
Published Nov 15, 2019, 11:00 PM

Freedom Caucus Members, Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida, Congressman Mark Meadows of North Carolina, and Chairman of the Freedom of the Freedom Caucus Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona, are here to talk about today’s hearing with Marie Yovanovotich and the continuation of the #SchiffShamShow. By her own admission, the Ambassador is unable to be a material witness on anything.

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It's totally nobody's ever had such Hares Sean Hannity, such horrible due process. There was no due process, and I think it's I think it's considered a joke all over Washington and all over the world. The Republicans are given no due process whatsoever. We're not allowed to do anything. It's a disgrace what's happening. But you know what, the American public understands it. And that's why the poll numbers is so good, and that's why other things is so good. What they're doing in Washington, we're that hearing. And by the way, it's a political process, is not a legal process. So if I have somebody saying, I'm allowed to speak up, if somebody says about me, we're not allowed to have any kind of representation. We're not allowed to have almost anything. And nobody's seen anything like it in the history of our country. There has never been a disgrace like what's going on right now. So, you know what, I have the right to speak. I have freedom of speech just as other people do. But they've taken away the Republicans rights. And I watched today as certain very talented people who wanted to ask questions, and they weren't even allowed to ask questions Republicans, they weren't allowed to ask questions. It's a very sad thing. Go ahead, start with your freedom, time, start with your freedom. Were you trying to intimidate Ambassador yourvan? I just want to have a total I want freedom of speech. That's a political process. The Republicans have been treated very badly. And I watched a little bit of it today. I wasn't able to yesterday because we had the President of Turkey here and I wasn't able to watch much. I watched some of it this morning. I thought it was a disgrace when we have great Republican representatives, people elected by the people, and they're not allowed to even ask a question. They're not allowed to make a statement. We're not allowed to have witnesses, we're not allowed to have legal counsel, White House counsel. It's a disgrace and it's an embarrassment to our nation and your work. Yes, go ahead, question quiet, quiet, quiet. Believe the work can be intimidated? I don't think so at all. Go ahead. Well, I shouldn't be. In fact, I thought last night it ended because they're talking in the Roosevelt Room. We're gonna bring it back to our panel because all right there it is. I mean, I'm watching, by the way, glad you're with us, Happy Friday eight hundred nine for one seawn if you want to be a part of the program. Let me deal with this idiocy anyway before we get even going here, the president't tweeted. It doesn't like he tweeted. He doesn't like it. Uh, okay for all you idiots. And I mean there are dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb people that that claim to even be legal analysts. They are the dumbest of of of them all, it seems sometimes. Uh yeah, if you're gonna look at the legal definition defined by law witness and intimidation. Yet that would be if you threatened a witness with physical harm or actually harming a witness, oh, bribing a witness, asking or coercing a witness into lying. Um, I'm gonna play this cut here, and I thought I'll tell you what the great One said about this, which I thought was hilarious. But you know, I can't talk about the the the well. Just listen to cut eleven of this woman Maria Ivanovitch, who's so freaking paranoid thinks that I actually gave a fly and rip about her. We mentioned her in passing four times. It's not my fault that John Solomon interviewed the Prosecutor General that said that she was handing him a list of names and not the prosecutor. That's not my fault, and it was done in passing. O folks news. Oh woo, it's the drama. The drama anyway, this is her. I can't talk about the Black Ledger, Paul Manafford's resignation from the Trump campaign, Shoukin's departure. She can't talk about anything well. And as Devin Noona said, here, why are you even here? You know nothing. Listen. I arrived in Ukraine on August twenty second, twenty sixteen, and left Ukraine permanently on May twentieth, twenty nineteen. There are a number of events you are investigating to which I cannot bring any firsthand knowledge. The events that predated my Ukraine service include the release of the so called Black Ledger and mister Manafort's subsequent resignation from President Trump's campaign, and the departure from office of former Prosecutor General Victor Shohin several other events occurred after I returned from Ukraine. These inde President Trump's July twenty fifth, twenty nineteen call with President's Lenski, the discussions surrounding that phone call, and any discussions surrounding the delay of security assistance to Ukraine in the summer of twenty nineteen. All Right, so I'm watching all of this insanity go on here, and I'm like, you gotta be kidding me, right that she knows nothing, she can add nothing. Only things she can add is hearsay, hearsay, more hearsay. And so the media, the mob, and the demo, Well, this is witness intimidation. Okay, Well, let me just point out that when the president, first of all, it's not witness intimidation. The president of the United States has a First Amendment right also to free speech, and everybody has a right to defend themselves from false accusations or they allowed to offer their opinion of a witness. And uh yeah, that's called freedom of speech. It's very simple if you just read the First Amendment. I love the great by the way, the great woman, I thought to him earlier today. He's on fire. He's coming on with us on TV tonight. I'm glad he's coming, and he pointed out, he goes, yeah, Ivanovich and I knew so little about this woman until I found out she's talking about me as if I ever talked about her a lot, which I didn't. It was it was we went back and looked. It was like four times. I'm like, I didn't even know who she is. I know nothing about I've never talked to anybody in Ukraine. I mean, that's how insane. This was the only thing I cared about was quid pro quo Joe and zero experienced hunter and yeah, that would be your real quid pro quo. Anyway, Levin pointed out, he cracks me. He just cracks me up. That Ivanovitch wouldn't have even known that the president had tweeted during the hearing except for the compromise corrupt, coward, congenital liar. Oh, I don't know who the whistle blower is. Okay, you are you that messed up in the head that you don't remember what you said yesterday and the day before that. Anyway, if Shift didn't read this to her, Shift created the basis for this ridiculous and erroneous, irrational witness intimidation. It has no application none, you know, I mean, it's it's almost humorous except what they're doing to the country. As I've been saying, none of this is funny. I mean, you know, look at the opening statement, another blockbuster by Devin Nonas today. You know, as he points out, the Democrats have convened once again to advance an operation a topple a duly elected president. This is all they've done for three long, solid years. This is who they are. This defines them. They've done nothing to help peace, prosperity, safety, security in this country, job created. Nothing they've done zip except hate Trump. This is a this is beyond a raging psychosis that has overcome them. Now it's blowing up in their face. I'm kind of you know, good, you know what you want to be idiots, Go be idiots. Let it blow up in your face. That's fine. But this is what they've basically have said. We've played the montages again and again twenty sixteen, two days after the President selected Impeach, all through twenty seventeen, all through twenty eighteen, all through twenty nineteen, Peach and Peach, and Peach and Peach and peaked. You know, they've been vowing to do this since the day that Donald Trump was elected because they never saw this coming and they can't believe we smelly Walmart shoppers guilty as charged. I like Costco and Target also we smelly Walmart, Costco, Target shoppers that like Donald Trump. We irredeemable deplorables that claim to God. All right, I'm guilty. I want to I want a better relationship with my Creator and our Bibles and our religion. Oh that makes us horrible people. We want to be forgiven our sins. What's that's Christianity one on one and how horrible? But they is a contempt that they can't believe it. They they know better, they're smarter, they're super patriots. We're not, you know, until they secretly met with the whistleblower. Yeah, that's where you know that the hiding the whistleblower and the sixth Amendment is very clear, which is why I'm asking these senators these questions. But you know, if if you're on the front the only by the way, the only one colluding with the Russian is that idiot chif the congenital liar, What is the nature of the compromise. Uh, the naked naked pixes, the thrump naked naked naked pixes. Uh. Did Vladimir receive them? Yeah? But of cause the compromising nut theadeals Vladimir saw. Of course it's in the okay, can you get me the compromising? Of course they get to the compromising. But do you dumb ask you're being pranked. You're being punked man, you know, the only one on tape colluding with a Russian anyway, So that now they've now that there has been nothing but six weeks of secret depositions. They're basically auditioning and cherry picking. And this is it. I mean, why was this woman even here? This is all hearsay again there is and by on top of it, I mean listening to Adam Schiff shutdown and we'll play this throughout the program today. You know, point of order, point of arder no no, no, not recognized point of er. I mean it's like a kindergart play some of that. It's like a kindergarten five. I do want to comment, and Chairman, I have a point of order under ATREZ six sixty the general little state or point of order, the point of order is will the Chairman continue to prohibit witnesses from answering Republican questions as you've done in closed hearings, and as you did well suspecsically when you interrupted our question a proper point of order General one was we'll suspend Chairman. Yea, Jenna was not recognized. A point of Jena is not recognized, a point of order though Jennam was not recognized. I do want to respond. I allowed the order. Jenna was not recognized. I'm out, and there are four gentlemen scripts that have and relieve on them is not recognized. Oh, rank you member was allowed to exceed the