Smash and Grab - December 3rd, Hour 1

Published Dec 3, 2021, 11:02 PM

Sean covers the news of smash-and-grab assaults running across the country.

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To Day number one, eight eleven, all Right, Day number one eleven, Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one, Seawan Joe abandoning our Americans, turning the page. Unbelievable. Listen on this Friday. A lot of news happened until a lot of stuff going on. Biden is now carefully trying to modify his promise which he made all throughout the twenty twenty presidential campaign. We already have now more dead Americans from COVID nineteen than we had in twenty twenty. We played to the quote of him, oh, two hundred and twenty thousand dead, blah blah blah. That's pretty unbelievable anyway, But he said he would shut down the virus. Now he's walking it back again and again and again. After now the discovery of this amicron variant, the big news if you're in New York is now there's five identified amicron variant cases. We know from South African medical officials that their early read on it, their read, not mine, is that it's more contagious. However, it is the condition or the symptoms are more mild. That's what they're saying. But it doesn't seem to be a lot of cases that we can look at yet, so you know, keep your fingers crossed that this doesn't get worse, this doesn't become the next delta variant anyway. Asked if he intended to shut down the virus earlier today, Biden said, We're gonna beat it back before we shut it down. That's not what he was saying during the campaign in his basement bunker. This is going to take time worldwide in order to beat COVID, we need to shut it down worldwide. Okay. The phrase beat it back has been used by the Biden administration more frequently in recent weeks, and that now has become the new talking point. It's now more common that we're going to shut it down because they're not shutting it down. They have failed spectacularly. And with all his criticism him all throughout the campaign, he inherited three vaccines that he mentions every second, every minute, every hour of every day. And on top of that, you know, the term beat it back now is you know, a lot different than shutting him down. Now, we have experts out there that are saying COVID nineteen cases will continue to rise in the weeks ahead and of this winner, and we'll see more Amicron cases in the US in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Biden writes a Thursday Evening USA Today, op ed. I know that Americans are exhausted from COVID. Well, we know you're exhausted. I'll talk to you in the break. I know you're exhausted, Joe, from everything. Anyway, I know and want to know when it will end. The new variant is adding to the unease. We'll beat it back with science and speed, not chaos and confused. You stop with the bumper six sticker slogan BS because you didn't do your job. It looked like a critical swing voter in the US Senate. That would be Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Now, remember we had these two studies that we told you about yesterday, and that is very clear that the one point seven trillion is really when you take out the factored in accounting gimmicks that are that these these are only temporary programs, they're not the sunset provision, and you had the real cost. It's four point eight trillion. That's what the real number is, not the fake number that they're giving you. You know, it's just this is what politicians do. They promise, Oh, we're gonna secure the border, but first you get the amnesty, and you never get the secure border. We're gonna cut spending, you get the tax increase, they never cut the spending. It's the same heat. It's only one point seven trillion, but you're only paying for one year, and you know it's in perpetuity. That's what Democrats do, is their way of using accounting tricks to lie to you. That's what they do. That's who they are. Anyway, Mansion, now they need him to pass this build back better, new Greendale socialism. Now the Lindsey Grant Gham, the ranking member on the Finance Committee in the Senate, has now got the CBO committed. He can't leave committed to using real numbers like Penn Wharton and not using these ridiculous sunset provisions. Anyway, Mansion announced last Thursday that his decision, saying that he would support Republicans in their effort to strike down the private sector mandate. And he said last night in a statement, I've had both vaccine doses and a booster shot, and I continued to urge every West Virginia to get vaccinated themselves till the Senator emphasized his opposition to any effort to impose vaccinations on private sector employees or employers. Let me be clear, I do not support any government vaccine mandate on private businesses, he says. That's why I have co sponsored and will strongly support a bill to overturn the federal government vaccine mandate for private businesses. Good for Joe Mansion, somebody's getting it. I'll tell you that the economy is a mess right now. And you know this gallipole comes out forty five percent of American households now reporting recent price increases are causing their family some degree of financial hardship. What have I been saying? Who is disproportionately negatively impacted by Joe's horrific economic policies, his thirty one year high with inflation, his