Julie Kelly, is a political commentator and senior contributor to American Greatness. She is the author of Disloyal Opposition: How the NeverTrump Right Tried―And Failed―To Take Down the President and Vivek Ramaswamy, CEO of biotech company Roivant Sciences and author of the forthcoming book WOKE INC (Center Street, 2021), is out with a new op-ed out today in the WSJ: Save the Constitution From Big Tech -- which addresses these latest restrictions by Big Tech. In his op-ed, Ramaswamy asserts that it sets a dangerous precedent for Silicon Valley CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey to wield greater judgment in communicating with the American people than the President of the United States. To curb their intrusion on free speech, he argues, Big Tech companies should be treated as state actors when they engage in selective regulation of political speech.
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All right, glad you with us. We're here, We're here letting out you're a heart speech trouble the eight hundred and ninety four one sean. You want to be a part of the program. Well, I've been saying, if we if we apply the Democratic Party standards on impeachment, and we apply them to Kamala and Maxine Waters and Joe Biden, and now we've got Chuck Schumer we dug out of the archives his comments to Gorsich and Kavanaugh. If you apply the same standards, then okay, a week from yesterday when Joe and Kamala come to town, guess what they should immediately be filing articles of impeachment. And really all they need to do is just take yesterday's impeachment sham and shift show and just insert the words of Kamala, Joe, Maxine, and Schumer and go forward with impeachment votes on them. I mean, it's not good for the country. I'm not saying they should do it, but if we apply their standards, that would be what would happen in six days? You do have a freshman Republican Congresswoman, Our Marjorie Taylor Green announced that she will introduce articles of impeachment against Joe over his abuse of power. And we can't have a president that's, you know, abusing power and bought off by a foreign government. You know, when the wait till you know, it's wait till the laptop information comes out. Boy, oh boy, we've been briefed. Now let's play Donald Trump at the January sixth rally. Let's play because remember they never no Democrat, nobody in the mob, the media, they're not playing his speech. They're not playing he said this. This is where he called out to the crowd to go and forward with this insurrection, which is their favorite new word. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the cap building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Wait a minute, marching over to the Capitol to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Okay? Is that a call for violence and insurrection? I don't think so. Now, let's play a little game. We've got chucky. Schumer sounds very angry, which he often is, saying that Gorsitch and Kavana are going to pay a price and they won't know what hit them. This sounds like a threat to me. Listen, I want to tell you Gorza. Shoot. I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you play You're going You're going to pay the price and you will not know what hit you. All right, let's play the whole montage. Let's I want to tell you. I want to tell you, Kavin, know you have relief the whirlwind and you you won't know I hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. The press always asked me, don't I wish I were debating him? No, I wish you were in high school. I could take it behind the gym. That's what I wish I made him. I didn't make a mistake. But they asked me, what I like to debate this gentleman. I said no, I said, if we're in high school, I taking behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. Don't see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department, stop, at a gasoline station. You get out and you get a cloud and you just back on them. Can you tell them then? I will good. I am sitting here listening, watching, absorbing, thinking about Ali, even though I never met him, and with this kind of inspiration and I will go and take Trump out tonight. They're not stop. They're not going to stop, and that's they're not This is a movement. I'm telling you, they're not going to stop. And everyone beware because they're not gonna stop. It is gonna They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be Everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't They're not going to let up, and they should not and we should not. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peace, lee and patriotically make your voices heard. Oh what a big difference, What a change, What a shock, What hypocrisy, what a breathtaking double standard? Pretty much everything that we've been seeing every single day. Now there's some new developments at all of this, and I want to get to here um and and it's something. Look, we have a history on this program and on T and I learned this in the Richard Jewel case. I won't bore you by telling you that story again. But there's a reason that we always end up being right on a lot of different stories is because I don't like to rush to judgment. I just don't and I just have learned not to do it. Everyone. He fits the profile of the lone bomber. He lives with his mother, like so what, he's probably trying to save money. In the case of Richard Jewel, what they did to that poor kid, well as a man is awful. He died young because of it. And in my opinion, now, so why will we write on the whole Russia collusion narrative? And the mob in the media was so wrong because we we we verified everything we reported, and some people mad at me that I wouldn't go with some of the election stories and because I couldn't verify them, and we didn't. I didn't go at anything that I personally couldn't verify. And but we focused a lot on the law partisan observers, Wisconsin state law, Michigan state law, the Pennsylvania Constitution, the consent agreement in Georgia. You know, we pointed out criticisms by the left, the media, conservatives. They never agree on anything. They all seem to agree and criticize dominion voting systems. I don't know anything about voting machines and said so repeatedly at the time. I said, but if they all agree on it, I don't we get a system we can all agree on. That's that was my commentary on that. And you know, so I didn't rush to judgment here. Now are there people from the rally that went from the monument to the Capitol. The answer is absolutely yes. You can see it and people were there see it. But I did. I always believe there was probably a lot more to the story. Yeah, And I said, I want to get to the bottom of it, and I got criticized for saying it. I think, you know, I'm trying to be responsible and not rush to judgment and find out you know, where they're organized. There's agitators, because there often is when something like this happens. Well, now I can look to even fake news CNN and the Washington Post and for example Washington Post as an article outgoing police chief, the guy was fired, said the House and Senate security officials were hamstringing his efforts to call in the National Guard. Two days before you know, this whole thing happened. The police chief, his name is Stephen's son, was growing increasingly worried about the size, which is smart of this rally that was going to take place and the march that was going to take place starting at the Washington Monument going to the Washington Capital, and to be on the safe side, he asked the House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the DC National Guard be placed on standby for backup. He said, quote in the Washington poste they turned him down. Why who turned him down? Now it gets more interesting. In his first interview, he said since he resigned his post, he said his supervisors were reluctant to take any formal steps to put the Guard on call, even as police intelligence was suggesting that the crowd that was going to the rally would be much larger than earlier demonstrations, which it turned out to be. How Sergeant of Arms, which by the way, has to report to Pelosi, said he wasn't comfortable with the optics of declaring an emergency ahead of a demonstration. And meanwhile, the Senate Sergeant at Arms that would be Mitch McConnell's jurisdiction, suggested that Sun should formerly seek out his guard contacts, asking them to lean forward and be on alert. At least they tried to do something on that side. And anyway, so a cell phone number listing his name, et cetera wasn't accepting messages. In terms of the people that were involved in putting us all together, the guy declined to comment when a reporter visited his home. This guy's stager, who was the house Irvine is the house sergeant at arms and the Senate Sergeant of arms. Stager declined to comment. And you know, I feel bad these guys, you know, got fired, but you know they're gonna have to explain themselves at some point. And it was the first of six separate times that this guy's son was asking, you know, and rejected his request for help on Wednesdays, his forces already in the midst of a crisis. He pleaded for help five more times as the scene was getting more dire, and as more and more people came, and you know, begging for help, and he's making urgent call after urgent call. He tells the Washington Post, I have to get boots on the ground here, he sang, it's another word. They had full warning of this. Now, by the way, if you go to the FBI briefing on all of this, now, they defended their actions and but they did have intelligence that all of this was you had the potential not to be good. Anyway, the Washington Field Office, Assistant Director, acting US Attorney for the District of Columbia, you know, has a press conference to give an update on this. They said, a long term investigation was just beginning. Well, I think we need like a nine to eleven commission report. The world was watching this, our enemies, hostile regimes around the world, saw a vulnerability that should never exist ever in this country. And anyway, they were asked about reports that an internal FBI document warned of what could happen and that nobody paid attention. There was a threat on some social media sites that it was attributable to individual people. Apparently they received information there at the Field Office. They briefed with law enforcement and other partners in the state, federal and state officials, and you know, they had maps and they literally you know, that they had some indication that something was going to happen, that a massive crowd was was gonna form. Why didn't they do anything about this? Now it gets even more interesting, even fake news CNN. Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactic seat on surveillance video, suggest a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the Capitol was not just the protest that spiraled out of control. And among the evidence the FBI is examining are indications that some participants outside the White House left the event early to retrieve items they believe to be used in the assault on the Capitol. Well, that's like a planned terrorist attack by some I do. I think some some people that were there to peacefully protest got caught up in the moment stupidly, you know, went into the Capitol and took part of this. Yep, I do. And they're gonna pay a price for it, most of them, and they should. They gotta know. You can't participate in something like that anyway. The president, and when you're talking about every elected official in the Senate, in the House, and the Vice president of the United States, this is madness and that then gets to the heart of where we are, and that would be well, that's why you don't have a snap impeachment, because they don't. In other words, if it was pre planned and they had placed for the speeches, even over they're retrieving, you know, things they're gonna use in literally invading the capital that brings it to a whole other level of what happened here and can never happen ever, And you still got people like Don Lemon and Jimmy Kimmel saying, well, this summer riots were okay because this was about protecting rights, and rioters were about stripping rights away. No, it sounds like a planned orchestrated attack. And by the way, AOC, do you think it's bad with parlor and social media? Now? Now she wants a commission to reign in any media. Apparently she disagrees with there's aretomletly a commission that's being discussed several members of Congress, and some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here. We're going to have to figure out, Yeah, figure this out, how we raig in our media environment so that you can't just spew disinformation and misinformation. Well, I would say a lot of disinformation comes from her anyway. I want to remind you cyber criminals are everywhere. You need to protect your good name, your reputation, your finances, and LifeLock. They detect a wide range of threats that you otherwise wouldn't be seeing on your own, like if your information is for sale on the dark web. If they detect your information is out there, you get alerts if your information is compromised by cyber criminals. They have restoration specialists to get your good name, your credit back, your credit score back, and protect your money. LifeLock dot com. They have a low annual rate and today you can save an additional twenty five percent off your first year. All you have to do is go to LifeLock dot com, use the promo code Hannity or call one eight hundred LifeLock Now protect your name, your reputation, your finances, and your credit score. LifeLock dot com one eight hundred LifeLock promo code Hannity, Sean Hannity, Right back to this report and the FBI and other law enforcement defending the Acting Director in charge of the FBI Washington Field Office. You know, on reports that there was an internal FBI document that quote warned ahead of time of war and other forms of violence by extremists who planned to travel that data to DC that they were they were reading it on social media posts and message boards, and you know, quote, my Washington Field Office received information. We briefed that within forty minutes. He said the information included maps of the capital complex and tunnels and plans for swarming it, and claimed it was ingested by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, which helps the initiatives, etc. Etc. You know, then then you have the whole other issue of the you know, DC Mayor Bowser defending you know, letter that she wrote to the Army Secretary who overseas deployments of the DC Guards since the capital is in a state, and heads of other federal agencies asking them not to deploy federal protective forces as they did during some of the protest last summer, which by the way, when they were deployed, they were quite effective. And anyway, so the officials, you know, they issued a statement, etc. But then then they went on to say over a hundred thousand pieces of digital media in response to a public call for information about those involved in violence, and I hope we get to the bottom of it. I mean, so they have all this information out there that we're now looking at. You know, John Solomon has a freedom of information request out to see the departments investing and pointing out police are keeping interviews with capital security officials secret because this quote he's told his sources that's something really embarrassing, that it's all going to come out. Well, that's a far cry from the snap impeachment arguments that Donald Trump caused it. When again we play him saying some of you are going to marts peacefully and patriotically to the capital to let your voices heard. Very different than Schumer, Maxie Waters, Kamala Harris, and Joe. I want to tell you. I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you playing You won't know I hit you. Did you go forward with these awful decisions? Dress always asked me, don't I wish I were debating him? No, I wish you were in high school. I could take it behind the gym. That's what I wish I made him. I didn't make a mistake. But they asked me what I like to debate this gentleman. I said no, I said, if we're in high school, taking behind the gym and beat the hell out of them, you'll see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a departments too, at a gasoline station. You get out and you get a cloud, and you get back on them, and you tell them that I will good. I am sitting here listening, watching, absorbing, thinking about Ali even though I never met him, and with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight. But they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop, and that's they're not This is a movement. I'm telling you, they're not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they're not gonna stop. It is gonna They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day. And that should be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this is They're not gonna let up, and they should not. Should I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Doesn't that just add a whole new context to everything that we've been hearing and everything everybody has been saying. Wow, by the way, I guess at least we learned something from what happened on the sixth, as twenty eight thousand National Guard troops will be stationed in DC on an Auguration Day. Now there are there was a report in US News that there's gonna be demonstrations this weekend, and maybe some of you listening to my voice or planning to go there, my advice do not go. There's nothing good that's going to happen there, and it sounds to me. And if until we get to the bottom, now you free to do whatever you want. If you go, don't get involved with any crazy people that might might want to drag the crowd into you know what happened at the Capitol, don't do it. Don't be a part of that. That's not who we are. We don't want anyone getting hurt. Ever, we want to protect our and support and help our law enforcement officers. They deserve that from good Americans. And there's one report out there that the National Guard, according in the US News, is actually authorized to use lethal force. That doesn't take away how how is it possible they weren't prepared? I don't. It's inexplicable in a post nine eleven world to me. And now that we find out that everybody was warned and nobody lifted a finger, and again I'm not even citing you know, this is not conservative media. This is MSN, this is the AP, this is The New York the Washington Post, this is fake news, even CNN Wopsie Daisy, which by the way, contradicts pretty much all of their coverage. That's why you don't have a snap impeachment. This is exactly what Jonathan Turley and Mark Levin and Alan Dershoz were all warning about. You know, it's it's these are scary, scary times, it really is. And anyway, so you know, how is it that they were warned back to John Solomon's freedom of information request to look at the Metro Police departments and the requests to see the department's investigation into the Capitol Hill what happened there and what the mayor did and why they didn't listen to the many warnings that they had, And you know, I feel it feel the worst for this poor guy who now resigned the Metro Core Capitol Police chief. Stephen's sound. He was worried about it. He was begging, begging for help before, during after, I mean he was begging the whole time. No, he would listen. And what Solomon did in his piece on justinnews dot com, he said, you know, pointed out that you know, he'd like to know what Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell, remember the head of the sergeant at arms respectively in each in each House and the House and the Senate. He said, there's significant evidence that the Capitol Police, FBI, Congress all had prior warning of this planned attack, planned attack, and that the timeline is now showing that people left the rally before it was ever finished and began to pick up things that they were going to use. Is as part of this rating of the Capitol. And the question, you know, he says he has, is what did Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell know about these threats beforehand? And if they didn't know, why is there such a massive intelligence failure