opening statement, and I was happy to allow him to do so. I do want to respond to the point of all this. Listen, you gotta understand their whole um when they when they put this phony resolution out there in the inquiry, they said, yeah, and the President will have the right to call witnesses and they'll have the right to question witnesses of the way, except that the discretion of the compromise corrupt coward, congenital liar, Adam Schiff and then the next pair they'll have the right to ask witnesses questions at the discretion of the compromise, corrupt, congenital liar. Shift is judge, jury and executioners. There's there's nothing here and as you as you as I'm sorting through that, I can't even believe that this is this is it? This? They want to impeach a president of the United States. They don't have a single fact witness. Oh you got is a bunch of if you found in your cherry picking auditions, a few Trump haters and their interpretation of something that never happened, never happened, They never did anything, and they got the money. And you got the president of the Ukraine, the farm Minister saying over and over again, no, none of this is true. Zero. You know, it's an irrefutable fact here the AID only existed because of Trump. The president and Zelenski made it clear nothing was linked. The Foreign Minister has now said it again and again, and they've said it on multiple occasions. They didn't feel pressure to do a single thing, you know, And I will tell you, And watching Shift today, I mean it was like, WHOA what country we all living in here? All right? I gotta take a break, first break here. We got a lot to get to. We got a lot. I mean, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm kind of enjoying this blowing up in their face. I mean, this is blowing up in their face. This is this, This is like we're no longer the United States of the America. This is like the Banana Republic States of America. This is this is former Soviet Union style madness here. Oh yeah, Democrats, maybe they don't want to follow this little point of order that the one thing Ivanovitch did do today is confirmed that, yeah, Hunter Biden zero experienced role with Baris Maholdings. Yeah, that's highly questionable. Yeah, I thought, Oh, I thought nobody. I thought. I thought the predict was in that no reasonable person sho's or anything wrong with the billion dollars if if I are the guy, no billion, if you don't, nobody saw anything wrong with that. But we see the president is defending himself. This is witness and no, go read the statute. Are you people that dumb and that lazy that you can't even you know, look up the federal statute. It's not that hard. You have to threaten a witness with physical harm or harming a witness or bribing a witness or coercing a witness in the line. The president has a First Amendment right just like the rest of us. I know that's very surprising to you liberals, but you know he does. And as part of that, he can say whatever he wants to say. And by the way, she wouldn't have even known about it while she was testifying, because oh, the only one that told her was the cowardly, corrupt, compromise congenital liar. And that's who, you know, That's who's in play here. The most stunning thing in this is just like the other two Bozo's you know, Tuesday, when was it Wednesday? She has no firsthand knowledge at all of anything. She has none. You had no knowledge of the pause on aid on Ukraine, no knowledge of the phone call till it was made public. She was not involved in the meeting in Warsaw and had not spoken of the President or mulvaney at all, and she could not speak to the president's thought process regarding his decisions. Now, she did agree one hundred percent. You know, Ukraine agreed with bringing her back. They didn't want her there because she actually and you can look at this in John Solomon's column, apparently gave a speech and made her opinions known. But she's upset that the prosecutor General said something about her and not got reported. Wow, oh, the vapors. Oh, hang on, I gotta take a break because I'm about to pass out. Twenty five now till the top of the hour, all right, so let me just read the tweets. Oh the vapors. Oh. And by the way, she wouldn't have even known that the president tweeted about her, but Adam Schiff has to tell her. And this intimidation, no one's not. I have said on this program that if Donald Trump cured cancer, they would impeach him for curing cancer. That's how sick they've gotten. This is how detached from truth and reality they are. Now the president did tweet. They call it serving at the pleasure of the president. The US now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy, much different than proceeding administrations. It's called, by the way, quite simply America First. With all of that, however, I have done far bet more for Ukraine than Obama. Oh, good point, and everywhere Maria Ivanovitch when turned bad. By the way, the Ukrainians, nobody's saying this by the way, they should have. They agreed one hundred percent with recalling the ambassador, because the new president said, with regard to the ambassador to the United States from Ukraine, as far as I recall her name, Ivanovitch was great. That you were the first one who told me that she was not a great ambassador, because I agree with you one hundred percent. Her attitude towards me was far from the best, as she admired the previous president and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new president. Well enough, Oh so the Ukrainian president agrees. President just says, yeah, it didn't work out well. She started off in Somalia. Had that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian president spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a president's absolute right to appoint ambassadors yet the president's foreign policy. But the most stunny thing here, I'm gonna go to Jim Jordan here in a second is she has no knowledge of anything. It's that the great devinue is, why are you even here? What is the point? Confirmed? She wasn't involved in the phone call, had no knowledge about the issues of Ukraine and the pause on aid. She wasn't involved in the meeting in Warsaw, Warsaw, Warsaw had not spoken with President Trump or Mulvany at all. And you know, she also could not speak to the President's thought process regarding his decision related to Ukraine. I know she's so upset that. Oh yeah, the prosecutor general there accused her of giving her giving him a list of people, not the prosecute that let her take it up with that guy. I apparently he stands by it. According to Jim Jordan, others have said he's were canted. Everything she had to offer today was just more hearsay. She wasn't on the call, she didn't know about the call until it was made public. She can only provide more hearsay about the discussion of aid to Ukraine. I mean, that's it. That's all they can do. And by the way, Obama gave plenty of ambassadors there goodbye pink slips. Yeah, a lot of times. And Ivanovitch even added to it, yea had to serve at the pleasure of the president. Ambassadors are personal representatives of the president. That's the president's job. He's the one the campaign that got elected. And she confirmed that the president can recall an ambassador any time for any reason. He didn't need any reason or any reason at all. And I don't know why that would be even complicated, even for the corrupt news media in this country, you know. And she even praised the president's strong policies towards Ukraine. Wow, shocky. And all of this is based on hearsay, every bit of it. Oh, by the way, I love how you know the the area of fifty one Roswell Rachel conspiracy theory channel. They're actually comparing horror removal is worse than Benghazi. Really, what's up? Well, let's go to let's go to Jim Jordan's now come out of this hearing which is now over. Who has no firsthand knowledge of the subject that is supposed to be the focus of this entire inquiry. Third witness who never talked to the president. Third witness who never spoke with Chief of Staff mulvaney who was not, third witness who was not on the call, third witness who wasn't even as I said, in Ukraine, when when when the relevant during the relevant time frame wasn't even there when President's Lensky that left before he was even inaugurated as as the new president. So again four facts. I say this every time, but it's the truth. Four facts have never changed. We'll never change. We got the call transcript. There was no conditionality or linkage on the call between an investigation security assistance. We have the two individuals on the call to both said that there was no pressure, no linkage. We know that the Ukrainians didn't even know AID was withheld or on hold at the time of the call. And most importantly, the Ukrainians, specifically President Lensky, never took any official action to get the aid release. And so those those facts never change, and we'll never change. We'll letting the Stephani say a word and then we'll take the question. Sure. So this was day two of an abject failure of Adam Schiff and his regime of secrecy. As we saw today, he is making up the I mean it is Jim Jordan's gonna get up here, and I'm sorry, Mark Meadows is gonna get up in a minute. When he does, I want to go to him. Let me know, Linda when he gets up there and we have a queue up and only have it chewed up and ready to go. You know, I will tell you. You know, we're learning a lot of other things here too, Like Ivanovitch's previous testimony was a dud. They knew it was a dud. A third here say, witness, what is the point it is inadmissible? That's why I've been asking any senators, Okay, are we going to follow the federal laws that govern the admission admissibility of evidence and a trial, which means no hearsay with very few exceptions, none that would apply here. And that's issue number one, an issue number two. Do we have a sixth amendment to our constitution? Do you have a right to confront your accusers? There's a great piece Washington Post is actually saying the Democrats focus grouped coming up with the name of we'll go with the name bribery because it's you know, qui pro quol is not as good. We'll go to extortion. No, no, no, no, now, we'll move it to bribery. I don't know what the hell they're doing, you know. And you've got fake news ms DNC claiming that the president exercising his undisputed right. We're calling ambassadors worse than mcghazi, MAKA Brazynski. I'm like and at least Jordan in in exchange today. But all of this is backfiring. You know, I can't hear you. Gotta say it on the air. What are you saying to me? I can't hear you. I can't read your lips. For Meadows, when have you ready? Boss? Well, let's called to Mark Meadows. He just came out of the hero. We do have is we have what President Zelenski. We have a new