disastrous energy policies, abandoning energy independence. You know, twenty twenty five thirty bucks more to fill up your tank then heat your home. It's going to be five hundred thousand bucks more. This winner everything you buy it, every store you go to. I talk about it every day. Why Because it's hurting the middle class and poor Americans? Every single day they're getting clobbered. Lower income households are most likely to have experienced financial hardship because of these price increases. Seventy one percent of those living in households that make less than forty grand a year say that the recent price hikes have caused their family financial hardship. That compares with forty seven percent of those in middle income households and twenty nine percent and number income households. Now, I'm going to be frank. I can afford it. I'm not where I was in my twenties or I was struggling to pay my rent. I'm not at that point in my life anymore, but I remember it. It's like etched into my head and I you know, and anybody that knows me knows that I still think that way now, not when it comes to being generous with other people. I just feel that that's the Christian way to live your life. And you know, a Christian trying to be a good Christian, not one that is a good Christian. I'm just being clear on that. I want to be bettered. I'm the one that needs a salve Asian kind of but we all do. We've all sinned we've all fallen short, right, sweet baby James, even you. I don't know what you did, but you must have done something anyway. Twenty eight percent of lower income Americans describing the hardship as severe, affecting their ability to maintain their current standard of living. That's how bad it is. Then we get today's job numbers Bureau of Labor Statistics, two hundred and ten thousand jobs for November. That is an unmitigated disaster. That's less than half of what was projected by the so called experts. They were expecting massive job increases. It's not happening. Biden noted that the Bureau of Labor Statistics went back and re calibrated the September and October reports and they found eighty two other jobs. Okay, and then Biden's as his you know, growth collapses. Let's let's look to our neighbors to the north, Canada. Joe Biden now is in a virtual collapse, in large part because of his idiotic New Green Deal fanaticism, his climate change fanaticism, his adherence to the radical Progressive Caucus, the New Green Deal, you know, Marxism and redistributionism that he supports. But as as job growth collapses. Here Canada is announcing stellar job growth. How's that possible? Is in the Wall Street Journal Canada delivers stellar November job gain. So we're suffering. And meanwhile in Canada you've got socialist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau knows better than to declare war on domestic energy production. Remember he was the one that was pretty nam pissed off when it came to the Keystone XL pipeline that impacts his country. You know, even and Trudeau is a radical leftist, but the New Green Deal extremist hate him because he knows that energy is the lifeblood of the world's economy. Now, recent headline UK Guardian put it, Justin Trudeau loves fossil fuel good. He's smart. We had energy independence, you know, I got I got fact chick. PolitiFact checked me and on a statement I made the other night. Now, I made the statement right like a thousand times, and the people that I work with at Fox sent them a thousand times when I stated it correctly. And sometimes you're in the middle of like doing five hundred things while you're on the air, which gets distracting. And anyway, I brought up the fact and I said pre COVID levels. He wasn't. Trump wasn't importing oil from Saudi Arabia. Okay, I'd said it a thousand times the other way when he left office, which is the more accurate term. And they even recognized, you will, they voted statements when he did say it right. But you know, and they like act like I did it on purpose. I did, you know, I try to be accurate on this program. When are they going to hold accountable all the medium mom for being wrong on the Russia Trump collusion lie and the steal dossier lie and the FISA application lies. Oh they missed those. That's okay. I don't expect fair treatment by any of these idiots. Canada now stellar growth job creation in November another blowout performance I'm reading from the Wall Street Journal, including a sharp drop in on the unemployment rate to near pre pandemic levels. Nearly all the job gains were in the private sector. Average hourly wages rose more than five percent over a two year period, and Statistics Canada reported Friday that Canada's economy added one hundred and fifty three thousand jobs, following a gain of thirty one thousand from the previous month, Canada's economy reached a milestone after employment data for September indicated the country recovered all the roughly three million jobs lost in the initial stages during the pandemic. They fully recovered, fully recovered with Now Canada's level of unemployment is now one percent higher than before the pandemic. Good good for them. You know what, their socialist prime minister has more brains than Joe Biden, you know, and he probably knows the day of the week. On top of it, Labor Department issues another disastrous report. This as a disaster. There are three point nine million