of the police and all law enforcement services? And what about the guys that were saying, hey, we got we gotta do this, and nobody listened to them. There were guys trying to get this done and get keep everybody safe. I mean, you know, think of it this way. There are a lot of hostile actors and hostile regimes worldwide. They hate the United States, they hate our country, and they want to sew discord in this country. And you know, you got hostile regimes in Russia, hostile actor in Putin, hostile you know, regime in China and a hostile actor president She you got mullahs in Iran and a hostile regime in Iran. Now you've got saber rattling from them. And now they've they're you know, gone going forward with the nuclear program, preparing their next extortion attempt of Joe Biden. It's unbelievable. That was news today anyway, it's, you know, right after this fake news CNN. Then they come out after the impeachment there's evidence of significant pre planning. Well, that would have been nice for the American people for Congress to know before they went forward with their snap impeachment. And I keep going back, if we're gonna apply the standard of Donald Trump for saying many of you are going to peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol to make your voices heard, Oh okay, Well what about Schumer's comments when he's out there screaming about gorsag in Kavanaugh. I don't know. I mean, if we're gonna we're gonna play by their rules, shouldn't their standards be applied to them? I know, how dare you Hannah even suggests such a thing that we have consistency and standards. Why would we ever have that? I know that's a stretch on my part. Anyway back to you know a lot of these these articles here this poor outgoing police chief mat Solomon saying, you know, it's either there's significant evidence, you know that it might be one of a merge of three things. One that the Capitol Police, NYPD, FBI all had warning that this was a planned attack on the Capitol. And how did the leaders of Congress react to the intelligence? Did it even get to them? Did Pelosi know? Did McConnell know? And it is a planned attack. You can't blame the president of the United States accused him of inciting a quote spontaneous insurrection when it was planned days before by individuals. And from an impeachment perspective and factual security perspective, you know, this is why you don't have a snap impeachment. What are we learning? What's the latest? Well Solomon reported today, the key security on the Capitol, the sergeant at arms in the House and Senate, the chief of police, all three have resigned. Have had some contact some sort of interviews with the Metro Police Department, which is the lead investigative agency now and that's why their four you're requesting all of that, responds almost instantly from the police department, saying, we're not releasing information, and here's why, and it's and he goes on to think that why it's going to be personally embarrassing, and they claim it's going to be privacy invading. Oh, the public has a right to know their public officials their job with security. They failed on a spectacular level. And by the way, it just makes common sense. It should be standard operating procedure that if you have actionable intelligence, you got to take the proper precautions. If hundreds of thousands of people are coming to town and they're going to march to the capital, you've got to always assume the worst. I mean, it's we've failed every elected official. And it's not about Republican, Democrat, liberal or conservative. You've got to protect any elected official. That's the people's capital, that's our capital. You can't have that. But you know, of course, let's impeach first and ask questions later. You know, one other four your request is out there, and this is something I'd really like to get information on. I'd like to know what that bail fund that was promoted by Kamala Harris. Why won't they share records of the criminals that they sprung from jail? Now, I go back to what she said, and I think it's important again if I like to have equal standards applied to everybody. Maybe I'm just a little bit old fashioned in that regard. And we look at the comments of Kamala Harris and they're pretty awful, and we know exactly what they mean. I mean, she was out there anything Trump wasn't even accused of anything like this doesn't seem to matter though with snap impeachment does It doesn't matter as long as it takes the hatred that they have for all things Donald Trump, and they just ratcheted up. It makes things worse. It's a pretty pretty sad time for our country. Doesn't matter in any way, shape or form. Play Kamala Harris again, they're not stop. They're not going to stop. And that's they're not This is a movement. I'm telling you, they're not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they're not gonna stop. It is gonna they're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day. And that should be. Everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't They're not gonna let up, and they should not and we should not. Why aren't any liberals outraged abound that? Why aren't they outraged the Chuck Schumer? Why aren't they outraged that Joe? Why aren't they outraged at Maxine Waters? I'll take Trump out to night, take them out. What a moving evening this is. I am sitting here listening, watching, absorbing, thinking, you out Ali, even though I never met him, and with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight to take them out tonight, or Chucky Schumer about courses you can We're gonna pay the price I want to tell you, or such I want to tell you, Kevin Ugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. How's that not meet the standard that democrats feigned out rage about? How does it not? And then now it gets worse because now they want to silence every conservative but not apply the standards to themselves, and they're getting big tech to do it. You know, you add a couple of things in here, and you know these are very gary times. But I've been warning everybody. This has been building now in building and building and building, you know, because these people that feign outrage over Russian interference didn't give a flying rip or even report or discuss or care about Hillary's dirty Russian dossier. They didn't care that that Russian disinformation was used as the bulk of information to acquire And again top of a FISA warrants is verified and they signed for them. You have to renew them every three months for a full year. Spying on a president, his transition team and presidency. Russian disinformation was what was Without it, they wouldn't have gotten the spying warrants. I mean, nobody held accountable for that. Never mind violating the Espionage Act, never mind deleting subpoena and emails, never mind referrals from the Inspector General, never mind the breathtaking hypocrisy on Ukraine. You know where we cannot have quid pro quos, the Zelinsky phone call with Trump. Only one fact witness. They only said no, there was no quid pro quo. Everyone else hearsay witness, opinion witness, an anonymous hearsay whistle blower. But we won't listen to people that signed off a davit's about the election under penalty approach. We won't even talk to them. You know, we'll have you know, calls for violent rhetoric by Democrats. Everybody ignores it. Trump says to march peacefully and patriotically. We'll impeach him again. This is a really scary time in our nation's history, really is, and I don't really see it getting any better because up is down, down as up, purple as green, green as purple, just doesn't matter. Say anything. The mob will repeat it, and then they want to silence every conservative voice they can. They want to silence a president. They want to be wanting to silence talk radio. They want to silence It's not Fox they want to silence. They want to silence conservatives on Fox. They're not out there trying to boycott wand Williams or Haraldo, who's a friend of mine. I don't agree with them on a lot of stuff, but it's still I could be friends with somebody I disagree with trying to silence. They're not trying to silence Donna Brazil. They're not trying to silence the only conservative voices, Radio, TV, Big Tech. They didn't tell you the Joe Biden story, the Biden family syndicate, foreign syndicate corruption story. They hit it. Now they're silencing voices and taking down alternative platforms. The only answer is we've got to be the media. See anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station. You get out, and you get a god, and you go back on them and you tell them. Then I wilcome anymoy anywhere. Wow, what a moving evening this is. I am sitting here listening, watching, absorbing, thinking about Ali even though I never met him. And with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight. Everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices. I will take Trump out tonight, a screaming, shooming You're gonna pay the price. You won't know where to hit. You get it, get in their face. You know they're not going to stop. They're not. Beware, they're not going to stop. They're not going to let up. They should not, we should not. Just unbelievable anyway, joining us now and they add to that the Twitter band, Facebook band, Jack Dorsey contorting himself all over the place, AOC suggesting that we need a commission to reign in the media. Yet it's called freedom of speech. Fake Jake Tapper over at fake news CNN, you know, attacking Brian masked a double ampute, questioning his patriotism. Sick as that is, the media ignores Donald Trump's peaceful statements completely, and they you notice in this whole impeachment they never quote him saying anything in particular because what he said is to march peacefully and patriotically. I mean, it's these are times you can't even make up here. But now then you add to that, Oh, we've got um PBS lawyers now calling for re education AMS after the government's taken steal your kids so they'd have to watch PBS all day and get indoctrinated. Joe Kancha Fox News contributor, Hell columnist and Miranda Divine New York Post column columnist, Smart