President Trump seems to be aligning the country toward a diplomatic showdown with Iran. Today, the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Iranian businesses as a result of the country's recent ballistic missile launch which was done in direct violation of UN agreements. Donald Trump is making good on his promise to hold the foreign governments accountable for the agreements they make. The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity radio show podcast. One night. Hundred Flowers is giving guys everywhere and awesome incentive to order their Valentine's bouquet's early right now. One eight hundred Flowers is offering up to off their best selling bouquets and gifts, but only while supplies last. Go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. All right, glad you're with us, and Happy Friday to all of you. I'm in a great mood today. I am in Houston many thanks to our affiliate down here in news Radio seven forty ktr H, and their hospitality has been so amazing and fun, and it's it's like a super Bowl atmosphere everywhere you go downtown and it's just a lot of fun. We're gonna be doing our TV show from here tonight, which I think you will enjoy. I think it's gonna be fun to do that here as well. Anyway, lot going on in a program today. Let me tell you one thing we are monitoring and watching very very closely, and that is there appears to be an emerging show down with Iran, and I will not be surprised if at some point this ends up being a big deal. Now, let me if you can pull up the lineup for tonight. Yeah, that'd be great, thank you. Sorry, I'm in a different studio. So anyway, So it started with the Iranians, of course, breaking the U N Nuclear Agreement and test firing ballistic missiles. Now, this was the dumbest thing that the Obama administration did. On top of every bad economic data point that I would give you on a regular basis, there's nothing worse than what they did with Iran and paying ransom and giving them the right to spend centerfuges keep their program, and giving them billions and billions of taxpayer dollars at the end of the day because that otherwise would be our money that we deserve, alright, So go to the block. Yeah. So what I'm trying to say is there's now we've got a case. So after they fired the ballistic souls the Iranians, then we had General Flynn go out there yesterday. In General Flynn says, we are putting a ran on notice, We're putting a RAN on notice, and now Donald Trump has weighed in, and now he's moving forward with potential sanctions. And today the Trump administration showed the world. I think that they mean business. They imposed these new sanctions on thirteen individuals, twelve companies in response to the Iranian missile, and a navy destroyer has now been moved to the coast of Yemen. I have no doubt that eventually it will make its way up the straits of Horn moves. On top of that, Trump tweeted out Iran is playing with fire. They don't appreciate how quote unquote kind President Obama was to them, not me, he says. Also, Paris is on high alert after a man with a machete and two backpacks tried to in o An area, where French soldiers opened fire as he was yelling Allahu akbar. Shocking, this never happens. I can't believe even such a shocking bit of news today. Then the threat the President is trying to protect Americans from, he tweeted today, a new radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked. He's talking about what happened in Paris and the Paris museum and tourists were locked down and France is on edge. Yet again, the US needs to get smart. So the Trump administration, what is he doing? This is another promise he's making good this morning on his threats to punish Iran for their ballistic missiles test. That was illegal, that was against the agreement that they made, one of many agreements that they signed. If you go back and look at North Korea and how they played the United States, they play a cat and mouse game, and they get money from the Clinton administration. Then the Clinton administration would go in, make a deal, give them more money, and tell them you've got to stop. You gotta start being good people. They say, okay, sure, we'll start being good. Give us billions of dollars. Then they'd wait a period of two three months and then they'd go back to their old ways, and then the Clinton administration would go in and give them more money. So then they ultimately would be using our money to become a nuclear power. Here's the problem here. You cannot marry radical Islamic terrorism with nuclear weapons. And if you do this, I guarantee you that the world at some point is going to see a nuclear holocaust. So anyway, the Treasury sanctioned thirteen individuals. These twelve businesses that Reuters reported, several of which were based in the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and China. The President then raised the stake stakes with that tweet this morning that they're playing with fire. This is on top of they've been put on notice and the White House suggesting just before we came on the air today that more sanctions, even military action could be on the way, and the President dramatically raising the possibility of military action against the RAM because of this missile test. Here is a truth that we just have to face. And you're gonna say, Hannity, you're a warmonger. Now, Hannity is not a warmonger. And we can't fight wars like we did in Vietnam and send Americans to fight, bleed, die and win and then pull our victory, you know, everything they fought and gain and then walk away because it becomes politicized in Washington, d C. You know, when brave Americans fight, bleed and die to the tune of five thousand plus in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then we politicized the war and the very people that sent these guys to war, and these guys go and win Mosul and Baghdad and Ramadi, and to create and Felucia, and then all of a sudden we say, never mind. How do you look in the eye of a parent that lost their son or their daughter fighting and winning they were they were ordered to win those cities, only to politicize it and then hand it over and create a vacuum for Isis. So Isis not only has a launching pad for their worldwide terror network, but of financing because they have the Iraqi oil. Because we didn't even protect that on our way out. That's how stupid we are. Now this will probably be if it comes down to it taking out the Iranian nuclear facilities, This is going to be one of the most sophisticated and one of the most difficult military operations will see in history. Now, if you go back to the nineteen eighties and when the when the Israelis took out Iraqi's nuclear sights, or more recently a number of years ago when they flew under the radar and it got very little publicity, but they took out Syrian nuclear sights as well. Nobody really paid attention in the world. The Israelis are fantastic at what they do. Here's what I imagine could happen, which is gonna be very different than starting a war with Iran. What's I Ran gonna do is a ram gonna come over here and try and send soldiers. They'll be blown out of the water before they get fifteen feet to the coast of the United States, or or fifteen thousand feet before the nine It states. But it's what the what the Iranians cleverly did. They're evil, Yeah, they're evil. That the number one state sponsor of terror. But what the Iranians did is they spread their nuclear sights all over their country, and they have a lot of land mass. And what they also did is they buried these nuclear sites deep underground. So the process of taking out those sites, and they do have somewhat sophisticated Remember part of the the Obama deal was to allow missile defense to be built with Russia. Part of the deal was they could continue to spin their centerfuges, you know. So they do have a pretty healthy air force, although it won't compete with the US Air Force. But what I can see happening is an alliance emerging. And this might be the most unlikely alliance you've ever heard of. But I could see the Saudis, remember their Sunni's. I could see the Egyptians, I could see the Jordanians, and I could see the Israelis, and I could see the United States all teaming up and together taking out those nuclear sites. And if we don't do it at some point, I'm not saying we have to do it tomorrow. If those sites are not taken out in the next number of years, and the Iranian molas the number one state sponsors of terror, if they get a nuclear weapon, then I will tell you what would stop them from using it? What would stop Where is the conscience in the soul of a radical Islamist from using a nuclear weapon that they have developed with the help of a United States president ex president now by the name of Barack Obama. What would stop them? I don't know if there's anything. And this is now going to be the moral litmus test for the world. They remember Bush talked about the access of evil. They are They are evil. And I think if Donald Trump is saying you've been put on notice, I think when Donald Trump tweets, I ran as playing with fire. When he tweets, they don't appreciate how kind President Obama was to them, not me, And he now begins to move with sanctions and they're not taking off the table of military option. What would the option be. Is the option gonna be to bomb innocent people in Tehran? I don't think so. Remember Obama had that chance in two thousand and nine during the Green Revolution to step up and support in solidarity those people that were quoting Lincoln and our founders and our framers, and he did nothing. He turned his back on them and then ended up working with the radical extremists that run around. So it's not gonna be, oh, let's bomb Tehran. It's gonna be a direct attack on their nuclear facilities. Now, if you use the bunker busting bombs that we had once used in Iraq that I am told I only, we've only improved the quality of If you couple that with our ability to fight a war from Tampa, Florida, If a couple that with we have the best air force in the history of mankind, and the Israeli Air Force offering support, and the Jordanian Air Force offering support, and the Egyptian Air Force offering support, and the Saudi Air Force offering support. How much do you want to bet if the Iranians keep this up, we're gonna rock their world. And it's not gonna be American men and women knocking door to door to door to door to door and getting hit with I e. D s and having their legs blown off and their brains blown out. That's not a way to fight a war anymore. We've got to get more sophisticated. So I'm taking you down this road because I can absolutely see this happening now. Also, since last Friday