Matt Towery, pollster, attorney and syndicated columnist and Robert Cahaly of the Trafalgar Group, take a look at the Biden’s approval numbers as he stumbles through every day with terrible jobs numbers, rising costs of living expenses and nationwide shortages on just about everything. Plus, Miranda Devine, author of the new book, Laptop from Hell, is here to talk about her new book, and the media blackout on the many revelations about both Joe and Hunter Biden. From her article this week on Joe’s ties to China and Hunter to secure a kickback for himself.
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An hour two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one shuns autel free telephone number. We have spoken at length about prior to the twenty twenty election. The New York Post comes up with an exclusive and we have since confirmed corroborated all of this was true about Hunter Biden's laptop, and then the mob and the media, the mob and Big Tech basically wouldn't allow the story to even get out there. Now it's fully confirmed. Oops, Sorry, what did I say? All during the campaign it's Joe Biden's candidate protection program by the media, mob and by big Tech. They did an incredible disservice to the country. Miranda Divine has come out with a terrific new book, Laptop from Hell, about zero experience. Hunter is foreign business dealings are far more extensive than we even thought and knew up to this point, and Joe's involvement is much greater than anybody knew. You might remember Joe Biden occasion saying, oh, no, I don't know anything about Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. I've never talked to him about it, not once. But how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings. I've never spoken my son about his overseas series. I have never discussed with my son, or my brother or anyone else ending him to do it their businesses, period. And what I will do is the same thing we did an our administration. You'll be an absolute wall between personal and private and the government. Do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son's overseas business Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you. Well, that's not true. You're saying things you do not know what you're talking about. No one said that. Who said that? Well, that was a lie, Tony Bobolynski, It's chronicled all throughout the book. Actually sat in meetings, two specific meetings with Joe Biden President as they were talking about dealing with this Chinese energy company. Bob Olenski revealed that Joe Biden knew all about Hunter Biden's business dealings, and he details one of the hour long meetings that he had with Joe. Let me play that Biden saying that he's never discussed business with Hunter. That is false. I first hand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden. I have also heard that Vice President Biden said on Tuesday that Senator Ron Johnson, the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, should be a shame for suggesting that Biden family sought to profit from their name. Well, here are the facts I know, and everything I'm saying is collaborated by emails, What's app, chats, agreements, documents, and other evidence. On May second, too, in seventeen, the night before Joe Biden was to appear at the Milk and Conference, I was introduced to Joe Biden by Jim Biden and Hunter Biden. At at my approximate hour long meeting with Joe that night, we discussed the Biden's history, the Biden's family business plans with the Chinese with which he was plainly familiar, at least at a high level. Now Miranda confirms all of this in her new book, The Laptop from Hell. And joining us now is Miranda Divine, a New York Post columnist, now the author of what is destined to be a top bestseller, Laptop from Hell. So he sat in the meetings and he lied to the American people, and he got away with it. And then when you're when when Emma, Joe Morris and others at the New York Post first broke this story before the election, it was a total blackout from the media mob and the big tech mob, Miranda. It was incredible. And look, I think, as we Watergate and all these situations, it's the cover up that gets you in the end, and you've just played one of the most egregious lives in this entire affair from Joe Biden claiming repeatedly during the campaign to the American people complete untruth, which is that he pretended he knew nothing about his son, Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings, when in fact, he knew everything about them. He met with Hunter's overseas business partners multiple times. He met Mexicans and Ukrainians and Russians and Chinese and Kazakhstani's, and he met them in Beijing. He met them at his own home. He invited them to his own home and took photos in the Vice presidential residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington. He also met them at his dinner at Cafe Milano in Georgetown, that Hunter had organized for his overseas business associates from Ukraine, from Russia, and from Kazakhstan. So for Joe Biden to continue to feign ignorance just is beyond belief, and played Tony Bobolinski that he is really the unsung hero in all of this. He really put his neck on the line, and he did that because he is a patriot. He is a naval veteran from a long line of naval veterans, and he's also a businessman, very successful in his own right, which was why he was brought into this sordid Biden family business to try and regularize their joint venture with a company called CFC, which