Shutting Down The Border

Published Apr 3, 2019, 10:00 PM

Congressman McClintock of California’s 4th district and Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona’s 5th district, are here to talk about the President’s decision to shut down the border. As two nations who are overwhelmed by the record number of illegal immigrants flooding their states; they are all too familiar with the truth surrounding this crisis. Both Congressmen are headed to the border next week to support the President and expose what is really happening, that the MSM will not cover.

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Gail King at CBS did two interviews of women that say they were raped by the Lieutenant governor of Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia. Nothing. Where are all the Kavanaugh I believers? They're nowhere to be found. They don't care about the issue, like they don't care about DACA dreamers, you know, anything that's conservative. It's only if they can bludgeon a political opponent on it. Is it worthwhile to them to stand up for women. It's pretty unbelievable. All right, we have an investigated report. We've not stopped, and this is holding them accountable. John Solomon, investigative reporter, is going to really dig down deep and really tell us about what I think is pretty amazing, the all of what's about to come out. He said, Well, Hannity'd been telling us. Well, I haven't been wrong yet, have I? It just takes longer than I wish. I wish I could press a magic button that says, give us everything Hannity's asking for. You know, three h two's FISA applications, Gang of eight. Oh, a lot of good stuff. I'm hearing in there, A lot of good stuff. Uh, we're gonna remind you. I forgot about creepy crazy Uncle Joe. Apparently he was up setting female Secret Service agents because they had this habit he liked to swim naked. And Ethan's a swimmer. You ever swim naked? Or no? I did not? You did not? Okay, just checking now? Why would he ever do that in front of a stranger. That's that's even more creepy than I thought when we Uncle Joe Biden the close talker more than a close talker. I mean, you have a female' that's her workplace. Where is the respect for the Secret Service agents? If that's true? Apparently corroborated by a lot of people. I was in Ron Kessler's book and things that we'll get back to as well. All right, so we live in now you've got this extreme radical democratic socialist party. I never thought we'd get to the point where they would ever be advocating for delivering a baby, for making the baby comfortable, and then letting the mother decide whether or not that child gets medical care. You're talking about a breathing human soul. This is a baby, this is a child, this is an individual. And the fact that well, we're gonna make the baby comfortable, what do you mean You're gonna make the baby comfortable until the baby needs to be resuscitated and if a mom says no, you let that child die. I mean, I can't imagine it was Remember the very same day House of Delegate, this woman Tran proposes this bill and she's being questioned about this bill. She put in a bill for the canker worm, to protect them the canker worm which evolves into a butterfly of some kind. I'm not a butterfly canker worm expert, but she's gonna defend the canker worm, but not the baby. And she was the one that was asked, well, what if the birth what if labors started. What if a woman dilating, which means that means get ready, you know, it's just countdown and you're gonna have a baby in your arms very shortly, and she even supports abortion up to that point. It's nuts. Who would have ever thought that, Who would have ever thought in this country that it would be so widely accepted that, Oh, we're gonna we're gonna get rid of the and repeal the Trump tax cuts, as Kamala Harris said, Oh, and we're gonna have Medicare for all and you can't. It would be illegal to have your own private healthcare illegal. And we're gonna have a ninety percent corporate tax rate. Now, let me tell you what a corporate tax rate would do. It would remove all opportunity in this country. In other words, the millions since Donald Trump has been president that have been have gotten off of food stamps, gotten out of poverty that now the biggest pay increases in spite of the tax cuts for the rich. Mantra Well, the richer middle class have always paid all the taxes. The top ten percent pay seventy, top twenty percent pays over ninety. Bottom fifty paid next to nothing in terms of federal income taxes. So we have redistribution. We're spending money like crazy. Who would have thought that they're going to offer a program. And then Elizabeth Warren wants a wealth tax. What's a wealth tax? That's money you've already been taxed on. Then they come back and they say, well, wait a minute, you save too much. We want another chunk, another bite of the apple. Want to take more of your money you didn't pay enough taxes? Well, that would be legislating legalizing government stealing, because basically that gives them a license to steal from you as if they're not robbing as blind as it is. And don't worry. On the day you die, your federal government's gonna come in and they're gonna take forty percent of whatever you have left. On top of that, and then if you live in New York State, they get ten percent of your estate. Well, why can't I give it to a charity? Are my kids or people that I care about? What is this? How do we become this country where that's acceptable and we just take it? And I can't believe that. Now I'm gonna get to Republicans being so weak. It's pathetic. And now we've got Democrats really, really, really pushing hard. They want to get rid of the electoral college. They want to get so let me explain what that means. And I went through the history of this. I won't go back to the Constitutional Convention as I did last time. But what that means is this high population centers New York City nine to one extreme radical socialist krats. I mean, what other city would elect you know, comrade build the Blasio or comrade Bloomberg who tries to portray himself as a moderate. He's not Bloomberg. He just is less crazy or comes off less crazy than the other people. But don't worry if you if you're in a New York restaurant to this day, you're not going to see salt on your table. You've got to request it. I finally got to the point that I ordered packets of salt and I put him in my bag. I don't have to ask somebody for salt, like sneaking. One day, they're gonna start arresting me because I'm not eating any food in my life without salt. Sorry, bad habit. I got it. My father was a saltattic. I'm a saltattic. One of my kids is a saltattic. Just it's kind of like in your DNA. There's nothing I can talk about. What you do? Go ahead, so Sean, we buy him on big barrels of you know, the long rod pretzels that have all the salt on. What do I do, Sean? Well, not eat the pretzel. I don't eat the salt. No. I just sucked the salt off him of the pretzel. Then he throws the rod out. The container is empty. The bottom of the container. Yeah, there's a lot of little with that rock salt, that long love that rock salt. Yes, he literally puts his finger in there and eats the salt. First I licked my finger and then and then I put it on my Well, what am I supposed to do? Take a little pinch out of there? No, I lick it and then my whole finger. Oh no, you make sure there's nothing left. Usually a man if I can special, it's a special habit special. I don't think it's special. I think a lot of people like so. I just don't. Why does my government have to tell me whether I can have salt or no salt? I know I'm right here, I'll do it for them. And I'm gonna tell you another thing. It's smart to wear a seat belt, but I don't need my government telling me to put on a seat belt. Well yeah, if we're driving with you. Oh, but if you buy a car, not only do they enforce this deep bee bee bee bee beep beep baby baby by by. Oh, just shut it off. And then the dealer is not allowed legally to shut it off. So I'll find somebody from that I know to break the law. If not, I'll figure it out myself. And all of a sudden, people I don't want to hear it. My kids yell everybody else at me, why don't you wear your seatbelt? I don't like wearing my seat belt. I drive better without it, just saying true, Um, i'd advise everybody else to wear the seatbelt. Always obey the laws, and this is just done for pure entertaining purposes. I do obey the law. I don't have the mechanic break the law and take out the bee by by by by unbelievable. I have to put disclaimers in. They'd have Mueller investigate you if that were true. Yeah, probably I colluded with a Russian mechanic that took out of my beeps. I guarantee you that's probably what they're thinking. I found a Russian mechanic. That's that didn't know the New York Stones beepagun all right, So they want to get why did you want to get rid of the electoral college? Clearly? Uh, compromise on what is the nature of the compromise into the naked Trump? Naked Trump? Uh? Did you does putin? No? Of course, of course put Uh can you give me the pictures? This is this is the cowardly shift who won't come on this program. We'll start inviting. Who was a mediator between Trump and Russian government with ex advisor of Trump, mister Flynn. It was the Russian singer, very famous singer Kopnick, who with mister Flynn on the Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, right On Beach official Russian cafee Langeron. What's the name of the Langeron Langeron. Yes, it's an or the Brighton Beach. Okay, and it's a special right, it's a district. I guess do you know what was discussed? They discussed many things, but I think most interesting thing is they use the special they used the special password before before our meetings each other. They say it, whether it's good on Jerry Basso scare, whether trains is good? Yeah? And where whether it's good on Jerry Basso scare. There is a name of a street in Odessa. Did you did you hear? Yes? I did so, It's a street in Odessa. Yes. The code word is weather's good on Zarabasta Jerry Basovskaya Jarrybaskaya sky. Okay, And I'll have my staff all up to get spellings and more details on yes. And the second part of their past word was it rains again on Brighton Beach. It rains again on Brighton Bea. This idiot, it's taken all those down. Told Flynn that all those compromising materials will never at least if Trump will cancel a little Russian sings. Okay, okay, Um, well obviously we would. Uh. I'll give a chance to get copies of those recruiting please, um. So we will try to work with the FBI to figure out, along with your staff, how we can obtain copies of those cowardly shift colluding with a Russian. Turns out it was a Russian, a Russian. Hoaxter totally sucking. H what is the nat for the COMBROMINU picked a naked Trump? Naked Trump, and I like, oh, and as Vladimir's seen them? Yes, but of course, of course, um what a dope. I wonder this idiot won't come on our show? All right, I but we got a lot to get to and then they want to of course, they want to stack the Supreme Court. We