fewer jobs than there were last February before the pandemic began, two hundred and ten thousand jobs as an unmitigated failure. This report is beyond disappointing. You know, the only month we had a decent month was October. September, we're short another three hundred thousand jobs that they had affected inflation now at a thirty one year high, causing hardship of forty five percent of American households. And then the DCCC they actually sent out a tweet praising Joe Biden for lowering gas prices two cents. That's excuse me. After a buck fifty a gallon Moore, the two cent drop in a week is hardly significant. And Washington Post even is slamming them the worst. This might be the worst defense of the Biden administration, Yet you're not helping. Article written by Philip Bump says thanks at Joe Biden, Sean Davis at the Federalist set. What happens you know, I mean, it's a disaster. So they get hammered for that. The Washington Post mocks them for their stupidity. But you all know this already. You know how You know it because you know it when you fillip a gas tank, you know it when you get your heating and cooling bill, and you know it when you go shopping. That's how come you know it. I at twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine one Sean rand the Divine will check in coming up a little later in the program. I love this. You know you want to talk about lying in Pinocchios, Stacy Abrams actually said to Tinfoil had conspiracy theorist or self, Rachel Manow, I wonder if those reports are true that Rachel Manow is getting thirty million dollars for one hour show, and like other projects, other projects usually mean nothing. I'll spend a year on another project or an hour a day. I want that gig anyway. Ten, she says to Manow. Stacy Abrams does that she didn't challenge the outcome of the election. Yes, she did, and you didn't stop doing it. This is not a speech of concession, because concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true, or proper. As a woman of conscience and faith, I cannot concede that. But will I say that this election was not tainted, was not a disinvestment and a disenfranchisement of thousands of voters. I will not say that the vote was stolen from me, the election was stolen from me. I think the election was stolen from the people of Georgia. We had this little election back in twenty eighteen, and despite the final tally and the inauguration and the situation we find ourselves in, I do have one very affirmative statement to make. We won oh last night. In fact, when she said that she did acknowledge that Camp won, she didn't challenge the outcome, Unlike some recent folks, that is what you call a massive lie. It's pretty unbelievable. You can't even make this up anyway, the House passes this continuing resolution funding the government through mid February. I'm sure the Senate will give the Democrats as much time as they want, which is just absolutely atrocious to me. And you can't even believe it. By the way, Hunter Biden in this book, I gotta remember to ask Miranda Divine. Apparently there's a passage where he's joking with his I guess Keith Alblow. I know Keith, he used to work at Fox, A nice guy. I guess he was being a counselor to him, and you know, talked about his dad's dementia. Woof. He said, that's mean but funny. Ha ha huh. All right, we'll take a quick break. We'll come back. We got the latest Alec Baldwin, Jesse Smilette case, and much more news and information that you won't get from the media mob ever. Straight ahead, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour. We actually got this on Hannity last night at eight o'clock Eastern, an hour before my TV show. Georgie Stephanopolis and they're getting hammered ABC because all the dramatic music that they were playing behind this, and a very emotional Alec Baldwin in an interview where he where he breaks down, um, you know repeatedly throughout the interview. Here's part of it. She was someone who was loved by everyone who worked with and liked by everyone who worked with and admired. Um. This was interesting because then immediately they are after we had on Leo two point Terrell's a lawyer. I didn't know Clay Travis was a lawyer. I had no idea. So he sells, let's go Brandon T shirts. I'm like, you know, you're what's the name of that that out kick or something? I forget he sent me finally sent me a T shirt. Leo is yet to send me a Leo two point Terrell's hat. Can you believe that anyway? So Alec Baldwin breaks down, and then the first thing Leo says is I guarantee you every word he said in this interview was rehearsed and gone over with his lawyers and memorized. And I thought about it right then, and I says, he's right. There's no way he's not lawyered up. There's no way that this story now is going to change one iota from what he told Georgie Stephanopolis. And I asked the question because you know, you look at somebody cry and you don't think on the surface that they're going to fake tears. I mean, you don't think that, but the guy is an actor. Now. When I did Let There Be Light with Kevin and Sam Sorbo, which I was very proud of my little part. I played myself, there was a scene that we had to do a number of takes on which is they do that. That's a frequent practice and my part was easy. But Sam Sorbo each time had to cry, and she did it successfully every single time. I'm like, how