Sidney Powell, author of Licensed to Lie and lead counsel for General Michael Flynn and John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News, discuss Burisma, Joe and Hunter Biden, and next week’s expected news from Senator Johnson, Graham and US Attorney John Durham.
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Glad you with us. Thank you, Scott Shannon. Forty eight days and you are the ultimate jury. Best election coverage available on your radio dial eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn is our number, and we have a lot of some We have some good news polling wise, although I'm not paying that much attention to polls. I'm looking for trends. I'm looking for anecdotal information. It really is going to come down to the ever week frail, confused, be fuddled, confounded. Joe Biden versus Donald Trump seems like the energizer. Buddy. I thought he had a great town hall. I didn't see it till later I taped it. Although not many people watch it. I mean, I'm sure it hurt my ratings. I haven't seen my ratings hip. But it only had like three point eight million people. We average more people on an any given night. Actually, it's it's a little weird to see that. But you know, nobody trusts Georgie Stephanopolis. It was a you know, hostile crowd. Hostile George and the President just handled it with ease and grace. You know, the biggest, biggest untold story is just how bad a shape Joe Biden is. So he's out on the campaign trail in Florida yesterday, and at one point a couple of things happened. Now I'll play a montage and I'm gonna isolate this this Ricky Martin song Desposito, um, and it's now, you know, my staff is having too much fun today. And they're like, well, you know what the song is, right, And I'm like, I don't know. Oh, it's Ricky Martin. I said, well, Ricky Martin seems like an incredible performer to me. Living LaVita Loca, I mean that was like that was that was the entire culture loving that for a long time. And anyway, I think he went on, you know, kind of stayed out of the public eye for a while. I have no idea why, but I thought he was a gifted, talented performer. Anyway, so he gat at one point he goes on this rant because if you could take care, if you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care or running uh you know, um a department store, um thing. Uh you know where in the second floor of the ladies department or whatever. You know what I mean. I'm like, huh, and you they say, can you explain that for me. Can you explain that? What the hell does he say? This isn't just just the average day. The mob, the media, they just ignore it. Let's let's play let me play it for you. Just this, this is just from yesterday, he says, daily troop updates US troops died in Iran, in Afghanistan. Harris Pide administration is going to relaunch that effort. If you could take care of if you were a quartermaster, you can sure and health take care of running a you know, department store thing. You know, we're in the second floor of the ladies department rightever, you know what I mean. The Ran Parliament, the Ran Parliament voted to eject all Americans and coalition forces in the country. We made solar energy cost competitive with traditional energy. And whether it's more than a million homes, this is just the beginning. If we get reelected, I just have one thing to say. Here you go, hang all right, here you go. That's a little bit. I'll tell you what. If I had the talent of any one of these people, I'd be I'd be elected present by acclamation. Okay, now there's a lot to digest there again, because if you could take care. If you're a quartermaster, you can sure and how take care running u you know, uh department store thing you know where in the second floor of the ladies department or or whatever. You know what I mean? Ay? Now, by the way, Jason, you told me it was Ricky Martin. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get them wrong every so often. Right there, Louise Fonzie apparently sings Desposito. Right now, here's the irony. It doesn't matter. They're both very talented. So um And by the way, I know the song. I've heard the song before. Desposito. Now, the word actually means correct me or anyone here if I'm wrong. It doesn't mean slowly, right all right, now this is the worst part. This is where my staff is evil and they're always pushing me to the dark side. And anyway, so it actually it means slowly and it's a chorus. I I'm not sure. How's Justin Bieber connected to this song? Do you know he did? He did a remix of it about a year him and Daddy Yankee and yeah, yeah, he did a remix of it. All right. So when you read this song, now two things. Now again, it's slowly. That's kind of an appropriate thing for Joe. I mean, he's week, he's come on man, you're a junkie. Come on man, you get t come on man anyway. And then remember we used to show all the videos a creepy, creepy Joe. And then the words as a song are like, slowly, I want to smell your neck. Slowly. Remember he's like smelling women's hair. It's so creepy. Let me whispers in your air so that you'll remember if you're not with me, slowly, I want, I want to, I mean, and all I can think of is these creepy videos of him up you creep get away hands all over the place. Um. I've needed to be more aware of this in the future. This he's a creep. Um. This is the more interesting political side of things today, and so apparently. AOC admitted that she and her allies intend to quote push quote push Biden in a more progressive of direction once they get him installed in the White House now. Speaking with Just the News on Tuesday, she said, one of the reasons I was so supportive of Senator Sanders was because of how progressive his stances are. But you know, the primaries are over right now. What is the most important is to make sure that we ensure a democratic victory in November. And I think overall, we can likely push Vice President Biden in a more progressive direction across policy issues, she continued. And I think foreign policy is an enormous area where we can improve immigration, another criminal justice, another area where we can pursue a lot of the progressive agenda. Memories already pledged trillions to AOC's mad Green New Deal. I mean, that's not good. An he said his plan will go even further his exact words, anyway, So let me so that's definitely the plan. Look, I'm not putting a lot of stock and polls, but I'm giving you some anecdotal information. The President now is leading Joe Biden forty seven forty six rask me some reports, and it's the among likely voters, the three percent some candidate anyway. The races narrowed now significantly in the past two weeks, according to their rolling average, and Biden had a two point lead last week. Survey also marks the first time the president edges above forty five percent over the past two and a half months. Survey finds both Biden and Trump at eighty percent support among their respective parties Republicans eighty percent for Trump, eighty percent, Democrats for Biden. And then it goes into an analysis how Trump is showing a lot of strength among minority voters, which is now a trend. It is not an outlier, and many polls have had him up as high as twenty four percent among African Americans, other polls from anywhere from nineteen to twenty four percent, and the same as happening with Hispanic Americans as well. And I think that, you know, all the rioting is not looking good, particularly good. You know, we got some information anecdotally that the price tag for this summer's coast to coast anarchists and rioting and looting and cop bashing and injuring has now cost two billion dollars and they're still not done. Axios reporting that insurance companies could pay up to two billion to cover the damages, rendering the left wing anti cop riots the single largest insurance event in history. Axios further goes on the protest took place in one hundred and forty US cities this spring, many of which devolved into looting, vandalism, arson that's going to result in at least a billion to two billion of paid insurance claims, eclipsing the record set in the nineteen ninety two riots in Los Angeles. After the acquittal of Rod King. The two billion dollars marked likely does not include damage in Rochester, New York, or Lancaster, Pennsylvania, both of which played host to last weekend and demonstrations there. So it's even gonna go higher. You know, I guess the conspiracy theories galore now come out. You got literally you know, what's her name, Sonny? How do you say her name on the View? Sonny? Is it Houston? Hoston? How do you say it hosted? Okay, I really don't know much about her. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of the View That's Joyless Behar Show. I do like Whippie Goldberg. I've known her for years. We got along fine. She doesn't agree with my politics, but I like her anyway. She began by discussing, you know some polls that found a majority surveyed said Black Lives Matter demonstrators are riots and not protesters. Well, again, we make the distinction between the group and people that that with those that were peaceful way back when. But it's now been taken over by the radical anarchists and Black Lives Matter, the group. You know, one's chanting, what do we want dead cops? When do we want him now? And anyway, Then she goes on to insist that much of the violence has quote been manufactured by the Trump campaign. Oh that's where we're going now. Now it's manufactured by Donald Trump. He's encouraging the He's responsible for the riding, which is pretty nuts in and of itself. So anyway, you've got Biden looking beyond lethargic at this round table. Also yesterday in Florida, you know, repeating his dubious claims that he removed one hundred and fifty thousand troops from Iraq, although he called it ran and got that confused as well yesterday, and you know, you know, I want to breed your neck slowly as he's playing desposito on State But there was beyond creepy and awkward by the way it Joe Biden in July of twenty nineteen, I'll make sure fracking is eliminated. Now, I will not ban fracking. I mean, this is what we get on everything. I let on coronavirus, then to lead on coronavirus. He was calling it from day one hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering, against the travel band, against the quarantine, and all the way through late March, he has had that position. At no point did he ever go out and say anything about social distancing or mass until you know, and then when he finally gets asked a question about what he'd do well, Donald Trump had done everything it was on his list. It was that bad if he can't answer a question without a script. I don't think this guy's capable of running a busy McDonald's for crying out loud. You know. And by the way, who is in charge, Joe says, the Harris Biden administration. She says the same thing, a little weird. Hunter Biden apparently made four hundred and eleven trips across twenty nine counties. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin saying, ah, yeah, there's a lot of information coming out next week. Can't wait making deals with foreign oligarchs. I can't wait to get to bottom of all of this, mister experience hunter Biden. Biden says that the US doesn't need fossil fuels. By the way, he said it moments after arriving out in Florida in his private jet. Oh. One set of rules for me and my guys and one set of rules for upons. We the people, Biden of veterans US troops died in Iran and Afghanistan. Excuse me, it would be a rack, sir, environmental justice. We can turn a fawcet breathe, clean air. I'm about to end. We have to live. I mean, he's lost his mind. Obviously, cognitive decline is real here. I don't know the official name for it. But he's confused, he's weak, he's tired. You know. Let's go back to this tape. I want you to listen to two things. When this young girl asks him a question, simple question, move up and then listen to the ah it's like he needs his nappy. Listen, and I would like to know what will year miss dude to help them give them that chance? Thank you more. You know, it used to be basically bargaining in this country worker in the world, What time is my nap? He needs his nappy. It's scary. I could not see this guy doing an eight hour shift at a at a busy restaurant. All right, as we roll along eight h that's posito. I mean, come on, oh, you can't make that. I gotta bring out tonight on Hannay, I'll bring back the creepy Joe videos. You know. I actually, um, I can't even show you all the creepy Joe videos because I mean he's creepy with young kids and smelling their hair and whispering in their ear and like touching him in ways that are so awkward and inappropriate and wrong. It's like, oh, you're just you're just like grossed down. He just grosses you out. And um, you don't believe I mean, up, let's put it this one. Well, I won't say it anyway. So the President goes on with Georgie Stephanopolos last night, and I thought he did a really good job in a lot of ways. This was not a crowd that was favorable towards him. And he went, I don't think Joe Biden can do it. I don't think he can do it again. And I'd like to see him do it. One of the things Trump, you know, one of the things that come out of well up, he said he upplayed the virus, all right. He contradicted what he said to Bob would word. You know, if you really know Donald Trump, this is not hard to figure out. Even the dopey mob and the media should be able to follow the bouncing ball. Donald Trump, ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus put in place because he took it more seriously. I guess you might be he up played the seriousness in terms of his actions by the first travel band that he put in effect ten days, the one that Joe said was hystericals in phobia and fearmongering through late through late March. So and then he gave us the first quarantine in over fifty years. Okay, Now, was he out there fear mongering and scaring the hell out of the American people. No, but his actions were more severe, taking it more seriously than even his own scientific experts thought that needed to be done at the time. So they're totally consistent if you care to understand the president's thought process, which they don't. All Right, live for your die, America, the world on the brink. Forty percent of Amazon dot com bookstores everywhere we get a COVID update that means vaccine therapeutics distribution measures are in place. I'm sure you'll have some people, Well there's Donald well Feiser said they're gonna have this. They think they're gonna have it mid to late October, meaning the final trials and a vaccine ready for FDA approval and then distribution and people can take it. Now. I'm not going to tell anybody what to do with that. If I will look at the study myself, and I'm going to take a strong look at it, and if I like the data and it looks which you know, FIS is not going to put together. Astra's Enek is not going to put together Maderner is not going to put together something that they want to get sued over. And you just but you still have to do your due diligence, consult your doctor, and do the things you know that one would do normally. I get a flu shot every year. Many of you would never get a flu shot. I mean, it's just a personal choice. And I think that you know to the extent that that happens, that operation warp speed, that would mean from nine months, well nine and a half months, to a vaccine for a virus. It is a miracle, the one that Joe Biden said we wouldn't have. It's game changing. I mean, in other words, to help ultimately save human lives. And it's that in the economy coming back, all good news coming for the country. And you know, this is why you know all this early voting, I was, I agreed with what the Eternal General of the United States have been saying. Bill Barr. You know, a lot of this is very disconcerting. Wow. After all, they did spy on a presidential candidate. They did use a dirty Russian misinformation dossier that was paid for by the other presidential candidate. They never verified a single thing in it. They ignored all warnings not to trust it, and they used it anyway. And they used it even after the subsource for the dossier said none of it's true, which was early in January of twenty seventeen. And still this is what. Look what they put the country through. I want to know why the mob, the media, they're so corrupt. You think they ever once said sorry. I'd like to correct the record. We were wrong, the conspiracy theories we advanced, the lies we told, the hoax we pulled and were a part of. No, because the ends justifies the means. There's state run TV, that's its state run print. The new York toilet paper Times, the Washington Post, the garbage, they just propaganda. Prov the newspapers, they just lie, and they lie with abandon. So what I loved about the lawsuit Allen Dershowitz against Fake New CNN. They deceptively edit as comments to make them look a certain way to make a political point. That's just that's just an average day over Fake New CNHUN is nothing that There's nothing there that I trust as truth. And the same with all the other cable news channels out there. It's conspiracy theory TV. It's rage, psychotic hatred against Trump every minute, every second of every hour of every day. Same with three broadcast networks. I mean, it's just unbelo believable anyway, So one votor challenged the president. You know the way the media says when the President says, well, I hope not. And the President talking about was you know, pressed about the country as the issues of racial justice in the country. He said, he was asked if he believes racial injustices are occurring in the nation. I think all of these were watching a tragic events. I do feel that we have to also take into consideration that if you look at our police, they do a phenomenal job. He's talking about the ninety nine percent of great people. He did add there are bad apples, but ninety nine are not. It's the same with everything I've said about, even though it's going after the president and abusing their power, and that are corrupt and if you're you know, if you're going to stop a crime. Yeah, we have to give the respect back to the police they deserve. It's not just the respect. Defunding them is dangerous. You now see this, the consequences of which are unfolding before our very eyes. And he's right. The president was asked about, you know, the make America Great again slogan. It was asked by a pastor. Carl Day is his name, apparently from Philadelphia, says he voted for Jill Stein in twenty sixteen and challenge the slogan make America great because you say again that we need to see what was what what was that great? I mean that's sort of like, you know, where a lot of people didn't like Michelle For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country. And you know, he said, it pushes us back to a time in which we cannot identify with such greatness. Now, if Joe Biden did a town hall with Georgie Stephanopolis, mister Clinton war Room himself, I wonder if they would ask him about his praise of his mentor and his friend, the former clansman that philibustered the Civil Rights Act and fought again it's the Voting Rights Act, and that Joe Biden pardoned in the late seventies with to stop school integration, integration of our public schools and because he didn't want his kids going to schools that were racial jungles. I wonder, I actually love to get this pastor on the show and talk to him about it. And the President saying he doesn't want a race problem, was very very clear in his answer. This country is great because of our diversity. And I can tell you there's no race issue with me. I respect everybody of all races. He said, this country is great because of that diversity, and then he talked about the results that of his policies have had, the impact it's had on African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth uploy Why why didn't Joe and Barrock do it. A lot of talk in fifty years with Joe Biden. Why didn't Joe do it? Why didn't Barrock do it? Why did they sit by and barely mention when anything about Barock's home city of Chicago. In their eight years as president and vice president, four thousand homicides in the city of Chicago, over twenty thousand people shot in the city of Chicago alone. They barely mentioned it. They never called attention to it. After Ferguson, Baltimore, Cambridge. What did they do? They could have implemented police reform, They never did. They both rushed to judgment and went along with the hands up, don't shoot narrative, which one eyewitness after another debunked, and the eyewitnesses mostly minority, confirming Darren Wilson. The officer's story that he was charged at the first struggle ensued when Michael Brown reached into the car and tried to grab his gun. The gun went off while the officer was in the car. This is after the sit it where he intimidated and robbed from the guy at the convenience store just prior to the whole thing. Then he charged that the officer, as confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses, but yet Obama rushed to judgment. Eric Holder rushed to judgment. Joe Biden rushed to judgment, and we saw the consequences of that rush to judgment. There was widespread belief among the media. And again they both rushed to judgment in Baltimore, the Freddy Gray situation. You don't have to speak into my sources, doing our work, our due diligence. We knew there'd be no convictions there, and I said it early. It's not going to come out the way they're they're playing this, and then it's going to raise people's expectations again for a verdict that is never going to come. That's dangerous because people believe the media. Mop It's sad. You know. He got an interesting question I like from Pennsylvania on the issue of quote unpresidential behavior. He says, I thought his answer was perfect on this. I'm fighting a battle. It's a big battlefield. I have a lot of forces against me, well ninety nine point nine percent of the mob and the media. That would be one of the biggest forces. Every Democrat they don't want him to be successful in any way. He comes up with a historic peace deal they can't even say a single good word about it. The great irony. The reason the peace deal was even possible