Congresswoman Michelle Steel of California and Republican Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana have an OpEd running in Fox News about the Biden Administration’s increased spending and inflation. They join Sean for the latest on the tragic spending happening in the Biden White House.
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All right, News round up in Information Overload hour eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. We've spoken at length about how dumb some senate Republicans have been some to go along with this ridiculous quote bipartisan infrastructure plan for one point two trillion dollars because Democrats weren't really negotiating, because the whole plan that they weren't even hiding it was to write from the beginning to move towards well planned b which is as they're going to ram everything else through by using the reconciliation process. I mean, it's just that that's what the plan was from the very beginning, and it was just a bad idea for Republicans to give Biden the ability to say, oh, it's all bipartisan twenty seven hundred pages, an awful bad bill won't pay for itself. Only a tenth of its spending is for roads and bridges and other real infrastructure projects. The bill drops all the money on the Democratic you know, new Green Deal, socialist wish list, you know, expand broadband internet access included a new federal entitlement for low income household seventy three billion for clean energy transmission, seven point five billion for electric vehicle charging networks, you know, the pay for itself stuff. Even the CBO said it was two hundred and fifty six billion dollars in terms of the deficit over the next decade. So that was a big lie. And right behind it, remember they already spent six hundred billion. Now they're adding another what three point five trillion dollars, which makes a four point one trillion you know. Oh okay, So what's what's what's in this, you know, spending free for all? Well, it's the new Green Deal. This is the Bernie Sanders Biden manifesto. This is the squad's great dream. This is free community college. This is subsidized childcare. This is free housing. This is you know, it goes on paid and family and sickly. This is free pre K for three and four year olds. This is about climate change. It's all in these bills, child tax credit, extensions, electric cars, green cards, immigration. In other words, tax hikes on business. Business doesn't pay higher tax price taxes. They passed that on too, you taxes on incomes, that's there too. They vaguely call for the salt cap relief well, that's to benefit people like Schumer and Jilla Brand and California Democrats because you can't deduct state and local income taxes. Donald Trump stopped it. By the way, I paid a price for that. As a matter of fact, I ended up paying a lot more because that deduction was taken away from me. I should be doing a backflip over it. But it's not fair to the states that that actually elect politicians that balance their budgets and fund their pensions. Anyway, here to weigh in on all of this, Michelle Steelers with US and Republican whip Steve Scalies. They put up on foxnews dot com an op ed that when the White House celebrated a sixteen sent decrease in prices for select Fourth of July cookout items, Americans were left wondering if they were, you know, making a joke because we're now paying oh well, let's see about a dollar thirty more per gallon of gasoline. We have five point five percent inflation, which means we're paying more for everything we buy than its costing us more to transport everything that's in our grocery stores and in our lows and our home depots and in our pharmacies. That's all because of energy costs now soaring, and then of course the corporate income tax gets passed onto you. So it's all one big lie that you're not going to pay for it. Everybody's paying through the nose. Anyway, Welcome back to the program. A congressman will be in with you. Your take on this and what else am I missing here? Yes, so I'm going to be with you. There's so much in this bill that has nothing to do with infrastructure, and of course they call it an infrastructure bill. Pelosi made it clear from the very beginning the two bills, the infrastructure bill is directly tied to the tax hike bill. So think about this. The infrastructure is the gateway drugs to tax hikes to more spending. And I'm talking not talking about hundreds of billions. I'm talking about trillions of dollars. And that's why Michelle Steell and I wrote that op ed because it highlights all the things people are paying for already in inflation. And you will get even more inflation if you had trillions more in spending, and it's going to only hurt lower in middle income families. Think about it, Bernie Sanders is the guy writing the bill. Do you really think you're not going to pay more in your paycheck for a bill that Bernie Sanders writes to raise taxes so that they can do the Green New Deal amnesty over one hundred billion dollars worth a b for amnesty for illegals. As president Board's got an open border c that's now a super spread vs. At our southern border. That's what this is all about. The two are tied inextricably taxis with very little infrastructure. What's your take, congresswoman, you know what there is. Actually they are creating vehicle mileage tax on the top of gas tax, so this is a double tax station. So this is one point two trillion dollars infrastructure that the money that we sent it just passed out of the five hundred and fifty billion dollars are new funding and rests are tax gimmicks to pay for it. So