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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. All right, glad you're with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. It is eight hundred, it is nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. I'm telling everybody that ever wants to listen, you who all ought to be angered, You all ought to be outraged, You all ought to be concerned about the way things are working in America, the things that I have been telling you now and we have been breaking with our ensemble cast of you know, the Greg Jarretts, you know all the names. By the way, we have a big story. It's gonna break tonight, really really big as it. Let's put it this way. We have smoking gun evidence tonight that is really important as it relates to FISA and those that committed it a fraud on the FISA court. And we're gonna name names, and we've got the evidence, and so tune in nine eastern. We'll break it on Hannity on the Fox News channel. What happened yesterday as we get the sentencing recommendation from Robert Mueller. It's been a full year now that General Flynn has been literally sitting on a bubble, and you know, his life is held in suspension, and while it is not the most harsh in terms of sentencing, and by the way, what the media is focused on is just a total it's such a total bunch of nonsense and speculation as usual and conspiracy theories as usual. And we're gonna get more. We're gonna get the same thing as it relates to Michael Kohne. We'll get the same thing as it relates to Paul Manaphort. Manaphort, whatever cooperation deal he had with Muller is pretty much gone. He's seventy years old. I guess they want to throw him in jail, make sure he never sees the light of day again, you know, because of something to do with a loan application and ten taxes. Why don't you let the guy go out and work and pay back the tax money that he owes. That might be a different way. They did that for Willie Nelson. What are the nine million in taxes? And he didn't put him in jail. They didn't charge him. It's unbelievable. You just, well, I like his music, so we're not going to charge him, Hannity. We hate his politics. He's going away forever. He'll never see the night light a day. It's pretty disgraceful, it is. It shocks the conscience, especially in light of what we know about what other people have done. And this is why I've always said, this is the biggest abuse of power scandal, a corruption scandal in history. And we have a dual justice system, and we don't have equal justice under the law, and we don't have equal application of our laws. This is just but the latest example of it. As now, General Flynn's life was put on hold for a full year. And I'm going to read to you from the government's memoranda in Aiden's a sentencing recommendation note from Robert Mueller, the US and the Special Counsel Robert Mueller's respectfully submits this memorandum in the aid of the sentencing of defendant Michael T. Flynn on December first, twenty seventeen. He pled it guilty to one count making materially false statements to the FBI. Stop right there. So if you're like me and you grew up to revere an FBI agent and the FBI comes to your house and maybe some crime took place in the neighborhood, and maybe have a little bit of information but you don't quite fully recall everything, but you're pretty sure you do. The advice I have to give you now is don't talk to the FBI. How awful is that? Because we want to help our FBI, because we want to help them solve crimes. We're good people. We play by the rules, we obey the laws in the country. We pay our taxes, you know, we shovel coffee down our throat. We go work our twelve fourteen hours a day. We make our kids their lunch, we make them our dinner, We do a little homework with them, and we put on Hannity and fall asleep at ten o'clock Eastern time. Seven o'clock. Specific is okay too. That's the point. That's what everybody does. We want to get the people that are doing bad things because it's enough of them anyway. So it goes through the nature of the crime. The nature of the offense, and the defendant's history and characteristics are set forth eighteen Usc. Three five five three A in addition to the addendum to this memorandum describes the defendant's assistance to the government. That's all that they want to fixate on, which is all redacted and it's all speculation. And I don't think anything of what we're hearing is true because it just none of it makes sense. But they get to jump the gun because they want this all to believe. They want everybody to believe Donald Trump was colluding with the Russians. Their biggest problem in all of this is the election and the time frame was over. Do you understand what I'm saying Anything that Michael Flynn did and that we're dealing with in this sentencing recommendation statement of Robert Muller's post, you know, it doesn't matter, didn't have anything to do with pre election interference, Russian interference. You know the fact that he indicted all of these intel agents from Russia were never gonna be held accountable for anything. Putin's not going to send him here to go on trial. And that's the same with the Russian bot companies that they indicted, except for the one that responded. They don't even want to give discovery too. They're going to have to kill that case. Nature of the offense false statement to the Department of Justice, The defendant's offense is serious. As described in the Statement of offense, defendant made multiple false statements to multiple Department of Justice entities on multiple occasions. The first series of statements occurred during an interview with the FBI on January twenty four, twenty seventeen. At the time of the interview, the FBI had an open investigation into the Russian government's effort to interfere in the twenty sixteen presidential election, including the nature of any links coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald J. Trump. Days prior to the FBI's interview the defendant, The Washington Post had published a story that he had spoken with the Russian ambassador to the United States on December twenty ninth, twenty sixteen. Now, remember what it just said in the paragraph above. It's an ongoing investigation into any efforts other Russians to interfere in the presidential election. They're talking about a meeting that took place again with a Russian ambassador and the incoming national security advisor to the president on December twenty ninth. The election's over, so has nothing to do. He would be talking to a soon to be counter part in however, many days, you know, what is January twentieth, In twenty two days the three weeks, so he had a brief conversation with the Russian ambassador because it was obvious and it was all stated that there were going to be different policy viewpoints between what Barack Obama was doing with Russia versus what Donald Trump would be doing with Russia. Just makes sense anyway, and that the story alleged that he had spoken with the Russian ambassador on December the twenty nine, twenty sixteen, the day the United States announced sanctions and other measures against Russia in response to the Russian governments intended intending to interfere at the twenty sixteen election. Well, in October that year, Obama himself said it's impossible, No serious person would believe it, and Donald Trump needs to stop whining. Yet Devin Nunez was warning that it's possible because they'd done it in previous elections and they were trying to do it in the twenty sixteen election. He made that warning in twenty fourteen, anyway. So the Post story that they refer to January twelfth, twenty seventeen, queried whether the defendant's actions violated the Logan Act, which prohibits US citizen from corresponding with a foreign government with the intent to influence the conduct of that foreign government regarding disputes with the United States. That's eighteen USC. Nine fifty three, the Logan Act. It's what is This goes back how many centuries. It is a rarely, rarely rarely invoked federal statute prohibiting the unauthorized private diplomacy with foreign nations. He's about to be the National Security Advisor and he's meeting he's soon to be counterparts, and he's telling them, well, things are going to be different when we get into office. That is not a violation of the Logan Act. This is such a stretch from the beginning. Now, let me remind what General Flynn didn't know when he went in to discuss these issues with people, is that they had already illegally surveilled him. They had illegally unmasked him, they had illegally obtained raw intelligence. Now, when an American citizen is on the phone with a foreign entity, we have what is a practice that should be applied for Unless the American is saying, hey, I want to be involved in a terrorist attack with you or some type of crime, which General Flynn was not doing. What they did is they violated the rules of surveillance, so they had a transcript of everything that he said. Anything that he didn't remember exactly, they're going to identify as a lie because that's what they want to find. And they go through this whole process with him, etc. The defendant made a second series of false statements regarding the Republic of Turkey blah blah blah. And then again they cite the Foreign Ages Registration Act FARA that never gets if anyone gets caught, as it relates to a Farah Act. In other words, you didn't register properly with the federal government, you get you just get a chance to fix it. It's like the Logan Act for crying out loud. I mean, he's about to be one of our top national security officials and they may get the biggest deal over a FARA filing being omitted and as an as a material fact of officials from Turkey providing supervision, direction over Turkey, etcetera. Anyway, then it goes on to say on election Day twenty sixteen, the defendant published an op ed for the Turkey Project, which called for the removal of a cleric exited residing in the US whom the President of Turkey assume he's talking about Urtwan blamed for the failed coup in that country. Cleric's responsibility for the coupup temp was a great debate, etc. Etc. Defendant's op ed of the cleric's role was valuable to the Republic of Turkey's efforts to shape public opinion. The defendant falsely represented his Faraugh filings and op ed was written in his own initiative as opposed for Turkey and the Turkey Project and the Republic of Turkey. So did you write it for them or did you write it for yourself? Did you do it as a favor? I mean, this is where we are. So here's Lieutenant Flynn, and I'm going to give you a list of all the people we know have lied and crimes that have been committed in a minute. This man's life now, who has been put on hold for a year, the position that he would have earned is gone. He had to literally sell his home, selling his home because he couldn't afford to pay his lawyers anymore. He walked into a perjury trap because of legally obtained information, illegal surveillance, illegal unmasking, not using the procedures and protocols of minimization, and then raw intelligence is used as a means to set a perjury trap. General Flynt, that's what happened here. Now. In the end, they say his history is characteristics present, mitigating