Special rules being discussed in the Senate are paving the way for Democrats to raise the debt ceiling...again. RHINOS are allowing it to happen and Sean is none-to-happy!
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Coming to y'all city. Well, be desire and if you want a little ban come along. Yeah, yesterday, and then I saw a couple of your stations put on. You found some empty shelves. Go back and take a look at some of those shelves again. Okay, No, you know what sherlock first they do. And yeah, the American people care about COVID, getting it under control, and they care about the economy. And on the night on the sixteenth of November, when I acknowledged that I would not become the governor that he had won the election, I did not challenge the outcome of the election, unlike some recent folks did. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to y'all? Sing ya want to blay on New Sean Hannity Show. Behind the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one sixteen, Day Won sixteen. Joe's turned the page abandoned Americans in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. One hundred and twenty nine days since he promised he'd never do it, and nobody ever talks about it in the medium mob It is sad, it is pathetic. I'll give you one other thing. In our third hour today, our News Roundup, Information Overload hour, we'll have Congressman Mike Waltz. Nobody talks about the China Olympics in twenty twenty two. The winner Olympics are now going to be in China. I don't think anything's going to happen with Taiwan until after those Olympics. Then I believe the territorial ambitions will be on full display. We see them now talking about reunification, flying their fighter jets, testing the systems of defense that Taiwan has, checking America's resolved. But it seems inevitable, Like it's inevitable that Putin is going to invade Ukraine. He wouldn't have one hundred and seventy five thousand troops on the border with Ukraine if he didn't plan on doing what he did when Biden and Obama were in office the last time, with Crimea, etc. In Eastern Ukraine. So I think that's going to happen also, except you know, remember that happened. I think it was two three months after the Socia Olympics. So you see the same similar pattern emerging here. Nobody talks about the weager population, the ethnic Muslim population that is being put into forced labor camps in China. All these companies that are going to be, you know, sponsoring the Olympics in China. Um, the NBA making a fortune in China, you know, Procter and Gambo, Coke, Nike, They're all going to be sponsoring the Olympics. Look at what they're doing to the weaker population. Look at how they've treaten the Tibetans over the years and their attempts to wipe them out, you know, ethnic Muslims, you know, literally forced labor camps. Nobody, nobody mentions it. Look at the crackdown in Hong Kong, look at the crackdown that is now coming, and they aggressive actions of China with Taiwan. Um it is, you know, the atrocities are are beyond awful. Why the International Olympic Committee ever gave them the Olympics, I don't know. You know, where where are all the liberals? You know, for example, you know where where are all the groups? As it relates to the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. Women being beaten in the street they don't dress properly or they're not out and the male relative. You know, where are where are all these human rights groups? If you're if you're gay or lesbian, what happens to you in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan? You will die? You have people that helped us our Afghan allies being killed every day. Now girls can't go to school and women can't go to work. And Joe Biden abandoned Americans military families. You know, at what Where are the people that were so outspoken about apartheid in South Africa? Where are these people? You know? I would think they would agree with Sean Hannity here, who's standing up for minority rights, human rights, women's rights. I just have a hard time understanding it. But anyway, you know, And then on the other the hand, I think of I just happen to know enough athletes. People will spend a decade or more twenty years of their life preparing for the Olympics, and I don't want to rip that out from under them. But nor do I want to support this regime with all these human rights abuses. Either I'm just against Boycott's I don't think the athletes should have to pay, but maybe financially, maybe the US doesn't cover it, and maybe you know, there's so much money involved in this, it's just nauseating the whole thing. Anyway, eight hundred nine one, Shaun is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. We'll get into this in more detail later in the show. There's no words to describe what Mitch McConnell has done to betray the every Republican in the country, every Republican in the House and Senate that has been willing to hold the line. Democrats have not allowed Republicans to ever be a part of the budget process at all, in any way whatsoever. Then Mitch McConnell and every Republican says for two months that they're not going to help the Democrats raise the that's ceiling. That's what they promised us. Last minute, Mitch McConnell goes against his own word, and his promise gets ten other Republicans to go along with it and allows the Democrats to have more time so that they can push build back better New Green Deal socialism, which is not going particularly well for them. Now McConnell is going to do the same exact thing, except a different way. Now you might say, Hannity, that's a contradiction. Well, the result is the same, the result being that he's going to he's creating a new rule in the Senate just to give Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi more time and allow them to raise the debt ceiling. Except this time, the vote is going to be different the Republicans if he can get nine other Republicans, and I assume he will, because that's how the swamp works, the sewer of Washington, DC works. With this new rule, they vote for the new rule and a one time exception to the filibuster to raise the nation's borrowing limit before next week's deadline. Jannet Yellen says, it's the fifteenth a narrow two twenty two to twelve vote in the House. Now Adam Kinzinger of Illinois voted in favor. The only Republican, of course. Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are the two that are on the Predetermined Outcome January sixth committee after they kicked off Jim Banks and Jim Jordan. I mean, it's such a joke it's a predetermined outcome, you know. Are they going to talk to the whistleblowers that say that they were told at National Guard members to stand down. Are they gonna let you know with all the talk about well we're we're going after Mark Meadows, well, Mark Meadows going to be able to tell a story how Donald Trump two days prior asked for the National Guard to be called up enlighted a number of people that were coming to Washington, DC. Will they play the words many of you will now peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices can be heard. I spoke out, you can't have our institutions, You can't have what happened on January six happened. I've been very outspoken about it, and people responsible need to be held accountable, But so should the people that rioted. You know, the five hundred some odd riots that took place in the summer of twenty twenty that the medium mob and Democrats either ignored completely or said we're mostly peaceful. Well, mostly peaceful resulted in dozens of dead Americans. Mostly peaceful resulted in thousands of injured cops pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles, and molotov cocktails and worse. You know, mostly peaceful ended up with billions of dollars in property damage, arson, and looting. Where's that committee? Liz? I know you've now aligned with the people that called your father a war criminal and a murderer and a crook. You know, Oh, I understand. I think I figured out what Liz Cheney and Kinzinger are about. They have one other motive, and that's to purge the party of all things Donald Trump. It's not gonna work. There's a poll that came out yesterday. Liz Cheney is now trailing her opponent in this next congressional race by eighteen points. She's gonna be voted out of office, but she's gonna you know, And now she's aligned herself with the very people that said the most vile things, untrue things I will add about her father and family, and the very people that support policies that seem to be the antithesis of everything that Dick Cheney, or at least that Dick Cheney I knew one stood for, especially on barm policy. Does Dick Cheney really like Joe Biden's policies on Russia and China and Iran, I'd be hard pressed. How does he feel about what happened in Afghanistan? Abandoning Americans. I mean, there's this insane wing of the never Trumper movement that will support full on socialism and total appeasement and compromise every value they have just because Donald Trump is meeting. In their view, doesn't say things the way they want it's said, and it's not part of their group or the swamp. They'll ignore his tax cuts, They'll ignore his gutting the bureaucracy. They'll ignore his progress at the at the border. They'll ignore energy and dependence. They'll ignore his promise on judges. They'll ignore free and fair trade. They'll ignore his support for law and order and law enforcement. They'll ignore his piece through strength. You know, maybe they don't like he got us out of foreign conflicts that we're never ending anyway. What Mitch now has done here, he's now gone behind the back of every Republican senator and he has no business being the leader anymore. And one he's ever been good at halfway decent at or judges. We've given them the benefit of the doubt time and time again, and now they're actually allowing this bill to be tied to the Medicare bill, which now puts every Republican and a quandary because if they don't support the new rule, they're gonna be labeled in their next campaign. Somebody like Ron Johnson is somebody that wants to cut Medicare. They need to bifurcate the two, these two issues into separate bills. And my understanding is is that Senator Kennedy of Louisiana, Lindsey Graham, even Mitt Romney wants to wants to separate and bifurcate and the two bills so that people can have a straight up and down vote on Mitch's new rule in the Senate. Let's get an honest assessment, not a swamp assessment of what they're doing here. You know, Wall Street Journal poll voters are pessimistic under Biden just twenty seven percent of those polls say the country's on the right track only thirty seven percent. And another poll of Democratic voters want Biden to run again. I mean, that's a tip pole that came out yesterday. Only thirty seven percent of Democrats, another sixteen percent chose Harris, thirteen percent overall remain unsure. That's a disaster. Biden's reelection shows twenty two percent support Harris only a twelve percent. By the way, this was interesting in the Wall Street Journal poll. Should be garry news to Democrats. Now. Last year, Biden won the Hispanic vote sixty three to thirty five. New Wall Street Journal poll finds a troubling development for the Democratic Party, you know, because they don't have any single success story that they can run on. And according to the polls at the time, the journal found Hispanic voters are evenly split in their