was because of the weakness and the appeasement of Barak and Joe with the Iranian Mullahs when they dumped one hundred and fifty billion in cashion of the currency on the tarmac of Mullah's the chant death to America. I'll play it later in the program. The mob at the time, historic, historic, historic, historic. Nothing. We didn't get even one US inspector in there. We didn't even get a full promise that they'd never build a nuclear weapon. We never had any place any time inspections, and the Iranian Mullahs went right back to chant death to America, death to Israel after they got their money, and the President points, I'm fighting these forces. Sometimes you don't have time to be as you would say, presidential when you need to get things done. It's a perfect explanation. What do you want for presidents? Somebody that's weak and frail and obviously struggling cognitively and not remembering what day of the week it is, what state he's in, what office he's running for, And so the president goes off two hundred judicial nominees, two Supreme Court justices, fifty Circuit Court judges, one hundred and fifty district court judges confirmed, And he goes, you know, I wish I had the time to be a little more presidential, but I like to get things done. And he says, which includes moving people out of the White House that can't keep up with them. And I could tell you he's a tough guy to work for because he's demanding. Now, I will tell you everybody that works on my TV and radio show we have you cannot be laid back. Can work in this business? You just can't. We all work with a sense of urgency every single day. Linda's that a fair statement. I mean from the minute we all open our eyes, we're at it every day right, absolutely juggling one hundred balls. You know, Jason, Ethan, Katie all work in their asses off Stangy everybody, Sweet Baby James, everybody. Same with the my TV staff. There's a reason I there's a method to my madness. I left my staff by anything they want for lunch every day. I do my radio team, my TV team by'm dinner, my staff every night. Why I don't want them leave in their desk, keep working. I don't have time to stop and eat. I just don't. I don't stop and eat during the day. You stop and eat, Linda, I don't stop and eat. I definitely just had some rugola. I can't lie, okay and Linda against the orange and green you know, puke looking soups that are disgusting looking. You know what I had today, I don't. I don't even want to hear it. I had comusted whatever it is kale this, I don't even know what it is. What is it's a tea that helps with probiotics to give you good gut health. Got good gut health. You're welcome. That's your healthy tip of the day. Yeah, I just you know, for me to stay in shape, I can't even look at food. It's that's it's the worst getting older, that's just the worst. You know. It sounds like one of your martial arts programs. What not eating? No? I mean I mostly I'll tell you what I do. I don't eat sweets, and I carbs very little, like intermittent fast a lot um and I ate a lot of protein. I eat you know, beef, chicken, a lot of chop meat with onions and American cheese on it. It's like a Philly cheese steak that I make myself with American cheese. Don't laugh at me in Philly. I know the difference. Not cheese whiz um. But I wish I could have it on a hero on a, you know, because there's nothing better tasting in the world than bread. I love bread. I love pasta. You know I make pasta. No, I'll make my own bull and Ace with a water down version of Rios sensitive marinara, and I'll literally put string beans instead of spaghetti. Everyone likes zucchini noodles. I don't like zucchini. What is sensitive marinara? I don't you know tomato sauce not good for my probiotic health on No, they do, and you know I strain it. And it's because I don't like thick sauces either my mind. I usually get two jars at a one jar because I water it down and I want to gross. Actually it's not gross. And then if I'm really hungry lated and I'll take just some of what I made and I'll just turn it into Hannity Rio's tomato soup. Oh absolutely, I mean there's not a lot of salt on everything. Put salt on an apple up. But you know, I'm just I am who I am. I can't help being who I am. You're that guy who puts salt on movie popcorn. Geez, you don't, are you? No, No, no one in the rest of the world doesn't shine. It's pretty much they put enough of salt on you're like, oh, let me get let you use I like the places that let you put your own butter on. I like, you know, they have a special container just for you. It's the Hannity Station. Now Here's the fact. I usually won't get it, but if I do break down occasional. I haven't been a movie and ages honestly, with Netflix, Hulu and Apple, you know Prime, who needs it? I mean, I wish every release would just go straight to video. I'll buy it on there. A lot of them are. Yeah. Lately, my addiction has been Blacklist fantast Oh my god, I'm on season six and I think I'm on episode eighteen. Yeah. My favorite show the whole world right now is Pepper Pig. That's my world, Pepper Pig. I don't even know what Pepper the Pig is. What is Pepper? I've heard it, but I don't even know anything about it. It's a cartoon that in pool control, right patrol. Yeah, I still don't you know. I'm like, what is that? Don't they have, you know, the little rascals Abbott and Costello they have. My son loves funny, loves the original Popeye? What body cat? I did it? Did it? Did not peep? I like Popeye? Man. He had a little crush on olive oil. A little that would be an understanding. He had a Joe Biden crush on olive oil. Yeah, that's shoot oh man. With folks, there's forty eight days, Live free or die. You know, we're a whole giddy here. Come on, man, you're junkie. Play the whole thing just to make me feel better. He got the whole thing there, JC, go ahead, hit it, yes, play it quick. I want to hear it quick man. Oh, enough time to get it all right, Doctor ros coming up. We'll upateate you in the latest with the vaccine and much much more. Also Bill O'Reilly Today, Sidney Powell and John Solomon, and forty percent off Amazon dot com. Un It's funny watching Joe Biden given as coronavirus. You know, I trust science, I trust vaccines. I don't trust Trump. Donald Trump. It was only Operation Warp Speed that he put in place that is bringing us to the precipice hopefully of a vaccine that'll save lives. You know, it's funny because we went back and we looked the day, remember the ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus in America. The first case was January twenty first of this year, ten days later, the President, against even the advice of all of his medical team, because you know, the big debate from last night is well, I didn't downplay, I upplayed the virus. What the President was saying is well, I put the travel ban in effect ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus, and then he followed that up with the first quarantine in over fifty years. Then all the way through January, February and late into March, Joe Biden was out there, I guess, sucking up to you know, China, wanting another one point five billion, perhaps for the ever not experienced hunter to get what one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. I would think that would go to you know, companies like Morgan Stanley or you know, Goldman Sachs or I don't know Deutsche Bank, to name a few, but he kept seeing it's hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering. No, the president that one decision alone. I don't think we can ever calculate how many Americans were spared from contracting the virus and then you know, mathematically building out from there, maybe it bought us valuable time that was necessary to build up, you know, our response to this thing. Everybody had gotten it wrong. The experts were wrong, the models were wrong. Everybody was wrong. But now here we are in the precipice. We get FISA saying that we might have final final trials on humans done and a vaccine sometime in mid to late October of this year. You'll never be able in history to break down the sequence of a virus like this, ever, which is a tribute. You know, from the very beginning, I did say one thing I was right about that I believe in our medical researches in this country, our scientists in this country, our medical community, our doctors, our nurses are you know, they're amazing people. Everybody I know that goes into medicine or medical research. They do it because they love saving lives. It's a calling of theirs. And speaking of such a person, Doctor rouses back with us for an update on a lot of things as a lates the virus. Sir, how are you going very well? And it has been a very hot several weeks. But you're right, the vaccine program is moving much more rapidly than anyone had dissipated. I've had countless experts on my show. Most predicted it would be in the middle of next summer. I just this, you know, we started our twelfth season this week and sorted to kick it off. I had to Graduate task Force come, thank you very much, and the White House Task Force came in. Both the testings are Gerard but also certain general atoms. Both of us said the same thing, which is, you know, we were actually going to finish enrolling patients in one of these thirty thousand patient trials this week. So give it, you know, six weeks, let's say, and then we should buy the end of October. Beginning in November, have an idea whether the vaccine worked, which means you're everything else has been put in place, including premaking the products, having the vaccine ready to go means we can start to roll it out to first responders and to most vulnerable among us, to folks in nursing homes, et cetera. And that takes the edge off the virus when we do that. I couldn't have said any better. So the amazing thing is is the President also has in place a plan to quickly manufacture the vaccine for as many people as possible. You're right, the most vulnerable should be first on the list. I totally agree with you. And the fact that we have nine separate final stage human trials going on simultaneously, I guess you have what Oxford and Astra Zeneca. They've can now continued. There was a brief pause, but they're now continuing their final testing stage trials. Maderna Astra Zeneca. I mean all that you have nine separate now final stage trials going on. That's that's unprecedented, isn't it. It is unprecedented, And they pretty much guaranteed these folks are not going to waste all their money in R and D, that there's going to be some reward if it's effective. They've got to do their science and do their homework. They've also bonded together. Nine companies wrote and said, listen, we're not going to rush it. We don't want to scare America. We're going to do this thing right. But I want to emphasize this just because as fast as it me is rushed in surgery, there's a differencetret a slick, elegant procedure where things look effortless and they move quickly and rushing through and everything looks like it's you know, hands up in the air. And these nine companies said, we're not going to and seek government approval until we're comfortable