got a little diversion, you know. I actually when I called my mechanic and asked you, I'm gonna be from Russia, and I said, would you be able to take out the beep beep beep in my car? And he goes the well, the name of the problem. I want the baby beep to go away? Of course, of course, Uh, we needed naked naked Trump picker first, you know. Donald Trump ran to see I reading the paper. You know, Donald, they need a naked pick to the Trump and we'll do that eight hundred nine for one Sean Tolfrey telephone number you want to. I'm really losing it today. You guys are all nuts in there laughing. But it's true. There's all nuts. They are one thing that is not political, it's smoking. That's about people and there are thirty four million Americans now that smoke, but for many there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel, for me, has been a game changer. I watched people all the time they go outside in the middle of the freezing winner just to have their smoke. You don't have to do that anymore because of Jewel. Now people don't have to worry about the smell on your hands. Jewel was specifically designed by smokers force smokers to be a satisfying alternative. It's a clean technology. Jewel has no ash, no odor, no mess. If you're one of those thirty four million adults who do smoke, you now know there's an alternative to cigarettes and cigars. Just go to Jewel Juul dot com slash switch America. That's ju u l dot com slash switch America. Now, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is an addictive chemical. But just go to Jewel ju Uel dot com slash switch America. All right, creepy crazy Uncle Joe just released us on Twitter. Let's listen in. You got it there, ethone. You don't. He's not even ready play it? You can't? Why why can't you play it? I just said crank it up. You said, go right, tie, say I am two minutes and I always not ready to play. Where's Jayson? Oh that's so. Men say you're sorry right now? No sorry, grabbed men and one by the shoulders and say you can do this, and and uh, whether they're women, men, young or old. And it's the way I've always been, it's the way I've tried to show I care about them. And I'm listening. And over the years, knowing what I've been through, the things that I've faced, I found that scores, if not hundreds of people have come up to me and reached out for solace, who comfort, something, something, anything that may help them get through the tragedy they're going through. And uh, and and so it's just just who who I am. And I've never thought of politics as cold and antiseptic. I've always thought it about connecting with people, as I said, shaking hands, hands on the shoulder, a hug, encouragement And now and now it's all about taking selfies together. And social wards have began to change, They've shifted, and the boundaries are protecting personal space have been reset. And I get it. I get it. I hear what they're seeing. All right, we're gonna play We're gonna play this in its entirety when we get back. But you know, he's just been on the Anita Hill apology tour, and I guess we're gonna have the oh I'm against integration apology tour. Oh yeah, And I'm sorry that I said. Man, this is a storybook first African American, right and clean and articulate. And you can't work at a seven eleven or dungkan knownuts unless you have a slightly knee in accent. In my states, a slave state. You've got a lot of work to do. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour. Right, creepy crazy uncle Joe just released this statement. He's got two more accusers out there. What is he gonna do then about Anita Hill not supporting integration is he cannot stop the brain of his from the dumb stuff he says every day. And you know, is anyone we're gonna ask him off every use locker room talk. I wonder what his answer to that's going to be, because I have a pretty good suspicion in my head where I think he probably has, you know. And then we got the story of creepy Uncle Joe's swimming naked in front of Secret Service agents advice. I mean, oh, who does this anyway? Here's his tape just released in the coming month. I expected to be talking to you about a whole lot of issues, and I'll always be directed here, But today I want to talk about just as the support and encouragement that I've made to women and some men that have made them uncomfortable. And I always tried to be in my career, I've always tried to make a human connection. That's my responsibility. I think I shake hands, I hug people. I grabbed men and women by the shoulders and say you can do this, and whether women, men, young or old. And it's the way I've always been. It's the way I've tried to show I care about them. And I'm listening. And over the years, knowing what I've been through, the things that I've faced, I've found that score it's not hundreds of people have come up to me and reached out for solace, who comfort, something, something anything that may help them get through the tragedy they're going through. And and so it's just just who who I am. And I've never thought of politics as cold and antiseptic. I've always thought it about connecting with people, as I said, shaking hands, hands on the shoulder, a hug, encouragement, And now and now it's all about taking selfish together and our social norms that began to change, they've shifted, and the boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset. And I get it. I get it. I hear what they're saying. I understand it, and I'll be much more mindful. That's my responsibility, my responsibility, and I'll meet it. But I always believe governing quite frankly, life for that matter, is about connecting, about connecting with people. That won't change, But I will be more mindful and respectful people's personal space. And that's a good thing. That's a good thing. I worked my whole life to empower women. I've worked my whole life to rend abuse I've written, and so the idea that I can adjust to the fact that personal space is important, more important than it's ever been, is just not thinkable. I will. I will, Okay, crazy Uncle Joe, He's got a long way to go. We now have two more women who have accused Biden anyway, and it gets really even more strange. I mean, I told you we talk about the Lieutenant governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. I mean, these are serious charges. This is not you know, in your grill, personal space, in your face, unwanted touching, holding, smelling, rubb being noses. I mean, can you imagine rubbing another person's nose. I mean it's, Oh, the whole thing creeps me out. And he is creepy and he's nuts. I mean, he just he's really nuts. Got this. These two women that have come out, and you know, they're saying the same thing we now have. He's determined to run anyway. Apparently you have a writer telling The New York Times that she had an uncomfortable encounter with Biden and Minneapolis in twenty twelve, when Biden and his top advisors were telling backers and donors that he was still expected to enter the presidential race after Easter, The Hill reported, anyway, He's taken this all very seriously, still committed to running. He's got a lot of other problems, you know, Nancy Pelosia, I'm a member of the straight arm club. I just pretend that you have a cold and I have a cold. That's what she's advising Biden to tell everybody all the time, I have a cold, pretend you have a cold, keep your distance, Join the straight arm club. Wow. I wonder if Donald Trump did this and all those videos that Donald Trump and kissing people on the lips, invading personal space. Remember when they had the top fold New York Times article about his ex girlfriend Carrie Prejean was mentioned in that article. I started interviewing the women one by one. They said, none of this is true. New York Times doing everything they could do to Electillery back then. So you have two more people now talk about the encounter. Twenty twelve incident writer Dj Hill said Biden put his hand on her shoulder then dropped it down her back in a way that made her very uncomfortable, while Hell and her husband were posing for pictures with him at a fundraise for Minneapolis. She said her husband noticed the movement made a joke about it. Only he knows his intent, he told The Times, before saying, if something makes you feel uncomesable, you have to be able to say it. On second incident, a former college student, Caitlin Caruso, told the paper that Biden rested his hand on her thigh even as she squirmed in her seat showing discomfort and hugged her just a little bit too long at an event on of all things sexual assault at the University Nevada. Vegas told the paper that she was nineteen at the time, and you know, recounted her own story of sexual assault at that event. Pretend you have a cold, that's what we're teaching, crazy uncle Joe. Pretend you have a cult. Wow, that's a great idea. President now is weighed in. They're blaming Bernie Sanders and right wing trolls for this information. Right right wing? Who's right wing here anyway? Jillabrand won't say anything. She's another one they believers. And a pack has now released a creepy Joe Biden ad. Then you got the issue we'll get into at the top of the next hour where John Solomon he has a real issue with his son and Ukrainian officials there because two years after leaving office, he couldn't resist the temptation to break to an audience of a foreign policy a foreign policy specialist about the time as vice president, that he's strong armed Ukraine into firing their top prosecutor. And his own words and the video exists, and we'll bring this on Hannity tonight. Cameras rolling Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian president the Ukrainian president at the time, for Ashenko in March of twenty sixteen, that the Obama administration would pull a billion dollars in US loan guarantee sending the former Soviet Republic toward insolvency if it didn't immediately fire the prosecutor General, Victor Chokin. I said, you are not getting the billion, and I'm going to be leaving here and I think the next about six out and I'm all right, son of a bee, he got fired. There you go, and they put in place someone who was quote solid at the time. Now here's the problem. He's not telling you the prosecutor was investigating his son who was on Air Force two making millions and millions of dollars. We're going to break that, investigator. Reporter John Solomon coming up on that part. I know that there's just this massive double standard, and that is the whole sick part of all this. Now to go to the issue of Biden swimming naked. This is from US News back in August of twenty fourteen, headline Biden swims naked and upsetting female Secret Service agents, according to a book Anyway, The author tells US News the book is well reported balanced. Anyway, it was written by Ronald Kessler's never heard a bad word about Ronald Kessler. We've interviewed him in the past about he writes a lot of books. And anyway, it's the first family detail. And the book goes into a long explanation. Agents say that you know whether at the Vice president's residence