Scaramucci Out - 7.31

Published Aug 1, 2017, 12:47 AM

White House Director of Communications, Anthony Scaramucci, has vacated his post as a sign of deference to President Trump's incoming Chief of Staff General John Kelly. Everyone is trying to guess why exactly Scaramucci, who just weeks earlier seemed destined to revamp the communication's office, felt it necessary to resign but Sean breaks down just why consolidating power behind General Kelly is a good move for President Trump. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannity, you will love this pillow. All right, quiet with us, blow out my ear drums, Happy Monday one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. And so much going on today, and I am focused, so I am confident that I will get it in. Uh Anthony Scaramucci is leaving as General Kelly now comes in and I guess he wants to probably bring in his own team and communications team, and uh so that is the latest breaking news. You notice the media, that's all they want to focus on is either Russia, Russia, Russia or the Palace intrigue. They what they don't want to ever focus in on is the numerous scandals, even Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the I T guy and this incredible story of corruption when you know there's double billing. You know, people are hired that don't have the qualifications, and they have access to information that probably is compromising to the country, and she keeps them on when everyone else got rid of the guy and and peep, It's it is so bizarre. Another example of more hard drives busted up. They're either bleach bit acid washed. You've got devices destroyed with hammers, and then you've got hard drives absolutely demolished. I've never seen such real, open obstruction of justice in my life. But that's all we seem to get with with the Democratic Party, and with all the talk about okay, well, Anthony Scaramucci is making way for the new chief of staff to have his own team in a clean slate. You know, that's that's all you'll hear from the media. They're not gonna focus and get this. G d P has gone up to two point six percent, more than doubling the radar growth in the first quarter, which was ostensibly the Obama quarter. It's put down the economy on a trajectory that could get the president at three g d P or higher by the end of the year. And it is accelerated dramatic medically. We have the lowest number of people on food stamps in seven years. You're not gonna hear about that type of growth. And if the if that Congress ever gets their act together, it's even gonna be bigger than that. And let me just give you a list of the things we're gonna touch on today all of our top stories. We got General Kelly in as the President's new chief of Staff. There was an incredible background story about him that I want to share with you about who he is. In many ways, the North Korea situation has zero good options, and it is now emerging, I think as what will be a defining challenge for the Trump administration, maybe even far more than any other issue that ultimately he ends up dealing with. Between China and and Japan and North and South Korea and the Iranians and Radical Islam and Russia, this world is a mess and it's going to need bold leadership. But when it comes to once Clinton allowed out North Korea to get nuclear weapons, and he basically bribed them into getting them, which sounds absurd, but he tried to buy them off, buy them off, by them off, and they got him anyway, and it cost us billions and billions of dollars that were wasted instead of just taking out whether the facilities in the first place, which should be a abject lesson for how we deal with the RAND going forward. Then on top of that, we've got the numerous scandals. Think about what's happening scandal wise with the Democratic Party and Republicans are not only impotent when it comes to their agenda. As I say, they are a party now that does not have a real identity. I don't know this Republican party anymore. But on top of not getting legislative accomplishments, nor are they getting doing their job in terms of using their power that you gave them, their subpoena power, their investigative powers. Imagine if the I T, Wasson and Shultz story had to do with some buddy that worked with the Trump campaign and there were smashed hard drives, double billing questionable people on a payroll that have no I T. Experience and that she keeps him on for this extraordinary period of time before he tries to with an ankle Bracelet send money to Pakistan so he can head to cut her and then over to Pakistan. Really, Donald Trump, did that scandal? Scandal? Real collusion? Or the Ukrainian story? Imagine a Trump campaign member meeting with the Ukrainian ambassador in the Ukrainian embassy and passing on information to the r n C and the Trump campaign. What would happen? Then? Imagine Uranian one, which I think ultimately becomes the biggest scandal because I don't believe in any way shape, matter of form. I don't believe that that story is over. You want real Russia collusion. How is it possible on that story that you and investigate. Well, where did the hundred and forty five million dollars come from? That what funneled into the Clinton Foundation? She gives one of nine waivers on the issue of Vladimir Putin and Russia getting up to our uranium, which is the foundational material for nuclear weapons. How's that not a bigger story? Then you got James Comey. Sarah Carter broke a story last week where the Chief Council of the FBI, just like Comey, is being investigated for leaks. I am told by my sources there are numerous Clinton people, I'm sorry, Obama people that are going to be outed, high ranking people as being involved in the unmasking and potentially intelligence leaking. This is all coming in days and weeks. Republicans have been impotent in terms of using again the power of the authority that you gave them to call and demand special counsels to use their subpoena powers, to use their investigative tools to get to the bottom of real crimes. And then you got Loretta Lynch the tarmac. It's it's not an investigation in any way, it's a matter. And followed by Hillary and the emails and the and the emails in the bathroom closet. But it turns out the emails in the bathroom closet were not designed so she could have the convenience of one device, because she had sixteen devices and many of them were smashed with hammers, so the FBI could never have access to them, and the two that she finally sent over to the FBI didn't have sim cards. This is the this is now the circumstances under which we are operating in this country. And then you have you know, how does Donald Trump govern with a Republican party that some of whom have gone to war with him? You got two Arizona senators that have no intention of helping Donald Trump, John McCain being the decide being vote against you know, the skinny repeal bill that was was attempted last week. I mean that's somebody. Then you've got Jeff Flake. GOP lost its way given into nativism, xenophobia. That's sort of like John McCain saying that our inaction is there, you know, means of making money. They can go straight to hell. Those hosts on radio and TV, they go straight to hell. Well what if I ever said that about John McCain or anybody else? Well, okay with I How would people deal with that? So now you've got what what does this all prove? What I'm saying that You've got the deep state, the Democratic Party, a corrupt media that's only interested in palace intrigue process and Russia and not covering real stories, deep state Democratic Party media, Republicans, and the President is trying to advance the agenda. How to three senators, three of them? How do they possibly get in the way and hold the entire, the entire Republican Party platform hostage? How is that? I've got a lot to say about it. The President this weekend was right to say and challenge Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell is out there saying it's time to move on from appealing and replacing Obamaca. No, it's not. I say there are four things you Republicans in Washington. You better get your ass an act together, and you better get done. You better do something on healthcare because it's imploding. And as the President pointed out, Americans are suffering greatly because of of the disaster that is Obamacare. People in Arizona, Senator Flake and Senator McCain saw a hundred and six increase this year alone. That's a lot. Then you've got, as the President said this week, if Obamacare is hurting people, why does Congress exempt itself? And I think Congress should un exempt itself. And I when the President tweeted out, don't give up Republican senators. The world is watching, and I'm up a pen in hand. I'm ready to do this. And then he said, unless the Republican senators are total quitters, repeal and replaces not dead. Demand another vote before voting on any other bill. I the President's right. The president has an identity, he has an agenda. You know. He wants to vet refugees from countries like the practice Sharif. Smart thing to do. He wants to build the wall, smart thing to do. He wants education sent back to the States. Smart thing to do. He's lifted Obama error regulations. Smart thing to do. He's moving the country towards energy independence. We got millions of high paying career jobs. It's smart for that reason, and then it's smart because it's the lifeblood our our economy and countries that hatos we will no longer be dependent on. Yes, he wants a replacement bill for Obamacare and wants it repealed. He wants that. He wants tax cuts for the middle class, he wants it for corporate America. He wants repatriated trillions from multinationals. What is this Republican Party stand for except they're fighting him, like the media, the Democrats, and the deep state, and that includes the never trumpers. You know, Moe Brooks said, if McConnell can't get this done, he's not gonna vote for him if he's elected to the Senate. Well, that's why I support Mob Brooks to replace Jeff Sessions in Alabama. And what is the reaction of of Senator McConnell, all, Senator McConnell of political rights, the pieces waging war to get rid of poor Jeff Session, poor Mob Brooks. So he doesn't replace Jeff Sessions. Wow, he wants to move on from Obamacare. Well, it's not gonna help any American that is suffering right now anyway. So Moe Brooks said, if McConnell can't get it done, he needs to step down. I agree with Moe Brooks, and that goes for everybody you know in Great Britain, and National Health Service is planning brutal cutbacks in health care availability. They already deny if you're above a certain age and you've reached your life expectancy, good luck. If you're older in need a hip replacement or a knee replacement, or any real serious medical care, because their attitude as well, you've you've already lived beyond your life expectancy. Now with the Senator, they're gonna go on vacation, they're gonna take an August recess. They still haven't even made the appointment. So Donald Trump coues have his own government. And Trump has threatened to yank Congress's gold plated health benefits. I hope he does if it's not passed quickly. He goes on that the members of Congress their bailout should end, their platinum plan should end. There should be never any bill passed by Congress that they themselves are not subject to. And remember there was a trillion dollars in savings that they were counting on. For the President's economic plan, and the OMB director Mulvaaney is saying the Senate needs to fix it. But is that then impacts what they're able to do with the President's economic plan to get jobs back. But don't worry, it's people like me that Hell with people like me, Hell with us. As John McCain said, there in our inaction as their