essential role. And by the way, without that dirty Clinton bought and paid for Russian dossier, they wouldn't have gotten the FISA warrant. And by the way, he'd even take it further. You know, the decision of the FBI to support the request for surveillance targeting page to get to Trump one step, two step, it was all based on the dirty dossier. Shift was on TV lying to us. Why do you think I call him a congenital liar? Why do I say that the the medium mob mob lies, shift flies, They've all been lying to you. Notice they got it all wrong when it came to Muller. Notice we got it all right when it came to the FISA. And it's even deeper and more corrupt than we even knew. They were out there lying about the dossier the whole time. Ample evidence of Russia collusion, none kept saying we got Trump. We No, you didn't have anything. It is that sick and that ugly. You know, you got a guy like Schiff. Go back to his report, the FBI and dj did not abuse the FISA process of material Information to subvert this vital tool. Nope. We got the opposite from the Horowitz report. You know he's only narrow use of it. Nope, it was the bulk of it. It was beyond the bulk of it. Was the Steel dossier unverifiable as it is for one UD seventy six pages. The quarterproof surveillance shift, said of page allowed the FBI to collect valuable intelligence. Nope, that was debunked by Horowitz. Two. The FBI was not able to gather any valuable intelligence, was not able to corroborate anything in the dirty debunk Steel dossier, and they used it to get the warrant. It reads quote crossfire Hurricane team had not corroborated any of these substitive allegations none. So I dig deeper and deeper into this thing. I just it is mind numbing how corrupt it is. We're gonna get to a lot more of this coming up as this program unfolds today. Um, it's actually these are really actually sick and dangerous times. It's sad to see what they've put our country through and how they still continue to lie, and now they take it to the you know, impeachment chift show. Now we got another one. And by the way, even none of that is going well for any of them. You know, Democrats literally have become you know, all this is is a race than I do process, race to impeachment. It's ludicrous what they're doing. And by the way, it looks like many House Democrats are ready to defect on this thing. The facts have always been on the President's side. They never did anything and they all got the money. And Zelinski has said more often than not, we didn't. What are you talking about. We never felt any pressure. Every rule, respect for the rule of law, due process thrown out the window, every one of them. You want to talk about abusive power, well, I think Professor Turley had it right. You know, you say it's obstruction when somebody seeks remedy in the court, which is totally completely constitutional. That's what the courts are there for to resolve disputes between the executive and legislative branches. In part why let fairness, fundamental due process ever getting the way of a shift show or Nutty Nadler's shift show. Yeah, Pelosi bragging we've actually been the impeachment. Things been going on two and a half years. We're not rushing evidence, no evidence, are wrongdoing. Ukraine says that no pressure. The President gave them everything and they did nothing. It's not like the quid or the pro or the quo with Joe. There have been a warrant Iffies, a warrant granted without the inclusion of the Steel dossier, I think, And the only testament we have on this is that it was a part of the complete whole of the application, and all the parts were important. The bottom point, though, was that the only parts of the dossier that were included were those that pertained to Carter Page, and some of that was corroborated. Only the parts pertinent to Carter Page, and there was a corroboration of some of those very important elements. Well, you know, there's been I think an effort by some to discredit the firm Fusion GPS, or discredit mister Steele. And as you say, mister Steele has a very good reputation with the letter that Senators Grassley and Graham wrote urging an investigation of Christopher Steele. I think that's a terrible thing to do, a tremendous disservice. I think to Christopher Steele, who really did a patriotic duty in a learning the FBI of that a presidential campaign may be compromised by the Russians, it was all lies. Everything you just heard out of the mouth of that compromised, corrupt congenital liar Shift was lies. That is him. As we compared on TV the other night, what where he stood versus where Devin Nunas's report stood. Newness was right. The IG report corroborated everything he said. Everything Shift said was a lie. He's a compromised, corrupt, congenital liar. I just went through the last hour pointing out his lies, pointing out Komey's lies. They all lie. It's unbelievable anyway, as we now get more and more nuggets to all of this. Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts, He's written now two New York Times bestsellers about how corrupt all of this has been. He's been proven right and vindicated on every level. I don't think there's one thing you would ever take back from your books. I'll get to that in a second. Kimberly Strassell another one that has dug deep and wide and been right on all of this Wall Street Journal calumnists, by the way, she has is the author of a new book, Resistance at All Costs. How Trump haters are breaking America will certainly not helping the country, are they anyway? Is there anything either one of you reported that maybe you got wrong, now that we know that, Yeah, it was Hillary's bought and paid for a dirty Russian, unverifiable dossier at the heart of all of this. Greg, Well, if anything, I underestimated the level of malevolence and bias on the part of you know, the FBI. In chapter three, Lyne in Spine, it's called I identified about a dozen lies by the FBI to the FISC Coort judges. It turns out they're actually fifty one omissions inaccuracies deceptions identified in Appendix number one beginning. So in other words, it's sort of like a subsection of the seventeen major findings. Yes it is. Well, remember the seventeen are described as significant. Well, go to the appendix. All fifty one of the false representations are, in my judgment, incredibly significant. You know, the worst part of it is that the FBI learned in January of twenty seventeen, after the first PISO warrant was issued, that they discovered who Christopher Steele's subsource was. They went to that subsurce he said, are you kidding me? A lot of this was said in jest over beers. This wasn't supposed to be for report because it's multiple hearsay's hearsay built on hearsay. You know, we were just shooting the ball. And so at that point in time, the FBI should have done two things. Run to the fi support with drawn and apologize their warren on carter page. And the second other way, the statute mandates that if they discover at any point that what they put in they fis opplication is not true, that they're obligated under the law to correct the record immediately. The other thing that Comy should have done is he had just gone to the White House and told the President about the so called p tape and the dossier. He should have told the President, we've just found out that this dossier is garbage, But