Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana joins to discuss his take on the address by President Zelenskyy to Congress. Kennedy has been sounding the alarm on Russia for more than the last two weeks. He believes that we should arm the Ukraianians with whatever they need to protect the innocent civilians on the ground.
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Our two Sean Hannity Show Toll Free. It's eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Senator John Kennedy, great State of Louisiana. Great guy, Great senator, really represents his state well. Me to comment about whether we want to kind of admit it or not. There is a war going on with us in Russia. Here's what he said. This is a war, and in a war, when you have your enemy down, you have to choke him to death. I'm sorry, but that's what wars are about. But we need to win this war. We need to win it militarily, we need to win it economically. I don't think we have to do something foolish to achieve either of those ends. But we need to do what's best for the world, the American people, and for the people of Ukraine. And allowing Pewton to just continue to get away doing whatever he wants to do without calling this hand is not going to help us win the war on either front. I'm gonna say it again. I know the stuff makes the President nervous, but you know, he just needs to stop thinking about his wishman and girl backbones, all right, Senator John Kennedy joins us now from the great state of Louisiana. Sir, great to have you on the on the program as always, thank you for being with us. Thank you, Sean, thanks for having me. You know two things I take out of what you just said here makes absolutely no sense. The administration's position, well, we can provide um javelins and stingers, and finally they're allowing anti aircraft defense systems and anti missile defense systems. Now javelins and stingers can be used offensively. Their argument is that, well, if Joe Biden didn't veto the MiGs from Poland that they offered, uh, those those would be offensive weapons. You can use the javelin offense, lee, you can use a stinger missile offensively. You don't have to be under an attack. You can have an insurgency attack using those weapons. So the logic doesn't hold up, does it. No, it doesn't. And I've watched the president as we all have carefully. It's almost as I President Biden is afraid that Ukraine might win. I mean, the President's been president for fourteen months. After fourteen months, nothing is built, nothing is back, and nothing's better. And I think A perfect example is his response to the Russian invasion. The President has said all the right things. I will give him that, and he's done an okay job of holding our allies together. But we can't win this war. And we are in a war with Russia either military or militarily or economically unless we are bold. Now a president does. Lynsky is the new leader of the free world. That's clear. He's an icon. He's an icon of gut and what he has asked for surface to air missiles, and he's asked for planes, not American planes, not American troops, not American missiles, from our allies who have them, the more to share them. And I don't understand why President Biden will might give the okay. And his response is always I'll get back to you and in three to five business days. The President Biden didn't want to stop buying Russian oil. The Congress had the guilt him into that. He did, to his credit, he did ship not serviced air missiles, but he shipped some additional arms yesterday, I think to Ukraine. But Ukraine was asking for their jehan for three weeks ago. I mean, why weren't they already there? The war has been going on for twenty weeks. And I know I'm not saying President Biden John doesn't want what's best for the world and American I'm not saying that at all. But sometimes I think it's as if he's afraid Ukraine. My witness, Ukraine, Ukraine is holding it's all on the ground. They're just killed in the air. We need to help him in the air. You know, it makes so much sense, But I want to hone in on the keyword that you keep using. He's afraid, fearful, all of which seems to be true. And we can't get into a shooting war with Vladimir Putin. This is going to be World War three. It seems like anytime Vladimir drops a hint that he might go nuclear, or a hint that you know, this could escalate, it seems like, you know, Joe kind of bubbles and phizzics like alka seltzer and water and just you know, fearfully retreats to know we we we can't do anymore. We're gonna make him mad. Sort of like when the press says, mister President can ask you a question, his answer often is I'd love to answer, but I get in trouble when I get when by my staff, they yell at me and everything, and I'm like, Okay, you're the freaking president of the United States. How about you tell your staff what you're going to do and tell them to shut up. Well, there's not the way you say, Sean a man. If you look at this, step back and look at it, it's almost as if President Biden and the people around them think they're engaged in the sport of Olympic fencing or something. Peter's not Peters a street fighter. He's a thug. He knows he's in a night fight. Now. I don't want to start war warpering. Nobody wants to start war warpering. I'm not suggisting we send send them troops, our American plaints or our American missiles. I'm not I'm not suggesting that. But there are things we can do to help Ukraine, and yes it's a headlistic possibility. Help Ukraine win this more. There's more we could do economically. By the way, what let me interrupt on this one front center. I don't want to take your time, but you said economically, You're