Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana, was the victim of an almost fatal shooting a few years back while playing in a practice Congressional baseball game. The killer was a Democrat intent on killing republicans, and he came close. The attacker James Hodginkson was ultimately killed by armed Capitol police escorting the Congressmen. Scalise believes that people are bad, not guns, and any further restrictions on the 2nd amendment hurts the American people. A quote from the Congressman, after he was denied the right to speak when House Judiciary Democrats denied him the opportunity to testify during a hearing this past week on gun violence.
The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. Hey, it's that time of year for those of you, God forbid, you gotta keep your New year's resolution. What if you're a timeshare owner and you want to get out of your timeshare. Maybe that's at the top of your list of maybe you made a bad investment over the years. It doesn't matter. Let not your heart be troubled, because the new year is also a reminder that you can get serious about getting rid of this time share and doing it right and doing it legally. And lone Star Transfer is absolutely an amazing group of people from beginning to end. I highly recommend if you have any type of time share, I want you to contact loan Star and tell them I told you to call. They'll give you a free, no obligation consultation and they'll help get you out of your time share if they'll do it the right way, the legal way, and it will take very little effort on your part, just by calling pound two fifty on your mobile phone and saying the keyword timeshare. A's pound two fifty on your cell phone, keyword timeshare. You can check them out online at loan star transfer dot com. You have the option to receive a one time autodialed text message from iHeartMedia. All Right, glad you with a lot of news to get to today. I'm going to explain in detail. It's amazing the press is obsessed with what I predict because they don't know the relationship I have with the president. Let me ask you, quit, why do I like Donald Trump so much? Why do I think he's doing a great job as president? Maybe we're asked, we'll start with that question. Well, I've been on radio thirty years, I've been on television on Fox for twenty three years now. Occasionally changed opinions over time. I'd even argue I become a little more libertarian. I certainly have become so well disenchanted, disappointed with members of Congress, people that I thought would go and fight and do a really really good job that don't do it. And my eyes have been opened to how just how deeply embedded the swamp and the sewer in DC is. That's frustrating. But all my life I've wanted conservatives on the Supreme Court. All my life as a broadcasting conservative, I've known, I've studied, I've believed, it's been proven time and time again that tax cuts work, whether it's done by j f K and that is. You know, it's not a zero sum game in terms of wealth. You cut taxes, you stimulate economic activity, and burden some regulation. The reason this president has been so successful so quickly is because he did it on a mass scale, and he did it expeditiously with the largest tax cut in American history. I've always believed these things. I've always said, build the border wall first. How many times have I said, you always get the spending increases, you never get the tax cuts that are promised. How many times have I said, you always get the amnesty, you never get the wall built. And I'm watching this president also what he said about trade deals. Never said he wanted a trade war. He said he wanted to negotiate better trade deals. He's doing it. He wanted our allies to pay a bigger share of our shared defense NATO, He's doing it. He said he would confront dictatorships like little Rocketman, fire and fury, and my buttons bigger than yours. And now we're head of the Vietnamen a couple of weeks, by the way, twenty five hours to get there. Twenty oh yeah, Oh, you don't yes, yours is thirty five. You're not on the same plane. I tell you all the time to come on the same plane. You us need to go ahead of schedule and get to work because some of us are even though you're gonna be there a day early, some of us are so obsessive compulsive that if you don't have the extra extra day, you think that it's it's all gonna become a mess. That's why we have engineers are welcome. No, that's why engineers go, Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not know I do that too? Did you not get the memo? I feel like I'm listening to my cousin Vinny here on the show. Oh my god? What annoytment? Pretty much? Yeah, But I believed in conservatism my whole adult life, and many of you doubted Donald Trump would govern as a conservative, and frankly, intellectually, some of you made a strong case why because Okay, he lived in New York, he donated to both parties, wasn't really political at one point in his life, was pro choice. He set outrageous things on Howard Stern Show or whatever it happened to be. But I've also known him for a couple of decades. He's tenacious and unrelenting. So I go out there last night and I've said, all right, we're gonna watch what the President does on this border walled, garbage compromised deal, which it's it's a garbage deal. As as of this show starting, I am told the White House has not even seen the language, and Nancy Pelosi's expected to leave town for a week or two now. They may not be able to get this thing negotiate it out. So if Nancy leaves now, either they're gonna do a short cr that's clean and doesn't deal with the issue at all, just to buy them more time because they're incapable of meeting deadlines and doing their job, and they've been so difficult in the whole process to begin with, and they just want to obstruct, and they obviously don't care about the issues that they so long have have proclaimed they care for. But I went last night. It's not even going out on a limb, you know. When I'm quoting the President in his own words, I'm gonna get the money elsewhere. So he's telegraphing and it's not to me, just to me, not some special code to Hannity's if you'd listen in the mainstream media, you might hear what I'm hearing, and that is that if the president gets the one, three, seven, five, which is not the five seven that he wants, that all of you would declare another huge loss for the president. And then the president combined it with the monies that I believe in a lot of attorneys that I've talked to, although you watch these TV attorneys, I don't know what they're talking about, that he would have the authority to add. It could be in the billions. That would be I'm sorry, in the millions. That would be money available to him. The money would be available to him right away, and the government would be kept open. Some of you would say, well, he's caving. But I went a step further that the president is pretty much telegraphing. Pay attention to what he says. He's telling you something when he speaks, and what he's telling you is, Oh, I'm not worried about this at all. I'm not worried about this in the slightest way. Because he says I will add whatever I have to add. Those were his words. So I go on and make the prediction that I think this is going to be a three step process. Mate, probably if I had to guess what happened simultaneously. So conservatives who doubted his conservative credentials, I think his last two years proves that I was right. I knew him better than other people. I'm not saying that you made a mistake, that we've all been disappointed by so many other politicians, that you're naturally suspicious. But I was out there on the highest tree, the skinniest little branch at the top, hanging on literally the smallest twig and a dead lead, in the middle of winter, out there on my own. Because everyone thinks I'm nuts. What I'm saying I backwards and forwards and ten piles of snow out to school. Well no, But the point is is I go out on a limb and speak what I believe in my heart to be true. And what I believe in my heart to be true is that Donald Trump was going to govern conservatively. He was going to put those people from his list on the Supreme Court, conservatives and originalists, and he has that this president would fight unlike other presidents. How many other presidents would have said to Justice Kavanaugh, forget it, it's not worth it, not worth it, pulled the plug on it, bailed out on it a lot. He didn't, he wouldn't, and it was the right thing to do. So just because you approach something in a different way doesn't mean in any way you're losing. As a matter of fact, it's just the opposite. It's proving my point about Donald Trump. So you got Democrats and by the way, frankly, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell had promised him this money if he did that deal that he didn't want to do back what year and a half ago. So but he was promised that they didn't fulfill it, and they should have, and they deserve some of the blaming all of us. So I'm making the prediction that the President when he talks about homicides, murders, sexual assaults, violent assaults, again, not the ninety eight percent of people that want a better life, but the two percent, the cartells, the human traffickers, even young girls trafficked into prostitution, as I had a guy Border Patrol agent dealt with his thirteen years. Tell me, and these young girls lives are destroyed. I'm saying, young girls, and the President's seeing this as safety and security life and death, and Democrats see it as just how can we screw Trump because we hate him. They don't care about data dreamers, they don't care about furloughed employee. They themselves wanted all these things until Donald Trump put them forward, and now they're not interested in it. So I would say that I don't really care what the President ends up doing with this bill. There's no significance in my mind in terms of is he going to fulfill his promise and get the border wall, But it would have to be part I would care if it's not part of other things that he's basically telegraphing he's going to do. So I'm reading the president's comments. It's like I just read to you. I'm reading it to say this that if there are no restrictions on the one three seven five and they keep the government open, he would take that money as a down payment. He would take the other money's millions available, and he would take I'm sorry billion one point three seven five billion, and he would take the other billions available, and he would begin to immediately and expeditiously continue building the wall. The headline on Drudge right now, as Trump starts six miles of wall in Texas. The President's been building and fixing the entire time, and most people just haven't covered it. We have, then he's gonna probably, I would say, politically, he needs to do it simultaneously because people are so quick to jump down his throat, and that would be declared the national emergency at the time that he decided to either sign or veto this bill. If he vetos this bill, then Congress is going to have to work fast on a short term resolution that gets them more time buys the more time to