Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, has a new book, Beyond Biden, out November 2nd, available to preorder wherever books are sold” - and today he joins us to take a close look at the infrastructure bill, the extreme spending hurting American taxpayers, and our problems with China, Russia, Mexico, and Afghanistan. America is still great, but she's faltering under the Biden administration.
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An hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn our number on the Friday. You want to be a part of the program. And I never thought America in seven months would go from energy independence to begging opek, begging countries a lot of whom hate our guts to please, please, pretty please produce more oil. Never thought that would happened. I've never seen a sloppier exit out of any country. I mean, this is like Saigon nineteen seventy five in our lifetime, where now Joe Biden, if you remember, Joe Biden was not long ago, just a couple of months ago, saying, oh, the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan is not inevitable. Well, yeah, it's inevitable, to the point where now Joe is begging the Taliban, begging the Taliban please don't destroy our embassy in Cobble and now sending him marines to rest Americans that are still there because the Taliban has taken over nearly seventy percent of the country already, it's over, the country's fallen into the hands of the Taliban, and now we're trying to get our people out safely so they're racing in three thousand Marines to save their lives before something horrible happens. But here's Joe, and he was predicting. He said, no, no, it's not inevitable. They're going to take it over as a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable. No, it is not. Because you have the Afghan troops have three hundred thousand well equipped as well as clipped as any army in the world, and an air force against something like seventy five thousand Taliban. It is not inevitable. There's gonna be no circumstances. You see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy of the United States from Afghanistan undernose circumstances. That's pretty much what is now happening here. Biden administration pleading, begging with Taliban terrorists to spare the embassy in combo this takeover now of all these major cities in Afghanistan, And of course Joe left behind the cash of weapons and motor vehicles to arm the Taliban as as as best he possibly can. You know, they're overrunning now literally almost seventy percent of the entire country. Now we're racing to get people out of the embassy in Cobble. You know, they're close to capturing that US embassy. Now the Marines have been brought into to save people's lives. You know, this was July, by the way, it was only the last month that he said the idea that they'd overrun anything is highly unlikely. Okay, failing to execute the you know Trump warned about this. Mike Pompey was on last night. They had a plan to do this and still keep troops on the ground at least enough intelligence to prevent all of this from happening. With the military might for pinpoint strikes to push back the Taliban, which Joe could have followed through on, which he did not. That didn't happen, and already there are reports of the Taliban abducting women and young girls and turning them into sex slaves. Former Speaker of the House, New King Ridge is with us. I mean, the only thing I can compare this too is Saigan nineteen seventy five. Well, they're very similar in that when a country which is sort of the client of a major power, when the major power pulls out psychologically, no matter how strong the army looks on paper, it begins to just collapse because it knows that the game's over and that the other team's gonna win. And what the President I think did not understand what he said, is if in fact it finishes collapsing, which I think is now inevitable, that means there's three hundred thousand pieces of American equipment that are now going to be owned by the Taliban. They already gotten them, mister speaker. They have most of them anyway, not all of it, but most of them. And if we're racing in Marines just to get people out of the embassy, I doubt we're going to have time to pick up our military cash and then pull that out with us. I mean, the number of vesicles left behind, it looked like it looked like the biggest, you know, used car selling market in a country. Well, it's commands, classically American, and though we tend to be very heavy in equipment and we tend to put huge amounts in, but I think, here what you've got the people need to confront. You know, this is not going to end and the Taliban is not going to say, O, G I'm glad we beat the Americans. Now let's be nice every radical anti American grew in the Muslim world now has a sanctuary in Afghanistan. All true, and it was all unnecessary. You know, when Donald Trump beat back ISIS in Syria and Iraq, he did it with pinpoint accuracy, and literally, you know, the way they did it was brilliant militarily, because what they did is they worked their way backwards. Every city that ISIS took control of in Syria, for example, they would just bomb them out of that city, and then they'd bomb them out of the next city, and then they defeated ISIS and the Caliphate and they took it out. We have military technology, mister speaker, if we just keep enough intelligence on the ground that we could take out all of this with pinpoint accuracy, and seventy percent of the country would not be in the hands of the Taliban. That's right. There were a lot of different ways to help the