choice for congress as which party that they would back if the election were held today, thirty seven percent of Hispanic American voters said that they would support Republican congressional candidates thirty seven percent Democratic candidates. I mean, these poll numbers spelled doom for Democrats, and it is becoming more obvious every day. By the way, the radical appointment of this woman on Morova, you know, supports bankrupting the oil and gas industries in the name of climate change. Yeah, she's now withdrawn her name from consideration. Eight hundred nine is on number. A lot of news to get to, we'll tell you about it is on right now, Roll along eight hundred nine four one sean toll free number. You want to be a part of the program. This Saul I'm a Rova supporting bankrupt bankrupting oil and gas industries in the name of climate change, is now withdrawn herself from consideration accepted by Biden. She backs out having you know, all these ties, I'm not a communist. I don't subscribe to that ideology. I could choose, I could not choose where I was born. I don't remember joining any Facebook group that subscribes to this ideology. There's no record of me ever actually participating, and any Marxist Communist discussions of any any kind anyway, So we'll see what happens. There are a couple of other ones that will come up. The Biden administration is now scrambling to save the controversial FCC nominee. After this nomination to become the next Controller of Currency, the Biden administration now has another controversial candidate. Fox Business has learned that the White House views gig Son's nomination as the Commissioner to the FCC has similarly imperiled given the staunch Republican opposition, because she wants to cancel Fox News and has said so publicly. We even have the tape of her being asked about it. Oh, you mean the infaments tweets I put out there, And I don't know who the owner of the own network is. It's not on my DISHTV that I've ever seen. And apparently, because I guess this person wants to get some advantage against Fox, is willing to go with somebody that might be willing to bring back something similar to the fairness doctrine, which is a disaster for all things conservative. If you want a free media in this country is this has been a long term goal of the radical left to silence conservative voices. This is where conservative talk radio. This is where the rubber meets the road. Whether you like every show on Fox or not, it doesn't matter. I won't have a voice on Fox if this lady applies the rules that she stated in her quote infamous Twitter accounts. By the way, another poll today Kamala Harris, fifty five percent of voters do not think she is qualified to be president or vice president. It's bad, you know, Michael Goodwin, I thought really tore apart. You know, Biden's weakness in Afghanistan opened the door to aggression from Russian and China. What did I say. I've been saying this the whole time. They if Joe's Willen who abandoned Americans in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, He's not going to lift a finger to help Taiwan or Ukraine. And I'm not saying to get into a foreign conflict. There's so many other ways to effectively neutralize their geographic ambitions. Joe Biden can't spell it, and he can't keep him for the American people. Check out the sew and Hannity jobs for him today. Now Hannity's on Coast to Coast apparently was the son of own. I guess the owner's name is Robert. I don't know who he is. I never met him. And his son is Charles, and Charles is the one that supports this is FCC nominee. All right, I got it, all right, I stand corrected. Um, that was not what the original report said. Just to be clear and on the record about all of it. H none of it is good, and that has to be that this can happen, we will lose our voice. So like the headline, for example, where did I see this article? Um? Hang on a second. This two of them and James, where did you get these articles? Give me the thing? Anyway? One was on Media IITE One American News Network is pulling in about face after the far right news network seemed to endorse Biden's nominee for the FCC Media Ie goes On Biden a tap gg sone or lawyer senior staffer of the FCC, as his nominee for fcc H Commissioner. Her nomination has been challenged by conservatives concerned by her own past comments about right wing media outlets, but she received a surprising endorsement last month when owned President's that's what I got right, that part was right. Charles Herring published a letter of supporting her. The father apparently is against it. As an executive of an independent, family owned business two national networks, One America News Network and AWE, which I've never heard of, I find myself advocating for more open markets in an environment that is arguably quasi monopoly, not a monopoly at all, not at all. You know, get go buy CNN. It's for sale, I hear, go buy whatever you want to buy. Anyway, judging by the framing of the letter, they endorse son because they believe her appointment would lead to media market expansion of own and that they would benefit from it. Oh okay, so we'll support somebody that is on the record as speaking out against conservative voices on the air. Pretty pretty unbelievable. Apparently I can't believe according to this one article and I don't have a source for it. James, where'd you get this first article? The headline is own owner? Where did you get where did you print this one? From Free Beacon, Washington, Free Beacon, thank you anyway to Washington. Free Beacon reported Charles Herring lobbied Republican senators to support Soon's nomination. Book political operative Bradley Blakeman to appear on Owned to tout the credentials of this