Senator Marshall - February 18th, Hour 3

Published Feb 18, 2022, 11:00 PM

Senator Marshall of Kansas, who is a medical doctor, joins to discuss his legislation to put an end to the pandemic laws and enforcement and the measures that have gone on for far too long.

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That's Lennart Skinners, simple man. And that can only mean one thing on this radio show, and that is all things Bill O'Reilly, all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Um, mister O'Reilly, sir, welcome back, hope you had a good time down south, and welcome to the frozen hell of New York. Well, I'm not that tessimistic about it up here, but I had a great time down How could you? How could you not be anything but tessimistic? It is the highest tax state in the Union. Anybody that was going to rise up Bill, they packed their bags, they sold their house, and they got the hell out of here. And we're the two idiots that stay. Well, I can't I can't object to the last party statement. Um, but I think that folks in New York are going to rise because it's so bad here. But I'm confused today, Hannity, and I need you just traden me out. Are you ready to do that? There's always there's always there's something. A sleight of hand is coming. Go ahead, all right, So I'm watching your show last night on television. Okay, So what I want to know, if you know, is why Haraldo is so upset about the Canadian truckers demonstration. So, I mean, here's a guy who was fairly verbal if I remember correctly, during Vietnam and you know, as many people were, and throughout his career has been the champion of the underdog. Now, certainly the truckers in Canada would be considered the underdog, and it seems to me that they are protesting peacefully. So why the angst on the part of Horaldo, do you know, calling them selfish, calling them thugs, saying that they're self involved, all of which he said, Well, I'm an agreement with your analysis that that's not the Haraldo that I've known over the years, who has a lot of compassion for people. I think that there is with COVID. This is my theory with COVID. There are people that have not kept up with the science. And then of course we have people that use science only when it's convenient science that advances their political narrative. But if you're following the science, you now know it started with delta. It's called a breakthrough case. Fully vaccinated people can still get COVID fully vaccinated and boostered. People are getting COVID fully vaccinated, boostered people and with natural immunity are getting COVID now. Prior to Delta, there was an argument that could be made that the unvaccinated, we're putting themselves at risk by not getting the vaccine. That was the argument. If you got the vaccine, you aren't supposed to get COVID. That's what they said. They sold it and they were wrong as usual. But right now anybody can contract even if you had it before. I know a ton of people that have had it twice Bill, and there's nothing. There's no difference in coming into contact with somebody vaccinated unvaccinated. And here's the thing. Even Washington DC has lifted the mandate restrictions and the mask restrictions, and you see all of these restrictions in an election year are beginning to fall by the wayside because people don't want them. Yeah, I mean, look, there are two sides to the story that if you are vaccinated you might not spread COVID as much as an unvaccinated person. Some scientists back that up with studies. But the theory that you can't demonstrate peacefully, I'm not. I don't know why Harold is objecting to that. Now he can put forth that he thinks everybody should be vaccinated and boost it. That's fine, I'm fine. I don't have a problem with that, all right, But to, as you put it, detegrate the truckers themselves, I'm not getting that. So when I see her, all though, if he's if he's cogent, which is often not the case, I'll ask man that's called. Well, Well, the thing is, you know, the truckers, by the way, what make what has been so impressive? To me? It's been almost like a block party type of atmosphere, the exact opposite of what happened in the summer of twenty twenty, which nobody wants to talk about except a few of us, because we had five hundred and seventy four riots around the country and dozens of dead Americans and thousands of injured cops and billions of property damage, arson and looting. So it's a little frustrating to me because they have handled this the right way. They're petitioning their government in a peaceful way. When they were asked to move the trucks to allow commerce to continue through Detroit, they complied with that. I mean, there were there were a couple of people that I had to be fifty arrests, and there are some arrests going on right now in Ottawa. But all of that is all that ticketing now now. But they're also talking about what these Emergency Powers bill. They're talking about putting these guys in jail one hundred thousand dollars. Fine, yeah, a little taking away their licenses and their rigs and leaving them with no means to make a living. I mean, it's ridiculous that you know why Little Justin's doing that. Little Justin's an authoritarians jackass. Why I wouldn't I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't say that. I mean, maybe I will, but I don't know that I do. But he got pounded so bad for running away. So so the truckers come into Ottawa and Little Justin high tails it for some hideout that nobody knows about. So he looks weak, right, everybody knows he looked weak. So now he's got to come back as one of the village people and sing macho man. That's why he's doing this, Okay, So that's why he's doing it. I mean, maybe he is an authoritarian. I don't know, and I don't care. I don't care. What the Canadians do. It's not going to happen in the US because, as I predicted accurately, COVID's on the decline could come back. Everybody should, you know, be very cautious still, but all this stuff is gonna, I hope dissipate now for good and so we can get back. We have a subvariant out there, and it's it looks like it's taking hold in other parts of the world, which would be an indicator it might take hold here. That's the subvariant of AMARCROM. But go ahead, no, and I mean, look, once we get back to normal, then we can turn our attention to what a horrific display is going on in Washington, DC. And well, before you make that pivot, I have something else I want to ask you, and I really want to get your take on this. All right, you see what's happening. You saw the filing background information filing in the Susman case by John Durham. Ye, and you've fred it, and then you've probably read Susman's lawyer's response, a six page per response they put out late yesterday. Yep. My question is now the media is getting all up in arms by saying they're spying. Well, the reality is, I don't care. If I understand they weren't looking at the servers, but they were looking at the traffic. There's no question what happened. There's no question what happened. Joke, This is such a farce. So let's just put aside any theories here, all right. I don't like to do that. I'm not a speculative guy. I'm a fact based guy. So you've got the Justice Department, in the form of John Durham, putting out to the American people there was a company run by a guy named Joffey Rodney Joffey that had access to the highest levels of the American government and what was going on on the internet. And we believe Durham the Justice Department, Remember he's talking for the Justice Department. We believe the Joffey either sold or gave information to the Clinton campaign. That's the story. Okay, that's it. The document says that number one. Look, I'm just trying to help you down so everyone understands it, all right, simple man, But you're missing an important point, all right, Go tell me what the important point. So the document talks about the defendant's billing records that he got paid regularly repeatedly by the Clinton campaign. The the defendant had assembled and conveyed allegations about Donald Trump to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive and a US based internet company and the Clinton campaign, and that this information was exploited. It wasn't infiltrated. The New York Times is right by saying anyone, it was cash Patel who used that word and it got repeated, but were exploited for internet data mind at a particular healthcare provider. Trump Tower Donald Trump's Central Park West apart, I've been building any executive office of the president. So what is Okay, that's the accusation. That is the allegation, and it has to be proved, okay, But the essential plot doesn't have to be proved, because that's what Durham is seeing that there were guys in there and they were spying on Trump, trying to get dirt linking him to Rush. Nobody's refuted that, by the way, no one. So that's where you start. Then all the other allegations up to Durham to prove them all. Right, So you would think that journalistic entities. Media would be fascinated by this because of its parallels to Watergate. So the Washington Post's motto is democracy dies in darkness. Washington Post doesn't want to know anything about it. In fact, the only article they put out was trying to debunk it. The whole thing, all right, None of the networks, ABCNBCCBS, none of them have covered it up to this point. Today we're Wednesday. This came out Friday. Here's the worst part. Build it. Let me tell you where it's worse. And you know I spent three years unpeeling every layer of the onion as it relates to the Russia Gate conspiracy theory hoax. And we know this is factual now It's overwhelming and controvertible. Hillary Clinton paid for a Russian disinformation dossier that has been totally completely debunked. They were warned before the first FIS application that it's not verified. At the top of a Fieser warrant, it says verified, it wasn't it never was, And they did it four times. They spied on a candidate, a transition team, and a president. That is separate and apart from this whole Sussman case. And that's the point I'm trying to make that it's not nobody is refuting that, but you just hid Hillary Clinton paid. Now they're going to arest that by saying, well, hurt campaign paid, so they can didn't know what Podesta was doing. John Podesta was ahead of the campaign. Again, due process is important here, and so is language. No. I believe in due process and the presumption of innocence, and I said that yesterday in the case assessment. But what the allegation of Durham said is the defendant assembled conveyed allegations about Trump to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients. Now he's being charged with lying to the FBI and he didn't tell him. This part is what I'm understanding, including a technology executive at a US based internet company and the Clinton campaign. So you're right, they'll say it's the campaign. Right, they'll say answer campaign. But look, let's let that all play out. But the horrible scandal, and another scandal in the corporate media is they're not interested in knowing in sality. They don't want to find out. They want to either hunter Biden the story they have totally they have, or they want to try to diminish it in hahaha, in their smug way saying there's nothing here. This is all bs and paranoia on the part of the far right. So when, you know, when are the folks going to rise up against the corrupt corporate media. Now the audience and readers are receding, and they're receding, you know, in big Condross Bill, you know what numbers used to be, Like, I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you why they're not going to touch it. If number one is politics, pure and simple, it's raw politics. Number two they are complicit bills, Yeah, because then look bad. They for three years pedaled lies, mistruths, conspiracy theories, and they aided in embedding story, weren't they. They were really interested in the speculative story that they out to be bogus every single freaking day. How about this story, Hannity was right the whole time? How about that story? Is that? Am I ever going to get that headline? Bill? No, No one likes you, so no one is going to do that, including you. I hear my friend, all right? More with simple man, Bill, O'Reilly than your calls eight hundred nine for one Sean as we continue uncovering evil and defending the truth. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. I'm more with Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. I need a minute at the end of this too, I call you about the Trump streaming thing. You only have a minute, Go okay, Bill O'Reilly dot com. Beginning Tomorrow night, eight pm Eastern, we are going to stream the highlights of the Trump O'Reilly History Tour, the fabulously successful tour that we did in December. We put it together. If you're a member of Bill O'Reilly dot com you get it free, if not nominal fee. We do have some production costs here and that will go throughout the President's Day weekend till Monday midnight. So you will see a totally different side of Donald Trump. And you should watch this sanity. No I will. I wanted to go to it. I wasn't able to. You know, I come up last minute, guy, you won't. I don't know if you'll even recognize the man. But I want to say one thing. Everybody lied. And I saw all these phony press articles that I'm no but Bill, I saw them. I saw the pictures. I mean the places, and I saw the Texas pictures. They were packed. So last week the Washington Post actually tells the truth about successful the history tour was, and they got the numbers wrong. They underplayed the numbers about how much money President Trump made. But no one picked it up, and that's unheard of for the Washington Post goes out on a wire. I just read it, and then you know, I'm so used to fake news that I just kind of brushed it away. But it was fair to you anyway, sir. We appreciate it all. Looking forward to your next book. By the way, it's going to be the latest in his killing series, and you want to give the title out or weight Killing the Killers the Secret War against Terrorists. Hannity has his copy. It hasn't arrived yet. You told me it was coming out. You're getting your mail screened, but it will be. You'll have it. And all right, everybody watch the stream on Bill O'Reilly dot com at Trump you love it, Thanks for having me, and all right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, gladual with US eight hundred and nine one Sean if you want to be a part of the program, So we have this scandal, this tidbits of information from John Durham, and it's it's pretty blockbuster, though there's a big collective yawn from a media that lacks all curiosity if it's anything that's not Trump related. I mean, it's really sick. We are now discovering spied on Donald Trump the candidate and Donald Trump the president. And they tried to set this up as as an orchestrated effort to create an impression that in fact, Donald Trump was somehow that they hire this tech firm, they pay this lawyer, he hires a tech firm to infiltrate the servers a Trump Tower and the Trump White House. And people say, well, there's no indication they did anything nefarious. Why would they have any spine going on? That's called spying, infiltrating his spine while we're only looking for IP addresses, Okay, And why should we believe you, especially knowing what we know now about Dorham, especially what we know with the Dorham Susman information that he put out on Friday, Why wouldn't we think the worst If the idea is to create an image, to infiltrate and create a narrative that Donald Trump is connected to Russia when he's not. That is completely consistent. Well, what we already knew about Hillary's dirty Russian dossier, all again to distract from her own email scandal and bleach pit and hammers and removing simcards, all things that we on this program talked about at length. Now, The Daily Mail caught up with Hillary Clinton earlier today and asked tried to ask her a question she won't answer. Listen, Hillary, Laura Collins, Daily Mail, did you pay to spin in the Trump campaign? What are you going to comment on the spying allegations? Hillary? Did you pay for the having spied on well kree? Jean Pierre Phillim for Jensaki, Deputy White House Press Secretary, was asked about this very question on the Durham probe, and of course you know crickets. Listen on the second topic, just got the German investigation. Does the person have any concerns about cadet for president that even computers to infiltrate computer systems or computing candidates or even the president elect to you for the goal of creating an ARAN Is that something, bitch? That's something I can't speak to from this podium. So I refer you to the Department of Justice. What would des ride in that report monitoring Internet traffic? Is that spy? Again, I can't speak to that report if I refer you to the Department of Justice, generally speaking, that monitoring Internet traffect to change, I refer you to Department of Justice. I can't speak to that from here. Oh okay, I can't speak to that from here. Curtis is in the great state of Arizona. When Mark Bernovich is uh, are you going to vote for Bernovitch? Oh? Yeah, all the way, Mark Bernovitch. We need some solid support in Arizona at that level. For sure. He's strong, he's tough, gets things done, he's He's constantly taken on Biden his administration for its lawlessness, and I give him a lot of credit for that. And he's a solid conservative. Anyway, what's on your mind? Glad you called Cardisson? Hey, thanks Sehn for having me. Um. The reason I was calling is I wanted to chime in on Ron Johnson's what he refers to as the COVID cartel. Um. My wife, Kammy, a fifty nine year old healthy, no drug, no tobacco, no alcohol, athletic, loving mother, incredible. Grandmother passed away on the twentieth of this year, and the way we were treated at the local hospital was completion. When did you pass away this past month, the twentieth of January. I'm calling you to say that people in the America need to know that they need a plan. We're we're adults, middle upper middle class. We have insurance. We do just fine. We didn't choose to We were not anti vax, we were healthy, We had had COVID, so we felt like, based on the news reports that Onmicron and all that stuff was a pretty light deal that it wasn't going to affect us. We bumped into Omicron over the Christmas holiday four or five days later. We were both doing well because we didn't have a primary physician. About ten days into January or five days into January, as she was struggling, we went to the emergency room. They did a COVID test in the emergency room. The emergency room nurse told us it was negative, but they were going to get us a room for her pneumonia because they wanted to treat her pneumonia. They took us to the COVID floor and all held broke loose They completely isolated us from me from her security, had to have me removed because I just simply wanted answers to questions about her treatment. They wouldn't give it to us. They said I was combative. I had to fight to get back in only an hour a day. Can you be with one of these people? She was scared, but she needed treatment. They intubated her three days later as a proactive approach to help her loans. This is so out of control. They had fourteen days with her, twenty different nurses rotating sean not one hardly nurse that was regular. They were from Germany, India, Spain, Nigeria. Not that those are bad people or anything, but none of us. When I asked, can you tell me what's going on with my wife? They would say, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about I'm a rotating nurse. There were no doctors that could support us. We told them we didn't want the remdiss of your treatment because we didn't have any good evidence that it was supporting anything. I don't know what she's been giving. We've I've contacted a forensic autopsy people, I've got toxicology programs in place right now to try and uncover what happened to her. But Americans need a plan. They will take power of attorney medically from you. They will isolate you. This cartel of media, government and big pharma are not taking care of Americans the way they should be. And my wife would be alive today, I believe if she had the leverage in the wherewithal to be able to have the treatment that some of the most elite people get. When we asked for monoclone Lano Bodisan, they told us the government had rationed them on this January third. We were there on January sixth. They said she doesn't qualify, they wouldn't give them to her. Yet five floors below they said she in the hospital, that she had a negative test, but all of a sudden they were trying to treat her as if she had COVID. I've never gotten a positive COVID test from that place yet, never This is a scandal beyond again. Ron Johnson is the only Senator right now doing anything about this to help bring awareness to this COVID cartel that is taking the lives of good human beings. She was a loving human being with no ailments, No she was healthy, athletic, sexy, beautiful woman, and today she's not here. Because of that, I want Americans to know and you have a platform to be able to help get this out. No, I thank you forgiving me a few minutes to say that what was your wife's name? Her name was Tammy. Okay, let me let me. Let me just say my heart breaks for you. I hear the pain in your voice. Well I had it. I understand I've lost loved ones and what you were saying is happening all over the country, and that is that we have therapeutics. And by the way, you got this at exactly the wrong time. In this sense, up to just before Christmas, there was no problem that I ever had directing people that would you know, people would call the show and because they know I talk about it regularly. What's that thing, Hannity says to do, ask you doctor about what? And monoclonal antibodies for delta. The best monoclonals were Regenera and Eli lily um for amicron, which is probably what your your the variant that your wife had at that time. Once Christmas came, we ran out of tests. Once Christmas came, we ran out of monoclonal antibodies. They then then they said, well, Regenera on Eli Lily are not the best, do not work the best on omicron, but GSK satrova MAB is the best monoclonal aunt of body. They weren't ready. Biden even said the words we had we didn't see this coming. She said that why after delta he didn't know of another variants coming is inexplicable. They didn't have the anti virals that these people talk about. And what you are describing is so familiar to me. It is why I have taken I have made a decision to spend a lot of time air time on this show to make sure everyone in this audience, at least because nobody else really it talks about it, understands that they need that plan. I hope everybody hears the pain in Curtis's voice because he lost his beautiful wife, Tammy. And the