Senator Rand Paul on COVID - December 30th, Hour 1

Published Dec 30, 2021, 11:02 PM

Senator Rand Paul covers his stance on COVID in this Best of Hannity Podcast.

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All right, news, rounded up information overload our eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. I know many of you have been hearing about this new variant that is out there, and I know it's got a lot of people freaked out. And by the way, I think you've got to pay attention to all of this because it all matters. It all impacts our health. Now if you listen to politicians around the world and the travel bans. But by the way, I support a travel ban if there's a new variant. We saw what happened with the delta variant. We've got to be careful. Fascinating that Joe Biden is xenophobic, historical racist on himself because that's what he accused Donald Trump of. Anyway, there are two people that have been leading the charge, probably the top person as Rand Paul from Kentucky. He's also had, you know, support from Senator Ted Cruz a ton of support, and Anthony Fauci, you know, claimed aims that he is science and claims I'm going to be saving lives while Republican senators are lying. Now. The problem with him saying this very thing is it's just not true what he's saying. Now we have the emails of doctor Fauci. Those emails show a panic doctor Fauci when he discovered that there might have been gained a function research and NIH money that funded this, there was a hectic exchange back and forth with top people at the NIH, So he knew from the beginning. We know that on January thirty first, he got an email that said that, in fact, it looked like one of the specific genomes as you break down the sequence of COVID nineteen had been manipulated in a lab. That's January thirty first to twenty twenty. And then of course we have the intercept nine hundred documents that they came up with under oath. Faouci testified before the Senate Committee that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain a function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But yet the NIH on October twentieth wrote that they in fact did fund an experiment at the Wuhan Lab Virology lab testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to human ace two receptors and a mouse model that is called gain a function. But that doesn't stop Fauci from attacking Senator Ram Paul and Senator Ted Cruz. Listen, Senator Cruz told the Attorney General, you should be prosecuted. Yeah. I have to laugh at that I should be prosecuted. What happened on January sixth? Senator? Do you think that this is about making you a scapegoat to deflect course President Trump? Of course you have to be asleep not to figure that one out. Well, there are a lot of Republican senators taking aim at this. I mean, that's okay. I'm just going to do my job and I'm going to be saving lives and they're gonna be lying, Okay, joining us now to respond a Kentucky Senator Ram Paul, Senator, does that prove that the testimony on May eleventh, coupled with the NIH letter of what October twentieth? Does that not prove that under oath violation of federal law where you can be penalized up to five years in jail. Did doctor Fauci lie before Congress? Without question? Doctor fouchuld lie repeatedly before Congress. We've given him a chance to correct the record I've sent from an official referral to the Department of Justice. I think he should be prosecuted because this goes beyond sort of a haphazard mistake or carelessness. This goes to a person who purposely, I believe, covered up the origins of the virus, but also purposely has discounted the idea of natural immunity such that he's wanting commandate vaccine on children now. And if he took into account natural immunity, I don't think that there would be such a rush to mandate this on children, or to mandate this on anyone with regard to gain a function. He was funding research in Wuhan, but also research in North Carolina and in Galveston that takes viruses that are unknown, mixes them together with viruses that we know, and finds out or tries to discover whether or not they gain in function. And yes, some of them have gained in function. It's very dangerous research. There are nonpartisan scientists at both Rudgers and MITS who have come forward and said this is a kind of research that is a risk to civilization. That's a pretty significant description of what he's funding, and so instead of sort of owning up to this or having a reasonable intellectual debate on this, he comes forward and says he is science, he represents science, and then anyone Jaxon is attacking science. The arrogance of that kind of statement from a government bureaucrat is alarming, and we should they be very, very worried about someone who believes that they represent all science. Well, I mean that was pretty arrogant statement of himself. You know, this is the guy in March of twenty twenty sixteen minutes of self masks. So they're not going to do anything. Maybe they stop one little droplet, but they're not going to protect you. Then it was one mask and two masks, then mask in perpetuity, then it was vax or mask, and then it becomes vas mask at vax end masks. Then its vas mask and booster, and then I guess they'll be booster after booster after booster. So I think you can make a pretty strong case that a lot of vaccine hesitancy, if you will, came from the CDC, the NIH doctor Fauci and Joe Biden and Joe Biden fully vaccinated outdoors, socially distant mask on going into former President Carter's home ninety six years old as wife Rosalind ninety three, taking off their masks, not socially distant, right on top of each other. I'm sure that was no mixed messages their center or you think you know. I think you can make the argument that Fauci has disseminated misinformation that actually probably has cost lives. So by telling the public now that cloth masks work. If you're an elderly person in your spouse has COVID and you go in to treat them and take care of them in their bedroom and feed them, do you think that maybe telling people to wear a cloth mask instead of an INN ninety five mask might be misinformation that might