Afghan government survive, but they required a signal from the US that we were determined that they were going to survive. And the reason I recommend black Hawk Down in thirteen Hours as movies is they remind you that when you get into these kind of third world fights, you're up against people who are very have a very different scale of values. They are very willing to lose a lot of lives. They're committed. They're committed. They think it's a great honor to die well on. The Taliban has been fighting for control since since the Russians in seventy nine eighty, so they've had a very long career. They're in their third and fourth generation of warriors. Um and unless we were prepared to go into northwest Pakistan and take out all their sanctuaries, it's very hard to see how you're ever going to beat them. You can, you can keep them a little neutralized, and we probably could have kept the country, but it would have taken real effort. But would hit me they're now talking about there they're going to fly aircraft in from gutter and all that sort of thing. If we couldn't beat from flying out of Bagram in the middle of Afghanistan, it was a very short flight to drop the bombs and go back and reload. Why would you think we're gonna have a decisive effect buying hundreds and hundreds of miles on a convoluted trip, because remember, we're not going to go through a Rainian airspace and we can't do this anymore. We cannot do this to our national treasure. You know, what are the what are the mothers and fathers and family members thinking about their sons and daughters that were either died or severely injured for this cause. I mean, and let me tell you where it gets worse too. I mean, we were energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. It was right here on this program years ago you launched drill here, drill now, pay less, very very simple slogan. We finally got there. After seventy five years. Now we're back to begging OPEC to produce more oil because Joe shut down all exploration, all pipeline building, all gas exploration, and all our refineries and literally artificially reduce the supply of oil on the world market, which has resulted in Americans paying about a buck thirty more gallon And that's just in six months. Well, I remember, that's at the stage for the Russians who are now dramatically raising the price of natural gas in Western Europe, which is then going to fund even more investment in the Russian military. I mean, well, and that I mean now Vladimir Putin is doing multi, multi billion dollar deals with our allies in Western Europe, which means that he has more influence and control over them than we do, because he could just turn off the Spickeott and he controls the entire region. I say this a little tongue in cheek, but I almost wonder if in the National Security of User's Office there's now a special office of Undermining America. I mean, I wonder all we could do this week to school up the United States. Well, it really kind of makes you wonder, now what level of compromise the Biden family has as it relates to Russia. Because Vladimir putin cyber attacks, gets awarded a waiver to build his pipeline while we simultaneously shut down the Keystone XEL pipeline. He gets the summit even in light of the cyber attacks. Russia and China are both arming Iran so they can fight their proxy wars, and then we got China on top of it. Yeah, and then we just learned that Hunter Biden may have had a laptop stolen by the Russians. That's his third lost laptop. Correct, There's enough on that first laptop that the FBI has possession of to arrest Hunter Biden, and yet the FBI has had it all this time and they haven't. Can you explain to me why that's likely? Sure? Exactly why it's like it's called having somebody take a hammer to destroy a hard drive and deleting twenty three thousand emails and sitting there smiling because you're Hillary Clinton. And the problem is, as they can in this case, because other people have copies of it. We have there a copy. Well, it may all come out, but the truth is the Justice Department has been so thoroughly corrupted by the left. It was Correy was corrupt during the Trump years, which is why they continually at the FBI and a justice went after President Trump and went after his administration. The people underestimate the depth of corruption that now defines American government. It's a very very serious problem. Well, you know, Mark Levin's book American Marxism is number one now and it's a runaway bestseller. I guess we understand why quick break, We'll come back more with speaker new Kingridge on the other side. Eight hundred and nine for one sewn. You want to be a part of the program on this Friday, You know, you're listening to the Sean Hannity Show now our broadcasting on six hundred and fifty radio stations across the USA. John Hannity, all right, back to our speaker, Gangwiches with us. Let me ask you about China, because they probably scare me the most. They're now threatening our military basis, Japan's military basis. They're giving us human rights lectures in the Anchorage. They're also yelling at us that we need their permission when we land one of our planes in Taiwan. And they're saying that they're going to soon ren reunification with Taiwan. The only problem is they've ever been a part of China. That would be the annexation or the takeover of Taiwan, which the Chaiwanese people clearly would vote against and be opposed to. Look, I think that China is an enormous challenge to us. But to give you a strategic example of the US disarming itself because of the left, Oregon just passed the law that you