Rudy Giuliani - November 24th, Hour 3

Published Nov 24, 2021, 11:00 PM

Rudy Giuliani joins Joe Pags who is filling in for the vacationing Sean Hannity. Why are we finding ourselves defending Thanksgiving?!

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Lad, have you along for the ride of is Joe pagny Rullo. Joe PAGs in for Sean Hannity Today, Sean taking a well deserved day off. Make sure you call in same number as usual. One eight hundred and nine four one seventy three twenty six, one eight hundred and nine four one seven three to six. Go to Hannity dot com for all things Sean Hannity. Stop by my website if you want to find out who the heck this guy is. Who's on the radio right now, It's Joe PAGs dot com. Joe PAGs dot com. In the past week, less than a week, we've had two major jury trial verdicts come out and I think both were righteous. I want to talk to this guy about that. I also want to talk to him about Bernard Kerrick. I want to talk to him about executive privilege and a whole lot more. It is my friend, America's mayor, Rudy Giuliani. Rudy, how are you? I'm great, Tags, How are you? I'm living the dream man. This is just an absolute honor to be in for Sean Today, our mutual friend, and to have you on the program was a no brainer. For me, I want to get right into these verdicts in the limited time we have. Let's quickly, let's well they were We had a couple of verdicts, and I think that you would agree we're probably correct, both in Kyle Rittenhouse's case and the case of the killing of Ahmad Arebury in Georgia. Are you are you with me that those juries made the right decision? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, you know. You know. The way I look at verdicts I guess versus as a lawyer, and that is, is the jury verdict supported by the evidence, whether you agree with it or not. And the answer is in both cases yes, now I happen to agree with it, but neither case would be reversed by a court because the verdict is against the weight of the evidence. In in the Rittenhouse case, it was it's almost I mean the case should have been dismissed. I think the prosecution evidence proved self defense before he even got to the defense. Estily, that's such a great point. The prosecution literally won the case for Kyl Rittenhouse. The cats I mean he testified because I mean, obviously he's a very When he testified, you couldn't tell as much but I listened to the interview last night on On Tucker. Yeah, he's a bright kid. Yes, I mean this is a very smart kid. It's not a he's not a you know, he's obviously very very smart. He's a very good recollection. And he before you even got to his case. Basically, the guy, the guy who was shot and survives that I pointed the gun at him. Right, you think it's gonna happen. You run after the guy, you catch up to him, and then you point a gun at him. What do you think he's gonna do? H totally crazy. And also the tape was very very helpful. You know, it's interesting both cases. I think that the video really decided the case. Well, I want to I want to ask you about that. I want to ask you about that at length. In a second, it's Ruti Guliani, America's mayor. Let me ask you something very specific about the writtenhouse case. Knowing the video evidence you had, Knowing that the one guy that was shot admits that he pointed the gun at him, knowing you know that he was there putting out fires. We have pictures and video of him cleaning up the local high school. He wasn't there, starting trouble and provoking things. As the prosecutor Rudy would you would you have brought charges here? They did a great they said, a great jury in forty eight hours and charged the kid. No, I mean not only not only can I say that hypathetically, I once had a chance to prosecute Bernard Gets. People might not remember who he is, that he was a subway shooter who shot four people who threatened him. And the DA in Manhattan asked me to take it as a civil rights case. And I listened to I listened to all the evidence. I went to all the evidence with my was one of my assistants, and we said, no, we're not going to bring the case because it's a it's a perfect defense of self defense. Right. I would have done the same thing here. I would not have brought this case. Looking at the tape, he's the video, he's constantly running away, and the prosecutors are actually at one point they're telling the jew Hurry that he's the aggressive and the jury is looking at it is looking at a video of him running away. Right, how does it aggressive? Run away? Great? In watching this guy, Binger, the assistant DA in that case, in watching this guy, Um, he violated the Second Amendment, he violated the Fifth Amendment, he violated the sixth Amendment. I mean, and you told me on my show the other day, I'll steal your lyne. You said, he only had seven more to go to violate. And then and then in closing arguments, Rudy, he puts his finger on the