Congressman Matt Rosendale of Montana joins to discuss the effort that he is making to regain control over the people entering the United States from Afghanistan. The vetting process would be restructured by Congress, and taken away from the Department of Homeland Security.
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All right, news rounds up information overload our chief White House propagandist circle back. Jensaki defending Biden's violating his DC mask mandate this weekend at a posh Georgetown restaurant. But it's not just Jill and Joe Biden, and it's Congresswoman to Leave, you know, spotted at a wedding dancing without her mask after criticizing you know, senators for opposing mandates and then saying that she only wears the mask because the Republican trackers being present. Okay, so there's a real health reason. The San Francisco mayor, same thing, filmed photographed not wearing a mask during an R and B concert Washington, d C. Mayor you know, Drew Scrutiny traveling from DC to Delaware to celebrate Biden's election win, and despite Delaware being classified as a high risk state per her city's mandates. Whoopsie Daisy. Then the same thing with Governor Wimmer violating her own administration Asian social distancing mask rules at a at A I guess it's a restaurant. A gathering of Michigan's Health Department after stating restaurants can only seat six people together and tables must be six feet apart. And then the Austin Mayor, Steve Adler. Then of course we know all about Gavin Newsom. And we have La County supervisors, same thing, San Jose, the San Jose may or, same thing, Diane Feinstein, same thing, Nancy Pelosi and the Salon same thing, Denver's mayor, same thing, Chicago mayor Laurie Lightweight, you know, same thing with her too at a w NBA game. You know this is Jen Saki, chief Propaganda's trying to spin out of this. There is a mask requirement inside DC restaurants yet present by in the first League. We're not wearing masks while walking around a DC restaurant on Saturday. Why Well, I think what we're referring to is a photo of them walking out of a restaurant after they eat They had eaten masks in hand, where they had not yet put them back on yet. So I would say, of course there are moments when we all don't put mass back on as quickly as we should. But I don't think we should lose lose a force through the trees here, and that our objective here is to get more people vaccinated, make sure that could that schools and companies around the country can put in place requirements to save more lives and keep people safer, and you know, not overly focus on moments in time that don't reflect overarching policy. Okay, I just can't take it all, right, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, We're going to take your calls for most of this hour. We'll also check in with Congressman Matt Rosendela Montana, who's going to discuss the effort he's making to regain control of people entering the US from Afghanistan, now that Joe Biden has declared that, well, if you're part of the Taliband's last administration twenty years ago, we're gonna give you entry and we're going to give you a pass as it relates to the terror watch list in America. Wow, I guess they probably all had to change our heart. Right anyway, let's say how to James and Texas. James, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hi, Sean, First, let me say I couldn't agree more. Excuse me with Aaron. I think that was one of your last callers. We greatly appreciate what you do every day and so thank you, oh thank you. You give me the opportunity. I appreciate it. Well, I guess my subject into to the mandates of vaccine mandates, and one thing that I think is consistently overlooked or conveniently forgotten. I'm not sure which one, but vaccinated people can carry and spread COVID the same as an unvaccinated person. And so if these corporations that are implementing these vaccine mandates were truly concerned about the safety and well being of their employees, and they would be testing everybody every day, regardless of vaccine status, if their motive was actually to curtail the bread of the virus. Listen, they've gotten so much wrong, and they've been wrong so often. A lot of the hesitancy is created by them. You know, if they if they really believed in the mask mandate, we wouldn't have all these examples of all these you know, pro maskers, masks for thee, but not for for we. I guess, I don't know. I mean that in and of itself speaks volumes, because if they really thought the mask work, they would be wearing it, and they wouldn't wear it just for show. They would wear it because they believed in the science behind it. And the problem is is that you know, they've told people, oh, you know, want no mask, one mask, two masks, vax or mask, vax mask, and booster, and it just the bar keeps changing every single solitary day. They can't get their story straight. What I'm trying to do, because I love my audience and love you, I don't have this show but for you is we're trying to give you information and the best advice that I can give you as a non medical professional. And people that's a cop out, Hannity, you need to tell people to do this, A B and C. And I'm like, no, I don't need to tell people. But I can tell you that you can die from this. Take it seriously. I can tell you that research is your friend. The more research you do, the smarter the questions you can ask of your doctor or doctors. Understand your medical history, Understand your current medical condition. Talk to your doctor, your doctors, medical professionals you trust, get their opinions. You know, if you have a breakthrough case or you're unvaccinated and get a positive test, you know, the first question needs to go to your doctor. What do you know about monoclonal antibodies. What