right. He was shamed into stopping the importation of Russian oil. You know, people are saying, well, the Keystone XL pipeline wouldn't lower energy prices. Well, if he didn't give up energy independence, and he would have finished the Keystone XL pipeline. According to the premier in Alberta, we'd be getting nine hundred thousand barrels of oil through that pipeline into the US Canadian oil every single solitary day, and it would often go to states like your state or Texas to be refined, and we would be paying a lot less for gasoline. Although people are trying to lie and make the case the other way. But anyway, I digress. You go ahead, sir, No, you make good points. I mean, most present Biden's sanctions have hurt Russia, but they haven't put Russia on its niece. I mean, Russian inflation right now is less of an American inflation. The rouple is devalued, but only by about twenty percent. You're not going to beat economically unless I cut off his cash flow. And you can't cut off this cash flow unless you stop buying. Is all the dead and our European princes have gotten themselvel in a position where they have to and When we say, look, would you stop buying the old only gass, they say, hey, we gotta have them on a gas where we're gonna get it. Well, the ob obvious as from the United States of America, There's just one problem. The president's energy policy is bowed to the Wokers, the Woker Darlings, and his party. The President's energy Wait a minute, you call the Woker darlings. They are, I know they are, but I mean the way you put it as hilarious, well you you you you can I can tell you how you can identify the Woker darkness. They hate Thomas Jeffin, they hate George Washington, they hate doctor Zeus, and they hate mister Potato. They're easy, and they hate you, and they hate me Ad. They hate both of us. A man can't be too careful in the choice of resuming. I mean, I'm proud of it so much. Which Biden has adopted is wind, solar, and pixie does. They hate fossil fuel and until President Biden gets his boot off the throat of the oilman gas industry, but adopts an all of the above energy policy, which does include wind and solar, but also includes nuclear and oilmon gas and anous the American producer to do its thing so we can sell the excess to our friends in Europe. Then you're not going to put Putin on his knees economically, and everybody knows that. You see, this is the big mistake. Though Joe Biden inherited Donald Trump's energy independence when he became president, we were a net exporter of energy as a country, and Joe capitulating to the wokers, as you call them. But when he capitulated to the climate alarmist, you know, they're called woker darlings, woker darlings. But when he when he capitulated to the walker darlings, he then artificially reduced the supply of energy in the world, supplying demand criss cross, and that dictates the price. But he did something even more sinister than that, is, as a net exporter, we could now be helping our Western European and NATO allies with their energy needs. And Joe Biden basically pushed our allies right into the arms of Vladimir Putin, the very thing that Donald Trump warned about when he was scolding the head of NATO in twenty eighteen, and a beatdown that I've been playing on TV and on this radio program. You've pretty much nailed it. I mean, well, when President Baden took over, the miracle was the energy independent. President Baden said, we're going to give up our energy independence and here's our new policy we're going to do. Instead of producing our home, we're going about all from foreign country that hate us. So those foreign countries like Dennis Wetland, like Saudi review, we'll have more money to buy weapons to try to kill us, and include Russian that number. We'd still be by buying Russian oil unless the United States Congress had forced the president's hand. Had he not said we're going to stop buying all from from Houston, we would have passed a bill voted voted for by Democrats, well some Democrats and all our Republicans that and then said, okay, mister President Vito, and if you, if you will, think you have the guts. So he saw it coming and he got ahead of the prey. Now it doesn't have given me joy to have to say that, Sean, but the president is leaving them from behind. Okay. And as I said the other day, I don't like the circumstances we find out ourselves in. The President is nervous about it, but he's got to get rid of his wish bone and uh and go back home. We can win this thing, all right, quick break right back, and then your calls at the bottom of the half our eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, more with Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana on the other side as we continue, I would continue with Louisiana. Senator John Kennedy's with us. Your calls coming up. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn at the bottom of a half hour, Senator, did you ever think at our lifetime that we have the number one state sponsor of terror? Iran? And Russia in the middle of all of this is brokering a deal between the US and Iran in part that we could import oil from Iran or kiss the ass and send an emissary on behalf of Joe Biden to Venezuela to talk to that murdering dictating thug Madura. Yesterday in the House of Representatives, Democrats blocked an energy independence bill. How unconsionable is that? Knowing how how important that energy independence is to our national security? It would also make a big dent in the forty year high of inflation we have that, I argued. Joe Biden caused that too. Well, I think there's gonna President Biden's going to announce the deal next week. I think he's reaching an