Ronna McDaniels and The Party of Ideas

Published Aug 25, 2020, 10:00 PM

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, talks about the first day of the RNC and the amount of information, metrics, policy and facts that the GOP offered in their speeches last night. Democrats say the Republicans are the party without ideas.. the first day proved that wrong!

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Hi, glad you with us, and just seventy days until you are the ultimate jury. We are in the swamp or in the sewer in Washington, DC. Tonight nine Eastern Hannity on the Fox News channel is the night Too begins its activities. We will be in the Rose Garden Melania Trump headlighting tonight. But they have a great, great lineup. You can see a massive difference now, the mob in the media, the Joe scarboroughs. What did Joe Scarborough side? Joe Scarboro? He's like, compared to path, you can't and those people speaking and I'm like, well, okay, Donald Trump Junior Tims. Was he talking about Tim Scott? Was he talking about Niggie Helly or Vernon Jones from the Georgia State Rep. Was he talking about Natalie Harp? She's alive today because Donald Trump passed right to try. What an emotional and powerful speech she gave. What about Maximo Alvarez last night? Wow, he's gonna join us later in the program today? Who was phenomenal? What about Kim Klasik who was running at an incredible ade she put out there? Was it was he talking about her? Who else? Who was he was he talking about last night anyway, So tonight we're gonna be in the Rose Garden. You know, it's funny. I did not know what to expect. I really didn't. So I planned Hannity where kind of we're gonna do mostly what we did when the Democrats weren't because you couldn't watch that that basement, poorly run podcasts, basement bunker shift show. You just couldn't. It was unwatchable to me. And anyway, so I didn't know what to suspect about a lot of guests. We didn't get to most of them. We put a couple on a minute here, minute, you know. And it's hilarious because all my life I've read research about me from the terms of radio, radio audience and television viewers watch you know, people that watch the show. And when you read research, you gotta put your ego aside because people we the people. People are brutally honest. They are just dead on honest and they have at the end. It's called the perceptual study. Now, the first one that I saw myself was when I was in Atlanta and I heard the research research project that happened, got talked to by the program director sluggo at the time station manager, and you know, I'm wondering, all right, where's all this coming from? Then I began to put two and two together. And then then I asked him, so that you had a research I said, can I read it? And he said no, told me no. So I'm like, I don't take no from an answer for anybody. So I figured out who was in the research meeting. I went back late one night and I just kind of flipped open the or of one of the people that worked there, and oh, I just happened to sit there and I found the perceptual study and Joel Linda, I think, had done it at the time, Critical mass Media, and I read it. I read it all and it was brutal. I mean, like some of the comments about me, you know, over the years, I can tell you what the critics. You talk too much. I'm a talk show host. You're guilty as charge, or you don't let other people talking up. So I try now when I when other people are on, I try to shut my mouth and let people talk. Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes I still don't, but I'm trying. I am trying. Now, why am I saying all this Whenda's laughing, sweet baby James is. I think he's literally I think gonna pie his pants. He's laughing so hard. And so the reason I'm saying this is we did not We ran ninety five percent last night. I didn't know what to expect for TV. I didn't know. And then so I had all these people that we had booked, and They're in the chair ready to roll, and I'm like, I'm liking what's here? I want I want to I want to watch what's unfolding here because I liked what I was watching and I thought it was, you know, pretty amazing. For example, you know we're watching this, you know, we had we had I had to watch Jim Jordan. How great was Tim Scott? How great was Donald Trump? Junior thought he did a great job last night? How great was Nicky Hanley? And Ronald McDaniel did a great job, was going to join us later. How great was Maximo Alvarez, he's the Cuban refugee Florida businessman. Moved to tears last night. Moved me to tears last night. He was incredible. Vernon Jones, Georgia state representative, was incredible. M Y had our buddy, Charlie Kirk. You know, Charlie, We've got to know, really what Charlie's a very courageous guy and his organization Earning Point USA. They're all courageous because they go on these college campuses. It is hostile everywhere Charlie Kirk goes. It's a hostile environment, it's a hostile work environment. He should be able to sue because all these snowflake students, I mean, they're they're you know, they're half and there's violence breaking out half the time. How incredible is this Republican congressional candidate Kim a classic from Baltimore, And how her viral ad is amazing? How great with Sean Sean Parnell? How great was the McCloskey. So I was kind of torn. The reason I'm going through all of this, I'm explaining a story here is I'm on TV, and I'm like, I'm all right, they actually are doing this a million times better than the dopey basement bunker, poorly run podcast. I hate trump Fest, lacking all vision, you know, the Democratic National Committee Convention want to But then on the other hand, I have all these invited guests. I'm basically saying, yeah, come to dinner, will all hang out and talk and uh, and then I'm not putting Then I'm not feeding them and I'm not letting them talk. So torn a little bit. But then again, like when I stole by the way, Sluggo is writing me, which means he's listening. He still thinks he's my boss. He still thinking this is what he said. He goes, you broke Tell Sluggo to call in. He goes, He goes, you broke in and you stole You're broke in and you stole it? What gives them his number? Because I was kidding. He won't get it. And you're a criminal, he writes me. I was not a criminal. It's technically breaking an entering, all right, And I was not breaking an entering. And just what is that? I just visited somebody else's office. I didn't steal any hanging out. I read a book. That's all I did. That was my prime, reading a book that they should have shared with me. But they're The thinking among most program directors is the egos of on air talent can't handle any criticism. And that's why I continue doing research, showing myself over the years and reading it all because I learn what I do right. And if i'm and believe me, when people pick up things that I start doing wrong, they scream at you that you're doing it wrong. And if you listen to your customers. I'm not changing who I am in terms of my opinions. I can't change that. I won't change that. I am a conservative and that's who I am. I'm not gonna change my investigative reporting that and being independent. That's who we are, that's what we do. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna change. I like to have some guests throughout shows and other people don't whatever. I like to do a long opening monologue, so then when the guests do speak on TV, I can shut up now and get it out of my system basically, and give people the news. Don't way how great with Andrew Pollock, the father of Meadows Parkland shooting victim, wow, Or that Montana coffee shop owner got a PPP loan and the nurse and the president meeting with you know, those people that are on the front lines in COVID. I mean, tonight's lineup is equally incredible to me. I mean it's it's actually amazing what they've got tonight. Um, yeah, Pam Bondi. By the way, yeah, we're gonna unlike the Democratic Convention, We're going to hear about law, order, safety, and security. And you can't have a pursuit of happiness without it. You're gonna meet the Attorney General of Kentucky became the first African American elected to that role. And by the way, he's in charge of the investigation over the killing of Brianna Taylor. Abby Johnson choosed to be a Planned parenthood clinic directors on Tonight now runs uh and then there were None, a group that urges employees at abortion clinics to leave them. Jason Joyce, he's a lobsterman. By the way, one of my favorite shows on TV today is Uh, what's the name of that catch? Um? Oh, the catch? What's that say? It? Ethan? No, I like Blacklist. Yes, I'm deadliest catch. I've thought of it on my own. Thank you, No help with you, guys. Um slugo there, great, hey slugo, what do you mean? I'm a broken Katski's office. He was such a nice man. Wait, hang on, wait a minute. You brought me in your office. You give me a beat that I've been in Atlanta for a year now. The good news there was good news in that perceptual that Joel lindd right. It was joe Lynn critical Mass and it said, Wow, people really love his his energy, his opinions is but he's too he's got too much New York combativeness in him, was what came back? Is that true or not true? But in the part of the story you're not telling though, is that well ahead of time? Well, get like that, Yeah, don't interrupt? Uh? Is that you know? That's not what you said to me. You said, don't don't be as hardcore as the radio you grew up listening to in New York. Would you let me finish? Please? I know you don't. Yes, sir. We warned you, We Nancy and I warn't. Well, we painted with you. Back off a little. This is the Deep South. You need to be a little kinder than you than you're being right now. And you didn't not listen to us. All you did was go out and eat every day on the restaurant step, I mean, on the now you're gonna Well, you gave me that as a benefit. It was called a Kent card, and I got to eat at certain restaurants, and you just got mad. I never saved receipts. To this day, my financial guy goes, why don't you save receipts. I said, I don't take receipts. I don't want the receipt You treated it like an inheritance. It wasn't. It was a benefit. You gave it to me. You take it away, and I wasn't letting you take it away. Meanwhile, you ain't out every single night on the card. There was a limit and you exceeded it within a week. All right, true or false? Once I read it for myself, I got it. Yes, you did. You got you? You found religion? You definitely did, because I was reading from listeners verbatim comments. And when when one person said that they just hate me, all right, when three people say that they still may just hate me, when uh, forty five people say it, you need to listen to what the audience is telling you. What they were telling me last night's slugo is they want to watch the whole convention and not see guests at all. So I'm gonna be in the Rose Garden and I'm gonna go to the night's events. I think there was somebody who was texting you last night. You even asked him what should you do? And he suggested that let them talk. That was you. That was you. No, but well, and my quandary was, I had invited all these guests on and now I'm basically saying yeah, thanks, but no thanks and sending them home. That's what And by the way, that's what I did of it. Yeah, No, it was good. It was It was a great show. Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna have nobody on tonight. There's my guest. My guest list tonight on Hannity is the convention. That's it. From the Rose Garden, Hannity and the Rose Garden. Well, it only took one It took it took week months for us to get through to you, Untuny, you finally read that research. By the way, Sluggo recently got admitted into the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame, and me and my entire team flew down and I got to induct you into the And I was a great honor for me. Did I was me and the other thing? You know, I'm friends with every boss I ever had, Bill Dunovan, I'm still friends with from Huntsville. I'm friends with Phil Boyce, who hired me in New York. I stay friends with everybody. But you know why, because you gave me a shot slugo when I didn't. Probably, and you know what you should that's not true. You should be lucky you found me. You just underpaid me. You didn't pay me any money. Yeah, I know, I know. That's why you had to use the credit card for every meal, exactly, exactly, all right, now, you're all right. But the point is I'm listening those of you that wrote me last night. I heard you during the show. We I had no intention of taking at all, but now I took. I took ninety five tonight. It will be one hundred anyway, Slogger, You're the best. God bless you. Best to Curley and everybody else. Quick break right back from the swamp. All right, we're in the swamp or in Washington, DC the sewer eight hundred and nine p one seawn. If you want to be a part of this six dravaganza, I'm gonna go through this lineup. But you could see the difference. It's like the People's Convention or you know what it is. You know, I was missing last week, American greatness, goodness in American exceptionalism. This is the great American story told by great Americans, and how to keep America great? Such a difference anyway, Rose Garden will be broadcasting tonight, but it will be covering the entire convention as by request, and Wednesday, Port McHenry and Thursday we will be on the South Lawn, Live Free or die America the world on a brink forty percent off at Amazon dot com if you haven't gotten your copy. If you watch Maximo Alvarez, he'll join us later in the program. Today he is explaining as a Cuban refugee, successful Florida businessman, brought to tears toone the love of his parents and what happened to his home country at Cuba. Well, that's what socialism and history of failure is all