John Rich and Mike Rowe are here to talk about their number 1 hit single, Santa’s Gotta Dirty Job, topping the charts everywhere.
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And this round up information overload. Our Sean Hannity show before we get to here calls eight hundred and nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. So two friends of this program, John Rich, a big and rich fame and also has his new show on the on the Fox Business Network. And Mike row who also has his new show on the Fox Business Network. Um, and of course does that did the show for years Dirty Jobs and my favorite show, Deadliest Catch. It's the greatest show ever. I love it, Um And he narrates that anyway. So I read that John Rich and Micro team up together, and at first I'm pissed off? And why didn't they ask me to join? Supposed to be friends of mine? And they come up with a new Christmas song and it's kind of funny, a playoff of micro show Dirty Job, and it's called Santez Got a Dirty Job. Listen, Job, Got a Dirty Job? Doesn't all night Hall, Through wind and rain and blinding snow, Santa Claus him slows down. He's gotta keep on pushing them, rain deer hard. He's gonna get every time. Speaking in speaking out more twenty four hours straight. You've gotta out running them big guard dogs. You gotta do whatever it takes on Jill, Santa Claus dirty chownd Santa Claus got the dirty chowder. Santa Claus gott a dirty job and he doesn't all night Law, you know, John, I was just thinking, Oh, Santa Claus, he's a big man, visits over three hundred million folks every year, and everywhere he goes. You know, when he finds what cookies and he eats him, he's got it. He's Santa Claus. Didn't be rude now too. I'm just saying, you wake up in the middle of the night, you see that big man in your house making a me line for the bathroom. You best get out of his way, because you know, Santa Claus got it. Dirty job, a dirty job, got dirty jobs. Dirty blaws, got a dirty job, and he does it all that low sack got dirty job job, Zack Laws got dirty job. He doesn't doesn't, All right? John Rich, Mike Brother, John Boy, I should be angry that they didn't they have friends of mine. I should be pissed off that they didn't invite me to be a part of this. What's up with that? John Rich? How are you, my brother. I'm doing great, brother, how are you? I'm good man. I got I don't know who sent it to me. I got two cases of your whiskey sent to my house. Did you not send it Redneck Riviera whiskey? Well, I totally messed up, because generally two cases only last you a weekend. By the way, you know that's a lie, because the times we've been out together. You cannot hang out with John Rich and not do a shot of whiskey. Now, I'm gonna be very honest. I'm not a whiskey drinker. I am not a Scotch drinker. I hate the smell of alcohol. No, my teetos I have with water and a little bit of lime juice just to kill the taste of the alcohol because I can't stand it. Meanwhile, you drink that crap straight. I don't know how you do it. Well, you see, you drink the kind of cocktails I know what you drink. My little sister drinks, and it comes with an umbrella too. I'm not ashamed that my manhood is not threatened by my teetos. I'll put it that way. Sometimes I'll even put some pineapple juice in it. Hey, I will tell you, Sean that Redneck Rivere Whiskey. We've now raised over a million dollars that we've given back to folds of honor. Redneck rivera dot com has eleven thousand stores now that are carrying this product, and a lot of that thanks goes to you for supporting it since day one. Brother, I appreciate it. No, listen, you know what. It's awesome, all right, So tell me about this idea. You and Micro. By the way, Micro had the two shows that I'd want to do in life. I want to do the Dirty Job Show, and I would want to do I would want to be the voice of Deadliest Catched. Do you not love those shows? Yeah? Man, I mean Mike's got one of the best voices out there. And you know what he stands for is so American. I mean, get dirty, get your hands into it, go'll make something out of yourself, you know, trade work, those kinds of things. He's just a great guy. I had two very cool experiences recently. I'm in a restaurant and you know, the owner recognizes me from TV after twenty five years. That occasionally happens, and anyway, and in both cases there were people in the kitchen that wanted to meet me. And I go back in the kitchen and I'm hanging out there. I'm like, you have no idea, guys. This is where my life started in the kitchen of a restaurant when I was a dishwasher and I said, I didn't have that machine that y'all have that really works well. I did it by hand and in a very busy place. And then I became a cook at thirteen, dishwasher at twelve, and I just love these guys and we're hanging out. I'm buying them beers. We're having a great time, and it was it was so fun because you know what, we forget what you people like us in the public