people on both sides here. You know, the nineteen eighty four is now selling like crazy because an eineteen eighty four, surreal nightmare is unfolding, Miranda before our eyes, it sure is. In fact, somebody sent me a happy New Year, mean the other day, and when the fireworks came up, it was nineteen eighty four, and that's true, you know, or well foresawt this sort of surreal life that we're living in where up is down and pieces war and you know, good is bad, And unfortunately, I think that part of the problem, No, not part. I think a good deal of the problem is the media has been captured and instead of um, you know, telling the truth and maybe slanting the news a little bit like used to happen, now there are activists in mainstream elite media organizations who are not practicing journalism. They are practicing radical, extreme politics, and they are amplifying the lives and the hypocrisy that you normally get from uh, you know, from politicians, and that just encourages this new crop of Democrat politicians to lie and be even more hypocritical. And it's a permanent feedback loop which is altering reality. And sometimes you have to say to yourself, am I going mad? No? I think the world's gone mad? And I think we're probably only three of the only seen people left Joe Kanscher, uh, you know. And then you've got, you know, the CNNs of the world, and Don Lemon and Jimmy Kimmel actually rationalizing still today all the violence that we rightly condemned over the summer, and by the way, rightly condemned when people went into the Capitol. Although we're beginning to find out a lot more information. We have the Washington Post, the outgoing police chief said that, yeah, the House and Senate security officials that they were warned to bring in the National Guard, and we have investigations now being pursued that this was in fact planned. This is why you can't have snap impeachment. Kimmel's saying the Black Lives Matter protests were about protecting rights, while Capital rioters were about stripping right. So I guess that's okay. And then AOC wants to silence all speech she doesn't agree with an msdnc's joyless read wants to talk about de bathification of the GOP. Oh, it gets worse, even Sean and Jimmy Kimmel. I guess he took some time off of his immigration bashing schedule, always immigrant bashing monologues. We remember he's the one who went off on Melania from for having a funny accent, right, which is one healthful way to talk about a first lady who's became We had a little bit of a public fight over that. Now I remember that. I believe you called him an ass clown, which we can say on the radio as far as I know. But anyway, you have Alexandro Acasio Cortez. Okay, she put out this proposal. We talked about it on your TV show a little bit last night where she wants to I'll quota. Actually, there's absolutely a commission that's being discussed where the discussions have brought up media literacy. We're going to have to figure out how to reign in our media environment so you just can't spew disinformation and misinformations. And some of you think, okay, how does AOC define truth? Well, this is what she told sixty Minutes a couple of years ago when they asked her like, hey, you know you have all these dubious claims you're being fact checked on. Why can't you get your facts straight? And she said, well, if people want to really blow up one figure here or a word there, I would argue they're missing the forest for the trees. I think there's a lot of people more concerned about being and here's the really key part, precisely factually and semantically correct, then about being morally right. So her argument is that you could be factually wrong, but if you're on the right side of history and your moral argument is okay, Like, for instance, if you believe that you should defund the police, well she says, that's the better moral argument. But if you bring up facts that Minneapolis, Seattle, and New York all soul viling crime and shootings and homicides go through the roof as a result of the funding the police, her committee, I guess that we'll have who Adam Ship and Ark Swalwallan. It will bring you forth to make sure as a media member you shouldn't report that because you're on the wrong moral side. And before anybody says ash, she talks about a lot of crazy stuff that will never happen. Oh really, because Democrats control the Congress, the Senate, and the Oval Office. So who says she couldn't put forth a ridiculous committee like this and actually go forward with this because they see Democrats see the success social media giants are having on suppression and censorships, so they're probably saying, hey, we'd like a little of that where we could censor media outlets that we don't like, like Sean Hannity or Fox News. It's a scary diverse and days are numbered, Miranda. Joe's telling me my days are numbered. By the way, they've been numbered since I started. I'm frankly shark we got to this number. But go ahead, Miranda. Well, I do think that we are very lucky that we are on platforms that still are able to survive and tell the truth and speak a conservative voice, and you know, long may they last. But we're certainly a shrinking minority. And that's very sad because I think all of us should look at news and opinion across the spectrum. The problem comes when you get siloed into one side. And I must say that Fox News is much more shows, much more of a diversity of viewpoint than CNN or MSNBC. I watched them all and it's really quite stark. And I think, you know what, Joe, Miranda, there's very few people and Fox News that think like I do. I mean, let's be the people involve sorts of political views on that network. Exactly the same with the New York post it. You know, it's the New York Post. There are lots of liberals who are perfectly free to express but I will read their columns. I read yours. Well, thank you, thank you. That's great. But I think where we are worried about the double standards are that they are being sort of cemented and now purified. You know, in normal discourse, you point out someone is being inconsistent and using double standards, and Joe just pointed out the double standards. There. We had Don Lamon on CNN who he and Chris Cuomo were applauding and condoning all the the al and antifar riots last year. They get called out on the double standards after they are criticizing and becoming law and order hawks after last Wednesday's Capital riot. And yet yet Don Lemon has now justified that he says that it's okay, that violence is okay as long as he agrees with the cause. So he thinks that because the balm antifar riots were based on police brutality, that that's fine, even though it's a lie that there's systemic racism in police forces in America. And I'll explain about the NYPD, which has been accused of racism. They have a majority minority police force, so that just doesn't make sense. And yet Don Lemon says he justifies his support of the violence last summer compared to his double standard last week. He says, it's because it's true the riots last last year we're all about truth, and the riots last week were all about a lie. Well, he can't choose what's a lie and what's the truth. He can't have his own fact. And it doesn't matter anyway, because no political violence. He's justified. I want to get to this bail fund. Remember, we go back. We're going to remind people if the standards that were applied to Donald Trump and this hack impeachment witch hunt yesterday are applied to Kamala and applied to Joe, they're out because if you look at the timeline right after the Minneapolis police station burn to the ground and the riots have been going on. She goes on Colbert, they're not going to stop everyone. Beware you know all of these things they said. And I would go for Chuck Schumer too, and that would go for Maxie Waters too, and that would go for Joe Biden. Also, get Joe Biden impeached. If this is the new standard, we'll have it. And by the way, Joe Concha, I'd like somebody in the media to finally demand and get the information about that bail fund promoted by Kamala Harris that let these rioters out of jail, and I want to know what they did and what their backgrounds are, considering she was helping the lawlessness and the effort there. I'll show on it's the Minnesota Freedom Fund, and apparently they had a windfall of tens of millions of dollars. When you compare it to twenty eighteen before Kamala Harris promoted this bail fund, they only were able to raise about one hundred thousand dollars. So we're talking times and times and times more as a result of for promoting on a Twitter feed that has millions of followers. Yet they will not release the alleged violent criminals, a list of people that were in jail that got released and what their actual rap sheets are, So we don't know who was released, or what they've done since, or what they did beforehand. But either way, if you want to apply the same rules that we did with the last Snap impeachment, this kind of looks impeachably to me, doesn't. I mean, that's that's what we're dealing with here. Yeah, all right, I gotta say goodbye to thank you both, Joe Consta, Miranda Divine. They're not stop. They're not gonna stop, and that's they're not. This is a movement. I'm telling you, they're not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they're not gonna stop. It is gonna They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day. And that should be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't They're not gonna let up, and they should not and we should not. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. That is the sick or Wellian world we now live. And it's sick, and it's getting sicker, and it's gonna get even sicker because they're not getting around re education, apps depathification. Uh, this is madness. Hey, Corsi chay capital, You're you're gonna pay the price. You're not gonna know what hit you well, you know, get in their face, You're not welcome here, any any place, anywhere anytime. You know, I'm gonna take Trump out tonight, I'm gonna take him out. Well, unbelievable, like to take him back of the gym. How come nobody ever invites me, Linda to the back of a gym? I wouldn't you know. I'm not one of these people that gets offended by words. I'm not one of these people that gets offended by hockey fights either. Just am not. I actually like it. I love mma, you know how I roll. I mean, I'm all for it. But if anyone ever said that about Biden, what do you think the reaction would be? Oh, the vapors, Ah, the feigned outrage. Oh, I don't talk like that. Conservatives don't act like that and talk like that. When he said, well look at what happened, Well, now this is why you don't shouldn't have snap impeachments. Gee, what a shock. We're now discovering article after article after article after article that says, yeah, the outgoing Capitol police chief said yeah. They warned the House and Senate security officials to bring in the National Guard, but Pelosi and McConnell said no. Now, investigators even fake New C and N reporting or pursuing signs that the riot was planned, and timelines beginning to show that it started before Donald Trump ever finished his speech, and people at the rally began to march to the Capitol. By the way, in the vast majority were peaceful. You know, now we're gonna we got you know, Don Lemone as our friend, Miranda Divine refers to him, you know, and Jen Jimmy Kimmel, you know, still still rationalizing the violence we witnessed all summer because it was about a righteous and true cause. AOC suggesting a commission to reign in media de bathification camps. Joy Read wants, well, I didn't see Donald Trump funding you know, ball for rioters and looters and arsonists the summer. That was Kamala Harris, who herself said they're not gonna stop. They shouldn't stop, We should not stop. Okay, Beware, you need to take note of this on both levels. I mean, do you see the flagrant hypocrisy. This is why you know, as far as I'm concerned, Republican senators have two choices. Mitch McConnell, you've got two choices. Either you apply these standards equally, which means that you now have to impeach maxim Waters, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, or you don't show up at the sham post presidency impeachment witch hunt. That's it. You don't get it both ways, and if not, it's like Liz Cheney. Liz Cheney. You know, look, there are a lot of people that supported the past admitted Republican administration that are now never Trumpers, a lot of people that supported McCain and Romney never trumpers. You know, I've never really hit these guys hard because, all right, that's your point of view, But don't tell me you're a Republican because you're not. Because you're helping a guy that has the most radical, radically stated socialist agenda in the country and somebody that we all know is weak, fral and cognitively struggling. So you broke it, you own it, We'll see how it works out for you, and you take on this breathtaking hypocrisy. I love what Josh Holly and Ted Cruz. You know, they were calling for a ten day audit. You may not like it, you may not agree with it. They didn't have the votes anyway, they weren't gonna win it. But by the way, far fewer states being objected to than what the Democrats themselves objected to in twenty sixteen. So let's cut the crop here AOC. Southern states are not red states. They're suppressed states that need liberation. But it's okay for Swalwell to compare the president to Osama bin Laden. Wow, unbelievable. All right, let's get to our phones. You've been very patient here eight hundred nine for one. Shawn On Darlene is in Michigan. Darlene, Hi, how are you glad you called? Thanks Sean, thanks for taking my call. Thank you. I just want to reiterate to how this was such a jump to judgment and we can snap impeachment we call, yes, ma'am. Yeah. And to plant every Trump supporter with the same brush is so wrong. I knew as soon as I heard this this is not the normal Trump supporter. And the timeline is showing that I don't support violence. I just don't. I think no, you know, yeah, I believe in in peaceful protesting, and I said so over the summer. I condemned the violence over the summer when I saw this going on, and I've condemned it right away. I also didn't rush to judgment either. Now that where the people from the rally that did take part in what happened at the Capitol. Yeah, and they're going to be prosecuted. But it wasn't the vast majority. There were people protesting this this summer that those that got violent, involved in arson and looting and taking over city blocks and streets and burning down precincts and taking them over. That that was not the majority. That was. That was a small minority. You know. There were people that were protesting the the horrific death of George Floyd. And it was Frankly, I don't blame them any any person with a soul looks at that video and says, this can happen in our country, And I said so at the time. I think it was the first person to really even bring the story to light with the video the way I did on tv UM. You know, I'm just all this this double standard on rhetoric. It's making me sick at this point, and it but this is this is this, I'm telling you, this is bad, you know, suppressing speech. Who can talk, who can't talk? Who can use a platform who can't. And it's a it's a that I know a lot about because I've lived in this world, Darline, and I don't complain about it. Maybe I should have talked more about it, Linda. I mean, maybe I should have spoken out more as it was all going on, but I didn't feel I wanted to waste precious airtime talking about my superfluous problems. Everybody's got issues they deal with with work, and one of them is the constant never rending a tax that silenced my voice, and it's still happening today, Darline. You know, it's unfortunate. It's sad. If if it's successful, we're in deep trouble. You see, let not your heart be troubled. It's kind of troubled, to be honest. It's a little troubled down. It's very troubling times. But I know that you're a believer in the full verse is believe in God, believe alsown me, and we have to do that God. And in my father's house are many mansions, and I go and prepare a place for you. Now, it's one a beautiful biblical phrase, and that's what what it means. You know, the problem. I don't know if I really want to go this deep of how I really think here, but I will because you brought it up. We believe, as conservatives in our founding documents that were endowed by a creator. Rights from come from God, not from government. And you know we believe, you know, in the lad when I wrote Deliver Us from Evil, all the research I did about one hundred million people slaughtered in the name of governments and fascisms and communism and fascism and Nazism and radical Islamism and mouths China, etc. And And when you don't have freedom, well what is what takes its place? Tyranny? And one of the fundamental foundational principles of freedom is freedom of speech, freedom of the press. And yet they want to destroy that and upend all of that. That's that is a loss of freedom that you may never and likely will never get back. That's scary, Darline. Yep, that's your gutsan me in and take care of it. Well, it's obviously you know we conservatives out here. I guess we're not. We're not capable of doing what the divine can right, Thank you, Darline. A good call. And if we continue back to our busy telephones. Lorraine, Nevada. What's up, Lorraine? What's going on? You just fall down and like break your leg or something? What happened? Did you take a tumble? Nope, I'm actually working at the same time and I've been on hold for two days. So oh, I'm so sorry. But thanks for hanging in there. And you want to plug your business? What do you do? What kind of work are you doing? We have a pool service, but that's not why I called. I don't know. Wait, well this is important. What part of town do you live? Where do you live? In Las Vegas? In Henderson, but we also do uh, Las Vegas. And now do you take care of pools? How many pools? How many customers? About one hundred and thirty A lot of people. You can't live out there, and I'll have a pool right all word of mouth? Never advertised? All right, let's give a free advertisement. What's the name of your pool company? Desert Pool Service, Desert Pool Service in Henderson County and in Vegas. Okay, Hender And you know, we'll put it up on our website for the day if people want to go there after the show. Okay, I'll appreciate it if you do calling is is first thing. It was a very sad day to be a conservative last Wednesday. But I don't think those were true conservatives. I think those were opportunists. So with that being said, then I listened to the DOJ in the FBI conference and they knew it was coming and they did nothing, and then all of a sudden, it's his fault for something they were planning on doing. Anyways, how do you accidentally go the capital was diptype? Oh, pipe bombs. That's the scary part is you know, I've said this even when Obama was we got to protect our presidents. We gotta protect our elected officials. This is one on one security here. You know how this happened. We need a commission like the nine to eleven Commission to really dig deep. And that's why the snap impeachment. It looks like it looks like even fake news CNN and the Washington Post are now reporting that, yeah, that this was this was planned. There were leaders, there were organizers here. The FBI went to these houses of these people that posted things and asked them not to go. And so they're like, okay, we won't. No, you have more security, don't you have more people protected. It's just absolutely ridiculous. But the shining light of this whole thing is Nancy Pelosi and everything they want to do to Ted Cruz and to uh Josh Holly. Well, gosh, she just posted in twenty seventeen that our elections were hijacked. So I think her speakership should be gone. I think Bernie should be gone. Through what they did to speaks the lease, it was his supporter that did it. He should have known that. I mean, if we apply the standards, it would be But I said at the time, I said I if this was a Republican or supporting any Republican candidate at the time, and that was the shooter, then the democratic and media mob would say, well, it's