administration in Ukraine that didn't have the same confidence in this ambassador, and so in't it appropriate with all the foreign service diplomats we have to put someone in with a new regime in the Ukraine that can actually work on the President's behalf, on behalf of the American people. Why is it appropriate for the president attap his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani Tamund, which he testified to was a smear campaign against her. Why is that okay? President can happen, as I said, the President can have whom he desires doing diplomatic work for the country. Uh, there's been there's been all this, there's there's been all this talk about the irregular channel. I think it's important that folks in the quote irregular channel where Senate confirmed Ambassador Silence send it confirmed Ambassador Vulker and Senate confirmed Secretary Perry. So, y'all want to make a some of the windens want to make a big deal about that. And you had the president's lawyer also part of that that group. I think, I think presidents are allowed to have whom they want doing the work of the country. It was a spear case. She said it was a spear campaign. I don't know. She testified. It was a spear campaign of false attacks against her. Do you believe her the president is appropriate for the present while I think, well, I don't know that it's Excuse me, I don't know that it was an attack on the witness it was. It was really a characterization of her resume. And when when you look at this, when you look at this, you guys want him to go in with no attorneys, no witnesses, no Twitter or no anything. You know, at some point you got to say, when is it going to be a fair process? And today was not a fair process in there. It's not going to be a fair process in the bunker that we're about half to go to. And it was not a fair process. When they muzzled the general woman from New York over and over again, it's not fair. Do you think it's a fair presidence. Listen the second sentence of that tweet, for example, one example, Adam Shift never brought this up. The second sentence of that tweek goes back to the July twenty fifth cult transcript, and in that President Zelinski is seeing the President Trump that he's concerned the Ambassaory Ivanovitch is a quote bad ambassador, and that President Zealinsky believed the Ambassadory Ivanovitch had a loyalty to President Poor Shanko. Now Adam Schiff, when posing the question of Ambassaory Ivanovitch to respond to the tweet, never even mentioned that because this is what Adam Shift did. Thus, let me just jump in here and say, you know, Jim Jordan sums it up and every time he goes to the microphone, there was no linkage in the transcript. There was never even the mention of the word aid, not one time, not one time. The President of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Ukraine. They didn't even know that there was a hold, which was from a month before. Why because there's so much corruption, as we all know goes on. Both sides are saying no linkage, no pressure whatsoever, and they got the money without doing anything. So why are we here talking to a hearsay, no nothing witness again, I mean, I've never seen anything like that. I will tell you though, is blowing up. We got the latest survey by Rasmussen now out, which has been the most accurate polling operation in the twenty sixteen election, and it shows that the shift show that's going on in DC in the circus is boosting the president's approval numbers because their daily Presidential Survey find a four point bounce for the president following the first day of this Ukrainian impeachment coup attempt, and the president's overall approval has been tracking up since Wednesday, the first day of this shift show. There's a forty six percent, Now it's fifty. Keep it up because that's only going to help the president. And by the way, there's another they released. The new Trump call transcript has now come out as well, and guess what it actually contradicts Ivanovitch's previous sworn testimony. And you know, the debunk conspiracy theory floated by by some people out there on the left that that President Trump was bad mouthing her in the first call. Well, that's what the compromise corrupt coward. Congenital liar Adam schiff At ask Ivanovitch in the October eleventh EPSI, I shouldn't if she knew whether Trump had brought her up in previous conversations. She said, I don't know. I had assumed it was April twenty first the phone call, the first phone call, because that, to my knowledge is the only time other time that they talked. And then the congenital liar asked if the reason that she didn't receive a briefing or read out of the call was because Trump may have been bashing her. It's possible, she says, great more conjecture. Let's all just guess around this. White House released the full transcript of that call today and guess what. Ivanovitch's name never came up? Good grief. I mean the four minor mentions on my show, Oh smear campaign. By the way, we know why is Rudy Giuliani there. I'll tell you why. Because the election interference by Ukraine and he's the president's lawyer, and that was the whole Muller report thing. Remember, either way, there is speculation who is the person that said this? Earlier today, O l Ford was on Fox News. He says, yeah, this keeps going bad. You're gonna have a much better sense of what Nancy Pelosi thinks, because I don't think that she wanted to do this. If she doesn't feel the Democrats are gonna have a sound boat, bypartisan boat, maybe even the chance to remove the president, I would not be surprised if she didn't pull this in the next few days. If she had a brain, she would, But I think she's just speaker in name only love how they you know, prayerful by the way of apparent. I wonder if that was one of the focus group terms they came up with. The bottom line is she had nothing to offer today. Nothing, She knew nothing. There was no reason for her to ever be there no firsthand knowledge of the first phone call between Trump and Zelensky, none, no direct knowledge of anything about withholding or delaying aid. Nothing that is the center of their their ridiculous impeachment coup attempt here. And she's just upset that. You know, you can't be upset with Julianni or Solomon, her Hannity and Hannity barely. I need nothing about her now I do and I know a lot about her now, but she's upset. Four mere mentions, oh smeared like in passing. What the hell this person is talking about? By the way, Ron Johnson, if you want a real quid pro quote, we got one. He's threatening now to subpoena Hunter Biden. And I will tell you this is this is gonna get interesting, all right, eight hundred nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, we got a lot to get to today. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number. I will tell you that there are some rock stars that are emerging here for the Republicans. By the way, I mean, can I just say I was devastated that the president, you know, didn't like me. I was devastated. I'm like, okay, um, I don't understand. There's so many people that hate me. I just don't understand. Snowflake is them Get over it. Not everybody in life's gonna like you too bad. Anyway, We've got Mark, these heroes, Mark Meadows have been great. He's going to join us well, Jim Jordan's been amazing, Matt Gates has been amazing. He'll join us, Andy Biggs. We've got Greg Jarrett checking in today, Senator Rick Scott, and oh Mark Levin on Hannity tonight. Don't miss that. I we'll tell you more about that straight ahead. Here's Sean Hannity. Such horrible due process. There was no due process, and I think it's I think it's considered a joke all over Washington and all over the world. The Republicans are given no due process whatsoever. We're not allowed to do anything. It's a disgrace what's happening. But you know what, the American public understands it. And that's why the poll numbers is so good, and that's why other things is so good. What they're doing in Washington, we're that hearing. And by the way, it's a political process, is not a legal process. So if I have somebody saying, I'm allowed to speak up, if somebody says about me, we're not allowed to have any kind of representation. We're not allowed to have almost anything. And nobody's seen anything like it in the history of our country. There has never been a disgrace like what's going on right now? So you know what, I have the right to speak. I have freedom of speech just as other people do. But they've taken away the Republicans' rights. And I watched today as certain very talented people who wanted to ask questions, and they weren't even allowed to ask questions Republicans. They weren't allowed to ask questions. It's a very sad thing. Go ahead, start with your freedom, to start with your freedom. Were you trying to intimidate a bask your banna. I just want to have a total I want freedom of speech. That's a political process. The Republicans have been treated very badly. And I watched a little bit of it today. I wasn't able to yesterday because we had the President of Turkey here and I wasn't able to watch much. I watched some of it this morning. I thought it was a disgrace when we have great Republican representatives, people elected by the people, and they're not allowed to even ask a question. They're not allowed to make a statement. We're not allowed to have witnesses, we're not allowed to have legal counsel, White House counsel. It's a disgrace and it's an embarrassment to our nation. Do you believe and you work? Go ahead, question quiet, quiet, quiet? Do you believe? Tweet the work can be intimidating. I don't think so at all. Go ahead, Well, I shouldn't be. In fact, I thought last night it ended because they're talking in the Roosevelt room. We're gonna bring it back to our panel because he was just making all right, there it is. I mean, I'm watching. By the way, glad you're with us, Happy Friday, eight hundred nine, pot one, seawn if you want to be a part of the program, let me deal with this idiocy anyway before we get even going here. The presidn't tweeted. It doesn't like he tweeted. He doesn't like it. Okay for all you idiots, And I mean, they're are dumb, dumb, dumb dumb people that that claim to even be legal analysts. They are the dumbest of the of them all. It seems sometimes, uh yeah, if you're gonna look at the legal definition defined by law witness and intimidation, yet, that would be if you threatened a witness with physical harm or actually harming a witness, oh, bribing a witness asking or coercing a witness into lying, Um, I'm gonna play this cut here, And I thought, I'll tell you what the great one said about this, which I thought was hilarious. But you know, I can't talk about the the the well. Just listen to cut eleven of this woman Maria Ivanovitch, who's so freaking