ostensibly was a Chinese energy company. What it really was was the capitalist of the Communist Party's Belt and Road initiative, which is their way of colonizing the world. It's their imperial outbreak by President Gi to take over the world, and that's something that's the last two years of Joe Biden's vice presidency. His family and their partners were working for the Chinese Communist Party in many parts of the world where they were trying to expand China's influence in this Belton Road Initiative. And there's a scene in the book where Hunter is banging a table in a restaurant in New York and angrily shouting at Director Zang, who was the second in charge of this company CFC, and saying, you own my family twenty million dollars for the work that we've done you for the past two years. And you know, Tony Boblinska just told you about that meeting at the Beverly Hilton on May two, twenty seventeen. Now, much has been made about the fact that Joe Biden was out of office by that stage, and he was no longer Vice president, and so his supporters and the people who carry water for him in the media are saying, oh, well, he was a private citizen, he could do whatever. Did he register as a foreign agent with Sarah and comply well. But apart from that, what Tony Bobolinsky has told them, what's evident in the laptop and in the trove of material that Tony Bobolynsky has has given us, which is part of this jigsaw puzzle, is that for two years, while Joe Biden was Vice president, his family, with his knowledge, was working for the Chinese Communist Party in various countries overseas, so they were already doing work that cash wasn't going to come until after Joe Biden left office, because that was part of that plausible deniability that Jim Biden, Joe's brother, told Tony Bobolink about when Bob Lynsky said to him after that meeting with Joe, aren't you worried? Isn't your family worried that this is going to come back and bite you, that this is going to damage any future presidential prospects? What plausible deniability? Plausible deniability is what Jim Biden said very knowingly, you know, and we know that's a sort of term of art coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration, and it just describes the way of keeping the president sort of away from the details of an unsaved reactivity so that he can plausibly deny that he doesn't know anything. But you know that what Bobolynsky understood that Uncle Jim meant by that was that Joe Biden knew exactly what his family was doing in his name, and that's proven by his multiple meetings with all these various business partners. But he was insulated from the dirty details. And in fact, Jim and Hunter Biden both instructed Tony bob Lynsky the night before the meeting to keep his talk with Joe Biden at a high level, meaning don't go into details. And I mean Joey bob Lynsky met Joe Biden twice, and the reason he met him was because Joe Biden was a betting Bobolynsky for this very crucial role as the CEO of this new company, which was a joint venture between the Biden's and DCFC company. Let me let me in a back doorway ask you about Joe Biden's foreign policy decisions, ignoring you know, the aggressive maneuvers of China against Taiwan and fighter jets flying over Taiwan airspace, and then we got putin now building up an army on the Ukrainian border, again reminiscent of Crimeau. Let me ask you this question. The Libyans came out with a Hunter Biden Dacier, and they knew everything about Hunter. They knew Hunter was a drug addict. They I knew that Hunter apparently frequented prostitutes, hookers, whatever you want to call him, There's a lot of this on the laptop. There's the pictures of Hunters asleep, of a crack pipe in his mouth, for example, this pornography him with numerous women in bed together. Is that all correct? And now might if the Livians had a dossier that had Hunter Biden completely compromised, and Hunter's doing business with these countries, I've got to believe they've got compromising materials on the Biden family, to quote the Great Adam Schiff. And my question is, you know, is it a fair question based on the discovery of all of these connections financially with hostile regimes like China and Russia? Is that a plausible reason why Joe won't stand up to putin with the troop build up near Ukraine? Is it possible why he's not taken charge over and defending Taiwan against hostile Chinese aggression and talk a reunification. Well, you just you have to just accept the fact that that is a genuine possibility. And I think we'd be crazy not to encompass that and understand that because Joe Biden, by his actions has just obviously is not respected by President g I mean, he used to talk at great length about what great friends they were and how many hours they've spent together, and that he'd spent more time with President g than anybody else, and that they were old friends. I mean recently he's changed. And by the way, any American that goes to China, they're being spied on every second they're there. Is that a fairly Oh absolutely? I mean, if you take a device there, expect that it's going to be hacked and you're going to be spied on. But Joe Biden, very early in his Senate career, was groomed by the China knees. I mean, he was one of the first senators brought to China and duchess the equivalent of sort of the Markers Vineyard or the Nantucket of China by high ranking six DP officials. And in fact, when he came back to America he was just like keased and mocked mercilessly by the