economic opportunity center. I've been laying out solutions on this program for years, and now how does the president get his promises done? When Republicans like guess are so self destructive, they need to start doing their job. And I'm gonna lay out every day what their job is because they don't apparently know. And then how do you balance solving the country's problems and also dealing with the massive amount of lawbreaking and corruption, Because if you don't deal with that, well, that means in America we have a two tier justice system and we don't have equal justice under the law. I'll get to that when we come back. We'll get to North Korea. I want to tell you a story about General Kelly, the new chief of staff who is taking in Who's up today in his first day in the job. So many stories to get to today. Yeah, weak Republicans both on the agenda promises and week on the use of the power you gave them to keep equal justice under the law. Then of course we got North Korea and they emerged real clear present danger with no good options that we're gonna get to in the course of it. And he got real corruption in the Democratic Party. Finally, there are some House Republicans beginning to move on that. And that is only the beginning. And how does the president govern against people in his own party that don't want him to succeed. I want to talk for a second about General John Kelly, the new chief of Staff. I don't know him. I don't remember meeting him, but I meet a lot of people. I don't remember ever meeting him. But there was a story that was in the Washington Post. I know I have to read it, so you don't ever have to touch it. But this weekend, and he gave a speech four days after his twenty nine year old son was killed. He was a platoon leader of Marines in uh in southern Afghanistan. He was killed instantly when he stepped on a landmine. Four years later, four days later, he was giving a speech he had one request. Don't mention my son, he asked the Marine Corps officer introducing him. He didn't once refer to his son's death, and he delivered some of the most passionate, passionate words of what are military does to sacrifice for us? It tells a lot about this man. And he talked about the military's isolation, growing isolation from society. Quote, their struggle is your struggle, he said, as it was a room full of Marines, local business people. They knew we just lost his son four days earlier. If anyone thinks you can somehow thank them for this service and not support the cause which they fight our country, these people are lying to themselves. More important, they are slighting our warriors and mocking their commitment of this nation, he went on to say. And then he did this as he he got a long ovation on all of this, and he didn't want to be separated or paid attention to the fact that he lost his son. And he said, well, we are only one of five thousand, five hundred American families who had suffered the loss of a child in this war. When he answered an email about it, the death of my boy simply cannot be made to seem any more tragic than the other soldiers. That's the guy who is now the new chief of staff for the President of the United States. I mean, an amazing story about an amazing man who also reminds us something I've been telling you. We can no longer send fifty eight thousand men to die in Vietnam and then lose the war and give up because it's politicized in Iraq and Afghanistan. Five thousand, five hundred, and then Obama pulls out. We didn't get the full victory. I will not support military action again in my life unless this country stops politicizing warfare. It is morally repugnant that we've done this to the military. He never stops working for the good of the country. Sean Hannity with behind the scenes information on today's breaking news. Hannity is on right now now till the top of the Shawn. So many top stories today. We're not an amazing story about General Kelly. And Linda has a good friend of her is in the studio, but she won't tell me who it is because she doesn't want to introduce me to this person. But you said that person knows General Kelly, and she said the story that was in the Washington Post is a thousand percent true. That this guy is a literally a real discipline military guy that is top notch, and he will bring order to the White House, and that there's no if sens or butts. That's what and New told me the same thing earlier today. He'll join us in the next hour at the top of the next hour. He's known General Kelly for a long time too, So yeah, I mean, we're hearing, we're hearing nothing but good things about General Kelly, and that he's all about order and sticking to the rules and playing by the book and being patriot and fair to our president. So can you imagine not one he loses his son, gives a speech four days later four and says, don't mention my son. We were only one of five thousand, five hundred American families who suffered the loss of a child in this war, and the death of my boy simply cannot be made to seem any more tragic than the others. You know, I don't know. I mean, I made me almost wanted to just a steer up here in it. And that's the same thing we've known though for a long time, haven't we. That's the same reason we did the concerts for the military and the families that we met, one after another after another that lost their their fathers and mothers in this war that they were there fighting for all the right reasons. And then just like Vietnam, But never mind. How do you say never mind to a family that gave up and lost a loved one. How do you say never mind to the men and women we've met without arms and legs and and the disfigurement that they will live with for the rest of their lives. And what about all the men that are now serving time in prisons that they don't belong in, like Clint Lawrance, You know what I mean? Same same thing, same same thing. And and I don't know how many more segments I can do on Clint Lawrance because I'm not getting anywhere, and we're trying maybe with General Kelly, we will. You know, that's a great It's gonna be the first thing I tell him, By the way, when the rare occasions that I've been to the White House, and in spite of what the media would tell you, which is hilarious, they don't even know what happened. They have no idea, and I'm just I've been off Twitter, if you noticed, I'm not really tweeting out that much. I did tweet out the lobsters, the lobster story that a seventy pounds seventy year old seven a lobster is Anyway, how does that? What do you engage the age every long time? Apparently? But I never knew it. Hey, Linda, all the years we've been together, have you ever seen me order seafood? Except once? I might grab a shrimp if it's at the time. I actually never even seen you do that. I might go if there's enough butter that I can drench it with butter. I could do that, but that's not what I ordered. Pork chops and steak, steak and pork chops, pork chops and steaks, steak and pork chops and bacon if they have bacon, and burgers. I love burgers. I love really good burgers. And that's and I ordered eggs. When we go with ham eggs, I do. I get a lot of eggs while I'm on a protein diet. That's what I eat that I'm a ninja. So anyway, I um, I am going to tell you another thing, because the media narrative is I mean, all they want to do is cover process and cover the Palace intrigue, and cover Russia. That's all they care about. How is it that the media doesn't care about the Wasserman Schultz scandal. I don't even think it's if you want to know what I mean that they're so biased. Now we've learned some interesting information. And Andrew the Politano a fox. You know, he's been proven right on a number of occasions when they excoriated him in the media, Well, he made the point that the computer Technics i T guy um is now under investigation for selling sensitive information he found in the emails of Democratic how members. But that's only a small part of it. Why did Debbie Wasson and Shoults keep this guy on when they knew he had double billed? This guy had to have some knowledge that she didn't want him to talk about. How is it the people that worked at McDonald's had no i T qualifications were being paid up to four million dollars now, congressional leaders, I guess on the heels of last week's letter, why do you think I've been hammering this so hard on the issue of open up the investigations into Hillary Clintons server, Hillary Clinton's emails, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Ukrainian influence in our election, and certainly the Uranium one deal. And now we've got the Chief Council for the FBI being investigated. And now we're going to here in the next week or two top names in the Obama administration involved in unmasking and involved in intelligence leaking. This is getting bigger by the day. And so you know, leading members of the House Judiciary are finally a government oversight committee are finally gonna launch investigations into Debbie Wassonon Schultz the elicit I T activity. And that could be meaning what I've been saying. Put Debbie Wassonman Schultz under oath. Put Loretta Lynch under oath. Put Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, put that uh uh chelupo woman under oath. Put Robbie Muke under oath. Put Jennifer Palmary under oath, whatever her name is, and put them all under oath. And bringing those people that donated the money to the hundred forty five million to the Clinton Foundation, put them under oath. Put Hillary under oath. Put people at the Foundation under oath. Put people at the server place under oath. I'm trying to try to put this fusion GPS people under oath. I've never seen such corruption. The meeting does not care about the truth. You know. There was one right admission in the Washington Post, of all places, I guess health reasons over once in a lifetime because they published an op ed acknowledging in the Washington Post. The Democrats Russia Gate investigation had laid a big fat goose egg nothing, you know, while everyone's fixated on President Trump, and he was critical of Jeff's sessions. Apparently Jeff's sessions were beginning to see might have been more involved in investigating these things than anybody knew, which is what my hope is, because otherwise we have a two tier justice system. And for all the breathless hype, you know, and the furrowed brows and the hopes that this could be Watergate and Saturday Night massacre analogies, well, Jared Kushner's statement and testimony before Congress, apparently behind closed doors, made many Democrats and even many in the media realized that there is no collusion or there there and as of the date of all of this, the media thought that, oh, Kushner, this is it. Well, it's clear, precise, eleven page memo basically put to rest whole thing. And at some point when this is exposed as a fraud, when are we gonna when is the media gonna have to be accountable for what they have done here in their desire to advance an ideology and agenda and destroy a sitting president and overturn the election of the American people. That's what's at stake here. Kimberly straussel over at the Wall Street Journal pointing out Congressional Democrats are suddenly desperate to protect Fusion GPS. That's that op research firm that was used by Hillary's campaign, you know, to compile the infamous Golden Shower hookers peeing on a bed in the rits in in Moscow, Docier, which was full of paid individuals from Russia. Anyway, it's been you know, Democrats got their glorious news that you know, oh, Donald Trump Jr. And Jared Kushner, we're gonna be testifying their salivating watching Trump insiders. Yet now the Democrats are kind of retreating, you know. Now they don't want, For example, they want to talk about Russia collusion. What about Fusion GPS? What