do you know about regeneraon Is this something that would work for me? Should I get it earlier rather than later? If that's not the therapeutic of choice, what is your therapeutic of choice? Because I can tell you for the longest time, especially in New York, their answer was, Yeah, you got COVID, go home, call anybody you may have been in contact with. If you get a fever, take two extra strength title at all, and if your oxygen drops to ninety or below, then you probably should go to the emergency room. The problem with that strategy is lungs usually got hit somewhere between days seven and eleven, and by the time your oxygen drops, the damage is done. And then it's now it's a matter of how much damage, And now it's a matter of whether or not you're going to need a ventilator. If you need a ventilator, your odds, even today, it's gotten a lot better. It's like thirty five percent forty percent max. At where in the beginning, in the first year of COVID, your odds were twelve percent if you ended up on those ventilators. So it's not the best option the best option according to all the doctors from Harvard, we've interviewed, doctors from Yale that we interviewed, doctors that are on the front lines that we've interviewed. Every one of them are very, very pro monoclonal antibodies without exception. I'm not telling you to do it. I'm telling you to be informed and ask your doctor. Does that make sense? Yeah? Absolutely, you know, yeah, I don't want anyone sick and dying from this. Linda, how much of my spare time have I spent because people know that we cover this, but that's all they know. They don't know everything that we know. The people call, well, yeah and say what were you talking about that one day and I'm like, did you get a positive test? We've had people in the Senate, people in the Congress, We've had people and you know, exact governors. I mean, the problem is, Sean, is that there's so much misinformation out there, and so we're giving a lot of good information out but you know, these are names that people don't know. You know, monoclone over generon, you know, taking different, you know, zinc d, quercit et cetera. You know, these are all things you can do to boost your immune thought it was called ques certain. Oh you know certain ques certain you But but if you get a positive test. To me, the first question, you got to act immediately, and you got to get in touch with your doctor immediately, and you got to And the reason I repeat monoclonal antibodies or regeneron and Linda is correct. There are people that have had breakthrough cases that I know. And I said, have you talked to your doctor about regeneron? That's because I'm not a doctor. I'm not telling them what to do. And they said they would go to me. What is that again. At the end of the day, I still believe in freedom. At the end of the day, I believe in medical privacy. At the end of the day, I believe in patient doctor confidentiality. But at the end of the day, I just I cannot emphasize enough. I believe in science, and I believe in vaccination science. As a kid, I don't remember getting vaccinated for polio and measles and all those other style But listen, my whole life, I never got a flu vaccine. I've never had it in my entire life. Yelled at me every year in my life forgetting it right, I have. I have strong opinions on that. However, what I will tell you is I have friends that have gotten it every single year their entire life. And listen, have my friends agree with me on this, and have my friends disagree, But it's not something that should be agreed or not to agree. There are things that can help us get over the virus, like regenera, like monoclonal, like other medicines that we can use that can be issued by a physician that knows our personal you know, chemical makeup, physical makeup, previous medical history, etc. So these are conversations we should have with them. Any government that says you're not allowed to have a conversation and you're not allowed to ask questions, we should run to the hills. Why are we not allowed to ask questions about our questions that they ask questions? Why why can't you ask questions? You know? I love these idiots too. That late night idiot I don't even know the guy's name, you know, saying Hannah, do you is telling you to do your own research? And they put up a picture of me in a white lab call. I'm like, are you really that dumb? Listen? He can't spell research. Who cares what he thinks? You know? I mean it's it's and fake news. CNN. They made the same as Hannity says, do your own research. Okay, let me be very clear. By saying do your own research, I'm not saying starting your own virology lab and putting on a lab coat and breaking down the sequence of the coronavirus and looking at the various genomes and whether or not this possible gain of function involved in it. No, I'm talking about learn something about what the mRNA vaccine technology is all about. Robert Malone, doctor Malone has been on this program. He created the technology that enabled the creation of those two vaccines. He's somebody I find very interesting. You know, we put doctors on that I don't even necessarily agree with. Doesn't matter. Can I tell you something about doctor Malone? Having talked to him and booked him for the show and talked to him, I talked to him. He's a lovely man, super kind, really nice. But he's being censored and he's like, I created this. You can't tell me what it is and isn't. This is literally my technology. Like I can't even imagine somebody saying no, no, you can't. You can't talk about that because I think people got mad because he pointed to the Israeli study. Now it's not puer reviewed, but the numbers are very, very dramatic, and that is almost eight hundred thousand people, and they compare people with natural immunity