Ruining The Holidays - November 23rd, Hour 1

Published Nov 23, 2021, 11:02 PM

 Steve Moore, a member of President Trump’s Economic Recovery Task Force, and author of “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy, talks about the overwhelming inflation and rise in costs on just about every item Americans need or buy ahead of the holiday season.

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Well, special edition is that because I'm on Welcome to the Program. I'm Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Normally you hear me on w o R. They'll most listen to talk radio station in the world in New York. Thank god, I'm on there. Can you imagine I had to come on here and say I'm normally on Q one O nine and Dubuque wouldn't wouldn't be the same thing, so it wouldn't sound as good. We got lots to get to today. It is so cold in New York. This is the first day. I mean it's like thirty it's below freezing. The first day. I had to get my real serious winter jacket and put that on. What happened this global warming? Where is this? Now? Let me ask you a serious question. I wanted an answer to this. I know so many people for the Thanksgiving weekend they're going to Florida and they've made plans they're going to Florida for Christmas, and some are going to the Bahamas and they're going to Mexican And what is the reason they're going to spend thousands of dollars ago these places? Because it's thirty degrees warmer forty degrees. That's the reason they're going. But if you said to him, it's going to get one degree warmer here over the nexte hundred years, they got crazy. They can't deal with it. So again, a little global warming not a bad thing. So we got lots to get to. We'll get to Kyle Rittenhouse, We'll get to crazy Joe Biden, We'll get to Hey. By the way, the latest on Brian Laundry. They've announced the cause of death. And I don't know what, Linda, what took so long? He was shot in the head with a bullet, obviously suicide. He shot himself. Why did we need to have Why did it take weeks to find that out? I feel like that entire case is a mystery to me. I'm not really sure about a lot of things that happened with that case. It was handled very bizarrely from the beginning. I'm not really sure what else there is to deduce from someone shooting themselves in the head. But that should have been announced that day, yeah, but they didn't. They also didn't even identify that it was him exactly. They brought his parents, his parents were outside. They handed his parents the personal effects and then report it and said, we're not sure who it is. And I'm like, what it was really odd something. I mean, listen, it's Florida. It's a small town police Well no, but it's a small town police department. I don't have the resources. Do you remember that year in Florida where every story was about bath salts? Do you remember that year? It was a very strange year. There was a lot of stories about people eating bath salts in Florida and then doing very odd things. Do you remember that year. I'm a guy. I don't know if you've noticed this, but guy guys don't know what bath salts are. We don't pay attention you women. Oh, it's not that stuff. It's not that stuff. Moving on, Oh, next topic, what are bath salts? We're gonna move on. We're gonna talk about something else. Did I miss something here? I miss something I don't know. So, yeah, it's a very interesting case. Yeah. So Brian Laundry shot himself. And again, I'm not a corner I'm not an expert, but I think I could take one glance and see there's a bullet hole there. And what took six weeks? Who needs medical school? That's round. Clearly a bullet hole. A minute moving on, it's only five minutes. That shows a total disaster. Call Sean, tell him to come in. This is not working, this is oh, it's all out of control. So this Kyle Rittenhouse. I thought the interview was pretty good with Tucker Carlson. Listen, he's not the greatest speaker in the world. He's a kid. He's seventeen. You gotta remember that he was in a horrible situation. He put himself in this situation. I don't mean I still you know, when I was seventeen on a weeknight, if I said to my parents I'm going to the movies tonight at ten o'clock, they wouldn't let me go. If I said I'm going to change since you was seventeen, I'm just wondering, Well, I'm just saying, if I said I'm going I'm going down to the riot, let me take my rifle. I mean, again, you're putting yourself in a horrible situation. But he's a kid, he's seventeen, he's not that mature. He's trying to help. I mean, he's basically a good Samaritan, But I don't think he fully gaged what he was walking into. He's carrying a long rifle. That's the good part because under the law there you can't have a short rifle, a sawd off rifle. It's perfectly legal to carry that long rifle openly in the state. He didn't cross state lines. Hey, by the way, you know this Jerry Nadler, who's this ridiculous looking Democratic, horrible congressman. Ever since Biden left Congress, they now say Jerry Nadler is the dumbest man in Congress. And he's tweeting out today. You remember, this guy is the head of the Judiciary Committee and he's the dumbest guy in the world. This is the guy when they were doing the hearings, the impeachment hearings, remember they asked about a conversation with the president and the persons said, I can't it's executive privilege. And Nadler