work out a better deal, or at least the deal that allows him to spend the money the way he wants to spend it, because they put all these restrictions on him and he can't even use them any All the moneys that are needed for you know, the drones and tunnels and ports of entry, all that money has already been allocated. There's billions of dollars. Nobody's paid attention to that part of it, the only part, the only moneys that are missing are wall moneys. So if the president would utilize the billions of dollars for additional construction and the one point three billion down payment, while simultaneously he declares a national emergency or something similar or orders the using inciting US Code to eighty four, which clearly, as I've read it on both radio and TV the last couple of days, him the authority to do this, and he's already telegraphed multiple times if he did that simultaneously, while he predictably will watch the laugh file their lawsuit in California so that they'll get a liberal activist judge that will side with them. They'll only do it that way, it's called judge shopping. Then it'll go to the notoriously left wing Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. But then because of the serious, significant national emergency aspect of it, and the significant constitutional issues about his role as commander in chief number one, separation of powers number two, and the law as it is written, especially US Code to eighty four, I think the Supreme Court would have to take it up on an expedited basis and come to a decision. And if they abide by the law and the Constitution, I think it's a slam dunk win forward the President. But there's no stoppage in play. If you will, the wall keeps getting built the whole time, rather than waiting. However many months it takes to work its way through the court system, which predictably will happen with a national emergency or the use of defense funds or whatever else the president decides to do. But I would guess it's going to be a national emergency, and I guess I would guess he would do it if if he doesn't have restrictions on the money, he'll sign the bill. That is of no consequence to me except that money can be used immediately and the process doesn't stop while he's fighting in the courts. Now to me, he's playing chess, and that is But there are those of you out there that have no faith in him that you just doubt constantly. That's my prediction. It's not based on any conversation. It's based on me knowing the person and reading his public commentary. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one, Shaun is a number. Hey, it's that time of year for those of you, God forbid, you gotta keep your New Year's resolution. What if you're a time share owner and you want to get out of your time share, maybe that's at the top of your list of maybe you made a bad investment over the years it doesn't matter. Let not your heart be troubled, because the new year is also a reminder that you can get serious about getting rid of this time share and doing it right and doing it legally. And lone Star Transfer is absolutely an amazing group of people from beginning to end. I highly recommend if you have any type of time share, I want you to contact loan Star and tell them I told you to call. They'll give you a free, no obligation consultation and they'll help get you out of your time share if they'll do it the right way, the legal way, and it will take very little effort on your part, just by calling pound two fifty on your mobile phone and saying the keyword timeshare. That's pound two fifty on your cell phone, keyword timeshare. You can check them out online at loan Star Transfer dot com. You have the option to receive a one time autodialed text message from iHeartMedia. By the way, in this great economy and job market that's on fire, you want to maybe you want a new career, maybe you want better pay, better benefits, a better career trajectory. You can just go to Expresspros dot com download the Express pros app and your job seekers never pay a penny. You know, this all comes down to what is the president fighting for? What are the Democrats fighting for? Men watch Bozo O'Rourke actually saying walls make us less safe and end lives. I'm like, if you guys ever talked to angel moms and dads or Menendez making the ridiculous, insane argument that Trump is criminalizing illegal immigrants who drink and drive. Has he ever met the family of somebody that had a family member killed by a drunk driver? I have. Maybe I should go to a Mothers against drunk driving, especially in this day in age and uber and talk to those parents that lost kids, or talk to those that lost kids, you know, angel moms and dads, or people that have been victims of sexual assault or violent assault. You know, it's just and you know, well, this is Donald Trump doesn't want brown people to come into the No. Donald Trump wants to stop the heroine, the fentanyl, the cartels. Donald Trump would like to vet people who come into the country. He'd like to stop the human traffickers, the sex traffickers, the gang members, the drugs from coming into the country, and those that have a tendency or a background and committing horrible crimes. And also make sure that people have the capability of taking care of them themselves. And you have to ask, what is the other side fighting for here? They're only fighting for something because Trump likes it. That's not serving the interests of the American people. That's why after his State of the Union speed seventy of those that watched it like and agree with the President's immigration policies and the fact that the President telegraphs what he's doing. And I read the telegraph and they're too dumb. They're saying, Hannity is insider information. Yeah, I read what the President says. Smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. For me, Jewel was a game changer because you switch to Jewel, It's simple, it's satisfying and no more smell. I watch people all the time they run outside and the freezing coal you can be grabbing their cigarette. Well, with Jewel, you'll take a quick puff and you're good. That's it. Now. Jewel is designed which smokers in mind. From its form to technology. It's easy to use, no buttons, no switches, and the goal of Jewel is to impact the lives of adults smokers by providing a satisfying alternative. Switch to Jewel, You'll wish you had done it a long time ago. To discover the smoking alternative that is nothing like any e sig vape you have ever tried. Go to this website Juul jewel dot com slash switch America. That's Juul dot com slash switch America. Warning this product contains nicotine and nicotine is an addictive chemical. Juul dot com slash switch America that walls do not save lives, wolves kinds lives. We are a ghast that he wants this giant, thirty foot wall to be the symbol of America. I tell President Trump, I've told him to his face. We want this symbol of America to remain the statue of liberty, freedom, equality, not a divisive wall. I don't support a wall. I believe in border security. I think a wall is not a smart way to make us safer. Wall is an immorality. It's not who we are as a nation. Immorality. Well, you just you know, signed off on one point three seven five billion dollars of immorality and Chuck Schumer's such a phony because in Obama's second term, Oh yeah, fund the wall for the wall. We need the wall and walls to pronoun you know, everything for them is political now, and it's so absurd. I'm watching these two twenty candidates. I thought it was really funny. So you have. Kamala Harris did an interview on some radio show called The Breakfast Club and the host asked Harris if she ever smoked marijuana, and she gives an answer, and then they asked her, well, what music could talk to Let's play that also, And I know the answer to this too. They say, you opposed legalizing weed. That's not true. I know, And look I joke about it, have joking. I have my families from Jamaica. Are you kidding me? Maybe? So mad at you? Have you ever smokes? I have? Okay? And Diane Hale I didn't. I didn't. It was a long time ago. But you have to go. I just broke lows. I mean in college. I like stuff like that. That's a joint, Hey, I do. So if it was legalized all through the country, Unison, would you you know, do it? Listen? I think that it gives a lot of people joy and we need so then they ask her, all what music did you listen to when you smoked? And she answers, oh, I listened uh She goes, oh, yeah, yeah, I listened to uh oh Snoop in Tupac for sure. All right, Well, she graduated Howard University in nineteen eighty six, and she graduated the University of California Hastings College of Law in nineteen eighty nine. Tupac's first album comes out in nineteen ninety one, and snoop dogs first album comes out in nineteen ninety three. So either she lied about when she smoked, lied that she smoked, or just light in general. But she just won to seem hip and cool. That was a big thing with Obama. Obama tried to make it really really hip, really really cool, and man, we may have to do this for Kamala Harris with this interview, I'm just thinking I discovered that it didn't make any difference. What have you smoked reefer in the white classmates, sparkling new van, or in the dorm room with some brother you've met down at the gym. I spent the last two years of high school in the days I Inhale all right, we don't have time to get to the rest of this, but we'll do one. We had to do a new version for Kamala Harris. Interesting that when she was a DA out in San Francisco at the time time she opposed legislation that would have legalized marijuana. And they said at the time she believes drugs selling harms communities didn't support. He did support medicinal marijuana. Everyone changes their position on this. Yeah, and even by the way, I guess prosecuted people for smoking marijuana. By the way, people in New York now are told for sure that you know, every state's going for drug legalization. Here's the best thing that's going on in the country right now. And if you're a conservative, you should love this you're watching you shouldn't. Well, let me say it differently. You need to watch very very carefully what the radical takeover of the extreme radical new Democratic social apartment you got. You gotta take it seriously. And what I see about AOC Alexandria Acasio Cortez and the hundred people that support her New Green Deal, what I see in her is somebody that basically saying everything Democrats believe, but they just try and work on incrementally. Remember everything that Democrats have known for years that they could never get done legislatively. They tried to work through the activist court system to get done all their agenda items. That's how they've been handling it and trying to hide a lot of what they really believe. But you know, we now have a democratic party that is rooted in radicalism, a democratic party that is a socialist party, a democratic party that is you know, look at the things that they believe in. Now you know they believe in, oh, even abortion during the birth process, or you happen to be the governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, you're