he didn't do that. Instead, he continued to lie to the President and pursue the investigation against him. And as I point out on my book, Komy has now admitted privately to Congress, but I've read a transcript of it that even when the Special Council was appointed in May of twenty seventeen, they still had no credible evidence. Every time Kimberly I dig keeper, the angrier I get, the more outraged I am, and the more that I see the depth of outright pure lying corruption, abuse of power, and the more that I feel that if we don't get this straightened out as a country, this is just going to happen again and again, we won't have a country. You don't have a rule of law if you have people that we entrust at this high level in the premier law enforcement agency in the world and the premier intelligence community in the world. And this is how they act, and this is what they do because apparently they think they are smarter than we smell a Walmart shopping Trump supporters, well, don't forget either. And Greg just pointed out a really important point in the timeline that's also being somewhat overlooked and swept under the carpet. Here is if you go to May twenty seventeen, Tomi's fired, and and at that time, remember Andy McCabe steps up and he elevates this into an investigation directly into the president. And that is all the more remarkable given what Greg just noted that the FBI at that time had no additional evidence. In fact, they had made no progress whatsoever in verifying anything in this dossier. So on what basis do you take such a dramatic step. And the answer is that they had no basis. But they also just assumed nobody was going to find out about it and that they didn't have to follow any of the rules. This is a real problem with this. It's about rule breaking or lawbreaking. I think, Yeah, I was gonna says, is it it really about abuse of power? Is it about corruption? Isn't it about when when you think of what they put the country through, Kimberly, I mean, it's breathtaking. And if you think about the danger at any point here, because this is now three long years culminating in this insanity Ukrainian impeachment coup attempt, it's crazy. And also I mean, look, you asked about dangerous, would do differently like in my book, I pointed out, like how crazy it was for the FBI to take the allegations that were in this dossier at face value. And now what we find out from this report is just how terrible Christopher Seal was at his job. When they finally went and interviewed people who'd worked with him, they said that he had problems with a judgment, that he was known to make rash decisions, that he liked to this is my favorite line, John, that he liked to chase after shiny objects. And they did no verification on any of these claims before they presented them to Affy Cycles. Really, I say it differently. It's unverifiable, never was verifiable. Well now we know, yeah, I mean, but this is also one of the important things that came out of this report is that nothing was verified other than publicly available times, locations, and the titles of people. Greg When you listen to the comments of Attorney General Barr, and you listen to the comments of Prosecutor John Durham, and look, I don't believe either one of them would be saying what they are now saying if they didn't already have a lot of evidence. Now let me backtrack in the course of unpeeling every layer of this onion. And you both were part of this ensemble cast of a few of us, there weren't many that actually got this right, and that was premeditative fraud. And a fis a court against the guy, by the way, that was serving his country, putting himself in harm's way in countries like Russia as hostile as they are, and bringing that information to the CIA, only to have his work is documented, work that was approved somehow diminished because they altered the document that confirmed it so they could justify the spying on him and the one step two step into all things Trump worlds campaign transition and then deep into his presidency. Greg But when you listen to Durham and Bar, where is it going? It's going where it currently is a criminal investigation I think inexorably will result in at least one, but there should be more criminal charges. Yes, the top lawyer doctored evidence. He should be prosecuted for that. But you know, I also think two things can happen. Bar can prosecute people with the FBI who lied to the fi suport the fi SU court itself could hold a show cause for contempt. Hearing and drag the people who sign this PISU document. Come McCabe, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, all in and hold a hearing, and if they don't get a good answers, they can hold them in criminal contempt. Bring your toothbrush, you're going behind bar. So there's a couple of courses that can occur here. But you know, truly, the FBI lawyer who doctored an email to say that you a Carter Page was not a source for the CI when in fact he was his source is certainly, in my judgment, a slam dunk crime. Kimberly, where do you see it going? Because I just don't believe somebody of the Attorney General stature would be saying any of this if in fact you didn't have information that we don't currently have. I think I have a good idea. When they talk about going abroad, I assume it has to do without sourcing of illegal spying to friendly intelligence agencies for the purpose of circumventing American law that will then also bring in other collaborators as it relates to the Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and I don't believe any of which could have happened had they not organized this this who attempt against the president of you will, well, let's look at what information we have and what we don't. What we now have because of the IG report is pretty comprehensive details of what happened after the FBI opened its investigation. Of course, the great mystery is what was going on before that time, Who was talking to whom, who knew what? And that's what I think Durham and Barr are referring to. And here's a really fascinating thing that comes out of this IG report. It's been somewhat overlooked, but I think it's incredibly important. Which is this that if you talked to all the relevant players and that includes the FBI, and they say, well, you know, we didn't have a Trump Russia collusion narrative on our minds until we got this tip at the end of July. And if you go back and you look at Glenn Simpson's testimony in front of the Senate, he claims that, you know, when he first hired Christopher Steele, he just wanted him to look into business relationships that Trump had in Russia, and then in the course of this he came up with this political conspiracy. Well, if you read the Horowitz report. It's not what Christopher Steele says. He says that all the way back in May, when Simpson first came to meet him. I read your tweets online about this. It is very important to explain this, Yeah, very important. He said that all the way in May, Simpson came to him and asked whether he'd help determine quote whether there were any ties between the Russian government and Trump and his campaign, and quote whether Russia was trying to achieve a particular election outcome. Now this is in May, months before the FBI claims to have been thinking about this. But this is important. But you're saying that this was