paranoid, thinks that I actually gave a flying rip about her. We mentioned her in passing four times. It's not my fault that John Solomon interviewed the prosecutor General that said that she was handing him a list of names. Are not the prows of ute. That's not my fault, and it was done in passing. O folks news, Oh whoa, it's the drama, the drama anyway, this is her. I can't talk about the black Ledger, Paul Manafford's resignation from the Trump campaign, or Shokun's departure. She can't talk about anything well. And as Devin Noonas said, here, why are you even here? You know nothing? Listen. I arrived in Ukraine on August twenty second, twenty sixteen, and left Ukraine permanently on May twentieth, twenty nineteen. There are a number of events you are investigating to which I cannot bring any firsthand knowledge. The events that predated my Ukraine service include the release of the so called Black Ledger and mister Manaford's subsequent resignation from President Trump's campaign, and the departure from office of former Prosecutor General Victor show Him. Several other events occurred after I returned from Ukraine. These include President Trump's July twenty five, twenty nineteen, call with President's Lensky, the discussions surrounding that phone call, and any discussions surrounding the delay of security assistance to Ukraine in the summer of twenty nineteen. All Right, so I'm watching all of this insanity go on here, and I'm like, you gotta be kidding me, right that she knows nothing, she can add nothing. Only thing she can add is hearsay, hearsay more hearsay. And so the media, the mob, and the demo, Well, this is witness intimidation. Okay, Well, let me just point out that when the president, first of all, it's not witness intimidation. The president of the United States has a First Amendment right also to free speech, and everybody has a right to defend themselves from false accusation, or they allowed to offer their opinion of a witness. And uh, yet that's called freedom of speech. It's very simple if you just read the first Amendment. I love the great by the way, the great woman. I thought to him earlier today, he's on fire. He's coming on with us on TV tonight. I'm glad he's coming, and he pointed out, he USh, yeah, Ivanovitch and I knew so little about this woman until I found out she's talking about me as if I ever talked about her a lot, which I didn't. It was it was we went back and looked. It was like four times. I'm like, I didn't even know who she is. I do nothing about I've never talked to anybody in Ukraine. I mean, that's how insane. This was the only thing I cared about was quid pro quo Joe and zero experienced hunter and yeah, that would be your real quid pro quo. Anyway, Levin pointed out, he cracks, He just cracks me up. Uh that Ivanovitch wouldn't have even known that the President had tweeted during the hearing except for the compromise. Corrupt coward congenital liar. Oh, I don't know who the whistle blower is. Okay, are you that messed up in the head that you don't remember what you said yesterday and the day before that. Anyway, if Shift didn't read this to her, Shift created the basis for this ridiculous and erroneous, irrational witness intimidation. It has no application none, you know. I mean, it's almost humorous except what they're doing to the country. As I've been saying, none of this is funny. I mean, you know, look at the opening statement, another blockbuster by Devin Nounas today. You know, as he points out, the Democrats have convened once again to advance an operation a top la duly elected president. This is all they've done for three long, solid years. This is who they are. This defines them. They've done nothing to help peace, prosperity, safety, security in this country, job created. Nothing they've done zip except hate Trump. This is a this is beyond a raging psychosis that has overcome them. Now it's blowing up in their face. I'm kind of you know, good, you know what you want to be idiots, Go be idiots. Let them blow up in your face. That's fine, but this is what they've basically have said. We've played the montages again and again twenty sixteen, two days after the President selected Impeach, all through twenty seventeen, all through twenty eighteen, all through twenty nineteen, Peach and Peach and Peach and Peach and peaked. You know, they've been vowing to do this since the day that Donald Trump was elected because they never saw this coming and they can't believe we smelly Walmart shoppers guilty as charged. I like Costco and Target. Also we smellie Walmart, Costco, Target shoppers that like Donald Trump. We irredeemable deplorables that claim to God. All right, I'm guilty. I want to I want a better relationship with my creator and our Bibles and our religion. Oh that makes us horrible people. We want to be forgiven our sins. What's that? That's Christianity? One O one? How horrible. But there's a contempt that they can't believe it. They did, They know better, they're smarter, they're super patriots. We're not, you know, until they secretly met with the whistleblower. Yeah, there's where you know that the hiding the whistleblower, and the sixth Amendment is very clear, which is why I'm asking these senators these questions. But you know, if if you're on then the only by the way, the only one colluding with the Russian is that idiot Chiff, the congenital liar. What is the nature of the compromise? Uh? The naked naked pixes, the thumb naked naked pixes. Uh? Did Vladimir see them? Yeah? Yeah, But of course the compromising mut THEAREALSU Latims saw. Of course this in the okay, can you get me the compromising Matt. Of course I get to the compromising But do you, dumbass, you're being pranked. You're being punked man, and you know, the only one on tape colluding with a Russian anyway, So that now they've now that this has been nothing but six weeks of secret depositions. They're basically auditioning and cherry picking. And this is it you, I mean, why was this woman even here? This is all hearsay again there is and by on top of it, I mean listening to Adam Schiff shutdown and we'll play this throughout the program today. You know, point of order point of art. No, no, no, not recognized point of er. I mean it's like a kindergart play some of that. It's like a kindergarten. Five. Chairman, I have a point of order under a TREZ six sixty, the general little state point of order. The point of order is, will the Chairman continue to prohibit witnesses from answering Republican questions as you've done in closed hearings, and as you did sasically when you interrupted our question. A proper point of order, Generalman, we'll suspend. Jenna was not recognized. A point of genera is not recognized, a point of order though Jennam was not recognized. I do want to respond. I allowed the rank order John was not recognized. This is allowed in their four gentlemen, scripts that have not been relieved is not recognized. Ranking member was allowed to exceed the opening statement, and I was happy to allow him to do so. I do want to respond to the point of all this. Listen, you gotta understand their whole um when they when they put this phony resolution out there in the inquiry, they said, yeah, and the President will have the right to call witnesses and they'll have the right to question. Witnesses have the way, except that the discussion of the compromise corrupt Howard congenital liar Adam Schiff, and then the next pair. They've the right to ask witnesses questions at the discretion of the compromise corrupt congenital liar. Shift is judge juryan executioner's there's there's nothing here and as you as you as I'm sorting through that, I can't even believe that this is this? Is it? This? They want to impeach a president of the United States. They don't have a single fact, witness. All you got is a bunch of if you found them in your cherry picking auditions, a few Trumpeters, and their interpretation of something that never happened. Never happened, They never did anything, and they got the money, and you got the president of the Ukraine, the farms. They're saying over and over again, no, none of this is true. Zero, you know, um, it's an irrefutable fact here. The aid only existed because of Trump. The president and Zelenski made it clear nothing was linked. The Foreign Minister has now said it again and again, and they've said it on multiple occasions. They didn't feel pressure to do a single thing, you know, and I will tell you. And watching Shift today, I mean it was like, whoa what country we all living in? Here? All I gotta take a first break here. We got a lot to get to. Oh yeah, Democrats, maybe they didn't want to follow this little point of order that the one thing Ivanovitch did do today is confirmed that. Yeah hunter Biden zero experienced role with baris my holdings. Yeah, that's highly questionable. Yeah, oh I thought nobody I thought. I thought the predict was in that no reasonable person shoos or anything wrong with the billion dollars if you fire the guy, no billion of you don't. Nobody saw anything wrong with that. But we see the president is defending himself. This is witness and no, go read the statute. Are you people that dumb and that lazy that you can't even you know, look up the federal statute. It's not that hard. You have to threaten a witness with physical harm, or harming a witness, or bribing a witness or coercing a witness in the line. The president has a First Amendment right just like the rest of us. I know that's very surprising to you liberals, but you know, he does, and as part of that, he can say whatever he wants to say. And by the way, she wouldn't have even known about it while she was testifying, because oh, the only one that told her was the cowardly, corrupt, compromise congenital liar. And that's whom you know, That's who's in play here. The most stunning thing in this is just like the other two Bozo's you know, Tuesday, when was it Wednesday? She has no firsthand knowledge at all of anything. She has none. He had no knowledge of the pause on aid on Ukraine, no knowledge of the phone call till it was made public. She was not involved in the meeting in Warsaw and had not spoken of the President or Mulveny at all, and she could not speak to the President's thought process regarding his decisions. Now, she did agree one hundred percent, you know, Ukraine agreed with bringing her back. They didn't want her there because she actually and you can look at this and John Solomon's column apparently gave a speech and made her opinions known. But she's upset that the prosecutor General said something about her and I got reported. Wow, Oh the vapors. Oh hang on. I gotta take a break because I'm about to pass out. Twenty five now till the top of the hour, all right, so let me just read the tweets. Oh, the vapors. Oh and by the way, she wouldn't