when President Trump issued his executive order, what the all left, radical, lying propaganda colluding media told you was a Muslim band, which it is not. More fake news anyway, more than a hundred thousand visas have been revoked since the Order on Immigration and Travel was signed. Now, there's a hundred thousand people that might be at risk to you and to your families. Is it worth the gamble in your mind to allow him into the country or not to have them convenient so we can say we're really sweet and kind and a nice country, and please don't hurt us if we let you in. No, that's called being an adult anyway. So the number came to uh in a question in an answer to a question from a judge about how many people have been affected by the order from the Office of Immigration Litigation at the Civil Division of the Justice Department. They also said no returning legal permanent residence. Those with green cards have been turned away, and that was part of the controversy. Now, just to be a little more specific as to what is Trump is doing here, he dispatched You might remember the USS coal. That is a heavy destroyer. It's armed with guided missiles. Their job now is to patrol the waters off the coast of Yam. And remember there's been a proxy war with the Hooties or whatever they're called, fighting the Saudis. But they're basically like everything else the Iranians do. They they've been fighting proxy wars against everybody in Israel and the United States. Remember how many people the Iranians were responsible for killing in Iraq and Afghanistan. So I'm sure that they're gonna notice the deployment of the USS coal, which was bombed by the al Qaeda terrorists while at the port of Yemen. That was back in an active war that has yet to be avenged. The coal is larger, it's more heavily armed than most previous ships that are classified as guided missile cruisers. Its weaponry includes over ninety ages system radar guided missiles. Significant serious damage can be done with this, and the US has moved a Navy destroyer there too. Um. They arrived in the vicinity off the straits of southwestern Yemen. So that's moving forward. We have some good economic news will share with you today, some job growth news will share with you today. Trump now eyeing apostle, will roll back of Dodd Frank, which is good news. We've got an NBC hip piece on Neil Gorsers that will share with you. And time for the Trump administration to maybe start looking at George Soros and funding of radicalism. I'll explain that today anyway, Shaun, We're in Houston. Super Bowl Sunday coming up. We've got a great TV showed it for you tonight as well. I'll tell you about that in a minute. Bringing jobs back to America and getting America back door. This is a shawl helly shoe alright, eight hundred nine fold one, Shawn told free telephone number. We're in Houston, the site of the Super bowls, the Falcons and the Patriots. We'll do some predictions with my team at the bottom of the hour. A couple of other good news on the economy issues that came up today. President Trump looking to roll back one, if not the most damaging regulatory disaster imposed by the Obama administration, Dodd Frank, which had lending to small business in a stranglehold ever since it was passed, and President Trump's now planning to reevaluate Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform in a move that could lead to major changes in the regulatory environment. Anyway, with meetings with business leaders since taking off, as he consistently keeps hearing complaints about federal regulations, and you know, Trump's expected to sign an executive order directing the Treasury Secretary to consult with regulators about what needs to be done to fix dot Frank and report back within a relatively short period of time. And his Secretary Treasury, Steve Manustion, has not been confirmed yet, but he could get a full Senate vote next week, so we'll watch that closely. The other thing is the job growth. US job creation is soaring since Donald Trump's not even the first two weeks in office. Business is now moving to take advantage of the new administration's plan to cut regulations, lower the tax rates, and Obamacare and roll back some of these oppressive ep A measures. And anyway, America added two seven thousand jobs in January, increase over December's hundred and fifty thousand jobs, and the unemployment rate is uh you know still early construction added thirty six thousand workers, financial services hired thirty two thousand, healthcare gain eighteen thousand. Manufacturing barely added any jobs. But it's going to take a while to get this money into the system and get Americans that desperately need jobs back to work. It took about two and a half years for the Reagan economy to really take hold and start showing explosive growth. The Bank of England uh Governor of the Bank of the Ben whose name is Ben broad Bent, the Deputy Governor the Bank of England, says Trump's election victory has been positive for the British economy. Quote You've seen business confidence rise, particularly in the US. You've seen financial markets get more optimistic, and I think it's having a great impact on US so far. At the margin, it's been positive for global sentiment and for that reason, to that extent, for all of us. I'm sure you're not going to hear about that on NBC, ABC or CBS. We have another fake news story, an NBC hip piece on Neil Gorsts that turned out to be fake. All Right, football predictions next, then we've got a lot more coming up on this edition of The Sean Hannity Show. From Houston, Texas. 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To get amazing Valentine's Day deals like up to off all their best selling bouquets and gifts while supplies last is go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. So why wait to wow her? Order now at one eight hundred flowers dot com. The one thing you can always count on, Sean Hannity is back on the radio alright till the top of the hour for one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Where in Houston many thanks to our big, massive fifty killer station here News Radio seven forty ktr H and their hospitality today. All right, so the Super Bowl is coming up on Sunday. That means you gotta pick a team by now. The person I'm most interested in asking though, is Linda. Because Linda knows nothing about football. Isn't that true? It's pretty accurate. You have to put a MinC up in a little bit higher. Okay, Jason, can you turn the music down. And my niece just walked and you remember my niece, Cassie. Cassie talk on the headphone, say hi to Linda. Hey girl, how's married life? It's great? She's a doctor. She delivers babies. How many babies you delivered today? This is a microphone. You have to actually talk into it. You can't. I didn't. I wasn't delivering baby today today. I was doing gun in co logic surgeries. So I did about six of those six surgeries today. And how many babies do you deliver on any given week? You know, um, roughly ten to fifteen. Now, as an uncle when you were growing up, how great was I number one? Uncle? Why? Because I gave you a college scholarship? Thank you, Uncle Sewn? So thank you Uncle Sewn. All right, I'm gonna ask your football picks in a minute, all right? Uh so do you know who's playing in the in the Super bow Bowl? First, Linda? I know who's in there? All right? Are you going by colors again? You gotta speak a little louder. I don't hear you too. I'm going by colors for this, uh for this football game. And for those of you in America who think I'm screaming, I am because our boss is deaf. So I apologize to you listening America, but I can hear you now you don't have to yell anymore. Go ahead. So how so my question is who are you picking for the Super Bowl? I um, I'm going by colors, and I don't like red and black, so I'm going with the other team. Because you're going with colors, and you're not even gonna watch the Super Bowl, right, You're gonna You're gonna watch the Puppy Bowl, or you're gonna watch the Lingerie Bowl. I'm gonna be watching the Puppy Bowl. Okay. If I had a choice and I wasn't gonna watch the Super Bowl, I'd watch the Lingerie Bowl. I am shocked to hear that. I think every guy would pick the Lingerie Bowl over the Puppy Bowl. But I might because I love dogs. I might. I might DVR the Puppy Bull so I could watch that later. But I watched the Lingerie Bowl just in case there is a wardrobe function that we need to talk about the day. I think I'm gonna boycott it all. Just because it's so liberal, and you would haven't watched the super Bowl your whole life, which is pathetic. Everyone can watch the super Bowl and you're the only one that doesn't watch it. I watched like five minutes last year. I did five minutes. Would you watch the halftime show? You lady Gaga? This god? I wouldn't watch her. I mean I would watch it if she fell off the stage. I would like to see that. All right, So let's talk to some real and how many points are the Patriots gonna win by? Uh? It's radio, you gotta talk. I have no idea. I don't even have never at a loss for words. I don't even know how many points they can have. I don't know. Let's see, I don't know. A hundred points. H Okay, So you're gonna you're picking the Patriots by a hundred points. Okay, Well we'll go with that. Jason, who do you got this year? You know how I am? You know I am? I I despise the Patriots, but I respect them. So this is a heart and this is a heart versus head issue for you. I'm not going to be a candy ass and go with one and then say the other. So I'm gonna pick the Falcons two A. Right, so you got them by five? Alright? Fine, Ethan, what do you got? I got the exact opposite of Jason. I think England's gonna win, but England's gonna win. They got too much new England's gonna win by five. You guys are given exact score. Sunshine, Who do you got? I definitely picked the Patriots. I love them. I don't know by how much. I'm not really that into it, but I love them. So they're gonna win. So you think the Patriots are gonna win, but you don't know by how. You have to pick by how many a hundred? Nobody thinks by a hundred? What is wrong with you people? All right, Kristen, who are you picking? Come on, get into the microphone. You know I'm not a sports fan, Shawn, I don't know. Maybe the Patriots because I'm in the northeast now, I mean no, like seven seven? Alright, Patriots by seven? All right? Cassie, who are you picking? Here? Come on? And she? What is this dog? You got the answers? What if you? I said? I thought I just gave her the answers? Just kidding? Um, yeah, no, I agree, it'll be the Patriots, and I'll say by three. How about that? All right? I got the Patriots by ten, although I