trigger of this rifle and points it at the jury. I mean, what would you have if you're the lead prosecutor, if you're still in the Southern District of New York and you're assistant DA does that? What do you do? I fire him? Yeah, right, I have to fire him. I mean, the guy obviously has to do something else. I remember I was a law clerk to a federal judgment. He was a very great judge, Lloyd McMahon. But he had a great sense of humor, and when a lawyer really screwed up like that, he would call him up to the bench and he say, yeah, where did you go to law school? The guy said, I went to Saint John's. He said, call him and get your money back. I mean, this guy did everything wrong times eight. It was very strange, and he did holding back evidence for him they had HD video that they that they held him. They gave four adp ST video to the defense. I mean that ended of itself is this department, isn't it He's holding he's holding discovery back. Yeah, I mean every every every era a prosecutor can make, they make. And uh that if they had, for some strange reason convicted him, there's no court of appeals that would have held that verdict. Julian. I think, well, I think the judge could have could have declared a mistrial that was requested, but he didn't have to because he was found not guilty. Rudy Giuliani go to Rudy's Commonsense dot com. Rudy's Commonsense dot Com. That's where you find the podcast. He's America's Mayor, will always be for me. Go ahead and tell him who the star of this one is. If the start of this podcast is some dufas on the radio, Joe PAGs talking about Thanksgiving, so go talking about Thanksgiving. But it's actually it's actually what I use it for. I do a defense of Thanksgiving. You know, there there's a whole big movement now to cancel Thanksgiving. It's sick because of all the of all of the Native Americans that were killed by white people. The only problem is the Pilgrims had an exceptionally good relationship with the Native Americans, right, They had a peace treaty that lasted of fifty years, and they are a perfect example if you want to be honest with someone, to the perfect example. How you know, most people are good, decent people. Of course, there were some people who came over that killed Native Americans, and there were also some Native Americans that were killing people too. It's not like they were eight peaceful people. There was no violence, you know, yes. And also you know it's not unusual conduct. I mean, every country has a history of somebody coming in, invading and taking over Virtulius Caesar, Genghis Khan all throughout Africa Asia. This is what happened, you know, in times before we became more civilized, and we're the only country. We're the only country that has to somehow, you know, I feel regret over it and be punished, you know, forever about it. It's really Giliani, you really I've only got about three or four minutes left, but I want to get into a couple of very important things. Number one, um, is it your belief. And I think you started alluding to this earlier that without video, these two verdicts could have gone exactly the opposite, right, could be you never know, you never know what would have happened. Absolutely right. Particularly in the written house case, the prosecutors were so um just honest. I mean, how can I put in an away? I mean they who knows what they would have made up. In the other case, the prosecutor was excellent. Her name is don Alowski Dunikowski, Linda Dunakowski. I listened to a heart of her summation and she was terrific. I mean, she took every argument, used it really well. And in in Aubrey's case, the key testimony was when McMichael said, you know, he came back at me and went for the gun. Now there's no video proof of that, right, And basically her argument was, that's kind of ridiculous. The guy's been running away from me all day, right, right, all of a sudden, when there's no video, he turns around and tries to grab your gun, and you're killed. They literally chased him down and ended up killing him. You couldn't be more right, and I thank god there is video. Yeah, yeah, exactly right, and they and they had no good das well. We thought he was burglarizing houses in the neighborhood. That doesn't make any sense, Rudy, I got to ask you about about a couple of people when it comes to executive privilege. You and I talked about this recently. Steve Bannon is not asking for executive privilege, and but our character is not asking for executive privilege. Donald Trump is who was the president at the time, and he gets executive privilege through an executive order I believe, signed by Obama that all previous presidents can claim executive privilege. What's the controversy here? The controversy is that they want to have a show that the January sixth narrative is fading. It's turning out to be largely you know, uh, sure, they did something wrong, but they made it into the