okay with it even after the babies born. Baby's born, delivered and kept comfortable. Then the mother decides whether the kid gets resuscitated or not if they run into some type of trouble. And that's how extreme this party has become. Then you look at the New Deal, the New Green New Deal Bill, and I love that Mitch McConnell saying, hey, let's have votes on this. Let's get these people on record. Do they support eliminating all fossil fuels in ten years? I mean, this is so this would guarantee that the greatest wealth producing nation that its finances would collapse, probably immediately if it was ever implemented. But there may be enough people that actually are stupid enough that want this. You know, I don't want the Tupac part though, anyway. So their goal is to get off all fossil fuels, and at the exact moment that America is about to go through a renaissance in terms of energy production, then they're gonna then they're gonna get rid of all nuclear energy. So then they're gonna give a bill of rights that guarantees cradle to grave, womb to the tomb, pretty much everything. These are the platitudes, the bumper stickers, the false promises that socialists make every time they come into power. Talk to people that were part of the resistance and the revolution down in Cuba when Fidel came to power and his murderous regime comes in, and what the people were promised. Look at Venezuela as rich as they are with all their resources, or the former Soviet Union and communism. But every time it's tried, it fails because it destroys any form of human incentive. The reason that America has been the great wealth creator. The reason that America, through its creativity and ingenuity, it is incentivized by a desire of people to dig deep within themselves, find their talents, fulfill voids wherever they can, and provide goods and services that people want, need and desire and are willing to pay for. You know, if you've decided, if we didn't have washers and dryers and we still did it the old fashioned way, and today you decide you came up with a washing machine that you could just plug in and do your wash and go do other chores and then come back and throw it in the dryer, you're gonna get pretty wealthy. Because washing closed the old fashioned way and then putting them out on a clothesline was not exactly a fun chore. If we didn't have freezers and refrigerators, you know, holding those big blocks of ice that people would freeze, that was a chore every day. If you didn't have running water and you had to go to the well every day and take out buckets of water and put in a bath and heat up the water first, that would kind of suck in something we're not used to. So the reason that we have created a standard of living. Not only do we create them, you know, not only does the model t get built, but it's built in a way where everybody eventually can afford a car. We're like a throw It's like Alvin Toffler Future Shock. We throw away cars that are perfectly good. Well. The good part about that is people that don't have a lot of money, like me when I was in my twenties, Well, I get to buy that cheap, good car and keep it for a lot of years. And I have a car at a pretty low price. That's capitalism that creates wealth, even for many of the poorest among us. And I haven't been in many you know Techwood Homes, pepper Mill, you know Techwood one of the first housing projects, government housing projects ever built. And it all sounds so amazingly fair and good, and it takes all your fears, which psychologically so many people live in fear. I don't live in fear. Fear to me is the opposite if you have any faith in life at all, Fear is the antithesis of faith. You gotta you can't live your life in fear. If you live your life and fear, you're never gonna walk out of your house you just you have to take chances in life. Your first day on the job, you're gonna be nervous. Your first day on a new job, you're gonna be nervous. The first time you go to a new school, you're gonna be nervous. The first time you play a sport, you're gonna be nervous. The first time you play a competitive sport, you're really gonna be nervous. And you just you keep building up confidence with each time you take that leap off the high board, and then you realize, wow, this is fun. I like playing sports. I like this new job, I like this new school. Then you make friends and your life changes, But it doesn't change if you don't take the risk. Everybody that has created something you know you don't get money just because you even risk creating goods and services that people want, need to desire. There's no guaranteed outcome. Many businesses fail. So here comes a bunch of politicians, like they have in so many other countries and so many other times in different variations. Now they're gonna get rid of the combustion engine, all fossil fuels. They're gonna put up charging stations for the little baby box priuses. They're gonna want us to drive. They're gonna guarantee a family sustaining wage, family leave, medical leave, vacations. Everyone gets to go to Hawaii once a year. I guess you know retirement security. All your retirement is there, whether you have to pay for it or not. Obviously not. Now they've screwed up k through high school education, public education, government schools. Now, now they want to take over college. They'll pay guarantee your college, guarantee you healthy food. We're gonna have to get rid of cows because cows, you know, they admit CO two gases with because of their flatulence. No more cows. That's gonna leave your diet. By the way, if you want to invest in something, you may want to consider buying cows now, because steak prices will go really high at some point in ten years. And then they're gonna make you rebuild your home and rebuild every building and retrofit every building to meet you know, minor significant changes in things. But we're gonna get rid of airplanes too, and we're gonna well, and we're gonna build high speed trains. I can't wait to see the high speed train that's gonna take me to Australia. Is they're gonna be above the water or below the water? How are they gonna pay for that? And then the high speed train to Europe and the high speed trains. This is insane, and so many people support this. This is a form of insanity. It is beyond to caricature. You know, we're gonna ban the lifeblood of every economy, energy, which we have more of than anybody else. And we're literally on the verge of economic growth and prosperity we've never experienced. I'm talking about Saudi Arabia money because we are we are the Middle East of natural gas, and now that we're tapping into our oil resources, well, the good news about that is that's going to create high paying jobs and opportunities and careers for people. That is going to change their lives dramatically. When truck drivers are trained to get one hundred grand, one hundred thousand dollars plus a year. And Democrats they want to end the Senate filibuster so they can vote on the Green New Deal, Go ahead, Mitch McConnell. Let them do it. Vote for cloture. I would say the Republicans put it for an up or down vote. It makes sense. Well, what does it makes sense is you're going to destroy the single greatest wealth creating system in the world. People are born, they have innate talents and gifts, and they use those gifts if they can live in freedom, if they live in liberty, if they work hard. And you'll also get all of this, by the way, whether you're unwilling to work, you're guaranteed at all. That's your new extreme radical Democratic Party. And then they want to tax everything seventy to nine. And after you paid taxes, they want another bite out at the apple, and then when you die, they want another fifty percent. Well, that's just gonna do you know what it's gonna do New York. I'll get into this later. New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California losing population in droves. America will then be next if they do this to America what they've done of these big liberal blue states. So you don't think the public's going to see anything. You think it's forty million dollars. Muller investigated it, and that's it. No, but the rules of the Department. Just put yourself, put yourself in the president's shoes. Let's say we investigate you guys, and it comes out your witness and the subject, you cooperate transparently, and we take all those facts when we say, you know, there's nothing here. The idea that you would take that information to make it public, you know, violates the whole concept of the grand jury. Put's the grand churry for to protect the innocent. And by the way, I've read thousands of grand juries, and I it does protect the innocent. I mean maybe one in ten cases you would bring, but you would investigate some. I mean I talk about organized crime, public corruption. I mean, you come, you come close to really awful stuff. But is it a crime? Is it prosecutable? No? Does that ever get reported? No? So you're saying when Mueller's report drops, it's going to be a flop. You're saying, we're not gonna Oh, I will be shocked if if anything regarding the president has made public other than we're done. We did the very best we could and bring it home. I think it is coming home, and I think it's coming home, and to share the same shape, and you know, and then you know there are people in the press say, oh, he must have some surprise he didn't have. I know exactly what he has. I know exactly what every witness said, what every document said. Is I know exactly what he has, and I know what I know what you know what the what the conclusion of the result is? What does he have? What's the result? What's the conclusion the climb. There's no basis, there's no exposure. It's been a terrible waste of time. What's worse is, let's get on the other side of this how it all happened. This is one of the greatest frauds those country's ever seen. And I'm just shocked that Bobmalla didn't call it that way and say I'm being used. I would have done that, powering issues and this thing. I'd have gone into sessions and rose and see and say, look, this is nonsense. We are being used by a cabal and the FBI. Wow. Powerful statements. By the way. That is John Dowd, the former attorney for Donald Trump, making a pretty bold prediction on ABC News. We do have a lot of deep state news on our Hannity Deep State Watch today. Among the big list we have is now we have a situation where, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, We have discovered that remember when the Anthony Wiener laptop issue came up, and we've been investigating this for a long time. When that came up, first look at what happened. Oh no, they wanted to push it all under the rug. Now we find out that there are a bunch of emails being passed back and forth, including with Lisa Page and going to Peter Struck and all the same figures where they were trying to negotiate a deal whereby the FBI would get certain things that they wanted from the State Department and in return, they would declassify certain emails that were classified that were on Uma Abadeen's husband's laptop, which of course means that that is a violation of the Espionage Act. And