Surprise! Another “variant” has been discovered in France. COVID is here for the long's how we deal with it that's important.
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Six day, number one forty four one four. Nobody else in the media seems to mention it. They've all turned the page. We won't forget these fellow Americans abandoned behind enemy lines, trap behind enemy lines. Joe Biden's you know, putting a knife in their backs and good luck, see you later. So sad by the way Joe Biden. I got to give him credit. He does say he is short Americans yesterday, that twenty twenty is gonna be a good year. Twenty twenty was two years ago. Somebody in the White House needs to give rip van Biden the calendar. We have the medicines coming along. They can save so many lives, and dramatically, who's the impact that COVID has had on our country. There's a lot of reason to be hopeful in twenty twenty. But for God's sake, please take advantage of what's available. Yeah, for twenty twenty is gonna be a great year. There's a lot of reason to be hopeful for twenty twenty. You know, please take advantage of all that's available. There's no tests available, Joe, I mean, this was a funny not a funny much sas sad moment. Where Joe Biden just stares off into space. Or reporter asked, when will Americans get those free COVID tests? Sir? This is the guy that said Donald Trump didn't have enough tests, and that's a travesty. Twe than twenty thousand people die, you should no longer be president. Okay, four nineteen thousand people died in twenty twenty one, more dead people from COVID nineteen and twenty twenty one, with three vaccines and monoclonal antibodies that he only mentioned once, and then since he's mentioned it, apparently the federal government is buying it all up and hoarding it. God only note we never had a shortage of it until I guess Christmas at some point, no tests available for people. And what's Joe's answer? When will Americans get those COVID tests? Sir? He stares blankly ahead. Probably didn't understand it. By the way, we'll get to this later. Jen psaki. We have to pass build back broke or better they say better, I say broke, Build back broke so Americans can find out what's in it. Just like Nancy Pelosi, you can't make you cannot make this stuff up. That's how bad. Now, Joe Biden apparently needs time to think, according to Jensaki, and they called the lid on his day, you know, early today, at one twenty four. Now, I guess by the time he gets his warm milky at seven pm and gets a night night story. I guess by that point his little sippy cup. I guess, you know, Joe will have had plenty of time to think. But while he's thinking, we're losing on average. When you look at the numbers, over twelve hundred COVID deaths a day, we're now setting a new global record for cases. We had a report of a million new cases on Monday of this week alone. And he's he what is he doing? What is he doing all day? He just spent two weeks on vacation while Americans were you know, killing each other trying to find a home COVID test or freezing their asses off in states like New York, waiting online for five to six hours just to get a test if they were lucky enough to even get one. I mean, in some unbelief, how do we ever run out of tests that's in and why is there? You know, why are they rationing monoclonal antibodies. We've never had a shortage of monoclonal antibodies all throughout the last year. Once we found out from every doctor we interviewed that they actually work, you know, we we would. I could find Linda, how many people we found monoclonal antibodies in Texas, even in New York. We found places um Florida has monoclonal antibodies centers all over the state. And then of course once Joe mentioned him, then he cuts all Florida and Ron de Santa says, final, I'll buy my own. He got his own monoclonal antibodies, and they give it to everybody for free, just like they give you know, everything else for free. Testing is free, vaccines for free. But monoclonals are the one thing, the one therapeutic that everybody agrees works. I'm not let's put it this way, and I'm not a doctor. Check with your doctor. I say that to everybody. Well, the last words I said before I went on vacation monoclonal antibodies. Remember this name as somebody you love gets COVID. Why because I care about you and my audience, and most people don't know about it. I don't want to embarrass the very, very public figure that had a breakthrough case with Delta, and I called him up, Like, for example, I called up Governor Abbott when I heard he had a breakthrough case. I said, Governor, I'm sorry to hear that. He's a friend of mine and a lot of these people have become friendly with over the years. And I said, I'm so already to hear that. I said, I hope you're considering monoclonal antibodies. He goes, oh, it's funny you mentioned that. My infusion begins in ten minutes. I was so happy to hear that. I have another high profile person who gets a breakthrough case. I called this person. I said, are you're gonna get monoclonals? He goes, he goes, what's that? What's that again? You know Regeneron? He goes, yeah, what is that? And I'm like, oh, my gosh, remember that, Linda, And then I realized, yeah, nobody. And we talked about it, but we didn't talk about it that extensively, and I realized, I gotta really push this because if this person doesn't know what they are, the general public doesn't know, and I can't tell you people contact us this show all the time. What is that thing that Hannahy talks about all the time? Mona clonal mona of something? If you get COVID thing, what do you what is what's the therapeutic that he says to ask your