have known that the president tweeted about her, but Adam Schiff has to tell her and this intimidation, No, it's not. I have said on this program that if Donald Trump cured cancer, they would impeach him for curing cancer. That's how sick they've gotten. This is how detached from truth and reality they are. Now the president did tweet. They call it serving at the pleasure of the president. The US now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy, much different than proceeding administrations. It's called, by the way, quite simply, America First. With all of that, however, I have done far better more for Ukraine than Obama. Oh, good point, and everywhere Maria Ivanovitch when turned bad. By the way, the Ukrainians, nobody's saying this, by the way, they should have. They agreed a hundred percent with recalling the ambassador because the new president said, with regard to the ambassador to the United States from Ukraine, as far as I recall her name, Ivanovitch. Was great that you were the first one who told me that she was not a great ambassador, because I agree with you one hundred percent. Her attitude towards me was far from the best, as she admired the previous president and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new president. Well enough, Oh so the Ukrainian president agrees. President just says, yeah, it didn't work out well. She started off in Somalia, had that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian president spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a president's absolute right to appoint ambassadors yet the president's foreign policy. But the most stunny thing here, I'm gonna go to Jim Jordan here in a second, is she has no knowledge of anything. It's that the great devinue is, why are you even here? What is the point? Confirmed? She wasn't involved in the phone call, had no knowledge about the issues of Ukraine and the pause on aid. She wasn't involved in the meeting in Warsaw. Warsaw, Warsaw, had not spoken with President Trump or Mulvany at all. And you know she also could not speak to the president's thought process regarding his decision related to Ukraine. I know she's so upset that. Oh yeah, the prosecutor general there accused her of giving her giving him a list of people. Not the prosecutor. Let her take it up with that guy. Apparently he stands by it. According to Jim Jordan, others have said he's were canted. Everything she had to offer today was just more hearsay. She wasn't on the call, she didn't know about the call until it was made public. She can only provide more hearsay about the discussion of aid to Ukraine. I mean, that's it. That's all they can do. And by the way, Obama gave plenty of ambassadors there goodbye pink slips. Yeah, a lot of times. And Ivanovitch even added to it, Yeah, I do serve at the pleasure of the president. Ambassadors are personal representatives of the president. That's the president's job. He's the one the campaign that got elected. And she confirmed that the president can recall an ambassador any time for any reason. He didn't need any reason, for any reason at all. And I don't know why that would be even complicated, even for the corrupt news media in this country, you know. And she even praised the president strong policies towards Ukraine. Wow, shocky. And all of this is based on hearsay, every bit of it. Oh, by the way, I love how you know the the area of fifty one Roswell Rachel conspiracy theory channel. They're actually comparing horror removal is worse than Benghazi. Really, what's up? Well, let's go to let's go to Jim Jordan's now come out of this hearing which is now over. STO has no firsthand knowledge of the subject that is supposed to be the focus of this entire inquiry. Third witness who never talked to the president. Third witness who never spoke with Cheapestaff mulvaney, who was not third witness who was not on the call. Third witness who wasn't even as I said, in Ukraine, when when the relevant during the relevant timeframe wasn't even there, when President's Lensky that left before he was even inaugurated as the new president. Um. So again, four facts. I say this every time, but it's the truth. Four facts have never changed, will never change. We got the call transcript, There was no conditionality or linkage on the call between an investigation security assistance. We have the two individuals on the call who both said that there was no pressure, no linkage. We know that the Ukrainians didn't even know AID was withheld or on hold at the time of the call, and most importantly, the Ukrainians, specifically President Zelinski, never took any official action to get the aid release. And so those those facts never change, and we'll never change. We'll let in the Stephani say a word, and then we'll take the question. Sure. So this was day two of an abject failure of Adam Schiff and his regime of secrecy. As we saw today, he is making up the I mean it is Jim Jordan's gonna get up here, and I'm sorry, Mark Meadows is going to get up in a minute. When he does, I want to go to him. Let me know, Linda, when he gets up there and we have a queued up, and when we have a queued up and ready to go, you know, I will tell you. You know, we're learning a lot of other things here too. Like Ivanovitch's previous testimony was a dud, they knew it was a dud. A third here say, witness, what is the point it is inadmissible? That's why I've been asking any senators, Okay, are we going to follow the federal laws that govern the admission admissibility of evidence and a trial, which means no hearsay with very few exceptions, none that would apply here. And that's issue number one, an issue number two. Do we have a sixth amendment to our constitution? Do you have a right to confront your accusers? You know, there's a great piece Washington Post is actually saying the Democrats focus grouped coming up with the name of We'll go with the name bribery because it's you know, qui pro quol is not as good. We'll go to extortion. No, no, no, no, now we'll move it to bribery. I don't know what the hell they're doing, you know, and you got fake news MSDNC. I mean that the president exercising is undisputed. Right, We're calling ambassadors worse than mcghazi. Mika Brazynski, i'mlike, and at least Jordan in in exchange today. But all of this is backfiring. You know, I can't you got to say it on the air. What are you saying to me? I can't hear you. I can't read your lips. I say, we're all the meadows. When have you ready? Boss? Well, let's call to Mark Meadows. He just came out of the hero. We do have is we have what President Zelenski. We have a new administration in Ukraine that didn't have the same confidence in this ambassador. And so isn't it appropriate with all the foreign service diplomats we have to put someone in with a new regime in the Ukraine that can actually work on the president's behalf or on behalf of the American people? Why is it appropriate for the president at tap his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani Tamaldlich, he testified to was a smear campaign against her. Why is that okay? President can have, as I said, the president can have whom he desires doing diplomatic work for the country. Uh, there's been there's been all this, There's there's been all this talk about the irregular channel. I think it's important that folks in the quote irregular channel where Senate confirmed, Ambassador Silence, send it confirmed, Ambassador Bulker, and send it confirmed Secretary Perry. So y'all want to make a some of the womens want to make a big deal about that. And you had the president's lawyer also part of that that group. I think, I think presidents are allowed to have whom they want doing the work of the country. You didn't it was a spear case. She said, it was a spear campaign under oad. She testified there was a spear campaign of false attacks against or do you believe him the president? Is it appropriate for the president? While I think, well, I don't know that it's Excuse me, I don't know that it was an attack on the witness. It was. It was really a characterization of of her resume. And when when you look at this, when you look at this, you guys want him to go in with no attorneytion, no witnesses. No, we don't know anything. You know, at some point you gotta say when is it going to be a fair process? And today was not a fair process. In there, it's not going to be a fair process. And the bunker that we're about half to go to and it was not a fair process. When they muzzled the general woman from New York over and over again, it's not fair. Do you think it's a fair prosden listen to the second sentence of that tweet. For example, one example, Adam Shift never brought this up. The second sentence of that tweek goes back to the July twenty fifth cult transcript and in that President Zelinski is seeing the President Trump that he's concerned the Ambassaory Ivanovitch is a quote bad ambassador, and that President Zelinsky believed the abassaor Ivanovitch had a loyalty to President Poor Shanko. Now Adam Schiff, when posing the question of Ambassadory Ivanovitch to respond to the tweet, never even mentioned that because this is what Adam Shift did. Thus, when he had asked me, let me just jump in here and say, you know, Jim Jordan sums it up, and every time he goes to the microphone, there was no linkage in the transcript. There was never even the mention of the word aid, not one time, not one time that the President of Ukraine Foreign minister, they didn't even know that there was a hold, which was from a month before. Why because there's so much corruption, as we all know, goes on both sides are saying no linkage, no pressure whatsoever, and they got the money without doing anything. So why are we here talking to a hearsay? No, nothing witness again, I mean, I've never seen anything like that. I will tell you though, is blowing up. We got the latest survey by rasmussin now out, which has been the most accurate polling operation in the twenty sixteen election, and it shows that the shift show that's going on in DC in the circus is boosting the president's approval numbers because their daily Presidential Survey find a four point bounce for the president following the first day of this Ukrainian impeachment coup attempt, and the president's overall approval has been tracking up since Wednesday, the first day of this shift show. There's a forty six percent. Now it's fifty. Keep it up because that's only going to help the president. And by the way, there's another they released. The new Trump call transcript has now come out as well, and guess what it actually contradicts Ivanovitch's previous sworn testimony. And you know the debunk conspiracy theory floated by by some people out there on the left that that President Trump was bad mouthing her in the first call. Well, that's what the