about. That's what the stated agenda of Joe the Forgetful One, and of course Kamalaw medicare for all, no private insurance, executive order, takeaway people's guns. What else? Oh yeah, Bolshevik Bernie, the manifesto, the whole manifesto. You got the most radical ticket of a major party in history. Anyway, So tonight. They've got law in order. I mentioned Pam BONDI I mentioned the Attorney General of Kentucky. His name is Daniel Cameron. You'll hear from him tonight. These are all amazing people. It's like more like the People's Convention. Somebody described it to me as the Great American story as told by great Americans. Now, Daniel Cameron is the first African American elected to that role of Attorney General. Has been in a spotlight in the investigation over the killing of Brianna Taylor. You're gonna hear from a lobsterman tonight. Deadliest Catches one of my favorite shows. Have I watched that show? I binge watched that show. I watch repeats of that show. You know who narrates it Our Dirty Job, Buddy Micro, Yeah, he does it. He's great. I said, I want that job because I'd love to meet these guys. I'd love to hang with these guys. I'd like to go out on one of those trips. I'll puke my brains out. It's dangerous work. I mean, it is what the baring see. It is dangerous, dangerous crab they do crabbing. But anyway, the lobster guy made those same You know, I'm not as dangerous, but I love those fishermen, love them. That's why maybe Jesus picked twelve fishermen. I don't know, we'll think of what is a fisherman? I mean, doesn't represent everything. Cool, blue collar guys that work hard. You know out there. One of the coolest Bible stories that one of Jesus's miracles is they're out all freaking night fishing. They don't catch a thing. Go out, throw your net over there, Jesus says to the apostles. They couldn't even get the fish in the boat though so many of them, or the fish in the loaves, right with seven fish and seven loaves. See those of you out there think I'm a heathen, I'm not. I mean, it's a beautiful, miraculous story. And he's able to feel feed thousands with seven baskets left over. Amazing. Abby Johnson, the woman who used to run the director of a plan parenthood running now then there was none, urges employees that these abortion clinics get out, don't be a part of this. The lobstermen in Maine is Jason Joyce. He's gonna talk about how the president is helping working men and women getting rid of burdensome bureaucracy. Myron, I don't know if i'll say right. Lizer is the vice president of Navajo Nation, also a pastor of and former retail manager. By the way, what day this week is herschel Walker who was amazing last night? Oh, we're gonna have herschel Walker doing one of our virtual thought homes. What is that? It's supposed to be Thursday night, the Wednesday night. I may move it to tomorrow. Stay tuned. Okay, all right, we'll let you know. You know, a friend of ours is speaking. Maryam Mendoza, a friend of this program. Sadly she lost her son in a car crash, undocumented immigrant and remember with a long rap sheet, I remember correctly. I mean it's so sad. I mean we met so many of those families and interviewed so many they become friends of ours. And so anyway, he's going to be speaking. And anyway, Lieutenant Governor of Florida Nunez first Hispanic woman elected to that job, and during the twenty sixteen primary and Republican primary, when she was backing Senator Rubio, she called she took shots of Trump. Now she loves them. That's fine. Listen, there were many conservatives, many of you now remember. Look, I put it all on the line. I describe how I listened to when I read research, and I see my audience screaming at me that I'm messing up on something. I say, Okay, I'm gonna fix that, and you know, I absorb it is. You know, if I'm not. Nobody's perfect. You can always learn to do things better. Why do pictures have coaches? Right? Why did hitters have coaches? Ay? And these are professionals, because just this one little technical glitch, you know, it could be the reason they're in a batting lump. Oh maybe the batter can't figure it out, but the hitting coach could figure it out for them and tell them. Why is a picture struggling with this particular pitch or that particular pitch? You know, maybe they're maybe they're not you know, you got to be in the zone as they call it. Maybe they're you know, they're nod zoning in on just being free and playing ball and staying loose. Whatever it is. We can all learn from other people if you have an open mind. Uh. Senator Rampaula Kentucky's gonna be speaking tonight. John Peterson as the owner of a um this company Shoot Metals in Wisconsin, manufacturer. I don't know how to say it. Uh, Secretary of State Pompeio is going to be there. Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa devastated by windstorms. By the way, we are watching these storms hitting, you know, headed towards the Texas and UH and Louisiana coast. Oh Nicolas Samman tonight, I happened to share the same attorney as him. Do you you know I have the best two slander libel attorneys in the country. Charles Harder, wonderful man represents me. Lynn Wood also represents me. Yes, I really look forward to seeing the work that they might do. Nobody has asked me why have you retained lynn Wood? Can I ask? Yeah, you can ask all you want, why have you retained Linn Wood? Because stay tuned, all right, that was a really insightful conversation. Eric Trump. Of course, the first Lady Melania Trump, Tiffany Trump, will be speaking tonight. UM. By the way, I've known her the less, the least of all the kids. But when I met her, what lovely girl and all these reports that it doesn't get along with her dad is total bs. Fy. Our callers are very they're correcting you. What very vocal audience we have, very verbal. They'll have a lot to say. It's five fish and two loves. Oh that's right, seven altogether, five fish and two of us. How dare you make a missa? No, I listen, I still read the Bible five Well, Katie is texting me five fish or is it five loaves? Or is it five fish and two fish? Look at that? But that's all you needed. So can I tell you an interesting story about Abby Johnson? He's going to speak tonight, So you know she worked in this abortion clinic. Mike Lindel was actually the person who funded the movie On Planned. Ironically, the actress who played Abby Johnson in the movie was almost a child of abortion and her mother never told her until she auditioned for this role and she told her. She said, that was almost you, she said, and I made the choice for life. So talk about God intervening was very interesting. Well, when you think of the radicalism of the Democratic parties, anyone wanted to discuss, you know, the ten states Democratic run states that wanted to have a post birth and phantasy tide legalize, like, first of all, deliver the baby, will make sure the baby's comfortable, and then the doctor will um any way you can legally have an abortion while you're in label. These are the same people are called children at that point, You're the same people marching in the street, looting and burning because they say they're marching for life. And I'm like, that's yeah. I don't want to get in anybody's bedroom. No, whatever you want to go to do, whatever you want to do, it's none of my business too concernding adults. I don't and I don't. I'm gonna tell you another truth. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Go live, Go find your own happiness in life. Whatever you want to do is you know, I have my set of values that guide me in my life. You have to have your own set of values that guide you in your life. You know, life's about choices and liberty and freedom. I'm a freedom person and but you know, and even my pro choice friends in New York and I'm here in the swamp, I know people same thing that they're all like three months and it's it that's you get your first trimester, make your decision at that point, and at some point you know you can tell you know you have a heartbeat after what eighteen days medical? Now now you have the ability medically, we've created the ability. It's really strange because on one floor of a hospital you're gonna have kids that are born what five six months three months early? Right, premature they called premise. It's not a bad word. They're doing everything humanly possible and they're saving lives. And then you got Democrats talking about, well, then the mother decides after the child's born, what the kid didn't have enough hair, wrong eye color? I mean, what are we talking about here? It's infanticide, correct, That would be called another word for that is called murder of the most innocent. If anyone deserves protection, it's whatever. Abortions not going away in America because what people don't know about Roe v. Wade. It would go back to the states. I don't think New York State, California state is banning abortions anytime soon, or most states for that reason, might there might be some more restrictive than others. Hillary Clinton is now urging Joe Biden not to concede a close election under any circumstances. We have to have our own teams of people to counter the force. She says. She's telling former communications director Jennifer Pellmary that they have to have a massive legal operation, and I know the Biden campaign's working on that. She goes on to say, and Joe Biden should not concede or to earn any circumstances, she said, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch. Oh is that the new Democratic Party model. More than a half a million million mail in ballots were rejected during the twenty twenty primary season, half a million, five hundred and fifty thousand. NPR reporting detail how legitimate ballots not being counted, showing a higher rejection rate nationwide in the twenty twenty presidential primaries than twenty sixteen, when only three hundred and eighteen thousand legitimate ballots were rejected. Orlando Sentinel reporting that Florida had eighteen thousand mail in ballots rejected in the twenty twenty primary election, had a lot of problems that when unaddressed with their mail in ballot laws. Twenty eighteen general election because of an alleged signature mismatch. No signatures are on envelopes or later arrival to the offices. Twenty thousand general election ballots were rejected in the state. University of Florida Professor Daniel Smith believed between twenty sixteen twenty twenty that the use of vote by mail swored by more than half, going from thirty to forty six percent. What my research has been showing, along with that of Michael Huron at Dartmouth, is that experience matters so across and so across race, ethnicity, and party. People who haven't voted in by mail in the past elections are much more likely to have their vote by mail ballot rejected for signature issue because it's late. They added, those who voted by mail in twenty twenty and the presidential primary after voting in person in twenty sixteen and eighteen were more likely to have their ballots turned down. Something to know anyway, We have a lot coming up today, including Maximo alvare As. Our posters are coming up today. John McLaughlin and Matt Towery will join us. We have early data showing the night of the GOP convention was a hit with independent voters. There was a focus group that was taken place. Let's see who did this um poster. Lee Carter goes on to say that personal stories from speakers, uh, and then speakers including Nikki Hailey, Tim Scott, Herschel Walker who was raised a Democrat, longtime friend of the presidents, resonated with these voters. And that's what's going to be remembered from last night. Early numbers, cable numbers that I saw is that uh on Fox Uh, my hour nine to ten crushed even the biggest nights of the Democrats last week. That means Biden's night. So if you compare my hour or the nine to eleven hours of the convention versus the fake news CNN and MSDNC, the first night beat their biggest night, that's pretty by a million, by him over a million. And that's crazy. You know, they're gonna say, wow, the networks low because the networks they not only nobody watches them for news, but if they watch any of it, they'll watch Biden of course, over Donald Trump. I mean it's pathetic because people see they're biased. That's what it's come down to. What else do we have here? There's a couple of other news points. Democrats lackluster convention, his betting odds now have gone into a tailsp and always follow the money gambler's betting on Biden to win the presidency of pulling back in the wake of the ford Take Convention, Democratic Convention. They got no bounce, bouncing, the pulls none whatsoever. You know, got the bounce Donald Trump fifty one percent now and now he's also getting a bounce among Hispanic Americans. Also, anyway, President's support with Hispanic Americans is growing. President five percent up to Rasp Mussin in terms of his approval rating. And that's important. Fifty one percent approval, but also five percent was it five percent? Yeah? Nofty one percent likely voters. That's huge. Anyway, let me see what this is. Somebody sent this new book. Kennedy associate says Fox News host thinks the president. No, that's a lie. Everything they say is a lie. I just stopped paying attention to their lying when you know, way you want to know what I think? How about listening to my radio show. I'm watching my TV show because I tell you what I think. You don't think. A commentary after breeding my and Paul Manifort's test is home with good. He really believes this stuff of the presence, intensity and his Williams to fight every day in Washington for our families. But what I also appreciate about the President is something most Americans never get to see, how much he truly cares about people. Are family has seen it. Two years ago, our nephew Eli was killed in a car accident. He lived