Senator Tim Scott: Opportunity Knocks

Published Jun 24, 2020, 10:00 PM

Senator Tim Scott, author of OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS – AN OVERCOMER’S STORY FOR THE CHALLENGES OF TODAY AND TOMORROW- How Hard Work, Business and Community Can Improve Lives and End Poverty, is the senator from South Carolina, Scott is the only African American Republican in the Senate and the only Black elected to both Congress and the Senate in history. 

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I'm glad you with us. Buckle up. We got a lot of breaking news today. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. We will be checking in with General Michael Flynn today that's coming up, and his attorney, his amazing attorney, Sydney Powell. What has happened to this man? What we have now? We've been reporting on this and we started our deep dive investigation with an incredible ensemble cast. Too many names to mention, but too few in terms of the overall corrupt, lying, conspiracy theory, pushing hoax, pushing media mob. Too few of us, too few in Congress. You know that the ten or fifteen that really did all the work. What has happened? Everything we've reported, everything we've told you is absolutely positively been proven to be true, and there's more coming, which is the good part. And we now know John dorm is well on his way to getting to the bottom of all of this. And if we don't hold the people that abuse power responsible, that those that have been corrupt at the highest levels, not the ninety nine percent of FBI agents, not the ninety nine percent of people in the intelligence industry, that protect and do the hard and dangerous work for us. I've always made that distinction, I always will. But those that abuse this power must be held accountable or you can literally, you know, kiss it goodbye, meaning the Great Republic of the United States of America. You know it is. On the one hand, it is sad. This man has lost four years of his life, He's gone bankrupt, his home had to be sold. They threatened his son when they knew it was all a lie. And the fact that they are willing to do this to a thirty three year veteran and war hero. If they'll do it to him, they'll do it to anybody. That's why, in one hundred and thirty two days, this vote of yours matters, this election matters. I don't think I'm wrong in saying we are either going to live free or die in that America in the world are absolutely on the brink. It's live free or American dies. Of American dies, the world dies with it. I am sad, and I am sad for this family. I am worried for this country. I am particularly angry at the people involved in all of this, and we now know that all of it goes right into the Oval Office of Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, which we'll get into now more than ever. As I've been saying for a long time, what did you know, Barack? And when did you know it? Because now we know you knew? Now what struck and page we're texting about. The White House wants to know every step of the way. Now we know what it's about. Now we know Joe Biden lied when he said I don't know anything about this, sir, I have no idea. We know he's a liar. We know Barack Obama knew. Now we know why. Fifteen days later, after the January fifth, twenty seventeen meeting in the Oval Office with let's see Komey and Yates and Rice and Biden, you know, and Obama. Now we know why, Susan Rice, note yourself. Obama said, do everything by the book everything. I would just say that. Fifteen days later, on Donald Trump's inauguration day, I told you it was the biggest cya in history. You know, it's amazing. You know you read this whole thing, and and I oh, I am told there is a flood, a flood of new stuff coming out in the days weeks ahead. I am told that there are senior people, my sources we've not been wrong, have said that the damn is about to burst wide open. And I know, I know it's been hard. I know it's been long. I know a lot of you have gotten frustrated. I've gotten frustrated. When When when the Harrowitz report? When When when Horowitz report vindicated all of our reporting? This today vindicates all of our reporting. The medium mob, the liars, those involved in the mers, the slander, the besmirchment, the character assassination, the conspiracy theories, the hoaxes. It's the rest of the entire media mop nothing but an extension of all things radical democratic socialist. I don't overstate the case when I say if Donald Trump cured cancer, they'd want to impeach him for it. Every second, every minute, every hour of every twenty four hour day of every seven day, week of every month, all year ever since he came down the escalator, NonStop lie smears, and you, well, why does Trump fight back? Because this is the only way he could survive. Everything in this country is based on the rule of law. Our rule of law is based on a document that has called the US Constitution. Everything we told you about how they literally the great irony they protected one candidate, their favored candidate. Because I guarantee you if you have a separate private server with top secret and classified information on it, and even mister Higher Honor and Jimbo, you have the right to remain silent. I advised you a long time ago to use it. You didn't listen. You'll regret it, my humble opinion, but you're not allowed it to the violation of the espionage Hocket eighteen USC seven ninety three sound familiar because I said it a lot the last three and a half years. Then we have oh well, subpoena emails thirty three thousand deleted. Nobody knew what each bit was. Then now we do devices, hammers, simcards. At all happened if Donald Trump did any of this? What do you think they do? Now we know that they all knew. The dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton in the d NC is nothing more than Russian misinformation from the get go. It was never verifiable because none of it was true, but yet it was used unverified. Top of a FISA applications has verified it was used as the bulk of information to secure the warrants against to deny the civil rights and liberties of one carter page, so they can spy on presidential candidate Trump, president elect transition Team Trump, and then deep into the presidency of Donald Trump in an effort to have him removed from office because that was their insurance policy. Now we know it goes right into the office a Barack Obama and Joe Biden the Oval office. Now we know he lied. Now we know Biden lied. Now we know Rice Lide and already known Komi's lied. Everybody in that room is lied. Now it's what did they know and when did they know it? These documents literally today indicate, you know, this idea to frame. Remember they would have closed out the Flynn case because they found nothing wrong. Now we have the Kisley Act, Flynn calls nothing inappropriate, and we have the House Intelligence Committee. Now that CHIF finally was pressured. You know, remember it was Andrew McCabe saying yeah, yeah, no, uh yeah, we wouldn't have had the five's applicant Asian without the dirty dossier. Now we hear come bragging I sent him in something I wouldn't do or get away within any past administration. I sent them in. Now we know McCabe said, you don't need a lawyer, General Flynn. And January twenty fourth, the fourth day of the Trump administration, they go in and they didn't even think he lied in spite of that. But go back fifteen days or twenty days earlier, in nineteen days earlier, Barack Obama Susan Rice Sally Yates Sally Yates testifying she was shocked that Obama knew everything he knew about the call, the kids leak call. Joe Biden mentioned the Logan Act in this Oval Office discussion. Olgan Acts, the seventeen ninety nine law that has never been used, you know, but apparently he mentioned it and Peter Struck's notes that we now have. Now we don't know what he said exactly about the seventeen ninety nine laws. If we know that that's used as a setup for Flynn, just like Comey ambushed Flynn and McCabe helped him by telling him he didn't need a liar, and comy mister higher honor braggs about it. Now we know that he personally raised the idea, what did you know, Joe, when did you know it? And why did you lie to the American people that FBI director, you know, James come, mister higher Honor Susan Rice. Now we know about the note to self. Sally Yates Member in May George Stephanopolis asked what he knew about the Flynn investigation. Biden said, I don't know anything. I know nothing about those moves to investigate General Flynn. You're a liar, Joe, and you're caught red handed, just like you lied about Ukraine, biggest quid pro quo in the world. And what is the problem with all of this is now we're getting to the truth, Baraco. We need the right people on it. Let me interpret what that is, just like I interpreted what the Susan Rice note to self is. The right people means is we want our people that are going to destroy this guy. That's how I interpret it. Now he has to answer for this. Biden has to answer. Struck In Page have to answer, call me a McCabe have to answer. Brennan and Clapper have to answer. Biden has to answer for it. Because if we don't have equal justice and equal application of our laws, then you don't have a constitutional republic. This was an attempted coup. They first tried to stop him from winning, and then that didn't happen because we're just smelly Walmart shoppers. Where the corrupt fifteen percent that are incorrigible according to Biden, irredeemable, deplorables, bitter Americans that cling to their God, their Second Amendment rights, their Bibles and religion according to Obama, then you have then you have the guy leading that was all coomy. Then Comey signs off on this thing unverified in October, just before the election in twenty sixteen. Then he goes up to Trump Tower. He's now signed off twice on this again unverified, and he tells Trump well, as a transition, he says, yeah, it's salacious but unverified, but he signed a warrant that said it was verified. Liar that he is. This man served this country for thirty three years. And the mob, the despicable, lying, Provda propaganda, toilet paper media, all of them. They dragged this country