secondly, she had claimed under oath Uma Abadeen that she didn't know about Hillary server. Now on top of that, the news yesterday was huge bipartisan Senate committee investigating all of this Trump Russia collusion. Well they have found nothing. And the media that's been peddling these lies, well, guess what that means. They're wrong. And don't forget that that Senate committee had the same interviews, had the same access to the same intelligence, probably even more than that which Robert Muller ever had access to. All the networks have been pretty much silent on all of this, and they probably need to be because the Democrats are about to lose their big Russia collusion issue as a twenty twenty campaign issue. And then we have another problem, and that is we now know from Devin Nunez last night that are in fact going to be referred for criminal charges, but they're lying to Congress incidents and FISA abuse as we also await the Inspector General Michael Horowitz report on FISA abuse and John Huber's report on all of the leaks that came out anyway, Joining us now David Shone, civil liberties attorney, also a criminal defense attorney. Greg Jared's paperback is out. The Russia Hoax was the number one New York Times bestseller as a new chapter in it. Thank you both. Also, David, I'll start with you. We have this other issue that nobody seems to be talking about, and that's Norm Eisen, and that is the Obama's ethics chief accusing Trump of violating emoluments clause. Why don't you explain what that is? And what he's doing and who he is. But it's absolutely huge story and I'm glad to that you're breaking it. Emoluments clause, that's right, there's a domestic and a foreign emoluments clause. They essentially provided a Constitution one sound an Article one one sound Article two. But putting putting all that aside, they provided that the president has a fixed salary and which this president doesn't even take and isn't to benefit financially while he's in office from outside into this investments, etc. There've been a number of lawsuits brought challenging the president under the emoluments clause. Now what's happened is Jerry Nadler of the House Judiciary Committee has just hired Norm Eisen, who was Obama's ethics lawyer and ambassador to the Czech Republic, and Barry Burke, a lawyer in New York. Eisen and Burke have led the charge of all lawyers in attacking President Trump on a number of grounds. Eisen is the chairman of a group called Crew Citizen's Responsibility in Ethics in Washington. Is a chairman of the group and as a law year he filed a complaint against the President in Federal Court in front of Judge Daniels in the Southern District, New York as a lawyer in the case. That case was dismissed thrown out. Isaen afterwards has vowed in another case in Washington to continue going after Trump on the emolument's clause. Eisen and Burke have written one hundred and sixty eight page articles in the second edition now making a case as to why the President committed an obstruction of justice. These are absolute attack dogs against the president. Now, how can the Judiciary Committee possibly hire them on taxpayer dollars given the agenda they're following in Mueller's footsteps by hiring lawyers with an agenda set out ahead of time. They've already reached their conclusion. They've attacked and convicted the president before they even start. Remember, we heard from these committees with mister Whittaker and mister Barr, that they should be questioned because of their bias because they made a comment or wrote a memo about in Mueller investigation. These two Isisen and Burke that read their twin feat they're filled with a tax and the president that he's guilty of everything under the sun. And now they're being appointed as investigators for the House Judiciary Committee. It's an absolute outrage and every member of the Judiciary Committee should demand a hearing haul them in there in question about it. Think about this eisin with these explayer for President Obama, he still has an interest in these ongoing lawsuits against President Trump. Is he now going to use Congressional resources to advance the investigation and the interests of his clients in the Well, It wouldn't surprise us because as now the Senate Intelligence Committee wraps up their investigation and a bipartisan way with no evidence of any Trump Prussia collusion. Well, now the Democrats begin the whole process all over again in the House, which which is pretty unbelievable to me. Greg Jarrett V. Look, if you want to talk about the emolument's clause, that's fine, But there's also another issue, and that is the Freedom of Information Act. Information that came out as it relates to Anthony Wiener's laptop and James Colemy's actions just before the election when they found these emails that they didn't know existed, but they wore on that laptop, they wore classified and they're having email exchanges with State department officials that are offering something of value if they would declassify them after the fact. Yeah, No, you're absolutely right. It's the equivalent of bribery and obstruction. Let me say this about emoluments, because I talk about in my book. The law is very clear emoluments do not appertain to pre existing businesses. If it were otherwise, the first five presidents of the United States would be guilty of emoluments. It's not when the Framers intended when they wrote it in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has said as much. So Normaison doesn't know what he's talking about, and the others who filed these emoluments lawsuits don't know what they're talking about either. Maybe if they read my book they'd understand it. But you're right. You know this using your public position under Secretary of State to offer the equivalent of a bribe to the FBI to take a top secret classified document and doctorate so that it looks like it's unclassified to protect Hillary Clinton and uma avidence. I mean that substruction of the FBI investigations. It's bribery. And you know I was talking about it last night with you and Alan Dershowits and Dershowitz said, Wow, there wasn't an exchange of money. It didn't actually happen. Under the bribery statute, it's a thing of value, not money. And second of all, attempt to obstruct or attempt to bribe is sufficient for a criminal indictment. Where do you think we are now? After the Senate Intelligence Committee bipartisan report says we found no evidence of Trump Prussia collusion, why would that have more weight of credibility and say the Mueller report? Or is this indicate where the Mueller report ends up? Because John Dowd, the former attorney for the president, we heard him say that either doesn't even think Muller's ever going to say a word and not write a report at all. Because the Intelligence Committee has direct access to top secret classifying information that Mueller does not necessarily have access to. Their investigation is longer two years, two hundred plus witnesses, three hundred thousand pages of documents they've examined, and they've come up with nothing. They could have saved themselves two years just by reading my book. It reached the same We've got a lot of plugs in for that book today. I mean but well, apparently your book is being read by people in Congress because it was quoted in a recent hearing I think by Congressman McClintock. Yeah. You know, the facts, the evidence in the law are all in favor of the president. There's no evidence that he colluded in the bowels of the Kremlin with Vladimir Putin to steal the election. But there is evidence, as you've pointed out many times, Sean, of Hillary Russian collusion. She paid for phony Russian information and then delivered it to the FBI and the Department of Justice to frame Donald Trump, and the DOJ and FBI knew was fabric So we now getting to the point where we might find a little equal justice. David shown an equal application of our laws, with Devin Nunez saying criminal referrals are coming down for people with BISA abuse and those that lied to Congress. I hope so such a the new Attorney General. I'll believe it when I see it. I'm still I remain a skeptic. You asked the question, what significance should we have on this bi partisan report now by the Senate they found no collusion. If you're an American who cares about America. It should end this thing once and for all so the country can move on with the country's business booth, domestic and foreign. But you know that it won't because there are too many personal agendas driving things. And the fact that they came up with no evidence means to Jerry Nadler and his crew want to now take center stage and trying to either come up with evidence or Mueller is going to have to justify his existence. It's time to drop it and move on. Johnald Trump didn't win the election because of Russia. How many times do people have to spend hard earned money and hire attorneys and go before these committees and testify and spend days and days preparing for all of this where you begin to say, you pay my legal fees, I can't afford this. Well quick, that should be the case. It seems to me this has always been an investigation in search of a crime, which is really an abuse of the legal process. All right, stay right there, Greg, hang on, we'll continue. Greg Jarrett and David shone eight hundred and nine for one Seawan told free telephone number. We'll come back on the other side and pick this up. All right, as we continue with an attorney David Shone and other attorney. Fox News contributor Russia Hoax author Greg Jarrett is with us. The only thing I want to see is I want to see the pre dawn raids. How many people do we know, Greg Jarrett, that lie to Congress? How many people do we know that are guilty of committing a fraud on the FISA Court that haven't been held accountable. When are they going to get the pre dawn raid with the amphibious vehicles, the artillery trucks and full you know, full on swat gear and guns drawn in the face of Rogerstone Paul Manner for what are ostensibly process crimes. When is that going to happen to Hillary, who we know committed crimes. Selective and unequal prosecution now has become the mantra at the Department of Justice and US Attorney's offices. And it's a shame because are you saying you don't think it's going to happen. Well, you know, I am optimistic now that William Barr will be confirmed as the Attorney General and Lindsey Graham's chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I think they will make a serious effort to get to the bottom of this and hold people accountable. But to answer your question, I have more than a dozen people on my list who have either allied to the Fisichord or okay, to Congress. What are their names? Well, let's just begin with the Hillary Clinton case. Um, you know you've got Cheryl Mills in Lama Abadan who made serious and repeated false statements and yet were never prosecuted, instead given immunity. The five people who signed off on a faulty deficient FAISO warrant. That's James Cummy, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Daniel Blente, and Rod Rosenstein. And then you add in the others Lisa Page, Well, what about what about all