a mile up the road from US, grew up wrestling and training with our boys, was a high school state champion varsity athlete for the University of Wisconsin's Saturday morning, three days after the accident, I walked to the car to head up to Eli's parents home. When the President called, we talked about a few issues, and then he asked how the family was doing. He said, they're doing okay, mister President, but it's tough. The President said, yeah, losing a loved one is always difficult, and it's really tough when they're so young. I then said, mister President, I'm actually walking into their house right now. Obviously they don't know that I'm talking to you, but if you do willing to say hello to Eli's dad, you'd make a terrible day A little less terrible. What's his name? The president asked. I walked through the door and said, Todd, the President wants to talk to you. For the next five minutes, family and friends sat in complete silence as the President of the United States took time to talk to a dad who was That's the president I've gotten to know the last four years, the president who shared private moments like this with soldiers, victims of isla crime, and people who've had businesses destroyed by the mob. That's the individual who's made America great again and who knows America's best days are still in front of us. And that's why I'm busting my tail to help him get reelected. I'm asking you to do the same. Thank you, and God bless our country. All right? That was, of course, our friend Jim Jordan eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, you know it's it's just getting interesting and more interesting day by day. We are in the swamp, we're in the sewer, we're in Washington, d C. Well, this, I would say, this city is a good example, like New York City, like let's see Chicago and Los Angeles, and San Francis, Go and Seattle and Portland of a place where you're seeing a mass exodus of people just getting the hell out of here. In other words, what do we call it a preview of coming attractions? If the radicalism of Joe and kamalaw and let's see AOC and Bolshevik, Bernie and Schumer, Pelosi and Bozo, the guns are hell yeah, we're coming for your guns actually take place. Let me put it this way. Last night on the Fox News Channel, there was nearly more than a mill just Fox News Channel alone, more than a million more viewers than the other top cable news network on Biden's night of speaking. And that was Thursday night. This is the Monday night. Every night it gets bigger. Tonight it's Melania Trump. I will be there. Well, that's why we're here. We're gonna be right where the action is, in the Rose Garden where Melania Trump will be giving her speech tonight, and that'll be on Hannity nine Eastern. Many of you didn't like any commentary at all during our segment, So you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna I'm gonna listen to people. What have I always done, Lenda. My entire career is when when the audience tells me something they don't like, I change it. So I'm gonna do that tonight. No, all the time, um, because they wanted to see and hear and everything. But the thing is, I had no idea what it was gonna look like in terms of how they were going to pull this off. The Democrats. It was an adam shift show. It was amateur hour. This was this was done by adults that actually care about the work. Did they do anyway? Our posters are back with us. John McLaughlin, poster strategist. Matt Towery, syndicated calumnist, attorney poster in his own right forty five percent now a job approval rating for the president h in the just uh the news dot com poll last month, strongly approving of the performance of the president. I don't know if ratings are anecdotal or meaningful in any way. It was pretty similar with the networks. But we'll start with you, Matt Towery. Well, I thought it was a great first night for the Republican side. What I take out of these things, though, Sean, as I look at these speeches, not as much as the world seeing it because we know a lot of folks don't watch these things. But what can be turned into a commercial? Oh, my lord, herschel Walker's performance was incredible. That should be Lindsey Graham's head last night. That should be turned into a commercial. What should be turned into a commercial? The President did extraordinarily well. And I've made this point over and over again. The world needs to see the real Donald Trump behind the scenes, how much he listens, how respectful he is, how much he cares about people. And I think if the campaign learned anything this week, it has let Donald Trump the people see Donald Trump, unscripted and not in front of a big crowd, show the way Donald Trump really is. He would win over vote and we'd be through with this image issue. I see the President on the upswing, and I think this convention is just a good example of his launching pad to move this thing forward. And with only seventy days to go, John McLaughlin, your assessment of where we are well, I think I think the president definitely what Matt said about seeing the president for themselves. We've filln this all along for all four years, that if they see the president with Sean Hannity in an interview. They see him with the State of the Union, they see him giving a rally speech. They liked the President. It's the news filter of the media that excuse it. Where like CNN, I hope their ratings crash. I mean, the early reports from c SPAN is that the Republican Convention on its first night had six times the ratings on c SPAN and six times the streaming that the Democrats had for their convention. And two weeks ago a really start when the President showed he cared about people because Pelosi and Schumer, we're not going to provide relief to too busy trying to create milan fraud and steel the election and the President issued executive orders to suspend the payroll tax, the great jobs, to stop evictions, defer student loan during loan interest, and extend unemployment benefits. And he's been on a roll since then where he's doing his coronavirus virus briefings every day. He's focused on his policies. They have a second term agenda fighting for you with all these things like from creating ten million jobs again in his next term, creating a million of new small businesses, developing a vaccine by the end of the year covering preexisting conditions. They know that long list Donald Trump will get it done. And they're seeing the difference between last week the pessimism, the darkness, the negativity of the Democrats socialist convention versus the optimism and the values of this Republican convention, even on its first night, and it was live and it was real. Well, I saw the same I heard anecdotally, the same thing that you heard also streaming them as again anecdotally, they've not all been added up. You're right, six times bigger than what the Democrats had. But I mean, I couldn't believe number one, how it was angry