discussed with Simpson in May. Okay, we're told that it was actually a comment by twenty eight year old Frankly. No offense to mister Poppadopolis. He'd suffered unnecessarily and his wife and the lovely people, and I hope they have recourse. But a comment made it a bar. But they also purposely withheld the exculpatory statements. No nobody in the Trump campaign that I know would ever do any of this. They took that out as well. Stay right there, Kimberly Strassell, Wall Street Journal, Greg Jarrett bought. Their books are up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Right, as we continue with Greg Jarrett, Fox News, Legal Analysts, New York Times bestseller's latest book on all of this witch hunt. Nothing he said in these books were wrong. He's way ahead of the curve. Kim Strassell, same thing, Wall Street Journal, her book Resistance at All Costs, How Trump haters are breaking America. We have him up on Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere, Amazon dot com. So the next steps, I guess this is going to go in the house Now. I have Mitch McConnell on Hannity tonight, and I'll ask you quickly. We don't have a lot of time, now, could I could be persuaded in neither direction as a part of me that says the left is so nuts at the minute the Republicans get the chance in the Senate to quit do it and worry about the investigations of Hunter, Joe and Schiff in other forms. But then again, you missed the big opportunity to really bring it out. But I think there's so nuts. They'd bring fifteen other items to impeach him on in the meantime, real quick, Greg twenty seconds each. Well, Al Green is on record as Democrat and Congress who's saying, if we don't went on this impeachment, will impeach him again for something else. We'll come up with something that. By the way, another Democrats said it as well. This woman to TMZ Harvey Levin Karen Bass said the same thing. Yeah, so what do you think a better way to handle it? Well, I would say a short trial call, just a few witnesses, call Adam Schiff called a fake whistleblower who has no immunity or anonymity. I would leave Biden and Hunter to a different Senate, committed Kimberly. Yeah, I'm in favor of doing this quickly and providing it no measure of credibility in the Senate, to expose how rigged it was and investigate outside of this. All right, Yeah, thanks, all right, thank you both your calls coming up next into the process has been the speed at which the House Democrats are moving if this is but seriously though, going on for twenty two months, okay, an hour and a half years actually, there has been some criticism though I will say about whether or not you should move forward before the end of the year or wait for the courts. Why do you think it now is the time to move I think we're not moving with speed. This was it two and a half years ago that they initiated smaller investigation. It is not about speed. Is a bad urgency. One of the charges against the President of the United States is that he was violating his oath of office by asking a foreign government to intervene in our election, undermining the integrity of our elections. If we did not hold him accountable, he would continue to undermine our election. For you, yourself, accused him of bribery. Why did you decide not to make bribery one of the articles of impeachment? I myself, I'm not a lawyer. Sometimes I act like one, not as often as I act as a doctor. I practice medicine on the side without benefit of diploma. Two. This is a decision that was recommended by our working together with our committee, Cares, our attorneys, and the rest. So the articles are what they are. They're very powerful, they're very strong, and they are a continuation of a pattern of misbehavior on the part of the president. People are realizing when they see what that was. They think the public thinks that they should be determining who the president of the United States is, not some foreign power. They think that no one is above the law. All right, there is the weakness, the pathetic nature of what is the modern extreme radical Democratic Party. That's who they are. This defines them. This is what the election will be about in three twenty seven days. I was I'm just watching all of this. I see that we've got Democrats now really on the edge wanting to defect. How big that number is going to be is going to be very interesting to watch. The facts are on the President of the United States side. There's nothing wrong with the phone call. Zero. They never discussed aid, Oh what do you mean? They never that you go through it. It's very very very clear because they make up all this stuff. They have one fact witness, a million opinion witnesses, a million heresay witnesses. But the facts don't change. As Jim Jordan says over and over and over and over again, you know they say they you know, we go to the call, you got the meeting. You have to have the meeting to get the money to meet with the president. No, we have the invitations. There was never a quit or pro or quo in any way. You know, there was there's yet to be any announcement that Ukraine was going to do anything as it relates to looking into corruption, election and interference, the Bidens and Barisma. They had the call on the twenty fifth. There were five separate meetings at a high level, including as high as the Vice President of the United States. Just like in the phone call, AID was never discussed, and it wasn't discussed one time, not once in five call, five meetings after the call. Did what did they do to get the money? When did they make the announcement? They never made the announcement. You know Democrats, you know they keep saying this one sentence, I'd like you to do us a favor. Okay, what's the plane language? Because I thought they cared about election interference. Our country has been through a lot. The President said, heck yeah, our country has been through a lot because Democrats supposedly cared about for an election interference. Oh Hannity, you're now spreading a conspiracy theory. You don't believe that Russia interfeared in our elections? No, just the opposite. We've been saying Russia is a hostile regime putin a hostile actor on the world stage. If anything, I can't understand why Biden and Obama didn't take the admonition of then House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Newness in twenty fourteen, because Devin Newness told everybody that this was going to happen, told everybody, so the president saying, hey, you know, okay, if you whatever involvement you might have had here, now this is all made up, nnedy well no, because a Ukrainian court they admitted they interfered in our elections. You have the whole political article. And by the way, the main voter now works for the New York Times. Oh, what are you gonna say to him? Our country has been through a lot. This is the day after Muller sat in front of the committee and came off as just an ignorant, out of touch, you know, pathetic figure. You didn't even know if Fusion GPSS had no idea Genie Ray had worked for the Clintons, none whatsoever. So that's what the president's reference point is. And remember the president, nobody pays attention to this. Ever. I don't know, you seem to be hanging out with a lot of bad people like your predecessor. I wouldn't I wouldn't be hanging out with those people. So, yeah, the