through a false narrative on Trump Russia collusion, ignoring the real Russian disimproment Asian bought and paid for by Hillary, her real violation of the Espionage Act, her real obstruction of justice, and then they use the lies. And even though it says verify as premeditated fraud and affis a court to undo an election after they first tried to stop the election, when will they be held accountable. You ought to be pissed off if you love freedom, and you love your constitution, and you love this country, and you want this country to resemble the country you grew up in in the sense that the greatest country God gave Man always trying to become a more perfect union. Their socialism will make this country unrecognizable. Their abuse of power will continue. The corruption will be on steroids and human growth hormone. Timelines matter, and they matter a lot. By the way, General fly will join us. You know, people said to ask me off and well why did General Flynn? They didn't think he was lying. The Kensley acc halls even appears, even that dope, mister Hieron or comey, the Flynn Kensley acols appear legit. Oh well, that's why Biden mentions the Logan Act. That's why Obama says, well, you have to have the right people on the Flynn case. What to screw over a thirty three year vet or now we understand Susan Rice's note to self? What sixteen days later, and this is when they revive that the whole case against Flynn, which was over nothing inappropriate, They had all determined Struck. Wait, wait, don't close it out. Seventh floor. Coomey of course wants to appease them. Barack Obama is the one that hated Flynn the most, and Biden's the one that says, yeah, we can bring up the Logan Act. What did Obama no? What did Biden know? What did Komy know? What did Yates know? What did Susan Rice know? When did they know it? Struck and Page and McCabe and and Clapper and Brandon? What do I want to know? I mean, look, George Popadopoulos, Oh sorry, sent you to jail for nothing. Roger Stone, Uh nothing, and he even gets an not only he didn't get a fair and impartial jury, He's supposed to go to jail in six days. He didn't you have a juror speaking out against him. The Man of four case was dead when Michael Coomb. You know, I'm still a little ticked off him saying I was his client. He didn't deserve this either. This was all manufactured by people abusing their power, the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history. More next, all right, if you're just joining us, Thanks Scot Chad In twenty five to the top of the hour. Appeals Court has now ordered the judge, this is Emmett Sullivan, to drop the charges in the Flynn case. You know, the most amazing part of this is a lot of this is redacted. This is only what we know. Peter Struck wrote down, we believe to be the fourth of January, that important date when after the Flynn case was shut down dead, he fought to bring it back to life with the help of mister higher honor, the corrupt Jim Comey, and so we got so now we have on tape. Now it's been eighty three days since the week forgetful Joe, who Terry mcculloff loves in the basement. He's fine in the basement. Let him stay in the basement. Only sees two people a day as two body men. We have a lot of questions for Joe Biden. I think this is probably exhibit a Joe Biden lying. Listen, your former senate colleague Charles Grassley has added that Flynn was entrapped and asked on the Senate floor what did Obama and Biden know? When did they know it? So? What did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn and was there anything improper done? I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn. I do want to press that you say you didn't know anything about it, but you were reported to be at a January fift twenty seventeen meeting where you and the President were briefed on the FBI's planned a question Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian ambassador kiss Leiac. Now I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted. I'm sorry. I was aware that there was that they had to asked for an investigation, but that's all I know about it, and I don't think anything else. Mister Fress, President, what was your involvement in the investigation of Michael Flynn and the FBI investigation of Michael Flynn. I was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into Flynn while I was in office period, Not one single time, not one single time. Really, because now we have Peter Structs notes. Let's see, let's see, Oh, VP Logan Act. You go inside. Who do we have in the meeting? What's very simple. Who we have in the meeting? You have Komey, Yates, Biden, Rice, Obama in the meeting. These are Peter Struct's notes only that that has been unredacted. There's plenty more, and I'm told they're damning. You know, interesting times we're living in, Obama saying at one point unusual times, he said, VP Logan Act. I've been on the Intel Committee for ten years and I've never blah blah blah blah President. You know, make sure you you know, get the right people on this. You know, if there's anything, is there anything I shouldn't be telling the transition team, in other words, hide from Trump. Unbelievable then Coomy, Yeah, the kidney I calls a pure legit whoops. They can't get them on that. Unbelievable and whatever else is going to come out in all of this, What did they know? When did they know it? Now? This is a this is now. We did not overstate the case. Now you just compare our coverage with the media mob and by the way, we got the crap kicked out of us all the time. I feel like mentioning a lot of names, but I just don't. It's they're so insignificant in my mind. The big picture is the mob and the media. They're they're just Pravda. They're just state run newspapers like the New York toilet paper, conspiracy theory, pushing Times and the Washington Compost, and fake news CNN and conspiracy TV MSD n C and ABC and NBC and CBS. They all pushed a phony, fake Russia Trump collusion narrative. Four separate investigations, including the almighty Holy Growl of investigations, the Muller investigation, no evidence of any Trump Russia collusion whatsoever. They have cost people hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees in this witch hunt. They have dragged we the people through the mud for the entire time since Donald Trump and Melania Trump came down that escalator and they first tried to stop this man from becoming president. And when that didn't work, incomes the insurance policy and they were willing to use again. Hillary got saved by these very same people because it's as clear a violation of the Espionage Act by having top secret classified information on a secret server that we now believe that many foreign countries had hacked into. And then, of course, then there's the deleted emails, and then there's the bleach bit hard drives, and then there's the hammers to devices and simcards removed and so on and so forth, and then then she goes out and she hires Perkins cooee, a law firm. Well, it's probably a campaign finance violation, which I guess is the least of all her problems if we ever glit to the truth and there's ever equal justice. And then they of course outsourced to Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS is Glenn Simpson's got a lot explaining to do, as they say, as it relates to his lies and his contradictions that I believe that many people in Congress think are true that he lied. We will find out in days because there's certainly conflicts and a lot of people's testimony here. Now we know why Sally Yates was shocked in this meeting to learn that Obama knew every single detail of the KISLEYAC and General Flynn called because it was let's see, they surveiled him. They and by the way, he probably knew people were on these calls anyway, He's not stupid. And then they unmasked him, and then they leaked raw intelligence that brings in Clapper Brennan. What did they know when did they know it? In all of this? What roles did they play? Who leaked it to Harry Reid? And why did people Conspiracy theorists like Michael Izakoff and David Korne pushed the propaganda and the hooker's peeing on the bedstory in the Riz Carlton and Moscow, which was just never believable anyway, But it turns out that there was Russian interference in the twenty sixteen election. Now we knew there was going to be Russian interference. Number one, Russia as a hostile regime, a b Putin as a hostile actor towards the United States. And see Devin Newness, the guy that told us the truth from the House Intelligence Committee versus Adam Shift that we know is a compromised, corrupt, congenital liar. Because now that we have the dates of what people were saying behind closed doors under oath, under risk of perjury that worked in the Obama administration, that none of them talked about any evidence of any Trump brush and collusion. But then Adam Shiff would go out there and lie to the gullible mob in the media, and he was basically elevated to Michael Avinati's status on the cable channels. Who couldn't get enough of this guy, and he's a congenital proven liar. They dragged the country through hell the entire time they spied on a presidential candidate. They tried to prevent him, they saved one candidate, tried to take down the other candidate, and they were willing to then use political They were warned by Kathleen Cavlac, they were warned even by Bruce or Bruce Orse should be brought in. Well, you warned the DJ and you warned come, and you warned the FBI about how Steele had an agenda, how it's not verified the dossier, and how Hillary paid for it. Then why would you use it and say because it says at the top of a FISA application that it is true and it is verified, And Comy then signs the darn thing, and then signs another one, and then signs a third one, and then but goes and tells then Transition Team Trump at Trump Tower, Yeah, there's this dossier. It's hillacious, but it's unverified, the opposite of what he said to the FISA court. I guarantee you if any of you delete subpoenaed emails, or if any of you put top secret classified information on a server against the law, or any American, any of you in this audience, you go out there and lie to a court, and you