there was. Can you imagine? How do you ignore the rioting, the looting, the anarchy going on in the streets of cities all around the country. How do you how do you ignore that huge will say, elephant in the room. You can't miss it. And they missed it on purpose. They never really gave forward a positive thinking agenda except the Bolshevik Bernie's economic plan and the New Green Deal trillions that Joe's pledged. We know that Kamala has been in favor of the LAPD budget cuts. We know that Joe Biden said, sure, we'll reallocate funds and police become the enemy. So I mean they can try to walk and talk at anything and everything back backwards, but it doesn't really work when you're on tape saying it. Matt Towery, Yeah, that's true. And Sean, you know, we're now just now getting into the time period when people start to really focus on the presidential races. All of this stuff has been clutter until then, and we know how the media has operated. I've been an advocate for a long time that we're going to have to educate the rest of America about what's going on in Wisconsin and what's going on and went on in Minneapolis, and the continued riots that we have in Portland that don't even get covered by a lot of the mainstream media. They just refuse to acknowledge it. But the time is coming that these campaign ads can focus in on showing America what's going on and the fact that the Democrats simply are not providing answers. Let me just make a note, no one wants to watch a commercial or a convention that's sterill, that has no human interaction. The fact that they started out with some human interaction the Republican side makes it a thousand times more interesting. And it's the crescendo. Is going to be the president speaking to what you just said, maybe over a thousand people. That makes something warm and makes it feel human, and that's what Donald Trump is. I'll go back to my original statement. I said this back in twenty and sixteen to Yu Sean and I still stand by it today and John just agreed with it. And that is if people can see. If the campaign will show Donald Trump behind the scenes, Donald Trump working in the White House when he's actually working meeting with families, fighting for America. But you show the behind the scene Donald Trump, we won't have this image issue anymore because people will come to find out that he's not the guy you don't want in your country club, which was what we're hearing in the suburbs. They'll realize he's the guy you want in the Oval Office, fighting for you, no matter where you live. Let's talk about polling and how is it that the Democrats got not only no bump out of their convention, but Donald Trump seemingly Scott rasmus In is off and I'm with both all three of us, not here today that the president's pro we're rating one up five points. How's that? John McLaughlin, Well, what it is is, first of all, you're looking for that missing Biden bounce, and I'll tell you it's not there, and it's disappearing. The more he comes out of the basement, the more votes he's losing because they realize he's too old and not up for the job. But I'll tell you what was. It started when they picked Katherine Tamala Harris. Where the first pole right before the Democrat convention they had Trump hence versus Biden and Harris and it was CNN and they were only up four points nationally, which was nothing, and dead even in the battleground states because in Rastlaus and reports fifty nine percent think he's Biden's not going to finish his term or she'll be present. She's too liberals. He's in San Francisco liberal, and now the statewoid battlegrounds. Last week you had ECU with tied in North Carolina. You had Harriet Jackson saying we're up. Trump's up three in Arizona, tied in Florida, at close race in Pennsylvania, and tied in Wisconsin. You mentioned TREVALDA in Minnesota had his tied. So the Democrats are in a bit of a bit of a real panic where here comes Trump in a better position than he was four years ago, because we were all through this four years ago and they didn't think we could win, and we won, And this time they're afraid we're gonna win, and they're trying to sam Vegas with bad poles. But the good poles are coming with likely voters. And I forgot Georgia. Mettal firm. They had Trump up two in Georgia, and we're seventy days out, so we're gonna do well. And then we're gonna keep this momentum going because we will keep grinding up after the convention. Right as we continue, we're in the swamper in Washington, DC. You always got to run the table of your Republican. You need Florida, Georgia, North Carolina. No Republican makes it to the White House without Ohio. You gotta have Iowa, you gotta have Arizona. You gotta pick off Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, maybe Minnesota. You gotta look to pick off Nevada, New Mexico. Then you got New Hampshire maybe in play. And you gotta gotta pay close attention into the second congressional district domain. If the elections held today, Matt Towery, how well positioned is Donald Trump to run the table and win a second term. He's better positioned than he was even a month ago. Here's what has to happen these polls. Of course, we know that they're usually off anyway, They're all four to five points in these states because of inherent bias of collection of data, the way they're weighted, in the fact that they rely on cell phones too much. But given all of that, the two areas that have given a false reading on the president have been two groups seniors who have been a little lackluster towards the president so far, and then some suburban suburban voters. They are coming home. The seniors will come home to President Trump as these issues begin to become crystallized in front of them. The suburban voters will come home as we get in the home stretch and people start to realize just what the economic effect personal economic effect of a Biden Harris administration will be. So I think the president can pull off those states in the end. Sean they've just got to concentrate on bringing these over sixty five age group back home and solidifying their vote in the suburbs. They're going to get the rest of the country and I think they're going to do just as strong as they did last time. All right, let you answer the same question, John McLaughlin. Well, I think the one thing that's important right now, You've always said the Trump campaign we have to run like underdogs, so they we're never ahead, and run like we're underdogs like we did four years ago. Carl Rovert an interesting piece last week where he said the Biden campaign, if you was a basketball metaphor during a four corners stall, they're just they don't want to they think they're ahead. They don't want to run the clock. And what you're seeing this week at the Republican National Convention is that the Trump campaign is on a full core press and a fast break. We are going after them. We're showing the differences. They