said, well, you don't work in the White House anymore. You don't have executive privilege. And they had to explain to this guy the privilege is on the presidents on any conversation he has, so put the head of the Judiciary Committee should know that. So he's tweeting out today that it's disgusting the Kyle rittenhouse cross state lines now that myth has been debunked eight hundred thousand times for him to tweet it. Just total irresponsibility on this case. A lot of people think the media irresponsibility on this case, totally misleading people. Maybe the turning point, they might have gone just a hair too far on this, just a bit too far, because all people knew for the first few weeks, white supremacist shot and killed three people. White supremacists shot and killed That's all you kept hearing. And it was only recently every started realists. Wait a minute, everybody shot as white. Everybody in the case is white. There's not a black person within a thousand miles of this case. How could white supremacy be a factor. And there's no hint of this at all, And even if you're watching that totally corrupt Chuck Todd on Sunday, he shows a picture of written house with some guys outside after the verdict giving the okay sign, and Chuck Todd says, as you see there, they're giving the white supremacist signal right behind him. Now that there's no okay sign, that's a white supremacist signal that was a dumb internet hoax on that four Chance site a long time ago. It's just an internet hooks and Chuck Todd knows that, he definitely knows that. But there he is spewing all this stuff. So as people start to realize they were totally misled by this case and the media and they really really really got taken down the wrong path by them, maybe it's a turning point. Now you got this terrible massacre at the parade, and you know, whenever it says a white motorist ran into a prate, a white motive ran over towim, So whenever it just doesn't say it just as a driver, So you know he's not white. If it was white who'd been in capital letters. But in this case, the guy was so bad. Not only is he not white, he's a criminal out on ridiculously low bail. So in the first stories they went, they don't even mention the guy just says a red suv cloud into the ill kept reading a red suv hit everybody, a red suv, as if nobody was in it. Now we find out that it's Darryl Brooks. He's a horrible criminal who was out on preposterously low bail. Hey, by the way, it's Tuesday, two days from now, at this exact moment, you will be having Thanksgiving dinner with all the relatives. Now there will be a bunch of them at the table. They're going to defend all of this nonsense. You're going to be sitting there with some liberals. And many years it's tough to debate them. They'll say something and you say, well, what's the counterpoint? What's the argument? This year is going to be so easy for you. Just remember that you're gonna have to argue why it's not okay to let all the dangerous criminals out of out of jail. This is the And if you're a liberal listening, what happened to you? What happened to all you people? It used to be you were for higher taxes, we were for lower taxes. Now you're let's let all the criminals out. I'm watching AOC and who's that other nut in the squad today on TV on one of those wacko liberal channels, I think it was talib Yeah, and there discussing closing all federal prisons, that the conditions are bad in all federal prisons. So this is where you're gonna have to debate with these relatives. Well, why not close all federal prisons? Well, because then you've got a million dangerous criminals wandering around the street. Then you got Darryl Brooks who's fleeing from the police at a million miles an hour. So the whole thing is just so out of control. Every time the Democrats take over the White House and both Houses of Congress at the same time, they always go too far. They always go a step too far. But this they've just gone nuclear. Let's get rid of the police, Let's let everybody out of jail. Let's two hundred billion for infrastructure, and well, you know, let's make it four trillion. Let's make it the entire and budget of the entire year. Let's let's spend another two trillion on special programs. Yoga for the homeless. That's a real one. By the way, Bill Deblasio started it in New York, Yoga for the homeless. Let's just now, it never occurs to them. This money actually comes out of people's paychecks. And when Joe Biden leans over goes it's free. It's free. It's not free. It comes out of everybody's paycheck. Now, this is what you're gonna have to debate on. Thanks Eve. Let it take the price of gas. This is the most cruel tax on the poor middle class. A dollar eighty fair gas. You know what, it's two forty. Now it's three to fifty. It's four dollars in a lot of places in California. You see those pictures, six dollars a gallon for gas. So Joe Biden decides he'll open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This is the most temporary solution. This is not the way you do it. You're supposed to just put back the pipeline. Oh but first of all, this is a complete ridiculousness because he's he's putting up, he's releasing barely enough oil to help anybody for like a couple of days. It's it's it's merely it's a show of like, hey, we could do this. We're going to teach you for a second. Don't be mad at me over Thanksgiving because my