present false information and you say it's verified, and you destroy the life of one carter Page who happened to be an American asset. Why do you think they left carter Page alone the whole time? But has he worked for us? That's why they left him alone, and he'd be debriefed every time he came back. He worked for a three letter agency that begins with a C. And I'm sitting there all these times interviewing him, and I'm saying to him, you're telling me the truth. I figured it out long before he finally told me the truth. But basically he was working for the good guys and they knew it, just like you know. Then you get this poor kid, Papadopoulos. His whole life has nearly been blown up as a result of this. I had to literally he was going to pull out of the play agreement because you know which he again he said it would be treason. We didn't find that out till he spent two weeks in jail. He remember, Linda, he wanted to pull out of the two weeks in jail. I said, if you do it, you're gonna get two years or four years. You know, you can suck it up for two weeks, remember I said that to him, Yes, you did, I said, because I know these people. Now, my private text messages were released in the process of the Shift show, somewhat eleven twelve hundred of them. Muller's team going after me because they're forty five pages or three h two's on yours truly, not that I really give a rip, but they were, you know, they were an exam actually fond of this program exposing them every day. And not that I've ever complained about it, but it's a little disconcerting. But I'm sure it's far more disconcerting for General Flynt, who had to sell his house and then they said, either you give us what we want, you sign here, you say you'll lied. They didn't think we lied, But we're gonna make you lie in order to save your own son. Otherwise we're going to go after him. Now, I ask you, fathers of the world, Father's Day just passed. If you're a father, you know we don't have perfect moms and dads, do we? But if you're a father and you have the government saying sign this paper, say you lied, or we're gonna put your kid in jail, what are you going to do? What do you do at that point? You don't have any money to fight it because you're broke, you don't have a house, you already got rid of it. What do you do? Well, because he's a hero, I would argue that a lot of good fathers would probably impale themselves and dive on the sword, and that's what General Flynn did. And you say, well, look he's lying that they made him. This whole idea that you offer something of such great value freedom, I don't care if it's Sammy the Bullgravano or anybody else. You can't offer something of that value. Why do you think they put Maniford in solitary confinement? How is it Roger Stone has a jury four person that is publicly against him, leading the jury to prosecute him and find him guilty. How do you ever make the case that that is a fair and impartial jury. How for a process crime do you send you know, guys with guns and put Paul Maniford's an old man. It's a process crime. It's a tax violation. You know we're talking about, you know, literally the Farah app. You know, did he register for the Farah app? You say, okay, surrender it this time, and they would both have surrendered, But no, we got to send in guys in tactical gear and stick guns in their families faces, twenty nine guys tactical gear, frogmen and CNN cameras at Roger Stone's house. What for doing what the Inspector General said, Comey did and McCabe did, and all assisted by the mob in the media that hate me and hate Rush, and hate Mark and hate Fox and hate the Great Ensemble Cast. They got the New York Times. Didn't they get pullets or prizes for their phony Russian lying, conspiracy theories stories? What a joke? Give them back because it's a lie. When did they get called out for their life? They so want to be called journalists. They're not journalists, they're hacks. They're liars, their propagandists, their state run all things democratic, radical socialist. It's taken since March we started this and Archer twenty seventeen on this show and on Hannity the TV show. And you know how much crap we've taken over it, By the way, nothing compared to these guys. When does the media apologize? When do they retract? Where do you see the montage we're gonna put together of the crap they said about General Flynn. This man is a hero. This man served his country with honor and distinction, and they put his family through all of this. If we love this country, this can't happen. Look at what President Trump's lived through it. Well, he fights a lot. You know, he's in a town hall and we're doing a town hall with him tomorrow, Mark Simone. The only way we could do this is there's a lot of travel. Let's put Mark Simone's gonna be filling in tomorrow. My call in though, and it's got to be a small town hall because you can't have more than fifty people in Wisconsin. I mean that's all they give us. Sure we could pack it with five millions, you know, not five five thousand and tens of thousands. The media is so obsessed with crowds. But according to the law, we got to obey the law, you know, because if I ever had more than fifty people, I'm sure they'd probably come and arrest me, even throwing the life taping of the show unbelievable. I'm worried about this country in a way I never have been. You know, I had a conversation. Neil Boorts is a dear friend of mine, and I've been trying to plead with him in the last couple of years to get his ass out of retirement because he drives. You know, I make fun of his sports bus thing that he travels around the country. And Linda, oh, yeah, after nine to eleven we had a long discussion. We did a lot of shows together, we went on the road together. We've always had a good time. He's funny as hell, smart as hell, great talk show host, one of the best, and you know, after nine to eleven he goes, you know, I used to think you were too serious on the air. He goes, I don't think that anymore. That was after nine eleven. He goes this is real. This is real now. The only thing, the only thing to stop this is what you decide to do in one hundred and thirty two days. That's why I call my book Live Free or Die, America and the World on the Brink. It's all in there, all of this. When I was doing the research on this, I could I forgot more than I remembered. It's that bad and worse, and there's more coming. I hope they're held to account. Our two Sean Hannity's Show, eight hundred and nine four one shuns Atophrey telephone number. It is a great honor to be able to introduce back to the program and somebody I got to know during the campaign in twenty sixteen. Not only no, but no like respect on a very high level. This man should never have gone through what he's gone through the last almost four years now of his life. General Flynn, it's an honor to have you and Sydney Powell, the great attorney. She is a champion of truth and justice. Job well done, Sydney, and welcome both of you to the show. Thank you, John. General. Let's just start with I know there's a lot you can't talk about and I won't. I won't go there at all, I promise you on my word. Let's talk about how you must feel today. I see the President has just called on Obama FBI officials to apologize to you. Well it should be more than an apology, but your reaction. Yeah. So, for first of all, Sean, you're on the other end of this phone is Sydney Powell. And I called Sydney Americans America's guardian angel of justice. She came into our lives, into the Flint family life at a real tough, tough time for a decision. And uh, and you know, obviously we're sitting here today having this conversation with a really positive outcome because of Sydney's just unbelievable dedication to the truth and to justice. And in terms of how we feel today, my family feels amazing. I mean we have, as you said, we've gone through this almost four years. I'll have a lot more to say in the future about you know, the sort of the kinds of things that we have seen and what I have been part of and frankly, you know, looking at service to this country and what does it mean but our our our country is at risk. It really is at risk. And if people want to continue to sort of breathe the fresh air of liberty, uh, you really need to, uh, you know, to really step up to the plate, support and defend those kinds of issues that we're all dealing with our face in our country today. And what I have always been about is service to the nation. And I fought a lot of foreign enemies in a lot of different places around the world, spend nearly five years of my life away from my family in combat operations and support of foreign policy objectives, and never in my wildest imagination that I ever feel like I was going to face a domestic enemy like I've faced in the last four years that Sydney just helped us slay. So I do want to make one other point to you, Sean, and to you personally and for all your listeners, but to you personally, thank you so much for just being there from day one, from the very beginning of this thing and nailing it to the a's degree, getting it right from the beginning, and then for the support of your listeners for helping us get through this fight that we've been in general, you know, whatever we might have been able to contribute to get the truth out. I appreciate it, but we could never repay. So. One of the things that really angers and upsets me more than anything else about all of this, sir, is you have devoted your life to this country. You have put your life in danger for this country. You have been in combat zones for this country, and the great travesty that one day, the story that you will tell and that this country needs to hear, is how do we treat a thirty three year veteran hero the way you've been treated? I'll tell you, General, and I have been in touch. I remember the last note that you sent me. You just said I can't talk, I cannot talk anymore, and I never wrote you again. And I had stayed in contact with people around you. I'm pretty sure you know who, and just check it on you and I will say that if we don't get this right, I think the great this country God gave man, not perfect, but the