actually cause you to take care of some in one and risk your life and perhaps get COVID when you could be wearing an appropriate mask and treating the patient appropriately and you might have a chance. I think he's also caused lives to be lost in countries like India where they're following Fauci's lead. Instead of targeting the vaccine towards the elderly and those who have not yet had COVID, he's saying, oh yeah, people have had COVID need to be vaccinated equal with the elderly. Well, that kind of information or public health exhortation from Fauci causes people to get vaccinated who don't need to be vaccinated those who've already had it, But it also takes away the vaccine from people who knew more urgently needed the elderly, and particularly the elderly who have not yet had COVID. Now you have stated publicly that you had COVID, and you have stated publicly that you are not getting vaccinated, that you believe in natural immunity. If we're to follow the mantra of the left and the president and everybody else to follow the science, while I'm following the science in Israel, and nearly eight hundred thousand people they have studied that had natural immunity compared to those that had the vaccination were twenty seven times less likely to be impacted by the delta variant. That's a pretty impressive number to me. Apparently a new study came out of Cutter and I know they need to be peer reviewed, and I look for the final numbers on both of these. I'm following them closely, as I'm sure you are are showed pretty much the same thing that what you have been saying, that natural immunity T cell immunity, even if you're antibody levels decrease, which they do over time, or memory cells would instantly kick in if your body were to detect. I assume any COVID nineteen or any variant of COVID nineteen. Am I wrong in that? Yeah? Are exactly right. And the thing is is that the irony of Fauci preaching that we should discriminate against the unvaccinated and discriminate and separate ourselves and fear people who are not vaccinated, it may be the opposite of the truth. People have had the disease, like myself. According to the Israeli study, it's actually safer to sit next to me than it is to sit next to someone who's vaccinated. That's not an argument against being vaccinated, but it's an argument for or against the government sort of segregating and calling certain people to horrible and unwashed, and these terrible, horrible people that are unvaccinated. You know, look, they're a basketball player. You know, I'm blanket on his name, but several of the basketball players you know who have already had the disease or saying from the NBA, you know I've already had it. I have immunity. The thing is is that kind of immunity that develops within our community and within our country is actually good for the country. That doesn't mean we should choose to get it, but a lot of people, we now think over one hundred million people, may maybe as many as one hundred and fifty million Americans have had it. That is helping the immunity that will eventually defeat this pug. That's not an admonition to go out and get it. But the thing is already one hundred million people got it, whether we wanted it or not. And by Faccy discounting that and ignoring that, he's ignoring the science and then saying, hey, I'm science, don't talk, don't criticize me. I am the science. The arrogance of that is just beyond imagination. You know the fact that we used American tax dollars, and I think that that you have made the case. You've at least you've made it to me and proven and I think backed up by the Fauci emails, by the Intercept documents, and even by the NIH his own language, admitting that they supported gain a function and the ECO of Alliance that they funded his money through. It's likely our tax dollars went to fund some of the research that caused the gain of function and the release of this virus. Is that a fair statement. This is the biggest reason why Fauci should be fired because he's not acknowledged that he made a mistake in funding the Wuhan lab. He's not acknowledged that this came from gain of function research, but he's also not acknowledged that the danger exists that this could happen again. They are doing experiments with viruses that have a fifty percent mortality. Fortunately, the virus that we are are battling has a one percent mortality, and that's still a problem. Five million people have died. It's not a bit is a big deal, but imagine if this had fifty percent mortality. But as we speak, Fauci still supports gain a function research that combines a virus with fifty percent mortality with an unknown virus, and he says, well, we don't know whether the unknown virus will gain in lethality or not. Well, my goodness, who would like to take the chance with a virus with a fifty percent mortality escaping from the lab. So he has shown a recklessness with this. There needs to be an investigation. He needs to be prevented and put as far as possible away from any decision making, because we could get a pandemic worse than this one from a lab. As long as Tony he supported. In twenty twelve, he said that even if it caused a worldwide pandemic, he's still supported gana function research, which is madness. Quick break right back more with Senator rampaula Kentucky on the other side than you're As we continue with Senator Rampaul of Kentucky, what do you think of this omicron variant? I mean we've had the lambda, the mu or move variend, and R dot one vary, and of course the delta variant, which was a much bigger challenge. And then when you couple that with the head of the Medical Association in South Africa and the comments that she made on the observations of a macron, what do you think? I think it's too soon to tell. I'm hopeful that the initial observation that not that many people were getting very sick, and that the symptoms were mild. If that turns out to be true, that'll be great news for the world. If it's more transmissible but much less lethal, there's a possibility that it will actually dominate and get rid of the original variant as well as the delta variant. Over time, many viruses do mutate to become more transmissible but