Sean Visits Las Vegas - 10.3

Published Oct 4, 2017, 12:56 AM

Sean is live from Las Vegas as he gets a first-hand look at a city still suffering from the tragedy. His main goal for the visit was to hear from those who're continuing to investigate this tragedy as well hear from leaders like Newt Gingrich as well as Boston Police Deptartment Incident Commander Dan Linksey who served during the Boston Marathon bombings. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been raving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity. You will love this pillow. All right, Glad you're with a Sean Hannity show. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza we are in Vegas. The fifty thousand one blow towards freedom of speech in Vegas News Talk seven t K DW N. I the left in this country is now unhinged. I said so many times. Journalism is dead. Their ideologically agenda driven. They don't care about telling you the truth. No wonder they want shows like this off the air. They can't tolerate that we expose them for who they are. What they have been doing is it relates to this tragic shooting in Vegas, and how they're their natural impulse and instinct is to politicize a tragedy before any information is available. Is so quintessentially typical. Now, they did the same thing in Puerto Rico. The President's in Puerto Rico today, he'll be where we are in Vegas tomorrow. And there's nothing in their minds this president can do right I've got a lot to say about this when I when I give you this information, your jaws gonna just drop open, because it's so it's like a bunch of group think. It's like an instinct. Now they all think the same, they all tweet each other, they all think that they're smarter. They all live in New York and and d C. And Los Angeles and San Francisco, and they have no idea how real Americans think. They still don't understand the outcome of the election. It's so bad. Now before I do that, I had John Rich and Kaya Jones on Hannity last night and we if you didn't see it, I'm gonna show it again tonight. It was a little over an hour before this terrible event took place. And what Big and Rich Kenny, you know, they're friends of mine. You we've had them on the show just fairly recently, as a matter of fact, about their new single California. And every show they invite military people up, they hand them the microphone, they let them tell their stories. By the way, kind of doves dovetails a little bit into this whole NFL issue, which we haven't been spending a whole lot of time talking about and oh it was so nice of ESPN to change course and they decided to air the national anthem on Monday night football only because of the Vegas shooting. Oh so nice of them to change course. Anyway, Uh so what they invite the military up. The crowd was almost thirty thousand people that this guy was firing at. I were, frankly with fifty nine dead and two hundred and twenty nine injured. And he's firing an automatic weapon, which is illegal. Yeah, it's illegal already. Then you just gotta sit and wonder. I mean that everybody in that huge crowd, it's almost like they're all sitting ducks. It's unbelievable. And what the cops did to stop this guy is even more courageous and unbelievable. But just before that, little over an hour before, that crowd was singing God bless America and the entire crowd, and we put it up on my website, Hannity dot com. The entire crowd picked up their cell phones in Unison and you can hear them singing this. I've now probably watched this fifty times. I've tweeted it out at Sehn Hannity on twit her put it up on any dot com. I'm gonna show it again on TV tonight nine Eastern. I just want to play the audio version and show you this. You know what, There's not one person there that was being asked if they were a Republican or Democrat, a liberal or a conservative. There are fellow Americans and they came under fire because evil exists in this world. I want you to listen to this. If that doesn't move you, nobody that got shot that night was this wasn't political. Whatever the agenda this shooter might have had, I don't know. And then this gets to my biggest complaint in all of this, and that is the natural first instinct of those on the left is to politicize a tragedy and try and score cheap political points. That's not where my mind naturally goes when something horrible happens. I don't think it's where the minds of normal people go. But that's where the left is. It's for them. They wake up in the morning as new Gang Rich will join us in the next hour and said, oh, how can we hate Trump today? How can we hate conservatives today? How can we try and bring him down today? And it's just gotten worse and worse and worse. You know, let me give you an example. Hillary Clinton does a podcast on Monday, Republicans and the n R RAY are complicit in gun violence? What is she really saying here? They're responsible for what happened in Vegas. Listen, do you feel like they're complicit the GOP, the n RAY and the gun epidemic we're seeing in America? They are, of course they are. You know, the Brady Bill actually kept two million guns out of the hands of people who weren't supposed to have them. If we had gone forward with the background check capacity that we should have had, uh, and that it was up to date. My gosh, we computerized everything, and we can't computerize that. Dylan Roof was never supposed to get that gun that he used to kill people at Mother Emmanuel Church in Charleston because he had a pre existing arrests that should have disqualified him. But the system, you know, is deliberately kept all creaky and slow. We don't even allow people to get federal funds to look into gun deaths and what makes uh, you know, some people more inclined to reach for a gun, and how we keep guns out of the hands of you know, criminals and the mentally ilf One of the first things Trump did when he became president was to undo the regulation from the Obama era, so you know, mental health records no longer prevent you from buying a gun. In fact, being blind does not any longer prevent you from buying buying a gun. Mean, this is beyond absurd, This is evil. This is nothing but pure unadulterated greed motivated by people who want to sell as many guns as they can, to engage in a falsity of fear and rhetoric about why everybody has to have guns. And you know, there's just the evidence is just so clear that more guns do not keep you safer. Uh, and more guns in the wrong hands lead to terrible incidents. But you know, we've had two three events in this past year of mass shootings, which means four or more killed. So, yes, we see the horrors of Las Vegas. It happens every day. It's part of the ninety one people who get killed every single day by guns. It just is a lie, It is a fabrication. It is for a political cause that she says that, and it is universally echoed the The Democratic Party has their own their own press office, and it's called the mainstream media, because all they do is echo whatever they're talking points are on any given day. And at the New York Times, that's the Washington Post, that's ABC, NBC, CBS, it's certainly seen and I don't even know why CNN is actually running. Donald Trump is in Puerto Rico. He's handing out aid supplies. The reception he had gotten was over the top positive and people were literally clapping and hooraying that he was there. The whole story that was told this weekend, the whole narrative by the left, especially on that channel CNN and NBC. They were lying to the American people the whole weekend long and all last week. And I'll get to that later, you know, but it is now it's picked up to the point where it is basically all the people here. You've got Chris Murphy, Democratic senator in action on gun control, is sending an unintentional endorsement. He basically is saying, well, if you support the Second Amendment, you're pretty much responsible to basically what Hillary saying. Notice they all echo the same talking points. Another story after made an America mass murder. Tom Brokaw urges viewers to organize against the n r A. I thought the media was supposed to be fair and balanced. When are they ever gonna put John lott on? He wrote the book More Guns, Less Crime. You know, I said last night on TV and I got criticized for it. I said, if I was in Sam Bernardino, not at the Mandalay Bay incident, I said to Lord Ingram, I said, if I was there when they dropped their clips and had to reload, And I've been trained in the use of a fire on my entire life. Do you want me in the room with a firearm if you're somebody that's in that room. I do because during the reloading processes, when you can save lives, you have at least a shot instead of being there for the slaughter. See Jimmy Kimmel, Now, I guess he got good ratings the last time he brought up politics. Let's why did well double down on politics. The GOP should pray for God to forgive them. They helped cause the shooting, Jimmy. They did not cause somebody to be evil and deranged. I'd be like some Wow, they caused nine eleven. Well, maybe if we're gonna use that logic when Kim Jong Un uses nuclear weapons and as I c b MS, can you are you gonna blame Bill Clinton who told the American people it was a great deal because of bribery efforts didn't work. Will you blame Obama when the Iranian deal blows up as well? We've got to have some level of consistency here, teeth Oberman. The n A is a terrorist organization that enables massacres. On the view, they said the killing of fellow Republicans won't spur GOP to action on guns, and of course everybody likes country music has to be a Republican. Brian Williams pushing gun control during an interview Trevor Nor, I've never been to a country where people are so afraid to speak about gum. What do you mean? We speak about it as nausea. But there is a time and a place. Bodies weren't even cold in the morgue, for God's sakes, and parents are standing outside praying on their knees that their children that were shot clinging to life may survive. These people are so twisted and sick. Seth Meyers to Congress. I'd be more honest. It'd be more honest for you to admit he wouldn't take any action. You know something Bill Clinton was president. The Murray Building fertilizer and uh, what else do they use with the fertilizer? Um ammonia used to blow up the building. Fertilizer still for sale. It's unbelievable. They don't understand that evil comes from somebody's heart. And if they're not going to use a gun, then they're gonna use a truck or a car, or a bomb that they make, or a suicide weapon or a pressure cooker like they did in Boston with the marathon there, because evil is in their heart. It's so despicable. And then of course tweeting out well pray only Trump tuards died or the CBS lawyer no sympathy for Vegas victims. They're all probably Republicans. Hey, white supremacist Trump so supporters are being killed in in the Vegas massacre. Wow, these people nauseate me. They lied about this case. I'll give you the truth about Puerto Rico to eight nine four one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. Many