greatest that has accumulated more power and abused it less and used it to advance the human condition. No power, no country has ever done this. It's all at stake, and you know, I just can't imagine what this is, what this has been like for your family. Well, keep it in mind, so you know there are things that I fought for and that I believe in sean in this in the in the United States of America. The thing that makes us different in all other countries in the world, and I have I have experience on six continents and against some really in some really lousy places, against some really difficult enemies. The thing that makes us different is something called the rule of law. And that's what makes us special. We follow the rule of law in this country. We're supposed to follow the rule of law in this country. And and and Sydney Pow that you is on with us today, and who's been this unbelievable lawyer and friend of mine for the last over in fact the last couple of years now, but certainly over the last year. She knows this stuff in space. But if we do not, if we do not fight for the rule of law in this country and protect it, we will be in the dustbin of history going forward. And we will fight, we will fall to this socialist monster that is bearing its ugly head down on the streets today in America. So rule of law is part and partial to why I did the kinds of things that I did. And I'm not sure that I really understood that when I was a young officer, or even as I got more senior, but I definitely understand it today because the rule of law was clearly at risk, and now it is being corrected. And I think today is a demonstration to the American public, to your listeners, that that our justice system does work when a bright light is shined on the truth. And that bright light, that flashlight that was being held by Sidney Paul, shine that flashlight right on the truth of my case, which began and has and continues to expose a lot of the corruption in parts of our federal government that we are all now aware of because of some of the great reporting that you've been doing. They stole four years of your life. And I'll ask you one last personal question, because I know this is an important day for you, And you know, part of me is so happy that the truth campus you have no idea it makes me happy. A part of me is so angry that this can happen in this country, so angry and the fact that there were so few of us. I had a little ensemble cast here on radio and TV, and and I know you're on with the great Rush earlier and the great Mark Levin. I mean there's been a few of us. I can't mention everyone's name, but there aren't many. And there were some in Congress digging for the truth and not enough. And then you have this whole media establishment trashing you, trashing your family name, and I'm like, what was the worst moment for you in your family? Yeah? Well, what I would say is number one. You know, those that know me, I am not a hateful or a vindictive or scornful type of person. Okay, I'll take on that role for you. Okay, it doesn't mean it doesn't mean that I am not a fighter and I don't have the resolve to do the kinds of things that I believe need to be done. I will tell you that that. Uh. You know, my wife and I have been been together since we were thirteen years old. We uh, we have great faith in our in our lives. We have a dynamite family in our lives and you know some of them and you'll you'll meet others. We have a superb family both sides, my wife Laurie side, and my family, my brothers and sisters and her brothers and sisters. I come from nine, she comes from seven. So we have a tribe, a plan, if you will, that has been standing shoulder and shoulder with us fighting and then friends, true friends, Sean, when the times are tough, you find out who your true friends are. And I will tell you in this, In this, you really do. And in this period of time, I have seen, as you just mentioned, people that have developed into into what we call in the Flynn family, friends of the Flynns, because guys like you, It's guys like Rush, It's guys like Mark who have seen through the nonsense and some of the some of the deep levels of corruption, because you guys have been around long enough to know the kinds of issues that when you see something and you scratch beneath the surface a little bit, you go, oh, something's not right here. And you guys have been on it from the beginning, from the very beginning. All the other people that have said all the times of things, I don't have time for them, and I don't have time for hate in my life. I have. My focus is always you know, in the in the military, I always used to use the phrase always forward. What is what do we need to do next? We have a problem, We're going to solve it, and let's move on to the next big problem that we have in our country right now has some extraordinary challenges that we're going to be dealing with in the future. And you know, and I I mean, I like to think that I've I've given what I've given, but I still have a lot more to give. And show this case shows how how fragile the rule of law is and how easily it can be lost if people do not pay attention to what is going on and judges for result driven instead of law driven. You know, General, um, my prayers of many in this audience have been answered today and this is just hopefully a step to correcting this wrong. You know, I always talk about the good people and the premiere law enforcement agency in the world and the premiere intelligence agencies in the world. But that one percent that abused this power with corruption. You don't need to comment. I will, we will, we will seek justice every day until it happens. I want to send my best wishes all the prayers, and it's not just me. This great audience that I have on radio and TV, so many praying for you, so many happy is a part of me that shares in the happiness, but a part of me that is resolved and pissed off. And I we better get to the bottom of this or we're going to lose this great republic. Yeah, and so, and I would just double down on that, sean to say thank you to you personally. And I've watched you fight not just for Mike Flynn, but for our country. And I want to thank your listeners because it's they're the people in this country that are going to make this country continue to be a great country. It's not you know. I mean, there are guys like you and I that are that are there and we mix it up in different ways in our different fields, but it's really the American public that has to continue to step up and believe in you know, like I say, if you want to breathe the fresh air of liberty, you've got to fight. You've got to give up. You know, you've got to sacrifice, and you've got to have the courage and the resolve to do that. So I just want to say thank you very very much for all you've done to my family and I. All Right, General Flynn, we look forward to with the day you can tell the whole story. A good day for the Flynn family today and a good day for the United States and for the Constitution and justice. But it's just the beginning, sir. Can't wait to see you soon. We'll take a break, Sydney. John Solomon, Greg Jarrett quick comments when we get back. Senator Tim Scott. We went crazy on the Senate Florida to day and he's right. That's coming up, Bill O'Reilly moore, Straight ahead, John Hannity, roll along. We have as Sydney Powell, great attorney work, John Solomon, just thenews dot com. Greg Jarrett wrote two number one bestsellers on this. All right, let me Sydney first of all, thank you. You did an amazing job. John. Thank you. You've been on this since March of twenty seventeen with the small group of us. Greg, a phenomenal work on your part all the way across the board and all the other contributors in this, Sydney, tell us where we are well. The Court, the DC Circuit today granted our writ of mandamus to tell Judge Sullivan to sign the order dismissing the case and vacating his order. Appointee mister Gleason former Judge Gleason as any sort of friend of the court to do any briefing on the issues at all, So that should dispose of the matter. Hopefully Judge Sullivan will go ahead and follow the courts directive. Technically, there are other procedures that might be pursued, but I've never I've gotten probably twenty rits of mandanus against federal judges in my career. I've never seen one not just go ahead and do what the Court of Appeals ordered him to do. Amazing, John, You've been reporting on this. We started this, and I remember what I said to you that day. I keep unpeeling the layers of the onion. Yeah. Yeah, Well a big part of the onion got exposed for what it was today, and I think not only by the judge's ruling, but by the release of these notes that were turned over to Sydney Pologist twenty four or fortyeight hours ago. We now have evidence suggesting that President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden sat around talking with the FBI about ways to get Mike Flynn for a call that was deemed to be legit and for a criminal case that had been recommended to be shut down because there was no evidence of wrongdoing. That autisten chills up the spine of every American, whether you're a Democrat, Republican or independent. President and vice president shouldn't be plotting with the FBI and how to get their enemies. And you noticed, Greg and this new information today, Oh, this now brings in the question what did Barack know? What did Joe know? What did Komey know? What did Rice no? What did Sally Yates know? And when did they all know it? Well? And one of the ways to get to the bottom of that, to get answers is a civil lawsuit for money damages. General Michael Flynn, who is an American hero, should, as I have written repeatedly, sue the very people in government that persecuted him without evidence under the pretense of a legitimate prosecution. What happened to this courageous man, who served this country selflessly and great distinction should never happen to anybody. He deserves rich compensation for a life and legacy that has been ruined by odious characters. And I will name them James Comey, Andrew McKay, Peter Struck. As you know, I think all three of those should be