that it's safe and effective, and we'll just keep going to we get those results. And I you know, there's today's big news, of course, as a federal government oiline is sweeping planned to allow this vaccine to be be able free to all Americans. I know not everyone listening wants the vaccine, and a third of you as not waving, you know, not in your head backwards back and forth, saying there's no way I'm getting that. I do believe over time, despite that skepticism, as people get the vaccine and we don't see lots of complications, more and more Americans will get comfortable and just mathematically, we don't have to get everybody vaccinated. We have to have enough people vaccinated, let's say two thirds of the population, so we get hurt immunity, and then this fact, this virus becomes been more of a problem that you know, that's dealt with, you know, with epidemiologists, not with you know, on frontline workers. Listen, I if I get to this day, probably you know, you and I have friends of mine that the doctors. I'm going to talk to all of you, and then I'm going to read the I'm going to read it myself. I'm going to read what they've discovered. If you got thirty thousand people, let's say, twenty nine thousand of them produce antibodies with very little side effects, to me, I probably would be sold. Am I wrong in thinking that way? You're right to think that way. There's the thing about vaccines. I really do think we've mismessaged it oftentimes to America. When people raise questions that if a mom says, do you love my child as much as I do? Mister or whoever? Yeah, right, And that's a hard question to answer. Well, you know it's your child, of course you love them more so then answer my questions. And oftentimes we treat folks who have objections like they're foolers. Take their deniers, you know, conspiracy theorists. And I don't want people feeling dumb. These are very bright people raising very reasonable questions. For example, will there be a side effect? Darn right? You give hundreds of millions of people anything, you give them, aspiring right, you give them, and I'm a prof and give them anything. They're going to have side effects? Isn't where you have side effects? It is are the side effects limited and not severe so severe that they it outweighs the benefit of getting the vaccine. If the answer to that is not clearly yes, it's safe and enough, not not safe period, but safe enough, then we shouldn't be administering it. And then there might be who knows, they wore going to identify people who have high risk like this woman who had the complication with the actually nachet vaccine apparently had transverse myolitis, which is an inflammation of the spinal cord. I've only heard that. I don't know that for sure, but that's a bad complication Under the hand she's recovered, and maybe there's some other reasons she got it. You know, So if you have a condition that that you didn't know you had that gets exposed revealed by the vaccine, I'd bet it's not fair to blame that on the vaccine. But if it's legitimate problem, will do Blieve me, No one wants to push, especially the companies, a failed vaccine that's going to blow up in their face. However, we as a public need to be open minded enough to least consider the options. I mean, let's take the flu vaccine, where less than half the population gets the flu vaccine every year. I get it every year because I'm a doctor. So we don't have a choice, right I don't. You don't want me carrying the flu from one patient to the next. But there's just new data to day. Something about your show brings out new data every time. New data today showing that people who who got the flu vaccine seem to have less COVID, both from this country and Italy. You know, people who had COVID had less often have been immunized, and people who got immunized less often got to COVID. And this is sort of an interesting phenomenon. We have a reason why we think it's so we think the flu itself increases the receptors that the COVID virus uses to get into us. So by avoiding the flu, you avoid COVID nineteen. But you definitely don't want to twindemic with both together, and I might show I'm hammering this point home. I'm not making you feel badly about the flu. But if you look at this and you want to use a favor plus avoid the confusion of whether your sickness is the flu or the COVID nineteen, which is nice to do, then this is a pretty good year to get the vaccine. And it's already out. So look, I get the vaccine every year. Listen. I'll be very honest, doctor Osen. I mean, I'm pretty much of a prochoke choice guy, libertarian guy. I wouldn't want to mandate any of this, Like, for example, I've given you the reasons why I like the idea of people wear masks because what I saw anecdotally where I live, I don't think you can mandate it. I mean, Biden wants a national face covering mandate as president. He's reversed himself three separate times now on this issue and just did again. But the idea is, you know, my reasons are personal. I wouldn't want to get somebody else's mom and dad that might be vulnerable sick. I wouldn't want grandma and grandpa to get sick somebody that really could die from this. I'm in relatively good health. I don't think i'd be at that bigger risk. I think therapeutics have come a long way. But that's why, you know, me and I've wanted to get to sports games on the plow Right now, I've kind of just given up. You know, the one place I'd like to see no politics two places. No more politics and medicine. No more politics and sports. I think people, you know, look to these, you know, those are two areas where we could just have a release and just enjoy the unity of enjoying a time out in the you know, out in the stadium, having fun with each other. Well, I think you're arguing what most Americans feel on both sides of the aisle. We have to have some sacred spaces where you know, as we've choked about, it's not so funny anymore about you mix politics and medicine, you get politics, and I think it tends to destroy our culture when we let policy some vague areas that have been sacred today. That's why decisions like the flu vaccine and wearing masks. You can't force people to do things that are better, that are in their best interests. It's not it becomes very difficult to enforce. I mean even I mean, there's so many examples, you know, we run out of time talking about them. But I think this is a good example where if folks actually just sort of sit back and energetically don't feel like they're being insulted, if they're respected and for their questions and honored with a good answer. But you know, the vast majority of people come on board. I'm not telling you still too. I am never when I operate on patients and you know I'm still doing surgery near a Presbyterian. I always tell folks who are smokers because I've turned amount of the meat hearts for if I'm not going to operate until they stopped smoking, because it's my only chance to get them to really listen is before I operate. But I've never never not had to operate on somebody. People will always come along if you just give them the love and the carrying and nurturing and their respect, and I think it's the same thing for mask and me. Look, master use a just way up in America, people got the message. There was understandably confusion and resentment when they were told not to wear a mask was stupid, and then told theyn't wear a mask are stupid. You know, people get upset about that, understandably, but over time to grows. I think this year we're going to have more people get the flu vaccine than ever because they're going to understand what I just said, even though news just came out today to spread bread and wildfire. Well what about the study arguing that getting the flu vaccine will reduce the number of COVID infections? I don't know anything about it. Well, that was the data from Europe. They based it in Belgium, Italy, Norway, in Spain, and in Italy in particular. The people places that had higher rates of flu vaccination had lower rates of death from COVID nineteen. And then that's just that data is just coming out. And then then US study just looked at people that eleven thousand people had COVID infections. They just asked the question, did you get the flu vaccine, and people who had the flu vaccine were much less likely to have a COVID nineteen infection than people who did have the infection. So now we're starting to understand mechanistically why that's so. But if it's the truth, and again these are just associations, we can't see that one caused the other. But you know, when you look at coincidences in two different continents, you begin to think, well, maybe I'm gonna get the flu vaccine this year independent of all I normally get it. When's a good time to get it for me. I mean, I'm not telling other people what to do now right now. I don't like your local CBS or right Aid. I go to the mylocal right Aid the same way that gives it to me every year. She's great, and don't cross go don't don't pay two hundred dollars and they don't click two hundred dollar right it just can't get the vaccines there. We have no benefits from not doing it, and it can hurt you. I mean, I look, I've gotten it every year. But again, I understand the people that don't. I don't understand the people that don't want to vaccinate their kids. I mean then now you run into real serious ethical religious conflicts than constitutional issues. I just for me, I do believe in science. I do believe in vaccine. I have faith in medical research and great doctors like yourself to devote your whole lives to helping to save lives. And again, sometimes we go to war with the army we have not the one we wish we had, as you said so often throughout this pandemic. But all right, congratulations you started your twelfth season, doctor Roz. We'll be getting more news on this vaccine in the days and weeks ahead, and we look forward to having your back and often, and we appreciate your expertise. Thank you, sir, God bless you for are you do. Stay well, take care. So we have huge developments. By the way, we're not giving up. There are signs there's a fever pitch of speculation as it relates to John Durham and whether or not there is a grand jury convened. There is Ron Johnson's committee has now summoned Brennan, Clapper and Comey. They're going to be coming in the House of Representatives and also the Senate now are investigating the twenty seven phones of Muller's team wiped clean with the flimsy excuse, Oh, we just put in the wrong password too many times and then that wipes the phone completely clean. Well, I've never heard of that. No, I've been stupid enough. I was out fishing ones. I dropped my phone in the water. Yeah I didn't find it. You know, you can damage your phone. I treat my phones like crap, basically, throw them all over the place. Not throw them out of anger in case you're interested, but you know, I mean I just drop it, you know, let it hang in my pocket, falls here, falls there, eventually, just get a new one. That's what I do. And um, but I don't take a hammer to my devices, and I don't use bleach pit. Don't even know what bleach pit