John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News and author of the Book Fallout, has a breaking news story today on John Durham whose investigation has uncovered that there was a Clinton lawyer who lied to the FBI.
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America Trap behind Enemy Lines, Day number two thirty four, A right our two Sean Hannity Show, gladuate with us toll free. It's eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. I know it's frustrating that the Durham Report, the Durham indictments are not done, and we expected this before the twenty twenty election, none of which happened. But the investigation goes on, and John Solomon, the editor in chief of just thenews dot com has a bombshell report from Durham today. We're now getting the things of beginning to come together in terms of the work that John Durham has been doing a special prosecutor anyway, So he unveiled what is a smoking gun FBI text message on this joint venture to smear Donald Trump. In other words, he revealed he is now unearthed, according to John Solomon is going to join us in a minute, a text message showing Hillary Clinton's lawyer, the guy that has been indicted, Michael Sussman, as we've told you about, to work for Fusion GPS, telling the FBI that he was not working on behalf of any client when he delivered the anti Trump research, in other words, the dirty misinformation Russian bought and paid for dossier. Prosecutors say that this will be essential evidence in the trial of Sussman, and of course the charge that he lied to the FBI, and the charge was the defendant lied in this meeting falsely stating to the General Council meaning James Baker, that he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client. Durham's motion said, in fact, the defendant had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI at of at least two specific clients, including one of technology executive tech EXECT one and US based internet company Internet Company one and two the Clinton campaign. Anyway, let me bring in John Alam and it gets complicated, but he'll break it down and make it simple. But before we do, let me just play Baker saying people don't focus enough on the enough that that's that the FBI's case against the Trump campaign was about Russian interference. That's not the implication. They tried to say, Oh, Trump Tower, that Donald Trump colluded with Russia. So they this is to me a misdirection. Listen, but the important thing. I think to remember that It gets said sometimes, but I don't think people focus on it enough. That the case was about Russia. We've we've written about this. It was about Russia, period, full stop. That was the focus of the investigation. So when the Papadopolis information comes across our radar screen is coming across in the sense that we were always looking at Russia. I think the I don't know how long the FBI has had its focus on Russia, but it predates the Soviet Union, and the FBI predates and the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, and so we've been thinking about Russia as a threat actor in the Soviet Union before it for decades and decades, and so this information first of all, comes in against that backdrop, and then we can talk about the other things that we're going on in the summer twenty sixteen. All right. John Solomon is the editor in chief of Just the News dot com. He's the one that picked up on this bombshell. John, Look, I know it gets confusing to people, but this is this is a big deal. Explain. Yeah, Listen, There's two parts. The first is specific to the Assessman case. There's been dispute since he was charged, well, particularly in the Democratic back media. Well, maybe this is just a dispute among recollections of what happened. Maybe he didn't really lie. The FBI remembers it one way, he remembers it another way. Not anymore. There is a direct text message in which he locks in the story that he's approaching the FBI not on behalf of any client, when in fact we know he was approaching him on behalf of hillenby Clinton and one of her computer tech executives working with the campaign, And we know that he worked for the law firm Perkins Cooey and Perkins Cooey got the money from the DNC and Hillary Clinton funnel to them before they've hired Fusion GPS, which then hired Christopher Steele. Is that correct? That's right, And he actually builds lots of hours to the Clinton campaign for this whole Alpha Bank thing. That's this crazy idea that Donald Trump had a secret computer server that connected him directly to the Kremlin so he could hijack the election through the Alpha Bank in Moscow. That has been debunked by every investigative agency. But that's what Susman was peddling. He charged Hillary Clintin's campaign for work to develop that theory. They got him now, not only on charging it, now they have a written confession from him that he told the FBI in the text message, I'm coming to you as a citizen, not as on behalf of a client. That is