Schiff Show At It Again - December 15th, Hour 1

Published Dec 15, 2021, 11:02 PM

Sean covers the latest news about Adam Schiff's admitting he doctored text evidence in the January 6th hearings... let's end the witchhunt!

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Coming to your city, saying you a concisire hi jail and if you want a little banging and come along. When anybody raises a question about this new CBO score, it is a fake score about a bill that doesn't exist, and we should really focus on the actual bill everybody's going to vote on and considering in Congress right now. There's been some recent polls that show that quite a few Americans have some questions about the president's current mental fitness. So what's your response to that. I think that's ridiculous. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. I'm coming to your city. You want to play ours, I'm saying ne Seanny Show, I'm the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show, America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one, twenty three and one hundred and thirty six days since your President Joe Biden said he'd never abandoned Americans behind enemy lines, now Jan Saki is out there saying, we don't put trackers on people we supposed to know were you know, I you know, it's it's the tragedy of the treadmill. We don't put trackers on people, So that's your excuse for the people you abandoned. Turned the page on an Afghanistan. It's so sickening, disgusting and repulsive and nauseating to me. Uh, these are our fellows citizens and they don't give a damn. It's unbelievable. Well, just when you thought you heard at all, Now, what have I been saying about this January sixth Committee. I kept saying that once they got rid of Jim Banks and Jim Jordan, that the fix was in. This was a predetermined outcome. The report has already written in their minds. This is all an effort to once again have a witch hunt against Donald Trump. We already had an impeachment over this. You know, well, what are we gonna find out new, except that they're gonna say Trump was really really, really really really bad this time. Okay, shocker let of course by Liz Cheney, who's got her own agenda. By the way, Liz Cheney knows she's not gonna win in Wyoming re election. I think she's got much bigger fish to fry and much much grander ambitions. Liz Chenney thinks she's gonna run for president in twenty twenty four. Liz Chenney, partnering with the Lincoln Project and other groups, will raise enough money in the hopes that they can, you know, get enough votes, bleed enough votes away from Donald Trump if he's the nominee. But the whole purpose of this now, once they kicked off Banks, and once they kicked off Jordan, it was obvious replacing them with Kinzinger and Liz Cheney that this is this is a this is a phony investigation. It is a predetermined outcome. It is a show trial, that's all it is. And going after Mark Meadows, this is how bad they got. Now. I was calling Adam Shift the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar because he is and he lied all about Trump Russia collusion and he still lies to this day about it. And even though the Washington Post even admitted that they're reporting on the steal dossier, they couldn't stand by it because it was never verify a bull. It was all phony. It was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, and then they used it without without the fight, without the dirty dossier Russian Sea that Hillary paid for, there would be no FISA application that means no ruining Carter pages life, no spying on candidate Trump, transition, Team Trump, or President Trump. And they dragged this country through hell with lies, a hoax, conspiracy theories, the same medium mob trying to attack me. Yesterday when I was wholly consistent in the text message that I had sent to Mark Meadows, I did say to Laura Ingram, did you see at the end of the show last night, Linda, when I said, well, I still hold the record. They're way more of my text messages private text message is released in yours. It's I mean, it's it's true. Listen, it's not pleasant. And the worst part of it, I'm gonna tell you the worst part is it's now caused me to institute changes in my life where I don't have a phone half to time, uh the other half of the time, but somebody around me will have one. The I don't have an email account, I don't have any access to my social media, and I have to be very very careful and selective who I talk to, and then people that I would I'm friends with, even you know, can't get a hold of me. And then they think when they see me, they oh, you're a jackasser, a snob. What happened to you? Your head's gotten too big in this and that I'm like, no, it hasn't. My life's changed and anyway, so it's a little frustrating that that's the way I have to live my life. And then some people don't even believe me. They think I'm full of crap, and I'm not. But this is what now the committee now they only have one opinion on this committee. And anyway, they've now been caught doctoring key evidence in a bid to implicate Donald Trump and his staff and wrongdoing. They had to admit yesterday that they changed the text message between former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Congressman Jim Jordan, excluding relevant context about how they wanted then Vice President Mike Pence to handle electoral votes. A spokesman said Wednesday that the graphics that the corrupt compromised congenital liar Adams