agreement with Russia, who was brokering the deal, and Iran, and I think it's going to be the new agreement. It's going to be worse than the first agreement. There's certainly the appearance that the President has given in just in order to get Ronny in oil because he won't let them American producers produce their own. And I don't want to prejudge it. I haven't seen the deal, but I've heard about it, and I think it's uh. I think it's uncomfortable. Well, I don't think he's going to go to go through Congress either. You know. The idea of my understanding is, and it's getting worse almost by the day. My understanding is it would result in tens of billions of dollars of sanctioned money being held back from the Iranian molas that that will be handed over. According to other sources, it would remove Iran's revolutionary Guard from the terror list. We'd also then be importing oil from the number one state sponsor terror, making them rich so they can fight their proxy wars and commit acts of terror. Jensaki's answers was still a negotiation. There's another report that the agreement would allow Russia to cash in on a ten billion dollar contract building nuclear sites for the Iranians. You know you can't make this Adam shiff up. If you don't mind my saying, Senator Kennedy, I think you're right, Sean. I hope you're wrong. Well, I think you're right. That's what I'm hearing too. And I mean, how is it possible because when now dealing, if you're a hostile to the United States, you get Joe Biden's deals. How come our allies look even little justin I'd take Canadian oil over Venezuelan or Iranian oil or Opec oil any day. I would do. And it is a mystery to me why President Biden persists and giving billions of dollars to countries that has those countries ought to be able to hate us for free. But that's why the American people, I think, are looking at all this nonsense and they're saying to them. So do you know what Republicans aren't profit but the other side of crazy. Senator, Uh, we loved you the job that you do. Um, I could tell you my television audience knows you, and so does my radio audience. Uh. Thanks man. Now, now what do we call them again? The Wokers, the Woker Darlings, Woker darlings. I'm writing it down all right, Senator Kennedy. By the way, he's running for reelection this year in the great state of Louisiana. We need you back there, Senator. So all our friends in Louisiana, I know we'll be getting out to WoT dot com. You can go read about my about me there, the real John Kennedy dot com. Okay, got it, Thank you, Senator. SID eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number. You know, with each mortgage free home, the Tunnel to Towers Foundation is delivering on their promise and their mission statement to do good and never forget all the sacrifices that America's greatest heroes have made for us. These sacrifices, you know what, they pay the ultimate price. They come back with debilitating injuries, their lives totally changed for the worst. The families that lose loved ones. 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It's the letter T, the number two, the letter T dot org. Then letter T the number two the letter T dot org for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Sean's got more behind the scenes, information, more contacts than anybody, more friends behind the curtain. Sean Hannity is on twenty five to the top of the hour. Will get to your calls eight hundred and nine four one Sean before we do. I contend if you look at the policies, especially economic policies, energy policies of the Biden administration, and they're them clinging to their new cult religion of climate alarmism and New Green Deal, radical socialism that has little to nothing to do with the environment, has everything to do with, you know, redistributed redistribution of wealth, etc. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable if we didn't put if Vladimir Putin didn't have Joe Biden giving up energy independence and didn't give up us being an exporter of energy and pushing our allies into the arms of Putin. Find angelely because even to this day, even though we're not importing oil because Joe got shamed out of doing it, our Western, European and NATO allies are and every day Vladimir Putin is getting rich as hell because of the dependency that was created because it didn't listen to Trump. In twenty seventeen, eighteen and nineteen when he warned that that Putin would eventually blackmail them and empower him and bolden him. It all turned out to be true. Nobody seems to want to put the blame where it belongs. It's like, we're the only ones that have figured this out and it's not that complicated. And now we have compromised our own national security. You know, now we're talking to Venezuela begging OPEC and trying to make a sick deal brokeer it by the Russians with Iran. You can't be any dumber than Joe Biden on this. And but according to Nancy Pelosi, Joe has done a masterful job handling Ukraine. Let me back up for a second and just say President Biden has done a masterful job in managing this situation in a way that is collaborative, not condescending or dictating, but collaborative. The unity of the of the not only the G seven, but the nature alliance has been remarkable. To behold, they are all unified with the how we go forward, and how they are unified on how we go forward is that we are not going in to Ukraine. It is not an article five situation. Oh, maybe she could educate our vice president that clearly doesn't know because she made the same misstatement place that this was about the NATO alliance. Ukraine is not a part of NATO. If you look at approval ratings, let's see, Vladimir Putin