right? Struck Page? James Baker's under criminal investigation, So yeah, I haven't that's at least, and maybe Clapper and Brennan, Well, Clapper's Unfortunately, this five year statute of limitations already ran on Clapper. He should have been prosecuted criminally, he wasn't. All right, let me give yeah, We'll wait and see last word. David Chow, Listen, I'm so glad today that you broke the story that was happening to the House Judiciary Committee. I hope you're going to stay on top of it. It's a vile, important subject for America. Americans who want to see a president investigated or to demand that the investigation have integrity, the neutral and unbiased, and we have never seen that with this Mueller or now the House Judiciary Committee. This wrong. Americans must protest, all right, Thank you both for being with us. We appreciate it. Eight hundred ninety four one Sean Tofrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Twenty five now until the top of the hour. We're gonna get to your calls this half hour. First, we wanted to bring back for a couple of minutes Congressman Steve Scalise, remember the victim of an almost fatal shooting, Remember when the Republicans were practicing for the Congressional baseball game, and the killer a Democrat Bernie's supporter, which by the way, I don't blame Bernie Sanders for but if it was the opposite, they would do that anyway, came pretty close. We saw such heroism from the Capitol police that day who were escorting Congressman Scalise, and you know it's not a really good way for Democrats to start off the majority, and they're actually suppressing the opportunity for Steve Scalise to tell his story, because Steve Scalise believes that people are bad and that guns in and of themselves don't shoot themselves. And I just wanted to check him what happened with you and Congress and testifying. Hey, Sean, appreciate the opportunity. You know, there was a bill that's moving through Congress right now, it's h R. Eight, and it's a bill that deals with gun control measures. You know, they're talented as a background check bill. But they were having a hearing on the bill and on the concept of gun violence, and Doug Collins, the Republican lead on the committee, wanted me to be one of the people that would testify on the Republican side. And typically when numbers of Cogress want to testify, they always present that venue. When we were in power, we did that previously, they did it, and for whatever reason, the new chairman, Democrat chairman of the committee refused to let me have this venue to testify. And you know, Sean, it's kind of perplexing when you think about it. But frankly, I'm sure very few people watched the actual committee hearing. A lot more people heard about what I was going to pay because they didn't allow me to say it in the committee hear. Well, what is it? What is it? They don't and I know you published this on foxnews dot com. I saw there first. What is it? They don't want to hear that you don't blame the gun for the shooting that took place that nearly took your life, right. I mean, I'm a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and really it predates the Constitution. You know, there was a reason the founders didn't initially put it in the Constitution because they thought that gun rights were just an assumed right, and ultimately they saw some threats, and so they added when they were putting the Bill of Rights together, they added a real constitutional protection for law binding citizens to defend themselves. You know, it's always about self defense, not just to be in the army or the military. And the Supreme Court addressed that. Unfortunately it was a five to four decision, it should have been nine to zero. But regardless, their their Bill HR eight, among other things, Sean will do this if you loan your gun to a friend of yours to go to a shooting range. Under their bill, you would go to jail for a year and face up to one hundred thousand dollars fine. That's the kind of gun control that's in their bill. What do you mean, lower you what do you mean lower your gun loan? If you loan it? Oh, if you loaned a gun to a friend of yours who wanted to try it out at a range, exactly. Let's think about this, Shawn. Let's say a friend of yours comes to you and says that her boyfriend is beating her up, and she wants to borrow your gun because she's afraid he's going to come and do her harm, and she doesn't have a gun of her own, so she has to borrow yours. That act, once she leaves your presence and she goes back to her house to defend herself against a boyfriend that's beating her up, you would now be subject to a year in federal prison and one hundred thousand dollars fine for that. Sean, that's just insanity. So look, this is the type of thing though that's not going anywhere. These are House Democrats posturing because the Republicans aren't going to support it in the Senate, or at least I don't think so. Do you think that has any chance of passing. I don't think they will. I don't think they will show them. But the important point is when this bill comes to the House school in the next few weeks, the mainstream media isn't going to tell you what I just told you. What the mainstream media is going to say is, oh, this is just about making sure that everybody goes through a background check so that bad people don't get guns, you know, and you don't want bad people to get guns, and neither do I. Well, I hate to don't. I don't mean to break it to you, but if it weren't, listen what those two Capital police officers did that saved your life that day. What they did is honestly one of the most courageous acts of bravery. Because when you have a guy that has cover, and if he was any decent rifle shooter, he's got a rifle, he's got a cover, and they're walking out with pistols in the middle of a baseball field, that's called being a sitting, that's called being a target. Got the element of surprise too, he had he had a center. The fact that they the fact that they walked out there. Yeah, I mean it was an active bravery. The fact that David Bailey and Crystal Groner were there with handguns, but train, highly trained, highly skilled, and incredibly braved. Both of them were and you know this, Sean, but for your listeners that don't both David Bailey and Crystal Growner were shot during the shootout and kept going after the shooter, didn't cower away. They went towards the danger. They saved my life, They saved everybody else's life. There over a dozen member of Members of Congress and other volunteers that won that ball field. They saved all of us and took the shooter down. Unbelievable heroism and miracles, I gotta tell you, really, thank God they were there that day, and nobody really knows. And I had sources at the time telling me that first day you got something like nineteen transfusions and it was very touch or go for a while, and there was a chance you weren't going to make it. Yeah, it was. It was a few different points that first twenty four hours. Wow, I almost didn't make it just so you'll know. And I got to see the side of President Trump and the first Lady Milania came to the hospital at night and then helped give a lot of comfort and relief to my wife Jennifer there at the hospital when nobody knew. If I was going to make it well, I would have donated blood for you, but they would have rejected my blood, you know, but I would have offered well. Vice President Tense donated blood that next day. It was It was wonderful to see the goodness of people, though, Sean, because you want the range gun man, but we saw the goodness of people, and it was people with guns that say, my life. And that's why I'm so passionate about spreading this message. You know, I was always a defender of the Second Amendment, but I got to see how people with guns were able to stop a bad person with a gun. And if they wouldn't have had those guns there, we wouldn't be here today, and nobody else should lose that ability. HR eight will help do it. We all need to keep speaking out against it, and if they bring it to the floor, everybody who votes for it is voting to do those things to send you to federal prison. If you loan your gun to a friend who's being beaten by our boyfriend, you would be a felon, you know something. If sothing happens, you know who then takes on the responsibility. But Congressman, thanks, I'm glad they actually help get your message out more in my opinion, and we appreciate you being with us. Unbelievable. Thanks, great thing with you? All right, eight hundred and nine for one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, I promised we'll get to a lot of your phone calls here as we say hi to Dave in Texas. Dave, how are you glad you called? Sir? Hello there, mister Hannity, how are you. Thanks for your time and taking my call. Thank you, Yeah, sure sure, And enjoy listening to your show and watching you on TV at night. Also, just real quick, I notice a quick phone call here, just trying of calling in on the wall obviously living in Texas, in San Antonio area. There's a big talk of that, of course, and just a few things I always think about with that wall. It's obviously a fense with you and some of the things we deal with on a daily basis being in our beautiful countries. When we go to the movies, we have to go through turnstyles, we go to the spurs, we have to go through turnstyles. We have show tickets that the airport gets searched and strove and stow port, and we are guided through our daily lives. And just something that we talk about on a daily basis, you know, at home and at work, is that this wall is to help America be safe again. And finishing the wall is a huge deal in my mind and a lot of people's plans. And one thing to think about is that we're asking for five billion dollars to finish this wall. And if you ever thought about it, if you look at the new La Ram Stadium and you look at the dollar now that they're built, that they're putting into that thing, it's four point nine seven four point nine billion dollars to finish the LA Stadium. And the how much are the taxpayers paying out of that money, Well, it looks like the looking at the owners are putting up a little bit of that the taxpayers of being the rest. So the majority of it is coming for the taxpayer and ownership is putting in a portion, but obviously for a football stadium. And I love my football, I love all my sports. But when it comes to my country, I love my country more and the safety of my family and my kids in of course, the people the United States, both sides of the border. You know, it raises a good question, because I'm not against public and private partnerships of some kind. There was a recent announcement Long Island City, which is in Queens, New York, where Amazon was gonna build new headquarters. Were looking to build new headquarters and they were gonna get twenty five thousand probably pretty good jobs, although Jeff Bezos is not known as somebody that is particularly generous with his employees. But to get this, they literally what's at stake here is New York City in state was going to issue three billion dollars in tax breaks and other incentives that gave Amazon when they agreed to give