was until Hillary. All these people that at the likes of the pit bull of Muller Andrew Weissman going after the process crimes, lying to Congress, really and then they're involved in cleaning their phones, all of them with that flimsy excuse. Anyway, We're gonna get an update from John Solomon and Sidney Powell coming up. We've got a great Hannity tonight. These two poor kids one is the son of a firefighter. The other is the son of a cop. And I gotta tell you something. They carried American flags onto the field and they get suspended. They're on Hannity tonight, nine Eastern much more, all right, Live free or die America, the world on the brink forty eight days and you are the ultimate jury. Forty percent off Amazon dot Com, books, a million, Barnes and Noble, Walmart target costcos they all have it, and the discounts, which is great anyway, thank you again for making it. Number one, eight hundred and nine four one sewn is our number in our quest to hold people accountable. It is now getting extraordinarily loud that in terms of movement with the Durham investigation, speculation of a Dorham interim report, speculation at well, we already have, for example, one guilty play and that's the FBI guy Klein Smith, pressure building on the Justice Department. Democrats, Oh you can't do anything before the election. Bill Barr addressed all of these issues when he was on NBC News. Let's play the Attorney General from earlier the week we ask you finally about the Durham report is John Durham nearing the end of his investigation. Yeah, I'm not going to characterize exactly where he is. I'll just leave it at that. Okay. Would you say it's unlikely that they'll be further criminal charges? Now, I wouldn't say that at all. Now, so there could be, Yeah, there could be. Will we hear anything about the Durham report before the election? Yeah, I'm not going to get into that either. Well, could there, for example, be an interim report. I'm not going to get into what there might be. Well, how about the question this way? If there is an interim report before the election, won't some people think that that's an attempt to influence the election? Or would that be a fair accusation if there were an interim report? Well, this is sort of a hypo or a hypo? Why not? Okay, but I'll just say yeah. Nowadays there are people who will say anything, and you can almost bank on the fact as to what they're going to say. And I don't let that bother me. I'm going to do what I think is right in the public interest. You wouldn't be concerned if there were an interim report. Depends on what the report said. And you know, as I've already said. You know, I'm conscious of the election, and I don't think any of the things that are being worked on are going to have an adverse effect on that. And I also think there's strong public interests involved as well. What would be the utility though in an interim report? Why not wait till it's done well, I haven't said there is going to be one, and that's a hard question to answer in the abstract. All right, that and other news that we have. A Republican representative from Georgia, Doug Collins has now demanded that Apple's CEO Tim Cook provide information on the iPhones feature that wipes phone data after a certain number of failed pass code attempts. Now, this is in direct response to the acknowledgement that twenty seven specific phones, including two by Mueller's pitbull Andrew Weissman, they all just happened to be erased, and they all made the same silly error. They put in there, the wrong passcode too many times. I don't believe that at all. We also know that Mueller's team had had Lisa Page's phone acclaim was lost, according to emails that just broke today. Also, the Senate Homeland Security Committee has now authorized subpoenas for testimonies from Obama officials as part of the Durham investigation and the ongoing quest for justice. And that would include Brennan and Clapper and James Comey himself, mister SuperPatriot, you know, mister higher honor with no honor, and Bill Barr confirming there there could be more criminal charges here. And on top of that, just thenews dot com John Solomon reporting the State Department reported that Barisma paid a bribe while Hunter Biden was serving on the board. Again ignored by the mob and the media. Here for updates on all of the Sydney Powell, she wrote the book about prosecutorial abuse call License to Lie. She's the lead counsel for General Michael Flynn, who still deserves in his case, equal justice under the law, which he hasn't gotten. John Solomon, editor in chief for just thenews dot com. Jo almost start on the news side. First, let's talk about these new developments, the wipe phones, the Durham report. Now bron Johnson's committee calling these people back in. Where does all of its stand? Because we're beginning to hear a lot of chatter. Now, Yeah, listen, I think that the the news is closing in on people who've been able to escape and rope a dope and obfuscate their role in the FBI investigation into pursuit of Sydney's client, General Flynn. We now know the body of evidence that surrounds the conduct, and now it's time to bring these witnesses back in and ask them the hard questions that they escaped in earlier hearings in the ig investigation. We now know that General Flynn was pursued specifically after he had been cleared of wrongdoing. There was no legal basis to interview Mike Flynn except to extend the investigation and create the possibility of a pergy trap. That's the Justice Department's conclusion. It's certainly what Sidney Potla has powerfully argued for a long time, that sort of conduct. Who ordered it? Why did you do it? Was Barack Obama? We already know who ordered the interview. I sent them in. You know, mister Hier Honor himself was made the call something he wouldn't do an Obama or Bush administration. General Flynn, and he knew better. There's something very important. The weekend that this is all playing out, did James Comy can own it because he's owned a lot of things, usually things that turned out badly. But there's communications between him and McCabe that weekend, there are communications between the FBI people working the case, and there is clear evidence of communication with the White House. We need to know what we're McCabe and Komey and their top people talking about and what influence the White House was potentially, but their phones were white clean too, John, Apparently everybody can wipe them clean. And unless you have, you know, the only people spend any time in jail or get charged are conservatives for process crimes. There's a dual justice system. That's where it exists now, Sidney Powell, I think John brings up a lot of good points, especially as it relates to General Flynn. Oh, definitely he does. I mean we've known all along, they've been hotting evidence that showed General Flynn was innocent. There's still more of it out there. We still don't have the original three O two from the FBI or the next draft that we can identify existed from the struck page to text messages, and now I'm understanding there are additional messages or evidence of messages between the White House and Comey and McCabe, all evidencing the set up. Well, that would be the Brady material that Judge Emmett Sullivan lectured you about in court said didn't exist. Oh exactly, Yes, his ninety two page decision saying there was none and nothing had to be produced to us, when the government has now itself found and identified more than a hundred pages of extremely disturbing evidence that shows General Flynn was set up and framed, and has produced that in its motion to dismiss, which Judge Sullivan and his amiga simply ignore. At the end of this, I would hold Judge Emmett Sullivan personally responsible. There's some political agenda in play here. I don't know what it is, but you know he's dug his heels in on this so deep that it's almost breathtaking in terms of the justice. Let's talk about the phone phones that are white clean Sydney. I don't know. I just believe that if I had phones and they were subpoenaed or they had evidence on them that they knew that they were going to need. In the case of Muller's entire team, twenty seven phones two by your friend Andrew Weissman, and they all claim basically the same era that you know, oh we put in the wrong password too often, had to wipe it clean. I never heard of that as something that would that would force a phone to be wipe clean of you. No, that's they're obviously lying. So now we not only have a conspiracy to destroy evidence, we have false statements to the government investigators that ask about the phones, and all of those people should be indicted for that conduct. They have certainly sent people to prison themselves for far less obvious destruction of evidence. Well, it seems to me that we have a two tiered justice system, John Solomon, because you know, Hillary Clinton got away with let's see the leading subpoenaed emails, bleach pit, hammers, devices, simcards were mooved. She got away with all of it. Why wouldn't the Deep Stake get away with all of it? Why wouldn't Muller's team get away with all of it? Well, thus far they've had a perfect record of getting away with it. But I want to point out something that I think we all forgot. Remember, originally struck in pages phones were wiped in. The Inspector General was able to recoup most of those messages. Here's a dirty little secret about these phones. The two primary ways are three ways you communicate. Phone calls, text messages, and email are all backed up on internal servers in the FBI. So there could still be despite the craftiness of the Muller crowd, there could still very well be the text message, email records, and phone records the luds a long distance call records for each phone. Wiping them doesn't take them off the server. Now, if they're missing from the server, we have a Rosemary Wood Nixon cover up, right, But I'm hearing that there's a strong possibility that despite their craftiness, they may have left their trail behind the servers, something they didn't count on. Well, that'd be pretty open. They certainly should have them. I mean, the NSA has everything. They certainly often to be able to get these medals. I mean, that's an open question, or is it? Because we've had people like Bill Benning and others on this program that's say that that that everything is backed up now the government has denied it in the past. Do they have everything or do they not have everything? Well, my sources tell me they do. It's just a matter of getting it. Yeah, I think that would expose then why didn't we get thirty three thousand emails that Hillary deleted? Okay exactly, And plus we know they're on Wiener's laptop, which the FBI deliberately ignored. I mean, where is Wainer's laptop? And if that was destroyed, then somebody needs to be prosecuted for that. I'm sure that's in the you know, somewhere in the Hudson River at this point, John, Yeah, listen, I think that these are all great questions. I think there's another set of documents that all should start getting ready to focus on. Mike Flynn was clearly unmasked dozens of times