have no requirement to graduate from high school to be able to do reading, writing, or mathematics. Now, how are the students of Oregon going to compete with the Chinese in being able to do technologically advanced things, if they're going to adopt rules for their state that literally do not require you in order to get out of high school to be able to do math, to read, or to write, I mean that's a new law they just passed which struck me as this suicidal. And you have a Pentagon, which, let me be very clear, I helped found the Military Reform Caucus in nineteen eighty one, and I believe that the Pentagon, it's not about how much money they have. It's about how badly they're run, how bureaucratic they are, and how much they're in bed with these giant corporations. And unless we can fix the Pentagon and fix the intelligence community, the fact is we're going to lose to the Chinese. And I'm working on an article right now the lays out three star and four star admirals and generals who said, every time we play a war game, we lose. Now, you would think that would be our argument for a really dramatic, bold reform of the Pentagon. But the answer to the Pentagon is so hum they just listen. It's that bad. And I'll tell you the other thing that nobody talks about it, seems, but me, it's very obvious. Because we know that our enemy, these hostile regimes all that we've mentioned, We'll add the Iranians to them, and thanks to Joe, he four South Korea to give them seven billion dollars the molows in Iran. But they see Joe Biden as a cognitive mess. They're not blind, they're not influenced by the media mob or the big tech mob. They do their own they make their own determinations, and I believe all of them have determined that Joe Biden is out of it. Do you think I'm wrong? Here's what it's really frightening. So many think Biden is a cognitive problem. His most likely successors Kamala Harris, who clearly is totally out of touch with the planet. I mean, so you may not have a cognitive problem. Which scenarioy do you pick, mister speaker, which one are you choosing? Well, I mean, I think we're stuck with Biden, and that's better than Harris. But I think it's frightening to realize that Biden almost certainly is not capable of leading the United States in an increasingly dangerous world. Many times. Really, these are really frightening times. So that's all I can say. Um, we need your voice more than ever, mister speaker. We always appreciate you being one of us. Eight hundred and nine four one Seawn is our number. We'll get to your calls on this Friday. There's got to be a light topic somewhere we can we can focus on it. We'll go back to happy meals for Linda's six year old little boy. I'll make all of us happy. Maybe we all need the toy and the real French fries, not the air fried French fries anywhere. That's what makes you happy giving my son disgusting food. We really need to rethink this. Okay. Your problem is you never had it, so you don't can't label something you haven't had as disgusting when it's delicious. I had it when I was a kid. I think I still got a French A few of those French fries sitting in my stomach right now. Oh God, I wish I had some in there right by my stomach right now. I'll take them. When news breaks, you get the inside story that no one else has, and the behind the scenes chatter that the mainstream media doesn't even know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show, Hi twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program on this Friday. A little surprised at the whole aggressive nature and casual dismissal of a very primitive, fundamental, basic concept in America known as freedom. And Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor California, actor to anti maskers, screw your freedom. Really, listen, days a virus to you, it kills people. And the only way we prove ended is to get vaccinated, to have masks, to do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just think about, well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here. No, screw your freedom, because freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. Screw your freedom. Now, what I don't really understand is most people were told if they got the vaccination, life goes back to normal. Now it's it was either vax or mask. Now it's vax and mask. And then you go from vax and mask, and now we're going to put masks on your kids. But where's follow the science. I love how everybody now is brought into this one size fits all new scientific method that we have in the country. It doesn't matter if you have a rare medical condition of some sort that prevents you from getting a vaccination and your doctor, based on your unique medical history, your unique medical condition, your doctor says it's probably not a good idea for you to get the vacts seeing for whatever reason, I think people on their own, every American understands the concept of masks, understands the concepts of social distancing, understands that they are not one, not two, but three vaccines available. If if there's any lack of knowledge what I have found, it's on okay, well therapeutics. Now that the CDC last week finally said yeah, vaccinations will no longer prevent people from getting COVID nineteen, that's a game changer. And I noticed that Rhonda Santis, very rightly so, is putting together these regeneron monocolonial antibody cocktail centers all across Florida. Why because he already mobilized every state agency in Florida to protect the elderly population. Now he's saying, okay, well, now even if you're vaccinated, you could still get COVID. Okay, well, the best