Amazon, you know, this amount of money. Now here's the problem. I definitely want those jobs for the people of Long Island City. I want the twenty five thousand jobs. But why did they get to give one company all of these tax breaks? What about every other company and every other business you know, there are in New York all over New York. They sell food on a corner, hot dog stands all over the place. You're gonna give those guys an equivalent of a tax break, or you're just gonna give it to your big corporate wealthy buddies because you make a big splash and look at this, we got twenty five thousand new jobs and you get to take credit for it when you're using the taxpayers money to incentivize one company, but you treat every other company in New York differently. So and the same goes with sports stadiums. I think issues like this. You have a referendum process in California, and if people decide to vote that in okay, that's up to them. But you're right, there's something wrong if we're treating people differently, especially when it comes to you know, tax dollars. Although if you make you know, if you can make the case that, okay, this is going to bring in more revenue in the end and it's better for the city and the state, and there's all sorts of other moneys that are going to be used, then it's certainly you can make the argument. But at the end of the day, nobody else is getting that Amazon deal. Everyone talks about the rich getting richer, lets democrats helping the rich get richer, and New York would be super rich if you know, Governor Cuoma would just open up fracking and upstate New York while Pennsylvania is literally drowning in money from natural gas that they're literally stealing from New York. I'm sure some of that New York gas is going right into Pennsylvania's coffers. New York already sends the most money to Washington DC of any other state. New York sends more money to Washington than any other state. Forty states get more than they give. So not only is it a policy of redistribution, you're taking from the ten donor state and you're giving to forty states. Ten states contribute, forty states take more than they put in. How do you possibly justify that in terms of equi fairness justice on any level? How is this fair? Literally? Ten support forty It's simple. No one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs ten bullets to kill a deer. Oh my favorite, Lenden, nobody needs ten bullets to kill ada. Linda, I think you could probably mock that pretty well. Nobody needs ten bullets to kill Adia. My favorite. Oh what's great about this is he got the governor of New York whining about redistribute. How is that fair? That ten whining? That's his regular talking voice. Okay, No, he's whining because of redistribution. Meanwhile, in his own state, you have full and complete redistribution. You see. He just doesn't like it when it's happening to him. Meanwhile, those are his policies, that is the Democratic Party mantra. And maybe based on what Cuomo was saying, maybe we need to now revisit the progressive income tax code in the state of New York and nationally where oh, twenty percent of people pay ninety percent of the bill and fifty percent of people pay less than two percent of the income tax bill. And based on what Governor Cuomo just said there, you know, how are we gonna be fear about this? This isn't fear. Only where is his accent from? Because that is the most bizarre New York accent I have ever heard. No, it's weird because he talks a lot like his dad used to talk. Yeah, his brother doesn't talk like that. A little bit. I hear a little bit of he's got a special accent on law his own. But the point is clear. He hates free distribution. He hates the fact that one state pays more than other states. Well, that's exactly what you're doing to the taxpayers. You have twenty percent of the population paying pretty much all of the taxes. You know, you get the top twenty percent. That's it. That's the big chunk of money. Do you New York. You're just getting what you you're paid for. That's what you're getting. You're getting your coffee. The way you talk about things, you're getting exactly the what what you do to others now happening to you. That's that's how you found it before you became an American radio host. Yeah, pretty much had to work hard on that. Sean Peyton house washing dishes. Let me tell you one other thing about this thing. You know, there are some taints of you. I will say, yeah, you don't have them, though I do. I have a couple. I have and I have the dropped the mic moment, which is now that I know him, I have the I have the library now and I've actually actually found recently doing a lot of cleanup. I have found all my old tapes going back to Santa Barbara playing them when you go into the woods never and I'm like, I'm even saying to myself, why am I saving these? Nobody is ever gonna go back and listen to it. I can't see my kids and day saying I want to listen the twenty thirty years of Tad's radio. Nobody's gonna want it now, but they'll listen to one tape and say, wow, he was a nut. Pretty much by then they'll be indoctrinated into full complete socialists. Still sound just like Andrew Cuomo. Nobody needs two bullets to kill Adiya. We'll be down to that at that point. All Right, I gotta take a break. We'll come back. News round Up, Information Overload hours next. All right, News round Up, Information Overload. Our Sean Hannity showed toll free. Our number is eight hundred nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. You know we don't get enough good news out there, but I mean, you look at all the record numbers in the economy, record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace. Youth unemployment are vets are going back to work. Five point three million new jobs. Around six hundred thousand of those jobs are manufacturing jobs. In other words, jobs that we were told by President Obama were never coming back. An article out new data today more than one point four million households have dropped off food stamps since Donald Trump's first full month in all office in February twenty seventeen. Remember, in the eight years of Obama, thirteen million Americans were added to the food stamp proles. We have a million more people out of poverty. And we're also watching and witnessing a mass migration in the country that nobody's really talking about. If you look at Americans now are continuing their march out of these high taxed, highly regulated states like New York and they're going to low tax states like Florida and Texas where they don't even have a state income tax. Last year alone, twenty eighteen, we see Texas gained more than three hundred and seventy nine thousand residents, Florida gained more than three hundred and twenty two thousand, New York lost another fifty thousand, Illinois forty five thousand, same pretty much in New Jersey, California. And you see these low tax states are picking up. You know, look the biggest losers New York, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and they're all high tax states. And now we have the all new radical extreme democratic Socialist Party and Acasio Cortez's New Green Deal supported by about one hundred other Democrats that we know of now, and we welcome back to the program Bill O'Reilly. And by the way, his book Killing the SS has been a massive run way bestseller now for many many months. Congratulations, how are you? I'm the same, Hannity, which is tragic for everyone, I think. You know. So O'Riley and I go into a restaurant not that long ago. We walk in out. Riley is, you know, six foot ten. He's like, how tall are you? I'm six four, but I just seem bigger because I'm intellectually so fit. Okay, so I'm six feet I'm dead on six feet tall and we want but you know, he looks like a giant. It's not like I can go somewhere in a baseball hat and glasses and hide you can't hide wherever you go, and so no, it's funny. We walked into a restaurant Long Island, very good Italian place, and it was almost a riot. Give him a plug, glot, Pa, it's a great place. Yeah, I mean I had an unbelievable linguini and white lamb sauce. It was so good. But yeah, I mean, you know, two Irish guys walking in for a plate of spaghetti and then all of a sudden the whole place up. So it was pretty fun And by the way, you're an Irish guy. He doesn't even you never have You don't drink at all. No, I've never had no drinks, no drugs. So I can't hang out with Kamala Harris and listen to two packs. No. I think he's claimed it was Snoop Dog, but that wasn't the error, which was pretty funny. Another democratic life, all right, So look at what this new Green deal is about. We're gonna yeah, let's just get your take on it. You're following it. Our audience knows what's in it. Yeah, I'm Bill O'Reilly dot com. I do a Message of the Day every day, and then we do, of course the newscast at night. But I come at it from a historical point of view, and I think this is being overlooked. So Mitch McConnell, the head of the Senate, is smart. He's going to force the Senate to vote on the New Green Deal. Okay, So that puts the Democratic Senators in a bad position. If they vote yes, then they can get scorned by people like you and me because it's so crazy. If they vote no, then the progressive wing and the Twitter mob attacks them. So as we're noting that, Booker, Warren, Klobuchar, and Jillibrand have all said, yeah, we're on board with the Green New Deal. Now here's what everybody should understand throughout history, when democracies are overthrown by totalitarians. The totalitarians always need a reason. They create a disaster and that the government has to do this or Italy is going to fall off the face of the earth. So Mussolini is going to be the guy that solves your problems. In China, Mao is going to come in and he's going to solve everything because we're in such bad condition. So totalitarians use disasters to seize power. If you look at the socialistic wing of the Democratic Party. They're telling you that the world is going to end soon because of global warming. Way minute, twelve years Acasto cortezas, Okay, well, you know, I mean, I don't know if her calculators accurate, but she might be doing the new math anyway. They're they're basically the chicken little wing of the Democratic Party is telling you that you're going to drown or your kids are going to be a scorch to death, and it's coming faster than you could possibly imagine. So we the federal government, have to start to regulate every part of your life, not just climate but everything you do in order to stand off this climate change. So they're creating this panic, all right, That's what's done in every single totalitarian country. So Corey Booker, then it says, well, you can't eat meat, No, I can't even meet the meat industry is just so much stuff in the air and the cows and oh no more meat. And then everybody has to have a job, a green job, and the government's gonna give you that job and pay you a great wage. So we'll take over employment. We're gonna take over dieting, all right, We're gonna tell you what you can and can't eat. Then we're gonna take over the medical industry because I don't know how that ties