woman and fellow right wing TV network Newsmax their words, not mine, both endorsed Soone, hoping that she would support them in their fight against larger carriers. So they're all looking out for their own interest when they're not realizing here that if she wants to kill all Fox and she gets this position, talk radios right behind it, and so were they pretty dumb position for anybody, And you know, show even conservatives can make bad business decisions on top of everything else. The best way, if they really want to be successful, they can buy a bigger network, number one or number two. They can build out their network by putting on superior products that people want, and then the marketplace will call for them. That's how it works in this world. If you believe in liberty, and you believe in freedom, and it takes time. I was part of a startup. I was there on day one when Fox News went on the air. We didn't have any audience when we started, which gave me time to actually learn how to do TV because I was god awful at it. Linda, how bad? It was? So bad? It's so humiliated. I wish you'd played the tapes. No, I think it's no, no, no, no, no no. We're not playing the tapes from thirty twenty six years. You just had an anniversary. Okay. The answer is n oh no, it's humiliating. It's not humiliating, Okay, it actually shows how much you've grown. My focus group is my kids. And when my kids go, oh dad, that okay, first of all, that's the worst focus group possible. No, I'm not focus They're honest. They're honest. With their father. And I'm telling no, no, they're not true. Listen, my kids understand what their dad. They kind of understand. I mean, they don't pay attention to what I do. They really they don't. I don't. I never brought politics into the house. I just never did. And and I'm not going to talk about their political views. I'd like to keep my my family out of it. Uh. They don't need they don't. They don't need the downside of daddy's job. Um. But the reality is that's it's humiliating. I'm not playing it. I don't don't think it's humilia single year. You know, somebody told me this year that at some point I'll be the longest serving prime time host uh in cable news history, surpassing Larry King at some point. I'm like what, I'm like, Wow, that's a long time. I don't know if that's if I survive. I mean, you know, apparently host drop like flies in every single day. Are you planning on meeting your creator next year? Is something happening I should be aware of. No, I'm not planning on going out into the wilderness yet, but that's coming one day, they'll come. I mean, but you know, I love doing this every day, but I you know, I'm looking at all this stuff, you know, I'm I'm trying to I'm these politicians are trying to feed me garbage about this this one time rule to let the Democrats raise the death ceiling. I'm like, because they have to give a specific amount, they would have to give a specific amount using the reconciliation process. Mansion is pushing back on Biden's build. Now we're gonna get Friday, We're gonna get the CBO score using the Wharton pen model of eliminating the prospect that they're going to sunset these new laws out of existence. That never happens. You don't start government programs and then end them. That never that ever happens. Look at Obamacare example of number one, and it's gonna be over four trillion dollars. Now we're also going to get inflation numbers on Friday too. My guess is that's going to be a disaster, and we're still going to be at a thirty plus year high. Joe Mansion is out there saying, you know, he's pumping on the brakes, you know, on this two trillion dollars spending bill and once he sees the gold standard CBO numbers. My guess is there's a very good shot that Mansion bails. He's not going to do it. Mansion said, inflation unknown is a bigger problem than the need for Biden's build back better, New Green Deal socialism. He's saying it. The people of West Virginia do not need this. Joe Mansion. I would join with him in a heartbeat supporting the energy business in his state of West Virginia. It is literally the lifeblood of that state's economy. And I have no idea why he why he's Look, maybe he's a classic Democrat, but the pressure on him is probably enormous. Now you've got AOC now and the Progressive squad demanding that the Senate Democratic leaders overrule the Senate parliamentarian and include amnesty in this spending bill. Oh and progressives in Congress and now backing a four day work week. You can't make this up. I'm not kidding. Congressional Progressive Caucus endorsed a thirty two hour work week that would give employees an extra day off. How nice that would be. You know, it's so funny. I said this, you know, to my staff A little get together for Christmas. I said, there's a reason I buy my radio team lunch every day. Well, you think Hannity's a nice guy, right, Linda, And do I put any restrictions on what people can buy? None, whatsoever. Right, you want sushi, get sushi, you want steak gets. I don't care what you got. You basically just want the freedom to be able to make fun of whatever we order. That's basically the only well you get disgusting green and cute orange whatever. You know. You're the one eating kail chips, now you better watch out. I don't eat kal chips. Holliflower popcorn, oh good grief. Yeah, and I love pork ryns. That's my latest thing too, cross. I love pork ryns, so cross and broccoli popcorn is good too. It's air fried, it's good, it's healthier. I mean, I'm trying. I'm always I'm always giving it a good old day charge. And the same with my TV show. I buy them dinner every night. Whatever they want. You want to go get, you know the Talians, I need food, uh, steak, I don't care, but