country had been through a lot. Yeah, the President was ticked off because it's two and a half years of lies, conspiracy theories, a hoax, just like we got in this particular case. Any rules that require any fairness, any fundamental due process, any rightful consideration, any calling of witnesses that get in the audition, behind closed door hearings, you had Adam Shift telling witnesses not to answer Republican questions or how to answer Republican questions. I'm supposed to vote on this today, and we have not had one single fat witness here in this committee at all. And then I hear from my Republican colleagues that were on the Intelligence Committee that Republicans were refused to have any of their witnesses in that committee. And then on top of that, Republicans were told interrupted, silenced by Chairman Schiff when they tried to ask witnesses questions. They said, they said, the witness don't answer that. You know, it's been predetermined from the get go. That is the bottom line. And if you want to talk about abuse of power, that would be the Democrats to do nothing, lazy, hate Trump, psychotic Democrats, because that's where the abuse of power is. Jonathan Turley, what I'm saying is a legitimate appeachment to set an abbreviated scheduled demand documents, then impeach because they haven't turned over the documents, because they're seeking remedy in a court, and courts the judicial branch's design to resolve conflicts when they arise between the executive branch and the legislative branch. So they go to court and you say, well, that's obstruction, Jonathan Turley says, no, that's your abuse of power. They have broken every single precedent that has ever been established in these proceedings as they race and rush to impeachment, and of course the Ukrainian president yet again, not this past week and the weekend before, said what are you people doing? This never happened again. How many times they have to say it? It is a travesty what they're doing. They are hurting the tree. You know. Now they're now they're on the clock now. It doesn't matter what the facts are to be determined. They don't care. They don't one witness. Out of all their witnesses, one that was a fact witness, only one. You know, what is important for anyone is that we just get this done so we can get back to the election. Oh okay. Al Green said it really well, there's no limit on the number of times Democrats can impeach Trump. Remember the first thing that he said was, well, we better impeach him because we're not going to beat him. And now he's talking about what we can impeach him again, there's no limit to the number of times. And then he goes on to say, I believe that we can do it more than once if it becomes necessary. And if the Senate does not convict, it doesn't mean that the House is now hamstrung and cannot move forward again with impeachment. Oh so they're going to take the country down an endless road of never ending impeachment, impeachment, impeachment. You don't remember it all started out as quit and pro and quo, but that didn't work out well, so they focus group and they said, no, bribery is harder hitting. Well, they didn't have any evidence of bribery or acquit or pro quo like Joe, And then we then it avows into a bribery. Well, that didn't work out either, and then blackmail and extortion that didn't work out either. By the way, all the while, it's funny to watch the Dow Jones setting another record as they speak, nobody's taking them seriously. This has been going on. Pelosi even said that, you know, at the Politicos Woman Rules Summit, admitting the impeachment process has been going on for two and a half years. She's asked about criticisms of the speed. She says, speed it's been going on twenty two months, two and a half years. Actually, I think we're not moving with speed with it. You know, was it two and a half years ago they initiated the Muller investigation. It's not about speed, it's about urgency. We're just not going to go down the road of going through an FBI investigation and the inconvenience of a House Intel investigation and a bipartisan Senate investigation and then make our way to the Mueller report, only to be let down there too. So we'll just we'll just say that we'll impeach him on this, and we'll we'll only nobody gets to talk to the other side. This is an insane policy. And you know, Matt Gates, who's on Hannity tonight, rightly called out their politician protection program because to accept this standard means someone announces they're running for office. It's like instant immunity deal for anything that they would ever do. And you know, biggest case in point is quit and pro and quo Joe and zero experience Hunter Biden, because I think it's applicable there more than anything else, and Gates saying it's ludicrous. All right, let's get to our phones here. Jimmy, South Carolina. Jimmy, how are you glad you called, sir? What's on your mind today? Well, you know, I'm thinking after the whole impeachment thing is all said and done, I'm thinking President Trump should probably thank Adam Schiff. You remember, back before the Mono probe started, Shift was the one that was saying he had had seen and been made privy to evidence that was better than circumstantial of impeachable wrongdoing. And all these investigations later, he has been able to keep that evidence to himself and not let it out into the public. He has done more to protect the presidency of Donald Trump than anybody else, listen all of them for like two weeks before the election in his home district, so that the voters can thank him properly. They've done one thing for three years. They have not accepted the results of the American people. So they have tried to undermine Donald Trump. And in spite of a twenty four seven three sixty five effort every second minute hour of every twenty four hour a day, this they end up serving nobody but themselves and looking dumber by the minute. This is almost manna from heaven. And then, by the way, the candidates that they put forth to run against them disaster and the country is not going down the radical extreme ninety four trillion dollars New Green Deal debacle, Medicare for all debacle with no health care choices whatsoever. Thank you. Jimmy Jason is in Oklahoma. Hey Jason, how are you. I'm good, Sean, how are you? Thank you for taking my call? And I appreciate all you do. Thank you for letting me do it. Oh, I appreciate it, but learn so much just from listening to and following you on Twitter and everything else. I'm a licensed professional clinical counselor and part of my job is to do assessments, and when I do assessments, it's my job to see whether or not the person is either tell me the truth or lying or exaggerating. Well, when it comes to these five A Court judges, we know they don't live in a bubble, they don't live on a desert island. These individuals are watching the news, they're reading the newspaper, so they're being kept up on what is going around in DC as well as the rest of the country. So in my mind, they should have discernment, just as youre supposed to a serment in my profession, they should have discernment as well. Yet they are presented with these to me can only be considered garbage. To go ahead and sign off and spy on a presidential candidate Trump and then President Trump. I think these guys are corrupt