thanks for our affiliate out Here News Talk seven, t K DW N. We will be broadcasting tonight or new Time, of course, on the Fox News. I promise you it's different than any of the news channel. You'll tune into any news report, You'll tune into A nine. We'll take a quick break. We're on the strip. We're in Vegas Hannity tonight at nine. It's not gonna be CNN, NBC, CBS, R ABC, I promise, right if we roll along from Vegas, Shawn Hannity's show eight hundred nine for one, Shawn told free telephone number worst mash shooting in American history. We do have a history that we're gonna break down, um, and we have many guests New Kingbridge ways in today. We'll also have Kaya Jones, maybe John Rich together they sang God Bless America about an hour before all this went down, and a fascinating story about what they had to do. We'll get to the president on Puerto Rico also today, uh, and we have a debate on that and much much more, some new information we you know, I'm a little bit stunned that it's taking so long to get information here, and a part of me is always suspicious when it's slow like this, Um, what do the authorities know at this point? One thing that The New York Post has pointed out is this madman shooter Stephen Paddock set up a camera inside his hotel room to capture the deadly shooting rampage. He also set up other surveillance in the hallway to alert him as cops closed in on him, according to reports, and the shooter had at least one lens set up to tape himself as he's unleashing evil in hell on thousands of unsuspecting concert goers at just several hundred yards below his ritzy casino suite, and apparently knowing the cops would eventually want to be catching up with him, he wired cameras in the hallway on the outside of his room so he could see when they were getting close. And he killed fifty nine people five and thirty or so injured, many hanging for their lives, hanging on for their lives as we speak. All right, we'll get to all of this. We're gonna give you the story behind God Bless America, and I'm gonna get into the reception of the president in Puerto Rico and the lie that has been being told there as well. We have other stories about how this is all being politicized in the rush and the race, So you know, let's forget about the families and the victims. Let's turn this into a gun control debate. It's only five seconds after it happened. We'll continue from Vegas the Sean Hannity Show. Be sure to check in as soon as you get to your car after work for breaking information you need to know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show till the top of the hour from Vegas. Our affiliate News Talk seven t k d W N Hannity tonight on the Fox News Channel. And we're literally gonna be within distance of the where the crime scene took place, and uh, we'll show you. You know what we're gonna do. We're gonna do what the mainstream meeting is not gonna do, and we're just gonna point out their hypocrisy how they politicize these things, which is beyond breathtaking, lee disgusting, and shameful on their part. Uh. And our thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Vegas and the families and the mothers and fathers that are praying their kids will be able to survive this evil that happened the other night, and the families that lost love once unbelievable. You know, there was an incredible moment though about a little over and all, a little over an hour before this mass shooting took place. Incredible moment, and Big and Rich have a what what they've done? Now over a thousand shows as they bring up military people, people that have served this country that give us the liberties and freedoms we all enjoy to pursue our dreams and live in safe communities and and pursue the lives we want because they have sacrifice anyway. They tell their stories and then they lead the entire crowd this nearly thirty thousand people and singing God Bless America. If you didn't see it last night, we're gonna show it in its entirety, and it just when I first saw it. I've watched it fifty times and it gives me chills every time I see it. And the whole crowd has their phones up, and it's dark and you see everybody's cell phone. Nobody's a Republican or a Democrat, or a liberal or a conservative. They're Americans singing God Bless this country. Let me play it for him. I have the video up on Twitter, retch on Hannity, and on our website Hannity dot com. We'll show it on Hannity tonight, the TV show nine Eastern, six o'clock. Here in Vegas. Kaya Jones was a friend of mine and John Rich and Kenny Big and Rich and anyway, she was on stage when all that happened. Her best friend actually took this video and graciously made it available to us so we can show everybody what was an incredible moment just an hour before all this happened. And she joins us now she's a a Vegas resident, and uh, I can't stop watching it, kay, I just have to see it again and again. Yeah. Well, you know what the reason for that is, because they're blessing our country. All of us are blessing the country in that moment. You know, that's that's why saying incredibly beautiful moment of God bless America. We're all singing for us to bless our nation. And you know, it was moving and it still is moving to think that moments later, innocent people part of that group would be gunned down literally moments later. So it's a really intense thing to know that because watching it, it just feels like a perfect unifying moment. It's a it's a it's a blessing. So after all that happened, both you and my buddy John Rich you had left the concert area. You hear the shooting, you hear what's going on, and you guys got in a lockdown situation yourself. Tell us what happened while we have you know, we were barricaded into um, you know, basically John Bar because we were told that there were three active shooters on the strip. We didn't know different, so as far as we were concerned, we had to lock up. We had one gun for all of us in there. People in this bar barricaded in hoping like this is not true, there's not active shooters that are coming down the Las Vegas ship. It was really scary because in real time we were also seeing swat. You know, Big Kenny was on the bus. He couldn't get off of the bus. It wouldn't allow its Noah, what what's the name? I didn't even know John owned a bar in Vegas. What's the name? Is it a country bar? Oh? Um? What's John's a country Bar's name? Why am I blanking right now? Redneck Vieira. That's that's where that's why the Florabama is on the on the Florida Alabama line down south. But um, all right, so here here is um I guess what I'm asking is So then you got barricaded in and tell us what happened when I guess it was an FBI off duty FBI guy came up to you guys, Ryan. Yeah, he came up to John and said, Um, I'm is so rich. You know, I'm on my honeymoon. I'm not carrying. I'm you know, an active officer and showed his credentials. You know, are you carrying? And so he asked John, and John was the only one in the entire place carrying, which isn't crazy to think that he was the only one. And then he, after checking his credentials, handed his firearm over to the officer to protect us who and he did, you know, because he's a better person with the guns, so he probably got a better shot and you know, can handle the situation. So he had trust in him to hand it over, which is amazing to do because that's scary. Remember looking at John, and because I'm a little nervous, but you know what, he's the right one to have it right now. And um, you know, we were getting calls literally rely calls from friends, texts. They were you know, at the Blagy, or they were over at Mandelaid Bay, or they were you know, barricaded behind the stage. Um, people were you know, shot and dead around them or around the stage area where they were barricaded behind the stage. E. J. Silver's wife and baby was on the thirty second floor beside the shooter the next room over. So hearing those kinds of things and realizing that, oh my god, like is his kid and his wife okay? Is he going to be okay? Um, people that we had met and down at the festival, um, you know, had been killed. So is it very intense to know that you're getting I mean I had my old assistant she reached out and said, oh my god, you're okay. I'm bruised up. You know, she got trampled by trying to run, you know. And then my first boyfriend ever hearing that he was helping people and he was covered in blood. Well, Kaya, we'll see you onto V tonight. We're gonna play that entire song again and I know people want to see it. I can't see enough of it, and I think that's what we need to take away. It shows you, It shows you how precarious life is. If you're there an hour later, you're in the middle of all that. It's unbelievable. None of none of us thought, but none of those people that are confirmed that. I thought that was the last time they would sing that song. So it's an honor that they blessed our nation with their voice that night. Kaya Jones, thanks for being with us. Uh New ging Ridge weighs in on this at the top of the hour. You know, I just think things have just gotten so bad. You know, I've mentioned all of those in the political world. Then you've got, of course, Hollywood and the entertainment world. You know, Lady Gaga, Like, we really need lectures from Lady Gaga. Does she have armed bodyguards when she's on the road? I bet she does. Anyone's gonna do an investigation, Lady Gaga. Prayers are important, but Speaker Ryan and Donald Trump's blood is on the hands of those who have the power to legislate gun Control Act quickly. Wonder she ever hired a bodyguard that's armed let's see Gigi Hadid or whatever her name is, Hadad Adied. I don't know. I feel like every day more shocking and sad, etcetera. And it sickens me the ease with which a terrorist can be sold a gun, you know, is the ease really worth these lives? This needs to stop. Do you have, as you ever had, an armed bodyguard? Alissa Milano sensible gun control? Do you have armed bodyguards? You know? Cheryl Crowe making the same, you know, type of things. So Fia Bush, dear Donald f you for this, truly sincerely. Wow, these Hollywood people are so nice. They're so loving and accepting of other people's views. Hold them accountable, you know, the GOP and I could just keep going. You know the problem is I don't even know half of these these idiots that call themselves celebrities because I'm really not interested. Anyone care that that Saturday Night Live is sunk to a new low calling the President a cheap cracker and a bitch. That's Saturday Night Live. So nice of them, cheap cracker and a bitch, NBC? Are you proud of that? People? Proud of the fact that Milani's books are rejected by a librarian. You know, no wonder why these people are trying so hard every day to get me fired. It's, you know, I guess I'm a threat to them because their views are insane and they only want one view. I'll give you an example. What's happening in Puerto Rico. You know this whole issue in Puerto Rico. The President went there today and he got standing ovations handing out food and supplies