prefer to be a much closer game. And and this is not I am very very impressed with the Falcons. I really am. Matt Ryan has been unbelievable, but I think he's gonna have a much harder time against the Patriots defense and you can't. And I'm also supporting Tom Brady because now everyone wants Brady to, you know, to to announce Donald Trump. So now I like Tom Brady, who I've always admired, but he's like the guy everyone likes to Hey, that's why the flake gate got blown into something it never should have got blown into, because they don't like the good looking guy that wins the Super Bowls, that has the good looking wife, and he just you just want to hate him because he keeps winning. And I like him now because he's not betraying his friend Donald Trump. So for that reason, and I met Robert Kraft. Now we have a big Hannity tonight. We're getting into this showdown now that it's emerging between Iran and the United States and Donald Trump and Trump instituting UH sanctions against them. He's saying, Iran is playing with fire. They don't appreciate how kind President Obama was to them, not me, and being put on notice that like they were yesterday by General Flynn. And now we're sending the USS coal off the coast of Yemen. So we're gonna get into that with the latest on left wing agitators. And we're talking football tonight. Stephen A Smith, Chris Carter, Jim A, Tiki Barbera, Joe Nameth, Tim Tebow, and Bob Kraft, who was the owner of the Patriots. So that's all coming up tonight, Hannity ten Eastern here from Houston. No, I'm not staying for the super Bowl. If I stay for the Super Bowl, I will be useless to all of you on Monday because you don't get home. They're always don't get home is eight in the morning. And I don't sleep on planes on red eyes, and you just it's called a red eye for a reason because it makes your eyes red and you're tired anyway. So I'm gonna put my niece on. So my niece says, how old are you now? By the way, and you gotta speak into the microphone, speak into it thirty years old. Okay, So what made you this was an interesting thing? You decided when to become a doctor? I decided, um, pretty early on. Actually in high school I would Candy Stripe, and I think that's when I my interest in medicine really um first developed. And then let's see, in college, I also did a lot of volunteering in medical in the medical profession, and then some study abroad, um where I worked in you gone when you smile training? Yes, exactly, And that's I think when I really decided that I definitely wanted to be a physician. How could you be part of my family and do all those work for free? I don't understand that. Oh that's right, because I helped you. That's so why Thank god you have a good uncle. Thank you Uncle Sean. All right, but here's the question. Then you went to Notre Dame. How did you like Notre Dame? I loved it? Yeah, all right. So then you go to Houston Medical School, right was the name of it? Houston? Okay? And then you become a doctor and and you work at a hospital. That is it fair to say that there are a lot of poor people at that hospital that are that are patients UM. Well, when you did work current currently, I'm an ob du in resident. I'm in my last year of training, and so we do work with um some poor patients. Kind of the whole spectrum. What percentage went when you were at one particular hospital, wasn't like people didn't have any insurance of the ability to pay at all? You told me, right, well, a lot of the if you're pregnant, you qualify for Medicaid. I'm not pregnant. You know, technically they have medicaids, so in medicaid. But in other words, now here's the sad part. And I'm this is not we're not talking about. This is just something that happens. How many stories have you told me about girls that are maybe as young as nineteen having their fourth or fifth child? Quite a few? And and what do you say to them when you know, and they don't even have they don't have money right to take care of the kids they have. They're not wealthy, and so the poor, the very poor people and they have four or five kids and they're not even twenty years old. How's that possible? With these patients? I like to discuss birth control early on, all right, and so you give them birth control talk, but they still keep coming back. Some of them, Yes, their okay, yes, sir. It's the first time in life she's ever called me sir. I can tell you that, okay. So then the next question is how many What is the youngest a girl came in to your hospital that you deliver a baby? Four? What's the youngest age? Years old? Oh, my gosh, what what? Thirteen years old? Yes, sir, yes, sir, you never call me sir? Your all right? And and what did you say to her? I think in that instance, you just have to be compassionate for the patient. I think that she was young, she didn't know what she was getting herself into. Um, she probably unfortunately didn't have the best role models growing up, and so UM, when a thirteen year old girl essentially comes in and she's having a child herself, you have to be empathetic and kind and compassionate. Listen, you've been You're You're the kinder. You're on the kinder side of our family. I'm on the ugly side of our family. I'm the mean one. But on on a serious note, I mean I feel so bad for them, and if you're nineteen. You what what is like an age that a girl had five kids at like the youngest age or four? Um, I don't know if I could say the youngest age, but I do know. The other day I was I delivered a patient. It was she was twenty four year old and I believe it was her eighth baby, eighth child. Now could she afford all these kids? I don't have access to her bank account, but the well, did she have Blue Cross, Blue Shield or medicaid? Medicaid? That means she probably doesn't have a lot of money, right, Yeah, I mean that's sad. I mean because that then their whole lives are what raising their kids, and then they don't have enough money for the kids. They don't have any money for babysitters, they don't have any money for good schools. They you know, the whole lives, and it's sad. I think you really hit on a point. Though. They grew up in an area that no, but they didn't have any guidance. They didn't have an uncle like me yelling at them about drinking and drugs. Remember all those speeches that I used to give you when you were younger. I don't know what I would do if it weren't for you, Uncle Sean. Yeah, okay, now now the sarcasm comes out now that now the Hannity side comes out. No, but it's true. I mean, obviously these girls weren't afforded the same luxuries that I was. So it's true. It's sad. I mean it really is. You know, because all those kids, if you're like me, you believe they're born with potential to be bright and contribute and smart. But if you're twenty four years old now you've got eight kids, Uh, your life is for the next eighteen years at least, you know, serving those kids. You don't have time to do anything else. You can't. I have two kids I can barely race, and one of them is now in college. It's ridiculous. Anyway, Well, it's good to see who's you got the Patriots by and yeah, okay, at least you didn't say by a hundred like some people that work for us, like Linda, Is that really necessary? I just asked the guys. I don't know anything about sports, I said, isn't there a game where you can get that many? And they said basketball, and that's called basketball. I didn't know that you didn't know that. Do you ever watch TV? Do you ever? Do you ever read the sports pages? You know? You you have newspapers in your office. You read the same for me every day. There's the sports pages, you know, a separate section or it's in the back Listen. I'm friends with Stephen A. Smith. If I need to know something, I'll call him and he'll tell me what to say. He'll tell you what this. I didn't tell you to pick the blue team by a hundred because you picked for the record. The last three years, I have won all the pools, by the way. A Connecticut woman says her hatred for Donald Trump made her run over a police officer. This is now Trump derangement syndrome, raging out of control anyway, she uh had. A woman in Connecticut accused of trying to hit a police officer with a car in court on Friday. She's fifty eight years old. Her name is Eileen Pierce. She tried to hit the officer on purpose that was directing traffic at a tree trimming site on Root sixty nine. Drove her super wagon directly at the guy, screaming out the window, shaking her fist. The officer Thank god, got out of the way, and police say narrowly missed the guy and the tree crew and apparently miss hitting the tree crew. And when Pierce was pulled over, the troopers said she was rambling several times that she was upset with police and that officers are being did because they tend to abuse people, or people are being murdered and officers are murdering them, noting that she was angry at Donald Trump being president. Wow, this is really getting nuts. You want to talk about sanctuary cities. Now, we do have the governor of the great state of Texas is going to be joining us in the next hour. Governor Abbott. I love Governor Abbott, such a good guy, such a great governor for the state of Texas. The perfect guy to follow up for Governor Perry, who I also liked a lot. And uh, we'll talk to him about sanctuary cities. They're now raking in twenty seven billion dollars from American taxpayers, and what the governor here did is pretty smart. He said, Okay, Travis County, you want to be a sanctuary city, that's fine. We're gonna cut off all state funds for you. Now. If a city is cut off from state funds and Donald Trump follows up on his promise to take away federal funds. Well, that means these cities are gonna go bankrupt, and that's perfectly fine with me if they don't want to obey the laws of the land. Also gonna look into the Clint Laurants case after I brought it up with President Trump up in my interview. There's hope that this man that saved the lives of his entire platoon that is spending twenty years in jail because these guys were dropping i e. D. S on motorcycles and he had to make the order to save his troops. Anyway, we'll get to the an update on that. Phil robertson the Star of Duck Dynasty is checking in with us today and we'll have much more. I want to remind you Hannity tonight, We're gonna have a blast tonight. Hannity is gonna be fun. John Hannity, all right, as we roll along, We're in Houston, Texas, the side of the Super Bowl. Super Bowl Sunday, A great Hannity tonight, ten Eastern on the Fox News Channel. All Right, when we get back, got a lot of ground to cover yet today, not the least of which is all of the sanctuary city battles that are going on. The Governor of the Great State of Texas will join us also well, Clint Laurents get a pardon, well delvi into that issue and Phil robertson as we continue from Houston eight san Alright, So I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. 