behind bars, but they should also be sued for what they did, and an apology z owing to General Flynn and hats off and my greatest respect my friend Sidney Powell, who you know is a hero in all of this, by the way, all of you are, and I just honestly I need to say this to all of you. Thank you, Thank you for your unbelievable dedication to truth and justice. We'll have a lot more on this tonight. We'll have you guys back again tomorrow in the day's following. Pretty amazing times. We're living in all right twenty five till the top of the hour. We've got all things bill O'Reilly dot com simple man coming up at the top of the hour. A lot going on today, including General Flynn, which we're just talking about. I tell you this happens every two and four years. Well here we go again. It's an election year, Nancy Pelosi. Republicans are trying to get away with the murder of George Floyd with the police reform bill. We have to address those concerns. So when they admit that and have some suggestions that are worthy of consideration, but so far they were trying to get away with murder, actually the murder of George Floyd. Well, what reforms the Democrats done after Ferguson, What did Joe and Barrock and Pelosi do after Baltimore, Cambridge and all these other incidents? Nothing? Not a thing. And then this type of incendiary rhetoric. And then, by the way, Tim Scott will join us in a minute, literally imploring in a passionate speech on the Senate floor, are Democrats to not walk away from the police reform bill? But they are anyway because they're playing politics. Listen, I've offered as many a memis as necessary for this bill to be seen by the public and consultation with the other side. Let it be their bill, tim Scott's bill, not the Republican bill, not the Democrat bill, for the bill that starts to address the issues that have plagued this nation for decades. This this this is not my start. I started five years ago when I cannot find voices that would push forward reforms brought to attention by the Walter Scott shooting in twenty fifteen. I'll close with this. I respect people that I disagree with. They have the right to disagree. My pastor tells me I have the right to be wrong, which means that I'm not right all the time. But on this one, if you don't think we're right, make it better, don't walk away. Vote for the motion to proceed, so that we have an opportunity to deal with this very real threat to the America that is civil, that is balanced. This is an opportunity to say yes, to say yes, not to us, those folks who are waiting for leadership, to stand and be counted. That was Senator Tim Scott, Great State South Carolina, passionate speech about reforms that are desperately needed. President already laid out his executive order. You know, with all, with all of you know, the Nancy Pelosis of the world. Republicans are trying to get away with the murder of George Floyd with this police reform. But well, what did Nancy Pelosi, Barack and Joe do after Ferguson, and after Baltimore, and after Cambridge and after all the what did they do for the city of Chicago for crying out loud, which was Barack Obama's hometown. Nothing barely mentioned it in eight years. Look at what happened this week and one hundred and four of our fellow American shot, including twelve kids, and fourteen are dead. We now are up to nine hundred cops that have been injured rocks, bottles, bricks, molotov cocktails and yeah, knives and guns. Also we have nearly eight we have six dead mouth confirmed, so many others injured, nearly nine hundred and yeah, who said to get rid of chocols? Sean Hannity said it one of the first people. Because I do martial arts, I train every single day for ninety minutes a day. You know only only if your life is in jeopardy that there are so many other options, more training. Who's been saying we need other non lethal options than that stupid stun gun, which doesn't really is not what you think it is. I know it's a deadly weapon by law in Georgia that is not the most effective product on the market because I bought one. I bought them myself. Senator Tim Scott is with a senator that was a great plead today, But I sense it's falling on deaf political ears. With one hundred and thirty two days to election day, Well, Sean, and you just said the most important word, not ere election day, two words election day. The Democrats are absolutely positively, unequivalently committed to one thing. It's not the community that they say they care about. It is to themselves. It is to a political process that drives the stake not into our hearts as Republicans, but into the heart that needs to know that we as a nation cares. That's one of the reasons why I respect you so much. You said from the beginning, Joe Coles have got to go except for the life of the officer. We have that in our bill. They had that in their bill, but they were not willing to come to the table and say I'm willing to work with Republicans and not care who gets to credit they care about. If you know, senators, you know what infuriated me, And it was really more of a headlock. And I don't know I'm getting into technicality in the Garner case, but this is what infuriated me about that case. Do you know why that happened with Eric Gardner? Do you know what they will will were arresting the guy for selling lucy cigarettes in other words, like Marlborough's. Instead of selling the pack, you sell them one at a time, right, you know? I mean, are we really gonna wait. Now, you can't walk through the city of New York, Senator without smelling weed every five every five feet it reeks of skunk in New York City because of that, that idiotic drug, which I hate, you know, And I'm like, why are we wasting valuable police resources on a guy selling Lucy's cigarettes? Leave them the hell alone. I can't. I'm sneer agreeing with you and yelling Amen in the background, because you're exactly right, Eric Gardner, the death was unnecessary. But more importantly, we cannot continue to demonize everybody on every side and point the finger. We have to be willing to say that was wrong. Most officers are good, that was wrong, and we're going to get rid of bad apples. But the situation that happened today that continues to happen on the Democrat side is that because they have a monopoly and minority communities, they no longer perform, they don't produce. There is a terrible return on the investment for minority communities. That's why our party, or at least my party, the Republican Party, we are standing up as conservatives and we're saying we're gonna fight for every though everywhere all the time. You know, listen, a senator, this is so important the things that you're saying here. Yes, these reforms I needed. You know, I've one of the things that frustrated me when you look at the George Floyd case. And I've been I've been practicing now seven years, and I know I'm a student of the martial arts seven years. Okay. Brazilian jiu jitsu, Japanese jiu jitsu, crabmagaw and kempo. Do I do a defensive at work with with weapons? Firearms, sticks, blades, you name it. We do its situational defense, protecting being able to protect myself. The guy was in handcuffs, Senator. The most vulnerable part of the human anatomy is one's neck. All they needed to do to in handcuffs is if I took two fingers of his which you can get when he's in handcuffs, and I just slightly manipulate them slightly. Or if you take your you put a palm of your hand in your face, just push, push with the other hand, push it down. Those things that will bring people to their knee, absolutely, and they don't. But most cops are not trained to do that that frustrates me. That's why we have to increase the resources. That the defunding police is the most ridiculous idea of all time. We need more resources for training. We need because if we teach officers how to de escalate the situation. I am not where you are, Sean. I am a student of shoutecon and been doing it for about five years. You can learn very quickly how to bring someone to their knees and if they're already handcuffed, you don't need to worry about that. If you're in your stomach handcuffed, you're not a threat anymore. But if you are trained as a law enforcement officer how to deal with that situation, and you understand the forms of de escalation, the forms of communication that are effective, we will avoid a number of these situations. But without the resource, the Democrats are literally blocking the resources that could literally save lives. I don't know, this is a no brainer, you know. And Nancy Pelosi asked to say Republicans are trying to get away with the murder of George Floyd. Really shameful and it's it's except for these idiots in their underwear, anonymous in their Basement's keyboard warriors, this universal agreement on George Floyd. No, I don't know any Republican. I don't know any conservative none that didn't look at that tape and share Literally it shocked the conscience of a nation. Absolutely. But you know, we have bigger problems here, Senator, and that is, well, what did what did Joe and Barack Obama do in Chicago in eight years? Nothing? What did they do after Ferguson? Nothing? In Baltimore? Nothing? You know, the President, as I understand it, you spoke for hours with members of his staff at Martin Meadows and Jared Kushner and the President to come up with the executive order and to talk about this bill. And I was told, my sources are right. Everything you requested they said yes too. They said yes. The stuff I didn't request, like the national database, that was outside of my reach. The President went further than my request. I thought that was a bridge too far, but he said, Tim, there is no bridge too far. Into this conversation, this was what people miss about President Trump. You may not like his I always say the President's love language is not words of encouragement. That's just not what he asked by the way, that's actually funny. I think that's a really good line. Go ahead. But by the way, I don't even know what this love language stuff is. But he does acts of service, So his policy positions expresses how he really feels on every topic. And on this topic, I watched that man, our president, sit