that was there from the beginning because they had prepositioned it. The media has been lying there too. One of the worst Urrican's two order a mile in our winds. You look at it and all the vital infrastructure, the power grid, gone, water supplies, gone cell phone service, gone, airports and roads damaged. They had prepositioned food, water, medicine supplies and it was immediately getting out there. There's fifteen thousand federal workers, military, female workers on the ground and have been on the ground distributing the supplies that are are our friends and family and Puerto Rico need. And there's one you know, but again you have the mayor of San Juan was more interested in doing television interviews. What I love the most is her sitting in front of pallets of supplies. He's not distributing them. She's complaining, are they're not doing give out the supplies that are right behind you. Turns out she wants to run for governor. While the neighboring mayor, the governor of of of Puerto Rico, and every other politician have been thanking the President for all that he did. She just wants to run. So she tried to run against Donald Trump. That didn't work out well. In the middle of last week, I think it was Wednesday, there was a report in Stars and Stripe about Lieutenant General Jeffrey Buchanan, US Army North Commander and Colonel Jim Maron, a hundred sixty five Airlift Wing commander, and how they were taken over command of the military portion of the rescue relief operations in Puerto Rico. This was the middle of last week. I remember the islands devastated and the Pentagon had deployed literally five thousand troops in the middle of all this that doesn't include female people, and Lieutenant General Buchanan took command the military portion of the command and rescue relief operations. This was a Category five storm. The Navy Lieutenant Commander Jim the Rocky, spokesman for the US Northern Command. Buchanan's a thirty five year infantry officer who led troops through troops through four tours of Iraq and served as a senior commander in Afghanistan. He's now been down the ground helping the people of Puerto Rico. We've got the best people possible helping. His deployment came after the Army had sent Brigadier General Rich Kim to Puerto Rico to head up the and lead the the land based forces in Operation you know, which had shifted primarily from the Navy ship based response to the disaster. But all the food, water, medicines, and supplies were there, and yet everybody started, uh, he's not importer. He was so in Puerto Rico. And what about San Juan's Trump fashing mayor wouldn't show up for any meetings, including with FEMA or help in anyway. My favorite picture are standing in front of palettes and palettes of supplies that the federal government had sent and trying to politicize this. It's unbelievable. Now Puerto Ricos on the road to recovery. Forty seven percent of residents now have running water. It's gonna be sixty or seventy percent by the end of the week. According to the governor of people in Puerto Rico now have their cell service. The electric grid is gonna need to be rebuilt. You know, that's gonna take a little while, but they're doing everything they can do. The President got a standing ovation. Everybody wanted a selfie with him today and people were applauding him. And the President, on top of everything else, is adding ten to fifteen billion dollars and more disaster aid. Yeah, that sounds like a really racist president to me and everybody in the media. They ran with the same line narrative jump to politicize everything. Apparently they did have some trouble with trucks, and apparently a lot of the truckers weren't available and that became a problem, so the military started airlifting the food to areas that needed it. So disgusting. This is the world we live in. New king Rich is going to join us when we come back Hannity at nine six o'clock here on the West Coast, we're in Vegas. Many thanks to our affiliate News Talk seven twenty kdw N the fifty one blowtorch our freedom and free speech from Vegas. It's the Sean Hannity Show, and we will continue. New Gingridge is next. We've got an incredible Hannity tonight on location ten Eastern nineties, nine nine nine. All right, as we roll along, Shawan Hannity Show, we're in Vegas. Nine one, Shawn Told free telephone number, New King Rich Mike Huckabee also be checking in with some of our police experts. What the police were able to pull off getting to that thirty second floor breach into the the room of the shooter is pretty miraculous to save lives. Maybe we'll wait the next time not rush to judgment if there's an incident about police and give them the assumption of innocence before we just screen guilty. We're gonna get into the absolute lying of the media, the left of politicizing a tragedy. Nine Eastern Tonight on Hannity, we'll take a break. New Governor Huckabee much more straight ahead. All right, it's our two as we come to you from Vegas, the studios of our affiliate fifty thousand wat Low Torch of freedom and freedom of speech, News Talk seven t k d W N one. Shawn is our number. We've been going over with great specificity and detail, this this impulse, immediate impulse. We have fifty nine people dead, we have five hundred and thirty people in a hospital, many clinging to life, and within seconds and hours, the rush, the race to politicize the event and immediately turned this into a gun controlled debate is beyond nauseating. I just spent the last half hour giving out facts about the truth about fifteen thousand federal workers, including military leaders, some of our best commanders on the ground leading the efforts, and but for one mayor, everybody thanked the President gave him a standing ovation today, wanted selfies with him as the President was handing out supplies, and the mayor of San Juan standing in front of pals and palates of of food and water and medicine and supplies that she should have been distributing, criticizing the president. She didn't have time to go to the FEMA meetings on how to best get this this assistance that had been prepositioned by the federal government to the people of Puerto Rico. Anyway, joining us now, former Speaker of the House, New King Ridges with us, Mr Speaker, how are you glad you could join us from Vegas today? So well, listen, I'm I'm delighted to join you. And I think this, this whole story in Puerto Rico is a perfect example of what's wrong with the system. Here's a mayor who is elected by local folks, who is supposed to be in charge of solving a local problem, and she is instead, as you point out, not going to the meetings, not involved in the help uh and and grandstanding. I think because she wants to run for governor. She does want to run for governor, although told me yeah, so. I think it's a situation which it up frankly, making her look bad. And as this often happens um when you're dealing, you know, with Trump, that turns out in the long run he was right and she was wrong. You know, all the supplies were there. I can't believe she's standing in front of palettes of supplies that we sent and and yelling at the President instead of giving the food, the water, the medicines of supplies to the people. It's it's pretty of course. Part of part of the problem, of course, is the people are hurting, and people are scared, and I saw the President talk to one guy today who still has no electricity, and that's in a pretty urban area. Mean, it's much worse than rural Puerto Rico. And so being a local politician, she could say, oh, I could take the blame, or I could blame somebody else, And so instead of trying to help solve the problem, she tried to dump the blame on the president one of the things. But by the way, this is this is this the third You know, you have Texas, Louisiana, then ahead to Florida, now you have Puerto Rico. And I think overall that the system has worked surprisingly well considering how much strain is under honestly difficult problem. Well, what's amazing is because they had everything preposition which the same tactics, the same strategies that they used for Texas and Florida they used for Puerto Rico. What they did is they had navy ships literally that were positioned uh with food, water, medicine, supplies, everything they knew that they were gonna need in a in a safe area. And as soon as the hurricane passes, remember this was a Cat five, this was a disastrous hurricane, then those supplies were instantaneously brought in. You've got Lieutenant General Jeffrey Buchanan, US Army North Commander and Colonel Jim Maron hundred and sixty five Airlift Wing Commander. As of Wednesday of last week, they had five thousand troops on the ground, and when they weren't able to get get through some of the roads were impassable, they started airlift into the areas that most needed the help. Yeah, and I think this will continue. I have a paper which I've been sharing at the White House and which I'm going to post tomorrow and Foster News dot com and it'll be my newsletter of Gainer's productions, and it basically talks about how do we once we get past this first phase of recovery, how do we start setting the stage for really helping create a twenty one century Puerto Rico that can be truly prosperous and not just going back and fixing old, obsolete infrastructure which is frankly crumbling before the hurricane, but instead taking this as an opportunity to really bring a dramatically better future to the people of Puerto Rico. And I think, uh, I think we have the potential to do that, and we have the potential to leave them with both a dramatically improved economy and a dramatically improved infrastructure. You know, one of the things that I was actually very impressed with considering you're right, I mean, all the infrastructure was knocked out, The electrical grid was was knocked out. Everything that people needed the island, the the vital infrastructure, the power grid, the water, the cell phone. Already they've been able to get more than half the residents now have running water. Uh. That's gonna be about sixty by the end of this week. Uh. The governor said that nearly fifty people now how the cell cell phone service back. It's going to obviously take a while for the electric grid to get back on track. But you know, I watched the reception the president got today, and it was unbelievable. Everywhere he went, people were so thankful for what he had done, and clearly they recognized that there was a disparity between the words of a politician and what the president had actually accomplished. Well, I think if if you have your entire island totally devastated and you see help coming in, you are so grateful because you know, that the alternative was, you know, potentially your family having no water, having no food. I mean, the people really were right at the edge of desperation. And I might point out, by the way, as we watch the impact of having no electricity, my good friend who you know, Bill Fortune, wrote a book a few years back called One Second After, which really describes life in the North Carolina