crime of the century, worse than nine to eleven, right, worse than Pearl Harbor, worse than I don't know why. Meanwhile, not a single shot was fired by the protest is. The only shot fired was by a comp who looks like he murdered somebody, right, And so they had this is their ace in the holes of destroy Trump, and all of a sudden the whole thing has fallen apart. Well, it is because they they're lying. They're lying about Kerrick, and they're lying. They're probably lying about You've got Bob Woodward, you've got video, you've got proof that he was nowhere near the scene. So why did they think they were going to get away with that, Rudy? I mean, fill me in on what you know of this when they started unfolding, because they have gotten away with it in the task. Look at what shifty Shift has gotten away with. Yeah, and he's still on the committee. There's a video tape. There's a videotape of him holding up a piece of paper saying I got two witnesses direct evidence of Trump and Russian collusion. Well, where are they jerked A Well, Rudy, I'd like to I'd like to interview them. Can you get me those two names? I'd like to have them on the show. Yeah, I mean that wasn't what happened to those two names? They're gone. There were FicT issues. So so what's the recourse here? As an attorney? Carrick is is being defamed. He's been there. They're slandering him. They're lying about him. He was clearly nowhere near that meeting on January sixth. What do you do here? Can we can we use the American people called government on the carpet when they lie to us. Yeah, I mean he actually, uh, he actually has a pretty good lawsuit against it. The Washington Post. Right, the Washington Post published the excerpt from Woodward's book, but Woodward said, is not an excerpt from his book. When we're clearly said that is not in my book, I don't know what you're talking about. I mean, and that's that's completely nuts. But let's let's assume that all correct. I haven't read. I haven't. I'd like to see that in writing. But if that's all correct, then that's a that's a heck of a lawsuit. I mean, how can I say something's in a book that's that's easily verifiable. How can I say somebody how can they say somebody's at a meeting that's it's easy to verify he wasn't at the meeting. It boggles my mind. Rudy, Yeah, I haven't. I haven't seen that in writing yet. I want to see that. But that is absolutely amazing. But you're asking me, how would they get how would the committee get away with that? The committee has no restraint because they have no accountability. The press lets them do anything they want. I mean, look at the crimes that the Bidens get away with. Right. Every week we get a new crime here here, Our biggest adversary in the world is China. And now there's no doubt that what I was saying last year is true. The Biden family made millions from China. It just so happens, President, of course. I mean that the article came out yesterday about the about the transaction with the Chinese company that Hunter Biden you do and complete and uh, and the commitment of one billion and then one point five billion dollars into Hunter Biden's ridiculous private equity company which used to have as a partner Whitey Bulge's nephew. It's stunning. The information you have on your own from the Bank of China, the information from the Bank of China, right, which is part of the Chinese Communist government, what you have yourself through your own investigation, and what we have from Hunter Biden's hard drives is stunning. This is something that can make a journalism career. But they refused to cover rooting to run. I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you so much. Right back at you. Thank you for making the time today, my friend. I appreciate the America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani coming on. There's so much more to talk to him about. We didn't even start to scratch the surface. We'll have him on again very soon. Your thoughts when we come back. One nine four one seven, three two six, one hundred and nine four one Sean Joe PAGs in for Sean Hannity. Back after this John Kerry making America green one Learjet liberal flight at a time. You just can't make this stuff up. Sean Hannity is on right now. I'm glad to have you Joe PAGs in for Sean Hannity today. Hopefully you're having a great day. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Joe PAGs dot com. Joe PAGs dot com. That's the website, all the social media there. You can email me there. Check out my interview with mister Snerdley it's at the top of the page. We cover some news on there as well. If you're on the big three social media sites, they it's all Joe Talk Show Joe t a l K show on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It's um I believe it's also Joe Talk Show at Getter, which is the new one, and Joe PAGs just about everywhere else. If it's a verified account, it's me and I appreciate you you stopping by. Also go to Hannity dot com of course for all things Sean Hannity. You go to the phone lines. I don't have a whole lot of time, but Nancy, it's all yours. Let's go right. My name's Nancy. I'm from Michael, Texas, and I get said stay out. I'm sorry, but no, go ahead. Oh, I just wanted to make a comment about your Washington Post comment. You asked, why would they put something like that out there that they didn't there? Fine, and it's because they don't have any real journalists anymore, and in my opinion, they no longer care about what they're doing to the people they're talking about. Well, I think you're right. I mean a journalist to break down the word journalism or a journalist it means to cover the day. Zure is French for day. It's your job to go out and cover it. Se tell me what you saw, you smelled, you felt, you you tasted, whatever it happens to be, and then report it to me because you kept a journal of what it was you saw. They don't do that anymore. What they're doing is they're going out and ignoring facts and only reporting what it is they think will do best for them. And if that doesn't exist, clearly they've shown they'll make it up. And yes, it was a Washington Post report that this committee was was basing it. It's allegation that Bernard Kerrick was at this meeting when he was nowhere near it. That's a problem for the Post, it's a problem for the committee. In fact, that commission should be disbanded now because it was based on big fat lion lies. But what do I know? One eight hundred nine four one three two six Hannity dot Com. Joe Pagson for Sean Hannity, keep it right here. Thanks all opportuning into the Sean Hannity Show. My name Joe pagli Rullo. Joe Pagson for Sean Today. It's my honor to be with you the day before Thanksgiving. It's my honor to have my very good friend on a guy. You probably have heard of a former a former captain with a glimbo crime family. Coppa Region is Michael Frenzy's Michael. How are you, Joe? I'm great, always, always great to be with you, my friend. Yeah, it's an absolute pleasure. You know, Michael and I became fast friends, and we've done a bunch of stuff online. We've done a bunch of stuff on my show, and you've got a couple of big projects coming out that I want people to know about. Number one is Mafia Democracy. It's your new book. You've got several books out now. Go to Michael Frazis dot com and check out everything he writes. He's gone from mobster to pastor. We'll get into that a little bit here in the time that we have, but mafia democracy really does ring true because we're seeing a fascist feel from Washington, DC and even from City Hall in New York City, where you've got power and control is ruling today. When you say mafia democracy, you're literally talking about our government acting like the mob right, no question, Joe. You know, I've never witnessed in my lifetime what this government is looking now, and for me, it's very Machiavellian, and you know Machiavelli on the street, he was kind of the patron saint of the mob. We did everything in a Machiavellian way, and I see our government acting exactly like that in so many ways. And I point that out, you know, very strategically in the book, Joe. I mean, this is not a fluff piece. It's a you know, I did a lot of research on this. I lived that life. I worked with politicians way back when, and when I'm seeing now, I never thought that I would see this type of ideology and our government. But it's happening today. And the way that it's happening, do you see it the same way you remember planning things as a captain of a bunch of soldiers in the crime family. And what I mean by that is, you guys sold a pretty good pitch to the community, to the news media. You guys pretended you weren't really what you were, and that facade worked for a really long time until like Giuliani came along and say no, no no, no, we could probably do something about this. But is it the same sort of thing? Michael, let me tell you what you should think of me. But ignore what we're really doing. Joe. Let me tell you that Macchiavelli an ideology or philosophy, and that is that you know when you're in control and you're in power. Machiavelli has said, you can do anything you need to do to maintain control. You can lie, you can steal, you can cheat, you can even kill anything that you need to do. However, to the outside public, you must always appear to be upright, honest, and have integrity. That's our government. I hate to say it. I'm not happy about it. You know, I love this country. I have kids and grandchildren that I want them to enjoy, you know, the freedoms that so many of us before the enjoyed. But what I'm seeing now, it's frightening. And that's how these people are acting. I've never seen such underhandedness. I've never seen such divisiveness in our nation. And you know, it all starts from the top. When they start name