down with a room full of survivors, families who lost their loved one to police encounters. He didn't say a word for forty five minutes. He took in every single pain that was presented to him, every piece of scar tissue, He heard, every trembling voice, and he said to the Attorney General, fix it. He was amazing. And this is what people miss. They miss that the president came up with an executive order that moved this nation forward. When Van Jones, who himself says he is so liberal to the last, he's almost right, but not quite there. When Van Jones is the President's executive order was meaningful, it was real, it was intentional. No one covers that in the press. No one wants to give the president a microphone when he's helping the poorest, most vulnerable people in the country. Hey, that would be opportunity zones, that would be the longest commitment with the greatest develotment money for historically black colleges in America. That would be the Criminal Justice Reform bill that didn't happen with Joe Biden. That would be you know, record low unemployment for every minority and demographic group in the country. That's what that's what he Now he's been in office less than four years. You've been in office how long? Now I've been with for seven years in the Senate. Okay, Now you have Joe Biden's been in politics fifty years, Nancy Pelosi forty four. You look at you know, Chuck Schumer forty whatever years, and you look at Dianne Feinstein sixty years and Maxie Waters nearly fifty years. Okay, what has Joe done? What has he done in fifty years? If somebody tell me because he's not talking, he's hiding in his basement, Well, Sean, I have one answer for you. Give it to you. Yes, sir, he passed the nineteen ninety four crime bill that locked the more after editors. Didn't he use that term exactly. He said that poor kids might one day be as smart as white kids. I mean, this is a guy that they're giving a pass to on is outrageous, egregious comments that are far beyond the place of disrespectful and irresponsible. But he gets away with it because you've got to be for a Democrat by his name. It's frustrating. It is very, very frustrating, you know. I just you know. One of the things I know we've been talking about, and we don't know Joe Biden's position on anything, but one of the things we've really all been discussing is, Okay, America, the statues et cetera, etc. Can we first fix and make sure every Americans safe and secure in their home, in their neighborhood. Let's do that. We could do that. I believe as Americans we have the ability to do it. Rudy and Bertie Kerrick did it in New York. Then I want to fix our educational system because literally all of God's talent and all of our young children is there education bring forth from within. We got to bring it out. But if you don't have a good school system, you can't and then you know all those other then let's become a more perfect union. First there if those two simple things are not getting done well, Sean I said the exact same thing in a different way. You said it better than I. Here's what I said. I said we should spend more time creating the future before we spend too much time framing the past. Let's deal with making sure our kids have the best economic mobility, the strongest education no system and the poor zip codes that they have the work skills for the gig economy. Let's talk about financial literacy and literacy. Let's break the pipeline from education to incarceration by improving outcomes. Let's not have an education system designed for teachers unions. A senator, I gotta let you go. But okay, my TV staff says, we can't book you. Will you come on a TV show tonight? We want you on. I will make I'll do my best to make that happen. From Scott, South Carolina. Solving problems we need to solve problems, Thank you, sir. The federal government have a responsibility to protect citizens of our country if the cities and states won't do it because people's property have been damaged. There are people who don't want this autonomous area in Seattle around their homes right Well, in the first instance, it's the responsibility obviously of the local officials and then the state officials to protect the rights of their citizens. At the end of the day, the federal government does have a responsibility ability to make sure that citizens are not deprived of their federal rights. So will you challenge that autonomous city? Will you sue the mayor? What can you do? Well? I don't want to get into specifics, but we're obviously keeping an eye on it, and as the President said, in due course we may have to do something about it, but we can't let it go on indefinitely. You know what you have high you have taken the men of what you're not. The thing about it is the pickering and back kind of again from the gerin and back and forth. Matterf I what bickering change get from bickering back and forth? To check this out. I'm not done talking for I'm not done. You don't letting me know. I got them bush like I said one d No, I ain't done. Sixty feet man, sixty feet New York City has been like the Wild West this last week, just shooting in his flatbush, leaving one man dead another injured. Adding too astonishing statistics show US three hundred and forty two percent rise in shootings last week fifty three compared to twelve and twenty nineteen, and a four hundred and fourteen percent increase and a number of people shot seventy four compared to fourteen and twenty nineteen. The NYPD investigating a spree of shootings on this first official weekend of summer, one of them eleven this morning. In just released surveillance video by police, a man walking down Milford Street in East New York shoots another washing his car. That thirty five year old shot in the neck, the wound fatal. These shootings are a part of nearly two dozen overnight, with four people also shot in the Bronx. The YPD says so far there have been nineteen people who have been shot in the past twenty four hours since midnight, and there were thirteen incidents in all. And they also happened across for boroughs, Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn. I say you have at the chop, the autonomous, the chad, the summer or free love festive zone is fake news CNN and MSD, ncsay, and then the violence in New York and the insane mayor of Seattle, saying, oh, you know, we're we're just trying to negotiate our city back with the anarchist madness, utter complete insanity and madness. Glad you with us News round Up Information overload. If you hear Leonard Skinner and you hear simple man, that means all things. Bill O'Reilly dot com Bill O'Reilly. It's also one hundred and thirty two days now until we the American people, get to decide on who will be the next president, the guy hiding in the bunker or President Trump. But we don't know a lot about the guy in the bunker right now because he hides and number two, General Flynn is free, and then we have an archy in the streets of every major city across the country. I don't know if you saw Hannity last night, and the guys with the guns in Atlanta was a little bit chilling. I'm actually stealing one of those soundbites from my No Spin News broadcast tonight. By the way, simple men don't steal you know. Yeah, anything I have is yours. What are you talking about? Simple? Simple men find a way not to work as hard as complicated man? What's true? I'm you're right, I'm a complicated idiot for working. I'm just gonna steal it. A pretty good point yesterday on the radio program, So you said, Um, if there's for a normal presidential election, you would have a candidate speaking out vehemently about the social unrest in this country. Are you for it or are you against it? But we haven't heard anything from Joe Biden at all. Maybe he doesn't know what's happening. That's possible. I don't know if the bunker has cable TV. I don't know. But isn't it strange that a presidential candidate, after all that's happened in the past month since Memorial Day, has it said one thing that I can find about Seattle, or about Atlanta, or about New York City, or about the announcement today that the National Guard is being deployed to guard the monuments in Washington, d C. Because the mayor there, Bowser, is so incompetent she can't even protect the monuments and statues in her own city or doesn't want to, so the National Guard is being called out to do so. So Joe Biden has no comment on any of that. Isn't that stunning? I can't It's not only that ever happened. It's a three days since this guy had a press conference, and when I was tweet, right, he could tweet tell Jill he can't hang on a second. He can't even put on a podcast, Bill, and he can't string three sentences together. What makes you think he can tweet? You're making an assumption there, Bill o'reiley. Then that was a simple man assumption that I don't believe is true. Well, I gotta tell you, I can't string three sentences together either coaching lean, I'm I'm prospering major on the podcast runs itself, it might be better to be inarticulate. But what we were all interested in seeing is whether Joe Biden could put together fifteen or twenty minutes and send it out so people would know what he believes and how he sees his country. That obviously could not happen, or I don't know why. But anyway, so Trump's got the whole field. Now he's got everything. There's no other um intrusion on what Donald Trump wants to say. Because MSNBC and CNN on New York Times watching buds, it's over for them. In a sense. Everybody knows what they're gonna say, nobody really cares anymore that CNN gins up a story about the NASCAR African American driver in a noose in the garage, and the up you guys says, you know what, that's really not what happened CNN, And he spent two full days trying to convince the American people that were racist country, and now the story was phony. You think they're gonna you think your buddy Brian Stelter's gonna retract that tonight. We're gonna mean humpty, you mean humpty dumpty. Yeah, humpty dumpty. And missed the potato head over there. But okay, whatever, I got him in the worst category ever forever. Catch That's where I got him. But anyway, has Bill Bill, Nobody, nobody