with people that used his technology. His he created it to create the Feiser Madern vaccines. It was the mRNA vaccine, and he says natural immunity was twenty seven times more effective according to the study in Israel, which I'm sure will be peer reviewed. It might be some adjustments to it, but anecdotally right now, Wow, that pops off the page when you look at a study of eight hundred thousand people. And you have to remember, too, we have a lot of information that's coming out, you know, from the VERS division of the CDC website, which talks about the adverse reactions of vaccines, and there's a lot of question about what is and what is not being documents come with the VERS. Thing though, is that these are people that write and put up their own personal cases. Right. Well, no, there's a combination. There are people that can talk about things. But every hospital, every single doctor is supposed to document and submit adverse reactions to the vaccines that they see. So what they're doing is they're saying certain things within a certain amount of days. So if it happens within seven days, in reading everything, because even if it's what you're describing as somewhat anecdotal, but you know, remember what doctor Ozz said in the beginning of this whole thing, Anecdotal is all we had, and you fight with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. In the beginning, we had nothing, And so doctor Ozz was spending hours. The reason I became friendly with them is he was the only other person dumb enough to be up at three in the morning and he's talk And the reason he's up so late is he's talking to all these doctors in France and all throughout Europe, in Italy and he's trying to ask every one of them what's working, what where do you see anecdotally any medicine working. And at the time he was a pretty strong proponent of HCQ. There's since have been studies now that have come out showing taking HCQ early hydroxy chloroquin you know, mitigates the impact of the virus eighty four percent of the time take it has to be taken almost immediately, though for it longer you wait, by the way, and that's the same thing with monoclonal antibodies. But doctor Tyson and doctor Farid who have been on this show, Doctor Hardiners who have been on the show, Doctor Peter McCullough, who have been on the show, they have all for me to be graduated from Harvard Medical School, graduated from Yale Medical School. Those guys, these are all people who have spent their life. And let me tell you something. Between doctor Bryan Tyson and doctor George Farid, they've treated over ten thousand COVID patients. Now they're treating people that are having vaccine actions, whether it's mio cardio, whether they're having severe headaches where they're having siffness of joints, whether they're unable to have their vascular issues where they have palsy and a foot here, I mean, there are a lot of strange things happening, and a lot of these symptoms can be mitigated. But now that's the thing they're working on now, Sore. The fight hasn't been this is going to be I don't. I don't know how many more variants will run into It seemed like lambda was going to be a big variant. It isn't as yet to emerge as one. It seemed like, remember for a few weeks that move variant was going to be a big one. Then the one they were most worried about was the r dot one variant or are one variant. I don't know how they pronounced it. And that variant all of a sudden just disappears from any any publication. You don't hear about it anymore. And that the big breakthrough variant was definitely the delta variant. And you know, and we did learn a few things that people that were vaccinated, for example, were far less likely to be hospitalized and far less likely to die. That's right, I'm worried about variant number five. Quick quick, welcome back. More your calls eight hundred nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. We'll get a quick update from Congressman Matt Rosendella Montana when we get back, as it relates to the vetting process of people from Afghanistan and more. As we continue twenty five till the top of the hour eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. We have a couple of developments out of Afghanistan. It's now day sixty six of Americans abandoned behind enemy lines by Joe Biden, Americans, their families, thousands of green card holders that are eligible to live in this country, and of course our Afghan allies tens of thousands of them, as the Taliban now going door to door and murdering anybody they discover that had helped the United States in the last twenty years. We have a couple of developments. Number one, we have a terror watch list, and on that watch list were old regime members, meaning the previous incarnation of the Taliban in the now Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. They're now going to be taken off the watch list and allowed to travel to the United States. Now did their views change? I doubt it, because you really don't go from convert or die in treating women the way they treat women and girls, the way they treat girls and their barbaric you know, theocracy as practiced by the most brutal tactics and in humanity that you could ever imagine to all of a sudden wanting to be a part of Western society. That doesn't happen. So that's that's the issue number one. Anyway, Congressman Rosendelle of Montana is with us, and he's making an effort to gain control over the people that are entering the US from Afghanistan, in other words, putting in place of process that one that would be restructured by Congress and take it away from the Department of Homeland Security. We all know how horrific Mayorchus is. Anyway, Congressman, you've read, as I have, that members of the past Taliban regime are going to be taken off the