eye. We get more praise than we deserve, let's be honest, and all these people that really make this country great don't get the recognition they deserve. And me just hanging out with them and a lot to them, and I'm like, no, it means a lot to me to hang out. Well, can you imagine America without people willing to do the tough jobs, we wouldn't have a country, Sean Nope. And and our culture right now, and our people leading our government right now they put this narrative out there, Hey, you should have what you want when you want it, and if you don't get it, by God, go out there and throw a fit. And that's not what it's about. It. The Declaration of Independence doesn't say you have the right to be happy. It's it's even worse than that. They want to empower their government to go steal everyone else's money and then give it to you, right exactly. That Our country wouldn't built that way, and honestly, it can't survive that way. And it's time that Americans remember. Listen, Sean, there's a lot of welders and plumbers and electricians out there making one hundred thousand plus dollars a year right now. I mean making a lot more than than a lot of college graduate hard work has integrity, micro Listen, he exemplifies that. That's how I live. That's how, by the way, you and I don't get to live like Mike Row. Let me host one episode of Dirty Jobs, and I want to I want to narrate one episode of Deadliest Catch. What kind of glutton for punishment are you? Do you realize I'm the kind of guy that could actually make that happen. Yeah, I would do it in a heartbeat. I would do both of those things in a heartbeat. I mean, I am the biggest fan. I am so sad at the number of deaths of these great fishermen, These these guys that go out in these treacherous waters, you know, with fifty foot swells to get us crab every year. I mean, it's the most dangerous job, and we lost a number of them in the last couple of years. It breaks my heart. Well, like we were talking about down in Florida a couple of weeks ago. You know, there are a lot of shows out there that are worth watching. There are a lot of shows that are that are that are great fun. There are a lot of shows that are exciting, but most of them are scripted. And on Dirty Jobs we never did a second take. And on Deadliest Catch you cannot script the Bearing Sea. You can if you're really into reality. I'm like before that, back when that word used to mean the presence of real things. By the way, if you set me out one day into the Bearing Sea, I would I would be puking my brains out with those swells. There'd be nothing left with me, and I'd have to have like five cases of Redneck Riviera whiskey with me to just you know, hydrate. Well, that's the thing about throwing up, man, When you think you're done, you've never done. You're never done, and then you get the dry heaves, which are worse. But by the way, you'll get that, Mike, if you ever go party and with John Rich. I'm warning you, John, I'm sorry, what do you want to say? I just wanted to tell you that at long last in my hands right now, I am holding an autographed poster from Deadliest Catch, signed by all the captains. I'm going to send it to you for Christmas. My foundation got your very generous donation. Finally, I don't complain if look, good things come to those who wait. All right, these guys are busy catching your supper. But they all signed the poster, and I think you're gonna love it. Do you tell these guys that I always try to send a message that I love these guys and I love this show and I admire them so much. They know they have a fan in New York. They do just but they know it's you, You know, John, You and I. John grew up a lot of people don't know this. Now here's a guy selling redneck riviera whiskey and sing singing songs about putting a little banging, ying yang and come along and h and having a good old time. And his dad was a hardcore, you know, fire and brimstone preacher. Did you know that, Mike, Yeah, he's a prison preacher, I know, and at the whole different level of liturgy, if you will. I got a story about that. But John, what was it like with your dad growing up? Well, so we had four kids, on the oldest of four, lived in a double wide trailer at in Emerald, Texas. Nothing fancy. And you know, Mike and I were talking earlier about Christmas. Christmas is one of the most stressful times for parents who were in the lower or middle income brackets in this country because they want to provide a good Christmas for their kids and they don't have the money. And so I remember my dad being in that position, and about September of every year he would start taking extra job. So I remember he was working at a hogbarn, even fig he was night watchman at the local bank, selling news cars, mowing people's grasp, whatever he could do, building up his money. So he could provide us with Christmas presents. And you know, there's so much integrity in that, there's so much pride that goes