and aggravating circumstances, and as detailed in the PSR report, the defendants military and public service or exemplary thirty three years in the military. He served five years in combat duty, led the Defense Intelligence Agency, retired as a three star lieutenant general, and the defendants record of military public service distinguish him from every other person who has been charged in the Special Council's investigation. However, senior government leaders should be held to the highest standards anyway, defends extensive government background should have made him aware of all this, Etcetc. And then they go on to conclude for the foregoing reasons as well as those contained in the government's addendam motion for downward departure, the government's admits that a sentence at the low end of the advisory guideline range is appropriate and wanted. Basically, he doesn't may well likely not spend any time in jail. You'll still be a felon though. Now when we get back I'm going to tell you why this is so dangerous, why this is so corrupt, why this is an abuse of power, and why if this is the standard, We're going to name the names of people that need to also well, relatively speaking, they ought to be in jail tomorrow, and then you're gonna have to ask yourself whether or not we have a equal justice under the law system in America today. Because the answers know one thing that is not political. It's smoking. That's about people, and there are thirty four million Americans now that's smoke, but for many there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel for me, has been a game changer. I watch people all the time they go outside in the middle of the freezing winner just to have their smoke. You don't have to do that anymore because of Jewel. Now people don't have to worry about the smell on your hands. Jewel was specifically designed by smoke z force smokers to be a satisfying alternative. It's a clean technology. Jewel has no ash, no odor, no mess. If you're one of those thirty four million adults so do smoke, you now know there's an alternative to cigarettes and cigars. Just go to Jewel Juul dot com slash switch America. That's Juul dot com slash switch America. Now, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is an addictive chemical. But just go to Jewel Juul dot com slash switch America. All right, As we roll along Sean Hannity's show, Senator Grassley says, where's the perjury investigation for Fusion GPS chief Glenn Simpson. Senator Grassley also pressing the FBI director to explain why there was a raid on the Clinton Foundation whistleblower. By the way, there's a lot coming. I'm telling you, just buckle up and we're starting it tonight. We're going to break a very big story tonight that you don't want to miss. By the way, are still refuses to release the FBI three h two witnesses in the reports on General Flynn's interview, which I think they should release and the public ought to be able to see. Here's what I think happened with General Flynn, because remember, the FBI didn't think he lied. McCabe did not think he lied. Comey did not excuse me, Comy did not think he lied. Peter Struck, who interviewed him, did not think he lied. Now call mey lied, McCabe lied. I'll explain all the people that lied in the next segment. So they didn't think he'd lied, but they still charged him with perjury, you know, a process crime. Why. I can tell you it's very obvious reading this sentencing recommendation because they did it because they didn't have anything on him, and they had already illegally surveiled, amassed, and leaked the intelligence on General Flynn. So if he's whatever he said that was contradictory or he misremembered, they you know, beat him over the head with a hammers, that's a lie. But General Flynn didn't lie. So it was probably the fact that AU was going bankrupt, and b they were probably going to bring his family into it because his son worked in his businesses that had dealings with foreign countries. So he finally said, all right, I'll dive on the sword like a good dad. That's how I interpret all of it. And I think all of that's going to be proven out to be true over time. And so then you ask yourself, well, why would they make you sign something if you didn't do it? What do you think Jerome Corsi has been saying this last week and a half that he won't lie to God under oath because it's gonna get him keep him out of jail. That's the whole Sammy, the Bullgravano argument that I make, or Roger Stone saying he's not gonna lie, or the cooperation agreement with Paul Manafort blowing up because he obviously didn't have what they wanted and he wasn't gonna lie or compose, as Judge Elli said at twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one, Sean, they want to be a part of the program. You know, this is interesting byron Yorke, Writes's piece in the Washington Examiner, and he points out today that the sentencing memo that I just referred to in the last half hour on General Flynn, released last night by Robert Mueller omitted the single most critical document in the entire false statement case. Again, this is a thirty three year service, three star Lieutenant General Flynn, five years in combat, serving his country thirty three years. This is how we treat this man. And omitting the most critical document in the entire false statement case against Lieutenant General Flynn, and that is the three h two witness reports, which, if Mueller's case was sound, that would reflect the assessment by the interviewing FBI agents that Flynn had indeed quote lied to them when they grilled him in January of twenty seventeen. On the other hand, of those FBI three h two witness interview assessments failed to indicate that Flynn lied, then, as I suspect, the Mueller case as well as his career, could be in deep trouble because the fact is, we already know because Comey told us so that he didn't think that General Flynn lied, and neither did Andrew McCabe think that he'd lied, and neither did Peter Struck think that he lied, and we had reported that back in May of last year. Then you asked the question, well, why would he sign a plea agreement that said he lied when we know he didn't lie. Everybody knows he didn't lie. Well, the purpose when you can't get the underlying crime on somebody, Well, the next thing you have available to you is, you know, a process crime lying to the FBI. Okay, So that's what they go after this guy for. And that's a year of his life, putting his home up for sale, now having, you know, be a convicted felon after a thirty three year career with a stellar record protecting his country. Because if those three O two's are released, I think I'm pretty confident that nobody's going to say in there that they thought that General Flynn was lying. You know, Congress a long time ago pressed the Justice Department to hand over the three O two's, three O twos of the conversations of the meetings that they have. In other words, the FBI would interview somebody like General Flynn, and they would file it what was said, what happened under a three O two because the FBI did not originally think that Flynn lied. Then FBI Director March of twenty seventeen, James Comey told the House Intel Committee that the two FBI agents who questioned Flynn did not detect any deception during the interview, saw nothing that indicated to them that Flynn knew he was lying to them. You know, there is something, as I'll ask any one of you right now, think of your last birthday, just in your mind's eye, do this singing of your last birthday, and then think about who was there. Now, pick out one person that you know you spoke to for say, more than five minutes at your last birthday event, more than five minutes. How much of that conversation do you think and this is now less than a year ago. I'm assuming unless you're birthday's today, what could you tell me in complete accuracy about that conversation? Probably nothing, and this is the problem. Or you know, maybe you texted somebody after. Are you supposed to remember what you texted? I don't think you would, so call me now, said essentially the same thing to the Senate Judiciary Committee about about General Flynn. And you know that Chuck Grassley quote led us to believe the Justice Department was unlikely to prosecute Flynn for false statements made in the interview, Andrew McCabe told the House quote the two people who interviewed Flynn did not think he was lying, which was not a great beginning of a false statement case, he told the House Intel Committee. House investigators have a chance to learn more on all of this when you know, apparently Comey appears before closed doors in this interview with members of the Judiciary in the House Oversight Committee chairs and lawmakers have promised to release the transcript of the Comy interview within a day, so maybe we'll know next week or some other time. Now, if this is the case of lying in crimes of lies, then I think we've got to have If we're gonna have a justice system that is fair and we apply the laws equally, equal application of our laws, equal justice for every American under the law, then we have some really serious questions that we've got to ask as a country. Because you know, there is a federal penal code that says it's unlawful to send stored classified information on personal emails. That's eighteen USC. Seven ninety three, part of the Espionage Act. Now we know that in fact, Hillary Clinton federal code unlawful to send or store classified information on personal email. We know Hillary Clinton did that repeatedly. That's what that whole server was for. James Comey said she did that mark classified at the time. Then we have the violation of the Federal Records Act of two thousand and nine, Section one two three six point two two. The National Archives Records Administration Act requires that agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such a system are preserved in the appropriate agency for record keeping in the record keeping system. Well, that didn't happen with Hillary Clinton either, and we have the violation of the Freedom of Information Act where Veterans for a Strong America filed a lawsuit against the State Department over the potential violations of the Foyer requests, and the chairman of that group explaining to the Washington An Examiner that the Foyer request over the Benghazi affair specifically asked with any personal email accounts Secretary Clinton may have used. This is stuff that Jeff Session should have been delving into deeply, but because for whatever reason he didn't, the next Attorney general should. And then we have a case where although Attorney General, what about Lauretta Lynch discussing golf grandchildren travels forty five minutes on a tarmac see Bill Clinton just days before she is scheduled to make her decision on whether or not Hillary violated the law by having that secret server in the mom and Pop shop bathroom closet. She's overseeing that entire investigation that could involve civil, criminal violations dealing with the mishandling of classified emails. So employees shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual. Well, that's also the law. Do you think anybody, you know, maybe if your spouse was about to get a ruling handed down on whether or not they're going to be