Shiff put up Monday night at the hearing about newly obtained communications between Trump officials, by the way, they were obtained because Mark Meadows gave them to them, including my texts. By the way, maybe Liz Cheney can we get all of the text messages, all of the emails, all of the phone records from every member of the Cheney family and release it publicly. When they were kissing Donald Trump's ass to get a pardon for Scooter Libby, did you make a call to Scooter Libby's office? I wanted how Scooter Libby feels about this because Dick Cheney couldn't get the pardon that he wanted when he was leaving office with George W. Bush. So he's begging Donald Trump. And I know the story behind this, but I'm not going to state it publicly yet anyway, So excluding relevant information. Adam Shift shows this at this Monday night hearing, and the Communications and the Select Committee on Monday created and provided Representative Shift a graphic to use during the business meeting, Quoting from a text message from a lawmaker Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows. The graphic read on January six, twenty twenty one, Vice President Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes earned constitutional as no electoral votes at all. In the graphic, the period at the end of the sentence was added inadvertently. The Select Committee's responsible for and regrets the error. The committee cut off half a sentence and paragraphs of further information, then added a period and change the format so it appeared to be the whole message. And the full message was a short summary of a legal brief that Jordan forwarded from a lawyer to Mark Meadows on January fifth, meaning that a lawmaker did not write the message at all, and it was a totally different meaning. But that shouldn't surprise anybody. Now Congressional Republicans, now Jim Banks and Jim Jordan will be on this program today, But anyway, they could hold their own hearings on the Democrats twenty twenty summer of riots, and they need to have their own committee looking into January sixth. I even said on January sixth and seventh that, in fact that we need to get a you know, how is it that this happened? How is it? Donald Trump requested, and again let me put context to this. We go through five hundred and seventy four riots in the summer of twenty twenty. We have dozens of dead people, thousands of injured cops, billions of dollars in property damage. We have more public buildings attacked, police precincts, burned to the ground, you attempted arson at other precincts, at other government buildings. Democrats ignored the Summer of twenty twenty riots because then they would have to go against their hardcore left wing base that was involved in leading a lot of the riots, So they kept their mouth shut. The medium mob actually while cities were burning behind reporters, they're out there telling us it's mostly peaceful, mostly peaceful. It's unbelievable anyway, So it's pretty sickening. So Republicans ought to have we need two things. One would be their own committee looking into January sixth, because that committee would then have to examine how is it that Donald Trump. Mark Meadows, the Capitol Police chief, made numerous requests of Nancy Pelosi, who has the power and the authority over the Capitol Police as Speaker of the House, and why he chose not to bring in the National Guard as everybody requested, knowing that we just came off the summer of riots, knowing that big crowds were going to be in town marching to the Capitol. Well, that would give us information on how we could prevent this type of thing from ever happening again, because we've got to protect our institutions, and we've got to protect every elected official. I said that on January sixth, for crying out loud. Congressional Republicans also need to hold their own hearings on the Democrats twenty twenty Summer of Riots. You know they staged mock impeachment hearings in two thousand and six to take Bush down over the Iraq War while Republicans controlled the House. Well, I think it's pretty sick name to watch the way the Cheney Pelosi January sixth, riot's charade with a predetermined outcome is dominating every headline every day. I'd love to now that Liz Cheney's all in favor of releasing private text messages. I want her to release hers. I want our emails, I want our phone records. I want to know, you know, they offer Donald Trump anything in exchange for Scooter Libby's pardon. I have a lot of questions that we can ask. A lot of information can be gleaned from her phone and her email and her phone records. Anyway, you know, are we going to investigate Kamala Harris? You might remember she went on Stephen Colbert's show, saying this is a movement. I'm telling you they're not gonna stop. This is during the rioting, and everyone beware because they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop before election day in November. They're not going to stop after election day. And everyone should take note of that on both levels. They're not going to let up, and they should not and we should not. So if we have riots that deserve Congressional attention and we got a vice president supporting a bail fund p rioters, I would think that that would warrant a Liz Cheney led commission and committee. Apparently that's not forthcoming. Now, maybe other Republicans can do it without Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's approval. It would not be by the way, you know, something