simply not true. How do we know it's not true beyond the records and everything. He later goes to the House Intelligence Committee and testifies just the opposite. Yes, was working on behalf of a client. Yes, I did talk to the client before I went to the FBI. John Durham has him dead read now on proving that it's the lived lawing. And the question now is you're going to see the Democratic lawyers in this case now pivot and say, oh, it wasn't material, It didn't matter to the FBI. He was working for Hillary Clinton. I think we know the answer to that. Clearly, Christoph Pristile dossier was flawed because he was working for the Clinton campaign. It did matter to the FBI. But Michael Sassman's future is a lot bleaker with the revelation of this document. That's the first thing. But yeah, okay, keep going. There's a much more important expansion of John Durham's argument. Today, for the first time, he uses the C word, not Clinton, but he does use Clinton in there. Wait a minute, conspiracy, conspiracy, you got it, that's right. He says that these are different partners to Hillary clinton campaign, the law firm Perkins Couing, GPS Fusion, and these tech executives who all work together to create the Alpha Bank story that they fed to the FBI that turned out to be bogus, that they were a joint venture and they were working as a conspiracy, and court you should treat them as though they should be considered as a direct quote, they should be considered as co conspirators. He's going to use this case to paint a conspiracy that all these people work together and each of them has a little bit of the misinformation that the thing Perkins Cooey hides the fact that they're paying Christopher Steele calling it legal consulting. The FEC just find them. Last week, Sussman is lying to the FBI that I'm not really coming to you on Hiley Clinton, when he was the tech experts that are saying, hey, this is a really solid case. He puts in the court filing today, they were being told this is a red herring, doesn't look like it's real, going to be a stretch to make an argument that this is real proof of a communication. So the tech executives are trying to validate something that they know their own experts are telling is not really true. It's a false story that in its entirety is a conspiracy to dirty up Donald Trump, to lie about Donald Trump stick Russia collusion on him when the facts didn't. So let's let's talk about the players as they are described in this filing Tech executive one for example. I mean, if we go through all of this, because I think the names and we now know who they are is very important and as it relates to okay, who who are these people that he's talking about, meaning John Durham. Yeah, so let's go tech executive one for example, Internet company one at the Clinton campaign for example. Yeah, yep, So Rodney Joffi is tech executive one. He is a pro Clinton tech executive in Silicon Valley who, by the documents that in fact that Durham updated in this filing today, thought he was going to get a job in the Clinton administration of Hillary Clinton. Win. So he's highly motivated, and he's the guy telling the rest of the group working on the South of Bank the VIPs, meaning this is Clinton in the top of the campaign. They really want this story to be true and to be given to the FBI. So Rodney Joffy is a very important figure pro Clinton, expecting to land an appointment in the Clinton administration, and he's driving some of this research that tries to connect Alpha Bank, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin, which we now know to be false. And while he's doing it, the people around him, some of these tech researchers at universities and companies, they're telling him, hey, this is maybe a red hearing. The best we're going to be able to say there's an inference, but it doesn't really prove anything. We could manufacture this easily. Everyone should be cautious. So while he's pushing the ferry, the people around him are telling this isn't so true. That's part of that conspiracy they're talking about. Let's go to the as an initial matter, the government expects and the evidence that trial will show the beginning in late July early twenty sixteen, by the way, which has been our timeline. Your timeline, my timeline from the beginning, Tech Executive One, agents of the Clinton campaign. We're acting in concert towards a common goal, namely, the goal of assembling and disseminating the Russian Bank allegations and other derogatory information about Trump and his associates to the media and to the US government. I assume they mean the FBI. The evidence of a joint venture or conspiracy will establish, according to prosecutors, quote that in November twenty sixteen, soon after the presidential election, Tech Executive One email the colleagues stating quote, I was tentatively offered the top cybersecurity job by the Democrats when it looked like they'd win. In some the Special Council concludes, quote the above evidence