by dozens of Obama officials. He wasn't the only Trump official. I believe we are near learning that there were many other Trump officials monitored by the Obama administration unmasked their conversations. And if hey, we're going to invest unmasking the data that we have on Trump, maybe it's time to unmask to data we have on people like Andrew Weisman and Bob Mueller. Let's find out where they have. The NSA has these records. That's why all that unmasking was going on. I am told We're going to find out soon that many more Trump related figures had their phone conversations monitors fied on through unmasking. That's something that I think we're going to learn before the election. Interesting, do either of you see indictments? Do we have any evidence that grand jury has been convened as it relates to the Durham investigation. I have seen a little bit of activity consistent with grand jury activity, but not a lot. And I have a strong sense when the reporting I've done in the last five to ten days, that this investigation is hunkering down for a longer haul. It won't be wrapped up by election day. There may be some actions before election day, as an Attorney general has said, but I get a sense that there is a longer, more persistent investigation that is going to live beyond the election, which makes this election all the more important for people. Well, if Joe Biden were to win the election, this whole investigation stops on January twentieth, That's right, that's right, you know. And by the way, re elect President Trump. We must re elect President Trump if we want any hope for the rule of law being restored in this country. When is when is General Flynn going to be set free. He's literally lost. You know what. Four years of this man's life been put on hold as a result of all of this abuse of power, and you know, the guy has to sell his home. I mean, thank god you have a legal defense so people like you can continue to work for him, and finally, eventually, I know justice is coming. The President spoke out forcefully about the treatment of General Flynn. When when are we gonna When does this man get his life back? When? When and where does he go to get his good name back? I wish I knew the answer to that question, Sean. Our next hearing date is the twenty ninth in Judge Sullivan's courtroom. But at this point I have no confidence that he is going to do what the law requires him to do in terms of granting the motion to dismiss, so there will probably be further litigation following that. It was Ray Donovan that said at the after an investigation into him, where do I go to get my good name back? All right, Sidney Powell, thanks for updating us. Please send our best to your client, General Flynna. He is an American hero. John Solomon, thank you. Eight hundred and nine for one. Seawan is a number. All right, all thinks Bill, O'Reilly simpleman. At the top of the hour, let's get back to our phones. Here, we've got ninety seconds. We're going to give it to Becky as in Arizona. Becky, Arizona is very tight. It's very important. In forty eight days, the great state of Arizona votes for the president. And I hope you'll keep Martha McSally as your senator. I do too. And there you'd be surprised how many Arizonas are for Trump. I hope you're right. We need Arizona. We could use Nevada, New Mexico too, just saying while we're out there, go ahead. Oh, I know. Well, I just wanted to notice that that we have a young Trump versus an old Biden. Trump. I've noticed just since Thursday has run around and been doing interviews and medals and going to states and peace medals and talked. He's like the four corners of the United States and the four corners of the world, where you've got the old Biden partly visible. He's hidden. He shuffles, he mumbles, He's kind of like hungergun in his basement. He only knows the four quarters of a spasement. And that's the difference between the two candidates. I'd bet you the President never thought he'd be called young, but that's how he looked. Well, I think, listen, he's the energizer bunny and he's running against you know, a week of frail and exhausted and confused Joe Biden. That's what's at stake. I can't even believe this is a race. But you know, I guess half the country is nuts. But what are you gonna do? And the media mob goes, well, all right, we're counting on you, Becky. You pull in Arizona for us from forty eight days we need it eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program All things. Bill O'Reilly and Morrier calls final hour Free for all coming up Hannity nine Eastern Fox News. Please set your DVR every night we've got a great show that and more straight ahead on an hour two Sean Hannity shows simple man. That can only mean one thing. There's only one simple man in the media. That's not simple. They ever complicated. But he thinks he's a simple man. Bill O'Reilly a huge breakout hit is the latest in his killing series, just out last week. We debut here on this program, Killing Crazy Horse. Mister O'Riley. Congratulations. I saw the numbers, especially for a you know, a book like this, a history book. These sales were massive. You've had fifteen number one bestsellers. Now you have sixteen. Congratulations. It's all because of you, Hannity. That's what I said. It was my non cupcake interview. Yeah, you read the now you read the commercials for Killing Crazy Horse, and everyone did well. Hannity liked, So I'm gonna get it. You know what. The amazing thing about the extraordinary sales of Killing Crazy Horses that Trump's not in it. You know, I tried to get him in it. I tried to blame him for some of the Native American conflicts, but it was too long ago. I couldn't find a way in. So I'm shock Bill because you know, whatever any tawdry gossip, any any anti Trump screed seems to you know, it has an audience. It's a niche audience. And and there it doesn't matter whatever conspiracy theory it is, they will advance it. All things Donald Trump, Donald and I'm gonna tell you what other thing. The media and the publishing world are gonna hate it if Donald Trump doesn't win in forty eight days. Absolutely so is the network TV News. They don't have anything to talk about. But I have a call on to Bob Woodword. I'm gonna I'm gonna talk to him about how I can write a sequel to Killing Crazy Horse and get Trump in there somehow. Maybe he's got some tapes of conversations the simple man theme I love, by the way, and I like the song, But let me give you a real simple man analysis of the charge, because it's sticking somewhat that Donald Trump misled the nation about COVID and that's why the United States has so many cases. So I'm researching India, the most second most populated country in the world. They have a prime minister named Modi Modi. Now, India is not like the United States. It's very poor, and their mass communications there's not anything like ours is. But Moody was pretty upfront with the Indian population saying, look, this is pretty bad and everybody's got to wear a mask. And Indian the Indian population pretty much does what they're told. They're not a defiant population like the USA. So now we have this unbelievable resurgence of COVID in India. So did Moody lie to the people? Did he mislead? And the same thing with mccrown and France. I mean, this is so bogus. So I'd love to interview Bob Woodward myself. He wouldn't do it. And I said, well, you're drawing conclusions from a charge that Donald Trump, by his own words, underplay the virus. Well he did it, and you know this because he didn't want to tank the markets. Now, the President did make a mistake last night. I want to ask you about this when he says, well, I didn't I didn't really underplay it. I overplayed it. He said that in the town hall. I thought that was a mistake because he says a confusing message. Now I know why he in the beginning took an optimistic view. And I think I would have done that had I've been president. I don't want to tank the economy. Leaders leaders don't do that. Bill. Look, can I give you your answer to your question? Absolutely? Because what the President is really saying and maybe and he's not communicating it effectively. I will give. I'll concede the point to you, and that is overplaying it, meaning he put the travel ban in effect ten days after the first identified case of Corona. Build That one decision that Joe called hysterical zenophobia and fearmongering, saved literarily hundreds of thousands of Americans from contracting the virus. It bought us a valuable time. How many tens of thousands more Americans would have died. He put the first quarantine in an effect in over fifty years, So his actions were overplaying it because nobody thought he should go that far nobody, and he did it. He did it anyway. Now he was saying he was instilling confidence, meaning he didn't want to scare the crap out of people. I think he could have said I think he could say it better, but that's what that's what he's saying. Last night he exactly what you said. Now. He said, my actions showed that I didn't underplay the threat of the virus, but he didn't say it's strong enough. So people are confused now and you saw it today with the Trump hating president. Well you heard him with Woodward. He said he underplayed it on purpose. And now he said he overplayed it by it, but they didn't say by his actions. Now, I understand it. You understand it because we're professionals and we analyze this kind of stuff. But the electorate does not understand it. And that's the message I'd like to get the President Trump, because I know he listens to your show and you talk with him, You've got to be precise in your language in this environment. Bill, I agree with you to a point. He could be more clear on that point. It is very clear his actions show he was taking it more seriously than anybody else at the time. True. Now, but that won't pick that up. Bill. I'm gonna tell you something. People, I am telling you that if he cured cancer, they would impeach him over it. That's how sick they've gotten. Oh listen, yesterday CNN in the middle of the White House ceremony um telling the world what an extraordinary achievement it is that Arab nations are now forging lines with Israel. What did CNN do? Oh, they don't have masks on. They're not wearing their masks. Look at that. It was absurd. It's It's like, I mean, the way Jared Kushner pounded Wolfie Blitzer the other day because and he said, well, I watched your coverage during the quote peaceful protest that weren't exactly peaceful as you were characterized in them. I mean, the infamous photo now is hilarious. It's mostly peaceful or reporter from fake new CNN, and right behind him it looks like the whole entire freaking city is up in flames. I mean, you can't make this crap up. Well, nob has ruined itself forever. Nobody's ever going to trust that network again. Even the people who sympathize with their liberal point of view aren't going to trust them because they know they're in the bag. But look, you and I both know what the key day is for the election of twenty and twenty in that is September twenty nine in Cleveland, Ohio. And I am suggesting, respectfully to