in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude, and then he says female Secret Service agents find that offensive. Well, I think anybody would find that offensive. I don't want to watch. If I'm a Secret Service agent, I'm not wanting to what you don't care. You don't give a flying rip, do you. I don't want to watch a naked anybody swim. Well, you bathing suit on. I know most people don't really wear bathing suits these days, but I'm not one of those beach people anyway. I can't sit there for hours and hours. There are people that can sit on the beach all day. I don't know how they do it. I've tried. You know, if i'm not playing beach football, or if I'm not playing, you know, with my my son and saying here, you also have the patience of a gnat. It's not that. It's oh, it's so that who wants to sit in the blazing hot sun? You can't sit anywhere. You could barely sit here. I didn't give you a microphone, you'd be out of here. I'd be standing. We stand stand, used to stand more, but I still stand when I do the radio show a lot. And you know they got these standing desks now, and you can have a little treadmill underneath it. You can kind of walk at a really slow pace. I dare you to put one of those in your studio. Go ahead, install it. I'll use it. I'm gonna I can't get it. I can't get out of breath when I'm on the ear. That wouldn't be You're an eja now, that should be nothing for you. Let Linda control the speed, yeah, and then she'll start doing a welcome hang on Jose also, ain't all mister president. Yeah, oh oh, there's such a blessing to see you, mister President day Scott, thank you so much. I believe I love that guy. I love these classics. I'll tell you, though, the favorite of all time is the Bernie meltdown. Girl. Remember this has got to be a joke. I need an ambulance right now. Yeah, I mean, I think that takes the cake of any audio. I'm literally about tell myself that I'm not kidding you right now. I literally am gonna I need an ambulance. Oh my gosh, I A that's pretty crazy, all right. So Biden likes to be revealed as everyday Joe, an unarmed, unnamed agent told Ron Kessler. But the reality is no agent wants to go on his detail because well, Biden makes agents live so tough. In addition to allegedly skinny dipping, agents are reportedly irritated by frequent last minute trips to Delaware. Biden's spokesperson would not address the claims on the record. A spokesperson for the Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Kessler worked, you know, for many mainstream publications. Who worked for more than a decade over at the Washington Post and was the chief Washington correspondent at Newsmax, and his reporting has won two George Polk Awards. I don't know if he's won any since. And so you know, remember in twenty twelve, he tipped off the Post that secret Service agents had been recalled from Columbia for visiting prostitutes ahead of a presidential visit. That was his scoop agents say whether at the vice president's residence, at his home in Delaware. But this habit of I mean, who would want to do that? I mean it's unbelievable. I know the left attacks Kessler, but you know he worked for the Washington Post. What else you want to say? And does anyone doubt that's true? I don't. The problem is the mindset. I mean, he's now saying he's gonna change, but he just spent two weeks apologizing for Anita Hill. Okay, it's gonna change on that. When is the well I don't support integration, apology to our come and when you know what Biden's biggest problem is though, if I was Donald Trump, am I'm running against Joe Biden? I would ram literally verbally down their throat every day his campaign. Obama Biden's track record, that's it. Are you better off than you wore four years ago? After eight years of that disaster? Do you really believe anybody who's been on the planet for seventy six years is going to change. I believe that people can change. I don't hang on. I believe people can change, but they've the hardest thing about changing for people is acknowledging that they're wrong in my opinion, and I think to admit truth. Why do you think so many people want to do drugs and drink themselves after death? They can't live with themselves and they they they numb themselves to who they marry their truth because they can't change. I don't know. I mean, I'm pretty introspective. I know when I'm right and wrong every time, every single time. I know, and recognizing right and wrong and changing are different. Right, but you know, I end up feeling so horrible about myself that it causes me to change. Right. But you don't have to change. When you make a mistake, that's an error. You realize that you move on right wrong. You have a pattern of behavior like Biden, that's a pattern of behavior over haventy six years. What I say is all right, that's a mistake the first time. Now you're making a choice. Now you're exactly exactly right, right, But you make the choice. You'll live with the consequences. Life is about consequences our actions. It's like, for example, we haven't had to fire anybody. We're really on this program. People fire themselves. We really don't fire pet I've never fired anybody. Anybody. Everybody will be given a fair opportunity to to fix whatever needs to be fixing. Ethan, you better stop it right now because you're dead wrong, dead wrong. I'm about to call you out on it, met On, He's totally right. You know, it's totally you know, when you make a mistake, you should apologize and acknowledge a mistake because now you're making a choice. You're such a what do you want to say? I got the bleat button ready, my friend? All right? Uh? We love everybody on our staff. They know it. And multiple occasions, I have asked the Attorney General Bart to work with us to go to the court and obtain access to materials the Department deems covered by Rules six E. He has so far refused. I will give him time to change his mind, but if we cannot reach an accommodation, then we will have no choice but to issue subpoenas for these materials. And if the Department still refuses, then it should be up to a judge, not the President, and not his political appointee, to decide whether or not it is appropriate for the Committee to review the complete record. This is the problem we're seeing right now. But you know something, a different political landscape compels the Chairman to adopt new standards of fairness, ignoring existing law and demanding material he wants considered unfair to release to be released as much as the Chairman and I may want to view. This material is fundamental underpinning of our doice system and the law. We cannot in the face of laws and rules he finds inconvenient. The Chairman demands our nation's top law enforcement officer to break the rules and the regulations and the laws. This is reckless, responsible and it's disingenuous, all right. That was Doug Collins. Thanks to Doug, we're actually getting some transparency, these behind the scenes, behind closed doors interviews that we have been getting, you know, Struck Page, Bruce Nelly or McCain's aid and others, and lots more to come that will come cascading in, you know, so interesting. Nadler didn't want the Star report to come out just such a political hack. All right, anyway, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza, and you know you think of it doesn't matter nine months of an investigation the FBI into collusion, even Paige struck, there's no there there even Let's see, we had the Newness, you know, the House Intelligence Committee, then we had a bipartisan Senate Committee. Then you get the Muller Report. No collusion. Even quoting the report, we demand the full report. Well, the problem is is that it was the Democrats insisting, you know, over the old you know, independent Council rules that they eliminated after the Clinton impeachment. They're the ones that insisted they change the rules that pull back power from any special prosecutor appointed and leave it in the hands of Department of Justice officials and by the sole discretion of the Attorney General. He doesn't have to release any of this now. Alan Dershwoodz by the way, after hearing that Nadler, what the idiot that he is make these comments, Nadler's gonna lose in court. So I say they should take it to court, you know, is he? Dershowitz said, there's no legal basis, but the Attorney General will and Bar to release special counts at Robert Muller's Russia report. Even if bar were hypothetically to refuse to issue anything, there would be no legal basis for a court to compel him to do that. Wow. Now we have all the other documents that have yet to be released, and we got into this with Papadoppolis yesterday. I'm telling you that a lot of people don't want the information that Donald Trump would be classified, including the FISA applications and three H two information and also Gang of eight information, And anyway, John Solomon joins us about this and another story about Joe Biden. We're going to break here in a second. You call them the five buckets as of five or six buckets. Now I don't even know how many buckets. Yeah, yeah, we keep getting more buckets, but it's still five buckets that the president is expected to classify, and they're essential because they're going to reveal multiple things. One is just how abusive they Why don't you tell everybody, tell everybody what the buckets are, and then tell us why they're imbortant. Absolutely. So there is the three h two interview reports of Bruce Or, who worked as an intermediary between Christopher Steele and the FBI, feeding information from the Clinton funded opposition research project on Donald Trump to the FBI, particularly after the FBI fired Steel for inappropriate behavior, Or acted as a backdoor that continued to file information into them. Then there is the original fight a warrant, and there are twelve pages that Devin Union as a staff has identified as critical that when we see those pages, we'll see what was omitted in exculpatory information. Then there is perhaps the most important of all of the buckets, I'm told is documents that went with a briefing last summer to the Gang of Eight, the top eight leaders in the intelligence committees and leadership of the House, both Republicans and Democrats. And in those briefings we were told the FBI came clean, the Justice to Artan came clean about significant flaws in the original case, and the briefing documents can be essential to us. And then we have a trail of FBI emails that Devin Juniez identified not that long ago that showed that the FBI knew prior to getting the Fison warrant that both Christopher Steele was on the Clinton payroll and that he might have talked to the medium, both of which would have been disqualifiers. And they went ahead, proceeded with the first fison and then tried to pull slow walked according to finding out just how many problems they're Christopher Steel. So those are the most essential of the buckets of dockets that we have. Unbelievable, all right, and all of that's going to come out. But you know, Derschowitz has not been wrong on any of this with funny Yeah, go ahead, Yeah. I've talked