public information expected testimony clearly establishes by a preponderance of evidence that the defendant and Tech Executive One worked in concert with each other and agents of the Clinton campaign to research and disseminate the Russian Bank allegations. Now, conspiracy would be a conspiracy. So my question then becomes, how does how close does this get to whole? Let's remember that separate of this information all right, Now, we know that all the people around Hillary Clinton are peddling this story. Remember Jake Sullivan heard the top national security advisor. He's tweeting about this conspiracy. Her lawyers bringing it to the FBI, her tech guy who might be the cybersecurity chief, and the administration. He's putting it together. Christopher Steele is identified in the court filing today as somebody who was working it. He gets it, They work it some more. Tell us what you can find out fusion GPS. So they're working at Clenn Simpson. But remember what Barack Obama was told in July. Just as this entire apparatus is kicking into gear to come up with the Alpha Bank and the Steel dossier, Barack Obama is told by CIA director John Brennan, Hey, boss, we haven't intercept and Hillary Clinton has approved some plan to dirty up Donald Trump on some bogus Rush allegations to take the attention away from her email scandal, which had just kind of wrapped up with James Baker's exoneration. And I put that in quote marks in July, So at the very beginning of all these machinations, the top of the United States government knows that Hillary Clinton has approved a plan that looks just like what's walking into the door at the FBI the CIA in September. That warning goes from beyond the president. It goes to the very people at the top of the FBI, James Coomee and Peter Struck, the guy running Operation Hurricane, the director of the FBI. They tell him the same thing. Hey, guys, we know you're looking at this Trump stuff. Please be advised that Hillary Clinton approved a plan blah blah blah to kind of create a dirty story and a dirty trick on Dombo Trump. Hillary Clinton is at the head of this activity. According to these intercepts. It'll be very interesting to see when Durham gets to the trial. Does he show that this conspiracy, which right now his elements of the campaign, doesn't go all the way to Hillary. I don't know. We'll want to see quick Break more with John Solomon on the other side and your Calls eight hundred and nine four one Sean more with John Solomon, editor in chief justinews dot com. Let's go back to the filing. UK person one you know who that is, Christopher Steele Okay, further testified that after the meeting, personnel from the US investigative firm Task UK person one Steele to research and produce intelligence reports about Russian Bank One, which he did, and according to US government records and public information, UK person one also later provided a substance of the Russia Bank One allegations to personnel from the US State Department, through and the US investigative Firm provided such information to an official at the US Department of Justice. Now this brings in, let's go through the channels. You've got Hillary Clinton for one second. That's a story that you and I broke on the show. That is the famous correct as well, you broke it? Yep, yeah, that is the whole thing. So Christopher Steele goes to the State Department, dumps his focus allegation there. So what's going on. Steele's walking it into the State Department, Sossman's walking it into the FBI and CIA. What you see going on, the Clinton machinery is trying to flood the intelligence agency so that they actually are tricked into investigating this. That's what he's laying out in this court, Folby. So he so it was Christopher Steele. Let's go through the money starts with Hillary Clinton, the DNC in which he has control of the money at that particular point in time for mind recollection anyway. So they literally task Steele with money funneled from the DNC in the Clinton campaign to Perkins Cooeel law firm that hires Fusion GPS and opresearch firm that hires Christopher Steele. Okay, Steele's job is to produce and research these phony reports about Alpha Bank and this conspiracy that is to say that somehow that that Trump is connected to a Trump Tower, etc. Right now, let's go to the testimony. And you know what's the role of Fusion GPS and all of this. Well, Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson is the boss of Christopher Steel. Right, So Perkins Hillary Clinton sets us in motion. Perkins Cooey disguises it and runs it as a law firm, pretending it's legal business when it's opposition research. They hire Fusion GPS, Fusion DPS hires and manages Christopher Steel, and Christopher Steele is among the agents not only researching it but also disseminating it, trying to get it into the intelligences community. So there's enough of an echo chamber that someone will abide on it and do it. And I want to point out something that seems to be a