cares, Nobody even knows who we're talking about. It's just internal fun maybe, But CNN is around, it's in an oily airports, it's international. You know, nobody with any intelligence believes what you say, but it's around. He gets around. So anyway, Donald Trump should understand that the field is his and he should, I think figure out. And it's not hard to do that. The campaign is whether you want to keep your country the way it is with some improvements, because we can always improve. Or do you want to let Black Lives Matter organization run the country? Do you want you want that to happen? And by the way, Annity, I'm doing some original reporting tonight on the funding going into the Black Lives Matter organization. Now, by the way, it's important. I'm glad you're doing this because people don't seem to understand there is the organization organization, right and the organization And you gotta delineate here because when people say Black Lives Matter, they're not talking about the group which was on tape saying what do we want dead cops? When do we want them? Now, there's a very big distinction. That's not the that's not the peaceful protesters that were showing righteous indignation over what happened to George Floyd, which can never happen again. And when you hear my report on the No Spin News tonight, I'm bill O'Reilly dot com. They're unbelievably shrewd about what they're doing with the millions of dollars coming in there, and it isn't going to the poor people. It's going to consultants. You know what consultants are, right, they're friends, and it's really really startling what's happening in the irs. You get right on it. Well, I'm I'm gonna look forward to your report. Obviously we're following me really closely here. You know, I see something I can't quite put my finger on. I'm going to give you what my gut is telling me. Here is that you saw the recording the Fox News channel for a Saturday night that at Trump's rally, he saw the you know, the media that ignored the protesters actually cheered them on. And there were peaceful protesters, but then there was a lot of anarchists. There was nine hundred cops, now bricks and rocks and bottles of Molotov cocktails. And now we're up to I think six to eight dead cops and one paralyzed from the neck down from the rest for the rest of his life. And precincts taken over and some burned city blocks being taken over. And I'm watching all of this, bill, O'Reilly, simple man, Sean Hannity back to one simple man, and I am telling you this America believes in law and order. Every American has the right government's first job is to keep us safe and secure. We want to pursue happiness, become a more perfect union. That's just fundamental one oh one. Fundamental one oh two is we have failed in every big city run by Democrats four decades. Our educational system. It's got to be turned up, side down and inside out. Now you're a former teacher, on top of everything else you've done in your life, Bill, if we don't educate our kids, I'm talking about the basics, reading, writing, and math. If we don't, we cannot. We are literally ripping the rungs of a ladder that they should be climbing on out from underneath them and above them, so they have no shot, and we are and we're wasting great God given human talent. Listen. It's a complicated issue, but it comes down to you cannot compete in America unless you know how to speak the language, you know how to write the language, you have a disciplined mind where you can get up in the morning and go to a job, you can do the best you can at the job. And you cannot get around that. And in many, many schools, public schools, they don't teach any of this anymore. I know Bill, you and I are. We are. We do a lot of things. I say, I'm a talk show host. I don't know what you you describe yourself, but as a talk show host, it entails a lot of different jobs. I do straight reporting Bill on many nights. I have a hundreds of hours TV radio. I do investigative work, a deep dive into Obama's radical roots or the deep state. I guess we were vindicated again today with General Flynn, and the mob missed that story the whole time. We also give opinion. We're honest about my conservative beliefs. I am a conservative. We talk about culture, we talk about sports. But they say that they're fair, and they say that they're balanced. We're not running for president. But if we're one hundred and thirty two days outside of an election and all of this is happening, and this guy and the Democrats are quote, I'm fine with him in the basement. He only sees two guys a day as two bodymen leave him in the basement. How does any poll even register for a guy that lives in a bunker basement that can't string two sentences together. You know who's running the show by the way. You know the guy David X Rod. He's not a stupid guy. David Axelrod is running this show for Joe Biden and at the same time is doing commentary on CNN. I think that might be a little conflict of interest, but anyway, he's the one that's saying, either Joe can cut it or not. I gotta take a break. We'll come back more with symable Man Bill O'Reilly, Bill, O'Reilly dot com on the other side of this break. All right, as we continue, Bill O'Reilly, Bill, O'Reilly dot com, all things O'Reilly. All right, So we're talking about David Axelrod before the break. Yeah, she's running the show, and he says, why do you do you? I see I didn't. I think he sees what we see because he keeps saying if Joe can't cut it, Joe needs to get out. Well that's what he says on TV. But um, what he wants is Joe to be elected so he can run the country. Ian Brock there, they're going to run a country if Joe Biden's elected. So axel Rod basically says, we don't need Joe Biden our candidate say a word because Trump is in so deep in COVID and racial unrest that he can't get out. This is what the Democrats believe. He can't get out. He's gonna get deeper and deeper into the Quicksand so why even bother or saying anything once in a while. We'll release Adobe be now statement, but keep Biden away because as soon as Biden pops his head out, if it's anybody with any ethics at all journalism, they're gonna ask him, what do you think about Seattle? Well, what is Biden gonna say? I think it's good that there's anarchy. And by the way, the Sneed Corporation. I don't know if you knew this either, Hannity. A billion dollar financial firm just announced it's moving out of Seattle to Phoenix because they can't take the chaos in the city anymore. Did you know what I think what's happened into California, New York, Illinois, and New Jersey is now going to happen everywhere. They're leaving Bell I'm gonna buy whatever Sneed selling. I'm buying because all right, I gotta run. But maybe maybe it's time for you to think Florida or Texas. I'm just putting it in your head. Belloreilly dot com. I'll go annay, okay, all right, that was not exactly the answer I wanted, but okay, I'm cool with that. All right, quick break, phil O'Reilly dot com. All things O'Reilly will continue. Your calls are next. He was treated very, very horribly by a group of very bad people, and I think they'll see some things. They're going to start to come out. But what happened to General Flynn should never happen again in our country. He was persecuted, and many other people were persecuted. They spied on a campaign, and they should never spy at a campaign. To put it boud, it never happened before the history of our country. The Obama administration spied on a campaign. This is just the first one. He's been exonerated, and I want to congratulate him. He's been through a lot. He's been through a lot. He had great courage, great fortitude. If they spied on a campaign, there's never been anything like that happened. If that were the other way around, people would be in jail for fifty years already. All right, That was the President menting earlier today. We had General flynt on earlier as well. It is beyond the travesty. You know, we spent a lot of time in this country going over something that was false. It was a lie. It was literally the mob in the media. It was day after day, lie after lie, smear after smear, besmirchmen after besmirchmen. They advanced a phony, storied narrative that has dragged this country through hell and back. And then they went to the Ukraine. But to do that they had to ignore quit and pro and Quo and Joe and zero experienced hunter to get there. They have done nothing but every every waking second of their lives, every second of every minute of every hour of every twenty four hour week of seven weeks, seven days in a week, and every month, hated this president and what the President said and what we have done. Differently, we've been right all along. There has not been many of us. We were right about General Flynn. We will right about FISA abuse and premeditated fraud on a court. We were right about Carter pages, civil liberties and constitutional rights ripped away from him. So they can spy on a candidate Donald Trump, spy on a transition team. President elect Trump to spy on a president deep into his presidency, Donald Trump, And now all of this comes out, and it took this, It took what nearly four years of this man's life away from him. And we're only at the tip of the iceberg here. We were vindicated when the Inspector General report came out. We were vindicated today. It's not about me. How is it that the mob in the media can be that wrong and that united in being wrong and not be held to account. It is repulsive what they have done, what they continue to do. It's not a you know, and you know, Linda, I think we've taken more than a little heat over the last four years. Yet how is it that our little ensemble cast here and I mean it's small, and I'm gonna miss some names, so I'm not gonna start naming. But if you're a regular listener to this show, if you watch Hannity this we started this in March of twenty seventeen with illegal unmasking, illegal spying, at leaking of raw intelligence. That's where we got started. Now we're finally now we know and I think we covered this very well yesterday with John Solomon earlier today, you know, with this whole issue of all of this is true, and now we have a