into global warming. I might have to do with sunblock, I don't know, but that's attached to it. We'll take the medical system over, and of course we're gonna take the educational system over because the kid's got to know about global warming. So we're gonna tell the teachers what they can and can't say. So this is what they want. There has never been a socialist country in the history of the planet that has been a democracy. Well there's what the sad part is. And you got to look at the reverse of this. There's never been a governmental system and it's not perfect. That has been the biggest wealth creator than capitalism as and that's why the opportunity. Of course, what do you think people are trying to break in here exactly? I mean, of course that's not the goal. See, the socialist movement believes the capitalism is unjust know what they think is is people. No they think and this is political for them, that capitalists are pillaging the planet for profit. And I'll ask you through the prism of history in which you're you're looking at this because every single time they have the slogans, they have the platitudes, they have the bumper stickers, they make the promises kind of like the most recent example, keep your doctor, keep your plan pay less. That didn't work out well. So they are now telling us that in ten years we will have no fossil fuel energy, no nuclear energy whatsoever. There'll be no more airplanes, we won't have the combustion engine. They're going to have us charge up some prius or something. But every American will be guaranteed a job, family sustaining wage, family medical leave, vacations on full retirement, college education, healthy food, adequate housing that's safe and affordable so your housing is taken care of, and an environment free of monopolies, which is code word for we're going to take over industry. And by removing the lifeblood of our economy, which is energy, they destroy the United States in less than a year. Absolutely, they destroy the capitalistic system and they replace it with a socialism system based on social justice and income equal quit. All I gotta do is go to Cuba, which I did in twenty sixteen, and you see what the promises were. Okay, may buy a Castro, Fidel Castro, and he promised everybody the socialistic Navana government controls every single thing that people do, what kind of cars they can drive, where they can go, how long they can stay there. And everybody goes, well, we have free healthcare. We in Cuba, free healthcare. You know, the problem is no doctors. Doctors are all here because you can't make any money as a doctor in Cuba. So they get educated there and then they get out. So you know, look, I just want Americans to understand that this isn't really a political play. The people, don't they you know, they know they're not going to get this green agenda pass. Now, they don't they know it's this is just the beginning. But the end game is for the federal government to control all industry aspect of our lives. Is the end game. Okay, that's the end. Now add to that that they want to eliminate all private healthcare insurance with Medicare for all. That's Bernie, that's Jilla Brand, that's Kamala Harris, eliminate all fossil fuels. They now have become the party well of late term abortion, even during the birthing process and in the case of the Virginia governor. Well, after you deliver the baby, will make the baby comfortable, but they won't let the mother decide whether the baby lives or dies. That now the party of rampant anti Semitism. We saw the incidents of blackface, and then we got a lieutenant governor. They don't seem too concerned about even the charge of rape against him. He's I don't hear many saying I believe anymore, which they used to bludgeon, of course, Justice Kavanaugh during his hearings. So there's a lot of hypocrisy, all right. Hang on, Bill O'Reilly's with us. His book is Killing the s still in bookstores, massive bestseller. I read some of this as a part of me that just wants to laugh at it. Because we're going to eliminate air travel, We're going to eliminate fossil fuels. That means the combustion engine is in the scrap heap of history if they have their way. But in ten years they plan to have high speed trains built everywhere. How are they going to build that train to New Zealand and Australia or Europe. I'm fascinated at how that's going to happen. Oh, Casio Cortez is the media darling, and I actually think she's very good for America because she spotlights all the things that are really hidden from a lot of us, that real powerful people like George Soros with billions of dollars to give away. What she makes people pay attention to this insanity. Oh you know, if you do a survey in a mall and you say do you want to ban hot dogs, hamburgers and airplanes? One hundred percent of the people are going to laugh at you and say no, what are you an idiot? But the real underneath is government control, government control. They don't have any solutions. I mean, just this week we hit a twenty two trillion dollar debt, which is going to hurt everybody in this country. It's just a matter of when not if, just this week we hit it. If you will put the socialists in charge, you're going to have an eighty trillion dollar debt, You're going to have the inflation like they have in Venezuela. And you know what you're going to have And I hate to say it, but you're gonna have violence. What do you say that aren'try? What? Because when the government starts to confiscate income as the socialists want seventy percent income tax, death tax. They come in and take everything you're gonna have, and then people start losing their jobs as a transition is made into the electric car industry or whatever else they're going to mandate, and people don't have a lot of money, and then somebody breaks their hip and has to wait six months to get an operation like you do in Canada. You can have violence. You know what's really people are Americans are not gonna are not gonna sit for it. That the problem is is look at what's happening in states like New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, mass Exitus. So, yeah, well you've been had. And then Cuomo goes to Trump and goes, hey, yeah, you pass a law that doesn't allow us to deduct state and local taxes anymore. Can you do something about it? And if I were Trump, I look at them and go, well, why do you why your taxes so high? Exactly? That's the answer. You know, you know, but it would happen. Don't you think that your own people and then you're coming to me for a hand out. Don't you think though that I'm in here. I've got to run a military I've got to run a security apparatus, and you can't even build rose in New York. Let me ask you this though, Don't you think what's happening in these high tax states, highly regulated states and the mass exodus is only a preview of coming attractions. If the extreme radical Socialist Democratic Party gets some power and tries to implement this, I think people then they're gonna take their money and they're gonna look for a safe haven, like when it happened in France. All the wealthy people started moving to Belgium like the next day, and Great Britain, I mean even the Beatles moved out. Yeah, why are you still in New York? Non point five? Why are eight dollars tax shortfall? Because so many wealthy people who moved out of here? Why the hell of we're gonna be the last ones here. They're gonna take everything. I've got to go. But you've raised a lot of great points. Bill O'Reilly's latest book, bestseller, is number one on the New York Times list, Killing the SS And thanks for being with us. We appreciate it, and I hope you'll come back. Anytime. Sean, thank you eight hundred nine f one Sean told free telephone number. The rest of our news roundup in your calls coming up straight ahead. As we continue, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, we'll get to your call here. All right, let's do a little quiz here with Linda, because there are people and if I turn out to be wrong my pop quiz. I didn't get a lot of heads up. It's a pop quiz. It's I didn't give you any heads up because all you have to do is speak the truth, which, of course I'd never tell a lie except when I of course, not when you told Lauren, oh my god, please, that dopey dog of hers was going to be well. The dog passed. The dog passed the truth they used They used a choke chain and shot therapy. I've already asked you kindly not to talk to me about that, because you know I hate it. Okay, I hate it. Well, I mean, you know that's the funny thing. People, I love animals. You love animals. You like cats more than I do. I'm not a cat person, granted, but it's funny. If anybody ever tried to kill a puppy or a kitten that was born. What do you think would happen? People go, are we speaking about liberals? Yes, for normal people liberals. So liberals care only about the things like you know, like the canker worm. Right, tran is obsessed with the canker worm. Right, the same woman, the same woman wants to murder your babies at nine months? How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman or physical health? Okay, okay, I'm talking about the mental health. So I mean through the third trimester. The third trimester goes all the way up to forty weeks, okay, But to the end of the third trimester, yep. I don't think we have a limit in the bill. So where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs of that she is about to give a birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified she's dilating, mister chairman, that would be a you know, a decision that the doctor, the physician, and the woman understand that. I'm asking if your bill allows that my bill would allow that. Yes, during the birth process, that's correct, as you're delivering, and are you doing as you're breathing that again, because I've gone through it and I know how it sounds. It's more like ah than it is breathing. Remember that, because you tried to get me on the phone when I was delivering, and I was like, this is not a comfortable call. This phone call Lena. Three years ago, I was very pregnant and I was two weeks of a due and I was three days into my labor. Yeah, so I called and said, why don't we come on the air and see how Lena's to it. Yeah, that was not a good idea. And God bless my sister in law now, Lauren, she you know, had the foresight to say, no, No, I don't think that's going to work. You know what, people would have loved it, because there's nothing more beautiful than the birth. Oh absolutely, my tendescibel scream was it was beautiful. It was absolutely oilarating. So this is what is so unbelievable to me. Then you have the governor saying, well, we'll deliver the baby, will make the baby comfortable. Um, if the baby is having trouble breathing. Well, the mother she gets to decide whether to help recess him. The same woman name person. Um, so go ahead, what's your quiz? All right? So the quiz is I said and stated before he ever got elected. When I was vetting Obama, Frank Marshall, Davis, Acorn Olinsky, the Church of ged America, Reverend Wright Black, Liberation Theology, Airs, and Dorn, what I concluded long before the election in