less lethal less deadly. We don't know yet. But here's the other thing that we could be and should be doing. If doctor Fauci actually really cared about saying lies, what we would be doing, and that's encouraging and liberalizing the ability to have new vaccines. So, for example, we've had the delta variant vaccine sitting around owned they've been doing studies on it for several months. Have you ever heard Fauci say that we should allow the new vaccine to be introduced. Some people say it's because the government, including doctor Fauci, allowed them to buy up millions, hundreds of millions of doses and they have to use those up to feel like they've got their money's worth out of them before they would allow adaptation of a new virus vaccine. But you know, we get new flu vaccines every year by the way, and he barely mentions. You know, monoclonal antibodies, and people that I know that have gotten them immediately after diagnosis have done extraordinarily well. We never hear anything about it, right, And there was some mentioned today by Regeneron that they are worried that there's may not work with omicron. But what we need to do is allow speedy approval of new monoclonal antibodies. Let's say omicron turns out to be left deadly, maybe we don't do anything, maybe there's no vaccine or new antibodies that need to reproduce. Well, you got to prepare for the worst. Weeks. Yeah, if two weeks from now we decide that it's very very dy and it's spreading throughout the world, we need to quickly approve the ability to produce a new vaccine, but also quickly approve new monoclonal antibodies if we need them. But it's too soon to know. And so doctor Faucie, who believes this guy is always following and has never met a mandate that he didn't like, he immediately latches on to you know, he lapses into his authoritarian nature of what new thing can we do? The banned human behavior. Of course, none of the things that he's been for have really worked. More people died this year than last year, so it doesn't look like doctor Fausie's a great genius in doing anything to control this pandemic. We need to we need to wait before we do anything, you know, pause a little bit. Let's see what's going to happen with this variant, and let's don't start telling people have to stay inside. Put masks on again. Senator around Paul Kentucky, you've been doing a phenomenal job exposing all this. Thank you for your time. As always, when we come back, we'll hit the phones. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sham will get right to the phones, quick break right back. Now that we made some money for our sponsors, let's go back to making the liberals crazy. The Handman is back on the radio right now. This is Peter Schweitzer, president of the Government Accountability the Institute, and Derek Egger's vice president of the Government Accountability Stute fill in for Sean Handy. Today we host a podcast called The drill Down. You can find it at the drilldown dot com and which is excited to be talking about a lot of the things that are happening and mattering to Americans today, and it turns out this is quite a bit, not the least of which, unfortunately, are the COVID measures that seem to be coming back for this holiday season. Yeah. You've got all these bills that are being introduced in New York that are increasingly resembling pretty autocratic approach. You've got Senator Diane Feinstein now saying that they need to start requiring vaccines to fly domestically in the United States. But it's interesting, there's one group of people that has not had any of their freedoms restricted. They don't happen to be US citizens, but they happen to be in the United States. Yeah. On our podcast, we have Gai Government account of Bill Institute fellow Jason Chaffitz, former member of Congress. He had a really insightful piece that we talked hi about a couple of weeks ago, where he pointed out to hypocrisy and in fact, I think the lack of effectiveness when you have all these COVID measures in place for United States citizens, but when the southern border remains open and we apparently don't give them anywhere near the level of attention that we gave American citizens, and Jensaki was actually asked about it recently. So somebody was into the country right across the river. Does somebody ask them to see their vaccination card? Well, let me explain to you again, Peter Howard. Process works as individuals. As individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms, they are The intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process. They're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. I don't think it's the same thing. It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing, Peter, so stop suggesting that it is. We'd also but this is an issue that more and more people are taking notice of. Any Look, this is a normal thing. When your freedoms and when more things are asked of you, Law Biden, American citizen or at least in your case, American citizen, then people are going to ask questions and say, well, how come what's good for me is not good for thee And I think Anthony Fauci had a similar situation recently. Do you advise the president about the possibility of new testing requirements for people coming into this country. Does that include everybody? The answer is yes, because you know that the new regulation, if you want to call it, that, is that anybody and everybody who's coming into the country needs to get a test within twenty four hours of getting on the plane to come here. Well, what about people who don't take a plane in just these border crossers coming in in huge numbers. You know, that's a different issue. For example, when you took it, we still have Title forty two with regards to protection at the border. So there are protections at the border that you don't have the capability, as you know, of somebody getting on a plane getting checked looking at a passport. We don't have that there, but we can get some degree of mitigation. There's something to do to test these people somewhere else there is There is testing at the border under certain circumstances, as you know. So the title of Jason Chaffers's article is Biden's COVID measures meaningless without border security. And to talk about that, we have one of the top experts in the country. That's Brandon Judd. He is president of the National Border Control Council, and he's a twenty year veteran of helping control America's borders. Brandon, thanks so much for joining us. Yeah, Peter, Eric, it's good to be with you. But let me just tell you, listening to those clips, you have no idea how bad that boils my blood. Being on the border, seeing everything that we do day in and day out, knowing that these people are being released into the United States, and not having Jensaki tell the American public the truth. All we want is for the American public to be able to formulate their opinions based upon all the facts, the full truth. Instead, this White House tries to limit the amount of information to the American public cannot form their opinions. These people are not being tested that are being released in the United States, they are not being mandated to have COVID vaccines that are being released in the United States, and a vast majority of them are being released in the United States. To speak to doctor Fauci's title forty two, we title forty two so few people, it's not even funny. Under the Trump administration, we title forty two to everybody. Under this administration, they have created so many different carve outs that the vast majority of people are not being tattle forty two. They're lying to the American public. They're withholding truth, and so the American public is not allowed to develop and formulate their own opinions based upon all fact. If you can't tell, I'm kicked. Brandon Jode is President of the National Border of Patrol Council on a twenty year veteran, Brandon, I do want you to be a little bit more passionate about this issue, but I also want you to explain to people what Title forty two is, because I'm willing to bet the vast majority of listeners don't know. So. Title forty two is a health's There's a law that allows the federal government to implement a health code that expels people immediately that cross our borders illegally or illegally, it doesn't matter. It allows us to expel them under a pandemic situation. It's a health code. And what we did under President Trump is anybody to cross the border illegally. We didn't even take them back to our stations. All we did was we fingerprinted them in the field, and as long as they did not have a criminal record here in the United States, we would then immediately take them back to a port of entry and expel them back into Mexico. And this was everybody. It wasn't just people from certain countries. It was everybody but President Biden when he came in, he said that we couldn't expel children. He said we couldn't expel family units. He said, we couldn't expel people from certain countries. And by the way, those countries used to happen to be the worst countries, the countries that hate us the most. So he did away the vast majority of this Health Code that allows us the law that allows us Title forty two. That's just the law. I don't remember what usc but Title forty two is the law that allows us to do it. So, yeah, he just he completely and totally gutted our authority under Title forty two. Well, Brandon, I think this has the potential to be a hugely important issue because you've got people concerned about the border, people that are concerned about COVID restrictions, and the fact that there are inconsistent standards that are actually working against US citizens working US citizens is going to outrage a lot of people. Let me just read something that Jayden. Jason Chaffitz wrote in this piece that means hundreds of thousands of people are flooding into the country illegally, while truck drivers are prohibited from doing their jobs unless they are vaccinated. We seem to have a shortage of truck drivers in this country, not a shortage of illegal immigrants, and yet we're penalizing law abiding Americans. And I would argue that some that are maybe not as concerned as they should be about the border are going to be really angry when they realize that illegals crossing the border don't have to worry about these restrictions that we face. They would be the vast majority of American public would be outraged if they actually knew what was going on. And that's the problem. The only people that know what's going on are the ones that listen to your show, listen to your podcast, listen to Honey Show, watch Fox News and some of the others duced channels. But the vast majority, the vast majority of the American public doesn't have that luxury to hear everything that's going on. But they do expect the White House to be honest with them. They expect the White House to give them the full facts, and they're not so when you look at it, when you look that we are apprehending on the Southwest border every single day five to seven thousand people, and those five to seven thousand people, a majority of them are being released into United States. That means we're releasing a million people per year into United States. They could be carrying not just not just COVID nineteen, but they could be carrying all kinds of diseases that come from third world countries, even developed countries people we apprehend from. We could be releasing people into the United States with all kinds of diseases, including COVID nineteen, the omicron varying, all of the delta varying, all of the different diseases that come in. And this administration is doing nothing to curb that nothing. Why do you think that is because they're pandering to their left to space when you look at when you look at today's politics, especially with the left, they recog if they don't energize their base, if they don't do what their base wants, they're not coming to the polls. The Democrats generally speaking, don't come to the polls, and they know that and So what they're what they're doing is they're trying to tell their base, Look, we're doing what you want us to do, your open borders. We're going to give you the open borders. If we can't get the amnesty through reconciliation, you know what, We'll just do it through policy. We'll just release thousands upon