prosecuted, do you think any of you would have gotten forty five minutes in a private chet with Loretta Lynch to talk about your grandchildren in golf? Are intend to doubt it. Employees shall endeavor to avoid actions creating the appearance that they violated the law or the ethical standards set forth above. And finally, there's a regulation governing the Department of Justice. Attorney must be disqualified from a criminal investigation because of a personal and political relationship. That means that Attorney General Lynch was prohibited from participating in any of this from the get go. It's a matter, remember she told Jim Comey, it's a matter. You know. If you just start now applying everything here, you begin to see everything we've told you about the handling of the Clinton email investigation. Why was there no grand jury impaneled in that case? Why was she not charged with violating the Espionage Act? How is it you can delete subpoened emails, thirty three thousand of them, and clean out your hard drive with bleach bit and bust up your devices with hammers. Why isn't she getting the flint treatment? How is that possible? What is that not obstruction of justice? You know James Comey closed the investigation. Why did he take it in house in the first place. Why I didn't need to let the field offices in the FBI handle this particular case. Why is it always the same people that were involved in every issue, from Flynn to the Clintons to the Russian investigation. It's always the same people, you know. Comy had publicly admitted he gave memos recording his interactions with President Trump to a friend of Columbia Law School with the intention that the contents would be leaked to the media of the New York Times so that that would result in the appointment of a special counsel. Those documents were created on an FBI computer, which dealt with an ongoing, highly sensitive investigation. Any reasonable observer would conclude that those memos were FBI property, So it is leaking them in this unauthorized way mean that Comey is guilty of theft of government property or records, or that he violated the Espionage Act himself. What about the dacier. You can hear a lot about the dossier on Hannity tonight, which was used to obtain fieser warrants against Carter Page, an associate of the Trump campaign, and two congressional committees already established the FBI knew the dossier was largely fabricated, and James Comy himself described it to then incoming President Trump is salacious and unverified. Well, what about the fact that Hillary paid for it? They never told that to the FISA court judges that approved the application. And if it is salacious and unverified, had it end up being the bulk of information? As the Grassly, Graham and Newness memos pointed out, And the dossier was compiled by someone that we know had a bias and animus towards Donald Trump, a foreign national by the name of Christopher Steele. By the way, we know Glenn Simpson or either him or somebody else lied to Congress. Here's a list of people that we know lied to Congress. We know that Andrew we know that James Lappera lied to Congress. I refer you to a January nineteen, twenty eighteen USA Today article headline James Clapper lies to Congress. We have The Guardian pointing out CIA director Brennan lied to Congress. We have a New York Post article from twenty seventeen Loretta Lynch lied to Congress. We have a Washington Examiner piece James Comey lied to Congress. We have you the James Comey or Loretta Lynch is a town Hall piece again lying to Congress. If investors, I think it's IBD. Eric Holder lied to Congress. Lois Lerner Washington Times lied to Congress. US Treasury Secretary Jack lew Under the Obama administration lied to Congress about a key part of the Iranian deal. We all know the FBI Deputy director Andrew McCabe Washington Times lied to Congress and investigators. We also know that Clinton aide Cheryl Mills lied to dj officials. That too, is covered by the Washington Examiner. I don't see any of these people going through the treatment that General Flynn has gone through in the last year. Uma Abadeen Daily Caller lied to Congress and DOJ officials. You get where we're going here. They don't want to release any of the information. You know, I loved what Julianni said last night. You know, it's like, this is comparable to spinning on the sidewalk, especially in light of the man's life and career of service and the fact that the information that they had. It's like, imagine, let's go back to the birthday analogy. Your last birthday, you had a conversation, pick one person you might have had a conversation with five minutes, and let's say that the people that are interviewing you about that conversation a year later have the exact transcript. Well, they had the exact transcript of Michael Flynn because they violated his Fourth Amendment rights by illegal surveillance, not using the process of minimization, and literally unmasking illegal an American citizen, General Flynn and an American war hero, and then leaking raw intelligence to say he lied because he didn't remember the contents of a conversation that he had with his soon to be counterpart. I don't really consider that lying in any manner, but I think it became much deeper than that, because I think they threatened his family and he probably had no choice. You know, they're sick puppies, Juliani said, He's right. You know, they provided firsthand information about the content and context here. Now, next up, we're gonna have Cone and Manafort. You know, I don't think who knows what those sentencing guidelines are gonna say. I guess Cone maybe will get the biggest break of all, and probably Manafort was looking at the rest of his life in jail over two thousand and have a tax case and Faull statements made on a loan application. In neither case does anything have to do with Russia. You know, the idea that Russia trump Moscow Russia, that they had discussions about possibly building something that never got built, big deal, nothing ever happened. So now I guess the last bit of this is, are they going to go after Jerome Corsi, who's seventy two years old, who was offered to get out of jail free card if he would lie, or as Judge Ellis said, you know, for the purpose of singing or composing. They're putting the screws to Manaphort. They put the screws to anybody that's in any type of legal jeopardy and the hopes that you'll compose what they want you to say, because the bigger target in this case was and always will be Donald Trump and destroying him. And you know that's what it comes down to. I didn't notice that Roger Stone pled the fifth that is not going to give Senate commits or testify. Frankly at this point, well, why bother would anyone want to cooperate knowing what is in play here that they're just out. They're not out to get to the truth, they're out to destroy. But that shouldn't surprise us when you hire let's see Struck and Page, we're part of Muller's team. Then you have Jeannie Ray, who was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation. Then you got my favorite, Andrew Weissman. Here's a guy that lost tens of thousands of jobs at Enron Accounting in that case and lost nine zero in a US Supreme Court case over it, has been charged with withholding exculpatory evidence in the past. Then we have the case of four Merrill executives he put in jail for a year that was overturned by the Fifth Circuit. Where do those four guys go to get their lives back. Whatever happened to prosecutorial discretion? Where is any sense of proportionality in all of this? It's not there, because it's all about in a gen of destroying and the deal legitimization of a duly elected presidents. In Orgal address, the forty first President of the United States said this, we cannot hope only to leave our children a bigger car, a bigger bank account. We must hope to give them a sense of what it means to be a loyal friend, a loving parent, a citizen who leaves his home, his neighborhood, and town better than he founded. What do we want the men and women who work with us to save when we are no longer there, that we were more driven to succeed than anyone around us, or that we stop to ask if a sick child had gotten better and state a moment there to trade a word of friendship. Well, Dad, we're going to remember you for exactly that and much more, and we're gonna miss you. Your decency, sincerity, and kind soul will stay with us forever. So through our tears, let us know the blessing of knowing and loving you. A great and noble man, the best father, a son or daughter hit a half and in her grief by just smile knowing that Dad is hugging Robin and holding Mom's hand again. All right. That was George W. Bush at the at the service of his father, George H. W. Bush. Very touching moment. Watched the whole thing and I thought it went off perfectly, and it was just you, just you look into somebody's soul. How do you want to be viewed after you're gone? What do you want to be remembered for? We talked to rondas Santis, governor of the great State of Florida. How are you, sir? Welcome aboard. What were your interactions with the Bushes like? Well, it's interesting, Sean. I was the captain of the Yale baseball team in two thousand and one, and that was the three hundredth anniversary of the university, and so they had a big jubilee and the main speaker was Bush forty one, who was writing the only Yale undergrad to ever be elected president or one of a few, and so he asked to come out to baseball practice to meet the team, and he just wanted to wish us well, wanted to see how we were doing. So I got to introduce him to the rest of the team. My coach pulled me aside before and said, listen, the President's going to come. Tell all these knuckleheads. Don't drop any f bombs in front of him. Be respectful, and I'm like, of course. But he was a very humble guy and was just interested in how we were doing and really loved his time playing baseball, really loved the sport. And so I had never really even met anyone that was famous at that point in my life, and it was you know, I was like, man, yeah, this is a good guy. And I've always just thought he was a really good guy. And then when you think about his life when he the most famous picture in Yale athletics history is W Bush as the captain in nineteen forty eight receiving Babe Bruce autobiography from the Bambino. Babe was going to die six months later, but you have this epic picture of them at Yale Field with thousands of people there and there's this handoff. And so at that point in Bush forty one's life, he's playing college baseball, but he had already fought in World War Two, he joined when he was eighteen, so he was already a bona fide American hero and had already lived a lot of life by the time he was playing college baseball. So just a really first class individual. You know, I've known the family. I've interviewed all of them many many times, including Barbara and H. W and forty three many times, and jab and other extended family members over the years. So I know the very very well. They are what they seem that they are. They're really good, honorable, hard working, decent people that you know have this sense is calling for service. And obviously you have it as well because you're part of the Freedom Caucus. Now