along with that of taking care of your family. And you know, the silly little Psalmi and microte Santa's got a dirty job. Mike made a great comment. He said that, you know, Santa Claus is tens of millions of parents. You know, that's what that is. And and America is not all right, easy, easy there, John, there might be some youngsters listen, And I know it's not our key demographic, but trust me, uh uh did we lose John Rich? We just dropped and we just dropped John Rich all yours, you know. But it really is true. I mean when I would watch dirty jobs, I mean some of them, I'm like, oh my gosh. I mean I remember like one episode I could not do this episode where you were literally barely able to squeeze into this tight space and you had to scoop out all that grease. Do you remember that vividly? Yeah? Look, there were a lot of time, Yeah, there were a lot of dirty jobs. Really came down to very high places, very low places, very tight places, and very dirty places and it was amazing. You know, I really thought I had enough powder to get through one full season of stuff. And then we did all the jobs that I wanted to do, and then we turned it over to the viewers. And I tell you, Sean God's honest truth. Every segment we did on that show, we did three hundred and after the first season. They were all suggested by viewers. And you know, I know you feel the same way about your audience. You know, people you don't necessarily sign your check, but they listened to you, you know, when they watch you, and well they can fire me if they stopped listening and stop watching and a heartbeat, So we better be interesting in these next five minutes. No, that's true. You know, I will tell you because John, before you dropped, you were talking about your dad. But you know, my mom was a prison guard. My mom would work, you know, forty days in a row, sixteen hours shifts. You know, I think it's one of the reasons she died young. But my dad too, I mean, he was a family cor probation guy, but he worked every Friday, Saturday, Sunday as a waiter. I mean, they didn't buy new cars when I was young. They got one when they got older. I wasn't successful really enough before they died. Otherwise i'd give you know, I would have bought them new houses and cars and anything they wanted. I wish, I wish they live longer. They didn't. Sadly, yeah, I mean, listen, hard work. If you if you're doing what you love, even if you're not making a bunch of money at it, but you love doing it, keep doing it, Keep doing it. I call it short ball long ball. You know, you do the short ball, that's what's paying the bills. But you've got this American dream in mine. It's some day you'd like to be doing that, and that's the pursuit of happiness, and you chip away at that longer term goal. And to me, that's what makes America so special, Sean. It's why there's people lined up to come in the country and there's no lines going out. We're the only country that offers that. I don't know why. I'm grateful that I come from working classroots. I think both of you are as well, because that's reality for most people. And they don't get a pat on the back. People don't ask for a selfie and an autograph, etc. But they deserve it, and without it, we don't have a country. I'll give you both twenty seconds each, Mike Well, John writes songs about that very thing. He celebrates those very people in three minutes or less. Typically I make TV shows about those people. In the end, we are a function of what we pay attention to. You're a success, Sean, because you pay attention to a lot of things that many others ignore. I think John does the same thing, and I try and do the same as well. Oh we're all very blessed. I can say that your dad was right, John rich Well. I'm proud of our country. I feel blessed that I was born here. Every day, every day I get up, I go. You know what, man, sky's the limit, Let's go. I teach my kids that going. Guys, I can buy you the baseball bat, but you've got to go make the team, and you've got to hit the home run. That's how this that's how this thing works. And there is integrity and failure. Failure is part of the part of the equation. Guys, we all know that. But God opens doors for people who have enough nerve to run through the door. So have the nerve and he'll show you the path, well said both of you. Anyway, great song. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. John Rich Micro They abandoned their friend Sean Hannity, who should have been a part of it. They just totally ignored me. They totally dissed me. They put me on the naughty list. I guess. But anyway, I'm still gonna help. I'm still gonna promote it and put it on Hannity dot com and everybody should download it and send it to friends. Guys, love you both, Thanks be one of us. Merry Christmas to both of you. Eight hundred nine four one unhappy Honka to everybody as well. Eight hundred and nine four one sea on our number. When we come back, we'll hit the phone's hard, straight ahead, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, Hannity Tonight, nineties and we got a great show on the Fox News Channel'll tell you about that mere moments. You know, it's not only Joe Biden that's been mumbling and bumbling and stumming. I don't know how I missed this Nancy Pelosi moment from a couple of weeks ago. The other thing that we're getting ore. We're sending stuff over to the Senate. Well, it's most of the product that we've done is except now we may have added in the last day or so, and some of what we added is sent it to the bill. Like hearing Bernie doesn't like hearing. Excuse me, Bernie loves hearing. Mansion it doesn't one hearing in the bill and less um so some may send it oriented and then we had to FAMI medically. We figured if they're putting things in, then we can put something in even if Mansion doesn't like so m So we are getting some bird and privilege. I think I think most of we're getting privilege scrub because privilege drug is deadlist to a bill. Vertible is important, it's you have to take it out, but privilege violation can take you out. So we're again getting that as we go along as well. But when we pass the bill then they will see it in its aggregate and make some concerns messaging because that they have to take some of those things out regardless, no matter what you send over, you said you weren't going to send up a messaging bill. No, No, we weren't send a messaging bill, but we want to be sure that what we send is not verdibal or bird bath or privilege scrub. They're the two exercises were engaged bathing exercises were engaged in and ut response. There's no bad answer. You know, it is what it is. Uh. I wonder if she's drinking out of the same container Joe's drinking out of because it sounds like Joe. Let us say hi to Becky is in Montana. Becky, Hi, how are you glad you called me? Hey? Um? Just yesterday, yesterday Thursday, my nephew, hind Iraq war veteran was denied placement on a kitty donors list. Let me guess he wasn't vaccinated? Yes? Does he have natural immunity? Yes, m yeah. I quit two months ago. And by the way, he's if he had a two months ago, he's not even supposed to get the vaccine at this point. It's too early. It's too early. You know, who knows. It might have changed in the last hour, because that's what usually happens. It changes hourly. His doctor here in Montana takes care of him, advise him against it. I tell you what I would do if I was him, and you know, I say this knowing that many people can't afford what I have to afford, which is lawyers. Right, No, as we're looking at it's terrible. I would. I would. There's got to be a good lawyer that is passionate about this. As a matter of fact, we have a legal center. If Linda you know, wants to jump on um, that actually is a See here's our problems on. We live in Montana, Okay, and there's no kiddy transplant doctors here in Montana. No, no facility at all. If that escase be easy, right, wouldn't have a roblem. The problem is we're in a region. This region is guess what, Washington and Oregon. Well, let me put on Linda. What's her name? Yeah, So, so we have an awesome organization that we've been working also doing awesome. They're fantastic and uh they do these amazing David versus Goliath, you know, cases, and they're winning. And it's called the Liberty Justice Center. The president is Past Hughes. We had his lead attorney on the other day. His name is Daniel Sir. It's the Liberty Justice Justice Center. They are the people that just won the case for the grocery store worker in Louisiana. They went to the first the fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. We've got now ten states that we just went out in Missouri. UM. You know, so this this is having a big effect. They're representing nurses, teachers, and um. I would definitely recommend for you to check out the Liberty Justice Center. It's a nonprofit. They're taking on all sorts of you know, the everyday people like you and me. Right, Okay, the problem is we have no money. I mean, you're trying to save them. It's a nonprofit. If they're not going to take him money, that's the whole point what we need. Yeah, it's heartbreaking. He's so upset, he's disheartened. He's a he is an honorable veterim certain Iraq war. You know, he caught me other day he said, you know, Auntie, I've been to warn the war. This is worse. This is worse. Well, sadly, they don't care about the fact that he went to war. They don't care about the fact that he gave his life to God and country, and they don't care about the fact that he could die. They don't care. Joe Biden doesn't care. I gotta. I hope that helps you out a lot. Becky, thank you so much. I'm so sorry I has to go through this. And yeah, well we'll put you off. It's it's a Liberty Justice Center dot Org for everyone out there. Liberty just put it up on Hannity dot com. Make it easier for everybody, Okay, Uh, Justin is in New York? What Linda