this is going to cost next ten years, maybe more than ten years. Our kids and our grandchildren have to tapeworth. So why under Governor News them in California. I came from California, and you know, Governor News to me call him it's a dictator. Because he's the one shutdown that all the businesses and all the schools last year, and why we are as as of now that we are drowned and high passes and instant standing by a better government, nationalize it because it's been already failed. That's why we have a recalled election on September fourteen eight this set so people are not happy about it. We have to value taxpayer is hard earned, stating and prioritize the American interest, not just raising taxes. Now. They when they talk about going up the corporate income tax from twenty one to twenty eight percent, Congressmen, and when they talk about, well, this is only going to impact you know, people that make four hundred thousand dollars a year annually. Well, first of all, that's not true. It's not individuals, that's couples. So it's really two hundred thousand per individual. Am I correct on that point? Yeah, San, that's exactly right. And it's like these liberals they want to have amnesia, think that you're going to forget about the past. Just a few years ago, before we were able to work with Donald Trump to cut taxes, when we had that highest rate in the world, the highest corporate rate in the industrialized world, Millions of jobs were leaving America. Great companies, thousands of great companies, recognizable companies were moving out of America in droves because our tax rate was so high. Those are the middle class jobs that will leave again. And people get this, by the way, Sean, you know, the deliberals in Washington think that you're not going to know. Just like they throw their fancy parties. They tell you to stay at home with three masks on by yourself, and they're out partying with their friends with no masks on. They're going to tell you it's not going to affect you if you're a certain income level. Well, when that corporation gets a high enough rate to where they moved their company overseas, and this happened just a few years ago, then those jobs are the first things to go. That's the CEO that's making thirty million dollars isn't going to leave America, but he's going to ship the jobs to America. And those are the lower income middle class jobs that we were building back. President Trump brought our middle class back, created a middle class again. He fought for those hard working men and women who were left behind by Washington. President Biden's trying to leave them behind again by shipping their jobs over to foreign countries with a high tax rate and then creating amnesty with one hundred billion dollars of their tax money to give amnesty to people I came here illegally. You talk about an irony. People get this, They're fed up with it, and I hopefully we can kill it in the House right as we continue. Congresswoman Michelle Steele, Congressmen Steve Scalise on this infrastructure spending spree madness unlike anything we've ever seen in history. In the lies behind it, Congresswoman, I mean, it's actually one hundred and seven billion allocated with immigration and a pathway to amnesty. And my question is the only what need a few Democrats to flip and not go along with this? Are there any moderate voices in the House of Representatives on the Democratic side that are not going to go along with us? I hope not, because far left the progress if it are pushing down. I hope not. You mean you hope that they will. They won't go along with it. None of the Republican is gonna go with them, because my question is will Democrats go along with the Republicans and stop it, I hope. So. I'm not really sure that you know what Democrats are doing, because it seems like that, you know, they are working together and try to work with the progressive episode. So I'm not really sure, but I hope so because we really maybe maybe I guess you're they're the whip for those people that don't understand that Washington speak terminology, and um, you're the vote counter for the Republican side. I can't imagine a single Republican member of the House is going along with us. There's only a five seed difference my last count. Are there any Democrats you see wavering saying that this is not going to help me with my reelection? Too bad? I'm not going along with us, madness Steve, Yeah, Sean, there's probably about thirty to forty Democrats right now that No, they've probably already cast so many votes that we're going to be able to beat most of them anyway. But this bill, the tax hike bill especially, is incredibly unpopular. As much as they think the class warfare games working for them, people get that when you raise taxes, no matter who you raise taxes on, it's going to hurt lower and middle income workers, and it's going to ship millions of jobs out. So they right now can only lose three votes because there's two special elections that don't happen till November. So Sean, between now and November, Pelosi only has a three vote majority. And if we hold all Republicans together on the tax hi bill, which I'm very confident we will, that means if just three Democrats vote with us, and there are a lot more Democrats in moderate districts than three, then she doesn't have the votes today. She doesn't have the votes. She's working to get them, and they're going to try to throw hundreds of billions of dollars around to buy those off. But right now, how many people do you think are leaning against this bill because they know that that's the end of their political