to a lot of legal experts, and I think every legal expert i've talked to Democrat Republicans think that the Democrats have a very high hurdle and that it's unlikely that they're going to succeed. So they're going to go to court to do this. And what they're really doing is creating a distraction from what the ultimate findings of the reporter. They want to try to extend the mystery suggests or something being hidden in this because the real facts don't support the narrative that they had for two years. But Almost every legal expert I've talked to in the last two days, far left, far right, right down the middle, say that it's it's almost impossible for the Democrats to prevail in court on this. John Solomon of The Hills with Us, who now for over two years has been part of our ensemble cast breaking story after story after story exposing the deep state, this systematic abuse of power, old systemic and also corruption scandal. Before I get to the Biden issue, you know you were the one that kind of predicted mah Muller Report's going to be a dud. I know that Democrats want this badly. Bar did quote the Muller report as it relates to collusion. That's off the table completely. Well, he didn't take a stand on the issue of obstruction. Now, we got to start with a few things. Number One, if there's no underlying crime, what are you obstructing? Second, I'm told I would expect that most of the quote obstruction would be everything that we already know, which hunt, which hunt, which hunt? Firing of Comy, but even Comey says he could be fired for any reason or no reason. That's just a fact. But I've got to believe Democrats are just hoping and praying that there's a nugget or two in there that say this is horrible. I mean, you got cowardly shift out there today, and he's saying, all, I really have the evidence this time, and it's coming. Yes. It's like waiting for good dough every time you say, well, what do you expect. I mean, if let's say it all gets released. You know, obviously you have to protect sources and methods. Obviously you have to protect innocent people's names might be mentioned in this. But beyond that, what are the Democrats hoping that they can cling to in this? Well, they'll probably listen. I think in the obstruction section of the report, based on the reporting I've done over several weeks, there's going to be a set of facts or a time table of who President Trump talked to about his concerns about the Flint investigation, the Russia investigation, and firing Comy. And you know, there'll be some new people that might be identified in that report, things that may be the former Chief of Staff Ryans, previous set or the former White House Council that was there. And I think though Don McGann and I think the Democrats are hoping to find one nugget of a quote, right that they can hang a whole new set of hearings on. But at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. Legally, it's been determined that there was no obstruction, and there's been. But what they really want, though, is they want to impeach the president. Now find any reason. What you know, they'll make it up if they have to, because they haven't made most of this up for two years without any evidence. So really that's what Democrats want to do, right, I mean, if not impeach them, then I think the second thing they might want to do is just keep getting that free negative advertising that CNN and MSNBC, in the New York Times and the Washington Post have done, which is keep suggesting Donald Trump has a problem, even in the face of evidence that says he doesn't, because that's a great political attack ad that you don't have to pay for it. You pay for it with the American taxpayers dollars, right, they pay for all these investigations, and we keep suggesting there's something there, even though there's now been three investigations that said there's nothing there. I think it's just a continuation of the campaigns from twenty sixteen and now instead of political campaigns paying for it, we the American taxpayers, are paying for a negative political ladd And at what point the those that spent hours and hours testifying. I talked to Papandapolis yesterday and he said, Oh, I'm gonna go back and say, why go back and testify? I said, if you if you contradict one line from your previous testimony from two years ago, I said, you're now that they are going to hold your you know, your life in their hands because it's a perjury trap. I said, unless you get immunity, I wouldn't go to testify anybody. At some point, this becomes harassment, governmental harassment, because they're only going to ask this same questions, you know, rephrase it, and hope that you say something that contradicts something you said two years ago. God only remember well remembers what I said two seconds ago, never mind two years ago. It's the real danger, it's the real danger of going back and testifying this late in the investigation unless there's some critical reason. I think most defense lawyers would advise their clients don't go there, Do not go there at all. You know, there's another set of it, right, But what happens if you don't go there? You played the fifth? You have a right to play the fifth, right, all right? So then what are they going to hold everybody in contempt? And then what does that mean? And listen, many of these people can argue, Hey, I already gave my account once, Why do you mind being called back a second time? I spent the time. And that goes to a very important point. There's been something that's been slow walked for six months on that we don't talk much about, and I want to talk about it. I'm going to write a column on this soon. D and I Coats. Dan Coats was given all the transcripts from the original House Intelligence Committee investigations last September. Think about all the things in history that have had and since then, the President's had summits with North Korea, there's been multiple Brexit votes, an election of change of Garden House, and yet the DNI has not been able to get those documents reviewed out there. If we did, we would hear for the first time what John Brennan said, what James Clapper said, what the former UN ambassador said about all those unmaskings that were under her name. We've been the intelligence community has been slow walking those released. Those documents may provide some of the most important transparency that we can get in this beyond what the President's five buckets to the classifyer already been identified, and for some reason, the president's own DNI hasn't got it done. It shouldn't take six months to review transcripts and get him to the American public. All right, I got to take a break more with John Solomon of The Hill eight hundred nine one Sean. We're going to get to the his column on well crazy Uncle Joe and some of the financial shenanigans is involved in next as we continue, we got an amazing Hannity tonight. We'll tell you about that in a minute. Bill O'Reilly is coming up later in the program and much more. Right, as we continue with the Hills, John Solomon, who's with us investigated reporter. All right, so we got two new Biden accusers. Creepy crazy Uncle Joe. We have Pelosi advising Joe Biden pretend you have a cold when you're with women. President now getting in on the fun. I guess Jill Obrand refuses to call on Biden to leave the presidential race. There's such hypocrites. An even bigger issue. Oh yeah, we've got the old column of him swimming naked, upsetting female secret service agents that was out in a new book. But you have this issue of the Ukraine and I only have a couple of minutes left. I didn't mean to get as distracted as I did, but why don't you tell everybody about this problem? And there's also a China problem. Yeah, listen. I think the most important thing that I've worked on in the last couple of weeks that really raised my eyebrows is the fact that Joe Biden used the US policy known as loan guarantees to a country that needed them in order to survive Ukraine, to force that country to fire its chief prosecutor, it's attorney general, essentially because that prosecutor was looking at his son's company Brisman. In fact, I identified his son, Hunter Biden as someone they wanted to interview in a criminal investigation about the removal of money from the company. This is a Ukrainian company, an internal matter in a country that's sovereign, and Joe Biden went over by his own words and a videotape I have and said I got the son of a prosecutor fired because I didn't like him. Well, he didn't tell the audience. Part of the reason he probably didn't like him was that prosecutor was investigating his own son at that time, and the firing of that prosecutor resulted in the ending of that investigation. And we didn't know much about it until a few weeks ago when Ukrainian authorities announced they've reopened the probe and they're now looking at this company Bisma Hunter Biden and the political pressure that Joe Biden exerted to get the original prosecutor fired in the case. So two years after leaving office, and again you go back to the line that you just used here, well, son of a got fired at that ended the investigation. And you point out about half a dozen Ukrainian officials confirming Biden's account. You have a tape of it. Yes, yeah, but the Joe Biden boast that he did this. The only thing he didn't tell the audience today he boasted was that his son was under investigation by the very prosecutor he got fired. Just imagine this. This is like it would have been like President Trump firing Jeff Sessions because Jeff Sessions was looking at his son, Don Junior, we would have all been a flame. CNN would have been NonStop twenty four seven coverage. This actually happened, and it happened in the sovereign country where the US shouldn't be dictating other countries investigations. And when you look at what his son got, he got over his company got over three million dollars of payments out of Ukraine. At the same time, his dad, Joe Biden, the Vice President, was the Ukraine policy chief of the United States. There's a lot of issues or conflict of interest, and then there's the question of being pressured to shut down an investigation. I think there's going to be a lot more coming out of this in Ukraine in the next few weeks. All right, We're gonna have more on this on Hannity as well. Thank you so much, We appreciate it. John Solomon, an investigative reporter with The Hill, has broken so many stories in the last two years. I mean, maybe when the Washington Post the New York Times give back their pulletzers on their their hoax stories, maybe you'll get one of them. Certainly would be deserved. All Right, when we come back, this is real, what's happening at the border, We'll talk to two congressmen and Bill O'Reilly straight ahead, all right, twenty Trump must stuff holding American people hostage. Let's stop manufacturing a crisis. This president just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis. Folks, The president has manufactured one heck of a political crisis for himself. Donald Trump is manufacturing a national security