compromise corrupt coward. Congenital liar Adam Schiff had asked Ivanovitch in the October eleventh position if she knew whether Trump had brought her up in previous conversations. She said, I don't know. I had assumed it was April twenty first the phone call, the first phone call, because that, to my knowledge is the only time other time that they talked. And then the congenital liar asked if the reason that she didn't receive a briefing or read out of the call was because Trump may have been bashing her. It's possible, she says, great more conjecture. Let's all just guess around this. White House released the full transcript of that call today and guess what. Ivanovitch's name never came up? Good grief. I mean the four minor mentions on my show, Oh smear campaign. By the way, we know why is Rudy Giuliani there? I'll tell you why. Because the election interference by Ukraine and he's the president's lawyer, and that was the whole Muller report thing. Remember, either way, there is speculation who is the person that said this? Earlier? Today? Oh? Was Harold Ford was on Fox News. She says, Yeah, this keeps going bad, You're gonna have a much better sense of what Nancy Pelosi thinks, because I don't think that she wanted to do this. If she doesn't feel the Democrats are gonna have a sound boat, bypartisan boat, maybe even the chance to remove the president. I would not be surprised if she didn't pull this in the next few days. If she had a brain, she would. But I think she's just speaker in name only love how they you know, prayerful by the way of apparent. I wonder if that was one of the focus group terms they came up with. The bottom line is she had nothing to offer today, nothing, She knew nothing. There was no reason for her to ever be there no firsthand knowledge of the first phone call between Trump and Zelensky, none, no direct knowledge of anything about withholding or delaying aid. Nothing that is the center of their their ridiculous impeachment coup attempt here. And she's just upset that, you know, you can't be upset with Julianni or solom On her Hannity and Hannity barely. I need nothing about her now, I do it. I know a lot about her now, but she's upset. It wore mere mentions. Oh smeared like in passing, what the hell this person is talking about? By the way, Ron Johnson, if you want a real quid pro quo, we got one. He's threatening now to subpoena Hunter Biden, and I will tell you this is this is gonna get interesting. I will tell you that there are some rock stars that are emerging here for the Republicans. By the way, I mean, can I just say I was devastated that the president you know, didn't like me. I was devastated. I'm like, okay, um, I don't understand. There's so many people that hate me. I just don't understand. Snowflake is m get over it. Not everybody in life's gonna like you too bad. Anyway, We've got mark these heroes. Mark Meadows has been great, He's going to join us. Uh well, Jim Jordan's been amazing. Matt Gates has been amazing, He'll join us, Andy Biggs. We got Greg Jarrett checking in today, Senator Rick Scott, and oh Mark Levin on Hannity tonight. Don't miss that. I We'll tell you more about that straight ahead. Going up next, our final news round, up and information overload hour. I do want to comment, and Chairman, I have a point of order. Under Atres. Six sixty, the general will state or point of order. The point of order is, will the Chairman continue to prohibit witnesses from answering republican questions as you've done in closed hearings, and as you did well suspectsically when you interrupted our question A proper point of order, General one, we'll suspend. I do Chairman, have it YEA. Jenna was not recognized. CHAM have a point of Jennam is not recognized a point of order. Though Jennam was not recognized. I do want to respond allowed the Ranky Mohls order. Jenna was not recognized. This is allowed in their four gentlemen scripts that have not been relieve on him is not recognized. Oh rank Member was allowed to exceed the opening statement, and I was happy to allow him to do so. I do want to respond to the call record. First of all, I'm grateful that the President has released the call record. I would now ask the President to release the thousands of other records that he has instructed the State Department not to release. Mister Chairman, I have a point of order, mister chairman, I have a point of order, I mean not recognized, so we know clearly you don't interrupt us throughout this Here a woman is not recognized. Let's shareman, have today asker sent request today unanimous, chadamist, I requit not recognized. I mean I never see I've never heard any madness like this point of order. Yeah, you usually show some respect for your colleagues, ranking members. But again, the compromise, corrupt, coward, congenital liar is the judge, jury, and executioner. So they come up with this impeachment inquiry and they say everything, We're going to be fair, fair fear, but at the discretion of Adam Ship. We're gonna be so fair. At the discretion of Adam Ship. You can call witnesses at the discretion of Adam Schiff. You can the president's attorneys at the discretion of Adam Schiff. I mean the congenital liars in charge of the show. I've never seen you talk about a shift show. This is a shift show, and it is embarrassing. It's embarrassing. Not if you are a Democrat. You ought to be humiliated today. You ought to be embarrassed. Another person so called witness with zero firsthand knowledge about the president's call nothing was it on the call, learned about it when it was released publicly. So what do we have? The same shift show that we saw yesterday, which is or two days ago, which is more hearsay tounsi, hearsay so and so said to so and so, who said to so and so, so and so so and so, so and so. You know, it just goes on and on and it never ends. And anyway testified in a prior hearing that she was unaware about it any of this and at the beginning devid why is she even here? Why was she even call? I mean, obviously this is an emotional experience for this poor woman, you know, but she did acknowledge that a president does have the right to recall ambassadors for any or no reason. That would be the president. That's when that's the guy that's elected. Unbelievable. Anyway, Joining us now with the very latest on all of this, we have Greg Jared's back with us Fox News Legal analysts, author of the best selling book witch Hunt, The Greatest mass Delusion in American Political History. I look, I've I've been doing this great thirty one years. I have never seen anything like this. But on the other hand, I want the shift show to continue because it shows how corrupt these people are. This is all they have done for three years. This is who they are. This defines them. This is a madness, a rage, a psychosis, you know, a bifurcation of the brain, a compartment realization of your brain. Well, you're living where he shut down any intelligent thought, honesty, reason, or common sense. What do you think? You're absolutely right and yeah, you know. Devin Nunis put it best when he asked rhetorically of Ivanovitch, I'm trying to figure out why or even here while he's right. She was fired months before. The Trump Zelenski telephone call was never privy to the conversation. That didn't stop the legal counsel for Democrats from putting up of the big screen in the hearing room the transcript of the call and asking Ivanovitch to offer her interpretation or opinion of its contents and what the president intended. That's just conjecture, it's speculation. This is another opinion witness whose testimony is irrelevant. It's immaterial and would be inadmissible under any rules of evidence. In any courtroom in America. Her opinion, Slow down, hang on, we learned something. You may be wrong, Greg Jared for the first time that I can think of all the times we've had you on this show and on TV, because I learned yesterday for the first time that hearsay evidence, yeah, can often be better than direct evidence. Now I never knew that is that, you know, um and pigs fly and Pixie's cast spells. It's ludicrous, you know. Hearsay, single hearsay can be admissible if it falls under an exception. No exception applies to any of these witnesses so far. And double hearsay is a joke. Triple hearsay, you know, is a farce. But we're getting into territory of quadruple hearsay. George Kent was the best example. He believed there was a quid pro quo because he heard it from Bill Taylor, who heard it from Tim Morrison, who heard it from Gordon Sonlin, who presumed a quid pro quel. This is a coffee clatch at Starbucks. This is the chattering class of diplomats, self important people who traffic in rumor and innuendo. And this witness today Ivanovitch confirmed she has no evidence of a quid pro quel demanded by Trump. She has no direct knowledge of anything. She is a superfluous witness. I've never seen such a colossal waste of time. I've never seen or witnessed such a one sided, abusively corrupt, and biased process, especially when something is as serious as what we're talking about, impeaching a president and what I have been now doing. Look, I'm just going to assume that I guess the thirty one Democrats e linked that in Trump districts are probably just going to jump off the cliff because they're gonna be told to jump, and they're gonna be stupid enough and they're gonna up. And that's why I'm asking senators, Okay, I want some answers to some fundamental questions, because you know, federal law prohibits, correct me if I'm wrong, the admissibility of hearsay evidence. And I'm asking us senators if they're going to allow if this goes into the Senate, would they support using hearsay as evidence in any trial? Now, I know that the Chief Justice ultimately rules on all of this, and I wonder if they believe in the sixth Amendment with the right of individuals to face their accusers. I think the sixth Amendment to the Constitution is pretty clear, but maybe I'm wrong on that too. I guess well. As I say, there are exceptions to the single hearsay rule, rarely double hearsay, but none of this triple and quadruple hearsay. So if the rules federal rules of evidence are invoked by Mitch McConnell at a potential Senate trial, I mean, these witnesses can't even be called to testify, especially when there is direct evidence, and the best direct evidence is a transcript of the telephone conversation itself, where there is no evidence of pressure or demand to throw out a quid pro quo, corroborated by the statements of President Zolenski, who said, this is a normal conversation. I was happy with the conversation. There was no blackmail or pressure. You know, it's impossible to have a quid pro quo if the recipient of the quid is oblivious to the quo, and that's what Zolenski in the Ukrainian government said. We didn't even know that