town after an electromagnetic pulse attack takes out the electricity system. And we tend to forget how really dependent we are on electricity and how much that is part of what defines civilization in the modern world. And I think there's a warning here for the whole country that we should be hardening our electricity capabilities because we both have the danger of a man made electromagnetic pulse attack like North Korea, and we have the danger of a natural solar attack such as happened in eighteen fifty nine. Before I get to everything that has happened, I agree totally with you, and I think that is part of your defense course that I highly urge people to go to the link and and and listen to you as you go into your professor mode. I want to play for you and for Gonzalez Cologne. Now she and every other mayor and the governor were praising the president. I just want to play her comments and some of the applause for the president as well. Listen to this. The fird thing is that before we were hit by Maria, we were hit by Hurricane Irma. And during that time, before the hurricane, he was FEMA acting together with a lot of employees. More than four thousand people were here in the islands in the different uh branches of the military, Chess, Navy, Army, FEMA and all the staff working together before the hurricane hit. They were here before during after the first hurricane, and they continued to stay in the island boots on the ground during Maria. Same thing. I think we never got the level of communication within the federal government and the local government like never before. And we are in the path of the hurricane, so we are used to receive the hurricans, but never before a category fix my u of the devastation. It's unheard of. But during all this time, we got the federal government by our side doing the job. Put the people here like you in the military, doing all that has been I asked all the questions and and request that the governor. Did the President and his cabinet accomplish it and send more people, and it's continued to sending more people, truck drivers and resources. Thank you, Mr President, for all you've been doing for the island. That's pretty amazing. All right, I wanna I'm in Vegas today, Mr Speaker, And look, we've seen a lot of tragedy shootings under many presidents, and there is evil in our time and we all go through it. You know, I could give out the history of all of this, but I can tell you everybody in Hollywood, and everybody in the news media, and everybody in democratic politics, what do you make of this initial impulse they're not thinking about, oh my gosh, we have to help our fellow Americans. The impulses to politicize the tragedy, the impulses to attack the president. The impulse is to blame conservatives that believe in the Second Amendment for what happened here. Well, I mean, look, first of all, part of that just standard. Uh. There is a part of the reason I developed the course in Defending America, which people can see at Defending America Course dot com, is because you have this unending assault on the Second Amendment by people who don't understand why it's there and don't understand its purpose. But it was written there by the founding fathers to literally preserve our political freedom. These are these are people who have seen that with the farmers at Lexington and Concord had not had the right to bear arms, we would have still been a colony of Great Britain. And so they you know, they didn't just write that in uh for hunting or for uh, you know, skeet shooting. They wrote that in a is a political statement, that the that a free people have to have the right to defend themselves. Now I have to tell you, Sean, I think this this event is so horrendous. I mean, it resembles the although one man was that was responsible, but it resembles the attack in Paris on the nightclub and where all the people were shot. At mean, I can't I can't quite get my head around this many dead and and this many wounded. Um and and the viciousness and the deliberation of somebody who clearly had premeditated renting those rooms looking for apparently a country and Western events. Um, I mean you, the whole thing is so bizarre that I've been biting, biting my tongue because I know that I don't understand it yet, and I know that there's something here. As the President said, there was totally egal but there's something of it just doesn't fit, you know, you know, I agree, and then I want to know. I want to know more about I want to know more about this guy and why he did what he did. All right, Mr speaker, we always love having you and uh your defense courses up on my website, Hannity dot com. We expect a little bit of a pressor coming up here. We'll be dipping in and out perhaps uh and uh new Gingridge has been amazing in his analysis pretty much on everything we've been talking about lately. We need to get this information out. We'll take a quick break, early break. We'll come back. We'll see what's said in the latest and this briefing and much more as we continue from Vegas. It's the Shawn Hannity Show. News and information you won't get anywhere else. All Right, If we continue Shawn Hannity Show, let's dip in the very latest. Sure if Joseph Lombardo is with the Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, an update on the shooting from Here's what he has to say is a formality or department as work to the night to identify all the victims of Sunday evenings mass shooting on route at the Rout Harvest Festival. We have identified all but three victims. We still have an active scene at the grounds near Mandalay Bay, so we ask anyone to stay away from that area until further notice. The FBI is working diligently to clear that scene. So the question is the FBI versus US. We have UH partnered with the FBI, as I said, from the very beginning of this and the investigative phase. The FBI has brought UH a large amount of resources out of Washington, d C. To assist us with that UM So we the reason why the Harvest Festival was still in continuation of investigation is not only solely related to the removal of the victims, but it's also documentation of the scene. So we're using the best practice technology to sure that we have complete documentation. That's why it is taking a longer period of time associated with this. So we asked for everybody's patients as far as Las Vegas Boulevard North and South we anticipate to be open and shortly in the next few hours to benefit with commerce and what we do as a community. All Right, the key component here is resources and victim identifications. So bear with me, UM, I'm gonna try to get through this the best I can. But the important pieces. If you missed a number, UM, we are putting up on LVMPD dot com in the next hour the listening of all numbers I shall provide you today and for people out in the public to contact us if they are lacking this or they don't see this broadcast. Okay, We're asking for anyone who might have information about the shooting and a criminal capacity or is a victim of the shooting to contact us via three one one. If you are out of state, if you have left since the shooting and you have discovered you are you feel that you have become a victim, or if you realize you have an injury associated to it, UM, We're still asking you to contact us, but the out of state number will be seven zero two eight to eight three one one one. Additionally, if you are local and you have the ability to respond to a local substation of working police substation, UM, locals are familiar with, you have the ability to follow report at that location. Now, the family reunification all that is occurring at the Family Resource Center at the Convention Center located at Paradise Road. You can go there to file person report. You can go there and have contact with the corner's office, and you go there to get answers to your questions as far as family reunification. The phone number if you have left the area is one eight six six five five six five four. Now, we went through a little short process here recently where that number was down. We've provided a separate number, but we will go back to that original number because we have the technical aspects of that fix. So I want to be very clear on the difference. If you are reporting a crime or you feel you are a victim of a crime, Three on one is your outlet for a local police substation. If you're looking for victim information or the very latest any more information comes out there will make sure it's available for you. Eightee Shawn our number. Don't forget. We'll be broadcasting tonight right here in Vegas. Bold Inspired Solutions for America. This is the Sean Hannity Show. The Sentim Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker to the House, Paul Ryan, a number of other lawmakers who won't do anything about this because the n r A has their balls in a money clip also sent their thoughts and their prayers today, which is good. They should be praying. They should be praying for God to forgive them for letting the gun lobby lobby run this country because why don't we act? What? What is the problem? What was it about first graders losing their lives that wasn't sad enough to result in changes? Because when you say, which you always say, now is not the time to talk about it, what you really and is there is never a time to talk about it. And it would be so much more honest if you would just admit that your plan is to never talk about it and never take any action. The n r A has just incredible rip on the Republican Party, and our job is going to be to turn in our a into not relevant anymore in American politics. And some say it's too early to talk about gun control for those victims last night, it's far too lates. Guns. I've never been to a country where people are as afraid to speak about guns every time there's a shooting, You've got to look at something else. Is it Muslims? Is that their religion? Is that? What it is? Is it blacks? It's the blacks. It's the black on black crime. Do you feel like they're complicit, the GOP, the n r A in the gun epidemic we're seeing in America? They are, of course they are. We have to act. This is not just one time. We have enough data and enough evidence to know what we have to do. We have a moral responsibility to do something. Otherwise we are failing. We are failing the people of this country whose lives through its stake. There's no reason Americans should have military styles weapons in their position, no reason whatsoever. Why do we have a group of laws. The guy can have twenty weapons, twenty five weapons like this and literally kill kill, just go hunting for human beings like he did a couple of nights ago. Reinstate the assault weapons ban or come up with a better answer. Anything but nothing. Doing nothing is cowardice. Thoughts and prayers are good, but they're simply not enough. Thoughts and prayers are not enough when more moms and dads will bury their children this week, and thoughts and prayers are not enough When sons and daughters will be forced to grow up without their parents, Attacks like we