approval ratings dropping to thirty. That's how it works. Oh my god, this is how democrats. I was out of my mind this morning. I was like, you gotta be kidding me. Please tell me that people are not falling for this. Of course they do. Oh, this is what you do. You make a speech, We're going to release some oil. Then Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow and seeing all day long, they're like, take the supply chain crisis. What do you do? You go to Baltimore, you make a speech at a port, and it runs all over television for three days. Problem solved, Except didn't do anything to solve the problem. Now I want you to think about this, and now I want you to ask your relatives who are arguing with you Thanksgiving about this. If you don't think this guy is totally incompetent. I can understand you can't develop alternative energy, or maybe you can't land a man on the moon right now. But this problem supply chain, this is just taking crates off a ship. It's not that complicated. If you said to a bunch of twelfth graders, could you figure out how to get these crates off a ship and load everything into a truck. It's not that complicated. Joe Biden and company Pete Boodha Jedge completely baffled by this. They don't know what to do. The fact that Booda Jedge is the New Fauci. He's a desperate little publicity hound on every show talking about it, and no host, no Chuck tod ever says to him, what are you doing here? Why aren't you in California? Why aren't you at that port? Why aren't you getting this fixed? If you had to, if you really were death, just send in the military. They'll unload those ships. They'll get everything done for you. Anyway, we got lots to talk about. We'll take some calls. The number is one eight hundred nine four one, Sean one eight hundred nine four one, Sean. Hey, follow me on Instagram, Mark Simone and Instagram. I need more Instagram followers. I would tell you to follow me on Twitter, but they shadow band. No matter how many followers I get, they'll take it away the next day. Yea. So it's Mark Simone, n way at Instagram and over forget Hannity dot Com. Lots of great stories up there. Back, we'll take some calls in just a moment. Bucome back. It's a Sean Hannity show. Mark Simone here, Hey, when Linda said bath salts, I that you meant bath salts. I mean, well, that's I bet you that's whatever you buddy would think. That's because you're a nice boy. I'm very clean. Cutting you don't know about these things. Well, it's a designer drug that was all over Florida and it had common street names. Now you got to give these drug dealers credit. Look at this designer Look at the names they gave it. This is pretty good. Ocean Snow, Lunar Wave, Ocean Burst, pure Ivory Snow, Leopard, purple sky blue Silk and if you but brought in the best ad agency on Madison them and they couldn't do better. They're pretty good names. So what happened to it? It's going, how do you know about it? Well? I work in news and they kept eating people's faces off after they took bastilts and it was like a huge thing in Florida. And literally Sean and I are recovering this for like six months, and I looked at him, I'm like, this is where we're going to move. We can't go here. Wait, wait, take this drug and then you want to eat somebody's face off. That's what was happening on a regular basis. It was horrible. Anyways, I think they've done away with it, But if you told somebody, if you have this, you'll eat somebody's face off. Who would say, I don't really want to try that. I don't really think that's the conversation. But all right, let's yeah, drug addicts are usually the most sane people too. You know, well, I don't know. I don't know anything about drug addicts, Believe it or not, I don't know a thing about it. Anyway, Let's talk to anybody else anywhere. Let's go to Let's go to uh Tom's River, New Jersey, and say hello to Eric. Eric. How you doing? Eric? Did we lose Eric? He's vanished, he's in New Jersey. We have to give him extra time. Tom, are you there or Eric? I mean no, I don't hear him, right, you don't hear me. Let's go to a bill in New Jersey. Bill, how you doing? No? I don't hear him either. I like it better this way. We don't get annoyed by the callers. I think it's working out beautifully. We don't need to hear you. Oh now, I can hear you hear me? Now? Yeah? Oh yeah, how are you doing? One reason why I called is because there's actually five scientific explanations to prove that global warming doesn't exist that you can use when you're at your family. Well, one is you have the same global warming on Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, which means it's a change in the solar Uh you know uh system. But U Well, give me give me one real fast okay, Um, Well, first thing I gotta mention is I hear music playings. They've gotta give it to me real fast and sorry. There used to be alligators in southern Delaware before the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution pumped a lot of carbon in the air. All right, so far I don't like this X but it's a little long. But anyway, we gotta because we got there were alligators but in Delaware, but Hunter Piden sold them all. Anyway, they made some kind of deal with the Ukrainians. Anyway, when we come back, the brilliant Economists, Stephen Moore will be with us. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. You can't always believe what the other side claims. That's why there's the Sean Hannity Show. Well do we find Steve Moore? Oh, Stephen Moore is the brilliant economis he is the greatest guest except for the showing up. Exceptimes it's hard to find. I'm texting and calling and calling and texting. We will track this guy down. We'll get man. Might not be this week, We'll get Hey, m speaking to Joe Biden. Have you ever been talking to a guy in his office and he gets mad and he starts yelling. I've heard that a lot of times, somebody raises their voice. But have you ever been in a meeting or an offer you're talking to somebody and they start talking like this. I mean, if you're not a kidnapper or a drug dealer, it's some criminal enterprise. Why would somebody start with somebody like there's something wrong with you? What is this with Joe Biden? Have you ever heard any public speaker ever anywhere employed this technique? Oh, talk like this unless you're making an obscene call. That's exactly where I was going. We're back to the Bath Soul. You ever listen to the radio, you know, I like some radios. They get mad, they get passionate. But I've never heard a radio host go, but take a listen to this, Joe Biden. That America wasn't built by Wall Street. They're not all bad folks on Wall Street. I'm not suggesting that, but they didn't build America. It was built by the middle class. In unions built the middle class. You know. I notice when you all do that, everybody benefits, whether they belong to a union or not, whether they belong employers can't find workers, I said, yeah, day them more. This is an employees employees bargaining ship. Now what's happening? Oh my god, one boy? Nine trillion dollars relief so far, they're going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for childcare, to bill on the environment. Why would I not be for it? Get back? What the hell kind of president is this? What? What are you wearing? What kind of president is this? Anyway, we found Steve Moore, the brilliant economist, Steve Moore who's written a lot of great books that you should read. And go to his website, which is the Committee to Unleashed Prosperity. Oh yeah, they have a great newsletter every day that they put out. Make sure you get that newsletter. Steve Moore? How you doing? And follow them on Twitter? Steve Moore, how are you, hi, Mark? I'm doing well. Sorry to be a couple of minutes later, actually was doing a little fox It on the President's Pups conference. If you want us to go, well, we love. I don't know if you heard the whole thing, but he's he really did. He's stumbling, and it wasn't very It wasn't very compelling argument. I mean, if you want to stop the energy crisis, it's not hard to stop the energy crisis. Just produce more energy. But he doesn't want to do that. But what you with you guys advising Donald Trump? And Donald Trump's brilliance, We had total energy independence. Fact, we had so much oil we were exporting it. In fact, it got so cheap that he bought it up and filled our reserve with it. What goes through somebody's mind? What is what goes through Joe Biden's mind and he thinks this is justified to screw up. Just tell you a quick story about Trump, because you know I used to, you know, help him on the energy issues. You know, from the very start when he first started running profession I never forget I had this conversation with him. I said, you know, Donald, at that time, he was not president. I said, you know, if we you know, go you know, pretty solid oil and gas. We got so much to stuff in our coal. I said, you know, we can you know, nuclear power, we can be energy independent for the first time in fifty years. And he I'll never forget. He wagged his finger at me, said Steve, I don't want energy independence. I want energy dominance. And we had become energy dominant. That's that's the thing that it's so infuriating about what's going on now. Mark this Look, this is not some kind of active nature. It's not like we got hit with a hurricane and our energy supplies went out. This is a intentional policy by Joe Biden and the climate change crazies to dismantle American energy. And they're systematically killing coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power. They don't want hydropowers, all the things that work that we get eighty five percent of our energy problem. They want to dismantle. Well, when you do that, obviously, when you produce less oil and gas, what happens to price? It goes up. The thing that's felt unconvincing, and I'm persuasive about what Biden is saying it is the ladies and someone they want higher gas prices, but they want higher oil prices. They don't want us to use it, and so they're they're speaking out of both sides with their mouth when they say we're trying to bring the gas prices now. No, they're not. I'm not trying to think gas prices down. They want to put all our own gas companies out of business. But am I missing something? If you wanted to go green, shouldn't you get Elon Musk in a bunch of those guys in the room and say we want you to invent the best alternative form of energy, perfected so that everybody will line up to get it. Isn't that the way to start? And then everybody will switch yet? Great point, and look, at some point, maybe thirty forty years from now, we'll I'll be driving electric cars. Maybe I don't know, who knows what the future holds, but I can tell you this. I