that person's fault. I said it at the time. It's not Bernie's fault. Bernie didn't cause that idiot to go out there and shoot people. And those that are responsible for this day the President said to you assume march peacefully and patriotically to the capital, and that's why they had to do this in a snap weight. Now, if the Senate gets on board with this crap, then I'm sorry. I can't support anybody that's going to buy into this madness. I can't and I won't, and that's the end of that. At Lorraine, God bless you, and God bless your business and Henderson and in Vegas. And we'll put it up on Hannity dot com. Great pool service if you need one. And if you don't have a pool, maybe you need one of those two. They're expensive to put in all I put one in once. When we come back, Big tech silencing conservative voices, we deal with it. All news, roundup, information, overload, our straight ahead. Well certainly so. In our guidelines we say that we will not knowingly allow people to use our platform as a tool to commit crimes. And moreover, the type of content that you are playing for your audience earlier in this show, all of these incitements to violence or glorification of violence are things that we expressly prohibit in our community guidelines. And why do we do that. It's because it is against our mission. Our mission is to provide a platform that fosters and allows the type of productive discussions that you were talking about in your last segment, where you have people of differing viewpoints who actually put them to the test by engaging in discussion with each other. That has always been our goal. And if you've got a lot of incitement of violence and threats and everything in there, that stops all discussion, it stops thinking, which is the basis of productive discussion. So of course we don't want that on our platform. And you know, there is a difference, of course between so called hate speech that would otherwise be protected by the First Amendment and speech that incites violence or threatens which is not protected by the First Amendment. So of course we want to remove it, and so we agree with Apple and Amazon that it is desirable to remove it. What we disagreed about was whether the first resort, especially it wouldn't be any resort for us in a normal situation, would be to subject people to twenty four seven surveillance doing all of the data mining that the other platforms do. That was not part of our modernization model. We think surveillance is contrary to the spirit of the Fourth Amendment. If you have particularized suspicion about somebody, that's when you surveil, that's when you get information about them, have a search warrant, etc. So on parlor. Our disagreement was that we did not want to put in an algorithm that would subject everybody on the entire platform to twenty four seven surveillance. We wanted to handle this content in a way that respected the privacy of people, and that's where we're disagreeing now that the tech giants want their model to be the standard for the entire Internet, and to us we take we think that that takes Orwell's nineteen eighty four from a dystopian novel and turns it into an instruction manual for everybody to follow. Well. I can't comment, of course, on the lawsuit, but as to what we've been doing is getting ourselves back online. We found very quickly that when Apple and Amazon both decided on Friday afternoon to announce that they were very imminently going to leave us, that left us in the lurch, but it also caused other vendors that provided different aspects of the infrastructure to also abandon us, and so we've had to put pieces of this puzzle back together again. We're working very consistently to do that, and we think we're going to be able to do it soon, but it is a struggle, and it's pretty amazing these days how difficult it can be to try to compete in this market. We do think that this content was everywhere on the internet. You talked about Twitter earlier, they hang Mike Penson and everything. It's ironic. You know, Amazon host Twitter as well, and so we figure, why is it that the content that's on our platform is the problem when there's probably more of it even on their platform proportionally because of the scale. Go back and look at some tweets. They're still up right now. You can go look at them. You can go watch the videos of Corey Booker at a conference in Washington, DC saying go to the hill and get up in the faces of some congress people, Maxim Waters saying, you see anybody from the Trump administration or his cabinet, you get up in their face or in those videos, And those tweets are not coming down anytime soon, just like the leading state sponsor of terror, per the Obama administration, their State Department, and the Trump State Department is Iran and their supreme leaders still gets to tweet, as do Chinese government mouthpieces talking about how COVID was actually invented by the US military and weaponize. So yeah, it's so easy to make this argument it's scary how arbitrary it is. All right, those Joe Kanscha Amy peak off from My Hannity Show. Amy the chief policy officer of Parlor, which is an alternative to Twitter. Vivic Ramaswamy is with a CEO of a biotech company called Rouvant Sciences and author of the book Woke Ink Well, Pretty appropriate in this day and age. Julie Kelly, political commentator, senior contributor to America Greatness. Now, it's it's not just social media, Julie, it goes way beyond that. It's it's also they've been trying to do this to talk radio to people like me, especially on Fox News and a few others, not everybody. If you have a van Williams doesn't face the same challenge as at Fox that I do. And it is now okay, well, well, Donald Trump, who says now many of you are going to peacefully and patriotically march over Okay, Well, we're gonna impeach him for that, but we'll ignore Maxie Waters saying I Am going to take Trump out tonight and get in their faces and follow them here, there and everywhere. And they're not want it anywhere anytime, and Schumer screaming about Gorseitch and naming them. I want Gorsitch and Cavanada hear me that you're gonna pay a price. You won't know what hit you like what and it goes, you know, Kamala Harris after Minneapolis not only supporting the bail fund. But it's not gonna stop. They shouldn't stop, and we shouldn't stop. They and you better take note. You'd better beware on all levels here. Pretty chilling double standard, Julie will start with you. I agree, And it's not just a double standard, which of course people like you are used to and have gone through the fire several times related to these two sets of rules. But what they're really trying to do now, Sean, is criminalize any criticism of the twenty twenty election. You and I have talked about us over the past few months. This is what social media on the internet, Google et cetera started over the summer with their new policies related to banning content or flagging posts that were critical of mail in ballots, and they flag dozens of the President's tweets about that. And so this started before the election. Now they're kind of on steroids because there is so much evidence of election illegalities in these swing states, and they are continuing to do Biden's dirty work by now criminalizing, banning, removing the president's Twitter account because of it. And as we saw yesterday with the impeachment article, this is directly related to allegedly fomenting violence, death and destruction if anyone dares to mention what happened in Pennsylvania or mail in ballot in Wisconsin. So this is taking it really a few steps further than just normal conservative censorship and vivic Your thoughts on all of this, because this now is taken to a whole new level here with a whole new double standard and a whole new chilling aspect, which is to silence voices that are just not liked and agreed with. Well, Sean, let me tell you this. I made a new argument in the Wall Street Journal this week, which is that conventional wisdom says that users who are censored for their political viewpoints can't sue these companies because they're private companies. In conjection with my former law professor, I put in an argument saying that actually they can sue under the First Amendment. Because here's the dirty little secret. These weren't private companies acting as private companies. They were acting on behalf of the liberal wing of Congress, because Congress co opted Silicon Valley through the back door to do what it couldn't do directly under the Constitution through the front door. And here's how they did it. First, they did had Section to thirty liability exemption, which said that you companies uniquely can't be sued for taking down and censoring content in state court. That was the carrot, but they combined that with the stick. Remember all last year Congressional Democrats called these Silicon Valleys up, told them in Congress that if you don't censor so called hateful speech, we're going to regulate the heck out of you. So that carrot and that stick was actually used to conduct state action under the mantle of private enterprise. And where I believe is if that state action hiding in the clothing of private enterprise, then it better be subject to the First Amendment, just like the actions of Congress should be as well. And I think that that's what Republicans and the new conservative movement needs to recognize. It's not nineteen eighty anymore. It's not just big government that's the enemy. It's the new government industrial complex, the woke industrial complex that is actually the biggest threat to liberty today, which is not just big government, but big government's tentacles working through private enterprise to really choke ordinary Americans liberty, and a lot of it, in my opinion, is unconstitutional, illegal, and should be adjudicated not through regulation, but through the courts, which I still think is the last standing institution that Americans of all stripes ought to trust. And it isn't just conservatives that should be worried. It should be libertarians and liberals at least principal liberals that are equally worried too. And Julie, you wrote this book about