has an eighty nine percent disapproval rating or one point seven percent approval rating according to our friend Robert Kahalia Trafalgar. Zelenski, on the other hand, has a seventy eight point two percent approval rating five point eight percent disapproval rating. Who's a better leader, Joe Biden or President Zelenski? Fifty four percent say Zelenski, seventeen percent say Joe Biden, and we go on from there. I mean, I don't think you can screw this up any more than Joe has screwed this up. Let's say hello to Courtney's in the great state of Alabama. What's going on, Courtneys? How sweet home Alabama. We're doing good down here, minus these gas prices. I'll tell you that. Yeah, it's kelling well, welcome to New York City, because we've been paying those prices for a long time, and now we're even paying all out more it's getting crazy out there. Well, my question I have for you today is I've got kind of a two part question, one being this eighty million dollar build that but just signed to send more money to Ukraine. We've spent I think, or we've sent I think this week a loan over a billion dollars to them. No telling what we've sent since this worst started. One, where is that money coming from when we're already in trillion? Well let me let me give you the number so we know what we're talking about. So thirteen billion was the total, but then originally it was only two hundred million for military aid. That got up to a billion yesterday. So one billion out of the thirteen billion only goes towards the military aid. And while humanitarian aid is nice, what Zolinski needs right now is everything we've talked about, Javelin stingers, anti aircraft, anti missile defense systems, more drones, and yeah, Joe should not have vetoed the fighter jets that Poland was going to give of Ukraine. But at what point do we stop? Because what kind of worries me is at what point is Putin going to look at the United States and say, hey, you guys, continue and continue to get involved even though we don't have boots on the ground yet, we're still financially for Ukraine, and it wasn't do you want him know what? My answer is, they stopped Courtney. I don't want you to take this the wrong way. And this is the problem with Joe Biden and the Democrats is that they're they're wondering, we're gonna get Vladimir mad and everything if we if we were ready given javelins and stingers, and he's mad at us for that, and now there's anti aircraft and anti missile defense systems and drones out there, and if we give them MiGs, he's probably gonna get really, really mad at us. I don't give a damn what Vladimir Putin thinks. He's the guy that should worry about what we're gonna do. It shouldn't be the opposite that And you really think he'd be to say that that we don't really have a strong president right now. No, we don't. That's a probably, that's that. And he's gonna get away with whatever he can get away with because he knows no one's going to stop him. Listen. I think one of the reasons Joe is doing anything at all is because the public is demanding it, and the public is very adamant. Also, look in the last sixty years, we've learned a lot. We've learned what works, we've learned what doesn't work. We've learned that protracted wars gung ho politicians that I can't stand that lie to us all the time. They're all, exactly, we're gonna go to war, and they beat the war drums and they don't fight wars to win wars, and then they politicize the war. And then after x thousands of Americans are dead and x thousands of Americans coming back without limbs and wars even they say things like never mind, and then they pull out like they did in Afghanistan. We can't fight that war anymore. But but I do believe as the beacon of light for the world, for the cause of freedom, it is in the world's best interests. Reagan showed us the way Trump showed us the way Reagan showed us by arming the mujah Haddeen and they were fighting against the former Soviet Union. They were nuclear power. Then Reagan helped the freedom fighting contras and battling back against the Sandinistas. We saw that Donald Trump just bomb the living hell out of the caliphate that was created under Obama and Biden. We saw him take out Solomoni, you know, the number one the world's worst terrorists, fomenter of terror in the world. We saw him take out Baghdaddy and associates, and we saw him take out the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. He just acted, and when he acted, he acted with ferocious, ferocious amount of force to win and there were no const sequences. The world should fear us. I don't fear Vladimir Putin? Is he capable of the worst? History shows us. Yes, evil on a mass scale can take place in the world, but that cannot govern how we act defensively. Does that make sense? It does? It does. My thing that I think about, though, is I don't know if the world fears us anymore. When we've had the last two years of COVID and all of the things that we've done internally to hurt one another, segregate, to separate each other, tear burden cities down. You've got the border crisis that is still not being taken care of, opioid crisis still an issue that nobody talks about a lot anymore. I mean, how can you fear a country that has so many internal problems, but yet we want to constantly try to externally fix the world. Listen, you make a good point, but America first should be America first, and we have to. You know, there are people that are making arguments to me, why are we spending all this money? Because it's ultimately probably in our best national security interest to do so. And people might ask why, Well, if if Putin was able to easily take Ukraine and it's not been as easy