solution for you in that moment is to then get regeneron. I think the most underutilized weapon, my humble opinion, check with your own doctor, most underutilized therapeutic in the country. And I know for a fact because I know people that have gotten the infusion in the last week. I know over a dozen people that have gotten the infusion the last week alone, and a majority of them were fully vaccinated. I know an older gentleman seventy four well, not that old, seventy four years old, not in perfect health, but he wasn't vaccinated, had Regeneron infused less than twenty four hours after diagnosis, and now he's negative. Now he's perfectly fine. Wife, same things, kids, same thing. The whole family got it because the delta variants, you know, is just what it is. It's the variant. And you know, I don't want to breathe a bearer of bad news here on a Friday, but we don't have particularly good news to offer you as it relates to what's come after this, because there's going to be other variances that you're gonna have to be paying attention to. I wish they didn't have to tell everybody, But it's true. You know. The latest one that we're paying attention to is the lambed up variants, and that's now making its way in all indications in Chile and Peru and other places. Is that vaccinations are not preventing breakthrough cases. With that varying either anyway, eight hundred nine four one, Shaun has our number. You want to be a part of the program. Let's say hi to Michelle Is in Alabama. What's happened to Michelle? How are you glad you called? I'm doing great? How are you? I'm good? What's going on? Well? Earlier this week I saw on the nightly news they were doing a special that Canada was allowing Americans to now come into their country, you know, with several different documents, and then they followed it up that the United States that's still not letting Canadians come into our border, and yet nothing was said about all the people coming into the southern border. And I just thought that was kind of crazy that, you know, what's wrong with Canadians coming in as opposed to all the people that are coming in that you know, from the south. So it just nothing else was said about it. So I thought it was a bit hypocritical. So well, welcome to politics in the United States of America circa twenty twenty one. Yeah, hypocrisy is rampant. I mean, it's insanity. You've got over a million people, we're not testing any of them. We got the highest rate of COVID positivity of people crossing the border. I mean, I'll give you the latest numbers. The DHS admits coronavirus positive border crosses are increasingly arriving at the US. We have leaked video that just came out today. It was in the Daily Caller, hundreds of people at a camp for COVID positive illegal immigrants in South Texas. Former Border Patrol chief. Potentially forty thousand COVID positive illegal immigrants released into the US. They're dispersed all throughout the country by Biden's DHS. And then we're getting lectured about vaccine mandates. We'll get lectures from Arnold Schwarzenegger. We're getting lectured about mask mandates, We're getting lectured about vaccine passports, and you don't even give the people at the border a test. And July we had a record two hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and seventy two illegal immigrants allowed into this country without testing a single person. Now tell me how that meant. Why are Americans getting these draconian orders and yet none of this is happening anywhere else. It's unbelievable, I know exactly. I don't feel like that our government should mandate anything unless you're mandating everyone that comes across our border to not be able to come into our country without getting vaccinated or even being process properly. I'm not against anyone coming into our country, but at least be processed to where they can be tracked, like all of the citizens of the United States are being tracked. So it makes no sense at all. No, anyway, we appreciate it. Thanks for the call, Michelle and Alabama. So there was a July twenty eighth report on bio r XIV. The study awaits peer review, but before getting published, and researchers in Japan are sounding the alarm on what's called cut thirty three seven, and that's the variant, the Peruvian variant dubbed Lambda. Like you now hear a lot about the delta variants. When you hear about lambda, remember you heard it here way ahead of everyone else. Anyway, the strain now is is somewhat contained in at least twenty six countries, substantial outbreaks in Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Ecuador, and noted Belie. The vaccination rate in Chile is relatively high, with people having received at least one dose of the vaccines around sixty percent. But what they're seeing is that a big COVID nineteen surge in Chile this spring, suggesting the lambda variant is proficient in escaping the vaccination. Well, that's now going to be coming here next. It's just a matter of time. And the proportion of lambda variant as COVID nineteen cases in the US is just one tenth to one percent of the shared compared to that a delta the delta variants. We're going to see a lot more of this, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's another variant behind this, and there probably will be five more variants behind them. I mean, you know, when does this ever end? Because that's not what they told us eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show was up the next hang on for Shaun's conservative solutions. All right, back to our busy phones. H Courtney is in Los Angeles. Courtney, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. K