crisis. We'll hear you them to say, is that this is a manufactured crisis. It's not a national security crisis. The big scam of the whole address was that there's a crisis. There's not a crisis. The notion that we have a crisis, their security crisis is absolute nonsense. It remains a Seinfeld shutdown all about nothing. What happens when there is a real crisis, when there is a real emergency. Does he take to the airwaves? Do we give him the airwaves? Do we believe him? There is not a crisis at the border. It's a manufactured crisis for the president to get a political when he's determined to convince you there is a crisis at the border. Even though an intelligence official tell sin and quote, no one is saying this is a crisis, except then, okay, it's a real crisis. As a matter of fact, it is now worse than it's ever been. One of the reasons and nobody kind of puts this together, is that the president, while all this has been going on, continues to repair and build more new wall. And I know it was not widely reported, but the President, well he was not overridden with his veto because you have some weak, pathetic Republicans that never want to fight for anything, which is just unreal. And if you watched over the weekend, you see three countries now are not getting any more Usaide, Guatemala, Honduras and Al Salvador. Why because they're not helping as probably the biggest migrant caravan is now moving towards the country. President's threatened to close the border if necessary. You know, you listen to some of the Democratic candidates, like Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro demanding to grant millions amnesty and gut immigration enforcement. You notice everything on the left now has gone so radical hard left. You're not you can't just be quote pro choice, No, you gotta be now pro and fantasized. We'll support abortion, well even after birth, according to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, well even during the birthing process. Sure, howsidelegates, what was the name named Kathy Tran was the one that said that. On the same day she put forward a build to protect butterflies or canker worms that become butterflies of some kind. I mean, who it's like a canker sort. I've never heard of the canker worms, but she put in a bill to protect them. On the same day she put in they if you think about it, because that's the canker worm when they're infants, when they're in their conceptual stays, before they're butterflies. That's really sick. That's not the one that testified if you remember, Oh yeah, no, no, no, it's you can have abortion. She said, even what if dilation has begun, labor has begun, you have My bill would allow that absolutely. And then the governor saying, well, first we deliver the baby and make sure the baby's comfortable. There's so much compassion in that line. Deliver the baby, make sure the baby's comfortable. Then the mother decides whether or not the kid lives or dice. That point, it's murder. That point, you have a living, breathing human being and you're not offering medical assistance. That would be infanticide, that would be murder. Unbelievable. We see everything we've talked about, everything that's happening. Now, we have reports even today migrants. The level of people coming in are massive. It's unsustainable. You know, Border patrol expected to make one hundred thousand apprehensions this month alone, majority of those taken into custody family units, some have accompanied miners. The volume is unsustainable now for border patrol. Why because they know the borders about to be shut. President got a lot more than he would have gotten had the Democrats fulfilled their promises to dreamers, and they only support the border wall in Obama's second term. But we got ninety percent of our heroine. Well that's crossing that southern border, and we have nearly three hundred deaths each and every week in this country. Then we have fentonol on top of it, you know, because you have the Democratic Party saying it's a manufactured crisis. Then you have the media, the rage Trump media mobs saying the same thing. They can't even come up with their own words. They're so tied together. Anyway, So the question is, well, what are we gonna do about all of this? Anyway? Joining us now is Congressman McClintock. California has been dealing with this issue for years. He's with their fourth district and Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona's fifth district. And uh, you know, the President May I'm glad he said no to funding and aid to these countries that are doing nothing to stop these migrant caravans from forming and leaving and heading in our country. And if Mexico is not careful, and I know, by the way, the big you know the media was covering, well we might not have avocados in four weeks. Well, I don't like avocados. I don't give a rip about avocados. Linda likes avocados. You know, everyone in there likes having I don't like avocados. I look at them and they did just mushy and disgusting to me. Anyway, Congressman McClintock, thank you for being one of this. Congressman Biggs, thank you. You guys like avocados and not. I love ic but I love my country more exactly, exactly, exactly, all right, it's as bad as it's ever been. Do you agree with me, Congressman McClintock that a lot of this is because now the president has nine billion dollars more. That's money that has been identified that wasn't spent reallocated from the Defense Department. Oh, I think that's a big part of it. Look all those soundclips that you played of the Democrats saying there's no crisis. They know there's a crisis. They're not blind, they're not stupid, they know exactly what's going on on the board of the problem is they like it. It fits their scenario to hold on to power, and that is the only they've They've alienated most of the American public. They understand that their only path to power in the future depends upon importing a very dependent, impoverished population that has no attachment to American values or traditions, and is susceptible, highly susceptible to every empty promise of socialists make. That is the project, and it is well under way. What are your thoughts, Congressman bigs on this. Obviously, it impacts Arizona, California, all our southern border states. Yeah, you know, Sean Tom is exactly right, Mike. Democrats, our Democrat friends, they know they're lying when they say there's no crisis, and it's getting worse by the minute. I mean, the fact that j Johnson would come out and say that he has no idea how he would handle such a thing. I mean, the reality is President Trump's trying to deal with a stack deck. The Democrats won't move anything to fix the asylum lass, and that's undergirding all of this non deterrence that we have. It's an incentive now and the fact that people know that it may be a closing window because of the fence, so that accelerates this. And we're going to have the highest number of apprehensions this year that we've seen I don't know how many years, well over a decade. And that's just apprehensions. There's going to be another million to two million people who come in who we don't even know who they are. And that doesn't included all the drugs, particularly Sentinel that's coming across the Arizona border in just enormous amounts, amounts that could kill half the population where I live in Long Island, I told the story about a killing in New Jersey of an by an illegal immigrant. It's amazing to me that we have angel moms and dads outside of Nancy's Pelosi's office. She's in the office and she won't even come out and talk to these these parents that can tell their stories, and we have featured many of them on the program. And while we had another murdered young person in New Jersey last week, where I grew up in Long Island, New York, you've got an admitted MS thirteen gang member who had been thrown out of the country after killing a man. I lived in Huntington in Long Island, and this was back in he'd been deported in twenty seventeen after he was convicted of manslaughter, did time for the fatal stabbing of a man in Maya two thousand outside of a Huntington, Delhi, and he's back in Long Island again. He snuck right back into the country. Now, I know that's not the ninety eight percent of people that probably just want what we take for granted every day, freedom and liberty and a chance for a better life for their families. But when you add up the numbers and you look at the number of deaths from the drugs coming across the border from the cartels, and then you add up the violent illegal allying criminals and homicides and sexual assaults and violent assaults. These are real people, real families, real tragedy, real death, real suffering, and its being enuged by these sanctuary laws of the Democrats are imposing in states like California. Again, I think they know exactly what they're doing, but they're they're serving for them a much bigger purpose than that, is to perpetuate their political power because they've alienated the American people. Well, and you're gonna say, yeah, Glenn, Yeah, I was just gonna say that. When I talk to border patrol agents they're telling me, especially long term agents, they'll tell you that ten years ago, it was a different kind of person who's coming across. The people that were coming across legitimately we're searching for a better life. But now what you're seeing, you're seeing a lot of young men, a lot of people that are not wanting to come into America. They're not wanting to come in here and get better jobs or anything like that. They're coming here, for many of them for nefarious purposes. It's not all of them. There's a lot of people want to be here. But the point is we don't know who's coming across the border. That's what makes this a national security threat because of the levels of criminal violence that result, but also because if you don't know who's coming into your country and you can't control your order, you really defeat the very notion of a sovereign nation and you put your nation at risk. And that's what's happening here. And Tom's right, exactly right. The Democrats know what they're doing. Well, I think they know what they're doing. But I think you've got some Republicans that want to cater to big business and this idea of cheap labor, which I don't like either, because you know what, we need to get Americans working. First. I'm all for immigration, but we've got to be able to vet you, make sure we check your background out. And also you've got to be able to sustain yourself. Here. I mean the burden financially on the American taxpayer when it comes to the educational system, healthcare system, and the criminal justice system. I think you know all too well in California, Tom Right, Well, yes, and We've seen it happen in California and can now project what will happen if the Democrats succeed at the national level, if they're able to rig the election laws, open the borders, pack the Supreme Court. I'm afraid it's game, set and match for this country. You will have a hardcore socialist agenda. We can see where it ends up. That's