sounds like she's from even though she's from Pennsylvania. What's going on, Justin? How are you, Sean? I'm doing well. How are you, brother? I'm good man. What's going on? Not too much? And I've been listening the last few days, and I just noticed a lot more UH. Talks of monoclonal antibodies have ramped up a bit um between your show and in government and whatnot or lack in government. I guess my reason for Colin was UH. I guess I just wanted to maybe express disappointment, but at the same time raise awareness on these antibodies. UM. I personally had COVID and UH, and I received a regeneron in ram demosphere and UH. In a matter of two to three days, I believe I was just about back to normal. Well, that's that's, by the way, that is the average, especially not rem dissevere, but but certainly with regeneron and monoclonal antibodies. That is exactly what I hear. Oh, I can't think of a case where I didn't hear that. How soon after your diagnosis did you get the infusion? So on on. On the second day of my my stint with COVID, I got the infusion. I woke up the next morning. I felt better. I wouldn't say one hundred percent, I definitely felt better, and like like I said before, by days day three into into four, I felt back to about one hundred percent. Almost everybody I've talked to between forty eight and seventy two hours again taken early. If you get a positive COVID test, I don't care. If it's a breakthrough case, I don't care. If you're not, it's you're not vaccinated case. Immediately call your doctor ask about monoclonal antibodies. Most people, I guarantee you, if we start doing man on the street interviews, they're not gonna know what it is. I want this audience informed because everybody that I know that got a positive test and immediately gets the infusion. They're telling me the exact same thing you said, but ask your doctor. So so that brings me to two other things. First and foremost, my father had gotten COVID recently and I had suggested those to him. I suggested those to him. I had a friend of mine, also a good friend from out of state, messaged me a bunch of us guys are from school or back in school or in a group message and said, guys, I got COVID really bad him. I'm scared. I don't know what the heck to do, and you know what everybody's kind of guys are shooting their their knowledge and whatnot. And I came off and said, his name is well, I'll give you a different name is Jack. We Uh. I got monclot on anybody's when I got it. When I got it, and I really strongly suggest you go get it. So he did, and he was on his eighth day when he actually got it, and he was having a thrown up I'm sorry, coughing up blood and really in a bad way. He got the anybody's And in two to three days after he got the anybody's, midway through what should have been his sint with COVID he's recovered coming. It sounds to me like he was a candidate for this psychlotic storm as they call it in his lungs, or covid lung as they call it, or covid pneumoniaus some people call whatever it is. He listened day eight is usually you know you're at the on the far end of this now, it's always better to get it early, immediately, COVID test called doctor set up infusion. That's what that's as long as your doctor proves it. But I'll tell you the reason I keep mentioning it is because nobody else is. Nobody else is talking about it, and it is. And you know what I loved about what Ronda Santist did down in Florida with Delta, the Delta varium. We had all these breakthrough cases fully vaccinated people, including friends of mine, a husband and wife getting a breakthrough case fully vaccinated. And they got there, they went to one of the monoclonal antibody centers that were set up by Rhonda Santis and forty eight hours they both felt great. I mean, it's I've gotten that back every single time. I'm not a doctor, though, you got to check with your doctor. But you know, look, I want people to know as much as possible, which is why I put on so many varying voices, something that I agreed and something that I disagree with. And you know, it's like, remember when Joe Rogan got sick and all these people beating the crap out of him that he's taking horse d wermert. No. I mean, it just drives me nuts. He apparently got the infusion and he used as he said, they threw everything at it, and he's better. You know what. I'm glad Joe is better. I'm glad Joe is healthy. I don't give a rip what he used, as long as it works. And I you know, that's why I'm telling people take it seriously. Take into account you're unique medical history, current condition. Talk to your doctor, your doctors and make informed decisions. Vaxed or unvaxed. If you get a positive COVID test, you need to call you doctor and ask what about monoclonal antibodies. I had this guy Hannity on the radio says, I need to ask you about it, all right, And I'm not saying to do it, but everybody that I know that did it got the same results as you. Sean. You know what