because to my knowledge, again I don't know that this has ever been done in the United States. This is something that is brand new that they are saying it's okay to go ahead in wiretaps the President or some of his associates. That's brand new. And yet they just went ahead Willy Nelly, not once, not twice, not three times, but four times. I mean, at some point I think these guys are complicit in that. Oh, they're definitely complicit. You gotta understand here that it is. Well, I don't know about the judges. I think I'm guessing because I just happened to I've met a few judges in my day, not for anything criminal, obviously, but I've been in courtrooms enough to I've watched enough of court TV to tell you this, meaning real court TV over the years when it used to air. Most judges they take command of their courtroom, you know, and they're not taking crap from anybody. And you if lie to a judge, you're done. Judges, it's yes, ma'am, no, ma'am, yes, your honor, no, your honor, yes, sir, no, sir. That's how it works if you're in a court of law. Now it happens to also be illegal if you lie to a judge, and lack of candor illegal. Well, that did play a big part in Michael Cohn's life and played a part in Roger Stone's life and Paul Mattafort's life. But again, the two tier justice system, not Hillary Clinton, who lies repeatedly. We'll see how that ends up. All right, eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. We'll check in with Senator Marshall Blackburn of Tennessee. We'll have more on this news breaking developing as we speak. Quick break right back, we'll continue on the other side. More of your calls and Marsha Blackburn straight ahead, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. There is such a range of conduct here that is inexplicable, and the answers we got were not satisfactory that we're left trying to understand how could all these errors have occurred over a nine month period or so among three teams handpicked one of the highest profile and the highest profile case of the FBI, going to the very top of the organization involving a presidential campaign, Christopher Steele. Is it fair to say that he had a political bias against Donald Trump? He? Given who he was paid for, there was a bias that needed to be disclosed to the court. Does it seem that he all personally had it bias, not just because he's on the payroll of Democratic Party, but he well, we found in the course of this and heard from mister Orr about his comment to him that he was desperate to prevent mister Trump selection. Again, this is the guy that provides that the gifts the warrant over the top against gar Page. He's paid for by the Democratic Party, and he personally believes it's bad for Donald Trump to win. He's marketing the dossier, which is a bunch of garbage to anybody and everybody to make that's important. Is that important to you? Any evidence of bias is supposed to be disclosed to the court and to the Department lawyers. Okay, you know, mister cherit really quite disturbed me when you again rejected the rule of the House that said that we, as the minority were It says in the rules that you require require that you set a date for a minority hearing. And the reason that this is important is because the rules have been thrown out the window here on this process. In fact, I just can't believe it. I mean, first of all, you have an unprecedented way of doing it impeachment. You don't go through the Judiciary Committee like has been done in previous impeachments. Instead, Speaker Pelosi hands it over to Adam Schiff. Adam shift the Intelligence Committee chair where he has these closed door hearings in the basement. I was denied several times, several times the right to go in and hear what these fact witnesses said. Yet I'm supposed to vote on this today and we have not had one single fact witness here in this committee at all. And then I hear from my Republican colleagues that were on the Intelligence Committee that Republicans were refused to have any of their witnesses in that committee. And then on top of that, Republicans were told interrupted, silenced by Chairman Schiff when they tried to ask witness says questions they said, They said to the witness, don't answer that right. News round Up Information Overload eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program of devastating knockdown by Debbie Lesko calling out the madness and the insanity and the lack of do process and the lack of any real witnesses, and the lack of any opportunity to actually do a real impeachment investigation. Rightly so, in the House Judiciary committeers want to race it throughs they can go home for the holidays. That of course, after we heard from Michael Horowitz that this range of conduct is inexplicable, couldn't be any more clear or Christopher Steele's bias needed to be disclosed, just like Hillary paying for it needed to be disclosed, just like it says at the top of a FISA application verified. We know it's unverifiable that the entire the entire FISA application hinged on the dirty Russian bought and paid for Hillary dossier. That's unverifiable. And they did it not once, they did it four times, and they did it to keep getting at Donald Trump. It is the single biggest abuse of power and corruption in our lifetime. And I thought yesterday the Inspector General, if there's any ambiguity there in the minds of anybody, especially on the big question of whether the report offers vindication as they were claiming Monday, no nobody in this process. I think the activities we found don't vindicate anybody who touched this fis up. Anybody joining us now is the great Senator from the great state of Tennessee, Senator Marshall Blackburn. She tweeted out the FBI knew Christopher Steele was an untrustworthy foreign actor and political hack paid by the Clintons, yet continue to rely on Steel for the intelligence on Trump's campaign. The worst part of that, though, Senator, is that they were all warned ahead of time, numerous warnings. And then it gets even worse than that. Steele, in an interrogatory in Great Britain, says, I have no idea if any of it's true, that means it's unverifiable. Yet they swore four times James come signed three of the four rod Rosenstein the last one that it was verified and true to the best of their ability. That would be premeditated fraud on a court. The next part of this is, yeah, the one subsource that Steele used knew nothing and actually laughed at the idea. It was bar talk to use the exact phrase in terms of the information he was even providing Steele. But yet the whole thing relied on this. So now I understand the confines that the Inspector General of the world that he lives in, But the reality is that prosecutor in the Attorney general bar they don't have those handcuffs of you will. They're not confined in a bubble that just revolves around the DOJ and FBI. And clearly, based on their own words, their investigation has gone far and wide and they're finding things that Harwitz doesn't even know about yet. Well, you're exactly right, Sean, and you touched on something so important that I think people really need to lock into. When you have these kind of mistakes in a FIS warrant application, this is unprecedented. You see mistakes from time to time, but most of those applications they have been fact checked by people up the food chain. They