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And you're not only choosing to disavow the law, but you're heading sanctuary to people who come there and disavout the law. Um. In two thousand and ten, one of the illegals slaughtered my son. He tortured him, he beat him, he tied him up like an animal, and he set him on fire. And I am not a one story mother. This happens every day because there are no laws and force at the border. We have to start giving American families first. This is not bad to not put Americans first. You know, we have family, thought and died for this country. How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to do avowed the law? And the second part of my question is us if you need to go home tonight and line up your babies, as you say in your grand babies, which one of them could you look in their eyes today that they're exspendable for another foreign person to have a nicer life. Which one would you like to say, you a child, are expendable for someone else to come over here and not father law and have a nicer life. Well, again, I command you for sharing your story. I can't even imagine the pain, and I can't even amagic. There's there's nothing I'm sure that can compare to the Greece that you have. And so I pray for you. I pray for you, and again we all pray that none of us has to experience what you've experienced. It. Thank you for channeling your energy to help prevent something like that from happening. But I do want to say to you that in our sanctuary cities are people are not disobeying the law. These are a law abiding citizens. It enables them to be there without being reported to ICE in case of another crime that they might bear witness too. Well, my son's killer get sanctuary in your city once he's let out of jail, I'm sorry, dear, Well, my son's killer gets sanctuary from your son. Um in a centuary city when this happened us I was just outside. But is that what your son it was the victim of somebody in the sanctuary city. It was an it was a spoken policy at that time, it was not written. Doesn't matter. You've lost your son, and that's the important thing. But I just do think that we have to uh stipulate to a set of facts. And the fact is is that no, no, your son would not here. That's not what the point is. The point is is that you do not turn law enforcement officers into immigration officers. That is really what the point is in a sanctuary city. So it's not a question of giving schward. Someone who has uh uh is guilty of a crime. They should be deported. They was something sent to jail for what they do. So many stories if you can catch them in time. All right, our two Sean Hannity Show, We're in Houston, Texas, many thanks to our affiliate here News Radio seven forty KTRH. Obviously we're here for the super Bowl. We got a big Hannity tonight that was a friend of the program that was Laura Wilkerson. We had her on just recently and talking about the torture and the murder and the death and the burning of her son. And so she was at the CNN town hall with Nancy Pelosi. I'm sure that was a big rating to get her, and you just heard Nancy Pelosis will well, no, but they're not disobeying the law their law abiding citizens. Well, number one, they are breaking the law. We have immigration laws. They didn't respect American law and American sovereignty number one. So they're not law abiding, and they're not disobeying they are disobeying the law. And when she said the law biding abiding citizens, they're not citizens. And she didn't really care to give a rip about the fact that this has happened more times than we we've ever known. So I was down here in Texas a couple of years ago, one of my many many trips to the border, about a dozen trips I've taken helicopter, all terrain, vehicle, boats, horseback and and this. But I've been there when people arrested. I've been in drug warehouses, I've been there when gang members are arrested. I was doing a show with Governor Perry and a group of people that crossed the Rio Grand like seventy five ft from where we were on the air, breaking the law. While we're right there, the governor of Texas at the time, So I sat through a briefing if you remember, this was a briefing that President Obama was supposed to go too, was invited to by Governor Perry. He said no, and I said, well, I'll go, and Governor Perry was gracious enough to bring me to the briefing. And then law enforcement briefed us and showed us and I've showed it many times, shown it many times on TV. In an in an eight year period, seven year period, six hundred and forty two thousand Texans were victims of crimes including murder, including rape by illegal immigrants. This is Texas citizens alone in an eight year period. Anyway, So we're here for the Super Bowl this weekend, and I figured while we're in the great state of Texas, a friend of the program, Governor Greg Abbott is joining us, and he has followed through on his threat. He's cutting off state funding for Travis County because of their new sanctuary policy that they've adopted, and they have canceled criminal justice grants that they usually administered to the county who Sheriff Sally Hernandez recently announced the department would reduce its cooperation with the federal Immigration Authority. In other words, cooperate in enforcing the laws of our country when they request, and it may be flagged for possible deportation. Policy was set to go into effect. The move appears to target about one point five million Travis County dollars that they woul due to receive this year from the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's office. And also Donald Trump has pledged as president that there will be penalties to sanctuary cities as well. Anyway, Governor Greg Abbott of the Great State of Texas is with us. How are you, Governor? What's going on? Well, Sean, I'm in Houston myself, getting ready for all of our Super Bowl celebrations, and we are excited about the way that Houston is shining for the entire country and frankly the entire world in showcasing what we have to offer. But at the same time, we were in mourning. We're mourning for the tears that woman was shedding. There's absolutely no reason why any family member should ever cry over the loss of a family member because of a sanctuary city policy. So this week I have put the hammer down on Travis County, and the defunding of the program from the state of Texas is just the beginning because also this week we uh uh had hearings on legislation where we're going to pass a law in the state of Texas, but not only banned sanctuary cities, but we're gonna make the penalties so stiff that they will have to comply. We will be putting fines on cities or counties, we will be further reducing any funding from the State of Texas, and we will be seeking court orders that could lead to uh actions that could actually put the sheriffs behind bars. We're not gonna mess around, We're not going to tolerate. We will not accept any more sanctuary city policies period. Well what does it mean What would it mean for Travis County. Let's assume that President Trump, now, I think he has a pretty good track record in in two weeks keeping his promises, so I've got to believe that his promise on sanctuary cities will be part of his immigration moves and he's even talked about it now since he has been president. What if federal dollars similarly were cut off for Travis County state dollars and federal dollars. What would that mean for Travis County. The financial consequences would be so extreme they would have to abide by the requirement that they abandon their sanctuary city policies. So what what the President is promising to do a couple with what the state is doing will ensure that we will rid ourselves of these ridiculous policies to put Texans and other Americans that lives at risk like Kate Stanley and Kate Stiley. Is not an isolated incident, as as you know, this has happened multiple times in the state of Texas and many other states across the country. And this is murdered by public policy. It's a policy decision now by Travis County, it's policy decision by Jerry Brown and by California, and policy decisions by other people to allow these criminals to roam free. And these aren't people who are coming here for a better life, Sean, these are criminals. The reason why we're seeking to hold in behind bars and keep them behind bars is because they have committed crimes, just like the guy in California had committed crowns multiple times, who've had the same thing happened in the stead of Texas. These people deserve to be either behind the bars or out of the country. You know, I I think I probably have covered the border more than anybody else that I know in the media. I mean, how many ranchers in Texas have you heard about that are finding dead bodies of of Mexicans and others on their property because these people can't make the trip. Right. Well, remember this, and you're talking about only one aspect of the transnational gang activity, and that is drugs, which is extreme and firearms firearms, But remember this also another part of the transnational gang business where they make money is off of extortion, off a kidnapping offer, murder, off of hit killing. Uh. These are are dangerous, deadly killers. And if we do not secure a border, we're doing nothing other than being an accomplice to importing crime. And that's why we have to secure a border, protect our sovereignty, and protect the safety of the citizens of our state and nation. Well, I agree with you, I think, Uh, you know, I got to give really the people more than anybody else. Jan Brewer is the governor of Arizona. I gotta give her a lot of credit. I give your predecessor, Governor Perry. By the way, I'm really happy that he's now in the administration. I think you are too. I know he's a good fan of yours. He's told me. And you've done a great job. You've followed up on your own and and I think that Texas has really led the way as it usually does. Um So I'm very happy if every state would do the same thing. And I don't expect Governor Cuomo, can you. I'm like, I'm like a homeless person. Do you understand in terms of political representation, I don't have a congressman, I don't have a senator. I don't have a governor, I don't have a lieutenant governor. Do you realized not one politician in the state of New York will take my call? Not one? And and that that's why you need, like to adopt a governor, adopt a senator, and adopt a congressman. Now you have the open