mean, with virtual certaty, the future is not windmills. I can come on, you know, windmills go back to the Middle Ages. We're not going to power a twenty two trillion dollar industrial economy to make steel and technology and manufactured products and construction projects and automobiles. We're not going to do that with windmills. You know, there's no thing you can make, you know, windmills out of steel that you can't make steel out of windmills, and so this is just a fantasy, right, I mean, we're not going to be We can use maybe get ten or fifteen, maybe twenty percent of our energy from wind and solar power. Hey, but we watched the UK and Germany try windmills and they had to dump the workout going it didn't work. You know, that's a great point. Nobody is paying attention to this because the media doesn't cover it. The rest of the world is moving away from green energy because it doesn't work. I mean, you can get power from it, but it's so expensive and it's not reliable. And I guess this is a very serious point. By sutting down gas, they're sutting down gas pipelines. They're not producing, they're not allowing oil and gas drilling, and so you're going to have a problem this. I predict this winter you're gonna have service disruptions and electric power and heating in people's homes during the debt of winter. I'm from Chicago. It gets poor below zero at night. You know, if you have supply disruptions, you lose your heat. That's a real crisis. So I'm I'm very worried about this. You're going to see big increases in your home heating class, folks, and you're gonna see times Lember. What happened in Texas last year with the polar Yeah, yeah, yeah, that kind of thing's gonna happen again. But again, it's not going to be an active nature this time. It's going to be because of the policies of you know, Jennifer Gransholme. How about her? She was asked the other day, you know, what are you gonna do by high jass prices? She just laughed. She said, we can't do anything about that. What do you think I have a magic wand well, why don't you just produce more? We're down two million barrels a day. Markle do the math here at eighty dollars a day, that's one hundred and sixty million dollars a day. We're losing that the billion dollars a week, that's fifty billion dollars a year. I love how you thought I was going to do that math. I mean, it's unbelieve a fifteen billion dollars a year. We're losing because we're not. We're two million fewer barrels of production of oil today than we were when Trump was in office, and they want to take that down from ten to nine to eight to seven to six to pack four three two one zero. Hey, another thing, if this is such an important problem, why does Biden the point the two biggest imbeciles on earth, Jennifer Grandhome and this moron John Kerry. Did he say the other day we only have ten years worth of coal left? He did, and by the way, he was off by about a factor of one hundred. We have about five hundred years. Where's a call. We have more call than any other country in the world. But by the way, China is building a hundred new coal plants as we speak you, so, I don't think they're the climate change agenda. They are all in an oil, gas and coal and they're laughing. His Trump would say, they're laughing behind our BAP right now. And when we say, oh, we're going to build solar panels and w again, I'm not against this stuff. I'm not. Let's just let's just use everything we got. Let's why are we setting down nuclear plants in the United States. Yeah, Hey, we all would switch in an electric car anytime. Just perfect it first, so it doesn't take seven hours to charge and you can only go a fifty months, just perfected. Whenever you get it ready, we'll switch. But it's not now. Incidentally, why do we need mark antry a company Tesla, which is now virtually a trillion dollars company. One of the five wealthiest companies in the world is Tesla. Why do American test players have to subsidize a one trillion dollars company. Well, that's a good, good question. Yeah, let me ask you something. This is a little change of subthing. But you're from Chicago, so I'm reading that Chicago is so bad now, the crime, the shooting. People are now leaving Chicago. People are actually starting to move out. Is that correct? Yeah? You probably read that in the our Committee on Leased Prosperity. See I told you it was a great newsletter. It's a great newsletter. That's where you're right, that's where I read it. To get that, by the way, you can get it for free. And I'm like Joe Biden, you know this bill is free. This one really is free. Just go to the Committee on Leash Presterity you know, website and sign up work for free. But anyway, you are exactly right. But you know, I love Chicago. It's the great I think it's one of the five greatest cities in the world. I mean, I grew up in rickley Field. You know, I just love so much about that city, love the people. But it is so sad to see what the politicians are doing. The crime is out of control, the schools are a disgrace. The axes are so high you can't afford to buy anything there. It's being ruined by the politicians. And so you know, the whole history of Chicago was, you know, of the last death century was black Black Americans moved from the South up to Chicago, and we have a big black population. Now they're moving out because you know what, Black Americans don't want high