you're the governor elect of Florida. When do you get sworn in January eighth? And so from that day forward, Shot, I'm gonna be pestering you to move the studio down to Naple so that I can take a lot of money on new taxes. So just be ready for that. I will have warned you that during the whole campaign it's going to happen, because I think it is the greatest story because all these companies. If you read the Star Ledger a good piece a while back about this and there's been other articles written about how there are massive amounts of money wealth leaving states like New York and states like Illinois and California and New Jersey, and they're leaving because of the horrific economic environment, the high taxes, burdensome regulation. I mean, we sought out in California recently, you know, these horrific fires, and then we find out, well, there's one hundred and thirty million dead trees that people aren't allowed to cut down, that the state is not allowed allowing people even remove the kindling brush when it gets dry. I mean that stuff's flying all over the place, especially if you have a high wind or Santa Ana wind. People are there's no more you know, timber industry. They destroyed that to protect whatever species of whatever. And what they have done now is have created an environment where you can't put these fires out anymore, and now people are dying. I mean bad government policies. So you see the migration of states like Florida. I really think had Florida gone in the other direction and you would have elected the mayor of Tallahassee, where the worst economic record, the worst crime record in his city, I think it would have been a disaster for Florida because he was talking about a forty percent corporate tax, and I think you would have seen businesses leaving on a fairly regular basis. Oh yeah, I mean I had people who said they were going to leave out of Florida and then go elsewhere and that and that does happen from time to time. Sometimes people will come to Florida and sometimes will move to North Carolina after they're retired or something like that. And now it doesn't happen is that much, But there's reasons for that. But that would have accelerated. I mean, you would have seen a lot of people flee. All the people who are looking at potentially coming down here. These businesses would have fought twice and probably would have decided not to do it. So we're in a really good spot because we have a good record of success. I'm going to continue good policies and can even build off those. I'm going to get to a point on my first day in office, three Supreme Court justices here in Florida. One of the problems we've had with Florida government for a generation has been an activist liberal majority on our Supreme Court. While I get sworn in. I signed these judicial appointments, and judicial activism is done in Florida. That's going to be good for our freedoms, but it's also good for having a good economic environment because they would strike down things that the legislature would pass, like tort reform, because they were siding with basically the liberal interests. And so it was a very political cord that's coming to an end very soon. I've got to ask you in light of it's now eighteen years since two thousand and the course the recount that took place with swinging and pimpled and dimpled and hanging and perforated chads, and whether that's a vote or meant to be a vote and over vote and undervote, and you know, here we are almost eleven almost every election year we have problems in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, and it seems to me that for whatever reason, nobody's just stepped in to fix it. Will you have as governor the authority to get a system of voting in Florida that will work where people couldn't you be up to Shenanigans are no good? Oh? Yeah? So? Would there be things I can do unilaterally, but then they'll probably be an election reform package that we pass in the legislative session. Making sure. I'm really concerned about what's going on in California with this ballad heart harvest thing. I think that that's prone to fraud. So we want to make sure that the absent tee votes through the mail in Florida have integrity. We want to make sure those are documented when they come in, because what Broward was doing supposedly they would get these ballots in during early voting and some abs and tee ballots, and they just never even logged that these things are coming in, and then all of a sudden, forty eight hours after the election, they start counting the seventy five eight thousand votes. That is unacceptable. That causes people to lose confidence in the results. I don't think. I don't think I'm a big fan of month long voting either, because I think that lends itself to some type of corruption at some point, unless you're going to have a representative from every party stand watch over the ballots twenty four hours a day. And the thing is too sean with some of this. The way we do the early and absent tee and I'm not sure we're going to necessarily move away from vote by mail in Florida because it's a lot of people like to do it. I imagine we're going to continue to have some level of early voting. But the thing is, some of these states you start voting in like the beginning of October. My first debate with my opponent in the governor's race wasn't until October twenty first, people were already voting before we even had a debate. And so I think that the more you spread out the voting, obviously you have different issues with administration, potential for fraud in different areas. But then it's like, are we making like one crisp decision as an electorate And you don't really do that anymore. It's kind of like a rolling process, and not all voters have the same access to the same information when they choose to cast their ballots. So it's just a little different. All right, last question and then we'll let you go. So the three governors that I got to know best in New York were Rick Scott, who's now going to be a senator, Rick Perry of Texas, and Bobby Jinda when he was the governor of Louisiana. These three governors came up to New York and I couldn't believe they were up all the time, and I was always asking why are you here? And I thought, what are you taking free New York vacations? It was never the case. They were all competing successfully to get and entice and talk to big businesses in New York with their high taxes, burdensome regulation, horrible winners, and enticing them to states like Florida where they're going to get a better lifestyle and be able to produce more of their product at a cheaper rate and get you know, much better deals for homes and everything else in between. And so many people have moved down there. Probably one of the reasons, two of you, those three states don't have a state income tax. Yeah, exactly, And so what's going to happen. I'll continue that, but I think we can even do it at a greater level, because this spring is the first year where people are going to have to still out their tax returns and not be able to deduct the state tax state income taxes, and so that's going to hit a lot of people in New York. It's going to hit a U shaan big time. It's going to hit people in New Jersey Canal. So if I if I lived down the there are six months on a day, I can officially be a Florida resident. That's right. And the amount of money you will save, I mean, you could buy a new house down there. I know you give a lot of money to charity. I mean you're talking probably give millions more dollars to charity. I mean, it would be better off for Florida's economy, but I think the money would be better rather than wasted. You know, in the New York I'm looking at my whole staff. My whole staff is looking at me. Hey, stupid, why don't you make the move? Stupid? That's what I was telling me what they're eyes right now. You could make the move. You could pay to relocate your staff, you could probably pay for them to have new homes, and you'd still save me. I mean, and that's why the only thing that worries me is you got people from these high tacks Northeast states, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts. It's happening. People have been leaving states like Michigan and drove, but Illinois California. They can move to Florida, they can into Texas, but they can't. They can't bring their liberal views with them. They've already helped destroy one state. You can't. Don't go down and ruin the next state that you're living in. I can tell you this from the people that particularly in the Midwest, the people that move down from the Midwest to Florida, they are really really a strong um for US, usually at its Republicans. I mean, we register a lot of transplanted Midwest shirts because I think, yeah, they tend to go to the southwest part of Florida, Naples, Fort Myers, Sarasota, UM and you know a lot of people from the New York teams seemed to gravitate towards US. Oh yeah, yeah. But these people get it. And I think that we've had a lot of success with folks coming down from from particularly the Midwest. Listen, you take away the Panhandle and boy, they came out in huge numbers for you, and you take away Southwest Florida and you got a blue state in Florida, you know, especially Southeast Florida. I four corridors always up for grabs. That's always a tough spot. Right, yeah, so you know, and I actually, I mean I did better than most Republicans do in Southeast Florida in terms of lowering the margins. And we did do good in the Panhandle, now, the place that got hit by the hurricane. They did come out and vote, you know, pretty good numbers, but their increase wasn't quite what some of these other counties were. And I think the hurricane had a lot to do with it. But and then we held our own in central Florida. But yeah, Southwest Florida, where you came for us, Shawn, was huge, and then you were up in Northwest Florida for us too. Those are two huge areas for Republicans and they came in big for us. All Right, Ronda Santa's congrats on being governor. And we're looking forward to every time you're in New York, comes stop by. And I have no problem with you offering better deals for people. That's the free market system and companies that want to save money and have less government government burden, some regulation on their backs. Florida is obviously the top state. It's my second home now, So all right, Ron de Santas, Thankish Studio for your naples, Sean, so that the movement all right. Thank you, sir, get to our busy bones as we continue eight hundred ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a proud member of the program. We love having you. As we say hi to Frank Is in Los Angeles, KiB what's up, Frank? How are you sir? Hey Sean, I'm doing well, thank you, and I appreciate you taking my call. Just real quick, just following up on what you were speaking about yesterday with Christmas and that type of stuff. And first of all, I'm not a highly religious person, but I noticed where I live out in the west end of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, and there's an area called the Commons in Calabasas, and I was looking for the Christmas tree that they normally put up there for the holiday season, and I noticed it was gone. So I called up the company that owned that, this guy