career back in their home district. I'm talking about Democrats, a dozen members. You have at least a dozen Democrats right now who have expressed concerns with the bill. Doesn't mean they'll vote no right now, but they're not for it now, which means even if you're you have a lot of listeners, Sean, you have millions of people listening right now, Even if you're represented by a Democrat, pick up the phone and call your member of Congress and let them know how strongly you are opposed to this bill, the bar and money from our kids. Think about it. Our kids are going to get the dissidn't paid for. Even with the tax hikes. There will be hundreds of billions of dollars of debt, which means you're going to give every one of our kids in America a mortgage, but they don't get the house. They will have a mortgage to pay off without the house because of the debt in this bill. That leads to higher inflation, not least of which is going to be less opportunity for our kids. So call your member of Congress right now and tell them why you're against this. We can still hold at least a dozen of them off right now, and then let's just give us time to get more of the information about what's in the bill. There's so much bad stuff in the bill that we just need to keep getting the information out well that I agree with listen, I wish you both luck. I'm not that optimistic. I've seen this movie before, but I will tell you this, this this plan has laid out. We can't afford it, number one. Number two, the American people won't want it. And number three that this is the end of it. This will now put the this, this will be the rise of the Tea Party two point zero. And Americans are going to reject it because they're gonna be paying through the nose and all the lies that are being told, Oh only if you make four hundred thousand dollars a year. First of all, that's per couple, that's not an individual. Oh, we're just gonna we're gonna, we're gonna punish these evil corporations. Yeah, they're gonna pass that cost on too, you. Yeah, the high cost of energy and all this money that they're thrown around all over the place, it's got to come from some place. Well, that's going to come from the American taxpayer. And then we're going to pay more for every single good and service we get. And listen, I can afford all the bacon I want. I do my own grocery shopping. And you know, Oscar Meyer bacon, thick cut bacon used to be you know, five fifty you know for what a pound of bacon. Now it's eight fifty for a pound of bacon where I go shopping. Now, is that impact Sean Hannity, No, it doesn't. At one point in my life had impacted me, I wouldn't have gotten it. But I'm at a point where it doesn't. But it's impacting literally the middle class in this country and people that don't deserve this. And we had an economy that was just on a role, a historic role, with record low unemployment for every demographic group, and we've thrown it all away. We've thrown energy independence away, We've opened up the borders for the biggest super spread event in history. You got China, you know, following through on their you know, graphical ambitions all across the China Sea and lecturing us on human rights. He got putin hacking US left and right, and he's rewarded with a pipeline waiver and a summit. Then you got the Iranian Mullas getting seven billion because of Biden pressure to South Korea to release that money. I'm like, I wouldn't. Why are we fighting for the Mullas and irant This is America last, This is what it means. I hope you got the three votes. If anybody can do it. Steve Scalisee. I know it's you, Congresswoman. It's great to have you on as well. I wish you both success and what you're doing. But I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I'm optimistic. I'm not, and this is going to be disastrous and we're all going to pay the price. We're paying it now. Anyway, eight hundred nine one shuns our number. We'll get to your calls. Final half hour of the program. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Let's take the news of Cuomo in chronological order. Here. First, we're gonna play him saying that the allegations are false, then now today saying I take full responsibility for my actions. I didn't realize I crossed a line. I made a mistake inappropriately touching a female trooper announcing his resignation. Play it so you can hear it in kind of chronological order. The report said I sexually harassed eleven women. That was the headline. People heard and saw and reacted to him. The reaction was outrage. It should have been. However, it was also false. My lawyers, as you just heard from Rita Glavee, and have reviewed the report over the past several days and have already raised serious issues and flaws that should concern all New Yorkers, because when there is a bias or a lack of fairness in the justice system, it is a concern for everyone, not just those immediately affected. The most serious allegations made against me had no credible factual basis in the report, and there is a difference between alleged improper conduct and concluding sexual harassment. At public events, troopers will often hold doors open or guard the doorways when I walk past them. I often will give them a grip of the arm, a pat on the face, a touch on the stomach, a slap on the back. It's my way of saying I see you, I appreciate you, and I thank you. I'm not comfortable just walking past and ignoring them. Of course, usually they are male troopers. In this case, I don't remember doing it at all. I didn't do it consciously with a female trooper. I did not mean any sexual connotation. I did not