never trumpers, and then you know, look at Liz Cheney. Why doesn't she apply the same standards that she said she was so offended by with Donald Trump to Kamala or to Joe wants to take Donald Trump behind the gym. I haven't I don't recall her speaking out about Hollywood actors and actresses or other liberals. I haven't heard her speak out about Chuck Schumer, you know, threatening Kavanaugh, Gorsage, You're gonna pay a price. You won't know what hit you? Why doesn't she as an never Trumper, why didn't she apply the same standards I don't. Are we wrong to demand if that's your standard, apply it equally across the board. Well, what Liz Cheney got to do yesterday is something that her family has been wanting to do for more than a decade, and that is to punch back at Donald Trump for exposing what happened during the Bush Cheney regime, his criticism, legitimate criticism of the Iraq War and weapons mass destruction, his criticism of Dick Cheney specifically, So she got back her on behalf of her family at Donald Trump yesterday. Her statement was preposterous that this is the worst betrayal ever of a president in history. I mean really, I mean all of us could think of a hundred different examples just over the past few decades of presidents who did far more egregious conducts than what they're alleging Trump did. But look, aside and Sehn, you and I've talked about this for months too. Aside from these companies breaking violating the Constitution, they are breaking federal election law. And this is really what I've been pushing in others to pursue. It would be good to see this at the state level. It is illegal for corporations to donate, whether in kind or directly, to federal candidates. You have now hundreds of millions upwards of a billion, perhaps in in kind direct contributions to Joe Biden and the Democratic Party made over easily the last six months. Who could argue the last four years that I feel is something that's really untouched territory that perhaps maybe some of these state attorney generals will start to pick up on, because that's really I think what most of this is about. What at the end vivic, what they're dying to do is take opposition voices, ever they might be coming from. And it's been the world I've lived in my entire professional career, and shut them down, shut them off, and eliminate their voices from society. And they feigned offense. The vapors were so offended. But the the hypocrisy reeks. It's like, oh wow, well, the violence over the summer was justified, but what the president did was not justified. It's it's rank hypocrisy. And nor did the president inside anybody. The President said, and soon you will peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol to let your voices be heard. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. That doesn't sound like inciting an insurrection to me. Well, look, I think we got to look to the future and let's fast forward to next week and look at what the real lung from un threat coming out of all of this is is that next week President Trump is going to be a private citizen with access to neither the nuclear codes nor even a Twitter account. But as a consequence of all of this, the people who really swept up and stole power in all of this was the new corporate monarchy working out of Silicon Valley. And I think that we got to recognize what happened before our eyes so quickly this week was that we have devolved from a three branch federal government system under the US Constitution to one with two branch offices, one in Washington, DC and a headquarters in Silicon Valley. See, but there is an antidote, and the antidote is to create conservative alternatives. Now, they tried to shut those down, but I've got to believe there are bright you know, Silicon Valley like mines and Microsoft mines and Google minds and Facebook and Twitter minds out there, brilliant people that you know this stuff way better than I do, that are going to be able to offer solutions so that we don't need those platforms and they don't need their assistance, will bypass them. I'm optimistic about that, and I think that ultimately our engine of innovation as Americans has always led us forward. I'm optimistic that's going to happen again. Here shut we've got William in California. William, Hi, how are you? And thanks for calling from the United Socialist Republic of California. That sacially what I'm calling about is socialism, as you can hear from the accent. I left many years ago, one step ahead of what we thought was going to be socialism in South Africa. It didn't happen, but the reason we thought it would was because our neighbor to the north had five years previously institute of the socialist system. And I'd watch the economy collapse literally overnight and their currency. So we sold up everything and off we went, and like for the last four hundred years, sixteen twenty. We were washed up on the shore here thankfully, and when they asked me the questions I'm into America. They asked me, what economic system do you have? Do we have? And I see it. It's a capitalist market system. And I guess many people would not really attach much gravity to that. It just rolls off the tongue. But when you've seen forty five years of work, car house business sold for pins in the dollar. Leaving seminar, William, this is a longer story. Why don't we come back South African Immigrant And I really want you to explain it because you lived it, you understand it, you know the dangers of it. Will come back on the other side. Wide open phones, final half hour as we continue Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We've got some really good information. We're going to be calling out all the hypocrites all over the political and media world tonight at nine quick break, right back, we'll continue. We want to get back to our phones. The eight hundred and nine four one sean. We were talking on the other side with William and California South African Immigrant explaining that you know the world and attempts to descended a socialism. As I said, it live free or die socialism and its history of failure. So you lived it absolutely, and for many years I was not concerned. I never gave it a second thought. This is America landed the free. As I said, the market capitalist system works like a chom. Everything's great. And then suddenly, about five years ago I hear that somebody who works in a bar came up with an idea about something for nothing in a postive a political career. And it wasn't just liberalism a transfer. It was socialism. There was She wasn't just going to give away drinks, free drinks. He was actually going to give the keys to the pug away. And that really gotten worried. The something for nothing philosophy, if you like or sells pitch of the left, is concerning. And what's even more concerning is the nothing for nothing a current pitch of conservatism. So now you have something for nothing going a hit tote toe with nothing for nothing, and this is wrong. We need to explain what conservatism is in simple terms, short story, whatever, and then fix the two problems that exist in the market capitalist system, the one being that it tends to gravitate towards one or a few players who own the game. That's the capitalist side, and on the market side, the fact is that markets don't work for essential services, health, education, and farmers, and those need to be addressed by the conservative side of the argument and taken to go toe to toe WI something for nothing dream, which is absolutely nonsense and finishes in ashes. You can't do any worse than liberal Democrats have done in big cities and states they run for decades with law and order, with safety, security, education. Republicans have an antidote to the education problem, and have the antidote to the law and order problems called policing, more police, not less, better trained police, not less trained. And on the other side of the equation, education is reading, writing, math, and we should allow choices for schools and let parents decide where they want to send their kids to school. As far as the rest of conservatism, I can explain it fairly quickly, and I have a couple of times this week, and I appreciate the call, William, thank you. It's a good admonition and warning. Conservatism isn't complicated as I see it, And I would say I'm a Reagan Trump America first Conservative, What does that mean. I want lower taxes, I want less government bureaucracy. I want more manufacturing in home, and i'd like secure boarders. And I don't want judicial activists on the bench. And I want America to always be energy independent. If liberals want to discover other forms of energy before besides oil and gas and coal, have at it. Find us free energy, I'm all for it. But short of that, we need to be energy independent. I want free and fair trade deals. I want peace through strength. I don't want to be involved in foreign entanglements. And with the new military technology, we don't need to send kids door to door like we did in Baghdad. We have the ability to take out entire city blocks pushing a button in Tampa, Florida. That's how we should fight future wars if we ever getting engaged. I want better intelligence. I want more secure internet. I want privacy for every American. And I don't want an abuse a power by the deep state. That's pretty much sums it up. Not that hard anyway. Let's get to our phones. Jill and Alabama. Have a couple of Alabama calls on the line. Jill, how are you hi? Son, I'm great. How are you doing today, I'm good. What's going on? Okay, Well, I'm very concerned about the shutting down of Parlor and other conservative outlets. What are we going to do about it? Where are the billionaire conservatives? Do they have something in mind? Have they been working on it? Let's get it going, because we need a new network. We need new outlets just from conservatives that cannot be shut down. Look, all of these services what we need, and we'll get it. I have full confidence. You know, years ago, I used to use a phrase, haven't used it a long time. As we've got to just become the media. And that's why the efforts to silence and shut down talk radio have been so