that has not been done before. Republicans can just do with the late Democrat John Conyers did in two thousand and five, when Republicans controlled the House. In the Congress, Conyers held his own mock impeachment hearings on President Bush's so called illegal conduct, and Conyer's hearings were actually covered by ABC News, Fake News, CNN, c Span, carrying every single second of the mock Bush impeachment hearings. I love how Liz Cheney now was partnered with the very people that called her father a war criminal, a murderer, and a crook. Or Liz Cheney might just go work for Haliburton or some big company and get paid millions of dollars and probably do very little work. Just a guess. I have no idea what she's gonna do. If you go back in time, the daily costs gave the Conyers mock impeachment hearing's wall to wall coverage, you know, committing false fraud against the US, false statements to Congress, violating war powers, resolution, misuse to government funds, ignoring federal laws and international treaties, prohibiting torture, cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment, Ignoring federal laws, regulations concerning leaking, and other misuse of intelligence. All right, if it comes to fighting back against the Democrats and their sham predetermined outcome January sixth fiasco, you know, maybe Republicans they should do their own investigation. Is the compromise corrupt congenital liar that's a frequent guest on ms DNC and The View and fake news CNN. Is anyone gonna call him out on his lies. By the way, Ross Story is reporting loose cannon. Liz Cheney is showered with media attention. By the way, they'll go back to hating her very quickly, trust me. Anyway, She read a text from Donald Trump to Meadows and the White House Chief of Staff begging him from Ivanka, begging him to ask his father to call off the mob. Lindsey Graham said he didn't text with Mark Meadows on January Seal. Lindsey Graham doesn't text. I know that for a fact, you know, And that's why I've had to give up basically everything in large part nobody you know, Linda. How bad has it gotten now? Oh? It's completely out of control? No, And why do people not believe me when I said I don't I don't have an email. Why do people not believe me? You never checked your email to begin with? When you did have it, No, it was the first problem. No, you weren't that good. You were always behind. So it's actually good that you've done with it now. Anyway, the House unanimously passed to build a boost in Nashville. Do you see what they're doing here? It's not hard to figure this out. This is this is the attempt to purge Trump from the party. And then the next step for Liz Chenney if she doesn't go make millions for little work at some place like Haliburton like her daddy, the next thing is gonna be, Oh, I'm gonna partner with the Lincoln Project and I'll run for president and see if we can bleed away enough votes to prevent Donald Trump from being president ever. Again, breaking news straight from the source. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, twenty five now till the top of the our thank you for being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn is our number. Anyway, Look, I love this time of year. It's a great excuse you decorate your house. It looks great. Why stop at just seasonal decor now if you haven't tried our friends at blinds dot com, now is the time to get new window treatments. No store beats their prices, and now they're cutting prices further with an additional thirty five percent off site wide. You update your window treatments. It's a small home improvement that has a massive impact. 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When you're paying more for gas you know at buck fifty more gallon, and you're gonna pay another extra five hundred to a thousand to heat your home or cool your home in the summer, Guess what, you don't have as much money disposable income for Christmas presents anyway, Retail sales started the holiday season weaker than expected increase and according to the Commerce Department, missing these zero point eight percent estimate that economists have thought. Not surprising anybody, All of this is predictable. You have a new analysis showing that the Biden inflation paycut is hammering family budgets. This was on foxnews dot com. Inflation now a thirty nine year high, is costing millions of Americans an additional three thousand, five hundred bucks in expenses this year, according to a new analysis. The findings from the Penwharton Budget Model, nonpartisan group University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, shows that most US households will need to allocate at least six percent more of their budget in order to sustain last year's spending level on goods and services. Now, that figure is even higher for low income Americans, who need to increase their spending by at least seven percent. That's just that's for the basics. That's the keep up, not the extress. Now that could be mean. Based on twenty twenty ending data, the bottom twenty percent of income earners saw their consumption expenditure increase by six point eight percent. That's a lot of money. That's thousands of dollars per household. The top five percent saw six point one percent increase, that's nearly eight thousand dollars per household. Middle income earners they saw a large increase in expenses also and nearly what forty four hundred bucks. And since higher income groups had