want to defund the police, well go under, crime goes up. You want to raise taxes for trillion? How many millions of jobs will you kill? You're going to roll over for China with most Favored Nation status? Again, how many jobs, will we lose the So this is you're seeing the Trump campaign act like that underdog going to the full court press, and we're we're gonna we got so many days to really just try to break this open, all right, John McLaughlin, Matt Towery, our posters, thank you both of being with us. Is always eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. All right, We're in the nation's capital. We are in the swamp, the sewer better known as Yes, Washington, DC. We're here. We'll be in the Rose Garden tonight where Melania Trump will be speaking. Convention starts full on nine Eastern as Hannity comes up on the air, and we will be tomorrow. We're gonna be a fort McHenry doing this program and Hannity tomorrow and then on Thursday on the South Lawn with President Trump. He will be the grand finale for the Republican Convention. Don't forget Live, Free or Die Now a forty percent discount at Amazon dot com. Thank you another week number one. Thanks to all of you. Had to kill the New York Times to actually print it and all the other papers that had to print it. Drive some nuts, but what can you do if you haven't gotten your copy? Also, great discounts of Barnes and Noble books, a million Costco, Walmart and Target stores. If you're out and about and you're doing your shopping, you have it had a chance seventy days until you are the ultimate jury. I mentioned earlier the ratings on Fox News channel were higher than any one networks ratings. And again this is you know, the two hours nine to eleven last night was higher than any one network or cable network on Joe Biden's night. And that was night for the Democratic National Convention. Usually convention ratings go up highed day after day after day. When you watch the mob the media, they're slamming the convention. But they loved I mean, you could see the difference between amateur hour and the adults in charge. You can. I mean, this thing was like a bad podcast, which is like the bad candidacy, which is pretty much the bad everything of Biden in the basement bunker. Again, it was an entire hate Trump fest. It was down. There was never any talk of American greatness, American goodness, American exceptionalism, barely ever came out of their mouths. They talked about their agenda and just broad sweeping terms. They almost hiding from Bolshevik Berney's economic manifesto, which they've adopted pure full on socialism for the United States, or the New Green Deal madness that Biden and Kamala pledging billions towards, or their disastrous Medicare for All. Remember Kamala, she co sponsored Medicare for All in the US Senate co sponsored the Green New Deal. Joe pledged trillions for such. Remember they never even addressed law and order and safety and security. They ignore what's happening to Americans every single day and every single night, and in major cities run by liberal Democrats for decades. But the media, the mob, they don't care. They just if Donald Trump cured cancer, they would want to impeach him. They will choke on the words. In seventy days, we can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth President of the United States. If all of you, and by you, I mean everybody, all of you, and Florida, all of you, and Georgia, all of you in North Carolina, all of you, and the great state of Ohio and the great State of Arizona, hopefully the great state of Nevada, in New Mexico, the great state of Iowa, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, or maybe Minnesota. Looking good in Minnesota for Donald Trump right now, then of course the second Congressional District Domaine, and of course New Hampshire. You can make this happen. They will choke on those words. I mean, watching last, this is a national emergency, the Republican National Convention. Why, because they're talking about freedom and liberty and capitalism. That the greatest economic system ever created and designed by mankind, that has done more to advance the human condition than any other system of governance ever designed by man in all of human history. Oh, let's never talk about that. American greatness, American goodness, American generosity, American service, freeing the world from one isom after another, Communism, Nazism, fascism, you know, I mean, just go on down, the radical Islamism. That's all because of the United States of Americans. All because of our system of governance, we have the ability to always become a more perfect union. They will ignore Joe Biden's racism, They will ignore Joe Biden's quid and pro and quo and zero experience hunter. They will ignore Hillary's dirty Russian dossier, the very people that think so much about Russian interference. They will ignore her obstruction of justice with her subpoena emails. They are liars, They slander, they smear, they besmirched, their character, assassins. It's gonna be great to see Nicholas Samman speaking tonight. I can't wait to see that one. What is he seventeen? Now eighteen? He's eighteen years old. His attorney Lynnwood. He also happens to be mine, one of my attorneys. I have a lot of attorneys. Lynnwood is now officially ever attained as one of my attorneys. I'm proud of it. Anyway you want, we're gonna get to Rona McDaniel. She spoke last night. But let's just listen to the mob, the medium mob that every second, every minute, every hour of every twenty four hour day hating Donald Trump, no different as they dissect the events of last night. That they can't handle people deeply offended in nineteen ninety two by pat U Canon speech. And I mean, let me tell you something that was That was Churchill in the House of Commons in nineteen forty compared to everything we saw last night at a bizarre collection of alternative facts and alternative realities told by cranks and misfits that would never be allowed inside any convention before before this, let's bring in our lead fact checker here at seeing Nan Daniel Dale Daniel. Republicans certainly kept you busy over the last two and a half hours, Jacob, that was a parade of dishonesty. We had false claims. Don't forget the montage. I just can't take it. It can't help themselves. They've lost their minds collectively. Rona McDaniel is with us RNC Chairwoman ron A, great job, well done. How are you glad you joined us? Well, thanks for having me. I agree with you. Listening to CNN and MSNBC and all them so angry today, it makes me know we must have done our job well, because they're almost as upset as they were on election night twenty sixteen. They're upset to hear stories from real American talking about how they love the America, the United States of America, how the American dream has given them opportunity, how they want to see this country stay the great country that it is and not transform it