calling each other and doing all of these things that they're doing. It goes down into the general public and into society. It starts from the top. And if these people would just act with some integrity and act honestly, I don't think we'd see the divisiveness that we see on the street today. And I really mean that is it hard? It's Michael Frenzi's go to Michael Frenzies dot com, f R A n Z eese Michael Frenzies dot com. Become part of his crew, get his books. The new one is going to be available for pre order very soon. It's not yet, right, Michael, but it will be very soon. Yeah, just before Christmas. It'll be available for pre order, Yes, called Mafia Democracy going and make sure that you get to his website and find out exactly what it's coming out. Is it hard to do or does it become second nature? Here's what I mean. You know what you're doing behind the scenes. You know what you have to look like you're doing to the public and to the media and so on. I mean, for God's sakes, you're producing movies well, whereas all sorts of racketeering and everything else going on behind the scenes. Is it easy or does it become second nature? It's second nature, Joe, Honestly, you know, when you when you have that kind of a mindset, it's it's really second nature to you, And it was to me on the street I'm recognizing it now, you know, And obviously, like I said, I'm seeing it in fold in our government halls, and it's it's it's very disturbing to me, it really is. You know, people tell me all the time, you know, if the mafia was running the country, we would be in better shape. And I say, no, you don't want the mafia running the country. That's not the way it's supposed to be. We're supposed to have. This is a republic where government is honest and upright, and they really do have integrity and they do care about the people that elected them to office. And it's not that way. And I just don't understand how people don't see this. I don't get it. Here's the thing that jumps out of me, and it's Michael Frenzy's former Coppa regime, the Colombo crime family in New York. What jumps out at me is and you and I've talked about this a lot. The mob got mad when the government wasn't right. Yet it's almost like you guys had a higher standard for the government. All right, you catch me, FBI, you do it on the up and up. You don't frame me, you do it legally. You got me, I'll put my hands out in front of me. But you're still mad about how your father was convicted and you're convinced that he was framed. I mean that there really is sort of a code within the life. You call it that life. The code is the government can get you as long as they do the right job. That's why you never really went after cops. You never really went after Rudy, although there was a conversation about it. You really did. If you have integrity and you got us fair and square, let's go right, no doubt, Joe. The way we looked at it, we were on one side, you are on the other. You do your job, you get us. Legitimately, we have no beef, we have no complaint. But if you frame us, if you stoop down to a street level and you're breaking the law, you know, and even at times not only breaking law but creating criminal activity in order to nail somebody, we didn't appreciate that, and I don't think anybody should. You know what people don't understand. If you've given the government an inch, they'll take a yard and they'll never give it back. If you allow them to break the law to go after somebody that they really want to get. Well, that could apply to anybody they don't like somebody. Okay, we're gonna do whatever we have to do to get them to put them away. We know that happens, Joe, I'm sure you know that happens. Look what happened in the four years of Trump's presidency. If people didn't see what was really going on. Whether you like Trump or not, it doesn't matter. But when you saw what was going on with all this Russia Gate and everything else, it was criminal activity that was going on in the halls of justice. I mean, that's the bottom line. We know for a fact that Russia Gate was fake, the dossier was fake, the impeachments were based on nothing. But a guy won, a guy got a position the mafia democracy didn't like. And again, listen, there were a Republican tour against them too. This wasn't just the Democrat versus Republican thing. This was big government, mafia swamp versus an outsider who said, hey, why don't we do this thing that we thought we were to do as a republic. But that's really the that's the bottom line, right, I Mean, the swamp monsters come from all colors. Oh, no doubt about it, you know. And while we're talking about that, I just have to mention this whole writtenhouse case, you know, Joe and ops for anything. I didn't know much about the case. I didn't follow it, but I get intrigued when I see, you know, trials taking place on television. Obviously my background, I'm interested