bigger increase in expenditures in all categories, they also saw a bigger increase in their total expenditure. So who's getting hurt here the most lower income middle income America, the people the Democrats claimed to have a monopoly of compassion on again, all of this would be fixable. I make me president for five seconds. What would I do Immediately? I'd start getting us immediately back to energy independent policies that we had. I would next, I would take on Russia and I'd crush their economy for their aggressive actions against Ukraine. Hannity, You're going to start a war, No, I'm not. I'm just going to take back our customers that have that Joe gave to Vladimir Putin in Russia and will supply the energy needs of our Western European allies instead of Putin. We're a more reliable partner. Next thing, I would do is tell China if they keep showing you know, aggive, keep taking aggressive actions towards Taiwan, fine, We're just going to stop importing all of your crap. Because their economy is based on their exports. Russia's economy is based on their energy. It's not that hard to figure these things out. Then I'd secure our border. Then I'd get us back to energy independence, and instead of talking about raising taxes, I would lower them because now we have some of them. You know, we're gonna end up if Biden ends up with this dopey plan, and all indications are he's not going to if he did, at least not for this year. But if he did get built back better new Green Deal socialism, we'd be paying a higher tax rate than the communist Chinese. That's how dumb and bad this is. In other words, we would have this. Well, we already have a thirty five industrialized nations. You know, the United States and Iceland have the highest inflation rates. You know, we're not quite up to Venezuela's record, but where you know, it's it's impacting and hurting every American, you know, amid drought, conflict, rocketing prices inflation. Global food prices can be approaching, you know, the top prices we've ever heard. We've had farmers called this program talking about fertilizer costs sky hide that we have to pay for that. Twenty three million people in Afghanistan, more than half the population, are expected to face potentially life threatening food insecurity. This one Mada Gascar is confronting its worst route in forty years. Around the world, that's worse. And now you got these idiots in Blue States now starting the draconian shutdown measures over the amicron variant, even though everything we're learning about the omicron variant is telling us it may be more contagious. But cases are up and threads are down. I'm sorry, deaths are down. And that's the information that we're hearing from the medical community in South Africa. So hopefully that holds meaning less people will die now, Jensaki, you know tragedy of the treadmill Sak which I can't believe. She said, we don't put trackers on people. That was her comments about the Americans abandoned in Afghanistan. Now she's blaming corporate greed and big meat companies for soaring food prices It's not their fault that it costs more to get their products to you know, to the store. It's not their fault that grain and fertilizer and farmers, it's not their fault. This is your fault, you cause this. It's not corporate greed. And just like your corporate taxes, the corporations aren't going to pay those taxes. They're going to pass them on to the consumer. Saki blames inflation pushes it onto the meat conglomerates. They're taking advantage of the pandemic and gouging consumers. No, they're not. They want to sell it at the lowest price possible to get as many customers as possible. I told you a month ago, two months ago, that you know, getting a stake now is going to be a rarity for many people. Even Obama's economic policy guru, Lawrence Summers, who served as Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton and Director of National Economic Council under Obama, he's voicing his thoughts on this thirty nine year high of inflation as Americans see increases in every single thing that they buy, food, gas, cars, you name it. Says I can't understand why so many in the administration cling to the idea that inflation is caused by bottlenecks and will soon recede to normal levels. There is uncertainty, but the idea that inflation will revert soon to levels anywhere near the Fed's target look like a long shot. He's not lying, He's not dumb. I actually saw this guy once at a golf course. I don't think he likes seeing me. Now we have around the country menus at restaurants are shrinking because restaurants are struggling with skyrocketing prices and staff shortages. It's unbelievable. Biden vows to just raise taxes on the rich. But who's it killing. It's killing the poor, the middle class, and you know who else is getting hurt. The elderly on fixed incomes called in the New York Post that the cruelest tax of all retirees watching watching their purchasing power of the money that they have in the bank shrink right before their eyes. I mean, it's not like they can go out and get another job. They're a little older now than not up to speed to be able to do that. There's a Christmas toy drive battle. But you know, we should have listened to Pete Buddha judge and got our Christmas gifts before Halloween. The tragedy of the treadmill, as Jensaki calls it, even have that idiot. Bret Stevens over at The New York Times imploring Biden not to seek reelection. He's trying to make himself