Weekly Standard because he was so incredibly sick asthantic about China, and he also using he had a lot of power and influence with his committee chairmanships in the Senate, and when China wanted to join the World Trade Organization, Joe Biden was instrumental in convincing wavering senators on his own side. This was during the Clinton administration to ensure that China did join the World Trade Organization. And of course that was the death knell for American manufacturing. That really was the watershed that led to the hollowing out of the heartland of America and the loss of jobs and the great tragedy that has befallen America and loss of money and prestige and China rising. So Joe Biden has been in the tank for China for many decades, and now we have this situation where his family has received tens of millions of dollars at least I mean that we can account for from the Chinese Communist Party. And also where Hunter Biden had ten percent or still has as far as we can see, it's on the Chinese stock market. His company, Scannadales has ten percent still of this Chinese investment fund that the documents on the laptop showed in twenty nineteen had two point five billion dollars worth of fun under management. And so when you look at Joe Biden now he's had four more meetings since he's been president, virtually with President gi. The most recent one went for hours and within hours of that meeting, presidents had sent warplanes over Taiwan. I mean that shows how little respect he has for Joe. And not only that, in those four meetings, the President has not mentioned Wuhan. I'm gonna have to run, but I want everybody to get a copy of this book because it's just we're only touching the surface in terms of the what's on this laptop and a terrific deep dive by Miranda Divine. It's called the Laptop from Hell, and we really appreciate you us working so hard on it and sharing it with our audience. Miranda, it's been a long time and coming. Thank you, Thank you so much showing fine all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one sean our number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. You know, it's amazing. We're gonna get We're gonna get to some poll numbers here in a minute. Forty five percent of American families say they're experiencing financial hardship due to the Biden inflation crisis. Oh you know, Oh, it's the tragedy of the treadmill. Jen Saki. Oh, you may go shopping before Halloween if you want to get your kids to not disappoint your kids over Christmas. You know, we have disastrous job numbers, and Biden is out there saying what a dramatic improvement. No. Two hundred and ten thousand jobs is an unmitigated disaster in light of where the economy should be, and as his job growth collapses, Canada's announcing stellar job growth just as a comparison, the Labor Department issues another disaster's report as Biden claims that we're in the best economy ever nowhere not, you know, And it's getting so insulting on almost a daily basis. Now, every single person that fills up a car, you know what, you're paying a buck fifty more a gallon twenty twenty five, thirty bucks more every time you fill up. You know it's costing you a fortune more to heat your homeless winner. You know, every product you buy in every store, you're paying more for because it costs more to get it there. These are you know, I don't care if it's Afghanistan, the border, the COVID disaster, three vaccines, and monoclonal antibodies, and Joe still can't get it right. And and of course then we've got the economy, inflation, the high cost of energy, eliminating energy independence. But Joe Biden downplays, Oh, they're not empty shelves. Go back, look at the shelves again. I've seen the empty shelves. What do you think these TV stations are emptying the shelves and putting up false pictures. It's unrealism. I convene a group of CEOs from some of the largest retailers and grocery stores, as well as leading companies that works with small businesses across the country, and they reported that their investments are up, shelves are well stocked, and they're ready to meet consumer demand for the holidays. I said that yesterday, and then I saw a couple of your stations put on you found some empty shelves. They're old, empty shelves. But it doesn't matter. But go back and take a look at some of those shelves again. Okay, but the point is that the vast majority of the shelves are filled in the CEOs of not only the the suppliers, but it's the CEO Zoe Ups and FedEx which are on track to deliver more packages than ever. We're saying the same thing. So we're heading into holiday season in strong shape. By the way, I'm not a doctor. That's Joe Biden. Did it sound like Joe Biden. Didn't sound like Joe Biden to me. I've also been somebody that has been out on the road. And when I'm out, you know, when I've been out on book tours for examples, what usually happens is your vocal chords get inflamed. When your vocal chords get inflamed, those singers do this. You might not know it if they have multiple dates back to back to back. Usually a strong anti inflammatory that reduces the inflammation in your vocal chords is something called prednazone. It's the worst metasine ever. You get hungry, you get bloated, you just get flush in the face. You can't sleep. I know, because sometimes I'd have to do radio, three hours, TV, an hour hour and a half, speech, three hour, books, signing, fly to another city and do the whole thing the next five days. And sometimes I to help my vocal