pattern. Now, it's taken us a long time to get at this pattern. But it seems as though the FBI. Every time the FBI originally said he we're not going to go there, Hillary Clinton's team goes somewhere else to try to force it to happen. Let me just give you a three month summary, because they say this starts in July. Christopher Steele walks in his dossier to London FBI about fifteen seconds, John, go ahead, Well, they just they just keep moving it on. They go to the FBI, don't get where they want. They go to FBI headquarters, they don't get where they want. They go to the FBI General Council. They don't get it where they want. They go to the State Department. An effort to flood the zone until somebody says we got to investigate this. That's what got This is taken on a whole new life, and it may have taken forever, but maybe maybe Durham will do it. John Solomon, editor in chief, justin News dot Com, Thank you, quick break right back all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Before I get to calls um, I have said on this program over and over again that since we've had the delta variant, we've had what are called breakthrough cases. What's a breakthrough case? Fullybacks that people getting COVID positive COVID tests. Now the person that jumped on this the fastest, okay, because now this is a game changer. That means, oh, they first told us, if he got vaccinated, you're never gonna get COVID, Well, that didn't work out. If you get vaccinated and boosted, you're not gonna get COVID. That didn't work out either. We have fully vaccinated people with their boosters, and even people with previous infections, they're all still getting COVID. I know more people that have had COVID twice than I could even list on this program at this point. And what I pointed out when when people ask me, and we've had so many doctors on this program, doctor Freed, doctor Tyson, doctor Oz, doctor dot here, doctor there, doctor everywhere. We've had all these people you know, from Yale and Harvard, doctor Esh, and so many great people that believe in proactive medicine. In other words, the thing about COVID is you just don't know if you're gonna be the one for whatever reason in some people. And these are the people that are at risk of dying, usually older people, people that are obese, people with comorbidities and pre existing conditions, all plays and factor. Not younger people. They're still masking kids foreign under in New York. It's so stupid. They're not following the science. But if they're going to follow the science, now that you have all these breakthrough cases, okay, what do you do? What's your next best option? Now? The person that got ahead of the curve on this was Governor Rhonda Santis down in Florida, and he discovered monoclonal antibodies. The infusion taken early, I mean it works like a charm. I don't know a single person they didn't get a positive COVID test within forty eight hours getting the infusion of either Regeneron at the time or ELI Lily's version of at the time. Then we found Setrova mab by GSK worked on Amicron one that it didn't work on. Well, now the new variant Amicron I'm gonna call two point zero. I mean that's not its official name, not that anybody really cares. BA dot two if you care to be official anyway. So what we've learned is setrovamb, which was the most effective monoclonal antibody on amicron, is not as effective on BA dot two or two point zero amicron. But it happens to be an Eli Lily product that works the best on this new sub variant, and it's called that tolabab, sort of like setrovamb. All right, so they've got a monoclonal antibody. Here's the problem is that now I've talked to people on the ground that actually are up to their eyeballs in this Now Rod de Santas opened up all over the state of Florida. One's breakthrough cases started popping up. Okay, you can't tell people to go get vaccinated and go get boosted because they're still getting positive COVID tests. And their argument as well, your risk of hospitalization is less, Okay, fine, follow the science. You'res of dying is less. Fine, follow the science. But the problem with COVID is not day one, two, or three for most people, or four or five for that matter. You get around day six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. This thing gets in your lungs and your immune system has an overreaction. I'm giving very simple, simplistic, almost Kamala Harris like Layman's terms of what goes on inside of the human body. But for some people, their immune systems overreact and then they have what's called COVID lung or COVID pneumonia, and at that point you're in trouble. Now, doctors, many of them, many states, still are not proactive in terms of treatment of people that test positive. I believe in proactive medicines. I think that's the best way to go, and we've had one doctor on after another that agrees with us. They've convinced me that that's the best path to follow. I'd urge you to ask your doctor. But if you test