have seen today have happened all too often in America. This is going to reopen the debate over guns in this country. Well, it is, but I think it's really important to make sure we do it accurately. I think this is a time for a natural dialogue that we can have a qualm un reasonable in which the country can figure out how come we have so many mass shootings in this country. We can't have that conversation because it immediately becomes so emotional between the gun owners of America who are protected by the n r A and other people are saying there ought to be a more reasonable middle ground. What Congress must do is past laws to keep our citizens safe, and that starts with laws that help prevent guns, especially the most dangerous guns, from falling into the wrong hands. We saw this evil in Newtown just a few years ago. Nothing has changed since Newtown. Congress has been complicit. We also ought to be angry. In fact, I'm furious that Congress has been complicit. Now is the time for action. You want to make America great again, do something the last two presidents haven't been able to do pass any kind of common sense gun controlled legislation. So the people are the Vegas. I can't give you thoughts and prayers. I can only say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that we live in a world where there are people who will put a gun before your lives. Alright, toll free telephone number remains the same, It's eight nine one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program where in Las Vegas today, many thanks for affiliate out here news Talk seven twenty the fifty thousand. What blow torch of freedom of speech that covers almost the entire United States uh cadon radio where Vegas comes to talk. And they have been so hospitable here. But it's this impulse. People's bodies aren't even cold yet, families waiting in hospital waiting rooms, their kids hanging and clinging to life to politicize tragedy. And as I said earlier, I'm gonna stand by this. You know, I remember when I went on my book tour Deliver Us from Evil and defeating terrorism and despotism and liberalism. Because there's a mindset that thinks that can capitulate to evil you know, the whole thing, the whole deal. Bill Clinton said, there's a good deal for the American people. I just bribe Kim Jong ill, Kim Jong UN's father, and I gave him a lot billions of dollars and game energy and all this stuff. And and now we have peace. Well that's like peace in our time, Nevill Chamberlain. And it does. You cannot appease evil. You can't negotiate with it. You can't appease it. You must identify it. And ultimately, when you identify evil, you've got to defeat it. And the same thing is is with the Iranian deal, and the same thing is on a level like this. If you have in your heart you want to slaughter and murder innocent people, there are all sorts of ways that you can figure out. It's it's astonishing how evil minds can work. If they ever put their minds towards more productive endeavors in their life, it's amazing what they might be able to accomplish, you know, maybe making the world a better place. So they're just trying to make it a place that they themselves, they benefit and whatever sick twisted reason. Look, you have evil, somebody that could offend a little child or sexually abuse a child. That is evil in our time. Any man that whatever rape a woman, that's evil in our time. Is it not evil when somebody murders an innocent person? Or if you see videotapes capturing young kids beating up old people because they need twenty dollars to go buy their next fix in their next heroine fix or crack fix or whatever it happens to be. All of those instances are evil. The last hundred years of human history. When you figure all the evil that the United States was involved in fighting back on fascism, Nazism, former Soviet Union, communism, Imperial Japan, the killing fields in Cambodia, well that's about when you add up all the numbers about a hundred million human souls. So you can't tell me there's not evil. So somebody, all right, and this instance decided to use firearms to kill innocent people. Well, similarly, what if what if he drove a truck through that crowd? What if somebody built the bomb of some kind and got into the crowd. I mean, there's there's all sorts of ways. They'll figure it out, and we see it all over the world. We see it all across Europe, we see it in the Middle East, we see it in the United States. My complaint is when you don't identify it for what it is. But even with all that said, why is there this compulsion this, this reflects this, it's sort of instantaneous. Oh, people shot, let's blame Let's blame guns. Let's blame conservatives because they support guns. And then let's even take it a step further. Let's hope that um, let's hope that some conservatives it's only Trump supporters that die in this mess. Let's go there. Let's talk about that. You know, after all, we they're the ones that wanted guns, but we might as well kill them in this process. And that's the way. That's so, that's where some minds go in all of this. That's how evil their minds are. Anyway, eight nine four one Sean is our number if you want to be a part of the program. Uh joining us Now, we have Dan Lynskey is with us. He's the former chief of the Boston Police Department. He's an incident commander during the Boston marathon bombing attack and now managing director of NOL all so with us as Rockingham County, North Carolina Sheriff Sam Page, thank you both for being with us. Dan, I want to play this tape again of when the police scanner, when these cops actually made it to the thirty second floor of the Mandalay Bay and and they have now had to go for a full breach. I want you to listen to the bravery of these cops that they knew this guy had an automatic weapon. They knew that they were up against tremendous firepower, but they did it anyway, which is why we say policemen are are so courageous because they are Let's listen to this coming from upstairs, upstairs nually by halfway off, I've seen the shot coming from anual a B. We have multiple casualties g SW, multiple casualty. Just be advised. It is automatic fire, fully automatic fire from an elevated position. Take cover multiple g W, turbinal order of medical chip. Also, Kyle South of Reno Sence sit on the suspect store. I need to that, I need to be aware of it and get back. We need to pop this and get any response from this guy. Yeah, you didn't hear it actually moved out the world breach all right, Dan, you heard that they're outside this guy's door. On a scale one of a thousand, i'd say in terms of danger, that's over a thousand. Yeah, they're here. In the back of my neck wascy in and up. You can tell the emotion those officers voices that at tension they're feeling and uh, you know, none of them ran away from that challenge. They put themselves again between the bad guy and this initizens that they were protecting. Uh. I wanted to go through the radio and stack up with them. Um. A lot of brave individuals did some great work there. They really did. And I don't know sometimes if we really give these guys the appreciation that they deserve. Uh. You heard that to Sheriff Sam Page, What do you think? Absolutely well, when I heard heard that, you know, I think back of the men we've been home. But when you hear automatic fire and um, and you've got to make the breach, You've got to go because you're you know, your first responsibility stopped that active shooter and they went drove toward a threat and they stopped him. You know, I want to ask you, Dan, because I lived on the Massachusetts Rhode Island border when you know, back in the eighties and every time I drive into Massachusetts, mandatory one year prison sentence if I happen to bring my legal gun. I had a license to carry and Rhode Island across the state line. And uh that you were in charge during the Boston Marathon bombing. You were the incident commander at the time. And isn't it true that if somebody has an evil intention in their heart, they're going to configure some way like they did the Sarnod brothers to injure innocent men, women and children. That's true. Evil knows no bounds, Shaan, And um, you know they went on the internet and we're able to buy items from you know, costcos essentially and then able to make a device that injured hundreds. So there there is other ways that people can can impact injury other than firearms that do think. Um, you know, there has to be first possible regulations. I'm a little considered about mental health where we you know, maybe people go to the hospital if you have a seizure and you get your driver's license taken away, But if you're paranoid, schizophrenic, and you know, your doctors aware that there's no notification process all four uh, making sure we support the rights of firearms. But I think there's some some uh leeway in the middle. But I don't know that the time is now to be talking about it. I think the time is to be honoring the families and the victims, uh, figuring out what, why and how, and then have that conversation down the road to see if we can come to the middle ground on something. Sheriff, what do you think, Well, I think that on this situation and I agree, I agree with the former chief. Is that right now that we've got nearly fifty fifty nine persons were killed and five persons injured, their families, that's who we need to be thinking about right there. I thought some prayers to go out to them and support to them. Yeah, that's you know, you would think that's where everybody's first thought and priority went. You know. I hope the next time there's an incident and people are so quick to rush to judgment when involves police officers, UH, they deserve the right and the assumption of innocence before proven guilty. And I hope politicians won't rush to judgment like they did in Cambridge, like they did in in the in the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case, in the Ferguson case, in the Baltimore case, like former President Obama, did you know what? It seems like we never give these guys a break and we forget what they do. On nine eleven, we forget what they do did here at Mandalais Bay in Vegas. Right as we continue, Sean Hannity Show told free telephone numbers eight hundred nine f one. Seawn, you want to be a part of the program. We're in Vegas, many thanks to our affiliate News Talk seven twenty kdw N the fifty thousand what Blowtorch of Freedom, And we check in with Patty. She's in Vegas. Patty, how are you glad you called it? Says on my screen. Your son was almost at that concert. Yes, he was supposed to, but I something instead inside of me not. My daughter goes every year and she usually sits right up front, and a friend of hers got her free tickets to Portland, so she didn't end up going to the concert. I drove her to the airport that morning and she's like, no, I think I'm gonna stay. I go No, just go go to Portland and don't you still be a concert next year? But she was there last year and the year before that and the year before that. So it was like God gave us a little blessing