two thousand and eight was Obama was a rigid radical ideologue whose policies would fail, didn't I And I was, um, I can go back even earlier because I amc the night New king Ridge became the Speaker of the House and Republicans got control of the House for the first time in forty years, and he was the architect. And I said, he's going to keep his promises and they're going to vote on those items in the first hundred days, and they did, and many of them became law. I also predicted a lot of other things. I predicted in the case of Obama, he would fail. We made a lot by by being by allowing due process. You know, we turned out to be right in a lot of high profile cases Cambridge Police, George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, Duke Lacrosse, UVA, Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland. Everyone says those cops are going to be found guilty in the Freddie Great case. I said, no, not happening. All of these case. We're right, they're wrong. Richard Jewel Lynnwood is now representing the kid with the Maga hat Catholic School. Oh yeah, he tweeted out the other day that he's suing Nathan Phillips the for libel in terms of what he said about that kid. Now the tape is all out there and Lynnwood is he's the attorney. He was Richard Jewles attorney. I knew him. Then. Tell you what Linwood really is exceptional and you've always said that about him. But I will say I'm really looking forward for the vindication for these kids because I was astonished at how these grown media anchors were talking about these fifteen year old kids. They're fifteen year old high school boys standing there. You've seen an edited tape, you didn't take the time to look into it. And now we have a situation on our hands where we haven't done any proper research. But we've already made the rush to judgment. Oh they're fifteen. You can't death threats. Their families can't go to work. If I was on the list of companies, I'd call Linwood now. Absolutely, I'd fall on the sword. I'd say, what can I do to make it right? I want a public autology from all of them. Starting went on and gave them an opportunity. But I bet if somebody hadn't heard about it, he would probably work something out with him. But all these people digging in their heels, lawyering up, all these the kids in the face. Oh it's somebody. But then they want to talk about how they're all liberal and pacifists. Accept let me just warn you, Oh Lynnwood is going to kick your ass. Lynnwood is going to win. I'll have the palm palms ready. He's a Georgia attorney. I've known him all these years. I've watched him work. And you know what's amazing, he knew I was the only one on the air in Atlanta that was suspect about the AJC. The Atlanta Journal Constitution's proclamation that Richard Jewell fit the profile of the lone bomber because he lived with his mother. They ruined that guy. It's very very hard to be the first. It's very hard to be the first and then the only person asking for let's just see all the evidence. I mean, how much do we dislike Michael Lavinatti, But you were the only person to say, Okay, let's wait to see all the evidence. The same justice he would not give to Cavanaugh, you were willing to give to him. And it turned out Michael Lavinati was found innocent in three separate investigations. And there were people to a maybe because they hate Avanati. Now the point of this little exercise that we're going through here is, remember, in twenty sixteen Trump gets the nomination. You have never trumpers. You have people on the fens, conservatives saying worried that he was not going to govern as a conservative, that his promises about Supreme Court justices and tax cuts and deregulation and doing trade deals and the border wall, said all this, he wasn't going to keep his promises. Now the list and I went out there like I always do, kind of alone, sitting on a ledge. I kind of describe it sometimes as climbing the highest tree in the middle of winter and climbing out on the weakest, you know, branch, grabbing onto the smallest twig with a dead leaf. And that's me taking a position sometimes because people think I'm nuts. And I remember vetting Obama. Prominent people said you're gonna ruin your career. I'm like, well, I'm gonna tell the truth, and I said, Donald Trump is going to governor as a conservative, I would say I've been proven right, agreed. Yeah, Okay, So last night everybody's well, what's Hannity saying, because Hannity must know because they talk all the time. Well, Number one, I don't reveal. I'd love to keep this a mystery because everybody that has written about my relationship with Donald Trump has gotten it wrong, completely utterly wrong. And so when these journalists are looking for comments, well what is the president going to do here, they come to me asking, do your job now. I have sources because as a talk show host, we do reporting, some investigating reporting. We do news objectively. A lot of times we tell you the news of the day. I have sources that they don't have, and it pisses them off. But I'm not to reveal my sources or private conversations with a source. Would they do that? And I'm not going to reveal private conversations with friends. Would they do that? So that's what they want me to do now. I also give opinion because being a talk show host, you're like the whole newspaper. Being a journalist, well, you're supposed to only do straight news. We do it all. And where do you find that these days? I haven't seen much of that lately. Yeah, it's everywhere. So here's my prediction that I made last night, and I've been making it for a while. I think Donald Trump I don't know, because they haven't even at the White House. Before the start of the show, I checked, they hadn't even gotten the language for the so called compromise because they're changing it up to the last second. I assume Democrats are putting poison pills in there so that the one point three seven five billion dollars for the wall is not going to be available to build the wall. They're gonna put a million restrictions on it. That's what I suspect is going to happen. Now. That might put the President in a position to say, no, give me a clean cr I'll give you more time. I either get that money or there's no deal, and that will He'll fund the rest of the government. He'll figure out something to do. But my guess is if they allocate it, really the one point three seven five, I guess the President, even though it's a crappy, horrible bill, would probably sign it to avoid the shutdown continue government functions. Hey, well what if? What if? May I he vetoes it? I know you're on a roll. Yeah, gonna put a little ham and cheese in that roll just for a hot second, and then you can keep it moving. So my only thing is I'm just saying, you want to cut the tomatoes gard I like tomatoes. I like them cut properly. That's all. That's the difference between me and you. You know you want to put them on sloppy. You want to let us hanging off. You know, I'm want a nice get to your point, so you listen, you digress, I come with you. So all that to say, I just wonder if it's not if it doesn't make more sense, did you have something you want it? You're doing some sign language here as I'm trying to get through my thoughts. Only the people of America could see us. So I really feel like if he signs this right now, it's a mistake. I think that he should forego the shutdown, do the cr but not sign this. Try to get a different deal. And if that can't work, wait wait wait, wait, wait, shorry, I'm get spit it out, very impatient man, ladies, and I'm running out of time looking at I can finish my point. Let's sorry, I'll keep you in finish your point. So anyways, my thought process is that we take some of El Chopo's money. That was Ted Cruz's idea. I like that. I like this idea. Congress would have to appropriate that. So that's that's one, all right. But here's my point. How did you like my idea? I love Ted Cruiz's idea because that's what he was saying. First of all, it's not Ted Cruz's idea all by myself. So anyway, if he can use the one point three seven five for the wall, and you know, he is anywhere between nine hundred million and billions in other funds that he can use and has the discretion to you as he sees fit, and he decides if the president would do that sign that he'd have that money. The other moneys. We're not sure the exact amount, but it seems like it's billions. Perhaps that's money in the interim he'll be using. If he simultaneously declares the national emergency, he still has all that money to build the wall and keep the building going in the interim. Or we take the eld Choppa money. I mean, we all know how good he was at digging tunnels. We call it the eld Choppo wall. Okay, in honor of the Mexican part of beauty. What part of you believes that House Democrats would ever allocate the money that way. Listen, it's better than having to find it somewhere else. Okay, what part of the se We do have a constitution. We have separation of powers. One of the constitutional roles of Congresses they get to approve how money spent. Yeah, I mean, Jason is saying the same thing that you're saying. Yes, they have to decide on how it's appropriated. But I'm just saying, if you got fourteen billion dollars, a great idea, but they're not going to appropriate it because otherwise they would have appropriated it. I just don't want to have to say one peen three seven five. Can't we just say one point four okay, one point three seven five, But so he'll have that money, they'll go do their judge shopping in California. They will win the first round with a liberal activist judge. Then it'll go to the Ninth Circuit. All of the Ninth Circuit did side with Secretary Nielsen's Department of Homeland Security that they do have the authority to override California's extreme environmental laws and can build and have broad authority to build whatever barrier they want. Then while the President is battling this out in the courts, the next step would be the President gets that to the Supreme Court. And the issues are so significant a national emergency be his role as commander in chief see Separation of Powers and d you have the US Code two eighty four, which explicit league grants by law the President the right to build the wall. I think he wins, so there's no stoppage in play. He gets to take the money in the intro while he's out, you know, litigating this, which I think he'd win. So that's why I'm not bothered by the bill as long as long as he does the national emergency. I like your ideas. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Busy Hannity tonight, as we go over all the radical left and the Democrats radical extremist plan for America, which is the form of insanity in case you didn't know it. Well, the latest on the budget battle, what are the president's real intentions. We'll get to all of that and the other news of the day. We have deep state news we'll be getting as well. We have Tammy Bruce, Shawn Spicer, Sarah and Greg tonight and Tom Homan, Homer Homeland Security chief. Also Tim Tebow will join us tonight. That's all coming up nine Eastern. Sit you DVR Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow