Senator Graham on Debt Ceiling Fight - December 2nd, Hour 3

Published Dec 2, 2021, 11:00 PM

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who is a ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, is here to talk about the debt ceiling, the democrats and feckless Mitch McConnell.

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All right, news, round up, information, overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, all right. So, if the Democrats have their way, they would try to get Mitch McConnell once again to buckle on raising the debt ceiling. Conflicting reports, whether he will aid or help or support, whether he will slow down the process as people like Senator Mike Lee would have them him do. Then questions about build back better, new Green Deal socialism. I gave you all the numbers from Penn and Wharton and other places yesterday. The real cost of the bill when you don't use accounting tricks is more that one point seven five trillion is really four point five four point eight trillion. And yet again nobody's calling him out, calling out the real numbers we are. That's why Democrats always claim the CBO is the gold standard. It's not so much anymore. They don't even want the bills scored. Let me play for you, Mitch McConnell. Now again he's at the last time in September, before September for two months that he wouldn't help Schumer raise the debt ceiling, but he did. Here's what he said this time. I don't think shutting down the government over this issue is going to get an outcome. It would only create chaos and uncertainty. So I don't think that's the best vehicle to get this job done. I think the courts are likely to get it done or will pass early next week freestanding a measure to overturn the government mandate. Just to put a fine point, you're saying you can avert a shutdown or not, sir, Yeah, we're not going to shut the government down. That makes no sense for anyone. Almost no one on either side thinks that's a good idea. Okay, So that's what he says. Lindsey Graham talked about the actual cost of build back Better. A lot of the information we passed on to you yesterday, at least somebody in Washington is caught up with it. And here's Lindsey Graham percent home. If these programs don't go away, which they never do, then debt that we absorbed through passing Billback Better will be two six to seven to eight. And the actual cost of the bill is, in your view, about four point eight and in your view, over for tree and right, yeah, about four and a half. Okay. So the truth of the matter here is, and see if I've got this right, if you look at these programs over a ten year period, not three, not two, not one, you come up with a deficit of about two seven two point seven three? And is that right? Is that right for you? So what I want the American people to know that the bill that's written is not the bill you're going to pay for. The bill you're going to pay for is going to be almost ten times larger than the numbers we're dealing with here today. Because the game we play here in Washington, you are asked at Wharton to assume these programs don't go away, and you came up with almost the same number you came up with in terms of adding to the death set. Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina joins us, Now, how are you, sir? Well? I am good, and I appreciate you're the only guy in the whole frigging country talking about this. So let me tell you why it's important, Sean, and thank you for giving me the time to talk about it. Billback Better was scored by the Congressional Budget Office and their score said it cost one point six three five tree and and it would add three hundred and sixty seven billion dollars to the deficit. Well, that assumes that the child tax credit will expire after a year. They wrote the bill so the child tax credit would expire after one year, the earned income tax credit would expire after one year. Seventeen different new programs would expire between one and five years. What the truth of the matter is, I'll be in the NBA before these programs expire. President Ragan said, the closest thing to immortality on earth is a government program. So the whole damn bill is a fraud. It is a budget gimmick. So here's what happen. Wharton Business School and a bipartisan budget group looked at the bill as if the programs didn't expire. They went on for ten years, and they found that the true cost of the bill is not one point six three five treon, is four point seven tree in over ten years, it doesn't add three hundred and sixty seven being to the death sit If these programs expire, which they will, it adds two point eight trion. So I've got a commitment from the CBO the goal standard to do exactly what Wharton and the Bipartisan Group did score the bill as if the programs do not expire, which they want, and that will come out a week from this Friday. It will be a game changer. And I want the American people who know this whole damn thing is a fraud. It's a lie that the true cost of this bill is well over four and a half threion dollars and the effect on the death sit is two point seven to two point eight Tree and not three hundred and sixty seven Ben, and I hope Joe Mansion and others will use this if the CBO comes out with these numbers as a way to stop this train. There's now a lot of talk and I got a text message from Senator Mike Lee last night, and Mitch McConnell, while he might not do what he did in September, and that is vote for the extension of the in other words, not have the government shut down of the debt ceiling, etc. He would just get out of the way and not use every procedural tool available to him to make it very very hard for the Democrats to do it. And the argument being well there's a lot of work to do before Christmas. Well, that's not really the American people's fault. And I think considering that Republicans have been shut out of the budget process completely, they have no input at all. That Democrats have both the House and the Senate, and they have the White House, they don't need a single Republican to help them. Why would we not use every tool available to us to slow them down and stop it and not give them more time to work out the obvious differences that clearly exist between say, mansion and cinema and the progressive squad that runs the House. Yeah, so I think the point the point here is that the Democrats have spent all this money by themselves, right right, All of these bills are the new round of spending has come from Democratic only reconciliation process. So here's what might lead lends the Graham and every other Republican believes you did the spending by yourself. You need to raise the debt limit by yourself. So I'll make a prediction. I didn't say this last time, but I'm gonna say it this time. And we screwed up last time. Now one Republican and you said it at the time. You were one of a few. But you said it. Yeah, I said, I'm sorry. We screwed up. We made it come you didn't. By the way, you didn't. You were not a part of that screw No, I was not. But we had ten of my colleagues that found themselves in a bad spot. Well, we're not going to do that again. We're not going to provide aid in comfort to the Democrats to provide votes to a the debt selling. They're going to have to do it by themselves through reconciliation. One thing you can do is shorten the period of time, but they have to vote to raise the debt selling without a Republican vote. That's important to me because they're doing all the spending them by themselves. They can bear the burden of the debt by themselves. But most importantly, they've got to put a number down. The benefit of doing this way, making them do it by themselves is they deserve to do it by themselves. But having put the number down will tell the American people the true cost of these bills, and the number they're gonna have to put down is going to change. Because I, as ranking member of the Budget Committee, as the senior Republican on the Budget Committee. I've been at war with CBO. Why can't you do what Wharton and the bipartisan group did. Why can't you score this bill based on reality? These programs are not going to sunset. They're going to stay in being, and not one Democrat wants them to sunset. This is a gimmick. The lord the cost of the bill, Well, once you remove these gimmicks, the amount of money we're going to spend is going to be well over four and af tree and not one point six. And the amount of debt incurring is going to be two point seven two point eight three and not three hundred and sixty seven being. So they'll have to put that down when they're raised the debt selling. It's important that Republicans make the CBO give us a true cost of this bill in terms of bill said, you're confident they will. I am. And the CBO is a nonpartisan group. I'm you know, they're the goal standard. I've had a hard time getting them to do what these other groups have done, but they told me they will give me a product, give me an answer to my questions by a week from this roday, and what did I ask them to do assume for a moment that the sunsets goal away, that they will these programs won't be sunset, they'll stay around for ten years. And once you make that assumption, you're going to blow a hole in the depthsit and you're going to have two and a half times more cost than they're telling the public. So the whole bill has written as a fraud. The gimmicks lord the cost, and we're going to do away with the gimmicks, and that affects the debt. Selling one thing affects the other. Is very important that not one Republican vote to raise the debt set. It's very important that Democrats do it by themselves and they put down a number. And it's equally important that we tell the American people the truth about the cost to build back better. You know, before Donald Trump, I used to always say that Americans always get the tax increase immediately, and whatever spending cuts or promise never come to fruition. You always get the amnesty, but you never get the border security that's supposed to come with it. So I think we have a lot of reasons to distrust Republicans. Where do you see the state of build back better, New Green Deal. Marxism really is what it is. I mean when you talk to your colleagues. You talked to I assume to Joe Mansion and Kristen sent him out. Maybe I'm wrong, but I would assume you do. Oh, I'm well, I talked to him. I talked to him today. So Joe Mansion, to his credit, has been very reluctant to sign on to this bill because he thinks he thinks is full of gimmicks. He has said the CBO is the goal standard. So I've been able to get a commitment from the Congressional Budget Office to score the bill without the gimmicks. And a week from this Friday, I'll be on your show. Okay. So he knows what you're doing. You've discussed it with him and he appreciates it. Okay. And does that mean that he's likely to say no, I'm telling you, Sean, given what Joe Manchin has said, he's been so consistent that he doesn't want to play games with the budget. He doesn't want to start a program playing like it's going to end when it walked. He right? What about Kristen Cinema, I don't know I haven't talked to her as much. She's been great on making sure we don't raise capital games rate. She's been very good at making sure the Democrats don't repeal the entire twenty seventeen tax cut that Trump put in place. She's been good on taxes. But Joe has been really worried about the death sit. He's been worried about creating more inflation. And one thing I can tell you that the cost of this bill is two and a half times greater than they're saying it is, and the effect on the debt is ten times. Right because it's fifty fifty in the Senate, I got to ask another question, which I would prefer never to have to ask. Do you see the likes of Lisa Murkowski or Mitt Romney or Ben sass or anybody else going with the Democrats on this? And I don't say that lightly. I've talked to all of my colleagues. Every Republican believes that Build back Better is inflationary. They believe it's full of budget gimmicks, and we will oppose it. Some of us work with Democrats on an infrastructure bill that I thought made sense, that this one makes no sense. This bill is full of gimmicks. It will blow a hole in the it will add tree insto the deaths at not three hundred and sixties seven being and we're going to prove that a week from Friday. So not one Republican will vote for bilback Better, Build back Better has written as a lias, a fraud, and I'm hoping Senator mentioned when he gets the goal standard report will act accordingly because the truth of the matter is that we're going to add to inflation in time. We need less inflation. We should quit barn all this money. We should pay for some things, and Lord, the cost of living in America. Frank, We'll come back. We'll continue eight hundred nine four one Shawn our number more at Senator Lindsey Graham, then your calls. Final half hour. We continue with South Carolina. Senator Lindsey Graham, your calls coming up at the bottom of this half hour. Let's talk about every single crisis where crises were now facing. We still have Americans abandoned behind enemy lines. It's now one hundred and ten days later and one hundred and twenty three days since Biden made the promise not to abandon them, and thousands of green card holders. Never mind our Afghan allies that are dying every day and getting pulled out of their homes and murdered in broad daylight, and women losing their rights in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. But all of this was preventable. That was easily preventable, the border disaster easily preventable. We have more people dead from COVID, even though in this year than last year, even though Joe had three vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, which he's only mentioned once and only fairly recently. Then we have, of course, the high cost of energy as he moved away from energy independence and keeps begging the likes of OPEC and Russia of all people, to increase their production. What difference does it make into Planet Earth where the oil is it comes from? That if it comes from Russia, to the Middle East, to saud Saudi Arabia or the US, we don't need any of their energy. We have enough of our own. Why wouldn't we be energy independent? That would do moreph to help the economy, reduce inflation, reduce the cost of every good that we now buy in service we now get from everybody it's killing the poor in the middle class in this country. Well, I mean, you gave a good overview of while we all miss Trump, you know, President Trump could be a handful. I think both of us have head in experience for President Trump. We're sometimes we disagree, but on the policy front, the gun was magic. So what accounts for all this? Joe Biden doesn't understand the way the world works. He doesn't understand that if you kill energy independence in America, you're empowering people with the oil and gas that are bad guys. So we're shifting money from America to overseas to buy the product that will be burned. That's stupid. He doesn't understand what the generals were trying to tell him. If you withdraw all of our forces from Afghanistan to where you're talking about, the place will collapse. He learned not one damn thing from Iraq. He pushed for a withdrawal from Iraq. That led to isis when it comes to the border. His policies are enticing people to come. We have a run on our border because nobody leaves once they get here. The bottom line is if he had went on vacation and President Trump said this last night. If Joe Biden he'd went to the beach and never came to Washington and left everything in place, he'd be a far better president than he is today. He doesn't know what he's doing. They have a worldview that's inconsistent with the reality when it comes to energy, and they're about to give the biggest gift in the world to the Aetola hundreds of billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars to negotiate a bad deal. Israel can't afford a bad deal when it comes to the Iranian nucle program. I've never been more worried about a terrorist deck on the homeland and am right now becaust The combination of charis running while in Afghanistan in a broken border is going to come back to haunt us. I couldn't agree anymore. And I think we're one of only a few people that ever mentioned by Mike Pompeo, to his credit does his vote. By the way, SODA's former president of Trump, Lindsey Graham South Carolina, appreciate you being with us. Thank you, sir eight nine one, shun our number. You want to be a part of the program. We'll get to your calls. We have a quick report from our friend Jay Christian Adams coming up, quick break right back, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean. You want to be a part of the program. You know I've been saying it, I'm gonna say it again that this country we need election integrity in every state, not just swing states, but every state. And it's simple, This is not complicated. That would be voter ID laws like they haven't Joe State at Delaware. You need an ID to get into see a congressman or woman, or a senator, or even Joe Biden himself or the Democratic National Convention. Hell, you need a vaccination card to eat eat at a restaurant in New York. For crying out loud, thank goodness for Uber Eats. But long story short, that you need ID for everything. You want to buy jewel pot or a six pack of beer, you need ID. So simple integrity measures should be adopted by every state. And if we want elections that we can have confidence in, every state needs to adopt them. And why does this reluctance and resistance that Democrats only tells me they're up to no good. For example, voter ID signature verification, chain of custody controls when people mail in ballots. Also, it would include updated voter rolls every election to make sure that they're accurate. And then most states have laws that allow partisan observers to watch the vote count up close from start to finish, and they have to be there for the counting of every ballot to make sure no shenanigans go on. I would add to that Republicans, they've they've had this reluctance and resistance to early voting, and reluctance and resistance to mail and voting. You better get over it because that's now. It doesn't seem like that's going to change anytime soon. And if we want to win elections, we've got to play on the same you know field as the Democrats are playing hunt anyway. Christian Adams is the president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation. I saw this article on foxnews dot com. He's going to give us a quick update that we'll get to your calls. How Michigan still has more than twenty five thousand dead people on the voter roles, according to their lawsuit. Okay, Jay, Christian Adams. You have this lawsuit. Apparently the Secretary of State had ignored warnings about this. Have you confirmed for sure twenty five thousand dead people? In fact, Sean, we've even found some of their gravestones, like Helen Gulvazan who died in two thousand. Over you're not gonna believe that. It's almost four thousand of these registans have been dead for two decades. They've been by the way, have any of them voted in recent elections? There's always some who vote. Are they going to make the difference? Not often, but they still vote. And that's the problem is you just can't have twenty six thousand dead people and the act of voter rolls for twenty years. I mean, it's crazy. So you have of the twenty three thousand, six hundred sixty three people registered have been dead for five years or more, seventeen thousand, four hundred seventy nine registered voters have been dead at least ten years, and nearly four thousand have been dead for at least twenty years. Okay, and you're saying that you have found examples of people that are dead that quote have voted past their death. That's an amazing thing. By the way, I would call that miraculous. Well, here's the worst part about it. Jocelyn Benson, the Michigan Secretary of State, a sorrow selected secretary of state, knew about this before the election. Our lawyers went to Lansing multiple times, gave the names, gave the data to the secretary of state, and they didn't care at all. They allow the twenty twenty election to happen with all of these tens of thousands of dead registrants on the rolls. It's pretty unbelievable. Now, is this going to get solved? I guess your lawsuit will determine if the issue gets solved, right, and you file this lawsuit right, We've we've suited states around the country. Other states have settled with us, like Pennsylvania cleaned up their deads. Let's see what Michigan does. Are they going to be strident? Are they going to be defensive? Are they gonna fix the problem? They have choices now and we'll see what they do. Anyway, keep us on the loop. I want to follow this story. It's on foxnews dot com if you want to read it. We appreciate your hard work. Jay Christian Adams, President of the Public Interests Legal Foundation. Unbelievable eight hundred and nine four one Shaunas number. This is why I keep saying, well, people say, well, what can I do? Contact your local senator, your governor, and your state legislature and tell them to adopt election integrity measures. You know, this is the irony of the DOJ going after Georgia more accessible voting laws than Delaware, or going after Texas more accessible voting laws than Delaware. Why doesn't he go after Delaware? They don't have any early in person voting days seventeen days in Georgia. They don't have any drop boxes either, and they're in every precinct in Georgia. Joe has some of the most restrictive laws and he's never lifted a finger to make voting more accessible in Delaware. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. Let's say hi to Glennis in Missouri. Hey, Glenn, how are you glad you called? Thank you for taking my call. Sean. I called today to say thank you for being a person who cares about people and reports truth, specifically as it pertains to monacaloon a lantibodies. I've had three people that are close to me in my life that came down with COVID. I knew about mona cloonlantibodies because of what I've learned on your show, and it saved their lives. And I called to say thank you for reporting the truth. Listen. It's sad to me because and I will tell you, because people know that I talk about this. It's almost every day that somebody calls me, what's that thing you talk about on the radio and TV? And I understand, you know, everybody's got busy lives. Some of my friends, you know, mock me. I'll say, did you hear this? Did you hear that our lives don't run revolve around your show, Hannity? You know? And I'm all right, I get it. But the point is is that people are hearing it, but then they forget monoclonal antibodies is not, you know, top of mind for most people. I even know a prominent politician that got a breakthrough case and I asked, you're going to get the infusion and they say, yeah, what is that again? And I'm like, oh my gosh. And I try to say it now. Look, I'm not telling people what to do. I'm not playing doctors, you know my whole spiel. But I am saying, if you get a positive test, what I have found, without a single exception, the people they get monoclonal antibodies immediately after they get a positive COVID test. They not every case between forty eight no longer than seventy two hours. They feel like new people and to you know, but ask your doctor. That's my recommendation. I'm glad you're you know what's up. My pastor's mom is seventy five years old. She already had pneumonia. She was several days into this. They got her to the hospital they call it. Asked me, what's that thing that you're talking about, regeneron monoclone aibodies. Ask them for it, you need it. It turned her around in twenty four hours. She's at home today recovering because of this information. Well, you know, thank god, it sounds like you just got her in time. I know people, Yeah, I'm vaccinated seventy four. Another person sixty eight years old, they get a positive COVID test in forty eight hours of both feeling great. I know people that I've had breakthrough cases. One of my best friends feels better are the best ten days of his life. Sends his family down to Florida and every day's catching forty pounds stripe bass and sending me pictures saying, oh, wish you were here. I'm like, all right, you jackass. I'm glad I helped get you the monoclonal of the regenera on in his case. But he did it in good fun. But I just don't listen. I'm just trying to pass on information. And the one consistent treatment therapeutic that I know is working when taken early is our monoclonal antibodies. And because I think this whole vacs and don't vacs debate is over. So now what happens if you get a positive COVID test? By the way, I would urge everybody to you know, it's the time of year people are gonna get colds and whatnot, and you're gonna start immediately panicking thinking you might have COVID. The Abbot test has caught at least three people I know. You know, they take the home test and they would get it confirmed in a lab. But it's like effective and you can have it at your home. If you're beginning to worry, you're not feeling well, you have a dry call, or you have a cold, and maybe it's just a cold or a call for seasonal allergies or whatever. But at least you have the test at home, and you get it at your local you know, CVS, right Aid, Walgreen's, whatever. Anyway, I'm glad your friends are okay, Glenn, I really am, And I'm glad you listened so that they could ask their doctor. But if you get a positive test, call your doctor immediately ask about monoclonal antibodies, one brand name, Regeneron, and and then you know, if you for me, that's what I would do. That's all I'm gonna say. I try not to talk about myself and all of this. It's very important that you be as knowledgeable as possible. I've seen the worst of this, Linda. You know people that I know that died. You know people that I care about that died. You know people that I know that barely made it off a respirator. You know people I know that died on respirators. And I just got caught in the middle of this. And because I cover it, people come to me and it's it's actually my pleasure. I'll spend as much time as needed, you know, just I think that what's up. I think it's really sad for you though, because unfortunately, you know a lot of these people didn't have to end up in those situations. You know, they got misinformation. Now we know, like respirators, ventilators, you know, going to the hospital, it's not the right way. It's like, you need to deal with it as soon as you find out, you need to start doing all of the different you know, the cocktail effects that we've talked about so many times on the show. And if they had called you a little sooner, we know there's people's lives that you know, you could have saved. There are a couple that really