relevant. Nancy Pelosi declaring, get this, Joe Biden is the perfect president. Can you believe she said that? She spoke in an event, explained how Biden's the perfect president to handle the challenging times facing our country. Our country could not be better served than with the most experienced and capable hands than yours, President Biden. He's just perfect. The timing couldn't be better. Ah Puke. White House release is a prerecorded and edited presidential address. Did you see that, Linda? Oh yeah, oh yeah. They took the unusual step of recording and then editing an address from Biden on Tuesday and then released it to the public. You know that means they don't have any faith in his ability to do it live. He took notes on a late night talk show. Yeah, by the way, it's ridiculous, this show is live. There's not a thing I have no idea what's coming out of my mouth next, you know, hopefully it's something that's valuable to you. You know, TV half my monologue scripted, the other half as extemporaneous. This guy can't put together two sentences. That's the problem. Biden administration. California lawmakers moved to eliminate racist highways. All right, Can we move to get rid of inflation, drive down the cost of energy? Can you do something to stop kissing Putin's ass and stand up to hostile regimes that running rampant all over the world. Biden's eco terror linked Bureau of Land Management director moves senior leadership back toward the Washington swamp. Tracy Manning, the one you remember the spiking of trees that we had talked about. Anyway, Oh, the Biden administration declines to extend student loans. Pause and apparently poop Pete Buddha. Judge's husband is furious about it. Commerce secretary's husband is a top executive at a firm funded by the Chinese government. You can't make that up either. I just I don't even know where to stand here. The only good news that I can give you is, you know, man should have said on this Build Back Better, New Green Deal socialism, They've not come to an agreement. Schumer is likely to push the vote on Build Back Better to next year, which is great because you know that threatens my vacation which is supposed to begin tomorrow the day after tomorrow, and how many Christmases that we had to come back for something. Anyway, he doesn't have any have the votes, and Mansion remains noncommittal. Mansion on if the Senate and vote on social spending bills before Christmas, but we haven't gotten anything back from the parliamentarian. Widen brought that up yesterday. But the reports now that are out are pretty clear that this phone call that took place between Mansion and Biden, they agreed on next to nothing and they're locked in a disagreement over how long the programs and Build Back Better should be funded. In other words, Lindsey Graham did a very effective job, according to Axios, of pointing out to Joe Mansion that he was right in his observation that the score was incorrect and that this is all inflationary. You know, Americans, inflation expectations at a new high, by the way, is soaring prices eroding paychecks, So I don't think they're going to get it done anyway. Elon Musk branded Elizabeth Warren Senator Karen, did you see that? I gotta say, I'm kind of feeling Elon must these days. He's getting a little spicy out there. I like it. No, I like him. You know, I tried to get him for an interview. I think he thinks it'll be political. I wrote him and I said, I don't want it to be political. If you've watched the series, I think it's the History Channel, in one of those channels, maybe na Gio. You know the men that built America. He's like one of those modern day guys like Ford and Carnegie, and and and Rockefeller, all these people. I mean, they built the country. He's doing amazing things, for sure, he's doing amazing things things. I don't get him going on. Joe Rogan spoke and weed. That kind of freaked me out a little bit because I'm so anti drug. I don't really care about that. I mean, mean, you were against drugs, but I think at the end of the day, a lot of people see weed, they compare it to alcohol. We don't agree with that here, but you know, it's not worry about it being available for kids. I do believe agreed Gateway drug. And I'll be honest, anyone that I know that smokes that crap regular, they're usually a cognitive mess, you know, with little mote. I find they have little motivation, and I just I don't Yeah, they're hungry and sleepy. Yeah, But meanwhile, I'll take a Teto's with you know, some something Tetos and tonic. No, not tonic. Tonic is disgusting. It is not disgusting. It's my face disgusting. I know. I used to take tonic because it's good for you. And I don't even start with your crazy lecture on tonic. I don't want to hear it. I really, you know, there's there's some things Linda says that I ever said publicly, and she were the host, she would never survive. First of all, you don't know, maybe some people would like some of my you know, interesting bruise and ideas about home remedies. And you look at that green crap in front of you and that orange crap in front of you that you suck down every day. I'm going to live forever. And meanwhile, I offer to buy you sushi, a sandwich, a salad, chicken steak. I'll get anything you want, and you get this disgusting puke green drink and just live. I'm gonna live for a very long time and irritate you forever. Take your happy post Merry Christmas, John Hannity

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