cords, I'd use it. That does not sound like a cold to me. I'm not playing doctor. I'm not making accusations. It sounds more to me like some type of medicine. But what do I know, I'm just a dopey hook talks your host. Anyway, there are Now we have the Trafalgar group out with their latest approval rating on But anyway, the latest survey, Trafalgar has Joe Biden at a thirty six percent approval rating. That's it, only eighteen percent strongly approve only and another eighteen percent you know, approve but not enthusiastically. There's fifty two percent strongly disapproving, another seven percent that disapprove. I mean it is an unmitigated disaster for any politician. Now the fourth poll to have him in the mid thirties in terms of an approval rating. And you know, for example, if you look at Kamala Harris, she's even worse than twenty eight percent. Anyway, we welcome back our polsters. Robert kaheles with Trafalgar. Matt Tower is back with us as well. Matt, of course, with insider advantage. His poll numbers are shown exactly the same thing as Roberts. Robert, how do you interpret this latest survey? And you've also I guess have been pulling out Nevada, and uh, apparently some good news is out there and available as it relates to Laxalt's run for the Senate. Yes, s it is amazing. Uh. This this pole was conducted on the nationwide abiding approval. Happened right after the I'm a crime variant stuff started on the Friday. I think this was that Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and so it reflects people's kind of you know, this is the guy who was going to fix everything in more trouble coming with COVID and the Nevada. Uh, Laxalt actually has has a little lead at four point one to forty point nine versus the incumbent and with an undecided of only fifteen. And that's pretty significant to have that type of lead this early. But Nevada's printing very strongly out the President Trump would beat either Harris or or Biden about ten point right now in Nevada. I'm looking at the Senate races. Matt Tower, you got Florida, You've got Georgia herschel Walker, who I like a lot. You got North Carolina that is yet to be determined. Then we got I know Tim Scott will do well in South Carolina. We don't know who's running. In New Hampshire. I think the President of the Senate is the leading emerging candidate now the governor Snunu said no, I'm hoping Ron Johnson runs again in Wisconsin. Then we have Ohio, Pennsylvania, where doctor Oz announced he's running, and he's got a very high name recognition rate. I saw some polls on him ninety four percent, a very high number of women that love doctor Oz. I guess they've been watching them on TV for years. And then this Nevada pole and then we got Arizona. I happen to like Bernovitch, the Attorney General, Matt your thoughts on this Bellweather Senate year that's coming up and we'll be voting in less than a year. Now, it's looking better and better for the Republicans. I was very impressed with doctor Oz and the interview you had with him the other night. He is ready to run, very up to speed on his talking points and was very impressive. I think he's going to be a very strong candidate in Pennsylvania. Person is going to be a strong candidate in Georgia. I think the Republicans have a great opportunity right now, I do want to say one quick thing about the poem that Robert had. I want to get Robert a true compliment. I said on this show many times that I thought that Guiden's real approval rating was somewhere in the upper thirties, like thirty eight or so, and Robert nailed it. But here's what I found today. I looked at the poem that we see from that. I'll call them to drive by polsters and drive by posters who are the usual culprits. Now we're trying to have Biden back up, you know, where he's only six points down, four points down. That is humanly impossible right now. It is impossible for Joe Biden to be to have just a four percent difference between his approval and his disapproval rating. So Robert has nailed it. And I don't know what's going on with the rest of the poem universe, but's campaign the attention to it. So as we look at these numbers coming in, there's not a single policy that I can name or identify that is working for Joe and Kamala Harris. And you know, at the end of the day, Robert Kahali now Joe has doubled down on his new Green Deal, build back better, you know, redistribution, Marxism, radicalism, And now he's doubled down on blaming the energy companies and begging OPEC as an energy policy when all you would have to do is asked Texas and reinstate the policies that made us energy independent under Donald Trump. And I don't see any indication he'd ever do that. Do you think at some point he was starting to worry about whether he was doing a good job and people perceived him as doing a good job. It seems scary that he doesn't. Literally the guy could have just gone to Camp David, done nothing and less all the other policies in place, and be a like sixty percent approval right now. So maybe he didn't care what the guy's approval, or maybe he gives a little a few approval from a few Washington elite, including some of the Washington Group or PO polsters that keep putting this trash out there, that show this approval rating anywhere close to even because it's just not listen, Matt Towery, is I look at this the only possible answer if do Joe Biden wanted to dig himself out of this hole. Heason, he'd have to change course. He's not going to change course. He's been a disaster on COVID, a