do you do that? I actually thought I marveled to add it, and she described her process of being able to do that, you know, by by literally emotionally you go to this whatever would make you most sad, kind of like in your life, and I'm like wow, and then we do another take and she'd cry. Now if he really was lawyered up, and I don't know that he's that he is, but it made sense to me that he probably is. I don't know if if that, if I was representing as an attorney Alec Baldwin, I would not let him do an interview unless he prepared for what he was going to say, because there are legal implications here. We do have somebody dead on the set. And anyway, then he breaks down and at one point he described the moment. He said he he never pulled the trigger. He cocked the hammer of the gun. Now, by the way, if you do it and that hammer doesn't lock in and immediately you will fire the weapon, you don't need to pull the trigger. But that means it was pointed at somebody. The problem is, he says he didn't point it at anybody, and never would point a pointed at anybody. And anyway, here's what he said. See this calls forty five. You just pulled the hammer as far back as I could without cocking the actual and you're holding onto the hammer. I'm holding out. I'm just showing I. How about that? Does that work? You see that? Do you see that? He says? She goes, yeah, that's good. I'll let going the hammer bang the gun gunner. Everyone is horrified. They're shocked. It's loud, they don't have their ear plugs and no one was The gun was supposed to be empty. I was told I was handed an empty gun if they were cosmetic grounds, nothing but a charge at all or a flash around nothing or she goes down. I thought to myself, did she faint the notion that there was a live round in that gun? Did not? Don't I made to probably forty five minutes to an hour later. First of all, now that I think about, because I didn't see it because I have to do my own show at nine o'clock, so I don't have time to watch TV at eight o'clock. I just don't. I'm busy, and you know, I'm doing last minute revisions to you know, to my monologue and the show, and I prepped like a maniac. I can't help myself. I'm just very disciplined. Anyway, he said, Hannah, now this is the person who was killed here, would hand me the gun ninety nine percent of the time. But when we would say cut, if Hannah was away from the set, I would hand how's the gun. Stephanopolos asked if it was possible that Reid was being overworked. It was it was a low budget film. Baldwin said, no, I assume everyone that is shooting a low budget film a stretch. But I didn't get any complaints from her or the prop department. I assumed that because she was there and she was hired, that she was up to the job. You know. He said he'd never heard of any safety issues before. On the moments leading up to the shooting. You know, then he let go of the hammer and the and if the hammer doesn't click in, this is the problem with this. If it doesn't click in, then you've got a problem because if you release it, it's gonna go off. And you know that that's firearms safety one oh one. And one of the people that called him out on a lot of this was actually George Clooney, who said he always checks it out himself. You know, he was asked if he felt guilt. He said, no, someone's responsible for what happened, but I know it's not me. I thought I was responsible. I probably would have killed myself that. I don't think that's good enough. That's a good enough answer, as much as he probably rehearsed that line. Look, do I think that Alec Baldwin set out to kill this woman? I can't stand the guy, but I'm hard pressed to believe he set out to do that. But it's you know, there is something known as reckless homicide or reckless endangerment. Those are real charges that now Clooney said, you have protocols, you check the gun every time. That's what Clooney said, and all that didn't help the situation anyway. I don't know why he says it's highly unlikely I'd be charged with anything. Criminally, people are going to be somebody's gonna be charged here. Remember the initial sheriff's report was clear that this gun was fired. We might not have pulled the trigger. Maybe that's true. I don't know. I wasn't there, And you know something, I'm going to be consistent. I believe in due process. I believe in the presumption of innocence. You know, let the evidence figure out what happened here. I just found this interview with the music and likely that he was. It's almost theatrical because I didn't have a chance to look at it until laughter and then all these people are writing me, Hannity, what's the music? What are they doing here? A woman is dead and by all accounts a lovely person. And I want to be very clear, you know to the family of this woman that was so sorry that this happened. But we also do have to get answers to questions like why was there a real bullet in that gun? Who's responsible for this? Somebody needs to be able to accountable for this anyway. Then Baldwin says, I don't know who's responsible, but it's not me. He did say that your emotions are so clearly, so right there on the surface. You felt shock, you felt anger, you felt sadness. Do you feel guilt? No, no, I feel that there is I feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and I can't say who that is. But I know it's not me. I mean, honest to God, if I felt that I was responsible, I might have killed myself if I thought I was responsible. I don't say that lightly. I don't say that lightly. Now we do have an instance in which he says that he can't imagine doing another movie with a gun. He says he has a movie in January and asked that they still wanted to do it. He said yes, he's not sure he wants to continue doing this. I can't sleep, I'm physically struggling. Says that you know He's not one that has nightmares usually, but he has him every night of the gun, the shooting, since the gun, the shooting in the aftermath, says his career could be over and all all he has is his family and he couldn't give an Adam schiff about his career. But again, we got to get to the bottom of it, you know. On the moments leading up, he told her that he was going to cock it, meaning the gun, and pull back the trigger. He said that and asked if she wanted that in the shot, he says, she said, yes, he let go of the hammer, let go that if it's not locked in. And that's another gun safety, by the way, one on one. You know, if you if again, if you're not intending to shoot it, if it's not on film, if you haven't double checked the chamber, you know, you would never point it, would You would point it in a safe direction on the ground, you know, nearby, where it's not going to ricochet hit somebody. It's amazing how you know little people know. So I don't know where that one's going. I just don't. But I'm not so sure that Alec Baldwin is home free in this there's a New York Post article about it by Maureen Callahan. Today, just when you think Alan Baldwin can't get any lower, he blames miss Hutchins, the woman that shot to death. Everything is at her direction, he said to George Stephanopolis, I'm holding the gun where she told me to hold it, which ended up right below her armpit, which is what I was told. I don't know so much that Baldwin claimed not to know as she goes on. Stephanopolis, his longtime friend from the Hampton's not the average viewer would know that was only too eager to pitch softball after softball. Yes, one of ABC's leading journalists. He's not a journalist, He's a Clinton hack, you know. Literally. Hardly challenged Baldwin when he claimed repeatedly never pulled the trigger. It is possible if you pull the hammer back and you don't and it doesn't lock in, it can fire if you let go of it. That is possible. The bullet striking and killing that woman came out of the barrel of the gun. How did it get there? Somebody loaded that gun? Why doesn't he feel guilty? I think I, you know, played a role in it anyway. Eight hundred nine saw a number. You know it's sad. I have statistics. This is what defund dismantled nobel laws have gotten us. This year already has seen the highest number of law enforcement officers shot and killed. Ever, it's still a month ago. Ask yourself. The Fraternal Order of Police revealed that fifty eight police have been gunned down. Three hundred and fourteen officers have been shot. Ambushes are up one hundred and twenty six percent. Let me ask you a question. Do you know the name of one officer that was shot and killed this year? I'll scroll the names tonight. I bet most people don't. Why didn't we go back to the other Where's Liz Cheney leading in the committee looking into the three hundred and fifty riots where thousands of cops were pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles, and molotov cocktails. They only care about the January sixth riot. What about the other riots? Dozens of Americans dead, thousands of cops injured, billions in property damage, arson and looting. By the way, the White House is blaming the pandemic and guns for the increasing crime. Can't believe it. New York Post Editorial Board Team Biden you can't blame looting gangs on COVID and Trump. Look in the mirror. California zero bail policy now sets free fourteen smash and grab robber suspects. Lap D Chief says this is insanity. It's only going to get worse. It's not going to get better. You know, it's um Jensaki blaming COVID for the surgeon smashing grab rates. How do you blame COVID for that. Pandemic is the root cause of lawlessness, and Biden's plans will get more cops on the beat. Excuse me. It's Democrats that want to defund, dismantle and no bail and Joe Biden wants no bail. What the hell is she talking about. Pandemic is not the root cause of this madness. You know, these these crimes where they just go in big numbers, you know, smashing grab whatever they want. Another case at a San Jose jewelry store. Fourteen smashing grab robbery suspects set free with no bail in California. In Los Angeles, Bank of America execs junior staffers to dress down as crime is surging. In New York, string of violent crimes committed by career offenders, leaves communities nationwide outright, how do you not get outraged? You know, after this Christmas parade attack, a thousand dollars bail with a rap sheet a mile long, and you got the j Smolette case. Oh this is great, you know, pull your punchers, don't hurt me. Yell, maga, maga. And then he goes the day before on a trial run before he actually, you know, commits this fraud on the American people. That what did Kamala Harris say. Kamala Harris is out there calling it, you know, hate crime, racism, whatever. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program,

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