thousands of people into the country, even though they're illegal, even though they're going to do us harm, because it energizes their base, and that's all they care about. See. This is why I think this is such an important story because I actually think, like, I don't disagree with your logic, Brandon, we're talking to Brandon Judd is the president of the National Border Patrol Council and an active member of the United States Border Patrol. But what I think is interesting is is that the people you're the base that you're speaking of. When I think of people that are COVID cautious, I think about the woman I saw yesterday in New York City walking with her dog by herself with a mask on all throughout the street. So I actually think that while we do, as while the Democrat vote do care about immigrants and the plight of immigrants, I also know they're not trying to get anywhere where they think they can catch a case of COVID, regardless of the ethnicity of the person that might be bringing it in their proximity. So do you think there's actually a chance that maybe the political calculus is changing a little bit because of this virus? Well, it is. The political calculus has changed dramatically if you look at the way everything's going today. You know, more and more Democrats continue to say that they do not think that Biden is doing a good job. I mean, the last Maris pol said that, I think it was eighty two percent of Democrats approved. You know that that's down from eighty seven percent. So yes, there are there are democrating you know, Democrats that are coming down off of this Joe Biden high from a year ago, and they're coming down to earth and they're recognizing this guy has done nothing. As far as Paulson, I'm not just talking about illegal immigration. I'm not talking about border security. I'm talking about everything. This guy hasn't done anything that has benefited this Country's done a lot of things that benefit other countries. If he hasn't done anything to benefit this country and We're starting to see that in the polls Independence. He's getting destroyed by Independence, and they are recognizing that he's just not doing a good job. And border security was the first chink in that armor. Border security was where he first the major changes. Day one, he got rid of the micro protection protocols. Day one he changed Title forty two, and we saw the explosion the illegal immigration. So that was the first chink in his armor. But everybody's starting to recognize this guy just does not know how to govern well. This administration keeps telling us to follow the science, which of course we know they're not doing. But I don't know any science, any science that says let millions of people from the developing world into your country without testing them during a pandemic. And Brandon just really briefly before we go to a break, explain to us, this is not just people from Guadabal in Mexico. These are people coming from around the world. This is the United Nations arriving at our doorstep. The United Nations identifies one hundred and ninety five official identifies one hundred and ninety five countries. We are apprehending people from one hundred and fifty one A little more than one hundred and fifty one of those countries, including countries that want to do us a great deal of harm. We just apprehended in Yuma, Arizona, Uzbekistan, Shazekistan, Senegal, Iratia, Saudi Arabia. We're apprehending people from around the globe. This isn't like back in the late nineties, early two thousands. This wasn't ninety people from Mexico. We're apprehending people from around the world. That's how capable these criminal cartels are in exercising our policies against us. This administration is allowing criminal cartels to dictate to us what our operations will be on the border. They are allowing them to go into countries and advertise their services, and they're generating billions of dollars every single year based upon our policy. Well, I guess the last point to make then would be given what you just noted in terms of the United Nations, the universal appeal of people as willingness to cross in this country illegally, and the fact that we're holding United States citizens to standards that we're not holding citizens of the world. Talk about how what could potentially be happening to the actual force of the United States Border Patrol because of the vaccine mandates for federal employees. Some estimates have said that up to sixty percent of members of the Border Patrol could lose their jobs, which I'm willing to bet wouldn't make border patrol enforcement any better. No, Now, we're going to lose an awful lot of agents. We're seeing stories come out all the time. I'm vigorously defending the agents as much as we possibly can, trying to ensure that we keep as many agents as we pass to canby. Yes, we're looking at potentially losing up to thirty five hundred agents out of a workforce of just nineteen thousand. That's an astronomical number. We wouldn't be able to absorb that hit. And that's one of the things that really really chicks me off about Fauci. Fauci says he's not a politician, yet he doesn't give doesn't give truthful answers. He gives political answers instead of telling the truth that these millions of people that are evading apprehension or being released into the United States they could be carrying these viruses. Instead, he says, well, as you know we have tittle forty two in place, tddle forty two. Come on, give me a break. We're releasing millions of people every year. Well, we appreciate you being willing to spread the truth literally to the entire country right now, Brandon. People may not have the luxury of listening to our podcast, although it is free and available at any website where you get your podcast and at the drilldown dot com. You just heard from Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, speaking truth, uncomfortable truth, but truth about the reality on the southern border. We appreciate his time, appreciate your time. It's Eric Egers and Peter Schweitzer hosted the Drilldown podcast in for Shan Handy. We beg back just after this

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