fierce over the years, or shut down Fox News, but more specifically, when they talk about that, they really just want to fire people like me on Fox News. They're perfectly fine with Donna Brazil and Juan Williams and Haraldo That's okay, right, they just want conservative voices silence. I'm not going to be silenced and I'm not changing who I am, period and a sentence. And if it ends with me getting fired, that's the end of it. I'll go. I'll you know, pay me an all leaf and I'll find another place to work. If not, I'll build my own platform. But the bottom line is we now have smart technological minds that need to build out alternatives that we don't need Apple and we don't need Microsoft, and we don't need Amazon. That's the answer. The antidote is free markets. Freedom is the answer as usual. You know, I knew the answer to coronavirus eventually would be medical scientists, researchers, professionals, and they did it. And people are getting the vaccine every single day. By the way, I'm waiting my turn. I don't go early. You said everything way more eloquently than I could ask. Well, we could do it together. And are you an Alabama or a Auburn fans? Well, act, I'm a Nitney Lion, okay, thanks, Jill. Randy is also an Alabama. You gotta love Nick Saban. I mean, there's never this guy is unrelenting. What a great leader he is ever all tide. What's going on, sir? Oh well? I think what we need is to focus on a state level term limits campaign finance and get your governors and your state representatives to convert your state to a sanctuary state, but their rights and their civil rights. As far as far as the term limits, I think we can do it on the ballot and campaign finance, or just make it illegal for anybody represents your state take money from anybody but someone who lives in your state. Listen, our first course of business is going to be to fight the dramatic radicalization and the most radical agenda that they want to impose on we, the American people. The new Green deals the tip of the iceberg. Silency and conservative voices is the tip of the iceberg. Maybe it's packing the courts, Maybe it's trying attempting to end the electoral college. Maybe it's you know, adding statehoods so they can have quote a Senate majority and perpetuity's ending the legislative filibuster we got. Raising taxes is the least of it. That's just that's baked in. You know, the trillions of dollars they're talking about spending and bailing out states like New York and California. Well, Alabamas ought not bail out in New York, which would benefit me personally, But I don't think anybody from Alabama ought to be rewarding anybody in New York for hiring politicians that misappropriate funds and don't fund their pensions and can't balance their budgets the way you guys do in Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida and everywhere in between. Sorry, that's not your problem. And I didn't vote for it either, just so you know. But I don't think you should be burdened with bailing out in New York and California, New Jersey. But that's gonna happen, and it's gonna be your money that's choosed. I'm telling you right now. It's it's not gonna be pretty m sad because we're rewarding now all the states that have been fiscally irresponsible and we're punishing the states that have been fiscally responsible. It's just wrong. Rosie in New York, I bet agrees with me, even though it won't benefit her if we don't get Alabama's money. What's up, Rosie King Cuomo State. I'm a nurse and we're back to two day a week testing, which is one hundred and sixty five dollars every time. But um, oh you have to pay. Oh, you'll have to pay for your own tests. You're you're you're you're a nurse. You have to pay for your own COVID tests. It goes through our insurance. Yeah, so if you have a you pay it, you can permit it to the job. Yeah, it's one hundred. It's one hundred dollars for them to run it at the lab, sixty five dollars for the girl to pick it up your nose. So let me just the two worst things Cuomo did during Corona. There was a lot they got wrong. And I'm not blaming him for everything. I mean, nobody knew. There were a lot of mistakes, a lot of experts, all the projections, all the predictions were wrong. And Trump will never get credit for all that he did for New York at every other state but the two worst at the nursing home fiasco, which he still won't take responsibility for. And the second worst thing is charging New York state tax to healthcare workers that came to bail New York out at the height of the pandemic. I'm like, really, how about a thank you? Um Now, now, they have penalties that they'll put onto the facilities if they don't comply with these these testing and wait a minute, you should already have access because you're you're a healthcare worker. You should have access now to the vaccine. Why haven't you gotten it? Um, they just started rolling that out today. I do have some some things that I'm just waiting a little bit longer before i take mine. But it was it was offered, um, you know, just some of the things they said about allergies and stuff. So just reading, by the way, I suggest everybody's got to talk and have a serious, long conversation with their doctors before they make that decision. They should read a lot about it. My humble opinion, that's my advice. Um, I've read enough about it that I would take it, But most of my friends think I'm nuts. They don't want to go near it, and we shouldn't mandate anything. People should take it if they want. You know, this is the weirdest virus I've ever seen. I've never seen anything like this in my life. Where you have people even with comorbidities, that survived this thing, and and then you have other people that you think would you know, no problem, and they get the worst cases of it. And then you have you know, you can't even discuss, you know, certain therapeutics because they're not politically correct even and though a lot of doctors have spoken out in favor of them, and they won't even let people get some of these medicines. I've never seen anything like it. I'm a believer in freedom of choice. If you want to take this medicine, after you've done your research and consultation with your doctor and who's going to prescribe it, you ought to be able to take it. Offer back, right, it's your body, it's your risk. It's the same with shutting everything down. It's your risk. If you want to go out and do something, that's the risk you're taking. Knowing that this is a novel virus. Novel is new, nobody knew how to handle it properly. And Trump, I feel, did what he could do. And I still haven't heard anything from from Joe Biden about what he would have done differently. And I'm willing to listen to both sides and make a decision, but you haven't given me anything for mental debate over it. So as far as I'm concerned, he did do what he can do. No, it's a new virus. No, what about all the other countries? Who can we blame? You? Raise good points. Well, anyway, do you like being a nurse? Yes, I just graduated with my bachelor's so hopefully that I'll bring some new opportunities. But it's a hard job, but it's a very noble profession, and you know great, you know, nurses now do so much more than people really know. I mean a lot of times they do all the medicine, they do all the hard work, and the doctors just come in and do their diagnosis. Thing. You're housekeeping, you're plumbing, your the family everything. But I don't like touching people enough to be a nurse. I'm not as nice as you. I'm just like, oh man, you know, I have this whole thing that that when if I ever become incapacitated, I'm like, all right, I don't want my family even seeing me. Everybody thinks it's insane, and I'm like, I want you to remember me as I was alive. I don't want you to remember me, you know, feeding me apple sauce and cleaning my diaper. I'm just thought, I don't want that. I'll just let me go. Being there for somebody in the end is just as important, is verse. I mean, it's really it's see, you're a nicer person than I am. I you know, although I've helped out a lot of people in that position, including family members and uh anyway, well, thank you for what you do, Rosie. God bless you. You're a You're an angel. That's awesome. People are so kind. Linda actually is really good. You never would have think you'd never think she would be would be what would be? What? No? You never think that you have this like tender side that nobody would believe. Listen, listen, e is that a compliment or a compliment. She's so hardcore on everything. But if I said I was was dying, you know, she'd be crying and offering to feed you. First of all, I would not be crying. I would feed you apple sauce, and I would exactly you would, but I would not cry because it's just a complete waste of energy and it gives you a headache. Okay, but you would be upset, of course, yeah right, But listen, I love and hate to the extremes. There is no in between. There is no gray aut it it's blackboard's white that it's gotten worse for sure. Discuss your hate list and now it's like Adam, Well, there's four hundred and thirty two members on him. It's now trying to get back to the reasonable number that could be managed is going to be impossible. It's going to take years of hard work for well, we don't have time for that right now. We have to do LifeLock. I know. But the point is, you know, I mean, I'm saying that you have a very I think you have a tough exterior that you put out there. It's just phony, kind of like LifeLock. Like LifeLock is really tough and it protects all of your All she wants to do is take care of puppies, children and people that are sick. That's what you do, and break all of the people who would like to hurt them in half. Okay, that's the part of you that dare. Yeah, Kennedy Ninetiestern Fox News Channel loaded up tonight Congressman Brian masked attack, double Ampute attacked by fake news, fake Jake Tapper, Dan Bungino, Pete Haig Seth. We have Glenn Greenwald, Alan Dershowitz, Are Pleisher, John Solomon, and much more. Nine Eastern set your DVR, Hannity, Fox News. Hope you'll join us. See it tonight back here tomorrow. Thank you for being will us