there's a reason why I do it. So you don't leave your desk. I don't leave my desk when I start working. Every day, I work work, work, work, work, And I'm gonna have a four day thirty two hours. What would that mean? That'd be like I'd be on a never ending vacation in thirty two hours a week. Oh my gosh, how is that possible? That's like two days of work for you? Yeah, pretty much. Actually, you're right, that's two days of work for me. I do a minimum of sixteen hours a day, a minimum. And I'm not patting myself on the back. I'm a total, complete, reclusive loser. Nobody believes me when I say. They don't believe me, you know, just like people don't. You know, some people say, but they don't believe that we've been through the how we've been through. Why don't you have email anymore? Hannah? I said, I can't. Well, you've gotten out of touch with your roots. I'm like, no, I haven't. You haven't lived through what I've lived through. AOC claiming American workers rely on illegal aliens to survive, demanding amnesty anyway, so they're going through this bird bath bird ruled debate. I won't go into the ins and outs of it, but none of it is good. The Senate is now poised to nullify Biden's vaccine mandate thanks to Joe Mansion. In other words, Republicans think their resolution is going to pass with at least fifty two votes after Joe Mansion and John Tester announced their support for the proposal. You know, let's see what Romney and Ben sas the ass and Lisa Murkowski do you know same cast of characters. By the way, do you see that Governor Whitmer reportedly called Biden's vaccine mandate a problem? Wants to see what the courts decide. I pointed out that in New York now, this comrade is the dumbest mayor in New York history. I figured out what de Blasio is doing. I think he even asked to be on the show. Should I put him on the show, Linda, I don't know. We'll talk about it tomorrow. I think he now knows he's not going to go down in history as Ed Koch, who's a Democrat. Ed Koch was a kick ass mayor. I didn't agree with everything he did, but you know what, the guy, the guy was a character. He really understood him. I did I personally, I did like him. I didn't like what he did with the city. No, well I didn't like No. I didn't say it like that either. I'm saying, but he but he was not like this guy. You know, there's not gonna be a bridge named after Comrade de Blasio. It's just not going to happen. So now he's desperately in his final weeks. You know, five year olds must get a vaccine or else they can't get into a restaurant. Private businesses now must vaccine mandates must be a fourth Well, we had another federal judge slapped down another vaccine mandate, this happening yesterday. And a federal judge blocked a national COVID vaccine mandate that would have required private government contractors to get their shots. This is what number three or number four, But there's four courts now. Fauci now rightly saying a amicron. First it was lambda Mu mu R Dot two or four or whatever the hell that one was. You know, Delta was the one that was the hardest. And I keep telling people, I keep saying it monoclonal antibodies. It vaccinated or unvaccinated. If you get if you pop positive on a test, call your doctor. Don't call doctor. You know you can call me, but I'm gonna tell you to call you doctor. But son, don't you think, don't you think we're at a place right now where we've we've crossed a certain line here where this is supposed to be, you know, medical privacy, hippo laws, personal freedoms, these are choices freedom, medical privacy, doctor patient confidentiality. I think we're like the only people that support that. It's insane. It's insane. You know, you getting the flu shot should protect you from the flu. Why do I have to get the flu shot to protect you from the flu. You don't because you've yelled at me every year that I've ever gotten it. Yeah, well I think it's the dumbest thing in the world. But that's just me. Yeah, but you know, so whatever, I don't and that's my personal choice. And I've never and that's fine. You know. The reason I do it is even though it's a forty percent effective forty percent rate of effectiveness, is because I don't have time to take off of four days, five days and be sick. I just don't. Or you can also live your life healthy, eat healthy, take the right vitamins, Okay, if you think I'm drinking that crap that you have in front of you right now, that disgusting green you know, puke. No, it looks exactly like the projectile vomit that shot out of the mouth and the movie The Exorcist. That's how disgusting it is. That was that was quite the visual thing. And I can't believe that I pay for that crap every day. You're welcome. Why don't you get like corn beef? Why did you get a roast beef sandwich? And make my Irish ancestors very proud? Oh man, I loved I love corn beef, fatty. Yes, we know. No one loves cornbeef more than you. S corn beef more than me. Nobody absolutely. Oh what are you hitting me for? Uncle James? Just hit me? Well, your family, you're allowed. That's one of the bones everybody. You know what I know, I've figured in my life. I have something on my back that says, you know, to hit me or something. Because everybody's always against me. It doesn't matter what it is. My family's against me. Everybody's against me. All I try to do is live a quiet little life against you and try to be a Christian. I'm not a perfect Christian. I try to be the best Christian. You're all lifting you up. You're just fighting it a little bit because you're stuff, not lifting me up. If you want me to drink that that Adams shift in front of you, I want you to lift forever so I can irritate you. Well, you've read that you do that, that you're really good at.