in it. And when you watched the trial and the evidence that was presented by the prosecution, and you before that had listened to mainstream media, you would have thought this kid was, you know, the devil and connate white supremacists went there to shoot everybody cross state lines with guns that were illegal. It was absolutely untrue, all false when you looked at the evidence that was presented in this case. The jury came out with the right verdict, and people are still complaining about it. And I don't get it. I really don't understand. Why. What are they trying to do? What are people trying to accomplish in this country by spreading false information, misinformation starting all this racial stuff. Joe, I'm telling you, I never thought in my lifetime I would see things, you know, get to this level. I mean it, Well, it's a great question. But I know that it's rhetorical because you know the answer. It's about power and control. It's about controlling the message, controlling the power, controlling the people, and then they can do whatever you want them to do and they'll keep on voting for you. It's Michael Frenzies. Michael Frenzies dot com. Get this book. It's on the way. It's Mafia Democracy and I can't wait to read it, Michael, from cover to cover, and I think everybody's gonna go out and get millions of copies. Okay to Michael Frenzies dot com, let's talk about the Mafia States of America. This is an historic sitdown between you and Sammy the Bull Gravano, who was the underboss for John Gotti in the Gambino crime family. What's interesting to me is that a few people know that you knew Sammy because Sammy used to be in the Colombo family. I had no idea until you and I started talking about this. Were you guys friends? Did you know him? Did you hang out? Did you dislike him? What's the relationship there? Sammy and I were not friends. I wouldn't consider us friends. Now you know, this sit down got kind of contentious. You know, Sammy still feels is the underbuss in a way, and you know, he acts a certain way and I act a different way. So, you know, I think it's historic in that it was a real sitdown. It wasn't stage, that wasn't scripted. I think you can tell throughout that we didn't really care for each other that much. We have a whole different idea of coosin ost and what it was about then what it is now. And you know, Patrick Ben David was in the middle of this, he hosted it at times. It got very contentious between us, and I think people are going to enjoy seeing it because it's the real thing. You know, there's a lot of stuff going on on YouTube, but look, Sammy was a real guy. I was a real member of that life. We have a lot of differences in ideology and opinion, and I think it's all going to come out and sit down. People are gonna, you know, they're gonna get an efful and an earful I can tell you that the Mafia States of America. This is gonna be a several part series and I've seen just snippets of it, and it's amazing I cannot wait to sit down and enjoy this. Um there there was at a point where you weren't sure you would do this, right, I mean, did you two. I can't imagine you originally said, yeah, let's sit down to the same room and have a piece of bread. I mean, I would imagine that it took some doing, yeah, because you know, Sammy had said some things about me that weren't very nice, and I in turn said some things about him that I think we're true. I mean, it's a matter of public record. So we didn't have any you know, love loss between the two of us. That that was for sure. I didn't want to do it, he didn't want to do it, but somehow it you know, they convinced us when we got together on it. But you know, I can tell you this. You know, I think you know this, but Rudy obviously you do know it. Rudy played a part in this, and Chas Pomentary was the host. They did a great job on it. I can tell you that. And I think people are going to be very intrigued with it. But you know, we'll see what happens. It's coming out I believe December third, or shortly after that, you know, you can go on Mafia States of America dot com. I think it's a website and people can buys ten episodes. I mean, this is a this is a big deal. Yeah, maybe give me a minute on that moment that you said I got to walk away, and did you know that you would survive it, because a lot of people don't think there's any way you could have really walked away, Michael, and you still be alive today. Well, you know, Joe, there was a point in time when I realized that, you know, the life was over. I had met a young girl that's now my wife for thirty seven years. I knew if I was going to be with her, I didn't want to put her through the you know, the agony that my family went through and every other family of every member that I know in that life. You know, it's not a life that's conducive to a good family life. And I just said, you know, aside from that, Rudys Juliani had really