Venezuela, California is now walking down that pass. And I would ask every business person who's looking at the prospect of cheap labor through open borders to ask themselves, will find how well is it working out for you guys in Venezuela, or for that matter, how are you guys doing in California these days with the highest effective poverty rate in the country. All Right, I gotta take a break, will come back. We'll continue more with Comngressman McClintock more Congressman Biggs on the Sean Hannity Show News Round Up Information Overload Bill O'Reilly at the top of the hour. As we continue. All right, as we continue with Congressman McClintock of California, also Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona, let me ask you. So there's a guide now that is proposing that he can literally construct a construction company private company, and he submitted a proposal to finish the President's wall on time for the twenty twenty election. You might know them Congressman Biggs the Arizona base to call Fisher Industries, and the president of Fisher Industries, Tommy Fisher, is meeting this week with the top Department of Homeland Security officials and Democrats and republic and Republicans to say, hey, you know, you need a contractor to build this bord offense as fast as possible without compromising the quality of a fence. And he's saying, we can get this done. Yes, Sean, I do know Tommy, and he's got a fascinating, a patented way to put this fence up. And he's willing to put the fence, pavement, lights, cameras, and he can deliver it for less than what we're hearing is going to cost. He's going to deliver it on time, and he's willing to bond against it, saying, if I don't deliver it on time and it's not good quality, Boom, you can attach my bond to get your money back. That's how serious. And in fact, when we go to the border in a couple of weeks and Tom's going to be going with it, we're going to see his process live. I've seen videos of it. It is fascinating and it is efficient and it is good. Wow. Have you heard about this proposal, the fact that he's going to bond it? Now? I guess at this point what he's offering is he said his company can build two hundred and eighteen new miles of fencing, eighteen foot steel fence, along with paved concrete roads, lighting technology for three point two eight five billion, a fraction of what the president now has and what he requested the five point seven billion. Now you add the other money is available for a nine billillion that will be realocated Congressman McClintock. Then we've got ourselves a wall and everything else is beefed up as well, and we can hire a bunch of great people. Well, of course we do, and that shouldn't surprise us. You know, Israel erected a sixteen to twenty four foot high wall on their southern border with Egypt. They cut illegal immigration by about ninety nine percent. That was about one hundred and forty six mile wall. They built it for about two point six million dollars a mile of You could cover the entire US Mexico border for less than the President now has available to him at that cost. Amazing. I hope you guys can get that done. All right, thank you all for being with US. Congressman Bigs, Congressman McClintock. It's real. Don't listen to the fake, fraudulent. You know. I guess what Tinfoil had, conspiracy theory, you know, hoax driving so called newspeople because they do lie, as do their Democratic colleagues. Quick break right back, Bill O'Reilly at the top of the next hour. Here for our final news round up and information overload in terms of the policies that have not worked and have not actually been what they said they would be, such as that tax bill that was designed to help the top one percent in the biggest corporations in this country, which I intend to repeal on day one, and yesterday you put out this tweet that we need to abolish the electoral college. I know that you're supporting an amendment to do that, but the argument against it is the big states would have a whole lot more influence than small states. Are you worried about that? No, And there's a lot of ways that big, big states and small states balanced power. In fact, every state has two senators, and it doesn't matter if they only have six hundred thousand people or twenty million people. Like New York State, you have the same two senators. So you have a very significant influence in legislation than governing and making sure your state has full representation. But I do believe our constitution is rooted in the notion it's one person, one vote, and for the outcomes of our election not to reflect actually the number of votes received by candidates. It seems really misplaced. So I think we need to look at the electoral college and we need to perform it, and I really believe it should be one person, one vote. To answer your question, yes, let's abolish the electoral college. The night after the presidential election in twenty sixteen, Amy and I were talking to each other and we were like, how are we going to explain to Ulysses and Molly and Henry who are now twelve, ten and eight that the person who got three million more votes just lost the election? And then we were talking to each other, and we're like, how do we explain that to ourselves? Like why is this okay? This is one of those bad compromises we made at day one in this country. All right, News round up, Information Overload hour. That was Kamala Harris. Oh yeah, let's get rid of the Trump tax guards. I'll do it on day one. And then you've got Kirsten Gillibrand and Boso O'Rourke, Robert Francis Beto Bozo rourke and yeah, let's get rid of the electoral college. In other words, let's let New York, New Jersey, California, and Illinois decide who's going to be president. You know how many states are gonna say, see you, we're out of here. We're not going to allow what you did in those states, the destruction of these states, to happen in our states. So it's this new radical extreme democratic socialist party. Why they have gone this far? You know, not even an abortion debate in Fantasi, you know, the when the governor Virginia, well, first of well, we'll deliver the baby, make sure the baby's comfortable, and then we'll let the mother decide. And then we've got, oh, the New Green deal. Everything is going to be free, but no more oil and gas in ten years, no combustion engine. And we're also gonna get rid of oh, let's see planes and cows because of flat flatulence issues. And then of course we're gonna stack the US Supreme Court. When you really think about I know, people laugh and people look at me and ask me questions that, well, this can't really be true, and I'm like, no, it's real. This is who they are and what they want. Anyway, here to talk about this and much more, Bill O'Reilly bill oreilly dot com. He's written fifteen books, all of them number one bestsellers, pretty amazing. And you had a book on Donald Trump coming out entitled The United States of Trump sometime in the fall, right September seventeenth. It looks like, Hannity, if I can, if I can bang this thing out, buddy into May, I got about sixty sixty five. You know, people don't know you like I did. This is your oh, September seventeenth to Hannity. You know, people don't know you the way I know you now. Yes, And it's like, I mean people ask me about you all the time now because you come on pretty regularly, and I'm like yeah, I'm like no, no, no, no, it's he's he's just tough, but he's not that tough. He thinks he's tough on Long Island clothes everybody by the last name because she's Dignity in the last name. Guys, and you know this, I mean Handy was brought up in Long Island. He go, what hey, how you're doing? Look at Smithy over there, Hey Goldberg, what are you up to? And it's like Linda grew up in Philly Like Linda, for example, for Bill, will you please say coffee just so he can hear you, Wolfe say say talk radio, talk radio, say single four Singapore Poor. I mean, it's like you and you cannot get it out of people anyway, No each reason. I mean I used to talk like Dizzy. I was like John Travoltan Saturday Night Fever. My father was from Brooklyn, but was mine? Where was your father in Brooklyn from? Mine was from bed Sty and he grew up absolutely you know, piss poor. He had nothing. Yeah, my father was on Flatbush Avenue West Street in the Irish Ghetto. My grandfather was a Brooklyn cop and uh, you know, look we were raising this in this let's just let it fly no PC environment, which has led to the success that you've had and I've had because people want straight talk. We stand on their shoulders. Bill. I mean when I think of the suffering of my grandparents, Yeah, it's some Go ahead, tell you the story I want to hear. No, I just um and it ties into what you were just talking about. Socialism on Levittown, Long Island. But nobody had anything. However, they were willing to work for it. So my father said, you're going to college. All right, You're going. There's no debate about it. You're going because if you go, you're gonna be able to compete better in the United States of America. So I went to college. And it was a mobility that was driven by hard work and self reliance, was it not. I mean that's the environment. Though my parents didn't have money for me for college. But I had worked in I mean every Friday, Saturday, Sunday when I started working as a dishwasher by hand, no machine, and then a cook, and then a bus boy waiter. I mean, I had said my father would come in in the middle of the night. I come home at twelve after two Saint PAULI girls fly home on my bicycle and no seriously. And then my father, when I really made money, tend to bar would take eighty percent of it. Where's my money? Give me my money? And he was putting it all away for me, which by the way, ended up sending me to college for the years that I win. You know, I painted houses in a summertime and we all did, we all work. But today it's it's a different thing because there's a sense of entitlement and victimhood. I mean, so we're all victims. Right. There's a new poll out today and I like this poll was a gallop pole. It said, do you believe in America is have and have nots? And the majority of Americans say, no, we don't believe that that if you if you're born into a circumstance, we don't have a lot of money, you can work your way out of that. All right. It is possible if you get educated and you're honest, to rise up. And it is, it absolutely is in this country. And a false narrative that these people are throwing out on a progressive left that no, no, no, the government has to do it for you. You can't do it, You're not capable of doing it. It's so arrogant. And to give these people power, it's frightening. It's really a frightening scenario to give the far left power in America. I mentiondn't not abortion, but infanticide or you know, if the baby's delivered and will keep the baby comfortable, and then the mother can kill the baby. I mean that would be an individual soul, living and breathing on its own, as the Virginia governor said. But think of what they're proposing, and look at this through the prism of your parents