crime, they don't want to high taxes, they don't want to lowse these schools either. Yeah, and people don't have to think what high crime does to a city's economy, ruining businesses, ruining the tax base everything. But well, look what's happening in San Francisco. I mean, you know, since San Francisco they keep having me, they've decided that if you're a shoplifter, they're not going to procept cut you. And so guess what happened is going into all the stores, the Walmarts, the Walgreens, the grocery stores, is stealing everything they can get there in autside. And how is that bearer to the people who you know, the immigrants, the immigrants who are running these whole stores, and people come in and they just take everything they can get their hands on, I mean, and then they're not prosecuting the people because you know it's just a petty clock. Well, hey, it's Thanksgiving. Now, what's the deal is every everybody's going to pay more for everything? Right this year? Well, the turkeys are up what twenty five percent in price? Uh, you know, the cranberry sauce is more expensive. You know, the gas that you have to take to get to go over the river and through the Crambler's house is more expensive. Uh, this in place is real. It is matt transitory. It is it is getting worse every month. And uh, you know when I'll just say this, you know this bill the past Congress, the House of Representatives on Friday last Friday, I think was one of the most ignominious days in the history of the United States Congress that that bill from page one to page two thousand, four hundred and fifty six is a horrific bill. It is going to bankrupt our country. It's going to disrupt our energy supply. It's paying people not to work, it's providing money for illegal immigrants. Every doing bad idea of the left's ever come up with is in that bill. And it's going to make inflation worse because when the government spends and borrows and prints money. You know, if I love that. You know, all the Biden people went on the Sunday talk shows, Oh, we're going a thousand plation by having a four trillion dollar depth though, Oh really, do they really think Mark, that we're that stupid? Yes, So you should give out your phone number so that Thanksgiving dinner, when you're arguing with these relatives, you can call Steve Moore, who can shoot down anything they say with all these great points that you've well, you know, it's so funny. You know, for four years we've had a rule at my brother's house, who I go overk who has two daughters who are very liberal, that I'm not allowed to mention the name of Donald Trump because you know, but now even even they are saying he wasn't such a bad president after all. Well, but hey, I do recommend it's the committee to a committee to unleashed prosperity. Right, yeah, just go to the website and sign up for the free hotline. And you know, I was just talking to Nuke in Ris this morning. He said this the first thing I read every morning. So if you want to be the smart Starter's person in the run, sign up for that. And Mark, I hope you have a great, great, great gobble gobble group today. Gobble gobble and a turkey, even if it's twenty four percent more expensive, it's a great all right, it's a great huh. I will and thanks for the I love the newsletter every day. It's great stuff. Steve Moore, thanks for being with us. Hey, make sure you follow him on Twitter. To follow me on Twitter, Instagram. It's Mark Simone NYC at Instagram. I'll be back in a moment. Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Hey, welcome back. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here for Sean. Let's let's take a call or two. Let's go to Sandy in Florida, Sandy, how you doing? Hey, how are you doing? Let me check? Not bad? Not bad? Can you hear me? Yes? I can hear you. Okay, I like that, Florida. Last Um, if you follow the money and you actually listen to Biden's gaffs, he tells you exactly what he's going to do and all his plans. And what is that you have? Well, you have Hunter Biden, which still has ten percent of that company that he refuses to get rid of. But they make all these excuses about and now those mineral rights that are in Afghanistan and Africa, those are going for our tree huggers are green. Well, I think you have a good point there, Sandy. I think you're absolutely right. You notice the Biden actions like screwing up the gas and raising the price of oil is the greatest gift ever to Russia. That's all Russia is is a big gas station with an army. That's their entire economy the price of gas. So it's an tremendous gift to putin those mineral rights that you talk about. Now you know China is going to be all over Afghanistan. They will take a Graham Air base and even in Africa. That's China controlling all those minerals. So it's a great gift to Russia. And here's a great gift to China. And in a massive coincidence, it's Hunter getting a billion five from China for his company and a three million dollar check coming from Moscow. I'm sure this is all coincidence. That has to be this would no, it couldn't be anything else, not that Joe Biden. I know who has a joint bank account with Hunter? You know anybody else says a joint bank account with their forty nine year old kid. It's kind of unusual. I wish to Bill O'Reilly will be with us in the next hour. Don't go away.

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