that moment. But it breaks my heart to see that everybody's turning this into a a political anti gun situation and how disrespectful people were. The day of talking about it, I was. It was heartbreaking because here as a community, we came together, we talked with uh, a lot of our friends that are on Metro. My husband's retired from the police department after twenty five years on Metro, so a lot of our friends ran towards to help. And it was just really upsetting to hear a lot of stance that the liberals are taking on this and the celebrities stay out of it. If you don't have anything, you gotta understand some this is their first impulse. Their their first impulse is to politicize that. You know. Our first instinct is, oh my god, has anybody hurt? Oh my god, is there anything we can do to help? Oh my god? You know, oh now we're dealing with another madman. That's not their first impulse, you know, And the same thing politicizing Puerto Rico the way the left had. They just lie. And I know a lot of people have wanted this radio show to fail and want my television show to fail at its new time. And one of the reasons is is because they want a monopoly control of the media, control of thought, and you know, and if we don't have alternative voices of truth and common sense, we're all screwed because they just lie to us with the regularity. It's pretty despicable, pretty despicable, pretty low down. All right, we'll take a quick break. Toll free telephone numbers eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. When we come back, we're gonna check in on the latest out of Puerto Rico, what's going on there. Governor Mike Huckabee also joins us, and we're gonna get a lot of your calls in eight nine one Shawn from Vegas and the studios of News Talk seven twenty k d w N. Going up next, our final news round up and information overload. Our alright, news round up information overload. As we continue from Vegas, Hannity Tonight, usual time, nine Eastern six o'clock out here in Vegas News Talk seven twenty k d w N is where we are today. You know, politicizing the shooting out here is only one issue, and in the lead up to what has happened in Puerto Rico, there's a lot of politicizing there too, And it's not surprising because you know, in spite of what had been the most difficult circumstances, the government did. The federal government did exactly what they did with Hurricane Harvey, exact what worked there with exactly what worked with IRMA, and they preposition food and water and medicine and supplies and everything in between. The island was pounded a direct hit category five two mile per hour winds. It was their second hit in a row. Vital infrastructure, the power grid, water, earth, cell phone service all knocked out, airports and roads damaged. And instead of focusing on the fact that so many efforts had been made to prepare for all of this, well you get the media lying almost from the second it all happened, none of what they had been saying, including you know, saying, wow, this is about racism again, was ever true. They just just outright lied to the American people. Again and we showed a lot of the images last night, and the the government was on the ground is over. When you add up all the military people there, and you add up all the FEMA people there, there's over sixteen thousand federal workers that have been on the ground since last week. And anyway, Sarah Sanders addressed that finally and gave the truth out yesterday. The Trump administration they sent a three star general. I I actually tweeted this out, I think over the weekend, but it came out I think Wednesday on Stars and Stripes. How Lieutenant General Jeffrey Buchanan, US North Army North Commander who listens to Colonel Jim Maron and sixty fifth and fourth Wing Commander and Georgia and Buchanan took control of the military portion of the rescue and relief operations in Puerto Rico and the Pentagon ended up deploying a battle tested general and as of early last week, they had over five thousand troops on the ground. Now there's over fifteen thousand people they're working. They have the Lieutenant Journal Buchanan, He's take the military portion of rescue and relief operations over. You got images of all these service men and women. They're out there handing out food, water, medicine, and supplies, their airlifting to every area that they can't possibly get to. The three star general's deployment came after the Army sent the Brigadier General Richard Kim to Puerto Rico to lead the land based forces as the operation shifted from a primarily Navy ship based response to the disaster. And then you know, you've got all this food, all this medicine, all these supplies. You've got pallets and pallets and pallets of it. And then you've got this radicalized mayor in in the wake of all of this, trying to jump in and politicize what had happened here. And I'm thinking, you know, putting all this aside, I mean, what is it instinctively in people that this is what they want to race to when they were in the middle of a crisis where you know, monumental proportions, I mean, everything was wiped out here. So they ignore all the facts on the ground, all the people on the ground. The media continues the bass Trump narrative because they had an opportunity to not based on truth or facts. And let's say that the response wasn't as strong as Florida and Texas because all of the president that just shows his racist instincts. Meanwhile, the supplies were there on the ground, had been going out to people, and it seems the only problem that they had was getting trucks and drivers available to get the food to the outlying areas where people most needed them. But even with that said, before the weekend even came and and the heavy criticism out of nowhere, people had already every single county in Puerto Rico had been given food, water, and supplies and they were working non stop anyway, So all of that now has to be dealt with, and then of course you got the president is out there today and you know, but again it's about politicizing a tragedy. You know, you've got a neighboring You've got the San Juan mayor was more interested in doing television interviews than helping people on the ground. My favorite picture is the San Juan mayor standing in front of palletts pallettes of food and water and supplies, whining about the response ye had, the neighboring mayor and the governor praising the president, saying that the San Juan mayor's just playing politics because she's a radical left winger that wants to run for governor. And they told the truth about the president and the relief efforts, and the governor of Puerto Rico couldn't have been nicer to the president. Neighboring mayors, they couldn't have been nicer to the president. So the question is why does the liberal mainstream media in this country, Why do people on television in this country, you know, run with phony and false narratives the way they always do because they don't seem too interested in the truth in all of this. Anyway, joining us now we have with us Elvira Salazar, cuban American journalist than broadcast uh professional, and Fernando Francisco Hernandez is with US and an immigration attorney. I talked to Haraldo, I said, Haraldo, where is this woman coming from with these criticisms, And he said, well, no, she's just running for governor. That was his answer. Every other elected official was praising the president, but the only one quoted by the mainstream media was the one mayor that was politicizing all of this as she stood in front of Palaza supplies. What's your reaction on Vira, Well, my reaction is just like you said. I think that the liberal media has been very unfair with the president. I looked in Puerto Rico for many years about the commonwealth of Puerto Rico has received billions and billions of dollars from the United States government for more than a hundred and twenty years, right after the Hispanic American War. So Puerto Ricans are a protectorate of commonwealth and they have been very close to the United States, and they have enjoyed the fruits of being close to this nation. I believe that right now what's happening is that it has been politicized just exactly like you said, uh Sean. And I think that the fact that the President did not cancel his trip to Puerto Rico after what happened forty eight hours in Las Vegas shows very clearly that he has committed to that commonwealth and to that territory that is not a United States state, but it's a very close to your friend, to this country. So right there, it shows that he is committed. Not only that, it is exactly what you said, is billions and billions of dollars that they have received it's just the I don't believe, and we don't like and I don't know what Francisco says that Hispanic uh may. I don't want them to be using us and say that President Trump could be anti Hispanic or racist due to the fact that he is criticizing the United the government, the Puerto Rican administration. Calling people to responsibility is not a racist remark. Asking for people to help themselves is not a racist remark. It is a call to responsibility, and I think that's the way we should interpret President Trump's word. He is there, the money is flowing, and and we are helping. So in Puerto Ricans. You know, let me just say one more thing. You know, you have millions, thousands of thousands of Puerto Rico leaving the island as we speak, sixty five thousand Puerto Rican I do have some listen, even though their power grid is out. We now have numbers coming in that at least thirty percent of people now have gotten their power back. People now have running water, and that should climb even higher by the end of the week. About half of the people in Puerto Rico have had their cell phone service restored. And I know for a fact because I've been tech thing with Horaldo has been on the ground there. So at the end of the day, and not on top of that, the president is seeking an additional tent of fifteen billion, on top of everything that's already been sent. And the only story, the only story that seemed to bother me was that. And this was on a website today, and I had heard this from some of my sources in the White House that there's some of the truck drivers didn't show up for work to distribute relief supplies in large parts. Some of them had their own homes and their own issues at home to deal with. But the biggest problem was getting the truck drivers and the trucks and getting the food to the outer areas. Okay, but Mr Andy, the problem here is the President Trump is falling into defending something that he ought not to even be defending. He's the one that politicized it in the first place. We're politicizing in it right now on your show, just talking about the polities, and we don't care if it's we shouldn't even care whether it's fair or unfair to the president. The president. I just stand regally above the phrase and said, you know, what this is not a political matter. We're gonna do well, Maysten, it was you, if it was you, Francisco, and it was being suggested that you were somehow