and your grandparents. My parents, my grandparents, all four grandparents came from Ireland to the turn of the last century. You know. Now they want a seventy percent top marginal rate for individuals, ninety percent top corporate rate. And it's gonna be guaranteed jobs, guaranteed, vacation, guaranteed retirement, guaranteed healthcare, daycare guaranteed, literally nursery school through college. Now, when you ask them how we're gonna pay for that, especially without oil and gas, the lifeblood of our economy, they really an answer. Can they sure they can? They just won't. They're going to confiscate property. What are you doing the no spin zone. They're going to steal everything. Yeah, they're going to confiscate your property. That's the wealth tax, and everybody knows it. That's what they do in socialist countries. They confiscate your stuff that you've already paid taxes on, that you've worked hard to earn. Then they're gonna take it because that's the only way you could possibly fulfill all these pipe dreams. Pipe dreaming comes from the opium pipe that of course you're seeing halluciations when you take opium that aren't true. That's what they're peddling, but these people believe it. That's a scary thing. Ocasio Cortez believes what she says. Sanders, I'm not so sure. I mean, I think this is just a big reality show for Bernie Sanders. I don't think so could be wrong. But he can't be that dense. No, I think he's that dense. I believe that. I don't know. He's been around. The Brooklyn guy went up to her. He's a calculator. He's got a big house on Lake Champlain. He doesn't live the life of the socialist. He spouts all this stuff because he knows he gets him attention. I'm not so sure that he's a true believer like many of the others are. I know that eighty percent of the Democratic field for president are not true believers. It's all opposing and the one who wouldn't cooperate with any of it is Biden. And you see what's happening in to Biden the playbook comes out. I wrote a column called Biden Year Time on Bill O'Reilly dot com. I hope everybody goes in to read it. It's free and it's basically lays out that the progressives don't want Biden and they're going to destroy him, you know, and this is how they do it. Well, it's deeper Biden. We just had on John Solomon and Biden's son was flying all over the world. I've had Peter Schweitzer on and as we dig deeper into Biden, beyond the whole creepy Yeah. I don't like people getting in my personal space. I hate it. And I don't like people just feel that they're entitled to go rub somebody in the back of their neck and offer them a massage, and I'll let other people decide what they're comfortable with, and now four people have come out against them. I believe in due process, so I have no idea what's true or not. Let me go back to this wealth tax thing. Though fifteen European countries have tried it, all but four got rid of it. I could guarantee you if we go to a seventy percent top marginal rate and a ninety percent corporate rate that laps as the economy in a year, it's over in one year, guaranteed. Look, I recommend everybody who wants to really know what the truth is. You know, the truth is important, even though the mainstream media and America does not seek it any longer. The truth is important. There are two American cities, and Chicago will be the third now that they've elected this mayor who is very, very far left. But there are two American cities that are totally run by far left progress, San Francisco and Seattle. They're both falling apart. I mean, and I mean falling apart. Visually. You can walk down the street and see what the philosophy of the government will take care of you leads to. Because the government won't take care of you, all right, you have to take care of yourself, and if you can't, you're going to fail. Whether you're in a communist nation, the socialist nation, or capitalist nation. You go to Seattle, you go to San Francisco, and you look and see, is this what you want? I've been all over the country to be critical mass here in America. People are going to have to make a decision to rise up against this pernicious movement and to speak out against it. All right, let me ask this. So there you have Beto Bozo, Robert Francis, You've got Elizabeth Warren wants the wealth tax. You've got Kamala that doesn't want any private health insurance. But they all seem to agree on these two things. Get rid of and abolish the electoral college and stacked the Supreme Court. The electoral college that if you abolished that, that would mean New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, Oregon will decide the president every year every four years. Yeah, the electoral College is a Kahn and their founding fathers are very wise because they knew at the time the Constitution was drawn up that New York, Boston and Philadelphia dominated the country and you just couldn't have people elected from three cities, and that's why the electoral college came into being. Now it's California, New York, Texas, and Florida and Illinois. Those five states. So if you can turn them all read, the conservatives would but if you turn them all blue, the Liberals would win five states out of fifty. Now, what this immigration board of thing is all about, and again no one will tell you this, but this is the truth, is to turn earned Texas blue. And if you look at debate, o'rour ted Cruz. Cruise won by about two hundred thousand votes, not a lot. And if you look at the precincts in Texas, consider a conservative state, all of the precincts dominated by Hispanic Americans vote Democrat, all of them. And if they can flood the zone into Texas the progresses by an open border policy and shane migration, you can turn Texas so Batelorida has been turned. Now Florida is a battleground state. That is what is going on with the immigration. Turn the states blue, and then when you get that, get rid of the electoral college, and we can elect a president we the progressive left based on five states. That's what's happening pretty chilling, and my guests would be that a lot of the other states that are read are not going to want to remain in the United States, which, by the way, our framers, in their infinite wisdom predicted as well. All right, Bill O'Reilly, thank you. Bill o'reiley dot com fifteen number one best selling books and he has his daily podcast there every day as well. Bill, thanks for being one of us. See O'Riley. O'Riley, thanks for being with us. All right, brother, thank you. Eight hundred nine for one Seawan toll free telephone number. As we continue Hannity tonight at nine, we will go forward straight ahead. Linda's got something on her mind. We'll find out what that is. That twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean if you want to be a part of the program. All right, So Linda got really creeped out earlier in the program today. But it's all true. I don't make this stuff up. I mean it's actually out in a book that and this was twenty fourteen. I've forgotten all about this. Wasn't there were I guess it was Al Gore. It wasn't Biden. I know that had a massus problem, right or something. Yeah, we could quote a problem, Sure, we can quote a problem. Sure, well an accusation, which, by the way, due process, presumption of innocence, all that. Uh, there's another good reason not to go to a masseuse, by the way. Not I don't want to tell you. People were freaked up by my story yesterday, which one where my mistus got naked and then I rolled over and he was there in all of his god giving glory. So we're like slow mo mo. Uh, we slow down the kisses and the grabs and the touchy and then the fondling on TV. And I gotta tell you it's freaking people out. I mean people are writing, oh well, specifically with the kids. I mean, it goes all across the bar. We're not even showing that one. Yeah, but we pixel out if there's any kids all the time. I don't want you don't want to drag kids into this. Um, but it happened. I mean the pictures are all over the place. You're right, Um, but anyway, you got this. Ronald Kessler, Ronald Kessler's well known author. Um, we've had him on the program before. You know, you look at his background and his experience and the first family detail you know, which he wrote. All he goes on to tell the story about agents that were upset that at his home in Delaware. Mister Amtrak, creepy crazy uncle Joe, crazy, creepy Uncle Joe. I'm never gonna get sick of that. As a habit of swimming in the in the nude in his pool anyway, female Secret Service agents find that offensive. Well, you'll see that's wrong. And he has why what's warm? Because when you swim in the nude also known as your slow slow down. I don't swim at all. My days are going in the pool when my kids got old enough to go in by themselves and I didn't have to throw them around. Like we have two champion swimmers here, Katie, right and Ethan. Katie's ready to have a heart attack as I'm talking about her on the airth did you ever swim? Get what? No? No, that's not my point. My point is is that when you are naked, you get a little bit more speed. So maybe he was exercising yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah, Ethan, it's frowning upon that. No, she's saying this just for shock value. Stop, you don't believe that the swimsuits now lessen the drag. That's right, the drag. I would encourage people anything about the drag. Well, the drag. What it means is it helps you sort of. It's almost like they coated with like a dolphin. Yeah, they used to call it shark skin, right material. It is actually more water repellent than your skin. Well, who is the I'm not yeah, Michael Phelps. I mean you watch these guys. I mean they put it. It's like a full uniform that they have on. It covers their whole body. He's an amazing swimmer too. I mean, I can't believe. Do you know how hard it is to shave off just seconds of your time? Seriously, you know there were so many places I thought you were going with that comment as we talk about all these inappropriate things in the final half hour of the show. No, I mean to get seconds off your time, you have to spend hours and hours. Now, here's a quick story about my growing up, just to share with everybody. Shaving now, So, my three older sisters were all AAU swimmers. They all I mean they won every weekend. They were really really good. Sweet baby. James, my brother in law. His wife was and still is an amazing swimmer. One of his kids is an amazing swimmer. Was a lifeguard. Anyway, my parents, I like baseball, ice hockey, football, basketball, baseball. That's all I cared about, and so my mother had this idea that I was going to be a swimmer. I remember it was the middle of a winner. It's freezing cold out, and so I go with the They had different levels, lane number one of the good swimmers, lane number two of the you know, moderately good. The last lane is my lane, and I swim there and back. I could swim, I do free stroke, rest stroke. I still can't get my arms up to do butterfly. I have no It's like a feat from God to get those legs to kick like that. I can't do it. I've tried it many