military aid had temporarily been frozen, and in the end, it was released, he received the money. There was no concombatant investigation of Joe Biden, and so there is no such thing as a quid pro quo. Nancy Pelosi is now seamlessly shifted to all bribery. She said it a dozen times yesterday in her news conference. She's not a lawyer. She clearly doesn't realize that bribery is a quid pro quol, and so without a quid pro quo, there's no bribery. Well, I actually may have found their quid pro quo. I think we got it. And I got a guy that used to be the vice president that was in charge of Ukraine policy, basically quid pro quoing. When he says, you're not getting the billion, you fire the prosecutor. I'll give you the billion. You don't fire the prosecutor. You're not getting the billion, and you've got six hours to decide. And now we know that he knew the prosecutor who's leveraging our money. Quid pro quo Joe to fire the prosecutor investigating his zero not a little bit, zero experience son who is being paid millions and millions of dollars. So is that a quid pro quo is that bribery, so it is it is a quid pro qoon could be a library into the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act if his motive in withholding the billion dollars and then conveying it is to protect his son. And there is some evidence the Barisma officials were throwing around the name an influence of Hunter Biden in order to get the investigation of Barisma shut down. So there needs to be a Department of Justice investigation. I guarantee you that Lindsay Graham in the Senate will undertake an investigation of Hunter and Joe Biden. There is more than sufficient evidence to support it. Well, I think that definitely has to happen. And you know, just like they only cared about Trump Russia collusion, we found out there was none, but we did have a dirty Russian dacier. They ignored that fact. We did have real obstruction with Hillary subpoena emails. We also had election ofference interference with Ukraine because a DNC operative met with the Ukrainians at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington. And I know this is true because the Ukrainian court tells us so number one and I also know because political wrote about it and said they were successful in their efforts Ukraine to undermine Donald Trump, dig up dirt on him and associates at to help Hillary Clinton's campaign. Now, where are all those people that used to care about foreign election interference. Well, they're blinded by their bias. And in fact, we also have Alexandra Chialupa, the Ukrainian DNC subcontractor. We have her emails bragging about how she is solicited a dirt on the Trump campaign in order to influence the election and help Hillary Clinton. And yet, you know, Ivanovitch today was unknowing of any of this, and frankly probably didn't even care. You know, she is a disgruntled fired employee, the typical self important diplomat that inhabit foreign service. At one point, she testified today and this is a quote, the US relationship with Ukraine is the single most important relationship the United States has. Seriously, with all due respect, No it's not. Yeah, I mean, these diplomats think their jobs are the most important in the world. The universe revolves around them. They've diluted themselves into believing that they are the ones who dictate foreign policy, not the president. And if President Trump dared to do something they don't like, they seek to undermine him. This is the malignant force I write about in my book. They abuse their positions of power and government to subvert the Constitution. Greg Jared is with us. Will continue more on the other side. Eight hundred ninety four one. Shaun is on number. You want to be a part of the program. And then we got our audio of the week. Your calls coming up in the next half hour, So right as we continue, Greg Jarrett is with us. So I'm sitting here watching this Shift Show unfold and it's not going good for the Democrats. And now, if you look at real clear politics, some Democrats are now suggesting that if Adam Shift isn't able to rescue you know, this Shift Show in the next couple of days, that in fact Pelosi may be forced to pull the plug on this. Harold Ford said, I think by Wednesday evening or perhaps Friday afternoon, after the ambassador comes forward, we're gonna have a much better sense of what Nancy Pelosi thinks, because I don't think that she really wants to do this, but if she does not, feel the Democrats can have a sound vote a bipartisan vote, maybe even a chance to remove a president. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't pull this in the next several days. Any chance of that in your view, Greg Jarrett, probably a slim chance. I mean, she should if she were doing the right thing. But you know, since windows Nancy Pelosi do the right saying, you know what, the greatest embarrassment today was when Adam Schiff read the Trump tweet and then led the witness into saying, O G, I feel intimidated. Aha, witness intimidation. It's an article of impeachment claim Shift. No witness intimidation defined by laws threatening a witness with physical harm, bribing a witness, or coercing a witness into line. It is not witness intimidation for a president to exercise his First Amendment right of speech free speech, to defend himself from false accusation, or to offer an opinion of a witness. You know, and as your friend and my friend Mark Levin pointed out, Ivanovitch wouldn't have even known of the President's tweet during the hearing butt for Shift reading it aloud to her. So this was all just a cleverly created I might be mistaken again, but I thought we have freedom of speech and especially a right to defend yourself if you think somebody's lying about you. Of course you do. And that's exactly what the president was doing. He'll never get a fair shake from the liberal mainstream media, so he goes over their heads, which infuriates them to the American people, and he makes his case that is not witness intimidation. That's ludicrous. All right, Greg, Jared, He'll join us tonight on Hannity along with a great one, Mark Levin, who we just mentioned. We got a great show. This has been another disaster, an utter and complete disastrous day for these corrupt Democrats. This has been three years of this and to watch it blow up in their face, frankly, as a thing of political beauty. This is the boomerang of all boomerangs. All right, quick break, our audio of the week. Your calls eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number, Hannity nineties to tonight. Oh, we'll have the latest on the Shift show straight ahead twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one Sean, And we want to be a part of the program. All right, before we get to our phones on this Friday. There's so much great work audio that goes into this program that we don't get at all in the air. It's a lot of this is going to be very self explanatory, but it kind of sums up to madness, the insanity of these weeks we are now living through. You know, I just I did. One thing I'm taking the most hearted is that in three hundred and fifty four days, that all of this goes to you, the American people's all gets put in your hands, and you will ultimately make that decision. They never thought it could happen in twenty sixteen. It did. They've never recovered since, and it's been three long, torturous years of never ending lies, hoax after hoax, conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, just to take down a duly elected president. Imagine on in three hundred and fifty four days, they have to say these words, so and So News can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States of America. That's what matters now. This show, the circus, the the total everything that they're doing that's hurt of the country. We get, we get to have the final say so. Anyway, here's some of the highlights from this week in our audio roundup on a Friday. Your calls are coming up right out of those and you testified in your prior testimony that you have not had any contact with the President United States. That correct, That's correct, sir, Miss Taylor, Mister Kent, have you had any contact with Presidented States? I have not. So, not only no conversations with the Presidentite States about Ukraine, you've not had any contact with the President United States. Correct, that's correct. Okay, So you both know that this impeachment inquiry is about the Presidentite States, don't you. I mean, the man that neither one of you have had any contact with. You're the first up witnesses. I just find that a little amazing that that the first up would be two people who who have never had any contact with the President himself. Now, Kurt Volker did have contact with the President and contact with the President on Ukraine. Mister Ambassador Taylor, you said that he's a man of highest integrity. Well, I know Kurt Walker, and I know you know. He served as the NATO ambassador. He serves as the director of the McCain Institute. He's the highest professional ethics, one of the most knowledgeable people about Europe. He's absolutely a truthful man. Mister Kent, would you agree with Ambassador Taylor that he's of the highest integrity. I believe Kurt Volker has served the US as a public servant very well. Do either of you have any evidence that mister Volker committed perjury or lied to this committee in his testament? In his testimony with this committee, do either of you have any evidence that Kurt Bolker perjured himself or lied to this committee in his testimony? Ambassador Taylor any evidence, mister, I have new evidence, Skent. I believe Ambassador Walker's deposition was over four hundred pages, and I don't have it in front of me, so I can't make it. But you have no evidence that he lied or perjudged. I have no spaces to make that judgment. Answer, well, we're not in a court, gentleman, and if we were, the sixth Amendment would apply, and so would rules on hearsay an opinion, and most of your two testimonies would not be admissible whatsoever. But I understand in your profession you deal in words of understanding words of beliefs and feelings, because in your profession that's what you work with to try to pull together policy and to go in and out of meetings to try to formulate opinions that affect other people's decision making. Ambassador Taylor, have you ever prepared for a meeting with the president or a prime minister of a country? Where were you told one thing before you went into the meeting as to what it was to be about, and the meeting be about another thing. Or you get in there and the beliefs or opinions of the president of the prime minister were other than you believed. Misterner. You're asking if I ever learned something new in a you lugged in with a belief that you thought about the country that you