not doing your job when you know you are, and that there's some racial implication in this. You know, I'll give you one example. You know, it reminds me of Rate naked, the guy in New Orleans. This city will be a chocolate city. Well, the San Juan Trump bashing mayor, how comes she didn't show up at any of the meetings and we just raised their profile to an international level by paying attention to the president engaged the mayor of the city. What in the world, why is he even dealing with it? Keep problem. The problem is that day the liberal press or in whatever press is using this topic to use us to Hispanics in the United States and to portray the president as racist. We may not agree with some of the policies the President Trump has put forward when it comes to immigration, and we can discuss those, but we should not be falling into the tropic of liberal media of letting them use this event with Puerto Rico, that is Hispanic America, in order to then say, you see Mr Trump, once again, he is racist because it's not convenient for us. I agree, But you know what, just I agree with you except for the fact that we keep Francisco, what can you say. You're in the media, You're on five and sixties stations right now around the country. Why don't you that you're a leading spokesperson on the issue of immigration. Why don't you say that the president did an amazing job in Puerto Rico, just like he did in Texas and Florida, And then we'll move on. I I don't know what he's done. I assumed from everything I can tell, FEMA has done a wonderful job. But why is the president wanting credit with stay? Stay? But do your job in race issue off to the side. The more we talk about it, we don't even We shouldn't even be talking about Hispann Francisco. I've known you for years, and I know you all enough to know that if somebody attacked you and somebody called you racist, which by the way, is one of the worst things you can say about somebody, because it's basically saying you're evil and ignorant and not a horrible person, and and and just stupid. On top of it, if somebody called you that, why would you wouldn't defend yourself? I would know because he why is he defending himself against the mayor of a city in Puerto Rico. He doesn't need He needs to do his job and be done with it and stop tweeting about it. He has built this, this this mayor that wants to run for governor into an international figure just from his tweets. What the world just get out? Princenscox of Puerto Ricans on some type of welfare. Puerto Rico has a twelve percent unemployment rate. Puerto Ricans have the Blue Passport and they can come to the United States whenever they want to. They're they're leaving in masses. Sixty sixty five thousand Puerto Ricans left last year to come either to Florida, where I'm at, or to Orlando. So the United States go were meant, whether it's Trump or Bush or Clinton or Ford or Nix. And member has been extremely generous with the island of Puerto Rico. We Cuban Americans. I know I was. My parents will fled Cuba and went to Puerto Rico because it was a United States protectorate. So I think Puerto Ricans that should be very grateful to what the United States government has done. It's true that the Puerto Ricans have given a lot of men to go to war, Vietnam and career being one example, and they have contribute with the United States economy tremendously. But you know, I gotta take well, and we did the right You just do the right thing. I mean, that's it. And obviously the amount of money and supplies that I've seen on the ground and the number of troops and federal officials and federal government workers that are there, I think shows a massive commitment for support. All Right, I want to thank you both for being with us. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program quick Break from Vegas in the studios of News Talk seven twenty k d w N. It's the Sean Hannity Show. All right, John Hannity Show. As we continue, we are in Vegas, Hannity tonight. Of course, our new time, which was our old time, which is the new time. We hope you'll sell you DVR nine eastern six o'clock here on the West coast, and we have full and complete coverage of the outrageous politicizing of tragedy and the viciousness of the attacking by the left against anybody that's a conservative, and the outright lying of the news media. It's like we're the only ones that we are willing to call these people out on a regular basis. Right, let's get to our busy phones here and let's say hi to Johnny's in Alberta. He's in Canada. John Welcome to Vegas, Welcome to the Seawan Hannity Show. Thanks for having me on, and first off, like others, thoughts and prayers to all these people involved in this UM. I want the comment that there there are a number of things that people can do sort of immediately for themselves, whether they had a direct experience to this event, we're witness of it somehow, or even learning of at third hand. Is be attentive to your own self care. UM. It'll go a long way to avoid being impacted by a trauma or a PTSD. If people UM sort of obtaining good sleep, good appetite patterns. Definitely use your supports. Talk to people, UM if things are bothering you as you go through your day, So friends or family or your churches can be a great support for that. Those things in and of themselves, How do you how do you deal with that? You're a psychologist, I imagine I am Listen, I've talked to people that can't sleep here. There are there are people that work at our radio group here in Vegas that couldn't come to work there at the concert and they just you know, as as the general manager told me, they've been so jacked up on adrenaline and it's now hitting him. It's like post traumatic stress for the people that you know survived all of this. Yes, sleep disturbances at the front end of this are very normal. Albeit that they're obviously distressing and disturbing, they're They're not unusual. The key is to do everything you can to get good sleep hygiene, which is being a cold dark room. Don't be doing anything else in your bedroom other than than sleeping, UM and keeping that as a sort of sanctuary for that purpose. UM and and or use different relaxation techniques to relax. Well. We appreciate your insight and UH, we want to help people out as much as possible. And by people need to talk to somebody, you know, talk to your pastor talk to a professional. There's I don't know why some people associate shame with that. You just watched your fellow citizens, you know, and and and slaughtered in front of your eyes. Not exactly the normal average day, and if you have a response to it, it would be a very normal thing, alright. Eight nine one, Shawn, good advice there. If you want to be a part of the program, Governor Mike Huckaby, We're gonna replay the God Bless America song that John rich And and Big and Rich were playing. Kaya Jones was on stage at the time, and you got to hear this. If you haven't seen it yet, will show it in its entirety tonight on Hannity on the Fox News Channel, as we brought us from Vegas and the Strip. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Like their complicit, the GOP, the n r A in the gun epidemic we're seeing in America, they are, of course they are. You know, the Brady Bill actually kept two million guns out of the hands of people who weren't supposed to have them if we had gone forward with the background check capacity that we should have had, uh and that it was up to date. My gosh, we computerized everything, and we can't computerize that. Dylan Roof was never supposed to get that gun that he used to kill people at Mother Emmanuel Church in Charleston because he had a pre existing arrests that should have disqualified him. But the system, you know, is deliberately kept all creaky and slow. We don't even allow people to get federal funds to look into gun debts and what makes uh, you know, some people more inclined to reach for a gun, and how we keep guns out of the hands of you know, criminals and the mentally ilf One of the first things Trump did when he became president was to undo the regulation from the Obama era, so you know, mental health records no longer prevent you from buying a gun. In fact, being blind does not any longer prevent you from buying buying a gun. I mean, this is beyond absurd, This is evil. This is nothing but pure unadulterated greed, motivated by people who want to sell as many guns as they can to engage in a falsity of fear and rhetoric about why everybody has to have guns, and you know, there's just the evidence is just so clear that more guns do not keep you safer. Uh, and more guns in the wrong hands lead to terrible incidents. But you know, we've had two d seventy three events in this past year of mass shootings, which means four or more killed. So, yes, we see the horrors of Las Vegas. It happens every day. It's part of the nine you want people who get killed every single day by gun. It's fascinating to hear Hillary Clinton, who has had armed guards around her her entire adult life, when she was the wife of a governor, when she was a senator, when she was the first Lady, and probably now also for the rest of her life. She has somebody defending her that is armed for the rest of us. I guess you know she's smept too bad for you people. And then she says that, well, if we're gonna be Republicans in the n r A, we are complicit. I guess Donald Trump was right. If she won, we lose our Second Amendment rights. And this is this impulse to just race to politicize a tragedy without any information. You know, when her husband was president, the Murrah Building, the Federal Murray Building, was blown up they didn't use a gun. They use fertilizer and ammonium to blow the thing up. Did we ban that since then? I don't know. There's all sorts of ways you can kill people of evil and the desire to kill and and create a mass destruction is in your heart. We see so many suicide bombers, knife wielding attacks. We see people using bats and guns and tire irons. You can use anything you want to kill somebody if that evil exists inside your heart. But it's one big narrative. You know, before the bodies were even cold in the morgue, before parents knew the fate of their children, the five d and twenty nine people injured in the hospital, whether or not the kids are clinging to life. As she was politicizing this event, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy in action on gun control sending an unintentional endorsement of this, you know, made in America mass murder, Brocaws says, And there he's urging viewers to organize against the n R A. Well, let me ask anybody, what do you do if somebody breaks into your house? It happens all the time, you know, we hear about home invasions break ins. Where was during the Obama years, where was Hillary doing anything to help the people in Chicago that were victims of gun violence? Wait? How many week did we have fifty plus shootings? And I've listed the names of people. It's like it doesn't exist. If it's a liberal president. Jimmy Kimmel, the GOP should pray for God to forgive them