as he thought, what's going to prevent him from going after NATO countries? You know, then what is America gonna do? And I get that one hundred percent. But to me, the bigger issue that we have had, even well before this war started with Ukraine and Russia, is our own open borders. We're allowing terrorists to come in left and right, and nobody's doing anything about it. Nobody cared about our border until all of a sudden, Oh, Ukraine's border. We gotta help Ukraine. I want you're preaching to the choir. You're not getting any disagreement from me here. I cannot say it any more strongly than you're saying it. It is total, completely hypocrisy. You know, we now have a political party that is lawless and they only enforce the laws that they agree with. And there's a double standard on our justice system. If you're a jaywalking Republican, you get ten years in jail, you spend on the sidewalk. As a Republican, you spend twenty years in jail. If you're a corrupt Democrat like Hunter Biden and you make him millions from enemy countries without any experience, that's called pay to play. To influence the vice president father, nothing happens to you. That's a sad state of affairs, right, it really is. It's mind boggling to see how many things they don't care about that they should care about and spend money where we need to spend the money. But yet we make up these stupid left wing things to send people to prison for that don't deserve to go to prison or I don't know. We focus our time and our money on making the planet a better place and save it. Let me make it very simple for your courtney. If you're saying we're being a stupid country, I agree. So I think that these leaders. Look, Joe Biden is weak, frail, and a cognitive mess. When I listen to Kamala Harris, I cringe. She is clearly not up to the job of being a vice president. Nancy Pelosi third in line for the presidency, she has her own cognitive issues. This is a very weak in country at this moment, and the world's bad actors are taking full advantage of it. But I gotta run, I gotta get other calls. And thank you so much, appreciate you being with us. You're not wrong, all right, quick break right back. We'll get to more of your calls. Eight hundred nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. New Gingrich at the top of the hour will get his take on the happenings Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the economy, oil, energy, and much more. As we continue now reaching over six hundred and seventy five stations across this great nation. We'll do the media's job and we'll give you information you're not going to get anywhere else. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Let's say hi to Charles. He's in North Carolina today. Charles, how are you glad you called sir, Hey, Sean, how are you? And thank you for taking my call. It's an honor to to speak with you. Hey, the honor is all mine. Glad you called them. Yeah, well, hey, Sean, I just kind of want to echo what the previous caller was talking about, and also just to say that I think the number one, the number one priority right now for the Republican Party is to get rid of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and we have to win the twenty twenty two election. And a few months ago I would have said that's a shoe win. And byle looking at the record of Joe Boden and what's what's he's produced because everything was seeing as a result of November third, twenty twenty but everything that we're experienced in right now is all his fault. But I'm afraid and what concerns me, Sean, is that the Republican Party is going to get distracted in this war with Ukraine and we're going to let the Democrats control the narrative when in fact, we need to be controlling the narrative about Oh look at what the Democrats are doing now. They're trying to blame the five months of record high, forty year high inflation on Vladimir Putin. They're trying to blame high gas prices on Vladimir Putin. Now we both know that we had high gas prices before Putin invaded Ukraine. And we both know that we had a forty year high of inflation way before Putin ever invaded Ukraine. And they're gonna lie, and they're gonna smear, slander, besmirch Republic. But if you look at COVID, if you look at energy, if you look at the economy, if you look at the border disaster, if you look at the Afghanistan disaster, and you look at Joe Timidweek and afraid as it relates to Ukraine, there's a reason his approval ratings are in the thirties. And I don't see him changing course on any of these issues. Every one of them will preventable and everyone's fixable, but he's not going to change his policies because that is the modern democratic Socialist Party, last word. Yeah, and they've been doing that for two years. And Sean, what concerns me is so many people in the Republican Party, like the Lindsey Graham's admit Romney's. They keep throwing this guy a lifeline and enabling him by going along with this reckless spending that's more inflationary, and not focusing on the critical things that they're important to the American people, like the southern border, like energy independence, like lower inflation, and a lot of these people, as you know, have contributed this to this problem. And I just think that our focus needs to be to elect Republicans to Congress in twenty twenty two. The right, I'm gonna make it even more. I'm gonna hone in deeper. Elect America first, save America, make America great again. Conservatives, that's the answer. And the first thing, the first course of business is to instill make sure your state legislatures adopt integrity measures at the ballot box. But I got a roll a good call, Thank you, Charles,