doctor about? And then how we get calls every day and for the longest time, you know, people have no idea where to find them. You know, we would spend the time I take time away from my staff working on this show. All right, I got this guy in Georgia. We need to find the nearest monoclonal antibody center in Georgia. Where is it? You know? It turned out unvaccinated, seventy four years old co morbidities, sixty eight year old wife, you know, comorbidities again. And where did they go? We sent them to I think Emory University Hospital. They were giving added out as treatment. We even found places in New York and we told everybody about it in the New York metro area where you can get them. And I'm not hiding it from anybody. It was Saint Francis and the Catholic hospitals tended to be more generous in the beginning than places like UM. You know just just other hospitals would would get involved. NYU Lang going I know was given them, and and other hospitals as well. I'm not going to mention all of them. But then some had particular standards to get it. There were places that I know that would give it to anybody. Anybody that had it, they would get the infusion. But so here we are and it's a mess. You know, the guy that said over and over again, I will shut down this virus. I will shut down this virus. I will shut down this virus. There's no federal solution yet he needs time to think, and we don't have enough tests for the American people. And then we find out from Vanity Fair of all places, they're not members of the vast right wing conspiracy, but they did a really good investigative report on how the medical community, the scientists, the experts presented a plan back in October of last year to Biden that where they would produce seven hundred and thirty two million tests a month leading into the Christmas holidays in other words, Christmas, New Year's, Hanukkah, etc. Where people would tend to group themselves together and there'd be a higher incidence of positive cases, and they declined to They declined to take the tests. The same guy that was yelling about what a travesty it was that Donald Trump didn't have enough tests available. You know, don't forget either. You know, I'm gonna shut down this virus. Wow, great job, Joe. Anyway, six months remember it was independence stage July fourth, six months since Biden said the US was close to declaring quote independence from COVID nineteen and here we have, you know, the highest positive COVID rates ever set in twenty twenty one. We have more dead Americans from COVID than twenty twenty. He has screwed this up. You can't screw it up any worse than this. You know, we've had tests now available for two years. There's no need to run out of testing. You know, it used to be, for example, I would tell people to go to your local you know, CBS, rite Aid, wherever you happen to get your drug store, you're Walgreens, you're Walmart, your Target, wherever they're selling them everywhere, And I'd see boxes and boxes and boxes of these abbot tests. And then eventually I realized, you know what, I know, so many people that are worried about it. Let me buy a bunch of them. It wasn't I wasn't hoarding them. There was tons of them, and I'd buy a bunch of them. Every time I go to the drug store, it see a huge pile. I get a couple more, get a couple more, get a call, And it ended up I gave them all away because nobody had could. I just happened to be, you know, thinking ahead, because I know people ask me all the time about this because they know I talk about it all the time. By the way, I'd rather talk about other things. But you know, right now, people are suffering, people are scared, people can't get tested, people can't get any of the therapeutics, and and all they're still being told is this is the problem of the unvaccinated. That that is just a lie. It is an outright lie. People are getting positive tests that are fully vaccinated. People are fully vaccinated and getting the booster. I know tons of them over the holidays that tested positive. I know tons of people fully vaccinated with a booster and natural immunity. They're getting a second COVID infection. Now I want I'm not telling you this to scare you I'm telling you this because you need to know the truth, because Joe telling you that it's a it's you know, it's about the unvaccinated. That's just a lie. There is a study in the Epic Times, and I don't think it's been peer reviewed, yet we're paying attention to it, like the Israelis study of nearly eight hundred thousand people that showed natural immunity was twenty seven times better than people that got the vaccine. But that's being pure reviewed. I assume this has not been pure reviewed. A Danish study of twelve thousand households discovered omicron spreads faster than delta among those fully vaccinated, and even higher between those who received the booster shots. The headline is in the Epic Times omicron spreads faster than delta with vaccinated individuals. You want to know why I have steadfastly refused to play doctor on radio? Linda? You know why I have steadfastly refused to people want to know, Well, we'll tell us what you decided. Hannity, what are you doing? I'm not telling anybody because one I believe, because everybody was trying to pressure me into it's talking about myself. I don't think anyone gives a rip. But I don't want to influence other people's decisions. I'm not a doctor. I didn't go to medical school, didn't do an internship, didn't do a fellowship, and I haven't practiced medicine. But I interview tons of doctors. So we've accumulated a lot of information, and we read an awful lot, and I don't This is an individual