start with lower level attorneys and it moves up, and it's supposed to be fact checked every single step of the way. That's the wood procedures that are there in the report. Now what they did when it came to Ristopher Steele. Christopher Steele had been on the FBI payroll from twenty thirteen to twenty sixteen, and this was an important part of the questioning I did yesterday. In June of twenty sixteen, somebody introduced Christopher Steele to Fusion GPS. Then he started working for Fusion GPS and he started to shop the dossier like you were laying out. Then in November, the FBI goes ay, wait a minute, this guy is not trustworthy anymore or less take him off the payroll. But then thirteen more times Bruce Orr was spoon feeding info to the FBI from Christopher Steele. They were still taking his info after November twenty sixteen, and it was being spoon fed by Bruce Or. So you have to wonder where, how did it all of this connection and what's the genesis of it? And then why I did somebody in the FBI continue to allow this information to come from Christopher Steel when they had already said, We're not going to use this guy anymore. He is untrustworthy. They knew that with the dossier he had said in his subsource had said, this is bar talk. You know, we can't verify any of this. I mean, it is unbelievable what they did, what they got away with, and if they produced that very first vice, a warrant with ten sins of omission and commission wrapped into that thing, and that James Cummy put his signature on it. So the question now is now that that Horowitz and this hearing yesterday was very clear that nobody's vindicated here, and you know, on the decisions of regarding the PISA matters. I don't know the state of mind, and he just knows that it was corrupt and identified factual and fundamental and basic and serious errors. As you point out, the Woods procedures, the review procedures, the FBI factual accuracy review procedures designed to ensure if the applications contain a full and accurate presentation of the facts. One thing, Senator, I have not figured out, why are we not hearing from the FISA judges themselves? Because this was premeditated fraud on the court. And I wouldn't lie to judge Judy, never mind a federal judge. Well, you're right. It was premeditated, it was intentional, it was vicious, it was malicious, it was all of those things. I said. This should have been called Operation take Down Trump rather than Operation Hurricane, Crossfire, Hurricane, because it was designed specifically and the misleading, the lie, the sense of omission were done specifically to stop Donald Trump. And I will tell you this, I am looking forward to the Durham report. I'm looking forward to what he recommends with criminal referrals. I am looking forward to continuing hearings on this. It is inconceivable that in the United States FISA warrant was secured to go spy on a US citizen who the FBI knew that person was an asset of the CIA. Can you imagine you look at how Comey braggs about the way he treated a thirty three year war hero combat veteran. Even General Michael Flynn. Of course, I took advantage of the chaos, something I never do or even attempt in the Busher Obama years. And then, of course this was after his deputy director the FBI McCabe said to Flynn, you don't need a lawyer. Well, that would be denying him his constitutional rights as Miranda rights, and that would be a total and complete setup of veteran that I would argue certainly deserves better treatment than that. I can only imagine what's going to happen when Sidney Powell gets back in in front of a judge on behalf of General Flynn. Where do you see this going? Is you hear the comments of Durham and Barr? Where do you see this now going? Well, the first thing I think that based on the horror Witch report, you'll see us continue to do our investigation at Judiciary Committee, and Chairman Graham is doing a good job of that. General Durham is looking for what is classified as a criminal action. What you have in Horrowitch is the definition of what we're the wrongs, and then the degree of that wrong if it falls to a criminal action. That is left with General Durham his team to make that distinction and then to present that report to us and to the Department of Justice. And we will get that at some point as we move on toward the spring, I think, and January is probably going to be tied up with whatever it is that the House ends up sending us if they are able to get their votes together for impeachment. All right, quick freak, welcome back more with Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn on the other side, Great Hannity tonight and your calls coming up next A right, as we continue, Marshall of Blackburn is with us, the great Senator from the great state of Tennessee. Believe me, I want this more than anything, because there really was a quit and a pro and a quote with Joe and Hunter zero experience. Hunter paid millions. But I am of the mind there's nothing I would like more than to put these guys on trial. There is such a madness an illness, a sickness, a psychosis here that once they present their case, whatever house managers go over to the Senate and presided over by the Chief Justice John Roberts. And I assume they're going to use the Federal rules of evidence, which means no hearsay and no opinion witnesses. That's not going to matter unless you say the expert. There will be limited in scope for sure. And I think very quickly this case falls apart, and I happen to be of the mind the minute Republicans are ready to quit, get it out of there. And some people say, Henry, what about Hunter. I'm like, I agree, Hunter needs to be investigated, and the same with quit and pro and quo Joe. And we also need to get Schiff under oath. But I don't think that is the form for this reason, because they're going to throw fourteen other items in while they got some spare time, because they don't do anything for the country. Is there logic to my thinker in yours of play? There there is logic to your thinking. And I think there are other ways that we can get to what happened with Joe Biden, and we have to do that has to happen, and you know, and then you go back and look at the grand architects of what I call the biggest mom and pop quid pro quo shop ever in history. And let's Bill and Hillary Clinton, and look at what they did with the Clinton Foundation and with the money that went to that foundation from Russia and uranium won and the Scythist review that was conducted on that. You know, there is a lot of the misdeed that has been there. You are so right about that. And when you look at what happened with the FBI, when you look at what happened when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, when Joe Biden was Vice president, and that all is something that needs to come up. I will tell you this, Sean. The American people, and especially American women, millions of moms out there, they want things to be fair. They want the system to work, They want protections for their families. Say you're sick of this bickering up in Congress. If there is corruption, they say, clean it up, but get on with the business and stop trying to exercise the politics of personal destruction. They want to see us to do our job and people that have done wrong be held accountable, right, Senator, we appreciate