help cause the shooting. Wow. Unbelievable Keith Olberman. The n r A is a terrorist organization that enables massacres. On the view host, even the killing of fellow Republicans in Vegas won't stop the GOP action on guns. Brian Williams pushing gun control during an interview with Senator Bloomin. Paul Trevor noher, I have never been to a country where people are so afraid to speak about guns, and the race to politicize a tragedy continues. Unbelievable. Governor Mike Huckabee is with us Fox News contributor. Welcome back to the program. We're in Vegas today, Governor, how are you. I'm doing well. I just have listened. And what I don't understand when people on the left keeps saying we got to do something. We'll tell us what that something is. Because if you can fix mass murder with a new law, even though the person who committed it has violated multitudes of laws in order to do that crime, if you can come up with the law that will prevent this from ever happening, just tell us what it is. And then, Sean, let's apply to domestic violence so that no spouse is ever battered by their partner. Let's apply that to sexual predators. Let's apply that law, whatever it is. Tell us how we can legislate the behavior of people to such a degree that we can eliminate burglary, armed robbery, road rage, everything that makes us a less than civil society, because I'm all the ears for that. But here's what they do. They come to the microphones and they plead to do something, and it's almost as if they say, it doesn't matter if something works, let's just do something. Well, let's do something. Let's arm everybody, let's don't but let's quit playing this ridiculous game that is made for people. If I Q barely above broccoli, who somehow think that we can pass a law and that everybody will follow it and behave because of it. Because that's not true. The irony of all of this. I don't care if it was Ford Hood or Sam Bernardino, or or Orlando and the Pulse nightclub or Chattanooga or the Sarno Brothers or you know, any of these incidents that happened that were radical Islamic terror related or sympathizers. You know. I remember when San Bernardino came up, and I remember having bow Didle on the program, and I remember saying, all right, no, I've been trained in the use of a pistol firearms since I'm eleven years old, and I grew up in a home that had pistols because of my parents jobs. So they trained me at a young age. I became a marksman at a pretty young age. And so in San Bernardino, remember when the clips dropped and they had to reload. Now, if I was in the room we've had and I'm trained in the use of a fire I'd at least have a shot at saving some of the lives after the reload. Now, do you want me in that room or not want me in that room? I want me in that room to help people well. And the fact is a person is less likely in America to be the victim of a mass murder shooting than they would be in France, who has a fifth of the population of US. In France, there were five hundred and thirty two casualties from mass shootings, which is five times more than the US experience during Obama's entire presidency. The liberals never want to talk about that. And one of the things that happens in a place like France is that people like you or me will never be able to be able to protect ourselves. We'll just have to hope that we can all the authorities and it maybe they will come and rescue us. How many times do these incidents and John Lotts has put out, you know, multiple versions of his book More Guns, Less Crime, and how many times does some of these incidents happen in so called no go zones for guns or gun free zones. As one of the problems is that the Democrats who politicize this issue, and they always do it. As you pointed out before the body, these are even cold. I find this just incredibly inhumane that they would bring a political issue up at a time when people haven't even had the chance to grieve. But what I'm still waiting for one of them to do is to tell me exactly what the legislation would say that would prevent this or any other type of crime that they say that they can prevent, And the fact is there isn't one, and most of them. I saw there was a young lady on Fox this morning. She said, I'm from Arkansas and my family owns guns and they hunt, but nobody needs a semi automatic to hunt with. And I was just screaming of the television and said it, sweetheart, maybe you are from Arkansas, but you don't know much about firearms because most of us who duck hunt duck hunt with a semi automatic shotgun, and a lot of people hunt with semi automatic rifles. And to say that, uh, no one does is just to show a blatant ignorance. But it's bigger than that. It's this mindset that they have decided that this is a political issue that they want to win. Here's another question. When they had the White House, the House and this and it, why didn't they pass this wonderful legislation eight years ago when they could have done it. Why didn't they do it? Then? Oh, I mean that's a great point, because they didn't want to do it politically, and they didn't have the courage because they knew it would be a big backlash. Um. Governor, By the way, I'm proud of you. Um. You have been a really strong, articulate voice for the president his agenda. And I noticed that when a lot of people run for president and they lose, I'll mention some names, Al Gore unhinged, Hillary Clinton unhinged. I'd even argue John McCain has lost it in so many ways and is angry that he lost. After all, he wants me to go straight to hell. It wasn't very nice of him. Um. But you you're you're just good natured. I mean, it seems like you have an ability to You've You've obviously won big positions and big races in your life. You didn't win the presidency, but you're gracious in loss. And I watch all of these other people change. What's the difference between you and them? Well, I have a perspective, and that is that the ultimate evaluation of my life is not whether I get elected to a position here on this earth. It's whether or not at the end of life, I hear my creators say, well done, good and faithful servant, and so for me, I'm lucky. You're you're going to hear that, and he's gonna go, Hannity, you know what, you're a totally get out of my site. Well, I think it's important for all of us to understand that when you run for political office, there's no guarantee you're gonna win. It's a risk you take, and if you lose, then you respect that the voters decided that they'd rather have someone else. It's painful, you hate it, you don't enjoy it, it's it's very devastating to you financially in every other way. But that's the risk you take. It's not unlike when a person opens a business. There's no guarantee they're going to be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. You know, they may be the person who loses their life savings trying to open a small business. But you might make it, you may not. You can't be better about it. And in this case, I love my country more than I love the notion that I was the only person who could be president. Yeah, and you know what, we're trying to make the country better. I mean, that's at the end of the day. I mean We've got a lot of problems in this country, and I'd like to solve them. Um. Now you've teamed up with a group of people on the Trinity Broadcast Network, and now you have a new weekly UH news talk show that's premiering Saturday on TBM called Huckabee. But you also continue you work with us on Fox. Correct, that's correct. I'll continue to be a contributor. But you know, when I left to run for president, obviously they don't leave the shelf space open. And so when I came back to Fox, UH, you know that the show did not come back. The Trinity the Broadcasting wanted to bring the show back. I'm very excited about it, and in particular because I've always felt like that my audience for that show was the Heartland. So we're going to do the show in Nashville, Tennessee, right in the middle of the Heartland and a wonderful location. Got a great theater that's been built out just for this. UH. One of our mutual friends, Kevin Sorbo, is going to be with me on the show on the twentieth of October talking about film that I had a chance to see over the weekend. Let there be light. It's gonna be fun to talk about. I think you had a hand in that, didn't you. Sewan Am I throwing something at you now, Governor, I'm the executive producer of the movie. You did you? Did you really watch it? So? Yeah, every I want to ask you this. Did you cry? I was very moved? I'll tell you and what I want everybody? Yeah, I think so. And and here's what I appreciated about it. A lot of faith films, at the end, everything turns out hunky dory and everybody's you know, wonderful. I'm not going to give away the ending, but the real life we live as believers is want to struggle and one in which some things don't always work out on this planet, in this life. And I thought that the show was refreshingly honest about that and I loved it. And so after I screened it and watched it, I got in touch with Kevin and I said, I need you in Nashville. I want you to be on my show, and he has agreed to do it. He's going to be in studio and we're going to talk about the film and the weeks I hope it will. It's a great success. We need more like it in the next week or so. And you know something, in light of all of the evil that we've been talking about in the world. UM, it's pretty amazing. It's it is an uplifting message and I'm very proud of it, and we're gonna be listening. It comes out October. I'll probably start promoting it next week. And I'm very proud to have been associated with I was out of my mind. I had no idea why I got into this. It's a very different thing that I do now. But I'm very proud of the outcome. And it's a movie that families can see and you can bring your kids of all ages, and it takes you on a roller coaster ride emotionally and it's uh, and it's got a great message at the end of the day, and it's not like what people think. I think they're gonna be very pleasantly surprised. But Governor I got it wrong. We're proud of you. I'm proud of you, and uh, we always love having you on the show. Good luck on the on the new show that you're starting a Saturday. Okay, thank you, Sean. Going to talk to you alright. One Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, all right, we're gonna air that in full with of course what nearly thirty thou people their their lights up, their phones up, and um, it's an amazing moment and I'm just it'll touch you, I promise you. And that was about an hour before the shooting began. We're broadcasting live tonight in Vegas. We will cover what the mainstream media never covers, and that's the truth those racing, rushing impulsively, making this political. Also the President's interview with Horaldo and how the media lied about what was going on there. We'll set the record straight. Nineties turn from the Vegas Strip. Hannity tonight on Fox. Thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow

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