disaster on the economy, a disaster on energy, on the borders, on foreign policy. I can't think of a single thing that he's done well. And I see that. You know, even Joe Manchin now is teamed up with Republicans to fight the vaccine mandate. That's a that's a big loss for them. And I bet once the CBO scores has built back better New Green Deal, socialism madness, probably Joe Mansion is going to be a no on that. Also, well, we have a new theme that is emerging and you're going to hear it and the Polsters advisor candidates correctly, they're going to use it over and over again. The concept is liberty. Now, sometimes that sounds trite, and sometimes it's like we're HARKing back to colonial days and life, but in reality, the revolution. But the truth is liberty is what Americans are yearning for right now. That's why you see Joe Manchin moving over to oppose these mandates. That's why you see these campies, these polls in these states going against the Democrats so strongly because they played, they overplayed their hands with the power of government in the last year to the point that Americans now are yearning for liberty unity. And let me tell you, Sean, it's getting down to the millennials now, it's getting into African American voters, it's getting into Hispanics. This is a change that if the Republicans play it right, they're going to have an opportunity to reset the clock and get this thing turned around in this next election cycle. Well, I don't see how now you see a lot of Democrats in the House. They see the handwritings on the wall. I think we're now up to nineteen or twenty Democrats in the House. They don't want any part of the disaster that will become an electoral tsunami next year. The only issue that I could see outstanding that I believe that Democrats would would demagogue as they do every year. They only have one playbook, would be this abortion decision. And for example, of the court would overrule row which is bad law, which bestowed a right that it is not within the constitution. That would be the legal argument. But on the other hand, and if they change the viability weeks from twenty three to fifteen. I'm sure that you know, the Democrats would try to make that the entire campaign. Would it work, Robert Kaheley, you know it would certainly. I mean, in some ways this is a good a good development for the pro life community, with very bad timing. I wouldn't much rather see a ruling like this happen when the Republicans had at least one chamber of Congress so they could block, uh, what could result in a packing of the court. And that's my fear there is they would use it to motivate a great deal of opposition and try to push through a court packing scheme. But it is something they will attempt. A demagogue and both sides care very you know, very passionate about this issue. So I mean it is it is a possible thing that could derail what's happening. And because these all around what what Matt was Thomas really important that you know, these millennials and stuff have always been so pro government when it came to everything else, all of the sudden, when governments started telling them to wear masks and vaccinate and you know, do all the stuff for these they weren't worried about. They started to feel that the oppressive hand to government. They didn't like it very much, and so we'd have to keep the debate on abortion the same in the same perspective of this is representing liberty and protection of life at all stages, you'd take on a Matt Towery. Well, let me put my lawyer's head off for a minute, because I am one still Robert. I I'm sorry, I'm sorry to hear that, but go ahead. That's our right handy. It comes in handy every once in a while. But but the truth being, Robert is completely correct politically. What I found interesting in the oral arguments the other day before the Supreme Court is that the proponents of roge way of preserving rov Wait, we're asked by the court what principle they're relying on now. Now it used to be privacy, Remember that was sort of invented the whole professing the reason why Row rowe with actually institute in the first place. Now they say it's quote liberty. Isn't that amazing? They're using the very issue that I told you the Republicans can run on and when, and they're trying to use that as an argument for the Supreme Court as to why you preserve rov Wait, well, is that liberty going to extend to vaccine mandates? Is that liberty gonna extend? Right? I mean, now we can turn it around on them. That's the question. It's it's it's only liberty when convenient exactly. And Justice Thomas was really without getting into he didn't bring in the current because you don't want to do that as the Court, very clearly he was putting them on the spot. What is it that you're going to rely on this time? Because things have changed so much? And by the way, that privacy concept that's pretty much gone away because nobody has any privacy anymore, right, They're gone in the country. I thought Thomas's questioning was genius. It was just brilliant. Anyway, Well, a lot of time between now and the midterms, we'll have you guys on often. We're gonna watch these poll numbers. I don't see a way out, but events could possibly change, you know, change the polling numbers in Biden's favor, But at this point in time, the policies aren't going to cut it for him. Matt Towery and Robert Kaheiley Trafalger Thank you. Insider Advantages Matt's Group eight hundred and nine for one seawan. You want to be a part of the program.