you doing the great job you're doing for the people at Tennessee. I think it'll be over quickly. Thank you, Senator Marsham Blackburn eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, we'll continue. I think it is very obvious the one the length of the Chairman's answer to my question, that this has struck a nerve, seeing how the Chairman himself says in his own words, from previous times of the Chairman, it is not the chairman's right to decide whether prior hearings are sufficient, or the chairman's right to decide whether he thinks they're acceptable, or the chairman's right to violate the rules in order to interfere. It is interesting to me that this time has become the issue. I've made my ruling the point of order, and we have a gentleman wish to appeal the ruling of the would lie for the sake gentleman wish to for the psake of history of the chairman. Take one more is in it? The gentleman wish to appeal the ruling of the chair Yes or no? Yes? Obviously well, the block and calendar appeal. The chairman is doing this ageal of the ruling of the chair is not sustained. Um, I've moved to table. Thing, did you actually call for a vote? How does it not sustained? You didn't call for a vote? Sustain the point of order? I sustained the point of order. I call for a ruling of the chair for a vote. I stained the point. I ruled that the point of order is not well taken. Well, that's thankfully obvious. Appeal the ruling of the chair, and I moved to table. The gentleman is appealed to ruling of the chair. The general Lady is a table. The appeal to ruling the chair. The motion to table is not debatable. All in favor of the motion to tables, say I I suppose no, no, the appeal of the most appeal the ruling a chair is tabled. That is how corrupt. The whole process is bad and it's it is beyond a circus clown show. The problem is that the severity behind it all. That's the big part of that. You know, there's there's you know, Nutty Nadler with his shift show, you know, refusing to give Doug Collins, a minority hearing, and why would they ever do that, considering there hasn't been due process from the get go. Here's a witnesses opinion, witnesses, Professor Ivory Tower, witnesses and Okay, we're done, let's vote Impeacham and that nobody disagrees. That's what they said. All right, let's get to our busy phones. Here. Oh, this is our friend. Tricia apparently was in the nation's capital today. She wrote the book about All about the tweets, all of Donald Trump's tweets. By the way, the book sold really well. I heard you down in Capitol Hill. Landa mentioned earlier what happened, how well I was in the hearing, and then I went up to the floor when when the congressman, we're going up the elevator, and I ran into Jerry Nadler, and I just I just couldn't keep my mouth quiet. I just couldn't. And I asked him, I said, why are you trying to defraud the American people? We voted for this president. We're eleven months away from an election. How dare you do this to our president? And he would say, he said nothing, And I said, you know I'm here as one person, but I speak for millions, and we've had it. We've had it enough. And I said, why what are you so afraid of your your candidate, you know half the time doesn't even know what country he's in, what state he's in, and you think he's a big threat to us. I don't think so, so so, And I mean I've had back anything, nothing, absolutely nothing is people tried to stand between us. But then Ben with Frontline and you have a video. Well, I don't know. I'm hoping Ben's crew got it. I had my video on but then I got so worked up, honestly, I hit the long button. But there was media all around us, and I'll let them have it too, So I don't know if it'll be on or not, but there's definitely enough media in this area that filmed it for sure. You know, if you get a copy of that, send it to us, that's mightna be something I'd love to throw on TV. But well, good for you for going down there. And these guys walk around the halls of Congress thinking that they're kings and queens, and you know, they their royalty and we ought to just bow and Curtsey and you know, kissed their rings. No, thank you, good for you. Yeah, no, it's disgusting. And the funny thing, Sean is, I was in the AJI hearing yesterday completely empty. I was into hearing this morning. There are tons of season. Where are the Democrats if they're so right, if they love what they're doing, and they're so proud of it, where the hell are they? Why aren't they there for the show? It's disgusting what they're doing to this country. It's absolutely disgusting. Let me say they're hiding Schiff because Schiff can't answer the question what he and his office, what collusion took place, what contact took place, what was discussed us between him and his staff, as it relates to the non whistleblower, whistleblower, here's a whistleblower. So anyway, thank you, Tricia, all the best. You have a great time. They're have fun tearing it up in the swamp. Don't get too dirty against cleaning out the swamp, against awfully messy. All right, let's get back to our phones. The important swing state Florida. Jim is next, Jim High, how are you? And welcome to the program. Thank you, sir. I just was kind of wondering how IG Horowitz could claim there's no bias on the part of the FBI in initiating the investigation, because you know, I shops typically don't investigate bias. They do waste fraud and abuse. Oh look, I mean the IG was tasked specifically with getting again, he's the inspector general into looking into FIS abuse. He found it. He found exactly what I told you he would find, which is that the bulk of the information in the FISA applications was the dirty Russian Clinton bought and paid for dossier put together by somebody that didn't stand by it and by a single subsource who laughed at the idea that anything he ever said would be taken seriously. Well, I understand that, but I've worked with OIG shops in the past. I'm a retired criminal investigator, and I looked up what dj IG looks into waste fraud, abuse of misconduct. If you drew ah, this is the misconduct part. Well, the misconduct part says nothing about bias either. That talked about Bureau of Prisons failure to render aid. I think it's a pretty broad Well, I don't know why we're arguing the technicality. He was tasked with doing it. It's been an awful lot of time doing it. Came out with the report and was very clear in the hearing yesterday, in spite of Komey claring that declaring that he had been vindicated. Anything but the truth from Komy, because Harowitz offered no vindication. And by the way, if you turn on fake news CNN, if he turned on Anderson Cooper, you know, he said, well, the Inspector General report debunked the president's charges against Komey and so many others. And he got over there at Area fifty one, Roswell, Rachel Maddow's channel, the conspiracy Channel, you know, Nicole Wallace suggesting that the former acting director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, a man who was exonerated from the smears of the Okay, but but I'm answering your question. No, actually, I agree with you. I agree with you. I just think that you know, Horwitz says that there's no bias in the initiation of the investigation, and right and and Durham, Remember I explained this yesterday. He is in a bubble Arrowitz had. It's