mean any intimacy by it. I just wasn't thinking. It was totally thoughtless in the literal sense of the word. But it was also insensitive. It was embarrassing to her, and it was disrespectful. It was a mistake. And I think that, given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing. And therefore that's what I'll do, because I work for you, and doing the right thing is doing the right thing for you, because as we say, not about me, it's about we. Jackie Hockl, my Lieutenant governor, is smart and competent. This transition must be seamless. We have a lot going on. I'm very worried about the delta variant, and so should you be. But she can come up to speed quickly, and my resignation will be effective in fourteen days. Here is what I think tip the balance at all of this. It was a powerful interview. I had to go over to the mansion to help the governor with a state of the State speech. I wasn't there late. I did my final edit, and while I was upstairs in the office, the governor said, why don't we take a selfie? So his suggestion, yes, your phone with my phone. I then felt, while taking the selfie, his hand go down my back onto my butt and he started rubbing it, not sliding it, not you know, quickly brushing over it, rubbing my butt and did you ask him what are you doing? Well, this was while I was taking the selfie. I became so nervous that my hands were clearly shaking, and a lot of the photos that I was snapping or completely blurry. I showed him them and he said, oh, you know those aren't you know, those aren't good. And he said, why don't make up? Sit on the couch and we can take a better one. So you said on the couch, I said on the couch because I thought to myself, Okay, I don't think on the couch that he would have a way to just do what he just did. So I felt safer actually on the couch. And in the photo, you know, I have my arm wrapped around his shoulder, you know, almost as if you know, we were taking a picture with a buddy. And that is the one that has been blurred out that it's been not released to the public. Now, that's the second woman that's come on the record. That's Brittany Camiso, so that has said groping, grabbing, fondling, unwanted touching, etcetera. Etcetera. Again, both crimes. I mean, the last statement is this is criminal and it's um you know, it's it's just not going to fly anyway or anyway, let's get to our phones. Uh. One thing I can say is for those of you living in New York, don't think New York is gonna change politically. That's not going to happen right now. Now. Whether whether the people of New York have just had it with high taxes, Albany corruption, Andrew Cuomo, you know, at a gradical Socialist Assembly and Senate, and unequal justice under the law, defunding the police, you know, no fracking that would you know, literally save New York in and of itself. I don't. My hopes aren't high. There's always a chance. I mean, you got he got guys like you know, Rob Astrino, and Andrew Giuliani and what's the name Congressman zeldn't running for governor. He got Curtis Sleewall and running as an independent Republican for mayor of New York City. He'd be a great mayor. He's gonna he's running on Rudy Giuliani's platform. What worked in the Giuliani years he will implement again, and they'll work again if they use them. And a guy who's proven himself, you know, with a lot of street credit by going out there every day in the subways. He's done it for decades to help protect New Yorkers and in the process, you know, taking even in some cases kids that are troubled and giving them a purpose in life and transforming their lives. I've seen it. I've been there. I've seen these guys on the subway when I'm do I go on the subway down. I'm not really one. I'm kind of canceled in New York. When do you say, Linda half canceled. Yeah, it's probably three quarters eighty percent canceled. Depends on where you are, It depends on what put, what point of the day it might be. And then a lot of people say, well, why do you always go to the same restaurants because my friends are in the restaurants protect me. That's what that's They're all family. Is there anybody that that when I become friends with people and and I become a customer, if I like people and owners and so on and so forth, well, what do I go back again and again and again Oh, yeah, I don't you love the same place, local pizza place. I'm sorry, go ahead, what no, I'm saying, you love all the same places. You're a creature habit. Yeah, but I also, you know all you know, much extra food I ordered during a pandemic. If I ever added it up, it would probably rival my son's Uber eat and Grubhub pills, which I don't know about that boy. That guy can eat well. My son graduates college, and you know, he's now running his own thing. He's doing, you know, he's he's making his own money, and I'm like, okay, that's it. You're on your own. He goes. Dad. You said that I could have unlimited amount of money for food. You're not gonna ever yell at me because I buy food, I said, nope. And you have many ubers as I want. You said you unlimited ubers because what parent wants in the age of Uber, you know, their kids to be driving, if they've been out at a party, if they've had a couple of drinks whatever. U So, yeah, I said, yeah, I said, you still have an unlimited you know, amount of foods you can buy, an unlimited amount of Uber that you can use. But the only difference is now you have to pay for it. You could not believe it. And I'm like, And then I'm telling his sister, Yeah, that's you in three years and she's like what. I'm like, what is this a reality check? Here? You