choice, and you get to decide based on your unique medical history, your current condition, your own research, consultation with your doctor doctors, and then you've got to decide by the way. Ron Klain, the chief of staff of Biden, said in twenty twenty Biden would use his power to reverse COVID nineteen testing shortages. There's no excuse for this. Six months ago, Biden declared independence from COVID nineteen. Yeah, oh, mission accomplished Joe the same thing. Remember the mission accomplished attacks against Trump. You know, the White House touts a massive COVID nineteen test order. What what what do you mean you're finally buying the tests? It's too late at this point. Why don't you buy him? In October when you were presented with a good plan to be ready and prepared for the holidays. We didn't see this coming. Why didn't you see it coming? You knew that there would be another variant after the delta variant. There'll be another variant. There actually is a new one after omicron variant. And as we roll along Sean Hannity Show one hundred nine for one, Sean, I will shut down lea virus. Man. There's no federal solution. You know, it's a travesty. We don't have enough tests. Well, I take that back too. Oh and then Biden, I love this part. You know, Biden actually says yesterday, if you want to find a test, just go to Google. Google the same you said it was a travesty. Trump didn't have enough tests available. When in the beginning of this it's two years plus later. By the way, I noticed a whoopee. Old Berg apparently was on vacation for some time and then she got tested before she was about to go back to work at the View, and she said, I tested positive for coronavirus. You know I was, She said, she was excited. They have to test us, so they send people to me, to my house. They tested me, and it was like, you're not coming back, We're not sending anybody to your house. You have corona, And it was like, wait a minute, what I've done everything I was supposed to do. She actually said that. She said, you know, she had been fully vaccinated, had the booster, and apparently she says she hadn't even gone anywhere other than her house or done anything. Now, this is what I've been saying, fully vaccinated, fully vaccinated boosters, fully vaccinated boosters, natural immunity. Everybody's gidding this. Had one doctor say, it's it's it's close to being airborne without being airborne as possible. That's how contagious this thing is. And you know, but that's the thing about Omicron. Now, I actually I've always had a good relationship with Whippi Goldberg. We just hit it off. I haven't had it on it in a long time. She used to come on my TV show and I used to do the view way way a long time ago. I wouldn't waste my time today. And I hope she gets well. But that's the thing about Omicron, and she should be shocked. Everything that they told us, they've been wrong on and now they're even lying about it. Biden's still saying it's a it's a problem of the it's a health situation of the unvaccinated. Wrong. Wrong, that's a lie. Sean Hannity, always concerned for our country, always honoring our servicemen and servicewomen, and standing up for liberty every day. I twenty five to the top of the hour. I will shut down this virus. No federal solution, travesty. We don't have enough tests. We don't have any time hardly anybody can find a test, you know, uh, no mention of therapeutics. And then the federal government secretly is buying them all and hoarding them, and then there's none available for states to buy. They could buy otherwise they'd bypass the federal government like they've been doing in Florida, Texas and all around the country. To be honest, Joe's on vacation the whole time, on vacation in the middle of this, When are people going to get those free tests? He just stares blankly ahead a lid on today at one twenty four. Meanwhile, twelve hundred people are dying. At day Monday, we had a million positive COVID cases reported a million, And I sympathized with Whoopie Goldberg, and I wish our a speedy recovery, you know Jen's sake. You know, we have to we have to pass, build back better broke um to know what's in it, so Americans can find out what's in it, then they'll like it better. And twenty twenty is a good year, according to Joe. I you can't make this stuff up, you know, Joe Biden declaring independence from COVID six months ago. Oh, how did the media react with George W. Bush mission accomplished? Unbelievable. It's just is not a single thing that Democrats can point to. Why do you think they're so All they want to talk about is January sixth, January sixth, January six which, by the way, we said live on the air, can't happen in this country. While it was happening, we were on the we were live on this program, and I said it that night on television, and I have all the transcripts. You know, it's use what they're going to talk about the great COVID success of Biden. They can't. They're gonna talk about his economic success. It's a disaster, forty year high of inflation, his disastrous energy policy, says he is. He accuses the meat industry of price gouging. They're not price gouging. It's costing everybody more to ship everything everywhere. We're paying more for everything because of Joe's economic and energy policies. It's unbelieving. Imagine if Donald Trump ever said, oh, yeah, if you need a COVID test, when you just go to go to one of those Google test sites or school google that. Imagine if Donald Trump did that. Could you imagine if Donald Trump told you to go get go to Google to find where you can get a test. You know. Biden's still insisting this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. No, it's