e ib Hey, Sean, what's going on? I just wanted to say, um, and you've been talking about it, that socialism, communism, this does not work and it never had. And do these democratic proponents of these socialism and communism really think that they're smarter than Mark or Stalin or Castro or Chavez. I mean that as that's evolved over the last one hundred, one hundred and twenty years, that these guys have the secret sauce to make something, you know, something works. That's just horrible for those societies. I mean, look at look at Argentina before Perne came in, and then after look at Cuba after Castro. And if it's so good in all these countries and those those hot spots are all over the world, why are those people of those countries so miserable that they will do anything to get here to the United States? It makes no sense. Well it speaks volumes about the United States. So we are perfect country. No, do we make all the effort we can to take a system of government and strive and move towards a more perfect union. Yeah. Do we make strides we have? Do we have further to go? Yeah? I'm worried now that things have become so politicized that the justice system now, you know, we're criminalizing political differences. There's a dual justice system. One for liberal Democrats and the Biden family and the Clinton family, and another for all families that are conservative or if your last name is Trump, forget it. Memorial about all of that. It's it's just sad to me. And if this keeps happening. I mean, I've read today in the Wall Street Journal, Oh, Durham is apparently before the grand jury, low level people are going to probably get prosecuted. I'm like, well, first of all, I felt it had the FBI's fingerprints in terms of a leak all over it. That was my own gut feeling. But more importantly, it's like, really a little h John, where you been? You know, what are we going to find out at the end of Biden's term? You know, the FBI has Hunter Biden's laptop. Everybody knows that that has any contacts in the media. How bad it is? What's on there, and yet nothing happens, just like nothing happens with Joe's quid pro quo with Ukraine. Just like you know here, we've got Hunter Biden on tape this week admitting that the Russians have one of his laptops. It makes one wonder why Vladimir Putin got his waiver for his pipeline. We're firing Americans and stopping production of our pipelines. It makes you wonder why he gets a summit after major hackings in the US by Russians. You know, the level of compromise with the Biden family with China and Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan. If it was the Trump family would be a very different story. So am I very optimistic? No, I'm not. I'm frankly extremely worried. You know, we gotta We're now weaponizing the Department of Justice. We're going to go after George's accessibility accessible voting laws, way more accessible than Delaware and ignored Delaware. That tells you everything you need to know about what's happening at the DOJ. U'm not feeling too good about it, to be very honest, Courtney, I'll get to the last word well, here's some some quasi good news. I hope people wake up today and then in fourteen months they go and vote and they vote these ideologues out of office and um, you know, get some get some symbol semblance of normalcy back. And anyway, thank you for what you do, and thank you. There's one thing that has to happen in the interim, though, and that is something called election integrity laws. The things that we've discussed, voter IDs, signature verification, chain of custody controls, updated voter roles. You know, partisan observers can observe. All of these things need to happen in every state. There's nothing draconian, there's nothing unusual about any of them. And this way, hopefully that will instill confidence and integrity in the system and confidence in the results. Anita, New Jersey, what's up, Anita? Glad you called? Hi, good afternoon. Thank you so much for taking my phone call. I love you so I'm my pleasure. I want to know where are all those people who say, my body, my choice. Why are we being mandated? I am pro vaccines, however, I am against mandates, and why get the vaccine and get hundred dollars Why Why hasn't all the employees of Fiser have been vaccinated? Why they don't let their employees vaccinated? Maderna employees, they're not vaccinators. They haven't been vaccinated. The founders, they say it out loud that they were not to get the vaccine. So why is the big push. I had not read that. There was a report that I saw that. I think it was the president of one of those I think it was Fiser had not been fully vaccinated, and then he corrected the record and actually put out a picture of him getting vaccinated. So I don't know about the employees. That's new to me. I did not hear that, But I tend to agree with you. I think there's Look, there's too many factors here for individuals. One size fits all medicine doesn't work. There are rare conditions you can't get a vaccine. They exist. I've interviewed the people. There are other people that are following the science of the Cleveland Clinic. They had COVID, they have natural immunity, T cell immunity, and they don't want to get vaccinated. The Cleveland Clinic says they don't need a vaccination. Why are we forcing them to get it, you know. So these are just very very strange times we're living in, and the idea that everybody thinks they can play doctor one size fits all medicine is a little chilling to me, and I refuse to be a part of that game. I'm not going to do it. Quick break right back