Rick Caruso from Crusoe Development, and they were telling me that they're not going to have a tree today for this year because the tree died, So no artificial tree, nothing along those lines. So I I not to be conspiratorial on it, but I also don't want to be a sap and I wonder that if that's just one more thing where you know, Christmas is not what it was. Look, I go out of my way because I have friends of all backgrounds, faiths and religions. And when you say Mary Christmas somebody, you're not saying it to offend them if you know that, Like, for example, Hanneka is going on now, and I say to many of my friends that I know that they're celebrating Hanaka, Happy Honeka. And I just think at the end of the day that it's it's kind of a basic simple thing to do. All right, quick break right back. We'll continue on the other side. Also, we'll be checking in with Cheryl Atkinson. Her case is moving forward as she was spied on by her own government. She'll explain next volunteering to serve in World War Two, as I was going on a service as ambassador, CIA director, congressman, vice president, president, whole life of public service. Dondrup has been a life of service to himself, and they both believe that the residency is bigger than themselves, which is not something that that this president always adheres too bad. I think this is also a twenty four hours of nostalgia about what leadership used to look like in this country. There's a great clip from nineteen eighty when George H. W. Bush is challenged on his how tough he is, and he talks about toughness is about having values and standing for them, being principles. Toughness is not attacking. But as a candidate, he said, those who think we're powerless to do anything about the Greenhouse effect of forgetting about the white House effect. And then he signed into law the Clean Air Act Amendment of nineteen ninety one of the most sweeping environmental statutes ever. Yeah, this president that we have now is trying to unravel everything that he did and Obama did, and we focus on the president police. I don't want to talk about trouble. We're honoring a great president. Is that I wanted to talk about honoring. But I'm not interested in your one issue. I'm talking right twenty four now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one sean are toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Cheryl Atkinson is with us. She hosts her own show on Sinclair Media called Full Measure. On Sundays. He's the author of the New York Times bestseller The Smears and Stonewald and I read a column by you about it was thick. All the examples you had listened listed of all the times, Cheryl, the media has misreported lied to the American people as it relates to Donald Trump. Um, it sounds like it's It would be the definitive book called fake news, if you will. What was remarkable to me when I started compiling the examples was I was looking for other examples too, like mistakes that came out that were happening to be in favor of Trump. But there there weren't any. I mean, there may still be some, maybe I haven't seen them all, but all of them, coincidentally, were mistakes that hurt Trump or were intended to hurt Trump. And also mistakes by some of the formerly most well respected news organizations in the world, making bush League junior mistakes that wouldn't be tolerated in journalism school, but usually with pretty much total impunity. Give me some of the best or worst examples that kind of shocked you. I think one of the most definitive because it set the stage in the tone was the Time magazine reporter that on the day of President Trump's inauguration falsely reported that he had removed the bus statue of Martin Luther King from the oval author But the origin of that mistake was the reporter not even doing the basic due diligence that we learned were required to do in journalism school. And I don't even think you have to be taught this to check your facts. If you think you see something missing or you hear it, you call an ask and someone would have immediately told him that it was still there. He just didn't see it, and they had to issue a correction because that went worldwide. Of course, the correction never travels quite so far as the original misreporting. The reporting. The reporting is on A one. The correction is on page eight thirty seven in the left hand bottom corner with the tiniest print they could ever make up and in the terms. Yeah, the mistake is circulated, it goes viral on Twitter, and the correction is not seen. You know, I've been doing now for over a year and a half and I have an ensemble cast that has been helping us, and tonight we have a very explosive report as it relates to a series of email chains have now been discovered and in them, without giving away all the details of this, top officials knowingly knew that they never verified what turned out to be the lying dossier of Christopher Steele. But it didn't stop them from using the bulk of the information from that unverified, uncorroborated, bought and paid for Russian propaganda of Hillary. It didn't stop them from committing a fraud on a FISA court, but not only once four separate times applications. They also purposely withheld the origination of such a report, and they held it out as if they had gone through proper protocol and procedures in vetting, and that they were they had verified it and corroborated it, and they never did. And these are many of the top names, top name people you would know. And I'm just sitting back and I'm watching that. If you or I committed a fraud like that on the court, I think we'd probably be looking at serious jail time. Why doesn't the court care? I think you put your finger on something that people don't understand. I think widely how important it is. Because there's something I've written about and I was tipped off to this by someone in the Inteli agencies called Woods procedures. These were instituted in two thousand and one because of abuses and material presented to the FISI Court. That said, from that point on, this information, every fact presented to the FISU Court must be personally verified by the FBI, not just in a secondhand way or some media reports, personally investigated and verified, and if a single fact is not verifiable, they have to go back to the drawing board. They're not allowed to go to the court. This seems to me on its face to violate what is a very very serious rule and perhaps a criminal violation inside the Justice Department that nobody seems to care about. That that was instituted in two thousand and one under by the way, Muller when he was head of the FBI. How is it possible? I mean, you are closer, more of a more in the mainstream media than I've ever been. You know. It's funny people ask me all the time, although they'll make a statement, well, you're not a journalist, and I say, we view my job description as being a journalist. I think I'm a talk show host. But under the banner of being a talk show host, Cheryl, I can give you hours and hours of radio and television coverage where I was a straight news reporter. In other words, I just report the facts about a story that's unfolding. That's part of my job, a big part of my job. We've done investigated reporting on, for example, Obama's radical ties prior to the election in two thousand and eight, and many most of those stories, the media wouldn't go near, they wouldn't even touch them. You know. Imagine that he starts his career in the homes of Bill Aires and Bernadine Dorne and he only got asked one time. And it only happened because George Stephanopolos was on my radio show the day before and I said, what are you going to ask him about Aris and Dorne? He said, who were they? He had never heard of him, you know. Or the same with the Deep State investigation, which I know you have also done some work on. But we've been able to discover a lot of information about the that Hillary Clinton did have classified and top secret information on it, and we do now have pretty well confirmed that it was hacked by at least six foreign intelligence services that in spite of what James Comey said that they were writing an exoneration in early May. He was doing it with Peter Struck before they interviewed her in early July, and before they exonerated her, and in the meantime they had changed the legal standard from gross negligence to extreme carelessness. And then we know that they immediately began the witch hunt into Donald Trump with no reason whatsoever to go forward. But they ignored that Hillary bought and paid for a Russian dossier by funneling money through a law firm, to an op research group, to a foreign national. I didn't think foreign nationals was post to impact our elections, and that he got all this Russian dirt supposedly on Donald Trump. It's known as the dossier. That information was disseminated to the American people. It was used as the bulk, according to the Grassley Graham Newnes memos, the bulk of information to obtain FISA warrants against the Trump campaign associate and then later used as a media leak strategy to bludgeon and delegitimize Trump because they had this plan, this insurance policy in place. Now that sounds a lot worse than General Flynn, who served as country thirty three years and five years in combat, doesn't it? Well, it does, And I've become convinced, based on the evidence that's come out in the past year and a half, that there's something you can either call procedure narrative or I think an operation that was conducted and has been conducted that involves the news media using the news media, that involves leaks, that involves foreign intelligence, that involves our own intelligence, surveillance, and all kinds of things designed to controversialize this president and those around him and to keep him, in particular General Flynn, who was going to look at allow surveillance abuses inside the intel community that occurred in recent years, to keep them from getting close to that. And it's been very successful in those terms, because any time President Trump suggests getting close to digging around or looking at some of these alleged abuses, they can cry obstruction and do whether it is or not. And with that part of the insurance policy they discussed in advance. So I think all of these things are coming together in a pretty clear way that you would be hearing more about if the tables were turned party wise. It immediately on. We need is one attorney general that believes an equal application of our laws and equal justice under the law, because if we do, then all of these things will be investigated and all of these things will be prosecuted. And General Flynn, who is speaking to is soon to be Russian counterpart after the election, does not represent any collusion of any kind. But meanwhile, this guy lost his house, couldn't afford the lawyers involved, and he now you may face a little jail to it doesn't look like it, but I hope to God not, but a year of his life is gone. You were involved in your memoir. You recalled that a source connected to a government agency implicated a a sophisticated entity that used commercial, non attributable spyware that is proprietary as a to a government agency, either the CIA, the FBI, Defense Intelligence Agency, or a national security agency in a breach. And you're suing the Justice Department of the Obama years of illegally surveiling your computers and seeking thirty five million in damage. By the way, the information that they got on General Flynn was obtained illegally, How is your case going? Well, we're still in there four years later, which has itself an accomplishment because, as you may know, the government enjoys all kinds of automatic immunity, and they've been fighting this case still under Trump, saying people as did under Obama, the Justice Department fighting using your tax dollars and kind of trying to bleed me draw and avoid discovery. You know, we need discovery to get the names of the people who are involved in this operation, which has been confirmed with parts of five different forensics exams. But we can't get the names if they won't agree to discovery. And instead of launching their own criminal investigation, which is what the Justice Department ought to have done long ago, into those intrusions, which are confirmed, they're defending the intruders in court. So there is you may know, no press groups step forward, no civil liberties groups step forward to assist in the case. And when some attorneys found out that recently, when I spoke of a Fourth Surveillance Abuse conference to some lawyers, they started a Fourth Amendment litigation fund for me. And you know, because this has become extremely expensive, so there is a go fund me related to it, and we're going to keep going as long as we can't. We have oral arguments now scheduled, which is positive for late January in this case to try to get discovery. If we allow the abuse of the powerful tools of intelligence that we entrust to our intelligence community to turn them on the American people like this, and this is when you were investigating issues like Benghazi and some other things, then we're no better than the former Soviet Union in any way. All right, war with Cheryl Atkinson on the other side of this, we'll put that go fund me link up on our website Hannity dot com. Straight ahead, right, if we continue with Cheryl Atkinson, eight hundred nine one Sean is our number. So you were able to get some attorneys that took on your case, and you now know for a fact that within the government they illegally surveiled, unmasked, and then leaked raw intelligence on him. And in your case, it's pretty much the same thing. Now you have all the evidence, forensic evidence that one of these agencies systems will put on your computer and you're hacked for the purpose of your government getting the information that you were producing on topics they didn't like covered. Is that correct? It is? And I think you know my case came out out CBS announced the remote intrusion a few months after we had discovered them internally and started investigating them. But my case happened. We discovered it with the help of some intell in writers, before Edward Snowden, before Clapper gave misinformation to Congress, before we knew the government had spied on AP and Fox News. So it seems so incredible at the time, But now it's important, not because of me, because I know it's important to me, but why should it be important to other people? It was a symptom of this entire system of surveillance abuses going on that they are now trying not to let us dig into, which is why I think, at least partly why they did what they did to Trump and his associates. So my case figures in very prominently in that whole alleged cover up of what these agencies have been doing for years, including by the way, under Mueller, who's now investigating it. And I'm not saying he's not an honest broker. I don't know him. I know people who like him, I know people who like him less, but he was in charge of the FBI with some of these things were happening, so you know, it's all very twisted and tied up together. I've had people on those programs say that every phone call, every text, email is metadata stored. Now, these are guys that were involved in the system. I've never been able to confirm it myself, but it sounds a little nineteen eighty four ish to me. But in your case, you actually have hard evidence that you are specifically targeted and they were using the powerful tools of intelligence that we entrust to them. We'll continue to follow at Cheryl Atkinson, thanks so much for being with us. We appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Sean second, McCann McCay good command. McCabe was fired for lying multiple times within the FBI. You defended his character on Twitter. That's okay. Lying is okay internally, No, it's definitely not. In fact, the McCabe case illustrates what an organization that's committed to the truth looks like. We investigated hold I ordered that investigation. We investigate and hold people accountable. Good people lie, I lay out the book. I think I'm a good person. Where I've lied, I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person. But the Inspector General found that he lied and there's severe consequences in the Justice Department for lying, as there should be throughout the government. Well, I did see the President at the Phoenix airport the other night as I was landing he was headed out. He did come over and say hello and speak to my husband and myself and talk about his grandchildren and his travels and things like that. So that was the extent of that, And no discussions were held in any cases or anything of that. And he didn't raise anything about that either. Presidents tweeted innumerable times calling you a leaguer. That's your response to President Trump. Look, it's true. I mean I'm the one who testified about it. That's how people know about it. I gave that unclassified memo to my friend and asked him to give it to a reporter. That is entirely appropriated. It's not appropriate when it's classified information that would be under the Espionage Act eighteen USC. Seven ninety three. If you look at every single thing that now has happened A General Flynn, by the way, News went round up Information Overload hour eight hundred and nine four one. Shann as our number. You want to be a part of the program, all right, So we have these different codes and laws that make it unlawful to send or to store classified information on personal email that is not in dispute for Hillary Clinton, and I want you to think through this through the prism of a thirty three year serviceman three star by the name of Lieutenant General Flynt, because all the other people that supposedly lied that committed crimes, they haven't been in jeopardy in the last year as we have been peeling away every single layer of the onion. You know, miss you just start at the beginning. Executive Order one three, five, two six, eighteen USC. Seven ninety three, the Federal Code makes it unlawful to send or store classified information on personal email. Okay, Well, James Comey admitted to that too, doing his own personal business on his private email. So he and Hillary have a lot of similar issues that are in play. And you have a violation of the two thousand and nine Federal Records Act and National Archives and Records Administration. They require that agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records center received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency of record keeping. Well, if you used deletions and bleach bit and hammers, you're not preserving it, or you're preserving the law. That would also be a violation of the Freedom of Information Act, where it states very clearly, especially with the State Department, over many violations, where they are supposed to keep all of these records for the purpose of oversight in one case, in the case of government oversight, in the case of we the people have oversight when it's not related to national security issues. You remember Loretta Lynch under her watch, because that was an important point. Although the Loretta Lynch described the meeting as primarily social, talking about golf and grandchildren, she was just about to make the decision about whether or not Bill Clinton's wife when they met on the tarmac and Arizona had committed crimes while overseeing the investigation into his wife and that private email server. And there's one law after another. Employees shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual. There was nobody in the world that would be facing the crimes that Hillary was facing. And the Attorney General meets with that person's spouse, that's never gonna happen, or employee shallow endeavored to avoid any actions creating the appearance that they're violating the law or ethical standards. These are specific mandates. You know, you've got James Comey and you look at him and all the different things that we've talked about. James Comey publicly admitted that he gave the memos of his interactions with President Trump to his Columbia law school professor friend. And then why for the purpose of The New York Times leaking it? For the purpose of getting a special counsel put in place? James Comy closed out the Clinton email investigation and telling Congress he made the decision to clear her after she was interviewed by the FBI. But the FBI documents, we know that that exoneration was written in early May, and the handling of the Clinton administration. Why was no grand jury impaneled in that case? Why was it taken out of the hands of the field agents? Comey publicly admitting that he gave memo recordings of his interactions with President Trump? Really, who does this? Then? A of course, the dossier and this is where we're going to have big news tonight on Hannity, But you want to know the people that lied. James Capp Clapper lied to Congress. C USA today, or the Guardians story on John Brennan lying to Congress, or Loretta Lynch in the New York Post a great article about her. We'll put him up on Hannity dot Com lying to Congress, James Comey lying to Congress, Loretta Lynch on another occasion, or James Comey lying to Congress because they contradict each other. You know, then you've got Eric Holter. We knew about that elied to Congress. Lowe's Learner lied to Congress. Great article to Washington Times about her. Jack lew the Treasury secretary. Washington Post had a story about the lies he told Congress about a key part of the Iranian deal. We know the deputy FBI director McCabe lied, and we have Clinton aide Cheryl Mills lying to DOJ officials and Uma Aberdeen same thing. When does the lying stop? Why is it only General Flynn that's in this position? Denise McAllister as US co author of Spygate, which, by the way, is required extensive research on the Muller team. Greg Jarrett number one bestseller of the Russia hoax. I don't see any of these other important people being brought up on charges of having light and being treated the way that General Flint is being treated. Greg. Well, you're right, because there's sort of two standards. If you're connected or support Donald Trump, you will have the full force of the federal government coming after you with a vengeance. But if you're a member of the Obama administration or friends of Bill and Hill, you get a free pass on everything. And this is why Americans have come to distrust and indeed fear their own government, especially the FBI and the Department of Justice. As you and I were talking last night, I mean it's come to the point now. You know, if Muller or the FBI comes to your or wants to talk, shut the door, don't talk, call the nearest lawyer, Do not hand over documents. Um. And you know, because Muller plays a gotcha game. If you don't remember a memo or an email you sent two years ago, you can bet he's got his hands on it and he's waiting for you to say, I don't recall send that memo. Well what if you don't recall? I mean I was trying to be a little clever with you last night on TV when I said, you're well, no, think about this. This is an important day in your life. The day you would work, you know, well over a year pounding out every word alone in your book because I watched you do it. Your your office is two doors down from mind and every day so are you working and working and working anyway, So you get to this momentous day and the book finally comes out and we're talking about it on the show, and I said, do you remember the conversation that we had that day? And your answer is no, you don't remember specifics of that conversation. So of course not if you were saying that to Robert Muller, I guess that means that you lied under oath like General Flynn. General Flynn was supposed to remember the contents of a meeting that he had with as soon to be counterpart at a time that was frenetic with a newcoming incoming administration. I don't believe that that standard is ridiculous to me. Well, you're absolutely right, And in fact, Muller could never prove a case in a court of law that he's brought against people like Popadopolis and Flynn because under the law, look at the statute to eighteen USU. One thousand and one, it requires that the alleged false statement being made knowingly and willingly failing to properly recollect something is not a crime. And yet Muller criminalizes that which is not a crime to come after you for partisan and political reasons. Let me bring in our good friend D. C. McAllister here and get your take on the whole Flint situation and the massive double standard. By the way, tonight at nine, we're blowing open a story that is it should shock the conscience of every American. We now have discovered email chains. I'll give you a hint that has to do with figs abuse. Everything we've been saying, except now we've got smoking gun evidence tonight. But Denise as our DC, as you look at this, I'm just wondering. This is we're literally watching the destruction of our justice system because we're not applying the laws equally. All these people that I mentioned either lie to Congress, lie under oath. Hillary Clinton has exhibit A. They didn't spend the last year of their life having to sell their house because they're being haunted by a witch hunt and now potentially facing even some jail time, having massive amounts of time with the Special Counsel, trying to get an a little nugget he can get so he can get a Trump and hoping that somebody composes. So how do you fix a system that's gone that far awry? Well, the first thing you need to do is expose it. And Greg is right, there's a two tier system of justice in our justice system. And you see this throughout this investigation, from the very beginning all the way through the Special Counsel, and we're seeing it today and with General Flynn. Remember that was in the middle of a counterintelligence investigation. It was not a criminal investigation. When they interviewed him, they had the transcript before them of what he had said. So why were they even asking him what he had said if they already had what he had said, Because we remember, this is a counterintelligence investigation, So the whole interview that was going on was not even necessary. It reeks of a set up. And then they pounded on him that was in my nineteen times, trying to get information out of him because they need him to be the connection between Trump and the Russian government. To have any kind of real crime going on there again, as they've been doing from the very beginning, looking for a crime, using people to look for a crime, setting up, maneuvering, manipulating any little thing, like you said, that is overted, forgotten, maybe even a little lie, because you're trying to cover for somebody. As you know, he didn't want Pence to look bad when he came out and said there had been no Russian conflict contacts during the campaign. These are the kind of things whenever this happens, Mueller's there, you know, with the trap, and he needs it. He needs to have his probe justified and legitimized, because from the very beginning this has been to cover up and gets you deflected away from the crimes of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton. And that's the point. The double standard, you know, is glaring, and especially how do you have an investigation into Russian collusion and influence the twenty sixteen election and not go after Hillary's bought and paid for dacier that was put together by an admitted liar who even after the fact, after being fired, after admitting that it was unverified and raw intelligence and he didn't know if any of it was true, Greg Jarrett. But then he's still contacting the Department of Justice visa Vie Bruce Orr and trying to send messages to Special Counsel Muller. So the special counsel that you know, is mad at the lying of General Flynn, was seeking the lies of Christopher Steele, the liar. Yeah, you knew. It is anathema to fairness and justice to be selective in how you enforce the law. If anybody engaged in a Russian collusion, it was Hillary Clinton who paid for Russian information, fed it secretly to the FBI and the Department of Justice to damage Trump. As I recounted my book, The Russia Hoax. That's a violation of the law. And I explain why. And yet nobody has ever investigated, much less prosecuted, Hillary Clinton and the others involved in that elicit scheme. And yet you know, there is not a sentilla of evidence did anyone in the Trump campaign, much less President Trump ever colluded or conspired or coordinated with Russians to win the election. Just look at I wrote a column published last nine o Fox news dot Com. It's entitled Muller strikes out trying to nail Trump. Flinn sentencing memo is a big nothing. If you examine the sentencing memo and the addendum, there is nothing in there that ties Trump and Russia to this amorphous and elusive crime called collut and that article that Greg is referring to us up on Hannity dot Com. Stay right there more with DC McCalister, Greg Jarrett eight hundred and nine for one Shaun on number all right, I'm gonna wrap things up. We got about thirty seconds aage four. DC McCalister and Greg Jarrett. Greg will start with you with this blockbuster coming out tonight, and all these people we know light, is there now a standard set? Will they now be held accountable with a new confirm by the Senate Attorney General, somebody like Congressman John Radcliffe, who would be great in that position. The answer would be yes, he will hold these people accountable. So I'm optimistic it'll happen. DC. Well, we also have to remember that the Ighaws reports coming out in his own investigations, and there's a bit of a war probably going on there in the Justice Department between these two entities. You're trying to get to the truth, and I think Mueller is really afraid of what Horowitz is going to come out with, and if he does his job like he did in the first report, they will be held accountable and exposed. Well, can't come soon enough, all right, DC McAlister Greg Jarrett, thank you. Eight hundred nine fold one, Sean Tolfree telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We have some Christmas issues we've got to sort through. We'll get to them and much more as we continue. All right, as we continue, Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine fold one, Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, eight hundred nine four one sewn if you want to be with us? Joining us now is Pastor Robert Jeffers. He's the pastor of the First Baptist Church. It's a huge, beautiful church in Dallas. And Pastor Daryl Scott, he's the executive director of the National Diversity Coalition for President Trump, senior pastor at the New Spirit Revival Center, also a beautiful church. The only church you know. I think these are the only two churches in America that ever let me speak in them, and I did a horrible job each time but I tried my best. Anyway, welcome both of you. So the scene was you have this scene set up over the weekend, and it was baby Jesus in side a black cage in Boston and three wisemen separated by offense with a sign that reads deportation. Obviously they're talking about the caravan and not having open borders, etc. I'm like, we can't leave even Christmas, and even Christmas every year has to become political, right Pastor Jeffers, Well, that's right, and son, this illustrates how the left has allowed their hatred for Donald Trump to blind them to the truth, including the truth about Christmas. I mean, Christmas is not about immigration, It's about salvation. Jesus wasn't some illegal immigrant. He was the Son of God. And you know, there's nothing in the Christmas story tell us that Mary, Joseph and Jesus entered Egypt illegally, and they certainly didn't come in a caravan filled with five thousand people, including criminals who wanted to do harm to the Egyptians. This is absolutely Luda, Chris, It really is absolutely insane. But the environment we live in, Pastor Scott I told the story the other day, and the reaction to it was unbelievable. Just that we have an update to the story, and we had a substitute teacher first grade five and six year old kids who is telling the kids that Santa isn't real. It's at this Montville Township Public school and anyway, so the teacher first graders, you know, took it upon herself and you know, says, well, no, Santa is not real, Easter Bunny's not real, and tooth fairies not real, elves are not real, reindeer can't fly. I mean, just seemingly taking license to contradict the values of the parents. Now, we all know that's fake news. We know Santa Claus is alive. We know Santa Claus is real, and reindeer fly, and Rudolph exists, and elves exists. Anyone who reports anything else's fake news, right pastor Scott, listen, you know that's movie running. Those are things that need to be taught in the home, and that's a that's a privilege the parents enjoy with their children to bring them along in those stories the way they want to. This major scene is simply political propaganda, cloaked and pseudo social spirituality. It was never mentioned during Obama's term, and you know that with all of the other injustices and human rights violations that occur all over the world, it seems as if, especially this particular parish, they choose which one is the political hot topic of the day, especially if it makes this administration, if it reflects negatively on this administration. They choose which ones out of the political hot topic of the day, and they try to make it some spiritual issue. Maybe I'm wrong for saying this, and I don't want to disrespect anybody, but they need to put up a displayed announcement of pedophilia in the Catholic Church and ask with Jesus accept that, whether than with Jesus accept illegal immigration, because well, I listen, I was raised a Catholic. Just I'll give you both some background. I was raised Catholic. I was an altar boy. I went to Catholic schools for twelve years years the last fort high school that was a prep seminary. And to get into the school, you said you would, You had to say that you would consider the priesthood. And my father made me do it, and I said, he really did. He was pushing hard. Three weeks in they pulled me aside everybody, but you didn't. We wouldn't want you. Um, so I was disqualified three weeks into my four year education at the high school. But in all seriousness that to me, this is a church made rule because and you guys know more than I do, Robert Jeffers, because weren't eleven of the twelve Apostles married, And wasn't it okay for the first eleven hundred years of the Catholic Church for priests to marry, And all of a sudden they changed the rules and then probably knocked out ninety five percent of potential eligible people that would maybe want to serve in that capacity. Well, that's right, of course. Peter, who Catholics considered to be the first pope. The Bible talks about his wife and so I mean, I mean the scriptures very clear, but you know, I and I'm not sure that Catholic bash. But you know, speaking of immigration, I mean, the pope is all wet when it comes to immigration policy. And Saunders narrated by both Protestants and Catholics that says that somehow President Trump is Unchristian for securing the borders. I mean, the fact is look at the Bible. God is not an open borders kind of guy. On the He's the one the Bibles who established nations and borders. And President Trump is fulfilling his God given responsibility and securing the borders and keeping citizens safe. That's what government is, what it's supposed to do according to the scriptures. See. I just know that there's still like, for example, I think the masses of a very beautiful reminder of the Last Supper. I think a lot of that prayers are great, but they have done such incredible damage because this scandal reached to the highest levels of power within the Catholic Church. And I don't know Pastor Scott if they ever get to recover from that. And listen, I could just say, I speak for myself as I now. I just consider myself a nondenominational Christian. I believe in God the Father and Jesus's Son and who came to save all of us from our sins. A lot more mind than yours, probably, but you know, and I believe the story. I believe it's true. And that's Christianity. That's Christianity, one on one denominations, you know, And there's nothing wrong with the denominations. They are simply groups of people that endeavor to come together and do a work for God. But we can take these things, and we can distort them, and we can cause them to fall away from their original purpose. Catholicism has a lot more problems to deal with that are bad reflection on this nation and on the world and on the Catholic Church than illital immigration and the caravan that has been used for political purposes. And once again when they thought about Jesus not accepting it, no he wouldn't. And you know one thing Jesus didn't. Jesus never organized a rebellion, a picket siege, or he said, gift Caesar he is, give God he is. He didn't come. Let me give you my shot at an interpretation of that right, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's right. So if God is the creator of the heavens and the earth and all things visible, seen and unseen, that would tell me that God owns everything and Caesar owns nothing. So what you render unto Caesar, Caesar doesn't own it, but God allows him to have it. That's a pretty good interpretation it is gone. And look, I mean the Bible says God created government just like he created the church for a different reason. I mean that our church, we don't check people's green card to see if they can come into our services or not. But you know the country is not a church. God created God. How come when I went to a church, I was padded down for like twenty five minutes by your guys and can come back after your sermon. We were ready to ordain you about that. Such a lie. That is such a pastor not allowed to lie. Only we mere morals can lie that Listen, I actually think that what bothers me is like. For example, if I know somebody right now is celebrating Hanaka, I always say happy Honaka. You know, I ask people about what their family traditions are, how they celebrate the holiday, um and the and the same with people that I know of other faces, I will be out of respect. But if I say to somebody, am out shopping and you can't it says big Christmas sale, But you can't say if you work there in the story, you can't use the words merry Christmas. Well, Fortunately we have a president who's made that more in vogue to do again. And look, the fact is you cannot deny the fact that whether you accept Jesus as the Messiah, no human has ever done more to influence the world in Jesus Christ. And that's something everybody can celebrate, Christian or non Christian. The line, what have either one of you? Go ahead all around the world and in America as well, and you know you're not allowed to say married Christmas, but they don't want to hamper any other religions from expressing their sentiments during their whatever their holy times are. Let me ask you this, do you think that why is there a resistance when you have all these public schools and you're in Cleveland, pastor Scott, all these schools where our kids can't read and write, and you got teachers saying Santa doesn't exist to five year olds, and elves don't exist, and reindeer don't fly. And I'm thinking, augh't they not be focused on reading, writing, and math, considering we spend more per capital per student than any other industrialized country and have the worst results and the worst bang for our buck. Absolutely right, do your job. Your job is to teach my child, not raise my child. It's my job to raise them. It's your job to teach them, and you teach them whatever the curriculum is, teach them reading, writing, rithmetic, or whatever else. But when it comes to raising them and instilling in them the values, the principles that our family subscribe, that's not your job as a teacher. It's not your job. Well, why do they think it's their job to instill values? Eric could great head on. You're not a political opinion. It shan is because they have an agenda, and it's more than an educational agenda. They want to separate this nation from its Christian foundation. There is an agenda at work to do that. And look the good news, it doesn't matter what you do. You cannot erase the impact Jesus Christ has had on this world. Every time we write the date twenty eighteen on an email or on a check, we're acknowledging that it's been two thousand and eighteen years since the most important event in human history, the coming of Jesus Christ, and no secular it's as hard as they try can erase that back. But you know that a lot of them want to. I mean a lot of them think that. You know, people forget too. There are court rulings in the early nineteen sixties back to back about prayer in school. There was even Bible reading in school. And I don't know what the fear was, but American public schools did not become a theocracy. But what's interesting is if you look at the worst problems for kids back in that error, when there was religion taught in school, Christianity, Judeo Christian principles taught. Well, the biggest problems in school were talking in class, chewing gum, and running in the halls. And now it's evolved into let's see violence, guns, gangs, murders, rape, pregnancy. I mean, I think we've come a long way after we threw God out of the classroom, but we come a long way in the wrong direction. And this is something that this happened in the last seventy years, these court rulings. For the first one hundred and fifty years of our nation's history, Bible reading and prayer were not only allowed, they were incouraged. And I asked these pinheads from the ACLU when I debate them on Fox, what changed in the last seventy years? Did the constitution changed? And somebody didn't tell us no, we have allowed the secularist to hijack our constitution and to pervert it into something to found bothers never intended. Yeah, Pastor, you want to respond, Pastor Scott, Well, he's absolutely right, and respect for teachers and respect the society as he led it, along with the elimination of Bible wading in school. Now they go to school and there's actual fear for your life inside of the classroom. Knives and guns have replaced Bibles in the schools, and it's a sad state of affairs. And then when we have a movement, we have a president that at least acknowledges the fact of Christianity better this country, there's a backlass against that. And that's part of the reason why the president receives the opposition that he does is simply because he has endorsed Christianity unasshamedly. If he didn't, he would receive the backlass. But that's part of it right there. But I think what is most interesting, maybe a lot of people wouldn't pay Donald Trump as you know, the most religious man in the world, but he's done the most for religion in the country and freedom of religion in the country, and helped out people that are failies and families of faith. And then you add to that Jerusalem now the capital of Israel, which every other president promised and never delivered on. Well, there's no doubt he's the most pro life, pro religious liberty, pro conservative judiciary president we've ever had in history. And you know, I tell people all the time shown when they ask me about President Trump's faith and personally a nicey look. He may not be exactly like us, but at least he likes us and doesn't hate us like Obama did. He hated conservative Christian and President Trump had absolutely become the most face friendly president in history, no doubt about it. As the head of the Diversity Coalition. Do you see now, especially with the low unemployment numbers when you break it down demographically, fourteen states have record low unemployment. African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, are veterans now have the lowest unemployment in many decades. Is that going to result and more votes? Should that continue for the next two years for the president? Because under Obama we had thirteen million more Americans on food stamps and eight million more in poverty. I had a conversation with the White House just yesterday about the messaging. I think we need to be a little more aggressive in our messaging because if we're waiting on the liberal media to promote those facts, they're not going to do it, even with this First Step Act and prison reform. But the media we need to just need to get I think a little more aggressive, more aggressive than our messaging about this, and it's going to translate into a lot more votes. A Pastor Scott, thank you, Pastor Jeffers, thank you, Mary Christmas to both you. All right, that's going to wrap things up for today, all right. And Kennedy investigation, huge, huge development and how secret FBI email chain has been discovered, smoking on evidence that could provide the most damning evidence yet of the FISA abuses in the Russian probe. And by the way, you're not allowed to believe Eve in Santa nine Eastern tonight, Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you then back here tomorrow.