invitation to still move to the great state of Texas. I know I'd move here tomorrow. Except my work is up there and they won't let me move unless you want me to quit. But to emphasize what Texas has done to demonstrate what states can do. Is it because the Obama administration was not securing the border the state of Texas from our own taxpayers. We spent close to a billion dollars two years ago, had more officers, more planes in the air, more boats on the water. Good for you. The federal government's job to secure the border. I've got to run. Who's winning the Super Bowl? Patriots? I agree with you. All right, Governor Rabbit, You're a good man. God bless you. Hopefully I'll see in the course of the weekend, although I have to leave early on Sunday. Thanks so much for all you're doing. We really appreciate your leadership. Stay up to date. We're the latest news and expert opinions. As Donald Trump takes office. Show all right, Sean Hannity Show, as we come to you. We are in Houston, Texas. Hannity tonight, ten Eastern. We got a great show. Number one. The showdown is now ratcheting up with Iran as they have been put on notice and the Iranians are saber rattling. Dr Gorka, who is the Deputy Assistant to the President, joins us. We'll have the latest on these left wing agitators tonight, and we're gonna be talking football with a lot of great people tonight. Bob Kraft, the New England Patriots owner. We'll talk to Tim Tebow, Joe Namath, Tiki Barbara, Jim Gray, Chris Carter, stephen A my buddy, he's coming on tonight as well. From Houston. Let's get to our phones. Ryan is in Pennsylvania. Ryan, Welcome to Houston, the home of the Super Bowl and the Sean Hannity Show. Are you I'm good? How are you? Hey? You're still confident that the Patriots are gonna win the Super Bowl. Have a great idea. How about it they lose? You give your audience a treat and read the Nasty Woman poem. But you have to read character. How about that idea? And what and what are you offering me if the Patriots win? No, you want me to be Ashley Judd and you want me to read that vicious, horrible, nasty poone. Well, you know, I like I'll tell you why I want the Patriots to win this year. I'm gonna be and I'm a Jet Giant fan. Remember the Giants the only people twice that you know, Tom Brady and and the Patriots would have six Super Bowls but for Eli Manning and the Giants. So I'm a Jets Giants fan. I know being a Jet fan is very painful, But putting that aside, I will tell you the attacks against Tom Brady I find so over the top, so obnoxious, everyone declaring he's gotta distance himself from Donald Trump. No he doesn't. He can say whatever he wants to say. And because the left wing, all radical left, colluding media is so angry of Brady because he's friends with Donald Trump. I'm supporting Brady just for that reason. Now with that said, I've been very impressed with the Falcons this year, very impressed with Matt Ryan. I think Matt Ryan is an unbelievable quarterback. I actually think this is gonna come down to defense more than offense. Matt Ryan is facing a hell of a defense and the Patriots, and the Patriots are they're facing their own trouble. So I just give the edge because Brady's been there and the and Belichick is so good at what he does I'm not. I'm not reading that poem. Hell is going to freeze over before I read I'm a nasty woman, as nasty as the blood on my bed sheets. No, I'm not doing it. That I heard and it made me laugh. Listen to your podcast every day and it made me laugh. Not how great would it be if? Yeah, how great would it be toold humiliate Hannity and have that go viral? Than? Do you realize I get the crap eat out of me enough every day and you're trying to put me in a position to get the crap beating out of me more? Why you don't like me very much? Do you? But then your audience would be happy. It'd be good publicity and bad publicity, publicity you want. But the point is you're not giving me a bet. You're not giving me an incentive. If you put ten thousand dollars on the line versus my reading the poem, I might think about it. I'm about to go make a go fund Pa and give me the ten grand. You can donate it to a good charity I throw away. Listen, I'm only I'm only messing with you. Look, I don't have a dog in the hunt. To be honest, which is why I'm headed home before the super Bowl. I'd rather watch the super Bowl at home so I don't have to get home at seven in the morning. Anyway, let's just hope for a good game. I couldn't read that poem for a million dollars, like I just I get the creeps even thinking about it. All Right, we gotta take a quick break. How can we get brave soldiers pardons they need desperately. That's next. As we continue from news radio seven forty ktr H in Houston, let me ask you about the power of the pardon, which is absolute for a president. One night, I know you were watching my show and I had the mother of this young sailor who is spending a year in jail because he took six pictures for his own use in a submarine, and you were comparing it. Would that be something early on you would consider. I'm looking at Christian Saucier. I think it's very unfair in light of what's happened with other people, and I think it's very very You get the story of Clinton Lorance, another guy got thirty years. He was doing his job protecting his team in Afghanistan. We're all right. That was my interview, of course twenty five now untill the top of the hour with the President the first week in office, and I was asking about two people cases we have followed very closely on the show, Christian Saucier and Clint Lorentz, and I was very look, I didn't I don't go in with an agenda, but I felt there was such a double standard in the case of both of these men. In the case the Christian Saucier, a year in jail, away from his one year old baby girl and his wife and his mom, and all he did was take six pictures of a submarine. And as the President pointed out, he had actually watched the show that I had that I had Mrs Saucier on program that night and he started commenting on the campaign trail, so I thought it was appropriate to ask him. And in the case of of Clinton Laurance, I mean, he's gonna spend twenty years in jail, this guy and all he did. There had been a series of incidents where I e. D S were being run into American troops by guys on motorcycles. He never fired a shot himself. He gave the order for his men to defend themselves. And then it turned out since the case, since the judicial trial went on, that they actually found DNA evidence that proved that he was right, because they had DNA that matched those that had actually planted the improvised explosive devices. It's unbelievable, and I think the President was referring to, of course, in the case of Christian Saucier was Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton and all the data that she had that was top secret and special access program data that never should have been in a mom and pop shop on a private server in a bathroom closet. Anyway, Duncan Hunter has been the point person on this. Congressman California, representative of Adam Kinzinger is with us from Illinois. He's also trying to help out in both cases. In the case of today of Clint Lawrence, Sean Parnell is a retired infantry captain New York Times best selling author of the book Outlaw. Platoon. Lieutenant Colonel John Mayer's with US former d o J attorney representing Clint Lawrence. Welcome, all of you know the program. Congressman Hunter, UM, I know you did a follow up. I think you saw the interview that I had with the President, and you have sent a letter to the White House. Is that true? Yes, sir and Sean, thank you for doing what you're doing. I mean to have you talked to the President directly from from your mouth to his ear. That's how we get this fixed. Um Number two, we need to treat the Pentagon in our war fighters like war fighters, not like an IBM corporation. We need to give them the benefit of the doubt when they make decisions on the ground in real time in combat, and give them the benefit of the doubt and not let the bureaucrats back here in d C judge somebody for what they did in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria, name your name, your country. That's that's an interchange. Now. I think we have the right president, we have the right sect death we have we have guys like you talking about this and I'll tell you too. In my office, we we have worked dozens of these cases, some some not as extravagant or as as crazy, but we worked these all the time. Where where guys are getting screwed over every single day by the bureaucrats back here for what they did on the ground. Overseas in how is it possible? There had been multiple incidents. He had just become the platoon leader in Afghanistan, and prior to his arrival, he was told about numerous incidents where guys were blowing people up, Americans up by using motorcycles. Then he sees motorcycles heading towards his platoon. What how do we dare second guess his decision to protect American lives? And this isn't Los Angeles, It's Afghanistan and the answers were at war. He's a platoon commander with a bunch of men under his command. You kill the guys that are driving their motorcycle or car at at your convoy, because I mean, that's until they blow you up. And they did that all the time. Vehicle born I E. D. S. So that's what you do in combat. You you kill those guys so that you don't have to send home young American men back to their parents in a casket to Dover, Delaware. That's what you do. He made the right decision, and we're going to save his life. I was very proud of the President when he he went to meet the body of of the Seal Team six member the other day, left the White House, didn't tell anybody where he's going, and well, he did tell the media, but they had to keep it secret for the time being. Went and met the body when it arrived, and um and met with the family. Was there two and a half hours. And I think it's a big difference from what we saw in the last administration. UH Congressman uh Kinzinger. I understand you're not as conservative as me, but if you're working on this case, I'll give you a lot of credit. Thanks. Look, I I give a lot of credit to UH, as Duncan said to you. But you know, look, Duncan has been working these issues a very long time. We worked an issue about a year or so ago where some pilots had been accused of drug use totally untrue and everything, and got that fixed. And I think what you're gonna see now, and what I'm excited about seeing, is a very big difference between you know, in essence, lawyers making combat decisions from the safety of their Pentagon office for the last eight years now to administration that