were serving in and find out that they were wrong. I learned something in every meeting, mister Turner. But I you know, ambassad Taylor, the reason why the sixth Amendment doesn't allow hearsay is because it's unreliable. It's unreliable because frequently it's untruthful. It is not factual. It might be beliefs or understandings. Ambassador, you testified about a number of things that you heard. Isn't it true possible that the things that you heard were not true, that some of the beliefs and understandings that you had are not accurate, that in fact, you're mistaken about some of the things that you testified today in a factual basis versus a professional assessment. Miss Turner, I am here to tell you what I know. I'm not going to tell you anything I don't know. I'm going to tell you everything that I do know. But since you've learned that from others, exactly, that's exactly right. You got wrong why I'm here, But since you learned it from others, you could be wrong. Correct. I am telling you what I heard them tell me, and they could be wrong, or they could be mistaken, or they could have heard it incorrectly, right, Ambassador Taylor. People make mistakes, right, so you could be wrong. Inassador, congratulate you. You've been down in the secret deposition meeting rooms. You've graduated for your performance today. Later this afternoon, I should note that for the public that we will be backed down in the basement of the Capitol doing more of these secret depositions. Bessad I just I don't really have very many questions for you, Which is you admitted in your opening statement that is you don't have any firsthand knowledge of the issues that we're looking into. But I do want to talk a little bit about Senator Grassley very briefly. I assume that you know who Senator grass Lee is. Yes, sir, I do. Do you believe that Senator grass Lee is a serious and credible elected official? I have no reason to think otherwise. Were you involved in the July twenty fifth Trump Zelenski phone call or preparations for the call? No? I was not. Were you involved in the deliberations about the pause and military sales to Ukraine as the Trump administration reviewed newly elected President Zelenski's commitment to corruption reforms for the delay in the pause the pause? No I was not. Were you involved in the proposed Trump Zelensky later pint Zelenski meetings in Warsaw, Poland on September first, No I was not. Did you ever talk to President Trump in twenty nineteen, No I have not. Mc mulvaney. No I have not, Thank you, ambassador. Not exactly sure what the ambassadors doing here today. This is the House Intelligence Committee that's now turned into the House Impeachment Committee. This seems more appropriate for the Subcommittee on Human Resources at the Foreign Affairs Committee. If there's issues with employment disagreements with the administration, it would seem like this be a more appropriate setting instead of an impeachment hearing where the ambassador is not a material fact witness to anything any of the accusations that are being hurled at the president. All right, So that's like our week summary of the madness, the insanity that is the swamp. It is a swamp, it is a sewer. You know why the country elected the disruptor Donald Trump, because they're that nuts and they're willing to hurt the country in the process. They haven't done a thing for we the people. All Right, on this Friday, let's go to our phones. Atlanta News Talk WSB. Alan is standing by Alan High. How are you glad you called? Sir? Hey, you're a great American Sean. Appreciate you taking my call. Well, thank you, sir, glad for all you do. I want to let you know that I am very impressed with the Democrats. As a father of six kids, I can tell you at a three year temper tantrum that's got to be a record. I mean, that's impressive no matter who you are. You know, that's actually a pretty good point to be very blunt with you, you know, keeping up a three year crying, whining, complaining, temper tantrum because you lost an election. Yeah that that that. Yeah, I guess we could tip the hat to them for being the biggest cry babies in the history of the country. Sure, but they're hurting the country. Now, all right, let's send that message. Yeah, three hundred and fifty four days hanging there, Alan, Thank you North Carolina, Terry, Happy Friday, Terry. How are you? I'm good? How are you? I'm good? Bye? Friend? What's going on? Um? Listen to all these uh, all the hearings and all the wonderful witnesses. They have reminded me of a song that are you Speedway saying hurt you from a friend who heard it from another friend. Okay, we haven't uh yeah, a friend from a friend from a friend who's brother whose father's grandfather's nephews missed opportunity for you. You could have been singing right there? Were you sleeping on the job? Yeah? Okay, all right, you're being an old wise ass, But you know, what that's your song anyway, thank you for the recommendation. We take requests here on Friday's Let's say hi to Tim In California, thirteen and a half percent state income tax, more poverty, more homeless, there's more misery than any other state in the country. What's going on, sir mister Hannity. I'm very excited, a big, big fan of yours man. Thanks for taking my call. Thank you, my friend, God bless You're glad you called. You give me this microphone every day, and I'm very very humbled and grateful. Awesome, So I would hope. I was hoping for a little enlightenment. Why can't our sent in the house? Why can't they just be like, you know what, I don't want to listen to any of this. Let's take a vote now. Why can't they just do that? Is there a loss they have to a bide by because we know that there's no you know, Republicans they're going to vote to imbat our guy. Why can't they just do that? Is there a lot do they have to listen to this garbage life? The answer to your question is they don't have the power in the house. This is all controlled. This This is why it's a shift show. I mean, it's a total shift show. And if you don't know what I mean, it's a shift show because it is, and because they've they've designed it this way. Every single bit of due process that was afforded Bill Clinton and the Democrats in nineteen ninety eight. Nothing. This is judge, jury and executioner, the compromised material witness, the corrupt, coward, congenital liar, Adam shift. He has the final word on everything in this whole ridiculous process. Now the Senate, you know, look, I guess people can disagree with this idea that maybe it's in the president's best interest if they do send over articles of impeachment, not to just dismiss it, because if you just dismiss it, people are gonna say, cover up, cover up, But it's they're never gonna convict him. But if you start with the rules of evidence, the federal rules of evidence, like we have been asking every senator now to respond to us, and we've got a number of them we've been reporting on if if we now guarantee hearsay is it admissible, then that let me tell you something, it's over. They have nothing to present at that point, the only evidence they have to present is the transcript, which exonerates the president. And that's you know, that's why you know, I'm watching this woman today and I'm like, Okay, she wasn't on the call. She never learned about the specifics of the call. She wasn't even the ambassador at that particular point. You know, she has she confirms she has no firsthand knowledge whatsoever, didn't learn about the contents of the call until it was made public. She knows nothing. Like Devin Noon has said, why is she even there? There was no reason for this woman to be there today. Oh but the president tweeted it out. Okay, well how did how did she know that? Because Adam Schiff told her? And you know, we do have something called the First Amendment here, and the First Amendment does allow you to say, yeah, this is total bs. Anyway, glad you called. Thank you, Scott, Oklahoma. What's up, Scott, How are you hello, Scott, Happy Friday, Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Thank you, Sean, Thank you, Sean. My question is this, and it may be kind of vague, I don't know, but since we're seeing so much corruption in our system, I mean how much long? I mean we're using words like civil war, you know, economy, breakdown and all this jazz before we get to that. You know, have we exhausted all of our options? I mean, how much longer do we pay into this system that is obviously failing because people are corrupt? And how do we go about making an overhaul like that? Look, I'm gonna tell you something. Everything needs to change. One thing that has frustrated me over the years is the Republican Party. Republican Party has become just a swampy, just this sewer oriented many of them as Democrats. You know, when they when they had sixty five show votes were appeal and replace Obamacare, they would have really mattered. They didn't even have a plan, a consensus plan that they had built, and then when it mattered, maybe we don't really mean it. Or the seven senators Republican senators that in twenty fifteen they vote for a straight repeal of Obamacare, the same exact bill comes up when it means something and we didn't really mean that vote. I mean, they just they just suck, you know. I don't know what happens to these people. Some go there sound great and they just turn into swamp creatures and they get addicted to being called senator and congressmen, and they think, you know, they got their head up there, you know what, and their knows in the air. Um. The best thing we can do is keep electing disruptors that will fight and are willing to fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for promises that they're making for the people that they're supposed to serve. Remember, Scott, they're supposed to serve us. They are to be our public servants. I don't see a lot of serving going on here except their own political ambition. Last word, sir, I totally agree with you, Sean, Thank you, thank you. All right, my friend, God bless you. I hope you have a great weekend. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, that's gonna wrap things up for today, all right, Hannity Tonight Bull coverage. Another disastrous day for the corrupt, compromised, congenital liar and the Democrats. Adam Shipping Company, the great one, Mark Levin, he is worked up. I talked to him earlier. He's going to join us tonight. Also, Jason Chapitz has been amazing. Steve Scalise, John Solomon, Greg Jarrett Tonight, Stephanie Grisham, White House Press Secretary, Ken Star, Charlie Hurt. I'm missing somebody, nine Eastern. We'll see it tonight on Fox. We'll be back here on Monday. This is getting interesting. Have a great weekend. We'll see you Monday. See you at night at nine, and then Monday

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