positive, I've been telling people, immediately call your doctor and ask about monoclonal antibodies. Then I see in the epic times today Biden administration cuts off fourteen more states from COVID nineteen treatment, just as OMICRON two point ORBA dot to the variant spreads. Now, why would President Biden be cutting these states off? Now here's the worst part of this. Now, Initially, the only time that Joe Biden ever mentioned monoclonal antibodies, the first time he mentioned it is when he gave his vaccine mandate speech. Meanwhile, he had inherited monoclonal antibodies like Regenera, etc. By the time he went into office. I mean, we would think you would think we would have warped, speeding all of this. And if new variants come along, they're simple ways to make the adjustments. A mass produced the one therapeutic that every single doctor agrees about agrees on the same with these new anti virals. I don't know as much about them as I do monoclonals. But now to read a headline that they're cutting off states from this COVID treatment is mind numbing to me. But because remember I after Delta, the Biden administration said, well we didn't see amicron coming. Why not. Now, by the way, there's a new variant that has emerged in Great Britain following Omicron two point zero. Case you're interested, we're following it. So anyway. The Department of Health and Human Services March thirtieth stop shipments of the drugs atrova map to states, bringing the total number of states no longer receiving doses to twenty two and states like Illinois, Indiana Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii. Previously eight states in the northeast stopped receiving the shipments. I remember all these monoclonal antibody centers in Florida were doing great, and then in comes the Biden administration. They finally when they announced the vaccine mandate mentioned monoclonal Lanti bodies for the first time. Then they take over and purchase everything. They they're buying out all of the monoclonal Lanta bodies, so states can't even buy their own supply. Now. Thankfully, people like you know that are pretty industrious and smart and clever, guys like Governor DeSantis that fine, I'll use my own taxpayer dollars. Will will go abroad. There are other versions of monoclonal Lanta bodies that work, will get those Astra Zeneca, etc. Etc. And he was able to do that for a time. But now they've decided they're not going to give them out. And there's no indication that the Eli Lilly monoclonal that seems to work best on omicron two point zero, and that's called them tootal mab. I'm not saying it right. I'm sure I'll figure it out in a couple of weeks, but anyway, is the one that works the best. A matter of fact, I know somebody they got infused with this monoclonal in Florida over the weekend. So it's available, but not readily available. The person had to work really really hard to find the right concierge doctor pay for it, and they were able to get the treatment. Originally, when the centers were set up, monoclonal and of body centers were set up in Florida was free for anybody. Anybody you got a positive test, you get it, and everybody got. Everybody that took it early did well. And this is unconscionable what they're doing. They're setting people up if you don't have the one therapeutic that works the best, that every doctor agrees works the best, and you're not warped speeding it and your stupid message of get the vaccine, get the booster, get the booster, get the vaccine, and get the booster booster, but you can still get COVID. The next scientific thought ought to be okay, if you are a breakthrough case, even if you had the vaccine, even if you had the boosters, even if you had previous infections, how do you treat it with therapeutics? This is the best therapeutic according to every doctor I've interviewed. Now, I suggest if you get a positive test to again call your doctor and ask your doctor about the monoclonal antibodies. Will put up the name on Hannity dot com. Will put the whole Epic Times article on Hannity dot com. This is unconscionable. This is this one size fits all. You know, vaccinate vaccine, You can be fully vaccinated, and you still can be contagious to other people because you can contract the virus. It's unreal to me. It's it is beyond incompetence at this point. Quick, all right, let's set up busy bones here. Let's say hi to Michael and Florida. Mike, how are you glad you called sir Hi Sean and what you just said. You know, it's just part of the course for the White House or this administration. Let's destroy that that opportunity or that that capability of montacuma antibodies and then everything else to border border economy and every everything that they've done to bring us down. But I was really calling to comment on your On your show yesterday, you made a comment about the White House attacking Fox, and it's just obvious. You know, obviously Fox and you have done a great job of highlighting or bringing information