really used the Rico statute very well. There's putting a lot of guys away, a lot of guys would becoming informants. And I said, this life is really in trouble. And you know, did I think I was gonna make it? Look I always said to myself, you know, I wasn't mad at anybody. I didn't want to hurt any anybody. I wasn't looking to put people in prison. So I said, you know what, I'm going to give this a shot and see if I can make it. I knew I was going to have some trouble. I knew it was going to be taken well. I knew my father would be upset with me, persical my boss. But I said, look, I'm not going to hurt anybody. I'm gonna do what I need to do. I'd be a little bit manipulative with the government maybe, you know, and things like that, but you know, I'm a risk take great ways, Joe, and I figured, you know, you know, I think this is going to work out. And ultimately, be honest with you, I think God had a different plan and a purpose from my life. And that's why I'm here and able to enjoy freedom and my family. And you know, I've been very blessed, very blessed, and we're blessed to have you on the program. It's it's Michael Frenzies dot com. Go to that website, become part of his crew. Pre order the book as soon as you can. Mafia Democracy and also The Mafia States of America. This series that's coming out and they gonna be a big December for Michael Frenzies continued success. Well, thank you for your friendship, and I appreciate you coming on, Joe. I appreciate you more than you know, and thanks for having me, and we'll do it again whatever you're ready. I hope, I hope it'll be very soon. Thank you very much, Michael Frenzies go to his website. Your thoughts on this one eight hundred and nine four one sewn back on the Sean Hannity Show after this firing torpedoes of truth at a wall of life. This is the Sean Hannity Show, pland you to have you along for the ride. On The Sean Hannity Show, Joe PAGs in for Sean one eight hundred and nine four one seven three two six one eight hundred nine four one seven three two six as usual. Go to Hannity dot Com for all things Sean Hannity. And if you want to find out who the heck this guy is, go to Joe PAGs dot com Joe PAGs dot com and sign up for all the the social media. Got a newsletter there if you've got some news stories there. I'm pretty active on the Twitters, to be honest with you. And yes I'm old enough that I say the Twitters and the Facebook, but I'm pretty active on there. The other ones are starting to catch up Parlor and get Her and all of these other ones, and if they ever start taking off, we'll jump on there as well. But but go and check us out on social media. Also, a Big Rumble Present to Rumble is sort of a competitor for YouTube. If you're not familiar, just look up Joe PAGs. They're all I think, it's all one word, Joe PAGs. And in the time remaining, I just want to legitimately thank Sean again for just allowing this. It's the biggest radio program on the planet, and Linda, thank you so much for everything that you've done to make this happen. It's it's funny because you'd ask me a few other times and a news story broke every single time, and and the fact that I gotta be honest. Three minutes before the show today, I was like, are we doing it. We're gonna here we are and you've done great. You've been absolutely amazing, So thank you for being for for us. We will. You really appreciate it. Your support has been amazing and it's funny. I was I was a little trepidatious last night sending you the new PAGs parody, and you were so cool today, he said, I listen to the first line play it. It was great. It was a phenomenal and that's going to be on handy, so if you missed it, you can check it out. Get into all the holiday spirit with the Joe Paggs. Make sure you go and get that done. I want to acknowledge the callers because you guys have been amazing today. Didn't have time for a ton of you because we had four really interesting I think interviews, not because I did them, because the people were interesting that I brought on. But hopefully you got something out of that. And I want to say thank you very much for lighting the phone lines up the entire time. Katie's been great, Jason's been great, of course, Linda is amazing, and Sean, thank you again again. If you don't mind, go and check out Joe PAGs dot com. I'd love to hear from you. If you weren't able to get through in the phone lines and tons of you weren't do me a favorite, send me an email over at the website again, joepags dot com. Thank you so much, and please do me a favorite. Sit down with your kids, tell them about the Thanksgiving proclamation from Washington about what this day tomorrow really is all about. Have a great one, have a safe one. We'll talk soon.

The Sean Hannity Show

Sean Hannity is a multimedia superstar, spending four hours a day every day reaching out to millions 
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