supports the war fighters. It understands that when you're on the ground, when stuff hits the fan, when you have a decision to make in a split second about whether you're gonna make the right decision to save your men or in a riscue one at that that you're going to be supported and uh. And so I'm excited to work with with Duncan Hunter on this and and I think the Trump administration will do the right thing and uh, and we're gonna be here continuing to bring light to these kind of issues where injustice have been done for the people willing to put their lives on the line for us. Well, I am glad that the President said that he was looking into it. So that h Lieutenant Colonel John Mayor, you're you're a former d J attorney, you're representing Clint land Rance. What is the status of the push now to get the possible pardon at least a commutation, but I think a real pardon is necessary in this case. Uh. And I know the President has only been in office two weeks now, but it's uh, you know, two more weeks that he's in jail of what twenty years sentence? Thanks so much for having me, and I'd like to personally thank you and your staff, as well as Congressman Hunter and his team in the Congressman Kinzier, pleasure to meet you, sir, and in your stafford joining to really pushed this case forward. The case is currently on Fort Belvoir with the Army Court of Criminal Appeals and the briefings are complete. But the evidence that we have now that the DNA shows that the people that Clint was accused of murdering were indeed the enemy, and by virtue of the strength and reliability of the evidence, we really believe that the appellate process, like you say, we can never give Clint a day back in jail. And to the point that Congressman Hunter said, there to our soldier and marines and Air force personnel and sailors that are over there, they're not a police department. And regrettably, I do think that they're being measured and evaluated in their split second combat decisions as if they were police officers here in the United States interfacing with a citizen. And that's just not the case. You asked, does he know about the question that I asked the President? I'm just curious. Oh, yes, of course. As a matter of fact, Sean, if I may say so, I was with Clint Lorantz in the United States disapparent barracks on Tuesday and Wednesday, and we told him about that and he was elated. In all of the soldiers, they have access to the television and they saw the program and they were just delighted at your effort. And Congressman Hunter on behalf of the entire Lorantz family. I have to say, Sir, the words that they came up with where your personal courage and your leadership to really begin to spearhead and enjoying ranks with Sean to bring this to the new administration for a fresh look. Sean, talk about your experience and how you're involved in all of this. Well, I mean, I was a Portuni leader, an infantry officer UM in eastern Afghanistan, and I've been in hundreds of these situations, and you know, I totally agree with with Congressman Hunter and Representative Kin sing AERA's like you should always give the benefit of the doubts to the combat soldiers on the ground. I think the difficulties even more to the environments like Afghanistan or even Iraq where the enemy doesn't wear uniforms can readily blend in with civilian populations. You make the call with the best information that you have available at the time in an area where I d S vehicle born I d S suicide farmers are very prevalent, and you make the call in the best interest of your soldiers and do accomplish the miss and and that's exactly what Clint Lawns did. And when you take the kids like and this is important. Am I describing the situation right to my audience? In other words, that when he became the platoon lea Eater he had been warned about these guys on motorcycles and a number of Americans have been killed and injured in the weeks leading up to him taking over that platoon. Am I getting those facts right? Sean? This is John Colonel Manter. I'll take that one. That's okay, Yes, you are correct. PP of our opponent is they exploit weaknesses in our rules of engagement and use motorcycles to approach us and detonate themselves as vehicle war and i e d s or as scouts or probes. And we need to look no further than Badern, Afghanistan in December, where a single writer approached six airmen who are on a foot patrol outside the wire and detonated himself, killing all of them, and the tragedy there is none of those airmen fired their weapon even though there was a threat, because they were probably handcuffed by the very conservative rules of engagement and obviously in regrettably did not defend themselves. Let me ask you, Congressman Hunter, because you've kind of been spearheading in this from my perspective, and I'm not understating that the support from so many other people, what is your plan now? I mean, I assume at some point you're going to see the press it him, right, I mean, will you have an opportunity to talk to him about this, or talk to Ryan's previous or bring it up to the bring it to the attention of Paul Ryan, somebody that sees the president regularly, or because it's the type of thing that has to be followed up on. What's that this has to go straight to Trump? And you've already done what I would do. So number one, I was talking to your producer earlier. We we should probably look at the u c. M J and see if there's a way to protect our war fighters after our president sends our menute women to war and then doesn't back them up like in this case, what in the U c um J the actual military law can we change to give men on the ground the benefit of the doubt in situations like this. And by the way, you're describing it perfectly to your listeners, I was a lieutenant with a bunch of guys under me in in Fallujah. There was nobody in uniform. There were enemies all over, and I would have killed these guys too. I mean I've I've looked at the tactics of what happened. I would have shot these guys. To explain the DNA explained the DNA component. Post sentencing, new evidence emerged in this case. I don't care which one of you wants to explain what that evidence is, Sean Mrs John Plints attorney or one Clints Attorneys. The DNA evidence is contained on databases that are used throughout Afghanistan that have been assembled since the start of the war, where they're interoperable. So, for example, when we come across a local national our soldiers and Marines normally will enroll the person by taking an Irish scanner of fingerprint and their picture of digital image and they're assigned a biometric enrollment number, much like your driver's license or your social Security card. That database, then when we go out and we find either bombs that need to be diffused before they detonate, or when bombs have detonated, we do a sensitive site exploitation more or less like a crime scene investigation, and fingerprints and test for DNA on those I e. D components. The fingerprints are found on the bombs that match the people in the database. You've now discerned the enemy terriss Gee Hottest from the local population. In other words, we identified that the people that were killed that day war Gee Hottas and that he made the right decision and likely saved the lives of how many numbers of platoon members a fair statement? That is a fair statement, Sean, if they're jhas but their fingerprints were on component at great or were u S personnel have been killed and wounded? All right, I'm gonna let you all go. We'll keep up on the story of Clint Lawrents and of course Christian Saucier. Thank you all for being with us, Thank you for your your efforts to help these poor men that have been railroaded in so many different ways. The final hour of the Shawn Hannity Show was up next. Hang on for Shaun's conservative solutions. There's two kind of people that end up on the Supreme Court. One group. They are in there to determine your rights. The other group and the one we won't. They're the ones who definge your rights that God gave you. That's a big difference. But we all need to remember is currently Justice Scalia? What us of Freme Court jestice I mean devout man, Bible believing, God fearing man. We are at a crossroads. So in the next few weeks, the one that will be appointed to field Scalia's position if it goes air way strict constitutionists. That's five four. Do you reckon God out of hand in this or what? And probably there'll be one more, maybe two. So you click on to Fight for the Court dot org. Let's all fight this metal together. That's march forward. Let's be vigilant and if God is for us, who can be against us? All right? That's my buddy Phil Robertson, star of Annie's Duck Dynasty, chairman of Fight for the Court and a longtime friend and uh, he's probably one of the most kick ass human beings unbridled, pound you in the head with whatever he wants to say. People I've ever met in my life, Mr Robertson, how are you, sir? I am doing well. I'm on the river bank and uh the left wing crowd that all most took over the United States of America. I'm watching them and I almost feel like a voice crying out in the wilderness. Now look, Sean, Look, I listened to you every day, Sean Hannity. I always watch you. I listen to your words. In my studied opinion, you have yet to change the mind of one left winger your entire career, you follow me a failure? No, because I'm here to inform you today for your listeners. On top of that, you say, I feel Robertson, who have been preaching the gospel of Jesus bringing people to Jesus. You say, have you, Phil Robertson, ever converted one left winger in your career that you know of, Sean? Not one, but this second let one? So you say, I don't know what impact I have. You know, people, all these years, talk radio's impact, talk radio's place in the minds of people. Fox News? How many times did Obama trash me and the Fox News Channel and Rush Limbaugh and talk radio. I'm so sick of his whining and thank god he's gone. But here's but something happen. All they tell me, I don't own a cell phone or computer. They just give me. They just tell me this, They say, Bill, they're cursing you, and I'm really here's the thing you will allow me during this little session. I will enlighten you and your audience on what the real issue is. You have to remember, think about this show when all of the pundits, all of the polls, everybody Donald Trump was a joke, ha ha hab Donald Trump, some guy been horn around which I used to hole around myself. And I would dare say that most of the people in the United States of America have done some grievous sins committed against God. Would you agree, Mr Robertson, if I had to expose everything I've done on this radio show, I'd quit tomorrow. Before I started closing everything. You notice all of the left wingers, all of the pundits, all of the poles. I was looking at it unfold and I kept saying the same thing. If God walts Donald Trump in the White House, he's going in irregardless, because look, the only entity that the left wingers, the only one they didn't factor in, was God himself. And they ask you this question. Such a shock to them when the Almighty, who is not sleeping, said no, I'll tell you what time for a change America where I'm gonna put you on the right track. That's why, as you've noticed all of the people, he surrounded himself with a starting with the Vice President, Pence and all the rest of them. That's why you see him scrambling to try to debunk women like Betsy de Vos. You gotta remember, Sean, the evil one. Here's the battle. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. It's against the rulers, against the authorities, against the principalities of darkness. But listen, look, I'm not the biblical scholar you are. But I did study theology. I did I did study Latin for a time. I did go to a seminary in high school. And believe me, within three days they said, we don't want you. You're incorrigible. And at that time of my life I was pretty incoorageible. But but something else. Listen, I agree with you. I believe in divine destiny. I agree with you that God's not asleep. I wish you would fall asleep at certain moments of my life and not look at certain things that are going on. But in all seriousness, there was you know, there were voices. There were those of us out here that saw this very differently. Just like, for example, I kind of think I was on an island warning the country in two thousand and seven and two thousand and eight how horrible Obama was. I was on the ground traveling the country in twenty sixteen. I saw the Trump movement rise in its and the growth and the power of this movement, and I knew something big was going on. And I was explaining to people that wouldn't listen to me, that hate me over at the n R O or Wall Street Journal or Weekly Standard, all these you know, pseudo intellectual snobs that were wrong the whole time, that he means what he says. I am not surprised Neil Gorsuch is his Supreme Court pick. I am not surprised he's building the wall. I'm not surprised he's vetting refugees. I'm not surprised he's eliminating Obamacare. I'm not surprised he's he's getting rid of regulations so we can be energy independent. Listen, Donald Trump, and how long he's been in that thirteen days or something. This is his fourteenth day to day. I've never seen that much an pomplished, so rapidly said. And I'm seventy years though, he said, have you ever seen anything like that? I look at the day over sixty. I swear you gotta remember the battle we're up against. Because they did not think it worth while to retain the knowledge of God. God gives them over. He's given them over to do what ought not to be done. What's your witness in the response to Donald Trump winning the presidency, what's your witnesses is complete and utter lawlessness, which is the definition of sin. Nobody in the news media, because the news media is controlled by the same forces that control the left wingers. You say, did they grab a whole of in the last sixty years? Did they end up with evil forces? Look, they control the news media, they control the education system from That's why they're after Betsy divorce. She wants to shake it up. So this thing with Donald Trump being in there and going down the godly road. Think about the judge gor He weathered Sean, he weathered Harvard, he weathered Columbia, he weathered Oxford, and the left wingers didn't ly a glove on him. He come out of that kind of uh I would call fireball lift wing ideology. And you say that Sucker came out with his faith intact and his belief that there is a difference between the Supreme Court and the Supreme being. You understand what I'm telling you. Listen. I'm totally listening to what you're saying. You know a lot of people I I have come to find you one of the more more amazing people have ever met in my life. And it was funny because I had you and and Willie Robertson your son on and you guys were debating whether it should be Cruise or Trump. And in the beginning you were Cruised, but as soon as Cruise was out, you were big Trump supporter. And you have a very powerful voice in the country. And because of your popularity of of Duck dynasty number one and number two, I mean, you're more than anything else. You're a fire and brimstone preacher. I mean, when I went out to visit you in West Monroe. I mean, I watched your TV show. You wanted to pull me out in a swamp with alligators the swamp and dunked my head and baptize me. And the incision. I told you that that that that Jesus died for. You believe that the reason I'm giving you that. You say, well, what was the purpose? Going back to the Gorsege and the law? The purpose of the law the Lactian three before Jesus came, before our faith in him came Sean the Ten Commandments. Listen. That is that that are now hanging above the head of the Supreme Court of the United States. You say, what's right above their head as they make these laws? What's on the doors of the Supreme Court chambers? It's the Ten Commandments, the law given to Moses that he gave to the people. You say, our founders did not want the Supreme Court justices to forget that. We need to know. I I'm the one law gibber, and I am the judge, and you folks need to remember working under me to put my laws forth for the people. You need to remember you need to vet your thinking and your lawmaking and the the the putting forth the law. You need to remember, you need to vet that through my laws, and if you do so, you'll be blessed as a nation. We add one thing to legalize that, the murder of little children. We we legalized perversion. You're like, oh, we should have consulted with God. All they had to do, those Supreme Court justices and Judge Roberts said it best when they did the marriage thing Mayor is now Roman Camarry. Judge Roberts said, who do we think we are? My answer to Judge Roberts would be, you stepped in God's shoes. Judge, you should not have done that. You should have listened to what God said and his law he gave the movie. Let me let me just say one thing, and and there are probably some pull that will take offense because you're you're advocating a theological base for your government under underpinnings. But let me let me add this. If you read Common Sense by Thomas Payne, the Great Pamphle of Teer, he actually there's a very very good passage in that book where he says, were the guides and dictates of one's conscience irresistibly obeyed, there would be no need for any other lawmaker. And he said that not being the case, meaning man has fallen my interpretation that governments are formed as a result of human beings being in this fallen condition. Do you agree with that? Let me ask you a questions. So you're willing to risk my life throw me in a swamp with alligators and you know they're alligators in there and baptized me. And I said, well, why don't you just put me in a swimming pool, put me in a bathtub. I'm not going out there with alligators. And look, we will. We'll find us a warm jacuzzi for you in New York. All right. I want you to hold it right there, because I gotta I can break I gotta pay bills here and we'll come back and then I want to know your Super Bowl prediction Phil robertson Duck Dynasty. And at the bottom of this half hour, we'll get to your calls. Eight hundred one sewn you ready to get out of the media spin room, Well, you come to the right place. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right. That's gonna wrap things up. Many many thanks to our big, massive affiliate down here in Houston, Texas News Radio seven forty ktr H. We're doing the show from Houston tonight and we'll kind of break it up a little bit. But we have now ratcheting up tension with Iran and they now have been put on notice and the Trump administration is bringing in new sanctions. They have sent a Navy destroyer off the coast of Yemen. Trump tweeted out, Iran is playing with fire. They don't appreciate how kind President Obama was to them, not me. So we'll following that. Dr Gorka Tonight the Latest on left wing Agitators will preview the Super Bowl with Stephen A. Smith, Chris Carter, Jim Gray, Tiki Barbera, Joe Nameth, Tim Tebow, and Bob Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots. All right, that's all coming up tonight, usual time, ten Eastern from Houston. Have a great Super Bowl Sunday. We'll see it tonight at ten from Houston ten Eastern and back here on Monday. It's Friday party time. We're in Houston for the Super Bowl. Little f g L Florida Georgia Line. Get your shine on strawber shammarro not live super Bowl. We'll hang in off her oscar when she smiles, Shine down radio, do home Major Lin, Jill, stop mon, get your party light on its super Bowl Sundays come on. You're beginning to feel it. And Trump's presidents, the whole shady clonby each till day. A console feeling clear, little Kentucky clear. I don't like vodka and the run. Turn your party lights on, get your shine on. Let's shoot a few bullets, a number one. What do you think? Hit it? Try and keep up with this rap part. We pray on them some days, hoping for some day. Mixed tapes. Got a little hanged, little drag, a little something bumping, thump, thumping on the wheel or right, the mix in on drinking a little stronger than you think, So get a grip, take sit on that feel right. Trucks checked up, flat bills, Sit back, and here you can find a swear the pot. We're in Houston. This is where the party's at. Hath Weird, light it up and up. This is how this is how we down the shooting bullets at the moon baby, this is how do we roll. I know so many think I'm nuts. I don't care, ye by. This is how we keep up. We're rolling into town were nothing have to do. We take another lap of around. Yeah, I latch your boy if you need right, if you rolling me, you know we're rolling hop on in thirty seven metos windows hen in hot see though, how fresh my baby is in the shotguns seto and chess is off for me though, automatic lack of free throw. You're just like I live. It might not be for you, but it's for me though. Let's this is how we ain't everything on the bay, you who wed with mans live, this is how even said, look at you. That's how we roll. Maybe you're planning of a fun weekend, quiet kind of a holy weekend with the person you love. We continue with the f gl the songs called Holy say the latest number one hit, And the winter came and the skythall to only bring the rain. I sat in