President Trump that between now and then he practice being precise in his language during that debate, because you and I both know Joe Biden is incapable of being precise in language. Because with all due respect, and I mean that seriously, mister Biden does not know what he is saying. He's weak, he is frail and Bill, I'm saying this charitably. He and Frankly, it is painful to watch. I mean, yesterday, it was painful to watch him when he came out, you know, uh playing the song on his iPhone. It was beyond bizarre. Every day it gets more bizarre. He's incognitive decline. Bill. I don't know the exact term or diagnosis, but he's not if he ever had a fastball, he doesn't have a fastball anymore. Bill, give you the scientific term, the exact term, so that you have it. Okay, are you're ready for the term? I'm ready. He's befuddled. Is that the word of the day. Yeah, that's the word of the days. That's it. You know. I'm sitting there with my finger on the dump button. I'm like, all right, what's all Riley gonna what trouble is he gonna get me in? Today? You're like Facebook, you want to say to me? Any you know what you because you don't censor yourself, which is the problem. I mean, for a simple guy, you would think that you know, God only knows what's coming flying out of that mouth of yours. Any mint, I just gave you a simple word before fuddled okay, but you know what, it's the other words that I thought you might say that concerned me. Well, thanks for thanks for looking up. But you know my point is correct. The more precise Donald Trump can be. I listen. I think I'm gonna listen. It's very easy for us to sit here on the silence. I actually thought. Now, by the way, you know, they only got three point eight million viewers on ABC last night, you know, and by the way, it hurts my show when he's on, you know, another network is obviously my audience, are you know full of Trump supporters are a significant portion of them? And uh, and I'm fine with that. I think it's good for the president to do it. I don't think Joe could handle it. I don't think Joe Biden, even with a media friendly you know, with all his media lines. Listen, listen to this so crazy, this is so ABC offers Biden a time, So we'll give you ninety minutes to have a town hall. And what did the Biden campaign say, the little Georgie Stepanopolis noum. We can't fit you into the schedule. What schedule? What schedule? He's in the basement, hey, in the bunker, you're taking a shower on what do you do? What do you mean it's schedule? You're going out and wadering the flowers. I mean, look, just step back. You would give him ninety minutes a softball time on ABC and you can't find it in your schedule? Do it? Come on? Because Bill, Bill, you saw the video. I'll play I'll play the audio version. I mean literally, a young woman asks a very simple question, and any candidates should be able to just off the cuff give a very simple answer, especially if you want to be president. I look, I said yesterday, I wouldn't hire this guy to run a busy McDonald's because I don't think he's up to the job. Listen to what he says, move up, please move one. He needs a teleprompt before the answer. Listen, and I would like to know what will your administration do to help them give him that chance? Thank you? Move it up here. You know, there used to be basically bargaining this country workers shared in the wealth. The two things I observe, Bill one is moving it up here. Move it up here. You know my kids would come in my studio at times when they were growing up. Daddy, why are you yelling into the microphone. I'm like, well, I could say Hi, I'm Sean Hannity, Welcome to the show. One eight hundred nine. One Sean is a toll free telephone number. I said, I don't know why, but the first time the light went on, Bill, Hello, how are you glad you are with us? I don't know why where it came from, Bill, I have no idea, but it came out naturally because I know you have to be more animated to get anybody's attention on radio. Listen, all of people listening to us on your six hundred plots affiliated stations understand the difference between President Trump and Joe Biden. It would not be listening to the radio program if they didn't understand. They have it. But the people who are slow learners, who are uninformed, they are going to make the difference. And that's why I'm saying this debate on the twenty nine to September is going to be the most widely watched debate in the history of debates all over the world. The more precise Donald Trump can be all right, stay right there, Bill, Bill, O'Reilly, stay right there. I'm even gonna play I'm gonna hold you over for a couple of minutes into the next segment that you've earned. I want to play the difference between how the mob and the media went nuts over the Iranian nuclear deal versus how they downplayed the peace agreements. Yesterday, Bill O'Reilly all things, Bill o'reiley dot COM's new book, latest book, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, Killing Crazyhorse, and an instant bestseller. Yet again, the question is this, maybe the event that will define this election hasn't happened yet. Maybe maybe it will be the debates. There's three of them. The first one is two weeks from yesterday, so thirteen days. And I agree the president needs to be clear, but I would also say I would assume, and I'm being charitable again, that they're gonna Joe Biden's going to be drinking a lot of caffeine that day, so I would assume he's going to be somewhat competent. But I think Joe has a hard time staying focused on answering or question. I have a little bit of that problem myself sometimes, but his is particularly acute, and I think the President asking him questions without being rude, how do you do it? How do you thread that needle. It's not hard because Chris Wallace is a moderator and you can expect him to open with a tough one on Trump. Maybe use a little tape on a contradictory manner. What Wallace is going to do in my opinion, so look, you said this about COVID, but then you said this, what's the deal? Why are you contradictory? That's probably how he'll open to President Trump. Then for Biden, who will go second, he'll open with a like question. It'll be tough because, again we discussed this last week, Chris Wallace has to live up to the legacy of his father and so he's not going to be a cupcake with either of them. But they're neither candidated, my opinion, will answer any of Chris Wallace's questions. They'll just wander off to where they want to go. Because the debate structure is you have a minute twenty to answer and then thirty seconds to answer a follow up. Wallace can't jump in like I do and you do and say hey, ed, you're not answering a question. He can't do that, and no, they can just wander. So if I'm Trump, you're absolutely right. I turned to Biden on a number of times in that ninety minute for him, and I say, hey, you know, Joe, this is really bothering me. And what is Wallace going to do? He can't do anything, He can't throw anything into God. So Trump can control the debate just like he said, Jeff Bush is boring, all right, Ted cruises lying, Ted member that he destroyed his competition on Bill O'Reilly All Things Bill O'Reilly dot com. I'm gonna play him some tape of media bias. When we get back, we'll get his take on a crazy horse, Killing Crazy Horse, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere, A quick break, right back, final question for Bill on the other side. Then we get to your phone calls coming up. I promise next half hour, straight ahead, eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program at twenty five to the top of the hour, simple man, Leonard Skinnard means one thing, That means all things Bill O'Reilly is now debuting number one bestseller killing crazy Horse. Congratulations again. All right, so I want to play two things now. This is three minutes worth of tape. I'm playing Bill. It's an eternity. You can probably barely have the patience to focus that long yourself, but we're gonna need you to focus in here. It's first the media mob downplaying this historic these historic piece agreements, which, by the way, I'm arguing Bill was made possible courtesy of Joe and Barrock and that ridiculous deal with the Iranians where they gave one hundred and fifty billion dollars to Mullah's that chant death to Israel, death to America. And they got nothing in that deal. They didn't get any place anytime inspections. They didn't even get a long commitment not to build nuclear weapons. They didn't even get American inspectors included in the deal. They got nothing. The Iranians took them for all that money. It's the worst deal in history, but it did create an unprecedented alliance that has emerged, which is the US, Israel, the Jordanians, the Egyptians, the Saudis, the Emirates Al Bahrain, and that is that they're all standing united against Iranian hegemony. And I do believe that we're going to see more historic deals, assuming Donald Trump's still the president. So anyway, we'll play the media down playing yesterday's agreements and then won't compare how they went nuts over the Iranian deal that was the worst deal in history. Listen, of course, on a week or we've seen the president really throw caution to the win when it comes to these COVID nineteen cautions. John, we are seeing it amplified here once again on the south bone of the White House. He's a campaign already putting ads up on Facebook that described this as the achievement of a piece deal. Of course, there was no actual conflict, no war between these countries. It is a big agreement. It cannot avert the fact that there's another major headline here, and that is a coronavirus lockdown with record breaking numbers. That is a headline. Yah, who wants to get away from you know, Peter. This deal is a bit uncomfortable for a lot of observers to watch because it seems so transactional. It's as if pulling out of the Iran deal is what got these golf states on board to do this, you know, to then recognize it. It feels like there is a lot of quid pro quos involved in this that it isn't something larger than that. Then again, sometimes Middle East diplomacy the only way to make things move is through the transactional nature of the region. The USS and World powers reaching a major agreement with Iran blocking one of our biggest rivals developing a nuclear weapon. We are following the breaking news here of this historic understanding with Iran. It is definitely in the moment it is. It is a historic agreement, frankly, a historic understanding and quote good deal. But there is of course still much work to be done. A lot of what happened today does not happen every day. This was a historic deal on a historic day, indeed, a historic date. You bet, we've got more news on today's historic deal with the historic potential deal, and we'll have more on this historic day. Historic news out of Switzerland. They had the Republican reaction to the historic nuclear agreement. And while today's agreement is historic, probably going to stop there. Bisraeli I can't even take it anymore. But you, I mean, there you have it. It does it get any more