not follow the science, Joe, and that's their mantra. They've lost control of this. Biden insisting a pandemic of the unvaccinated, even as as Omicron is infecting everybody. Unbelievable things have changed. White House now embraces a manage not contain Amicron game plan. It's unreal Americans. White House touts the massive order of COVID tests as why didn't you order them in October when you had given a plan to have them ready for the holidays, and the predictable surge that you get during the holidays, and of course the CDC changes their recommendations. They're useless. The NIH is useless. Under Fauci, Omicron is now responsible for ninety five percent of all new COVID nineteen cases, according to the CDC. But who knows. Not to put bad news on top of bad news, But there is another very world's health organization has identified one named out of France. It's called Ihu. It's a variant nicknamed after researchers at a French hospital somewhere, and it's called Ihu, although it is believed that it was formed elsewhere. The world has avoided a twin demic, another pandemic. As the bird flu cases are rising along with COVID, experts fear that could change. I'm not trying to bring bad news to you. I'm just trying to give you the news. It's unbelievable. UK boot you know this, one in five percent of the population has now just recently been infected in Great Britain five percent. It's unbelievable. UK officials are now saying boosters every few months is not sustainable and not necessary. But the CBC doubles down on their isolation guidelines saying people can take a test if they have access. Nobody can get the test. That's the point. So I don't know about you know, we had the lambda variant, the move variant, the r dot two variant. Now we got this this other variant that we're watching. It's very early yet, but we're watching it. The ihu variant variants here, there, and everywhere. Saki is pressed on whether at home tests will be too late given the omicron surge. It's already too late. It's already too late. Walmart and Kroger had a raise prices for the rapid COVID tests. If you can even get them, go to Google. Oh my gosh, go to Google. What an What an answer? What kind of answer is that? In the last two weeks, we've stood up federal testing sites all over the country. We're adding more each and every day. Google test near me. Go there, Google, excuse me, COVID test near me on Google to find the nearest site where you can get a test most often and free, most often. Everything's free. But you can't find any of these things. We never had any problems with this until he got involved. Never mind, I'm not even gonna start with schools right now, because I could do a whole hour just on you know, all these people that want to shut down schools, mandate kids. We don't have a problem with children dying from COVID, but they wanted they want them anyway. By the way, this poll came in West Virginia voters, are you know this, Joe Mansion's approval rating was hovering around fifty two percent and he's now at fifty nine percent after he stopped build back broke, you know. And then then all the Democrats and the mediumm want to talk about as Uary sixth. By the way, I've said that day can't happen again, but neither can the riots of twenty twenty. Where's that committee? Five hundred and seventy four riots, billions of dollars in property damage, arson and looting, thousands of cops injured, many severely injured, dozens of dead Americans and no investigation into this. And Kamala Harris was up to arrive balls. They're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. We're not gonna stop. Nobody's gonna stop. And then funding the bill, you know, funding or promoting a bail fund to get the people out Biden's of disapproval rating now with he gets bad marks on the economy in particular, seventy two percent of Americans now hitting his handling on inflation seventy two percent disapproval rate on inflation. When you look in general, job as president is disapproval rating is now fifty six percent. Is handling of the economy disapproval sixty percent, Immigration is disapproval rating sixty nine percent, COVID fifty five percent disapproval. You know, has the president stuck to his campaign promises? Only thirty six percent say yes in a positive way and then it just gets worse from there. What has he done? Ask yourself, what has he done that's successful? You know Christinoma was on last night from South Dakota. Paraal government makes promises they don't follow through on. They're not going to do what they need to do to make sure that you're getting the opportunity for testing antibodies, treatments, therapeutics for individuals or families. You know, these governors now are kind of on their own and there's a shortage because you got people. You know, now the federal government is buying up all the supply and pushing states out of the way from being independent. I thought he said he it was his words. There's no federal solutions, so get out, get the hell out of the way. Let the states do it. I've way more confidence in the governors than this president. It's unreal. You see, Democrats can't What are they gonna run on. They're gonna run on the economy, no COVID. No are they gonna run on the border, No inflation forty year high. No, they're gonna run on energy. No buck fifty more a gallon. Everything we purchased costs a lot more money. It's you know, by the way, I hate I love pizza. I've had Little Caesars and all these other chains. I'm not a big chain pizza guy. Probably the best of the Bunch's Pizza Hut, in my opinion, in personal pan pizza. You can get that, you know, if you're