times. People try to teach me. My sister, James's wife, it's amazing at butterfly. You know, it's I mean, not takes. I just had never learned to do it. So anyway, I swim the there and back and the guy goes, no, no, you gotta keep going, and I'm like, I'm not keeping going. I'm like, this is stupid. Then I start doing can openers and cannon balls and I do splash diving. Poor Lilian, Poor Lilian, and so anyway, then all of us got in so much trouble. It was the greatest, the dumbest decision ever. Then they threw us into the diving pool which was next door, and we're like on the high dive and we're doing more cannonballs, more diving more. There is a moment in everybody's life where you're on the high dive. I'll never forget the moment. I was like three four years old. My mom's like, get on the high dive, Like you go get on the high dive. Fine, I'll go get on the high dive. And she wanted me to dive, not jump, ever, jump off anything. And I'm like looking down and I'm saying, oh sugar, here, and I just in there for a while, and I just said to hell with it, and I dove. That kind of hurt your head. The first few times you do. It doesn't feel great. And then I like diving, had somebody teaching me how to do flips. I never was great at it, but it was okay at it. You know, I could do like a one and a half summersault into the water and land on my back and you wow, I had that happened to me too. That's not fun, you know when you're spinning around. I don't know how these guys keep track. You watch the Olympics and they you know, one, two, three, four or five boom. And then you got to land in the water and not make a splash. I'm like, up this too much and you're sitting at home thinking you're so good at judging this. Nah, that splash was way too hot. And no, he didn't go in completely vertical. Meanwhile, I was lucky if I didn't land flat on my back because there was no telling where. I'm like one and you know, you just do it boom. It was not that was my time, but I and anyway, so and I said to my mother when she picks us up, I'm like, Mom, I want to get the chicken soup and the coffee that they sold like a machine that sold coffee and tea and chicken broth. I'm like and she's like, no, you wouldn't. What was that coffee, tea and chicken broth? Yeah, no, you could get chicken broth out of the coffee maker, which was a coffee maker? Is this that's you never saw one of those? No, you put in money. It's like you see him at ice of the chicken broth is in your coffee? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No. So you could either get coffee, or you could get chicken broth, or you can get tea. Does it come out of the same dispenser At the time you put fifty cents in, you pressed which one you want? Do you want sugar? Do You must have been hitting that water really hard not to taste the difference? Well, no, it was great. It's so salty. So my mother after she found out that I spent the entire time in the diving pool and was quote uncooperative and refused to do more than two laps. Now, by the way, this this this session goes on for two freaking hours, and I'm looking at all these people swimming, and I'm like, this is not fun. Just doing a lap isn't that big of a deal. Even excuse me, we us see for yourself. You used to do a lap with ten push ups at each end, and you do it for forty times, so you do four hundred push ups by the end. Of that one roup and why why you ever accepted that as a sport or fun is beyond me. Now. I admire people like my sisters that could swim, but I couldn't swim. I didn't want it. It's I don't know how to swim. You don't know how to swim at all. No. So last yeah, last yeas a new homeowner. Yeah, so I had you have a pool, and I have a pool, and I have a three year old. So I'm like, yeah, by the way, that and you didn't You still didn't ten advice? What's what's the advice? You gotta get the elephant cover. I have it. Oh, you do have it. It's a cover that's automatic. You press a button. Oh no, I have people that come and that's automatic. No. No, every day when the kids got out of the pool, I press a button. It would cover the entire pool. It's by, it's by, it's a you know, it's got a fence. Okay, the fence is not enough. It's got a locked fence. They can knock it in. Did you ever see a kid go after a cookie. They're gonna figure out a way to get the cookie. Listen, my son is big, he's not squeezing through that fence, and he's too short to climb over it. And by the time he's tall enough, I wanted to worry about he's gonna get a ladder. I'm telling he's anything like I was. I need to sleep tonight. What's wrong with you? Yeah? Anyways, I learned how to swim a little bit last year. I can do the three and a half four foot I liked it where it doesn't touch my hair. I'm very good at sitting by the pool. I've perfected that. By the way. That's another thing. I can't stand sitting by the pool. Oh, so we'd go to this, you know, a couple of years. My parents didn't want me hanging out with the kids in the neighborhoods half the time, and imagine why, But so they sent me to this Young Traveler's Day Camp. And Young Travelers Day Camp would go to Jones Beach really Zack's Bay. That was kind of cool because we'd play softball all day and I go fishing and all day we catch mackerel with lores. I'll be pulling them in all day. See how many who can catch a hundred that day? So we had a good time but then like if my family was there and we go to the beach, everyone just lays out in the sun and I'm looking at me. First of all, I never said I was laying in the sun. I said I laid the pool in flame clothing. Okay, sun block, I'm see through pale. That's not an option. No, that's true. It's beyond and so am I so um So. The funny thing is, I cannot to this day understand how people and I love being near the water, Like, for example, when we go to the beach with the kids when you're young, and if we're not playing beach football, if we're not playing, oh I'll throw the ball to Patrick. You're in you dive in the water and I'll throw it. You have to make a diving catch. If it wasn't that how you can sit there all day like people do, And I'd watch them. Oh, they'd be there morning, noon and night, sitting in the sun, and they're like, oh, this is so relaxing. I'd rather blow my brains out than that. Get that, colleletely agree with you. The first time I ever sat by a pool because I can't swim that good was last year. Because I have a little one, and he was in the pool. So you know that I was okay with it. But you let him swim for an hour? I mean, oh no, he'll stay in there for four hours. He that's the point you say, enough enough, get out. I'm done watching, I'm done sitting. It is perfect. This, This makes every child exhausted. I love it. Well. I used to have to play alligator with my kids when they were young. What is alligator? And well that I would be the mean alligator and I'd catch them, catch them, and then I thrashed them back, and you know, like crazy. I couldn't thrash my son enough more. I know, boys, they just can't get enough. I just said, the harder I thrashed him, the more he is laughing. My daughter, I'd thrashed her like to the littlest you know, terrible poor k and then but she wanted to be like her brother. So I try to do it, and I'm like, all right, you're ready. And so there's one house we once had had a hill, remember that, sweet baby I did with snow on the hill. So we'd take like, um, not a sleigh, but like a flying saucer hill. It's like a little dish, a little dish, sit in the dish, and it would be perfect because you go down the hill and then there was like an enough room to land and you'd go right up to the fence. It wouldn't be a problem. Problem is when you have fresh snow and you do it, it gets in the kid's face because I'm behind them. Yeah, that didn't go over well when they were young either. Yeah, my little guy did that for the first time. This year. We have a we have a little hill in the backyard and me and him in the dog and where and he's in the saucer and I this kid can't get enough snows all in his face the ice. He's freezing. He's like, mar this is great. I'm wat wait till you get to the Disney trips. Oh god, sweet baby. How many Disney trips did we go on? It's Disney by the way, there's no in there. It's not Disney whatever. Whatever. Oh we would remember, Uh does ABC Disney? Oh my show, there's radio show. When we started, I didn't last long. No, it's unfortunate. I had such good benefits from that Disney world that didn't know they would want me to broadcast from there. Once a year, and it was the most uncomfortable thing every year because will you heard what they did now? Right, They've banned people from wearing President Trump any sort of support of President Trump in the park. You're not allowed to wear it. The guy came in wearing a Maga hat, they threw him out. And they have a rule now in their park that you cannot support President Trump on your clothing. I'm sure they love her. She can ride all the Rise for free. Come on, you're kidding me. I swear I'll never go there now. Now, they would give me the trip and I'd go, and the kids loved it, but I mean it was and then they say, but you just have to do one little interview with some character, and I'd be like Mickey Mouse, hey hey, and I'm like, oh, yeah, yeah, this is great radio. This is gonna really make actually fun though, right, would you ask him? Do you ask me his political opinions? Yeah, we'd mess around and do stuff like that that just to make it fun. That's kind of fun. Yeah. That didn't go over particularly well. Then those options those trips were stopped for some mysterious reason. We even did it aboard the Maiden Voyage of one of their cruise ships, which was horrible. Being on a cruise ship to me is the most claustrophobic thing on earth. But I have people, you know, Mike Myers. Mike Myers goes on a million cruiser. I'm like, why do you like the cruising? He just does. He loves it and the food is off the hook. Now, I did enjoy one experience on a cruise ship when I went up to Canada, met the ship and stayed on the ship for twenty four hours and did a couple of shows with Michael W. Smith and then flew right home. Yeah, that's not called a cruise. No. We stayed up all night with veterans and one. No, it's an awesome experience. I was here when you did that. It was awesome. It was not a cruise for me. That was about as long as I wanted to be out at sea. Well, you had your my pillows, that's all that mattered. I didn't I have it. Right now, that's gonna wrap things up with today, all right, A busy and great Hannity tonight, ninety eestern the battle over the border. We're gonna get to the battle over your corrupt media. H oh, and the casaating holding them accountable. Jim Jordan, Devin Newness tonight, also Lawrence Jones down at the Bay. There are a lot of action going on there down there today and we'll get to that. Lara Logan and Joe Concha and Haraldo it's gonna be a big night. And John Solomon and his breaking news story nine Eastern Hannity Fox. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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