clear? I have a question for you. Do you think the media thought the Iranian deal was historic? I think yeah, Bill's state run TV, the the dumpy, mister potato head network leads the way. Yes, I agree, Yeah, everybody knows, and then everybody knows that the media is in general dishonest, corrupt, wants to impose left wing culture on the nation, doesn't feel that we are a noble country, doesn't want our traditions to be upheld. And that's really what we're voting for Hannity in November. I don't think it's about Trump versus Iden. I think it's about do you like America? Do you respect its traditions of freeing billions of people all over the world and giving opportunity to more people than any other nation that's ever existed. Do you want to continue that? Or do you want Bernie Sanders and Occasio Cortez to be telling Joe Biden what he should do. That's it when you go to the polls November, Bill O'Reilly all things, Bill, O'Reilly dot com, Killing Crazyhorse, huge debut, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. Thank you, sir, simple man, Bill O'Reilly, not simple Bill. Next week he'll explain how talking Points once again talks to talking Points because I didn't understand the last explanation we're just kidding, all right, Bill, O'Reilly? Thank you? All right, let's get to the phones here we will say hi to Jane and New jay Zy. Hey Jane, how you doing? What's going on in joy Z? Oh? Please? Everything? Hi? Taxes, taxes and high taxes. That's it. Well, why don't you get the hell out of there? I mean everyone's asking me, hannay, why don't you get the hell out of New York? I might go to trying because I have my mom that I still take care of and it's very hard to leave. So well, let me ask you this. You can bring mom with you. You can have you can have ambulatory service take her down for you. A lot of cases. Insurance companies even carry that. I know they do, but it's it's kind of hard, hard when you're in your early nineties and you get set in your ways so that that's hard to do. No, I understand. Listen, you got to make the right decision for mama. I admire you for that. You love your mom. Good for you, yes, but I don't know what I do without you and Mark Levin, who is a sort of god bless us. Sorry. Yeah, even though you get excited, but you know, of all the things that the president has accomplished, and there has been many, I think the greatest accomplishment to date is the unmasking of the Democrat Party for who they truly are. And when I saw Nancy Pelosi's reaction to that historic Middle East agreement, she was so angry, she was so jealous, she was so filled with venom. And that's the only message that the Democrat Party has. If if you want to, if you want to sacrifice your national security, your healthcare, your education, all the freedoms that you have because you have such a deep seated hatred for an individual, for the president, then you're cutting your nose despite your face. And all these people have come to light. We see them for who they are. They don't care about us, they don't care about our future, they don't care about our rights or about freedom. It's all about power. And I cannot believe that Republicans don't come out and chastise her and other Democrats for what they're saying. And just one more quick point. I know, you know you have a lot of calls, but when is this dorm report coming out? I don't know. I mean, we're sitting here day by day, waiting and waiting and waiting, and from what I'm hearing, it may not be a report necessarily, it might be indictments. So stay tuned. We'll have it first. They've not done the country of service by holding it back this long. That's for sure, all right, Jane, thank you, Good call Florida, George. Next George, where out on Florida in forty eight days? Can't win the presidency in my view without it, Well, you're gonna have it hung. If I'm on the I four corridor and it's gonna it's it's in it, and it's in it, tell me about the I four corridor, because I've been hearing anecdotally that Joe Biden has been inundating the I four corridor with ads that actually show him as you know, the energizer Bunny, which we all know is false and um and the President's and the reelection team of the president not as many ads. Is that true? Well, Well, I watched ABC last night for once in a while at Blue Moon, and I saw some of those ads, and someone who's knowledgeable about the issues, they're all, you know, they're just there's so much layers in that that it's not true, not true. But for the uneducated person, you know he he is right now doing that. But I know Trump's going to be coming around with his own strategic ads, so so that's all true. Yeah, let me guess it's scare grandma, and it's let's see if he's gonna take away you meticare and he's gonna take away pre existing conditions. They're both lies. Yeah, um, people are most people are up on those, you know, those lies. But all the signs around here are basically ten to one, uh Trump Trump signs, and there's a couple of Biden signs, but they're usually Can you can tell the it's the the cars in the driveway and all you can tell who's what, But it's not a tend to one. So interesting, But so wait a minute, you could tell somebody's politics by what car they drive? Well, well asked, which, what with the way they paint our house? If it has like ten colors in they're all pastell. It doesn't surprise me that I see a bid I see a Biden signed in. Also, like you're you're you're a hippie wearing a tied grateful dead T shirt? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, with a little vose wagon bug and the surfboard on top. Yes, but uh, I'm over by the beach. But yesterday, um, I was watching. I was eating lunch and watching those historical accords, and my son walked past. He's twenty years old. And I said to my son, Hey, do you be a couple of days ago when you asked me where I was at nine to eleven, like what what was I doing? And it made such an impact and he goes and he said, yeah, so well this is one of those times, right now, come sit down and watched this. And so he sat down and we watched two churchillion, President of Figureheads, Trump and Yahoo signed this historical chord. And I told him, I said, this is going to affect your future. This is your grandchildren and your children. Chances are they will not be sent overseason in the Middle East. Now you can't tell, but this is an historical event. And he went m and he watched it with me for a good fifteen twenty minutes. And that's what we need to do if we need to get our kids out of the basement and have those and I never and I and I said to my son, I said, you know, it's not about the man, it's about the policy. It's about the long term. I love his long I liked Trump's New York swagger because I'm originally from New Jersey and I love it. But and he neutralizes. He basically cast race the press, and that's the time that we need right now. But but but in the long term. And that's what Nat and Yah who told I remember him telling you that during the Obama administration that the problem with the American voters that we're thinking four year cycles. And when we're thinking four year cycles, we think about personalities. And that's basically what the Democrats are trying to keep us in their dojo, talking about personalities. And Trump and the Republican's convention was about the future, the ten year plan, the twenty year plan, my children's plan. And when you when you see that, where I think Trump is doing a great job, people are are leaving the Democratic Party because the Democratic Party has abandoned them because they don't see their future, they don't see their grandchildren's future in their party. Appreciate the call. We're counting on your George. You got to pull out Florida for us. Okay, all right, Sehan, you got it all right, eight hundred dying for one. Shawn will stay in Florida. Riches there, Rich You're you're up next? Where are you living in Florida? My front he hey, showing, how you doing? I'm good, buddy. What's going on? I'm a New York transplant. I'm in Saint Augustine, Florida. I was thinking I moved to the most conservative area in Florida. But now I'm having an issue with my h We've had flags up from day one since I moved here, and then once we put up a Trump flag, now all of a sudden, they're they're banning flags. They're banning flags. You've got to be kidding in the Jacksonville areas. Where around Saint Augustine. Yeah, Saint Augustine, it's like about forty minutes from Jacksonville, Saint John's County. Wow. Well, I mean, how does the community feel about that? I would imagine if when you have an H, if the majority of people feel strongly that they want to be able to put up the flag of their country, that people would stand united and say we're not taking it down. And if enough people unite and say you have to should have the right to display the American flag. Look, we're not You're not talking about building a forty foot um flagpole and putting it up that way, right, You're talking about just displaying it like you know normally, what you'd see normally on say the fourth of July Memorial Day weekend. Right. Correct, It's it's not it's not the American flag showing. It's we had the American flags up, and I had my don't tread on the flag up for night. Then I put up my Trump Second Amendment flag, and my neighbor put up a Trump flag. Now all of a sudden, they're going around and telling people they need to take their flags down. And that's exactly why I'm calling you. I've been on Facebook and there's a lot of people outrage. We're looking to try to do something, you know, I mean, the best thing you could do is organize. But then you're you know the problem with these when when you buy a condo, you're buying into an h OA. You're agreeing to the rules, and you know what color you can paint your house. They have restrictions on all sorts of things, and you know, unfortunately, I don't want to generalize here, but there are peop but that have nothing else to do in life that they worry about, you know, the tiniest of things. And you know, I'm a I'm kind of the civil libertarian that's saying, leave people alone. Let them put up whatever they want to put up. You want to put up a Black Lives Matter flag, go ahead. It does not affecting me. That's your choice. We live in a free country. I believe in free speech. If you're so offended by a flag, then don't you know, don't put it up in your house. Now, somebody wants to paint a house hot pink in an you have an HLA. I can kind of understand them saying, you know what, it's going to reduce property values. All right, that's gonna wrap things up to today. You know they're the son of a cop, son of a firefighter. Carry a flag onto the field in Ohio. They got suspended an American flag. Unbelievable. They will join us exclusively Tonight, Also Carl Rove with his analysis, Tammy Bruce, Jared Kushner, Tonight, Senator Lindsey Graham, Herschel Walker, Trey Goudy, all right, Satan DVR nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you tonight. We'll be back here tomorrow as always, thank you for being with us. As of tomorrow, forty seven days and you are the ultimate jury