know, what's my gift for graduation? I supported you throughout college. Now making money? That's exactly right. That's the perfect kid. Really, I like this. I like this watch. And I said how much is the watch? Now? Anybody that knows me knows I don't wear any jewelry. I hate jewelry, you know. I just wear baseball hats, fireman T shirts and police and FBI T shirts and hats. And I wear my kids schools shirts that they bought me, which are really nice, and I like. I like that, you know what I like? Now? I'm into the long sleeved T shirt. I don't know why. I just love it. It's degrees outside, I know, but I like to sweat, like when I'm working out with sense I love to sweat. So I like you, you know because when I when I saw you recently, we were on the road. You saw me, were like, what are you doing? And I said, don't you like this? Cool? Shirt, and yeah, I like it in the wintertime, not in the summertime when it's really hot. Right now, I have sweat beating off my head because I like to sweat because it just it helps, it helps my energy flow better. Okay, well that's just weird, but you do you No, I'm not being that's not weird. One. You know, we had a good and I had a good workout today even though I'm really injured. But now you're dressed long sleeved and you're sitting perfectly still. Yeah. I mean I can't even begin to tell you the level of pain I feel right now because I just am too stubborn. I'm not going to stop working out all right anyway? Are we? Are we talking about that? Are we not talking about that? No, we're not going to talk about the real party, all right, We're not going to talk about it, all right? Eight hundred and nine four un and you and you know why because nobody really wants to hear it anyway. Number one and number two, Okay, you know we all live little aches and pains and twists and turns and this and that. What do you want me to complain that I that you know, I twisted my knee. That's what it has to do with. And then it's a bigger story than that. But I'm not gonna well, yeah, because you twisted your knee and you were belligerent, you didn't what do you mean? I was belligerent. I wasn't pulling. How long? How long was your knee bothering you? Okay? About two weeks? I'm sorry, how about two weeks? Weeks? So there you go. What does that amuse you? Yes, because you could have gotten to healing faster if you would just admit a little bit. If I view profriend and I took what I put ice on it, I did all. What do you always say? I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to pretend to radio and people throw my words right back in my face. You're just like my kids. That's so annoying. I've been here long enough. Sarah California, the United Socialist Utopia. Hey, Sarah H. September one is the fifteenth. You got a big recall going on out there, we sure, dear, And I'm such a huge partiament right now. I have recalled having me some stickers in my car, hanging off my door on my point one and I've got extras in the back just in case, and we decided to steal my one signs. Oh man, Wow, you're excited. Well, you know it's gonna be about turnout. I think that California this week is mailing out. Last I checked about twenty four million ballots. Good luck keeping the integrity in that system. I'm yeah, I feeling only that. And when they were talking about recall, where I was talking about, well, what about our election integrity before we start even with the recall, but nobody were moving to m listen. I'm not going to be this honest. I'm just gonna be honest. I do not have faith in the election integrity in a state like California that is run solely by one party, so one party state like New York, I don't trust. I totally agree. I totally agree. However, I can't sit back and do nothing. My children are in school, they're back in masks, they're back in school, they're we're looking at these vaccine mandates and we are. I either move out or I push back as hard with everything I have. And this is my last hole on my last push, my last Hey, you know I've been sitting on the fivelines for so long that I needed to get involved. And here I am doing the best I can with what I've got, raising children and having a husband and you know, a career. So life is hard. What you're describing is everybody, you know you were, everybody works hard. You're trying to do good, do good by your kids and raise them right and you know, get them to study, get good grade, take them to their activities. You know, find a little time to have fun as a family. But I mean life's busy. I mean, day to day life is a grind and that's the way it's designed. And I'm really you know, it's kind of like the Brooks and Dune song. You know, that's what it's all about. And if you haven't heard it, google it and listen to it and watch the video, and you know, these are the things that you know, when you really think back, you're most fond of. All Right, we love you, Sara. I'm gonna be watching your stay closely. I promise eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our number. Wrap things up for today, all right, Cuomo resigns will have the very latest. We're not going to ignore what's in this insane infrastructure bill that yes is going to tax and hurt every single American. Loaded up tonight the great one, Mark Levin, Senator Kennedy. He's become like a program hero. Janice Deane has been working hard to get rid of Cuomo. She'll join us. Joe Concho, Mike Huckabee, Greg Jarrett will join us, Sarah Carter's investigation, and Dana Lash and also maybe Granda Santis nine Eastern Hannity Fox will see you then back here tomorrow. Thank you, as always for being with us.