plan has got to be what are you going to do if you test positive? That's what the question is. The answer is, You're immediately going to call your doctor and you're going to ask your doctor important smart questions based on knowledge and based on science. And the first question is okay, I know that they tell us amicron is not as lethal as as some of the other variants, which is true, but we lost over half a million people worldwide to omicron, so you know what's it's far from your average little virus here it is. It has become a serious killer. We have yet to determine what the super version, this new variant of omicron is going to do. We know it's more contagious than the previous one, which was the most contagious to date. And the first question people that need to ask the doctors is if they qualify for monoclonal antibodies, then you're going to have to begin a search to find them. That's why it's better to talk to your doctor before you get a positive test. And I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I will tell you what's happening around the country. And I'm speaking through you because we're losing way too many tammis in this world that we can save. Everybody I know that gets monoclonal antibodies, vaccinated breakthrough cases, fully vaccinated, people with boosters, with natural immunity, they're all getting it. In your case of Boat, you guys both had it previously. I know more people that have had it twice now than I can shake a stick at. So but the problem is, they say, Okay, go home and check your oxygen levels, take your temperature. If you get a fever, take two tile at all. If your oxygen drops to ninety or below, you better get to an emergency room. Now, that's going to happen on either usually day seven, maybe sometimes day six, but usually day seven, and then day eight and nine. It's going to happen in that you know, six to ten day being infected with COVID area. By the time you your oxygen goes to ninety or at ninety seven the whole week, Then it goes to ninety, then it's eighty eight, then it's eighty four, then it's two, and then you might you know, if it's really bad, you're going to head down to the seventies and sixties and even worse. And the problem is is now you're the damage is done. This is why I support proactive medicine. There's not a single person and I know this doesn't comfort you, Curtis, but but this discussion and people hearing about your loss, you know, might alert people to the seriousness of being proactive with your doctor. Now that everybody vaccinated boostered natural immunity are all getting it as well as unvaccinated people, you've got to have a plan, and you have to have a plan in the hospitals aren't going to Those guys are under the policies and protocols. They operate based on procedures and insurance codes. They don't know the name of the person that they're actually treating. There a houseplant. Half the time in that room, isolated in the dark, and only get one hour visitation. And when you come, the doctors are never able the drugs that you want to talk to them about. They won't explain what they do or how they do them. They just say that it's what's called for for the protocol. The nurses flat out, as much as they're good people and kind and loving and want to serve, they say that I can only feel orders. I don't know what's going on. Well, I know of nurses that are whispering in patient's ears and whispering to their spouses what to do. They're telling them because they know what works, because they're dealing with this crap every day, and you got to get a handle on it. Upfront, because the cartel is Senator Johnson says, these guys control the media, the misinformation upfront. This is, you know, easy to deal with them. These are unnecessar Listen, and I'm not saying I know everything about your wife's case, but there are needless deaths occurring, and we're not one. We are not serving people medically the way they deserve to be treated. I mean, you can't believe, you know, all of a sudden, people are getting nowhere. I said, Hi, this is Sean Hannity from Fox News. Can I talk to doctor so and so? And then all of a sudden, now now that the alarm bells start going off in their head that they're gonna get bad pressed, so they'll take my call. It shouldn't take somebody that is in the news business. And I'm not calling in in my professional capacity. I'm calling to help a friend, a relative, a stranger, a friend of a friend, a friend of a friend's grandmother. I mean, and then I say, what's the name of your administrator? And I asked those questions and then all of a sudden, they usually find the monoclonal antibodies that they are rationing. It is beyond nauseating to me. Everybody should be treated with the same dignity, regardless of any status in life. It's just, it's it's insane. I really pray for you. I'm so sorry about your loss. Um Well, thank you for letting me talk about it. I don't know. I don't know what to say, except that it's happening way too often, and you're I can hear your heart is broken. I'm praying for you and your family and that God will somehow he'll let this hole in your heart and we're praying for you. Daily heat seeking missile of information that you won't get anywhere else on Nah, all right, Hannity Tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Devin Newness, John Solomon, Greg Jarrett, and they helped us break this all down the first time, and we'll bring you the very latest on allegations of spying on President Trump, although writes previous Mike Huckabee, Joe Conscha, Pambandi, news you'll never get from the media mob. Tonight ninetiestern say you DVR on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.

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