to the public that no one else will. The communist news and network definitely will never do that. M and the others don't do it. And it's sad. It's a sad state for the country. How far it it shifted from Russia Gate, Russia everything to how bad the everyone's treating the US until now the White House or Biden takes over and all that's washed away. We have no issues and everything's great. So it's just thank you for what you do because you're doing Listen, I can't do this without you. What they don't like is that we actually point out that Joe Biden ran out of COVID tests or Christmas, he didn't prepare for the predictable Christmas surge in as it relates to coronavirus. We point out the disaster at the border, We point out the economic disaster, forty year high of inflation. We point out the fallacy and idiocy of him abandoning energy and dependence in America, being an exporter of energy. We point out his failure in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. We point out how slow he's being in terms of arming the Ukrainians, who who are doing a very good job of protecting their own country, but desperately need weapons more quickly and more lethal weapons so that they can actually win the war and stop pouting right in his tracks there without one American boot on the ground, all of these things, I can't think of a single thing he's done that's successful. And you know this is why November, seven months from now, whatever the date actually is, We've got important work to do, and it's got to be every American hand on deck, every Patriot's hand on deck, and it's got to be it's it's an inflection point in American history, tipping point election. You can use every cliche that we've used in the past, but this time it's true. I can't think of a more important time for Americans to be engaged. And you know, I'm not buying all of these predictions for the mid term elections that I hear, and that is that it's going to be a disaster. Democratic strategists speak out ahead of the midterms, We're going to get slaughtered in November. You know how I read that. I read it very differently than most people. I read it that they're lowering, lowering expectations as much as possible so they could say, oh, see, it wasn't really that bad. Like, for example, they've been midterm elections where Republicans are down forty seats in the House and they win fifty or sixty and they say, wow, this is a huge election. Well now it's almost dead even We're only about four or five seats behind. So if the Republicans were to win thirties new seats, it would be a massive message to Joe Biden and the Democratic Socialists. The real trick is, I mean, these Senate races are not slam dunks. You've got Florida, you got Missouri, you got Georgia, you got North and South Carolina, New Hampshire, you got Pennsylvania, you got Wisconsin, Ohio, You've got Arizona, Nevada. Every swing state has a Senate race this year. Now, can the Republicans nationalize the election? Can they win with promises that they will keep and in the end that will inspire. Yeah, but never under estimate a Republican party's ability to screw things up. So I am cautiously optimistic, but I'm more focused on the work than i am with the result. At this point, the result will speak for themselves that the work is done. Does that make sense? Yeah, totally. I mean, at the end of the day, we just always have to remember that we're always weaker when the Democrats and Liberals are in charge, Panamal Carter Clinton, I will have an Obama, Syria, Olibya, Biden, Afghanistan, Ukraine. It goes on and on. So yes, we have to all be cautiously optimistic and stay in and we work together on this because it's it's a sad state that we're in right now. It's it's these are really really hard times. And I talk to a lot of people and I appreciate the call. Thank you, Linda. I know people make fun of me because I talk about my grocery shopping every week, but I don't really care because I actually love to do it and I love to meet people. I think you love to eat. I think grocery people. What am I doing there anymore? Why are you here? I'm like, because I like to eat, but I am genuinely hearing a real concern about how bad this is. Meeting the economy, meeting the presidency of Joe Biden, meaning that you know what's going on in the world, and and I and people looking at me, and they're like looking for answers, and I'm like, you know, they want reassurance. I can't give it to them because I can't confidently say that these next three years are are gonna be better because I don't believe they are. I think things get dramatically worse before they even have a chance to get better. And the only way they're going to get better is if if they would reinstate the Trump policy is something they're never gonna do. Everybody knows the problem. He's the problem. Now we have to talk about solutions. The solution that's the short and that's along and short of it. We have in November. Yeah, quick break right back,