darkness, all broken hearted. I couldn't find a day. I didn't feel alone. I never meant the Christ, thoughted losing whole. But somehow Babby he broke through and saved Mering Agen still me. You never Leaveing because you're the first thing I leave. Holy PLA ain't on loving you. I loving you, You'll call I ain't on loving you, loving you, meet the brightest names, from the darkest night. You're the river bank where I was baptized, Glance from the dame that was killing my fred On, let me lay you down, give me to you, get your singing babe, hollel. Yeah, we'll be touching. We'll be touching. Hiver remained still me, never leaveing cans. You're the first thing I know what I can't believe you're you. All right, that's a little Friday try and wind down Football Friday, super Bowl Friday, fun on the Sean Hannity Show. And Donald Trump's president. So there's another reason to be happy, alright, one Shan many thanks to our affiliate here in Houston, are good friends at news Radio seven forty ktr H. What a great affiliate. And uh, we have a lot of friends down here. It's been a lot of fun. Anyway, we're gonna be doing the show TV tonight, Hannity. Now we have Donald Trump warning or ran their playing with fire and now instituting new sanctions and they have been put on notice and we'll have a full update on all of this tonight. We gotta pay very close attention, and the Navy destroyer was moved to the coast of Yemen. So, um, you know, we better be really, really alert. I would not put it past Donald Trump to partner with Jordan's and Egypt and the Saudiast and Israel, and I think it's time to take out these people are evil. They're the number one state sponsored terror and I'd love to see their nuclear sites taken out sooner than later. And you better be ready. Now. Is that going to be a full fledged war? No, it doesn't need to be. You throw in your bunker buster bombs now. It's a very difficult military maneuver the Iranians and they may be evil, but they're not stupid. And what they have done is they have moved them all throughout the country and they've buried them deep underground. But if we don't get rid of those sites, you know, you want a formula for a nuclear holocaust. Will add radical Islamic terrorists, Iranian mullahs with weapons of mass destruction, and you've got a hollow a cost that likes the world has never seen. We'll check in with Dr Sebastian Gorka. He's the one that wrote the book about Yes we can defeat. I'sis Deputy assistant now to President Trump in the White House, and we'll have the latest on these left wing agitators. And then we're gonna have some football fund Tonight. We got my buddy stephen A. Smith. We got my buddy Jim Gray, we got Chris Carter NFL Hall of Famer, we got Joe Namath tonight, Tiki Barbera, Tim Tebow tonight, and the owner of the New England Patriots. The guy that I got to no recently, Bob Kraft. Really a cool guy. I don't care if you don't like the Patriots or not. You got to give this guy credit. He knows how to win. And all right, let's get to our busy phones. Nine one Sean Debbie is in Clinton, North Carolina. Debbie, how are you welcome to Houston, Texas. Hey, thank you. It's great to talk with you. Hey, it's great to talk to you. Thank you. I just want to say, every day is like Christmas. It's certainly a lot getting done every day, right, It's amazing, certainly, so it's opening up a present every day. He's taken Washington. Obviously the correct me it doesn't get it, but I think I'd like to propose something. There's millions of us that voted for tru what he's doing. Why don't we send a message to the corrupt media, and why don't we all send cards to Trump saying thank you, everybody send a card to the White House. And let me just tell you about the corrupt media, because this keep they keep reporting fake news. They just it never ends. I went through the whole list yesterday. I won't repeat it all today. All they do is fake news. You know what, the single best thing you can do to tell the corrupt media they all left radical colluding with Hillary Clinton. Media. You know what you can do, Just tune them out. If media is not honest, not truthful, if they're abusively biased, if they've got an agenda and they're lazy, and I keep saying, they're a bunch of lazy, overpaid you know, agenda driven millionaires. They're overpaid brats. I know these people. You know, there's a reason I've never been on a White House correspondence dinner. Never, And I don't want to go because I don't want to be around these people. I don't like them, and I know I know that their phonies and I'm and I'm not alone when I say this, and also not just the corrupt media, but don't go to the movies of some of these peoples that have you know, don't find download or two and iTunes. You know, you know I'm I'm the executive producer. And this will be out at Thanksgiving this year, and I'm not I'm not spending time promoting it. I made a movie with Kevin Sorbo you know Hercules, Yes, And I remember you mentioning this movie, all right. And the reason I'm gonna tell you why I did it. And I put a lot of money into it, and I may lose my shirt on this, and I've never taken a financial risk like this before. And the reason I did it is I'm I have Cinemax, I have show Time, I have Reels, I have HBO. I have every channel that's ever been made in the history of cable. I've got every channel on on what do I have, Dish TV, Direct TV, whatever, one of those. And you know, I just when I can't, when I go through five hundred or six hundred or eight hundred channels and I can't find anything I want to watch, there's something wrong their movies are so formulaic, they're so uninspiring. So we got together this script I think is amazing, with more plots, twist turns, and it's got an uplifting message and you can bring your kids to it. And it's it's called Let There Be Light. And yes, we mentioned Jesus in the movie. You know. It's like, I just wanted to do something different. And and by the way, it's for people of all face. It's not just it's not it's not a proselytizing movie, but it's one that I think will move every person. So far that I have shown the early cut of this movie too has cried and left. And that's what I wanted to go for. So I don't I don't know what's gonna happen. Maybe I lose a lot of money. I don't really give a rip about money that much. I grow up and no money most of my life. What do I care? Right, you know what, it's what we need right now in this country. Yeah, you're right. I don't know. I can't go to their movies anymore. I did go see Clint Eastwood's Hack Saw a Ridge. I love that movie, and that movie had a mess. It it was based on a true story. It was brilliantly put together. I loved it. You know, I like entertaining movies. I watch Braveheart any day of the week. I'll watch Gladiator over and over. What's that? What are you's saying in my ear? Because when you talk, it was Mel Gibson who did Hacks Are Rich And then you know, he did Braveheart. He did the Passion of the Christ, and Hollywood hated him because he wasn't perfect, and he got drunk and said stupid stuff one day, you know, because people had beaten him up so bad over the Passion of the Christ. I think I think he took it to personally myself. But now he's you know what, he's back, and you know, guys like him and Clint Eastwood even so that's just stallone. You know what. I like the Rocky movies. I like the movies. What was the other series that he rambo? I love that series. You know. I like any movie that tells me a story about either true people or inspires me, or you know, kick ass individuals and characters or uplifting and so many of these movies are horrible. You know, my kids sometimes want to watch a Will Ferrell movie. I'm like, it's horrible. I don't know. I don't know why they like him. I don't get it. So I'm gonna give it a shot. So Debbie, we'll see how it goes. Maybe you'll be the only one that goes to see it. Thank you, Debbie, I appreciate it. Michael is in North Babylon, New York, holding down the fort while I'm away. What's up, Michael? How are you? Sir? Hey? Sean great? Too great to talk to you. I wanted to U call, and especially after what happened in Berkeley. Um, I want to encourage you to go to Berkeley and speak. And I'm gonna volunteer to be uh part of your security team. You go, bring your sense a, everything like that. But I'm a retired Marine Infantry officer and I've worked global security and and got references from General Madis Uh in Dunford. Listen, I'll tell you right now, I am never This is something that I think everybody should learn it in their life. My daughter this week at school had to give her first public speech. She was dreading it. She thought she did terrible. After it, I went over it with her. I gave her every technique I know, and I said, sweetheart, I said, you've seen me speak in front of you know, tens of thousands of people there. You just don't think about it. Just put your hands together and tell your story and focus on what you want to say. Anyway, I I don't want and I said to him, you can't live your life in fear. I'd like to go out there and speak at Berkeley if the college Republicans want me. But what I don't want to do is insight a riot just by showing up, because then innocent people get hurt, and then then property gets destroyed. So you know, I don't want to go out there for my own selfish purposes. But I will say this, Janet Napolitano has a duty to get a hold of that university and say we accept diversity, we accept opinions that we may not agree with, and no problem at Columbia when when Adolph Achmadenijad spoke, their conservatives didn't stop him from speaking. Anyway, We'll take you number down. Thank you, Michael, I appreciate it. And nothing on right now. All right, it's gonna wrap things up many many thanks to our big, massive affiliate down here in Houston, Texas News Radio seven forty ktr H. We're doing the show from Houston tonight and we'll kind of break it up a little bit. But we have now ratcheting up tension with Iran and they now have been put on notice and the Trump administration is bringing in new sanctions. They have sent a Navy destroyer off the coast of Yemen. Trump tweeted out, Iran is playing with fire. They don't appreciate how kind President Obama was to them, not me. So we'll following that. Dr Gorka tonight the Latest on left wing Agitators will preview the Super Bowl with Stephen A. Smith, Chris Carter, Jim Gray, Tiki Barbera, Joe Namath, Tim Tebow, and Bob Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots. All right, that's all coming up tonight, usual time, ten Eastern from Houston. Have a great Super Bowl Sunday. We'll see it tonight at ten from Houston ten Eastern and back here on Monday