into the doom and gloom and the socialist vision of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and it's driving them nuts. And now I know our convention is a success. When I see Joe Scarborough and others going crazy this morning and last night, I honestly think they sort of like, forgive them Father Jesus on the cross. They know not what they do. They don't even know that they're psychotic. I don't think they really know. I think in their minds they have convinced themselves that Donald Trump and and we the people, you know, smelly Walmart shopping, Uh, let's see Trump voters and who else. Let's oh, irredeemable deplorables. Whereas Joe says, the fifteen percent that are Trump people that are just you can't get them. They're horrible people. Or you know, people that cling to God guilty, our Second Amendment rights guilty, our Bible's guilty, religion guilty. Yeah, I'm guilt. And I love Walmart. They have everything and I save money. How great is Walmart? I like Walmart? Do you like Rome? I love Walmart? And they love and we love our constitution. You know. Part of the day yesterday that wasn't seen is that President Trump came in North Carolina and he talked to these grassroots delegates, these people who knocked doors and give so much for our party, and he showed up in the state that was supposed to hold his hostess convention because he said, I care about North Carolina and I want to show up. Joe Biden hasn't been in Wisconsin for almost two years. They don't want to see the middle of the country the way he hasn't been in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He gives us Scranton speech all the time. He's not from He hasn't been in Scrantons as used four. Yeah, they only want to see the middle of the country as they're flying over it, going from coast to coast, because they only care about the elite. And I want to say this Sean. Joe Biden said this week, I want to shut down America again. How elitist is that? Do you know how many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. We can go back to work, we can be safe, and we can be healthy, but we can go back to work. You know who can shut down again? You know who can afford that? Hollywood elite big tech, Silicon Valley and basement Joe because he's a privileged politician, and they are so out of touch with real America. They have so much disdain for people who are working hard and paying taxes, who love this country, who are patriots, who love the word under God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Those are the people that disdain. Well, what was up with that last week when they removed when they removed under God? I have no idea to remove under God from the Pledge of Allegiance. Next it'll be off of our money. They don't stand for the national anthem. This is what their party's about, tearing down the United States of America. Our convention is called the Great American Story for a reason. And President Trump loves this country. He loves every person in this country. And you saw real people last night who are living the American dream. And that is the vision of the Republican Party. I mean, who was Joe talking about the woman that because of right to die as alive today? Was he talking about herschel Walker? Was he talking about Nikki Haley? Was he talking about him? Scott? Was he talking about the mccluskeys. Was he was he talking about the father who lost his beautiful daughter Meadow. Um. Now he said, this is a you know about great Americans, but it's also great Americans are a big part of the lineup both last night and tonight. You do have a few politicians mixed in there, but there's more people telling real stories. Well, what about Maximo Alvarez last night who talked about fleeing Cuba, And he said, so many of the things we're seeing from the Democrat Party right now. By the way, he's coming on next We're gonna have him on at the top of the next hour. Yeah, go ahead. And I know him, I've seen him, I've been with him. He loves this country, but he's giving us a warning. If we lose this country, there will be no place else to go. There will be no place else to go on the emotion he felt. And Joe Scarborough calls that man a misfit. He calls Tim Scott a misfit. So we're deplorable, we're misfits why because we love our country. It is so degrading, the elite disdain that the Democrats have for hard working, average American people. And President Trump, oh, thank goodness, he got into office because he cares about those forgotten men and women, not just the elites from the coast to want to redistribute everything and are safe in their mansions with their millions, while the rest of us are working hard every single day to make this country better. We're the heart of this country, not them. Ronald McDaniels for those Republican National Committee chairwoman, will let you give us a preview of what's coming on tonight and what you see coming in seventy days. All right, as we continue, we are with Ronald McDaniels. She's the Republican National Committee chairman who put a lot of this together. Let's look ahead towards where we are in seventy days now before the first debate September the twenty ninth. Just a fact, we know that when you look at debates and all at sixteen states, we'll already begun early voting. Are you competent to get out the vote effort is good and good enough and strong enough. Are you confident you have enough poll watchers to prevent unsavory and nefarious characters from trying to play games at these voting places? Are you competent that you are ready to go in seventy days for the assuming that every vote matters and that you're gonna be ready on the ground and prepare to protect ballots. So here's what I'm going to say, Sean. You always have to run like you're from behind. But I am confident in the team we have on the ground. We've activated two million volunteers. I have two thousand field staff on the ground. We've outpaced the Democrats and voter registration and six battleground states. Of course, Democrats are upending election laws to systematically derail election integrity, so we're engaged in over forty lawsuits. We will have lawyers across the country. We will have poll watchers across the country. You can sign up on Army for Trump dot com to volunteer. But this is something that we all have to be focused on. We have to turn out our vote. We've got to make sure our friends turn out on our turn out their vote. Vote early, Vote as early as you can if you're going to vote by asanteque. I feel like we're in really good shape as I'm looking at state by state by state. I went through all the states this weekend with my team. But I'm not taking anything for granted, this is going to be a grind to the very end, and we've got seventy days to get this done because literally the future of our country depends on it. I a great completely Rona McDaniels, thank you for being with us.

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