terror watch list and allowed to travel to the US Sean. Thanks for having me on today. You know, we've got nearly forty thousand refugees that are currently located around the country on military basis, and they were granted most of them humanitarian parole leaf status, which basically means they were not vetted at all. And very few people realize that while they are staying on those military bases now they are free to leave, come and go as they choose. It just so happens that they're you know, they've got a caught and they've got food to eat, and so it's very convenient for them to stay there. But we have absolutely got to clean this refuge issue up. And really it's not complicated. Congress just needs to reclaim its authority over a lot of these things. And so what this piece of legislation will do is allow Congress to set the number of refugees that will be admitted into the country on an annual basis. Additionally, is going to return federalism to the states and make sure that the governors have the final say about who's going to be placed in their states. And then we're going to require Homeland Security Director of FBI to report to Congress they're vetting process and make sure that anyone who comes in does not pose a national threat. And as part of that, I think this is really important, Sean. We're not going to just demand that they check to make sure that these folks have not created any any crimes, they don't have a criminal background, But this betting would include a new screening process established to evaluate whether these individuals would likely assimilate into our country. By barring those who hold beliefs incompatible with the principles of America, including imposing laws on Americans which are adverse to our constitution, or belief in violence, which you were just talking about based on radical religious teaching. Then you know this is this is where we have to be. Congress has to reclaim its authority. Governors have to have the finals say, we need to know who's coming into our country and where they're going to be located once they come here. So only you think, do you think there's any possibility if you if you bought into it, and we're indoctrinated into radicalism, radical Islamism like the Taliban, as practiced by the Taliban in power twenty years ago. Do you do you see any reason at all that would warrant taking people that were part of that brutal, murdering regime off the terror watch list? Why would you all they have to do? We've heard it time and again. All they can send as many people through that are perfectly fine, which coming from a radical regime like that, I don't see happening anyway. But if we've got one person that comes through that still embraces those beliefs, they can cause a lot of chaos around our country. Why would we want to do that. The first thing we are charged with is upholding the constitution, defending the constitution. But we certainly have to protect the people in our country, and that is not the way that we're going to accomplish that by allowing people to come into our country that we don't know who they are. And again keep this in mind, by granting parole status to all of these individuals, clearly it states we don't know who they are. They have not been vetted, we don't know anything about them. Sean, I'm all in favor of legal immigration, but I think there have to be three conditions. One, we have to check that you don't have radical views and associations. Two and the era of COVID and a pandemic, I think you need a health check. Three. I think it's a very simple, fair thing to mandate that people show that they have the means to take care of themselves and will not become a financial burden on the American people. Now, if you go through the process legally and you pass those three, those three tasks of you will then I say, I don't care where you come from. I don't care what continent you come from or what country you come from Welcome to America. But we have to control our borders. That's how you control them. Yeah, And because if you don't do a conductive process like that seean, then America just becomes a geographic location and anyone who happens to be within that location is granted the same privileges as the citizens who were born and race here. And that's not what we are. Our country is more than just a geographic location. It is an idea. It is about freedom. We have lifted more people out of poverty and oppression than any country on earth and ask for nothing in return. And so we have to make sure that the people that come to join us here share those same ideals so that we can perpetuate this for generations to come. If not, it falls apart, and not only does our country suffer, but other countries around the globe will suffer because we are The danger to me is very simple. You know, we did have a nine to eleven report that said they were at war with us. We were in at war with them. You know, you're inviting some By not vetting people, you risk bringing in radicals that don't have our best intentions at heart, and then after whatever attack, they might be involved in, which could be their motive and may very well be their motive. Then we're gonna have another nine to eleven style commission report that's gonna say this was really dumb. You can see it ahead of time. We're now putting the lives of Americans at risk, and there are simple checks and balances we can put it in place and still keep a system of legal immigration in place where we invite people to join our family here in America. Appreciated, Congressman. Stay in touch with US Congressman Matt Rosendel and Montana. Let's say hi to Stacy. Joe is in West Virginia. Hey, Stacy Joe, how are you. How are you feeling about Mansion these days? Oh? Well, I think that he's a finch writer and he likes all the attention he can get. But thanks for having me. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. Absolutely, what's on your mind today? Okay, So I've been trying to call for a while now, and I hear you talk a lot and let your guests talk about this, the vaccinations and mandates and you know the government and their overreach, and so we locally we have medical freedom rallies weekly at different hospitals in our area, or we go to the state Capitol in Charleston because they are actually voting on mandates today. And it's just I feel like, personally, it's become a battle and discrimination, honestly between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and I think that there's so much division in this country right now that that is the absolute last thing that they need. Well, it's definitely fashionable to say if you don't buy their one size fits all medicine, you know, they want to attack you at a level that I've never seen before. And yet we know nothing about the reasons why even medical conditions some rare that prohibit people from getting a vaccination, or the fact that people really are looking at the science of natural immunity. It doesn't really matter because what I've learned, what I'm seeing is people that have made up their mind and are willing to give up their pensions and lose their pensions. You're not going to convince those people they've decided, right. And I thought the whole idea behind getting a vaccination, they told us, was to protect ourselves, right, And if I can't, for the life of me, wrap my arms around, losing thousands of military personnel, thousands of police officers, thousands of teachers, thousands of nurses and frontline medical workers, all of whom gove on COVID grenades every day during the worst of all of this, and not at least give them an option of a test or something. I'm trying to throw them a lifeline so they don't have to lose their career over this. Our local hospitals here are putting a mandate into effect that if you don't have the vaccine, many of them are, some of them have just passed. But by November the first, if you don't have the vaccine or are willing to take the test twice weekly, Dan, your job is lost. That One of the arguments here that we're fighting is that the test, the PCR test that is an angel swap, contains ethyl oxide, which is a known carcinogen. So if they're mandating that people do this twice weekly, at what point is somebody gonna success something that I had not heard. I'll look into that, but I know they're working on new tests as we speak. Anyway, Stacy, Joe appreciated Christian in Illinois. We have a minute and a half for you, sir, Hi, thanks for taking my call. I'm calling also about the vaccine mandates. I work for the Bureau of Prisons. And are you a prison guard? Yes, my mom was a prison guard. It's a brutal job. I wouldn't wash that on anybody. She's a tough lady. Then, um, we uh, you know, we are also federal workers. We are mandated to get the Vaccineum, we are also experiencing a vast employee shortage, you know, bureau wide before you know, they have to threaten to fire you know, a bunch of us. So the you know, I just wanted to call and and well, what's going to happen in thousands of if half or a third of the police department in Chicago is now kicked off the force, if we lose thousands of people like yourself that control these prisons, which by the way, usually are understaff to begin with, tell me if I'm wrong. My mom works sixteen hours shifts almost every day. How how much overtime do you get offered? Probably almost every day? Right, I could I could work, Yeah, I could work sixteen hours pretty much every day if I wanted to. Yeah, my mom pretty much did, and and now you're going to take understaffing at prisons and make it a more a more dangerous environment than it already is. I mean, this is this is a bad idea teachers, as environment military. We're gonna lose all nurses. We're gonna lose them all. Yep. And people like you said, they're already picketing out in Florence, Colorado, out at that UM complex out there because they're I don't know, something like sixty percent understaffed. You know they're picketing. We can't strike. Let me ask you a question. You've made up your mind not to get the vaccine, correct? No, I have gotten the vaccine. Okay, So you're worried about all these people that you work with that are not going to be able to show up at work anymore? Correct I am? I am? I got the vaccine. How I am staunchly anti vaccine mandate. However, so, so what the people that you meet that say that they are not going to get the vaccine? Well, what are the reasons they've given you? As I ask a lot of people why, and usually I got a pretty informed answer. Um, the reasons I'm getting are they don't want to they don't believe in it. Um. There's lots of lots of them. Um going after the religious exemptions. Um uh. Some people, uh have had very adverse reactions to the like the first shots and have been you know, advised not to get the second shots. So you know they're going for the medical exemption. UM. Well, I'm just at a time, but I'm gonna tell you this is not gonna end well anyway. Thanks for the great work you do every day. I appreciate you being there. That's a hard job, my friend. That's gonna wrap things up to today. All right, We've got a lot of ground to cover. We'll be joined by Mike Pompeo, Larry Cudlo, Leo two point Z, Terrell, Joe Concha. Oh, Megan McCain is speaking out against her experience of the view. We'll get some insider information, Mark Meadows, Stu and Kathy Seller, Ted Cruz, Pambandi, Nine Eastern Hannity Fox. We'll see you then. Please say your DVR so you'd never miss an episode back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. We know you give us this microphone every day. We never forget it. Thank you.