drives me absolutely crazy about this, and I'm going to piggyback off of you just for a second, is that I had to tell my father and I had to tell my friend, not the government. How did you, by the way, how did you know? How did you know about it? That's a good question. Um, well, Sean Hannity's one person I heard it from. But I also my number, my buddy number forty five. There he got it, so that, you know, I was curious with that. And again I'm I'm a I'm a competitive athlete. I do powerlifting, and my health is first and foremost. So I went if I get a headache, I take advill. If I break my l I go to the doctor and get treatment. So the same thing with this. I what the heck is the treatment? So I did a little research, and again your show nighttime and your radio show, I have heard about it plenty and plenty. And then when I finally got it, I marched as soon as I saw the positive test on I marched directly to the local hospital good for you, and had them. And there are many hospitals in New York that don't even have it available. I will tell you this, There's there's hardly a day that goes by now in my life where I don't get a call. What's that thing you talk about on the radio. That's how the question comes in. Is you keep mentioning that you need to if you get a positive test to get an infusion or something. High profile politicians that you would think know this. You know. I talked to one that I had a breakthrough case, and I said, are you gonna get are you gonna get regenera on? Uh? Oh? Yeah? What is that again? That was the answer, and I realized, you know what, I got a responsibility here to at least let people be informed. But of course check with your doctor noticed that you know, notice here too, justin I'm not a doctor, dude, I'm I'm I'm just somebody that has covered this story extensively and anecdotally. I hear from people like you, and I hear I interview all these doctors and they're all telling me the same thing. So I tell people, what if you get a positive test, call your doctor and ask an informed question, and if you trust me, your doctor will probably be impressed that you know what monoclonal antibodies are Florida. Dave his Neck Sean Hannity Show, Dave, you're you're smart, and I'm a jackass and an idiot because I live in New York. So anyway, you're a lot more smarter than I am. I was gonna say some I'm sorry you had to work and live in New York, but I'm a very Christmas to you and your staff. Thank you. Wanting to chime in on the abortion issue thing there. Now, there's a comparison with animals. They've got federal course, state in every county on the East Atlantic Coast has laws as well protecting unborn sea turtles, which I don't get me wrong, I'm all about animal right, especially endangered and threatened. But you know, we refer to the unborn human as a fetus, not a human being, and yet these unborn sea turtles are referred to as unborn sea turtles. And that's the sickening part there. And these law you know, the civil panties on the federal are twenty five thousand ortun Oh it's real. By the way, it's funny you say this many many, many years ago. I bought a condo down in Florida. There it was a new building that was going up right, and I got in early because I liked it. It was on the gulf, had a great view. And but I was warned when I signed the contract, Now, if at any point turtles, you know I buried their eggs in the sand at on the location or the site where they were building this building. Um, just so you know ahead of time, it might delay construction for however many months until the turtles make their way to the to the you know water and swim away. And I'm like, huh. And I'm like, so you're telling me that if turtles lay eggs, that all construction and stops. And then I was told, uh huh, and that there are inspectors on a regular basis that come by to see if there's any turtle places that eggs and if they identify it, actually mark it and put like offense around it so that yes, they do know in Flag Country they do that here. And there was actually down in Marion County, the Florida Wildlife Commission was actually threatening the people who helped the turtles, like because of the lights, things will go the wrong way. They would pick them up and put them in the ocean. Hey, you can't do this against the walk, So you know, I'm just saying that point there is. It shows how stiff they are with these penalties. And do not interfere whatsoever, or we're gonna find you and put you in jail. You can't make this up. I'll put it that way. I gotta run though, Thanks for the call, appreciate you being with us. All right, that's gonna wrap things up. Today, loaded up another Peter Doocey, Jen Saki moment and actually today with Joe Biden moment. New king Ridge Tonight ran Paul Hammering, Doctor Flip Fauci, Janine Pierro, Joe Concha, Leo two point z, Terrell, Greg Jarrett News You'll never get from the Mob. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on Fox