hungry. One day anyway, Little Caesars had to bump up the price of their famous Hot and Ready pizza above five bucks for the first time in a quarter of a century. What is he going to yell at Little Caesars? Why? Because it's costing more for everything that they're every ingredient They use, and it's costing more to deliver the ingredients to every little Caesar's place in across the country. You know, the price of their promotional pie, which first was introduced in nineteen ninety seven, you know, is increasing eleven percent, costing five fifty five. They haven't had to do this in twenty five years. Who's paying for who's paying more for everything? You are? The Utah governor had to declare freezing weather propane emergency and blaming federal regulations, and it suspends these regulations limiting the number of hours that drivers can work because people desperately need the gas to heat their homes. But Joe has a scapegoat. He's going after selfish meat companies, not selfish meat company. These meat companies have to pay more, you know sometimes to get meat fully processed. You know, they're traveling three, four or five times to get it by the time it gets to your butcher or your grocery store. You know. White House refuses to say whether Biden is engaging with Mansion on build back. Worse, the answers no, Mansion told us The answer is no. There are no negotiations going on and there won't be any negotiations going on. I'm well part of no. Does Joe not understand anyway, So he deflates the hopes of changing the filibuster as well. He made comments yesterday and said that he engaged and talks about possible changes to the filibuster. In other words, sixty votes so they can do their their power grab rigged the election bill. He said any changes would have to have buying of Republicans as well. He says, I'm not going to do a Democratic alone bill, so I don't think there's any Republicans. But you know, Republicans have met Romney and Lisa Makows get to deal with and others. But he said he's not gonna He's not going he's not going forward with it. I don't know what's going on with AOC. Give the people what they want. She shared a bizarre video of her boyfriend's feat and what was that all about? Do you know? Linda, I don't know, doubled down. She should have stuck the bartending. I'm not really understanding why we have to listen to anything. This woman says, well, she's massless in a crowded club down in Miami somewhere anyway, claim me claiming Republicans are obsessed with them, after she was blasted for going massless in Miami. Well, I mean, it's much easier to blast Republicans than to say, hey, I'm sorry that I lied to all of you, and it's not for me, it's for thee. So you guys wear the mask. I'm gonna go down and have you know, cocktails on the beach. I mean, she's just, she's like a walking Oh, she's just. I can't say anything nice on me. Quiet like Kamala Harris. Nancy Pelosi's staff is fleeing as exit rumors persist. I don't think she's gonna be able to survive. I've been saying, a woman doesn't know what transitory means. They asked her, how do you feel about transitory in flash and listen, people need to food shop? What? Literally? I don't. I really don't think she knew what it meant. I don't think she did. Listen. I don't think a lot of these people know what they're talking about. These people have been there too long, all of them, and everybody's lost their mind. I will tell you that part. You know one thing that I saw that was during Today's Daily briefing, Jen Saki was asked if she would if the president will address Trump's role in the January sixth riot. By the way, I was in favor of this until they stacked the deck completely seven Democrats, and they kicked off Jordan and Banks, Jim Jordan, Jim Banks from the committee. The person they ought to be calling is Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, and the Capitol Police chief all requested the National Guard why did she fail in her duty? She's in charge of that decision. And the sergeant of arms, why did she fail in that task? They knew hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people that were coming to town, that they were marching. Attentions were high. It's pretty simple formula. You got to protect our institutions. I've been saying that since the Obama years. Where's the committee to look into the twenty twenty riots? The summer of twenty twenty anyway, Yeah, of course they're gonna go after Well, they can't talk about the disaster. That is every policy that Joe Biden is embraced. I got Chuck Schumer comparing the incursion of the Capital to Pearl Harbor, which launched World War two, and my dad spent four years in the Pacific of resulting in the deaths of four hundred thousand Americans. As FDR said on December seventh, nineteen forty one, a day that will live in infamy. Now Schumer's comparing that phrase of Roosevelt. Unfortunately, we can now add January six, twenty twenty one, to the shortlist of dates in American history that will live forever and infamy. I'd like to know where the Committee on the Riots of the Summer of twenty twenty is where where's that commit They are mostly peaceful? Okay, when you stand in front of a burning fire and everything's on fire and people are looting and burning and screaming and hurting others, it's mostly peaceful. It's a new definition. Well, I would bring in, you know, Kamala Harris. Why did Kamala Harris support the Bell Fund? Why did Kamala Harris said they're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. Thousands of injured cops, billions in property damage, dozens of dead Americans. Anyway, eight hundred and nine four one Shaun is a number