kill crush me because I wasn't brought in early exactly, and by the time it's very interesting. Usually when that COVID pneumonia or what do they call that, the oh, the cytokine, Yeah, the cytokine storm as they call it, that goes inside your lungs once you for example, you could be home and maybe I'm feeling great, and you know, it's having a little trouble breathing, but your saturation rate is you know, ninety six and you're doing okay. Oxygen wise, it can go from ninety six to seventy in no time. The problem is if it's stay seven, eight, nine, ten, and when it usually happens, by the time you get your ass to the hospital, the damage is done. There's not much they can do now. I know of instances where they have where these therapeutics have reversed it. But your odds are much lower. Acting immediately increases your odds dramatically. That's what I have seen. I'm not a doctor. Talk to your doctor. I always say, do your research, take it seriously, take into account your unique medical history, current condition. Talk to your doctor, doctors, medical professionals you trust. You know. Unfortunately, I feel I might know as much at this point as they do because I talk to them constantly. It's a never ending education. Here. Anyway, back to our phones. That's good. I'm glad this person's okay. All right, let's say hi too, George and Florida. George, you're a genius and I'm an idiot. You live in Florida. You save a lot of money. I'm a dope because I live in New York. I'm an idiot, You're not a dope. What's up, big time son, Hannity, what's going on, George? How are you, my friend? I'm doing great. Man. Well, we're in Florida here. We got the best governor in the country. Uh, you're talking about the the he set up sixty seven of the um uh mono clone round of body center, right, and that's why Florida has the lowest you know, number of hospitalizations and infections right now. And then Joe started rationing them because it was successful and there's no need to ration it because we don't have a shortage of it. No, exactly, he's trying to cut Rond de Santis's knees out from mondering and and the governor De Santists called a special session and uh he passed and signed into nal law. Um you know, the state laws where local governments and private employers are prohibited from enforcing COVID nineteen vaccine mandates. He can't do it now. But it's not. H it's not. Some of the local governments are still and politics with it wanted, particularly Lyon County and Tallahassee County Administrator Vince Long is continuing to fire longtime employees who refuse the vaccination. So it's the ultimate game of politics and local hospitals the firing healthcare workers who put their lives on the line. I have another buddy down in Florida and he and his wife had a breakthrough case fully vaccinated. They're in the Tampa area and they went immediately. He called me, he goes, what do you really believe in regenera And I said, absolutely, get it now now, and he said, all right, we're on our way. When Governor Abbott had a breakthrough case, I called him. I mean, I like Governor Abbott and he's a friend and I like him a lot, and I said, please tell me you're going to get the infusion. He goes, yeah, by the way, it starts in about ten minutes. I'm in the hospital. So I felt good about that. He turned out fine. But others have not taken it. But yeah, no, Florida was I think we should have these these monoclonal antibody centers all around own the country. It worked in Florida. And then when Joe started rationing it because he because again one size fits all, he want He doesn't want people to have a therapeutic. He wants people to get the shot. And you know, if they don't listen to Joe, then we're going to take away your therapeutic. The people will die. This is the one thing that shows that it's working when done early and anyway. Then Rohnda Santa said, screw you, I'll go out and buy my own And he spent Florida tax dollars to buy more monoclonal antibodies to keep these centers open when needed. And now you have the lowest rate in the country. Good. And I'm happy for you, and we're happy. And you know, we'd love to see him run for president. We'd hate to lose him as our governor. But you know he would do a much better job than you know, cardboard cutout would do a better job than Uncle Joe. Right now, another thing Joe could be successful if he just went back to the drump policies that we're working. Um, listen, I've got to run. Um. Where in Florida are you, Tallahassee. I'm in the capital. Oh okay, I've been there. A funny story that I'll repeat one day about me going through through the checkpoint going to visit then Governor Bush wasn't a good moment, but I'll tell you about it one day, eight nine one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, just gonna wrap things for us today, Wrap it up anyway. We got a big show tonight, nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Will Senators cave and help the Democrats again? Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham will check in with both of them, also, Sarah Sanders, Ryan's previous Clay Travis, Larry Elder, Leo two point Terrell, All happening. Set you DVR ninety Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. You make this show possible. We can never thank you enough. See you tonight, back here tomorrow.

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