Durham report. Now the difference between Durham prosecutor and we should, according to the Attorney General bar we should. We should see a lot more by the summertime. Well it's June, the summertime. So I'm finally we're getting there. And I know it's been frustrating. I know, the wheels of justice turned slowly. Unless, of course, your name is Paul Manaford, roger Stone or General Flynn or Papadopoulos or President Trump. This was an attempted coup. Susan Rice's letter self. You know, Susan Rice to Susan Rice letter to self. Obama said to do it all by the book. Well, that's actually not true because in that discussion on the fifth of January, remember it was fifteen days later on inauguration day of Donald Trump when she did the note to self. We have the discussion among Obama and comey, mister Hier, Honor Yates, Biden, Susan Rice, Obama, we need to have the right people on the Flynn case. Comey, oh yeah, the Flynn kislea calls a peer legit. Okay, after it was already dead. They resurrected the dead to go after a thirty three year war hero Biden logan act. Well, that contradicts what Biden was saying, doesn't it, Because Biden was telling us in an interview. Oh no, no, I don't have any don't know anything about this. By the way, Barak, how's that scandal free administration of yours looking today? Because it doesn't look too good to me, you know. Now we have to raise some serious questions. What did they know and when did they know it? What did Obama know? When did he know it? What did Joe know? When did he know it? What did Rice know? What did Comey know? What did Yates know? When did they know it? What did McCabe know? What had struck? No? What did Page no? When did they know it? Is? This is? This was and is this was an attempt first to stop one candidate from being elected. When they failed, they had their insurance policy. Well, this is the insurance policy dragging the country through hell, and not even four separate investigations found a nicota of evidence as relates to Donald Trump and Russia collusion. Now they had to ignore Hillary and of course the Espionage Act and of course, the obstruction of justice with the hammers and the bleach bit, etc. And subpoena emails deleted. They had to ignore the dirty Russian disinformation dossier that him became the bulk of information, even though they were warned in the FISA applications. Now, if any of us, meaning we you listening to this program, if any of you did any of this, I promise you you would be in jail. You would not survive this. Now we've watched pre dawn raids with Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. You know, Roger Stone, twenty nine guys in tactical gears and a frogman, and of course CNN cameras has happened to be there five in the morning for a process crime. He gets a guilty verdict of jury four person had spoken out publicly hating Roger Stone. You know, is that a fair and impartial jury. Paul Manafort, the whole issue of his taxes and the Logan Act and all the other crap was well, it was long dead. After an investigation, they brought it to life. Now we have the whole issue of DNC, you know, going to the Ukrainian embassy. I'll tell you I worry for the future of this country. I don't. This country cannot survive when people that we entrust with the most powerful tools of intelligence, we give them to them, and they turned them on we the people. You know, all these moments, you know, Joe Biden and his contempt for the ten to fifteen percent of Americans that you know, they're just gone that Trump supporters or struck says smelly Walmart shopping Trump's voters, or as Hillary called us, irredeemable deplorables, or has Barack called us, you know, bitter and Americans clinging to God and our constitutional rights and our Bibles and our religion. Okay, I'm guilty. Count me is one of them. I believe in the Second Amendment. Count me is one of them. It's really the contempt is for us, We, you, and anybody that is conservative or Republican. They've dragged the country through hell. They nearly succeeded. This can happen in this great republic. We have to have equal justice and application of our loss. This cannot happen again in the history of this country. The only way we will prevent it from happening again is to hold those accountable. Roger Stone is supposed to report to jail in six days. He didn't have a fair and impartial jury. He doesn't belong in jail. It's im a poem manaphor. Well, why do you think they kept him in solitary confinement for all that time to break them so that he'd say whatever they want wanted him to say to lie? Why did General Flynn when they didn't think he was lying and they had the whole Now we have the transcript of the call. There's nothing inappropriate in the phone call with Kidsley Act nothing. So Joe Biden's talking about the Logan Act from seventeen ninety nine that has never been used to successfully prosecute any American as a means of setting up a thirty three year American hero. That's how low we sink, and the mob does all the bidding for them. This is our republic, one hundred and thirty two days. Guess what all of this is on the ballot, And God help us if we make a mistake. You think I'm joking in this book, you know, and somebody actually wrote a ninema. He's probably just doing this for money. Money. The last book, I gave every penny of profit to charity. This is a battle cry, Live free or die America in the world on the brink. Why do you think I have a whole chapter on this, an whole chapter on Ukraine, and a whole chapter on the failure of socialism, a whole chapter on the founding principles that made this country the greatest country God gave man that has accumulated more power than any other country on earth. As Barry Farber said, never and abused it less, but used our power to advance the human condition and save human life and fight back the forces of evil. Are you aware of what their socialist utopia agenda is? It's all in there. Are you aware with Donald Trump has done pre coronavirus and what he did to save the country from coronavirus? Joe wasn't supporting the racist, xenophobic, hysterical, fear mongering travel ban. That one decision likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives, hundreds of thousands of Americans from contracting corona. It certainly wasn't Andrew Cuomo that bailed out in New York or Comrade de Blasio. He sent people to their death by you know, literally sending COVID nineteen patients and ignoring the beds that Donald From built and manned and provided every bit of ventil every ppe you could possibly think of, and every ventilator. Same with you know, happened in New Jersey, happened in Pennsylvania, happened in Michigan. Who expected it to be the worst virus pandemic since nineteen eighteen. It's up on Hannity dot com. It's what forty one days and that's game on. We will live free or we will die. The mob and the media are the most I have nothing, you know, Linda, I ever been to a White House correspondence dinner? You have not. How many times did I get yelled at over the many years, I mean yelled at like Fox for not going many many times? Okay, I got yelled at a lot. Why aren't you going? You always pulled this blah bla blah blah blah blah. I can't. I'm wishing, I'm dying to go. I'd love to be there, Bologny, I don't like them and they don't like me. Why do you think they trash this program? Why do you think they trash Hannity the TV show? And by the way, I'm not my life compared to general his life. My life wasn't isn't it? Oh? Maybe after reading my name in three yo twos that Robert Muller's team put out asking everybody questions about Sean Hannity, it was a little bit disconcerting, would you say, Linda, a little bit that it's a bit unusual for a talk show host to be in that position? It was a lot unusual. Or my private text messages released to the public. I don't have a right to privacy. I thought I thought democrats believed in the right to privacy. It's one side. And my friend, Oh did any did anybody in the media say Hannity? He didn't. Why is his private emails being released? And now, by the way, you know now now half of the world that I've been friendly with hates me because I don't text message and I don't email anymore. Dead And I think, you know, literally friends that run to me, what what's wrong with you? Too big for your bridges? Like, well, my life's changed a little bit. It's not about me, though, you know what. I've lived a life that I never expected. I've gotten more than I deserve. I'm being blunt this actually used to be more fun radio and TV, but this is now too serious to have more fun. The issues are too important to have fun right now. I want to have fun again. Do I know how to have fun? Lynn is laughing. They mock me. My staff thinks I'm a loser. It depends how much of that genresh whiskey we get down here. Yeah, my vacations are in Singapore, Vietnam, Baghdad. I wouldn't call those vacations. I do have the Hannity dinners at the end of every one where you bought dinner for all the CNN people. That was a blast. That was being nice. God, I just you know what, I just do it to mess with people because that's my only entertainment. I love this country, and I know all of you are patriots and love this country. One hundred and thirty two days, I worried that the future of this great Republic hangs in the balance because the people that did all of this that's been exposed, they'll do it again. Hannity dot Com. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. What an incredible day this is, and it's only the beginning that I can tell you now We're gonna have full annals of Sydney Powell. We'll have the latest with General Flynn. We have the great Mark Levin, he's gonna weigh in, Senator Tim Scotland, Zay Graham will look at one hundred and thirty two days out of an election. Damn Mangino, Raldo, Leo Terrell all coming up, nine Eastern. Set your DVR. This is the first of what will be many vindications and the mob and the media, they need to be held accountable. Frankly, some of them should be sued as well. All Right, see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thank you, as always for being with us.

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