sort of like he was fenced in. He could only look within the confines as part of his charge and as job description of the DOJ and the FBI, that was it. John Durham, he is not restricted in any such way and was very clear in saying that as his investigation has gone far wide and deep, and the scope of which now has gone before, during, and after, he has said that, Yeah, I don't agree because I have facts on my side, and that's the whole thing that he's saying. Right, I agree with you. I totally agree with you. I just saw I kind of saw it as something where you know, if you're just doing waste for an abuse in this conduct in bias, isn't in your purview, just say I can't understand. I'm listening again. He gave that perspective with a limited It's sort of like you're inner room and you're locked in the room and you can't leave the room. But outside the room you would have found everything that would have he didn't get a smoking gun. As what he was saying now when he said these words which were crucial which I was getting to, I think the activities we found here don't vindicate anybody who touched the FISA can you say it wasn't because of political eyes. He says, I don't know their state of mind. So he was very very clear in saying that what the way the medium mob was spinning it the way come and others were spinning it was total bus You see. The thing I looked at is, you know, you're talking about the initiation of this investigation, but in this investigation you spent you send spies into the Trump administration where regarding midyear exam, you're going to them and like you're part of the team. Somebody else hacked your computers, and you know, it's almost like FBI was teaming up with them and being very friendly. And on this other one, you're taking limited knowledge just assuming that Trump administration or candidate candidacy people are colluding with Russians, and you're you're telling people like General Flynn you don't need a lawyer. It seems like instantly no doubt about it, I think, and I think that's why the statements by both the Attorney General I'm by Prosecutor dooram or as strong as they were. Anyway, appreciate the call. We stay in the swing state of Florida. Ted next, Sean Hannity show what's going on. Thank you very much for taking my call, Sean, I really appreciate it, and I appreciate the few conservative talk show hosts like you and the others that have brought the truth and the light to the to America which otherwise would be shrouded in darkness by these media idiots who just love to part the lies and false accusations made by the leading Democrats. And that's really the point of my call is what can average American citizen patriot do to punish the mass media? And the only thing that I can think of are things such as finding out who they're of largest advertisers are and whenever possible, boycott them and let them know that we don't appreciate them supporting a bunch of lawyers and false accusation spreaders. I don't think that Democrats would have gotten anywhere had if we had had an honest and open media. And that's my biggest problem. Well, I will tell you it is as dark as agenda driven. It is everything that we everything they accuse talk show hosts of that are honest and upfront, They're not honest. We're honest. You know, I am a talk show host now that includes straight news, investigative reporting, opinion, sports, culture, and everything in between. It includes it all. We're like the full newspaper. Now, with that said, they claim to be journalists, they're anything, but they're nothing but an extension of all things that revolve around this new, radical, extreme socialist Democratic Party. And it even pained them to even admit, you know, there's certain things share that look really, really bad. But you know, I'm sure that they had reason for it. They couldn't even spin out of this, as hard as they try and as much as they would have liked to. It is now a crisis point in terms of information in this country, and it is so bad, and they are so bad that the damage that they're doing to this president and the office of the presidency here, and how complicit they are tied at the hip with the socialist democratic agenda. It's just the only good news I can say on that front. And I hope you take some solace in this is that I have one barometer, one pole that I get every single day, and that barometer and that poll often reflects the mood of the public. And I can tell you straight up that fake news CNN Area fifty one Roswell Rachel Manow's Conspiracy Channel are tanking and dying now. The my interpretation of it is because even their own base that loves to wallow when they think they have blood in the water, you know, they think they're I don't know if you ever watched the show I love watching Wicked Tuna and the Crab show. Whatever Deadly is catch and it's like they think they got them, then they get excited, then they get disappointed and let down again. They've been lied to for years now, and some people still want to buy the lie. But we have broken story after story and proven to be legitimate that we've dug down deep hard and we told you the truth. And now we're telling you the next phase of the truth, and that is there will be accountability. It is obvious or else the Attorney General and Prosecutor Durham would not be saying the things that they're saying. But yeah, it's pretty The best thing you can do is tune them out and tell your friends to watch our show. Well they did any of them? Tell you? For two and a half years, the BAISA applications were based on a dirty Russian dossier that Ellery paid for and that it was. They were doing just the opposite. They were busy telling everybody how wonderful it is that they've got a way of thinking Trump. And it's just I am personally looking for some way of sticking it to them, because they have stuck it to us for two and a half three years now with impunity. They don't care about their ratings obviously, because they have no ratings left anymore. And I've got to find somewhere hurting them in the pocketbook that way, you know, we'll catch their attention. I hope. Well listen, it will all I'll tell you the great irony. And the President's actually reflected on those himself. They'll miss him when he when he's gone. Oh it's over. It's like it's like their manner from heaven has them been cut off. I don't know how they survive at that point, because the process has been the speed at which the House impress are moving. If this is but seriously, though serious, let's be going on for twenty two months, so okay, for an hour and a half years. Actually, all right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. A great Hannity tonight. Look at this atlant up. We have nine Eastern. All right, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, the great one, Mark Levin, Matt Gates, who had an amazing day again today, Haraldo, Mike Huckabee, Jason Chaffitz, and Greg Jarrett all coming up tonight, Hannity News you won't get from the mob, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight. We'll be back here tomorrow. Now we will sum this all up, where this is all headed, with the best guests, the most information that your corrupt mob will never give you. All right, see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow,

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