about this op research? Who paid them behind the infamous, this credited Trump dossier jinned up by the former m I six British spy and Fusion co founder. Glenn Simpson's supposed to testified the grass Lely Hearing where he would be asked in public to reveal who hired him to put together the phony dossier on Trump? Also do they know was false? Also? Were Democrats involved? Also did they know that that the source of the m I six agent were Russians? Turns out Russians apparently are everywhere, and Democrats are willing to give up just about anything to apparently protect Mr Simpson. You know what if in all this time, the media has known the Russia collusion story is wrong, and I've been saying they've had it asked backwards. I've been telling you this. You know, the Democrats that it wasn't the Trump campaign that was close to the Vladimir regime. And it makes sense that Vladimir wanted Hillary the week reset Obama. Saint tell, Tell, Tell, tell Vladimir that I'm gonna have a lot more flexibility of the illustrics. Yes, more flexible. Lets the listener un listen, Yeah, I have more flexibility. William Browder, a banker who worked to expose Putin's crimes, testified at the grass Lee Committee late last week. He was the target of a similar campaign, saying that Fusion GPS spread false information about him and his efforts. Oh wait a minute, and Fusion admitted it was hired by a law firm representing a Russia company called prevos On, And they employed one of Russia, one of the Russian operatives who are at Trump Tower last year, and the other Russian who attended that meeting. Whoopsie Daisy. Just like I think at the end of it, I would suspect that the money that was paid to the Clinton Foundation. I want to know where that money came from. I want to know where the Canadians got it. I want to know if it was whitewashed or what do they call money laundered. I want to know answers to these questions. It was just investigative questions. I'm asking questions, and I want to know why all of a sudden they don't want to touch this with a ten foot poll because they know this goes right back to This goes right back to Hillary and Russia, not Trump and Russia. It's been wrong the whole time. The entire narrative is dead wrong. Now the House Judiciary is asking for a special counsel for Clinton and call me and Lynch a little late, but I'm glad you're there so we can investigate the Attorney General directing call me to say to lie to the American people. It's not in instigation, it's a matter or the meeting on the tarmac, would Bill Clinton days before the decision? Or the concern about a two tier justice system, and certainly Clinton's mishandling of classified, top secret and special Access program information and the destruction of such the FBI and d j's investigative decision related to Hillary Clinton. Could it be others had a conflict of interest here, that Hillary knew too much and that Hillary threatened to go scorched dirt on people. It's always a possibility, right Department of States saying their employees involving in determining which communications of Hillary Clintons and inner associates were to be turned over, it's called obstruction. Taking a hammer to devices that substruction DeBie, Wasson and Schultz obstruction when you destroy government property and you destroy hard drives seemingly on purpose, and keep this guy even though you know he double build and keeping his friends and his family on even after the fact is known your parent failure here of the d o J under James Coomey and others in the Clinton years. What about wiki leak's disclosures about the Clinton Foundation. What about wiki Leak's disclosures about the media. What about connections between the Clinton campaign and the Clinton Foundation in foreign entities like Russia and Ukraine? What about Comy's knowledge of the purchase of uranium one? Did you know he knew about that by the company that's known rostas Tom whatever it's called rossas Tom and with the approval of the sale was connected to any domains made to the Clinton Foundation. What rolled the Secretary Clinton play in the approval of that sale that would give upwards of our uranium to Vladimir Or disclosures arising from unlawful access to the d n C S computer systems, including inappropriate collusion between the d n C the Clinton campaign. The fix was in. Bernie Sanders was screwed and law and lost before it even started, or the postal alection accusations against Trump. This whole phony narrative fed to CNN and NBC and they've gone with a day in and day out about whether or not the president was the president wire tapped? Was he wire tapped legally? Was was General what's his name, uh Flynn? Was he unmasked illegally? Was he was? Raw intelligence leaked on this man, which is a violation of the Espionage Act, the selective classified leaks, the unmasking of US persons. We have a great intelligence community that works hard every day to keep us safe. I love these people. But if we're gonna give them the most powerful tools of intelligence and they're gonna turn it, or the top people in the Obama administration known to Clinton, are gonna turn those weapons against the American people illegally, well that's the that's the foundation of a police state. But don't worry, seeing it only wants to talk about rights previous Scaramucci, fallows, intrigue, and Russia. That's all they care about. The admitt of leaks by James Comey. Now we have the General Council of the FBI being investigated for leaking intelligence. You know, I mean Comey and the FBI's reliance. He wanted to pay Fusion GPS fifty dollars or some such odd number. You understand how bad this is. And Fusion GPS in bed with the mainstream media this phony dossier. And finally the Republicans are Comey confidant at the FBI under investigation, witness tied to Hillary, connected anti Trump research firm connected to Russia. You understand what I'm telling you here. This is major information we're passing on every day that nobody else dares to touch. And we're gonna be proven right, I'm telling you right now, Like we were right about Obama, like we were right about Trump and the election, Like we were right about Richard Jewell and Duke Lacrosse and Reverend Right and and heirs and Dorn and like we were right about Ferguson and Freddie Gray and Zimmerman and and you know, everything that went on down there and Trayvon Martin and the media is always wrong, always wrong, And I get the crap beat out of me every time, and I get proven right because we do our work here. And I was in Washington not for what you might have read last week I was in Washington doing real work that I think is going to have a profound impact down the road, because we were discussing a little while ago before the meeting how well we're doing. However, we have the highest stock market in history. We have g d P on Friday got very little mentioned, or I guess in the business areas that did, But god, I think very little mentioned. Two point six is a number that nobody thought they'd see for a long period of time. Remember I was saying we will hit three at some point in the not too distant future, and everybody smiled and they laughed, and they thought it would be at one. And two point six is an unbelievable number, and now it's on Friday. Unemployment is the lowest it's been in seventeen years. Business enthusiasm is about as high as they've ever seen it. In fact, it is as high the highest point in twenty eight years. According to a certain who have had a certain charte Uh, the manufacturers are the enthusiasm level is incredible. A lot of tremendous things going. We have some interesting situations that will handle North Korea, Middle East, lots of problems that we inherited from previous administrations, but we'll take care of them, to take care of them very well. But overall, I think we're doing incredibly well. The economy is doing incredibly well, and many other things. So we're starting from a really good base. I predict that General Kelly will go down in terms of the position of Chief of Staff one of the great ever and are going to have a good time. But much more importantly, we're gonna work hard and we're going to make America great again. It's all about making America great again. That's what we're going to do. That's what I said. That's how we won this big election, and that's what we're in the process of doing and continuing. And General, that's really great to have you on board. And thank you very much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We'll handle Loter. We're gonna be able to handle up still the it will be handled. We handle everything. Thank you very much. Alright, our to Sean Hanned the show right down our toll free number at eight hundred nine one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. That's the President talking about the situation that I don't see any good answer to, which is North Korea. All weekend long, the President is saying, hey, Congress, get your act together. As I mentioned in the last hour, get Obamacare done, and saying, why should Congress not have the same care as every American? And why would you give up for seven years you've been and promising this. I'm ready to sign the bill tomorrow. And we've got a new chief of staff and that is General Kelly. I mean, I was reading in the Washington Post this weekend. I know I hate the paper, but I was reading it. But the story about General Kelly was one of it was unbelievable. Four days after his son was killed in Afghanistan, he actually gave a speech to a crowd in St. Louis with one request, please don't mention my son. In the speech, he said, their struggle, meaning the military, is your struggle. If anyone thinks you can somehow thank them for their service and not support the cause for which they fight our country while these people are lying to themselves, and more importantly, they're slighting all warriors and mocking their commitment to this nation. And what he said about his own son that he lost, we were only one of fifty American families who had suffered the loss of a child in this war, and the death of my boy simply cannot be made to seem any more tragic than the others. Wow. New king Ridge knows him very well. He joins us now, former Speaker of the How how long have you known General Kelly? I think we first met. He had been at the National Defense University. He was a lieutenant colonel, and he came over and became a colonel and for four years was the Chief Marine Corps liaison to the House while I was Speaker. We traveled together. He is a brilliant guy. I really like him very much, and I think he will be a great chief of staff. All right, let me ask you. There's a lot of articles, a lot of things that the President was tweeting this weekend. You know the world is watching. He said, repeal and replaced, go to fifty one votes, get rid of the nuclear option. In other words, I agree with him on all of that. And by the way, Congress shouldn't have a separate plan from anybody. He said, don't give up on Obamacare. Then you've got Moe Brooks said, if if Mitch McConnell can't get this done, he ought to go and Mitch McConnell. He says, it's time to move on from repealing Obamacare. What does your take on all of this mess that they created? Well, first of all, and then this is my newsletter that's going to come out on Wednesday at English Productions. I think it's important to remember that forever Republican who voted to know there were sixteen Democrats. For the three Republicans voted, know there were ten Democrats and states that Trump carried who are up for re election next year who voted now. So part of my caution to my conservative friends and my Republican friends is spent a lot more of your energy beating the ten Democrats and you're gonna have a margin for error which you don't you don't have right now, um, which is we just proved that even trying to pass things, they can't do it right now because on a lot of these close issues are not going to get one. And that's that's going to continue to be true until they learned to go to the country. You know, Reagan understood that if you got the country excited, the country would would force the Congress to cooperate. And as they start to look for example of the tax that program. My real number one concern is to get them to have the kind of tax cuts you can explain back home. So people go to the town home meeting and or they go on call talk radio, or they gone letters editor and they say, I really want this uh. And then it's going to all of a sudden be very easy to pass, and you're gonna have Democrats to vote for it. So part of it is I would just do this whole thing differently. Where they are right now. I think they are to break you the bill up into five or six different bills, write each of them to be extraordinarily popular, drive him through, taunt the Democrats into voting though, and either get the Democrats to vote yes and help pass him or beat him in the two thousand and eighteen election. How About how about Mr McConnell not go on vacation for August. How about they stay and do their job. Well, I think he's already indicated they're going to stay until they get most of the president's appointees uh confirmed. And I think under the pressure of that, the Democrats are actually starting to agree to move something. I mean, it is. It's truly disgraceful how much Schumer and the Democrats have blocked just simply being able to fill up the Defense Department, Homeland Security, Justice, you name it with with what would normally have been under Obama or under George W. Bush, just done almost automatically. Obama actually got seventy nine nominees cleared in one week in July of two thousand nine. And this has been a deliberate effort to stall the government and to slow down the rate of change. And I think the McConnell's now calling Schumer's bluff on this, So we'll see how that works. But the other side of it is, and I think you probably you know, I probably just don't agree on this. They can revote this twenty times. The fact is they're not going to get McConnell. I mean, they're not going to get McCain, they're not going to get mccollskey, and they're not going to get um. How do they get to hold the whole party hostage to the major promise they made and they themselves made all three of those, well except with the exception of Susan Collins. I mean, Collins has been very consistent and I've always separated her out. Well, remember that the first of all, remember that mccowsky is a very tough infighter who actually lost the primary and came back and won her seat uh in a write, So she's pretty hard to intimidate. And of course McCain got reelected and he's eighty years old. He's gonna do what he thinks he ought to do. Period. You can you can agree or disagree. I'm with you. I think when somebody campaigns for seven years, and I remember that John McCain, for example, actually ran a commercial talking about how he wanted to repeal Obamacare, I mean, I do think there's some point here where he should have voted yes not no. I don't. I don't and I are on the same side about that. My point, though, is is a practical matter that I do think they can get a lot of this stuff past. I think they can actually package it in smaller boxes rather than trying to do one gigantic bill. They have a plan between now and Christmas four to six health bills, each of them designed to be popular things you and I believe in, for example, health savings accounts. There's there's no reason that can't be sold to the American people as a really positive thing to do. You know what, you know, what's amazing. You had the health care solution. I forgot healthcare. What did you call your group? I forget healthcare? Wrote a book. I wrote a book called saving lives and Saving money right, And I remember you and I I don't think there's been a year in the twenty five years I've I've known you that at some point we didn't talk at length about solutions like health savings accounts and cooperatives. I personally believe this. I want to ask a bigger picture. I think that if Republicans get the promises completed, get the economy moving. I like your idea about making the President's tax plan, tax cuts for the middle class, tax cuts for corporations, repatriation all retroactive. I think that helps the economy, brings jobs back. If they build three miles of the wall, they repeal and replace, and they get energy moving. I think everybody gets re elected, no problem. But I'm also very upset with the Republicans, not only that they can't move legislation, that the Democrats got a special counsel, and the strangest of circumstances, Hillary Clinton is smashing blackberries and iPhones, you know, because she doesn't want to hand them over. She has a private email server misshandled classified top secret information and destroyed it. Then the Uranium one deal, then the Ukrainians trying to influence the election, then Lauretta Lynch, and now the latest of Debbie Wassonman Schultz in this nutty I T guy with an ankle brace the three hundred thousand dollars trying to take off to Pakistan after he destroyed hard drives. Well, yeah, this is one that I really think he will need to look at. And I'm going to start taunting the New York Times and the Washington Post and others about covering this thing. You have here a going all the way back to two thousand and four. House Democrats were involved with a bunch of Pakistani's who have been paid millions and millions of dollars working on information technology. And I'll think about this. These are guys. In one case, Um, one of the people that they're connected to was seen by the CIA and by route conversing with Hezbollah. Um, the relationships are really truly weird. Uh. They apparently since two thousand and ten, the family has collectively paid four million dollars in taxpayer money, UM running i T which means they had access to all sorts of official records in the US House. Um the wife of the key figure has has fled to Pakistan and get stopped by the FBI. It just goes on and on. It's unbelievable to me. And again, the Republicans don't use their power of subpoena. They're not well, they're only finally as asday asking for special counsels and and they're not getting things done legislatively. Or I can say, oh, they were busy, it's not like they're busy, you know, accomplishing and achieving the promises they made to us. Well, look, this is a place where the House Judiciary Committee is a huge opportunity to step in because everything we're learning here involves not only theft in a grand scale, but also involves the whole question of whether or not this is an intelligence collapse. And the more you look at it, the stranger it gets. All Right, the new king Ridge is with us. We're going to continue on the other side. I want to get to the issue of balancing legislative accomplishments and promises and also fighting so we don't have a two tier justice system in the country, and that means using the power of subpoena and certainly the appointment of a special counsel in the case of all of these scandals that the media is ignoring on the Democrats. Right as we continue with former Speaker of the House new King Ridge. By the way, his book Understanding Trump has now been went nearly up to ten weeks on the New York Times List, debewing at number one on the list, which is a great tribute to you, Mr Speaker. So I'm looking at Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, I'm looking at the Ukraine influence in the election. Loretta Lynch James called me now the General Council, the FBI is being investigated for leaking. I mean, it's unbelievable. And then Uranium one, which I think is by far the worst scandal because there was a real quid pro quo. And I want to balance what the Republicans ought to be doing, and that's getting their act together. It's August, and getting their job done, and and finishing their promises and making true good to their promises, and also balancing fundamental fairness and our justice system. Well, look, I think that there's a lot of work to be done. I think in some areas you're beginning to see real momentum. You may have noticed the Attorney General Sessions has announced the dramatic increase in prosecutions about the people who are leaking and the violating classification and and and leaking our secrets, which is a step in the right direction. I think that this whole question of the imbalance, both of press coverage and of congressional injustice privent activity between the the efforts to smear President Trump and the very real problems that we now know. I mean this the w Wasson and shut star and she was, after all the head of the Democratic National Committee in the big supporter of hillaries. Uh. You know, the fact is that there are hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen here that that we know are real. I mean, this is not what we know. We know they double build, the double build the whole time. And we know that there are people in this guy's family that had no business on that job or access to our secrets. That's right. And so you so you have to stop and ask yourself, Uh, you know, why is it? For first of all, why did she keep him around? So long and I met him to think probably she was blackmailed. I don't know what he knew or what he found through the I T because he had access to to an amazing number of information technology both the House Democratic Conference apparently, I think twenty six different members had hired him. So this, this Pakistani family had a level of access to US government documents and US goverman information that is that is beyond astonishing, and that it should be a major national scandal. And yet other than the Daily Caller and a handful of people, it has been remarkably undercovered by the major news media, just just astonishingly so well. And I think this is so I'm trying to balance it. I feel like at times, Mr Speaker, and I've been out there on a limb almost my entire career vetting Obama. I was right on Duke Lacrosse. I was right on Richard Jewel back in the day. I was right on a whole variety of these these issues, uh Ferguson, Freddie Gray, George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin. I was right on all of them and went against the media. Green. I know that Russia is nothing. I know these scandals are real, and I find that I'm sitting here on an island sometimes and it is beyond frustrating. Well, I think, but I think it also validates exactly what Trump campaigned on. You know, there is a deep state, there is a swamp. They're both opposed to Trump. They're both gonna do everything they can to stop people like you and me. Uh. It means we're we're always fighting up hill. But we have two huge advantages. One is the American people instinctively believe we're right, and the other is the more facts you learned, the more obviously is that we're right, and we can afford a very fact based conversation. As you point out a while ago, the uranium deal is real. The money from the secret Canadian foundation that poured money into the Clinton Foundation is real. The money paid to Bill Clinton for a speech in Moscow is real. So we can have a very fact based conversation. Mr speaker, thank you for being with us. He'll join us tonight on Hannity. Later on. Former presidential candidate and governor Mike Huckabee will check in when we get back. We'll get your reaction, your phone calls straight ahead, standing up for what's right, with America. We're back on the Sean Hannity Show. You write the book, I felt that, just like Goldwater had felt in his time fifty six years ago when he wrote The Original Conscience of Conservative, that the party had lost its way. And I think similarly today the party has lost its way. We've given in too nativism and protectionism. And I think that if we're going to be a governing party in the future, and a majority party, we've got to go back to traditional conservatism, limited government, economic freedom, individual responsibility, respect for free trade. Those are the principles that Paine us who we are. One of the things you write in the book is it is not enough to be conservative anymore. You have to be vicious. What do you mean by that, Well, if you look at the politics of today, I mean that the tape from last week at the White House and the language that was used then, and we've seen, unfortunately too many examples of members of Congress and other elected officials using language referring to your opponents in ways that you would have never done before, describing the worst motives to your opponents, and and assuming that other Americans are the enemies, and that, uh, that's just not the way it used to be, and I don't think it can be that way in the future. All right, twenty five now before the top of the Jeff Jeff Flake needs to go. He's one of those people that just need to go. And I'm sorry. I will never support him again. And Murkowski, I would never support her in Alaska again. And all these other senators repeal, replaced, they vote for a pony show votes. Um, I would have just refused to deal with these people ever again. John McCain really blaming me, You're an act, are an action as there is a They can go straight to hell. These people on cable and on radio, stop listening to the bombastic loudmouth radio and television and the internet. To hell with them. They don't want anything done for the public good. Our incapacity is their livelihood. Our incapacity is their livelihood. You know, I'm glad that many of you in this audience know the show. I'm glad that many of you have heard Dr josh Umper. I'm glad many of you have heard an idea that I don't know anybody else that has been that has been hoping and pushing the idea of these healthcare cooperatives because they're so good. Could you have fifty dollars a month unlimited care, total access to your doctorcent reduction in pharmaceuticals, I mean stitches and and broken bones and X rays for forty eight cents. Then a couple it with a catastrophic plan you have the as concierge care ever for far less than you're paying now, maybe like a seventy percent reduction in many cases. And no, they didn't even talk about that, the identity less Republicans. But of course blame us. Senator. We've talked about the penny plan. You voted for the budgets that rob our kids and grandkids. Senator, you had a chance to fulfill your promise and repeal Obamacare, you didn't do it. I haven't seen John McCain work. And how many jobs did we coordinate through all the energy companies? Because energy production is the key to national security. We won't be dependent on countries that hate us for our lifeblood of our economy. And there are literally millions and I'm not overstating millions of available high paying career jobs for Americans, and even guys just start out on an oil rig or start out driving trucks for oil companies eighty grandy year. I'll take that if I'm out of work right now, if I'm on food stamps right now. You know what's our into North Carolina that I sent to school to VARs. I mean, his life has been transformed because he's now driving a truck. We sent him to the truck school. We love the guy. He works for an oil companies even paid more money. That's why these things matter. Really, is it that big a deal? Is is Arizona Senator Flakes, Senator McKay up and overrun with illegal immigrants? And how's that impacting the state of Arizona. How's that impacting Maricopa County? I guess now? Former Sheriff Joe R. Pyle? How is that impacting the educational system in California, Texas and Arizona? How's that impact in the health care system in those states? When people are sick and they need to be taken care of, they have no insurance because they're not citizens. I mean, I would like to think that we are people that love our country and have ideas. Anyway, one shan if you want to be a part of the program, we're gonna get to a busy bones or Sandra is in California, Sandra High, how are you? Uh? John McCain is an obvious betrayer and a liar. And I think it'd be interesting if somebody took the time to count how many times he was on mainstream media shows trashing President Trump. I bet you it would be in the hundreds. And um. Sadly for Arizona, there's also flake. But I think that the Senators and the Congressman and the media and others need to quit trying to micromanage President Trump. I love having his tweets. He makes excellent speeches. He's really good at rallies. A lot of that's covered up by the media, but he's a great communicator and I'd rather hear his communications than have somebody like Obama read his speech very well, but the speech says absolute nothing. And uh, I'm very disappointed in the Republicans. They've got to get off their butts and get to work or um. I guess it is gonna harm the rest of us. But memo to the media, I'm never gonna quit on Trump. I've shut them off. I love to listen to you, I love to listen to Rush. I love to listen to a local talk show called Hot Talk out of Palm Springs, and uh, I can hear in five minutes Townhall dot com News Report and here as much as I could hear in an hour of ABC, CBS or NBC. They're their pathetic organizations. Isn't it amazing? Sandra? And I only know this because I sample occasionally some other media outlets. I mean, I bet nobody if you've watched any other media, they don't tell you about Ukraine. I think the biggest story that is going to come out of all of this is the Uranium one deal. I've to know where all that money from all those Canadians that they funneled back over a hundred forty five million dollars. Where did that money really come from? That's a question I want answered. How is it they don't view that as Russia collusion? How do they not view what Ukraine did and a d n C operative meeting at the Ukrainian embassy with the Ukrainian ambassador and giving money giving information back to the d n C in Hillary Clinton and her campaign? How do they not view that as collusion? Why? Because they were pro Hillary and anti Trump? It makes it any different. Aren't they trying to impact our elections? When are we gonna get to James Comey and is leaking or the Chief council. Sarah Carter broke a huge story that nobody in the media talks about the Chief Council of the FBI under investigation for leaking, and that's leaking intelligence. This is beyond anything I've ever seen. A hundred and twenty five confirmed leaks and on it in twenty six days. And it's far worse than that. The deep state is so involved in trying to take down this president, those that that that have weaponized our intelligence gathering. And by the way, this is not the intelligence community. I love the intelligence community. They put they are bravely protecting this country. But if you misused the tools of intelligence to turn them on the American people, that is a scandal. That is the that's the predicate and foundation for a police state, and it's happening in America. You know. Add to that Hillary's crimes with you know, email server and top secret special access program, classified information. All of this. Now finally they're beginning to say, oh, maybe Hannity's right, maybe we should investigate this, and then they can't get the job done. You know why, You're right, Sandra, Look at the town, look at the president when he goes out in the country, and the crowds are as enthusiastic as they were during the election, you know, and all they want to talk about Anthony Scaramucci's out to there. All right, we we got that. The media likes to overreact. You know, they were saying this was the worst week of Trump's presidency, and it made me think of your thing that you put together. I think you could go back and count how many times they've said this is the worst week. You know. They just overreact to everything. And as I think, I think, as regular Americans, we need to be a whole lot smarter and uh and just kind of ignore the media shut them off. Alright, immaterial anymore. Well, the problem is is that it gets advanced and advanced, and what are we going to investigate Debbie Wasson and Schultz, Like, I mean, there's so much here and there's so much evidence to corroborate this, and I really feel at times that that we are it's like this is scandal central, just like we were ahead of the curve and Obama head of the curve on Trayvon and George Zimmerman head the curve on Duke Lacrosse. How do the curb on Ferguson head of the curve on Freddy Gray? What did I say? These guys are never gonna get convicted. Once I saw what the evidence was, taking my time, not rushing to judgment like the President, I realized that they're not getting convicted. And it was obvious to everybody but the media. We saw that Trump could win. They never saw a path for him to win. How wrong? How often can they be so wrong on so many different things? And it's all because of an agenda, It's all because of their abusive bias in the media. All right, let's get back to our phones. I'm I am. I'm apoplectic over a lot of what's going on here. If these guys don't get their rack together, start using their power right in the House and the Senate, there's a poen of powers, investigative powers, they don't start getting their their promises fulfilled. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just it's so frustrating. Anyway, Let's get to our busy telephones. John is in Houston, Texas, Katie R. H. John, Hi, how are you? And we're glad you called Hi? How are you? I'm good? What's going on? Um? Well, I agree with you about the Senate and healthcare between Dad and all this Russian garbage. They're playing right into the hands of the Democrats. The Democrat attacks are not about Trump or Russian collusion. It's about covering up the laws of the previous administration. They're trying to make it so we don't look into fast and furious Loretta Lynch, Benghazi, et cetera. They had no clue Hillo we would lose. And when she lost, they had James Comey run interference, and when he was fired, he appointed a special counsel. I think this is all about covering up their past until they get into the White House again, so they can see it and put it way if they never investigate. I am pretty confident and this is based on a the information that I I know and what I believe, and I think there's got to be a rational explanation as to why with the overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence on Hillary, why didn't they do anything. And here's my guest, here's my it's a theory it's a guess. I'd like to investigate it. I like Congress to do their job. But my guess is she probably can expose so much on so many people because she knows all about the deep State, was probably active with them. And unfortunately, if she's in that position, then the people that she would likely expose or in the positions where they could do something, and they're not gonna do anything because she's got something over their head. And that's the sad reality of how life works too often, and certainly how the government operates today. Good call appreciated, John nine for one. Shawn Cogo Radio San Diego. Scott is next, Scott, Hi, how are you glad you called soon? Hey, I got a good idea I want to share with if you don't mind, and see if you might be able to what you think of it, if it might be worth bouncing off some of your contacts, either the president or his staff. The I think there's an old school way that the president can overcome this, like your previous colors said, the true agenda of the establishment and the media and the misleading that they're doing to the American people. The president does fantastic when he gets one on one with an audience. He wins over foreign leaders, he wins over rap stars, he wins over high profile athletes that you know, Donald Trump right now is the biggest thing on earth. He's bigger than Michael Jordan's, He's bigger than Lebron James. He's he would attract attention anywhere and every where he goes. But there's one old school way he could connect, I think, with everybody, and that's to have a fireside chat an oval office, televised prime time one on one hour Donald Trump and the American people. And you know, Fox would broadcast it. And because Trump is so huge, any other network would be an idiot not to broadcast it. Because even if he only takes a two minute or one or two or three commercial breaks, every every legitimate business in the country would die to advertise on that thing. For the exposure. He would have nine of America, including foreigners, tuning into that show, and he could pick out the six or eight items, you know, points that that the mainstream media and and the establishment keep misleading people on and just and just say, hey, here's the reality on Obamacare five minutes, Here's the reality on Russia five minutes. Here's the reality on the economy. And I think this is a great idea. All right, listen, and the President, to a certain extent, is able to do that. As the President is really good at social media, and that's why he has fifty million million people that he's reaching in social media. It's crazy, um, And I think that would serve the president well to just get his message out. And you know what, the media would would absolutely be so resentful that it would actually be fun to watch them react that they can't stand that he doesn't need them anymore. Here's the truth. President doesn't need them anymore. The President is bypassing, though they resent the hell out of it that he doesn't bow before them. That's that's part of where there was resentment comes from. All Right, I gotta take a quick break. We'll come back nine one seawan are told. Free telephone number. Mike Huckabee, former governor, former presidential candidate is next. I've been here just six months. I'm ready to act. I have pen in hand. Believe me, I'm sitting in that office. I have pen in hand. You never had that before. You know, for seven years you had an easy rout will repeal. We'll place and he's never going to sign it, but I'm signing it, so it's a little bit different. But I'm ready to act. For seven years, you've promised the American people that you would repeal Obamacare. People are hurting in action is not an option. And frankly, I don't think we should leave town unless we have a health insurance plan, unless we can give our people great health care. And you know, there's an old saying that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Now is not the time to leave the American people in a lurch. Now is not the time to leave American health care at risk. Now is not the time to continue to stress even worse the family budgets as parents are trying to take care of their kids. So I hope they won't quit. And if they're going to quit, well, then by God. And maybe they ought to start at the top with rich McConnell leaving his position and letting somebody knew, somebody bowled, somebody conservative take the reins so that they can come up with a plan that can get through the United States Senate and serve the needs of the American people. You think that the problem is leadership. You think it's time for a change for the Republicans in the Senate. Well, unquestionable. The leadership at the top is responsible. The buck stops there. That's why you take on that kind of responsibility. And if miss McConnell cannot get the job done on this, how is he going to get the job done on the rest of President Trump's agenda over the next three and a half years. As I see it right now, this is a killer. As you recall from six months ago, if we did not get healthcare past, that meant that there would be no tax reform, which in tournament that there would be no infrastructure improvements. And if that ends up being the case as was represented to us in the House back in the spring when we forced through a healthcare bill, well we need new leadership in the Senate. If they can't get the job done, it's not it's not necessarily anything bad about Miss McConnell himself personally, but he's got a job to do and if he can't do it, then, as the Apprentice would say, you're fired. Get somebody who can. All right. That was Congressmant Moe Brooks, who is running for the Senate to fill the vacant session seat down in Alabama, and I tend to agree with him. The president rightly so saying it's it is in action is not an option for anybody that people are suffering. And he's not giving up on Obamacare repeal, although Mitch McConnell said it's time to move on to some other things. And because Mitch Moe Brooks down in Alabama said what he said, well, now we've got all these articles that Mitch McConnell is waging war against Moe Brooks to get more establishment candidate in the U. S. Senate. I don't think that's gonna work. I think ultimately that ends up help helping Moe Brooks down in Alabama. And on top of that, you've got, let's see, you've got basically the President threatening to yank the Congress's gold plated healthcare benefits, which I think is the right thing to do too. And I don't think it's right to go on vacation either. And you've got, you know, on top of all of this, you got the old and and B directors saying Obamacare repeal must come first because they were counting on a trillion dollars in savings anyway. Joining us now is former presidential candidate, former governor of Arkansas, Fox News host and and contributor, Governor Mike Huckabee. How are you. I'm doing well. You kind of summed it up pretty accurately just then. I think it was spot on. Yeah, well, I mean, what do you make not only Mitch McConnell unable to do it, and all the reports that let's say, Joe Biden and others, they're all calling John McCain, and John McCain flies back with great fanfare. We wish him all the best, of course, and then he ends up, you know, siding with the Democrats on this. What are your thoughts? It was very disappointing to see the Republicans, the ones who were responsible for not living up to the promise that they had made, and Johan the most frustrating thing of all, every one of those senators had voted for the very bill that they now voted against when the Republicans were in charge. So it makes me think that when they were voting to get rid of Obamacare back when they didn't have the votes to actually do it, that it was all a ruse. They were just doing that because it looked good at the constituents, but when it really counted and they needed to stand up for the people of this country that are sick of having the government try to decide for every one of the fifties states. What health Carola looked like when they had a chance to actually repeal Obamacare. Uh, they sided with Chuck Schumer instead of with President Trump. What do you make those articles out there today? Can an America president governed when he's at war with both Republicans and Democrats. When you think of the one promise that Republicans have made over seven years, this is it. And I'm arguing there are a party right now that doesn't have an identity, but they don't have much of an identity. Their identity is in some cases being never Trumpers and not being able to get over the fact that the American people, including the people of their own party, overwhelmingly nominated Donald Trump. They elected Donald Trump, and I believe there was an expectation that they will work with this president. And quite frankly, Sean, they don't have to like him, immaterial, but they need to work with him on behalf of the American people. I just wish that more people in America understood the positive things that are actually taking place under this president. Uh. You know, for example, we've got a great Supreme Court justice. We have a person after his election, Donald Trump, We've now seen illegal immigration down nearly seventy percent, the lowest in seventeen years, Consumer confidence the highest since two thousand. Mortgage applications for new homes have risen to a seven year high. You have names, we have we have a seven year low. Governor on food stamp participation. Every single number that I can think of, the stock market is like rocket propelled right now. We may hit twenty two thousand at the Dow Jones this week. I mean, this is amazing stuff. And when people act like, well, that doesn't matter to me. Are you a retiree, are you a person who has a pension, then you better believe that stock market matters to you because it means that rather than your stock portfolio that you're going to retire on meaning nothing, now it's supercharged and you might be able to actually retire. That's what that means. Yeah, well, you know, look at for example, Senator Flake, also of Arizona, saying, under Trump, the GOP has lost its way given into nativism xenophobia. That really made me mad when I heard that, because, first of all, Blake is a never Trumper. He's one of those who, like Ben Sass of Nebraska, has almost created his own cottage industry of being a contrarian to the American public who elected this president. But what was even more for strating for him to say that if you're an American America first guy, and I count myself as one of those, then that makes me a nativist. Well, I'm sorry, that's not a nativist. I've considered to be a patriot to believe that we ought to put our country first. You know, Governor, We've been watching everything that's going on with North Korea, and now we have these reports out there that in fact North Korea is capable. There's i c b ms can now reach New York and Boston, and I look at this, and why am I more convinced between al Qaeda, isis Putin and Russia, China, Iran, and obviously North Korea that this presidency is not going to be defined by anything other than these foreign policy crisis that are emerging. Well, one thing that gives me great comforts on is that this is a president who is pretty no nonsense, I mean dropping fifty nine tomahawks on those runways in Syria and unloading the mother of all bombs in Afghanistan. Said this is not a president that is gonna draw red lines that he has no intention of keeping. And I think that was a message that hopefully was heard around the world. Uh, the North Rean situation is one that I just don't think there's any option. We're gonna have to act preemptively, hopefully with the support and cooperation and even the assistance of the Chinese and Japanese and South Koreans. But you know, this is a cancer that right now is somewhat contained. But if we let this cancer metastasize and continue to grow, it's going to be much harder to stop it. And I know that sounds bold and dramatic, but I think that I think that's called the truth. Governor only is. But there's just no way we can pretend that Kim Jong Oon is going to calm down and grow up. But he's not. He is going to push the button. As soon as that button will take an I CBM all the way to the United States. Let me ask you about the varying scandals. Now, I know a group of congressmen finally said enough is enough, and they wrote the Deputy Attorney General last week on Thursday, demanding that they started investigating. Considering everybody is so obsessed with special counsels and investing sations, and we ought to start looking at the strange circumstances of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her I T Guy and him smashing hard drives and trying to take off with three hundred thousand dollars in an ankle bracelet to Pakistan. You add to that Hillary Clinton and her smashing with hammers, her her many devices, when again the whole reason for the separate email issue was I only have one device, and I believe crimes were committed there in the Uranium one deal and Ukraine trying to impact our elections. And then we got Loretta Lynch, and then we got James Comey in a report last week the deputy FBI the Attorney General, chief counsel for the FBI is also a leaker. You know, are we gonna have investigations into all these matters or does it just focus on Russia? Russia, Russia, Jonathan, Republicans don't aggressively go after getting answers, especially to this I T scandal with Debbie Wasserman Schultz Pakistani I T guy. Keep in mind, most of the press and even members of Congress have spent so much time trying to dissect eight twenty minute meeting with a Russian attorney that happened during a campaign, with no government officials involved, not a penny of taxpayer money being spent, and nothing coming out of it. Well, where are the Republicans on all of these varying scandals where we know crimes were committed. We know Uranium one was quite pro quote. We know Hillary mishandled classified top secret special access information and destroyed such. We know that five foreign intelligence services hacked into that email server in a bathroom closet, well and Shawn four million dollars of taxpayer money went to this Pakistani I T person that Debbie Wasserman Schultz hired along with members of his family four million tax one of them marked that McDonald's. I wonder how much I T experienced the guy had. Well, and here's the point, it's not just the experience the access that he had to Intelligence committee reports. What did he do with the information that he had access to, and especially why did he smash the hard drives? What was on there that he wanted to somehow conceal? But I don't see Republicans fighting and demanding like the Democrats have demanded on a non Russia issue with the same intensity, and they do they not know how to govern and use the power that they asked for that we gave them. Well, I don't think they do. It's all the more reason that when I hear people say the Democrats may win the House in I don't think they will because I don't think they have a message. But I'd surely like to make sure that Republicans understand that it may be the Republicans keep the House and Senate, but I'd like to see a whole bunch of different Republicans be in that majority. You know what, I don't disagree at all. That's why I'm supporting Moe Brooks down in Alabama. I don't know if you know him. I've known him for twenty seven years and you probably knew him when you were governor of Arkansas. I mean, he used to be the Madison County, Alabama district attorney. Believe it or not, he has a great history of filling in for me locally when I was a local host down there, Governor Huckabee, and he did a pretty good job. I mean, he really could have had a career in radio, and some for some odd reason, like you, he went into politics. What a dumb thing to do. It's it's such a dumb thing to do. All right, we'll take a break, well more with Governor Mike Huckabee. Right as we continue with former Arkansas governor and former presidential candidate himself, Governor Mike Huckabee is with us. So, if you're the Republicans and you're hearing with the President this weekend tweeting out repeatedly, Obamacare's hurting people, and it is. Why shouldn't it hurt the insurance companies? Why should Congress not be paying for what the public pays and get off their gold standard plan themselves and and live like the rest of us. Well, the only person who can actually make that change is the director of o p M Office Personnel Management, who is an Obama era holdover. It's one of the positions that Congress has not yet confirmed for President Trump to have his own person in there. Of course, they should be under the exact same program. Now they may argue, well, we have to get our insurance under the exchanges, but they're still heavily subsidized, and it's it's one of the ways in which they have kind of create to the scam, making it appear that they're living under the same Obamacare rules that everybody else is, but in fact they really aren't. They do have the subsidies, and that's what President Trump was threatening to take away, was their subsidies. I'm pretty sure that would get them back to the table to try to get something done rather quickly. If look, they ought to be under every law that the American people are under. There should never be a congressional exemption, and unfortunately there are many. It really is pathetic, I mean, and this is what they asked for, assuming do you really think they got. Mitch McConnell has said, let's move on, is going to go back to healthcare? Do you think it actually foregoes entire August recess to do that, which would be the right thing to do. I just know that when I was at Workwood Elementary School in Hope, Arkansas, as a kid, we didn't get to go out and have popsicle recess until we got our work done. And the idea that Congress is going to take a big recess and and go home and put their feet up, or even go visit with their constituents without having completed the work, I think to most Americans is simply not acceptable. I think it puts their majority in heepart. I think it probably does. The only reason it probably doesn't is because the alternative would be electing Democrats. And all they've offered is we're going to continue to investigate Russia and impeach Donald Trump if we get the chance. And I think there are enough Americans who say, for Heaven's sakes, that's not what we want. We don't want to disable this president. We want to empower him so that he can help us get jobs, keep jobs, move the economy forward, protect America against nuts like that rule North Korea and Iran. And I just don't see the Democrats bringing forth any reason to vote for them. I gotta tell you something. I think that North Korea. I mean, it ought to be a wake up call about Iran. I don't see any good answer Governor on North Korea. I mean, if you go in preemptively, what is what is this mental patient of a dictator gonna fire missiles or nuclear weapons in the South Korea, is going to fire them at Japan. Is he willing to go scorched earth? I don't see a good Canada that. I don't think there is one. But the longer this continues to percolate, the worst it gets. It's not like it gets better, It only gets worse. And that's why I think that the sooner the better, there's going to have to be some type of strong action taken that disables the North Korean's ability to continue to fire missiles and make these kind of very frightening overtures towards UH trying to launch into South Korea as well as ultimately to the United States. Scary. All right, Governor Huckabee, we'll see you tonight on Hannity. And you've got to be very proud of your daughter. I think is doing a great job in a under very very difficult circumstances. And thank god she got your sense of humor because she needs it. Well. She's a great kid, she's tough, and I think she's doing a great job of the president. And of course, Sean, let me be very clear, I am as objective about my daughter. The New York Times is about Donald Trump. Yeah, I think that's a good way to put it. But honestly, objectively from me, I think that as the most miserable job on the face of this earth, because you have the most hostile news media I think in the history of the country, although it's been hostile in the past, but not like this. All right, Governor huck could be good to see it. Thank you. We'll see you tonight. Eight one, Sean is our number. We'll take a break. We'll come back wide open telephones on this Monday, and your calls are coming up next. Holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America desserts and know the truth about Congress alright now till the top of the hour one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. I am so apoplectic. After seven years, this is where we end up. It is so beyond frustrating. But I first want to remind you the president's ready to sign it. He's not Obama, you know, he's got a pen in hand, as he'd been saying, and he reminds them of their promises taking on his party because they're weak, they're ineffective, spineless, and visionless, and as I have been saying, lacking identity. The question for every Senator, Democrat or Republican is whether they will side with Obamacare's architects, which have been so destructive to our country, or with its forgotten victims. Any Senator who votes against starting debate is telling America that you are fine with the Obamacare nightmare, which is what it is. I've been here just six months. I'm ready to act. I have pen in hand to believe me. I'm sitting in that office. I have pen in hand. You never had that before. You know, for seven years, as you had an easy route, will repeal, will replace, and he's never gonna sign it. But I'm signing it. So it's a little bit different. But I'm ready to act. For seven years, you promised the American people that you would repeal Obamacare. People are hurting. In action is not an option, and frankly, I don't think we should leave town unless we have a health insurance plan, unless we can give our people great healthcare. I've been here just six months. I'm ready to act. I have pen in hand to believe me. I'm sitting in that office. I have pen in hand. You never had that before. You know, for seven years, you had an easy route, will repeal, will replace, and he's never gonna sign it. But I'm signing it, so it's a little bit different. But I'm ready to act. For seven years, you promised the American people that you would repeal Obamacare. People are hurting. In action is not an option. And frankly, I don't think we should leave town unless we have a health insurance plan, unless we can give our people rate healthcare. And then you got angry Senator McCain. He didn't mind being on this show boy when he was running for president, didn't mind reaching out to me when he was running for Senate and tough, tough primaries. And here's Senator McCain, you know, so angry, you know, at at me for telling you the truth. Stop listening to the bombastic loud mouths on the radio and television and the internet. To hell with them. They don't want anything done for the public good. Our incapacity is their livelihood. All right, Well, let's get to our busy phones here on those Monday all right, as we check in, and we got jay is in Albany, New York w G y J. How are you glad you called Happy Monday? Thanks taking my call, Yes, sir, Yeah, I mean they really don't have any motivation for two thousand and eighteen. There's only eight Republican feeds up for re election in the Senate, and only one of them is really going to be contested in that Flake. The rest of them are all pretty safe. Well, look, listen, I gotta tell you something. Flake needs to go. When he said that Trump, you know, and the Republican Party lost their way given into nativismsophobia. Know, we lost our way because of people like his fellow senator that can't keep their words, and their in action is not because of people like me, because we've been offering solutions, Jay. Have you, for example, have you heard me talk about health savings accounts probably at nauseum. Have you heard me talk about these co ops with with Dr Josh Umber at nauseum on this program? Yeah yeah, aren't they good ideas? And then the idea of fifty bucks a month unlimited care, great idea, Oh absolutely, but they'll never do that. I mean, this has been the greatest fundraising tool for the party in the history of their party. So they're not ready to give it up exactly. They have twenty two seats and they need to raise money for twenty twenty. They're not thinking about it now. All right, it's unbelievable to me. I don't know how these guys run on this. I really don't. All right, we was gonna stay in Albany. We got Ryan and Albany. Also, what's up, Brian? How are you hi? I'm good, Sean, Thanks for taking my call. Um, Yeah, just regarding this tall health character back off, Um, what do you think? What action do you think we can shro it stay so we can get the scifty one votes in the future, whether it be to the primary. You got to get rid of the nuclear option. I think the first thing you to get rid of the nuclear option. And although we still fell shy, it would be a big first step. In other words, you know, think about it this way. Democrats don't play fair. In other words, the Democrats, you know, Republicans gave Obama his appointments, and all Schumer's done is is not allowed McConnell in some ways to go forward with the people that the president needs to get rid of obama holdovers and get his team in place. They still haven't gotten so many positions filled, you know, And so that's because the Democrats don't play fair. Democrats, you know, they get all up in arms that you can't filibuster or a Supreme Court nominee. And yet they were about to do it with Neil Gorsuch. The Democrats are never gonna play fair. And as they've gone now harder and harder to the left. So you might as well just make it simple majority all circumstances, and that's all we need you. That's the only way. It's the only thing I think they'll understand. Just like if you want to end Russia, Russia, Russia, Fine, we know Hillary committed felonies. Now go after Hillary. Fine, we know that come me acted in the wrong way. We'll go after him. Now, let's go after Loretta Lynch, Let's go after the Ukraine. Let's go after uranium one, and let's find out who's up to their eyeballs and where did the money really come from with uranium one. Those are the questions once you start putting it back on them. And the Republicans have the power of subpoena, and they have the committee power, and they don't use the power. Then we're just being weak and in effective, just like they're weaken and effective advancing their agenda. You know, it's frustrating to me that I've got to spell this out for these people. It's beyond frustrating. They accuse us of not having a vision. You know, we're the ones that want the Penny Plan. We're the ones that want health savings accounts and health care cooperatives and we've talked about for fifteen years. We're the ones that say become energy independent. We're the ones that say choice and education. We were the ones that say identify evil in our time. We're the ones say build the wall. We have ideas, we have solutions. These guys all got elected on the same principles. We believe in tax cuts, we believe in you know, middle class tax cuts, corporate tax cuts, repatriation. Why because we want we want to be we want Americans back to work out of poverty, all for food stamps. We want to be energy independent, so countries that don't hate our guts were not dependent on them anymore. And not only that, we can help free Western Europe of the threat that Vladimir Putin poses if he dares to turn off the spike it one day with the lifeblood of their economy, which is energy. It's you know, they're simple things we can do and none of my a none of the things that I laid out. Why would it be so bad to cut one penny out of every dollar we spend in Washington every year for six years, so we stopped stealing from our future generations and our kids and grandkids. It's unbelievable to me. Why can't we do that one simple thing? They can't even repeat Obamacare, one simple thing that they promised and ran on and we believe for seven years. These these ideas are not that hard, not that complicated. This is not deep. This is you know, do you have an identity? Are there guiding principles in your party? And if you have the principles, have the political courage to do what you say you're going to do. It's one thing when Obama was president, repeal replaced. Yeah, you'll vote for sixty five times until it actually is going to mean something. We say hi to Diane and Fort Lauderdale in Florida. Diane, how are you glad you called? Hello? Mr Hannity, Hello, Miss Diane. You real far away, but I got sorry. How you doing. I'm doing fine. I'm originally from the South side of Chicago, about two minutes from a favorite Obama's house in Bridgeport. Wow, but I'm in Florida. But I gotta tell you, forget about politics. You're so cute, professional, and I love the way you stick up for Trump and your hair. I'm a hair dresser. Yeah, you're so cute. You know, people over the years have asked of its real, isn't that in halting? Well, of course it's real, and I don't know. It looks so good. It's so perfect. I know, the little gray on the side. Yeah. Perfect. I gotta tell you I've been waiting. I've been trying to reach you for about two months now, calling and calling every day, and I got a busy signal and now my heart is throbbing because I think they're just so professional. I love the way you speak. I watched every single night, and anybody who's got anything negative to say, you ought to go trust yourself down the toilet. That's all I gotta say. Yeah, that's what I said, a little feisty Italian woman, And I'll say you, I've been a Democrat in nant Ward and Bridgeport for my whole life. And I'm a Republican. And if I could go and follow Mr Trump or you guys at Fox News, I would be there every day just to be there. I love it, the excitement and all of it. And you are just you don't look. The Republican Party is a party without identity and vision in their gutless and I know a lot of us are angry and and they've let us, you know. And I'm telling you you're all right, hand's gonna get big and exploded. I'm gonna pass out here because I don't deserve all these But I will say this. It already looked up in the computer because Trump, I think you're cute, may built like my dad, you know. Man, all right, thank you, thank you, Diane. Actually big cheeks, all right, Diane, thank you. Wow. Um, you know, Diane does have the right perspective. We have our health, we have our country. We're going to continue to fight. It's gonna be Look, we basically have to rebuild with ideas and solutions. The Republican Party, I mean, they just it's it's just pretty pathetic. But you know what, if you're healthy, your family is healthy, your kids are healthy. You know what, We live to fight other days, and it's just disappointing because we fought so long and so hard, and this is how it ends, so anti climatic. We end with the party that takes toilet paper and wets it and throws it against the wall. Maybe this will stick. Well, we're gonna go for the skinny version of repeal. Well, we can't pass the skinny version of repeal and the skinny version and there's no big thought, idea of vision that was laid out in this health care bill that was was worth the attention of the American people. Are worthy of a political party that says they're about free markets and capitalism and freedom. All right, back to our phones now. In the meantime, Gene is in Florida. Jean, how are you glad you called? I am beyond livid. I could not even sleep after watching that vote and John McCain and his little grandstand thing. He wanted to put it in Trump's I well, let me tell you what you put it in the American people's eye, because who's paying your medical bills. I'm sorry for your illness, I'm sorry for your cancer, but you know what, the American people are paying your medical bills, who the hell's paying ours? Such a good point. You don't give a damn about the American people, which is why we voted for Trump, which is why we wanted him in there so he could drain the swamp. When McKay your part of the swamp. And you are put on notice right now, all you damn Democrats and Republicans, you're put on notice. The American people have taken note as to how you voted because you wanted in office, because you were going to do so great for our for our country, and you've let us down at every turn. Well, by god, come election time, you're gonna pay for it. So you better get your resumes ready, and those of you that are old enough to retire, you better get your retirement paper in order because you were gonna be out of office. We've had it with you people. Good for you. I am so I am just lived, lived beyond belief. You lit me up. You really you. You remind all of us. You know a lot of us work really really hard because of the words that they promised. A lot of us believed it. I will say this that I say they're a party without identity, they're a party without vision, They're a party without courage. And the reason that I support the presidents that and he actually means it. I've got my pen in hand. You you guys said you're gonna pass it, I'm waiting to sign it. And the fact that, well we're gonna move on to something else now is just not acceptable. Failure is not an option for me. And you're right, they're gonna be these guys that are gonna they're gonna eat their words. Repeal, replaced, repew, replace, and those that voted against it. Meanwhile, in the meantime, Democrats they're celebrating. What are they celebrating. You like your doctor, keep you doctor, You like your plan, keep your plan? On average average Americans saves twenty five dollars a year. Yeah, okay, well that led to what Arizona hundred and six percent premium increase this year. A great job, Senator, Great job, Senator McCain. Let's go to Darryl and Missouri. Daryl, how are you, Mr Hannity. It's an honor to speak to you today, sir. I'd just like to point out one thing as well as Obamacare, um being a total lie on both sides of the Democrat lying how great it is, the Republicans saying how they're gonna repeal and replace. Nothing's happen. And um, every politician, every election, whether it's two, four, six years, says how they're going to help the veterans. They're going to overhaul the v A system and it's more healthcare reform, if you will. That's just a lie, especially to US veterans who are seeking help and none is given. Well the President, and fairness to him, they did. That's one of the President's successes is they've actually increased the money significantly, the option significantly, and the VAS now under a major transformation to stop the corruption and the broken promises that we made to them. So there we actually have made a lot of progress in terms of the Veterans Administration, health care for our vets and reform. And I'm not saying it's perfect yet, but I mean it's dramatically improved. And if you are still having problems and you are a VET and you've been dealing with the old regime that was there before the President Trump got into office, you know you need to check in with your local congressman and senator. Make them more for you, because those things should be dramatically better. And if you can't get the treatment, you're allowed to go out elsewhere to get it and in a timely fashion. So um, you know everything the President has been able to do himself. He has a vision. President is fighting. The President is doing the things he said he'd do. It's it's the Congress that can't get their act together. All right, That's gonna wrap things up with today. We got such a busy breaking news day. We're gonna talk about General Kelly, the new Chief of Staff, Scaramucci out, holding Washington accountable North Korean aggression. We are gonna do the job the media won't do. We're going to investigate the crimes and scandals of the Democrats in every way, shape, matter and form. We have breaking news tonight, John Solomon, Jay Sekulo, also Sebastian Gorka, Eric Trump, and Mike Huckabee and much more, all coming up tending Eastern tonight, Hannity on the Fox News Channel, mar

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